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A Tale Of Two Cities Essays

Crafting an essay on the topic of "A Tale of Two Cities" can be a challenging endeavor, as it requires
a deep understanding of the novel's intricate plot, complex characters, and the historical context in
which Charles Dickens wrote the book. The task becomes even more formidable when one
considers the need to analyze and interpret the themes, symbolism, and literary devices employed by
the author.

To begin with, one must delve into the dual settings of London and Paris during the turbulent times
of the French Revolution. This demands not only a comprehensive grasp of the historical events but
also the ability to draw parallels between the fictional narrative and the real-world occurrences of
the late 18th century.

Moreover, exploring the characters in the novel, such as Charles Darnay, Sydney Carton, and
Madame Defarge, requires a nuanced understanding of their motivations, relationships, and
development throughout the story. Analyzing their roles and contributions to the overarching themes
of sacrifice, resurrection, and the struggle for justice adds another layer of complexity to the essay.

Addressing the novel's symbolism, such as the iconic opening line and the recurring motif of
"recalled to life," demands a keen eye for literary devices and their implications. Dickens' use of
language and imagery requires careful examination to unveil the deeper meanings embedded within
the text.

Furthermore, the essay should not merely summarize the plot but must engage in a thoughtful and
critical analysis. This involves exploring the social and political commentary woven into the
narrative, as well as considering Dickens' own views on issues like class disparity and the impact of
historical events on individuals.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on "A Tale of Two Cities" necessitates a multifaceted approach that
combines historical knowledge, literary analysis, and critical thinking. It is a task that demands
meticulous research, insightful interpretation, and the ability to communicate complex ideas
effectively. However, with dedication and a thorough understanding of the novel, one can create a
compelling essay that captures the richness and depth of Dickens' masterpiece.

For assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, a reliable resource is , where you can find expert writers ready to provide support and guidance on a
variety of topics.

A Tale Of Two Cities Essays A Tale Of Two Cities Essays

Example Of A Pope Dialectical Journal
Jennifer Willman
Journal #5

I like many others, have become intrigued by our newest pope. I found a few articles
online that I have found very interesting. This is the first time that I have actually cared
or even read about the pope. As I was reading these articles there were little bits that I
had to look up because I had no idea what they were or what they meant. Unfortunately, I
resorted to reading the wiki website. I could understand what they were talking about on
that website, verses other official sites that made no sense to me. This weekend I went to
the library with my kids and even picked up a book about the Vatican and the history of
all the popes. I m excited to read it and find out about the different ... Show more content
on ...
But it definitely sends a clear message. I feel that this pope is going to send a lot of new
messages and change a lot of things. More interesting info was that, along with his
degree s in chemistry, philosophy, and theology, that Pope Francis was also a teacher. He
taught philosophy, theology, literature, and psychology to college students before
becoming a bishop. I found it cute that he was once a bouncer for the nightclub called
Buenos Aires. He used his money from that job to pay for his pre ecclesiastical studies.
The second article that I read fascinating
things weve learned about pope francis, was from the same website, but was posted about
two weeks after the other article I read. Yet again it is more insight to our newest pope
and how he is already changing the face of the church. It talks about Pope Francis going
to pay his own hotel bill, he canceled his own newspaper subscription, and he often says
that priests from him on down need to serve people. Another powerful statement from
Pope Francis is that he has chosen to live in the Vatican hotel called the Casa Santa
Marta, instead of living in the papal apartment at the Apostolic Palace. The article says,
Francis will use the papal apartment as his workspace, to receive official guests and
handle papal business. But he ll live in the
Rousseau And The Death Penalty
Rousseau and the Death Penalty

Jean Jacques Rousseau, born in 1712, was a philosopher who studied music. During his
lifetime he wrote a multitude of books, one particular piece of writing being The Social
Contract and The First and Second Discourses, which we read and discussed in class. In
this book we got to take a look at some of Rousseau s famous political writings. In his
writings, Rousseau addresses many controversial topics about society, which caused him
to make enemies and he eventually had to flee. One topic in particular that Rousseau
discussed was in his book The Social Contract where he wrote about the idea of the death
penalty and how he supports it. The death penalty is controversial and should not be
allowed due to the fact that our government is killing a person who was convicted for
doing a similar crime. The Social Contract was written in 1762 and addresses the
legitimacy of political authority. One specific topic that Rousseau writes about to discuss
political authority is the power of the sovereign in book II of The Social Contract.
Rousseau describes the sovereign as the law or authority. In The Social Contract,
Rousseau describes the sovereign as the voice of all the citizens and the sovereign cannot
be disobeyed or divided. Rousseau goes on to talk more about the sovereign and how it
runs, but the most interesting topic that he discussed is in Chapter 5 entitled The Right Of
Life And Death. In Chapter 5, Rousseau discusses the right of
The Pros And Cons Of Generation Skipping Transfer Tax
A generation skipping transfer (GST) is transfer property by gift or at death to a person
two or more generations below that of the transferor, the recipient of the property is
known as the skip person. Grandparent use a grandchild as a skip person, however a skip
person does not have to be a family member. Any unrelated person is eligible to receive a
generation skipping transfer as long as he/she is at least 37.5 years younger than the

The generation skipping transfer tax (GSTT) was enacted in 1976; it allows the
government to collect transfer tax at every generation. If parents skip a generation by
gifting property to a grandchild or great grandchild, the government would forgo taxes on
the transfer to the grandchildren.
Components Of A Food ( Glanz Et Al
Flavour is the most important attribute that determines the acceptance and desirability of
a food (Glanz et al., 1998). Flavours are generally added to foods to enhance palatability,
replace flavour loss during processing and/or storage, and to impart added flavour to
analogue foods. Hydrolysates of proteins generated by acid, enzymes or fermentation
have a long history of use as taste enhancing and savoury flavouring materials in the food
industry. Besides being important precursors in thermal process flavourings, protein
hydrolysates are widely used in food products as flavouring ingredients in their own
right. Traditional European cuisine often incorporates hydrolysates of soy, wheat, meat
and fish for the preparation of soups and gravies, while fermented seasonings such as soy
sauce, soybean paste and fish sauce are prevalent in East Asian cuisine (Neklyudov et al.,
Hydrolysed vegetable protein (HVP) is a savoury flavouring agent used to impart
authentic bouillon like characteristics and round off the taste of culinary preparations and
ready to cook products (Aaslyng et al., 1999). Unlike fermented seasonings, HVP is
produced by acid and enzymatic hydrolyses. The raw material, nature of hydrolysis and
subsequent refinement determine individual flavour characteristics of hydrolysates.
Degradation products may also function as flavour precursors in the Maillard reaction
occurring during hydrolysis. Common plant protein sources include wheat, soy, maize,
rice and
Science Questions And Answers
#1. The dirt considered living because it has all the kingdoms of life in it.
#2. The small lens of soil left over from the glaciers can survive after the Ice Age because
the lens becomes larger and deeper. So, the soil building thickens the soil with was strong
enough to support biodiversity.
#3. The fungus infused with mycelium when it decomposes wood and plant material. It
becomes generates soil and dirt.
#4. Clyde s pickup truck turned into a garden when it was sitting in the sun for so long
and met with the natural elements.
#5. I just had a sip of dinosaur pee made by Andy Lipkis meant that the same water that
was drunk and bathed in by dinosaurs is the same water that we used because our water
is recycled there no new water.
#6. ... Show more content on ...
#!6. If agroecology was executed in Ethiopia, it could have feed the whole entire
continent of Africa that way no wouldn t have to suffer.
#17. The root system of an annual plant such as wheat root system is shallower compared
to the root system of a perennial plant. The annual wheat plants need help from other
substance and can t rely on its own system to grown again every year. The perennial
plants don t need help from other substance at all because of its root system it does not
need to start every year to grow again from seed.
#18. The relationship between the diversity of plant root systems and erosion is that the
roots protect the soil from erosion and the thinner the soil is the more perennial the roots
#19. The green roof provides shade, remove air particulates. Protects the roof from sun
damage, and cool the air as water lost moist from plants leaves.
#20. In urban areas of Indian, children play on concrete compared to where the rich kids
play in dirt areas where they feel the land.
#21. It takes 8 months to compost the liquid fish waste into usable soil.
#22. The possible application of the microbial fuel cells can able to power public places,
landscape lights, aluminate park, and rural regions that can help in some countries.
#23. The end of the movie says soil on earth can change someone lives and it
Post Revisionist Approach To The Cause Of The Cold War
The historian who wrote this extract kept a post revisionist approach to reach a
judgement for who caused the Cold War in his beginning paragraph . Post revisionist
historians blames neither side but instead blames the foundation of mutual
misunderstanding which was always there. This idea was first introduced by the leading
post revisionist historian John Lewis Gaddis during the late 1900s. There are few reasons
why I concluded that the writer kept post revisionist approach.

First of all , in his beginning he stated that the civil war was the product not of a decision
but of a dilemma . This is where his main idea begins which is that Cold War was not
something the opposite powers wanted but instead it was something inevitable due to the
misunderstandings . Each side not deemed to trust each other but saw one s defensive
measures as a threat . He stated that Russians concluded that the west was resuming its
old course of capitalist encirclement this shows that each sides were already aware of the
possible upcoming misconceptions as well as the clash of different ideologies( which is
shown as the foundation if anti soviet regimes). So far it was apparent that the 2 powers
would want to keep their security after the WW2 , but their security actions
misfortunately created discomfort and suspicion for each other . Writer suggests that at
this circumstance the only way over this was to win over each other and that s what
happened . ... Show more content on ...
He triggers that even though the both were to blame for the cause , one side has to put
more weight than other because at this rate Cold War was manageable and could be
avoided. So in his upcoming paragraphs he surfaces more reasons as follows
Comparison Between City Life and Country Life
Essay question: city life and country life Final draft
Everyone has a different lifestyle. People sometimes have to decide where they want to
live. Some people prefer to live in the city while other people choose to live in the
countryside. Their choice depends upon their bachground. City lifestyle and country
lifestyle are two different types of living. Although, these two types of living differ from
each other by environment, job opportunities and cost of living; they also have similar
features such as daily routine, values and people live and work in these areas.
The most notable difference between life in a countryside and life in a city is
environment. There are less pollution, fewer cars and factories in the countryside. The ...
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Another two differences between these places of living are job opportunities and cost of
living. There are more job opportunities in the city. People in the countryside have their
farms. They grow different vegetables, fruits and make money on it. For instance, In
Mekong delta farmers make two crops a year. They are Summer Autumn yield and
Winter Spring yield ( What s the difference , n.d.). Between these seasons of crop there is
a distance. They do not do anything during this period. In contrast, most people move to
the city in order to find a job because it is easier there. For person who has a good
education, the city is the best way to earn money because different offices, companies,
factories are located in cities ( What s the difference , n.d.). For example, there are
ChoRay hospital, Sacombank, Vietnam Airlines, National University in Ho Chi Minh
city and these companies usually hire masters, doctors, engineers ( What s the difference
, n.d.). Also another difference between them is a cost of living. The cost of living in the
city is higher than the countryside, for instance goods are more expensive there ( Rural
area , n.d.). In the country, most people have the sufficient economy. They can grow
plants and breed animals so expenditures are lower and they can live on their own. The
country life is simple and comfortable. Nevertheless, to rent a house, to buy food and to
use a transport is more expensive in the city but the
Personal Essay About Being Prideful
Having pride in an accomplishment or place is different than being prideful. Being
prideful can be misinterpreted as being selfish, conceited, or vain. Having pride is simply
feeling a sense of satisfaction from your achievement or being able to take a step back
and think wow, I was a part of that. Having pride is taking pleasure from improvement
and wanting to show it off to others. As a student in Richlands schools since I was in
kindergarten, I have had the unique privilege of being able to really see the growth in the
schools and the town over the past thirteen years. Walmart has invaded the town and
Arnold s has sadly moved away, but yet we stay. That is because the pride of the
wildcats, the pride of this town is not in the places but in the people. I show my wildcat
pride by proudly ... Show more content on ...
My mom, grandma, and great grandma all went to Richlands, and I am glad I was able to
carry on that tradition. There is pride in tradition and there is pride in trying things that
are new. To show my pride in my school I wear Richlands t shirts often, parading
advertisements of the various clubs I m in. I strive to excel in school related competitions
and in being a good representative of my school. I want others to see me and think, if that
s what a Richlands student looks like, then it must be a really great place to be. Others
might want to escape from what they consider an educational prison, but I can t imagine
a better place to learn. This school has provided me with so many opportunities and I m
not afraid to let people know. It is because of this school that I was able to attend
Governor s School last summer. It is because of this school that I will be competing at
SkillsUSA Nationals this summer. When I go to these places, I want people to know
where I am from, I want them to know the love I have for my school. I want them to
notice the pride in my smile when I say I am a
Rugby Vs Rugby
When it comes to extra curricular activities, each student looks for something that
accomodates their desired, and if that student s desire lies in making full use of his/her
physical strength and intellectual ability, then rugby is the ideal sport. In order to be a
competent rugby player, one has to combine endurance, mobility, formidable strength
and a complete devotion for the game.

To briefly describe the game, it consists of two competing teams, each team is compiled
of 15 players, the objective of the game is to carry, pass or kick the ball to an area called
the endzone. The game lasts 80 minutes, played on the course of two halves, each lasting
40 minutes with a 5 minute break seperating them.

What makes rugby different

Gun Control Laws Should Not The Safety Of The Citizens
America is the number one country for number of gun related deaths ratio each year. In
Germany 381, in France 255, in Canada 165 in the United Kingdom 68, in Australia 65,
in Japan 39 and in the United States, 11,127 (Moore Michael, 51:15 51:48). Due to the
United States having the greatest number of gun related deaths, it is almost essential to
implement gun control laws that restrict people from purchasing and owning dangerous
firearms. The laws that are created to control the guns should ultimately keep the safety
of the citizens first. Of course, there is no easy way or solution to please both sides of the
argument, but there should be a balance between both sides.

In 2008 a survey was conducted stating: Adult poll respondents ... Show more content on ...
In the 1900s America like other counties during that time considered guns a tool used to
survive and protect. As Americans civilized the wilderness, they would eventually be
able to rely not just on their own skills at individual self defense for protection, but on
laws and civil authorities and the other institutions of government they were building (
Whitney, Pg. 103). In the early 1900s The United States did not have the modern civil
authorities that are used today. Citizens relied on firearms to protect not only themselves
but their family, and property because law enforcement was basic and simple. What was
deemed acceptable then is not now in America and that is why the Second Amendment
was ideal in the 1900s. Firearms of military grade that have the ability to shoot 700 950
rounds/min, like the M16, did not exist. Firearms during that time did not come close the
capability of modern weapons that are available today and that is one of the reasons why
gun control was not a pressing issue. The need for Gun control became necessary
throughout history as technology advanced and different types of firearms emerged that
were more powerful and deadly. Also the issues of people becoming more interested in
guns not only for civic duty but for entertainment/ recreational use lead to
Personal Narrative-Mother-Daughter Relationship
for the past three years, my uncle began to fight for custody and then the mom did not
allow the child any visiting. There are many reasons why he chose to fight for his
daughter and they were personal, but definitely reasonable. At first the daughter still
agreed to come back for the summer and always enjoyed her time. She would see her
sibling, and enjoy camping. She never wanted to go back to her mom and always cried
when she had to leave. Recently, the mom began brainwashing their daughter. The mom
is extremely unhealthy and has chosen to do many inappropriate things which my uncle
has proof of. The mom always tells the little girl to be nasty towards her father when they
talk on the phone. She verbally spouts off words that an eleven year old should not even
know, while my uncle can hear the mother in the background telling hear what to say. ...
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About a month ago, my grandma texted his little girl and she responded nasty towards
her so my uncle decided to turn her phone off. He has not heard from her since and her
birthday is soon approaching. I can tell after interviewing my uncle that he is frustrated
and has lost hope. He has repeatedly gone to court and holds an incredible amount of
evidence why his daughter would be better off with him. I wish him the best of luck
when court approaches. This story had an enormous impact on my life and made me
realize how grateful I am for parents who stayed married. To me keeping a successful
relationship is very important, especially when children are involved. I believe there a
many ways you can save a relationship and it is important to try. There are many keys to
keeping a successful marriage. One way is open and ongoing communication which is so
important because your significant other needs to understand the many feelings
To what extent is the welfare state of the 21st century...
To what extent is the welfare state of the 21st century similar to that envisaged by
William Beveridge?
This essay will commence by explaining who William Beveridge was and what problems
he seen within the welfare state. Following on from this, it will then compare the welfare
state of the 21st century to that seen by William Beveridge in his famous report of the
Inter Departmental Committee on Social Insurance and Allied Services which was
published on the 1st December 1942, discussing problems and similarities. The five giant
evils Beveridge claimed to exist will be indentified and analyzed in depth and how
Clement Attlee s 1945 Labour government pledged to eliminate these evils. Margaret
Thatcher was the first woman conservative ... Show more content on ...
This was the only change that proved more giving; all other changes were less giving.
Benefits for the unemployed were not discarded but were only to last for 30 weeks.
Marriage and training grants for the self employed were discarded, and most importantly,
the scale of the payments received from the contributory scheme fell below the minimum
needed for continuation. This resulted in the need for national assistance being means
tested, this over the years grew more and more important, which was not what Beveridge
had intended. Now, the benefits for the unemployed, more commonly known as Job
Seekers Allowance are calculated annually as to what a person can claim in a week. On
June 29, 2009 the maximum payable was £65.45 per week for a person aged over 25,
£53.45 per week for a person aged 18 24. The rules for couples where both are
unemployed are more complex, but a maximum of £102.75 per week is payable,
dependent on age and other factors. (Benefit Tax Credit Rates 2006). The system now is
a lot more complex and intricate and although a lot of people rely on the benefit system
for survival, poverty is still an enormous issue as it was in the 1940 s. Other acts which
were put in place to tackle want/poverty include the Family Allowances Act and the
National Assistance Act
So how did the Labour Government tackle the other four giants? There were policy
initiatives put in place relating to each giant individually. For
Comparing the Speeches of Mark Antony and Brutus in
Comparing the Speeches of Mark Antony and Brutus in Julius Caesar

The play Julius Caesar was first performed in 1599 at the Globe theatre in London. The
Globe theatre was built earlier that year and Julius Caesar was one of the first plays
performed there. This gives us reason to believe that the play was written towards the end
of 1598 and beginning of 1599.

William Shakespeare wrote the play Julius Caesar because Plutarchs Lives , William
Shakespeare s source of history, allowed him to use his imagination and create a sell out
play. In the history book of most of the facts are the same as William Shakespeare s
however he had to change some of the events in order to make it into a play ... Show
more content on ...
That if Rome were to be run by an ambitious man such as Julius Caesar then it would be
for the worst.

Mark Antony was not as fortunate with regards to family as Brutus, however he was
highly respected by Julius Caesar and Mark Antony treated him as a loyal, close friend.
Mark Antony was a logical thinker and it was this fact that made him an excellent soldier
along with him being skill full, and cunning in his approach to life. He claimed to not
have the skills of an orator, however this is ironic and he in fact was one of the greatest
orators of his time. He was driven by his emotions so therefore he is going to whole
heartedly persuade the crowd into his way of thinking, to avenge the death of Julius
Caesar and cause a riot against the conspirators.

Brutus task is to calm the crowd and to persuade them that he had a valid reason for the
joint murder of Julius Caesar, therefore he begins with the line

Romans, countrymen and lovers, hear me for my cause

Appealing to their sense of patriotism with the word Romans and suggesting that he is
very passionate in his reasons for joining the conspirators

Hear me for
Analyzing A Copy For The Means Of Producing A

When analyzing a copy for the means of producing a deliverable audit report, there are a
few details that must be considered first. One of the important aspects to increase risk
awareness and improve upon the current operations. To convey this thru the reporting, it
is important to know the organizations reporting practices; when and to who do they
report the finding to? Once the auditor has this information, they need to determine the
objective for the audit. Knowing this information will help to determine the approach to
take. Next a structure will need to be developed; how will the audit report be
communicated? This is a vital step when conveying potentially intricate detail, it must be
clear to the receiver. The auditor ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, they offer services, such as flooring install and outsource services that they
are unable to accommodate like plumbing. ( Home Depot s Product Portfolio and
Supplier Relationships Market Realist, n.d.)

Home Depot reports their financials quarterly. The major financial statement items
include parts I thru IV. Part I contains a little background on the company, as well as
operational strategies, risk factors, unresolved staff issues, property, any legal proceeding
and safety strategies. Part II contains stockholder matters, management discussion,
disclosures about market risk, management statement over responsibility and report over
financials, any changes and disagreements on disclosures and controls and procedures.
Part III includes information on executives and corporate governance, executive
compensation, security ownership and related stockholder matters, related transactions
and director independence and accounting fees and services. Lastly, part IV contains the
consolidated balance sheet, statement of earnings, comprehensive income, stockholder s
equity and cashflows. Additionally, it includes the notes to the financial statement and
accounting policy section. All of these sections can be found on the SEC website at
1312016x10xk.htm. ( 10 K The Home Depot, n.d.)
My Year At The Winner City Pool
In my eighteen years of my life, this summer has by far been the most memorable. It was
filled with many great memories during these past three months. This summer was filled
with a lot of fun, excitement, nerves, and sadness. Summer started one week early, but
other than that it was pretty much the same as every other summer. I spent a lot of my
time working, with my friends and family, and in the gym.
This year was my fourth year working as a lifeguard at the Winner city pool. Every year I
have worked, we only had to jump in for kids around three times the whole summer, and
this year we jumped in over ten times. I had to jump into the deepest part of the pool,
which is twelve feet deep and grab a little boy who started sinking after he jumped off
the diving board. It was not hard because he was light and I could just grab his arm and
pull him to the ladder but it was very scary, and I was a little shaken up afterwards. Also
this year I did my third year of private swimming lessons. Usually I give around ten to
twelve lessons a summer and this year I doubled that and had twenty seven kids for
lessons. Lessons were very hard to schedule this year since I was so busy so working at
the pool and teaching kids basically consumed my whole summer.
Just like any other summer, I was with my friends and family a lot. My friends and I
would go to the outdoor movie theater almost every Sunday night since it was cheap
night and we always sat in the back row and never watched the movie,
Melancholy, By Carina Del Valle Schorske
Melancholy, written by Carina del Valle Schorske, presents the reader with the mystery
of melancholy and its relation to clinical depression a relevant, urgent issue that should
indeed be addressed. However, the mystery remains unsolved as the piece progresses,
and not in a way that promotes open ended discussion. The opening paragraph contains
four central themes: melancholy does not equate to depression; depression is hard to
define; a number of well known artists and writers deal with this affliction and try to
capture the feeling in their work; melancholy s difference from depression lies in its
charms. As an introduction to the piece, the themes clearly display del Valle Schorske s
thoughts on melancholy and depression. It s the body paragraphs that spawn confusion
between the four main ideas. Del Valle Schorske states: The charms of melancholy seem
to be the charms of van Gogh s quietly kaleidoscopic color palette: in one self portrait,
every color used on his face is echoed elsewhere in the surroundings. In only the second
paragraph, del Valle Schorske tackles two of her four themes artists suffer and
melancholy charms in a single sentence. And a few lines later, she throws in a third:
melancholy is not depression: The charms of his work become the charms of his persona
and his predicament. Here is where confusion begins to complicate the main thesis; van
Gogh s work is simultaneously melancholic and a product of depression, which is a
direct contradiction of,
Jonathan s Record On Corruption Is A Disgrace Essay
In relation to the records of the former President, Goodluck Jonathan, Remi Adekoya
argues that Jonathan s record on corruption is a disgrace . To buttress this, a recent report
from Human Rights Watch states that endemic public sector corruption continued to
undermine the enjoyment of social and economic rights in Nigeria . Former President
Jonathan did not deny that his administration was undermined by systemic grand
corruption as he has constantly referred to it as common stealing . He has been accused
by even his political allies of only paying lip service while encouraging corruption
through his body language . Recently, Jonathan received a letter from Obasanjo with
vitriolic criticisms, which include comparing Mr Jonathan s rule to that of the late
General Sani Abacha, the widely hated former military dictator . In the eighteen paged
letter, Mr Obasanjo accused Mr Jonathan of failing to tackle Nigeria s many problems, in
particular, the endemic grand corruption.
Prominent among the grand corruption cases that emerged from former President
Jonathan s regime includes the Police Pension Fund scam where 32.8 billion Naira
(US$210 million Dollars) belonging to the Police Pension Fund was embezzled by
serving public officials. The porous public structure arguably made it possible for the
highly placed public officers to syphon off the pension fund. Moreover, in April 2012,
the House of Representatives committee investigating the fuel subsidy programme
Five Principles Of Retail
Building relationships with customers is basics step of success. Businesses spend
millions trying to attract new customers or win back lapsed ones and yet often neglect to
develop their existing customer relationships.
Successfully managing your customer relationships involves finding out about their
purchasing habits, their opinions and their preferences. Record their data and create
profiles of individual customers. Armed with this valuable information, marketing will
become more effective and sales will increase. Ask customers for information and
feedback to create a complete picture. Customers sometimes need to be asked more than
once, so use multiple stages or complementary media. Dealing with complaints properly
can also teach a lot about the weaknesses in retail business. A retailer may also need to
rethink his operations to improve customer service and marketing. It s all about
enhancing the customer experience.
Five Principles of Retail

1. The customer is the most important person in a retailer s business: The customer holds
the key to every successful retail operation. Make your retail business more customer
focused, and realize the potential to make retail business a success. The main retail
principle to master is the customer; the customer should be the centre of retail business
and everything retailer do, must revolve ... Show more content on ...
The Product Mix: The variety of products that a company produces or that a retailer
stocks is known as product line . It is a broad group of products, intended for similar uses
and having similar characteristics. The product mix is the set of all the products offered
for sale by a company. It refers to the length (the number of products in the product line),
breadth (the number of product lines that a company offers), depth (the different varieties
of product in the product line), and consistency (the relationship between products in
their final destination) of product lines. Product mix is sometimes called product
Museum Of Natural History
Growing up in New York my town is full of museum and plays and bleeds culture.
I know you wanted a essay on a recent culture experience, but it wouldn t be a great as
my experience when I was fifteen and my mother took my brother and I out of school
and took us on a skip day in New York City. We went to the Museum of Natural History.
This was one of the best experiences and taste of art I have ever experienced.The
Museum of Natural History is located on Central Park West in Manhattan NY, across
from Central Park. This is one of the biggest museums in the world and I felt blessed to
be able to visit. This museum exhibits word history. It displays clothes, statues, and also
pottery. This museum also has a planetary hall exhibit.The Planetary
Food And Drinks In The 1980s Case Study
Many foods and drinks were introduced and made popular during the 1980s. Most have
actually been discontinued for various reasons and some are still around today. I broke up
this section into three; Munchies, as in your usual snack foods, Sweets, popular candies
and desserts that were enjoyed greatly, and pops and beverages, liquidized flavorings that
gave people a different option other than water. Popular snack foods of the 80s were;
Fruit Roll Ups, a fruit snack that is flat and usually had tattoos on them. In 2011, General
Mills had a law suit over the packaging since it was misleading because it presented
nutritious, fruit filled snacks. It eventually settled with Gen Mills agreeing not to put
pictures of fruit on the labels. Planters Cheez Balls, saucy little cheese balls that came in
a metal can. Quality cheese balls that filled all of our cheesy dreams. They were
discontinued in 2006, with no explanation. Many people have actually started petitions to
bring them back actually. Lean Cuisine is still a 80s fad of weight loss and exercise.
Nestle came up with a brand of frozen entrees/ dinners as low fat, low calorie alternative
to the Stouffer s frozen products. Tagged with You ll love the way it looks on you .
California Raisins were a popular fictional animated Claymation musical group that
advertised raisins. Sweets were also a favorite during the 80s, as much as people wanted
to lose weight others did find new ways to quench their sweet tooth. Nerds, were come
Huckleberry Finn
The theme of Mark Twain s Huckleberry Finn is that the ideas of society can greatly
influence the individual, and sometimes the individual must break off from the accepted
values of society to determine the ultimate truth for himself. In Huckleberry Finn s
world, society has corrupted justice and morality to fit the needs of the people of the
nation at that time. Basically, Americans were justifying slavery, through whatever social
or religious ways that they deemed necessary during this time.

The conflict between society and Huckleberry Finn results from Huck s non conformist
attitude. This attitude is a result of his separation from society at an early age. With a
highly abusive drunkard for a father, Huckleberry Finn is forced from ... Show more
content on ...
Huckleberry Finn recognizes Jim as a human being, but is fighting the beliefs bestowed
upon him by a society that believes slaves should not be free. However, it is important to
realize that although Huckleberry Finn s decisions create the conflict between society and
himself (and that this conflict forms the theme of the novel), Huck is oblivious to the
justice, the righteousness, and even the heroism of his own actions, they are simply in
accordance with his own conscience.

The climax comes in chapter thirty one of the novel, when Huckleberry Finn s moral
development reaches its peak. Up until this point in the novel, Huckleberry Finn has been
experiencing internal conflict concerning his treatment of Jim. Society has brought him
up to believe that Jim is nothing but property, rightfully belonging to Miss Watson, and
so Huck would be wrong in helping Jim flee. At the same time, however, his experiences
with Jim, and his own personal instincts about the situation tell him that he is doing the
right thing.

Huck feels terrible because he cannot please both voices of his conscience. Huckleberry
Finn feels as though society is right, and he is wrong. At first, he begins to write a letter
to Miss Watson to return Jim, but then ends up destroying the letter and deciding to help
free Jim. Specifically, in the novel, Huck says, quot;All right, then I ll go to hell, quot;
right as he tore up the letter. This indicates that
Religious Language In The Handmaid s Tale
Language is a building block when it comes to writing. It covers most aspects of writing,
such as word choice, syntax, phrasing, etc. It s the process that engages the audience.
Ranging from a 10 volume series of World War II analysis to Dr. Seuss, language is
malleable, in which it s shaped to fit the theme at hand. It s a powerful tool that can affect
the emotion of the reader and the overall atmosphere drastically. If the writing is boring,
with simple and empty words, no imagery, of course it would pain you to flip to the next
page. On the other hand, if the writing has expressive word choice, has imagery that
paints a vivid, living world in your head, you would race through the story to find out
what happens next. Specifically I would like to bring attention to the fact that language is
power, and in the novel, The Handmaid s Tale by Margaret Atwood, this is a prominent
idea that is illustrated throughout the entire book. Atwood made it so that power is
created through religious language, freedom of speech, the speech ... Show more content
on ...
This concept is evident throughout the entire book. In Gilead, religious language is what
sustains the theocratic government. It also plays into the freedom of speech, where
individuals are compelled to use when communicating and interacting, making it normal
in their daily lives. There are many religious references in the book, such as the positions,
the roles of individuals in the book, like the Angels, Guardians, Jezebels, Marthas, and
the assigned names for the Handmaids that take away their sense of identity in the
autocratic state of Gilead. The store names, as well, such as Daily Bread and All Flesh.
Bread is a reference to the bible, where bread is considered a celestial food. As for flesh,
it is a reference to a quote in the bible that people go through the stages of life, being
born and carrying on until their death, like a flower in the field that sprouts and
Throughout history, anti-Semitism has been a reoccurring...
Throughout history, anti Semitism has been a reoccurring problem in which the Dreyfus
Affair was an important event. The Dreyfus Affair was a political scandal, which divided
France from the 1890 s to the early 1900 s. It was a very important event in history. 1894
marked the start of a revolution for Jewish people, as a French Jewish artillery officer,
Captain Alfred Dreyfus was accused of treason (Isseroff). The accusations against
Dreyfus were false all because he was a Jew. Following his accusation Dreyfus
accumulated many followers that became known as Dreyfusards and there were also
those who were against him called anti Dreyfusards (Drefler). Alfred Dreyfus was born
into an upper middle class on October 9th 1859 in Mulhouse, ... Show more content on ...
He was convicted of treason by court martial in December 1894 and sentenced to life
imprisonment in solitary confinement on Devil s Island, a prison off the coast of French
Guiana (Derfler). Before his deportation to Guiana he was publicly degraded and
humiliated. This false conviction was based on a list called the bordereau, which
contained admission to secret French military information (Dreyfus). This list was picked
out of the garbage pail of Maximilian Von Schwartzkoppen, a German military attach in
Paris (Johnson). Many years passed before the truth was uncovered, Dreyfus was
innocent and although false information was used he was an easy target because the
writing in the bordereau matched his handwriting and the information came from an
artillery officer (Johnson). In 1899, Alfred Dreyfus was granted a presidential pardon and
it is unwritten that he had committed treason against Dragnev 3 France (Martin). It was a
matter of life or death because Dreyfus feared that he would not survive the well known
penal colony. The bordereau looked to connect an artillery officer since it intended access
to specific information regarding a new French artillery weapon called the Modele 1890
120mm Banquet howitzer (Read). Along with the fact that Dreyfus was a highly skilled
artillery officer, he was
Theme Of Stanley In A Streetcar Named Desire
In A Streetcar Named Desire , the characters of Blanche and Stanley are presented as
opposing characters in the book, and hence a lot of conflict and friction occurs between
them. The character of Blanche is an older character, from a rather wealthy background
and lives in a fantasy world in which she is still young and hasn t faced the truth. The
character of Stanley, however, is a more realistic and primitive character and can be
viewed as Blanche s opposite.
Throughout the play, there is a constant battle between Blanche and Stanley for Stella.
This is shown at the beginning of the play when Blanche disapproves of Stella s home
and what she is dressed in, which to Stanley on the other hand seems completely normal
and fine. Blanche: Why, ... Show more content on ...
Stanley is shown as the reality of the modern society in that time, where Blanche believes
that she is still young and beautiful, and that all men adore her. Approaching the end of
the play, in scene 10, the idea of Blanche s fantasy is very clearly shown to the audience
[She is now placing the rhinestone tiara on her head before the mirror of the dressing
table and murmuring excitedly as if to a group of spectral admirers] . The word choice of
murmuring shows to the audience that she doesn t know exactly what she is saying or
thinking giving the effect that she is insane, not just messing around. This leads to further
conflict in this scene as Stanley walks in and begins to pick apart Blanche s lies and
stories she has told him about the millionaire. After Stanley has done with eating away at
Blanche s tales, he proceeds to rape her. The stage direction [ he waits between
BLANCHE and the outer door. The barley audible blue piano begins to drum louder. The
sounds of it turns into the roar of an approaching locomotive.] . This quote shows the
increase of power that Stanley has over Blanche. The blue piano symbolises Blanche and
her fantasy world, but as the locomotive approaches it overcomes the sound of the blue
piano. The locomotive shows the real, cruel world Stanley lives
Software Development Methodologies For Software
Software development methodologies A software development methodology in software
engineering is a framework that is used to structure, plan, and control the process of
developing an information system. A wide variety of such frameworks have evolved over
the years, each with its own recognized strengths and weaknesses. One software
developing methodology will not suit all projects requirements, and best suited should be
chosen based on various technical, organizational, project and team considerations. Most
methodologies share some combination of the following stages of software development:
Analyzing the problem Market research Gathering requirements for the proposed
business solution Plan and design the software based solution Implementation (coding)
of the software Testing the software Deployment Maintenance and bug fixing. The goal
of this section is to conduct overview of the most widely used software development
methodologies. Waterfall methodology The traditional approach to software development
can be illustrated through the waterfall model which is time tested and easy to
understand. The waterfall model approaches software development in sequential manner,
completing one activity before the other. It brakes up project in stages: requirement
analysis, design, coding and testing, operation and maintenance (see fig. 1 below). Fig. 1:
The phases of a Waterfall Model Each stage have goals to meet and once it is completed
then next stage takes place and
Essay about Black on Black Crime
Black on black violence is an enormous problem in the African American community.
Living in a neighborhood that is mostly minority, many may have witnessed a lot of
black on black violence. The black on black violence has continued to arise in many
communities and continues to be a problem around the world. Black on black violence is
ignorant, and many black Americans should be coming together instead of killing one
another. African Americans people should be helping each other achieve in the world,
instead of putting one another. By African Americans killing one another, it proves to
other races that black people do not know how to act, and that we are truly ignorant in
this world. African Americans need to realize that all we have ... Show more content on ...
African American people should look at these studies and want to make a difference, if
not for them, then for the future of the African American race that have to suffer the
consequences for the actions of others. The cause for all of this black on black violence is
the gang violence that has been rapidly increasing as the years have passed. All of these
people that are a part of a gang, go around killing people because of a street that they do
not even own. So many African Americans become a part of a gang because they
probably do not have love and support at home. Since they do not get it there, they run to
the streets to be with people that they think care about them and will give them support.
Many young boys that are from gangs feel, since they grew up around gangs, then they
might as well become a part of one. The boys that are in these gangs think their purpose
for being in a gang is to protect the street they live on. But what they do not realize is that
their lives are put in danger when they try to protect something not even theirs.
Whether in the Black community, or any community, we know that there are some
factors that correlate with a lower rate of violence. Two of the leading ones are:
economic stability and strong social networks. Communities in which people have their
basic needs met correlate with a lower incidence of violence. Both of these will be
difficult to achieve until racism is addressed (see reason number
Relationship Between Consumer Sentiment And Adr Price
These studies discussed above implicitly assume that the local and US investors have
homogeneous expectations about future prospects of all markets. However, in practice,
different market conditions can cause investors to generate differential risk perceptions.
Some studies argue that investor sentiment may augment to the price divergence between
ADRs and their underlying stocks.
 Heterogeneous Investor Sentiment
Grossmann et al. (2007) perhaps is the first to investigate the relationship between
consumer sentiment and ADR price differences. Using a fixed effects panel data
approach, they provide evidence in support of the hypothesis that costly arbitrage factors
influence ADR price differentials. 30 Moreover, they argue that sentiment could also help
explain the mispricing of ADRs. Specifically, they test whether consumer sentiment
(measured by consumer sentiment indices) help to explain the divergence between the
prices of ADRs and that of their underlying assets. Their results suggest that the more
optimistic U.S. consumers are the lower the ADR premiums. Based on the findings, they
conclude that the prices of ADRs and that of the underlying stocks are more responsive
to US consumer sentiment as to the consumer sentiment of the country of origin.
Using a cross sectional panel data approach, Arquette et al. (2008) model the variations
in ADR discount as a function of expected changes in exchange rate expectations and
differences in investor sentiment.31 The sample
The Death Of A Patient Die
Whenever a situation poses the threat of a patient dying, there seems to be a sense of
obligation at times that may drive physicians to do whatever it takes to try and save the
patient. In some cases that could be the deciding factor in whether a person can get better
or will die in the process. However, there are always situations that no one really wants
to face that involve the terminally ill who have extremely low to no chance of recovery.
Though a certain treatment will keep the patient alive, it can be seen as only prolonging
the inevitable. Between the possible legality and stigma of having a patient die, be it any
reason, the thought of just letting someone die or participating in a process that will
hasten their death frightens ... Show more content on ...
Some people fear death while others only fear the uncertainty that leads up to it. To
some, the process of prolonging the inevitable with an increasingly painful process can
seem much more cruel and immoral that just allowing them to die on their own terms.
Another prominent reason for the implication of a social policy for physician assistance
in dying is to help to create a little less uncertainty when it comes to which situations,
where death is involved, are okay. If no states had any policy on physician assistance in
dying there would still be cases where the only thing left that can be done is to let the
patient move on and die. Cases like these could be a withdrawing of treatment, abstaining
from a treatment, or perhaps even a more direct method (within legal means). Situations
like these could allow for a slippery slope argument on what can and will be accepted in
end of life cases. If a social policy were to be put into place, it might help to define what
type of instances it is relatively okay to allow death. However, there will always be a
slippery slope argument of how if one example is allowed than why not another. A policy
would hopefully lessen the slope, but would in no means make it completely disappear.
One the other hand, one of the most prominent reasons for not adopting a
The Difference in Thoughts on Freedom of the Grand...
Q1: The Grand Inquisitor According to The Grand Inquisitor, human beings do not want
absolute freedom. The parable of Dostoevsky is told on a religious level, whereby the
Inquisitor condemns Christ for offering human beings the choice between good and evil
yet gives them a weak will to make such decisions. It is better to be happy and to have no
choices, says the Inquisitor, since so many people will end up miserable and condemned
as a result of their freedom. (Much like Adam and Eve seem inevitably destined to be
cast out of the Garden of Eden by their own, freely willed choice to eat of the Tree of
Knowledge). To a contemporary American, the idea that freedom could be negative is
profoundly disturbing. The value of freedom is so dear to our secular culture that it is
seen as a universal good. However, it can be observed that even within a relatively free
society, people often seem desperate to constrict themselves with self made prisons.
People remain in bad marriages and bad jobs, saying they have no choice, without
exploring the limits of what choice means. Theoretically, one can walk away from a bad
job and not look back, provided one is willing to accept the uncertainty of not knowing
where the next paycheck will come from. But the anxiety of too many choices often
paralyzes the individual so we prefer to say we have no choice. The idea of security,
which The Grand Inquisitor says is what people really want, can cause many people to
reject a happier, freer life.
Nursing Home With Stage IIi Lymphoma
I grew up on a farm that was half an hour from town. We never went to the emergency
room. We never went to the doctor. We learned to patch ourselves up with whatever we
had, so I had never even seen a nurse in action until I was sixteen and my Grandmother
was in a nursing home with stage III Lymphoma. The nursing home was near where I
worked and so at lunch time a couple times of week I would go and read to her. At the
time, I didn t focus on the wonderful people taking care of her, however I remember
friends and family coming to see my Grandmother and they would talk very loudly to her
and some times she wouldn t even respond. Whereas, I and the nurses could sit right next
to her bed and in a normal voice have a conversation with her and she never had trouble
hearing us. During these discussions she would express to the nurses how wonderful they
were and what a noble thing they were doing by helping take care of people in need. She
always told me that the two most important professions were nurses and teachers. This
experience taught me that my most important goal is to always treat people as a whole
person not just a disease or condition. To take the time to listen and understand what they
are need. My second goal is to learn something new everyday to make myself a
successful nurse. Third, I want to continue to help and serve the community by
continuing to create and implement centers of excellence in contact allergies and
It is my belief that
Gregory Aziz Research Paper
Gregory James Aziz is the current President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of
National Steel Car, the leading manufacturer of railroad tank and freight car in North
America. He was born on the 30th April 1949 in London, Ontario. Greg Aziz attended
school at Ridley College and late enrolled at the University of Western Ontario, where he
majored in Economics. He joined his family s wholesale food business; Affiliated Foods,
in 1971 and worked there for over a decade. With his excellent skills in economics,
James Aziz grew the company into a universal importer of fresh produce from South
America and the United Kingdom with a market target in Canada and the United States.
In 1994, while working on investment banking business opportunities
German Unification Of Germany
German unification was a changing aspect in European history because of the fact that
Germany was reliant on their leader Bismarck. Before unification Germany was isolated
into thirty nine individual states, which was united in a procedure that began in 1849 and
finished in 1871.The principal architect of unification was a German statesman, Otto Von
Bismarck. Bismarck #39;s main aim was to unite the
German states into one capable nation and gain control for Prussia. He was beginning to
create and refine his claim political logic, quot;Realpolitik quot;. This was summed up in
the statement he made: quot;The only sound foundation of a great state is state egoism
and not romanticism it is unworthy of a great state to fight for something in which it has
no interest. quot; He aimed at making Prussia the leader of Germany, and
Germany the leading nation of Europe. Therefore, he promised to utilize the strategies for
quot;blood and iron quot; to bring all the German nation together under the Prussian
There were three short Prussian wars during the nineteenth century which brought about
the unification of the German states. The war against Denmark (1864), The Austro
Prussian War (1866), and
The Franco Prussian war (1870 1871). The importance of the war against Denmark was
that it was a means of gaining the help of Prussia towards the new army reforms. The war
against Austria brought about the final defeat of liberalism in Germany and the removal
of Austria in all German
Grand Hotel History
History of the Grand Mr. F.H. Chamberlain built the first Grand Hotel in 1847. It was a
long rambling two story building with 40 rooms. A separate building housed the dining
room and kitchen while still another building held the bar named The Texas after the
state ofTexas which, at the time, was separate from the other states Guests traveled to the
hotel by steamboats and docked at what is now the marina During the Civil War, the 21st
Alabama Regiment camped on the hotel grounds and the hotel was used as a base
hospital In 1869 a fire broke out destroying the dining room, kitchen, and guestrooms.
Approximately 150 guests and their personal belongings were saved along with hotel
linen and furniture. However, the names of approximately 300 Union and Confederate
Soldiers who died at Point Clear ... Show more content on ...
Rumor has it that four trips around the porch would equal a mile winter and summer
months. Rates were $2.00 per day, By 1882 the hotel was kept open during the an
extravagant price, wouldn t you think? $10.00 per week, and $40.00 per month...Quite In
1893 a hurricane destroyed the dining room and The Texas bar. However, both were
rebuilt In 1901 Major James K. Glennon of Mobile purchased the hotel and The
Gunnison House which lay next to it along with 250 acres of land. At one point, L N
Railroad wanted to develop the area as the Riviera of America and offered Major
Glennon $90,000 but the major felt it was worth $100,000. Neither the railroad nor
Major Glennon gave in so the railroad turned its attention to the Mississippi Gulf Coast
The hotel was severely damaged by the hurricanes of 1906 and 1916. Major Glennon
was ready to quit but Mrs. Glennon intervened. She put on her straw hat, gathered a work
crew, and supervised repairs throughout the winter. The next summer the hotel reopened
for business. In 1939 Mr. E.A. Roberts purchased the hotel. His dream was to have an
What Is The Government s Response To The Truman Doctrine
By 1947, US president Harry S. Truman was outraged by the Soviet Union s perceived
resistance to American demands in Iran, Turkey and Greece, as well as their rejection of
the Baruch Plan on nuclear weapons. In February 1947, the British government
announced that it could no longer afford to finance the Kingdom of Greece in its civil
war against Communist led insurgents. The US government s response to this
announcement was the adoption of containment, the goal of which was to stop the spread
of Communism. Truman delivered a speech that called for the allocation of $400 million
to intervene in the war and unveiled the Truman Doctrine, which framed the conflict as a
contest between free peoples and totalitarian regimes. American policymakers
Essay On How To Create Bath Bombs
Going to the spa is very relaxing. It can also be very expensive. Here are some tips,
tricks, and hacks on how to do a DIY spa night.

Do you like bath bombs? Or, do you like that fizzy bath sensation? Well, you can create
your own bath bombs with many different colors. To create bath bombs you will need: 1
cup baking soda, ½ cup citric acid, ½ cup epsom salt, 1 teaspoon water, 2 teaspoons
essential oil, 3 teaspoon olive oil, a little bit of food coloring, a whisk, a bowl, saran
wrap, jar, and an ice cube tray. First, you have to mix the dry ingredients. Then, mix all
the wet ingredients together. After, mix the wet and dry ingredients together. Finally,
pack the mix into the ice cube tray tightly and cover the tray with saran wrap. Bath
bombs are a lot of fun! ... Show more content on ...
You can now make your own lavender and coconut moisturizing face cream. It will help
you keep moist and keep you looking young. All you need is, ½ cup coconut oil, a
teaspoon vitamin E oil, and 12 drops of lavender oil. To make it all you need to do is,
melt the coconut oil. Then, mix the three ingredients together. Voila, you now have you
own moisturizing cream!

Many people want to keep their body nice and moist. There are many different DIY
lotions but here is just one way to make lotion. You will only need five ingredients.
Those ingredients are: ¼ cup of carrier ingredients together, and then put it in the wax
paper lined cardboard box. How easy is
Advantages And Disadvantages Of BIM In New Zealand
BIM in New Zealand
New Zealand is leading the pack regionally when it comes to the adoption of BIM
(Building Information Modelling) within their construction sector. Both the US and the
UK have made significant progress in advancing their knowledge and use of BIM with
modelling and process standards, of which the New Zealanders have adopted and
adapted to suit local context. And yes, there are other authorities who have made progress
in developing BIM within their local industry such as Singapore and Hong Kong with
local guidance documents and requirements. Even Australia has managed to put together
guidance at a country level, via ACIF and APCC, to supplement the plethora of
documents available by competing BIM wizards.
BIM IS EMERGING ... Show more content on ...
At the end of the building s life, BIM documents all the materials, recyclables and any
hazardous substances for the decommissioning team.
Ultimately, BIM s ability to integrate processes and ensure accurate, timely and
intelligent transfer of information between key project stakeholders lies at the heart of its
productivity gains. Many countries have already realised many of these gains, yet the
overwhelming majority of organisations using BIM believe it has the potential to offer
even greater value in the future. If that proves true, it makes the case for accelerating
BIM s adoption in this country very difficult to ignore.
The Productivity Partnership has worked through the National Technical Standards
Committee (NTSC) to produce an online BIM handbook for New Zealand. The expected
productivity gain through implementing BIM in New Zealand construction sector by
2020 focuses on the following core objectives like taking the complexity out of building
process, Increasing the speed of building and Building better for less cost. BIM has been
identified as a major step change an immediate (and quite large) productivity gain can be
achieved over a shorter period of
Assess The Importance Of Business Continuity Planning
As listed on the website of Canada Business Network (2017), it is advisable for
businesses to have a Business Continuity Planning (BCP) in order to deal with
unexpected crises that could interrupt the operations of a business. A BCP is important
because every business is at risk from potential disasters that could affect their normal
operations: natural disasters, accidents, sabotage, power and energy disruptions, failures
in the sectors of communications, transportation, safety, and service, environmental
disasters, and cyber attacks (Public Safety Canada 2015). Regardless of the size or nature
of the business, a business owner can design a plan to minimize the disruption of a
disaster, to recover quickly, and to keep the business competitive
Anne Sullivan Research Paper
Anne Sullivan was born on 4/14/1866 in Feeding hills, Massachusetts. She was a gifted
and talented person who taught a school for the blind, this school was called, Perkin s
School for the Blind, and this is where she taught Helen Keller, a blind and deaf student
to communicate. This is a woman who made history for her actions and helped a lot of
people during her time before her death in 1936.
Anne Sullivan and her two surviving siblings grew up in impoverished conditions, and
struggled with health problems. Her parents were immigrants from Ireland because of the
recent famine that forced them to immigrate. At the early age of five, Anne contracted an
eye disease called trachoma, which severely damaged her sight. Her mother, Alice, was
... Show more content on ...
Even at an early age, Sullivan had a strong willed personality. She sometimes clashed
with her father, Thomas, who was left to raise Sullivan and her siblings after their mother
s death. Thomas who was often abusive eventually abandoned the family. Anne and her
infirm younger brother, Jimmie, were sent to live at the Tewksbury Almshouse, a home
for the poor. Some reports say that Sullivan also had a sister who was sent to live with
relatives. Tewksbury Almshouse was dirty, rundown, and overcrowded. These conditions
made it difficult and often lead to the deaths of several children, such as Sullivan s
brother, Jimmie, who died just months after they arrived there, leaving Anne alone.
While at Tewksbury, Sullivan learned about schools for the blind and became determined
to get an education as a means to escape poverty. She got her chance when members
from a special commission visited the home. After following the group around all day,
she worked up the nerve to talk to them about sending her to a special school. Sullivan
left Tewksbury to attend the Perkins School for the Blind in 1880, and underwent surgery
to help improve her limited vision. This did not help a lot, but did help a little
Essay On Joint Commission
Patient safety is the first priority of all accrediting agencies. Joint Commission play a
vital role to control over most of the healthcare organization. Effective communication is
one of the top requirement of today s competitive health care professions field. United
State as a multicultural country there are many different languages that are used for
communication. English is not the primary language for many of us, meaning they have
low health literacy rate and have difficult using the health related information. Joint
commission is providing a lot of information to improve communication between patient
and health care provider. They are developing different types of monograph that will
inspire healthcare organization to integrate the concept from communication. They are
distributing different types of paper and electronic tools that are used in most of the
health care organization to increase the way of communication between patient and
healthcare provider. All health care organization are required to use these types of
informative tool to record the way ... Show more content on ...
Their goal is to improve the effective communication with the people from different
culture. They require all the healthcare provider to get fully trained either online or onsite
on the communication skill and they inspect and discuss the role on better
communication during the field visit.
Both of these agencies have their own requirement for patient communication skills for
healthcare provider. Joint commission control all the healthcare organization under its
accreditation whereas department of health and human service control all the state s
health care organization. both of them control and help to increase communication skills
in all healthcare organization and increase patient safety and patient
Emily Dickinson As A Pre-Romanticist Poet In American
Emily Dickinson is considered a powerful and persistent pre modernist poet in American
culture. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830 in Amherst,
Massachusetts on the family homestead ( Emily Dickinson ). Her mother and father were
Emily and Edward Dickinson: she had a sister, Lavinia Dickinson, and a brother, William
Austin Dickinson. Dickinson began attending Amherst Academy with her sister in 1840
and graduated in 1847. After graduating, she began Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in
South Hadley. While she attended Mount Holyoke, she started a pattern that would
continue through out her life (Brand 15). She would attach herself to an older man and
confide in him. Sending frequent letters and poems was how she communicated with
him; Dickinson referred to whoever this man was at the time in her life as master or
preceptor . Benjamin Newton, one of her father s law students, visited the Dickinson
home frequently. He and Dickinson met through this habit of his and he became her first
master . Benjamin influenced Dickinson s writing greatly; he introduced her to Ralph
Waldo Emerson and encouraged her to write. After only a year at Mount Holyoke, she
left the school. The reasons for her departure have been never agreed upon. Dickinson
slowly submerged herself in a life of seclusion after her school years communicating
mostly through letters. She traveled with her father and sister to Washington, the furthest
from home she would ever
How Microsoft Has Made A Great Job With A New
Microsoft has made a great job with a new Operating System. Windows 10 is an
improved version of Windows 8. It runs smoothly and comes with many features that the
previous versions lacked and with less bugs. Users have been giving excellent reviews
for Windows 10. There are five editions available: Home, Pro, Enterprise, Education,
Mobile, and Mobile Enterprise. Current users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 have the
opportunity to upgrade freely to Windows 10 for a limited period. However, expects
recommended users to follow the installation requirements below before any upgrade:
CPU: 1 gigahertz (GHz) RAM: 1 GB for 32 bit or 2 GB for 64 bit
Disk Space: 16 GB for 32 bit version or 20 GB for 64 bit version.
In our paper, we will explore ... Show more content on ...
Apps Features list all the apps installed on the PC with installation date and their size.
The user can modify and uninstall certain programs installed in the PC.
Multitasking: if there are two monitors available, each different task can be customized
to use a different monitor.
Tablet Mode is a feature that can be enabled when there is a touch screen monitor in use.
The PC can be used as a Tablet device.
Power and Sleep applet gives the option to adopt to turn off the monitor and to put the
PC to sleep after a certain period of inactivity.
Storage shows different HDD s free and used sizes. A user can set default save locations
for each type of files.
Offline Maps, not a useful application on a Desktop, it deals with offline places when
your internet connection is offline.
Default Apps: a user can select a default app to open each type of file, to browse the
internet (chrome or Mozilla), to play music or video.
About provides all information relative to the PC system: CPU, Video Graphic, and OS
2. The second Subcategory is Device. It shows the devices that are attached to the PC
such as Printers and scanners and other components such as Mouse, keyboard,
Headphone. This applet has some of the TASK Manager functions. Furthermore, the user
can decide what actions the PC should take whenever a USB key is plugged in. AutoPlay
gives you the
Magnetic Field Therapy
The effect of magnetic field therapy on functionality and pain in complex regional pain

Purpose: According to recent studies, Type 1 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
is a disease occurring a trauma, causing clinical manifestations and resulting in physical
disabilities. This study was planned to investigate the effects of Magnetic Field Therapy
(MFT) on the functionality and pain in Type 1 CRPS. Methods: Sixty four patients with
Type 1 CRPS cases were included to the study. Magnetic Field Therapy (MFT) and
Physiotherapy Rehabilitastion (PTR) program were applied for 6 weeks. Cases were
randomly divided into two groups. The first group receieved PTR modalities; the second
group recieved MFT and PTR modalities. MFT was administered
Pros And Cons Of Bible Translation
Hargreaves, Cecil. A Translator s Freedom: Modern English Bibles and Their Languages.
Jsot Press, 1993.Glassman, Gugene H. The Translation Debate. Illinois: Inter Varsity
Press, 1981Park, No chan. 현대 영어성경 번역본의 신학적 입장 및 번역위원에 관한
연구 KJV, RV, ASV, RSV, NIV를 중심으로 . 석사학위논문. 침례신학대학 신학대학
원. 1996. Translating has two meanings; translating from one language to another, and
translating others work into one s words. Like the famous quote Translation is the art of
failure by Umberto Eco, there were countless controversies over the translation of written
works over centuries, from personal writings to literature. Understandably, there are no
exceptions for the case of bible translation. The history of bible translation began in the
5th century BCE in Palestine, from Hebrew to Aramaic. There are many factors that
affect the content and structure of the bible when it is translated. One factor is emotional
attachment to already familiar version. Since the group of people revising the bible are
Christians themselves, they must have studied an already existing version for their whole
life. This is impossible to ignore and it appears intactly on their work, like King James
Version (KJV) and Revised Korean Version (RKV). Another factor is the difference in
languages. This is important because the structure of language is different from culture to
culture and the meaning it connotes is ... Show more content on ...
In the next stage, it is necessary to find out who wrote it for what reason, which is called
provenance , and why each text is included in the bible, also known as history of
canonization . Furthermore, one should find out more about how people from different
era interpreted the same context to get an objective view of the story. Lastly, on the basis
of the research done so far, one should summarize the main points of the specific


Motion in Space: Velocity and Acceleration

In this section, we will learn about:
The motion of an object using tangent and normal vectors.


Here, we show how the ideas of tangent and normal vectors and curvature can be

used in physics to study:

 The motion of an object, including its velocity and acceleration, along a space curve.


In particular, we follow in the footsteps of

Newton by using these methods to derive

Kepler s First Law of planetary motion.


Suppose a particle moves through space so that its position vector at

time t is r(t).


Vector 1

Notice from the figure ... Show more content on ...
 So, C=i j+ k


Example 3

It follows: v(t) = 2t2 i + 3t2 j + t k + i j + k

= (2t2 + 1) i + (3t2 1) j + (t + 1) k


Example 3
Since v(t) = r (t), we have: r(t) = ∫ v(t) dt

= ∫ [(2t2 + 1) i + (3t2 1) j + (t + 1) k] dt = (⅔t3 + t) i + (t3 t) j + (½t2 + t) k + D


Example 3

Putting t = 0, we find that D = r(0) = i.

So, the position at time t is given by: r(t) = (⅔t3 + t + 1) i + (t3 t) j + (½t2 + t) k


The expression for r(t) that we obtained

in Example 3 was used to plot the path of the particle here for 0 ≤ t ≤ 3.


In general, vector integrals allow us to recover:

 Velocity, when acceleration is known

v(t )

v(t0 )

t t0

a(u ) du

 Position, when velocity is known

r (t ) r (t0 )

t t0

v(u ) du


If the force that acts on a particle is known, then the acceleration can be found from

Newton s Second Law of Motion.


The vector version of this law states that if,

at any time t, a force F(t) acts on an object of mass m producing an acceleration a(t),

F(t) = ma(t)


Example 4

An object with mass m that moves in

a circular path with

Indian Gaming Regulatory Act Of 1988
Along with the Supreme Court s 1987 decision in California vs. Cabazon, the passing of
the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988 has made gaming a significant part of tribal
economic development. Gaming has brought about economic self determination for
Native Americans for the first time in over two hundred years (Neath, 1995). Over two
hundred of the United States 544 federally recognized tribes have established gaming on
tribal lands (Neath, 1995). However, along with the economic profits, Indian gaming has
brought many Native Americans back to reservations after many years of living off
The IGRA, or Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, gave Indians the right to regulate gaming
activities on tribal lands, given that it is not prohibited by federal law or by the state in
with it is conducted (Neath). According of Professor Robert Miller, the gaming industry
can be compared to the gold rush (Tribal Economic Development on Steroids). From
being one of the nation s poorest communities, Indian reservations gross millions of
dollars from gaming each year, and this revenue makes up 70 percent of the average
tribal budget (Neath, 1995). This income is used for the community development projects
such as building schools, constructing roads, and financial scholarships (Neath, 1995).
Gaming revenue, which brings out non Indian capital, allows Indian communities to
increase their standards of living and allows their communities to thrive. Many tribal
members receive free
Analysis Of Silent Spring By Rachel Carson
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson is a book that changed many people s perceptions about
the harm that humans were causing to the environment. Carson warns against the bleak
future that the people were heading towards if their harmful actions continued.
A major theme throughout this book is about how the acts of humans were changing the
balance of nature. Carson makes it clear that the environment has a way of protecting
itself without the aid of man, and when humans intervene they can create problems. For
example, when there is an increase of one type of soil organism then it greatly disturbs
the balance. Things like aldrin, DDD, and heptathlon will disrupt the normally
ecologically balanced relationship between fungi and the roots of higher plants (Carson
38). Another huge disruption in the balance nature created was dealing with the elms and
robins. To save the elms humans used DDT in attempt to kill the elm bark beetles who
were the vectors for a fungus disease. However, detrimental effects rained down on many
of the other organisms around the area. Namely, the robins suffered fatal consequences
due the bioaccumulation of DDT (pg 61). The balance once again was disrupted at the
hands of humans. Carson describes how as humans there is a lack of awareness in the
lives around us. People have been trying to modify nature to best fit their needs for a very
long time, but there is a growing disconnect between what the benefit really is. When
humans try to destroy certain
Clover case study chapter 2
2. Clover Machines Case: Dabbling in International Markets?

1. What are overall benefits of tapping international markets? Does it make sense for
Clover given its success in using domestic capital markets?
Global financial markets are often larger than domestic financial markets. This means
that financing issue size can be larger, costs can be lower and contract flexibility can be
higher. But global markets are typically only available for large firms. Clover appears to
be of sufficient size for tapping global markets. Clover is a well known issuer of capital
in domestic markets and a large number of analysts (16) follow the firm. It might be the
right time to explore global markets and make its brand known in other countries also: ...
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Clover faces continuing large setup costs and its free cash flows (surplus of operating
cash flows over investments) may not be sufficient to fund these investments.

4. What are the pros and cons of tapping the Eurobond market? Does Clover fit the
profile of firms using this market? What are pre conditions for successful participation?
Clover may face initial hurdles in tapping the Eurobond markets: potential investors may
not be familiar with the firm. But Clover does satisfy a key requirement: Eurobond issues
are large issues; since Clover needs large amounts of capital, this market is appropriate.
Pre conditions for a successful offering are: (a) well known firm and (b) large offering.

5. Clover does not have any business in Japan. Given this, does it make any sense to
obtain JPY financing? What might be the downside of the attractive rate that is offered?
It is interesting that one of the alternatives is a Samurai issue (JPY issue in Japan). Such
an issue might be quite valuable if Clover has business in Japan and can offset JPY
operating cash flows against JPY debt related cash flows. But even without this benefit,
there are advantages to diversifying funding sources (a topic discussed in chapters 10 and
11). One problem that Clover needs to consider is the potential for JPY to strengthen; if
this happens, debt service (that is, repayment of interest and principal) will be at
What Are Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ( Pcos ) Is The Most...

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder diagnosed
in women of reproductive age. The disease manifests itself with varying symptoms and
has long term consequences of heart disease, diabetes, and infertility. PCOS has no clear
etiology or pathophysiology, and as new information is being contributed, the mechanism
and components of the disease is being updated. Presented here are the most understood
and accepted components of PCOS, and its pathology as a reproductive disorder along
with its endocrine and metabolic relationships. PCOS pathophysiology exhibits itself
mainly through increased androgen synthesis through ovaries and adrenal glands causing
follicle growth to halt in the antral stage. Its etiology has been determined to be
multifactorial with both genetic and environmental factors causing or increasing effects.
Genetics of PCOS have shown its transmission to be in autosomal dominant fashion
while environmental factors such as obesity, insulin resistance, and intrauterine
environment contributes to its phenotype. Relationships between the factors are
discussed and how they contribute to the overall phenotype.


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal endocrine disorder that causes an

increase in androgen production primarily from the ovaries. Affecting 10% of women
between the ages of eighteen through forty four, it is one of the leading causes of
infertility in women and one of the most

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