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1. Early Morning:- (6am) A glass of green tea with lemon on empty stomach.
2. Breakfast:- (9am) 1 Banana, ½ tsp peanut butter, 100gm dahi and 4 egg whites and 1 big
slice of cinnamon. Supplement:- 2 multivitamin capsule , Shelcal 500 1 tab.
3. Mid snack:- (12pm) 1 small size apple, 1 tsp peanut butter and 1 slice of cinnamon.
Supplement:- 1evion 400, 1 Vitamin B complex
4. Lunch:- ( 2:30pm) 200gm boneless chicken, 50gm cooked rice, and a bowl of
cucumber,carrot and tomato. Supplement:- 2 fish oil and 10 ml L- carnitine.
5. Evening :- (5pm) 4 egg whites, 30gm singdana(peanut) , salad. Supplement:- Vitamin c 1tab,
10ml L carnitine.
6. Dinner:- (8pm) 200gm boneless chicken, Salad and 10 Almonds. Supplement:- 1 Vitamin C
Note:- Drink warm water Through out the day. Don’t drink water instanly after a meal. There
should be a gap if 20-30 minutes.
After each meal try to walk around for 10 minutes at slow pace(Tehelna).
Always measure your food as mentioned. Rice should be measured after cooking.

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