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Abraham Lincoln Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of Abraham Lincoln can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor.
The complexity arises from the vast amount of information available on Lincoln's life, presidency,
and the turbulent times in which he lived. Researching and selecting relevant and compelling details
is a meticulous process, requiring a keen understanding of historical context, political nuances, and
personal anecdotes.

Abraham Lincoln's life is a tapestry woven with threads of leadership, emancipation, and tragedy.
Delving into his early years, political career, and the monumental decisions he made during the Civil
War demands a thorough examination of primary sources, scholarly articles, and various historical
accounts. The challenge lies not just in compiling facts but in weaving them into a coherent
narrative that captures the essence of Lincoln's character and the impact he had on the nation.

Moreover, addressing the multifaceted nature of Lincoln's legacy adds another layer of difficulty.
Balancing the positive aspects, such as his commitment to preserving the Union and the
Emancipation Proclamation, with the controversies surrounding his suspension of habeas corpus and
the challenges of navigating a divided nation requires a nuanced and thoughtful approach.

The task is not merely informational but demands the ability to analyze and interpret the
significance of Lincoln's actions in the broader context of American history. Crafting a compelling
thesis and supporting it with well-reasoned arguments is essential for an essay that goes beyond a
mere recitation of facts.

In conclusion, writing an essay on Abraham Lincoln necessitates thorough research, critical

thinking, and the ability to present a cohesive narrative that does justice to the complexity of his life
and legacy. It is a task that requires both diligence and insight, as one navigates through the intricate
web of historical events and personal experiences that define the 16th President of the United States.

If you find the task overwhelming, there are resources available to assist you. Similar essays and
more can be ordered on , where experienced writers can provide valuable support
in tackling the intricacies of historical subjects like Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln Essay Abraham Lincoln Essay

Rhetorical Analysis Of Not Ready To Make Nice
We re Not Sorry A Rhetorical Analysis of The Dixie Chicks Not Ready to Make Nice
The Dixie Chicks are an American Country music band of three sisters, Martie Maguire,
Emily Robison, and Natalie Maines. Also known as the most popular female band in
country music. They started their band in Dallas, Texas, their hometown, in 1989. And
like any other group of girls, have always been one to speak their mind. Whether this is
through a song, interview, etc. This was apparent when they released their song Not
Ready to Make Nice a single from the album, Taking the Long Way Which was a
Grammy winner in 2007. Not Ready to Make Nice is a song about not willing to
apologize for a political disputation that the Dixie Chicks have started that other people
have taken offense to. The song was released in 2006 after a controversy where one of
the sisters, ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning the singers are in white dresses and they have black paint being
splattered on them. The white dress is supposed to be a significance of their pureness and
how they were just a little country girl band before , then the black paint is supposed to
be a reference to the hate and how they are not so perfect anymore. In the mid video, the
lead singer (the one who had made the statement) stands up because she is tired of it. As
the other sisters try pulling her down meaning don t say anything . They are being put
through hell by people and having their reputation completely ruined. They also have
them writing over and over on the blackboard, To talk without thinking is to shoot
without aiming . This is just another example of them being punished for what they said
and how not thinking before they speak can have dangerous consequences. At the end
they dust themselves off and pull their hair back symbolizing they refuse to hide anymore
and are done being put
South Africa s Political System
South Africa is very rich in culture and historical value. South Africa seems to have a
contested and often conflicted history according to differencing social perspectives or
opinions. Addressing current social issues within South Africa s political system as well
as the culture was previously under much scrutiny.
South Africa s political system is complicated and was mostly in heated debate on the
issue of Apartheid. Apartheid was the legal racial segregation enforced by the National
Party government of South Africa between 1948 and 1993 (Khumalo, 2014). The
government of South Africa enforced laws that curtailed rights of black people, who were
in the majority, in order to maintain minority rule by the white people (Khumalo, 2014).
The ... Show more content on ...
The Department of Home Affairs which was a government bureau held the responsibility
of putting South African citizens into these classifications. It was mandatory for all
blacks to carry pass books containing fingerprints, photo and information to gain access
to non black areas. Another law came into play in 1951, the Bantu Authorities Act, was a
law that essentially established a basis for ethnic government on African reserves, known
as homelands (Khumalo, 2014). Homelands were considered independent states to which
each African was assigned by the government according to the record of origin.
Everything for Africans were restricted especially political rights such as voting, which
only held weight in the homeland. The logic behind this law that was enacted was to
effectively have people who were initially citizen of South Africa give up their right to
citizenship in South Africa and any involvement with the South African Parliament
which held complete and utter dominance over the homelands. From 1976 to 1981 alone
four of these homelands were created that basically un nationalized nine million South
Africans (Khumalo, 2014). The homeland administrations laws made Africans living in
the homelands aliens in their own country. Africans had needed what we call passports
today to enter South Africa. In 1953, the Public Safety Act and the Criminal Law
Amendment Act were established and gave power to the
Texas Claims Adjuster License Research Paper
Texas Claims Adjuster License: The Job Security It Offers Claims adjusters perform
actual physical inspections, following a catastrophic event, such as hurricanes,
earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, hail, fire and other disasters. Part of their job is to
interpret a customer s insurance policy, determine the appropriate amount for settlement,
and authorize the payment. There are three types of adjusters: independent adjusters, staff
adjusters and public adjusters. With all of them requiring insurance adjuster license. The
claims adjuster industry is said to be where Hail pays the bills, while Hurricanes buy the
toys! This only shows how lucrative and exciting the career is. But what about job
security? If their expertise are only needed after ... Show more content on ...
For as long as you are able, you will have plenty of job offers. This is especially true if
you have excellent work ethics. Working as a staff adjuster means you are a salaried
employee with a more consistent work schedule whole year round. The choice to work
independently or as a staff is really up to you. During major disasters like Katrina or
Sandy, more claims adjusters are needed, opening plenty of job opportunities for licensed
individuals. As long as you have insurance adjuster license, you will have work. Who can
get Texas claims adjuster license? A Texas resident who has completed one of TXALA s
Adjuster Pre Licensing Courses. A non resident of Texas who has completed one of
TXALA s Adjuster Pre Licensing Courses, and declared Texas as home licensing state.
Someone who lives in one of the following states approved to get Texas Adjuster License
without any other licensing. These are: Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Washington D.C.,
Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New
Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and
Wisconsin. Two Types of TXALA Licenses All
Simply Happy By Laozi Definition Of Happiness
Although the definition of happiness has been changed and rearranged for as long as
humans have existed, thousands upon thousands of years, some philosophers want a hard
definition of it. The term happiness signifies something different depending on whom
you ask. The question of What is happiness? has been theorized and discussed by many
philosophers throughout the years, and many have their own labyrinthine conclusion that
may put off the average person who just has a subconscious thought of what is happiness
and why we need it and/or experience it. A few theories on happiness have emerged from
people who are educated in this discussion like Matt Killingsworth, Carl Honoré,
Graham Hill, Dan Gilbert, and David Steindl Rast. All who were featured in Simply
Happy, a segment on the TED Radio Hour from 2014 and they give a more modern
approach on being happy throughout life and share other theories. The Tao Te Ching by
Laozi was written around the sixth century BCE and is one of the classic texts in China
which separates yourself from your life to achieve happiness and a more recent theory of
happiness from the past teachings of the Dalai Lama, The Art of Happiness which strictly
distincts happiness from desire which are often thought of as related in today s modern
society. The TED Radio Hour show discusses if there is a secret to achieving happiness
but, most of the featured speakers agree on a simile to describe happiness. The secret to
happiness is like the secret of dieting; there is no true secret. The speakers from the radio
show talked about is that wealthiness may only bring temporary happiness, or happiness
without meaning, which goes hand in hand with a point from Laozi who states, If you
realize that you have enough, you are truly rich. (verse 75). This statement alludes to the
thought that wealth doesn t automatically bring happiness and you can only be rich from
life experiences. This idea of being rich, is similar to Graham Hill s factoring wealth into
happiness because he gained 30 million dollars in his late 20 s, so he bought many items.
He bought things he may have thought were necessities at the time like a big house, nice
cars, and gadgets. He then noticed he wasn t
Why People Fought At D-Day
The things I know about D Day already is that it was a battle and many people died that
in it. On June 6, 1944, american troops landed on the beach on the beach at 6:30 A.M.,
ready to attack.( The day before, about 5,000 ships and 11,000 airplanes
started going there.( This attack was planned very good by making the
Germans think they were going to attack at one area, while really there were going to
attack the Omaha Beach.( About 150,000 men fought at D Day.(
At the end of the battle, about 4,000 Americans had died, but we still won the battle
against Germany.( This was one of the hardest battles for America, but we
pushed hard and went through it to win it.( Operation Overlord ... Show more
content on ...
We had many ways to trick the opponnet into thinking that we were going to do
something that we were really not going to. We had more potential than the other side so
we used it in battle. We had more reinforcements than the Germans did, which made us
strong. Are numbers of men showed that we wanted to win this battle, not just to win, but
to stop the war and have peace among the nations. We wanted to stop Hitler from killing
innocent people that didn t deserve to die. This was way more than just a victory, it
showed people that we are not afraid to attack other people when we need to. This battle
that we won gave hope to America. Even though many people died, we still won. After
flying bullets, bombs, machine guns, and no shelter, we fought through it and made
Germany surrender. If we had not of won this war, this world would be different from
what it is today. This battle will always be rememberd because we showed the true color
of the United States, we showed people that we weren t ever going to give up the battle,
this encouraged us to stand up for our nation and protect it, even if it costs us our lives.
This shows people that we do not stop fighting, even if it feels impossible. So, if you ask
me what I think about D Day and why it was important, i ll tell you because we had faith,
courage, and we never gave up and achieved the
Politics And Economic Development Of Angola
Politics play a crucial role in the success of any economy. The field of political economy
is, thus, crucial in demonstrating the manner politics, law and institutions alter the course
a country s economic development. Politics is an integral part of an economy since it is
used to allocate scarce resources within a state. Ideally, political economy refers to a
mixture of sociology, politics, economics, history and philosophy, which integrates
adequate evidence to examine how individuals exist within societies. Although the
partnership between China and Angola dates back to 1960s and 1970s, over the recent
past, Africa, particularly Angola, has increasingly become an attractive site for Chinese
investments. This report reveals that China has been at the forefront in spearheading
investments and economic development of Angola, particularly on its agricultural and oil
The face of China s contribution towards economic growth in Angola A number of
sources have reveals that China has apparently become a key economic partner to
Angola. The country has been described as being one of the key recipients of Chinese
investments on the continent. Angolan and Chinese political and economic ties expanded
during the late 1980 after the signing of the first trade agreement between the two
countries in 1984. Since then, the bilateral trade between Angola and China has
considerably expanded exceeding $ 120 billion by 2010. In spite of the poor relationship
between the MPLA and the
Music Concert Review Sample
Before attending this concert, I was a little skeptical about it because I am not one for
loud and crowded places. I know, I know, why would you go to a Christian rock concert
if you don t like loud places, but it was all that was available to fit my busy work
schedule. To my surprise, I actually really enjoyed the concert, and it wasn t at all what I
was expecting it to be. The concert that I attended this go around was called Rock Fest
2018 which was held at GenXaret in Columbia, MD and the tickets were $20.00 a piece,
and totally worth every penny spent.
Now that we are at the end of this course, I can say that I have learned so much
throughout this eight weeks. Not only have I learned about the structure of music and the
different components ... Show more content on ...
Since this was a Christian rock concert I can easily agree that many of the characteristics
of rock and roll music which are discussed in the text book were definitely prominent in
this concert. First, was the use of the drums, each of the different bands had a designated
drummer who was the only drummer throughout the entire performance. It was kind of
interesting however, because in most performances you don t usually see the drummer
sing but when watching the band Wolves at the Gate their drummer sang a small part in
one of their songs. Next is the very heavy use of the bass, while I through enjoyed the
concert, the bass was incredible and I definitely left the concert with a headache, but it
was well worth it. With the heavy use of the bass, I felt like I wasn t just listening to
music but the bass was so strong you could really feel it too. In bits and pieces of
different songs some band members also used a keyboard. Of course, with this being a
rock concert there were electric guitars which seemed like it was the main instrument
being used. There were also plenty of vocals, though the singing seemed more like
yelling to me, I enjoyed the instrumentation much more than the vocal parts. I really
enjoyed the super repetitive yet very catchy riffs that were being played within the music.
Some songs even had some really nice
Change Blindness Ecstasy
The purpose of this study is to build upon previous research that examined the
relationship between change blindness and eyewitness testimony in relation to the threat
superiority hypothesis. Change blindness is when a person has difficulty detecting a
change in a scene (Goldstein, 2014). Davies and Hine (2007) found that most people fail
to notice when one person in a scene takes the place of another individual despite the fact
that the two individuals look vastly different. Similarly, Smart, Berry, and Rodriguez
(2014) found that law enforcement officers are also susceptible to change blindness and
frequently fail to identify the correct perpetrator in a lineup. In relation to the threat
superiority hypothesis, researchers found that threat
Cost Of E Textbooks By David Gerrold
In the 20th century, we had a century where at the beginning of the century, most of the
world was agricultural and industry was very primitive. At the end of that century, we
had men in orbit, we had been to the moon, we had people with cell phones and colour
televisions and the Internet and amazing medical technology of all kinds. These are the
words of David Gerrold, an American writer. His words show how much the world s
technology has grown. The world has entered an information and technology era. This
means new information and ideas are spread every day, along with new technologies
continuously rolling out. Many students now carry their own tablets (or sometimes
laptops) distributed to them through their schools, or are allowed to bring ... Show more
content on ...
This is a very valid point, as there are many games, apps, and other websites online, but
there are plenty of ways to address this. Schools can use apps that connect to each
student s laptop, allowing teachers to see all of the students screens and keep them on
task. Schools can also use blocking features to block certain websites and customize
student devices to not allow games or apps that have not been authorized for the
individual student to use. Also, there are many technological features that improve
learning. Many e textbooks give students the ability to highlight, edit, and write notes
without ruining the textbook. Tablets also have built in dictionaries, interactive diagrams,
and videos that help improve learning.
In conclusion, tablets should replace textbooks in schools, because they eliminate the
need for physical storage, cost less, and help students prepare for a world of technology.
Having students grow familiar with the technology around them will improve their
ability to understand technology in the future. Students who are skilled when it comes to
technology will lead others into the future of new technology to come. A vote for tablets
over textbooks is the logical thing to do. Old fashioned ways are in the past, and new
technologies are in the future. As they say, Out with the old and in with the
What Is The Limitations Of The Seat Test
Independent Claims 1 and 10, and dependent Claims 2 6, 8, 11, and 13 14 are currently
rejected under 35 U.S.C. §102(b) as being anticipated by Fox (U.S. Patent No.:
6,733,064; hereafter Fox ). The rejections are respectfully traversed.

Amended independent Claim 1 includes the limitation of the impact pad including a
frame contact surface that matches a contour of the seat back frame. Applicants
specification states, [t]he impact pad (28) includes a pad body (30) which defines a frame
contact surface (32). The illustrated frame contact surface (32) is formed to substantially
match a contour of the seat back frame (24) in order to nest the impact pad (28) with the
seat back frame (24) (Para. [0020]). Looking to Figs. 2 4, this nested ... Show more
content on ...
[0023]; Figs. 5 6). Fox fails to disclose the above limitations. The Examiner, on page 2 of
the current Office Action, points to adjacent ribs (124) that extend from the pad body and
define a contact surface. However, Fox discloses an absorbing member (124) that
includes a plurality of tabs (128). The tabs (128) of absorbing member (124) disclosed by
Fox are not the same as the support ribs (142) disclosed in Applicants specification.
Additionally, nowhere in Fox is it disclosed that the tabs (128) or the absorbing member
(124) define a frame contact surface. In this regard, Applicants respectfully assert
dependent Claim 2 is further allowable over Fox.

Amended independent Claim 10 is currently amended to include the limitation of an

inner foam surface being contoured to the seat back frame. Fox fails to disclose the above
limitation. Instead, Fox discloses foam blocks (A) in the corners of the seat back shell
(B) between the seat back shell (B) and the structural frame (C) (Col. 2, Lines 17 22; Fig.
25). Nowhere in Fox is it disclosed to have an inner foam surface contoured to the seat
back frame, as included in Applicants amended independent Claim 10. In this regard,
Applicants respectfully assert amended independent Claim 10 is allowable over Fox.
Dependent Claims 11 15 depend from amended independent Claim 10, and for at least
the reason set forth above, are also allowable.
Emily Dickinson Research Paper
The mysterious woman, who only wore white, is one of Americas most famous female
poets. She began writing at a young age, and continued to write or revise her work as she
got older. Dickinson stayed fairly predictable in her style of writing, but was always
original in content. It was common during this time period for for poets to not let reason
limit their writing. Her writing style became even more unique after the death of many of
her friends. Dickinson was very private and didn t publish many of her poems herself.
During the Romanticism Era Emily Elizabeth Dickinson wrote over 1,800 poems
focusing on love, faith, pain, nature, and death but was very secluded from society which
leaves much of her life up to speculation.
The world was ... Show more content on ...
Archibald MacLeish explains it by saying, No one can read these poems ... without
perceiving that he is not so much reading as being spoken to.... (qtd. in Wolff 120). Her
humor is shown throughout her poems. Wolff suggests that writing in first person was
Dickinson s most profound riddle (or joke) of all. (Wolff 120) The circumstances of
Dickinson s life, the general disempowerment of the human condition (always under
sentence of death) and the discrimination toward women during her time period, greatly
affected her poetry (Wolff 124). For her time period, she wrote about woman s death
defiantly (Wolff 124) Unlike the other poets who simply wrote about the death of
beautiful women, she wrote poems in which the dead women spoke (Wolff 124).
Dickinson s approach was very unique compared to any other poet during that time.
Through her poetry she could not only shatter the idea of women dying being beautiful,
but she could also mock other poets Christian traditions (Wolff 125). Her talents are not
only focused on death though, in some poems she is able to express a celebration of life,
sexuality, parturition, and art... (Wolff
Carol Berkin Revolutionary Mothers Analysis
Carol Berkin s Revolutionary Mothers captures the spirits of women who affected, and
were affected by, the Revolutionary War. Berkin dives deep into the lives of women who
played a vital role in the war, but many that she examines are not the familiar patriot
wives. She provides examples of all types of women: patriot and loyalist, American and
British, rich and poor, Indian and African American. History books tend to romanticize
the roles of women throughout wars, but Berkin presents heroines in a more practical
light. Berkin, professor of American history at Baruch College in New York, believes that
women s roles in the Revolutionary War were essential to Americans gaining their
independence. Berkin is the Presidential Professor of History at Baruch College. She is
also a member of the history faculty of the Graduate Center of City University of New
York, where she taught early American and women s history. Berkin has worked as a
consultant on several PBS and History Channel documentaries, including one that was
nominated for an Academy Award for the best documentary of 2000. The majority of the
books she has ... Show more content on ...
Berkin s style included creating short stories about different women based on documents
she had researched. This writing device was beneficial to the reader because it allowed
them to be informed on the topic of women during war while still keeping their interest
through stories. It was also a fairly quick read, and Berkin s tone throughout was mainly
upbeat, keeping the reader interested. However, at times the author s prolonged entrance
into a new point made it tiresome for the reader to follow. Berkin is very elaborate in her
details; this is helpful for deeper understanding, but it can easily overwhelm the reader
with lengthy explanations at times. The majority of Berkin s book was easy to
understand, but sometimes too many details were
Steven Levitt And The Link Between Legalized And Crime
Steven Levitt was born May 29th, 1967 in Chicago. Levitt is an american economist that
is known best from his podcasts, and books, Freakonomics and Superfreakonomics co
authored with Stephen Dubner. Steven Levitt is also known to study some very different
topics such as crime and the link between legalized abortion and crime rates. Levitt
attended the University of Chicago, the Chicago school of economics, and he attended
Harvard University to receive his Bachelor s Degree and went on to MIT for his PhD in
economics. In 2003 Levitt was awarded the John Bates Clark medal, an award that is
given to recognize the most outstanding economists under the age of 40. Barbara
Bergmann was born June 20th, 1927 in New York, and died April 5th, 2015 in Maryland.
Bergmann was best known for her work and leadership in gender based economics and
her role as a feminist. Bergmann studied at Cornell College to major and get her
doctorate degree in mathematics. Bergmann then went on to Harvard University to earn
her Ph.D. Bergmann has co authored in many books and taught at four Universities.
Bergmann also won the 2004 Carolyn Shaw Bell Award. Steven Levitt and Barbara
Bergmann were both Harvard graduates and got there Ph.D. in economics. Levitt and
Bergmann both received close to the same amount of education and with that education
they both went on to talk about and create very good economic theories about social
issues in the United states and in the world today. Levitt and Bergmann go
The Price Of Coffee Prices
Now, let s discuss the factors that determine the supply of the products and detail the
future outlook of the supply curve. To ensure compliance with Starbuck s rigorous coffee
standards, Starbuck s controls coffee purchasing, roasting, and packaging, and the global
distribution of coffee used in their operations. Starbuck s purchases green coffee beans
from multiple coffee producing regions around the world and custom roasts them.
The price of coffee is subject to significant volatility. Supply and price can be affected by
multiple factors in the producing countries, including weather, natural disasters, crop
disease, general increase in farm inputs and costs of production, inventory levels and
political and economic conditions.
The ... Show more content on ...
There is a large variety of beverages available ranging from energy drinks or soda to
juice and water. If one considers the social aspect of coffee, alcoholic beverages may also
be taken into concern. However, Starbucks sells a large selection of these beverages
within its stores. While the majority of coffee drinkers do not substitute away from coffee
or coffee related beverages such as espresso or blended drinks, the most direct substitute
is tea, which Starbucks sells under its own Tazo Tea brand. Due to current economic
conditions and consequently a change in the competitive landscape, Starbucks must be
weary of at home production, especially as premium coffeemakers are being built to
make single serving cups at a fraction of the cost. Again, Starbucks has covered this
segment as it offers Starbucks branded coffee at various grocery store locations and
warehouse club stores. Thus, the company has done a good job hedging against the threat
of substitutes with the variety of beverages it offers. The threat of customers substituting
away from Starbucks for direct competitors such as Peet s Coffee and Tea is a genuine
concern. As they all pride themselves on customer service and specialty drinks, they are
truly hard to differentiate. On the other hand, competitors such as McDonalds or
The Marriage Practices Of The Village Of Southwest China
The purpose of this paper is to describe the marriage practices of the village of Andaloor
in India and the Mosuo people of Southwest China, their perceptions of one another, my
own personal perceptions of these practices, and my attitude towards diversity. This
paper provides background information on the two different countries and also
demonstrates my knowledge on the subject of cultural differences in marriage in the two

Cross Cultural Differences in Marriage Practices between the People of Andaloor and the
People of Mosuo Introduction Marriage or a relationship similar to, is a tremendous
component of the human experience. Its function is practiced in every culture worldwide;
but in very different forms ... Show more content on ...
When a man decides he is ready to get married, both financially and mentally, he and his
parents confer with each other on their prospects for the bride. Most of the time, the
spouses are chosen by the parents, elders or a match maker. Numerous conditions by the
groom and his parents and the matching of horoscopes are contemplated before the
completion of the match. (al Zu abi Jagdish, 2008)
When the woman who matches these requirements is found, the man goes to the woman
s house with some companions. If the man is satisfied with the girl and the background
of her family, he will tell his parents and relatives to go visit her for further investigation.
If the groom s family is satisfied with the woman s background and family, they will
introduce the proposal and ask for a horoscope of the woman. If the groom s family
informs the bride s family that the horoscope matches, the bride s family will now have
their turn to intently observe the grooms family. The bride s family also has the right to
refuse the proposal if they find something displeasing about the groom or his family.
After the bridal party accepts the proposal a ceremony takes place at the woman s
residence. This function is an agreement between both sides of the wedding in front of
family elders. This party is when the date for engagement is settled. The engagement is a
ceremony where the couple tie their horoscopes together and takes place at the bride s
house. The engagement is where the wedding date is
Decay Of Decay And Decay
Introduction Isotopes are elements which have the same number of protons but different
number of neutrons and these elements have same atomic number but different in atomic
mass.because of their characteristic nature of producing radiation and their energies.
Isotopes are used in various areas like industries, agriculture, medical field and research
centers. They are decayed by emission of energy in the form of alpha, beta (electron) beta
plus (positron) and gamma rays. (1) Types of radiation Alpha particles cannot be used for
measurement from outside the body because they are such low penetrating power. A
sheet of paper stops alpha particles. Beta particles have a modest penetrating power, thus
they produce useful results in the area of their release, and they can be distinguished by
sensitive counting tools. Block of wood stops beta particles. Gamma rays are highly
energetic, and they can be readily discovered by radiation counters used outside the body.
A thick concrete wall stops gamma rays. Radioisotopes are unnaturally produced
unstable atoms of a chemical element which have a different number of neutrons in the
nucleus, but the same number of protons and the same chemical properties. May live for
only minutes. Their existence is measured in halflives, how long it takes for half of the
isotope to disappear. (3) Radioactive products which are used in medicine are called
radiopharmaceuticals. They are different from other medically used drugs since they
The Effects Of Dependence On Oil
Dependence on oil is a threat to international economics. The Middle East holds much of
earth s supply twenty percent of the world s oil comes from the Persian Gulf. The U.S.
itself imports more than two million barrels per day of Persian Gulf petroleum and crude
oil (J. Miller). That s almost twelve percent of America s oil use. This region of the world
is tumultuous, with wars and uprisings ongoing; relying so heavily on trade from this
area places the international economy at risk. Nuclear weapons are available, and due to
the tension between Israel and the surrounding Arab nations, their use is plausible. Both
ISIS and Al Qaida operate there, religious fundamentalism and corruption are rampant,
and the Syrian civil war hasn t showed ... Show more content on ...
By wielding this power, Russia, along with other oil rich nations, can change the playing
field to their favor.
Political power is only one aspect. Oil also offers leverage in the form of military might.
In 2014, ISIS captured oil fields in Syria, and later fields in Iraq. Since then, the terrorist
organization has been selling both crude and refined oil on the black market. Originally,
it was estimated that ISIS was earning $1.5 million every day. After the coalition
airstrikes, the selling price of their oil has gone up (Solomon). With these funds, ISIS can
sustain their reign of terror with fuel, weapons, and soldiers. This gets them that much
closer to their goal of conquering other nations.
Economics and power are only part of the problem; oil spills are also a threat. Offshore
drilling leaks in the ocean harm the environment, with the consequences lasting for years.
These spills can affect a large area and a myriad of ecosystems. They kill birds and
marine life, including fish eggs, larva, and other young. This damages the species
population growth, as no infants means no new adults. Additionally, the oil can wash up
on shores and pollute beaches. The oil can even get into the systems of the fish that
humans eat (Greenpeace). On top of all that, even the best cleanup efforts aren t
sufficient. Jacqueline Savitz, Oceana s campaign director, writes, Once a blowout or
other spill occurs, there are few if
How Did Mesopotiefs Influence The Environment And...
How much does a society s environment and experiences influence the nature of its
values and religious beliefs? It is a question that we as a human being should ask
ourselves daily in our life. The collective nature off society environment and experiences
will and indefinitely affect their religious belief. It affects people in their daily lives, in
everything they want to do or they don t want to do. Unconsciously it becomes part of
human s life no matter how hard they try to ignore it once they adapt it it s hard to get rid
of such influence. People in the past has experienced it as well as people of modern
One of the oldest civilization that was affected by the society s environment and nature
was Mesopotamia. There are many ways in which a society can be affected.
Mesopotamia was a polytheistic system, which means that they believed and prayed to
multiple gods not just one. Mesopotamia culture states that the gods and deities they
believed in were living realities who affected their life (Spielvogel 11). The
Mesopotamian believed their god or goddesses were living realities who affected their
life style, they had leaders who rule and prepare armies if they had to go to the war. The
priests played huge role in Mesopotamian culture, priests oversaw taking care of deities.
Priests would tell the leaders what they should do in return of benefits in their wealth,
health, soil etc. they people of Mesopotamia believed if their deities are unhappy they
will punish them
Comparison Of Wild Awake And Alice In Wonderland
The theme of a story acts as a guide for the writer when creating aspects of a story like
setting, atmosphere, and the world, in general. For example, the author must ask, where
is the story going to take place? Are there any special rules for this world? What is the
mood of the story? By using the theme as a guide, the author decides what to share with
the audience and what to hold back. This gives the story meaning, and it is what makes
the story memorable (Tanemura). Writers must create a believable setting as it is crucial
to the reading process because it beckons the reader into the fictional world allowing
them to leave reality behind and suspend disbelief. When coupled with world building
techniques like determining government systems, ... Show more content on ...
Carroll uses this setup to the setting as an introduction to the world where animals and
inanimate objects are anthropomorphized and time and space are relative. The thematic
structure of Alice s Adventures in Wonderland makes way for this exciting and creative
world building as it is seen through the eyes of a growing child full of wonder. Although
the story is whimsical, underlying the story is an atmosphere of anxiety or even fear that
resolves at the end with the meeting with the Queen of Hearts and Alice s return to the
A Study On Carbon Dioxide Gas
2.1 Carbon dioxide gas
2.1.1 Overview
Carbon dioxide, in its gaseous form, is a natural constituent gas of the Earth s terrestrial
atmosphere [5]. According to the standards outlined by The International Institute of
Refrigeration the chemical formula for carbon dioxide is CO2 and the refrigerant code
for carbon dioxide is R744 [6]. CO2 gas is poisonous to living organisms when inhaled
in a sufficiently concentrated form. The molecule of carbon dioxide consists of two
oxygen atoms bonded to one carbon atom. It can be produced by the combustion of
hydrocarbons, as the product of breathing of living people and animals and by
fermentation [7]. The carbon dioxide molecule is illustrated in the figure that follows:
Figure 2: Carbon dioxide molecule [8].

2.1.2 Physical properties

The following table contains some important properties of carbon dioxide:
Table 1: Carbon dioxide properties [7].
Property: Value:
Molecular weight 44.01 g/mol
Critical temperature 30.98 ℃
Critical pressure 73.77 bar
Critical density 467.6 kg/m3
Triple point temperature 56.56 ℃
Triple point pressure 5.187 bar
Gas density @ 1.013 bar and sublimation point 2.813 kg/m3
Gas specific gravity 1.53
Gas viscosity @ 1.013 bar and 0 ℃ 1.3711 x 10 3 Poise
Thermal conductivity @ 1.013 bar and 0 ℃ 14.674 mW/(m.K)
Specific heat (constant pressure) @ 1.013 bar and 25 ℃ 0.0374 kJ/(mol.K)
Specific heat (constant volume) @ 1.013 bar and 25 ℃ 0.0289 kJ/(mol.K)
Ratio of specific heats
The Great Barrier Reef ( Gbr )
The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is located off the coast Queensland, Australia and
stretches over 1800 miles. The reef is home to around 1500 species of tropical fish, and
over 400 kinds of coral. This is a species diversity playground for many biologists. There
is also a major concern that is upon the reef.
Climate change is a main concern throughout the world. When referring to climate
change people think of a change in climate patterns that can not be reversed once started.
The Great Barrier Reef is one that is greatly affected by climate change. Reefs can be
hurt easily by this major effect that is taking place on the Earth. According to one article
climate change will effect coral reefs so bad that it will take them to a their tipping point
and they won t be able to make a turn around (O. Hoegh Guldberg, et al).
The Greenhouse affect is when the sun warms the planet breakdowns the atmosphere and
more radiation comes through. This a major concern for the reef due to the fact that this
causes climate change. The major key gas that the reef looks at is carbon dioxide. Coral
reefs already release .02 to .08 Gt C carbon dioxide (Ware, J.R., et. al.) This combined
with the CO2 that is released from the greenhouse affect puts a strain on the reef such as
ocean acidity levels rising.
Climate change can affect the Great Barrier Reef by sea levels rising from glaciers
melting, light levels, changes in currents, and ocean acidity levels. According to JE
Johnson and PA Marshal the
Essay On Dhruva Mistry
FOLIO: ART INSIGHT: DHRUVA MISTRY Heading: Dhruva Mistry: A Profile in
Courage Text: Sumati Gangopadhya Photo: Dhruva Mistry Intro: Vadodara based artist
Dhruva Mistry is a figure of creativity and resilience. His modest journey from a small
village in Gujarat to creating an international footprint through his gifted workmanship is
as vivid as his virtuosity. With contemporary pieces entrenched in Indian art, culture and
history and innovation in exploring medium and material, he has shown astuteness in
both his creative life and in rising above personal tragedy. Body Text: The artist Dhruva
Mistry s beginnings were quite humble, from the lush green, progressive region of
Charotar, central Gujarat as the youngest of four children of Pramodray ... Show more
content on ...
After an international coup de maître, he returned to Baroda in 1997 and joined the
Faculty of Fine Arts as its Dean continuing until 2002. He then worked on creating
digital prints, using a home computer during the turmoil in Gujarat in 2002. He created
works titled Expulsion of pain after Pablo Picasso s Guernica, reflecting pain, violence
and death. He also made unique inkjet prints on paper and canvas from 2002 until 2007,
participated in several solo and group exhibitions in several prestigious art galleries in
both India and abroad. It is a heartening fact that despite suffering a severe paralytic
stroke in 2008, he went on to produce many projects after his partial recovery and was
selected as the Artist in Focus for the Harmony Show, sponsored by Harmony
Foundation, Mumbai. Today, Dhruva Mistry s works are in collections, in twenty three
countries, all over the world. The magnificently vast and versatile range of this creative
genius affirms Constantine Brancusi s assertion that an artist should Create like God,
command like a king and work like a
Chinese Food Customs And Culture
Chinese Food Customs and Culture Although there are no reliable written sources to
document early era s of Chinese history. In October 2005, the oldest noodles yet
discovered were located at the Lajia site near the upper reaches of the Yellow River in
Qinghai. This Chinese site has been associated with Oijia culture for 1000s of years. The
noodles were over 4000 years old and were made from foxtail and broomcorn millet.
Throughout history, there have been many different types of Chinese food and different
types of ways that they eat their food. The research information that I have gathered
shows relation to the story, Fish Cheeks that relates to types of food. There are many
different types of Chinese food customs and etiquette in Chinese dining. To begin China
is an extremely large country, and the customs and traditions of its people vary by
geography and ethnicity. Rice is an important food source: Rice is not only a major food
source in China; it is also a major element that helped grow their society ( LiveScience ).
They don t consume a lot of meat; they occasionally consume pork or chicken. It is said
that Tofu is the main source of protein for the Chinese. The most praised Four Major
Cuisines: Chaun, Lu, Yue, and Huaiyang, which represent the West, North, South, and
East China cuisine ( Wikipedia ). Color, smell and taste are the three traditional aspects
used to describe Chinese food, as well as the meaning, appearance and nutrition of the
food. It is
Cloudstreet By Tim Winton Essay
Writing from residences in countries at great distances from Australia, Winton developed
a longing for his home and more specifically for an Australia of the past. His
homesickness made him rediscover through his memories an Australia which he loved,
which was slowing evolving into a country which was unrecognisable to his childhood.
In Cloudstreet, Tim Winton reflects on Australia s landscape which is quickly being
turned into a suburbia which seems disjointed from natural state of the Australian land.
Similarly the culture of the Australian community and sense of camaraderie is presented
as integral to an Australia which Winton is increasingly nostalgic about throughout the

Winton often uses the characteristics of the Australian ... Show more content on ...
Oriel, va woman raised in the bosom of the Australian outback, on a farm as the primary
care giver of her younger siblings, displays a stoicism which is integral in the success of
her family and the shop at Cloudstreet. Each day she puts on the full armour and puts
every ounce of her strength into the lives of the people around her almost to the
consequence of her own sanity. Winton contrasts this to the Rose s first boyfriend, Toby
Raven, a vacuous writer who is more interested in places and people who are in the know
. In presenting Toby Raven as a superficial and social climbing he is making a comment
on the new breed of Australians who are populating the rapidly changing Australia. Most
strikingly this contrast in morals is displayed by Toby Raven s lack of decorum in
mocking Rose s family back at Cloudstreet, and his inability to be responsible for
deceiving his literary friends. Toby Raven and his associates represent the new breed of
Australian, a type which would be all too familiar to late 20th century Tim Winton. Such
is the reason why Cloudstreet is centred around the stoic and hardworking Lamb and
Pickles families, individuals who embody what Winton sees as incredibly significant and
more importantly typically Australian, in Tim Winton s sense of the
Analysis Of Olive Kitteridge
Life is an interesting thing, which can sometimes be a rollercoaster of emotions. The
story Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout includes the main character Olive Kitteridge
who shows exactly this. This book includes the people of Crosby, Maine, and Olive.
Each chapter includes a different person, but ties in Olive in some way, shape, or form.
Olive is your typical funny, lonely, and sometimes overbearing older woman. In life
times can get rough, but there is always someone who has it harder, or is going through
similar things as shown in the book. The chapter Incoming Tide is where Olive runs into
an old student named Kevin, but she doesn t realize why he is back in town. He actually
came back to commit suicide, He thought how ... Show more content on
Look how she wanted to live, look how she wanted to hold on! (47). It was in this
moment Kevin realized he was no longer alone with his personal struggles, as she
jumped into the water to end her life. In the chapter A Different Road Olive personally
goes through a rough experience in life with her husband Henry. Olive and her husband
were on their way home from a fun night out with friends, when Olive had to go to the
bathroom. I m not sure what to do Henry said leaning forward to peer through the
windshield. The gas stations are across town, and who knows if they re open at this hour.
Can you sit tight? We ll be home in fifteen minutes. NO said Olive. Believe me, I m
sitting as tight as I can Well Green, go. Pull into the hospital, Henry. They ought to have
a bathroom. The hospital? Ollie, I don t know Turn into the hospital, for crying out loud.
She, added I was born there. I guess they ll let me use the bathroom. (113). Even if
people were dying Olive was going to find a bathroom to use. The doctors wanted to
check out Olive so she so she got henry to come inside, while waiting There was a shout
from down the hall, A man shouting, coming closer and it was the quick thrust of a
booted foot kicking over the chair that swept her into the black of terror.
Jem And Scout Character Analysis
In Harper Lee s To Kill a Mockingbird these two children, Scout and Jem are influenced
by the citizens and their expectations. However their view point isn t the same when
Atticus their father decides to take a black man s case, even if it seems hard to prove the
Tom Robinson did not rape Mayella Ewell. Jem and Scout realize who Boo Radley truly
is, instead of being a monster. Scout also realizes the difference between a lady and being
stereotyped lady. Since the children are growing up without a mother, everyone believes
that Jem and Scout aren t growing up right. Throughout the story, it is proven that Jem
and Scout both mature through experiences that make them look at their society and
world in a different light. At first Scout and ... Show more content on ...
Summer came to an end and Scout and Jem entered school. Jem behaved different in
school than at home. The main contrast was the games that Jem and Scout played
together. When they arrive. Scout being younger acted herself asking Jem to play a game
with her. Jem told her no since it was at school. You mean we can t play anymore.Well do
like we always do at home, he said, but you ll see school is different . (21) This
introduces the change of Jem. As entering a new level of the school year he might be a
little maturerer at this point of his age. As Scout leaves for class she s aware of the
different white families in class. Every child was known for what they went through and
their family s history. This is where Scout starts to notice the difference, although she
might not know all her surroundings, yet; Walter is one of the Cunninghams Miss
Caroline... That s ok ma am you ll get to know all the country folks after a while. The
Cunninghams never took anything they can t pay back (). She knows who the
Cunninghams were and why Walter could not accept the money from his teacher.
Everyone in town knows this about the Cunninghams. After being introduced to the
class, Miss. Caroline irritated since Scout knows how to read and write. At this age, it
was not custom to know how to read or write for all children. It seems that the teacher
wanted her to stay behind even though Scout knew what she was doing,
High School Swimming Personal Statement
People need self motivation to succeed because not every problem can be solved by
others, some have to be solved by oneself. When conflicts arise, individuals need to seek
out the path of best fit to conquer the issue at hand. Throughout my entire childhood, I
aspired to be a great swimmer. When I was a young adolescent, my favorite sport to
watch during the Olympics was swimming. How could someone move so fast through
the water? The extremely close races and extraordinary comebacks always excited me. I
wanted experience the thrill for myself. The journey of competitive swimming started at
the age of eight for my local `neighborhood team. I exhibited great potential for the
future, for I won nearly all my races. This seemed like the sport ... Show more content on ...
These new skills were taken out of the pool as I started stretching every morning to relax
my body for the day and taking a short or extended periods of time to meditate on my
own; henceforth, the attacks became less frequent after I began this routine. Eventually,
as my high school career began, I no longer experienced the hyperventilation attacks.
This routine has been an asset to my successful high school swimming career and has
even spread to some of my other teammates who have started their own styles of pre race
meditation. Most of the other swimmers have found respect for my routine as they do not
bother me during this ritual because they know it will help me succeed. The whole
experience has shown me that some things in life, including your own failures, can only
be fixed or achieved by your own personal goals and your own personal drive. It has
helped me become more independent and to not sit back and let others do the work for
me. It has given me self motivation. Some obstacles cannot always be conquered by the
assistance of others, but by your own motivation to defeat those hardships. You need to
find yourself to succeed from
Nanook of the North Essay
Nanook of the North is an interesting film that documents the lifestyle of an Inuit family
in Quebec, Canada. Robert J. Flaherty, the writer, producer and director of the film
makes sure to film every aspect of the family s daily struggles and duties. With nearly
everything but cold weather in limited supply, it becomes very obvious that every aspect
in their lives serves a specific role aimed towards survival; they have no space extraneous
The community as a whole seems to be very amicable, with everybody willingly helping
each other out. The fur trader treats Nanook s children to some biscuits and lard, and then
even gives one of them some castor oil after they overdo it on their snacks. Nanook is
even shown helping out ... Show more content on ...
He goes out into the rugged land and hunts down seals, walruses, foxes, and even polar
bears with nothing more than his bare hands and a harpoon, the film enacts masculinist
fantasies in mainstream American culture. (Huhndork 137) Like a father would in the
United States, Nanook even decides the where the family will rest for the night.
Purveying the snow, he chooses where the snow is best for building and cuts out the
materials for the family. He then lays the heavy snow bricks one on top of the other, even
furnishing the igloo with an ice window. Meanwhile, the women complete the less
rigorous task of filling the holes, and furnishing the inside while the children play around
and sled down the hill. The inside of the igloo seems to be the one setting where the
women get the most screen time; this is their domestic sphere (ibid). Just like a man
coming home from work, Nanook is simply shown as undressing and lying down to rest.
But the women are now taking the active role as caretaker. They are shown boiling the
water, washing off the children, and carrying them and the puppies in their hoods. Also in
the film Nyla responds to such things in the West such as women s suffrage, women in
the workplace, and the nuclear family. All the roles in which we see Nyla
Gmos Ethical
In most food markets in the United States, a majority of the food sold in those markets
are GMOs. Food that has been genetically engineered to obtain traits that are unnatural to
said organism. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there are two
types of plant breeding: the traditional method and the genetic engineering method (
Nodoushani, et al 2015). The FDA believes that the main difference between the two
methods of plant breeding is that the traditional method can yield unwanted effects, while
the genetically engineered process can control the effects and alter them to our needs
which are identified as Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). Nevertheless there are
opposers against GMOs that believe that GMOs are unethical ... Show more content on ...
Since most people eat GMOs it creates a community of people who may not know what
modifications have been done to the engineered foods they have been eating. The
unveiling of the modifications done on GMOs may alter a person s decision in eating it
or not. GMOs have been in production for a long time and the benefits such as the
nutritional value undermines the controversial negative impacts that GMOs might
contain. Looking back at the sources, there is an abundance of information covering both
the negative and positive impacts of GMOs. This information allows one to be unbiased
during the method process so it can recieve an accurate and credible amount of data. The
modifications of GMOs are not so specific. The adverse effects of GMOs are more
emphasized rather than the actual process that goes behind the modifications done on the
actual organisms. Further research for the specific process will be needed so the research
will be able to inform the sample that I am conducting research
Essay On Bernie Gallow
Timothy Long
CJ 119
Jim Campbell
The Bernie Gallow Case

Bernie Gallow was an honorable person and Good man aged 58, so it was quite shocking
for a man who was thought to have no enemies killed. The only thing to find more
shocking was who was responsible for it. This case was in 2011 in the town of Aurora.
Bernie was an Auburn high school graduate of 71 and a graduate of Cayuga Community
College as well. Bernie was a sheriff s deputy for 28 years, a former marine for four
years, a former volunteer fire fighter, and a hockey couch in auburn. He had three
children and was married when he died, many remember him as a hero which is what he
was and what he accomplished for this county will always stand as is. Bernie was born
on January 11th 1953 and died on March 11th 2011. ... Show more content on ...
Bernie was retired and sometimes worked as a court officer as well as worked out a lot,
he was a black belt in martial arts which he also taught classes for and was described by
those that knew him as laid back but was ambitious to complete cases and was serious
about his job that he loved. He worked all over Cayuga county and was known to do a lot
of night shifts and his partners on those shifts, they remember him fondly and never said
a bad word about his actions or who he was. Sounding much more like a preacher than a
cop. He would never yell if needed, just tell you what you should be doing or what you re
doing wrong. Bernie was murdered by his son Michael because of an altercation,
Michael was tried and pled guilty, getting convicted.

Michael Gallow was known throughout his life to have mental problems and a drinking
problems, also add the fact he had poor education didn t help his life, in the past Michael
was also accused of stealing as well. Michael and his father in a way never seemed to see
eye to eye but Bernie loved him very much, which is how the case came to a start.
Michael came home drunk in Bernie s viechle which was an apparent
New York City Analysis
When someone says New York, most people visualize tall, glimmering skyscrapers on
grid like blocks, surrounded by buildings for business, filled with millions of working
people, walking and shuffling about, over the noise of yellow taxi cabs and MTA city
buses driving down the urban streets lined with stores and shops on every corner. Most
people visualize this mass of land topped with buildings, streets, cars, people, which at
night, appear to be illuminated by specs of light from the vastest array of shades of red,
yellow, orange, and white light. Each spec of light could almost represent each of the
eight million people living in this city. Everyone is a different shade and color, all
different. Like the people residing in it, the neighborhoods of New York City are also all
a different shade and color. The image most people visualize when they hear the words
New York City is not similar to the many neighborhoods that inhabit this city. One of
these particular neighborhoods is the one I currently reside in, Ridgewood, which lies on
the border of two of the city s five unique boroughs, Queens and Brooklyn. The typical
stereotypical visualized image of New York City is not similar at all to this area.
Ridgewood, although very different to, is more similar to my childhood neighborhood
compared to the commerce heavy neighborhoods in Manhattan. I come from the
Philippines, a country with beautiful places of nature and abundant resources, while also
Oligopoly Behavior in the Airline Industry. Case Analysis
Oligopoly Behavior in the Airline Industry. Case Analysis This case illustrates the pricing
behavior of firms that are oligopoly whose market is characterized by the relative few
participating firms offering differentiated or standardized products or services. Such
firms in an oligopoly have market power derived from barriers of entry that wards off
potential participants. As seen in the case, it is clear that because there are a small
number of US Airlines firms competing with each other, their behavior is mutually
interdependent thus, the strategies and decisions by one airline management affect
managements of the other airlines whose subsequent decisions then affect the first
airline. In the airline industry, such oligopolistic ... Show more content on ...
When they didn t, the airline retaliated by offering deep cuts in fares on several routes
flown by its competitors. Northwest airline responded with a $198 round trip fares with
connections on routes for which American airline s average fare was $1,600. American s
response was to offer $99 one way fairs in 10 markets flown by each of the other
competitors except that of Continental Airlines which had followed and matched the
leader s (American Airline) original changes in all markets. With respect to the concept
of strategic behavior exhibited by firms in an oligopolistic setting, some firms may try to
achieve a dominant strategy that yields them better results and do not flip flop, no matter
what strategies other industry participant follow. This was illustrated in the case, when, in
2004, Continental Airlines raised its fares to mitigate rising cost of aviation fuel. Firms in
an oligopoly may differ in terms of their cost structure and the airline industry is no
exception and participants do exhibit strategies that enable them not to follow price
increases driven by aviation fuel cost.

For example, when it comes to cost of inputs, such as fuel, the price taken may be
different due to hedging (contract to mitigate their exposure to future fuel prices that may
be higher than current prices ) a risk management technique to reduce the risk of adverse
Who Owns Anne Frank
Initially published in 1947, two years after Anne Frank s death in a concentration camp,
The Diary of a Young Girl was eventually translated into 65 languages, making it
immensely popular worldwide. The diary is considered a staple of Holocaust literature
and commonly read by young adults who find Anne to be an identifiable voice. Its
popularity has led writers to consider the implications of the various translated versions
of the diary and Broadway adaptations. In the article, The Misuse of Anne Frank s Diary,
one such Jewish American author, Cynthia Ozick, poses the question Who owns Anne
Frank? as she seeks to explore these implications of The Diary of a Young Girl. Early in
the article, she asserts her opinion clearly, believing that The Diary of a Young Girl has
been bowdlerized, distorted, transmuted, traduced, reduced; it has been infantialized,
Americanized, homogenized, ... Show more content on ...
Indeed, in The Ghost Writer, Philip Roth does just that: his autobiographical fictional
character, Nathan Zuckerman, spends a considerable amount of time imagining that Anne
Frank survived the war and is now using the identity of Amy Bellette in the 1950s. In
other words, he falsifies her story. However, upon analyzing the function of the
Amy/Anne plot device it becomes apparent that Roth is also raising similar questions to
Cynthia Ozick. Through this plot device, Roth ultimately critiques the Americanization
of Anne Frank s story, particularly through its Broadway adaptation, and its treatment as
an Holocaust text. By exploring an adult version of Anne Frank, Roth problematizes
America s sensationalized response to The Diary of a Young Girl by drawing parallels to
the Broadway adaptation and juxtaposing the words of Nathan Zuckerman and Amy
Bellette in regards to Anne Frank s
Military Spending Definition
The neoclassical theorists have different opinions about the military spending and
economic wellbeing, and they perceive defense expenditure as a civic good that is
provided by the state. Therefore, the regime seems like a rational player, who tries to
capitalize on the interests of the state by balancing the security benefits and opportunity
costs of the military spending (Nincic, Miroslav, and Thomas 1979). The supply side
models of the monetary growth and military defence association within a neoclassical
theory normally derive from functions of whole production (Griffin, Larry, Joel, Devine
and Michael1982). Marxism believes that defense spending and militarism is a social
phenomenon that has historical characteristic, and they dwell much ... Show more
content on ...
The results from the empirical studies demonstrated that there exists a positive link
between income military spending and income disparity. Vadlamannati (2008) also
examined income disparity and defense disbursements in the South Asian nations using a
panel data that was extracted from 1975 2005. The experimental results demonstrated
that the higher military spending causes increased income disparity after adjusting the
major institutional and macroeconomic variables. It is apparent from the discoveries of
the experiential literature are inconsistent whereby some get the backing of the
constructive connection between economic well being and military spending while the
rest do not. The explanations that bring about such varying results may be attributed to
the method applied, sample size, functional form used in analysis, among other control
variables (Nincic, Miroslav, and Thomas 1979). As such, the empirical studies should be
treated with the tested underpinning hypotheses and other used conditioning
American Government Strengths
The United States of America possesses one of the most effective and free government
systems in the world. There is no question that it was developed by brilliant minds and
has given the American people more liberties than some people in the world could ever
imagine. Many countries still languish under despotism and deep corruption, and
although the United States is prone to much political scandal as well, our country still
remains minimally oppressive with regard to personal freedom. Some of the greatest
strengths of the American political system have developed as a result of what we call
Enlightenment thinking and early Americans desires to live in a free country with a
government different from that of Great Britain. Some of these strengths ... Show more
content on ...
This paramount document states that each person has basic rights and ensures that these
rights are sustained under any circumstance. For example, one of the most important
rights is found in Amendment I,states the following: Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This guarantees
several integral rights that cannot be taken away despite what changes may occur in the
world. America s people are free to practice whatever religion they choose, America does
not and will not have an established religion that everyone should adopt, and people have
the right to speak freely and to address the government when it is causing grievances to
the people. No bill, law, Supreme Court ruling, popular movement, or individual group
can change this. The Bill of Rights contains several such fundamental rights and enables
America to operate correctly with respect to its people s needs. An exploited,
downtrodden people with no essential rights will never contribute to a successful nation.
Only when our liberties are stamped out will we cease to work in harmony with each
other or with our authorities. We
Rhetorical Analysis Of Patrick Henry s Speech
Throughout history, historical events have been relived and experienced by many in the
present day through various scriptures and texts. From shocking testimonies, and
inspirational speeches to intriguing journal entries, and questionable declarations,
literature has allowed society, no matter the time, to go back and learn about past events
that helped define the present society. Through these pieces of literature and their literary
devices, readers are able to immerse themselves into the past by exposing themselves to
historical figures persuasions and intentions through their creations. One of these pieces
of literature that demonstrates these qualities is Patrick Henry s Address to the Virginia
Convention written in 1775. In Patrick Henry s speech, he uses literary devices, such as
diction, tone and syntax, to help the readers understand and relate to the author s purpose
in calling the Virginia Convention to action for one of the most historical moments in
United Stated history, the American Revolution. The author uses these literary devices to
persuade and encourage rebellious behavior in the audience, by creating a unifying,
inspirational and rebellious tone to get them to support America s impending fight for
freedom, liberty and independence from British oppression.
In the Speech to the Virginia Convention by Patrick Henry, the author uses multiple
literary devices and a unifying tone to support his claim for the Americans to go against
British oppression and to
Motor Control and Fine Motor Skills
P.I.L.E.S stands for Physical, Intellectual, Language Communication, Emotional and
Social Development. These are the areas of which a child develops at as they grow into
young adults. Physical Development The two main areas of physical development are
gross fine motor skills. Gross motor skills use the larger muscles in the body like arms
legs. Rolling over, crawling, walking, running and jumping are all gross motor skills.
Fine motor skills use the smaller muscles in the body, like fingers toes. Writing, painting,
pointing, grasping and reaching are examples of fine motor skills. Fine motor skills alsto
eye coordination. Activities to promote Physical Development * Play Musical Statues.
This activity helps ... Show more content on ...
Activities to promote Emotional Development * Imaginative Play. By dressing up and
acting out real life experiences children can begin to understand someone else s
perspective. Giving the children an opportunity to be someone else and anything they
want is emotionally satisfying and helps to build their confidence and self esteem. *
Identifying emotions Take pictures of people who look happy, sad, angry and scared.
Show the children these pictures and ask them which person in which picture is feeling
what. This will give the children chance to voice their opinion and also recognise facial
expressions. Social Development Social development is the way a child interacts with
others, builds and maintains relationships. This is the stage of development where
children become aware of working as a team and understand the concept of sharing.
Activities to promote Social Development * Human Knot For this activity all the
children stand in a circle facing each other. Each child must hold the hand of the people
on their left and right hand side. The children must then work together in order to
untangle the circle without releasing each other s hands. This activity encourages the
children to cooperate as a team and build trust amongst their peers. * Puzzles Give two
groups of children to different set of puzzles and tell them to put it together. This activity
encourages team work and helping each other to
Leading With Jesus
Leading with Jesus Leading others is a lot like skinning a cat, there are multiple ways to
do. Similarly, some of these ways will produce positive results, while others will leave
you wish you thought your decisions through a little bit more. In a world driven so much
by ego, it is hard work to get a group of people to work together with the group s best
interest in mind. Leaders need to be open to new ideas on how to relate to the people they
are leading. If they fail to find ways to connect with the people they are leading, it will
spell disaster for their group. This paper will lay out ideas that will allow its reader to
formulate an approach that will allow them to take lead in any group and achieve desired
their desired results. ... Show more content on ...
(Belhaven, 2015). In other terms, leaders prepare and make sure that their followers are
ready to take on the tasks that they are to be presented with. The model has strong
purposes currently in fields such as athletic coaching and in the military. Coaches work
to prepare their athletes for competition by practicing and repeating techniques. They
also scout their opponents and then use the information found while scouting to help
prepare their their team for the upcoming opponent. In the military, numerous tasks and
tests are presented to members to make sure they are prepared for the dealings they will
have when they are on their own and in battle.
This leadership model has strong ties to the greatest leader of all, Jesus Christ. Christ
used this type of modeling when he prepared his apostles for their ministry work in
Matthew. Christ began by laying out the the mission, gave them authority over unclean
spirits, to cast them out and to cure every disease and every sickness. (Matthew 10:15,
New Revised Standard Version). He gave them that authority in order to prepare them for
the unclean cities and people they were to encounter. As He continue to address these 12,
Christ explained to them they were to proclaim the good news, The kingdom of heaven
has come near. (Matt. 10:7, NRSV). By addressing the people of the cities to this news,
the apostles would also use a form of situational leadership by preparing the people for
Ribosomes In Eukaryotic Cells
The nucleus houses most of the genes in a eukaryotic cell. The genetic instructions are
housed within a cell, and the instructions are carried out by the ribosomes. The nucleus
directs protein synthesis by synthesizing messenger RNA according to instructions
provided by the DNA. The mRNA is then transported to the cytoplasm via nuclear pores.

The main parts of the nucleus include the nuclear envelope, which encloses the nucleus
and separates it from the cytoplasm, which has an outer and an inner membrane. There is
a complex of pores that helps regulate entry and exit into the nucleus. The nuclear side of
the envelope is lined by the nuclear lamina, which helps maintain the structure of the
nucleus. The DNA inside a nucleus is organized into units called chromosomes, which is
made up of chromatin, a complex of proteins and DNA. The structures in a ... Show more
content on ...
They carry out protein synthesis. There are two locales free ribosomes in cytosol and
bound ones to the endoplasmic reticulum or nuclear envelope. Most proteins are made in
free ribosomes.

The central dogma of biology is how proteins are made DNA transcribes RNA, then
RNA forms proteins by translation, or protein synthesis. DNA RNA Proteins.

Free ribosomes are found in the cytosol, while bound ribosomes are found attached to the
side of the endoplasmic reticulum or nuclear envelope.

The information in a gene,found on a chromosome, in the nucleus is used to synthesize

an mRNA that is transported through a nuclear pore to the cytoplasm. There it is
translated into a protein, which is transported back through a nuclear pore into the
nucleus, where it joins other proteins and DNA, forming chromatin.

The transport vesicles move membranes and substances that they enclose between other
components of the endomembrane system. They are sacs made of membrane that helps
Prospective Memory Review
Prospective Memory (PM) or memory for future intentions can be difficult for older
adult populations in certain situations. This review takes a close look at when age related
differences are present in PM research, and which factors may be causing the biggest
differences in PM performance between younger and older adults. This review discusses
useful strategies that can close the age related gaps in performance; the strategies section
of the review centers on which memory process either encoding, retrieval, or both is the
focus for memory improvement. . This organization helps to highlight PM as a sequence
of processes that each must be successful in order for an intention to be correctly
completed. The review concludes with possible future ... Show more content on ...
Einstein and McDaniel (1990) introduced this distinction, with time based tasks being
intentions tied to a particular amount of time elapsing (e.g. taking the cookies out of the
oven after 10 minutes has passed or at 3:15) and event based being intentions tied to a
particular event occurring (e.g. taking cookies out of the oven when you can smell them).
Time based tasks require more self initiation than event based tasks, which makes time
based tasks more difficult to carry out successfully (Park, Hertzog, Kidder, Morrell,
Mayhorn, 1997; Anderson Craik, 2000). Kvavilashvili and Fisher (2007) explored how
often time based PM tasks come to mind. They asked people to record every time that an
intention call the researcher on Sunday at 9am came to mind. People reported that
external cues (i.e. seeing a clock on television) triggered PM intention occurrences more
often than internal cues. Kvavilashvili and Fisher (2007; Experiment 3) also had people
carry out an event based task for comparison and record the number of times this
intention came to mind. The researchers found that the intention came to mind more
often in the time based task condition without any apparent trigger compared to the event
based task condition (ηp2 = .18, large effect size). These findings may indicate that time
based PM tasks do not require as much self initiation in naturalistic settings as was
previously thought (Kvavilashvili Fisher,
Space Sand Soda Experiment
Introduction Have you ever wondered what dyes make up the soda that you drink? Sure,
you could just do it the easy and boring way and just read the ingredients. Or, you can do
the more fun way by separating the dyes using space sand. Space sand is waterproof
sand. The purpose of this experiment is telling what colors make up the grape soda by
using the grape soda, instilled water, and 70% isopropyl alcohol to watch the dyes
separate when the mixture passes thru the space sand. The reason why I m doing this
experiment is because I m generally interested in how sand can be used as a filter. When
I thought of this project, I was brainstorming the things I saw on science buddies, and
two ideas came to be one. Hypothesis In ... Show more content on ...
Repeat steps 4 11 two more times. Be sure to record your observations in the data tables
in your lab notebooks, in the rows for trials 2 and 3. (Can you separate the dyes of grape
soda using space sand?). The entirety of the Procedures. My independent variable are the
space sand and my dependent variable is the dyes of the liquids, and finally my controls
are the liquids. When I finally did all of that, I recorded the results into my notebook.
Results 1st Fraction 2nd Fraction 3rd Fraction 4th Fraction 5th Fraction Trail 1 Light
Brown Light Purple Rose Clear Light Pink Trial 2 Light Brown Light Red Pale Pink
Clear Clear Trial 3 Light Brown Light Pink Rose Clear Clear Generally, I thought my
results did confirm my original hypothesis and it turned out to be right. Nothing really
went wrong in my experiment, but there were some inconsistencies. As you can see in
the first line of the graph it is illustrated that color came off more of the red hues. The
results for the 1st Fraction (or pass through the sand) were consistent and turned out as
expected. The light brown hue indicated that the sand had separated some of the
color/dye. The 2nd Faction were also consistent with expectations. The Light purple was
the result of additional color/dye being screened out by the
NFL Argumentative Essay
While it is currently unknown whether there will be NFL in 2011, the massive NFL roster
is going to need to accommodate the six months of downtime with other activities. You
can only practice football so much without playing an actual NFL game so here are some
suggestions for NFL players during the potentially cancelled 2011 season. Try out for
American Idol: The Super Bowl and American Idol are two of the most watched shows
on television and with the potential canceling of the Super Bowl, why not add some of
the NFL s biggest stars to the biggest reality show in the USA? Imagine watching Peyton
Manning rocking out to Lady Gaga, Brett Favre singing Pants on the Ground again, or
Randy Moss singing some Backstreet Boys. Instant success. Restart ... Show more
content on ...
Many players want more and more money, when the owners just can t afford it. If the
NFL is having problems, then one could only assume that the AFL is going to dunk under
pretty soon right? I don t think so. Ticket Sales The NFL had to carry out blackouts
because ticket sales were so poor. The AFL has financial problems in 2008, and they had
to file for bankruptcy in 2009. Ticket sales were terribly low, and it s easy to understand
why. The public was busy worrying about paying the bills, and leisure time was, and still
is, much rarer with many people working two jobs. Arena football couldn t pay for as
much advertisement as they used to be able to, so no one paid any attention. Now that it
is back for the 2010 season, hopefully they will have it easier and will be able to put out
more advertisement, increasing ticket sales. Excitement Everyone has watched an NFL
game. Same rules, same monotony. Many prefer to watch college football because of the
big upsets and the fast paced, high flying style it has with so many Spread offenses being
run. NFL teams usually just air it up or run the ball, and always play conservatively. The
AFL doesn t allow punting, and players can have a running start before the ball is
snapped, which means receivers can be running up to the
Artificial River Essay
Carol Sheriff s The Artificial River The Erie Canal and the Paradox of Progress, 1817
1862 APUS, Section 4 Mr. Gordinier January 8th, 2013 All situations and topics have ...
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When the Canal was built towns all along the route from Buffalo to Albany prospered
from the revenue and the attraction the Canal brought with it. Whether the Canal was
being used for business people, immigrants, settlers of the region, or tourists, the border
towns all had some appeal to these persons. After some time the state was continually
asked to expand the Canal from the original route to include connecting canal routes.
However, the same towns along the route from Buffalo to Albany had already been
established along the lines of the original canal. These towns would need to be relocated
in order to obey these new requests. This presented a major problem because the people
in these towns had formed a life around the Canal and many of them made their income
based of the Canal. The inhabitants of the towns changed their mentality from not
wanting the Canal to invade on their lives, to it being an essential part of their lives they
depended upon. The Erie Canal provided an extremely fast source of transportation
compared to other ones of that time. A lot of the land that the Canal went through was
uninhabited and therefore people weren t able to move through these areas. Once the
Canal was built it served as that pathway through these areas. The Canal also was a much
cheaper source of transportation that was used by residents, tourists, emigrants, and
workers during this time. Evangelical preachers used the artificial
Tqm 5 Performance Objectives
Q a) Explain the 5 performance objectives. Discuss these with the help of a real life
example of a process involving products services, and analyze how the process can be
improved upon?
b) Illustrate your chosen process with the help of a transformation model.

Answer a) Many methodologies and techniques for improving operational performance

have been developed over the years – these provide structured ways of improving
company performance, but they do not explicitly tell us where to start. To be able to
improve performance effectively, it is important to identify the particular factors of
performance to work with. Furthermore, it is important to find those factors that have a
high impact on performance. ( ... Show more content on ...
Alternatively, a touch screen with the patron s picture and order record for each of the
cars currently in the drive through, and when the order is complete, the presenter would
tap the photo on the touch screen indicating the order has been filled and the photo record
would be removed from the system. This system will help shave about eight seconds
from the order to delivery time. Besides order accuracy, it will also aid in speeding up the
drive thru process and address customer courtesy issues. Specific benefits to this system
include easy installation and implementation with existing QSR (Quick Serve Rest) drive
through installations; minimal ongoing support required; limited risk of hardware
loss/damage; increased employee safety; fully supported in multi language settings; and
continues to provide the customer an opportunity to review the menu!
( People will be uncomfortable: with the idea, that they re
being photographed every time they make a quick stop for a double cheeseburger with
fries. Though, it s a non invasive procedure the photos aren t stored in the system. They
re deleted as soon as the order is completed. A lot of restaurants already have surveillance
cameras on their premises that photograph people. Another trouble is that it will be costly
for McDonalds to implement this system. But then again, it will show good results
What Is Bram Stoker s Dracula
Bram Stoker s gothic horror novel, Dracula, is a piece of literature that has cultivated a
genre of storytelling and writing. Stoker s novel, published in 1897, follows the story of a
party of friends united to end the tyranny of the vampire, Count Dracula. Set in England
and Transylvania in the late 1890 s, the novel has been a popular discussion topic by both
critics and lovers of the book. The novel, with its use of different styles, was written to
give multiple points of view. It was Stoker s use of these aspects and more, that gave the
novel true and timeless Literary Merit. Literary Merit is defined by the quality of
language and style, timelessness, influences to era, ability to immerse the reader and the
ability to present creative ideas and innovation. Novels possessing all of these rare
qualities are regarded to have Literary Merit. Stoker s Dracula certainly fits the criteria
and rightfully deserves its title of classic with all qualities of Literary Merit. ... Show
more content on ...
Stoker used an array of styles in his writing. These styles made Dracula stimulating and
attention grabbing. Some chapters, presented as diaries were written in shorthand .
Despite this, the entries are still comprehensive and the shorthand style is a feature that is
significant to the plot. Stoker uses language that is beautifully written and describes
scenes particularly well. For example, a paragraph noted by John about Dracula s castle.
The paragraph uses words that give readers a clear image of the environment around
Dracula s castle, and explains what Stoker envisioned when creating Dracula
Real Estate FAQ
Please read Real Estate FAQ to clarify your doubts about our real estate administration.
What variables decide the price tag of the property you are purchasing?
While various components become possibly the most important factor, at last a property s
worth is judged by one and only figure what amount would somebody say somebody is
readied to pay for it at the time? The hugest contemplations for evaluating a property are
late deals and current rivalry. The previous is a survey of what different properties of this
sort have sold for, while the last considers comparative homes that are in the blink of an
eye available.
There are a few components to mull over yet it tends to come down to the price
somebody is willing to pay at any one time. The best marker of quality is the thing that
comparative properties have as of late sold for and comparable properties ... Show more
content on ...
When you have focused in on your preferred home it is important to determine the status
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the legitimacy of the archives.
Why would it be a good idea for me to Post prerequisite?
On the off chance that you couldn t locate the fitting property according to your
necessities, then or you don t care for any of the properties shown coordinating the
criteria then our real estate group prescribes you to Post Your Requirement . We will send
you reports on properties coordinating your prerequisites through email.
How would I get reactions for my posted prerequisites?
Every single coordinating property to your prerequisites will be naturally spared in your
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Why if I promote on your real estate company
The Little Black Boy By William Blake And Racism Is
Every human has the same red blood. Though he or she is black, white, Hispanic or
Asian it does not matter; everyone supposed to have equal rights. But, racism still exists.
Why do different races of people have different heights? Was the person born that way?
The Little Black Boy by William Blake and Racism Is around Me Everywhere by Francis
Duggan are the two poems about how racism causes inequality. Realization of
differences, fear of loss and displacement, condition of being uneducated, lack of
awareness, lack of self love, unworthy feelings, desire to feel superior all lead to result
inequality among the people.
Superiority of white to other races creates inequality in the society. Imitation of the oldest
cultures and feelings of separation in the society makes people mentally different from
others. Likewise, people s minds are effected more when they see how the society has
dominant races and differentiate people from their races.
Racism causes inequality because of the feeling of separation, fear of racism, and the
existence of the racism everywhere. One reason is feeling of separation. Society is
formed with different religions, cultures, races. As biologically every individual seems to
be different, always exist because of the skin color, hair, and physical appearance.
According to Blake,
My mother bore me in the southern wild;
And I am black, but O! my soul is white;
White as an angel is the English child;
But I am black as if bereav d of the light.
My Experience In College Students, Being A College Student
Being a college student who is taking 18 credits this semester as well as working 15
hours a week, I experience multiple stressors every week that I try my best to deal with.
Two stressors I have dealt with the past two weeks are struggling to manage my time and
arguing with my boyfriend. The past two weeks I had a lot of assignments due as well as
a major test and a quiz. I realized it was a stressor when I got assigned our extra credit
paper that was due the day before my major exam. I was already thinking of how I was
going to spend the rest of the week and the weekend to study for my exam and quiz,
prepare for my presentation, keep up with the chapters my classes are reviewing, and
work. When we got assigned the extra credit paper, I panicked a little and realized trying
to figure out how to fit all of it into my schedule was a stressor. I noticed that my heart
rate slightly increased from panicking a little and I got antsy, as in I could not sit still. I
have confronted managing my time before, when I first got my job this semester. Like I
said, I am taking 18 credits, so adding working 15 hours a week took away a lot of study
time that I had to figure out how to make up. It actually cuts into my social life a decent
amount, but I live with all of my closest friends and study with them, so I see them a
decent amount. What I typically do when I freak out about how much stuff I have to do
and how little time I have, I start to plan out my days by hour in my planner. I
Gilda s Hair Studio
Thousands of years ago, wigs and hair pieces were once a sign of social status and power.
Today, wearing the hair alternatives are popular for a number of reasons. Gilda s Hair
Studio in Fairfield, OH has been the region s leading center for hair replacement and
other hair loss conditions.
In addition to offering cutting edge and award winning hair styling services, the salon
specializes in providing treatments that are customized to each client s unique hair color
and texture. Gilda s Hair Studio has seen the evolution of wigs and hair pieces over the
decades and has kept up with the innovations.
In fact, hair pieces have come a long way since ancient Egypt when women and men
wore wigs to showcase their class status. Made from vegetable fibers, ... Show more
content on ...
In China, the hair additions were heavily used be theater actors during performances.
Between 1200 and 1400 A.D., wigs fell by the wayside due to harsh financial times.
Some religions said women had to wear their hair covered by scarves and other pieces of
cloth. By the time the Renaissance period occurred around 1500, both wigs and hair
pieces regained their popularity to become elaborate styles.
Fast forward to the 19th century when synthetic materials were the main items used to
construct wigs. Today, salons such as Gilda s Hair Studio use top quality pieces made
from human hair to highlight a more natural look. As a client, you re guaranteed to
receive a hair piece that is custom made and designed to fit your lifestyle!
In fact, Gilda s Hair Studio specializes in treating a wide range of hair and scalp
disorders through laser hair treatments and other services. Those who have experienced
hair loss as a result of chemotherapy, alopecia, balding, and radiation are the professional
salon s specialty.
Your hair can come back to life! To schedule a consultation, call Gilda s Hair Studio
today at (513) 829 2221 or visit the website for extensive information on hair
The Battle Of The War
Wednesday, September 8, 1918
6 Feet Underground but Still Alive
By Adona Umeri Soldiers lined up at the Italian front in the trenches prepared to take
charge towards their enemies (from google images) During this difficult time at war,
soldiers have had to spend the last four years of their lives in between narrow walls
called trenches. Not only do these soldiers face the extremities of battles, but they also
have to survive in these narrow spaces. For these courageous men, living in these
trenches meant living in fear. As the war has been mentioned that it is coming to an end,
soldiers still have to keep up with their daily routines in the trenches to survive.
There are many difficulties as to living in trenches. Firstly, ... Show more content on ...
Other problems that occur are lice infestation, trench fever, trench mouth, trench foot,
and shell shock. Lice spreads into soldier s clothing and within a few hours, their eggs
hatch. Therefore, many soldiers shave their head to avoid lice. A photograph of Italian
soldiers on the Albanian Front shaving each other s heads to prevent lice infestation
(from google images). This year, lice have been recognized to be the main cause of
Trench Fever, a disease that consists of severe pain and high fevers. Another medical
condition called trench foot is a fungal infection of the feet. I viewed a soldier who stood
in cold, wet conditions that infected his feet. The conditions can include water levels up
to waist height or very cold weather that can cause frostbite. Some cases resulted in
amputation of the feet. I didn t observe this since conditions are more stable now than
they were four years ago. Trench mouth comes from the improper care of gums, which
affect soldiers because of their unsanitary environments. Lastly, shell shock, an illness
soldiers have is caused by the stress of battles. More issues include those that are war
related, which will be discussed later on.
The daily life of a soldier consists of being awoken by the officers or sergeants to prepare
for attacks that occur at dawn. They stand to and guard the trenches. This routine is
named the morning hate . Firing weapons calm the nerves of the soldiers. The soldiers
Rudy E
HONORABLE RODOLFO J. ESPINA, SR. Mayor, Municipality of Kawayan, Biliran
Luisito Montalbo

Stories of leadership often fail to fully capture what the person behind the position goes
through as he or she tries to institute changes in the organization. Many leadership stories
tend to gloss over personal difficulties and highlight only those that make the leader
appear bigger and brighter. What these stories fail to recognize is that there is much to
learn from the struggles that come before the victory.

This is the story of Mayor Rodolfo J. Espina, Mayor of the Municipality of Kawayan, a
5th class municipality found in the Province of Biliran. In this story, we will experience
the struggles of one who, from the depths of his ... Show more content on ...
The farms consist of two farm lots. One is 44 hectares and the other is 23 hectares. Both
farms is full of fruit bearing planted trees (700 grafted mango trees with 44 mango
century trees existing, 17, 000 calamansi trees, 250 dalanghita, rambutans, pamelos,
lecheas). The farm has livestocks also. Around 500 cockfighting cocks others for
breeding and 10 race horses for breeding. The farm is situated near Ex president Joseph
Estrada s resort. Overlooking the Sierra Madre mountain and Laguna de Bay.

As administrator I started managing both farms by knowing first their existing

conditions, both physical and financial. I then tried to find out what was needed to uplift
its condition and to be productive. I exposed myself to the community, the town itself
and tried to know the right people to talk to in relation to our farm business.

There were around 25 workers in all excluding other families. Most of the time, I was
with them in the field. I would provide their families with medicines, food at lunch and
dinner. After dinner, we would converge in our favorite place and share our
accomplishments of the day, discuss future plans or just talk about life. Many times, I
sought their advice on how to better manage the farm. I guess that s the best part in a day
s work because it provided us with avenues to better understand our relationship and

I also managed the finances of both farms.

A Randomized Clinical Trial Experiment On Active Duty...
Patricia A. Resick et al. (May 4, 2015) conducted a randomized clinical trial experiment
on Active Duty Military personnel. By Group Cognitive Processing Therapy compared
with Group Present Centered Therapy for PTSD. To see if active military personal
improve stress symptoms with group therapy and if focus treatment is more effective on
the PCT. The results stated that the experiments had a large effect in the PTSD reducing
stress and in focus treatment (CPT PC) it had a higher/greater effect. This is important
because PTSD is a severe problem in the military force in which this experiment got rid
of the stress that military people in Fort Hood were feeling like when active military
personal were returning from deployment in Iraq or Afghanistan.
In the experiment the participants were active military personnel who suffered from some
sort of stress which were chosen randomly for PTSD. In which the people chosen was
100 men and 8 women that were returning from deployment of Iraq and Afghanistan. All
candidates were active duty, activated reservists, or activated National Guard members,
age 18 or older, who spoke and read English. (Resick et al. May 4, 2015 pg.3)
This study was approved by institutional boards that are mostly health science centers. In
which the participants signed a contract on the experiment and did an assessment about
what they were going to accomplish. Also, they needed to be in captivated in the group
therapy for the stress studies. However, inclusion
Drug Testing Welfare Recipients Should Not Be Drug Tested
Drug Testing Welfare Recipients
To test or not to test has been has been the question at hand for many states that are
dealing with whether or not to pass the law that welfare recipients should or should not
be drug tested in order to receive assistance from the government. Florida was the first
state to mandate the law in 2011 and thereafter twenty four other states in the last year
have also passed this law with our own state of Oklahoma being one of them. Although
alcohol is legal it is abused far more than marijuana or hard core drugs, According to the
1996 study by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism the differences
between the proportion of welfare and non welfare recipients using illegal drugs are
statistically insignificant. Although some states have decided to pass the law for welfare
recipients in order receive government assistance, I believe it s ineffective to drug test
these welfare recipients in order to receive their benefits. Welfare in the United States
commonly refers to the federal government welfare programs that have been put in place
to assist the unemployed or underemployed. Help is extended to the poor through a
variety of government welfare programs that include the Women, Infants, and Children
Program which is referred to as WIC, Medicaid, and Temporary Assistance to Needy
Families commonly known as TANF and Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
Drug testing welfare recipients is negative because drug tests performed on
Reflective Essay About My Mandala
During the past few weeks in Global Perspectives we explored our personal culture, and
the influences that shape it. Our task was to create a mandala: a circular set of symbols
that convey the contrast between the sun and shadow sides of our personality. While the
sun side is the disposition other people see, the shadow side captures unseen aspects of
our personality. In this reflection, I further examine how I embody the characteristic
behind each symbol and how I came to possess this characteristic. First, on the sun side
(right), the uppermost symbol is a firecracker, which represents my exuberance.
Firecrackers are loud, colorful, and unpredictable. Being the youngest of my friends and
family, I have always been loud craving attention and achieved it through antics, similar
to a firecracker exploding. However, as exciting as some consider firecrackers, to some
they are scary. My loud personality and my never ending energy sometimes send the
wrong impression, and I come off as a little hard to handle. Though my family was part
of the reason I wanted get attention, but I was the one would would rather be noticed all
the time, than blend in to the background, this is why I classify this as something I
developed by my free will. This is the one trait that many people first notice about me,
which is why I think ... Show more content on ...
I do not usually get mad when people wrong me, but rather, I pile it within myself like a
dam; I cannot forget, but I move on. However, again, much like a dam, when I am
aggravated to a certain extent, I lose it. All my piled up anger will come out at once like a
tidal wave. This characteristic, I believe, was groomed within me because of my genetics,
my mother is much the same, she never seems to get angry, yet when she is pushed too
far, she get s very
Amazon s Largest Online Bookstore Essay
Jeff Bezos is the CEO and founder of the world s largest online bookstore;
In August 2013, Bezos spent 250 million US dollars on behalf of the individual
acquisition of Washington Post . Bezos will use the private identity, rather than through
the Amazon to complete the transaction. In competing with other company market, the
advantage of Amazon become more obvious, Amazon was one of the cheapest online
bookstore, it always on sale. Compare to other traditional bookstore, it was more
convenient by just click the product and you can get all the books, and it has very fast
service. Amazon also provides efficient, reliable back end services to an enormous range
of customers through Amazon Web Service. In the company s initial stage, to compete
with other company, he took a year to build website and databases. At the same time,
Amazon faced many challenges, the most powerful competitors Barnes and Noble
bookstore, and this is a struggle between tradition and modernity. Amazon s initial
business plan was uncommon; it did not assume to make profits for at least four to five
years. This deliberate slow growth made stockholders complain about the company not
reaching profitability fast enough to rationalize investing in it. However, when the dot
com bubble burst, destroying many e companies in the process, Amazon survived, and
went past the bust to become a huge player in online sales. It eventually posted its first
profit in the fourth quarter of 2001: $5
Arab Americans
Arab Americans and Muslim Americans can at often times be viewed as one in the same,
which can be confusing for the average person. Each culture has their story and ancestral
root that can be traced from different countries spanning from the Middle East to North
Africa and into the Persian Gulf. This is one of the reasons why Arab Americans and
Muslim Americans aren t the same will be discussed further. The second reason is
Muslims are people who follow a religion called Islam. It is because of their Islamic faith
that denotes them as Muslims. Addressing both cultural groups and understanding each
has their own ethnic values, morals and traditions with different religions contributing
that they are not homogenous will help guide counselors ... Show more content on ...
This is indicative that a majority of Muslims do not originate from Arab speaking
countries. These explain the diversity of immigration of Muslim Americans and have a
higher rate of citizenship compared to other immigrants. The majority of first generation
Muslim Americans migrated from the Middle East or North Africa with an estimate of
41% and another 26% from South Asian nations. Countries including Pakistan (14%),
Bangladesh (5%), India (3%), sub Saharan Africa (11%), Iran (5%) and other countries
demonstrate the array of heritage first generation Muslim Americans come from. In
reference to race, 30% of Muslim Americans are White, 23% are Black, 21% are Asian,
6% are Hispanic, while the last 9% are a combination of other or mixed raced (Sue Sue,
2015, p.
Eli Lilly And The Pharmaceutical Chemist Essay
Eli Lilly Company (Lilly) was founding in 1876 by Colonel Eli Lilly in Indianapolis,
Indiana. A veteran of the United States Civil War and a pharmaceutical chemist by trade,
Lilly set out to start a company with three underlying goals. First manufacture high
quality pharmaceutical products, second medications would be dispensed by medical
staff rather than through a mobile tradeshows which was popular at the time, and finally,
Lilly s medication would be developed using current science data. In 1886, Lilly went on
to hire a pharmaceutical chemist which led to Lilly s esteemed research and development
history that they are known for to this very day (Lilly, 2015). In fact, some of the greatest
advances in medication can be traced back to Lilly. Lilly s research and development for
insulin dates back to 1923 and continues to this day (Lilly, 2015). Lilly also had a hand in
mass producing Penicillin and the Polio Vaccine. According to the Eli Lilly Company
Annual Report (2015), over 50% of the vaccine used to eradicate polio was Eli Lilly
labeled. Through research and development, Lilly s storied past continued with the
development of some of the most popular drugs to treat depression (Prozac), diabetes
(Humulin), oral antibiotic (Ceclor), schizophrenia (Zypexa), postmenopausal
osteoporosis (Evista), and male erectile dysfunction (Cialis) just to name a few. Through
Lilly s core values integrity, excellence, and respect for people (Lilly, 2015) along
Essay On Mr Birling In An Inspector Calls
Throughout Act One of An Inspector Calls, the unremarkable setting and staging focus
the audience s attention on the characters, who form a microcosm of 1912 society.
Priestley first introduces the Birling family, and viewers quickly discover the unique
attributes and opinions which will shape the play s plot. Arguably the most striking
character, Arthur Birling dominates the dialogue of the opening scenes, as he brashly
proclaims his capitalist views. His primary focuses, on ascending the social ladder and
running a financially successful business, are noticeably ignorant of others wellbeing,
establishing him as unlikable and disagreeable, which is only reinforced by his
increasingly grating remarks. Birling sees Eva Smith s suicide as unfortunate, ... Show
more content on ...
She is constantly mindful of societal expectations, continually maintaining a façade of
cordiality, which means that affectionate comments often seem condescending. Priestley
emphasises Sybil s prejudice against her social inferiors as well as her distant parenting,
portraying her as generally unpleasant. In sharp contrast to her parents, Sheila evolves
throughout Act One, transforming from spoiled to conscientious with the guidance of
Inspector Goole. Initially, she appears to be a stereotypical high class young woman who
shares the attitudes and characteristics of her parents, but, upon realising her involvement
in the plot, Sheila matures quickly, seeming genuinely upset and repentant. In this way,
Priestley indicates that she is a likable, compassionate person who the audience can
empathise with. Eric Birling seems perpetually uncomfortable amongst his family,
uneasily following in his father s footsteps but without the same conviction. By speaking
at strange times and stating discordant opinions with unapologetic emotion, Priestley
conveys a continual sense of awkwardness and confusion, which is only enhanced by
frequent mentions of Eric s drinking habits. One realises that he is more similar to his
caring sister than his unsympathetic parents, but finds his agitated restlessness hard to

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