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A Compare Contrast Essay

Crafting a compare and contrast essay presents a unique set of challenges that can be both
intellectually stimulating and demanding. The intricate nature of this task lies in the necessity to
thoroughly analyze two or more subjects, identifying their similarities and differences, and then
articulating these findings in a coherent and engaging manner.

One of the primary difficulties stems from the need to strike a delicate balance between providing a
comprehensive understanding of each subject while drawing meaningful connections between them.
This requires a keen analytical mind to discern relevant details and a skillful hand to weave them
together seamlessly. Additionally, the writer must navigate the complexities of organizing the essay
structure, ensuring a logical flow that guides the reader through the comparison and contrast.

Furthermore, the challenge lies not only in the collection of pertinent information but also in the
critical evaluation of the significance of the identified similarities and differences. It demands a
nuanced approach to avoid oversimplification or verbosity and to maintain focus on the key aspects
that contribute to a meaningful comparison.

Moreover, the task may be emotionally taxing, especially when dealing with topics that evoke
personal opinions or biases. Striking a balance between objectivity and subjectivity becomes crucial
in maintaining the integrity of the essay.

In conclusion, while writing a compare and contrast essay can be intellectually rewarding, it is not
without its difficulties. A successful execution requires a combination of analytical prowess,
organizational skills, and the ability to communicate effectively. However, for those seeking
assistance, it's worth noting that there are services like that offer support in
tackling such writing challenges. They provide a platform where similar essays and a plethora of
other writing services can be ordered, offering valuable aid to those navigating the complexities of
academic writing.

A Compare Contrast Essay A Compare Contrast Essay

Response Surface Optimization Of Treated Turbid Water...
J. C. Agunwamba1 M. I. Aho2, M. B. Iorwua3 and M. T.Tiza4
1Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.
2Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Agriculture, Makurdi,
3Post Graduate student, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Agriculture,
Makurdi, Nigeria.
4Post Graduate student Department of Civil Engineering, Career Point University, Kota,
The effectiveness of banana stem juice as a natural coagulant for treatment of turbid
water was investigated. The main parameter studied was Turbidity. Coagulation
experiments using jar test was performed with a flocculation system where the effects of
Turbid Water pH, Retention time as well as Dosage of Banana Stem Juice on coagulation
was examined. A Three Level Factorial Design in Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
using Design Expert software was applied in the model analysis. Consequently, most of
the actual and predicted values closely agreed with various regression coefficients. The
characteristics of the Turbid water was determined with TSS at 222 mg/L, turbidity at
143 NTU and COD at 89.36 mg/L, BOD at 44.68 mg/L, DO1 at 11.7 mg/L, DO5 at 6.93
mg/L, pH at 7, Temperature at 27.3°C. Turbidity reduction using Banana Stem Juice was
achieved at pH 6.5 with percentage
Windshield Survey
Caring for Populations: Milestone1: Community Windshield Survey Form
Directions: Please refer to the Milestone 1: Community Windshield Survey Guidelines
and grading rubric found in Doc Sharing for specific instructions in order to complete the
information below. This assignment is worth 150 points. Type your name above and your
answers below directly on this form. Click Save as and save the file with the assignment
name and your last name (e.g., NR443 Windshield Survey Form_Smith ). When you are
finished, submit the form to the Week 2 Caring for Populations: Windshield Survey
Dropbox by the deadline indicated in your guidelines. Your Name: Jessica Cunningham
Date: 5/15/2014 Your Instructor s Name: Instructor Murray Criteria | ... Show more
content on ...
They will be landscaping or cutting grass. The community does offer public
transportation but only until seven o clock at night. The transportation resumes at 6 o
clock in the morning. The bus stops are not adequate. There are few benches or shelter at
the bus stops. The bus stops consist of a blue sign with a bus on it, the few shelters are
damaged from graffiti. There are many of job opportunities present within the
community. Many of small businesses, family restaurants, and a small factory. During the
day time hours one may see a homeless person riding a bike around the community with
their back pack and supplies hanging off the bike. On the streets, men and women both
are walking and socializing, it does seem men will congrate along the streets. These men
are dressed in normal, everyday clothes and are often smoking cigarettes. Children are
seen playing in the daytime but upon dark the streets are empty. | c. Health resources |
There is a local hospital within the community. This hospital has an emergency room,
intensive care unit, and an operating room. The hospital is best known for its
cardiovascular services and the care they prove to heart patients. Attached to the hospital
is an inpatient mental health facility and a clinic for family planning and people with low
income that cannot afford vaccines or healthcare for their
Pc Specification Table
ABSTRACT Rita s successful business requires an update in order to continue providing
the services that her employees and clients have become accustomed to. Rita has
expressed concerns about the recent decrease in download speeds, storage capacity, and
general efficiency of the computers that she uses to produce the CDs and DVDs that she
distributes to the health clubs and instructors that she serves. This client has requested
recommendations for a system that will allow her to: 1. search for and download various
media files online to edit, store, and share, 2. create documents, spreadsheets,
presentations, and calendars, 3. print documents and high quality CD labels, 4. utilize
online services like banking, email, and calendars, and 5. ... Show more content on ...
| Other Peripheral Devices | MP3 player | These devices are dependent upon client need
and budget. Not all devices may be used, and those that are should be carefully chosen to
meet the specific needs of the client. | MIDI keyboard | | Digital Audio Workstation
(DAW) | |

1 The client s personal preferences will determine which type of device is chosen.
2 The services offered in the client s area will determine which type of broadband
modem (DSL or Cable) should be used.

System Unit Features | Feature | Details | Need Met | Processor | Intel Core i5 | Mid range
pricing with increased speed for streaming video and audio | RAM | 8GB | Greater RAM
means more speed and the ability to run more applications at the same time; perfect for
creating, editing, and sharing videos online and across a network | Adaptor Cards:
Graphics | Radeon HD 6450 | Entry level graphics card fits basic needs without requiring
that the client buy more hardware than necessary | Adaptor Cards: Network | 1. Built in
10/100Base T Ethernet LAN2. Built in 802.11b/g/n wireless LAN | Allows the client to
connect multiple PCs to a network for file sharing and internet access via Ethernet cables
or wireless connection | Ports (Rear) | HDMI DisplayDVI
Harrison Ford Accomplishments
When you think of one of the most successful and most awarded actors in Hollywood,
you may not think of simple old fellow by the name of Harrison Ford who has won over
30 awards and has made millions from starring in famous movie series such as the Star
Wars trilogy or the Indiana Jones trilogy. Harrison Ford has changed the way most people
think of movies and film by showing off his spectacular acting skills and great skill in the
film industry. He managed to accomplish all of this despite being unskilled when he first
started acting in small plays and now he is still making movies even though he is over 70
years old. The great actor Harrison Ford s accomplishments should be spread to young
children across America to inspire them and give them hope and confidence.

Harrison Ford Was born in the middle of WWI during the 20th century. His exact date of
birth was July 13 1942. His mother gave birth to him in the Swedish Covenant Hospital
of Chicago, Illinois which is where he spent most of his childhood. His two parents were
Christopher and Dorothy Ford. Christopher Ford had a job. When they were engaged in
their mid 30 s they wanted to have a child and settle down which is why they had
Harrison Ford but, they never knew what he would be able to accomplish.

Some don t know how he did it but all they know is that he became famous very ... Show
more content on ...
He was frustrated with his lack of success as an actor, so he actually became a carpenter
to get a decent income. But after a little while of doing that, George Lucas gave hima
important role (his first one!) in 1973. That was when Harrison Ford starred in the drama
American Graffiti, but he didn t really get anywhere with that one so he switched back to
carpentry for a little while. But finally, Harrison collaborated with George Lucas for his
breakthrough role as Han Solo in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. his portrayal of the
pilot helped lift his profile in
Should Romeo And Juliet Be Taught In Schools Essay
Some people think that the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, should not
be taught in school. Others think that it should. In my opinion, this great story should be
taught in school. It has so much potential to teach students about great pieces of
literature. A story about two lovers that cannot love such an interesting classic to read. ..It
is founded on an idle passion between a boy and a girl, who have scarcely seen and can
have but little sympathy or rational esteem for one another, who have had no experience
of the good or ills of life and whose raptures or despair must be therefore equally
groundless and fantastical (Hazlitt 33). It has a lot of vocab in it, which will help students
enhance their vocab skills, it will stretch students reading areas because when people
read it, they have a harder time than normal to read, and it will help people understand
other hard pieces of writing later on in life. The great story by William Shakespeare,
Romeo and Juliet, an overall great story, should be read in school because it ... Show
more content on ...
The language of Old English, a harder language to understand than modern day English,
makes people work harder to figure out what it means. Doing this will help people
understand the harder papers, essays, and books they read later on in their lives. So, if
people ever read more challenging texts than Romeo and Juliet, they will prepare them to
take on the challenge. Also, with the tough vocabulary that occurs throughout the story, it
helps enhance students vocabulary usage from using mono syllable words to tri syllable
words. Tempering extremities with extreme sweet (Shakespeare act 2 prologue). This
sentence, filled with difficult words, shows how great this story can help people
strengthen their vocabulary. This also helps them seem more prepared for the future; by
understanding words that people speak and able to have an intelligent
The Aftermath Short Story
The one room cabins looked like hog pens afterward! They had destroyed the furniture in
the cabins and there were beer cans and whiskey bottles all over the place. It was hard to
see . On a lighter side, driving back to Ozark the next morning with Sheriff Lamb, Ozark
Police Chief Speaks heard a loud POP! A few minutes later, he smelled something
strange. You smell that Buff? No, what? Something smells funny. Like maybe it s
burning? Stop the car and let s look in the trunk! The two opened the patrol car s trunk
and discovered that a gas grenade had exploded. Coughing, Buff picked up the grenade
and threw it alongside the road. The two coughed all the way back to Ozark. The
Aftermath The following night, Buff did not return to Rockaway and stayed in Ozark.
Lawman Christopher Dugan (name withheld) stated The Highway Patrol said they
wouldn t come back if Buff was there. Sheriff Lyman told everyone that he d take care of
it. According to Dugan, his methods of law enforcement were a little too severe. But if
that meant he didn t put up with any bull, they were 100% correct. The night after the
riot, there were as many lawmen as there were visitors in Rockaway. Nine businesses had
been destroyed and a dance hall roof, cars and a looted liquor store. A few people had
been hit with bird shot from a shotgun, but everyone survived. The city closed 3 taverns
they blamed for the rioting and at least one boy was given a jail sentence for escape from
the Forsyth jail.
Stress In University Essay
Stress is known for occurring during the overwhelming times throughout students
university experience. There are three major elements that students face in university that
reinforce each other and lead to stress. These three connected experiences can lead to
them developing a mental illness if the stress becomes long term. Firstly, when the
academic pressure and work load for students rises when they come to university, they
will feel stressed. Secondly, since university is expensive, it may be very stressful for
students to pay for tuition and living costs. Lastly, students who are starting university
will face a lack of family support systems, difficulty finding friends, and difficulty
leaving home which will lead to them feeling stressed. Stress based on these three factors
may have a significant impact on their mental health and academic success.
Firstly, when the academic pressure and work load on students rises when they come to
university, they will feel stressed as they adjust to the change of scholarly expectations.
Students in university face the challenges of having more assignments and tougher
examinations than in high school, which students may not be prepared for beforehand.
The other academic factors that contribute to higher stress levels are familial induced
pressure to succeed, scholarship requirements, and higher education requirements
(Bedewy and Gabriel). Other factors that also have the highest rate of academic stress
are, course loads, lack of
The Great Depression Of The 1930 S
John Maynard Keynes was the most influential economist of the 1900 s and many of his
ideas were adopted by Franklin D. Roosevelt to combat the Great Depression of the 1930
s. With the passing of the economic crisis in 2008, countless articles have been published
supporting Keynes and his economic thought. He originally investigated the origins of
the Great Depression and remodeled the field of economics with a basic conclusion:
economies recover from downturns by spending money. Keynes theorized that during
financial downfalls, the public becomes frightened and decreases spending, this leads to
more layoffs, which in turn leads to an even greater decline in consumption, creating a
vicious cycle. Many of Keynes theories in The General Theory of Employment, Interest,
and Money (1936) are accurate, but are often overlooked in the legislative sector, due to
political agendas triumphing over logic. When the capital development of a country
becomes a by product of the activities of a casino, the job is likely to be ill done. The
measure of success attained by Wall Street . . . cannot be claimed as one of the
outstanding triumphs of laissez faire capitalism. I will be addressing Keynes concept of
business cycles in The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money mainly
focusing on the 2008 financial crisis and analyze whether or not these arguments are
more or less accurate than his other conclusions. I strongly believe that many of his ideas
are true as he
Does Technology Go the Right Way and Will It Save or Ruin...
Does technology go the right way and will it save or ruin our civilization?

It is believed that the human race exists on earth about 200,000 years, first originating in
Africa, but now they inhabit every continent, with a total population of over 6.5 billion
people as of 2007. In addition, with the humans occupying the planet, natural resources
extinct, pollution increases, technology grows. In today s fast paced world, technological
progress, changes, and advances are happening everyday. Occasionally, the technological
progress, changes, and advances are both good and bad. Furthermore, human race faces
extinction threats and issues, which pulls out a question if we can save the world or not.
The planet Earth is a massive place; ... Show more content on ...
Health harming is being caused by mobile phones, because there is radiation, which leads
to consequences such as headaches, earaches, blurring of vision and even causing cancer.
Even though these problems are still under research, mobile phone users are advised to
reduce the usage on mobile phones if it is possible. There is also presence of less and less
privacy respected with the use of computers and internet. Today, it is very easy for many
people to get into your personal computer, e mail addresses, history of websites used, in
order to find out immense number of information, which can be later be used for personal
gain. This is also a case with cameras, either mobile phone cameras, computer cameras,
and classical cameras, where intimacy is no more respected. What is even more
important is that with technological progress there are more and more machinery, there is
less need for human labor, which brings poverty, leaves people without jobs,
unemployment is growing, but it still does not affect the economy because the progress
can be even better and more efficient with the development of the industry. There are less
and less farmers, because of the huge use of technological machinery who can perform
better for less cost and lower time. This is really affecting many societies and cultures.
However, it
Evaluating the Consultation and Education Department...
Evaluating the Consultation and Education Department Research Paper
Heather Sanchez
University of Phoenix
June 17, 2011

The Greenby Mental Health Center funding has been cut back. The cut back in funding
has caused the organization to look at possibly doing away with their consultation and
education department. This paper will describe at least one process evaluation measure
and at least one outcome evaluation measure that could be suggested for the Consultation
and Education Department at Greenby Community Mental Health Center to display the
program effectiveness and efficiency. The paper will also explain the scope and purpose
of the chosen process evaluation and outcome evaluation measures and how they
influence the design. ... Show more content on ...
(Reh, 2011) Cost/benefit analysis is a possible suggestion because the Consultation and
Education Department director can argue that the benefit of the program far outweighs
the cost of the program. The Consultation and Education department draw clients in and
a large majority of these clients go on to participate in the larger, more funding drawing,
programs. So if the department is done away with, client numbers may decrease and
other programs may suffer. Outcomes evaluation is often described first by looking at its
basic components. Outcomes evaluation looks at programs as systems that have inputs,
activities/processes, outputs and outcomes this system s view is useful in examining any
program! * Inputs
These are materials and resources that the program uses in its activities, or processes, to
serve clients, equipment, staff, volunteers, facilities, money, etc. These are often easy to
identify and many of the inputs seem common to many organizations and programs. *
These are the activities, or processes, that the program undertakes with/to the client in
order to meet the clients needs, for example, teaching, counseling, sheltering, feeding,
clothing, etc. Note that when identifying the activities in a program, the focus is still
pretty much on the organization or program itself, and still is not so much on actual
Ethical Dangers Of Animals
The world is full of many different animals. With so many species, they all play a role in
the ecosystem and serve a purpose. So why is it that most people only love the cute,
fuzzy ones? It is completely understandable for people to dislike unattractive or
dangerous animals, but even they are important. People would love to give money to stop
things like seal clubbing, but not to protect other animals from abuse or even Extinction.
All because they don t like the way they look. This bias for certain animals makes us
treat them differently in this can be ethically wrong, or can even harm the environment.
Animals like the American burying Beetle are in danger of going extinct, but people don
t care just because of the fact that they re bugs. Even though people don t like them they
re still important, they eat dead birds and get their nutrients back into the soil. People
would gladly help endangered pandas and or Tigers, but when it comes to any what Jane
Goodall world call creepy crawlies , people don t care. We need more people like Jane
Goodall who care for these unloved creatures. She learned from two friends who were
researching the American burying beetle that they were going extinct, And she watched
as Lou Perotti and Jack Mulvena helped to bring these efficient recyclers back to
Not only does this bias towards certain animals have the potential to harm the
environment, it can also result in cruel actions taken against animals that people don t
like, or
Naked Egg Osmosis
The hypothesis was supported, indicating that the rate of osmosis increased as the
percentage of sugar in each solution increased. As the rate of osmosis increased, the
circumference of the grape decreased more rapidly as more water molecules were
moving out. The graphs show that as the percentage of the sugar solution increased, the
rate of osmosis also increased showing a direct correlation. After the grapes were placed
in the 50% sugar and water solution, the highest concentration, they shriveled up the
most out of all the samples and had the smallest circumference. In the 50% sucrose group
the circumference of the grapes decreased at an average of 0.67 cm during the
experiment. In the less concentrated sucrose solutions that ... Show more content on ...
Within the 25% sugar solution group, the circumference in two out of the three trials did
not decrease very much. In this category there was one outlier that brought down the
average. The 5% group had a stronger negative rate of change in the circumference
indicating that osmosis occurred more rapidly. One limitation in my experiment is that
the researcher used circumference to measure osmosis, but, there are probably slightly
better ways to measure osmosis and measuring circumference can lead to small errors.
This could have impacted the results because some of the measurements may not have
been as accurate as they could have been. One possible solution could be weighing the
grapes instead of measuring the circumference. Weighing the grapes would give more
accurate values, as a scale would be used instead of measurements done by hand. The
measuring process caused another imperfection with the experiment because the grapes
were placed back into the cups as they were being measured. This gave some grapes
more time in the sugar solution, which could have impacted the measurements because
the extra time could allow for more osmosis to take place. A solution to this could be
removing all the grapes from the solutions at the same time, and putting all the grapes
back in the solutions at the same time. This would ensure that no grape would have more
time in their respective solution. Another limitation that was present during the
Why Do People Migrate West
Why did people migrate west especially to Oregon?

Can you imagine how hard and dangerous it would be to take your family and move to
an unknown territory, where only a handful of people have visited? Why would people
even go to this new land? Well people had different motivations for traveling west, but
the common cause was simple. Travelling west was an opportunity for people to start
new lives. The chance for a fresh start, a better life, and the chance to make your own
fortune motivated hundreds of thousands. Exploring a new territory and expanding our
new nation took courage, curiosity and the opportunity to make a fortune. The idea of
spreading our country from coast to coast is called Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny is
the ... Show more content on ...
The California Gold Rush began on January 24, 1848, when gold was found by James W.
Marshall at Sutter s Mill in Coloma, California. The Oregon trail bisected two major
Native American tribes the Cheyenne to the North and the Pawnee to the South. The
majority of Americans who made the trip to Oregon never had encountered a Native
American tribe and most believed they were hostile and vicious people which was far
from the truth. Most encounters with Native Americans were just business encounters.
The emigrants offered clothes tobacco or rifles and the Natives offered food and horses.
Some violent encounters between these two groups of people were the Bear River
Massacre and the Grattan Massacre. According to(2) the Grattan Massacre happened
over a cow that had roamed off and was eaten by a Sioux village in Nebraska and men
from fort Laramie went to the village and the tribe offered them any of the tribes 60
horses. The men denied and asked for 25$ instead and then attacked the village. They
fatally wounded Bear(chief) and then Lieutenant Grattan was annihilated. These were
bloody encounters where both sides likely suffered significant losses. Other factors that
affected emigrants moving west was mother nature. Whether it was the brutal cold of the
Rocky Mountains and Northern Plains or the wild river rapids danger was everywhere.
Its and extremely dangerous trip and in
Nonverbal Communication in Politics
Nonverbal Communication in Politics

The 2012 presidential election finally reached its conclusion late Tuesday night on
November 6th, as the incumbent Barack Obama won a second term in the White House
over the challenger Mitt Romney. The election, with its reputation as the most expensive
presidential race in history, attracted wide attentions not only from the United States but
also from many other countries around the globe (Confessore McGinty, 2012). The
election was also noted with a numerous number of debates and discussions in both
online and offline about the two candidates policies and pledges on every level.
However, while a lot of attention was paid to the candidates verbally expressed speeches
and pledges, the candidates ... Show more content on ...
Physical Appearance
The first form of nonverbal communication that plays a significant role in influencing the
voting behavior is the physical appearance of candidates. The analytical study by Olivola
and Todorov (2010) states that today s politics have become so extremely intricate and
incomprehensible that it is almost impossible for voters to genuinely agree to every
aspect of the candidates views. For instance, it is highly conceivable for voters to agree
on international and security issues with one candidate and agree on economic issues
with the other candidate at the same time. Hence, the number of the voters who are
unfamiliar with the intricacies of political issues and unmotivated to study candidates
policy as a criterion for making their choice has increased (Olivola Todorov, 2010). In
addition, according to Olivola and Todorov (2010), the field of cognitive psychology
indicates that people s minds tend to simplify decision making process by relying on
simple rules when they are confronted with too much information. As a result, instead of
behaving as rational actors and voting reasonably as they are believed to do so, voters are
hugely influenced by and unconsciously opt for irrelevant cues, which in this case, the
candidates physical appearance.
Furthermore, Olivola and Todorov (2010) state that voters actually infer politicians
personality traits and form impressions on politicians based on their physical appearance
Greasers Subculture
INTRODUCTION OF YOUTH SUBCULTURE PUNK In this essay, I will be discussing
about a social group that took fashion to the next level and create a huge impact in
British history were the punks culture during the late nineteen seventies. The punk
cultures were to rebel against the government during the great depression and were all
about the attitude of the younger generations. During the late nineteen seventies was the
time of unemployment and social unrest, a lot of the young white kids felt outcast from
the British culture, foreseeing their lives with little prospect and so called no future . It
was also a DIY Do it yourself movement. Younger generation that adopted the punk look
often create their own garment by wearing safety pins, ... Show more content on ...
The bondage style were associated with the sado masochism in particular. Bondage gear
such as bondage straps and their accompanying rings studded and spiked belt, bracelets,
dog collar and chains. It is to signify the issue of power however not placing the punks in
the dominating position but the one being dominated. It is a concept of being seen as a
victim that suffers a violent attack. An message telling the public that they are being
bullied by the government and want them to observe them being suffer in this society.
This soon captured by the media and this trend sparks controversies. One of them were
the iconic graphic design t shirt that were design by Malcolm and were promote by a
famous rock band, sex pistol in the punk movement. It is a graphic print of two cowboys
showing their private parts the most shocking image to look at during the punk
movement. Young people that wore the shirt were arrested for exposing to public view an
indecent exhibition . (Youngsters in a rock concert seen wearing see through mesh
singlet, neck collar and leg suspenders VIA
A Summary Of King Dashratha
This story began about 2,500 years ago in the kingdom of Ayodhya. In a happy land there
was a wise and powerful king name Dasharatha. King Dasharasha had three beautiful and
intelligent wifes. The first wife he married was named Kaushalya, and then he married
his second wife name Kaikeyi, the last wife he married was name Sumitra. King
Dasharatha was loved by all his subjects and his happiness was complete, but there was
still this one thing bothering him. He doesn t have a son to take the throne after him, to
ensure that there royalty will continued prosperity and safety of the kingdom. He pray to
God everyday with his wives that Perhaps one day that God will be kind to us and give
us children . Everyday King Dasharatha and his Queens prayed frequently to God in
heaven that one day there prayer will be granted. And there it is their prayer were
answered when a divine being arose from the sacrificial flames holding a bowl of
payasam, rice pudding. One day a divine spirit told King Dashratha that The Gods are
pleased with your sacrifice. Vishnu himself has decided to be born on earth as your sons.
Divide this payasam between these three saintly queens, and in time devine children will
be born to you. After hearing that, King Dashratha got all his three wives together and
they all share the bowl of payasam. He divided the bowl of payasam into four portion,
each of the wife get a portion but sadly a crow swooped down and took the third wife
Sumitra s portion before she
Minimum Wage Regulation
There should be government regulation in business and job wages because as shown by
Germany s successful governmental regulation policies, Adam Smith s The Wealth of
Nations, and Richard Nixon s Address to the Nation on Labor Day from 1971,
government regulation in job wages is beneficial for almost everyone.

First, it is necessary to examine what exactly the government regulates, and why they
regulate it. The government regulates wages first, because it is necessary in order to
ensure that people are not getting taken advantage of. The Fair Labor Standards Act was
passed to set a minimum wage for workers in the United States. The minimum wage s
purpose was to ensure that workers in the labor force would be protected. It was also
created so ... Show more content on ...
As a low wage country, the United States standard of living set by welfare, and the
minimum wage set by the Fair Labor Standards Act are set about at the same level. As a
result of this, people are less likely to work at the minimum wage because it is barely
better than what they would be getting if they simply did not work and just lived on
welfare. In contrast to this, Germany is a high wage country who survived the recession
and place high value upon manufacturing jobs. In the 2008 survey by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics, they uncovered that the hourly manufacturing compensation was $48 in
Germany, and $32 in the United States. Furthermore, despite Germany paying more, they
export immensely in comparison to America, who is the king of importing. Another great
thing about Germany s system is that the workers get six weeks of vacation that is
mandatory by law, health care benefits, free tuition to Universities, pensions, and child
care. The German government also realizes the importance of competition and aide in
vocational training, have laws in place that provide money for people s research projects,
and finally, require constant training that improves the skills of their workers. Not only
this, but Germany mandates that a certain number of workers hold seats on the board of
directors in companies. Similarly, Nixon elluded to these ideas in his
Staffing Systems Essay
Introduction Staffing systems is a complex process and thus requires a lot of competency
from the management side. Complex processes and decision making is an integral part of
it and thus organizational direction, coordination and evaluation is required.
Organizations are required to form mechanisms in order to control and manage their
staffing system and its components. It is also to be kept in mind that staffing system
management requires the consideration of both administration, evaluation and the legal
issues. The staffing function is one of the most critical areas of the human resources
department which gives the illustrations of typical organizational arrangements. The
main ingredients of the staffing management system includes ... Show more content on ...
When an organization is developing its employment policies certain criteria has to be
kept in mind which are as follows:
1. Painting a picture of the ideal candidate
2. Developing a cadre of qualified candidates
3. Screening the candidates
4. Interviewing and checking references
5. Making the hiring decision
In addition to all of this a structures interview process needs to be kept in place which
entails that the content and method of candidate evaluation in order to ensure equal
treatment has to be planned from before, candidate s past job performance should be
given more weight that his personality, the sole reason for employing should be
performance based criteria and certain critical behaviours have to be reasoned earlier in
order to select the person for the job. This structured interview not only helps in selecting
the right candidate but also aids in eliminating a lot of risk and uncertainties involved.
A successful staffing system should include the nuances of the industry and the
organization. Job profiles must be created along with measurable criteria in order to
relate ideal performance behaviour; benchmarks should be kept based on the
performance in the organization and in the industry and kinds of bias must be eliminated
while taking crucial decisions.
While developing a staffing plan, staffing requirements must
Area Analysis Plan
Area Analysis
SGT Michael J. Ege
17 001/ 1st Platoon
SFC Duplessis / Mr. Arnold
25 October, 2016

Area Analysis
It is important that I learn the area I am working in for my yearly mission. In this market
analysis paper I will discuss demographics, different school programs I will administer in
my local area, and different quartile objectives that result in a full year plan as a whole. I
will discuss plans I have for a school entry vehicle that will allow me to get into my
biggest high school. The unit I am responsible for recruiting in is B 1 186 Infantry,
located in Klamath Falls OR and it is an Infantry Company. Demographics My assigned
area is Klamath County located in Klamath Falls OR, Lakeview OR, Chiloquin OR and
Malin OR. This area consists of 7 high schools and two colleges that I will be working
with. The estimated population for my assigned area is 67,124 with the core population
being 12,837. The total military age population is 7,024; male military age is 3,619 and
qualified female military age is 3,405. The median household income for Klamath Falls
is $38,752 and the average county income is $54,990. 86 percent of people in my
assigned area have high school diplomas and 20.8 percent have a Bachelor s degree or
higher. Population per square mile is 1,052 and the land area in square miles is 19.81.
The unemployment population in my area is 2,756 and the unemployment rate is 10
percent. My area consists of manufacturing plants,
Benefits Of Recycling
Do Americans realize all the opportunities they have to make the environment a better
place by recycling? When Americans recycle, it makes a positive difference to the
environment. Growing up, there was always recycling bins at school, at public places,
and at local businesses that were available 24/7 for people to use. There are many
benefits to recycle such as less trash in landfills, resources conservation, energy
conservation, environmental conservation, environment protection, and financial
benefits. With these benefits come the items that can be recycled like aluminum, plastic
bottles, newspaper/paper, and electronics. The first benefit of recycling is it creates less
trash in the landfills. Americans throw away approximately 100 million tons of trash per
year causing landfills to become scarce and lacking space. Meghan stated in her blog,
According to the EPA, recycling can cut this waste by up to 32 percent, which equates to
about 60 million tons of trash.
Another benefit would be resource conservation which helps conserve the environment.
This benefit helps save the all important resources like wood pulp from trees, paper,
fossil fuels, and plastics. Examples of this would be buying recycled paper or purchasing
items that use recycled plastics. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
is the public law that creates the framework for the proper management of hazardous and
non hazardous solid waste ( EPA ).
The next advantage of recycling is energy
Welen Glen Essay
Willow Glen was first founded in 1950. The juniors and seniors were able to bring one
color from their former schools to make the classic colors of red and gold for Willow
Glen. The San Jose High School students brought the color red and the Lincoln High
School students brought the color gold. In the year 2005 Willow Glen installed an all
weather track. Before it had been a dirt track. John Owens, who was a teacher at Willow
Glen, became the Willow Glen Track coach. He began that journey in 1982, and to this
day still continues to coach track athletes. He has mentored over one thousand athletes in
his time at Willow Glen. The track for some is a place to workout, while for others it s a
place for victory. This place is significant to me ... Show more content on ...
The runners who were naturally gifted often did not work hard, did not go the extra mile,
and when faced with hardships would often quit. The ones who worked hard were
dedicated and stronger runners as individuals. I fell in the place of the hardworking
group. I became more dedicated than most with my practice, diet, and workouts. Coach
would look to dedicate himself to the strongest from the talented and hardworking
individuals. When I stayed back with the few other dedicated runners, it became
rewarding knowing that I was going the extra mile. I slowly began to learn that in order
to keep up with my competitors I would have to work twice as hard as them to only get
half of their talent. I taught myself that practice doesn t make perfect and perfect practice
doesn t make perfect. I knew I would have to practice until I could not get it wrong and
that stuck with me during all my practices and meets.
Laying down in bed the night before the meet was always nerve wracking, wondering
who was going to show up to the meet the next day. The drive over to the track was often
long and silent. Often thinking of every outcome of each race could drive a runner
insane. Finally arriving and seeing all the athletes, spectators, and the crowd. The roar of
the announcer echoing through the stadium. I stepped on the track hoping to see a few
familiar faces. The cold breeze blowing against my tracksuit. I began to warm up and
tuned out
Nat Ackerman
Right away in the story we observe that Nat Ackerman is an average person, boring and
monotone even. Usually we see that the protagonist of plays, stories and other works is
heroic, smart and friendly to all...Not really the case in this play. Nat comes off as rude to
me. He doesn t see Death as others would, with extreme fear, respect and perhaps hatred
as well. This is evident in expressions such as: Don t but me. Listen Mister, it s very late.
That s too bad for you. You should pay attention . For me, it is like he belittles him.
Something that I also noticed about Nat, is his casual talk with Death, which in turn
surprises the readers. When I was reading this play, it alarmed and disturbed me quite a
bit. We see that he holds a comfortable air when it comes to their conversation,
something that most of us would not have in a situation like this... Other aspect of Nat s
personality is that he is quite ungrateful. After Death had granted him an extra day of life
(taking in consideration his feelings and wishes) Nat still had the nerve to call him a
schlep to his friend. He s rudeness and ungrateful attitude very clear. We observe his lack
of humbleness towards Death also ... Show more content on ...
He is very funny, witty and I believe he is the comical relief of the play. He s clumsy and
distracted, but considerably nice. For being the antagonist, he sure is a charming fellow...
I noticed that many of the stage directions were directed at his clumsiness. For example:
And, on cue, we hear a terrific crash. He fumbles through pocket... Plus, he is easily
persuaded with a game of Gin Rummy which for me, can easily describe of a simpleton s
way of solving things. On another note, I liked very much how the stage directions didn t
interfere with the play at all, rather they improve the visual and enhance the experience
we the readers go through. The stage directions mostly included Death s distractions
which added humor to overall
Brown Girl
In the story, How to Date a Brown Girl, by Junot Díaz, the story is a dating guide told
from a Dominican American teenage male perspective. The narrator is speaking in
second person. The story is focused on the teenage boy living in the urban area. He is
trying to win over local girls. However, because of his background and his culture, he has
to hide his identity in order to please a white girl. Aerban states that Diaz work illustrates,
every red blooded American male that reaches a zenith in his life. This knowledge comes
in both lewd and often brutally honest sentiments that can induce feelings of excitement
and unabashed shame, but regardless of the emotions evoked, it is a necessary rite of
passage signifying a young man s entrance into the world of his peers. ... Show more
content on ...
The boy is vulnerable and is open to any dating direction. Nonetheless, in the story you
see the multiple dimensions of this one character all brought out by race. This story is is
connected to this CCNY course with
Prof Veeser in the following ways, it shows social economic structure about African
americans through the lense of dating. This is related to earlier works Not Poor, Just
Broke by Dick Gregory. The speaker did not have proper guidelines on how to win over
the female gender. The speaker did not have a male figure to look up too, so he did not
have the confidence, nor tancity, to face this critical part in his life span. Unlike the Dick
Gregory s speaker, in Diaz s work, the teenage boy had more confidence in his approach
to females, even though deep down he faced personal self hatred and the shame he has of
his identity. The boy comes off as a self absorbed, asshole when he s really just another
damaged brown boy trying to wear a mask for the world. The theme is social status. The
narrator feels the need to hide aspects of his life from his dates depending on
Duracell Batteries
In my project I was trying to find out what battery lasts the longest. I will also try to
determine if the cost of the battery has anything to do with the power it has.I think the
Duracell battery will last the longest. I also believe that the more expensive the battery
the longer it will last.Battery companies market their products by making impressive
claims about how durable and reliable their batteries are. But which battery lasts the
longest? Will a more expensive, brand name battery really last longer than a generic
Materials, paper, wires, stop watch, battery holders, metal connectors, computer, light
bulbs, and graph paper. Batteries, Duracell, Everready, Energizer, and Rayovac,
Panasonic. I researched on how a battery produces electricity. two most common types of
batteries. Alkaline batteries are made with potassium hydroxide, which is a basic solution
meaning it can neutralize an acid. A non al battery is made with ammonium chloride and
zinc. The ammonium chloride is acid. Alkaline batteries tend to be more expensive than
their non alkaline counterparts, just like brand name batteries are more expensive ...
Show more content on ...
Batteries, Duracell, Everready, Energizer, and BA 30 army batteries. I researched on how
a battery produces electricity. Step one, Put the batteries in each flashlight and make sure
it turns on. Step two, Use masking tape to attach each flashlight to the cardboard so the
beam of light can easily be seen. Step three, Label the masking tape on each flashlight
with the type of battery it contains. Step four, Turn the flashlights on at the same time and
wait for one to dim. Record the start time of the experiment. Step five, As your
experiment proceeds, record any observations. Is one flashlight brighter than the other?
Does one start to dim first? When one flashlight goes out, record the time. Continue until
all your batteries are
Ordovician-Silurian Extinction
Approximately 66 million years ago, the first, and most recent extinction event of the Big
Five took place the Cretaceous Paleogene (K Pg) Extinction, also known as the
Cretaceous Tertiary (K T) Extinction. While this event is known primarily for its
involvement in the extinction of dinosaurs, it also had quite the effect on a large majority
of other plant and animal species, to the point where no tetrapod (four legged vertebrae)
weighing above 25 kilograms survived. The original trigger is believed to have been a
massive comet or an asteroid impact, estimated at about ten kilometers in size, but other
theories suggest that volcanic eruptions, climate change, or sea level change played a role
was well. Either way, there were catastrophic ... Show more content on
However, recent speculation has lead many scientists to believe that we are currently in a
mass extinction period, one that could not only be bigger than any previous extinction
event, but that actually points a finger towards humans as being the main cause. This
extinction event is known as The Holocene Extinction, the Sixth Extinction or the
Anthropocene Extinction, and whether we like it or not, there is definitely a considerable
amount of evidence to prove that this mass extinction is happening, and that the cause is
largely due to human activity. Specific research indicates that deforestation, hunting,
pollution, the introduction of non native species into various regions, destruction of vast
tracts of land, river systems, and habitats, and the widespread transmission of infectious
diseases spread through livestock and crops are having the most drastic effects on most
species. Current studies even show that the present rate of extinction may be up to
140,000 species per year, making it the greatest loss of biodiversity since the Cretaceous
Paleogene Extinction. Edward Osborne Wilson, an American biologist, researcher,
theorist, naturalist and author, calculated that if the current rate of human disruption of
the biosphere continues, one half of
Analysis Of The Poem Little Red Cap Essay
13 English Literature.

3.8 Develop an informed understanding of literature and/or language using critical texts

TOPIC: To what extent does Carol Ann Duffy present a feminist perspective in the poem
Little Red Cap .

The history of women has been a history of silence. (Hillary Clinton, 1995, Beijing)
This powerful statement from Hillary Clinton underpins the injustices of female
representation in the past. This silence is evident in the Bible verse, Let your women
keep silent in the churches, (I Corinthians 14: 34 37) and Virginia Woolf s concept that
Anon ... was often a woman [who could not otherwise get the respect of male
counterparts]. (Virginia Woolf, 1928, A Room of One s Own. PAGE). These are only two
examples of how females have been largely disempowered by the male constraints of
literature. In recent history feminists have deemed it necessary to research the lost and
forgotten females and retell history from a distinctly female perspective. This issue is of
significant concern to Carol Ann Duffy, the current Poet Laureate. Duffy subverts
fairytales, myths and historical stories to empower women, giving them a voice and
allowing their stories to be heard. This essay will argue that Carol Ann Duffy presents a
feminist perspective in the poem Little Red Cap .

The Poem Little Red Cap is based on the storyline of Little Red Riding Hood , originally
titled Little Red Cap. This initial story by Charles Perrault and later the Grimm Brothers
was a cautionary
The technology of Australian time The bionic Ear
The technology of Australian time The bionic Ear

Advancements in Information Technology have now made it possible to restore hearing

to the profoundly deaf by inserting a prosthetic device called the Bionic Ear (also known
as the Cochlear Implant) in an individual s inner ear. The Bionic Ear technology is an
example of design and innovation combined with information processing, software
design and development. Since it was first invented, technology advancements proceeded
on a parallel track in terms of miniaturisation and increasing sophistication of this Bionic
Ear technology. This particular technology operates by delivering electrical stimuli to the
auditory nerve which then triggers auditory ... Show more content on ...
The device can be implanted to aid two types of individuals:
The Post Lingual Deaf: individuals who have learnt a spoken language before going deaf.
The Profoundly Deaf: individuals who have lost their hearing before they acquired

How does the technology work?

The Bionic Ear consists of two main components:
1. an electronic device, which is surgically implanted under the skin behind the ear.
2. An external speech processor that is worn on a belt or placed in a pocket. A
microphone is also worn outside of the body as a headpiece behind the ear to obtain
Sounds and speech are captured by a microphone and sent to the external speech
processor. The processor then translates the sounds into electrical signals, which are then
sent to the transmitting coil. These codes travel up a cable to the headpiece and are
transmitted across the skin through radio waves to the implanted cochlea electrodes. The
electrodes signals then stimulate the auditory nerve fibres to send information to the
brain where it is interpreted as meaningful sound.

(Social Aspects) Advantages

The Bionic Ear has revolutionised the lives of deaf individuals all over the world, it is not
only a great scientific achievement, but also a great progression in a socio cultural
context within the lives and communities of the deaf and hearing impaired individuals.
The Bionic Ear with the aid of IT has provided new capabilities and in turn gives
individuals new choices of
Elizabethan Era Medicine
Herbal Remedies and Poisons in Elizabethan Times
In this day and age, there are millions of pharmaceuticals out there for all kinds of
diseases and conditions, but where did all of this start? The creation of medicines most
likely started when people discovered the healing properties plants contained. Today,
mankind has the knowledge and technology to extract elements from plants to produce
more chemically engineered medicines. The real question is how did medicines develop
from mashing up leaves in order to lessen an infuriating rash to just popping a pill to
nurse or illness? Medicines evolved by the scientific method: series of research and
experiments. During the Elizabethan era, research and experimentation attained a
renewed interest. ... Show more content on ...
However, in order to balance out the world there needs to good and bad. There were
medicines created that saved lives, but there were also poisons that were used to kill
people. Even though there were poisons, humanity thanks the scientists and pharmacists
who created these medicines, which led the world to producing more effective medicines.
Somewhere on this globe, there is a person who is only alive because of the medicines
physicians created, and mankind appreciates it
Pro Forma Essay
Sometimes it becomes a tiresome job for a real estate investor to differentiate between
good and bad property deals. In many instances, several investors land on bad deals. The
only thing that can help in getting a good deal is looking at the numbers in the pro forma.
What is a pro forma? It is a financial statement for property investment. Where can one
get a pro forma? Pro forma is obtained from real estate agents or brokers. After you have
obtained the pro forma of various properties, insert the numbers into the Real Estate
Evaluator. Consider the following when the necessary numbers are in correct order.


The site of the property is a key factor in determining a price for a good deal. One should
always pursue a property with ... Show more content on ...
It is the amount the owner of the property will not collect when the rooms remain vacant.
The higher vacancy can be an opportunity for the investor. The investor can improve the
building and raise the vacancy rate to suit the vacancy rate in that area.

Property expenses

The expenses aid in determining how the property was being managed. The expenses
will enable an investor to make a profound judgment when comparing different types of
the property.

Cash on cash return

Cash on cash return is the yearly cash flow divided by the down payment of the property.
It is often represented in a percentage form. Look for a property with higher cash on cash
return. Yet, the low cash on cash return is not bad if you can fix the problems that make
the value to be low.

Financing terms

This contains the loan amount and terms an investor is willing to take over or the debt
amount the seller is willing to carry. If it is possible finance the property through the
owner than taking a loan from the bank.

A proper analysis of the pro forma numbers always makes it easier to find a good real
estate deal. A real estate investor should often do a thorough pro forma analysis for great
success in real estate
Absolute Music
The slow 12 bar introduction starts with an unusual opening of what seems like the
wrong tonality as dominant chords resolve upwards in the first 4 bars. The harmonic
progression is very atypical, constantly modulating around the tonic C major by playing
chords in the dominant G major, dominant seventh, subdominant F major and relative
minor A. This sustains a dominant tension throughout this section.

The first symphony is a prominent example of absolute music, which is music written for
the beauty of the sounds alone. Absolute music is intended to be appreciated without any
particular reference to the outside world. The term is almost exclusively applied to works
in the European classical music tradition, particularly those from the Romantic
Egyptian Art Vs Mesopotamian Art
This week in Art History I, I learned about the early forms of art in the Mesopotamian
and Egyptian areas. From the beginning of writing systems with cuneiform and
hieroglyphs, to building religious temples, and immortalizing military victories, these
early civilizations created a rich history that influenced all aspects of our lives today. The
Sumerians honored their gods in ziggurats, they created statues to represent these gods,
the styles were emulated by others, such as the statues of Gudea five hundred years later.
Egyptians immortalized their significant persons by mummifying the remains and
entombing the them with all they could want in their afterlife. I enjoyed this weeks lesson
discussing early civilizations because it
Antonio Vivaldi And Baroque Music
The difficulty of his breathing increased, less air came in with every breath, tightness
filled his chest and lungs this had to end. Antonio Vivaldi, known as The Red Priest, due
to his hair color, attempted to give mass, but his bronchial asthma restricted him from
doing his job well (Heller). He lost his ability to preach when the pain proved too much.
So he returned to his first love: music. Antonio Vivaldi s father, a barber turned
professional violinist in Venice, taught him to play the violin at a very young age. At ten
years old, Vivaldi became his father s substitute at St. Mark s Orchestra (Getzinger).
Thus, at an early age, he showed extraordinary promise. Years later, that promise came to
fruition as he revolutionized Baroque music. Because Antonio Vivaldi s compositions
added warmth and a rhythmically textured sound to a rather ornamental Baroque style,
his musical approach appealed to listeners and changed how everyone viewed concertos.
His revolutionary style influenced other musicians and European society from his first
composition in 1690 to his death in 1741. More than two centuries later, his music, best
represented by The Four Seasons, continues to have an impact. When Vivaldi lost his
ability to preach, he found a new but familiar voice through the violin and became the
Baroque period s most influential composer, changing the way Europeans, and even
other composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, approached music. Because he
showcased his playing
Eggshell Skull Principle
The Eggshell Skull principle is becoming more prevalent in the world of workers
compensation claims. It centers on an understanding that an employee with a pre existing
condition can still receive financial compensation for a separate injury that occurs on the
job. Take a look at three distinct legal cases centering on the eggshell skull principle.
Each one presents a different outcome and is worth a second look by employers so they
know how to prepare themselves for similar situation with their own employees. The first
legal situation focuses on a long term employee who sustains an injury at a work related
function. The diabetic employee is an overweight individual who requires a cane for
assistance when walking. As this employee begins ... Show more content on ...
In those situations, employers will have to provide financial compensation as a result of
the injury. When the injury that occurs is a normal progression of the employee s pre
existing condition, the employer will not be responsible for paying financial
compensation as a result of that injury. Employers need to go the extra mile in doing the
research to determine if any aspect of an employee injury is the result of a pre existing
condition or the workplace injury itself. That extra research can make the difference
between having to pay a workers compensation claim or not having a claim in place.
Blog #2 The Workers Compensation Implications of Deviating From Work Duties, The
Personal Comfort Doctrine and Building a Go Cart Project During the course of a normal
business day, it is reasonable to assume that an employee will engage in non work related
activities. These activities include everything from going to the restroom to grabbing
lunch before returning to work once again. When an injury occurs during a non work
related activity, the employee is eligible to receive financial compensation through a
workmans compensation insurance
Lord Of The Rings The Fellowship Of The Ring Essay
The Lord of the Rings the Fellowship of the Ring In ancient times the Rings of Power
were crafted by the Elven smiths, and the Dark Lord, forged the one ring, filing it with
his own power so that he could rule all other. But the one ring was taken from him, and
though he sought it throughout Middle Earth, it remained lost to him. After many years it
fell into the hands of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit of all creatures. In a sleepy village in the
Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task as his elderly
cousin entrusts the ring to his care. Frodo must leave his home and make a perilous
journey across Middle Earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ring and foil
the Dark Lord in his evil purpose. Gandulf, ... Show more content on ...
The hobbits run to the top of the hill, and they begin to fight. Frodo is stabbed by a
ringwraith, and then Strider comes and begins to fight them off. Once the Ringwraiths
are gone, Strider goes to Frodo and tries to help him, but he can t. Frodo has been
stabbed with a Morgual Blade; the only person who can save Frodo is Lord Elrond, who
lives in Rivendell. Once Frodo wakes up he realizes that he is in Rivendell, and Elrond
had saved him from dying. Elrond tells Frodo to stay in bed, and rest until the council
meeting in the afternoon. In the afternoon all creatures of Middle Earth come to the
meeting, and discuss what to do with the ring. Of course they deicide that they must
destroy it, but the problem is none will volunteer themselves to go into the Lands of
Mordor, and throw it into the Cracks of Doom. The council begins to fight, and then
suddenly Frodo stands up and says, I will take the ring to Mordor, though I do not know
the way. So Gandulf decides he will go so does Strider, Merry, Pippin, Sam, and three
others from the council. Boromir, Legalous, and Gimil, Elrond decides to name these
nine creatures The Fellowship of the Ring. They next day they head off, taking the
passage way of the South, near Minias Tritih in Gondor. This would be Boromir s home,
he wants to get the ring and give it to Gondor to
Scientific Knowledge Changes Over Time Essay
Discoveries are being made all the time, but how would you feel if dinosaurs had
feathers? Scientific knowledge changes over time through improved access to
information, changes in society, and new discoveries. Scientific advancements don t just
change how people think of the subject it changes the worlds perspective. Remember that
clunky food pyramid that s 2 decades old? Get ready to see that go bye bye because it
just got upgraded and guess what now you can understand it. On source 2 some evidence
leading this change is that Obama administration is about to ditch the food pyramid .
They wanted to remove it because it was outdated and had no significant information
some evidence pointing to why they are removing it is on source 2 line 32 the ... Show
more content on ...
You see scientists are discovering new things and one day we may discover how to fight
off aids, cancer, and other diseases. Discoveries help keep our world spinning, without
discoveries we could be dead from diseases. Did you know Scientists have only
discovered 15% of the animals on this plant not including bacterias or anemone s. An
example is from source 3, about 85% of species on Earth are still undiscovered! Another
example is when scientists discovered tens of thousands of bacteria living in a spoonful
of dirt. Here is some evidence from source 3, a spoonful of soil may contain as many as
ten thousand different species of bacteria . The impact of new discoveries impacts how
we live because new discoveries lead to new medicine to prevent diseases from killing
people. Discoveries impact us in many ways and take shape or form into something new.
Furthermore scientific knowledge changes over time through improved access to
information, changes in society, and new discoveries.Some key points I talk about
include how scientific advancements impacts the world, how changes in society affect us,
and finally how new discoveries affect the
Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach And Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Jonathan Hugendubler
Fugue Bach Shostakovich

Comparative Fugal Analysis

The fugue is often regarded as a genre defined by strict procedural guidelines. It is
notable that three historically important composers, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 1750),
Georg Friedrich Handel (1685 1759), and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 1791), all
employed a closely related fugue subject in three different works. An analysis of each of
these works individually, and a comparison of these works collectively reveal numerous
latent and salient features, and a reflection of the composers style within these works.
Analyses also provide an outlook into the fluidity in certain aspects and rigidity in others
of the form itself, reflected historically. The three composers analyzed fall closely
together in history. J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel were contemporaries, whereas Mozart was
born six years after Bach s death and three years before Handel s death. Analytically, the
angularity of these similar fugue subjects presupposes a treatment regardless of the
composer. Because of the shared intervallic content among the subjects of these fugues,
despite being written by several different composers, a surprising number of similarities
arise. Therefore, it is reasonable to assert that compositional choices made in the
construction of the fugue subjects limit the number of results possible.
This analysis will use the A minor fugue from of J.S. Bach s The Well Tempered Clavier,
Book 2 G.F. Handel s And
Comparison Of Cosmos And The Scientific Theory Of
A problem I have thought of for a long time and might want to solve one day is how the
bible and the scientific theory of the creation of the universe do not match up. All I have
really done is read over Genesis a couple of times and watched a few documentaries like
Cosmos, but I do have a basic theory worked out. First of all, the bible is not literal.
There is probably someone who was known as Jesus which I believe had great influence
over the people back then. There might not be a God, but I lean towards the idea that
there is, and the universe was not made in 7 days, at least not 7 earth days. To god, an
earth day may be a couple of milliseconds. Cosmos describes a calendar with all of time
since the beginning of the universe stuffed into ... Show more content on
Finally, the age of mammals has arrived. Let the land produce living creatures according
to their kinds:the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild
animals, each according to its kind. (Gen 1.24) The rest of the wild animals we see today
are created over time. This step describes how all the life began to evolve and
diversifying as God made each species unique. Then God said, Let us make mankind in
our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in
the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move
along the ground. We the humans were made. There was not any lie either when it stated
man will rule over livestock and wild animals as that is what the people are doing today.
In god s image I believe just means that we have the power to change the world just like
god. If it is true then it would not be going against the chance that there are aliens on
other planets. The bible describes that on every planet with life, eventually one will rise
up to become the ruler of it all as humans have become for the earth. Expandable
Finally, the last day was about god resting. He rested and we did not see many of his
actions any longer. There might have been a few changes, but god does not do the big
things he did when the universe started any more. He only makes small changes now,
miracles every now and then. The only big thing might be the description of Jesus
coming down to earth as it does take up its own testament. However as god rests, there is
less evidence of his power in the universe, and therefore, almost no one has truly seen
Counterpunch Racism
The final major aspect of racism is health. Health affects more blacks than whites
concerning this issue. An article from claims, When African Americans
are interviewed most revel high anxiety levels caused by ill treatment (Golash Boza). An
ample amount of blacks feel conscientious of themselves and their surroundings because
of hefty levels of stress due to the pressures of trying to blend in. Counterpunch also
adds, Racism is especially detrimental to people of color, but has negative repercussions
for everyone insofar as it is a hindrance to human development (Golash Boza). Even
though blacks tend to carry more of the weight on this topic, discrimination affects
everyone. A section from the websites adds,
Humanistic Perspective Case Study
The behavioral perspective focuses only on observable behavior. From this point of view,
Jake has anxiety because now he has to work hard in order to keep a good grade in the
class. He might ve had a previous experience where he had to work hard in a class that
ended pretty bad, so now he associates a heavy workload with negative consequences,
such as a failing grade. If Jake was treated using the behavioral approach, they would
condition him to associate studying and working hard with positive consequences instead
of with negative consequences. Psychologists today view the behavioral perspective as
an important constituent to other modern perspectives. The humanistic perspective
emphasizes the human potential and the fact that people have free will. From this
perspective, Jake has anxiety because before this class, he was always doing the best that
he could and reaching his full potential, and now he fears that since the class is harder
than the rest of the classes he s ever taken, then he will not reach his full potential in this
class. If Jake was treated using the humanistic approach, they will make him realize that
he has the freedom to choose their own path, and that he has control over his own life.
Today, psychologists use the humanistic perspective as a form of psychotherapy that
focuses on ... Show more content on ...
From this point of view, Jake has anxiety either from his environment or because of
genetics. There is something wrong in his amygdala and hippocampus, and it causes him
to worry about every little thing. If Jake was treated using the cognitive approach, they
would put him on anxiety medication. For example, they would probably make him take
Xanax or Valium. Today, the cognitive perspective is constantly being improved by
technology that can show the structure and activity of the living brain, such as the MRI
and PET
Reaction Of Iron, Nitrate And Potassium Thiocyanate
Reaction of Iron (III) Nitrate and Potassium Thiocyanate Analysis When the light yellow
iron (III) nitrate solution was added to the colorless potassium thiocyanate solution, the
color of the final solution was red. To understand why this happens, the individual
reactants must be examined. The potassium thiocyanate solution can be broken down as
follows: KSCN(aq) ↔ K+(aq) + SCN (aq). Both the potassium ions and thiocyanate ions
are hydrated with water molecules. Similarly, the iron (III) nitrate solution can be broken
down as follows: Fe(NO3)3(aq) ↔ Fe3+(aq) + 3NO3 (aq). Again, both the iron (III) ions
and nitrate ions are hydrated in water because it s an aqueous solution. From this, a
thiocyanate ion collides with other hydrated
Holocaust Museum Subjectivity
The Holocaust was a scary event that took place in Germany and killed many Jews.
There were heaps of human hair that were shaved from there scalps. This is an objective
reason that is backed up by facts of what happened. Objectivity in some non fiction texts
show that statements are measurable, observable, and factual. Also subjectivity is based
off of emotions, feelings, and opinions. Some non fiction texts include topics in a very
objective and subjective way, meaning that the author intends to inform readers with
opinions and facts. The article, At the Holocaust Museum by David Oliver Relin is
balanced between objectivity and subjectivity.

In At Holocaust Museum there are many examples of objectivity. For example in the
article it says In 1933, there were more than nine million Jews living in continental
Europe. Within a dozen years, two thirds of them would be dead . This shows the impact
of word ... Show more content on ...
Objectivity is important for the article so people have a idea of some of the facts which
are very important for the Museum, However subjectivity for the audience could give a
better understanding of how it felt and also draw more attention to the Museum itself.
Objectivity should be used when reading articles, or many different informational
sources, also subjectivity is important for giving the audience a clear thought and
opinion. Objectivity is important because you need to have objectivity in order to use
subjectivity, but you can use more objectivity in a nonfiction article. Subjectivity is key
because it can give the audience advice, emotions, and feelings so they can have a good
understanding from different people. Therefore, in this article with both objectivity and
subjectivity is balanced and needed in many
National Assessment Of Adult Literacy
Illiteracy can be easily defined as not having the skill or the ability to read this sentence.
Every year, more children grow up without the ability to read. This results in students
dropping out of high school. Literacy is vital element to education and illiteracy can
greatly affect an individual. The National Assessment of Adult Literacy states that
literacy is using printed and written information to function in society, to achieve one s
goals, and to develop one s knowledge and potential ( Literacy Surveys ). Without the
ability to read, an individual cannot achieve any of their goals or rise to meet their
potential. People are looking to the government for funding to resolve the literacy issue.
Government funding and the development of new programs can substantially decrease
the amount of illiterate American citizens. Yet, more needs to be done to improve literacy
rates across the country.
There are many factors that could be causing the drop of literacy in the United States.
Poverty is one of the largest causes of illiteracy today (Nayak). Students and families
living in poverty are more likely to be illiterate than students and families living with
strong financial standings. Families dealing with tough financial situations are often more
focused on providing food and shelter for their children rather than sending them to
school (Nayak). Therefore, these children are not being encouraged to obtain an
education. Little to no education for a young child can
Figurative Language And Imagery InJuggler, By Richard
The poem Juggler describes how the tricks the juggler acts out for the crowd amaze and
intrigue them. In the poem Juggler by Richard Wilbur, the author uses imagery, figurative
language and tone to describe the juggler as someone who brings happiness and fun to
The use of imagery, figurative language, and tone are used to describe the juggler and
reveal the speaker s own views about the world.
Throughout the poem the author uses imagery to describe the juggler s appearance and
the tricks he is accomplishing in his show. For example, Wilbur states, it takes a sky blue
juggler with five red shake our gravity up. (lines 6 7). The author s description
of the juggler as someone who can shake our gravity up (line 7) shows that the juggler is
someone who has a tremendous impact on the audience and the speaker. This is true
since the crowd is full of serious people and the juggler evokes happiness and
astonishment from the audience. Moreover, by saying this the audience is able to get an
insight into the life of the speaker; we are able to see that not a lot of things happen in the
speaker s life that cause or bring up excitement and happiness. Additionally, Wilbur
shows the reader how the juggler is performing, the author says, Oh, on his toe the table
is turning, the broom s Balancing up on his nose, and the plate whirls. On the tip of the
broom! (lines 9 21). We can see that as the juggler is performing his great trick the crowd
is excited and amazed at what he is accomplishing through his performance when the
author says, Damn, what a show, we cry... (line 21). Having the crowd cheer at the
juggler as he completes his trick of the balancing act showed that the juggler was able to
bring happiness and amazement with the many tricks he was able to perform for the
As the poem progresses, we can see how the juggler manipulates the five red balls he is
using to move around his body. In the poem, Wilbur uses figurative language like
personification to show how the balls move by the tricks the juggler does. For example,
Wilbur says, The balls roll around, wheel on his wheeling hand, learning the ways of
lightness, alter to spheres, grazing his finger ends, cling to their course
United States Of The Gulf Cooperation Council ( Gcc )
Qatar and other states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) repeatedly face
international critique regarding their treatment of migrant workers in construction and
household services. Non governmental organizations (NGOs) and international
organizations (IOs) are reporting abusive and unsafe working and living conditions while
simultaneously trying to influence and mediate between Gulf Council Cooperation
(GCC) governments, migrant workers, and civil society. GCC governments are
attempting to implement labor policies to promote the hiring of local workers; this would
reduce the supply of foreign labor, and possibly ensure adequate treatment of local
This reformation is dependent on the role of international government and non
governmental agencies, and the possibility for these agencies to change local policies.
This is taken in the context of growing global and local awareness about migrant workers
and fundamental human rights abuses, including the human trafficking and forced labor
currently occurring within Qatar s migrant worker population.
International migration today is closely associated with state sovereignty. States would
engage in international cooperation through a wide range of transnational issues, but
when it comes to immigrants and refugees, nation states claim that the sovereign right to
control one s own boarders to be the primary responsibility (Sasson 1996). Even if
cooperation were recognized as useful or necessary, in properly managing
Strengths And Weaknesses Of Francesca Essay
Analysis of Resources and Capabilities

Strengths and Weaknesses

Francesca s is a very unique store that that is quickly growing and expanding from where
it originated in Texas and is now in 48 states across the country. They have been able to
open up over six hundred stores nation wide and they show no signs of slowing down.
We feel like because of their uniqueness, they have a great opportunity to expand across
the world into more countries other than the United States of America. We chose China
as a great place to expand overseas due to the fact of the high population and it becoming
a great up and coming country.

Francesca s has many strengths including: strong management, customer loyalty, unique
products, fresh inventory, brand name, high quality, and product variety. The
management team of Francesca s has been very capable and forward thinking since the
start of the company with the goal to expand across the country and eventually into other
markets. Their newly appointed CEO, Steven Lawrence has lots of previous leadership
experience in other companies such as JC Penney and Stage Stores Incorporated, which
helps him and everyone below him make informed business decisions. Because of his
effective leadership skills in his previous positions the company hopes that he continues
the trend of great leadership within the organization. Lawrence has some big shoes to fill
because of the success of former CEO, Michael Barnes. In the two years that Barnes
Speech Disorders
Speech Disorders Kefalianos, Onslow, Ukoumunne (1318) states speech disorders can
affect the way a person creates sounds.These sounds, of course, help us form words and
are necessary for communication with other people. Jones Hoffman (834) Speech
disorders can affect both the young and the old. Certain voice disorders may also be
considered speech disorders. Speech disorders are a common disorder that can be
managed by classifying the types of speech disorders, understanding the causes,
treatments, social effects, and language disorders. There are several types of speech
disorders. McMurray Munson (1344) stated that there are several types of speech
disorders, but the first to be addressed in this paper is cluttering. Cluttering is ... Show
more content on ...
Jones Hoffman (834) related that in many cases the cause is unknown. However,
Kreiman Liss (1201) explained that there are known causes of speech impediments, such
as hearing loss, neurological disorders, brain injury, intellectual disability, drug abuse,
physical impairments such as cleft lip and palate, and vocal abuse or misuse. Meronen,
Tiippana, Westerholm (219) abuse may also be a cause in some cases. Speech disorders
are a common disorder that can be managed by classifying the types of speech disorders,
understanding the causes, treatment, social effects, and language
Water Vapor Research Paper
Water vapor is just water just in its gaseous state other than its solid or liquid state. Water
vapor is completely transparent. a cloud, fog or mist is all liquid water and not water
Water vapor is hugely important to the weather climate. Without water vapor there would
be no rain, clouds, or snow, because all of these weather conditions need water vapor to
form. All of the water vapor that evaporates from the surface of our planet will in the end
return as precipitation. Precipitation forms when small ice particles in the clouds expand
and merge to become so big that it s fall speed goes so fast that it will then fall out of the
cloud. Water vapor is Earth s most important greenhouse gas, being around 90% of Earth
s natural greenhouse ... Show more content on ...
This helps with the cooling of Earth s surface. This is released again when water vapor
condenses to form cloud water. This heat source helps run the updrafts in clouds and the
precipitation network. Which then effects in even more water vapor to condense into a
cloud or to make a cloud. The more cloud water and ice from precipitation. Carbon
dioxide is a gas and it is formula is CO2. Carbon is an element that is found all over the
world and also in every living thing. Oxygen is also another element it is the air we
breathe. When carbon and oxygen join together, the create a colourless, odorless gas
which is called carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a heat trapping gas and one of the
greenhouse gases. How is carbon dioxide made though? When we burn fossil fuels that
could be coal, oil, or even to drive our cars to work, it could also be when we electricity
to light up our homes or even making these products we will create carbon dioxide. Our
atmosphere is not the only part of Earth that has carbon. The oceans store large masses of
carbon, so does plants, soil, and drop offs of coal, oil and also natural gases deep
underground. Carbon naturally moves around from one part of our planet to a different
part of the Earth during what is known as the carbon cycle. Right now when you burn
fossil fuels people are adding lots of carbon to our atmosphere which is in the form of
carbon dioxide quicker
Essay on The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz

1. My impression of Duddy Kravitz after reading the first chapter is that Duddy is that he
is one of the more obnoxious students at FFHS; he smokes and ignores teacher s
commands. Also he talks back to teachers. He seems to be more of a bad apple and tries
to be the funny/cool one in his class, by drawing on the board and performing stunts like
the one he did to the pastor at the new church by convincing him to hand out pamphlets
at the school. He terrorizes other students at other schools with snowballs. Duddy is the
leader of his group of friends and they follow him just like terrorizing students with
snowballs. Over all Duddy does not emit the straight edge, straight A s type of student ...
Show more content on ...
Mr. Cox gives off the oppression that he is a good character and tries to help.

5. We discover that Duddy s dad is a pimp.

6. That Mr. MacPherson has grown tired of his job, he thinks that there isn t much hope
in being a teacher and that nothing good has come out of it. His students have drove him
to regretting his career choice, that maybe the result of him not being the best teacher and
letting the student get to him like they did.

7. Mr. MacPherson thinks Duddy killed his wife by causing her to get up and answer the
phone, which was were she was when she died. MacPherson thinks Duddy was the one
who called, and was calling as a prank call. Duddy is saying that he didn t kill his wife
and that everything he ever said that was rude or hurtful to MacPherson was for fun and
he didn t actually mean it. We re all in this together Duddy could be talking about how
they are all in this school together and have to go through it, which no one likes. How
they have to deal with Macpherson and his loss, and the way he is taking it with his

8. Duddy accuses Debrofsky of stealing cloth from Uncle Benjy s shop. I believe he is
trying to get Uncle Benjy to like him more by maybe helping him out with business and
saving him a few extra bucks. Uncle Benjy does not take too kindly to this advice from
Duddy. He doesn t like the fact Duddy was spying on his workers and
Political And Business Risks By Withglobal Business
Page: 5 of 6 Running head: POLITICAL AND BUSINESS RISKS Last Name 1Prepare a
paper that addresses the political and business risks and the rewards associated
withglobal business operations.Include a discussion of the impact of monetary exchange
rates oncorporate profits. Your NameAmerican Military UniversityFINC300
POLITICAL AND BUSINESS RISKS Last Name 2Political and Business RisksMost
corporations all over the world expand their operations into new geographicallocations in
order to increase their profitability. As these companies expand into the new regionsand
have high profitability, there are a number of risks ... Show more content on ...
The risk is sometimes referred to as sovereign risk. Primarily, political risks affectvarious
aspects of an international business that hinders its growth. The political instability in
acountry may make it difficult for multinational businesses to operate efficiently. This
comes as aresult of the negative publicity that the political leaders create in the country.
Political differences POLITICAL AND BUSINESS RISKS Last Name 3between various
countries may negatively impact on the global business operations. As such, afirm cannot
effectively operate to achieve its full capacity and maximize its profits. Political risksalso
include the legal legislations that a country imposes on the international businesses that
openup their operations in these countries. The government may devise a policy that
limits theoperations of the multinationals in the country. Such legislation by the
government is a hindranceto the efficient operation of the international
businesses.Business risk refers to the likelihood that a company will have lower profits
thanexpected (Wild Han, 2014). There are a number of factors which influence the risk;
theyinclude the price of commodities, sales volume, competition, the economic
conditions and thegovernment interventions. These factors negatively influence the
global business operations.Therefore, as large
New York City Transportation System
New York City developed and (attractiveness) that attracted many people to what it
provides. Thousands of people wanted to arrive into the Big Apple and several
businessmen recognized that demand and tapped into it accordingly. A number of
railroads were established and built with some type of a service to New York City.
However, only one railroad, the New York Central Railroad, was able to have its trains
actually enter in New York City via Grand Central Terminal. Unlike the (previously
mentioned) railroad, which developed its transportation route in a (North to South
fashion [reword this part]), the other railroads were running from West/South to
East/North. The Pennsylvania Railroad, Erie Railroad, (Delaware, Lackawanna, and
Western), ... Show more content on ...
While these (rail agencies) have not expanded their services into Penn Station as much as
New Jersey Transit has, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority has studies being
worked on to provide such availabilities with regards to its Metro North Railroad. Two of
the aforementioned railroad s lines, the New Haven and Hudson Line are being looked
upon as for having the potential to arrive in Penn Station rather than terminating into
Grand Central Terminal through already existing trackage. The New Haven Line can
utilize the same tracks that Amtrak trains use to run from Penn Station to (New
Rochelle), where it connects to Metro North s New Haven Line; the latter line can run
along Amtrak s Hell Gate Line with the possiblity of adding new train station along the
way within the vicinities of Co op City, Parkchester, and Hunts Point before reaching
34th street. The Hudson Line can run along Amtrak s Empire Connection line that the
agency uses to allow its Empire Service trains to transfer from Metro North s Hudson
Line into Penn Station. Along the line, new rail stations may be implemented within the
vicinities of West 125th and West 62nd Streets in Manhattan s West Side. While an
impressive feat, any developments along these lines will have to be (slowed down) until
the East Side Access is completed, allowing LIRR trains to terminate at Grand Central
Terminal instead of Penn Station; rail traffic in the station is high enough as it is to allow
for more trains from a fourth agency to have trains run into and terminate at.
Circadian Rhythm
Going to sleep is the point at which a neurotransmitter in the cerebrum tells your body in
the event that it ought to be wakeful or sleeping. The neurons turn off the flag to keep
you conscious. There are four phases of rest and one of them is REM. When resting the
mind clears itself of lethal items that normally develop. Your body brings down it s body
warmth to preserve energy. Development hormones are discharged from the body that
reconstruct muscles and joints that have been strained throughout the day.
We know it is the ideal opportunity for bed when we remain wakeful longer. Our
circadian rhythm likewise reveals to us when to rest. These drives help control the
neurotransmitters in the body. The adjust and convergence of these compound ... Show
more content on ...
One of the procedures is the circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is the direction of the
body s inward procedures and levels of sharpness. The alternate process is sleep wake
homeostasis and is the collection of hypnogenic substances. Both of these procedures are
impacted by qualities by some degree. External variables can likewise have an immediate
impact on somebody s sleep wake cycle. The body has a worked in circadian clock that
controls the planning of rest, and is influenced by the measure of going before rest or
attentiveness. Circadian rhythms can t cause and control rest by its lonesome. The rest
wake homeostasis is an internal biochemical framework that fills in as a counter that
makes strain to sleep and sleep intensity. Essentially reminding the body that it needs to
rest after a specific time. One of the vital roles of sleep is to help form and keep
memories. Overnight bits of information is moved from short term memory to long term
memory. Without enough sleep your immune system and hormone levels will suffer. One
way rest may influence the cerebrum versatility is through its impacts on the
neurotransmitters, or associations between neurons. Research has demonstrated that
when animals learn a new task, their neurons appear to strengthen the synaptic
associations engaged with learning that task the following rest

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