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A Student Life Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "A Student Life" can be both challenging and rewarding. On one
hand, the subject is broad and encompasses various aspects of a student's life, including academic
responsibilities, extracurricular activities, social interactions, and personal growth. This diversity
presents the writer with the task of balancing different elements to create a comprehensive and
engaging essay.

The difficulty lies in capturing the essence of the student experience and portraying it in a way that
resonates with readers. Students lead dynamic lives, and conveying the highs and lows, the
successes and challenges, requires thoughtful reflection and a deep understanding of the subject
matter. Moreover, the essay should not merely serve as a recollection of events but should also offer
insights, perspectives, and perhaps even lessons learned from the student's journey.

The challenge intensifies when attempting to strike a balance between personal anecdotes and
universal themes. While sharing personal experiences can add authenticity, it's crucial to connect
those experiences to broader concepts that readers can relate to. Crafting a narrative that is both
individualized and universally relatable demands careful consideration of language, tone, and

Additionally, addressing the uniqueness of the student experience without falling into clichés or
generic observations poses a formidable hurdle. Steering clear of common phrases and approaching
the topic with originality is essential to make the essay stand out. This requires creativity, critical
thinking, and an ability to express ideas in a captivating manner.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "A Student Life" necessitates navigating the complexities of
personal storytelling, universal relevance, and originality. While the task is undeniably challenging,
it provides an opportunity for self-reflection and expression. If the prospect of tackling such an
essay seems overwhelming, there are resources available, such as , where similar
essays and much more can be ordered to ease the writing process.

A Student Life Essay A Student Life Essay

Brecht s Theory Of Epic Theatre
Bertolt Brecht was a director and playwright, born on February 10th 1898 in Augsburg
Germany. Throughout his life he disagreed strongly with his father s bourgeois lifestyle,
this may have changed his writing technique and powered his political views portrayed in
his work. Brecht studied medicine in 1918 at Munich University where he was then
appointed a medical orderly during the First World War. Influenced by the monstrosities
war brought to his attention, Brecht wrote many poems reflecting his experiences as well
as producing his first play titled Baal in 1919. Escaping the grip of war, Brecht followed
his passion into Bohemian theatre and literature beginning in Munich where he then
travelled to Berlin after. Working alongside Erwin Piscator, they cemented the epic
theatre theory. Epic Theatre, is a theory that Brecht believed in encouraging the idea that
theatre should conform to the reasoning behind it, instead of focussing on the audience s
feelings towards it. Bertolt Brecht s work conformed to his theory of epic theatre. He
wanted his work to be a platform for change and stated how people should hang up their
brains with their hats in the cloakroom . Naturalistic theatre focused on entertainment to
captivate the audience to the extent of forgetting themselves and being involved with the
characters they are watching. Emotions felt and released during theatre such as crying, is
recognised as catharsis. Brecht was completely against cathartic theatre and believed
The Impact Of Indian Inflation On The Economy Of Nepal
3.1 Nature and Source of Data
The present study is associated with the utilization of secondary data on Money Supply
and Price Level for the economy of Nepal. The data of concerned variables are taken
from various issues of Economic Bulletin of Nepal Rastra Bank. Quarterly data on
money supply and price level ranging from 1976Q1 to 2012Q2, a total of 143 periods
have been used in the present study. The present study has employed the data sets of
money supply and price level transformed in logarithmic form to minimize the problem
of heteroscedasticity.
Besides, the present study utilizes the quarterly data of Indian wholesale price index
(WPI) transformed into logarithmic form to examine the impact of Indian inflation on
Nepalese inflation. The WPIs are taken from Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
Likewise, the present study utilizes the annual data of remittance and population growth
to find the impact of remittance on inflation of Nepal. While analyzing the impact of
remittance on inflation, the annual data of remittance and inflation as well as population
growth have been employed. The political instability is taken as dummy variable while
analyzing the relationship between annual inflation and remittance. The data for
remittance are taken from Economic Survey of Nepal and data associated with
population are taken from International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Finally, the impact of anticipated money supply on price level is also analyzed by using
The Metamorphosis of Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens A...
The Metamorphosis of Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol
Ebenezer Scrooge learned a great deal about himself during the visitations of the three
ghosts in A Christmas Carol. He learned things that not only changed his life, but also the
lives of others such as Tiny Tim and his family. At first these changes came gradually,
probably because they where not really fuelled by fear of what might be, but instead by
remorse for things he had already done. Not until the second and third spirits visit
Scrooge can a true change due to fear, not only in fear for what might be during his life
but also in the end.
In the first stave, Dickens tries to point out that Scrooge is a character that society
considers negative. In the introduction, ... Show more content on ...
Scrooge shows his sadness when he sees A solitary child, neglected by his friends is left
there still. Scrooge said he knew it. And he sobbed. Regret is another emotion displayed
on page 37. Nothing. There was a boy singing a Christmas carol at my door last night. I
should like to have given him something: that s all. This quote could be a symbol of hope
for Scrooge which, in turn, creates an intense effect for the reader because we see that
Scrooge is changing slowly into a better man.
Dickens used a lot of description to guide the reader through all the emotions displayed
by Scrooge in this visit and the surroundings the visit brought them to, such as and called
out, in a comfortable, oily, rich, fat, vocal voice.... and bright a ballroom as you would
desire to see upon a winter s night! Happiness is one more emotion shown during the
visit, Why, it s old Fezziwig! Bless his heart, it s Fezziwig! Bless his heart, its Fezziwig
alive again! This shows that Scrooge still is capable of being happy once again and it also
shows the reader the lighter side of Scrooge that the reader has never seen before. The
final emotion seen in this visit from the Ghost of Christmas Past revealed by Scrooge
was sadness. Quite alone in the world, I do believe. This shows how Scrooge s journey
into loneliness and bitterness began at the point where
IKEA in Russia Ethical Dilemmas Lusine Demirjian Business Ehics I Executive
Summary IKEA is the world s largest retailer of home furnishings. It strives to provide
simple, functional, modern, and useful products at affordable prices to as many people as
possible in as many places regardless of their geographical location. IKEA concept is
implemented from the start of idea, implemented into the design, manufacture, logistics,
sales and final assembly of each product. IKEA was developed by Ingvar Kamprad from
southern Sweden, where people are known for surviving and making the most from
limited resources. IKEA has aggressively pursued expansion into emerging markets as
well as developed economies to make it possible for all ... Show more content on ...
IKEA in business to generate profit is expanding rapidly in both developing and
emerging markets. In an attempt to generate more and more profit it markets, inexpensive
products that may originate from sustainable resources but at the same time it encourages
excessive consumption, it is often located in remote areas with very large footprint.
Products with limited life cycle need replacement more frequently and consumers more
often than not end up purchasing far more than they needed when they come to IKEA. It
is designed to be consumer friendly, stylish rooms set up for one to visualize placement
of furniture at home and if needed available staff to help you in planning and placement
of your furniture. Most recently in February 2013, case of embarrassment came from its
food service where it was found the Swedish Meatballs it served contained horsemeat.
Corruption and bribery case in Russia was an awakening experience for IKEA. In 2010,
its top two managers were fired due to bribery of contractors to provide electricity power
supply generators to its stores to avoid power shortage. Knowingly it allowed payments
of bribery to secure electricity supply, which was a blow to its reputation as ethical
business practice around the world. However, it is often understood bribery and
corruption is pervasive in Russia and cannot be avoided. Second instance of corruption
for IKEA in Russia
Suspense In The Film Rear Window
Hitchcock uses many techniques throughout the film Rear Window to convey suspense.
The major theme of the film regards Jefferies voyeurism. His intrigue in the everyday
lives of his neighbours is viewed as intrusive and morally wrong on principle. However,
without this voyeuristic tendency the crime committed by Thornwald would never have
been solved. Thus, the audience is lead through emotional turmoil in questioning whether
it is wrong to invade someone s privacy, or just and heroic to solve a crime. We see the
climax of the film when Lisa and Stella venture out of Jefferies apartment to investigate
the murder of Mrs Thornwald. This leads to a confrontation between Thornwald and
Jefferies. These scenes build suspense through the use of detachment, the use of split
screen , red herring plot devices, lighting, music and diegetic sound.
In Hitchcock s Rear Window Jefferies apartment is the sole viewpoint to the outside
world for the audience. We rarely see anything that isn t from Jefferies immediate
surroundings or directly from his point of view. This gives Jefferies, and in turn the
viewers, a detached sense of realism from the world of the apartment complex opposite.
This detachment is apparent to throughout the movie as many characters state to Jefferies
that what he s doing is morally wrong. However, the line of moral and immoral conduct
is pushed as Jefferies continues to watch his neighbours and ultimately becomes directly
involved in the plot which he had
Black African American Museum Report
A museum is the best place to find historical, artistic and scientific objects exhibited for
the public. Washington DC offers to his public a lot of museum especially the African
American museum. It is particular first because of the attraction from distance of his
unique beautiful design and huge size of the building. Also, it was recently opened and it
is located in the National Mall and close to different monuments. It includes several
exhibitions and the dress of ROSA PARK sewn by her captivated my attention. She was
one of the black African American civil rights activists. The pretty grey and yellow floral
long sleeve maxi dress with belt is located almost in the center of the room and hanging
inside a big glass cage.
Turning Points In The Last Supper
Since the beginning of time, whether we practice religion or not, there seems to be a
leader that the people in general follow or look up to bring comfort in our existence to
society. The Last Supper was created by an Italian artist by the name of Leonardo Da
Vinci in the fifteenth century. It is quite a distinctive piece and has a great deal of detail
for it being a fresco. More than half of the world is familiar with The Last Supper. With
Christianity being a dominant religion throughout the world, the painting connects with
the bible noting that some of the major turning points took place during The Last Supper.
It would be depicted as Jesus final dinner with his disciples. Liberty Leading the People
was created in 1830 by an artist by ... Show more content on ...
Hundreds of years apart and yet the two paintings have so much in common as well as
their differences. No matter the date of the work the quality and meaning will always
stand the test of time. The Last Supper may not have had death painted, but the sorrow
that the disciples told the story of their leader coming in the near future. In the end
victory would be in the death of Jesus as he was put here to die for man. Lady Liberty
presents death, defeat, glory, and accomplishment at the same time. Eugene Delacoix
presented Liberty Leading the People it a dark way to show what had to take place in
order to get the victory. In the Last Supper Judas shows how hard it is to resist the
temptation of overturning his Lord and Savior for the bearings of silver and gold, while
at the same time Lady Liberty brings temptation of murder to fight for what we believe is
right. Two different day in ages as well as two different cultural background shows the
instilment of human nature and what we have used to progress as a
Uses Of Imagery In Truman Capote s In Cold Blood
The small population of Holcomb, Kansas was struck with tragedy when the Clutter
family was brutally murdered in their home by two unknown suspects. Capote wrote the
first ever non fiction novel, In Cold Blood. Truman Capote tells a timeline of events as he
learned them, from before, during, and after the killings of the Clutter family by using
imagery, foreshadowing, and pathos to continue the plot and to make it more interesting
to the reader.
One of the most noticeable rhetorical devices used throughout In Cold Blood was Capote
s use of imagery. An example of Imagery being used in this novel was Capote s
description of the weather at the time in Holcomb. Capote called apple eating weather
because the ... whitest sunset descended from the purest sky, and an easterly wind rustled,
without ripping loose, the last of the leaves on that the Chinese elms. (10) This in depth
description of the weather was added to give the reader a good idea of what time of the
year it was to give the reader a better and more detailed mental picture of Holcomb at the
time of the murders. Also noticed in Capote s novel was very descriptive would be
Capote s description of the Clutter crime scene. Capote describes the scene in Nancy
Clutter s room where she was found, stating, She was lying on her side, facing the wall,
and the wall was covered with blood. The bedcovers were drawn up to her shoulders.
(62) Another description of the crime scene was how Kenyon was found, Capote stated,
Through the ecological footprint experiment I conducted, I...
Through the ecological footprint experiment I conducted, I realized that if everybody
were to live in this manner, we would be in need of 6.13 earths. This is the amount of the
land s ecosystem habitat that the human race today would require in order to survive
sustainably (Dunn, 2008). The online ecological footprint calculator is a very innovative
and informative application that poses great benefit to the society. The ecological
footprint calculator calculates the amount of inputs and outputs of an individual s
lifestyle in effect of the natural resources within their region of habitat. This
consequently enables for a self assessment at the individual level, where one can follow
specific measures to reduce their ecological footprint to ... Show more content on ...
These measures are inclusive of aspects such as the consumption of a healthy diet,
estimating one s exact consumption requirements for a day, and investing in food storage
for future use measures such as freezing of food amongst others.
The goods and services footprint level was also calculated to be at a high. This project on
my nature of consumption of goods and services within my general day. It projects that in
use of goods and services, my behavior is one that includes a lot of wastage. The best
reversal measures of this would be to practice restrained sustainable use of goods and
services. This includes aspects such as choosing quality fabric clothes to reduce the rate
of my buying and throwing away of old clothes; and the same projected to other goods
and services.
The lowest of my ecological footprint was from my housing footprint. This means that
the nature of my interrelation of housing is sustainable. This can be related to the fact
that I have been living in one house with other members of my family. The house is
medium sized and all rooms are full except one.
The experiment also provided for a projection of my footprints share in the different
biomes. The largest share was with forestland footprint, then pastureland footprint,
followed by marine fisheries footprint, and finally the cropland footprint. These shared
biomes establish the level of effect that my ecological footprint has on the different
Factors And Causes Of Population Ageing In The United
Population Ageing is a growing phenomenon across the entire world; throughout various
different societies. Although the United States is not the most rapidly growing country in
this aspect in comparison to other countries like Japan or Italy, a large number of baby
boomer citizens are still thriving in the United States to this day. There are many factors
and causes that contribute to demographic shifts in the United States population. The
aging of its citizens is one that is particularly apparent due to its effects on its society
socially and economically. There are many causes to this circumstance as well as
repercussions if it is not identified and acted on accordingly by the United States as a
whole. As the united states becoming an aging population, expected to have more and
more numbers of older adults and elderly, two main factors contribute. The united states
census predicts that in 2050 the number of people in the population being over 65 years
of age, will double, predicting an increase from 43.1 million in 2012 to 83.7 million by
the year 2050. A big role of age rates in any population is mortality and birth rates. The
amount of people born and dying, and their ages, greatly affects how population age will
either grow, decrease, or stay consistent. In the case of the united states growing
population it can be seen that the mortality and birth rates are strongly correlated with the
aging population. The mortality rate of those who are already born is a main
Difference Between Personal Knowledge And Shared
Knowledge can be defined as the facts, information, and skills acquired by a person
through experience or education 1. It is divided into personal knowledge and shared
knowledge. Personal knowledge is what every individual knows from its own personal
experience while shared knowledge is a collection of several individuals personal
knowledge. Without personal knowledge there would be no shared knowledge. A clear
example where shared knowledge modifies individuals personal knowledge through
education is religion, where they have authoritative rule books that tell their followers
what moral principles to follow. There are several religions that may differ with each
others beliefs and traditions; some of them may be in favour of an idea while ... Show
more content on ...
Some of them are in favour, as long as they are married couples, others allow their
followers to donate sperm and eggs as long as they are married couples, and some
religions let their followers donate without any limits concerning their marital status. The
Anglican Church allows this process within marriage, but forbids its followers to donate
eggs and sperm. The Hindu religion also allows it, but only if the gametes used come
from a married couple with the intention of conceiving a child. Buddhists are permitted
to donate sperm even though they are not married couples. The Islam allows the its use,
but it has to be within the limits of marriage; however, if any of the spouses dies (or a
divorce happens), the eggs and sperm may not be used any more. Jewish Law commands
its followers to procreate, and when it is not possible by natural manners, it s acceptable
for Jews to recur to this modern methods to achieve
The Science Of Space Probes
Space probes are our doorway to the rest of our solar system, allowing us to find new
information about our universe. Space probes travel to other planets, moons, comets, and
any other body in space. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are also traveling outside of our solar
system in order to further explore. As the space probes travel, and once they reach their
destination, they constantly measure the environment around them with extremely
interesting scientific instruments. Many space probes have been launched by NASA, the
US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and each one has different
equipment based on what is intended to be studied. Five extremely interesting space
probes with fascinating scientific instruments are Voyager 1, ... Show more content on ...
The Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA) listens to radio signals produced by the sun and
planets, while the Plasma Wave Investigation (PWS) essentially works like the PRA, but
only listens for audio frequencies and frequencies slightly above audible. The last
instrument is IRIS (Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer and Radiometer), which
actually acts as three instruments. It acts a thermometer, measuring the heat objects emit,
as well as, determining when certain elements or compounds are in an atmosphere or
surface and using a separate radiometer to measure the amount of sunlight reflected by a
body. All of these scientific instruments helped the voyagers study the outer planets, and
will continue to help scientists learn about interstellar space.
Despite the fact that both voyagers were built the same with all of these components,
they are slightly different. As mentioned before, different instruments for each probe are
disabled or broken, but they also had different missions when they were launched.
Voyager 1 was supposed to study Jupiter, Saturn, and Saturn s moon Titan. However,
Voyager 2 was supposed to study Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus. Both were later extended
to study the interstellar medium. Voyager 2 was also launched after Voyager 1. Voyager 1
launched on August 20, 1977, and Voyager
Ree In The Ozarks
Ree has also developed confidence as a survival attribute. Watching the turn of events, it
is apparent that the entire Ozarks are full of meth cooks. This is clearly illustrated by the
fact that she is attacked on her attempt to seek the intervention of the local crime officer;
everyone lives in constant fear of betrayal. However, the young lady is confident enough
and doesn t fear explaining her case to people she believes can be of help (Paludi, 2011).
Having been once bitten by the Milton women, she quickly agrees to accompany them to
the bond with hope that she will find her father. She has the courage to face the women
for the second time, even though they beat her in their first meeting.
Unlike her neighbors and kinsmen, Ree has only ... Show more content on ...
All in all, I liked the movie for a number of reasons. For instance, the movie clearly
brings out the plight of young children who are burdened with parental responsibilities at
a very tender age. While the case in the movie is as a result of crime and medical
incapacitation, there are so many other vices in society that have turned young children
into parents even before they internalize the true definition of who a parent is. Vices such
as civil wars, the HIV/AIDS menace and even sporadic wars between warring nations
have left so many young children with the responsibility of bringing up their siblings.
Ree is thus portrayed as an example to be emulated by all other children of her age who
unfortunately finds themselves in similar circumstances (Paludi, 2011). Rather than sit
around crying the whole day, it s always advisable to pick up the left pieces and move on
with life since at times, those you expect to offer a helping hand might turn out to scorn
Mesopotamia Problems
Mesopotamia was located in Middle East, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, now
this land is located mostly in Iraq. Mesopotamia is the place where humans first formed
civilizations. Mesopotamia is called the cradle civilization. This is known as this because
the people of this culture developed a large amount of things. For instance: government,
written language, religion, agriculture, and large cities. The early settlers in Mesopotamia
started to go into small villages and towns. Eventually they learned how to irrigate land
and they grew crops on large farms, after that the towns grew bigger. Later these towns
turned into large cities.

Most of the people lived in mud brick homes. In the cities every family had its own
house it didn t matter whether they ... Show more content on ...
In Mesopotamia there were unpredictable flooding. This caused the land
To become desert like if there was only a little bit of rain. To solve this problem the
Sumerians dug into the banks and created some irrigation canals that carried the water to
fields. This allowed them to grow many crops. Also the villages and towns were on flat
land with no natural barriers. This made it very difficult to defend and there was no
standing armies. This caused the Sumerians to build mud brick walls around their cities
for defense.

Sumerians had a low supply of resources available for building and making tools. To
solve this problem they traded cloth, grain, and crafting tools with the people from the
mountains and deserts. In exchange they received stone, wood and metals. Another
problem was that the people of Mesopotamia fought against each other for control over
the Tigris and Euphrates. However this problem wasn t solved and and it still continues
today. The people in Turkey wanted to build dams along the rivers for power and
irrigation. Syria and Iraq wanted to use the water from these rivers for power and
Duane Knight Funeral Photography Research Paper
For well over a century, Duane Knight Funeral Photography has assisted New York City
residents in commemorating the lives of their loved ones. This locally owned and
operated memorial photography business specializes in capturing the essence of funeral
ceremonies in a caring and empathetic manner. When you enlist their services, your
friends and family members who have passed away will continue to live on in your heart
for years to come.

One of the best ways to find closure when your loved ones depart this earth is to
celebrate their final moments with a Legacy Book. Duane Knight Funeral Photography is
highly trained in the art

of tasteful and compassionate funeral photography, and they will put together a book of
the memorial service s
Amsterdam Island Research Paper
Amsterdam albatross has shown a steady decline since a massive environmental threats
such as the introduction of other species that have continually damaged its habit. While
that problem has lessened considerably but recent issues of diseases carried by other
marine birds have continued to destroy the population. Scientific research has detail that
the only population of this part of the albatross family lives and breed on the island called
Amsterdam Island. With all these factors taken in along with the staggering small
population of about a 100, the IUCN has classified them as Critically Endangered since
1994. With the such a small population, residing on one island and spreading of various
diseases the chances of its survival are at best being very slim to its extinction being

Amsterdam albatross, or called by it s scientific name of Diomedea amsterdamensis

(Figure 1) are part of the Albatross family and are know classified as critically
endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Amsterdam Albatross is much like the Great Albatross in terms of looks, but differ in the
brown color of plumage than the typical white. This subspecies of Wandering Albatross
are weighed at 8 to 11 pounds, 42 to 48 inches long and 110 to 130 inch ... Show more
content on ...
Though recent satellite footage and picture form bird photographer has showed sightings
Australia, New Zealand, and the Western Cape of South Africa. Based on census in 2011
the populations in Total are 170, with 100 of those being mature. While this is an increase
from before 1998 where it struggled to have more than 50 mature individuals, its overall
status in terms of population is a declining one. Many of the major threats of time such as
from the introduction of cattle to current day facing the spread of diseases like avian
Educational Philosophy Statement Analysis
1. Four components are the most necessary in my mind.
To achieve what goals
As a teacher, what are the goals? The rest is educational philosophy statement should
support the goals I set, these goals should be achievable, and with teaching duties are
related. On the other hand, I should prove that I resigned to mediocrity, or simply pass
some limited to the specific facts.
Of course I want teach the basic content of the course. But in addition, I should develop
students critical thinking, and promote lifelong learning skills of the students obtained for
students to function effectively in the information economy to prepare, or the
development of student problem solving strategy? I play what role in the students
professional orientation and ... Show more content on ...
Because goal is mainly aimed at students, then I are likely to use student learning
outcomes to reflect efforts, rather than teaching I how many chapters covering textbooks.
Teaching evaluation for teachers is a sensitive issue, but in large part because teachers do
not make the own assessment methods. Most of us are forced to use a standard evaluation
form. But this does not prevent us to develop more relevant to our specific aims and
goals. Teachers develop the own evaluation methods, usually get more relevant feedback.
But in addition, they will usually get more positive feedback, because they are asking the
students to the most important aspects of the course for
Impulse Generator and Lightning Characteristics Simulation...
Lightning as a phenomenon of electric discharge between the charged particles among
the clouds or between the clouds to earth is seen as a natural occurrence in our day to day
life. The veracity and wrath of this natures activity also has to be faced by the mankind in
form of death, destruction and total power outage. In today s world it is hard to imagine
life without electricity. Also it incurs heavy losses to the power distributors and
consumers. The losses amounts from few hundred thousands to millions like how the
lightning storm caused power outage in Minnesota that lasted for 19 hours. [1]
It was Franklin in 1744 1750, who first carried out experiments on lightning [2]. From
then on significant studies have been made in the past ... Show more content on ...
The impulse generator comes into business here.Studying the lightning characteristics by
creating the similar impulse using the impulse generator helps in assessing the strength of
the electrical equipment s against transient and lightning impulse. This has been
practiced by industrialists and researchers for so many years. Massive and extremely
large test apparatus are used for the impulse wave generation. To ease down the process
with reliable and accurate results, here for the design 4A, a GUI (Graphical User
Interface) based software for impulse generator and lightning characteristics simulation.
This would be the only prototype standalone software which caters to the impulse
waveforms studies. The GUI will have the text entry fields to input the circuit parameters
and there will be plotting space where the impulse waveform will be plotted.
The framework of the software will be the mathematical model of the impulse generator
circuit. For different input values, the corresponding waveforms will be obtained. The
main focus of this research will be towards accessing waveforms and its characteristics
that corroborates the industry standard and laboratory experimental values with expected
accuracy not lesser than 60%.This software will be made available to work in cross
platform operating systems such as Windows, android, Mac etc. so that the user can
download and install the application in their favourite media device at
Symbolic Interactionism In A House
Housing prices for detached homes in the GTA have sky rocketed from what they were a
decade ago and show no signs of slowing down. With this in mind, home buyers find it
difficult to invest in a home due to their socioeconomic status, yet they still make a
personal choice to do so. The article, Toronto and area house prices, out of reach for most
(Montgomery, 2015), addresses the inflation of housing prices but entails a very narrow
lens to the identity of the home buyer. Symbolic interactionism would analyze this issue
from a micro level perspective. The theory emphasizes the importance of an individual s
subjective meanings and how these interpretations help create their own social state of
affairs (Brym R, 2013). Looking at the article from a symbolic interactionist perspective,
it can be noted Montgomery fails to explain the house is in itself a reflection of the
homeowner s individuality and desire to impress upon the public eye. Erving Goffman
would rationalize the house as a mode of presenting the homeowner in the best possible
light, this is known as dramaturgical analysis (Brym R, 2013). The home embodies both
the homeowners public roles and true selves. Notice the privilege in owning a home is
subjected to the statuses people occupy that in turn speaks about the role sets they play,
but the combination of these social influences is ... Show more content on ...
The article expresses how prices for detached homes has increased rapidly compared to
rates of income. Although the author looks at how the prices impacts home buyers, he
fails to address certain facets that could have been explained using symbolic
interactionism. The identity of the home buyer was overlooked as the young couple,
disregarding peoples unique connotations they have attached to their idea of a home.
Symbolic interactionism looks to understand the mentality of the home buyer and how it
is reflected in their
Forrest Hall Building For University Essay
I agree with the students who want to change the name of the Forrest Hall Building on
MTSU campus, because I think our students have the responsibility as those with the
power to change this name since we don t want to our state university to represent
something hateful. When MTSU built its ROTC building in 1954, President Smith
named it Forrest Hall in honor of Nathan Bedford Forrest s reputation as an interpid
confederate cavalry leader who won fame with his brilliant raids. Maybe that was Forrest
s reputation in 1954, but in 2015 Forrest s reputation becomes one of hate, racism, and
violence. We do not want or need that at MTSU. A quick background on Nathan Bedford
Forrest, was a lieutenant general in the CSA

Army and he was a ... Show more content on ...

At President Smith s behest, MTSU s publicity officers incorporated Forrest into their
materials at leat as early as 1954. By the mid 1950s, Forrest s image dominated campus
life, on decals, bookstore supplies, and campus newspaper Sidelines, not to mention the
new ROTC building named Forrest Hall ( also chosen by President Smith ). Students
formed a Nathan Bedford Forrest Club, and others sold rebel falgs to boost the school s
southern spirit .
From 1945 to 1967, That blue Devil rode along the sidelines of MTSU football games at
Horace James Field while Dixie played in the stands. In 1962, MTSU classrooms finally
integrated with athletic integration coming three years later when the first African
American athlete debuted on the track and field team. In 1967, MTSU built a new
student center, and on the outside of that building was placed a large seal of the
uiniversity s official mascot Nathan Bedford Forrest on horseback. In 1968, Sylvester
Brooks Write a sideline I think a lot of the stuff its s history, I mean these things are
factual, but they belong in a history book, and they belong in museum, they don t belong
in places like that and put them in places where they ought to be at . On the night of 11
Dec.1970 and during this mascot transition, white MTSU students burned a cross on
campus. About sixty black students immediately marched to president
Aims And Objectives Of Tesco PLC
Aims and Objectives of Tesco PLC
An aim is a long term goal of which takes short term goals to achieve this which are
called objectives.
The aims at Tesco PLC is to be a leading retail supermarket and that excellent quality
services are provided whilst products such as food and clothes are of a low cost. By also
having cheaper prices than competitors such as ASDA. The objectives in doing this is to
increase profits by increasing sales to the maximum. This is done by providing a better
service of care so that the current customers stay and attracting more customers from the
competitors such as ASDA. Therefore, profit will increase due to the cause of an increase
in sales. This objective is measurable due to being Tesco PLC can keep track of the
volume of sales. Another objective is to minimise the prices of products of food and
clothes. Tesco PLC aim for householders to have a cheaper trip by Tesco PLC offering
more deals so then customers can take advantage of, so their shopping will be cheaper.
Furthermore, this aim can be achieved. An extra objective is to sell more healthier food
related products so that more customers will be attracted of whom are interested in a
healthier lifestyle. Also, the objective of developing an online site so this will attract
more customers and increase in profit due to people who may not have the time to
physically go to Tesco PLC will be to shop some way. As online shopping is more
convenient for some customers. Final objective for this
The Globalization Of Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines is globalizing their company in order to reach a bigger market, and
become competition for other companies. Southwest Airlines has already conquered the
domestic market beating American Airlines, United, and Delta according to Fortune.
Access to a new market is what motivated Southwest to globalize, they are expanding to
the south of North America, with their new assets found in their acquired airline AirTran
Airways (LeBeau, 4) . Southwest Airlines has brought low rates and a great experience to
the domestic market, which was warmly received, they now plan to dip into global
market to bring better service to all.
Southwest Airlines has recently acquired AirTran Airways, which was a global company,
this acquisition it put Southwest in a great spot to expand to the global market. Southwest
is integrating the AirTran Airways international stops in Aruba, Jamaica, the Bahamas
with their original domestic stops in Atlanta, Baltimore, and Orlando starting July 1st
2014 according to an article in US Today. Next they are looking to service 6 Latin
American destinations including Belize City, Cancun, Mexico City, Puerto Vallarta, and
San Jose del Cabo/ Los Cabos starting in October 2015 (Zacks Equity Research, 1 2).
These Latin American destinations are strategic because they are close to Southwest s
headquarters in Dallas TX, and they are prime vacation spots (Jones, 3). This will give
more people a cheaper way to vacation, and bring more people into these
Nietzsche And Nietzsche On The Rationality Of Religious...
Explain and evaluate the views of Freud and Nietzsche, on the rationality of religious

Freud believes that religion belongs to a childish stage of human evolution with no
purpose and that these religious beliefs lack a rational and strong foundation. He thought
mature people approach a rational reasoning on religion Freud believes that there is no
place for religion in our modern world today since it is already corrupted with evil. His
view of our psychological role of beliefs and religion brings attention to a guilt feeling
one feels helpless and the first though that comes to his mind is that God is a just
reflection of the subconscious mind.
On the other hand, Nietzsche believes that there are no rules to the life of human beings
and only the coward cling to religion in the hope of finding something which is not there.
He believes that truth is all that is needed and nothing is more powerful than self belief in

Explain and evaluate the views of Tolstoy and Kierkegaard, on the rationality of religious

Kierkegaard focuses almost exclusively on answering the question how to become a

Christian . He thought that people were not leading fulfilling and meaningful lives, so he
wanted to show how people can find this, and be happy hence satisfied. This believes
that truth does not come to a person from outside the self, but is contained within. It
comes to a person from within, as an innate or in born idea which we recall. The other
religiousness is a
Dominique LaPierre s The City of Joy Essay
Dominique LaPierre s The City of Joy His suffering was transformed into surprise then
peace, the peace that comes from being loved (C.O.J. p. 254). In the book the City of Joy,
Hasari, Mother Theresa, Stephan Kolvaski and Max Loeb all experienced the joy and
helpfulness that comes from being loved. Their problems and troubles through out the
book help them to understand how to make it through tough times. Examples from this
book and life show that modern medicine is not always the best way to help the sick or
injured. Peoples love and kindness for each other is the most valuable gift you can give
someone. This city isn t all that inhuman (C.O.J. p. 82). Hasari said this when he was
able to become a rickshawpuller. ... Show more content on ...
p. 161). Jesus of Anand Nagar, you know that I am here simply to share so that together
they and I can show you that we love you you and your father, the father of mercy, the
father who sent you, the father who forgives (C.O.J. p. 161). This is a prayer Stephan
Kolvaski said when he first arrived in Calcutta. Kolvaski used his faith and love with to
come to Calcutta to help the needy. Even when the people of India didn t share the blame
beliefs he did, he helped feed the starving and cure the sick. His kindness helped many
people in his village. Kolvaskis fight to help the poor brought him and Bandonna
together. Bandonna has a way with the sick the hungry like on one else did. She cared for
them in a way that people wished they could understand. No one had ever taught her, yet
she knew it all through intuition, friendship, and love (C.O.J. p. 168). She continued to
care for the poor when she was sick or even in danger. Bandonna s love and ability to
care for people inspired Kolvolski to bring in more help from others. Max Loeb decided
to come to Calcutta to help out in Kolvaski s plan. Max learned to treat the injured with
kindness even when looking at them made him ill. As one of his first jobs Max was to
deliver a baby to a leper woman. The gruesome looking people made him wonder how
they could be so happy in a place like that. All the lepers were overwhelmed with joy
(C.O.J. p. 333). The leper s joy in such a horrid place
Essay on Eliminating Abbreviations Errors in the Medical...
How can eliminating abbreviations reduce errors?
The use of abbreviations shortens length of many words thus really help healthcare
professionals in saving time spent in writing notes. Abbreviations however do not always
provide positive contributions due to misconceptions, misunderstandings, and
misinterpretations leading to commitment of errors in the practice. Similarities in
abbreviations for instance could root to a grave mistake. For instance the q.d. which an
inscriber would like to indicate as every day could be erroneously interpreted as q.i.d.
which means four times a day. Such error could result to over dosage when a certain
medication is taken four times in a day instead of just once. Though some abbreviations
can be easily ... Show more content on ...
Policies would need to provide lists of accepted abbreviations and their standard
meaning. That would be one of the best ways of preventing creation of abbreviations or
assigning different meaning on a certain standard abbreviation. Despite of universal
standard policies on the use of abbreviations, organizations would know better the
strength and flaws of using abbreviations in particular healthcare facility. Organizational
policies should therefore be also developed which would include the universal standard
policies and organizational policies believed to maintain safety practice. The policy
should clearly specify the abbreviations that can be safely used and their standard
meanings in the organizations and those that should not be used providing the common
errors generated. The policy must also indicate the forms of written paper that allows
using abbreviations. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices for instance has provided
lists of abbreviations that should never be used to communicate medical information
(ISMP, 2007). Policies should also provide simple yet concise guidelines on the use of
abbreviations. The methodologies of quality control such as through periodic audit on
proper usage of abbreviations should be also specified. The persons authorized to use
abbreviations should be also clearly specified. The policy would need regular updating
and should therefore clearly specify the dates. If necessary, consequences of non
obedience to the policy
Essay On Patient Alarms
Research Problem The purpose of this study is to study the impact of a structured safety
huddle on reducing unnecessary alarms and the change in individual patients alarms in a
low acuity PICU patients. Authors made a good argument for this type of research briefly
describing a pilot study that was done that led them to hypothesize that low acuity high
alarm PICU patients would be a safe and population for an alarm huddle based
intervention. Research Objectives The purpose of this study is to test the The hypotheses
was that Integrating a data driven monitor alarm into the safety huddle will decrease
alarms in low acuity PICU populations. Conceptual/Theoretical Framework The authors
do not clearly discuss conceptual framework work ... Show more content on ...
Using patients during the same year should help prevent any historical biases. The
authors used a mixed effects regression model to evaluate the effects of the intervention
and control type rates. These seems to be an appropriate model for this study as they are
reviewing historical data and the reported that there were patients who were used more
than once. Results The authors reported on a group of 433 alarms for the intervention
patients in the 24 hours prior to the intervention and 223 alarms after the intervention.
The authors report a decrease in low priority alarms of 48% with a Ci 38.1% 58.9%, and
comparing this to controls the found there was a 21.6% decrease in alarm use in the
control group. There was a statistical difference in the decrease of alarm use following
the intervention demonstrated by a P value of .004 with a 95% CI of (195 37). This is
also present in Figure 2 where the graph shows the decrease in alarms post huddle. In
comparing the control and the historical control there was no statistical difference in the
change in alarm use, showing that there was no evidence of contamination with in the
control groups on the other units. This information is found in table 2. The authors also
tracked changes to alarm parameters after the huddle. They found that 42% of the
intervention patients and 24% of the combined controls had changes to there alarm
settings. The found that in the group that had their parameters
Identifying Requirements For High Level Policy Makers
Phase One Identifying Requirements
1. High level policy makers are not only concerned with intelligence; they are constantly
concerned with reelection. A policy maker who is identifying requirements could decide
to focus resources on an issue that is less vital to the nation s security in order to obtain
information that will get them reelected. High level threats could be pushed to the side in
order to address an issue that is not necessarily as vital but is a hot topic in news media,
and public opinion. This would be followed down by the intelligence community and the
more dangerous area or individual threat could be left unmonitored.

2. Often briefings and communication between high level officials and analysts are hectic
times and communication of requirements could not be communicated clearly. A policy
maker giving feedback on collection objectives or asking questions could be perceived
by the intelligence official as requesting more information when really that policy maker
has enough information to make a decision. This is an issue when two people come from
different backgrounds and use different phrasing, objectives could be easily
misunderstood. Time and resources would then be wasted to gather intelligence on issues
that are no longer relevant.

3. Officials in the intelligence community often faced with new policy makers or those
with differing views from those in the intelligence community could decide to ignore or
alter requirements to suit their own
A Room Of One s Own By Virginia Woolf
For many years, woman fought to have the same rights and opportunities as men, and a
lot blame has been placed on men as to why society is the way it is and why society is in
favor of men. However, in A Room of One s Own, Virginia Woolf addresses many issues
that affect women and reason why society, as a whole, is broken. As women in society,
we are supposed to get married, have children, and raise families while the men get their
educations, work, and earn an income to support their families, and that is how it was for
many, many years.
Woolf s talks about how that barrier should be broken. What if we can t find that husband
to raise a family with? What happens to those women who do not have a man to support
Women need their own independence to support themselves in order to make in this
world, with ... Show more content on ...
In this story, Woolf is not blaming men for why women do not have equal opportunities
as men, nor is she saying that society favors men more. The way society is, is really no
one s fault; it is just what we were brought up to know and what our parents and
ancestors were brought up to know and how we as people viewed women and men and
thought of where each role should be placed, and when the roles were placed, women
just happened to come on the short end of the stick. Palmer 2
In A Room of Own s One, Woolf does express how society is more tilted than the
Tower of Pisa... She tells that she has been denied an opportunity because she is a
woman. She was reject by Oxbridge, a literary institute and the very same college that
her brothers and
Difference Between Chines For M-Form Organization
M form refers to the unspecialization of subnational governments. It follows a territorial
principle that regions are assigned to be responsible for similar task. For instance,
province A is responsible for agricultural and steel ministry, which is same for the other
provinces such as B and C. They can be seen as substitute for each other because they
produce competitive goods. The administrative coordination is decentralized in M form,
meaning that planning in individual level is important. As these regions need to make
production decisions for their ministries, the autonomy of them is quite high, and they
have the right to control and allocate recourses within their jurisdiction. These features
can in fact be linked to the RDA system. In Maskin, Qian and Xu s research, ... Show
more content on ...
So, any lagging behind only implies the low productivity of the regional official. With
similar information structure, regional officials have the incentive to outperform the other
rivalries. Regional competition can already serve as incentive scheme for local officials.
For U form organizations, as regions are different from each other, they react differently
towards industrial shocks. So, this provides an excuse for laggard that it is due to the
differentiation regional conditions. With completely different information structures,
there is no incentive for local officials to work hard under the U form.
Seeing how M form and U form organizations can affect information structures, as a
result determining incentives of local officials, the Maskin, Qian and Xu model can be
used to prove it. Firstly, the model states that there are 2 types of incentives the absolute
performance incentive and the relative performance incentive. The absolute performance
incentive links the officials salary with his outputs, while the relative one links his salary
to others output negatively,
The Titans Research Paper
Uranus was the Heaven. His consort was Gaia The Earth. The youngest and the bravest
of their sons was Cronus. He greatly envied his father and long sought to overthrow his
Uranus hid the youngest children of Gaia, the one hundred armed giants, Hecatonchires
and the one eyed giants, the Cyclopes, in Tartarus. This made Gaia to seek the help of
Cronus and his brother to attack her husband. Only Cronus was willing to heed her call.
Cronus ambushed his father and wounded him. From that which spilled from Uranus and
fell upon the Earth came forth the Gigantes, Erinyes, and Meliae. From that which was
cast into the sea came forth Aphrodite. For this, Uranus called his sons Titans, meaning
strainers, for they strained and did presumptuously ... Show more content on ...
This special metal is everywhere and is helping us get anywhere we want. Just as Cronus,
the first of the Titans, this metal rules over the earth, the heavens, and the sea.
Since the initial discovery, this element has been described in terms such as mysterious,
extravagant, fascinating, noble, unusual, vital and critical. But I truly believe that humans
are far from realizing its true potential and the current industrial and commercial
applications are far from what they could be, should we be able to fully understand and
harness all of titanium s properties.
In this site you will find everything there is to know about this material. And some facts
that nobody knows about it. It is a framework that encompasses all of the titanium
interaction with the human society, starting from the mere chemical description and
ranging to the impact of in the cultural development.
It is, if you want, the basis of the legend of titanium. For it is a legend. A legend so great
that it will be taught in schools, just as we learn today about the legends of Olympus.
You can use my google powered internal search if you want to find something in
particular about the noble
The Decision Tree Algorithms And Grows The Tree By...
This is a pedagogical algorithm, which extracts the rules in the form of decision trees.
This is similar to most of the decision tree algorithms and grows the tree by recursive
partitioning. At every step it stores a queue of leaves that can be further expanded to sub
trees and this process is repeated until a stopping condition is met. Traditional decision
trees methods have a limited number of training observations. So they only have fewer
number of observations to decide upon the split and leaf node class labels but on the
other hand, Trepan re labels the original observations to the classifications made by the
network. And the relabeled data will be used for the tree growing process. Additionally it
can also add extra data points by mimicking the behavior of the network. It uses the
network as an oracle to answer the classification queries about the newly generated data
points. This way it can make sure that whenever a split node or leaf node class decision is
made there are at least S_(min ) number of data points. Where S_(min )is a user specified
number. Whenever we generate new data points at any particular node, we have to make
sure that they satisfy all the constraints from root to the current node. One of the
approach to distribute the data points over a network is to employ uniform distribution,
but Trepan takes into account the distribution of data i.e. at each node it estimates the
marginal distribution of data. If the data at the input is continuous then it
How Did King Louis Xiv Have An Absolute Monarchy
French King Louis XIV became king at the age of four. However, it was not until after
the death of Cardinal Mazarin, that Louis was officially recognized as the King of France
in 1643 until 1715. He referred to himself as the Sun King and is well known for the
building of Versailles and being the best illustration of an absolute monarchy in the
seventeenth century. However, historians think that it might have not been an absolute
democracy since France had other influencers with authority. Instead, Louis achieved an
indirect absolute monarchy by controlling the policy making regulations and the people
in his court. France was the dominant power in Europe at the time, and Louis he wanted
to showcase it through his military forces and the Palace of Versailles. He also wanted to
unite the Catholics which lead to conflict with Protestants, and invested a vast amount ...
Show more content on ...
The Sun King did not want Protestants to practice their religion in a largely Catholic
France. He believed in the idea of one king, one law, one faith, since he felt that any
other minorities can threatened his political supremacy. He issued the Edict of
Fontainebleau and revoked the Edict of Nantes. The Edict of Nantes was issued by Henry
IV and gave some religious freedom to French Protestants, who were also known as
Huguenots. The new edict called for the wreckage of Huguenot churches and the closure
of Protestant schools. About 200,000 Huguenots left France to seek shelter in other
countries. The support for no Protestantism came from the people of France. They
rejected the rights of Protestants, banned them from government meetings, and destroyed
Protestant churches. Which eventually lead Catholicism to regain control in densely
Protestant areas. All in all, King Louis XIV was not supportive of Protestant reform in
France because he wanted to keep it a Catholic
Equal Exchange Term Paper
fair traDE | Equal Exchange Inc. | A BA 175 Case | | | 1/4/2011 |

I. Time Frame
The time frame for this case will be on the year 2007.

II. Point of View

We take Mr. Rink Dickinson s point of view in this case. He is one of the founders of
Equal Exchange. III. Statement of the Problem
How will Equal Exchange deal with the fluctuations on the trend for the demand of
coffee while maintaining their ethical endeavor? IV. Objectives

* To analyze the current situation of Equal Exchange in the market in terms of their
strengths and weaknesses. * To cite the possible opportunities and threats that might
affect the international operations of Equal Exchange. * To provide practical and ... Show
more content on ...
| Threats | 1. Presence of Competitors 2. Seasonal change of coffee growing | 1. Big
coffee producers are more known in the market. Consumers would prefer these known
brands than Equal Exchange. 2. The local coffee growers opt to plant cocaine and
marijuana for a particular season instead of coffee when the price is not feasible for them
to grow coffee. |

VI. Alternative Courses of Action

1. Set a minimum volume of coffee supply from farmers

Equal Exchange could set an agreement with the coffee growers that they will get a
minimum volume of coffee in order to gain mutual benefit. This will also ensure the
coffee growers that whatever happens in the market, they will still receive something as
their income. 2. Offer loans for the farmers in improving their production capacity
The Equal Exchange could offer some sort of loans for the small time coffee growers
which they could use for improving their production. When the harvest season comes
they could repay the company in any sort of payment they could give. It may come in the
form of money or additional volume of coffee. 3. Do nothing at all

This means that whatever strategy for Equal Exchange has been using will be retained
despite the changes that are happening in the coffee industry. This is to preserve the
ethical behavior in the part of Fair Trade.

VII. Decision Criteria

1. Costs

Implementing a said action

French Participation In The American Revolution
Microscope While some looked to the cosmos, there were others more interested in the
smallest details. The discovery of the microscope marked the beginning of modern
biology, as this instrument helped boost biological studies and exposed the universe of
tiny The Discourse on the Method It is considered as the important work of René
Descartes, is a work that seeks to highlight the method to reach true knowledge and find
the truth; It is a work that inaugurated modern philosophy. Among its benefits is the
simplicity of the argument, which favors the release of the new rationing. Heliocentric
theory It was proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus one of the most important astronomers of
history, which presented an astronomical model that holds the sun as the center of the
solar system. This theory broke with ... Show more content on ...
Sugar was the basis for the new economy while generating an increase in trade of African
slaves to America. Initially people I did not know how to crystallize sugar cane
eventually they discovered that the canes must be crushed with a mill wheel. The
resulting juice is passed to a boiler where it is purified by the action of lime. It is then
taken to a leaky tank where the liquid is thickened to reach the crystallization 8.Discuss
French participation in the American Revolution At that time France was resented by his
defeat in the Seven Years War and was looking to prevent Great Britain became much
more powerful; France decided to help the United States in the battle against Britain with
money, troops and war equipment but even though the Americans won their
independence, the French remained with large debts which later would lead their country
to revolution. Despite this, the help of the French was key to victory and represented a
great support for this emerging area. 9 Compare and Contrast 2 of the 3 phases of the
Character Analysis Of Rumble Fish By Rusty James
The protagonist of the book is Rusty James. He is a fourteen your old boy that smokes
and drinks and fights already in the 1960 1970s in a southwest town. He pushes himself
to be like the Motorcycle boy (his brother). He starts to follow the Motorcycle boy
around to seem tougher and uncovers a new side of the Motorcycle boy. The antagonist
of Rumble Fish is not really a person but poverty. His dad drinks away the child support
money and is always drunk. Rusty is left to fend for himself which makes him steal and
drink and smoke and fight for money. The two main themes of Rumble Fish are
alienation and abandonment. Rusty James is just trying to fit in but all the gangs split up
and he has nowhere to go so he follows the Motorcycle boy around to feel like he fits in.
He is also abandoned by his father and mother. His mother left when he was a baby and,
his father is always drunk and wastes the money. I would definitely recommend this book
to someone. It is a little slow but it has a good story line and it gets more interesting the
more you read it and the deeper you get. The exposition in the story in the story is when
we learn about Rusty James and his little crew who he hangs out with and how he is
going to fight Biff Wilcox. The conflict in the story is between the relationship between
Rusty James and his brother, the Motorcycle boy. The motorcycle boy tries to leave his
gang roots but Rusty keeps bringing him back. The climax is when the Motorcycle Boy,
Rusty James and Rusty s friend Steve go to town, get drunk They are split up and Rusty
and Steve get beat up. The Motorcycle boy then has to come and save them. The
resolution is when Rusty James and Steve meet at the end of the book and Steve is a
successful person and rusty James is in a rehabilitation house getting help. Book report
Freshman English
Mrs. Young
Title: Rumble Fish
Author: S.E. Hinton
Number of Pages: 150
Rumble Fish This book is Young Adult Fiction. Wrote by S.E. Hinton about a fourteen
year old teenager that is a rebel that drinks and smokes and fights. The gangs have been
broken up for a few years now but he still acts like he is the leader. Rusty fights a rival
gang member Biff Wilcox and gets
Can Personality Traits Be Learnt And Developed Or Are
Assessment 1 Can personality traits be learnt and developed or are they solely part of our
DNA? Throughout time several personality trait theories have argued differently. Some
state that traits are inherently part of our DNA and others state that they are solely based
on the context or environment. My argument aligns with Costa and McRae s theory in
that personality traits are situated in a comprehensive model of genetic and
environmental causes and contexts (McCrae Costa,1994). Answering this question
accurately can have a significant impact on the ways in which people learn, and perhaps
more importantly, the processes implemented for people to modify, learn or develop
certain traits. This is of a particular interest in relation to my context because I am a
drama teacher. Quite often personality traits such as extraversion and risk taking
behaviour can significantly improve or hinder a students learning in the classroom. It is
for this reason that I seek an answer to this question in order to provide an equal
opportunity for all of my students, regardless of their DNA. In order to conclude whether
or not personality traits are solely part of DNA, I must firstly define personality and
personality traits . The definition of personality that I will use is from Pervin, Cervone
John, they state that Personality refers to those characteristics of the person that account
for consistent patterns of feelings, thinking, and behaving (2005). The personality traits
California Government Research Paper
Devin Shephard
Political Science
Prof. Fong
March 1, 2017
California Politics and Government California is the wealthiest and most diverse state in
the country. Just like the National government, California is comprised of three branches;
Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The legislative branch is the largest, and is made up
of the state Senate and Assembly. The Assembly consists of eighty representatives, one
from each county, to serve for up to three two year terms. The California Senate holds
forty Senators, who are allowed a maximum of two four year terms. The Executive
branch consists of the state Governor and a group of elected constitutional officers. The
final branch, the Judicial branch, is made up of California s supreme court, ... Show more
content on ...
We see that the passage of these initiatives affected the ability of the legislature to create
important policies. Proposition 140 is a reform initiative that drastically changed the
fundamentals of the legislative system. This proposition halted the cycle of institutional
knowledge for legislators who become experts in certain policies. They are barred from
running for office once the term limit is fulfilled. In the bigger picture, legislative
committee leaders are sometimes new legislators who do not have expertise in the policy.
This is problematic because lack of expertise hinders the creation of innovative and
effective policy. Proposition 140 created a better over turn thus, giving minorities and
women the chance to represent their constituents; the point of the term limit was to
repopulate the legislature. By creating this constant repopulation, it allows expertise to be
achieved by legislators but it bars them to contribute into policy making once their term
limit is achieved. Proposition 118 on the other hand intends to change the composition of
the legislature but makes it harder for redistricting to occur. By passing Proposition 118,
the legislature will not be able to represent the people of California accurately; thus,
creating policy problems since enacted policies will not
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Honda
The appeal and policy of Honda advertisement We all need a vehicle at some point in our
lives. The variety of cars makes it hard to choose one particular vehicle. The online
Honda advertisement consists of images and text that delivered meanings and hidden
messages to an audience looking to buy a car. The article is trying to convince an
audience to buy such quality vehicles. The messages mainly aim for consumers, who
need a basic and reliable car, for which applies to the majority of Americans especially
teens. The article reads, no down payment necessary. By engaging of consumers wants in
particular ways. The advertisement delivers information about Honda vehicles being
better in quality, reliability, and affordability than most vehicles. ... Show more content
on ...
The image attracts a reader attention without actually reading the actual text. The articles
talk about several different models of Hondas, yet all models tend to have a picture
drawn for them. The author wants to assure audience know the models name and the
evolution of Honda. The narrator establishes ideas to keep in mind before buying a
vehicle such as, look into financial risks and how to avoid debt. Also the actual text goes
very well along the image. The text provides examples and support of the image, for the
article talks about each model and what is equipped with. For instance, Honda civic lx
2013, Honda CVT and Honda accord. The models differentiate in size, mileage, engine
specs and fuel efficiency etc. Also the amount of horsepower in certain models.
Americans cars on a national scale possessed a great reputation when it comes to
reliability and
Lord Dunmore Thesis
Thesis: Lord Dunmore created and uprising leading slaves to a path of British fortitude in
a time of prejudice, Colonial service for African Americans, and acts of selfless service
proving loyalty for an underserving nation. The Continental Army proved to be a
superior force for the invading British forces during America s War for Independence.
George Washington organized formed a devastating Army that stood the test of time to
become the Nation we have today. African American s who previously served could not
reenlist. Washington did not allow new African Americans to serve either. He felt like to
much was at stake for the Colonies, such as slaves running away from their masters, the
change in the atmosphere between whites and black, especially during wartime, and
white people just didn t think black men had what it took to be a good soldier. British
authorities used this paradox to their advantage. Lord Dunmore created and uprising
leading slaves to a path of British fortitude in a time of prejudice, Colonial service for
African Americans, and acts of selfless service proving loyalty for an underserving
nation. ... Show more content on ...
He needed troops for the Loyalist Army. He issued his proclamation on the 7th of
November, 1775 granting freedom to anyone, including slaves, who joined him in the
fight against the rebellion. Dunmore believed in the African Americans ability to fight
more than anyone in the war. This inspired many slaves to head for Dunmore s appeal.
The Great Bridge battle bore emotional pain to the Colonists because Dunmore s Army
consisted of 600 troops, half of which were African American. These acts inspired other
British commanders to recruit black soldiers for the war effort. Lord Dunmore created
the controversy the African Americans needed for their fight against
Mesoamerica Domestication
Mesoamerica served as one New World cradle for plant domestication. Because of the
abundance of data gathered from the semi arid highlands of Mexico due to the
preservation of macrofossils in dry caves, a hypothesis was formed that stated the
highland region was the center of domestication in Mesoamerica (Pope et al. 2001:1370
1373). Compared to the highlands, not much was known about the role the lowlands of
Mesoamerica played in plant domestication. This was because the humid conditions of
the tropical areas of Mesoamerica often led to poor plant preservation. Studies focused
on San Andres to observe the traces of maize cultivation. Researchers built on earlier
research, combining data from sediment cores with data from adjacent wetland
excavations. ... Show more content on ...
Larger grains the size of 70 µm first appeared 5,000 years B.C. and were common 4,000
years B.C. The size and axis/pore ratio had decreased in size to a size now typical of
domesticated maize. It is important to note that the Zea found in San Andres were not
native to the coastal Tabasco area and was an exotic species that was introduced to and
cultivated by farmers. The appearance of this maize coincides with forest clearing in this
area, probably for the purposes of agriculture, which was evidenced by charcoal. The
settlement here was linked to the beach ridge and the lagoon which was attractive to
maize farmers. Small Zea pollen disappeared after 2,500 years B.C. and around the same
time, domesticated sunflowers appeared. The first sunflower seed found dates back to
2,667 calendar years. B.C., and the first sunflower fruit dates back to 2,548 calendar year
B.C. The earliest date on maize in Mexico is 4,300 calendar year B.C. which meant that
domestication had to have happened before 4,000 calendar year B.C. This early
appearance of maize supports the supposed origin of agriculture in the New World in a
humid, tropical setting and for early exchanges between Mesoamerica, and Central and
Midcoast Conservancy Argumentative Report
I am interested in the Maine Rural AmeriCorps Outdoor Adventure position that was
advertised on This position combines my love of nature and educating
people, especially children, in an outdoor setting where everyone can experience and
learn about the world around us. The Midcoast Conservancy is wonderful organization
that connects people to place and place to people via learning, adventure, and
conservation. The Midcoast Conservancy seems to truly understand the connection
between healthy environment and healthy people. People and the environment are not
individual entities. These two things are interconnected, and it is important that people
are educated as to how and why we depend on the world around us and it depends on
Women s Rugby League Research Paper
Women s Rugby League is the fastest growing area of the game, and continues to break
new ground with new competitions and improved pathway programs to promote
participation and equal opportunity.

2017 saw the New South Wales Rugby League launch the Tarsha Gale Nines an under
18s junior representative competition for the best female players in the Sydney
Metropolitan area, which provides a pathway for young girls wanting to continue playing
Rugby League.

The NSW Women s Premiership and the Sydney Metropolitan Women s competition are
two divisions for the open age group, while the Sydney Combined Competition features
competitions in 13 15 years and 16 18 years for girls.

Now, almost 50 sides compete in weekly competitions.

For the first time in the 18 year history of the Women s Interstate Challenge, the NSW
side led by Ruan Sims and coached by True Blue Ben Cross were victorious over
Queensland. ... Show more content on ...
The women gather early in the calendar year to form and maintain an early bond, and
learning valuable lessons both on and off field that can be translated onto the Rugby
League field when they face Queensland further down the track.

The program fast tracks the development of players, which has given some NSW
representatives the opportunity to play for the Australian Jillaroos.

With more than 1600 registered female players across the state, new competitions, a high
performance Pathways Program and greater funding, the future of women s Rugby
League in New South Wales is brighter than
Red, Bad Blood, Shake It Off
Red, Bad Blood, Shake It Off these are just a few popular songs by singer Taylor Swift.
Swift is, today, one of the most popular pop singer among people of many different ages
and social groups. Many people, however know little or nothing about her background
and how she came to be the popular singer and songwriter she is today. Taylor Swift was
born on December 13, 1989, in Reading, PA to parents Scott and Andrea Taylor. She was
named after the singer James Taylor. It was clear from a young age that Swift had talent
and at the young age of nine years old performed in four Berks Youth Theatre Academy
productions. Her parents paid for her to have vocal and acting lessons on Broadway.
Eventually,Swift decided to pursue singing a career
The University Of Southern Mississippi
Please accept this personal statement as a part of my application for the doctoral program
in criminal justice starting the fall semester of 2016. The University of Southern
Mississippi is my ideal location for the achievement of a doctoral degree. I would like to
demonstrate my knowledge, experience, and research ability in the field of criminal
justice and correctional studies. Having majored in the discipline as a former graduate
student, I want to further my education to assist and promote future changes in criminal
justice and correctional policy. I am looking forward to the opportunities your program
has to offer and I believe my background and perspective in criminal justice will help
enrich the program, as well.
A wide range of diversity in the field of criminal justice studies is of great importance. As
a second year graduate student, I was given an opportunity to work closely with U.S
Probation and Pretrial Services as an intern. This internship allowed me to further my
knowledge in correctional studies and provided the necessary resources to complete my
master s thesis. I was also exposed to various policies and procedures pertaining to
probation practices while gaining a vast amount of knowledge assisting with
investigations, liaisons between state and local agencies, and the intricacies of offender
case management. Furthermore, I was able to form close relationships with employees of
the agency who have assisted in my current career endeavors.
The Tempest Subjugation
The Tempest is a fictional passage discussing the general slavery of an inhabitant and a
dismemberment of his culture on his native land. In summary, the main character uses
magical powers to take control and inevitably colonize a civilization that lives on an
island in order to grow an empire. I believe that William Shakespeare wrote The Tempest
in order to discuss the idea of subjugation. Which is defined as the action of bringing
someone or something under domination or control. As stated before, The Tempest is a
passage overviewing the enslavement of a person for another s gain. The slave being
Caliban, and the one enslaving him being Prospero. I see Shakespeare s idea for writing
this passage as a way to discuss the unruly mess that
Summary Of KeatsOde To A Nightingale
Keats Ode to a Nightingale, can be classified as one of those most well known Odes to
ever be written. Although the poem is a tough lyrical poem to understand, it is as if the
poet feels the pain and bleakness from the day to day repetitiveness of life; therefore,
seeks to disappear into the make believe world of the Nightingale to find relief which
eventually leads him to acknowledgment. While listening to the Nightingale sing, the
poet describes Greek and Roman figures to enhance the feelings he is portraying. The
poet described an inconsistent life of contradictory using the concept of life and death. As
well as, representing the struggle of reality and fantasy achieved through a transformed
state of mind. One can see the poet s feelings are described by words that show the mood
of the situation while his thoughts change throughout the poem. The day to day life of the
poet is filled with pain and disappointment. Although the poem starts out with, My heart
aches, and a drowsy numbness pains (Line 1), momentarily, the poet is happy because of
the singing Nightingale which he describes as, some melodious plot (Line 8); and it
Singest of summer in full throated ease (Line 10). The poet uses musical language to give
the audience the portrayal of how the bird is singing. Quickly, the narrator is filled with
agony because he remembers that life is unpleasant and could be explained in the third
stanza, Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes, Or new Love pine at
Mentality In The Kite Runner
A Runner s Mental State
In less than five minutes the gun will go off, and the race will begin. Thousands of people
gather behind the starting line with different numbers pinned to their shirt. Friends and
family of the runners stand behind the gate to observe this moment in history where the
person who they love either gives up in the middle or achieves their goal in the end. 26.2
miles. That is all it takes to complete a full marathon. Some people may say this goal is
unrealistic for them, while others strive to achieve it. The mentality these runners face
from their preparation for the race to the very second that they cross the finish line is
astounding. The thought that people could push not only their physical strength, but also
their mental strength to the point of completing a marathon is truly remarkable. To
complete a task as incredible as finishing a marathon, a person s motivation has to be
strong. Inspiration must strike a person throughout their whole journey. For Connor
Reynolds, a current junior at Grand Valley State University (GVSU), he wanted to run a
race that would test his limits, but his real inspiration came from his friend who had
previously completed one. Every runner has a different motivation which drives them to
participate ... Show more content on ...
The nerves take over almost every runner s body; including Reynolds as he prepared to
take the starting line so much was going through his head. I felt sick, and nervous. I was
shaking so much. I was honestly more scared than I ve ever been (Reynolds). These
thoughts weren t uncommon at all. Professor Jenkins expressed similar emotions before
her first marathon as, Nervous all nerves. A marathon is a long, long race. I got to the
starting line of my first marathon just wondering if I was going to be able to finish the
race. The constant emotions and thoughts circulating all the runners heads before the race
even begins is understandable, but also completely unimaginable for all non marathon
Argumentative Essay On Hybridization
Seeing that hybridization is such a controversial issue it can be hard to pick a side, and it
generally comes down to how you look at it. Seeing that we look at hybridization on a
case to case basis can seem like a hard task, so that s why we have to choose a side. I
however am against hybridization for the sole reason that these hybrids are taking over
native species and creating generations and generations of hybrids. As well as leading to
the extinction of rare species and populations, which then leads to the loss of genetic
diversity. Yes, in some cases, hybridization can be a good thing, but most of the time it is
only considered a good thing due to the fact that it is for our own selfish needs. Just
because you can interbreed doesn t mean you should. For instance, hybrids are either
causing issues now or they will eventually become an issue over time. As a result, we are
main cause of hybridization, and we are ones introducing the two species or populations
that are creating these threatening hybrids. I believe we must become aware of the
damage these hybrids are causing for themselves, natives species or populations, and the
ecosystem and take action to stop this from occurring.
Provided that, the movement of people has resulted in the invasions of exotic plants,
animals, and microorganisms that are introduced to the native species and populations.
People transporting this species unwillingly or it is due to the fact that people are
affecting their habitats through
Advantages and Disadvantages of Thecnology
Prohibition in the United States, also known as The Noble Experiment, was the period
from 1920 to 1933, during which the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol for
consumption were banned nationally[1] as mandated in the Eighteenth Amendment to the
United States Constitution.
Under substantial pressure from the temperance movement, the United States Senate
proposed the Eighteenth Amendment on December 18, 1917. Having been approved by
36 states, the 18th Amendment was ratified on January 16, 1919 and effected on January
16, 1920. Some state legislatures had already enacted statewide prohibition prior to the
ratification of the 18th Amendment.
The Volstead Act , the popular name for the National Prohibition Act, passed through ...
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Prohibition was an important force in state and local politics from the 1840s through the
1930s. The political forces involved were ethnoreligious in character, as demonstrated by
numerous historical studies.[9] Prohibition was demanded by the dries primarily pietistic
Protestant denominations, especially the Methodists, Northern Baptists, Southern
Baptists, Presbyterians, Disciples of Christ, Congregationalists, Quakers and
Scandinavian Lutherans. They identified saloons as politically corrupt and drinking as a
personal sin. They were opposed by the wets primarily liturgical Protestants
(Episcopalians, German Lutherans) and Roman Catholics, who denounced the idea that
the government should define morality.[10] Even in the wet stronghold of New York City
there was an active prohibition movement, led by Norwegian church groups and African
American labor activists who believed that Prohibition would benefit workers, especially
African Americans. Tea merchants and soda fountain manufacturers generally supported
Prohibition, thinking a ban on alcohol would increase sales of their products.[11]
Main articles: Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and Volstead Act
In the 1916 presidential election, both Democratic incumbent Woodrow Wilson and
Republican candidate Charles Evans Hughes ignored the Prohibition issue, as was the
case with both parties political platforms. Democrats
##ism, Imagery, And Symbolism In Cathedral By Raymond...
The short story Cathedral is written by Raymond Carver. It is being narrated

by a man whose wife invited an old friend and person she used to work for to come visit
due to

his wife dying. The old friend is a blind man whose name is Robert. The author in the

Cathedral uses symbolism, imagery, and irony to provide more meaning to the story. The

narrator of the story has a stereotypical opinion on blind people while being blind to his

imperfections, but he is able to start seeing it more clearly through the blind man s eyes.
As the

story goes on they are able to connect on another level and achieve their brotherhood as
they sit

and talk more in depth and when the narrator began to draw the cathedral with his eyes
closed ... Show more content on ...
This object represents the relationship they formed along with compassion and
understanding without having to physically see each other. Instead, it requires listening
and emotions. At the beginning the narrators stereotypes caused him to be the total
opposite of what the tapes had symbolized to his wife. His wife looked forward to the
tapes but the narrator on the other hand became more jealous and could ve cared less.
In addition to the symbolism, the narrator s observation is ironic because he thinks that
because he has the ability to see he brings more happiness to his wife than Robert could
to his. He thinks that Robert s wife had to be pitiful while being married to him because
he was not able to see her, tell her she s beautiful, or see the love in her eyes. It shows
how the narrator views relationships, because of this, the narrator doesn t see that Robert
was able to look past the physical appearance. He could genuinely feel the heart of
another and connect to them instead of it being based on their appearance. Another Irony
example is used when the narrator goes from being stereotypical about blind people
while being blind to his own faults, to now being able to see more clearly through his
own eyes by having the help from the blind man. Afterwards, the narrator is able to see
more clearly and make the connection to the blind man. He also see that the stereotypes
that he originally had, not just
Descriptive Essay On Good Cars
The surroundings just seem to be whipping by while going 125 on the freeway. When
going that fast it s almost a guarantee that everyone else on the freeway is paying
attention to you. Knowing that it could all be over any second, especially while cutting
up, will make anyone s heart race. But, it will also make anyone feel alive. Being able to
sit back and take a deep breath of the fresh air that s flying in through the windows will
always be satisfying. There is nothing better than racing on the highway with the gang in
a good car. All good cars should have certain characteristics in order to be considered
The first important characteristic of a vehicle is one that can get people s attention. If
someone is going to spend a lot of money on a car they should want that can get other s
engagement. One car that grabs people s attention is the Lamborghini Aventador. The
design of the Aventador inside and out is very unique. From the way the front of the car
points, to the way the wing automatically moves based on your speed. This sports car is
truly one of a kind. Another car known for its stunning looks is the Jaguar F type Coupe.
The sleek body of the Coupe is made to be aerodynamic so it can easily withstand high
speeds. This Jag is loaded with new advanced technology involving your phone, iPod or
mp3. There is a touchscreen display and allows you to lock and unlock your car from
your phone. It has an all around surround sound system which is perfect for listening to

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