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Chapter 2: Physical Methods: Diet/Disease

- Prologue: Diet, will improve all physical appearances, such as the face, your height,
growth, hair, etc. It is important to follow a natural diet, to ensure your proper nutrition.

‘Vorman’ ‘s Diet Pyramid.

Diet pyramid:
Foods you should favor Foods and beverages you should avoid at all
eating: cost:

Organic, grass fed beef, pork, poultry. Any type of Alcohol

Organ meats, kidneys, liver, etc. Sugary drinks

Dark green vegetables such as: Kale,cabbage, broccoli, Any type of sugar or
bok choy, etc. Always steamed artificial sweeteners
for no more than 3 minutes, in order for them to be
digested properly.

Fruits only according Pizza (pizza is one of the most toxic food in the entire world) the
to season and combination of heated dairy products, with meat products,
location. Fruits from combined with cooked random vegetables and fats makes it
foreign countries, impossible to digest, not to mention that all pizzas contain empty
with different calories and are heated on high temperature when most of the
climates require food loses all of its nutrients. Combine that with eating pizza late
specific digestive at night and then going to bed, nothing would be digested and
enzymes, which only it's left to putrefy in your stomach, and then brings destructive
people in those bacteria to your colon. Chads rarely eat pizza, toxic bodies crave
countries and unhealthy carbs all the time, especially during moments of high
seasonal periods stress.
would be able to
digest and absorb.

Fresh fish, especially fatty fish Highly processed foods

Organic, free range eggs Canned foods

Basmati rice Foods containing corn syrup (check the labels)

Dairy: Ghee, cheese (understand that those dairy products are Corn (most corn
very different from commercial milk) contains GMO)

Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds. Those are the Popcorn

Oils/Fats: Olive oil (daily for salad dressing, this way you would ensure your Soy
salad is absorbed optimally), unsalted butter, raw, organic coconut oil, containing
olives to your liking products

Raw honey Bread (empty calories)

Propolis Any type of junk food

Misc: Use always unrefined sea salt or himalayan salt (normal salt contains only Deep
2 minerals, unrefined sea salt and himalayan contain over 72 minerals), Organic fried
apple cider vinegar (could be used to treat GERD) foods

Mushrooms (they have Caffeine beverages (caffeine doesn't give you an energy
antiestrogen boost, what it does is to very quickly massively dehydrate the
capabilities), for the body, this way the heart sends "electrical" impulse in the form
ladies on this forum, of energy, because the organs need more water.) Best way to
mushrooms could help wake-up in the morning is to splash cold water on your face
to reduce the harmful and drink water.
Chia Microwave foods (Reheating foods in the microwave changes the molecular
seeds structure of the food and kills all its nutrients)
While I was editing the thread the tables were perfectly aligned horizontally, but
became a complete mess when I've posted it. That's why I've marked with colours the
foods you should favor and the foods you should avoid.

Guideline about daily eating habits:

● A half teaspoon of grated ginger taken with a pinch of salt is an excellent

appetizer and increases hydrochloric acid, the digestive fire. Splashing cool water
over your face, neck, and hands before meals also stimulates your stomach acid.
● Eat in a settled environment and quiet atmosphere, with a settled mind. Your
company and environment should be pleasant. Do not work, listen to music, read
or watch TV during meals.
● Always sit down to eat. Eat at roughly the same times each day.
● Eat neither too quickly nor too slowly (about 20 minutes) and without interruption.
● Eat to about ¾ of your stomach capacity at your biggest meal; this equals the
amount of your two cupped hands full. Ideally, one third of the meal should consist
of liquid food of a soupy consistency. Always eat first your salad, then soup, then
your main meal. Never combine them together.
● Avoid eating a meal or snack before the previous meal has been digested, unless it
is a piece of fruit. Allow approximately 3 to 6 hours between meals, depending
upon the types of food consumed.
● If you desire to drink anything with your meals, it is best to sip a little hot or warm
water. Also avoid drinking large quantities of liquids right before and within the
first 1 hour after meals.
● Drinking excessive amounts of water (3-4 liters a day) may produce obesity, kidney
disorders and mineral/vitamin deficiencies, whereas drinking too little water
causes dehydration. To meet the minimum requirements for water, drink 6-8
glasses of water (at room temperature or warm) each day. You may need to
increase the amount during hot, dry weather, when exercising or during stressful
times in your life. If the color of your urine is dark yellow, drink more water; if
colorless, drink less.
● Consuming cold foods, such as ice cream, and drinking iced beverages may reduce
your resistance to disease, impair your stomach acid and cause mucus congestion.
● The diet should be balanced by including all six tastes – sweet, sour, salty, pungent
(spices), bitter and astringent – in at least one meal per day.
● Never eat just before going to bed. To avoid developing sleeping disorders, there
should be at least three hours between eating and sleeping. If your bedtime is
10:00 p.m., eat no later than 6:00 p.m.
● Chew your food thoroughly – the digestive process starts in the mouth.
● It is best not to eat when the mind is dominated by strong emotions such as anger,
worry or sorrow. Wait until it has become more settled, since the digestive system
does not work under stress.
● Sleeping after meals causes sluggishness and increases body weight. However, it is
good to rest for about 10 minutes after meals and, if possible, to go for a 10 to 15
minute walk.

Ideally the human body should be always nourished with foods high in "lifeforce".
For example when you pick off an apple from a tree and immediately eat it, it
would be digested and absorbed completely without requiring hydrochloric acid.

Fresh meat is another great source of lifeforce, however most meat that we
consume today is deprived of it's lifeforce, that's why animal protein is the leading
cause of all of the major diseases of today;- Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.

This is why we should seek naturally fed, organic meats and animal products.

I do not recommend veganism, because most people cannot follow it correctly.

Many people believe it to be an unsustainable diet, truth however is that most
vegans are consuming non fermented GMO soy products (which are a major
endocrine disruptors), many processed vegan foods and too much fructose.

Notes on the major foods that we consume on a daily basis:

Fruits: Fruits should be consumed ideally if you eat them separately from other foods,
such as mid morning or mid afternoon, or at least 1/2 hour before meals. Fruit passes
through the stomach within 30 minutes without requiring any stomach secretions. When
you eat them with other foods that require stomach secretions like oatmeal or nuts, you
force the fruits to remain in the stomach for 2-3 hours, which causes them to ferment. In
addition, fruit sugar requires salivary enzymes to digest it. So masticating the fruits and
saturating them with saliva is essential for their digestion.

Soy: Soy contains several enzyme inhibitors (also called anti nutrients) that
prevent protein digestion in the body. It also contains mineral inhibitors that pull
minerals out of the body. That’s why babies fed on soy formula are so
malnourished and may even die because of it. Soy also mimics estrogens (contains
Phytoestrogens) and greatly increases breast cancer and ovarian cancer risk. Soy
milk and tofu should not be consumed. Soy becomes useful only when it is properly
fermented, like the Japanese do it. They ferment their soy for 4-5 years before
consuming it. It takes this long to destroy the inhibitor chemicals.
- Vorman’s Research on Disease.
- Our health and well being is in our own
- The human body is capable of healing itself.
- Many of the modern diseases known to a man are a result of
accumulation of toxins in the body. Congestion in the organs leads to
symptoms of a disease.
- Symptoms of a diseases and their root cause, that this forum board is most
concerned about:​
- Skin and scalp-
- Nearly all skin diseases such as eczema, acne and psoriasis, have one factor in
common: gallstones in the liver. Almost every person with a skin disease also has
intestinal problems and impure blood, in particular. These are mainly caused by
gallstones and the harmful effects they have on the body as a whole. Gallstones
contribute to numerous problems throughout the body – particularly in the
digestive, circulatory and urinary systems. In its attempt to eliminate what the
colon, kidneys, lungs, liver and lymphatic system were unable to remove or
detoxify, the skin becomes flooded and overburdened with acidic waste. Although
it is the largest organ of elimination in the body, it eventually succumbs to the acid
assault. The toxic material is first deposited in the connective tissue underneath
the dermis. When this ‘waste depot’ is saturated, the skin begins to malfunction.
- Excessive amounts of noxious substances, cell debris, microbes from different
sources, such as gallstones, and various antigens from improperly digested foods
congest the lymphatic system and inhibit proper lymph drainage from the various
layers of the skin. The toxins and putrefying protein from damaged or destroyed
skin cells attract microbes and become a source for constant irritation and
inflammation of the skin. Skin cells begin to suffer malnutrition, which may greatly
reduce their normal interval of turnover (about once every month). This may also
cause extensive damage to skin nerves.
- If the sebaceous glands, which pour their secretion, sebum, into the hair
follicles, become nutrient deficient, hair growth becomes abnormal and, in
particular, scalp hair may fall out. When melanin supply becomes deficient, the
hair turns gray. Sebum deficiency also alters the healthy texture of the hair and
makes it look dull and unattractive. On the skin, sebum acts as a bactericidal and
fungicidal agent, preventing the invasion of microbes. It also prevents drying and
cracking of the skin, especially when exposed to sunshine and hot, dry air.
- Genetic predisposition towards developing baldness or any other skin disorders
is not a major causative factor, as is often assumed. Healthy skin functions are
restored and hair growth is returned to normal once all gallstones are removed
and the colon and kidneys/bladder are kept clean.
- Reproductive system-
- Female and Male reproductive systems both depend largely on smooth functioning
of the liver. Gallstones in the liver obstruct the movement of bile through the bile
ducts, which impairs digestion and distorts the structural framework of liver
lobules. This diminishes the liver’s production of serum albumin. Serum albumin is
the most common and abundant protein in the blood responsible for maintaining
plasma osmotic pressure at its normal level of 25mmHg, and clotting factors,
essential for coagulation of blood. Insufficient osmotic pressure cuts down the
supply of nutrients to the cells, including those of the reproductive organs. This
may lead to reduced lymph drainage and, subsequently, to fluid retention and
edema, as well as retention of metabolic waste and gradual impairment of sexual
- Most diseases of the reproductive system result from improper lymph drainage.
The thoracic duct drains lymph fluid from all organs of the digestive system,
including the liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach and intestines. This large duct often
becomes severely congested when gallstones in the liver lead to disturbed
digestion and absorption of food. It is obvious, yet hardly ever recognized, that
congestion in the thoracic duct affects the organs of the reproductive system;
they, too, need to empty their lymphatic waste products into the thoracic duct.
- A continuous restriction of lymph drainage from the male pelvic area causes
benign and malignant prostate enlargement, and inflammation of the testes,
penis and urethra. Impotence is a likely consequence of this development. The
consistent increase of gallstones in the liver, a common factor among middle-aged
men in affluent societies, is one of the major reasons for lymph blockage in this
vital part of the body. Venereal diseases occur when there is a high level of toxicity
in the exposed area due to lymph blockage, prior to microbial infection. The
collapsing capacity of the lymphatic system to repel invading organisms causes
most reproductive and sexual disorders.
- By removing all gallstones from the liver and taking recourse to a healthy diet and
lifestyle, lymphatic activity can return to normal. The reproductive tissue receives
improved nourishment and becomes more resistant. Infections subside; cysts,
fibrous tissue and tumors are broken down and removed; sexual functions are
- Stomach-
- Gallstones and subsequent digestive difficulties can lead to regurgitation of bile
acids and bile salts into the stomach. Such an occurrence adversely changes the
composition and amount of mucous generated in the stomach. The mucous is there
to protect the surface lining of the stomach from the destructive effects of
hydrochloric acid. The condition where this protective ‘shield’ is broken or
diminished is known as gastritis.
- Gastritis can occur in acute or chronic form. When the surface cells (epithelium) of
the stomach are exposed to acid gastric juice, the cells absorb hydrogen ions. This
increases their internal acidity, counterbalances their basic metabolic processes
and causes an inflammatory reaction. In more severe cases there may be
ulceration of the mucosa (peptic or gastric ulcer), bleeding, perforation of the
stomach wall and peritonitis, a condition that occurs when an ulcer erodes through
the full thickness of the stomach or duodenum and their contents enter the
peritoneal cavity. Duodenal ulcers develop when acid leaving the stomach erodes
the duodenum’s lining. In many cases, the acid production is unusually high. Eating
too many foods that require strong acid secretions, as well as inadequate food
combining, often disturb balanced acid production. Esophageal reflux, commonly
known as ‘heartburn,’ is a condition in which stomach acid washes back into the
esophagus and causes irritation of the tissues lining the esophagus.
- There are a number of other causes of gastritis and heartburn. They include
overeating, excessive alcohol consumption, heavy cigarette smoking, drinking
coffee every day, eating large quantities of animal protein and animal fats,
X-radiation, cytotoxic drugs, aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs, food
poisoning, very spicy foods, dehydration, emotional stress, etc. All of these also
cause gallstones in the liver and gallbladder, opening up a vicious circle and
further adding complications throughout the gastro-intestinal tract. Ultimately,
malignant stomach tumors may be formed.
- Most medical doctors now believe that a ‘bug’ causes stomach ulcers. Combating
the bug with antibiotic drugs usually brings relief and stops the ulcer. Although the
drug does not guarantee that the ulcer returns after discontinuing the drug, there
is a high ‘recovery’ rate. But such recoveries are often accompanied by side
- The infection by these bugs is only possible because there already is damaged cell
tissue in the stomach. In a healthy stomach, the same bug turns out to be totally
harmless. As mentioned before, gallstones in the liver and gallbladder can lead to
regular back flushing of bile into the stomach, which causes damage to an
increasing number of stomach cells. Antibiotics destroy the natural stomach
flora, including bacteria that normally help break down damaged cells. So
although the antibiotic approach results in a quick relief of symptoms, it also
lowers stomach performance permanently, which sets up the body for more
severe challenges than just dealing with an ulcer. Shortcuts to healing rarely pay
off. On the other hand, most stomach disorders disappear spontaneously when
all existing gallstones are removed, and a healthy diet and balanced lifestyle
are regularly maintained.
- Mouth-
- Gallstones can lead to problems in the mouth. They inhibit proper bile secretion,
which in turn reduces appetite and secretion of saliva from the salivary glands in
the mouth. Saliva is required to cleanse the mouth and keep its tissues soft and
pliable. If there is not enough saliva present, destructive bacteria begin to
invade the mouth cavity. This can lead to tooth decay and other tooth-related
problems. But, once again, bacteria do not cause tooth decay; germs are
attracted only to those areas in the mouth that are undernourished and toxic

- Digestive System-
- There are four main activities in the alimentary tract of our digestive system:
Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption and Elimination.
- Figure 1:
- The alimentary canal begins at the mouth, passes through the thorax, abdomen
and pelvis region, and ends at the anus (see Figure 1). When food is ingested, a
series of digestive processes begin to take place. These can be divided into the
mechanical breakdown of food through mastication (chewing) and chemical
breakdown of food through enzymes. These enzymes are present in the secretions
produced by glands of the digestive system.
- Enzymes are minute chemical substances that cause or speed up chemical changes
in other substances without themselves being changed. Digestive enzymes are
contained in the saliva of the salivary glands of the mouth, the gastric juice in the
stomach, the intestinal juice in the small intestine, the pancreatic juice in the
pancreas, and the bile in the liver.
- Absorption is the process by which tiny nutrient particles of digested food pass
through the intestinal walls into the blood and lymph vessels for distribution to the
cells of the body. The bowels eliminate as feces whatever food substances
cannot be digested or absorbed. Fecal matter also contains bile, which carries
the waste products resulting from the breakdown (catabolism) of red blood cells.
In addition, one third of the excreted waste is made up of intestinal bacteria. The
body can only function smoothly and efficiently if the bowel removes the daily
accumulating waste every day.
- Health is the natural result of balanced functioning of each of these major
activities in the digestive system. On the other hand, disease arises when one or
more of these functions are impaired. The presence of gallstones in the liver and
gallbladder has a strong disruptive influence on digestion and absorption of food,
as well as on elimination of waste.
- Depression-
- It is very difficult to feel happy when your biochemistry is all messed up. The
neurotransmitter/hormone serotonin is only produced in response to darkness, and
certain drugs and alcohol prevent it from being broken down in the blood, making
the person feel better, but causing major side-effects. Taking medication will
make you dependent by preventing the body from making its own dopamine
and serotonin. The brain can only make enough serotonin as other linked
hormones in response to natural light. Just like plants, people will die inside
when they are no longer exposed to it. The lower serotonin levels become, the
more depressed, disoriented and suicidal a person becomes. This applies
especially to young people whose brains are still developing until age 22-24.
Serotonin production in the brain and intestines begins at sunrise, peaks at midday,
when it is important to eat the largest meal of the day to supply nutrients to the
brain and organs, and slows or stops at around 6 p.m.
- The other problem that upsets hormonal balance is under production of melatonin,
which controls metabolism, the immune system, the thyroid and, through the
thyroid, all the other 1,000 hormones in the body. Melatonin production starts at
9:30 p.m. and increases to its peak levels at midnight to 1 p.m. and then drops
considerably until production stops at sunrise. Going to bed at 11 p.m. or
midnight will never allow a person to produce normal levels of melatonin, and
a deficit begins to rise. Since serotonin is a breakdown product of melatonin, by
not sleeping from 10 p.m. onwards, melatonin production can never reach normal
levels either, thus disrupting the entire hormonal balance, including estrogens
and testosterone. That’s why nurses who often work night shifts have a 55% higher
risk of developing cancer of the breast and other cancers, because their melatonin
levels are among the lowest.
- The circadian rhythm cannot be changed, since day and night cycles are fixed,
and the body’s pineal gland monitors these cycles and secretes these two
master hormones accordingly. A major reason why so many kids nowadays take
drugs or drink alcohol is because they no longer make enough of these
hormones, because of going to sleep too late and not sleeping enough. There
are now over 150 studies to show how profoundly a person’s life is affected by
not adhering to the rhythms that nature designed for humans to follow.
- Hair loss-
- The cause is backwashing of toxins, bacteria and waste material from the lower
intestines into the stomach, chest, thyroid, mouth, ears, eyes, upper head and
hair follicles. When this happens, the hair begins to fall out. As the organs of
elimination become cleaner, the body can reverse the back-up of waste and
eliminate it through the proper routes.
- Hair follicles may also become weak or die when the blood capillaries supplying
them with nutrients and the lymph capillaries draining away metabolic waste
products and dead cells become clogged with proteins from animal sources.
- Teeth / Gums-
- Backwashing of waste from the colon into the mouth area can easily affect the
health of teeth. Subsequently, cleansing of the colon improves teeth, eyes, ears
and brain functions. When you do liver flushes, it is very important to clean the
entire colon afterwards to remove any trapped stones which otherwise could
greatly affect the digestive system, the liver and kidneys.

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