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Abortion Ethics Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Abortion Ethics" can be a challenging task due to the sensitive
nature of the subject. The issue of abortion is deeply rooted in ethical, moral, and philosophical
considerations, making it a complex and controversial topic to explore. Crafting an essay on
abortion ethics requires a delicate balance between presenting various perspectives, addressing
ethical dilemmas, and maintaining a respectful tone.

To begin with, you need to thoroughly research and understand the diverse viewpoints surrounding
abortion. This includes examining religious, cultural, and legal perspectives, as well as considering
the ethical implications for both the pregnant individual and society as a whole. You'll also need to
delve into the historical context and evolution of abortion ethics, tracing the changing attitudes and
debates over time.

The essay should involve a critical analysis of ethical theories and principles, such as utilitarianism,
deontology, and virtue ethics, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the ethical framework
surrounding abortion. Addressing the moral status of the fetus, the autonomy of the pregnant person,
and the societal implications adds layers of complexity to the discussion.

Furthermore, it's important to approach the topic with sensitivity and empathy, recognizing that
individuals hold diverse and deeply held beliefs about abortion. Balancing objectivity with empathy
is crucial to presenting a fair and well-rounded perspective.

The conclusion of such an essay should synthesize the various ethical arguments and perspectives,
acknowledging the complexity of the issue. It's essential to leave room for readers to contemplate
their own stance on the matter while respecting the diversity of opinions.

In summary, writing an essay on abortion ethics requires a thorough understanding of the subject, a
nuanced exploration of diverse perspectives, and a delicate approach to presenting arguments. It
demands a careful balance between objectivity and empathy to foster a thoughtful and respectful
discussion on a deeply divisive topic.

If you find the task too challenging or time-consuming, you might consider seeking assistance from
professional writing services. Platforms like offer support in crafting essays on
various topics, providing custom-written content tailored to your specific requirements.

Abortion Ethics Essay Abortion Ethics Essay

Summary Of Tye Saar s The Liberation Of Aunt Jemima
tye Saar, a California sculptor began creating African inspired boxed sculptures to
challenge race discrimination and racial stereotyping. This art piece is titled The
Liberation of Aunt Jemima (1972) was created to attack the racial mammy stenotype and
violent stereotype by using the R.T. Davis pancake mix (Aunt Jemima pancake brand).
Saar explained that her interest was to transform a negative, demeaning figure into a
positive, empowered woman ... A warrior ready to combat servitude and racism . African
Americans used art as a form of expression to voice their social concerns on racial
discrimination and stereotyping. The art allowed others to build an understanding of what
African Americans were struggling with years after the civil rights
Insecurity In Afghanistan
Afghanistan is currently one of the most food insecure countries in the world with
approximately one third of the country being undernourished. After three decades of civil
war, political unrest and multiple natural disasters Afghanistan has far to go before attain
food security. In addition to the ten million people that are food insecure a further
fourteen percent are borderline food insecure. The main cause of this is the prevention of
humanitarian aid and intervention by military forces, insurgents and natural blocking as a
result of natural disasters. One of the main causes food insecurity is the weather
sensitivity of agriculture in Afghanistan. Regardless of government efforts to build dams,
drainage systems and irrigation systems the
Reflection Of The Poem In Beth Macy s Truevine
The term tone, as it relates to literature is defined as the attitude portrayed by the author
towards the subject or the audience. In the book Truevine, the attitude or tone in which
the author Beth Macy portrays throughout the length of the story can be deemed as
disapproving, dramatic, and sometimes even humorous. Macy chooses to approach the
subject of racism in this manner to share her perspective on racial discrimination and
exploitation, and to also add flavor to the writing. For example, to address certain topics
such as lynching in a condemning manner goes to show how the author is in
disagreement with the heinous act, and it not a white supremacist. In general, denouncing
wanton historical acts that involve racism, infers that the author is against racism; a lot of
readers were glad that Beth Macy was able to depict the immorality behind racism. In
addition, while reading the book, one thing that I noted was the dramatic writing.
Especially, when it came to ending of certain chapters, it felt like reading a mediocre cliff
hanger, or a subtle page tuner. The dramatic tone was also used to describe climatic
events , like when Harriet was reunited with her boys and such. Seldom, there was also a
subliminal amount humor that kind be found in Macy s writing. Considering the book s
topic, you d think someone would find that humor inappropriate, but when inserted it was
actually quite fitting. Had he been born a century later, he would have been the master of
Twitter ,
Essay about Commentary on Book Two of Herodotus
Introduction This paper will offer a commentary on Herodotus Histories 2.129 135. Book
Two of Histories concerns itself with Egypt; specifically chapters 99 182 detail rulers of
Egypt both legendary and actual. Book Two is distinct from the other books in Histories
as it is in this book that we predominantly experience Herodotus as an investigator. More
precisely it is in Book Two that Herodotus treats first person experience not as direct
evidence but as a method of assessing the accounts of others. Chapters 129 135 provide
us with the tale of King Mycerinus as recounted by whom Herodotus refers to in 2.127 as
simply ÆGYPTIOI . These Egyptians are referred to at various points in Book Two and
at times appear to refer to what might ... Show more content on ...
This portrait of Mycerinus as a kind ruler is an interesting one and appears again in
Diodorus Siculus Library of History. However, despite his stated low opinion of
Herodotus earlier work, Diodorus account of Egypt undoubtedly has Herodotean threads
running through it and for this reason alone cannot be used to support the story of
Mycerinus presented in Herodotus Histories. Alan B. Lloyd has suggested that the view
of Mycerinus as a benign ruler may have come about due to the relatively small size of
his pyramid in contrast to those of Chephren and Cheops. This argument is given further
credence when it is considered that one of the theories proposed for the reduction in size
of Mycerinus pyramid was that the Pharaoh began to devote more resources to the
construction of temples. However, Herodotus tale of Mycerinus can just as easily be
read, albeit in an unusual way, as an example of the dangers of hubris. This tale also
contains some of the motifs and anti motifs of tyrants as described in the speech of
Otanes at 3.80. The conventions in Otanes speech appear frequently when Herodotus
talks about despotic rulers in Histories. This theory of a hubristic Mycerinus character
formed as part of a tyrannical tradition in Histories will be dealt with later in this paper.
At the end of 2.129 Herodotus
St. Peterville City Case Study
1. The meeting I attended was the city of St. Augustine s special meeting to establish the
city s fiscal budget and millage rate for the upcoming year. It took place on September
22nd, at 5:05pm. The city of St. Augustine holds its city commission meetings every
second and fourth Monday of the month in the Alcazar Room at City Hall, which is
located at 75 King Street, St. Augustine, Florida. The meeting s purpose was to establish
the millage rate for the city and how allocate those funds into budget for next year. The
new millage rate of 7.500 mills was approved for the fiscal year of 2016 2017, which is
an increase of 5.47% from last year. Additionally, a new budget for the upcoming year
was also approved.
2. All of the city commissioners ... Show more content on ...
The first concept illustrated by this meeting was the concept of effective management
and planning covered in module 6. By the accounts of residents, it is clear that the city
has not been effective in previous years, in planning the restoration and preservation of
local roads. The city has not been proactive in planning which streets should be repaired,
when, or to what those repairs should be. A common complaint of residents was that the
city appeared to be content on postponing repairs when it would be more convenient and
cost effective to handle the situation as soon as possible. I believe St. Augustine should
practice a more adaptive style of management and respond to changing conditions. From
listening to the meeting, it seems that the city originally underestimated the problems
plaguing their roads and decided that certain areas could stand to wait for repairs. From
the accounts of citizens, it is clear that philosophy is not going to stand anymore. In my
opinion, I think the city needs to be more proactive and handle the deteriorating
condition of their roads a lot sooner than later, and at the very least re evaluate old plans.
The second concept demonstrated was collective action. Collective action is defined as a
coordinated effort of several individuals or groups, who cooperate to accomplish specific
goals. What was originally just a basic meeting to approve a budget quickly turned into a
discussion on a major public issue due to the words of several speakers.
Describe How The Design Of Respiratory System Facilitates...
Process of respiration involves supply of oxygen to blood cells (oxygen intake) and
excretion of carbon dioxide and other waste (CO2 excretion). Purified blood is carried to
all parts of the body by blood vessels in order to achieve gaseous exchange at cell level.
This process is carried out through a complex system called Respiratory System. Organs
which comprise respiratory system include mouth, nasal passage, glottis, trachea, larynx,
pharynx, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli and last but not the least lungs.
In the following lines, we ll discuss in details how the structures of respiratory system
accomplish exchange of gases.
The upper respiratory tract comprises those organs that bring the air in and lower
respiratory tract comprises those parts that process the air. Upper respiratory tract starts
from the nose and the mouth. They enable the air to enter through external nares
(nostrils). Behind the nostrils there are little shelves of bone called nasal conchae
(superior, middle and inferior). They divide the nasal cavity into thin passages called
meatuses. (Jahangir, 2015). Surface areas of nasal conchae creates turbulence, forcing the
air to get bounced in the nasal cavity and increase the surface area of these cavities, thus
allowing the mucus to trap the dirt, bacteria and enable only warm, clean and moist air as
it passes down to the lungs. (Rogers, 2012)

Figure 1. (,
Globalization Is A Utopian Dream Of A Humanist Universality
The main assumption of this report is to discredit the false claims that globalization of
Capitalism is the only viable path to greater prosperity and development for a society.
This report identifies that there is in fact a necessity to explore other economic systems
because neoliberal capitalism is currently observed to be greatly impacted by economic
and ecological predicaments. The annotations below show numerous possibilities of
using alternative economies as an altenative for growth and prosperity.

Dacheux and Goujon s article address the growing international reality that is at the very
heart of the current economic sphere, that globalisation is a utopian dream of a humanist
universality. Their forum suggests that a solidarity economy is a humanistic economy and
would return trust in democratic deliberation. Solidarity economy offers a combination of
initiatives, these include; linking productive activity to social demands rather than
profitability; equal participation from both men and women towards the production of
goods and services; structuring of local, national and international networks
cooperatively based on consensus; collectively working towards a democratic regulation
of economic activity.
The development and production of solidarity economies are found in many varying
forms through the world that reflect differing local conditions. The solidarity economy
encourages individual developments by organised participatory community efforts that
Comparing Vygotsky s Theory And Piagetian Theory
For the past few weeks, one of my teammates son has been coming to our soccer games.
His name is Elijah and he is about 3 years old. Every time he comes, he always has his
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles swords. He is very into the TMNT and is always wearing
shirts with them on it and his costume last year for halloween was a ninja turtle. Elijah is
always having conversations with adults and playing with them. On Saturday, Sep. 24,
2016, he was at our game. He was very involved with cheering for his mother and the
rest of the team. Afterwards, everyone went up to him to say hi and he would have a full
conversation with us. Elijah has displayed both Vygotsky s theory and Piagetian theory.
He was communicating with adults and using proper language. ... Show more content on ...
Her name is Faith Charlotte Capuano and she is 7 months. Her Birthday is February 25,
2016. She is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen. She is extremely chubby and has
very chubby cheeks. Faith absolutely loves playing with her other cousins who are only a
few months older than her. They always have play dates together and are all very spoiled
with many toys to play with. By Faith playing with toys, she gives us a great example of
Piagetian theory. She can finally sit up on her own, sleeps throughout the whole night,
and loves to babble. When my uncle talks to her, she tries to talk back to him. If you call
her name she quickly looks at you and pays full attention to you. When Faith gives you
her attention she is following the Information Processing theory. Faith may only be 7
months but she can understand everyone who is around her and all of her surroundings.
Her favorite toy to play with and nap with is her owl, his name is hooty hoot. She brings
it with her everywhere. If she is napping in the car she will have the owl right next to her.
One of her other favorite things to play with are her feet. She is always grabbing them,
playing with her toes, and putting them in her mouth. I have noticed that she loves to
grab her right foot with her left hand and put her righthand into her mouth, especially
when she is in the car. As she plays with her feet she gives a perfect example of Vygotsky
s theory when adults demonstrate
Social Intelligence and Life Skills
considered so important in our society. It has become an integral part of our lives in the
twenty first century with a special focus on life skills. As we are living in a society in
which special skills, in particular, social abilities are needed to build and to maintain the
community. People have evolved special competencies to allow them to survive and to
reproduce. As society becomes more and more complex, its intellectual competence
becomes more sophisticated. Their competence is the social intelligence and can be
defined as intelligence that lies behind one s group interactions and behaviours. This ...
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For working satisfactorily, the teachers should know how to solve problem, how to
manage stress and conflicts and how to contribute with full potentials towards
institutional goals as well as society and nation at large. The secondary teacher education
students are at the threshold of entering the career of teaching. Teaching has now become
more learner centred rather than teacher centred. Teachers are supposed to have sufficient
knowledge and capability to solve the doubts of their students. In order to develop
teaching competency the prospective teachers have to develop social intelligence and life
skills. So the investigators want to study the relationship between social intelligence and
life skills of the secondary teacher education students. Statement of the problem
Relationship between social intelligence and life skills of the secondary teacher
education students. Operational definitions
Social Intelligence It is the general intelligence applied to social situation. It can be
analysed using social Intelligence scale.

Life Skills: Life skills are living skills or abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that
enable individuals to deal effectively with demands and challenges of everyday life
(WHO 1997). In the present study, investigators intend to assess the following
dimensions of life skills such as Problem solving skills, Decision making skills,
Communication skill, Interpersonal
Analysis Of The Grumbling Hive, By Bernard Mandeville
The renowned economist Milton Friedman once said, Innovation comes from self
interest, not government agencies. This idea, seen as controversial and offensive to many,
is at the core of Bernard Mandeville s argument in his poem, The Grumbling Hive: or,
Knaves turn d Honest. The poem compares the working of society to a busy hive. The
hive is flourishing until suddenly the bees become honest and righteous leading them to
live simple lives without a thrive community. Through this analogy, Mandeville argues
that pursuit of private vices generates public improvements and economic prosperity,
meaning, individuals tendencies to pursue their own vices, such as lust and greed to
innovation for society as a whole. This is demonstrated through the benefits of marijuana
Mandeville addresses many aspects of degeneracy and selfishness within private life,
highlighting vice as an intrinsic and unavoidable part of . Vice, by Mandeville s
standards, is an action that fulfills the individual in some respect but is immoral, selfish,
and unfair. The seven deadly sins provide a framework for behavior that would be
considered detrimental and self regarding. Mandeville, in the poem, provides examples
of such actions within all echelons of society. Mandeville writes, Physicians valu d Fame
and Wealth/ Above the dropping Patient s Health (71 72). As example of greed, medical
professionals pursuit of capital gain and social stature are the driving factor in treating
patients rather than an altruistic desire to aid humanity. Again, Mandeville displays
occurrences of vice within society by demonstrating instances of individual s pursuit of
wealth at the expense of others, Their Kings were serv d, but Knavishly,/ Cheated by
their own Ministry;/ ...Robbing the very Crown they saved (113 117). The King s own
advisors and officials steal from him, greedily pursuing their own self interests over that
of the Kingdom. Mandaville is a realist in the sense that he acknowledges humanities
inherent drive to serve oneself before others and engage in immoral and corrupt behavior.
He addresses greed and dishonesty in private life without hesitation or resentment. It is
this self pursuit that Mandeville argues actually
Townsfolk Act 1
From Damsel in Distress to Hero ACT ONE (Narrator enters and stands DSC) Narrator:
It was an exciting morning in the kingdom of Edzar. (Townsfolk enter from both sides of
the stage mumbling to one another and causing slight commotion while continuing
walking until they get to the opposite side of the stage) It was finally the day that the
beloved princess Daphne would marry her prince, Jeffrey. (Jeffrey and Daphne enter on
opposite sides of the stage, looking to the audience as if they were mirrors, and getting
ready.They do things like fix their hair, straighten their clothes etc. They do this until
them their next cues. The whole kingdom was invited, so everyone was in a rush to get
good seats in the great hall of the castle. The princess ... Show more content on ...
Daphne tries to run after him but the king and queen grab her. The townsfolk are talking
at the same time, saying things like oh no , this is horrible , someone needs to go save the
prince , or the poor princess .) Guard Captain: Silence! I m going to go get Jeffrey.
Daphne: No. I have to go, he s my fiance and I am the only one who can save him. Guard
Captain: Princess, you can t Daphne: Yes I can, and I will. Guard Captain: *sigh* Alright.
But at least let me give you a few things for your journey. Daphne: Alright. (All
characters except for Daphne exit, then Guard Captain enters with a map, a small cat, and
a sword.) Guard captain: First of all, here is a sword. It will defeat the Evil Queen.
Secondly, this is a map that, if you trust it, will take you to the place you desire to be.
Last but most definitely not least, a cat for good luck. Despite its shy appearance, it is
very clever and magical in mysterious ways. You haven t got much time. Goodbye, and
good luck. (The Guard Captain exits SL and Daphne walks to the exit, pauses, then exits.
The narrator enters and stands in front of the audience.) Narrator: And so began the
journey of Princess Daphne. (Narrator exits) ACT
Mona Lis 1503-6 By Leonardo Da Vinci
After going through the modules and learning many art history areas and well known
artist master, There understanding of style mixed with cultural and religion just examples
the passion these masters had. one of the most known portrait painting throughout the
world was the Mona Lisa painted in 1503 6 by Leonardo Da Vinci. His work slowly
transformed High Renaissance painting into a form of artistic creation that was unlike in
the entire world, The use of chiaroscuro (light and dark modulated to create effects of
relief or modeling), sfumato (misty, soft blending of colors) and a real perspective, which
indicates the distance by grading tones and muting colors contrasts.
This well known painting is believed to be a painting of Lisa del
Drug Dependency And Drug Related Crime
Executive Summary Efforts to decrease drug dependency and drug related crime in the
United States have had the opposite effect, introducing increasing levels of crime and
drug use within its population. The war on drugs has been lost as more drugs continue to
be smuggled across the borders, increasing number of people are using drugs illegally,
and violence in the streets continues to climb. A number of arguments have been made in
favor of legalizing some less harmful drugs, such as marijuana, as a means of addressing
this crisis. Legalization makes economic sense as it would save a net $14 billion/year in
saved or redirected enforcement costs and taxes on the product which can be used toward
treatment/reform programs and prevention. At ... Show more content on
While studies do directly link alcohol with violence and narcotics with property crime,
they only succeed in suggesting marijuana users are not any more or less likely to engage
in crime when on the drug than non users. The current solution is unsustainable and
ineffective. Examples from England, Holland and several states in the U.S. such as
Colorado suggest that legalization can achieve many positive effects over prohibition. By
legalizing marijuana, it is possible to provide users of the drug with a safe, legal means of
purchasing it, keeping them away from the criminal culture and reducing risks of
violence. This discourages them from escalating into harder drugs as they won t
encounter dealers attempting to push them onto more expensive and addictive substances
and keeps them in productive society. It also takes the drug lords out of the business,
transferring their profits into taxes that can be applied to prevention and reform programs
and reducing territory wars, which comprise the greatest portion of drug related violence.
Finally, it takes the burden of enforcement off of the law enforcement departments
currently failing to keep the product from moving around
Past and Current Trends
Past and Current Trends Drugs and alcohol have played a role in American society for
many years. There is, however, a wider variety of drugs available today than ever before
and with this wider variety there comes a wider range of addictive qualities and health
related risks that individuals who take these drugs are subjected. Habit forming drugs
were introduced into American society as far back as the 1700 s. These drugs were
widely used for medicinal purposes without any knowledge of their addictive properties
and the health risks involved with taking them. One such drug, Laudanum, a drug
containing opium, was widely available in the 1700 s and in the 1800 s there were many
products readily available that contained ingredients such as ... Show more content on ...
Given the complex and varied associations between crime and drugs across sites,
intervention approaches need to be tailored to the nature of the problem in specific
locales. The crimes most commonly associated with drug use are illegal drug trafficking,
theft, and murder. Drug users frequently turn to theft in order to maintain their supply of
drugs or they begin to sale drugs to supply their habit. The following excerpt from the
article Drugs, Violence and Economics by David Friedman shows the correlation
between violent crimes, such as murder, and drugs. Friedman states, Broadly speaking,
the link between drugs and violent crime could occur in three ways: violent crime by
consumers of drugs, violent crime associated with the production and distribution of
drugs, or violent crime directly associated with the attempt to enforce drug prohibition.
Unfortunately, whether America is winning the War on Drugs is highly debatable. In an
article by Bernd Debusmann, Special Correspondent for Reuters, Despite three decades
of upbeat reports on battles won in the war on drugs, cocaine, heroin and marijuana are
as easily available as ever and experts say the United States has yet to develop a strategy
that works. Debusmann goes on to state, In the drug war, the pattern has been one step
forward, one step back one trafficking organization
The For Intellectual Property Law Essay
Before college, when I heard about lawyers I only ever thought of one thing, the bar
exam, and how awful it must be to prepare and take such a test. Now, moving steadily
through the senior year of my undergraduate degree, my aspirations are quite different
than what they were before college. With my changing goals, being a lawyer is now a
profession that I wish to be a part of in the not too distant future. Specifically, I am
aspiring to work in Intellectual Property Law. This form of law deals with protecting
tangible and intangible creations of clients. These tangible and intangible creations range
from inventions to symbols and often require being an expert in specific fields, such as
industries, the arts, or science (Wilson, 2016).
In order to assess a potential employee s attributes, a future employer will administer pre
employment screenings where the person s knowledge, skills, and abilities will be
assessed in order to determine their effectiveness for Intellectual Property Law.
In order to perform effectively being a lawyer specializing in Intellectual Property Law,
will require that I first graduate with a four year degree. The degree with which one takes
is not specific, in fact, law schools admit individuals with degrees from almost every
field of study (, 2016). The next step is going through law
school which typically takes three years. While at law school, studying a curriculum
specific to Intellectual Property Law would be beneficial,
Century 21 Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Composed of more than 6,900 broker offices owned by independent franchises, Century
21 Real Estate LLC operates in more than 78 countries and territories across the globe,
with more than 102,000 salespeople, agents and realtors.
With headquarters in New Jersey, Century 21 has perfected a franchising system that
brings together real estate groups and independent agents, providing them with iconic
brand marks, global exposure, world class marketing support, a comprehensive training
platform, communications and technology solutions all established with innovation and
creativity to entice and draw in prospective clients, to nurture a loyal body of customers
and to deliver exceptional real estate services.
A subsidiary of Realogy ... Show more content on ...
It did not take long for Trans World Corp. to take an interest on the firm, due to its
staggering success. In 1979, Trans World Corp. bought a hundred percent of the
company, in a cash and stock deal that was valued at $89 million.

In October 1979, the now successful Century 21 partners with Easter Seals. In the desire
to give back to the community, the firm chooses Easter Seals as its major philanthropic

Century 21 Real Estate Corporation expands its reach to Asia when it signs its second
international franchise agreement with C. Itoh and Co., Ltd, the firm that would build
Century 21 real estate offices in Japan.

In September of 1985, Century 21 Real estate Corporation is acquired by Metropolitan

Life Insurance Company, which continued the success of the firmby signing an
agreement with Michel Trolle of France in March 1987, Phil Yeager of Mexico in May
1989 and the company Century 21 Australasia, Pty. Ltd, which brought Century 21
offices to New Zealand and Australia.
Century 21 continued to grow even bigger, sigining agreements with one country after
another. In Aufgust 1995, Century 21 real estate Corporation is absorbed by Hospitality
Franchise Systems (HFS), which would eventually become Cendant Corporation later
An Understanding Of The Notion Of Water Rights
An understanding of the notion of water rights in the eastern part of the United States is
supported by two key questions (a) What can I do? (b) What can someone else do?
Riparian s have certain rights (1) right to continued natural flow of water in largely same
quality and quantity; (2) right to make reasonable use of water, subject to the equal rights
of other riparian s on the same water body. Thus, a possessory right subject to the
usafructory rights of other riparian s. This paper argues that while it might have been
okay to have a general doctrine of reasonableness , that this might be too broad given
greater demands/uses in riparian states, plus changing climatic conditions.

The alteration of regional hydrology by climate ... Show more content on ...
Beyond this, the owner may use the water for reasonable artificial or commercial
purposes, subject to the very large proviso that he may not substantially or materially
diminish the quantity or quality of water. Certainly no water may be transported to land
beyond the riparian land.

With the advancement of commercial development, many states moved away from the
doctrine to the American rule or reasonable use doctrine. A Pennsylvania court ruled that
a mine operator could dewater and lower water tables throughout an entire valley, with
no responsibility for injuries to owners of domestic wells whose supply was thereby cut

Classification of water:

It is considered by scientist, that all ground and surface waters are deemed to have
hydrological connection, and characterized as: (a) surface water; (b) diffused surface
water; (c) groundwater; (d) percolating groundwater. In governing the use of water,
various rules and regulations have been developed for each classification.

According to one commentator:

Man has coped with the complexity of water by trying to compartmentalize it, ...the legal
profession ... has on occasion borrowed from the criminal code to term some waters
fugitive and others a common enemy. The classification of water includes percolating
waters, defined underground streams, underflow of surface streams,
Hypocrisy Of Milo
The anxiety continues to build over Milo s planed October 28th visit to Yale University.
From the moment Breitbart s tech editor and die hard Donald Daddy Trump fan Milo
Yiannopoulos announced that his Dangerousness Fa**ot Tour would be arriving at the
New Haven, Ct campus the outrage from the PC liberal students burst forth.
Yiannopoulos turned the screws further by announcing he may arrive at the Yale campus
dressed in a culturally inappropriate Indian chief Halloween costume. This of course
made the outraged snowflake student body lose it even more demanding the self assertive
Milo change course on his planned disrespectful American Indian ensemble, to date it
appears Milo hasn t changed his mind about his wardrobe. Yale s Native ... Show more
content on ...
Having a genocidal murdering genocidal butcher among them doesn t rate a second
glance from the PC crowd,but having an out spoken gay conservative, Trump loving
Milo makes these safe space students head explode. Some students who believe that Yale
was to provide them shelter from speech that may hurt their delicate ears, berated, yelled
and screamed Be Quiet to a professor who dared to suggest the students listen to other
points of views. In the video below Jerelyn Luther was taped yelling at professor
Nicholas Christakis after his suggestion that students should be free to wear potentially
offensive Halloween costumes. The ridiculous reaction video to the scheduled The
Dangerous Faggot Tour with its Indian costume wearing, offensive, gay, conservative,
sexist, racist Milo, was too much and Luther s out of control, jump the shark I feel
violated rant went viral within hours of being published on YouTube
Mexican Women in Mexican Revolution
Richard Falcon wonderfully directs the play Soladeras , by Ruben Amavizca Murua, It is
stated in the Play Bill that Richard Falcon is considered an actors director because he
knows how to draw the best out of his talent. Unlike most artists, he has an understanding
of what it takes to collaborate and implement programs successfully . For which he
profoundly displayed in this production. He and the actresses do an impeccable acuratcy
in dipicting diversity during the Mexican Revolution. The acting was like a welcoming
zepher of wind during any season.
Powerful, yet comforting. Humiliating, yet humbling. I felt as though I were reliving the
engagments in each act, and as if I were apart of the political front line, yet, behind the
narrarative scenes. The encapsulating, heart renching stories behind each womans history
is one that is effervescent, and resounding today in every ethnic culture, and
understatedly in tomorrows society. Stories of thirteen year old girls, and wives being
raped, tradgedy of husbands dying, never ending struggles for social equality, the
felonies of racial disparagies, predudices, and abuse. These women also alternated
between provider roles of cook, launderer, companion, housekeeper, child bearer,
educator, councilor, and fought for the Revolutionary cause wether via a social voice or,
physically in battle, and much much more. Ironically, some of the women were abused
by their companions and raped by opossing armies (and these women
How Did Janis Joplin Influence Popular Culture
In the late 1960 s, the height of her career, Janis Joplin was titled the Queen of Rock n
Roll . To this day, she still lives on as one of the most influential women in the music
industry. Her raspy, blues inspired voice left audiences speechless, and her success paved
the way for the advancement of women in the music industry. Her lyrics reflected her
carefree spirit and love of the blues, but also her opinions on social and political issues.
These positions made her an outcast before her fame, but today they are part of the
reason she is so respected. Janis Joplin was born on January 19th, 1943, in Port Arthur,
Texas. Port Arthur was a conservative town, which was hard for Janis. She was different
from her peers, and not well liked. In an interview on the Dick Cavett show, when
discussing why she left Texas, Janis said They laughed me out of class, out of town, and
out of the state (qtd. in Janis Interview). She dressed how she wanted, often wearing
clothing meant for men; she didn t discriminate against black people; and she loved the
blues. Rock n roll and blues music were a large part of life in the Joplin s household.
After an interview with Janis s ... Show more content on ...
Janis regularly started using speed and amphetamines, along with her alcohol abuse
(biography). She also used heroin every once in a while. After her drug and alcohol abuse
started to spiral out of control, she decided to move back to Texas so she could get
herself clean. While she was back at home, she changed everything about herself. Janis
took a break from her music and her hard partying lifestyle, and dressed conservatively,
putting her long, often messy hair into a bun and doing everything else she could to
appear straight laced (biography). She stayed in Texas for six months, but she couldn t
keep away from the music scene, therefore; started performing
Essay On American Refugees
The United States has been a refuge for many people from other countries since the early
1900 s. Many Americans do not know the difference between a refugee, an asylum
seeker, and an immigrant. Over the years, different associations, agencies, official acts
and laws have come into existence to limit who can be awarded the title of refugee. Rules
and regulations have become the most confusing part of coming to the United States if a
person is seeking refuge. This paper will explore the history of the American refugee and
the laws, regulations, and associations that aide or hinder their status.
What is the Difference between a Refugee, and Asylum Seeker, and an Immigrant?
In the United States, a refugee is defined as a person that is outside of the United States
and is seeking refuge from persecution based on their race, nationality, religious beliefs,
social group or political opinion. Refugees can be excluded from being awarded refugee
status for polygamy, health related issues, moral and criminal and security grounds. They
could also be excluded for misrepresentation of facts on visa applications, smuggling and
previous deportations. A person seeking asylum, is a person that has already entered the
United States by using a visa or illegally entering and is seeking the same protection
under the same ... Show more content on ...
He also determines from which country they can be from. Currently, the Immigration and
Naturalization Act (INA) governs our current immigration policy and provides a limit of
675,000 permanent immigrants, with special exceptions for close family members.
Immigration and refugee status is based upon whether it is possible to reunite a family,
whether the immigrant or refugee has a special skill that would be valuable to the United
States economy, protection for the refugee, and promoting
Caretoy Child Development
The purpose of this paper is to examine child development in terms of motor
development. Children are not born with perfect motor skills, such as crawling or
walking. Motor development is much more than innate abilities. Motor development is a
complex, ongoing process of learning. This area of development is a fundamental aspect
of a child s overall well being. Infants and toddlers learn and express themselves through
their bodies. For them, motor skills are a way to achieve their goals. Fine and gross
motor skills help children become more independent. They allow infants and toddlers to
indicate their needs (e.g., food or diaper change), feed themselves, pick up and hold
objects, or move towards their caregiver and so much more. (Wittmer ... Show more
content on ...
I shook the bin to get their attention. After noticing that they were watching, I then
proceeded to reach into one of the two bins I created. After placing my arm into the bin, I
retrieved a ball. After removing the ball from the bin, I transferred the ball into another
opening on the lid. Before choosing the appropriate opening, attempts were made on the
other ones. I attempted to fit the ball into the other openings to demonstrate to the infants
that each object in the bin as a corresponding cutout. As I was demonstrating the activity,
the children began scooting closer to the bins. They then began to put their hands into the
bins and pulled a few items out. I then would say can you put the ball into the hole , or to
whatever item they had in their hands. The older children were able to transfer the items
and the younger children had some difficulty, but were able to succeed in completing at
least one transfer. The 5 month old was able to pull out items as well as feel the sensory
materials at the bottom of the bin but was not able to transfer items into their
Farmer Giles Hero
Well the first topic I will be talking about whether not Farmer Giles of Ham is a Hero to
me . In my opinion Farmer Giles is a hero because his town was attacked by a hopeless
giant . That giant just wanted to find his home so his copper pot does not burn . But
instead he got shot by a blunderbuss . A Blunderbuss is a short range shotgun . Ok let get
back on track . So then later the giant thought it was a stinking dragonfly . So then he
turned back and start running back to his big giant mommy . So after that commotion the
town greeted him with delight of honor . Even a smart king gave him a generation sword
that has been called tailbiter . So the smart king gave him that as gift for defending the
kingdom own by the smart king ... Show more content on ...
So he made a fake promise to go home and relax the deal was to give all his treasure to
the people of Ham . Then several days later Gile went to his cave to get his treasure then
they argued about what happens / happened to the deal how many there is and why he
did not come so then Farmer Gile won the argument and then the dragon became his
slave and carried all the treasure . Then Farmer Gile stood up to the king and then Giles
became kings / a king / the king but Farmer Gile does not die he becomes king and
Beowulf dies . My real life hero is Fouseytube but he is not like Beowulf because
Beowulf has an and FouseyTube has a buffed . The reason why i picked FouseyTube is
because he is my role model . His quotes always make me think what going to happen
next , who am I , why am I here , am I the chosen one , these sort of thing help me calm
and smooth . One of his quote is green tea is green tea if it s green tea . It means / meant
be yourself don t try to be someone else or You should stop making excuses ,
complaining about it , worrying if u can , just plan it and just do it
Persuasive Essay About Autism
In a study conducted in Phoenix by the Arizona Business Gazette, researchers concluded
that one in every 68 children in the United States is diagnosed with Autism before the age
of 3. Autism is described as a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social
skills, repetitive behaviors, and speech and nonverbal communication, ( What is Autism?
). Because of how present Autism is in our society, the topic has been heavily debated for
years. There are many contrasting opinions regarding different issues on the subject of
Autism, but there has yet to be an agreement on one of the most important aspects of the
topic, the cure. It is profoundly disagreed upon whether it is ethically and morally correct
for our society to fund and conduct research to find a cure for Autism because some think
that it sending the message that we are trying to change these autistic individuals. In
relation to the information regarding neurodiversity and the autism spectrum, society
should continue to pursue research and funding to find a cure because of the numerous
ways it could improve the quality of life for those affected by autism.
In order to form a strong and knowledgeable opinion regarding whether we should
continue to research a cure for autism, it is crucial to understand the basic ideas of the
subject of neurodiversity. Neurodiversity is the range of differences in the way the human
brain functions and behaves. ( Neurodiversity: Some Basic Terms and Definitions ) This
variation in the way each individual processes information and reacts to it that results in
diversity in our population. No two people are exactly alike due to the distinctions
between each individual s race, religion, gender, and cultural background. These factors
cause each individual to have a different and unique personality and outlook on life. This
is seen as significant because it guarantees that the human race is not a unit of people that
think, act, and live exactly the same. Autism and other conditions such as Dyslexia and
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are viewed as components that
contribute to neurodiversity and neurodiversity movement because they affect the
behaviors and brain function of a person. The
Characteristics Of A Hero
Each one of the 7 billion humans on planet Earth has a hero. Humanity as we know it
needs heroes because of myriad reasons, whether to solve problems or help people
through times of need. Much more than a man in a cape with larger than life physical
strength, anyone can be a hero if they have the right characteristics. Regardless of the
duty a hero provides, he or she will hold common qualities that they must stand by. The
three common qualities that make up a hero throughout all of history and into modern
day heroes include: loyalty, bravery, and the willingness to make personal sacrifice for a
common good.
No matter the hero, whether in a poem, movie, and even reality help shape the lives of
people in a positive manner. Figures that show heroic qualities became exceedingly
important to societies back in the Anglo Saxons time period but also right now in the
twenty first century because they serve a purpose. When times get tough and everything
seems impossible, heroes are the ones who remind us to keep on believing. We get back
up again and keep fighting and believing in ourselves. Every hero faces battles, some
they may win but others they may lose. We as a society can learn from these losses and
understand failure helps us aspire and grow.
Loyalty, perhaps one of the most crucial qualities for a hero. A person that lacks loyalty
cannot fit the characteristics of a hero because no loyalty means no reliance or trust.
Loyalty defines Beowulf when he first arrives to
The Role of Control and Propaganda in Mussolini’s Reign...
The Role of Control and Propaganda in Mussolini s Reign and Their Importance To
discover if either control or propaganda were more or equally important, there are many
different areas to look at. Both control and propaganda were used in these areas, but with
different effects and policies, while one may have been more necessary than the other.
Each area is different and the different mediums that exist within them, such as radio or
newspapers, were dealt with individually. Mussolini also had to strike a balance between
the two, so his reputation amongst the people was kept intact. Politically, Mussolini made
sure he established full control over Parliament and eventually, the country. He was not
... Show more content on ...
In June 1924 when the new Parliament gathered, the Socialist leader, Giacomo Matteotti,
denounced the Fascists of the use of force in the recent elections. He was immediately
murdered by Fascist assassins. Matteotti s murder created uproar in Italy. The public
turned against Mussolini and the parties in opposition of the Fascists withdrew from
Parliament, which was known as the Aventine Secession. However the Aventine
Secession only proved to strengthen Mussolini s determination to eliminate other
opposition parties. In 1926, a law on association outlawed all political opposition, and a
secret police force was established to arrest political opponents. In 1925 26, more than
ten thousand anti fascists were arrested, sentenced to death and exiled. To strengthen his
control of the country, the workers unions were dissolved and opposition newspapers
were closed. In 1928, a new law abolished universal suffrage and restricted parliamentary
elections to candidates officially nominated by the Fascist Grand Council. In the 1929
elections, an al1 Pascist Parliament was elected. In the same year, Mussolini, was given
power by the pro Fascist parliament to govern by decrees. He issued a series of decrees
which transferred to him complete legislative authority. The King had to accept
Mussolini as the permanent Prime Minister of Italy. From this time onwards, all other
ministers were
Why Phenotypic Plasticity Is Present

The plants used in this experiment were the Arabidopsis thaliana. The Arabidopsis
species is characterized as a weed , a plant with no benefit when it comes to food, shelter,
or medicine (Meinke Koornneef, 2010). Yet, it is considered the model research plant by
many scientists across the world because they are small and can grow very fast. Meinke
and Koornneef (2010) explain that scientists want to be able to collect as much data as
quickly as possible, so a small, fast growing plant is going to help make discoveries
much more rapidly than a longer growing crop plant. The Arabidopsis plant is also very
convenient to study its genes because of its small genome. A small genome makes it
efficient to see how a plant s genes ... Show more content on ...
Lutz et al. (2015) state that plants integrate seasonal cues such as temperature and day
length to optimally adjust their flowering time to the environment. The knowledge about
the adaptation of plants to changing temperatures at present is limited, but becoming
increasingly important due to the temperature changes associated with global warming
(Lutz et al. 2015). This leads to a hypothesis that as temperature increases, rosette size
and height of plant will decrease.


24 plants of the species Arabidopsis thaliana were grown at two temperatures (20°C and
24°C) in Percival growth chambers, half at 20°C and half 24°C. The plants were
randomized into a design that consisted of 12 flats in two growth chambers. The
seedlings were then transferred to three inch pots on standard ProMix potting soil and
bottom watered in their trays, two times per week to assure that the potting mix remained
moist. Each group will have two different accessions; Natural Population A and Natural
Population B. Natural Population A represents species extracted from Market Baden,
Germany. Natural Population B represents species extracted from Merzhausen, Germany.
Each accession will have six plants growing under 20°C and 24°C. All 24 plants were
then looked at to measure the rosette size, the distance from the center stalk to the edge
of the leaves. All measurements were reported in centimeters using a ruler. The plants
were measured in two spans that were
Marquardt Beauty Analysis Essay
The number 1.618:1 is the golden ratio that defines beauty and the number 1.681 is
called the phi (Marquardt). Everything must be proportioned by this ratio to be
considered beautiful according to the mathematical formula. The Marquardt Beauty
Analysis website mentions that there are two components contributed to the ideal beauty,
and they are symmetry and harmony. After resizing the mask to the subject s face, the
result was nearly perfect. However, the subject has some problems fitting into the
outlines of the mask. The eyebrows of the mask are below the subject s eyebrows. The
outline of the mask does not cover the subject s lower lip. For the anaface site, it was
simple to work with. First, check on the terms and conditions. Second, select a gender.
Third, browse and upload a picture of your choice. The last step is to place 17 dots
accordingly, and then click next to find out the result. The subject received a score of
7.49 out of 10 on the anaface site. The website also lists the reasons why the face
received the score, such as the ratio of your face width to nose width is nearly ideal or
your nose is too wide for your mouth. Three trials were done on ... Show more content on ...
Henceforth, they could pass down their genes to their offspring. Little et al. (2011)
claimed that there are two broadly benefits of choosing an attractive mate: 1) a direct
benefit where the perceiver gains for themselves, and 2) an indirect benefit where the
perceiver gains genetic benefits to their offspring. Because humans are choosy, people
who are objectively beautiful will be advantageous over the unattractive people because
they are more preferred as a mate. Therefore, they can pass down their genes to the next
generation. Also, they are likely to be chosen because the attractive people s faces
showed traits of parasite resistance, which is an advantage for the offspring (Little et al.,
Reflection On The World Religions Course
Mohamed .M. Shere
World religions


PHIL 1760, I have come to gain a lot of experience and learnt very helpful things in my
life related to religion in particularly. I have come to learn that Religion is a way of life
that one chooses to find his/her tranquility. For example Buddhists meditate as a means
to find enlightment and they find such in only their religion and that s the reason they
have faith and hope in their religion. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on what I
have come to learn about religion and, I will focus on three main point that are; how the
ideas that I have about religion now are different from what I had at the beginning of the
class, what I have learned about this class that is similar to what I have learned in another
class and how I could assimilate what I have learned in this class with my life in general.
My thoughts about religion when I was beginning this class was that I believed all
religions didn t matter except the religion of Islam, because they may be wrong and not
be the right religion, they should be ignored. I had this thought and belief since I was
young because I believed that the religion of Islam is right, thus every other religion
shouldn t matter because they are wrong. For instance, I remember when I was a little kid
and the cross would show up on the TV when we were watching TV, I would hide it and
consider it ignorance. I had this belief till I
Fearless And The American Dream
The novel Fearless by Eric Blehm tells the story of Adam Brown. Most people spend
their entire lives trying to achieve the American Dream. Our forefathers deemed this the
pursuit of happiness in a person s life and to make the most of America with the
opportunities it holds. Adam accomplished the American Dream at a very young age.
Through his death, he made the ultimate sacrifice for his country, and that is one of the
reasons he is a true hero. Adam Brown achieved his American Dream by overcoming
drugs, becoming a father, and joining the Navy SEALS. Adam was an extraordinary kid.
He feared nothing. When he was two, he jumped 12 feet from the deck at his house (pg
13). He played football, had amazing family and friends, and had his fair share of
trouble. He always was kind to everyone and stood up for the underdog (pg 25). All of
his classmates and teachers adored him. The worst mistake of his life started the first
time he tried drugs (pg 44). This started a whirlwind of pain and anxiety on all of Adam s
family. Adam would disappear for long periods of time, steal from his parents, and had
many bad influences (pg 48). He hit the lowest of the low while at a party when he
stabbed himself in the neck (pg 55). This was very hard for everyone that knew Adam.
He got sent to a rehab facility and faced many challenges while he was there (pg 57). He
finally got released out into the real world after finishing the 12 step AA program (pg
58). Adam had many ups and downs after this.
New Home For A Country
Imagine living in a country where it s been taken over by a terrorist group and the
government is also attacking the citizens. Your sense of security has now vanishes and
staying in your home country will give you less of a chance of survival then it is sailing
the Mediterranean Sea, and it is clear the winner is to leave your country and flee to
another. The trip proved to be harsh, but you made it. When you arrive, you stay in a
camp that is run down and the sanitation is lacking along with jkdjknfbkjsdbdk . After
you apply asylum to a country they tell you it many take a while for it to be accepted and
you know that the camp will become your new home for a while.

(Sense of security) Imagine you lived in a country that has ... Show more content on ...
This is only one of the million scenarios that refugees have to go through. They have to
face their government in Syria, Isis, they receive help from a few countries, or none at
all, and they reside in refugee camps. Syrians have many problems back home and one of
them is their government. Syrian government is trying to stop the citizens from protests.
Pro democracy protests erupted in March 2011 in the southern city of Deraa after the
arrest and torture of some teenagers who painted revolutionary slogans on a school wall
( middle east). Protesters then began to take it to the streets
and demand that President Assad resigns but the government fought back by opening
fire. In addition, the violence, then escalated into a civil war, and this was the
government battling for control of the cities. The Number of deaths escalated immensely
as the years went by and the civil war continued. In addition, president Bashar al Assad s
forces have killed an estimated 330 civilians in Syria since the start of this year alone
( The government is using bombings and chemical attacks on them
and it been going unnoticed. In addition, the strikes the Syrian government launches can
harm whomever is near them, more than 2,000 air strikes, which includes children. The
president denied ordering the military to kill or be brutal ( This statement was
proved to be wrong after he made a public announcement that he
Analysis Of The Poem I Collected My Notes
Yes, Mr. Devlin? I collected my notes. So you read that story? Her eyes lit up with a
smoldering glow. Yes. I read more too. You have a lot. That beach one and the one about
the girl in the basement, and the clothes, and the one with the girl who gets kidnapped... I
nodded, then looked her in the eye. You know, I only told you about those stories because
I trust you. As I said, people tell me I m an intimidating guy. I don t notice it. I m big and
strong, and I know I have a lot of anger inside, and maybe that shows when I m being
serious. But I m not mean, and I don t mean to scare people. But something inside me felt
Emma starting to respond. I couldn t say what it was whether her breathing changed or
something in her eyes or the attitude of her body, but she seemed just a little bit scared.
Of course, she said. I wouldn t tell anyone else, Mr. D. I mean, I don t think anyone else
would understand. No. They wouldn t. I snapped my briefcase closed and gestured for
her to follow me. But you understood, Emma? What did you think of them? We walked
up the stairs of the lecture hall. She was just behind me. Well, they re very good stories. I
mean, your know. They re very good. I just wondered... I mean, they re not real, are they?
Those things the men do in there, the things they do to the women... We were at the head
of the stairs now, at the exit. I snapped off the lights, leaving just the spotlights shining
down on the empty lectern.
Key Components Of Empathy
As children, we are taught that if we did not have anything nice to say then to keep our
mouths shut, however most of the time we were not quite sure what to say. Empathy is a
way to show compassion and understanding for another person s problems. In countless
ways empathy is a result of your environment opposed to your genetics. The more
adversities we face, the increased number of people we interact with, and having an open
mind all affect how empathetic we are as people.
A main component of empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person s shoes.
Being able to do so is not an easy task, however, it is more obtainable when you have
faced a similar issue. In a 2015 study done at Berkley University researchers, Daniel Lim
and David DeSteno, gathered participants, from all walks of life, and gave them surveys
to fill out that would measure their empathy. After the surveys, the researchers had the
participants talk about their hardships and trauma, then gave them the option to donate
money to the Red Cross. After the study concluded the data showed that ... ... Show more
content on ...
Empathy gaps is a phrase used to describe the people that our empathy does not stretch
to. The larger our empathy gap is the less empathetic we are. If we interact with an
abundance of people from different backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities our empathy
gaps will be smaller. In a study during 2010, tried to prove how prejudice reduces mental
stimulation. the results showed participants displayed activity over motor cortex when
acting and when observing ingroups act, but not when observing outgroups an effect
magnified by prejudice and for disliked groups (South Asians, then Blacks, followed by
East Asians) (Gutsell). We perceive people as outgroups when we are not familiar with
their culture or have a personal bias against them. If we interact with more people, more
people that are in outgroups would be in our
What Are The Three Types Of Lash Hormones
1. Endocrine is ductless and move hormones to the blood while exocrine move their
substances through the duct to the outside of the body.
2. The adrenal cortex is stimulated via adrenocortotropic hormone, thyroid gland secretes
by thyroid stimulating hormone, pituitary secretes these hormones, pancreas, and ovary
and testis secretes FSH and LSH. These are major endocrine glands.
3. A. Amines: hormones that come from the adrenal medulla or the pineal gland. B.
Steriods: are hormones that come from cholesterol and are made by the gonads. An
example is progesterone. C. Glycoprpoteins: are polypetides. They make LH, TSH,FSH.
D. Polypetides and proteins: hormones that are growth or ADH hormones.
4. A. The hypothalamus releasing growth releasing hormone and the pituitary hormone
secretes the growth hormone that targets bone, muscle and fat. ... Show more content on ...
The hypothalamus releasing thyrotropin releasing hormone where the pituitary gland
stimulates by the thyroid stimulating hormone. This then targets the thyroid gland.
5. The three types of hormone effects are synergistic, permissive, and antagonistic. A.
Synergistic happens when hormones collaborate to produce the same effect. B.
Permissive is when a particular hormone makes another hormone work better for the
Copy Number Variants
Structural variation is an important type of human genetic variation that contributes to
phenotypic diversity (Nguyen et al., 2006). There are microscopic and submicroscopic
structural variants which include deletions, duplications, and large copy number variants
as well as insertions, inversions, and translocations (Feuk et al., 2006). These are several
different types of structural variants in the human genome and they are quite distinctive
from each other. A translocation is a chromosomal rearrangement, at the inter or intra
chromosomal level, where a section of a chromosome changes position but with no
change in the whole DNA content (Feuk et al., 2006). A Section of DNA that is larger
than 1 kb and occurs in two or more copies per haploid ... Show more content on ...
There was a study that focused on the mechanisms of very interesting and rare
pathogenic copy number variants. The researchers knew that copy number variation is
important in genome structural variation and contributes to human genetic disease but the
actual mechanisms of most of the new and few pathogenic copy number variants had not
been known. They used sequencing technologies to sequence breakpoint areas of many
rare pathogenic copy number variants which was the biggest and most in depth analysis
of copy number variants. They saw that the genomic architectural features were very
important in the human genome and they were associated with about eighty one percent
of breakpoints. They concluded that tandem duplications and microdeletions that are rare
and pathogenic do not happen in the human genome by chance. Instead, they arise from
many different genomic architectural features (Vissers et al., 2009). It was a very
interesting result in that the certain architectural features of the genome physically made
it possible and probable to develop certain rare and pathogenic structural
Economic And Political Risks Of Algeria
Algeria is a CRT 5 country with high levels of economic and political risk and very high
financial system risk. In terms of economics high oil revenue declined over 45% in first
quarter of 2015. This then led to state spending cuts and delay of surplus of state funded
projects contributing to the limit of revenue shortfall. The unemployment rate is also high
at 10% contributing to the instability of the economic financials. Politically the risks are
high due to large scale labor strikes, due to inadequate housing, high unemployment
rates. Budget cuts will continue to contribute to this issue. The local boarders are shared
with Mali, Tunisia, and Libya therefore terrorism is a problematic concern. They are
unable to secure the desert boarders specifically with Al Qaeda being less than 75 miles
from Algiers. Financially the insurance industry is Algeria is regulated by Direction des
Assurances under the treasury of the Ministry of Finance. The IMF concluded in Algeria
s June 2014 Financial System Stability Assessment that there were no pressing financial
stability concerns given the country s small size, significant state ownership and its
limited integration into international financial markets. State owned companies continue
to dominate the financial sector, both banking and insurance. Progress towards
privatization has been stalled in light of global financial conditions, muted investor
appetite and regional unrest. The business operating environment remains challenging
Sexuality In Bertha Mason s Sula Peace
her violation of accepted social norms, and suffers accusations of witchcraft from
neighbors and family who need scapegoats for the wrong happenings in their lives.
Bertha Mason is similarly condemned for her representation of the rejection of the
female ideal the rejection of the wifely, mother role and the discord over her own
sexuality. Just like Sula, her fierce nature is exposed through her identification with the
wild, unruliness, and ultimately with sex.
This Gothic theme of the dark woman exposes the female discontent and need to rebel
against patriarchal society. While Jane feels in love with Rochester, she also
subconsciously fears a marriage to him and the imprisonment it could become. Jane
never manifests this fright and anger ... Show more content on ...
Unlike Jane and Bertha however, Sula is able to be a whole person and represent both the
good and bad qualities of an independent woman. She too is a representation of an
independent and impassioned female, rebelling against the social constraints posed upon
women, and pushes the threshold of its definitions of womanhood. This is seen
throughout the novel as she explores her own thoughts and emotions, giving them full
reign over her actions and behavior. Her defiant refusal to be bullied, the exploration of
her strength through sexuality, her refusal to settle into the domestic feminine model, and
her decision to leave the Bottom and go to college, make Sula a remarkably strong and
intimidating woman for her time. Like Bertha, Sula s displays of the overt rejection of
societal ideals mark her as something supernatural and evil. Compared to a sorceress and
witch, Sula is linked with many gothic supernatural symbols throughout the novel, such
as her strange dream that turns into reality when her mother burns alive, and the plague
of robins that follow her return to the Bottom (Morrison, 89). From this, the townspeople
find any incident in which to blame on Sula, accusing her of pushing Teapot down the
stairs, and causing Mr. Finely to choke on a chicken bone none of which she is involved
in. Sula s birthmark goes from the interpretation of a rose, to the symbol of a snake, and
finally to
Garrett Hardin Living On A Lifeboat Analysis
In his paper published in 1974 entitled Living on a Lifeboat , Garrett Hardin condenses
the issues of foreign aid, growing populations and immigration amongst other things to a
metaphor of people living on a lifeboat. In the paper Hardin s premise is that each
country represents a lifeboat, which can only hold a certain capacity depending on the
relative size of the country that the boat represents. The capacity of each boat symbolizes
the weight of responsibility that is placed on a state when caring for its citizens as well as
the possibility of allowing new citizens onto the boat . This essay will discuss Hardin s
thesis for lifeboat ethics by outlining the problems faced in maintaining a stable lifeboat
by examining the issues of immigration, ... Show more content on ...
This increases the responsibility of the state for looking after its citizens as the poorer
population of the country grows in numbers. Hardin demonstrates this in Living on a
Lifeboat by examining the rate of reproduction of the poor in comparison to the wealthy.
According to Hardin, the population of the poorer classes doubles every thirty five years,
whilst the wealthier classes experience the same growth over a period of eighty seven
years. (Hardin, 1974) In a lifeboat situation, this reproduction rate would mean the poor
would be heavily reliant on the income and supplies of the wealthy. Due to this Hardin
states that the wealthy must assume that the poor will be self interested and sharing our
resources with them will only be harmful to our own survival. (Hardin, 1974) Why
should the wealthy share if they get nothing from the poor in return? They deposit their
supplies into a shared collective on the boat and the poor on board take it without giving
anything back. Hardin refers to this as the tragedy of the commons and if taken into a real
life situation we are presented with the development of social benefits for the poor a
system in which the rich pay taxes in order for the poor to be financially supported
through state benefits, social housing etc. (Hardin,
House Of Bernarda Alba
| Analysis of extract from The House of Bernarda Alba | Act Three, pages 95 to 99 | | |
English: World Literature: 2c Word Count: 1414 | BERNARDA: What does Pepe have to
say? ANGUSTIAS: I find him distracted. He always talks to me as if his mind is on
something else. If I ask him what s wrong, he says: We men have our own problems.
BERNARDA: You shouldn t ask him. And when you marry, less still. Speak if he speaks,
and look at him when he looks at you. Do that and you won t have disagreements.
ANGUSTIAS: Mother, I think he s hiding things from me. BERNARDA: Don t try and
find out what they are. Don t ask him, and, above all, never let him see you cry.
ANGUSTIAS: I ought to be happy but I m not. BERNARDA: ... Show more content on ...
A whip and a mule for men can be seen as the reason for Angustias timid
communications with Pepe el Romano as seen in the extract. Moreover, Bernarda s ideals
on social status are made clear when Lorca has her reveal the reason for her sending
away Enrique Humanes. This was because His father was a farmhand , the effect of this
being Martirio s assurances that she will never marry. The uncertainties Bernarda s eldest
daughter, Angustias, feels about love, and her inexperience of this is revealed by her
apprehensive questions and statement of I ought to be happy but I m not . This naivety is
emphasised by the all woman cast. The play opens with the death of the house s sole
male inhabitant which furthers this impression and creates an ironic foreshadowing of the
extreme conditions of siege which Bernarda forces upon her daughters. The distance
between Bernarda and her eldest daughter is made apparent by the short answers
Angustias confidences receive and the physical violence Bernarda directs at her when she
strikes her with her stick in Act one. This, combined with the large sum Angustias
inherits from her stepfather, intimates that she was favoured in his will because of some
closer relationship; a possibility that she, like the Servant, was sexually taken advantage
of. This adds a greater emphasis to the implication of hidden secrets held by the
household. Later in the extract the blackness of the sky outside,
Analysis Of The Poem The Names By Billy Collins
In the poem The Names, by Billy Collins, the speaker is calmly recalling people s last
names alphabetically as he notices them wherever he goes. At first it seems as though he
is playing a game to see how many names he can think of. After reading the whole poem
several times, it becomes clear that he is referring to people who died on September 11th.
Collins uses imagery, a serious tone, and similes throughout the poem to show
appreciation for the memory of the victims that died that tragic day. In the first stanza, it
is established that the poem is written in the first person, when I is referring to the
speaker, which illustrates this person s point of view concerning the tragedy of 9/11
during a whole day of events. ... Show more content on ...
The speaker recollects in line 9, Names slipping around a watery bend, when he
envisions small creatures near the edge of a river or lake falling into the water
representing loss of lives as they were plunging from the burning twin towers. Within the
poem, the speaker visually describes places where individuals names were displayed in
respect for loss of life of 9/11. In line 21, he says: I see you spelled out on storefront
windows. As he is going about in the city, he recognizes victims names on store windows
that store owners placed to honor those people. He recalls someone using sign language
to spell out the name of her missing relative from the attack. He list places where he has
seen names of 9/11 victims like in a picture stuck on a mailbox, sewn into a fabric or
shirt, and on vivid building canopies representing the memory of those lost souls as a
result of that tragic day. With the quote Twenty six willows on the banks of a stream (10),
the speaker is referring to the twenty six letters of the alphabet, which he uses to identify
actual last names of the victims within the poem. Unfortunately, two of the names are
misspelled and some names have more than one person with the same last name
according to a complete list of victims posted on the Internet. He compares these names
with fallen raindrops as they smoothly follow each other until you lose sight of them like
the dead victims from the twin towers that
Frankenstein s Better Half By Mary Shelley
Frankenstein s Better Half
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley has been one of the most popular scientific horror stories
for centuries; however, many people do not know that Shelley s life was equivalent to the
horrors she tells in her book. Shelley s mother died when she was only eleven days old.
Her father disowned her after she married her true love Percy Shelley at the age of
seventeen. She lost three of her four children and a half sister. Shelley finally had a son
who lived on to adulthood; yet, her husband drowned in a storm shortly after the son s
birth. Obviously, Shelley battled depression her entire life, and she eventually died at the
age of fifty four on February 1, 1851 in London. With all the tragedies in her life, it only
makes since that she would write the horrendous story of Victor Frankenstein.
Frankenstein suffers a great deal of loss, much like Mary Shelley; yet Victor tries to play
God by creating human life, which ultimately leads to nothing but tragic loss and losing
every person important to him, including his sole mate Elizabeth Lavenza. The beautiful
bride of Frankenstein, Elizabeth Lavenza, is a kind hearted, calm, and nurturing character
that shows her loyalty to Victor even through the tragedies they face.
Elizabeth is adopted by the Frankenstein family as a young girl; she and Victor become
the best of friends and have an undeniable bond. Even when she was a child, she was
intended to become the wife of Victor. Elizabeth was presented in a way to
Increase of Internet Piracy and Hacking Essay example
The area of Atlanta contains millions of people, and each person owns personal
electronic devices. Common electronic devices may include: laptops, phones, music
players, etc. Every household contains at least one of each device. From the IFPI in a
BBC article, ninety five percent of music is downloaded online illegally ( Legal
Downloads Swamped ). The population of Atlanta s area is almost 5.5 million in 2009(
About Atlanta ). Based on the statistics given, it is calculated that 5,225,000 music files
for a particular song would have been downloaded from the internet in this city alone,
and each file for a song costs almost a dollar. That is more than five million dollars lost
for a single song in Atlanta. The example only shows only a ... Show more content on ...
The Witcher 2, a video game, was downloaded 4.5 million times (Peckham), and the
developers of the game say that for every one copy of the game sold, four copies are
pirated. Each game costs sixty dollars, so 270 million dollars are essentially lost. From
the article of Peckham, Iwinski, CEO of the developers of Witcher 2, stated, The reality
is probably way worse. (Peckham). From this quote, the loss can be estimated that
several more million dollars were lost. The article states that only a million copies were
sold (Peckham). The amount of downloads is drastically larger compared to the amount
of people who actually purchased the game. The future of the companies will have
trouble making any new installments to the series due to the fact that they are not able to
use the finance from the previous game to support the third one. Furthermore, the music
and movie industries are being punched in their guts from the illegal downloading. From
the introduction, a song loses five million dollars from Atlanta for just that particular
song. There are hundreds of thousands of different digital products that are illegally
downloaded from a city alone. Not only different products at a given time, it can be
assumed that people download multiple digital products over repeating intervals
throughout the years. From the different factors of piracy, the digital industries are losing
billions of dollars each
Disco Pig Romanticism
The Tragic Irish Romance: A Film Review of Disco Pigs (2001)

The film, Disco Pigs (2001), by director Kirsten Sheridan presents the tragic romance of
two teenagers living in Cork, Ireland. The plot of the film revolves around the friendship
of Darren (Cillian Murphy) aka. Pig and Sinéad (Elaine Cassidy) aka. Runt as they grow
up together in a small town. The friendship, however, begins to take on a more romantic
twist when Pig becomes jealous of Runt s burgeoning relationship with Marky (Darren
Healy) in their teenage years. More so, Runt wants the relationship with Pig to remain
platonic, but he adamantly refuses. After being separated by family by having Runt sent
to a boarding school, Pig continues to pursue her. More so, Pig finds ... Show more
content on ...
). In this film, IRA member, Fergus (Stephen Rea), inadvertently falls in love with Dil
(Jaye Davidson). In an unusual romantic twist, Dil turns out to be transgender, which
challenges Fergus heterosexual identity. Ironically, Fergus eventually falls in love with
Dil, which is not unlike the transformation of Pig s platonic relationships into a romantic
interest in Runt. Although The Crying Game deals primarily with transgender
relationships, it is apparent tht both films define romantic love within the context of Irish
culture. These films present the calamitous nature of tragic love, which defines the death
of Pig and the imprisonment of Fergus for taking the blame for a murder committed by
Dil. Disco Pigs (2001) deals with the grave circumstances of romantic love, which
typically deal with the undercurrent of violence tht stems from conflicts within Irish
culture, such as The Troubles. However, the overarching theme of Disco Pigs (2001) and
The Crying Game (1992) represents an Irish perspective on tragic romantic love that can
only consummated through death and dysfunctional relationships. Disco Pigs (2001) is
exceptional film that defines the evolution of platonic love into the tragic downfall of Pig
and Runt in the romantic calamity of teenage
Pros And Cons Of Rene Descartes
Descartes ideas of perception are presented through his meditations. In this essay, an
argument will be developed as to what Descartes views on our perception are and what
are the issues in the way in which he delivers his arguments. Meditations from I IV will
be critically analyzed and counter arguments as well as the flaws in which Descartes
comes to some of his conclusions and claims.
The term perception is the idea that the ability to see, hear, or become aware of
something through our everyday senses. These senses then help one in which something
is regarded, understood, or interpreted. Descartes, first meditation starts off by
questioning which of our beliefs are true and if our perception through our senses are
enough in perceiving ... Show more content on ...
At this point Descartes notes that though he was made by God. The first thing to note is
that Descartes has decided that God exists and his arguments for why God exits are
explained through the use of s method called the Cartesian circle. The basis of this
argument is that Descartes is a clear minded human. It it s difficult to accept the claim
that Descartes has a clear and distinct thoughts in his mind and whether he is entitled to
this claim. In denying his beliefs Meditation 1, it is evident that his belief of God was
never denied. There have been arguments that God doesn t exist due to the definition in
which God is given. God is defined as an omnibenevolent, omnipotent and omniscient
being with other characteristics that make him perfect. Due to this definition of God,
Descartes argues that God is incapable of being a deceiver to Descartes and his thoughts.
Humans are too defined as being extensions of God. If we are all extensions of God, then
there are flaws to God as showcased in the way humans behave. Imperfections in the
world created by God who is defined to have the power to eradicate that of evil (or the
evil being) highlight that God is therefore not omnipotent. Descartes brings in the idea of
the evil being, being able to deceive Descartes thoughts. This then contradicts the idea of
Effects Of Poverty And Low Self Esteem
A. When facing poverty, some believe poverty itself can create or contribute to the
problem of low self esteem, although this link is by no means universal (Batty and Flint
2009). Poverty is best described as not having enough money to provide basic needs such
as food, clothing, and shelter. Poverty coupled with low self esteem can impair all
aspects of a development and can ultimately have lifelong detrimental consequences. The
effects of low self esteem from childhood can continue into adulthood and the cycle of
poverty may be hard to prevail. Self esteem is how you feel about yourself and your
abilities. Self esteem is the key driving factor and can play a significant role in the
contribution to success in life. Poverty is a cause and affects and often coupled with self
esteem issues that start at childhood and continue into adult life. The vicious cycle with
lifelong barriers that can be passed on from one generation to the next, often make it hard
to overcome negative circumstances.
A. Child development
B. Abuse
C. Low social mobility
D. Physical health.
II. Insight on how poverty and low self esteem contribute to child development, abuse,
social inequality, and education
III. Child development
A. The personal and social consequences of poverty are then morel likely to affect a child
s future prospects, prosperity and quality of (Hayes, 2008)
B. Social and emotional development anxiety, depression, and low self esteem
C. He left behind the unpretty things that
Trend Analysis Of Tech Mahindra
Financial Trend Analysis of
Tech Mahindra Ltd.
Submitted By: Submitted To:
Soumil Ahuja Ms. Preeti Garg IA)
(2015 18)

1. Chapter 1 Introduction to company
2. Chapter 2 Financial Tools and Techniques
3. Chapter 3 Analysis and findings of Financial statements
4. Chapter4 Conclusion

Tech Mahindra Limited is an Indian multinational supplier of Information Technology
(IT), organizing innovation arrangements and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) to
the information transfers industry. It is a pro in advanced change, counseling and
business re building arrangements. Anand Mahindra is the originator of Tech Mahindra,
which is headquartered at Pune, India.
Part of the Mahindra Group, Tech Mahindra is a US$3.68 billion organization with
105,000+ experts crosswise over 51 countries. It gives administrations to 788 worldwide
clients including Fortune 500 organizations. It is likewise one of the Fab 50 organizations
in Asia, a rundown gathered by Forbes. Tech Mahindra was positioned #5 in India s
product administrations (IT) firms and general #111 in Fortune India 500 rundown for
2012. Tech Mahindra, on 25 June 2013, reported the consummation of a merger with
Mahindra Satyam.
Tech Mahindra has operations in more than 51 nations with 40 deals workplaces and 72
conveyance focuses. Surveyed at SEI CMMi Level 5, it has more than 800 dynamic
customers starting 2016.

Mahindra and Mahindra began a joint endeavor with British Telecom in 1986 as an
innovation outsourcing firm. English ... Show more content on ...
1993 Incorporation of MBT International Inc., the principal abroad auxiliary
1994 Awarded the ISO 9001 confirmation by BVQI
1995 Established the UK branch
My Experience At Bmw s Playground Essay
This summer we had the chance to spend some time in Europe. One of our stopping
points was Munich. Needless to say we relished in the opportunity to play in BMW s
playground. As you will read below, we are massive car enthusiasts, so you can imagine
our excitement in visiting BMW s heartland! We were like kids in a candy shop ogling
and drooling at the new toys, new cars, and the latest and greatest.

For those that don t know, let me give you a brief history lesson on both myself and
Chris. I have ALWAYS had a passion for cars. There is just something so sexy about
cars, the lines, the power, the way they make you feel...if you are a car person, you know
what I mean and how I am feeling even typing this. Let s put it this way, when my family
went to buy a car, they took me, the little cute little blonde versus one of my 3 brothers. I
knew more about the cars than the sales person. Chris has been around the car world his
entire life. His father had a dealership, and Chris followed suit. He worked at a Ford
dealership; then shortly was recruited to run a Cadillac store. From there, he was once
again pursued open and own his own Infiniti dealership. Pretty much, we love nice
luxurious cars!

As I stated in our very 1st meeting, I NEVER want anyone to be that person that is
simply nodding along and having absolutely no idea what is going on and all kinds of
confused, I want to start with the basics of BMW and then dive into why they are so
successful. I think we all can
Printed Crt Essay
manager at Acacia Company, is faced with a problem of researching several electronic
components for a new graphic plotter, manufactured in a just in time environment.
Acacia Company is a major producer of graphic plotters, renowned for top quality and
innovative products. The newest unit in the product line is the 440A, a relatively
inexpensive eight pen, A size (8½ x 11 ) plotter, designed for use with personal
computers. Thoughtful design of the component parts, along with a dedicated value
engineering effort, resulted in substantially fewer component parts required for assembly.
Extensive market research indicated that the plotter was priced lower than most ... Show
more content on ...
The PC cell contains state of the art robotics equipment requiring little human
intervention. The equipment is designed to select the component parts while still
packaged, load its feeder bins, and automatically insert the components into PC boards
based on a computerized XY insertion program. There is also a JIT stockroom facility
near the production areas, and a separate MRP system. Parts purchased for the 440A
must meet special JIT requirements. Suppliers are requested to use bar coded labels to
identify their shipments for optical wanding into inventory, and the automatic equipment
requires specially designed packaging tubes and parts for taping for autoinsertion of PC
components. Furthermore, the delivery of most JIT parts must be weekly (instead of
usual monthly delivery), in order to maintain a minimum of inventory in the stockroom.
Deliveries must be highly reliable to prevent stockouts and line shutdowns. The parts that
Carl is considering resourcing are four integrated circuits (ICs), seven diodes, and three
transistors. These parts are all low cost, industry standard parts, with the exception of
five of the diodes, which are manufactured by only one company, Monitor Inc. Monitor
is the industry leader in diodes and transistors and supplies Acacia with quality parts at
competitive prices for other plotters. While the 440A was still in the design phase, Carl
and the electrical engineers began preliminary
Cyclin D1 Case Study

If the hypothesis that CCND1 is a potent oncogene in glioblastoma becomes validated,

the next step would be to exploit this oncogene as a therapeutic target. Despite
outstanding developments in cancer research and current advances in multimodality
therapies, no significant progression has been made in the treatment of glioblastoma over
the past decade and the disease remains fatal.

The role of CCND1 in cancer has been widely validated, but it remains a challenge to
target it directly because it is an intracellular protein and lacks intrinsic enzymatic
activity (Deshpande et al., 2005).

The current therapeutic strategies aim to knockdown Cyclin D1 through the inhibition or
... Show more content on ...
The first generation of CDK inhibitors did not show any evidence of efficacy in clinical
trials, but researchers suggest that improved pharmacokinetic and dosing might lead to
better results. In addition to that, is crucial to notice that these trials were conducted on
unselected patient populations (Musgrove et al., 2011). More selective CDK4/6
inhibitors, such as Palbociclib for advanced stage oestrogen receptor (ER)+ breast cancer,
are now undergoing the final stages of clinical trials and improvements in progression
free survival have been consistently reported (Musgrove et al., 2011; O Leary et al.,
Another frontier could be combining drugs that simultaneously target multiple end points
of cyclin D1 action, such as angiogenesis (via VEGFR inhibitors) and proliferation (via
CDK inhibitors), so that these drugs enhance the therapeutic effects of each other
respectively (Musgrove et al., 2011; Dragnev et al., 2005).

The prerequisite for the success of these novel approaches is a better selection of patient
subgroups, for whom a targeted and personalized therapy can be designed according to
their genomic profile. Indeed, in glioblastomas, response to CDK4/CDK6 inhibition is
normally observed in
Termites In California
Wherever you live in California, from San Diego, Long Beach or Los Angeles, north to
San Francisco, Fresno or Oakland, termites can be a problem.There are methods to
reduce or eliminate the possibility that they will damage or destroy your home, but you
need to know what to look for and how to handle them. A termite inspection is your first
line of defense. After all, you cannot work on getting rid of termites if you do not realize
they are chewing up your property. Termite types in California In California, there are
five different types of termites that can exist. Here is a brief description of each of them,
along with the type of environment they thrive in. Western subterranean termites These
termites exist in large number in many ... Show more content on ...
The process involves sealing the home with plastic and other sealing materials or using
large tents made of vinyl clad nylon tarps, and then introducing lethal gases or extreme
heat to exterminate the pests, depending upon which type of termite problem you have.
Costs vary, but it will typically range from $1,000 to $4,000, depending on how large
your home is. DIY treatments You can purchase chemical treatments and baits from local
pest control companies, and costs will vary. However, you can typically expect the cost
to be from $150 to $300. Who to call, where to get termite help in California California
has a government agency that oversees pest control and pest control companies; it is
called the Structural Pest Control Board and its website is located at This is a good place to get information, check licenses and
find out if there any complaints against a company you are
Analysis Of Shakespeare s King Lear
The opportunity to view both productions of King Lear has appeared twice for me in the
past two years. The first time I viewed Trevor Nunn s 2009 production of King Lear my
review would have been based solely on my ability to understand the dialogue and my
appreciation of the acting of Ian McKellen. Two years later I have a better understanding
of the actual play and while I still enjoy the 2009 production the 1982 production
directed by Jonathan Miller presents the words of William Shakespeare in a more
accurate and period specific manor.
From the opening scenes of Trevor Nunn s 2009 production of King Lear, the audience is
made aware of a dark, ominous cloud that is about to envelope them. The use of low
lights and spotlights allows for a slow augmentation of the yet to come tragic aspects of
the play. The minimal use of props and background sets allows his audience to focus on
the characters and their dialogue. Besides the set design, background music for any
movie can also make or break a production. The 1982 production directed by Jonathan
Miller declined to have any music from the opening scene and went directly into
dialogue whereas Nunn s version has an opening musical score that is reminiscent of a
scene from the Phantom of the Opera. The music is a lead in to an over dramatic scene
where the people bow down to King Lear and subsequently the dialogue of the play
begins. The 1982 production withdraws from any musical score and begins the opening
scene with the
Walgreens Co. Swot Analysis Essay
Walgreens Company SWOT Analysis
Melanie Garces
July 16, 2012
Kirk Davis

This paper will provide insight into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
of the Walgreens Company, the nation s leading drugstore chain. The company s key
stakeholders customers, employees and the community are also identified and an
explanation provided as to how the company is satisfying the needs and wants of each
stakeholder type. This paper analyzes the strengths of the company as the industry leader
with its wide portfolio of products and services, as well as establishing the benchmark for
growth through acquisitions. The company s weaknesses include prescription errors
resulting in death and being unable to keep ... Show more content on ...
The acquisition also includes corporate offices, a distribution center located in Pine
Bluff, Ark., and a wholesale and private brand business. In fiscal 2011, the company
completed its acquisition of, extending its multichannel reach to an
additional three million online customers, forgoing relationships with new vendors and
partners and adding approximately 60,000 health, personal care and beauty products to
its online offerings. (Wasson, 2011) In 2010, Walgreens completed its acquisition of
Duane Reade Holdings, Inc., a large drugstore chain in New York. With one big
purchase, Walgreens has become New York s biggest player on many blocks, adding 258
metro area stores to its portfolio. (Ritter, 2010)
Wide Portfolio of Pharmacy and Health Related Services. Walgreens offers an extensive
range of pharmacy and health care related services that complement each other. The
company offers pharmacy benefit, home medical equipment, specialty pharmacy,
infusion and respiratory, mail service pharmacy, on site pharmacy, and community
pharmacy services. It serves businesses and organizations, managed care organizations,
hospitals and care facilities, healthcare professionals, employers, unions, brokers, and
educational facilities, as well as the public sector.
Pharmaceutical Errors Resulting in Death. Since 2006, Walgreens has faced multiple
Summary Of Texas Hold Em Poker
As for the method we applied to discover the probability and bet on the odds in the Texas
Hold em Poker, there are two main stages: First of all, we replicate the common
conditions after the flop, the given condition we discuss here is heads up limit Texas
Hold em Poker. In that way, we first sort out all the possible poker hand combinations for
one player, figuring out the possibility for each starting hand to form a specific poker
hand. Then, we analyze the opponent s winning probability given the five cards we
already known. Based on the winning probability and pot odds, a wiser player could bet
with more information and confidence through the whole process rather than focus only
on the current situation and decides blindly on that. ... Show more content on ...
The program of the project is designed to compute the probability for Player A and
Player B based on the probabilities we covered in the tables above in 3.2.2 and 3.2.3. Its
purpose is to simplify the process of finding out the probabilities so that the project is
more user friendly. The program we shown here calculate one condition in 3.2.2 as an
example, input five numbers range from 1 to 52 that represents five cards that makes
Player A poker hand is Full house, the program will conduct an operation to find out the
suit and rank represented by this number. Then, knowing the five cards with their suit
and rank, the program will check the validity of the input by counting the number of
cards that have the same rank and proceeds to the next stage if input is valid. The second
stage of the program is to calculate the probability for Player B to win by categorize the
poker types of the input first and match the correspondent probability formulas then to
work out the precise number for Player B. Generally speaking, the project has
successfully achieved the goal of calculating the probability for a Heads up Limit Texas
Hold em Poker between Player A and Player B in the stage of flop. It covers all the
possible conditions of Poker hand types when five cards are known by single player, and
gives the probability to help the player make the best decision in the stage of flop with
much more information than opponent so they could bet on the odds wisely to
outperform the opponent in the long run. However, the project do have its limitations due
to its method as we concluded in 3.1, and the program for the project is not complete due
to its complexity
Southern Somalia Research Paper
Somalia was colonized by many different countries. It was colonized by Britain, France,
Egypt, Ethiopia, and Italy. Egypt had taken over the coast in 1875. Britain colonized it in
1887. They did this because they wanted to guard the Suez canal. France took over a part
of Somalia because they didn t get any land in Egypt. In the early 1900 s, Italy gained
control of Southern Somalia. They had control of Southern Somalia until July 1st, 1960
when they gained their own independence. Life during these colonial times was bad in
some places but not all. They were treated unfairly in most places and their individual
culture was not given respect. This was mainly due to Europe wanting it only for the
resources they would get. Italy treated them very well and fairly for a while until they
decided to make the natives adjust to Italian law. They treated them well at first because
they were trying not to disturb the colonies. The colonial government in the British
Somaliland was not liked by the people. There were many uprisings and this made the
British abandon the interior of Somalia and they went for the coasts instead. When they
did this, Italy saw an opportunity to take control over the interior. After World War 2,
Somalia was given to the United Nations to become a UN trust territory. They ... Show
more content on ...
There isn t a strong government as they got rid of governments in the early 1990s. They
realized that having no government at all was a bad idea so they made a very light
government. Since there is no strong government there is a lot of crime. There are also
some terror groups there. One of these groups is Al Shabaab. These crimes and the terror
groups are some of the reasons why life isn t very good there and that people don t want
to live there. Their economy is somewhat ok however. One of their most important
resources is livestock. Some of their successes today are that they have at least one safe
city and they are part of the United
Immune to Reality
Kristyn Reynolds
Professor Tiernan
Response to Immune To Reality

Response to Immune To Reality Upon my back, to defend my belly; upon my wit, to

defend my wiles; upon my secrecy, to defend mine honesty; my mask, to defend my
beauty. (William Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida) (Gilbert 133)This quote pertains to
the mind protecting and or lying to you to not be harmed, which has been proved in test
today. Immune To Reality written by Daniel Gilbert is a piece about how the mind can
play tricks on us by covering up the truth with a believable lie, how we cook facts (134),
and how our mind s choices can affect our feelings. Throughout this essay I will be
discussing a real life situation of my own, and the studies and the ... Show more content
on ...
Studies show that what we choose can really affect our moods for the time being or even
throughout a week. On pages 135 136 a study shows a group of volunteers went through
a job interview. Some of the volunteers were told that their interview would be seen by a
judge... (135) Other volunteers were told that their interview would be seen by a jury...
(315) the volunteers not knowing that everyone would be rejected the job. The Pre
Essay Separation of Benzoic Acid and Acetanilide
Chem 3100 Thursday 9am 1:45pm
Olumba Obu
Unknown #: 146 Fall 11
Organic Chemistry Midterm Report
13 October 2011

Table of Contents
Separation of Benzoic Acid and Acetanilide 3
Extraction and Purification of Caffeine from Tea 4
Extraction of Trimyristin from Nutmeg 5
Conversion of t butanol to t butyl chloride 6
7 Calculations 8 Literature and Experimental Values of Benzoic Acid and Acetanilide 9
Experimental Caffeine IR 10 Literature Caffeine IR 11 Experimental Trimyristin IR 12
Literature Trimyristin IR 13 Experimental Tert Butyl Chloride IR 14 Literature Tert Butyl
Chloride IR and RI 15 References

Separation of Benzoic Acid and Acetanilide

The ... Show more content on ...
Extraction of Trimyristin from Nutmeg
Seeds of plants are rich in triglycerides, the fatty acid esters of glycerol. Nutmeg s
triglycerides are mainly the glycerol ester of a single fatty acid which is called myristic
acid. This ester, called trimyristin, represents the 20 25% dried weight of nutmeg (Wilcox
amp; Wilcox, 120). The purpose of this lab is to isolate trimyristin from nutmeg by
performing a simple solid liquid extraction and to purify the trymyristin using the method
of recrystallization.
Place 5 g of nutmeg and 50 mL of DCM into a 100 mL round bottom flask, and reflux
the mixture for 30 minutes. Refer to p.120 (E) in Wilcox amp; Wilcox. Rotary
evaporation will be used instead of steam distillation.
Mass of Nutmeg | 5.0127g | Mass of Crude Trimyristin | 2.3516 g | % Yield of Crude |
46.91 % | Mass of Pure Trimyristin | 0.3352 g | % Recovery from Recrystallization |
6.69% | Overall % Yield from Nutmeg | 10.5%(pure); 45.6%(crude+pure) |

Results/Discussion: The percent recovery from recystallization and the overall percent
yield from nutmeg are extremely low due to the loss of trimyristin from filtration and the
round bottom flask. The literature IR and the experiment IR are very similar, containing
many of the same peaks; therefore, the purification of trimyristin was done successfully
with a smaller than expected
The Influence Of Interest Groups
Intro Interest groups and PACS play a large role in American society but are they really
the ones shaping the way this country is run? The goal of this research is to see if interest
groups and PACs influence the way the United States is ran by contributions to
candidates and the two national committees that help run each party. The financing of
both candidates and committees will be based the most recent presidential election
between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The figures that will be seen are about the
number of policies that have been influenced through Interest groups and finical
contributions made by Interest groups.
Interest Groups and PACs James Madison made a warning about interest groups long ago
and that they would be ... Show more content on ...
Interest groups tend to be ideological as well siding with the right or left whichever one
better fits their ideology. Today it is that most interest groups that contribute to
candidates and the two national committees, it is that fact we are making the claim that
interest groups that have a larger influence on the way the United States are today are the
privileged groups. PACs and interest groups are very similar to one another the difference
being that PACs is more business related. PAC stands for political actions committee and
they operate very similar to interest groups but tend to be more business oriented. Interest
groups are often business related but not all of them are. The Federal Election Committee
describes PACs as two distinct types of political committees
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Essay
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was signed into law by Queen Elizabeth II
April 17, 1982. Often referred to as the Charter, it affirms the rights and freedoms of
Canadians in the Constitution of Canada. The Charter encompasses fundamental
freedoms, democratic rights, mobility rights, legal rights, language rights and equality
rights. The primary function of the Charter is to act as a regulatory check between
Federal, Provincial and Territorial governments and the Canadian people. Being a
successor of the Canadian Bill of Rights that was a federal statute, amendable by
Parliament, the Charter is a more detailed and explicit constitutional document that has
empowered the judiciary to render regulations and statutes at both the ... Show more
content on ...
The necessity to limit the rights and freedoms of Canadians is illustrated and reinforced
through the governments use of reasonable limits, notwithstanding clause to limit
individual rights and freedoms, and the occasional need for the government to have
power extended above and beyond the limits prescribed in the Charter. The first section
of the Charter embodies two capacities that are vital to the definition and interpretation of
the reasonable limits clause. Section one guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it
as well as stating that the criteria for limiting a person s rights and freedoms must be
prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic
The Long Term Effects of Concussions in Children Essay
We have all heard of the term sports injury . Usually an accident that occurs when
engaged in a sport, the ideal can apply from something as frustrating as a rolled ankle to
the more debilitating shock of a broken arm. Yet the fact remains that these physical
ailments will heal, and properly, if they are treated properly. But what about concussions?
What are the long term effects? In her brief editorial in TIME magazine, Alexandra
Sifferlin explores the effects of concussions and specifically how they affect children if
they aren t disclosed. In her article, More Concussions Prolong Kids Recovery Time
(Sifferlin), Alexandra claims that having more than one concussion can prolong a child s
recovery (Sifferlin). It s a great place to ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, that is where the initial train tracks end and the terrain up ahead goes
awry. In her fourth paragraph, she basically explains that the research done in humans
supports the research done in animals on the same topic. It leads the reader to question if
she was only bringing up concussions in humans to work backwards to support claims
for animals. Furthermore, how does knowing this knowledge, as stated, help the
researchers to effectively support their claim? If they have already done the proper
research in kids for concussions, then why do they need to go back over the research
done in animals? How does that redundancy help bring credibility to an already credible
source? It s quite confusing. But alas, Miss Sifferlin s goal wasn t to be logical or
analytical. The goal of her paper is to appeal to parents and coaches about the
ramifications of letting kids play through pain . Sadness wells up for the amount of
children affected by concussions, worry for their safety, and hope that more precautions
will be taken. It s not the most delicate of subjects to talk about, but it is one that she
broaches with the same type of seriousness and finesse that most will find refreshing. All
in all, Alexandra Sifferlin s editorial More Concussions Prolong Kid s Recovery Time is
a great way to spread information and get a conversation started.

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