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About My Best Friend Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic "About My Best Friend" may initially seem like a straightforward
task, given the familiarity one has with the subject. After all, who knows your best friend better than
you? However, delving into the intricacies of expressing the depth and uniqueness of your
relationship can present its own set of challenges.

The difficulty lies not in the abundance of content but in the art of capturing the essence of your
friendship in a compelling and engaging manner. The danger of lapsing into clichés or resorting to
generic descriptions always looms, as the challenge is to make your portrayal stand out from the
myriad similar narratives.

The struggle intensifies when you attempt to strike a balance between sincerity and creativity. While
honesty is crucial, it's equally important to infuse your essay with a touch of literary flair to keep the
reader captivated. Finding the right words to encapsulate the emotions, shared experiences, and
unique qualities of your best friend requires a delicate touch.

Additionally, there's the challenge of maintaining a coherent and organized structure. Narrating the
story of your friendship in a way that is both chronological and thematic can be a demanding task, as
you navigate through the multitude of memories and anecdotes that define your bond.

However, with these challenges comes the opportunity for personal growth and reflection. Writing
an essay about your best friend is not just a test of your literary prowess but also a chance to deepen
your understanding of the significance of friendship in your life.

In conclusion, while the difficulty of writing an essay about your best friend may lie in the nuances
of expression and the balance between sincerity and creativity, the process is ultimately rewarding. It
serves as a tribute to a cherished relationship and an exploration of your own capacity to articulate
profound emotions.

If you find yourself overwhelmed or seeking assistance in articulating your thoughts, similar essays
and much more can be ordered on , where skilled writers can help you bring your
unique story to life.

About My Best Friend Essay About My Best Friend Essay

The Concept Of Cultural Erasure, Inequality And Violence
Postcolonialism: The Concept of Cultural Erasure, Inequality and Violence Colonization
can be dated back to 1492 with the Spanish venture led by Columbus. Colonialism is
defined as The policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another
country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically (Oxford
Dictionary).This expedition spread European influence worldwide, in places such as
China, Lebanon, India, and Antigua. European influence is still prevalent today through
the crossing of racial lines and shifting of cultures towards a more civilized way of
living. Colonialism is still prevalent today, in the form of postcolonialism.
Postcolonialism can be defined as America s benefaction to nations worldwide that
include dynamic influences in things such as: government, culture, education and
economy. One of the concepts erected from colonialism is globalization. Since
globalization is a direct effect of colonialism, it is no surprise that globalization
influences the same categories as postcolonialism (government, culture, education and
economy), making the two concepts almost synonymous with minimal differences.
Globalization is defined as the integration of economics and communications of nations
through increased contact by technology. Globalization dominates the economic and
social side of the field while postcolonialism dwells in the cultural and educational
aspects. This European gift has contributed to global conflicts,
Old Cutler Trail Research Paper
If staying in shape by running, walking, or biking is important to you, there are many
quality trails around South Miami, FL for you to enjoy. Consider these three.
Commodore Trail
This five mile trail is great for bikers, inline skaters, and those walking or jogging. It is
even wheelchair accessible. On one end, the trail connects to Old Cutler Trail, and on the
end, it connects with Rickenbacker Trail, allowing you to make your trail adventure
longer. Commodore Trail is a mix of paved paths, sidewalks, and shared road. Take extra
caution when traveling on the shared road portion of the trail. Places along the trail which
might be of particular interest include both Kennedy Park and The Barnacle Historic
State Park.
Old Cutler Trail
The Importance Of A Law Enforcement Officer
Besides preventing crime and protecting the public, the job of a law enforcement officer
consists of integrity, honesty and humility. Officers of the law are held to a higher
standard than other individuals that hold public service positions. Therefore, there are
policies and procedures in place that require more from them while they are performing
their duties. Due to the high level of integrity expected from law enforcement officers,
truthfulness and a high standard of ethical behavior is required. However, some officers
fall short, and departments are faced with the decision on how to discipline officers who
fail to meet the expectations that come with working for law enforcement.
Police organizations should have policies in place that protect officers, as well as
reprimand law enforcement officers when the engage in wrongdoings. When officers lie,
they risk termination of their job based on their dishonesty in regard to their career, as
well as their lack of better judgment. In the case of Kitsap County Deputy Sheriff s Guild
v. Kitsap County, the sheriff s department terminated a deputy based on his
untruthfulness and unstable behavior (Spector, 2008). The department felt that the officer
s integrity was in question, and because of his unpredictable behavior he would no longer
be useful as a law enforcement officer for their department. In the beginning, a judge felt
that termination of Deputy LaFrance s position was not a reasonable discipline decision
appropriate to
Thanatopsis by William Cullen Bryant Essay
Thanatopsis by William Cullen Bryant

The poem, Thanatopsis, written by William Cullen Bryant, is a wonderful literary

work which explores the often controversial questions of death. William Cullen Bryant

wrote Thanatopsis when he was seventeen years of age. Thanatopsis was written in blank

verse. Within his well written lines Bryant attempts to show the relationship between

death s eternal questions and the ongoing cycle of nature and life. Upon concluding the

poem many readers are able to reaffirm their faith of an afterlife, while others are left

aimlessly pondering this strange possibility.He uses strong words to describe the feelings

and visions one sees when they are in their last hours and even ... Show more content on ...
By using this strange metaphor Bryant wishes to suggest his faith in an afterlife.

While examining the differences and similarities of death and sleep the reader is left with

some very thought provoking questions. The answers to these questions reassure some

readers while confusing others. Sleep is a time of rest. It allows preparation for the next

day or event, and by relating this definition to death Bryant gives new insight on one s

after earthly existence.

When thoughts of the last bitter hour come like a blight over thy

spirit, and sad images of the stern agony, and shroud, and pall, and breathless darkness,
and the narrow house, make thee to shudder, and grow sick at heart Go

under the open sky, and list to Nature s teachings, while from all around Earth

and her waters, and the depths of air comes a still voice .

Bryant is taking what can be considered the stereotype of what death and dying feels like

and putting it in some strong words. He continues to say, as he does in the rest of the

poem, that one s eternal resting place could never have been thought of as such a

wonderful place that one could love so much. In a way he describes it to be a huge couch
which when you lay down upon it you just melt in and never feel like getting up, by

nor couldst thou wish couch more

Differences Between Race, Class, Gender, And Aging
In our society, we all come from different places, different genders, and many different
ages. It s safe to say that we are all different in our ways, but if we involve of all of the
different stratifications how are they related? In one of my views, race, class, gender, and
aging are all related in a way that at times they are hard to change. Aging is something
we can t stop no matter what culture, class, gender. The children of the Mountains for
example, where families deal with overwhelming weather conditions, and lack of food,
with very short life spans.
Class, race, and gender organize society as a whole and create a variety of contexts for
family living through their unequal distribution of social opportunities. Gender, like class
Tone Of George Gascoigne Tone
Throughout this poem, sixteenth century poet George Gascoigne, reveals to his audience
what he is experiencing and the emotions that coincide. It is likely that Gascoigne is both
the author and speaker of this piece, and conveys his complex attitude through different
devices. His attitude is conflicting because of his combination of being both reluctant but
still tempted. Through his use of expressive diction and comparisons, his audience is able
to better understand the issues that he is faced with. Gascoigne doesn t seem like he s
trying to sugarcoat the way he is feeling. He makes it clear that he is in a state of sadness
or regret. Through his diction, it is evident that he feels this way because of all the
descriptive words he uses. Early in the poem he says, To see me hold my louring head so
low. (Gascoigne 2) Through his use of the word louring, one can make the
straightforward assumption that he is more than just upset. The word holds a weight that
suggests he is sullen, his whole mood is currently negatively affected because of the
situation he is in. He has to purposely restrict himself from looking at the woman, which
could generate further pain. Later in the poem, he says Because your blazing eyes my
bale have bred. (Gascoigne 14) The word bale conveys that this other person has caused
him misery. Misery expresses more than just temporary sadness, but rather prolonged
feelings of emotional pain. This isn t just a minor inconvenience to him, but rather
Riordan Manufacturing Integrated Human Resource...
Riordan Manufacturing is looking to integrate their existing human resource tools in use
today into a single integrated application. This new system is long overdue and in order
to implement a successful system certain criteria must be obtained. The first step in the
process includes gathering information on the current and proposed system, setting the
scope and goals for the project, and considering the projects feasibility. Information
Gathering TechniquesA. InterviewsTo begin my research, I would take the interview
approach. In order to conduct a successful interview I have create some interview
criteria. 1.Determine who to interview2.Create interview questions3.Conduct the
interview4.Document the interview5.Evaluate the ... Show more content on ...
Training and development records are kept in Excel by the training and development
specialist. Recruiters maintain applicant information for open positions with resumes
being filed in a central store area using Excel to track applicant s status. Riordan
outsources workers compensation and the third party provider keeps its own records.
Another example displaying the lack of unity between the manufacturing plants is the
employee files. They are kept by individual managers who are responsible for tracking
FMLA absences and any requests for accommodation under ADA. All this information is
provided by Riordan Manufacturing s intranet site and is examples of the need for an
integrated system. A new state of the art integrated information system would
undoubtedly make operations much more efficient, effective, and money saving. Goals
associated with the achievement of the scope includeHaving a database that contains
human resource data from each of Riordan s Manufacturing plantsCreate a unified HRIS
located at Riordan s headquarters in San Jose, California in which all plants have access.
Implement all Riordan s current and future information into the new systemFeasibility of
the ProjectThe feasibility of the project will be determined by many factors. These
factors include1.Does Riordan have enough experience to use newer technology2.Will
the new system allow for efficient, effective, and cost
Buffalo Soldiers in the West Essay
Buffalo Soldiers in the West

Throughout American history, African Americans haven t had too much say in whether or
not they belonged in the United States or not. Slavery without a doubt had a great impact
upon their decisions. However, despite their troubles, African Americans have paid their
dues and have made an impact on our armed forces since the Revolutionary War. African
Americans have fought to preserve the rights for Americans, as well as having to fight
the war within their very own country to gain the right to fight for their country and their
individual freedom.

Approximately sixteen months after the end of the Civil War, an Act of Congress entitled
the Buffalo Soldiers An Act to increase and fix the Military Peace ... Show more content
on ...
Some volunteered. Others were drafted. In addition to several all black regiments, an all
black regiment was recruited from Rhode Island. This regiment distinguished itself in the
Battle of Rhode Island on August 29, 1778. Between 1775 to 1781 there weren t any
battles without blacks being involved in some way or another. Black soldiers fought for
the colonies at Lexington, Concord, White Plains, Brandywine, Saratoga, Savannah, and
Yorktown. There were two Blacks by the name of, Prince Whipple and Oliver Cromwell,
with Washington when he crossed the Delaware River on Christmas Day in 1776. Some
won recognition and a place in the history of the War of Independence by their
outstanding service, although most have remained anonymous. Unfortunately despite
African Americans contributions in the war effort and the large amount of dead Blacks,
only very few had gained their freedom. The War for Independence was just the first of a
list of wars African Americans would have a chance to be involved in.

The second American war fought with the assistance of African Americans help was the
War of 1812. As Martin Delany put it, the African American were as ready and as willing
to volunteer in your service as any other . Black soldiers fought the British on land and
sea, and they were particularly conspicuous in several different naval battles fought on
the Great Lakes under the command of
Class Conflict In The History Boys And Accepted
The History Boys (Alan Bennett , 2004 ) and Accepted (Steve Pink , 2006 ), show
teenagers face the pressure from study and relationship. The background is high school
and college. Both films are showing the new education system: focus on academic
achievement but ignore student s creative thinking and personal development. Under that
education system, people start to judge that it. Does it benefit for new generation? I will
develop this thesis with the theme of class via characters. Also, I will use Ideological
structure to show the class conflict in both films.

Paragraph 2:
In both stories, they depict student s stress in study path. In history boys, the setting is
high school. Eight boys are chosen by headmaster. Dakin, Posner, Rudge,
Johnson And Sustainability Report
The healthcare industry consists of many smaller industries that provide services to both
private and business consumers. Since the beginning of humankind, there have been
thousands of various products and remedies used to treat illness and injury. In 1886, three
brothers created a company in their garage that has, since that time, revolutionized the
creation and production of healthcare products for all aspects of illness and injury. Since
1886, Johnson Johnson has provided quality healthcare products for consumers in the
United States and throughout the world since the early 1900 s. From their beginnings in a
family garage in New Jersey, to operating in over 60 countries worldwide today, Johnson
Johnson family contains more than 250 ... Show more content on ...
Johnson Johnson s research and development budget has grown from approximately $6
billion in 2005 to approximately $9 billion in 2015 and that amount is set to grow to over
$10 billion by the end of 2016 (Johnson Johnson, 2016). Johnson Johnson currently has
research facilities in 13 countries and with the vast increase in the availability of
technology to other developing countries, that number is also set to grow as the company
is now better able to reach more potential consumers (Johnson Johnson,
Zapatistas Orozco Analysis
Jose Orozco was an influential social realist painter who painted his most celebrated
murals after the Mexican Revolution. His murals (and other Mexican artists work)
inspired the political programs by Franklin D Roosevelt, in the United States, to
encourage the employment of unemployed Mexican artists through the development of
the Public Works for Artist Project that was under the Work Administration Program.
Orozco did not glorify the Mexican revolution or its rebel leader Zapata and his peasant
followers, Orozco, however stayed true to his art style by creating symbolic and
caricaturist images which depicted the struggles and suffering of Zapata and the
Zapatistas (his followers). In the painting, Zapatistas, Orozco depicts Zapatista and his
peasant followers going into their last battle in Morelos. In Morelos, Zapatistas lost many
of his followers and also succumb to his injuries and died. The painting s scene may have
... Show more content on ...
As a result Zapata joined the resistance by campaigning rights for all villagers, but was
then arrested due to his actions. After being pardoned Zapata continued his work and
recruited a group of followers called the Zapatistas. Zapata then asked President Madero
to reform the land that had been taking away from the villagers, but in response President
Madero offered that the Zapatistas put down their arms and in return Zapata would get
the currency to buy back the land himself, which Zapata instantly refused. As a result,
after the assassination of President Madero by General Victoriano, who soon replaced
him as President, he offered Zapata to unite their troops. Zapata unsurprisingly refused
the offer. Since Zapata refused the offer, later in 1914 the Zapatistas were able to drive of
Huerta and his troops out of the country and finally gain the justice they were fighting
Energy Star Program Essay
The Meaning of the Energy Star Labels and How They Can Save You Money

If conserving energy and saving money on your energy bills are issues that concern you,
then the Energy Star program may be of great interest to you, as well. Energy Star is a
government program designed to reduce inefficient energy use. This program has
accomplished a variety of great things in the last 20 plus years. The program could help
you to minimize your carbon footprint and lower your energy costs overall.

A Brief History of the Energy Star Program

The Energy Star program was started in 1992 by the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA). This program is voluntary one that identifies energy efficient products via a
labeling system. The primary purpose of the program is to decrease greenhouse gas
emissions. Greenhouse gas is atmospheric gas that has led to the greenhouse effect. The
greenhouse effect is a term used to describe the trapping of radiation in the atmosphere,
which is caused in large part by greenhouse gas. The word greenhouse was used to create
this term because when radiation becomes trapped in the atmosphere, the process is
similar to the warming of a greenhouse.

The first products that were given the Energy ... Show more content on
The Alliance Commission on National Energy Efficiency Policy has confirmed that
Energy Star homes are more energy efficient than other homes. In fact, by the year 2012,
Americans who participated in the program enjoyed a collective savings of over a billion
dollars per year in their energy costs. This means that if you participate in the Energy
Star program, you can save money on your energy costs. Additionally, you may even
qualify for a significant federal tax credit. If you wish to participate and experience the
advantages afforded by the program, be sure to look for products that display the Energy
Star label when you
Masculinity In The Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway s classic historical fiction novel The Sun Also Rises comprises an
eventful timeline: bullfighting, fishing trips, male friendship, disguised alcoholism, and
the differences between femininity and masculinity and how they overlap. . His 1926
novel about members of an expatriate friend group and one pivotal fiesta in Spain
portrays a story rife with unrequited love, symbolism, and metaphors for the Lost
Generation in Europe. However, the way Hemingway focuses on masculinity and
femininity interplaying with each other and contrasts the effects of the two on all
characters and story stands out to the audience. Most of the feminine aura in the novel
doesn t even come from women. In general, Hemingway does not involve women much
in his novels. Notably, the first woman, Frances, introduced in the book is immediately
made into an unsympathetic hag like devil wife who berates and verbally abuses Robert
Cohn, her unwilling husband. After a certain amount of time, her character is written out
of the novel as she vaguely le[aves] for England (Hemingway 77). Lady Brett Ashley, the
main woman of the novel, does not exude femininity either, with her boyish haircut and
mannerisms. Even though she is married to a Lord, literally making her a Lady, she
bends the early 20th centuries rules for the genders and is in fact only mentioned by her
title about a dozen times in the novel; the occasional reminder to the audience that
despite her erratic and impulsive behavior, she
Marketing Analysis of Ecover s Current Position in the...
Marketing Analysis of Ecover s Current Position in the Market

1. Introduction

The assignments mainly consists of the following parts:

Firstly, an analysis of Ecover s current position in the market.

Secondly, how Ecover is changing its competitive strategy.
Thirdly, consumer behaviour towards detergent.
Finally, an outline for new marketing strategy for Ecover to enter the supermarket.

2. Background

Ecover was founded in 1979 by Frans Bogaerts.It was a modest little detergent company
in Malle in northern Belgium. Pierres Magnin a successful Swiss businessman dealing
with pharmacies and health food stores, suggested Bogaerts to develop an eco friendly
detergent free of harmful chemicals (which was to be banned by the ... Show more
content on ...
By 1990, all EU countries except France banned the use of phosphates in washing

Press reports told of the adverse effects of phosphates on river life.


In December 1991, the European Council s Environment Ministers agreed to set up an

eco labelling scheme. This was a major threat to Ecover as this would undercut the major
difference between them and the conservative detergents.


Economic trends affecting business include depression (world wide economic collapse),
interest rates, inflation unemployment, consumer price index real GNP, personal income
savings rate and capacity utilisation. Companies must choose those economic influences
that are relevant to their business and monitor them. Not only the national economic
factors should be considered but also the regional and global economic factors.


Important aspects of social environment are beliefs, attitudes, lifestyle changes, age
distribution etc. The relevance of the social environment to a particular business will vary
depending on the nature of the business. As Ecover is a consumer products company, the
impact of social environmental is very crucial.

The society in which people grow up shapes their beliefs, values and norms. The people
living in a particular society hold many core beliefs and values that tend to persist.

Burt s Bees Advertisement Analysis
Burt s Bees is known for its amazingly healing lip balm, however, it wasn t always this
way. When Burt s Bees was first established by Roxanne Quimby and Burt Shavitz it was
a candle company. Since then Burt s Bees has flourished and became a worldwide brand,
including a multitude of health and beauty products. To further understand the
advertisement and everything that went into and still goes into Burt s Bees we first need
to look at the founders and how the brand was created. This is because to this day the
advertisement is linked to the founders of the brand and what kind of people they are
reflecting onto the brand they have established. As we dive further into the advertisement
of Burt s Bees you will discover the similarity between the ... Show more content on ...
For this it is clear to see the improvement of the Burt s Bees commercials when there are
two being compared to one another. The first commercial is the Uncap Flavor: Fireworks
commercial that launched over two years ago. This commercial involves some new fun
flavors of the Burt s Bees lip balms. They display this by having black and white doodles
in the beginning of the commercial then an explosion of colors like fireworks when all
the lip balms are shown. The second commercial is their most recent, New Burt s Bees
Lipstick Commercial. This commercial is displayed in a bright green rainforest as the
bold red lipstick slides down the wet leaves of the trees. This commercial also has a very
catchy love song in the background. When comparing the two commercials it is easy to
see the quality and attraction pull of the second commercial is greater than the first. The
second commercial stays true to the Burt s Bees natural, nature loving company while
keeping an upbeat positive vibe. Although the first commercial mentioned is also a
positive one it is not as dramatic with both contrasting colors as the first. I believe that
Burt s Bees has stepped up their commercial game and when I was looking for
commercials to use in this essay Burt s Bees commercial song was the top Google search
about Burt s Bees that popped up. This shows that the advancement of using a catchy
tune makes the brand name memorable and
Nab s Sustainability In The Corporate World
Environmental performance Today, there is much emphasis given towards sustainability
in the corporate world. According to its IR, NAB is said to be using much less energy in
its data centers giving priority to infrastructure which is energy efficient, with some of its
hubs receiving certifications too (p.14). NAB is also spending a significant amount on
energy efficiency initiatives with $15 million of costs avoided and 81,000 tonnes of
greenhouse gas emissions being eliminated (p.26). Further the use of solar reflective roof
paints and renewable energy (p.26) is an assurance that NAB is committed towards
creating a sustainable environment with minimal impacts and preserving the environment
for future generations. Ethical performance NAB s
Analysis Of Equality Of The Sexes By Judith Sargent Murray
First Draft Equality of the sexes. What exactly does it mean? Throughout history, women
have been denounced and told that they aren t a man s equal. People believe that a man is
supposed to be educated and have a job; if he has a family he is the head of the
household and the authoritative figure. And women are supposed to be frail and
uneducated, and if they have a family they are to be a housewife. I am the head and she
the heart (Women in the nineteenth Century), this is often how women were portrayed.
At some points in history women voicing their options what unheard of because if they
would have it would have become what many call a riot.

In Thomas Wusts s image there are women protesting at what looks to be a rally of some
sorts. ... Show more content on ...
It wasn t just not having it widely available to them, as soon as they were old enough
they were married and started having kids, which made getting an education was close to
impossible for these women. May we not trace its source in the difference in education,
and continued advantages? (Equality of the sexes) The difference in men and women
having and education was that a man was expected to have one and women weren t.
Having an education started to become something that women wanted to have, and from
1896 1911 girls outnumbered boys in high school; women crowded the colleges and
almost monopolized the teaching in the public schools (History of woman Suffrage). As
women became more educated, men started to somewhat fear what was happening;
because women were starting to speak their minds and wouldn t take no for an
The Black Of Black Boys
2. (A) Hook (2004) hits on a few key notes as to why black men are so angry and they all
stem from the idea that manhood is synonymous with the domination and control over
others. By being male they are in a position of authority that gives them the right to assert
their will over others, to use coercion and or violence to gain and maintain power. This
train of thought starts with what role men and women play in patriarchal culture. Being
raised in this manner little boys are not allowed to express feelings and emotions. If they
do, it s generally associated with being weak. Many black parents feel it is crucial to train
boys to be tough. Black boys are daily victimized by toxic shaming. In the black culture
there is little concern about the emotional wellbeing of black boys. Many young black
boys are conditioned to be victims by emotional abuse, experienced at home and at
school. Emotionally abused black boys are filled with rage. Primed to act out they
become adults who are rageoholics. There is often so much attention given the concrete
material manifestations of the impact of racism and other forms of social oppression on
black males that the psychological impact of early childhood abandonment is not
highlighted. Black males are unable to think creatively about their lives because of their
uncritical acceptance of narrow life scripts shaped by patriarchal thinking. Hooks refers
to such victimization and shaming as soul murdering. Soul murder is the psychological
Main Causes Of WWII
What main causes brought WWII and how was the U.S. involved. 1939 1945 Axis:
(Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria) Vs. Allied: (France, Great
Britain, USSR, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Demark, Netherlands, New Zealand,
Norway, Poland, South Africa, China, Yugoslavia) ~ the United States did not Join the
war right away.
After WWI Germany Austria Hungary lost most of their land/territory due to the Treaty
of Versailles. Germany had to pay all damage, wages for lost ones to other countries, loss
half/most of military leaving Germany in a state of discrimination to its self. Later Adolf
Hitler in his childhood saw the state Germany was and knew that someone should help
reform Germany to its rightful position as another ... Show more content on ...
was prepared for WWII, they joined the Allie Powers. US Great Britain advanced
towards France to free its control form German Forces. D Day was the most feared part
of the war, many military personal died to gain ground in the battle. Eventually Allied
forces break through the stalemate driving German forces back to their boarder. When
Allied forces closed in on Hitler, he committed suicide leaving Germany in surrender and
loss the war. As things cleared in Europe US turned towards Japan since the war was not
over yet. April, 1945 Franklin Roosevelt dies in office so sudden no one knew he passed
away until the announcement that Vice President Harry S. Truman was the new
President. Truman knew about the Atomic Bomb (A Bomb) but the use of this weapon
would kill many innocent Japanese. He sent Warnings to Japan, which were refused and
the Atomic bomb Project code named Manhattan Project . Once the plane called the
Enola Gay flew over the targeted cities Hiroshima Nagasaki, the Atomic Bomb
incinerated, killed or injured thousands of Japanese. Japan feared that more of its
population would die to this new creation of a monster and asked for a cease fire.
The war ended with Allied Powers triumphed in victory, Germany was sectioned off into
four zones were one country of the allies controlled. This was known as V E Day, with
the Yalta Agreement seeming reasonable at the time. Victory in Japan known as V J Day,
Americans celebrated for their new invention
Descriptive Essay About A Plane
A plane descends from a high elevation to a leveled point and then ultimately softly
landing on the airport grounds.
Poof, bark, whir were all sounds that the plane made from the moment the pilot started
the engine. I looked around looking at how different people would react to these noises
but they all seemed quite used to everything. I took a glimpse of a few people that were
on the plane and I saw that this one bald white man who wore plaid had his laptop in
front of him typing something that seemed to be long. Maybe he was a reporter or even
one of those weird writers who write stuff as a profession. Two seats behind the man
there was a woman probably in her early 30 s, pale skin, coarse hair, squinting hard to
read the newspaper. Hearing someone whispering something I turned around in the back
of my seat to see that there was an old lady praying something my mom described as
speaking in tongues. All I thought about is how this plane was able to fly in the air
without any strings attached to it like in the cartoons.
Nigee boi yuh look like a big man. Welcome to Tobago my aunty Roxanne screamed in
her Tobagonian accent as I walked down the path to my grandmother s house. What a
welcome, I said to myself smirking. There were lots of flowers surrounding the front of
the house as if I were in a botanical garden. Entering the house, I was greeted by dark
faces I had not seen before with many hugs and kisses. I heard someone whisper he so
yellow ent . I looked at
Analysis Of Wall E
Wall e is a children s movie about capitalism and the future consequences of buying into
such ideals. It proposes that society would be better off with wholesome lifestyles (
Argument Analysis ) and less consumerism. Professor Humphreys presented three
critiques and four interventions, about the film so that we could analyze it with theories
learned in class. She also plays the devil s advocate to argue that capitalism has destroyed
not only the planet, but also humankind, specifically, Americans ( Argument Analysis ).
She proposes that the film is not about the revolution or change that it pretends to be, by
using Queer theory and post structuralism. The first critique presented by Professor
Humphreys was centered on corporate America and the results of consumer culture. In
the movie, the over consumption leads to massive amounts of garbage and as a result,
everyone is forced to leave. The Earth is demoted to a garbage world and Wall e, a Waste
Allocation Load Lifter Earth Class (Wall e) robot, is left to clean up the world. The post
apocalyptic state of the world is blamed on capitalism and BuyNLarge, because a
revolution was needed but did not happen in time.
Although I agree with the ongoing theme that presents consumerism as bad, I believe that
blaming capitalism and BuyNLarge, does nothing for their situation. Their entire social
structure is at fault because buying in excess is ingrained in their discourse because it has
become a part of their society.
Inside Out Psychology
An Outside in Look of the Film Inside Out
Responsible for the film Inside Out, Pete Doctor focuses on the inner workings and
psychology of the human mind. The film focuses on a story of young eleven year old
Riley and then creates a deeper focus on the five common emotions: Joy, sadness, fear,
disgust, and anger, through her. Joy, the leader, is the first emotion to appear in a
headquarters like office, in which case that office is Riley s mind. As Riley grows up, she
experiences these emotions and for every emotion, there is a memory created and color
coded by one of the five emotions. After each day, when Riley falls into REM sleep, each
moment created is sent to a place called long term memories. Unique and very rare
emotions create Riley s personality and is sent into a small cubicle that holds core
memories. As the story continues, Joy and Sadness are accidentally sucked out of the
headquarters along with all the core memories and is placed with the long term memories
which results in Fear, Anger, and Disgust controlling Riley s emotions while Joy and
Sadness go on this obstacle filled adventure to find their way back. With this rhetorical
analysis, my intentions are to document how Pixar s film Inside out utilized emotions and
strong leading characters that endured ... Show more content on ...
Along the way, they meet another character in the film, Bing Bong. He was Riley s
imaginary friend and is part cat, part elephant, and part dolphin. He explains, you gotta
remember, when Riley was three, animals were all the rage. The cow goes moo the horse
goes nae . It s all people talked about back then. The author is implying that at that age of
adolescence, children are likely to have imaginary friends to play with, be creative with,
and grow up with. Joy tells Bing Bong that they are trying to get back to headquarters
and he reply s by saying he will
Speech On Indian Food
Once considered the shining jewel in the British Empire s crown, India can today be
easily deemed as the huge, 60 carat diamond in the World s flavored cuisine ring . Indian
food is all about variety and is an example of ancient tradition. The cuisine of the country
is characterized by elaborate cooking techniques and the use of expensive ingredients.
Indian cuisine was introduced to a splendid assortment during the colonial period. The
colonial period introduced European cooking styles to India exhibiting British Influence
on Indian Food. In that period, flexibility and diversity was introduced to the cuisine of
India. The history of Indian food tells us that during the reign of the British Empire in
India (the British Raj), the local cuisine was considered by the Europeans closely to what
Gods taught of ambrosia: a delightful, heavenly and delicate dish. Many times, we ask
how the Indian cuisine grew to be so popular, so diverse and so delightful. In truth, the
question is quite dim...from a population of one billion people, is it really that hard to
believe some of them are ... Show more content on ...
The Indian cuisine is as diverse as the Indian people and it has a large (and extremely
rich) selection of appetizers, hors d oeuvres, and snacks. They are based on a number of
spices and herbs, such as ginger, cinnamon, garlic, cloves, asafetida, aniseed or coriander,
rather that the fat appetizers you ll find mostly anywhere else in the World.
The majority of Indian appetizers and snacks are based on potatoes, combined with
different spices. The Alu Ki Tikki for example, which is one of the oldest snacks
recorded by the history of Indian food, is made out of mashed potatoes coriander and
onions. Another snack greatly enjoyed by the British during the Raj period, the Samosa
appetizer, made out of steamed potatoes, peas and vegetables, is one of the many Indian
recipes that was passed on from ancient
Essay On Bitcoins
Guide For Bitcoin Gambling Websites Bitcoins are increasing in popularity as a banking
option with US gamblers and gambling websites. In some cases, Bitcoins is actually the
best banking option on the market for US players. Gamblers from other countries should
also seriously consider using Bitcoins for their gambling purposes. If you are a newbie to
bitcoins, this guide is for you. Bitcoins operate slightly differently from other currencies
and those differences will be explained on this page. Even if you are familiar with how
bitcoins work, you will also find some useful info here. If you are currently using
Bitcoins, we will examine the best sites to use them at and we will also look at the
advantages and disadvantages of using this ... Show more content on ...
Every 10 minutes a block of Bitcoins are created. Initially, one block contained 25
Bitcoins, but since last year that has been reduced by 50%, with each block now
containing 12.5 Bitcoins. Bitcoin blocks will be periodically cut in half on a continual
basis until 21 million Bitcoins are mined, which is expected to happen by 2040. Bitcoin s
value, similar to other currencies, is determined by supply and demand. One Bitcoin is
valued at $824 as of the writing of this guide, but in the past, they have reached values
over $1,000. When they first came out in 2009, for only $27, you could purchase 5,000
Bitcoins. If you are using Bitcoins as an investment vehicle, it should be noted that they
are volatile. You should only use a small portion of your discretionary investment money
to invest in Bitcoins at this time. When we say volatile, what do we mean? The value of
Bitcoins can fluctuate drastically and often without reason. How volatile can they be?
The price of a Bitcoin plummeted 50% overnight in 2009. Keep in mind that the value of
Bitcoins can fluctuate when making deposits or withdrawals at gambling websites. In
some cases, that could give you extra funds for gambling. When you decide to convert
Bitcoins into a different currency might also be a gamble on its own. Best Places To Buy
and Sell Bitcoins Similar to other investments, exchanges are used to buy and sell
Bitcoins. (Exchanges are marketplaces set up for
Asian American Achievement
Asian Americans exceptional educational and occupational outcomes despite their racial
minority status in the United States have been central to the debate of race and
achievement in both academic and popular discourse. While some pundits argue that the
Asian American achievement is a result of the right culture that values education and
hard work, scholars of race, immigration, and education reject such claims. Hsin and Xie
s quantitative investigation reveals that Asian Americans strong emphasis on efforts,
rather than outcomes, coupled with their immigrant status contribute to their exceptional
academic achievements. Similarly, Lee and Zhou show through their subject centered
approach that complex social processes establish cultural ... Show more content on ...
The Asian American success frame not only emphasizes the role of efforts, but also
defines success as straight As, admission to elite universities, and the top four professions
lawyer, doctor, engineer, and pharmacist. Believing that social mobility is possible in the
United States, immigrant parents ensure their children s success by strictly adhering to
this success frame. At school, Asian Americans benefit from what Lee and Zhou call the
stereotype promise the promise of being viewed through the lesn of a positive stereotype.
Because teachers automatically associate achievement with Asian American ethnoracial
groups, even the mediocre Asian American students are given the benefit of the doubt. As
a result, students who are given the second chance work hard and excel academically and
this often leads to their confirming of the stereotype. Thus, Asian Americans do not
simply have the right culture to excel in the United States; the Asian American culture
emerged as a result of historical, legal, institutional, and social psychological processes
of various actors in the contemporary American
How Is Queen Elizabeth A Good Leader
Queen Elizabeth the first, was the queen of England for almost 50 years in the 1500s. She
was a very interesting person with a huge variety of characteristics. She was cunning, but
kind, very smart, and also manipulative. During her reign she had many major
accomplishments; she restored the church of England, soothed tensions between England
and France, she was also a patron of the arts. She had many accomplishments because
she was a strong leader who had many leadership qualities. First of all she had courage,
she did many things people did not agree with. For example, she decided she was not
going to get married; and during her life it was common and almost expected to be
married especially as a queen. Queen Elizabeth the first was bright, she was quick witted,
intelligent and articulate. She surrounded herself with skilled advisors and defuses many
potential crises. And Queen Elizabeth was also caring, she is remembered as a queen who
supported her people and helped them. In the following paragraphs I will show you how
Queen Elizabeth the first was a leader. ... Show more content on ...
She was extremely courageous, she always went for tasks or goals that people didn t see
as a good idea. For example, as I said before Queen Elizabeth never got married this was
uncommon and people expected her to get married. People thought it was bad that she
wasn t married, but it allowed her to make decisions on her own and be independent.
Another thing she did that showed courage is she set out to promote the protestant
religion throughout england. Many people did not like this idea but the Queen took a risk
and her people trusted her. Courage is a very important quality to have as a leader.
Leadership takes making bold and often unpopular decisions; leadership takes courage.
That how Queen ELizabeth the first was courageous and how it helped her while ruling
Essay on Planning a Business Executive Team
Planning a Business Executive Team Executive Team is a business game in which we
have been involved over six weeks; the business game consisted of 4 teams who formed
4 companies to compete in 5 separate trading areas. The game is an interactive game in
which the decisions of 1 company have an impact on the other teams positioning as well
as their own. Each team has a home trading area, these are areas 1 to 4 and there is a
common area, area 5. All of the companies are free to trade in all of the areas. The
advantage of trade in the home area is that transport prices are lower. We participated in
the game for 6 weeks and had 7 periods in which we made decisions. The team in which
I played ... Show more content on ...
The effect of our changes in period 1 where that sales in area 2 rose whereas in areas 1
and 5 sales dropped and in area 3 and 4 sales remained the same. In period 0 we had
produced 817 however had only sold 775 and due to opening stock we closed with 232
units in stock, this was going to cost us in storage, if we could accurately predict a sales
number we would save this unnecessary cost so we decided to produce 600 units which
in turn gave us 832 units in total to sell and with any luck we wouldn t be left with as
many in storage. As for transport and distribution policy we decided that as we were in
loss we shouldn t yet invest in vehicles so we hired vehicles as this would save us
maintenance costs. Our decisions for period 1 resulted in a dip in cumulative retained
earnings (see appendix 6) whilst retained earnings rose (see appendix 5), we had made
considerable profit however we were still in loss. From the results of periods 0 and 1 we
then were slightly more informed of our markets so in period 2 we dropped
Roman Art Vs Greek Art
I ve always been fascinated with Greek and Roman methodology. As a child I spent
countless hours watching classic films like Jason and the Argonauts or Hercules starring
Steve Reeves. I d like to begin by comparing a few pieces of art that I recently
discovered at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology. I ve selected two
pieces of art, one from the Roman and the other from the Greek collection. Each of the
pieces symbolize death and sacrificing. Vastly different in texture and design each piece
connects feasting and the celebration of life to sacrificing. First, Greek piece is a
Terracotta Votive Pinax, 450 425 BC and the Roman piece is a Umbro Etruscan
Terracotta, 3rd BC. Each piece represents a symbolic circle of life that celebrated life and
honored the gods through sacrificing. Both Roman and Greeks societies showed
continued reference to the gods by practicing ... Show more content on
Movie like Troy starring Brad Pitt and 300 starring Gerard Butler are hugely responsible
for the next wave of excitement associated with these cultures. While comic books may
seem somewhat juvenile, it s apparent that movie characters like the Flash are mirror
images of mythological figures like Mercury. They each possessed incredible speed and
wings which were central to their physical being. Another character Thor was a
combination of Greek, Roman and Norse mythology all rolled up into one as well. Many
of these figures were intertwined with faith, culture, mingling human fathers or mothers.
While we may not a return to sacrificing as part of our culture, it is apparent that we will
continue to see quite a bit of Greek and Roman influences in not only our modern art,
culture and architectural; design for centuries to
Made-To-Measure-Up Research Paper
Made to measure curtains available on the Internet offer a huge number of different
designs available at your fingertips rather than in store and you don t actually have to
deal with any pushy salespeople trying to get your business. You can simply go to your
window within your home measure the size of your window and calculate the size of the
curtains you need once you have done that simply choose your colourful fabrics whether
it be red natural blues greens and purchased the fabric. The hardest part of choosing your
curtains on line is deciding what colour fabric or designer fabric you would like. If you re
shopping online for brand new made to measure curtains for your home it is vital that
you know the correct measurements in order to not only place a correct order size but
also to allow your curtains to fit your window perfectly so we have put together a useful
guide how to measure the windows correctly to enable you to get the perfect made to
measure curtains online. If you do not measure your windows and just guess you may
end up with the made to measure curtains either being too large or too small and you
certainly don t want that! they must fit properly so take the time to get accurate
measurements of your windows and then you will have no problems! Measuring for
made to measure curtains: ... Show more content on ...
A curtain pole is a good indicator as to where the curtains will finish either at the seal
length below the seal or touching right down to the floor we recommend as a rough guide
that the curtains should finish 1.5 cm above the sale. If you would like your curtains to
fall below the seal we recommend that they finished 15 cm below that if you want your
curtains to flow from top to bottom from the rod to the floor we would then recommend a
gap of 1.5 cm above the
Fact and Fiction by Bertrand Russel
Bertrand Russell a British Philosopher, logician, Essayist and a social critic was born on
18 May, 1872 at Montmouthsid. He belonged to a popular aristocratic family. He was
grandson of Lord john Russell, who had twice served as Prime Minister under Queen
Victoria. He was first Educated at home and then was sent to Trinity College, Cambridge
where he obtained first class degree in Mathematics and Philosophy, later on he started
teaching at the same college. His major works in mathematics includes Principia
Mathematicia . He is considered as one of the founder of Modern Analytical Philosophy.
He wrote on wide variety of subjects including History, Ethics, Politics, educational
studies and Religious studies. In 1950 Russell was awarded Nobel Prize in literature. He
was a prominent anti war activist and actively participated in anti nuclear protest and
campaign against western involvement in the Vietnam war. He died at the age of 97 in
Fact and Fiction by Bertrand Russell is a collection of his essays and some of his
addresses at Vienna and Manchester on Nuclear bombs. This book was first published in
1961. The book is divided into four sections which are further divided into many
subsections. The first part deals with poets, writers and books that influenced him in his
youth. He has divided them according to his mood like at one side where there is Shelley,
Turgenev and Ibsen that satisfy his optimistic mood on the other side there are
A Study On Blood Hemolysis Essay
A portion of (2 3 mg) from the partially purified polysaccharide powder was mixed with
KBr then pressed into a disk. The whole infrared spectrum was analyzed at a scan range
of 4000 400 cm 1. Thirty scans were taken with 4 cm 1 resolution. CO2 and H2O
corrections were incorporated. Reproducibility of the normalized spectra was ±2%.
(Shanthi et al., 2014).
3.16. Testing isolates probiotic properties
3.16.1. Blood hemolysis
Hemolysis test was performed according to the method described by Guttmann and Ellar
(2000). Overnight cultures of isolated Enterococcus durans and Enterococcus hirae were
streaked on blood agar and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. Blood agar plates were examined
for signs of hemolysis. Blood hemolysis test was performed in duplicates.
3.16.2. Resistance to low pH
Isolates Enterococcus durans and Enterococcus hirae were tested for their ability to resist
low pH values as follow, 25 ml of sterile MRS broth adjusted to pH 6.4, 4, 3 and 2 was
inoculated using 1% (v/v) of an overnight culture, then incubated at 37ºC for 6 h. The
absorbance at 620 nm was monitored using spectrophotometer (Unico, USA) at hourly
intervals (Nawaz et al., 2011).
3.16.3. Bile salts tolerance
The selected isolates were examined for their ability to grow in presence of different
concentrations of bile salts. The two concentrations 0.1% and 0.3% (w/v) were used for
this purpose. An aliquots of 20 ml sterile MRS broth supplemented with 0, 0.1% and
0.3% bile salts were inoculated with
3.e) C term of the Van Deemter equation is affected by the...
3.e) C term of the Van Deemter equation is affected by the change of mobile phase since
it is proportional to the linear flow rate (u). C term can be decreased by decreasing the
flow rate of the mobile phase. In turn it can also be increased with increasing flow rate.
When the mobile phase is 70% acetonitrile and 30% water, the more hydrophobic it is,
the faster compounds pass through the column, which increases the C term. Since the
stationary phase is more hydrophobic, compounds elute quicker because they are polar
and therefore less retained. This increases the C term because flow rate is increased.
Viscous stationary phases will also have larger C terms. However when a less viscous
mobile phases is used, this allows the analytes to ... Show more content on ...
Similarity that HILIC shares with normal phase HPLC is that the elution order is the
same and it is in the order of increasing hydrophobicity. HILIC also requires a high
amount of nonpolar mobile phase and a polar stationary phase just like normal phase
HPLC. The difference between the two is that HILIC requires some water in the mobile
phase to maintain a water layer on the surface so that compounds can selectively
partition. It employs a semi aqueous mobile phase. Water miscible organic solvents are
used in HILIC whereas water immiscible solvents are in normal phase HPLC. Stationary
phase in HILIC are required to be polar, and water can act as a stationary phase. The
stationary phase is more polar than the mobile liquid, and these two liquids must be
immiscible with each other. By the process of partitioning between the water molecules
in the stationary phase and any solvent used as the mobile phase, separation of the
analytes can occur. The different solubilities of the components in the mobile phase and
different adsorption forces is what causes the process of partitioning to occur and bring
out separation. Separation occurs when the mobile phase consists of a water miscible
organic solvent such as acetonitrile and to promote hydrophilic interactions between the
analyte and the water stationary phase. 6. Differentiating the Van Deemter equation with
respect to velocity. H = A + B/μ + Cμ H = A + Bμ 1 + Cμ H = 0 Bμ 2 + Cμ0 0= Bμ 2 + C
C= B/μ2 μ2= B/C
What Is The Unequal Sharing Of Electrons In Nuclear
Chapter 2: The Chemistry and Energy of Life
Concept 2.1
What is the arrangement of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom? An equal amount
of protons and neutrons are placed together in the center of the atom. The nucleus
contains the protons and neutrons. Electrons are surrounded on the outside rings of the
According to the octet rule, what would be the simplest way for a sodium atom to
achieve electron stability? A sodium atom only has one valence electron. So, the best way
to achieve electron stability is to bond with a halogen ... Show more content on ...
Explain why or why not. Generally, the neutron determines its chemical stability,
although in the case of deuterium the isotope remains stable. This is because there is
insignificant mass difference between protons and neutrons.
Concept 2.2
How do differences in electronegativity result in the unequal sharing of electrons in polar
molecules? A molecule containing an atom with high electronegativity will be more polar
than a molecule containing an atom with a lower electronegativity. The higher the
electronegativity the more insatiable the atom becomes when it comes to sharing.
For each of the following, is it a Hydrogen bond donor, acceptor, both, or neither?
Aldehyde is a hydrogen bond acceptor. Amino is a hydrogen bond acceptor and donor.
Hydroxyl is both a hydrogen bond donor and acceptor.
What are the functional groups on this molecule? What is the R group to which they are
attached? Is the R group hydrophilic or hydrophobic?
Similarities Between 400 And 800 AD
Between the period stretching from 400 to 800 AD, Celtic speaking regions throughout
Britain and Ireland saw dramatic developments, both politically and linguistically, some
of which drew similarities from one another, however, there are others which differed
significantly. The country of Ireland is built on four certain provinces, consisting of
Ulaid, Leinster, Munster and Connacht. All of which underwent political and linguistic
developments throughout this four hundred year period. Developments can be seen in a
variety of mediums highlighted through historical texts, poetry, religion, material culture
and place names.
Historical texts throughout Ireland during the period of 400 and 800 AD, allow us to gain
a more extensive knowledge of both the ... Show more content on ...
Historical text can be illustrated in many different forms such as annals, and early Irish
laws. Annals, along with early Irish laws, provide us with a primary source of
information illustrating important events which occurred during the period. Annals in the
kingdom of Ulaid up until the middle of the ninth century were written predominantly in
the Latin language. A minimal amount of Irish words also appeared in these Annals, with
passing centuries the number of written Irish included in Annals increased steadily until
it became the dominant language written throughout Annals. The evolving language, of
the annals documented by the kingdom of Ulaid throughout the centuries, provide a
snippet into the developing politics of Ireland, throughout 400 and 800 A.D. Key events
documented by the kingdom of Ulster provide a basis of context, as to what was deemed
as important to Ireland s society during the period between 400 and 800 A.D, thus in
turn, gives insight to the political developments which occurred, such as the beginning of
reigns, deaths and battles, Theodosius Bologna[...]he began his reign in AD 425 and
ruled 27
A Brief Introduction on Judicial Review in the United...
A Brief Introduction on Judicial Review in the United States
Part I: A Brief Introduction on Judicial Review
Judicial review is the doctrine in democratic theory under which legislative and executive
actions are subject to review, and possible invalidation, by the judiciary. Specific courts
with judicial review power must annul the acts of the state when it finds them
incompatible with a higher authority, such as the terms of a written constitution. Judicial
review is an example of the functioning of separation of powers in a modern
governmental system (where the judiciary is one of three branches of government). This
principle is interpreted differently in different jurisdictions, which also have differing
views on the different ... Show more content on ...
Raub(1825).Other debates and controversies followed. But Marbury v. Madison has been
ratified by time and practice and has become a cornerstone of the larger constitutional

Marbury, of course, stands only for the proposition that judges can declare acts of
Congress invalid. In subsequent cases Marshall asserted that judges could also declare
invalid executive orders or actions (Little v. Barreme, 1804 ) and upheld the Judiciary
Act of 1789, under which Congress gave the Supreme Cour power to review and reserve
decisions upholding the constitutionality of state statutes (Martin v. Hunter s Lessee,
1816;Cohens v. Virginia, 1821). Taken collectively, these cases provide federal judges
with impressive tools for monitoring governmental actions, tools that they have not
always been hesitant to use. Through the end of the 1990s, the Supreme Court has
invalidated nearly 140 federal statutes and some 1,200 local laws . State courts too, with
their own power to strike down acts passed within their jurisdiction, are active monitors
of their governments. One scholar estimates that state justices invalidate nearly 25
percent of all laws challenged in their court rooms.

Through judicial review, state courts determine whether or not state executive acts or
state statutes are valid. They base such rulings on the principle that a state law that
violates the U.S. constitution is invalid. They also decide the constitutionality of state
laws under
Geographic Selection Mosaics
In this study, scientists observed the interaction of bishop pine seeds and ectomycorrhizal
fungi in different environmental conditions to test whether or not geographic selection
mosaics would occur. They define geographic selection mosaics as in which species exert
different evolutionary impacts on each other in different environments, may drive
diversification in coevolving species. To carry out this experiment they collected
mycorrhizal fungus spores, bishop pine seeds, and field soil from the bishop pines in the
Mount Vision area in California. They also used Promix PGX (a
peat/vermiculite/limestone mixture) as the lab soil for the experiment. The seeds were
placed in a growth chamber for three months and after the germination was complete,
A Good Teacher Essay
Who is a teacher and what makes a good teacher? By definition, a teacher is a person
who teaches, especially in school, but can anyone be a teacher? That is a matter of the
possession of qualification and the overall talent utilized whilst on the workforce. Having
such qualification simply doesn t create a good teacher, though. Becoming a good teacher
requires work, effort and time that one must be willing to sacrifice from their daily lives.
A good teacher must be able to teach the students clearly. He/she must be well prepared,
whether it is regarding the lesson of the day or any sudden questions the pupil may ask. A
good teacher should have confidence with themselves and be organized at all times. A
good teacher respects his/her job and tries to be as effective as possible.

But from being a good teacher, there is one higher form of teachers ranking and that is
being a great and effective teacher. Being a good teacher is easy, but being a great teacher
requires more effort than what is usually expected and required. With being a great
teacher, teaching is not a job, but a ... Show more content on ...
With that knowledge only can a person be creative about it. A certain degree of
knowledge is essential for one person to be able to adapt it to any situation or use it as an
output in the education industry whilst teaching. But can intelligent people be creative?
Few studies have claimed that not all intelligent people can be creative, but other
researches have shown this to be fabricated. Creativity is claimed to be the highest form
of intelligence. So, should creativity be looked upon as if opposed to intelligence?
Creativity is one of the qualities of intelligence; same way as analytical intelligence and
practical intelligence. Although analytical and practical intelligence plays an important
role, without creativity, the task loses the touch of the creator, thus making it the same as
Similarities Between The Garden Of Eden And The Tabernacle
Similarities Between the Garden of Eden and the Tabernacle Throughout the Old
Testament, the tabernacle was a centerfold of worshiping God for the Israelite people.
This was where believers could congregate to seek peace, sing praises, and make animal
sacrifices to God. The tabernacle was also a resting place for God to come down from
Heaven and dwell with His children. Similarly, the Garden of Eden was once a perfect
creation for God to have an earthly dwelling place to be with Adam and Eve. That, until
the age old story of sin and deception came into place. The Garden of Eden was a perfect
model of how God designed a place of worship to be, that is why He provided Moses
with specific instructions of how the tabernacle should be built as a replica of the garden.
The tabernacle stands as a symbolic model of the original creation the Garden of Eden,
through its reproduction of several of the garden s well known features, such as the
cherubim guarding the entrance, the Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and
Evil, and the direction of the Garden facing east. The tabernacle s recreation of the
cherubim guarding the entrance to the Garden of Eden is in its placement of these angelic
beings sitting above and protecting the sacred Ark of the Covenant. The ark was an
intricately decorated wooden box holding a copy of the Ten Commandments,
symbolizing the living presence of God among the people. The ark, like Eden, was a
sacred place where only God could dwell and sin may never be present. After Adam and
Eve disobeyed God, cherubim were placed at the entrance of the Garden to shield His
perfect creation from sin. In doing so, He made sure that the two would not find the
entrance again, ( Guarding the Gate of Eden. ). Likewise, to protect the holiness of the
ark, God ordered the Israelites to create cherubim to protect the ark from sin intruding
upon its presence. Lisa Schachter states in her article, The Garden of Eden as God s First
Sanctuary, that in both contexts [the cherubim] are the guardians of both the literal and
figurative Tree of Life discussed in the story of creation. God did not want His perfect
creation to become corrupted again, so He placed cherubim on both sides of the ark as a
Archetypes Of Tennessee Williams
Tennessee Williams is one of the most influential dramatist and playwright in the history
of American theatre and literature. From his works like A Streetcar Named Desire, to the
works like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Williams exemplified his own artistic and distinct style
that still stands as the forefront of the classic American Theatre (Bloom, 2000). Born and
raised in the South, the plays of Williams used the quirks and characters of the region.
His plays portrayed his gift of beautiful language, and his boldness to explore the
untapped themes such as sexuality, madness and addiction (Heintzelman Smith Howard,
2005). The issues and themes that have been projected in his work are also the ones
which he faced in his real life (Heintzelman Smith Howard, 2005). The archetypes of
Williams s plays emotionally absent fathers, domineering southern matriarchs, and child
look women engulfed with madness, are themes which are taken from the life of his own
family members (Heintzelman Smith Howard, 2005). He was open about the fact that he
was gay, and about his substance abuse ... Show more content on ...
The sexual preferences, the psychological makeups and the social milieus in A Streetcar
Named Desire throws light on the social make up in the American society, which is
confined with the belief of cultures, normalcy, and the social status of people and things
(, 2011). Williams has used the characters in this play to bring
forward the side which is so common but still so untouched. The acceptability of
different preferences, and the self indoctrinated belief of desires and needs of the
protagonist in the play stands for the realism that lacks in how we see things
Religiosus Case Study
1. This case study shows an abscess on Brent and pain in Kristen s knee, a week after
surgery. These two patients have a few similarities in common, such as, discomfort and
an unusual look to the infected area. The pain was also not felt initially, but after a few
days it appeared. The difference between these patients is that Brent did not undergo a
routine procedure and instead had an abscess appear out of nowhere. Kristen on the other
hand, had surgery meaning there may have been some bacterial transmission during the
procedure a week earlier. She had greater symptoms that included a high fever unlike
Brent. 2. The antibiotic did not work for Kristen as she was misdiagnosed. She possibly
does not obtain simple bacteria in her body, therefore, ... Show more content on ...
After examining the symptoms of both patients, I believe Brent may have staphylococcus
aureus. This is a bacterium that enters the body and effects the surface of the skin. The
effect may be seen visually as he had an abscess. Kristen may have MRSA which a
simply a more serious form of staphylococcus aureus. This is why the antibiotics may
have also not worked on her. Part 2 Questions 1 Staphylococcus is a common bacteria
found in the skin of individuals. This is a pretty harmless until it enters the skin through
small breaks, resulting in a disease. Symptoms when once in the bloodstream may
include pneumonia, fever, chills, and others. When spread to a large extent, death may
occur in serious cases. 2 According to Krasner and Shors, staphylococci infections cause
pimples, abscesses, and inflamed lesions that can progress into boils. MRSA is a more
serious condition which is resistant to anti staphylococci drug methicillin and drugs
including oxacillin, penicillin, and others. Natural selected has allowed some strains to
adapt to antibiotics. 3 Hypotheses a. Kristen may have had HGT which is the horizontal
gene transfer which allowed bacteria to pass on their DNA to one another. Since MRSA
may have a gene protecting against antibiotics, this may have been transferred, resulting
in more antibiotic resistant

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