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A Doll House Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic "A Doll House" can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a deep
understanding of the play, its characters, and the socio-cultural context in which it was written. This
task demands a careful analysis of Henrik Ibsen's work, exploring the intricate relationships, themes,
and symbolism embedded within the narrative.

To start, one must delve into the characters, especially Nora Helmer, the protagonist, and Torvald
Helmer, her husband. Understanding their motivations, conflicts, and character arcs is crucial.
Unraveling the societal norms and expectations prevalent in the 19th century, when the play was
penned, adds another layer of complexity. Moreover, discussing the play's critical reception and its
impact on the feminist movement requires a nuanced approach.

Analyzing the symbolism, such as the titular dollhouse, the tarantella dance, and the macaroons,
demands a keen eye for detail. These elements contribute to the overall thematic richness of the play,
providing ample material for a comprehensive essay. Balancing a close textual analysis with broader
cultural and historical contexts requires finesse.

Moreover, synthesizing various critical perspectives and scholarly opinions can be both enlightening
and overwhelming. Distinguishing one's own interpretation while acknowledging existing discourse
adds another layer of difficulty to the writing process.

In conclusion, composing an essay on "A Doll House" necessitates a blend of literary analysis,
historical contextualization, and critical synthesis. The challenge lies in navigating these intricacies
to produce a coherent and insightful piece. For those seeking assistance, similar essays and more can
be explored through platforms like , where experts can provide valuable insights
and support in navigating the complexities of literary analysis.

A Doll House Essay A Doll House Essay

Beowulf Is A True Hero
Who is a true hero? I believe that Beowulf is a true hero one who is brave loyal and puts
himself in danger to save others. Beowulf fought many monsters who attacked villages.
He later on becomes king of the Geeks for 50 years after the Geeks got attacked by a
Dragon. Beowulf went with a small army to kill the dragon, Beowulf kills the dragon but
the dragon s venom kills Beowulf and Wiglaf the last man standing behind Beowulf
becomes king because he stayed loyal to Beowulf. Throughout Beowulf s quest to help
other people you get to see some of his hero characteristics like his bravery, loyalty, and

One characteristic that a true hero has to have is bravery. A hero cannot fear anything it is
up againsts. Beowulf s bravery is shown when he says I swim in the blackness of night
hunting monsters out of the ocean and killing them one by one (Beowulf 38). We know
Beowulf is not scared of anything he is up against even the scary and cold hearted
Grendel He slipped through the door and there in the silence Snatched up thirty men
smashed them Unknowing in their beds and ran out with their bodies (Beowulf 34). From
these examples we can see how brave Beowulf really is. ... Show more content on ...
His quests are started by his loyalty towards others. Beowulf went to fight Grendel for
Hrothgar and when he meets Wiglaf he says Hail Hrothgar (Beowulf 37) which shows
loyalty towards Hrothgar. Even when Beowulf later on became king he still remained
loyal to his people. Beowulf went on to fight the dragon with a small army for his people.
He ended up killing the Dragon, and dying for his people His famous king blooby,
gasping For breath (Beowulf 58). Beowulf was loyal until the end and ended up
sacrificing himself for others, that is true
Linner Monologue
The average American has three square meals a day. I, on the hand, have four. They are
the following: breakfast, lunch, linner, and dinner. Sometimes linner is not enough to
hold me over for dinner. Especially during the summer where the days are stretched out
like a pregnant woman s stomach. It was one boring summer day when I received the
monologue that I would never forget. We were finish. Over. Done with. So we changed
and searched for the next activity. There was absolutely not to do except for starting at
the unchanging walls. It was around four and dinner wasn t and isn t until six. I
desperately needed a snack after our swim break. But, sadly this eleven year old had to
wait. My stepmother allowed me to have a popsicle to hold me over. ... Show more
content on ...
I couldn t make out her words clearly. Would she confront me? Would I be in trouble for
something so little? She had one? , her voice rose to becoming clear and I knew that I
was in high waters. I went to the bathroom and started ringing out my swimsuit and
towel. I playing busy and attempted to distract myself from the enviable conflict that was
being brewed down stairs. But, when she called my name that s when the floaty was
popped and the shark was fast approaching. She roared like a tiger. I quickly threw the
towel up again in dismay because my brilliant plan had failed. I remember trembling
when she confronted me. Then, we walked into my room. My old bedroom was a place
of warmth most of the time. She was my place of refuge. I would run and jump into her
arms when the world did me wrong. We made crafts and shifted through old memories
together. Yet, she acted differently when others were around. She took off her frames to
reveal a new layer. Her guest were bitter and harsh. They had a fuse shorter than
kindergartner s crayons. I wanted to excused her guest, but it wasn t my place. I wanted
to leave, but she didn t permit me. I had to let the guest do her critic, then she would
leave us
An Analysis Of Lindo s Honor
Honor to Us All from Mulan: When Lindo is brought to her new family s home, there is a
thunderstorm where she decides to stay strong. One of the reasons she decides to
maintain her pride was to bring honor to her household, so as to not uproot [her] family
tree . Honor seems to be a central part of Chinese culture, which is why it was so
important to young Lindo.
Worth It by Fifth Harmony: During the days preceding the thunderstorm, Lindo feels
very small with her new rich family. However, in the thunderstorm, she finally decides
that [she s] worth it . In her later life, she maintains her ego, though only because that
night, she discovered the importance of believing in herself.
Heart of Fire by Black Veil Brides: When the lightning ... Show more content on ...
As she prepares, she will not throw away [her] shot . My Shot is a song about taking
loads of chances when they come, never thinking about it and then letting the chance
slide from their fingertips. Even though her plan may backfire, Lindo decides to go
headlong into her plan, regardless of any possible negative outcomes.
Free by Stryper: When Lindo finally got rid of Tyan yu, she was free to Choose [her]
own destiny . Since her servant was not tyan yu s bride and she had money from the
family, she could go wherever she wanted, to a certain degree. She decides to head for
What Are You Waiting For? by Nickelback: Lindo wanted to raise a child in America so
they would have the best life: American circumstances and Chinese childhood. As
Waverly grows up, Lindo wants her to reach for the top , sincer her success was one of
the main reasons she came to America.
I ll Fight by Daughtry: While Waverly may not know it at the time, Lindo truly wants her
to have a fulfilling life. As such, when the going gets rough , she will be there to help any
burden . However, she does not show such willingness to help, since tough love seems
the way of the Chinese
The Process Of Hydraulic Fracturing
Introduction: The process of hydraulic fracturing can be understood at different
geographic scales such as the local, national and global. In order to better understand this
process, the ways in which these scales influence hydraulic fracturing need to be deeply
considered. The original purpose of hydraulic fracturing was to benefit the national and
local economy plus environment of the United States, but due to the large
interdependencies and networks of our world today, impacts at a global scale are
inevitable. By analyzing each scale individually starting with national, local and ending
with global, it will become clear that each scale is interdependent and interrelated with
one another.
In our fast paced and globalizing ... Show more content on ...
(Knox, 2010, p.11). Finally at the local scale, this can include human settlements such as
community, home, and body (Knox, 2010, p.11). The local scale can be viewed as a
mosaic, where the world is conceived as a collection of local peoples and places, each
one being a piece in a broader global pattern (Crang, 2014, p. 11). Not only at a mosaic
level does local and global connect, but also through a networking level where both local
and global are made up of sets of connections and disconnections and can see local
places as gaining their different characters through their distinctive patterns of
association with other places (Crang, 2014, p. 18). For the specific case of hydraulic
fracturing, it is more effective to view it through networks at the national, local, and
global levels because a main factor of this resource is boosting the national economy of
the United States by globally exporting the resource. The ability to export the good
requires connections and networking between the different scales.
Hydraulic Fracturing: Hydraulic Fracturing is a process of forcing high levels of
pressurized water underground in order to crack the layer of the earth to release the shale
from the gas reservoir. This method artificially induces underground cracking which was
known in 1947 as hydrafacing (Sica, 2013, p. 25) and over the years this method has
adapted with technological advances and is currently known as fracking. Figure 1, above,
Emotional, Behavioral, and Psychological Disturbances in...
Every year millions of children are abused and neglected worldwide. Child abuse is a
global concern. It has severe outcomes on the children who are victims, and often the
effects are long lasting. Child abuse is a highly under reported crime although of those
reported, neglect accounts for the majority of child abuse cases (Pala, Ünalacak,
Ünlüoğlu, 2011). Neglect in children often has more dire consequences than other types
of child abuse (DePanfilis, Children s Bureau, Office on Child Abuse Neglect, 2006).
One consequence especially prevalent in neglected children is insecure or lack of
attachment to a primary caregiver. John Bowlby s research has shown the evolutionary
importance of infant attachments, further research shows that ... Show more content on ...
The Child Welfare Information Gateway adds unsatisfactory supervision to the types of
neglect and maintains that physical neglect including medical neglect and abandonment
is the most common form of neglect (DePanfilis, et al, 2006).
Consequences of Neglect There are many immediate and long term effects that result
from child neglect. Research by the Child Welfare Information Gateway indicates that
the influence of neglect is often only immediately noticeable in severe cases of neglect;
most effects of neglect go unobserved for years. Neglect becomes more obvious as the
child ages and develops physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially (DePanfilis,
et al., 2006).
There are a number of factors that influence the extent of the consequences of neglect.
One major influence is the child s age and developmental stage at the time of the abuse.
Studies show that younger children (under age three) who experience abuse or neglect
are far worse off than children abused at an older age (DePanfilis, et al., 2006). Dr.
Jonathon B. Kotch and a team of collaborators looked at the effect early physical abuse
and neglect had on later aggression. They found that neglect that occurred within two
years of being born was the only predictor of aggression at ages four, six, and eight in
their study. Neglect in older children and physical abuse at any age did not predict
aggression (Kotch, et
Benefits Of Oil Drilling In The Arctic National Wildlife...
The question is should we drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve. While
there are downfalls to drilling the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, the benefits to the
country and to Alaska far outweigh them. These benefits include lower gas prices, more
jobs, energy independence. First off, there are many benefits of oil drilling in the ANWR.
It will lower the gas prices for all of the U.S. The reason it will lower the gas prices
because we will be using our own oil instead of buying oil from other countries. Lower
gas prices will help the economy out very sufficiently because you won t be spending as
much money on gas and could use that extra money to pay off bills or if you re a teen and
only making 8.05 an hour and have to pay
Agile Project Management
By Sanjiv Augustine, Bob Payne, Fred Sencindiver, and Susan Woodcock AGILE
management lets software project managers and employees alike adapt to changing
circumstances, rather than try to impose rigid formal controls, as in traditional linear
development methods. Dealing with an increasingly volatile organizational environment
is a serious challenge for managers of any software development project [11]. Traditional
formal software development methodologies can be characterized as reflecting linear,
sequential processes, and the related management approaches can be effective in
developing software with stable, known, consistent requirements. Yet most real world ...
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Allowing members to join and leave the team allows dynamic team composition and
supports adaptability to changing external conditions. The team [10] maintains optimal
internal channels of communication while minimizing the effect of an interaction penalty.
Even when a project requires a larger team of, say, more than 15 members, 86 December
2005/Vol. 48, No. 12 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM their teams by defining,
disseminating, and sustaining a vision that influences the internal models of individual
agents. The Agile Manifesto ( created in 2001 by the proponents
of these methodologies articulated a core set of values useful in steering this vision.
Simple rules. In CAS, agents follow simple rules, but their interactions result in complex
behavior that emerges over time. The standard XP practices represent a set of simple
rules for agile development projects. They re accepted by all members of the team at the
outset, though the team can adjust or add new practices as needed. Throughout a project,
the manager identifies practices that aren t being followed, seeks to understand why they
re not, and removes obstacles to their implementation. XP practices provide simple
generative rules without restricting the autonomy and creativity of team members. Free
and open access to information. In CAS, information about plans, progress, objectives,
Hinduism In Southeast Asia
Hinduism in Southeast Asia Hinduism is the oldest living religion in the world. There are
nearly over a billion Hindus worldwide, most whom live in the Indian subcontinent.
Individuals who practice Hinduism find answers to their deepest questions regarding the
mysteries of life. Hinduism spread outside of India and became adopted by cultures
throughout Southeast Asia in 12 BCE. Southeast Asia adopted and adapted specific
Hindu texts, theologies, rituals, architectural styles, and forms of social organization that
suited their historical and social conditions. It is not clear whether this presence came
about primarily through slow immigration and settlement by key personnel from India or
through visits to India by Southeast Asians who took elements of Indian culture back
home (Hinduism). Hinduism had a dominant presence in Southeast Asia, one that has
lasted for more than a thousand years. My goal in this paper is to discuss how Hinduism
came to be with certain countries, how they were practiced many years ago, and if they
are still practiced today.

Thailand It is unknown when and how Hinduism truly came to be practiced in Thailand.
However, it is said that in its earliest days, Thailand was under the rule of Khmer Empire.
In which had ... Show more content on ...
Hinduism in Vietnam is associated with the Cham ethnic minority; the first religion of
the Champa kingdom was a form of Shavite Hinduism (Hinduism In Southeast Asia).
Hinduism came directly from India to Southeast Asia. While Hinduism is perhaps older
than Buddhism, Confucianism or Taoism, it is no longer a major influence in Southeast
Asia. Today Vietnam s primary religions are Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, and
Taoism. In which remains a strong influence on the beliefs and practices in the
Heroes In America
Kristel Ann Calderon M, 6:15 pm, Spring 2017
Professor Lottier
Forgotten Filipino Heroes in America
Delano Manongs

Manongs, is a common word I hear when I was in the Philippines, which means elderly.
This is what I call the jeepney drivers, strangers in the streets or even the security guard
in my school. But here in America, they were the forgotten heroes whom I look up to.
They were named as The Delano Manongs, kind hearted Filipino men, working in the
fields with no families of their own. I chose to report about the Delano Manongs because
I went to one of the Filipino club meeting in Chabot College and the topic was about
Larry Itliong and Philip Vera Cruz. They showed us a video about how they were
recognized to be ... Show more content on ...
Now whats happening is that you get all this national publicity coming in but its focused
on the Mexican workers. o All the voulunteers is going there and all the organizing is
happening there. o The filipinos are not the spotlight for the strike. o Filipnos are drifting
away because they were not being the spotlight
And as time pass by the manongs return to work on the crop cycle in order to survive
In 1970 5 years after the filipinos walked out the fields. One of the longest strike in labor
history. The growers finally agreed to recognize the United Farmworkers Union and sign
a contract.
But as the manong returned to Delano for the new grape harvest season, they found
themselves marginalized from work
The new union rules favored the local farmworkers and not the migrant workers. So
amny of the filipinos lost their jobs, and worst the farmers closed the lab or camps so
they lost their homes
We started it an they lost in the end
Larry and the filipinos were upset for they were not being heard or they were being
Essay What Moral and Ethical Obligations do Humans Have
The exponential rise in earth s human population since the industrial revolution has put a
heightened pressure on food production word wide. The global population reached
approximately 7.2 billion in 2013 (United Nation News Centre, 2013) and
consequentially the requirement for eggs and poultry has also substantially increased
(Pluhar, 2010). As a result of this elevated demand for food, there has been a shift in the
way agricultural practices operate to produce the large quantities of meat and eggs
necessary to feed the population. The intensive farming method of animal husbandry has
become quite a controversial issue and caused apprehension amongst many different
factions of society. These concerns relate to how high density farming ... Show more
content on ...
Aristotle views describe a certain pecking order amongst biotic organisms within the
natural world. This idea of a pecking order is determined by the abilities present in an
organism due to its nature. Aristotle argued that despite plants, animals and humans all
being capable of subsistence and flourishing, only humans and animals have the capacity
for cognizance. Aristotle therefore reasoned that plants are at the bottom of the pecking
order and therefore there purpose is to serve the needs of those higher in the hierarchy.
As part of this ideology he theorised that since humans have the endowment of conscious
reasoning whilst animals are solely reliant upon instincts, human beings are
consequentially superior to non human animals. Aristotle claimed therefore that it
seemed justifiable that the purpose of animals is to serve the needs of humans (Regan
and Singer, 1989).
Others share similar thoughts to Aristotle and contend that moral obligations are
determined by the capabilities of an organism. Immanuel Kant developed a highly
influential moral theory which suggested that a being must be autonomous in order for its
interests to count in the moral assessment of actions (Kant, 1956). He also subscribed to
the belief that it was the attributes which human beings possess and animals don t have
that rationalises awarding human beings a distinct moral status while withholding any
moral status at all from animals. These principals underpin the view that humans
Taken By Pierre Morel
The movie Taken, directed by Pierre Morel, illustrates how young girls are often targeted
and fall victim to sex trafficking. Kim, a seventeen year old female, goes to Paris with
her friend Amanda with the intention of spending a nice vacation together (Besson,
2009). Despite the fact that Kim s father, Bryan, does not feel comfortable with the idea
of the girls vacation, Kim disregards his concerns and proceeds to go anyway.
Unfortunately, on the first day of the vacation, Kim and Amanda are kidnapped by a
group of Albanian sex traffickers. Kim s father, a retired CIA agent, quickly finds a way
to rescue his daughter by using his professional skills. In the process of trying to find
Kim, the retired CIA agent is also faced with the shocking realities of the sex trafficking
market. This movie illustrates how young girls are especially vulnerable to kidnapping
and sex trafficking and how important a parent or loved one s resilience is to help these
victims. ... Show more content on ...
Even after learning his daughter had been kidnapped by Albanian sex traffickers, Bryan
never ceased in his pursuit to find his daughter. Bryan portrays a father who will do
whatever it takes to protect and keep his only daughter safe. As soon as Kim notified him
about her friend Amanda being taken and that there was a great possibility that the same
thing would happen to her, Bryan immediately stepped into action. He became proactive
by covering any loose ends, asking her questions, and recording previous phone
conversations with the traffickers. This was a key strategy he used to pick up any clues as
to where Kim was to ensure her safety. Unlike Bryan, Kim s mother, Lenore, was less
proactive and vulnerable. She did not show resilience after being told that her daughter
was taken. Instead, she cried and relied on Bryan to find Kim and bring her
Gay Bisexuals In The Broadway Theatre
Bilitis and other homophile groups, were ultimately failed in their attempts to encourage
the acceptance of homosexuals by society. Later, they have realized that the gays and
lesbians were not alone. The broadway theater seems to be the greatest center for the
LBGT. Unfortunately, the Broadway seems to be degenerating these days when it comes
to presenting shading portrayals by the Lesbians Gay Bisexual and Transgender
characters on the stage.
In addition, the transgender character of Mary Sunshine and the bisexual partner in Cell
Block Tango were played for laughs. The New York Times described the first Date s gay
best friend character as a noxious stereotype. The gay characters in the Book of Mormon
are depicted as entertaining
The Thing That End Essay
Why it is important to keep sensitive items accountability at all times. Sensitive Items is
a range of items which varies from those which are essential to the mission to those
which contain information which is sensitive in nature (i.e. giving access to secure
communication, movement of troops, their equipment, support lines or the general idea
of the mission.) There are many reasons these items need to be secure and accountability
maintained for them. Some of these reasons include the potential to pose a threat to
mission success if fallen into the wrong hands, the ability to complete the mission if not
maintained by the troops themselves, the security of those around you if not maintained,
and the ease and flow with which the ... Show more content on ...
Things happen, we ve all lost something before, hell I had lost $100 cash before. When I
woke up the next day and couldn t find it, I was so pissed, but it happened and there was
nothing I could do about it, just had to take it as a loss. I’m only human, and this will
not be the last mistake I ever make. However, I wont make the same mistake over and
over again. I am certain that the corrective training I am doing sucks just enough if not
more to make me want to ensure to maintain firm awareness of the location of my ID
card at all times from now on, which I m sure was the intention of this corrective training
or essay writing. Don t get me wrong a lot of bad things have the potential to occur if my
ID were to fall into the wrong hands. Being accountable means being dependable
arriving to work and appointments on time, meeting deadlines, being in the right place at
the right time, doing the right thing at the right time, and making sure you have your i.d.
card at all times. Morning formation is the most important formation of the day. It is
made to get accountability of everyone and put out any information that there needs to be
dealt with. Without having accountability there is no knowing of where everybody is or
what s going on. I have realized that is an important asset always showing up on time By
not being accounted for I have let my unit down and failed in the missions that needed to
be completed. I have not set a good examples
The Problem Of Reducing Water Quality
Only about 1% of all of the water that is on Earth is considered to be surface water such
as lakes and rivers, however, the usable freshwater to us humans is only about .003%
which we generally use for drinking, bathing, agriculture, or industry purposes.
Unfortunately, pollution is reducing our few water resources even further on a global
scale albeit mostly in developed countries. The United Nations have assessed the
situation well in that, Declining water quality has become a global issue of concern as
human populations grow, industrial and agricultural activities expand, and climate
change threatens to cause major alterations to the hydrological cycle (Decade). This
threat to our planet is mainly anthropological and has been growing ... Show more
content on ...
Water pollution can be distributed from either a point or a non point source. A point
source is typically pollution that comes from one single location and is easier to identify,
such as from a pipe, municipal WWTP discharge, a factory, or a ditch. A non point source
is categorized as pollution that has come from multiple sites over very large areas and are
quite difficult to trace back and identify accurately. Some examples would be oil from the
many streets of a city, different pesticides and fertilizer runoff from certain farms, some
forest runoff, etc. There are three varied types of surface water pollution. One type is
biological pollution which comes from disease causing organisms like bacteria. Another
is chemical pollution which is either natural like nutrient pollution or artificial such as
from fertilizers, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals. There is also physical pollution that can
be from sources like solid waste, thermal, sediments, etc.

Biological pollution consists of infections stemming from two sources. The first is a
direct source such as from the microbes in the water like typhoid, cholera, etc. that when
drunken directly are known to cause symptoms like hepatitis and dysentery. The other is
from an indirect source like water breeding carriers, like the infamous mosquito, that
spread diseases such as yellow fever, the West Nile virus, malaria, etc.
Chemical water
Tourism in Canada
Tourism has always been apart of us in different ways, shapes, and forms. It has greatly
evolved due to technology and transportation advances, which have made traveling
efficient and quick and given us the proper resources to be prepared prior to adventuring
away from home. Tourism has become the largest growth industry in the world. It not
only witnesses millions of tourists but is also host to the largest number of jobs. Ranging
from hotels, restaurants, attraction sites, transportation services, etc the tourism industry
is booming. Tourists travel differently. Weather it be individually, as a couple, as a
family, or a group of friends, they all travel to enjoy natural and/or cultural attractions.
Natural tourism, ecotourism, ... Show more content on ...
With astonishing numbers like this, Ontario Parks wants to provide services to help
protect not only the natural resources but the people as well. The website is aimed to
include all pertinent information visitors need to visit a park. The content displays a
variety of visitor activities, accommodations, fees, reservations and availabilities, as well
as ski reports. The obvious website service offered is a park locator which has been
enhanced through pictures. Some extra helpful information that has been provided are
opening and closing park dates as well as fees which includes vehicle entry fees, daily
pass fees, camping fees, reservation fees, accommodation fees, and much more. A great
asset of the website is the reservation and campsite vacancies service. Online
reservations have been made possible through Ontario Parks. Depending on location,
visitors can search which days are available to suit their needs. Accommodations are also
available whether it be via car / recreational vehicle camping, backpacking, or cabins,
yurts, or lodges. One of the most interesting findings is a report on ski conditions. Listed
by park name and trail, information regarding ski activities is made available to visitors.
Another interesting service is the online park store. This online store offers clothing,
stuffed animals, posters, calendars, park accessories, and much more which can all be
purchased as souvenirs.
Why The Raid At Cabanatuan
The raid at Cabanatuan was the product of a failed campaign to protect the Philippines
from Japanese control in 1941 42, which resulted in the capture of over 550 American
and allied POWs. The capture of the Philippines was essential to Japan, who would be
able to use it as a resupply point, as well as eliminating the natural barrier that existed
between them and China. The raid was organized three years later in an effort to release
the POWS and further the mission of the Allies reclaiming the Philippines from Japanese
control. On December 7th 1941, Japanese air forces attacked Pearl Harbor, destroying
ships and claiming more than 2,400 lives. This attack is most noted for being one of the
single most important events leading to the ... Show more content on ...
The result of the American defeat in Bataan was the Bataan Death March. The transfer of
POWs from Bataan to camp O Donnell in the northern part of the island spanned 61
miles, 40 of which were traveled by foot. Along the way, the lack of Japanese supplies
left very little for the POWs. The ones who fell out of the march were killed, with
countless others dying of disease and starvation. By the time they troops had reached
their destination of Camp O Donnell, the American forces had lost endured nearly 10,000
casualties as well as 18,000 which died within the first six weeks of the troops being in
Camp O Donnell. POW s were moved from Camp O Donnell Cabanatuan, where they
remained until January of 1945. The camp at Cabanatuan was used mainly for sick
POWs, while the able bodied ones were sent back to Japan in order to occupy the hard
labor camps. The POWs who stay in Cabanatuan were starved, beaten, and suffered from
Malaria. The Japanese were instructed to treat POWs nicely, however due to cultural
differences; the POWs who surrendered were seen as dishonorable and unworthy of
support. The standing order for a man attempting to escape or seen smuggling
food/medicine, was for that man to have to watch as 10 other POWs were executed. The
POWs endured the mistreatment and torturous conditions for over two years before the
American and Allied forces were able to battle back in order to reoccupy the Philippines.
The Allied forces began to work their way back to the
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis once observed, Once you can express yourself, you can tell
the world what you want from it. Self expression is a way for people to communicate. It
allows one to convey his or her thoughts and emotions to the outer world. People express
themselves in several different ways: using art forms, writing, performing, etc. Others
express themselves through their moral compass and character. Self expression of one s
morals enables others to build trust and confide in he or she. One s morals are formed
based on emotions and experiences that impact the behavior and choices of the
individual. I found that my main form of expression is through my morals. Moral values
are an important part of every person. Our morals guide us through our lives. I hold ...
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They come to me with confidence, knowing I m not going to use information against
them. In scouts my peers have elected me to lead them several times. They had faith that
I would be able to help them improve as a whole and guide them through challenging
situations. With this in mind, I try to lead by example and carry myself in a way that
makes other people understand that I m worth trusting. They understand I do my best to
do what is right for the group, and they know I believe it is important for everyone to be
treated as an equal. In school my teachers know they can trust me. For this reason, some
of them have nominated me as one of their Best All Around Students. They have noticed
how the expression of my moral code has created a well rounded student who is ready to
learn. Additionally, a few of my teachers from elementary, middle, and high school came
to congratulate me at my Eagle Court of Honor. Their support, along with that of my
peers, showed that people believe I represent the young man described by the scout oath
and law. Through the expression of my morals I have given people a person they can
Why Is Rome Successful
University of the People
Carthage and Rome

Rome and Carthage are two empires both located at the west Mediterranean. They
showed and proved that they are powerful in their own way, as Carthage is the first
empire who laboriously challenged Rome. They have their own characteristics that
stands out and that made them significant part of history. There has been a series of wars
between Rome and Carthage to demonstrate their authority, supremacy, and dominance
that lasted for years. Though different from each other, they were somehow equal in
some ways.

Carthage had greater wealth and commercial resources, while Rome had a better
organization of her people and political system (Morey, 1901). These are the main
strength of ... Show more content on ...
Hannibal is the most remarkable leader of Carthage, it is the time when Rome has
become vulnerable to attacks during Hannibal s leadership. He has the ability to
effectively lead, influence his soldiers, and has become one of the greatest commander in
history ( Carthage , n.d.). Carthage has one strong politician who significantly made
Carthage almost equal to Rome.
Rome on the other hand have extraordinary soldiers, they are trained and well equipped
for battles. Their trainings are difficult but with discipline and efficiency (What Made
The Romans So Successful? n.d.). Citizens are encouraged to support their soldiers in
any way that they can. Everyone had a role and this made the ancient empire of Rome

Carthage had a more powerful navy, but Rome had a more efficient army. The greatness
of the Carthaginians was shown in their successes, while the greatness of the Romans
was most fully revealed in the dark hours of disaster and trial. (Morey, 1901). Since
Carthage was surrounded by seas it was easy to figure out that the empire was a powerful
navy. Its resources helped in providing them enough fortune to build great ships that is
they eventually use in their battle against enemies. While Rome has a great and powerful
Nicaragua s First American Revolution
Nicaragua is the largest Central American country and was settled in as a Spanish colony
back in the 1520 s. In 1522 Spanish explorer Gil Gonzalez de Avila named the colony
Nicaragua after an Amerindian chief named Nicarao who once ruled the area, making
Nicaragua have Spanish and Indian cultures. Back in 1523 24 Francisco Hernandez de
Cordoba officially completed his exploration of Nicaragua. In 1838 Nicaragua fully
gained its independence from Spain. William Walker assumed presidency over the
country in 1856, and had seeked U.S. annexation as well as sanctioning slavery. General
Jose Santos Zelaya was Nicaragua s first dictator that took power in 1893. National hero
Cesar Augusto Sandino starts a rebellion against US occupiers and other ... Show more
content on ...
(Vianica. com) Although they re passionate about their costumes, they aren t so vibrant
about their formal wear; traditionally men wear guayabera in white, which is a Caribbean
style outfit. (Nations of the World, pg. 1355) Nicaraguans are not only passionate about
their culture, but they have big spirits about their athletics. Rather if its Nicaraguan
football, baseball, or boxing, they have people that have impacted sports history in
different ways. Although football is popular there, baseball holds the hearts of
Nicaraguan people and is taken serious. Their national baseball league is called La Liga
Nicaraguense de Beisbol Profesional and has only 4 national baseball teams: Indios Del
Boer, Tigres Del Chinandega, Leones de Leon, and Orientales de Granada.
( way of showing passion towards culture is by the
celebration of their national holidays; New Years Day, Labor Day, Independence Day,
and Christmas Day, are the only holidays that the United States celebrates too. The others
are The Sandinista Revolution Day, which is July 19th, Battle of San Jacinto, which is
September 14th, and Feast of the Immaculate Conception, which is December 8th. They
have both national holidays and other holidays known as observances ; Maundy
Thursday, March 24th, Good Friday, March 25th, Holy Saturday, March 26th, Easter
Day, March 27th, The Santo Domingo Celebration, August 1st 10th, Army Day,
Pollution Context



1. Lesson Plan Scheme

2. Activity Sheet 1

3. Activity Sheet 2

4. Bibliograghy

|Subject: Life Skills Grade: 3 |
|Environmental theme: Pollution |
|Learning outcomes: Personal and social well being. The ... Show more content on ...
The school |
|will provide the necessary bins for glass, plastic and paper. Money can be made for the
school. |
|Learning Activities: |
|I am going to start my learning activities by asking the learners what forms of pollution
they have noticed on their way school, like |
|dirt in the street or trucks with heavy exhaust fumes. We will discuss what the type of
pollution is called land, air or water |
|pollution. Teach the learners a song about pollution. |
|I will divide the learners into groups of fours, and the learners will have to choose one
type of pollution, land, water or air |
|pollution. The learners will discuss ways in how they will help stop pollution. |
|Learners in their respective groups will make a wall poster of the type of pollution they
have chosen to discuss in their group. One |
|learner in the group will be chosen to present and discuss what the poster is all about to
the learners and
Why Is Tony Harding Unfair
Everyone here has heard something about the biggest figure skating scandal there was in
the world. Whether you saw the new movie starring Margot Robbie or heard in recent
months on the news about this event that took place twenty years ago. I am talking about
Tonya Harding. She was a curvy, blonde, woman who was rather poor. Over the many
years of her skating career many people in The United States Figure Skating Association
have tried to ostracize Tonya from the skating community because she chose music she
wanted and was different. I think Tonya Harding was tried unfairly because she was not
the ideal female skater at the time because of her weight, because she was female, and
because she was poor.
First a little backstory, Tonya Harding ... Show more content on ...
In a recent documentary it was noted that anyone who proceeded to skate with Tonya
would have to resign from the United States Figure Skating Association. The United
States Figure Skating Association ostracized Tonya from the rest of the community.
Tonya Harding s relationship with Jeff Gillooly, was an abusive one, but she kept coming
back to him. She says in interviews that he always saying the right things to get me back,
and I d be stupid enough to go back and get beat up again. Jeff Gillooly was not the only
abusive person in her life. Her mother was also abusive. Tonya Harding came from an
abusive family that did not have a lot of money. Tonya Harding could not afford to get
private ice the same as Nancy Kerrigan did. Even after proceeding to get second place at
the 1994 Olympics Kerrigan made many mistakes such as talking rudely about Oksana
Baiul who had won first place that year. and the Disneyland Parade float she was on
calling it corny and stupid . To today Kerrigan who was an ideal female figure skater was
forgiven for her mistakes that she
Roman Battle Techniques
Ancient Roman battle techniques were superior to other civilizations because of their
shield, spear and formation tactics. For example, their shields were chest height and
rectangle made with birch and a material called scutum which is the wood used to make
the frame. They used the shields to make formations and block arrows from enemy bows.
Their shields were painted based an abstract painting of a bug. There were many shield
formations but this research paper will focus on the tortoise and the orb. The tortoise was
a tactic to stop arrows from hitting the soldiers. This formation could be done by the
whole army but it was mostly done by the wigs. The orb was a tactic used when
surrounded by enemy lines. The soldiers would get into a circle with their backs in the
center and their shields and spears in front of them. The formations of ... Show more
content on ...
The names of the basic four armor sections are, Lorica Musculata, Lorica Hamata, Lorica
Squamata, Lorica Segmentata.The first was a basic breast plate and metal strips made
with a curl to protect the private parts. The breastplate is made in a way to fit each soldier
specifically. It was created for that soldier and so they had curves where the abs where.
The hook armor was like chainmail and it was made to fit under the breastplate. It was
linked together and hung around the body in a loose way but was tied at the waist with a
belt made from a leather strip. The scale armor is thought to be the the strongest and in
some ways it is. Although it it like a dragon s scales, it takes a lot of metal and time to
make this and it was not used often. The last body armor suit is made from stipe of metal
hooked together, which is durable. Unlike the breastplate this form of armor is very
flexible and has breathing room for the chest. The Ancient Roman defensive equipment
and formations were substantially more advantageous and grew to be fierce and
Ip 4 Art
Baroque Period
Unit 4 IP
Art Appreciation
Nicole Woodford
American Intercontinental University

May 6, 2012

Baroque was born in Italy, and later adopted in France, Germany, Netherlands, and
Spain. The word baroque was first applied to the art of period from the late 1500s to the
late 1700s, by critics in the late nineteen century. Baroque covers a wide range of styles
and artists. In painting and sculpture we recognize three main forms of Baroque:

Baroque that was primarily associated with the religious tensions within Western
Christianity: division on Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. In response to the
Protestant Reformation of the early sixteen century, the Roman Catholic Church had
embarked in the 1550s ... Show more content on ...
Instead the wealth father welcomes his son back into the home. The aged artist s power
of realism is not diminished, but increased by psychological insight and spiritual
awareness. Expressive lighting and colouring and the magic suggestiveness of his
technique, together with a selective simplicity of setting, help us to feel the full impact of
the event. (Rembrandt s Prodigal Son, 2012). Just like Caravaggio s art, Rembrandt s art
had a biblical perspective with their art, that is displayed with energy and feeling.

The rising of the cross by: Peter Paul

The rising of the cross is also a religious baroque painting, the painting shows Jesus
being risen up on the after being crucified, the painting is filled with drama and power.
The strong, tainted figures lug the ropes in order to raise the cross, carrying the pale body
of Jesus. drama and power. The strong, tainted figures lug the ropes in order to raise the
cross, carrying the pale body of Jesus. The influence of Michelangelo and Tintoretto on
Rubens is obvious in the muscular bodies. Peter Paul Rubens was a renowned diplomatic
All of the Baroque paintings
Kidney Stones Effect
The presence of kidney stones usually cause pain which is very very beginning on side or
back, under her hips and moves to the lower abdomen and groin. The pain changed along
with the movement of kidney stones in the urinary tract. Kidney stones can also cause
urinary difficulties You and this will increasingly worsen the condition. Avoid the
formation of stones in the kidney you with these steps. Drinking water and drink again
Kidney stones are usually composed of calcium oxalate or phosphate either. Minerals are
absorbed from food and is usually disposed of through urine. When the urine is too
soupy, minerals can crystallize to form stones. Drink at least six to eight glasses of water
a day to keep the urine doesn t become too concentrated. Physical activity Exercise can
reduce your ... Show more content on ...
Why? Because the fructose in these drinks can increase the levels of calcium, oxalate,
and excretion of uric acid, which ultimately contributed to the formation of kidney
stones. Boost Your calcium intake Because kidney stones usually formed of calcium,
many people think that avoiding this mineral can prevent the occurrence of kidney
stones. But, the various scientific research makes us know that precisely that
sebaliknyalah is true. Calcium can actually help prevent the formation of kidney stones
by way of binding of colon in oxalic so as not to reach the kidney. Enjoy a cup of coffee
in the morning People who drink at least one cup of caffeinated coffee has a 26 percent
lower risk of suffering from kidney stones. While those who drink coffee without
caffeine has a 16 percent lower risk, and tea drinkers 11 percent lower, according to a
study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Beware
of this
Ebola Research Paper
Ebola is the better known member of a small family of viruses known as Filoviridae. The
other lesser known member is Marburg. The Ebola virus has five known subtypes, four
of which are highly pathogenic to humans. The fifth, Ebola Reston Virus was first
isolated in a group of primates that had been imported from the Philippines to a research
laboratory in Reston, Virginia. According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, within weeks, the same virus was isolated during similar outbreaks in labs in
Pennsylvania, Texas and Siena, Italy. In each case, the affected animals had been
imported from a facility in the Philippines. (CDC, 2008) The four species that are
pathogenic to humans are Zaire, Sudan, Tai Forest and Bundibugyo. ... Show more
content on ...
After confirmation of samples tested by the United States National Reference
Laboratories and the CDC, the World Health Organization confirmed the presence of a
new species. An epidemiological study conducted by WHO and Uganda Ministry of
Health scientists determined there were 116 confirmed and probable cases of the new
Ebola species, and that the outbreak had a mortality rate of 34% (39 deaths). In 2012,
there was an outbreak of Bundibugyo ebolavirus in a northeastern province of the
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo). There were 15 confirmed cases and ten
fatalities. (Wamala, 2010)


Many medical researchers speculate the Plague of Athens, which wiped out about a third
of its inhabitants during the Peloponnesian War, may have been caused by Ebola. As
noted earlier, the Ebola virus was first isolated in 1976 during an outbreak of the disease
along the border of Zaire and Sudan. (CDC, 2014) Of all the outbreaks since 1976 this
initial outbreak carried the worst mortality rate, roughly ninety percent of those affected
did not survive. (CDC, 2014) Ebola was named after a river in the Yambuku district of
Democratic Republic of the Congo, which was then known as Zaire.

2007 to
Machiavellianism In Othello
At one point in your life, you have probably told a little white lie or harmlessly tricked
someone into doing something. However, there are some people, Machiavellians, who
are master manipulators that will resort to anything in order to reach a goal. In
Shakespeare s Othello, Iago can be seen as a dominantly Machiavellian villain. First,
Iago possesses a Machiavellian personality due to the way he manipulates people s flaws
in order to use them as stepping stones to reach his goal of getting revenge on Othello
(Hartley). For instance, when Iago begins his machination to harm Othello, he tells
Brabantio of how an old black ram/ Is tupping [his] white ewe (I. I. 94 95). Iago
purposely exploits Brabantio s racism in order to Plague him ... Show more content on ...
Instead, Iago is a careful, patient [opportunist] who can control his impulses well
(Hartley). To exemplify, Iago says that he will abuse Othello s ear/ That [Cassio] is too
familiar with his wife (I. III. 405 406). Thus, Iago is planning out his evil schemes and
thinking them through, showing how he is more calculating than spontaneous. Similarly,
Iago states that he will put the Moor/ At least into a jealousy so strong/ That judgement
cannot cure and Make the Moor thank me, love me, and reward me (II. I. 308 310, 316).
Again, Iago concocts his machinations in prior to actually carrying them out instead of
acting rashly, like a psychopath would. Moreover, when Iago discovers that Emilia found
Desdemona s treasured handkerchief, he tells himself that he will in Cassio s lodging lose
this napkin,/ And let him find it so that Othello will suspect that Desdemona has been
unfaithful (III. III. 358 359). Therefore, Iago, like other Machiavellians, is a thoughtful
and patient opportunist that slyly takes advantage of any situation that will help him
advance in his goals. Unlike psychopaths, Iago solely stands by and watches his
premeditated ploys unfold around
Confucius Influence On Education
Confucius (551 479) also known as Kongzi (孔子 Kǒng Zǐ, literally Master Kong ) was a
Chinese teacher, philosopher, editor, and politician in the Chinese history and his was
highly influenced Eastern thought and culture. He was born on 551 BC in the place Zou,
Lu state (near today s Qufu, Shandong Province). His father Kong He was a minor
official, in the Lu military. When his is three years old, his father Kong He is died.
Confucius was grows up in a poor family and foster by his mother Yan Zhengzai. His
was studied and learned the Six Arts (rites, music, archery, chariot driving, calligraphy
and mathematics) at schools for commoners. Confucius was travelling from town to town
around China in the rest of his life, with his disciples unsuccessfully ... Show more
content on ...
The teaching of Confucius had a huge influence on the development of Chinese society,
and especially of its education and moral science, at different times and under a diversity
circumstances. The Confucian theory had major impact on other countries such as Korea,
Vietnam, Japan and South East Asian countries. Confucius had an own view on teacher
such as, his believe a good teacher should be love the work, teacher as a role model to
student, teacher is to help their student find the best way to learn and grow and the
teacher need to always improve themselves. Although, Confucius teaching methods was
not directly focus on the early childhood education. But it was suitable and related to the
early childhood education and influences nowadays early childhood education system.
The Confucius teaching method such as Careful selection and flexible application of the
teaching materials; Improve students motivation, Independent thinking; Consider the
difference of individuals, the learning process and the attitude; Ask and answer teaching
model; Emphasis on moral education and teamwork s all was using in the early
childhood education nowadays. The early childhood education is more focus on the
moral education and the learning and the attitude, it was matching to the Confucius
teaching method. Until today, in many countries, Confucius still has an important place
in the education
Analysis Of The Lottery
Since reading The Lottery by Shirely Jackson, I ve been thinking more about culture,
traditions, and perspective. Not just that, but how it can sometimes take adopting an
unbiased, non judgmental, or outside perspective in order to see things for what they
really are. The way that the narrator in this story adopts such a position allows for a
clearer view of the events of the story.
In The Lottery, the narrator speaks to us in a non participant and objective manner. We
hear and see events unfold from an outside, fly on the wall , perspective. No critique or
judgement on the events is provided by the narrator; we only can ascertain judgements
and feelings from what the characters do and say. By allowing us this viewpoint, we can
make ... Show more content on ...
Pack of crazy fools, he said. Listening to the young folks, nothing s good enough for
them. Next thing you know, they ll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody
work any more, live hat way for a while. Used to be a saying about Lottery in June, corn
be heavy soon. First thing you know, we d all be eating stewed chickweed and acorns.
There s always been a lottery, he added petulantly. Bad enough to see young Joe
Summers up there joking with everybody. Some places have already quit lotteries. Mrs.
Adams said. Nothing but trouble in that, Old Man Warner said stoutly. Pack of young
fools. (257).

Tradition and ritual customs hold a really powerful sway. In the story, we read about how
things have subtlety shifted overtime in the ritual, or the artifacts used during it, yet it
continues on. It s an accepted norm that no one wants to upend. This made me think
about how our cultures customs have shifted with time, but how many aspects remain
unchanged. It could be for nearly anything, such as how holidays are celebrated, or
rituals like weddings, or how challenges to old norms are often viewed with intrepidation
or skepticism.

If the author would have adopted a participant point of view in this story, we probably
would have gained more insight into the rationales for holding an annual lottery to stone
someone. All we can ascertain is that the practice is an old
Research Paper On Bluetooth Based Robotic Car
Abstract The Bluetooth based robotic car is a wireless vehicle. It is based on Bluetooth
communication between mobile phone and Bluetooth device/module in the car. The
robotic car is controlled by the Bluetooth application called bluecontrol which works in
an android mobile and by this application one can send message to the robotic car to turn
left, right or move forward or backward and to start and stop. The range of wireless
Bluetooth communication is 10 meters. The microcontroller 8051 is used for
programming to control the motion of robotic car.
Keywords Bluetooth module, Microcontroller 8051, L293D, DC motors .
Now a day s android phone are becoming more and more popular because of more
number of applications and good storage area. The Bluetooth based robotic car uses
communication in Bluetooth frequency range. One of the android phone application
Bluecontrol is used to set up a connection and to let the phone to communicate with the
Bluetooth module on the robotic car. This Bluetooth module receives data/command
from mobile phone and send these commands to the microcontroller 8051 to make the
car to move forward/ backward and to turn left or ... Show more content on ...
Now here is a simple to control robotic car using Bluetooth module and 89C51
microcontroller with android Smartphone device. The controlling devices of the whole
system are a microcontroller. Bluetooth module, DC motors are interfaced to the
microcontroller. The data receive by the Bluetooth module from android smart phone is
fed as input to the controller. The controller acts accordingly on the DC motor of the
robot. The robot in the project can be made to move in all the four directions using the
android phone. The direction of the robot is indicators using LED indicators of the Robot
system. In achieving the task the controller is loaded with program written using
Embedded C Languages using KEIL and Proteus software for simulation of
Eleanor Vance s The Haunting Of House Hill
Every individual some times, needs to be a member of something, a team, a council, a
intimate group or even a gang. In the story, The Haunting of House Hill, we see where
the leaning for social acknowledgment turns out to be such a vital component among the
character known as Eleanor Vance. Gotten between being a whimsical casualty of others,
Eleanor Vance needed to be in a spot where she ll feel acknowledged, cherished, and
could call her own. Could this place be what she s been chasing down all her life?
Maybe, or it could swing to be a profoundly occupied spot where the individuals who
don t have a place can experience loathsome results. The storyteller states, Eleanor had
no friends, and the main individual in the world she really abhorred, now her mom was
dead, was her sister. She disdains her brother by marriage and her five year old niece. As
the story advances, we come to figure out that Eleanor devoted her entire life to dealing
with her wiped out mother, when she really stays up all night make sure her mom was
okay. The storyteller states, She couldn t recollect steadily being genuinely glad in her
grown up life; her years with her mom had been developed devotedly around little blame
and little faults, consistent exhaustion, and unending sadness. ... Show more content on ...
She felt if there was wherever she could be upbeat and acknowledged Hill House was
that place. The welcome contained headings to the Hill House. On her way to the Hill
House, she experienced two stone lions, and depicted the statues as watchmen of the
house. In her own psyche, the lions spoke to her guardians, as she would like them to be.
At the point when lions mate for offspring, that youngling is shielded from mischief or
any sort of threat. Eleanor felt as though she was another conceived fledgling left to
manage life and society as she knew it, no security, nobody there to watch over her, she
felt powerless and
Dangerous Substances in Fast Food Essay
Society is like bamboo; it is constantly growing and expanding. With this change, society
has an ever constant worry of making the tedious tasks in life, such as getting food, as
swift as it can possibly be. This drive for acquiring food quickly goes hand in hand with
producing it as quickly and efficiently as possible. There are burgers that have been
microwaved and served to people. Next, there are fries that have been preserved and then
fried in oil so they can be acquired quickly. No one questions how the food is made, or
what is put in it; it s just inhaled by the population meals with a blissful ignorance. They
don t truly understand what they are putting into their bodies. Aside from the obvious
drawbacks of fast food, there are ... Show more content on ...
Acrylamide in food forms from sugars and an amino acid that are naturally present in
food; it does not come from food packaging or the environment, ( Food ). This chemical
can be very harmful when ingested into our bodies. Acrylamide is known to modulate
dopamine in the brain, which in turn leads to decreased...testosterone... (Rosen 8). In
males, this can be very detrimental. Testosterone is one of the leading hormones in men,
and it helps with the process of growth greatly. By consuming too much acrylamide, a
male can hinder his growth both physically and sexually . Waste water treatment is
another area where acrylamide can be found. According to Dr. Joseph Rosen, acrylamide
is part of a coagulant put into waste water to cleanse it. The problem of fast food not
having enough taste has come up over the course of the last decade. Many restaurants
look to find minute, unnoticeable ways to give their food that extra edge of flavor when
compared to their competitors. One substance that is widely used is Monosodium
Glutamate, more commonly known as MSG. Glutamic acid [MSG] is a major component
of McDonald s food. While there s simply no excuse for consuming their French fries or
diet soft drinks, one could make a logical argument to have their hamburgers, as long as
you are not a carb type, (Mercola 1). MSG is a common type of salt that is formed when
amino acid and glutamic acid are
Psychology Coursework
Online Coursework Writing Service

Psychology Paper Ideas: 3 Great Topics to Unleash In a Coursework!

Psychology investigates the ways human personality reacts to outer jolts. It includes
experimental exploration on different subjects and hypotheses on human personality and
conduct. The way to compose a solid paper on Psychology lies in exhaustive examination
and investigation. A fruitful coursework exhibits your comprehension and power of a
subject through strong confirmation and certainties.

Notwithstanding your way to deal with exploration, it is the subject thought that at last
matters for the accomplishment of your paper. To compose a triumphant coursework on
brain science, you can concentrate on any of the accompanying 3 subjects:

1. Aggression

Aggression is an inherent human conduct which is a response to shamefulness or threat.

It is additionally a type of hostile to social conduct when people go up against each other.
A coursework can investigate about the wonder behind Aggression in perspective of the
natural or social setting. For instance, your coursework can explore the structure of
amygdala which is in charge of activating passionate responses in people. On the other
hand you can characterize the part of savagery depicted through TV and silver screen on
the human brain research and how ... Show more content on ...
It concentrates on how a tyke creates dialect aptitudes, thinking capacities and scholarly
limits from the developmental period to the adulthood. In this setting, you can talk about
the distinctive speculations encompassing the advancement of human personality. For
instance, you can concentrate on the hypotheses of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky and
research the social and ecological components that feed human personality right from the
developmental years. You can likewise thoroughly analyze the components that match or
contrast between these two
Descriptive Essay On The Fair
Cock a doodle dooo! Is what the rooster said when I had first stepped inside of the
poultry barn at the Wisconsin Valley Fair. For as long as I can remember, I had always
wanted to show something at the fair, and my mind was set, after firmly debating about
pigs, I would be showing chickens. It all really started when I was about six or seven,
when my family and I went to the fair. It didn t matter that showing wasn t going on, I
just wanted to see all of the animals. I was the most fascinated by the pigs. The way they
look, sleep, and eat. The whole ride home, I was talking about how much I wanted to
show pigs, but then, out of nowhere, my dad came in with the whole we can t keep pigs,
we don t have a place for them.
Then I replied to him, we have the barn, how come we can t put pigs in there.
Of course, he had an immediate counter answer, the barn is; damp, somewhat moldy, and
falling down. We can t hold animals in there! Plus with pigs, they ll rub up on everything,
and knock everything over, and eat everything!
Well, I guess if we have chickens, and know how to take care of them, I guess I could
show them at the fair, I grumbled. Besides, I knew that eventually I was going to lose the
fight, so why keep it going when I could just show something at the fair like I ve always
wanted to.
In order to take something to the fair, you need to enroll in 4 H. In 4 H, you have a club,
mine is Kountry Kousins, and it s kind of like a second family. Each project has a
Intro Childhood Attention
Intro childhood attention. As a toddler, attention is not focused on one object or event for
a very long time. As a preschooler, attention is a bit more focused, and a child might be
able to watch television for a half hour. As children get a little older, executive and
sustained attention becomes more advanced. Having a better executive attention supports
a toddler s and preschooler s effortful control because of increases in comprehension and
language development. Children also begin to better understand their environment and
develop a better appreciation of their surroundings, which helps them to sustain attention
for longer amounts of time. Children also develop control over attention from preschool
age to late childhood. Stimulus that ... Show more content on ...
Given the right cues and prompts, young children can remember a lot of information, but
not as much as adults because they are not as expert in most areas. However, having
growing knowledge is a likely source of memory improvement. The fuzzy trace theory
says that young children tend to encode, store, and retrieve specific details of
information, while elementary school children encode, store, and retrieve the main idea
of information. A child s memory span is the capacity of his or her short term memory.
To determine a child s memory span, he or she hears a short list of stimuli, such as
numbers, at a fast pace and then has to recite as many of those numbers back as possible.
The speed of the information processing is important, specifically the speed at which
memory items can be identified. The speed of repetition is another powerful predictor of
memory span. There are several strategies that children can use to help their long term
memory. One strategy is organization, and is mostly used by older children. An example
of organization would being able to recall the days of the week in chronological order
very quickly, but not alphabetically. Another strategy is elaboration. Elementary students
are less likely to use elaboration than adolescents, but can be taught how to use it on a
certain learning task. Elaboration is an extensive processing of information, and includes
thinking of examples and making personal connections. Imagery is another memory
strategy, and is most helpful to older elementary students. When using imagery, children
create mental images of verbal information. Teachers can also use strategies for helping
their students remember information. These include: repeat with variation on the
instructional information, link early and often, and embed memory relevant
Antigone, The Universal And Most Heavily On A Hostile...
While myriad themes that pervade themselves throughout the entirety of Sophocles
Antigone, the universal and most heavily manifested theme is that regarding the conflict
between how individuals choose to make decisions in a society: should one fulfill
religious and familial obligations even when they contract the ruling of the state, or
rather should the government be able to supersede divine right? In the traditional Greek
plays, the familial structure plays a significant role in governing the actions of characters
and causing conflicts, such as in the case of Oedipus marrying his mother out of
ignorance of familial connection because of divine rule and fate. Moreover, the role of
hospitality and the almost unbreakable bond of family are ... Show more content on ...
Sophocles thereby highlights Creon s injustice by showcasing not only the immorality of
his actions but also how he easily breaks familial bonds to maintain power and establish
a strong government. Du Gao

Idealism: The Root of Antigone s Downfall in Sophocles Antigone

Sophocles Antigone centers around a familial feud that develops between Antigone and
Creon when Antigone decides to bury her brother and Creon s niece, Polynices. While
Antigone believes that it is her religious and familial duty to bury her brother, Creon
objects, citing the Theban civil war which took place right before the events of the play.
Adhering to Greek literary tradition, Sophocles ultimately seeks not just to entertain the
audience, but also to teach a moral lesson, in this case about the consequences that ensue
when a tyrannical ruler disobeys divine rule, violate religious obligation, and attempt to
place government over religion. In developing the plot and conflicts of the text,
Sophocles explores three unique but interconnected themes. Sophocles first considers the
role of the individual versus that of the family, then rule by consensus versus that by a
monarchy, and finally obligations to religion and tradition versus those to the state. The
underlying conflict of Antigone, therefore, is not simply that between Antigone and
Creon, but also between the themes
The Relationship Between Log Disease And Heart Disease
Heart disease is the number one condition responsible for the deaths of both men and
women in the United States. If you are trying to improve your health to decrease the
likelihood of developing a heart disease, you should look closely at your gums.
According to the dentists at Legacy Dental Arts in Eagle River, AK, there has been a long
time link between gum disease and heart disease.
Although the link is still not entirely clear, dentists and cardiologists have known of the
connection between gum health and heart disease for a while. According to experts in
both fields, one of the main noticeable tie ins between a person s oral and heart health is
inflammation. This is a common problem in both diseases: the hardening of arteries as
Competitive Forces Confronting Under Armour, Nike, And
1. How strong are the competitive forces confronting Under Armour, Nike, and The
Adidas Group? Do a five forces analysis to support your answer.

In using Porter s five force analysis, we can discover how strong the competitive forces
are within the sports apparel and footwear industry. The five force analysis involves;
rival sellers, threat of new entrants, substitute products, supplier bargaining power and
buyer bargaining power, which we will explore to determine the attractiveness and
intensity of competition within this market.

Competitors in the industry can wreak havoc on the bottom line for a company. With
rivals, a price competition usually ensues, which benefits the customers but hurts the
competing businesses that share a common strategy. In reviewing rival sellers, many
competitors exist within the sports apparel and footwear industry, but most of them are
unable to compete with the industry giants, Nike and Adidas. They are well seated in the
industry and their sales reveal this ultimate strength, however, Under Armour is putting
pressure on these mammoths. In 2015, global sales of sports clothing and footwear
equated to $250 billion, of which Nike grabbed $30.6 billion, Adidas held in its grasp
$18.8 billion and Under Armour had a much smaller piece of the pie, at $3.9 billion
globally. In reviewing these numbers, it looks like Under Armour is really subpar to the
industry giants, but this is not exactly the case. Under Armour in the past couple of
The Effects Of Sex Industry On South Africa s Human...
Commoditizing sex is not a novel concept, it has been around for much of our history,
and yet there is much more talk of the sex industry in modern society than it has been in
the past. Part of the reason for this has been the oversexualization of Hollywood and the
belief that fame is a commodity. Even fleeting fame is idolized, and people ignore the
means of achieving fame at the prospect of earning those alluring so called fifteen
minutes of fame . The film Hot Girls Wanted exemplifies this concept. Both this film and
Don t Shout Too Loud display the dark side of the business; the two films to varying
degrees. The latter film explored human trafficking as an institution and focused more
specifically on the impact the World Cup made on South Africa s human trafficking
problem. Each film impacted my personal understanding of the sex industry. Discussion
of the sex industry contemporaneously takes a much more casual tone than in years past.
The combination of this relaxed attitude with outright statements defending their
involvement in the sex industry as liberating and voluntary led me to extrapolate that as a
whole, this was an industry of progress which was on the rise. I believed that consent was
universal in this business and never particularly found need to question why or under
what circumstances people became involved in that trade. After watching Hot Girls
Wanted, and especially Don t Shout Too Loud, I learned that my belief was
fundamentally incorrect. Every
The Defiance Of Gender Stereotypes
Naomi Mash
Mr. Cole
Honors English III
15 October 14 The Defiance of Gender Stereotypes in Fitzgerald s, The Great Gatsby
Throughout the 1920 s, before Women s Suffrage, women were viewed as inferior, as
well as subordinate to males because of many years of patriarchal dominance. In F. Scott
Fitzgerald s, The Great Gatsby, women are seen as lesser by the male characters, yet
show a great sense of power and domination over the actions and storyline. The major
plotline of Gatsby s love for Daisy and the American Dream circulates around the mere
factor of the power women have over men. Fitzgerald s portrayal of women parallels
with the 1920 s societal reflections on how men are viewed as dominant, whereas women
are treated as second class citizens. Daisy, Jordan and Myrtle are portrayed poorly
through their insouciant view on the world, objectification by their male counterparts and
their narcissism, but defy the stereotypes of the 1920 s.

In The Great Gatsby, the characters, male or female, let their narcissism control their
actions and get the best of them. Daisy is shown to care more about herself than her
daughter, flaunting off the child as an object of, not pride, but a reflection of herself.
Daisy remarks, All right...I m glad it s a girl. And I hope she ll be a fool that s the best
thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool (Fitzgerald 21), showing that she is
aware of her own narcissism and marginalization, yet how she chooses to
Incompetence In Psychology
Incompetence is the lack of understanding or the failure to do something correctly, which
might cause harmful effects upon the patient being treated. Ethical decision making
matters in the field of psychology and the rest of the mental health fields because it sets
boundaries for practices. While incompetence might be a main reason for mistreatment
there is the type of situation where therapists try to avoid the patient but is unable to. The
reason for this is known as an unavoidable dilemma, where a therapist sees a patient who
might he/she wants to avoid, for fear of safety or just does not want to see that patient.
Yet, if the therapist accepts the patient then there could be another unavoidable dilemma,
such as eventually saying something ... Show more content on ...
If the therapist feels uncomfortable with seeing the patient for any reason the therapist
may refuse service and can refer the patient to another mental health professional. This
would probably be the reason to avoid the patient because the therapist might lack
competence in certain areas, as stated before. In 1987, Wicklund and Braun observed
from another study that competence is learned from socialization over years of practice
and schooling (p. 374). By definition, incompetence is the lack of experience and it could
lead to frustrating the therapist (Wicklund Braun, 1987). Within the role of being
competent, there is always the possibility that the therapist needs to perform because of
pressure from the patient to determine a correct diagnosis (Wicklund Braun, 1987). This
pressure might cause the therapist to lack certain performance and cause an incorrect
diagnosis, just because the therapist has no clue about the certain area of interest
affecting the

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