A True Friend Essay

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A True Friend Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "A True Friend" can be both challenging and rewarding. On one
hand, the subject matter is deeply personal and subjective, as everyone has their own unique
experiences and perspectives on friendship. This diversity can make it difficult to create a
universally applicable definition or description of a true friend. Additionally, the emotional nature of
the topic may require the writer to delve into their own feelings and experiences, which can be a
vulnerable and introspective process.

The challenge lies in striking a balance between conveying personal experiences and insights while
also making the essay relatable and resonant for a wider audience. Crafting a well-rounded essay on
this topic requires a thoughtful exploration of qualities that define a true friend, such as trust, loyalty,
support, and understanding. Moreover, the writer must avoid clichés and superficial descriptions,
aiming for a more profound and authentic exploration of the complexities inherent in genuine

Furthermore, the difficulty can also arise from the pressure to do justice to the importance of
friendship in human life. Expressing the significance of true friendship goes beyond merely listing
attributes; it involves weaving a narrative that captures the essence of these connections,
highlighting the impact they have on personal growth, well-being, and happiness.

In conclusion, while challenging, writing an essay on the theme of a true friend offers an opportunity
for self-reflection and exploration of the deeper facets of human connections. It demands a delicate
balance between personal experiences and broader insights, requiring the writer to navigate the
nuances of friendship with sincerity and depth.

For those seeking assistance with essay writing or exploring similar topics, various resources are
available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net , where experienced writers
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A True Friend Essay A True Friend Essay

Determining The Optimal Price For The Uricap Products
To determine the optimal prices for the UriCap products, the team used competitive
pricing, both indirect and direct, custom willingness to pay, cost plus pricing based on
distribution channel partner needs, and economic value analysis. Direct competitor
pricing, which was only applicable to the UriCap M product, was determine through
secondary research. On the other hand, primary research was used to determine indirect
competitor, or substitute, pricing. A combination of primary research and secondary
research was used during economic value analysis while customer willingness to pay
(WTP) was determined through an online survey.
Willingness to Pay
To better understand customer s willingness to pay, a survey was developed and given to
hospital and nursing home professionals who had some knowledge of the cost of care.
Since most care givers are removed from the financial side of the business, it proved
rather difficult to find participants willing to take the survey. With that said, ten
professionals completed the survey which, along with the results, can be seen in their
entirety in the Appendix and provided spreadsheet.
The survey contained two sets of questions. The first set was designed to gain and
understand of what the customers thought they were currently paying for urinary
incontinence care. This included the actual cost of diaper and catheters, as well as
secondary costs such as the cost of nurse/care giver time and the cost of infection/bedsore
The TV Dinner
The TV dinner....taking the family away from the table!

The TV Dinner concept took hold in 1954 when Swanson s frozen meals appeared...they
were a welcome lifesaver for busy mothers and a delight for the entire family. The dinner
was a prepackaged frozen meal in an aluminum tray, packed inside a cardboard box, that
could be heated in the oven, and all ready to eat in just 25 minutes. Best news yet? The
meal could be eaten out of the same tray it was heated in! Yes, eaten WITHOUT a plate,

We won t kid you...there were quite a few people and companies instrumental in the
concept of a complete meal that need only to be heated before eating. While the frozen
dinner s lineage can be credited way back to 1923 when Clarence Birdseye invented a
packing and flash freezing of fresh food ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The Company marketed the dinner like crazy using the relatively new cultural
phenomenon of television! The retail price of each dinner (marketed as a TV Dinner) was
roughly about $1 each. The company sold 10 million TV dinners in 1954, the first year of

Thomas was given a $100 raise and a bonus of $1,000 for his invention, and asked
Swanson to renegotiate his contract for a penny a dinner as long as he lived. A decision
he later regretted. The American Frozen Food Institute honored him in their Frozen Food
Hall of Fame as the inventor of the TV dinner and he secured a place on the Hollywood
Walk of Fame, where his handprints were featured alongside a tray print.. His role as the
inventor is disputed.

The original aluminum tray is now on display at the Smithsonian Institution, next to
Fonzie s jacket.So who really invented the TV dinner? It depends on your definition. But
whatever the case, TV dinners were a food
Stanford Medical Youth Science Program Analysis
During sophomore year of high school, my chemistry teacher presented me with the
opportunity to apply for the Stanford Medical Youth Science Program at Stanford
University. I was excited to hear about a summer program where I could explore the
wonders of the medical field and gain firsthand experience working at a hospital. Along
with my enthusiasm, I also felt some apprehension because finals week was approaching,
and the application process called for six essays and multiple interviews. Another
concern was that this program had an acceptance rate of only five percent, and it was
possible that the time and effort I put in would not be rewarded. Despite the obstacles, I
knew the program was a great opportunity to learn about medicine, and I decided to
apply. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Time management was critical because I had to balance school, extracurricular activities,
and the application. After submitting the application, I made it to the phone interview and
then the on campus interview. While I was happy to move on to the next round, I began
to feel anxious about what would happen if I was accepted to the program. I was ready
for the hard work necessary to be successful in the program, but I was nervous about
spending months away from my family. During the height of my self doubt, I received a
call informing me that I was accepted into the Stanford Medical Youth Science Program.
The director of the program explained that hours of online modules had to be completed
before the program started and that I could opt out of the program altogether if I
Examples Of Figurative Language In The House Of Scorpion
The famous philosopher Plato once said, You can discover more about a person with an
hour of play than in a year of conversation. But dialogue and figurative language can
help the reader understand people, and their surroundings. An hour of play can t share
their deepest secrets and their emotions to bring your fate s together. In The House of the
Scorpion by Nancy Farmer, the dialogue of her characters and the descriptive language
she uses helps show the mood and helps inference more about the book. Nancy Farmer
creates fascinating dialogue to introduce the mood and the characters. In the book the
author uses a lot of dialogue to move the story along and introduce feelings to the reader.
An example when Matt, the main character, and Matt s friend, see a man lying on the
ground and say to each other, Can t we can t we help him? faltered Matt. It s too late for
that poor soul, grunted the bodyguard. What about the doctor? This quote indicates how
kind of a heart Matt has. It introduces guilt for the reader of the man lying there and a
little pleasure of knowing that the main character isn t soulless. It helps add feelings and
depth of the understanding of the reader when reading this dialogue. Another example is
when Celia, Matt s guardian is leaving for work, says, What s this? the woman said. You
re a big boy now, almost six. You know I have to work. ... Take me with you, begged
Matt, grabbing her shirt and wadding it up with his hands. Stop that. When the reader is
reading the quote they feel sympathy for Matt and a bit upset with Celia for being so
strict for not taking him and being so harsh. Finally, when Matt is being hunted down, his
friend María is helping him, they say, What am I supposed to do? Matt said. He felt
drained of willpower. Stay here. I ll go throw the hysterical fit everyone s expecting.
When it gets dark, I ll come back for you. This quote helps bring more pleased emotions
to the reader about María and feel bad for Matt because he s in such a situation and María
right now the only who can think straight. These quotes show the mood of the story at
different parts and help build affection to some characters. While dialogue helps the
reader build emotions for the
Polygamy Essay
Polygamy is the practice of having more than one spouse and is culturally accepted in
many parts of the world, but is illegal in the United States. There are two well known
forms of polygamy, both of which are still presently practiced in numerous cultures
globally, polygyny and polyandry. These practices take place in societies where it is
important to have either more men or more women in a families household based on the
kind of environment they reside in. This paper is going to take a look at who practices
polygamy, the history of polygamy in the United States, and how this kind of
polygamous lifestyle affects the children that are the products of these family structures.
As mentioned previously, there are two different forms of ... Show more content on
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In industrialized societies, it is something that has been made illegal, and is considered
deviant. When most people think of polygamy they think of polygyny, the marriage of
one man with multiple wives, and endless children. Here in the United States the most
common occurrence of polygamy was in the 1800s, through the Mormon religion, and
more specifically the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints. Through the
reading of the Bible, the leader of the Latter Day Saints church, Joseph Smith, had
revelations that encouraged him take a second wife as many of the members of the Old
Testament had done. The rest of the United States reacted negatively to polygamy and
Congress passed several laws prohibited polygamy. However, Mormons continued to
practice polygamy despite these laws because they believed it was within their right to do
so based on the Bill of Rights which protected freedom of religion (Embry 2016).
Polygamy has been illegal in the United States since 1878, when the U.S. Supreme Court
ruled that freedom to practice the Mormon religion did not extend to having multiple
wives (Reynolds v United States 1878). Federal law does not allow prospective
immigrants who practice polygamy into the United States. Although, there has been
polygamy found in New York among some immigrants from countries in which
The Life of Virginia Woolf Essay
The Life of Virginia Woolf

Driven by uncontrollable circumctances and internal conflict, her life was cut short by
suicide. One of the greatest female authors of all times, Virginia woolf, produced a body
of writtings respected world wide. Her role in feminsim, along with the personal
relationships in her life, influanced her literary. Virginias relationships throughout her life
contributed not only to her literature, but the quality of her life as well. Perhaps the
greatest influence in Virginia s life is her mother, Julia Stephen. Julia Stephen was the
most arresting figure which her daughter [Virginia Woolf] tried to resurrect and preserve
(Gordon 4). Woolf, a manic depressive, found herself constantly searching for approval.
... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
(Bond 59) They were both extremely outspoken while sparing no one s feelings with
their comments. Virginia and Leslie both had strong personalities and rapid mood
changes. Woolf portrayed her father, like her mother, through characterization in To the
Lighthouse. Mr. Ramsey captures her father as a man of baffling mutability, a lightening
switch from the most lovable of men, to a famished wolfhound and back again (Gordon
22). This portrayal of Leslie Stephens relates to his uncontrollable rages and mood
swings. Leslie Stephen not only controlled Virginia s mental development, but her
intellectual development as well. He became his daughters mentor, and trained her to
become his intellectual aire (Bond 60). Mr. Ramsey parallels Woolf s father in his need to
pass his intellectual nature onto his children (Gordon 26). Leslie Stephen saw no problem
with his uncontrollable behavior. Virginia, on the other hand, found it infuriating. She
established: In the creation of this character #8230; the examination of Mr. Ramsey
#8230; is like a witness box account of the pros and cons of his [Leslie Stephens]
behavior. (Gordon 22) Despite their differences, Virginia and her father formed a special
bond not understood by anyone but each other. His insecurities and flaws became hers,
which added to the already enormous struggles in her life. The relationship between
What Are The Impact Of Crude Oil Prices On Indian
Curde Oil price affects on economy is different in different country. In general, low
prices are considered good for importers of oil because it not only improves consumer
spending but also improves the trade balance of a country. Therefore an increase in oil
prices has a considerable negative impact on the GDP growth country which imports oil.
Whereas drop in Oil Price is bad for oil exporters as it could put a pessimism in revenues
of oil exporting countries where crude exports play an enormously significant role in
economic growth. Moshiri Banihashem (2012) concluded that many oil exporting
countries are heavily dependent on exports from oil revenues, so when oil prices are low,
their economies suppress, and when oil prices are high, ... Show more content on
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Strategically, crude oil has very crucial role in country s economy. Considering this
significance we are trying to analyze the relationship between volatility in crude oil
prices and its impact on the Indian economy. This topic is apposite to the current
situation where India imports almost 90% of crude oil need. The purpose of this paper is
to determine the relationship between crude oil prices and the change in GDP, CPI,
Inflation. 1.2 Problem Statement: Crude oil price is an crucial parameter for refining
industries, which has a significant impact on economy. There is a considerable gap in
demand and supply of crude oil in India. Goverment oil companies are able to produce
20 25% of India s total requirements of crude oil. So to bridge the gap between demand
and supply, it is inevitable to import the crude oil. Therefore, both crude oil prices boom
and decline are the problematic area that may damage the Indian economy due to
substantial dependency on import. It is estimated that India s dependence on crude oil
import is expected to rise upto 94% by the end of 2030. As crude oil prices are
rising/declining globally, this shockwave makes imports expensive, it is necessary to
understand the consequences of crude oil price rise on the economy. The purpose of the
study is to understand the impact of crude oil prices on the economic indicators like
Assault On Gun Control
Assault on Gun Control

Over the years gun control has been an issue that has been argued over and over. Some
say stricter laws are needed to control the guns that are out in the public. Other say
harsher background checks need to be done. Even gone as far as banning certain
weapons that someone can own in the United States. But not matter what laws or
restrictions are in place, the fact remains, guns don t kill people, people kill people. First,
I want to define a question that people have. What is the definition of a mass shooting?
Since I will be talking about this a little I want to define a mass shooting. There is not a
specific definition of mass shooting, an accepted one says that an incident in which at
least four people are shot (injured or killed) is considered a mass shooting. The FBI, only
considers an incident a mass murder if three or more people are killed Lord (2017) So
some of the facts or statistics may not be as correct as one would like. This is tough when
trying to present an accurate figure during an argument.
Everyone is so eager to jump on the band wagon to restrict or ban weapons or mainly
semi/full automatic assault style weapons. They talk about the mass shootings of recent
time; Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, 26 deaths, Route 91 Music Fest in Las
Vegas, 58 deaths, and 26 deaths at the Baptist church in Texas. Nestel Keneally (2017)
These are all because of semiautomatic or fully automatic weapons. These facts are true.
But they
`` The Price Of Success ``
Vince Lombardi once said, The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at
hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of
ourselves to the task at hand. Donald Trump successfully won the 2016 election and will
have four more years to successfully carry out his term. From childhood to adulthood
Trump has shown a charismatic personality, therefore, there are plenty of insights
predicting his actions during his presidency. In Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs there are
five stages. In order, the stages are: Physiological, Safety, Love and Belongingness,
Esteem, and Self Actualization. Trump flip flops between two of the stages: Love and
Belongingness, and Esteem. One of Trump s traits of the Big Five is narcissism, which in
the McAdam s (2016) article, it states that people display this trait because they lack
early life mirroring. This means that the parents failed to lovingly reflect on their child s
budding grandiosity, in return, leaving the child desperately seeking affirmation from
others throughout their lives. Love and Belongingness reflects Trump s narcissistic
tendencies in this way. Trump shows the Esteem stage with his need to be the best, be
successful, and prove that he can be a successful president. As president of the United
States, Trump is trying to fulfill his Self Actualization need with Self Transcendence by
helping others and fulfill his inner potential as president. Trump bases his actions and
goals on the
The Insider Essay
In the movie The Insider, the story starts off with a producer from 60 minutes named
Lowell Bergman and a chemist for a a prominent tobacco company. Bergman feels that
he has a big story to bring to the public when Dr. Wigand refuses to talk to him about the
company that he works for. Wigand s ethical issue in this film is that he has to make a
decision to either choose to do a special interview on 60 minutes regarding the addictive
additives in Brown and Williamson tobacco or to keep quiet about the whole matter. By
choosing to disclose confidential information about his workings in the tobacco company
Wigand puts in jeopardy his livelihood and the future for him and his family. Wigand and
his family go through a series of stressors and ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
The harassment and threats brought Wigand to a breaking point and pushed him to the
point to go off the record. Wigand began to lose sight of where him and his family s
future was heading and him and his wife s rocky marriage didn t make matters any better
and possibly was another major driving force in his decision to break his confidentially

All of these problematic situations then eventually lead to Bergman compelled to blow
the whistle as well. Bergman decided to become a whistleblower because Bergman was a
man of his word also he valued his integrity and credibility, he wanted to continue to
keep his word intact. Bergman also showed great empathy for Wigand and his
circumstances . Bergman knew Wigand was telling the truth and he wanted him to be
vindicated from what Wigand had put himself through but going public and being hero in
a sense. By Bergman deciding to go against his company as well this became a fight that
didn t just involve Dr. Wigand and Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company. Bergman
works hard to defend his and Wigand s credibility by countering Brown and Williamson s
malicious attempts to discredit and disabled them. It s truly interesting that you can t
even be safe for making a decision to notify and possibly save lives. From this film I
learned that taking into consideration your own ethical judgement in your workplace or
anywhere for the matter can be a risky decision , but knowing the difference between
right and wrong can make all the
Hond Company Overview
Business Information Honda Auto, M/C, P/E Marine Customer Relations180 Honda
Blvd Markham, ON L6C 0H9 Toll free no: 1800647635 Industry sector Car
manufacturers Automotive supply chain Commercial vehicles Business information In
1969, when Honda came to Canada, we came as a little association with a dream. We
began with bicycles and power equipment and it took a huge amount of work to get the
sureness and trust of Canadians. Regardless, we locked in and after some time our things
earned the respect of the business focus. Along these lines we created. In 1986, we
manufactured a gathering office in Alliston, Ontario. In 1998, we amassed a minute plant
at that same site, and in 2008, we completed the improvement of ... Show more content
on HelpWriting.net ...
2. Embrace Paradox: Honda is an investigating, data rich affiliation, which asks for that
its authorities at all levels steadily punch openings in nothing new. They do that as the
day progressed, consistently unconstrained get togethers known as waigaya in the midst
of which decisions, broad and little, are reexamined and turned on their head with desires
of finding a predominant key or vital choice. All through its generally short history,
Honda has invited Catch 22 as an approach to advance basic considering and reassess the
purported regular intelligence, forming new reactions to instilled desires. As one Honda
official put it: Waigaya to me implies never ending disappointment. At our organization,
vanity is the foe. The estimation of this framework to a multinational association is
limitless. 3. Robots? Not so Fast: Without a doubt, even as most major mechanical
affiliations see robots and various sorts of robotization as the most ideal approach to
manage lessen costs and nurture capability, Honda inclines toward a substitute way.
Honda s plants are intentionally the most work brought up in the vehicle business,
utilizing robots just in ranges that are hazardous or all things considered clearly less fit
for people than machines. Honda accept that building pros progress toward getting the
chance to be perceptibly separated and their vitality for their occupations and, by
expansion, neighborhood change is quieted by the vicinity of machines whose sole
The Complex Communication of Gibbons Essay
This article discusses the form of communication that Gibbon monkeys use amongst their
species. The argument that appears to be present throughout this article is that Gibbons
are not only able to communicate with each other, but also that their communication
system shares certain features with the human language system. Although I agree that
this species communication system shares particular design features with the human
language, the definition of language attests that this type of communication is not
considered a language.
The first of the five core design features discussed throughout this paper is semanticity.
Semanticity is defined as specific sound signals that are directly tied to certain meanings
(Bauer, 2006, pp. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
However, I would argue the part of this design feature that deems this species
communication as a definite, closed system. For instance, researchers describe Gibbon
songs as including varying pitches that they use to combine up to seven notes to create
more complex structures or phrases ( Singing for Survival, 2006). In the human language
system, the meaning of symbols and/or signals vary depending on certain contexts and
situations. It appears that Gibbons have some capability to change their songs based on
different situations they are engaging in such mating, warnings, etc. Therefore, I ve
concluded that these abilities demonstrate a certain amount of productivity. However, this
species does not the competency to use an unlimited amount of utterances, which would
essentially eliminate them from fully having this design feature in their communication
Displacement is a design feature of language that we as humans are able to use to
reference the past, future, and the hypothetical. It refers to the human language system s
ability to communicate about things that are not present spatially, temporally, and/or
realistically. According to Language Matters , displacement is defined as the ability to
talk about events remote in time and place (Bauer, 2006, pp. 49 57). Although
Case Study Of Courtroom Observation
201220 SPRING 2012 BUSI 301 C05 LUO
Kevin Studer



Hammond Division

DEBORAH WHITE, ) ) Plaintiff, ) )

v. ) Civil Action No. 82A04 8876 CV 285 )
ALONE PROPERTIES, L.L.C., ) d/b/a O MALLEY S TAVERN, ) ) Defendants. )

Courtroom Observation Review of the 2008 2L Moot Court Tournament at the Liberty
University School of Law

INTRODUCTION This case between the plaintiff, Deborah White (Appellee) and the
defendants, Patrick Gibbs; and Stand Alone Properties, L.L.C., d/b/a O Malley s Tavern
(Appenllants) was the subject of a Summary Judgment Motion filed on behalf of the ...
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Summary Judgment is appropriately awarded where the moving party shows that there is
no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a
judgment as a matter of law. (See Fed. R. Civ. P. Rule56, web.1 Mar. 2012
http://www.uscourts.gov )
The Appellants in this case would have to show that there is No Dispute as to the
material facts of the case, meaning that because there client did not have actual
knowledge that Mr. Hard was visibly intoxicated at the time he received his last drink, as
a Matter of Law , the Court would have to grant their motion. The Appellee would have
to show that there are, in fact, matters that should be heard by a jury and therefore, the
motion should be denied. Next, I looked at the definition of Proximate Cause. According
to the Free Dictionary by Farflex, a Proximate Cause is:
An act from which an injury results as a natural, direct, uninterrupted consequence and
without which the injury would not have occurred. Proximate cause would be the
primary cause of an injury. It is not necessarily the closest cause in time or space nor the
first event that sets in motion a sequence of events leading to an injury. Proximate cause
produces particular, foreseeable consequences without the intervention of any
independent or unforeseeable cause. It is also known as legal cause. (web. 26 Feb. 2012
Immigration And The Chinese Exclusion Act Of 1880
These national immigration laws created the need for new federal enforcement
authorities. In the 1880s, state boards or commissions enforced immigration law with
direction from U.S. Treasury Department officials. At the Federal level, U.S. Customs
Collectors at each port of entry collected the head tax from immigrants while Chinese
Inspectors enforced the Chinese Exclusion Act.
One of the first significant pieces of federal legislation aimed at restricting immigration
was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which banned Chinese laborers from coming to
America. Californians had agitated for the new law, blaming the Chinese, who were
willing to work for less, for a decline in wages.The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was
the first significant law restricting immigration into the United States. Those on the West
Coast were especially prone to attribute declining wages and economic ills on the
despised Chinese workers. Although the Chinese composed only .002 percent of the
nation s population, Congress passed the exclusion act to placate worker demands and
assuage prevalent concerns about maintaining white racial purity.
For much of the 1900s, the federal government had left immigration policy to individual
states. However, by the final decade of the century, the government decided it needed to
step in to handle the ever increasing influx of newcomers. In 1890, President Benjamin
Harrison (1833 1901) designated Ellis Island, located in New York Harbor near the
Statue of
Sociocultural Identity
As a Peruvian citizen, I have felt the divide between cultures and societal expectations
that comes with being an immigrant, regardless of the number of years in the country.
My parents came to the United States from Peru, bringing me as a one year old to Puerto
Rico, where my parents continued their studies. Four years later, we found ourselves
living in Amherst, Massachusetts, in front of a playground. Living in the family
university apartments meant that I was exposed to a diverse community. In fact, I nearly
adopted a Guatemalan accent from spending time with my first best friend. Having
access to a diverse community lent a sense of connection to us, as immigrants, since our
separation from our countries of origin isolated us from our usual support groups.
However, my access to a diverse community inevitably taught me about the
discrimination and inequality that was present, in both the immigrant and nonimmigrant
My parents were not very subtle themselves. In stores, my father instructed my mother
and I (and later, my brother), to speak in English, warning us that we would be associated
with unwanted immigrants. I was pressured to go beyond the stereotype of late and
irresponsible Latinos, told to persevere in spite of obstacles, and pushed to do activities
that my parents could not do as children. From a young age, I understood that I was the
future of my family, that my hard work combined with that of others would elevate the
Latino community. My family
The Population of the Wild Hog is Exploding
Today in America there is a wild dangerous animal that is greatly expanding. It is being
seen more often in neighborhoods more than ever. The wild hog population is currently
exploding. These animals get up to 400 pounds with 6 in long razor sharp teeth. They
also have a thick hide and a armor like plating called a shield around their chest area.
They are destroying Americas agriculture industry as well as peoples property. By
digging their snouts into the earth and flipping it up to eat plant roots. This is called
rooting. A group of hogs can root and destroy several acres of crops or land in a single
night. Wild hogs were first introduced to America by the Spanish as a domestic animal
used for meat. Over time these animals escaped and began free ranging and breeding.
They quickly became wild. In the 1930 s owners of ranches introduced Russian boars to
be shot in game preserves. These Russian boars grow much larger, are more aggressive
and have larger, sharper teeth. When they escaped, cross breeding occurred that
introduced the genes that gave America the hybrid feral swine they have today. These
animals are not only a threat to the economy but they are also a threat to people, other
wildlife and the native
http://agrilife.org/texnatwildlife/feral hogs/the ecological impacts of feral swine/ Wild
hog carry several diseases such as pseudorabies, swine brucellosis, bovine tuberculosis,
FADs, African swine
Best Practice in Organizational Safety Culture
Overview of best practice in Organizational Safety Culture
Offshore Helicopter Safety Inquiry
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada May 2010

Presented by Aerosafe Risk Management

Copyright Aerosafe Risk Management, May 2010

This document has been developed by Aerosafe Risk Management (Aerosafe) in reponse
to a specific body of work that was commissioned by the Offshore Helicopter Safety
Inquiry. The background intellectual property expressed through the methodologies,
models, copyright, patent and trade secrets used to produce the Offhore Helicopter Safety
Inquiry Overview of best practice in Organizational Safety Culture remains the property
of Aerosafe.

While the author and publisher have taken reasonable precaution and ... Show more
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...........................................................................27 Discussion
............................................................................................28 Response to the
Accident.....................................................................29 iii

10.2.1 10.2.2 10.2.3


Conclusion ...........................................................................................34

11 12

References ......................................................................................35 Additional



Figure 1 Descriptions of the different types of safety culture ...................................11
Figure 2 Safety Culture...............................................................................................15
Figure 3 Safety Management System (SMS) Diagram .............................................17

Australian Transport Safety Bureau Australian Bureau of Air Safety Investigation Civil
Aviation Advisory Publication Civil Aviation Safety Authority (Australia) Crew Resource
Management Det Norske Veritas (global provider of services for managing risk)
International Civil Aviation Organization Norwegian Petroleum Directorate s Personal
Protective Equipment Occupational Health and Safety Operational Risk Profiling
Corruption In Like Murder, My Sweet, The Big Sleep
The world in this film is portrayed in a realistic fashion like many film noirs that revolve
around the hard boiled detective novel hero on a case. The film follows detective Philip
Marlowe a private eye that was also the main character of Murder, My Sweet as he tries
to solve yet another mystery. Like Murder, My Sweet, The Big Sleep comes from a hard
boiled detective novel by Raymond Chandler an author who criticized classic detective
novels for lacking realism. The Big Sleep features life like characters with realistic goals
and drives. The common drive of many of these characters in the film is money, which is
a drive that is believable and common in reality. This need for, and corruption by money,
is the basis for why these characters behave the way they ... Show more content on
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The theme of corruption is a theme based in realism, and is the basis and the backbone of
the entirety of the film. All of the characters in the film are corrupt in some way or
another except for the protagonist Philip Marlow, who serves as the truth seeking
blackened knight who doesn t find much motivation out of money but finds purpose in
solving mysteries and saving women. Philip Marlow is the one outlier in this world of
corruption who not only does not get seduced by it, but works to fight against it.
Throughout the film, the viewpoints that money breeds corruption and that men are
easily corruptible, are frequently alluded to. In the first sequence of the film, detective
Marlowe and his client General Sternwood are in a green house, the General talks about
his dislike for orchid due to there similarity to men. Nasty things. That flesh is too much
like the flesh of men. Their perfume has a rotten sweetness of corruption (The Big
Sleep). This points to the author s belief that men, and in turn
Synthes Case
Synthes Case Study

Team S
Santiago Sanchez Villalba
Bharat Pawar
Morris Li
Jose Llanos
Tiia Paananen

What are the different threats to the sustainability of Synthes` competitive advantage?

Synthes has several threats to consider in the near and upcoming future. The first threat
we can talk about is with regards to imitation. Imitation is a big deal in the internal
fixation device industry. Synthes has become the leader in this market due to several
competitive advantages, for example the affiliation with AO, which surgeons take as a
sign of confidence. These advantages have been able to sustain them with huge market
share and very high sales during the last 20 years. They have also created other
competitive advantages within ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The threat level is still low because the first trial of bioresorbable failed and the second
generation has not yet fully convinced surgeons. But most doctors seem open to the idea
or already use some of the bioresorbable derivatives to substitute some of Synthes`
products today. The difference from the first generation bioresorbable products to the
second one improved drastically and the third generation could eventually be almost as
effective as today s solutions. If Synthes is not fully prepared there could be a very big
threat to the company not only in sales but also reputation because they are known for
being the top dog and always offering the newest products for internal fixation. A
company with a similar strategy (affiliation to AO, good sales reps, high quality product)
could not only imitate but also substitute if the product part were to be able to be
effective and accepted by doctors. Although there are threats in a competitive industry
such as this one, we believe that Synthes has enough actual and probable competitive
advantages to sustain throughout time as a leader in the internal fixation industry. When
we discuss the S Curve for Synthes, we could see that bioresorbable technology is slow
and improving poorly because it is not understood quite well. If anybody gets it right we
could see the acceleration process and this is where Synthes would be highly
Description Of California Essay
California is probably the most popular state mainly because of it s beaches, resorts and
movie stars. However, there is much more to California than golden sand and hot sun.
This state can overwhelm you with it s extreme diversity! And to prove that I would like
to tell you about the 10 cities I would choose to visit.

1. San Francisco. This city is as beautiful and diverse as California itself. There is a
number of small neighbourhoods that are completely different from each other and you
feel totally immersed in their culture when you go there. The people in San Francisco
create a unique atmosphere of creativity and hospitality which is so rare nowadays.
Everyone who comes there loves the beautiful architecture, rich history and the variety ...
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San Diego. This is another city you absolutely must visit. It s most known tourist
attraction is the famous San Diego Zoo with the stunning park inside of it. But the best
part about this city is many beautiful beaches that are perfect for having a nice and
relaxing day.

4. San Luis Obispo. It s an awesome little college town that will be perfect for your
summer beach vacation. Besides from the great little beaches it also has some fun bars
and Farmer s Markets.

5. Marysville. If you want to know what real California is like you must visit a city like
this. Marysville is a small town in Northern California surrounded my military
households. People there live a normal, ordinary life. They are far away from glamorous
Hollywood and Los Angeles but it s what most Californians life actually is like. Plus, this
city has a cute little downtown area that is perfect for an evening out.

6. Death Valley Junction. If you go to California you definitely have to visit the Death
Valley. Plus, it s very close to the National Park so the trip will be worth it anyway.

7. Sacramento. Well, this is the state capital so exploring it will give you a full sense of
what historical California is like. Good places to see are some museums, government
buildings and historical sights. Don t miss out on visiting this beautiful
Australia Is A Romantic Action Adventure
National Cinema is often used to describe simply the films produced within a particular
nation state . (Higson, 2015) Nations have distinctive stylistic devices, often featuring
stereotypical settings and characters in the attempt to represent the essence of the nation s
culture. This is apparent when comparing the Australian drama, Australia (2008) with A
Separation (2011), an Iranian drama. Both films reflect through a set of norms,
behaviours, beliefs and customs their nations culture, demonstrating that films are not
made in a vacuum. (Smith, 2015)

Australia is a romantic action adventure, directed by Baz Luhrmann, set in Australia prior
to World War II. The plot centres on an English aristocrat who inherits a large cattle farm.
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However, when he discovers the new maid has been lying to him, he realizes that there is
more at stake than his failing marriage. (iTunes, 2011)

In relation to national cinema, the combinations of social and cultural factors strongly
influence the setting of a film. Australia references the old Australian language and
traditional Aboriginal terminology including herd, mouthorgan, rush, station, willy willy,
whitefellas, billabong and more (Park, 2011), Australians have an inherent understanding
of this language however an international audience would not be familiar with it. The
very nature of the language makes Australia identifiable to the country in which it was
created. The portrayal of character is also a depiction of the film s national origin. In
Australia, the drover , is not only the character s name but also a colloquial term that
refers to an experienced stockman, who moves livestock, usually sheep or cattle over
long distances. (New South Whales State Library, 2013)

Australia both identifies the visual appeal of the landscape traditions (Khoo, Smaill and
Yue) and harsh reality of the Australian bush. Breaking the romanticized illusion of the
land. One example of this is when Lady Ashley is first travelling to Faraway Dawns . She
notices a mob of kangaroos jumping past her vehicle, she comments on their elegance
and how she has never seen one before. Suddenly, out of
Causes Of Water Scarcity
The Global Water Institute stated that approximately 700 million people in 43 countries
are currently suffering from water stress and scarcity in 2013 , by 2025 2.8 billion people
will face water stress and scarcity (Hameeteman, 2013, p.3). The global water supply is
approximately 2.5% freshwater and 97.5% is saltwater (Hameeteman, 2013, p.4). Hence,
it is crucial that the Earth s population tries to manage the water stress and scarcity. There
are many causes of water stress and scarcity, for instance: overuse of water due to
economic reasons, pollution of water, drought, governmental access and policies, and
many more. In Africa, many children and women are responsible in collecting water,
thus, traveling large distances to collect clean or unclean water. In addition, sanitation
facilities are inadequate causing half the population to suffer from waterborne diseases
(Hameeteman, 2013, p.6). As a result, unclean water and poor sanitation are a leading
cause of illness and death in this region. There are a few approaches to providing clean
water to the African population, for example: piped water, stand posts and wells.
Moreover, poor sanitation can be alleviated with pit latrines, urine diversion dry toilets
and pour flush toilets (Septien, 2015). However, such methods can be expensive. Hence,
it is important to understand the household s income and the economic situation of the
country. Contrary, different strategies are needed to provide clean water in the developed
Wal Mart Discrimination
Workplace,Business Ethics on evaluation of job ethical standards in Wal Mart in South
Carolina In Partial Fulfillment of Business Research and Project BUS 499 Nagliesha L
Miles Supervisor: Dr. Mmutakaego Chukwuanu Allen University Date: December
8,2010 Table of content Table of
List of Illustrations Wal Mart earnings
preview......................................................................................13 U.S Retail food ... Show
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Wal Mart is reportedly the wealthiest company in the world, with approximately $288
billion dollars in annual sales. In 2004, Wal Mart opened 242 new Super centers around
the country, and they plan to open over 1,000 Super centers over the next 5 years
exploring the possibility of expanding their market into urban centers such as New York
and Chicago. According to Wal Mart s investor web site, As of September 30, 2005, the
Company had 1,253 Wal Mart stores, 1,876 Super centers, 555 Sam s Clubs and 95
Neighborhood Markets in the United States. Internationally, the Company operated units
in Argentina (11), Brazil (151), Canada (261), China (49),Germany (88), South Korea
(16), Mexico (730), Puerto Rico (54) and the United Kingdom (295). (Anderson,Sarah)
Statement of problem My objective is to present how Wal Mart has an affect on
individual, businesses and their employees. I will provide information such as Wal Mart
vs Grocers,their suppliers, small businesses. I will also inform you on Wal Mart s
healthcare, Gender discrimination, environment and if they had products vs No Products.
Wal Mart has been highly criticized for leading the attack against workers and their
families, setting trends in union avoidance tactics within the retail industry, engaging in
gender discrimination, withholding healthcare, and endangering the environment among
other things. These and other issues
Probation Parole And Parole For The Year 2013
In 2014 the Bureau of Justice Statistics released a report regarding probation and parole
for the year 2013, the most recent year for which data is available. The report noted that
by the end of that year there were an estimated 4,751,400 adults serving probation or
parole; women accounted for 25% (Herberman Bonczar, 2014). The number of women
on probation and parole doubled between 1990 and 2003, which led to research into the
best practices for women offenders (Sydney, 2005). In addition to supervised release
there were 173,824 individuals who were unconditionally released in 2013 (Carson,
2014). Unconditional release occurs when an inmate completes their prison term and is
released without probation or parole requirements.
In ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Education was also a factor of recidivism. Individuals who did not have a high school
education were one and a half times more likely to return to prison (Matheson, Doherty,
Grant, 2011; Wikoff, Linhorst Morani, 2012).
Substance abuse is also a factor in recidivism rates. A sizable amount of prisoners met the
DSM IV criteria for either drug dependence or abuse in 2004, with 45% of those in
federal prison and 53% of those in state prison diagnosed (Karberg Mumola, 2006). The
Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities completed by the Bureau
of justice Statistics in 2004 found that almost one third of state prisoners admitted that
their crime was committed while they were under the influence of an illegal substance. It
also found that one in every three inmates committed their crime to gain drug money
(Karberg Mumola, 2006). Those who were at high risk for substance abuse were more
likely to recidivate than those without drug issues (Wikoff, Linhorst, Morani, 2012).
According to Yamatiani and Spieldnes (2011) the biggest issues faced by women exiting
incarceration were stable housing and long term, legal employment. It was also noted
that women suffer from issues such as sexual trauma and problems connecting with their
children more often than their male counterparts (Bloom, Owen,
Personal Narrative-Football
I was nine years old in 1952, and it was on a brisk August Sunday afternoon when my
Dad took me to my very first 49ers game at Kezar Stadium for an exhibition contest
against the Cardinals, from Chicago. As I remember the weather was overcast and the
temperature a cool 60 degrees.

We left our home at 11:30 a.m., and we walked down Lincoln Way towards the stadium.
Dad said that this was his weekly ritual, traveling the same way to every home game. The
narrow streets leading to Kezar were jammed with cars; many headed in the wrong
direction, while fans were coming by foot, by bus, by trolley, by bicycle, even on roller
skates to see the game.

We we arrived at the stadium around noon time. There, we stood in a long line to buy
two end zone ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
For me, pro football was born August 24, 1952. Every 49er would now be playing in
front of me. Can you blame me for going gaga?

We settled on wooden benches that was our seating at Kezar for the afternoon. The
benches allowed about sixteen inches per backside, and each row had thirty six seats.

From our vantage point, we sat directly under a giant scoreboard; the clock displayed had
a minute and a second hand; which noted the time left in a quarter.

Dad described: When the clock wound down to the final minute, with the two hands
converging, players and coaches always had difficulty determining how much time
remained. There would be a couple of guys inside watching the game through those little
slots with big numbered cards, inwhich they would manually change the score as the
situation changed.

Game programs cost 25 cents, and Dad was quick to buy one. Inside the program were
great photos of many 49er players in action poses. There was also a cartoon of a gold
miner shooting off two pistols; one of which was aimed at his own head! I instantly fell
in love with the zany little prospector. Dad commented that gold miner shooting his
pistols was our official team
The Monster s Statue Of Liberty
A towering two headed monster rips the statue of liberty off of its stand in one hand,
grasping a bloody knife in the other. The heads are those of a distorted Hitler and
Japanese leader, dripping blood in a mouth full of fangs. The world is aflame beneath the
monsters feet, the only thing holding it back is a glowing hand grasping a wrench with
the word production plastered onto the side of it. Below this image of total production is
a space of blank white with black text that reads Stop this monster that stops at nothing...
PRODUCE to the limit! and in red stylized font sprawling across the lower half of this
box are the words This is YOUR War! This image was put out by the American
government during WW2 to convince the American public ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
This is YOUR war! attempts to unify the American people. This is done in particular in
the text This is YOUR war! which is printed in a special red font on a white background,
compared to the black text of the rest. The meaning of this slogan is clear, this war isn t a
war for the government or for the rich, and this war is for everyone. The arguments of the
image about the destruction of liberty, and by continuation, of America, hope to create
the idea in Americans that this war is vital to their survival. This is in particular
important, since many Americans felt that WW1 was a war that was fought on the behalf
of the rest of Europe, and that America shouldn t have been involved. By creating the
idea that this war was for the benefit of everyone, the government hoped that the war
effort would not be stopped by reluctant Americans. In order to further the feeling that
this war was for the people, the image attempts to convince people to directly help the
war effort by producing
Comparing Orwell s 1984 and Machiavelli s The Prince ...
When examining the totalitarian government of 1984 by George Orwell, a direct
connection can be drawn to the motives and ideals associated with Niccoló Machiavelli s
The Prince. Machiavelli s support of the political necessity as a means to remain in
power resonate with the government whose aim is to extinguish once and for all the
possibility of independent thought as a way to ensure complete political orthodoxy within
the country (193). Specifically, Machiavellian thought plays an important part in 1984 as
its ideas on reputation, revolution, avoiding hatred, and the use of fear to control a
populace are used by INGSOC in order to maintain complete control throughout the
story. In the following paragraphs, the connections between these ... Show more content
on HelpWriting.net ...
One of these policies is described when Orwell states It is deliberate policy to keep even
the favored groups somewhere near the brink of hardship, because a general state of
scarcity increase the importance of small privileges (191). This idea of maintaining
constant hardship in order to increase the importance of small actions is an important tool
used by the government in the book. It allows them to garner public support incredibly
easily by means of very small or near inconsequential actions, thus reducing the chance
of revolution. Revolution against the government is further prevented by the society
present in the story. This is due to the fact that although some citizens decidedly are
against the Party, the restrictive atmosphere prevents them from networking with other
like minded individuals. This idea is characterized well by Winston when he explains
that, they talked of engaging in active rebellion against the Party, but with no notion of
how to take the first step . Thus, the difficulty in creating a popular revolutionary
movement is exponentially more difficult. A final obstacle facing revolutionaries in 1984
is that they do not know whether or not their ideas represent the majority in the society.
Its an incredibly important point because as Machiavelli points out, whoever conspires
always believes that he will satisfy the people with the death of the prince, but if he
believes he
Lovely Lady Video Slot
Meta: Amatic is back and this time around they are bringing female company, enter the
effortlessly alluring and mighty tempting Lovely Lady video slot!


Lovely Lady (Amatic)


Some think that there is nothing luckier in life than finding a lovely lady as it were, now
there is an opportunity to see if that is true in the online casino realm as well. Lovely
Lady video slot is a new Amatic creation that has a lot of icons that some consider to be
lucky at least, including horseshoes, piggy banks, and four leafed shamrocks, all
jockeying for the position of most lucky . No matter what, players can glean rewards for
finding them regardless of which one ends up taking the ultimate top spot. There could
also be some bonus offerings in your future with no less than the Wild Lovely Ladies and
Crystal Balls at hand.

Casting an Alluring Look

Lovely Lady appears to be lucky with her luscious dark hair, red lips, and blue eyes. As
for that crystal ball, maybe her prediction will be to have a long term, exciting future
with just that right gamer. When you look at the theme of free Lucky Lady slot, what you
ll find is that it does nothing complex, standing by some basic animations and design
elements. However, this is certainly not a negative in our eyes, as the game appears to
run smoothly no matter what ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
If you are the victor with the piggy banks, these come in at up to as 40,000 coins, but if
you are fortunate enough to land on ladybirds or mushrooms, you could walk away with
up to 75,000. Fun with the Lovely Lady takes on all forms of monies and standards
judging by our experience. With everyone having to play the 10 paylines per reel spin,
there is a lot of action for gamblers at hand, with wages ranging from 10 coins up to
Magical Realism in Gabriel Garcia s A Very Old Man with...
Magical Realism in Gabriel Garcia s A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings

A Very old Man with Enormous Wings (1955) is a short story by Garbriel Garcia
Marquez, a Latin American author. This story contains many elements of Magical
Realism, such as having one fantastic element while being reality based, having a deeper
meaning, and having no need to justify or explain events or human actions.

The magical elements in this story are the old man (that is assumed to be an angel) and
the girl who was turned into a spider because she disobeyed her parents. The angel is the
element in Magical Realism that discovers the mysterious parts in life. Most people
believe in supernatural beings like angels. Angels are usually thought of as ... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
It shows how one would normally react to something different and strange.

The character s reactions differ. The parents, Peylo and Elisenda were afraid and upset
when they saw the old angel. They assumed he was coming to take their baby since it had
been sick. The crowd s reaction was complete curiosity. They never doubted that the man
was not an angel, but they did want to see him for themselves. No one questioned the
way that the angel was being treated by the crowd or Peylo and Elisenda, either. As a
matter of fact, the wise neighbor wanted Peylo and Elisenda to club him to death.

The author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, write with the attitude that it would be perfectly
normal to be walking back towards one s house after getting rid of some crabs and seeing
an angel. He did offer some explanation to the sudden appearance of the angel. The
explanation was that the angel was coming to get the baby but the hard rains knocked
him down into the mud.

The problem that was caused by the angel s appearance was that the crowds
overwhelmed the area where he was staying. Because they were nosy and pushy, there
was more mistreatment in store for him. At one point in the story, the crowd threw stones
at him, threw food at him, plucked out his feathers, and burned his side with an iron for
branding steers (527). At the end of the story, Elisenda kept on watching [him fly away]
until it was no longer possible to see him, because then he was no
Argumentative Essay On North Korea
North korea may be one of the most dangerous countries in the world. They claim to
have successfully tested a hydrogen bomb which can be more powerful than an atom
bomb. This is a major threat to not only the US but the entire world. As the president of
the United states, Donald Trump should not heckle them, but try to make peace with
them. One thing i grew up believing is that there are always two sides to a story. What if
the people in North Korea just want to be respected? The president should arrange a
meeting with not only north korea, but with the whole world in order to create a treaty for
peace. We don t really have an idea of what North Korea is capable of, and i believe it is
simply too dangerous to risk going into a nuclear war.
Textual Analysis Of Big Data By Edward Snowden
Many people have become so immersed in data, that they are unable to recognize the
data that they have been exposed to. For example, many college students either watch tv
or listen to music while completing homework. Students often time just see this as
background noise when in reality this is data that become stored in your unconscious
mind. The film Big Data gives a visual account of how much data streaming has
impacted society both negatively and positively through the use of data analysis. Data
has taken away the ability to remain anonymous and has also sparked a decline in human
interpersonal skills. However, Data also has allowed humanity to collect new information
providing new solutions to world issues. The film Big Data is able to ... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
Through the Big Data film, viewers are taught that data tracked through search engines
can be instrumental. The tracked data can be used to predict trends over time. For
example in the film, the researchers were able to track the number of times that flu
symptoms were searched. Then with this information, the researchers were able to
accurately predict the onset of a flu season prior to the Center for Disease Control report.
Additionally, this data can also be used to keep the information up to date. For example,
during the hurricane season, people used Twitter to provide updates on where the damage
occurred and give details on to what degree property was damaged. Recently, the city of
Tallahassee used twitter to give updates on power outages that occurred during the most
recent storm. On Twitter, the city of Tallahassee released the areas affected by the storm
and approximated guess of how many people were without power. Data can be useful
because it helps to keep people informed and permits further analysis of everyday tasks
performed on the
Personal Progression of Public Speaking Essay
In life, we rarely have the chance for a do over, but I feel like returning to college is
mine. Throughout high school, my grades were never above average and until about a
couple of years ago I considered myself to be unintelligent. What I failed to see was my
level of commitment. Once I began applying myself, the grades earned reflected that.
This concept coincides to my public speaking ability. Many students, including myself,
walk into a speech class thinking that it will be the Easy A of the semester and quite
frankly I devoted a good amount of time and hard work to earn my A s and B s for this
course. Overall, my public speaking growth in terms of listenability were influenced by
the following: the strategy keys in correctly engaging ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
The art speech was not necessarily my best moment when it came to audience analysis. I
should have followed through with making the speech less about the assignment and
more about who I was presenting it to. The dragon and persuasive speech probably
would have been better had I not had so much information, I really saw how it affected
the way I looked as far as confidence was concerned. Looking at my personal anecdote
speech I think that was my shining moment. I am not only saying that because of the
grade I received, but because I owned the material and it showed. As far as maintaining
ethos, I would have to say that was during my informative speech. I felt like I knew what
I was talking about in the dragon speech more at the Q A than during the speech, but
during my energy drink presentation I really had the material down. During the self
evaluations I know that I properly analyze what I did wrong, though I am not sure I was
able to fix everything I set out to. Strategically speaking, I have a ways to go with
choosing a topic, learning how to control my nervous energy, and to avoid excluding my
audience should investigate more efficiently.
Structure is casually called the bones of the speech. I thought I already had understood
structure, but when it came to public speaking I struggled by thinking of the speeches in
a literary sense rather than as a conversation. My dialog started flowing
Membership In Fraternities And Sororities
The decrease in membership in fraternities and sororities has occurred due to negative
representation in media and criminal reputations. However, students should join
fraternities and sororities because together they can do work for charities, volunteer, and
fundraise. Students should also become members to be a part of a group life in which you
are essentially guaranteed lifelong friendships and a thriving social life. Although the
monetary cost may be high and the superficial representation in media makes fraternity
and sorority members look daft and trouble making, the benefits to membership include
helping out communities and being held responsible for your academic and
extracurricular activities. The words fraternity and sorority can define any group of men
and women that come together to form a club, but the words are well known for college
Greek life organizations. Fraternities and sororities are known for their private imitations
and rules, which sometimes can only be learned about by becoming a part of the club.
The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia is known for the first college
fraternity. The fraternities developed throughout the late 1700 s as a way for ... Show
more content on HelpWriting.net ...
In his work Fraternities in Decline , Reisberg mentions hazing as a reason for the drop in
memberships. While hazing is a serious concern, there has been a rise in awareness
amongst communities as well as policing the initiation processes of fraternities. In fact,
most states have enacted anti hazing laws (Beitman). Fraternities and sororities are
known to have a bad reputation due to media. However, not all members participate in
reckless, dangerous, or violent behavior. It is simply that out of such a large group there
must exist some criminals or people who exhibit unseemly behaviors, but that does not
represent the entire
British-Chinese Relations in the Nineteenth Century and...
British Chinese Relations in the Nineteenth Century and Alicia Bewicke Little s Novel, A
Marriage in China

The year was 1842, and Britain had just finished a successful military campaign in
China, a campaign that also signified a rather humiliating defeat for the Chinese army.
The first Opium War reestablished Britain s profitable opium trade routes from India to
China, and also established a new mode of British Chinese relations, one that resulted in
British control of the new colony of Hong Kong and semicolonial control over various
treaty ports. The progressive optimism that this combined political and economic control
seemed to herald for the British Empire was reflected in a piece in the newly established
Illustrated London ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The story of British Chinese relations in the nineteenth century emerges as a story in
which the British desire for chinoiserie fantastically colored silks, aromatic teas and
spices, delicate porcelain, exquisite decorative arts, and fascinating architecture is
progressively frustrated by China s limitation of foreigners to only a few treaty ports, the
several attempts by the Chinese to ban or stop by force the British opium trade, and the
populist destruction of European funded infrastructure: from missionary and trade
encampments to railroads later in the century.

A long time resident of China, Alicia Bewicke Little was poised to comment on that
history/story as the century ended. Her 1896 novel, A Marriage in China, is a reflection
of the imagined history of British Chinese relations that is, the tone, tenor, and character
of the relationship as imagined by the British. This imagined history intangible and
theoretical is embodied both structurally and thematically in the novel. Structurally, the
novel employs multiple plot lines and a wide variety of characters and settings as a way
of representing the turbulence of the past fifty years of British policy in China. As Little
China s Growth And Its Impact On The United States
For the past century, Chinese society has felt a compulsive desire to develop at breakneck
speeds. In pursuing development, China s primary goal has been to display its
sophistication to the world, rather than to directly aid the welfare of its citizens.
Following this hierarchy of objectives, China has continued to relentlessly modernize
despite enormous negative consequences; the development powered through famine
during the Great Leap Forward, violence during the Cultural Revolution, and economic
dislocation during liberalization, accepting negative consequences as bearable burdens on
the path to global renown. Ignoring these issues, China has proven itself more responsive
to international views of modernity than to immediate national ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
Physical calls for a solution accompanied Lu Xun s literary complaint. Students took to
the streets during the May 4th movement, a popular effort to right the course of Chinese
society. The movement was an attempt to redefine China s culture as a valid part of the
modern world. The protestors proposed great societal changes in order to achieve
modernization, urging citizens to attack against reactionary or irrelevant old ways,
cultivate interest in Western art and culture, and develop a sophisticated awareness of the
achievements of Western science. While the reform suggestions varied, they shared a
central patriotic ground: they wished for a rejuvenated, unified China. Thus, the
protestors requested that China to strive to fulfill Western ideals for what makes a state
modern. This desire informed the next century of Chinese decision making: More
spiritual victories were intolerable, as the Chinese demanded that their country prove its
by developing at all costs. Leaders therefore, became primarily concerned with
projecting an image of
History Of Internet On The World
Josh Margolis
November 2, 2015
History of Internet

Before the the Internet was created, linking the world, human beings were already
thinking with a connected mind. While messages obviously were unable to be transferred
electronically, humans invented different ways to trade information and news with other
people. Firstly was the post. In order to send a friend a message, a letter would have had
to been written and mailed. Mailing messages was a long process, often taking days to
get one message to another person. This method (still used today) was not the most
convenient because there is no urgency or speed in mailing a letter. Luckily in the mid
1800 s the telegraph was invented. Sent for the first time in 1838, the telegraph was the
first instance of sending a message (4). A telegraph is defined as the transmission of
textual or symbolic messages without the physical exchange of an object. This is the first
instance of a message being sent in a virtual sense (2). While messages could be
delivered through the mail within a matter of days, a telegraph could be transmitted live.
At the time this was quite a feat. When studying the creation of the internet, it is
important to remember that not one single man directly created the web that we know
today. Rather, many brilliant minds, over time, added and refined the experience for the
greater good. Originally, the earliest version of the internet was constructed as a tool for
US warfare. The United States
The Dormant Accounts From Wwii
Dormant accounts Dormant accounts from WWII became an issue in the mid 1990 s
when World Jewish Congress (WJC) decided to go after Swiss banks for funds they
claimed should have been given back to the survivors or their descendants. According to
the WJC, $1.24 billion was paid out to funds set up by Swiss banks ( Report: Swiss
Banks Holocaust Fund Paid out 1.24 Billion Dollars, 2013). So how do the Swiss banks
handle regular dormant accounts? From first sight it seems like it would be easy, unlike
holocaust survivors and victims descendants that have spread out all over the world after
the war. Private accounts are private, and if a customer dies without leaving beneficiary
information or company goes out of business accounts are ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
The toxic securities came to $38.7 billion CHF (Shotter, 2013). As the economy
improved UBS was required to buy back a portion plus interest.
Secrecy, Tax Evasion, and Money Laundering The degree to which tax evasion and
money laundering have been investigated in recent years, the validity of having such
secrecy has been questioned again. In 2003 the European Union reached an agreement to
phase out banking secrecy, but in fears that the clients will withdraw funds and deposit
them in Switzerland, the three member nations that have secrecy laws, Belgium,
Luxemburg, and Austria, would be permitted to keep those laws so long as Switzerland
does (Meller Langley, 2003). The EU countries, banks will be held to withholding a 15%
tax on the earnings of account holders. So what is money laundering? Our trip to HSBC,
Nick Batterton, provided us with a detailed overview and a case scenario to show just
how easily one may launder money. The three core stages of money laundering are the
placement, layering, and integration. You must first enter your illegal funds into the
financial system through deposit, usually through a legitimate looking business. Then
you layer or launder, where you make multiple complex transactions to displace it from
the origin deposit. Once complete you re enter the funds into ligament purchases such as
luxury purchases and financial investments. So why are the banks in
The State Of Delaware River Pollution
This situation may arise if humanity does not take steps to mend its polluting tendencies.
To begin with, each individual should focus on decontaminating his or her nearest water
body. For those living in Delaware, the nearest major water body is the Delaware River,
which is in dire need of reform. The Delaware River, . . . is the fifth most polluted river
in the country, according to a report released . . . by Environment New Jersey
(Augenstein). However, this issue did not arise spontaneously. A recognized problem by
the early eighteenth century, Delaware River pollution remained a serious issue for the
next 300 years. This mostly originated from rapid population growth and booming
industrial activities ( Delaware River Water Quality ). As the years progressed,
Delawareans continuously disregarded the Delaware River, and now it is immensely
polluted due to an accumulation of neglect for the river. Residents polluted the river
without repercussions until the river s deterioration began to adversely affect them.
Because of this, Delaware waters continued to befoul past the line of safety. Severe
pollution was most evident by the prevalence of waterborne illnesses and in the sharp
decline of migratory fish populations ( Delaware River Water Quality ). Delaware
waterways are currently unsafe for commercial use due to the presence of pollutants and
parasites like Giardia and Cryptosporidium in the water. These can cause significant
health problems, especially in
Japan Net Bank Case Analysis

op y


Japan Net Bank: Japan s First Internet only Bank

Yoshiyuki Miyai had a vision. He wanted to establish a completely new standard of

banking in Japan that of Internet only banking. As president of Japan Net Bank (JNB),
the first
Japanese online bank with no physical branches, Miyai emphasised that customer
satisfaction should be the focus of JNB s business his customers should enjoy convenient
access to accounts, competitive rates, customisation and secure transmission of
information over the
Web. To bring out the best services, he saw to it that JNB was run with low operation
costs, a flat management structure, flexible computer systems and a small workforce all
different ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The bank provided commercial and investment banking services, including credit and
equity derivatives, loan trading and financial advisory services. As of 1 April, 2001, it
had 27 million accounts, 578 domestic branches and approximately 7,600 Automatic
Teller Machines (ATMs) in Japan.


Fujitsu Limited (www.fujitsu.com, 10% stake)


Computers and information technology accounted for more than two thirds of sales of
Limited. The company was one of Japan s top two PC makers and a leading maker of
servers, software, storage devices and peripherals such as printers and scanners. Its
information technology services included systems installation and management. The
company also made communications systems, consumer electronics, semiconductors and
electronic components.
Fujitsu reported consolidated revenues of ¥5.48 trillion for the fiscal year ended 31
2001. It consisted of 517 consolidated subsidiaries with operations in more than 100
countries. Its subsidiary, Nifty Corp., was an Internet Service Provider that offered a
comprehensive Internet service called @nifty. @nifty s sites and services included
ecommerce portals, forums, auction sites, member homepages and Internet access. As of
January 2001, @nifty had 4.4 million subscribers.
Nippon Life Insurance Co. (Nissay, www.nissay.co.jp, 10% stake)

The world s third largest insurance

Critical National Infrastructure Recovery
Critical National Infrastructure Protection
(Lucas Heights Nuclear Reactor) Introduction
When we talk about nuclear infrastructure we understand the importance of the
protection of such an infrastructure. We understand how critical it is that we have an
emergency plan in case of a disaster or attack. Without these emergency plans in place
we face an exponential number of casualties. In order to avoid or contain such a situation
if it were to ever occur, we shall be using two types of tools to identify the appropriate
measures necessary to avoid such a situation. The first tool is a Risk Matrix which will
clearly identify what our most serious risk is, the second is a stakeholder matrix which
will show us the importance of our resources ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
Without the use of a Risk Matrix we are unable to identify threats to our survival and if
we can t identify them, then how can we prevent or create an emergency plan. When we
talk about Nuclear Reactors and the risks that come with it, the first thing that comes to
mind is the word Safety . Defining safety is the state of being safe (Podbielsli 2000, p.
483). The consequences are so high to the survival of the human race that its human
instinct to survive at all costs and now that we have ways of identifying risks, we are able
to put contingency plans in place for future use if needed. During my analysis of risks
that would be a threat to the Nuclear facility I managed to pin point exactly what the
major threat is and with the same analysis I also came to find how unimportant other
risks can be as well. This makes it far easier to make a decision on where to focus the
most resources. The below table clearly shows our risk priorities in order, so that we can
clearly understand and attend to the most important issue we currently have and will have
in the
The Growth Of Internet Coupled With The Rise Of
Abstract. The growth of internet coupled with the rise in networked infrastructure has
resulted in exponential increase in the multimedia content being shared over the
communication networks. The advancement in technology has resulted in increase in
multimedia piracy. This is due to the fact that it is very easy to copy, duplicate and
distributes multimedia content using current day technology. In such a scenario Digital
Rights Management is one of the prominent issues to be dealt with and tremendous work
is going on in this direction round the globe. Digital watermarking and fingerprinting
have emerged as fundamental technologies to cater to DRM issues. These technologies
have been found to be of prominent use in content authentication, copy protection,
copyright control, broadcast monitoring and forensic applications. Various requirements
of a digital watermarking system include Imperceptibility, Robustness, Security, Payload
and Computational complexity. The main requirement of real time DRM systems is
lesser computational complexity and high robustness. This chapter proposes and analyses
a robust and computational efficient Image watermarking technique in spatial domain
based on Inter Block Pixel Difference (IBPD). The cover image is divided into 8×8 non
overlapping blocks and difference between intensities of two pixels of adjacent blocks at
predefined positions is calculated. Depending upon the watermark bit to be embedded;
both the pixels are modified to bring the
Persuasive Essay About Video Games
In life, you learn that certain things just don t mix: Diet Coke and Mentos, cereal and
water, drugs and good grades, and picnic tables and dancing, just to name a few. That last
example might seem a little bizarre to you, but to me it hits very close to home.
Throughout my childhood, we had this picnic table that sat on our back patio. We would
have tea parties on it or use it as a place to color or do homework. Sounds pretty fun,
right? Sure, as long as you were using it the way it was intended to be used. Throw in my
sister and her aspiring dreams to be a dancer, and suddenly our story gets a little messy.
So grab a snack, sit back, and listen to the story of how my sister drove me to start taking
drugs. It was a sunny day ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
With my dad at work all day and my mom being preoccupied with taking care of our
baby brother, there were often times when Nicole and I were left alone. Taking advantage
of the lack of supervision, we did some crazy things and often found ourselves ending up
in trouble of one sort or another. But back to our story; Nicole had finished dragging the
picnic table over to where I was standing and dropped it, letting it hit the ground with a
thud. She swiped a hand across her forehead to wipe away the sweat that had gathered in
little beads on her face and shot me a grin. She climbed up onto the bench and then
stepped onto the table top. From where I was standing, I could see the plastic bending
underneath the weight of her body. Already my mind started to race with all the things
that could go wrong with this. But before I could say a word, she reached down and
grabbed my hand, pulling me up to join her. I started to protest, but she cut me off as she
explained that she had finally decided what she wanted to be when she was older: a
dancer. Obviously the only way to improve your dancing skills was by doing flips off of
a picnic table. Or at least that s what Nicole told me. The first flip I did was okay. I
landed on my feet but only managed to do half a flip. Nicole tried right after me and the
same thing happened to her. After about 15 minutes, I was starting to do
Columbine High School Shooting
April 20th, 1999 is a day that will never be forgotten, on that day the first school
shooting massacre accord. At around eleven fifteen a.m. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris
opened fire on students at Columbine High School in a suburb of Denver, Colorado.
What drives two teenagers to the point of mass murder? These kids had come to a dark
road in their lives and they succumbed to it completely and that is when they began to
plan for the biggest school shooting. What drove these two teens to their breaking point
and what was the result of their choices? Throughout high school they had been bullied
and made fun for the way they looked and acted. So most investigators believe that this
was the breaking point for these two teenagers, they had ... Show more content on
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They had come to their breaking point and could no longer take it any longer so they did
what they thought would fix their problems. And what they chose to do was to destroy
the lives of so many people and to even end their own. This event made history as the
first ever school shooting massacre and that was their goal they wanted to be noticed.
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had even destroyed the sense of safety across the nation
because now everyone believed someone they knew could be a
How Does Golding Present the Theme of Good Versus Evil in...
How does Golding present the theme of good versus evil in the novel Lord of the Flies ?

William Golding s novel Lord of the Flies is at first impression a dramatic adventure
story about a group of boys stranded on an island, whilst being evacuated from a war torn
world. However to the perceptive reader a more meaningful level of Golding s Lord of
the Flies emerges. The novel is designed as an allegory; to a get a warning across to
mankind about what Golding called the Essential sickness of mankind . The island acts
as a microcosm for the outside world; the boys themselves convey the flaws and the evil
that seems to thrive in the mind of mankind as a whole race in a more deep and abstract
way. In the opening the chapter the ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Death is another interpretation for it as Ravens and various other birds by that colour are
often portrayed as being associated with death. Roger in the novel is the representative
for torture and sadistic pleasure. Roger is associated most definitively with evil and the
quote, ‘Furtive boy, is adding to the effect that Golding has created. The word ‘furtive
means secret, stealthy or sly, and roger seems to have an eerie silence and furtive manner
around him. The quote ‘inner intensity of avoidance and secrecy is another quote that
describes Roger brilliantly, the word ‘intensity makes me think of a sort of paranoia or
silent violence about him and the ‘avoidance and secrecy part really makes me think of
a sickness that seems to thrive inside Roger especially. This sickness is what I think is the
becoming of what Golding called the essential sickness of mankind . A conflict between
good and evil I think is most obviously at the end of the first chapter the quote said by
Simon, like candles. Candle bushes. Candle buds . This is an important insight into
Simon s character; he appreciates nature and the beauty of everything around him. This
beauty is cut away by Jack as said in the quote, Slashed at one with his knife and the
scent spilled over them . The language of the quote is harsh sounding and this really
helps give the impression of an act hat doesn t seem to be
Margaret Atwood Rape Fantasies Analysis
Margaret Atwood s short story Rape fantasies explores society s understanding of rape
and women s ability to express their sexuality in the 1970s. Through the lens of several
different rape fantasies, Atwood shows how women often suppress their sexuality, but
instead can reclaim it, and displays how the popular depictions of rape in the media of
the 70s affected people s outlook on it. Some aspects of her story show the shame and
silence related to rape, while other aspects show subversive and progressive ideas that
brings to light that the idea of rape is not an insurmountable one. As with anything else,
the perceptions and outlooks on rape were affected by the culture of the time. Female
clerical workers were not strangers to harassment ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
As stated before, media of the time promoted passive and submissive behavior in women
particularly in the situation of a sexual assault, but even outside of dangerous situations,
in a normal relationship. The feminine movement of the 70s began to recognize and rail
against the patriarchy that demanded women s role as a second class citizen, often
viewed as an object or, at best, an inferior dependent. The traditional role impressed upon
women was that of a sexuality that is passive and lacks concern for the woman s pleasure
. Unfortunately, even today, this idea of women s sexuality has not been eradicated, as
evidenced by literature published years after this time Daniel Shank Cruz focuses on the
book The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex, published twenty five years after Rape
Fantasies. Good Vibrations contains scenarios of women s rape fantasies, in which the
women in the fantasies are immobilized and raped by attackers, but they inwardly enjoy
it despite their outward appearance. Cruz points out that the problem with these fantasies
is not that the women in the fantasies enjoy their encounters, because these women claim
their sexuality by finding pleasure in a sexual situation. However, the problem lies in that
the women in this book are disempowered, allowed to be used as impersonal sex objects,
denied any control over their
Cocaine Is The Most Potent Stimulant Out There
Cocaine has been shown to be the most common, most potent stimulant out there. It was
found in the leaves of the erythroxylon coca plant in the Andean highlands, and it was
used for many centuries as a relaxant and energizing tea by natives. It was used in
surgeries to numb the nose, throat or eyes. It was useful in these areas because it
constricted blood vessels and helped stop blood flow as well as acted as an anesthetic
(Virtual Mass Spectrometry Laboratory 2003). Today cocaine is still used in hospitals for
the same reason. Cocaine was also thought to be used to treat depression, alcoholism, and
addiction to morphine. It was sold in pharmacies in Canada until around 1911. It made a
return in the 1960s. Cocaine is illegal and is sold ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
It can cause respitory failure, stroke and heart failure. People who continue to use
cocaine may show symptoms similar to schizophrenia, it can cause severe mood swings,
reduce libido, weight loss and insomnia. It is estimated that 1.3 million people in the U.S.
use cocaine every month (Virtual Mass Spectrometry Laboratory 2003).

Individuals who become addicted to cocaine find themselves as slaves to the drug. As
stated in the video Through a Blue Lens individuals feel like they are owned and no
longer belong to themselves, they are controlled by it (Darlene, Through a Blue Lens). A
BPS+ model Is explained with 5 Dimensions; Biological, Psychological, Social, Cultural
and Spiritual. According to Bradley Trigg in discussion forum 2 he insinuates that people
may become addicts to Numb pain. They begin using drugs to escape pain or reality of
what s happened in life, maybe numb the pain of past events. Based on Through a Blue
Lens he learned by listening to Darlene explain that she started using drugs to numb the
pain and make herself feel better about the past life that she had which is the
psychological dimension. Although some people use cocaine to escape reality and numb
the pain others use it because it may be all they know. As Tara Smith states in discussion
forum 2 that in the video Through a Blue Lens Darlene witnessed addiction first hand by
her family. She was subjected to abuse and witnessed parents using drugs. Tara states this
affects her in
Summary Of Little Red Cap We See Red By Carol Ann Duffy
Autonomy within David Malouf s Ransom is represented by the lack of overbearing and
constant interference by the gods. Although the characters are bound by fate they are
unrestricted in acting within their own free will. In Carol Ann Duffy s Little Red Cap we
see Red s autonomy by subverting the traditional narrative and giving her control of the
tale and fate of the Wolf.

The concept that humans possessed their own autonomy over their actions and the
opportunities they took was unfathomable concept to the Ancient Greeks who believed
that their destinies were predetermined and governed by the actions of deities and
supernatural forces. Within Ransom it is we see Malouf has pulled apart this notion and
placed the Gods in the background ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Malouf does not portray fate as an irrevocable procession to the grave and that man is
powerless to contest it. For Malouf, that which cannot be altered in Priam s life is merely
left to the gods and that which can be changed is simply dependent on chance but instead
makes it evident that through perseverance and will, man can exercise a degree of control
over his destiny.

When we look at depictions of free will in regards to Achilles, we can see that his
reputation throughout the territory is well known, bringing fear to Trojans and inspiration
to the Greeks. Despite his reputation being earnt through war and strength, Achilles
would not be remembered for this. Malouf presents to us the raw, vulnerable side of
Achilles with his mourning for Patroclus. The very act of dragging Hector s body each
morning behind his chariot ... breaks daily every rule [his men] ... have been taught to
live by. Their only explanation is that he is mad (p.29). However, we can see the gods do
not interfere with Achilles desecration by taking Hector s body, instead they return the
body to an untarnished state, adding to Achilles rage (p.31) Priam s arrival to Achilles
camp is an autonomous act as he wishes to ransom myself as well as my son linking back
to the small child Podarces who was ransom in himself. This highlights Priam s

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