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Edictul din Milano 313

Constantine 307-337

Constans, 337 - 350, followed his father’s policy of tolerance for all religions. During these years
Christianity flourished. Converts flocked into the church, and Christians, especially the bishops, gained
significant political power.

Fratele lui Constans, Constantius II, 350- 361 a more radical Christian who decreed that all pagan
temples be closed and that anyone offering sacrifices to pagan gods and goddesses be put to death.

vARUL LUI cONSTNATIUS ii Julian, Pagan, 2,5 361-364? During that time, he tried to reinstate paganism
as the religion of the empire. In 362, he issued an edict guaranteeing freedom of religion throughout the
empire, but he also reintroduced pagan sacrifices and began cutting back the power of the bishops.

As a result, extremists in the Christian

community who advocated more radical methods of maintaining a Christian

society began to gain the upper hand. And where Constantine had suppressed

these radical tendencies, later emperors permitted and even encouraged them.5

By the end of the century, Christians were severely persecuting pagans.

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