1000 Word Essay On Accountability

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1000 Word Essay On Accountability

Writing an essay on the topic of accountability, particularly a 1000-word one, can be quite
challenging. Firstly, accountability is a broad concept that encompasses various aspects of
responsibility, ranging from personal accountability to professional and societal levels. Narrowing
down the scope and defining the specific focus areas within the allotted word count requires careful
consideration and planning.

Furthermore, accountability is a multifaceted concept that intersects with various disciplines such as
ethics, governance, psychology, and organizational behavior. Researching and integrating relevant
perspectives from these fields to provide a comprehensive understanding of accountability adds
another layer of complexity to the writing process.

Crafting a coherent and engaging argument within the confines of a 1000-word limit necessitates
clear and concise expression of ideas. Balancing depth of analysis with brevity requires effective
structuring and prioritization of key points. Additionally, ensuring logical flow between paragraphs
and coherence in argumentation is crucial to maintaining the essay's readability and persuasiveness.

Moreover, addressing potential counterarguments and presenting a nuanced perspective on the

challenges and implications of accountability adds depth and credibility to the essay. This requires
critical thinking and the ability to anticipate and respond to opposing viewpoints effectively.

In summary, writing a 1000-word essay on accountability demands careful planning,

interdisciplinary research, effective communication, and critical analysis. It is a task that requires
dedication, attention to detail, and the ability to convey complex ideas concisely and persuasively.

Similar essays and much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net .

1000 Word Essay On Accountability 1000 Word Essay On Accountability

The Bicycle Thief By Antonio Ricci
The bicycle thief is a 1948 Italian drama film that follows the life of a man named
Antonio Ricci during the Italian post war. Antonio has been jobless for past two years
when an opportunity finally presents itself. He is offered a job as a poster on the
condition he has his own bike that he can use. At the time, Antonio had put his bicycle
for sale at the pawn shop because of his low income due to the lack of employment
following the Italian war. However, Antonio s wife agreed that Antonio really needed this
job so she decided that they instead just sell six sheets to the pawnshop. Antonio arrived
at his job for his first day of work, only to discover his bicycle is stolen. His friend offers
to help with the search the following morning at
The Future Of Natural Gas And Crude Oil
The Future of Natural Gas and Crude Oil

Throughout history, as well as present day, the usage of natural gas has played an
immense role in our everyday life. However, over recent decades, the extraction and
usage of natural gas has become a more frequent topic of debate. Even though extraction
of natural gas and crude oil has been proven to boost the global economy, people still
question weather these methods of extraction will ultimately destroy our planet. There is
an abundance unconventional and conventional reservoirs of oil and gas under the
surface, each with the potential to increase the production of both resources vastly.
Advancements in engineering, such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, have
allowed us to take advantage of all aspects of these varying reservoirs. With this
impending influx of resources, many regions will see an increase in production and
consumption. Throughout this paper, we will discuss the current methods of extraction,
the uses of natural gas both past and present, and the US export ban of crude oil. Finally,
after reviewing the reasons behind the current low prices on energy, we can make
projections for the future of natural gas.

Shale production and fracking methods have opened a whole world to the oil and gas
industry. Just like the nuclear power, oil and shale gas are being used in wide varieties
such as: vehicles and energy. Furthermore; natural gas and oil are used in a wider range
than nuclear power. We need more
Armenian Genocide and Holocaust Comparison
More than thirteen million people from over four different religions and races were killed
during the Holocaust and Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. That is more than
half the number of people that died in World War I. The book Maus by Art Spigelman
tells the story of a man who was a victim of and lived through the Holocaust. The
Holocaust and Amenian Genocide are indistinguishable because of not only the amount
of people that died but also for three more main reasons. These reasons are the gruesome
leaders of both genocides, the merciless dehumanization that was forced upon the
Armenians, Jews, and Lebanese, and the unreasonable murder tactics. ! First of all, there
were many people that were part of the extermination of ... Show more content on
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During the Holocaust, they were willing to spend great amounts of money to kill the
Jews just as long as they were all dead. The Jews were killed in gas chambers, shot down
oneby one into mass graves, and tortured for no good reason (Maus 241 244). ! The
Holocaust and Amenian Genocide were very similar for three main reasons. The leaders
were Adolf Hitler and Enver Pasha. They were both very uncaring and wanted to
exterminate many different groups of people. The merciless dehumanization of the Jews
and Armenians included taking their names, homes, and belongings away from them.
The unreasonable murder tactics in both genocides included burning, shooting, and
gassing the victims. More than thirteen million people died during these two genocides
and there are some people that deny that it ever even happened. Kamberling 4 Works
Cited Adolf Hitler Quotes. Adolf Hitler Quotes (Author of Mein Kampf). Good Reads
Inc., 4 ! ! Apr. 2001. Web. 16 May 2012. . Hui, Tongu. QUOTES Various Turkish
Leaders. QUOTES Various Turkish Leaders. VBulletin Solutions, Inc., 24 Mar. 2005.
Web. 10 May 2012. . Institute, Armenian National. Armenian Genocide. Armenian
Genocide. Armenian ! ! National Institute. Web. 01 May 2012. . Rights Council, The
United Human. Armenian Genocide. The United Human Rights ! Council. VIBSCO.
Web. 01 May 2012. . Spiegelman, Art. Maus: A Survivor s Tale. New York: Pantheon,
Vending Machines Regulations
There is a dilemma that needs addressed. The rules and regulations on the vending
machines could be modified for the happiness of the student body. Our happiness does
affect our attitude about our academic career, therefore affecting our academic career
itself. We are students and have no control over rules and regulations, but these rules are
unreasonable. The school board may not agree, so here is some more information.
First of all, there should be more of a variety in our vending machines, because all we
have access to now it water and Gatorade. Most schools have three or four vending
machines, however we have one. We should have beverages like lemonade, juice and
Starbucks would make a good profit for the schools benefit. Another thing
Aufidius And Coriolanus
Throughout the article Violent st Complementarity: The Double Warriors of Coriolanus ,
author Maurice Hunt describes how to a certain degree Aufidius and Coriolanus in
Shakespeare s play Coriolanus are not only alike through their differences, but also can
be thought of as each other s alter egos. Hunt describes how both characters decided to
hate one another, as the reason to define not only a superior but also powerful self. In
addition, he draws attention to how Aufidius and Coriolanus unite as one without
knowing so through their differences, ultimately serving as the powerful connection
amongst them. It is because both characters have engraved within them the traits of their
bonding that they can merge so eloquently. Whatever reasons ... Show more content on
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As Hunt pointed out, Coriolanus was part of Aufidius as was Aufidius part of Coriolanus.
By killing Coriolanus not only did Aufidius eliminate his greatest competitor but he also
attempted to kill a part of him that he can never get rid of. In life there is always going to
be another person who is smarter, kinder etc. then one s self. Sadly, it has been engraved
in the human mind to be the best one can be not for self fulfillment but rather for social
status and wealth. Although children are taught at a young age to share and be nice to one
another; once they enter into higher education such as middle school, high school and
college they are presented with society s harsh reality. The reality is that not everyone is
going to share and treat others with love and respect. The reality is that people will go
through dangerous extents to get to where they want to be and will do whatever it takes
to achieve it. As I was reading Hunt s article I was amazed as to how as a society we are
still so archaic in our ways of thinking. It is so easy to be filled with jealousy and even go
as far as to sabotage another person because we feel threatened by their success. As
illustrated by Coriolanus and Aufidius there is a fine line between admiration and
jealousy that is so easy to step over. It is a dangerous boundary that once is crossed is
really difficult to return to one s
The Changing Nature, Spatial Patterns and Ecological...
Examine the changing nature, spatial patterns and ecological dimensions of a global
economic activity

Wine production involves two parts of economic activity viticulture and wine making in
the winery. In the global context, wine production is dynamic due to the influence of
globalization, technological advancements and extensive research. These have essentially
influenced the nature, spatial patterns and the ecological dimensions of the wine industry.

Wine production involves the growing and harvesting of grapes in vineyards. The vines
require specific environmental elements to be able to grow grapes suitable for
winemaking. They require temperature between 10C 20C to produce the correct sugar
composition through photosynthesis. In ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
These are the new world producers which are generally located in the Southern
Hemisphere. Australia, Argentina, South Africa and the US have growing wine industries
and are taking a large percentage of the global market share from old producing nations.

The expansion of wine production is a result of expansive technological advancements

which have made it possible to grow wines in inappropriate locations. For example,
wines are genetically enhanced in most new world countries in order for them to survive
a deficiency in the environment which may include high temperatures or a lack of
rainfall. Irrigation systems area prime example that have assisted iin the wine industry of

Asia has also experimented with viticulture as many developing nations, such as china,
have identified a market they are able to enter. Indeed, this is a result of the genetically
enhanced wines who can survive in the differing climatic conditions.

Ecological Dimensions
Ecological dimensions of wine production primarily centre on the use of organic
viticulture. Since the earlier days of production, industries have realized they had used a
devastating amount of agrochemicals and fertilisers to grow their wines. Today, as
environmental views have changed, many wine producers have initiated or promoted the
notion of organic viticulture. This involves the use of organic materials and using
Building A Working Environment For A Small Coffee Shop
A property developer is converting an old railway station into retail and office
accommodation. The client is keen to make the working environment for the staff as
comfortable as possible. As a consultant, explain how this can be done by addressing the
relevant grading criteria.

I am hoping to convert this railway station into an office with a small coffee shop also in
the building. The railway station is very old and hard to heat, so there will have to be a
large amount of work done to make the building a nice place for people to work. There
also isn t any lighting in the surrounding area so I will have to think about that when I am
contracting the building proposal. The three factors that will have to be considered are
Heat, Lighting and Acoustics, these are the main things that will ensure comfort within
the offices and corner shop if they are at the optimum level. I will now work through the
assignment and always think of the changes required to transform the railway station into
an office.

Task 1
Task A:
Identify and describe the basic factors that will influence human comfort in the retail
office accommodation in thermal, acoustic and visual terms.
There are three main factors that influence human comfort in the office setting, these are:
Thermal terms, Acoustic Terms and Visual terms. Thermal terms include the clothing of
an employee or the air temperature in the workplace. Air temperature is arguably the
most important factor that
Analysis Of Ernest Hemingway s Writing Style
Ernest Hemingway wrote this book after his experiences as an ambulance driver in World
War I. As a result, his writing style has a lot of realism. When describing the feel and
atmosphere of the war, Hemingway is able to accurately depict it since he was there. His
organization in the dialogue between characters allowed the readers to easily flow with
the conversation with no confusion. His writing style is extremely informal. His sentence
structure for the most part is simple and concise, getting straight to the point. Writing in
this way permits the readers to smoothly understand the drive of the story. The only time
his sentences became long and complex is when the narrator was overthinking situations
or rambling. Even though the ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Yes, we must go. Good by. Good luck. Many things. Ciaou. Ciaou. (67) Even though the
sentences are rushed, it is easy to interpret because it is an atmosphere most people have
come in contact with. Within the book, Hemingway teaches the stories of love, pain and
war. When mentioning the war, a character named Passini states, There is nothing as bad
as war. We in the auto ambulance cannot realize at all how bad it is. When people realize
how bad it is they cannot do anything to stop it because they go crazy. (43) Hemingway
goes to teach us about how the war affects people. Once a soldier comes back from
fighting, he is never the same. Hemingway understands this first hand and tries to convey
his point throughout the book. Another major theme is love and what people will do
when in love. Henry and Catherine fall for each other so hard that their whole lives
change as a result. Hemingway wrote, When you love you wish to do things. You wish to
sacrifice for. You wish to serve. (62) In a way, love is destructive to one s individuality
and the author tries to show this point. When I saw her I was in love with her. Everything
turned over inside of me, said Henry. (80) He feels so deeply about Catherine that he
physically feels it. They are both fleeing from emotional situations in their lives, Henry
from the war and Catherine from her dead fiance, that they find solitude in each other.
They turn to each other to forget all the bad. Later in the book,
Business Analysis Project Management Delivery...
Skilled Senior Business Analyst and Project Manager with outstanding capability in the
development and delivery of complex applications and architecture, backed by 15 years
experience. Promoted to the Executive Management Committee of MediSwitch and
received multiple awards including CEO Award and Leader of the Year Award. Expert in
all aspects of business integration management and change management. Able to provide
critical support to large multi million dollar tenders, ensuring proposals are viable.
Highly effective leader of teams both on and offshore.

Leading Business Analysis Project Management Delivery Development Management

Process Re Engineering Quality Assurance Vendor Management
Operational System Configuration ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Eng (Industrial) | University of Pretoria

Mediswitch (Division of Altron TMT) Mar 2007 to present


Mediswitch forms part of Altron TMT, a world class Telecommunications, Multi media
and Information Technology (TMT) solutions group. Mediswitch provides specialists
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) for over 30 000 healthcare professionals South Africa.

The Business Integration Department is responsible for the business requirements

analysis and functional specifications of all changes to MediSwitch s internal systems, as
well as testing following changes to system, and for overseeing the design and
implementation of all the system integration projects with clients.

Aligned the departmental strategy to support the overall objectives of the company whilst
leading higher level business analysis, system integration projects, and specialist
application development.

Designed the company s standard interfaces, standardised SOPs for the systems
configuration, developed standards for accreditation for systems with which the company
interfaces, and identified weakness and strengthened workflow processes with cycle time
now reduced by 20%.

Worked closely with Business stakeholders on business requirements to facilitate

requirements gathering workshops, to provide project status updates, to prioritise and
plan projects, and to provide
Casturn Systems
Casturn Systems (A) (B) Group Case #3

1. What went wrong with Casturn s first two auction attempts?

Casturn hired a consulting company that possibly didn t have the best interest of Casturn
as its core motivation. The consulting company was paid on POTENTIAL cost savings
and identification instead of a results oriented contract. Due to this structure, it became
about quantity of parts that can be included in the bid instead of identifying the top say
twenty percent of parts that, if managed well, could have yielded both companies a
lucrative cost savings in the resourcing effort. In addition, the consulting company exited
the process after the initial stages giving no one accountability to carry the resourcing
effort to fruition. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
This probably further solidified the attitude that auctions were not going to be something
Casturn takes seriously and therefore bidders would in turn not be committed to
participating in the effort.

2. Can e RAs be used for sourcing highly engineered parts?

As seen in the cases above with castings and O rings, even the simplest of parts can pose
complications in the auction process. Potential for successful reduction in cost can be
recognized with a more concentrated event and management effort. This can be true for
engineered parts as well but on a less likely basis. The primary key to success to an
auction of this nature would be to not have any surprises or to anticipate suppliers
behavior. Building on this idea would be to truly know your suppliers, which can get
cumbersome in a company with a lot of growth through acquisitions and locations.
However, with regional procurement managers, it is not impossible. There should not
have been a question if an incumbent was going to bid, good vendor management would
have assured that a last minute entry by way of an incumbent would not have happened.
Applying this thought to the engineered parts, an auction would only be effective if
suppliers invited to bid have been fully vetted. An auction can speed up the process of
getting time sensitive information to suppliers, but it also may open
Boeing Company Mission Statement
The Boeing Company purports to be one of the world s largest and successful aerospace
companies in existence. With a history encompassing a century s experience it is no
wonder why a claim so boastful can be made for this engineering colossus; A Foundation
of Innovation, reads the title of Boeings corporate vision statement; this is the essential
message the company provides to both its external and internal environment. Boeing
industry leader in aerospace engineering and innovation. The company has successfully
penetrated the market and continues to expand product lines and meet the needs of the
consumer. Boeing has a broad range of capabilities that include creating new, more
efficient commercial airplanes, integrating military platforms, defense systems, advanced
technology solutions, and innovative customer financing options.

Headquartered in Chicago, Boeing employs about 170,000 people across the United
States and in more than 65 countries; representing one of the most diverse and innovative
workforces anywhere. Boeing s vision statement also dictates a commitment to Connect,
Protect, Explore and Inspire the World through Aerospace Innovation , these goals are
framed in their enterprise strategy; to Operate as One Boeing, Build Strength on
Strength, and to Sharpen and Accelerate to Win. All the company s efforts are focused to
reinforce these sentiments primarily by remaining true to its values. The ideas expressed
by the company s vision are abstract
Research Paper On Giotto
This is an artwork is by Giotto. Giotto was an artist that was very advance for his time.
He grew up as a shepherds boy in the outskirts of florence. There he worked on his
paintings when an artist named Cimabue saw his artwork and took him under his wing as
an apprentice. Giotto s work is so important because he was using a thing called
perspective. Perspective was lost during the middle ages, but Giotto reclaimed it. Though
nobody used this method for a couple hundred years, if it weren t for Giotto then it could
have been much longer before art became more advanced. Florence, Italy had other
important features during the Renaissance besides Giotto s artwork. Florence was one of
the five very important city states in Italy. It was the capital of banking, thanks to the de
Medici family. The de Medici family was one of many families that ruled the city. This
family also established their own bank, which is what made them so powerful. Among
being the banking capital, the city was very important in ... Show more content on
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This picture depicts Martin Luther, a priest, who posted the 95 Thesis on his church door.
The 95 Thesis was a list that stated 95 complaints he had about the church. This drew a
lot of attention to the priest from the church. It also drew a lot of attention to the people.
This lead to others finally snapping, deciding that it was time for a change. October, 31,
1517, was the official start of the Reformation, in Wittenberg, Germany. Besides the
beginning of the Reformation taking place in Wittenberg other things did occur. One
involves Martin Luther once again. Here, Luther wrote the New Testament in German.
This was on of his greatest accomplishments, along with his posting of the 95 Thesis.
Once the Bible began being written in different languages, it let people interpret the
Bible themselves. This opened up people s eyes to
Research On Professionals For Community Colleges
Research on Professionals in Community Colleges
Dustin O Donnell
HPT 484
July 21, 2015 Abstract
This paper searches how professionals in two year universities work and how they
accomplish the mission in a community college. This paper examines different aspects of
the faculty to how they are hired, competitiveness, promotions, benefits, demographics,
workloads, challenges, and teaching. The research was found through online sources, a
personal interview, and textbooks. Different forms of faculty in the community colleges
should be studied to fully comprehend how they impact students and the college itself.
The findings show how the staff operates, levels of work they do, and the gratification
for these professionals. Community colleges are at a growing rate, and the faculty
members who work in them will be reviewed and explained. Research on Professionals
in Community Colleges
Every community college plans for success by creating a vision and mission. The vision
is the long term goals of the college, and the mission is the work put in to attain that
vision. The faculty completes the work that is put in everyday and is the most important
piece in the college. To meet the vision of post secondary educational success, the
college will need professionals of the highest quality. For this reason, numerous studies
have been done on the staff that fills the community colleges and how they are the core
group that makes the college what it is. The faculty
Becker The Gift Of Fear Analysis
Only human beings can look directly at something, have all the information they need to
make an accurate prediction, perhaps even momentarily make the accurate prediction,
and then say that it isn t so (Becker ), Gavin De Becker, author of The Gift of Fear. His
view is if we trust our intuition completely, we will be safer. Although, it is not
guaranteed to stop all violence or misfortune that one may encounter. The Gift Of Fear
can save lives because it can allow the audience to use their primitive ability to process
the intricate mannerisms often mistakenly disregarded by victims of these recurring
misconducts. Gavin De Becker writes of misfortune, yet predictable experiences in his
clients lives. Becker writes about the different forms of dangers we are may face within
lives, and ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
I have felt pure terror course through my body, completely, overshadowing my instinct,
as I was followed by three persistent teenage boys for an hour and a half. I couldn t enjoy
my tour, knowing they were stalking behind me and feeding off the fear emitting from
my body. My legs were shaking as I bolted from their grasps in to the car waiting to take
me home. I cried knowing that I might have not made it home that night, and although I
was lucky, it could have ended differently and in others cases it has been. The Gift Of
Fear can benefit multitudes of people around the globe, since it can permit the readers to
utilize their given capability to identify and avert repetitious casualties and harm.
Offering distinctive answers for individuals who are managing mistreatment from a
spouse or brutality in a working environment, De Becker gives one of a kind knowledge
into deathly encounters with stalkers, professional killers, and mass murders. Alleviating
the fears that overwhelm us, by finding the root of the source, and quite possibly
lengthen our
Sustainable Pedagogical Document Analysis
A sustainable pedagogy is one that provides educators with a common understanding
about children, families and the environment and lays out foundational knowledge about
how children learn as well as the goals and expectations for children in early years
programs (Ontario, 2014).
There has been a lot of supportive feedback for the pedagogical document How does
learning happen? because it provides educators with four foundations of learning:
belonging, well being, expression, and engagement (Ontario, 2014). These foundations
are considered to be essential for optimal learning and development in the early years. I
believe that the pedagogical document How does learning happen? is sustainable because
it fosters personal growth and provides early ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
This document examines the current research as well as the views from theorists such as
Vygotsky who believe that play supports children in all areas of development (CMEC,
2012). When children are playing they are learning and discovering a great deal of
information about their world. In the document it provides information about the
scientific evidence supporting learning through play and the benefits that it has on brain
development (CMEC, 2012). It has been proven that children will develop better social,
emotional and cognitive skills when they are playing (CMEC, 2012). Through play
children are able to make sense of their world and acquire and practice skills that they
can use for their entire lives. In the document that the Council of Ministers of Education,
Canada released it emphasizes the need for children to play and to be actively engaged in
their environment (CMEC, 2012). This documents states that early childhood educators
should plan and create play based learning experiences for children (CMEC, 2012). I
think it is important that early childhood educators recognize the importance in play
based learning and provide children with experiences that encourage them to challenge
and expand their own thinking and
The Mystery of Ancient Civilization s Buidling of Massive...
Have you ever wondered how ancient civilization built massive structures? Many ancient
civilizations built things that served a multitude of purposes. Most of the purposes of
these structures are already known but, there still may be unknown uses for the thing
these ancient civilizations built. There also many different ancient civilizations like the
Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Egyptian, Mayans, and Aztecs. Many of the things built in
ancient times influenced the things that we build today. For example, the coliseum
influenced the basic designs of modern football stadiums. Also the designs made by these
ancient civilizations helped to change the way other civilizations made there monuments.
For example, when the romans started to different types of columns and arches the style
was adopted, modified, and used in the designs of cathedrals in Europe .There are many
parts of these ancient buildings still undiscovered. For example there could still be sealed
rooms in the pyramids of Giza. Usually when people start to research architecture made
by ancient civilizations, they have to answer how were they built, and what were they
built for.
There were many things built in the period of ancient Greece that had many different
uses. Ancient Greeks were the first to build lighthouses. The first one was originally one
of the Seven Wonders of the World and was used to guide ships to shore. It used wicker
lamps as a light source so the light could only be seen from a few miles away. The
Gospel Presentation Essay
Oliver Metzler
GLST 220 D02
Gospel Presentation
December 13, 2015
Background Information The person whom I intend to share the Gospel with is my friend
Drew Harmatz. We have been friends now for over three years and over that time grown
to be really good friends. Even though we are good friends we do not share the same
beliefs. Drew is Jewish and has chosen to stick with his birth religion because he likes
the Jewish moral compass. Basically, he has expressed that he feels the Jewish culture is
more peaceful and presents a better moral basis than that of any other religion. While we
have talk of God, Christ, and the Bible; I have never tried to relay the Gospel to him.
Elements of Communication There are a couple key points I ... Show more content on
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I say this because Drew mentioned that Jewish culture is one that is morally strong and
better than that of most other religions. Well, to communicate to him the beliefs of a
Christian and the structure which we hold ourselves to would have a great impact of our
conversation. David Livermore states; Cultural intelligence doesn t mean abandoning our
convictions, values, and assumptions. Instead, we re seeking to understand and respect
the beliefs and priorities of others and express our own values and beliefs in ways that
are appropriate, respectful, and effective. In the end, relating to Drew that our moral
compasses are similar is my way of breaking down the barrier to present the Gospel in
which he would feel comfortable and listen.
Cultural Value Orientations A cultural value that is important and must be taken to
account is Direct vs. Indirect. I say this because how you communicate with some will
greatly affect how much they retain of listen to. In this matter, Drew has expressed that
he feels Christians are aggressive and history has shown their moral compass lacks right
vs wrong and good and bad. Knowing this I would want to work around being direct and
indirect when communicating with him. I would never want to be to direct and push him
away nor would I want to be so indirect that it seems as if I m walking on egg shells. In
the end, how I communicate to him will greatly impact if he listens or shuts me out.
When it
Circuit Of Logisim That Controls An Entry Gate
CS25410 Assignment Report

The task was to implement a circuit in logisim that controls an entry gate. The gate has 3
possible inputs; a £1 coin paid in, a £2 coin paid in or the cancel button pressed. The gate
must store the amount of money paid in and has four possible behaviours for outputs.
Once the gate has received £4 it must open, in terms of implementation a LED must light
up and stay lit until another input is received, any extra money in the machine must count
towards the next entry fee. The other behaviours are based off when the cancel button is
pressed, a LED relating to the amount of money paid into the machine towards an entry
fee e.g. a £1 LED if £1 is in memory etc. up to the maximum of £3, In the circuit these
LED s must stay on until the next input.

The general structure of my implementation can be split up into three segments; Input,
storage, and output. In the input section there are 2 bits of memory to temporarily store
the 3 different inputs, 01 representing £1, 10 representing £2 and 11 representing cancel
pressed. This memory is cleared once it has been clocked into the main storage of the
system. The storage is implemented with 3 bits of memory as there are 6 possible states
for the memory, £0 to £5, the 1 and 2 bit are only affected once an input has been clocked
in however the 4 bit is only affected by the carry bit of the 2 bit memory and is cleared as
soon as an input button has been pressed as this was part of the assignment specification.
The Role of Money in Society Depicted in Robert Louis...
The love of money is the root of all evil, a statement that has proved itself true through
the centuries. Loving money traps us, as human beings. It is not a bad thing to enjoy what
money can do; however, the love of money is a wasted effort that can put all in grave
peril. It is at our advantage that we have the ability to choose whether we want to fall into
that trap. Unfortunately, that choice is difficult since society associates one s character
with wealth and financial management. The mishaps, deaths, and hardships that occur
from the beginning of the tale are the result of deliberate deception for personal gain. In
Treasure Island, greed sends the characters on a voyage. Robert Louis Stevenson makes a
social commentary on ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The Squire s poor judgment is based on Silver s ability to count. At each stratum of
society, there is the misconception of correlating money and character. Jim s mother
risked her life and that of her only son to get her dues. [I] m an honest woman, she
proclaims and intends to prove this proclamation by taking only what is owed (Stevenson
17). It is astonishing how her perception of value is skewed. She sits counting money in
the face of imminent danger. She values money over the safety of herself and her son. It
is when danger is at the door that Jim is able to pull her back from the brink of death and
disaster. According to Stevenson, society values success. Silver embodies that success.
He owns a well managed bar that is freshly painted and cleanly swept which gives the
impression of a respectable establishment. Silver is cordial, solicitous, and jovial in tone.
Jim did not recognize Silver as a buccaneer upon the first encounter because he did not
fit the part. Silver says, never denied myself o nothing heart desires, because he
understood the purpose of money (46); money is a medium used to acquire necessities
and fancies but is of no real value unused. Silver is still ruthless and cutthroat, but he is
successful. Silver has a good bank account and a wife. Money does not replace
companionship and of all the buccaneers, Silver is the only one with a wife and he even
professes that she is trustworthy.
Dennis Rodman Research Paper
Hailed as one of the most controversial athletes of all time Dennis Rodman has overcome
many obstacles in his life. Take a look into the background, article analysis, and
impact/importance that has made Dennis Rodman the man he is today. Not everyone is
fortunate to have a privileged childhood; Dennis Rodman was one of the unfortunate
ones. However, his background shows that being one of the unfortunates turns into one
of the fortunate. Denis Rodman was born May 13, 1961, in Trenton, New Jersey but he
mostly spent most of his life in Dallas s infamous Oak Cliff housing projects. In his early
life, his father Philander Rodman abandoned him and his family when he was five. His
mother Shirley Rodman moved the family to Dallas where she struggled to keep her
children fed and clothed. She took almost any odd job that came her way to make ends
meet. The sibling of many brothers and sisters, Rodman grew up not knowing for sure
how many there were. According to Rodman s father, he has either 26 or 28 siblings that
he knew of from four different women, however; Rodman himself has stated that he is
the oldest of 47 Children. An impressive number considering a lot of men will not have
sex with 47 woman in their lifetime In his earlier years, Rodman was not that athletic or
outgoing, he was only 5 6 for most of high school and he was cut from the football team,
later he quit the basketball team because he was not getting that much playing time. After
graduating from high school in
Gambling In Hockey Essay
The first article I found is about gambling and how problem gambling relates to other
health issues. The first thing that the article lay out the two ways of classifying problem
gambling. non mutually exclusive conceptuali¬zations of pathological gambling classify
the disorder as an impulse control disorder lying along an obsessive compulsive spectrum
or like an addiction to a drug (Potenza, 2002). The article goes in depth on several
different types of disorders and the prevalence of gambling amongst people with these
disorders. The first disorders that they look at in the article are substance abuse disorders
and they found that was up to ten times as prevalent in people with substance use
disorders(Potenza,2002). The article continues ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
The study compares how fighting, promotions, and performance effected the number of
people in attendance at games. The main cause for concern in regards to fighting in
hockey is the resulting brain injuries. The article states that there are medical
professionals on both sides of the issues and that the debate as to whether hockey fights
are the cause of these brain injuries. the reason the article discuss this issues is that the
hockey leagues believe that fighting is one of the key reasons fan come to the games. the
study looks at the amount of fighting by each team as well as those teams win
percentages. They found that fighting dose not influence how many games are won. Due
to this fact, they could isolate the variables to see if fighting truly influenced attendance.
The end results of the study found that the role of fighting on hockey attendance may
have been the key variable (Rodney, 2013). The end results showed that there were other
factors such as promotions which effected attendance more than the amount of fighting
in the season. This relates to our chapter and the section on violence in sports. Hockey is
known for being a violent sport with lots of reactive aggression leading to fights on the
The House
During the two years I lived in Charlottesville, Virginia, I passed by Monticello everyday
on my way from home to school; I finally went up there to visit right before I left the
town. Weaving through the giant plantation around it, the shuttle took us from the foot of
the mountain to the hilltop, where the house rested. The house was relatively small
compared to the size of the field surrounding it. Through several preservation and minor
renovation, the floor we stepped on was still the original. I remembered walking under
the house and circling back through all the servants facilities. All the dependencies were
built into the side of the mountain in a U shape. (Figure 6 7) As for the main house for
Jefferson and his family, the plan of the house showed that several rooms, especially the
parlor, were hexagons, for maximizing daylight in the house, which followed the rounded
world concept in the Pantheon. Also related to this sense, the front of the house were
never defined. As in Jefferson s day, visitors today enter through the columned portico of
the East Front into the Entrance Hall. West entrance is more private use for family and
guests. But despite the function of the two entrance, there was no clear frontality or a
single façade that dominated the house. Rounded world represented Jefferson s vision of
the world. Tracing back to his early life, he was well known as the third president of
America. Yet in his legendary life, he only put Author of the
Hector And The Search For Happiness Essay
Hector and the Search for Happiness Hector and the Search for Happiness is a
motivational film. It is based on the novel Le Voyage d Hector ou La Recherche du
Bonheur written by Francois Lelord and published by Editions Odile Jacob. The film is
directed by Peter Chelsom and was released in 2014. Producers of the film are Phil Hunt,
Compton Ross, and Christian Angermayer .This film is produced by Judy Tossell and
Klaus Dohle, Christine Haebarler, and Trish Dolman. It is produced with the participation
of Telefilm Canapa and the support of Medienboard Berlin Brandenborg GMGH,
German Federal Film Board (FFA) and German Federal Film Fund (DFFF). The
Screenplay is made by Maria Von Heland and Tinker Linsay. This film is edited by Claus
Wehlisch. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The film of Hector and the Search for Happiness has a captivating plot which makes us
want to watch it until the end. Since in his research Hector goes to three places and each
place has their own moral value, this film is suitable for your soul. One of the places that
Hector visits is China. In the movie, China is described as a wonderful country, which
has unique culture. The second place is Africa, with glorious savannah and wild animals.
Next, in Los Angeles, Hector obtains some happiness meanings and feels what happiness
is. There are many good films. However, Hector and the Search for Happiness stands out
from other movies for its inspirational plotline and enthralling moral value. Even though,
this film has many positive sides, there is a blatant weakness of this film. There are some
adulterated scenes involving Hector and Ying Li. Hence, it is not proper for children.
Another weakness of this film is its violent scenes. Hector, at the beginning of this film,
is not very capable in handling his emotion. Therefore, he lashes out with swearing and
throwing things around. Overall, this film is one of a kind for
Comparing and Contrasting Persepolis and Funny Boy Essay...
As a child, we re presented with ample information that is all relatively new to us. The
knowledge acquired in childhood is given to us by our parents and relatives. This allows
us to grow, but the influence of our family is what shapes our culture and beliefs.
Although our parents believe this is the best culture to follow, we often find ourselves
questioning it. This creates complexity within the acceptance of being part of one s
culture. Shyam Selvadurai and Marjane Satrapi, use this theme within their respective
novels, Funny Boy and Persepolis to demonstrate the transcendence from innocence to
experience. Both main characters are introduced as children that go through an evolution
to reach adulthood. Culture challenges the characters ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
( p. 46, Shyam Selvadurai) This quote demonstrates a change in Arjie s perception.
Moreover, the fact that Selvadurai implicates this quote at the beginning of the chapter is
symbolic. He does this to symbolize a change in Arjie through the physical appearance of
a supporting character. Furthermore, Arjie is caught off guard which depicts how
fictional his thoughts on reality are. During the conclusion of the chapter Arjie s
perception of love and beauty is revolutionized through the love life of his Aunt. Arjie
goes on to say ...I felt no pleasure, for I knew that, although everything would happen in
the way I had dreamed there would be something missing. ... I thought of the love comics
and how fervently believed in them, believed that if two people loved each other
everything was possible. Now, I knew this was not so. (pp.99 100, Shyam Selvadurai)
This clearly indicates a change in perception in the young boys mind and this would be
one of the first steps in the transcendence of Arjie s character. Selvadurai effectively uses
Radha Auntie and many other supporting characters throughout the novel in order to aid
the main character evolve. Similar to Arjie, Marjie from Persepolis depicts evolution
through the aid of supporting characters. In this novel, Satrappi uses many characters to
evolve Marjie s understanding of the world. For example, at the beginning of the novel,
Marjie is introduced to her uncle Anoosh. He is branded as a communist under the Shaw
Fighting Without Knowledge Will Hurt Essay
In this era of information overload, our brains are bombarded by so many different news
outlets it can be difficult to choose which channel you want to watch. With all the
accusations of liberal or conservative bias dominating the feuds between the cable news
channels, it would be easiest to choose the channel that we believe best fits our own
ideological views. When you look at MSNBC and Fox News the ideologies seem to be
completely opposite, but they have some similarities. Both are accused of having either a
liberal or a conservative bias and it is not very difficult to tell which side the outlet leans
toward, because of their constant bickering back and forth.
Fox News Channel may have an abundance of conservative opinion programs ... Show
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To some this seems absurd, but it is what his base group wants to hear. Whereas on the
other side, you have pundits like Ed Schultz who never criticize the current president, no
matter what follies he may commit, he only demonizes the previous one, again playing to
the beliefs of his following. It is the constant bickering between the people of opposing
political ideologies that make the news difficult for the common man to take with a grain
of salt.
Beck often uses what seem to be scare tactics to get of his points across; whereas Schultz
is more likely to give you his own opinion mixed in with some facts to make it all seem
completely true. Neither method is successful in trying to create a balanced news outlet.
In fact, the opinions of each side are grounded so far in the left or right that the middle is
impossible to find. I purpose that Beck should visit MSNBC for a time, while Schultz
takes a turn at FNC. Even though the notion of these dyed in the wool party supporters
walking in the shoes of their polar opposites may seem absurd, but I believe that it would
tone both of them down. I hope that it would give each a reality check and it would bring
much needed balance to the cable channels. If the hosts were open to other people s
opinions, no matter how different they were from their own, it would make the American
people feel more trusting toward news people in general and give both extremes a sense
Teachers Brainwashing Analysis
How do you interpret my colleague s meaning?

There are many controversies on whether teachers should or should not give their point
of view in an argument. Some believe that expressing their views would lead to
brainwashing. While others believe that it would lead to an interesting conversation. The
author of the quote implies that students should build strong opinions on their own rather
than teachers brainwashing them. Moreover, it is the student s responsibilities to instill
strong opinions and teachers shouldn t interfere with student s choice. But, question why
they choose what they choose. For this argument, I believe Fish would agree with the
author of the quote. However, one thing that sets Fish apart is that he argues on teachers
Sleeping with the Enemy
In the movie Sleeping With the Enemy, Laura Burns, is living a life that many would
describe as perfect. Laura lives in a beautiful mansion on the coast with her handsome,
wealthy husband Martin. This wealth allows Laura the opportunity to stay at home rather
than working outside of the home. However, behind closed doors this perfect life is very
different from what the outside world sees. Laura is constantly being beaten, ridiculed,
and criticized by her husband. Martin is obsessed about keeping the house in perfect
order. He is easily set off by simple things such as a towel being out of line, or a can out
of place in the cupboard. Upon him discovering that things are out of order, he resorts to
severely beating Laura. The only ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Regardless of the reasons behind why Laura does things the way that she does, I believe
that this movie accurately portrays this issue that is faced by survivors of spousal abuse.
However, one area that I don t believe the movie touched on enough was the
psychological problems associated with survivors of spousal abuse. Walllace discusses
that often woman suffer from such things as posttraumatic stress syndrome, depression
and other symptoms that inhibit their ability to function within society. In addition the
Department of Justice Canada states that abuse may affect virtually every aspect of an
abused person s life. It can harm their physical and mental health, their ability to work,
and their relationship with their children and loved ones In this movie Laura does not
appear to be suffering from such things, in fact she seems to be coping very well, with
the exception of the not trusting others, and not wanting to enter into another
relationship. These mental issues are an important part of spousal abuse that I feel should
have been portrayed more in this movie, in order for the audience to fully understand the
wide variety of possible consequences of abuse. When looking at how this movie
portrays Martin, I believe that it covers some very common areas that can lead to spousal
abuse. First
The Last Bastion of Personal Freedom Essay
The Last Bastion of Personal Freedom

A person up to date in today s society must acknowledge the importance and the
parcticality of the internet. Just as in other areas of society, personal freedoms are
stretched to the very limit on this modern invention, raising isuues in regards to what
type of information the internet should be allowed to broadcast. Since its inception, the
internet has spawned overnight millionaires, served as the new information medium, and
even played host to some heinous crimes. The topic of greatest concern though, is in how
the people legislate the division between what is obscence and what is allowable. The
way that these issues are dealt with will shape the very form in which the internet and
other ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The Internet is a unique forum in at least one regard: while other forms of
communication such as magazines or videos must be physically brought into a hostile
jurisdiction, allowing you to choose whether to do business there, the content of your
adult website can be viewed by anyone anywhere with a computer and Internet access.
What this means for adult site webmasters is that it doesn t matter where you, your
pictures, or server are located you risk prosecution if a prosecutor anywhere views your
adult website or home page and believes that the content is obscene. Perhaps that in this
respect, the internet does deserve legislation is regards to obscenity. For example, is it
fair that a man in Maine, who has followed to the best of his ability, the laws in that state
in regards to obscenity, is prosecuted for displaying what a man in Florida deems as
obscene, where the state laws regarding this issue are much more severe? In this day and
age, people rely on the technology world to provide an instant means of communication,
the consequences of which are increasingly being examined. Numerous people
throughout history have been quoted as saying that children are our most precious
resource, and this fact is not any less true today. This country has a duty to protect these
children in order to foster their development as the leaders of tomorrow. One must then
examine the world that these youngster
Equal Pay Act
Chapter 1: The Scenario

The story begins at a local Wal Mart super center, its Friday, payday. As employees open
their paychecks they are awaiting their annual raise. As one employee, Sue opens up her
paycheck she finds she has not yet received a raise; she has waited all year for this raise.
She is very sad to find she did not receive one, she begins to think maybe she did
something wrong. She starts to think back through the year, and can not seem to come up
with any solutions as to why she did not receive one. She really felt she worked
especially hard that year in hopes to receive a good raise and really felt she deserved to
be recognized for it. In the break room she overhears John, her follow co worker,
bragging to their ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
She finds out that the federal Equal Pay act has been on the books for nearly 40 years
however it is little known and underutilized. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 has great
potential to redress wage discrimination because it says comparable work and
responsibility require equal pay.
Sue was outraged by her finding at work, regarding her co workers higher compensation.
Sue knew there was more she could do, she started searching the internet. She knew that
was a great place to find information about situations like hers. Multiple results were
found on the internet, but the most influential was from Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC). Here she found the information she had been looking for, all the
terms definitions and guidelines of the Equal Pay Act of 1963. As she was reading the
organizations website she discovered that The Equal Pay Act was intended to ensure the
American citizens rights in obtaining equal pay and other employment related benefits
for equal work. Sue thought to herself that this law was proving an injustice at her work
place. The Equal Pay Act is an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and
requires full wages and other benefits for equal skill and responsibility, performed under
similar working conditions. The law only requires the jobs to be substantially equal and
thus, employers must be particularly aware of the issue of comparable work and pay.
While Sue is
Social Media Negatives
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are just a few social media websites and
applications that have transformed the World Wide Web. Social media is defined as
websites or applications that allow online users to produce and share content. Of the 7.6
billion global population, 2.46 billion of them actively use social media. Many use social
networking to stay in contact with others and access information more quickly. Although
the proposed reasons for social media use appear positive, they present many negatives.
One should limit his or her social media use due to its damaging impact on today s youth
and spreading of false information. Social media has countless adverse impacts, but it is
primarily harmful on today s youth. Specifically, social networking has negative affects
one s education. Since the introduction of social media, students have scored lower on
test. As a result, students are left with a poor grade point average (GPA). According to
Facebook and Academic Performance, students who used social media maintained a 3.06
average GPA. In contrast, students who did not use social media had a cumulative GPA
of 3.82. The article also presents a study that found that students who use social
networking to study score 20 percent lower than those who do not. In addition to inferior
grade point averages and lower test grades, undergraduates who use social media
inappropriately have lower chances of being admitted to colleges. Teenagers across the
nation use social
Mining of Tin
Tin Tin is one of the oldest elements that has been used and mined by mankind. Tin is
used as cans in the food industry, construction products, oil filter in the automobile
industry, and miscellaneous applications, such as cookie pans, furnace filters, toys and
bulletin board. The chemical symbol for tin is Sn which originated from the latin word
Stannum which means tin in latin. After Britain was invaded by Anglo Saxon, Stannum
was changed to tin which we have been using until today. Tin is a white, silvery and soft
element. It has an atomic number and an atomic weight of 118.70. The melting point of
tin is 505.8K, and tin exist as a solid in room temperature. In the periodic table, tin is in
period 5, group 4. Tin is an element which is rust and corrode resistant element. It will
dissolve easily in concentrated acid and will also react with halogens to from other
compound. In the earth s crust, pure tin is not abundant. It was estimated that only 1 to
2ppm of pure tin exists in the earth s crust. Tin usually exists in a form of tin oxide
(SnO2), which is commonly none as Cassiterite. The colour of cassiterits are, brown,
black or reddish brown Cassiterite is formed in 2 types of geological earth structure,
which is in the hydrothermal veins and in pegmatite, both by granite intrusion. In the
hydrothermal veins contains hot fluid with dissolve metal. The hot fluid comes from
groundwater, seawater, magma, or chemical reaction from metamorphaism. As the hot
Money Market
As money became a commodity, the money market became a component of the financial
markets for assets involved in short term borrowing, lending, buying and selling with
original maturities of one year or less. Trading in the money markets is done over the
counter, is wholesale. Various instruments exist, such as Treasury bills, commercial
paper, bankers acceptances, deposits, certificates of deposit, bills of exchange, repurchase
agreements, federal funds, and short lived mortgage , and asset backed securities.
It provides liquidity funding for the global financial system. Money markets and capital
markets are parts of financial markets. The instruments bear differing maturities,
currencies, credit risks, and structure. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
* T bills are issued with maturities that range from 1 month to 1 year. They re sold at a
discount, i.e., the government sells them for less than par value (face value) and, when
they mature, buys them back at par value. * In practice, the interest you receive is the
difference between the purchase price and what you get at maturity. In other words, if
you pay $9,800 for a T bill with a face value of $10,000 and keep it until maturity, you ll
earn $200 in interest. * T bills are very popular because they re one of the few affordable
money market instruments. They re usually issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000,
$10,000, $25,000, $50,000, $100,000 and $1 million. Note that brokers generally require
a minimum purchase of $10,000. * T bills (and other Treasuries) are considered to be the
safest investments in the financial market because governments back them. * However,
their exceptional safety means a lower return than provided by corporate bonds,
certificates of deposit and money market funds. Also, you don t automatically get back
all of your investment if you cash out your T bills before the maturity date.

Commercial paper * Many corporations prefer, as much as possible, to avoid borrowing

short term money from banks. Therefore, they use commercial paper. * Commercial
paper is an unsecured short term debt instrument issued by a corporation. On average,
maturities range from 1 to 2 months and are usually no longer
Critical Success Factors For Indian Automobile Industry

Critical Success Factors:

The important success factors for Indian Automobile Industry are:

● Increased per capita income The general trend of increase in per capita income of the
country has led to more people buying vehicles in executive and premium segments thus
increasing the profit margins.

● Sales and Distribution network A widespread distribution network penetrating most of

the rural areas. Hero has almost 6000 touch points across India and about 50 % of those
lies in the rural areas.

● Access to new technologies Most of the domestic players in this industry remain
updated to the current trends with their own technology or obtain them through
Acquisitions / Joint Ventures / Mergers with the global players.

● Government/ Regulatory Support Launch ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The quality of service and access to spares are much above the industry standard.


Hero Honda CBZ Indian bikers were subjected to 100 cc bikes, until Hero Honda
launched the CBZ in 1999. At that time, there was nothing in India which was as
powerful on 2 wheels as the CBZ. The Hero Honda CBZ was way ahead of other bikes at
that time.

Hero Impulse The first product from Hero Motocorp, the impulse ushers in a new class
of motorcycles with its charming adventure bike poise matched by an equally competent
off road friendly dynamics. Unveiled amidst a lot of fanfare at the brand launch in
London, Hero MotoCorp ensured that Hero Impulse has what it takes to be the center of
attraction, since it has no competition in the Indian market currently.


While Hero is the market leader in the two wheeler industry, providing services for the
large number of motorcycles across the country will be difficult. The absence of a good
service network can become the worst nightmare for the giant. To achieve this, Hero

12 | P a g
Nt1310 Unit 2 Assignment 1
Assignment Two
Butler County is a predominately Caucasian county, located north of Pittsburgh, in
Western Pennsylvania. The culture of Butler County is shaped by the limited diversity of
the area. Much of the population residing in Butler County are also somewhere between
the ages of 18 and 65 (Census Bureau 2015). The social conflict approach is a framework
for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and
change (Macionis). Even though society is becoming more diverse and accepting towards
other races and nationalities, Butler County, like everywhere else, still has trouble with
race issues. Comparing Butler County to Allegheny County, Butler is composed of 96.3
percent white individuals, ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The varying ages have different interpretations of symbols. Acknowledging the broad age
range of 18 to 65, one would realize that there would be different interests of a young
college student compared to a professor getting close to retirement. The Symbolic
Interaction Approach is a framework for building theory that sees society as the product
of the everyday interactions of individuals (Macionis 18). Every human has symbols
which they often associate with other certain objects or place. One example of symbolic
interaction is social media. Most adolescents use social media to be cool, adults use it to
keep in touch with acquaintances, and the elderly think that social media is a waste of
time. Another example could be going to Alameda Park. Alameda is a park located in
Butler Pennsylvania. Children go to Alameda park for thrill and excitement, parents go to
see the happiness their children experience, while elderly people may reconcile the
memories they had as a child. Since a society is defined as a people who live in a defined
territory and share a way of life , different age groups could potentially be a part of
separate societies (Macionis 3). Eventually, the older generation will have disappeared in
Butler County and more liberal views will be installed upon. With the baby boomer
population becoming
Comparison Of Sequoia And Kings Canyon National Park
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park were both established between the 1890s and
1940s. Both National Parks are located in the southern east of California. In Sequoia
National Park, it covers over 400,000 acres making it at least one of the largest parks in
America. Moreover, it is also famous for the giant trees it produces. For example, the
Giant Forest, which is located within Sequoia park. The forest produced some of the
largest trees in America. Most notably, the General Sherman tree. In Kings National Park,
the park established the General Grant National Park, which is connected to Giant Forest
through Generals Highway. The Park was made to protect the Grove of Giant Sequoias.
Sequoia National Park has a considerate portion in the ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
The three national parks are of the same formation. The Sierra Nevada range was
contrived from a piece of granite that started from batholith, which is again is something
that was structured underneath the earth from a massive pool of magma that cools slowly.
Then the shelf was later inclined making the eastern side of the edge lift up by the
tectonic activity. In result, when at the Sierra Nevada the slope on the western side is
more gradual on than on the eastern side. Death Valley is a graben or rift valley which is
depressed blocks adjoined by lateral faults. In addition, graben or rift valley also
developed when oceanic plates are separating developing a divergent boundary. The
tectonic settings are related to the lithospheric extension in the Death Valley region by.
To begin, the Basin and Range is an area that is a broad, and embedded within North
America that extends through Canada, western United States. Basin and Range roughly
cover space between the Cascade Ranges, Rocky Mountains up in the north, and of
course Sierra Nevada (Parsons). The Basin and Range terrain is the end result of the
increased and thinning of the lithosphere, which is constructed by crust and the upper
mantle. There is no defendant answer on how the tectonic settings is responsible for the
lithosphere extension on the Basin and Range. Yet there are key moments or events that
happened before the Basin and Range was extended in the western part of the United
States. First, there was a time when there was compression in result of subduction of the
Farallon Plate beneath the western part of the united states, which triggered the broaden
of the crust. Furthermore, most of the tectonic plate movement developed during the
Neogene time. In early Miocene time, Farallon Plate was drained and the mid ocean
ridge advanced towards North America. During the mid Miocene time, the eastern
The Confessions Of Nat Turner Book Summary
I have recently completed the reading of The Confessions of Nat Turner written by
William Styron. This book pivots around the life of Nat Turner, a slave who got arrested
for the slave rebellion that he had created. Confessing to the wrongs that Nat has
committed, the author uses the first person point of view perspective to gradually steer
the reader to the events that led to the Slave Rebellion of 1831. The Confessions of Nat
Turner recapitulates The Confessions of Nat Turner: The Leader of the Late Insurrection
in Southampton, Virginia , a first hand account of Nat s Story. The element of this book
that grasped my attention, was the rusty look and feel the book pages have therefore,
signaling that this book is probably from the 20th century, in fact in 1967 this book
became published. Furthermore, this book withholds interesting historical facts. The
reason being this book choice is that, this specific introduces a topic that has
tremendously affected the lives of many people furthermore, a topic that fascinates me.

This is a very interesting book because of the unique style in which William chose to
present his secondary hand of information. Features of this book that fascinates me
extremely, is the excessive use of biblical terms and the ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
This book would most be ideal for people interested in history or the historical context of
what slavery was and has become. I would strongly recommend this book for readers
who want to pursue a career in history as well as those who may not. Additionally, this
book provides the reader with knowledge, along with the author s use of diction and
creative writing skills that helps to visualize the scene. The grizzled rusty feature of the
book pages in some shape or the other also helps the reader picture the time period of Nat
s confessions, in 1830s Virginia. This book is breathtaking and you will most certainly
not regret buying this
How Did Martin Luther King Jr Clinton Civil Rights Change
During the life of John H Wallace, an African American professor and author/critic, many
African American men and women made great contributions to America by either
advancing civil rights or making major impacts in science, government, sports, or
entertainment. Famous athletes like Jesse Owens, Michael Jordan, Jackie Joyner Kersee,
Joe Lewis, Sugar Ray Leonard; Civil Rights Leaders like Roy Wilkins, Walter White,
Emmett Till, Ella Baker, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks; famous authors
like Lorraine Hansberry, Langston Hughes, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou; entertainers
like Bill Cosby, Morgan Freeman, Lena Horne, Eddie Murphy, Spike Lee, Oprah
Winfrey; inventors, scientist, and educators like Patricia Bath, Charles Drew, Mathew ...
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President Bush was open to progressing minority groups but he made few attempts to
change the conservative direction of the past civil rights policies. Actual change did not
come about until Clinton s presidency when he gave several apologies to minority groups
who had been discriminated against and mistreated by American society and government
throughout history. He publicly honored 9 black students who led the effort for
segregation in the public schools in 1957. Clinton s main goals during his presidency was
to create a unified and integrated society that allowed harmony between races. His
reformist outlook allowed great improvements to be made in the decade; however, unity
had not been achieved yet.
Despite hip hops popularity in our culture during the 1980 s many people disagreed with
its messages and how it portrayed black youths. Many artist struggled with being good
role models for African American youths. Money and fame got the best of most artists
but the popularity of gangster life portrayed in hip hop was frowned upon. There was no
turning back though for their talents won over American society and a new era was
beginning. African Americans made music history and film history fighting against racial
stereo types and set an example for younger
Mary Magdalene From The Sea Of Galilee
My Name
As we grow up we receive three names in our lives; the ones we receive from our
parents, the names our friends call us, and the ones we must make for ourselves. People
take names as a serious matter because they tend to judge someone by their names before
even getting to know them. The majority of individuals I know either truly accepts their
names in its entirety or is completely unpleased with it. For me, I am someone who
seems to be just right in the middle of them both.

My name (Jessica) can be traced back from an American origin, which means rich, or
God beholds. On other hand, my middle name (Magdalena) is taken from the Biblical
character, that being Mary Magdalene from the Sea of Galilee. Growing up, I had several
Examples Of Soundtracks In Frankenstein
At Birth a monster, At risk humanity In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Victor
Frankenstein creates a hideous monster to appease his obsession in science. During the
monster s beginning of life he travels through many sufferable and emotional obstacles.
These major events are shown throughout the examples of imagery, and tone and to
intensify the scene a series of soundtracks were included. First, the first scene primarily
relates to the monster s awakening through an example of imagery. For example on page
97 Frankenstein vividly explains, It was already one in the morning; the rain pattered
against the panes...when, by the glimmer of the half extinguished light, I saw the dull eye
of the creature open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs.
Throughout this excerpt it is noticeable how Frankenstein describes the scenery of the
event. He explains how ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
This event occurs through an example of tone. For instance on page 93 the monster
angrily states, But again, when I had reflected that they had spurned and deserted me,
anger returned, a rage of anger...I turned my fury towards inanimate objects...I placed a
variety of combustibles around the cottage. In this excerpt the monster becomes furious
after the DeLacey family rejects him when he determines in confronting them. His anger
uncontrollably intensifies, even more when the family abandons the cottage in spite of
fear towards the monster. His tone produces an angry emotion since he states Anger
Returned and Rage of anger . Even so, when the monster incinerates the cottage it
supports the conclusion in the monster being enraged. To support the scene, the whole
group chose a suspenseful and thrilling song to exemplify, towards the audience, the rage
the monster felt when he received rejection from the DeLacey
The Importance Of Ignorance In 1984 By George Orwell
Ignorance often impacts people s point of views. Every story has a different narrative that
derives from another perspective. As imperfect beings, people tend to judge from only
what they have seen or heard, ignoring the other side of the story. As a result,
misunderstanding, confusion, and lack of knowledge become part of their experience.
For instance, in the novel 1984, George Orwell depicts a dystopian society where the
government rule over the people with dictatorship. On the other hand, common people
believe the government is pursuing such action with best intention so as a result, they do
not bother caring about the reality of their own society. This is an issue in a bigger
picture because lack of understanding creates a toxic interpretation on an individual s
knowledge. This essay is about proletarians individuality and its aspects regarding
illusionistic lifestyle and oppressive reality.
Lack of perspectives is the product of ignorance. Orwell depicts this phenomenon
through proletarian s blindness on their ability to protest and understand tyrannical
authority in 1984. Proletarians, common people, lack knowledge to understand their
situation in bigger picture. As a result of this, they do not challenge government s
unethical actions even thought they have the power to do so. Orwell describes, Left to
themselves, they will continue from generation to generation and from century to
century, working, breeding, and dying, not only without any impulse to rebel, but
The Federal Reserve System Is A Banking System Of The...
Keyonna Gregory
October 25, 2014
BUS 254
Internet Workshop

Question 1a. Write a one page concise or two pages double spaced summary explaining
the Federal Reserve.

Basically, the Federal Reserve System is a banking system of the United States. It was
created in 1913, with the enactment of the Federal reserve Act (2014). There are many
responsibilities the Federal Reserves has which include, supervision and regulation,
monetary policy, payment services and finally the financial stability. President Woodrow
Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, into a law. There are also many events that led up
to the signing of the Federal Reserve Act that stuck out to me.
The money and banking systems weren t the same in Colonial America. Colonial banks
were not allowed to accept deposits from the public or make loans. Instead, they issued
paper currency backed by metals and goals. Colonists were also limited to using
bartering, European coinage as their primary means of exchange. The legislation created
a uniform national currency and permitted only nationally chartered banks to issue bank
notes (2014).
There was a period of a free banking era. There was a huge need for a reliable banking
system during the civil war. Many banks did not keep enough money on hand to meet the
normal demands. People lost their confidence in the banks and then began to go take
their money out. This triggered a succession of bank failures. The Federal Reserve
System had a severe financial crisis, in
Football Strength Training
Football is the famous sport played in the world, and players need technical, tactical and
physical skills to succeed. Strength is components of physical fitness which very
important to increase football performance as important as with others components of
physical fitness, such as speed, coordination and flexibility (Ruivo, Carita, Pezarat
Correia). According to Taha, Lee, Ahamed, Joseph, and Omar (2016) strength training is
the type of exercises that make the muscles to stretch hundred percent which can helps to
build the strength, anaerobic, and increase in size of skeletal muscles using resistance
training . Strength training also can increases sport performance and also to maintaining
condition of athletes. Another study by Fábrica, López, and Souto (2015) state that
strength or power training could be of great interest to the sport community especially in
sport like football, in which performance is include the high intensity intermittent activity
like explosive strength or power is one ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Chromiak et al. (2004) research revealed that the increased protein needs of athletes have
been recognized. Protein supplementation also may improve gains in muscle mass when
used in conjunction with strength training. Borges et al. (2016) agreed soccer as
intermittent sports, require sequenced high intensity actions, it is very important to train
players in sprint performance and strength training. Strength training is effective in
improving sprint performance for soccer player. The best resistance trainings for upper
body are bench press, rows and push up while for lower body are leg curls, calf raise and
squats. Strength and muscular endurance training is necessary to optimize the
performance of soccer players. It may lowering of the percent of body fat, which can be
beneficial for football
Theraband Characteristics
A theraband is a latex resistance band that is used for physical therapy and light strength
training exercise. They are also commonly used by athletes, specifically dancers, to
strengthen and stretch the feet. They can be used to increase motor function and strength
in a long term exercise plan. Theraband exercise requires excellent posture, warming up
and stretching, similar to most strength training programs.

Theraband resistance bands are widely used for rehabilitation from muscle and joint
injuries and for aerobics and general conditioning.

Therabands are coded according to their color, working from beginning to advanced use
in the following order: yellow, red, green, blue, black, silver and gold.
The yellow band applies ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
It is the quality of the movement, rather than the quickness with which it is performed.
Make sure to resist the urge to move quickly upon the return movement, because this
works different muscles than the movement away from the body.

Progress to another theraband as the quality or adaptability enhances and the individual
has the capacity finish 10 or 15 reps in 3 distinct sets without muscle weakness. Proceed
onward to the following colors and begin doing the most reduced number of prescribed
reiterations. The individual can keep working through the colors of Therabands.

The dynamic resistance framework makes it simple to gauge advance in accomplishing

wellness or treatment objectives. Begin with a Theraband of agreeable resistance. As the
individual use the band, the muscle quality and endurance move forward. The activities
get to be less demanding and simpler to do. At the point when the individual is prepared
for more tests, just move to a safer band (i.e. shift from yellow to red or green to blue).
This builds the intensity of the activity

Resistance Band Exercises (Upper Body)

There are many activities that one can perform to fortify every piece of the body. The
accompanying are some common exercises that are used as a part of physical
Effects Of Regulation On The Economy
Every economy needs regulations to a certain extent, but how much is too much, and
how exactly do regulations even affect the economy of the country? Those are key
questions that many are asking, and don t truly have answers for. Many people in the
country feel that there is way too much regulation on the economy at this point; however,
there s also a great amount of people who are content with how much regulation is going
on, and would keep pushing. Essentially there are two extremes when it comes to the
topic of regulation and what too much of it will do to the economy. Too much regulation
on the economy can have a negative impact in many ways. The biggest reason as to why
many are so terribly against too much regulation is because ... Show more content on
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In Texas each person who is a computer repair technician is required to obtain a private
investigator s license, or a PI license. The only way two ways for and individual to
receive a PI license is to either go to school and earn a degree in criminal justice (CJ), or
they are required to take part in a three year apprenticeship with an individual who is
already a licensed PI. Considering that there are individuals who just repair computers on
the side or want to just help a friend or someone else out simply because they possess the
skill set is also not an option. Any person who repairs a computer without possessing a
license, and any person who lets someone without the PI license repairs their computer
are both violating laws. Both could receive up to a year of jail time and both could be
fined up to $4,000. Texas isn t the only place that requires individuals to get license for
petty things. In Pennsylvania, any person who is a blogger it is obligatory to purchase a
business privilege license. These licenses cost $300, and it truly wouldn t be a big deal if
one is making a lot of money off of blogging; however, regardless of how much or how
little you make off of blogging one is required to pay the $300 license fee. There was a
case about a young lady who was chased after because she earned $11 from blogging
over the course of two years. It truly isn t worth
Binary Options Essay
Binary Options
Binary options make it possible, even for a novice to invest and earn profits, in stock
trading. You do not need to be a Trade guru to gain high profits here, all you need is the
will to be rich and that too fast!

Times have changed and so have all the investment and trading options as well. Online
trading activities have taken the entire financial world by storm and it is evident by the
sheer number of different online trading platforms and brokerage firms emerging on
daily basis. With great many advantages and benefits offered to the investors, it is
obvious why; millions of traders and investors are making beelines for this interesting,
online format of trading, rather than the traditional ones.

When speaking about the benefits offered by online binary trading options service
providers, we mean, the spectacular range of tools and applications available for making
our investment a sure shot success. A good trading platform is distinguished on the basis
of the support team and help offered to its clients. Exceptional applications and tools
using mails, phone and live chat options etc are all at the customer s disposal. A cautious
trader is furnished with all the updates in the payout charts, market news, price
fluctuations and trade analysis, which he might need for his ventures.

Binary options are always dealing with innovations and discoveries. All the latest trading
solutions as well as market surveys
Health Issues Of The Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic has many prevalent health issues through out the country. Some
of the health issues that are common are AIDs, tuberculosis, and chikungunya. There are
also waterborne health issues preventing people from being able to drink the water from
the faucet daily without getting sick. The infancy mortality rate is very high as well as
the children being born with a disease or virus. There are many health organizations
trying to eliminate and lower the rates of these diseases and viruses but there is a lack of
resources. Compared to the US, some Dominican people face a lot more deaths and
disease because they lack the resources to diagnosis their illness and to later find
treatment. Over the years, the rate of AIDs/HIV has grown to 0.8 percent. AIDs is a
disease in which there is a deficiency of the body s immunity, lowering the resistance to
infection. some of the symptoms are a severe cough, headaches, and skin rashes. If a
person does not get their HIV virus treated it will eventually lead to AIDs. Since there is
a lack of resources in the Dominican AIDs is a common disease for women and children.
In the Dominican it is most commonly transmitted through pregnancy from the mother to
the child. Another common way that it is spread is through prostitution of females and
males. Many young women are having sexually relations with older men who have the
disease causing it to spread. The woman is likely to get pregnant causing their child to
get the
Casey At Bat Analysis
In the poem Casey at Bat and story David and Goliath, a comparison of David and Casey
shows differences and similarities. Here is how they are both alike. Casey and David are
both alike because they both had a battle and they felt like they were going to win that
battle. I know this because in the articles it said that the people knew that Casey was
going to hit the ball and if the people believe that means that Casey would believe. It also
said in one of the articles that David felt like he was going to win because he had God on
his side. So if David believed that he was going to win because of God and Casey
believed he was going to win because of the people cheering for him that means that they
both have a reason to feel like they are ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
In Casey up to Bat his battle was to hit the ball and he struck out. In David and Goliath
David s battle was to kill Goliath and he did. If one struck out and the other killed a giant
that means that one lost their battle and the other didn t. Another way I think they are
different is because Casey boasted and David did not. In Casey up to bat it said that
Casey said that pitch isn t my style. In David and Goliath it said that David said that he
was going to win because God was on his side. This proves that Casey boasted and
David did not because if you watch something go by you think that it s not good enough
then that is boasting because not everything is going to be perfect. David did not boast
because he had a reason to think that he was going to win and he didn t act like he was all
that. The last reason why I think they are different is because David was judged in a bad
way and Casey was judged in a good way. In David and Goliath it said that David s
brothers called him a brat. Casey was judged in a good way because in Casey up to bat it
said that everyone thought that he was going to hit. If you get called a brat that is
offensive so that would be a bad judgement. If everyone believes that you are going to hit
the baseball that would be a good judgement because people trust you.In the poem Casey
at Bat and story David and Goliath, a comparison of David and
Techniques Used For Air Navigation Essay
The techniques used for air navigation will depend on whether the aircraft is in flight
under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) or Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). In the latter case, the
pilot will navigate exclusively using radio navigation instruments and aids such as
beacons, or as directed under radar control by air traffic control. In the case of VFR, a
pilot navigates heavily using dead calculations combined with visual (pilot) observations,
referring to appropriate maps. This can be supplemented using radio navigation aids.
Given the flight plan and the position of the aircraft, the flight management system
calculates the route to be taken. The driver can take this course manually, or the autopilot
can be configured to take the course.

The flight management system mode is normally called LNAV or lateral navigation for
the lateral flight plan and VNAV or vertical navigation for the vertical flight plan. VNAV
provides targets and speeds of height and altitude, and LNAV provides a balanced control
of automatic piloting.


The cars of the street are powered by gasoline, or as some may know it petroleum. Some
heavier vehicles run on diesel and its domestic variants. The following are some of the
properties of these dominating fuels.

1) Petrol/Gasoline: It is mainly a clear fuel that is sourced from crude petroleum which is
mainly used as fuel in internal combustion engines. It primarily consists of organic
compounds obtained by fractional
The Happy Hearts Fund By Petra Nemcova
We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with knowledge: so many
lives wouldn t have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness. (Petra
Nemcova) Disasters can happen in what seems like a moment. Some have time to
prepare for what will come, while others suffer the effects. Petra Nemcova is one of the
many helping to fix the effects of disasters and comfort those in need. She does this by
founding the Happy Hearts Fund. This Fund rebuilds safe and resilient schools for towns
impacted by disaster. Yet, in these situations the way individuals and the help react, helps
to impact the outcome of the disaster.
After a disaster strikes most people feel unprepared because they were never educated on
those circumstances. We have fears that we admit to openly and ones that we never
discuss. We carry around this half completed sentence, filling in the different scenarios
depending on the anxiety of the times: I wonder what I would do if... (Ripely xi). When
those what if statements come true, most people deny what is actually happening.
Therefore, individuals go through three stages when disaster strikes: denial, deliberation,
and the decisive moment. Real life doesn t usually follow a linear arc, or course.
Sometimes the path to survival is more like a looping roller coaster, doubling up and
back upon itself as we struggle to find the true north. But it s rare that anyone survives a
disaster without pushing or being pushed through each of these
Pendulum Lab
UNIVERSITY OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Point Lisas Campus, Esperanza Road,
Brechin Castle, Couva, Trinidad, W.I.

Program: National Engineering Technician Diploma Course code: ENSC 110D Class:
Petroleum Lab Title: Pendulum with a yielding support Instructor: Mrs. Sharon
Mohammed Full time Name: Kirn Johnson Student ID: 58605 Date: 28/10/2012 ... Show
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This could be prevented if the person who is counting the oscillations also times them

Objectives 1. To conduct a lab experiment for the oscillations of a pendulum with a

yielding support 2. investigate the simple pendulum 3. To prove that the distance (m) is
directly proportional to period.

Theory states that T and d are related by the equation: T2 = kd3+ (4π2 l)/g where g is the
acceleration of free fall and k is a constant.

Apparatus and Material:

1. Stop clock
2. Hacksaw blade
3. String
4. Pendulum
5. Clamps holding blade
6. Table

Procedure/Method 1. The length of the string holding the bob was recorded

2. The time taken for the pendulum to complete 20 oscillations was found and recorded.
3. The position of the plate was adjusted and the previous step was repeated 3 times for 6
different distances. 4. An average was found based on these 3 values. 5. Values for T2
and d3 were calculated.


Analysis/ Discussion

The average was taken to increase accuracy = (31.50+31.47+31.44)3 = 94.413 = 31.47s

The time for one oscillation was found by dividing the amount of oscillations (20) done
by the time taken for them= 31.4720 = 1.57s
The taking 2 points from the graph, (11.8 x 10 3, 2.45), (7 x 10 3, 2.36)
Gradient= y2 y1x2 x1
Role of Roman Women
The role of women in the early Roman Empire is much different than the roles of women
today. In the early Roman Empire, women were not given many rights, with Roman law
not concerning women as equal to men. In the Roman Empire, women were not allowed
to participate in the political areas either. Very few Roman women, mainly the wealthy
and those with a high social status enjoyed the freedom on owning a business. For
example, one Roman woman made lamps, while others conducted their own businesses
as midwifes, hair stylists or even doctors. This research paper will speak of several
aspects of the Roman woman, childhood, adulthood, marriage, housing, family life and
Childhood of Roman Women Roman children played a number of ... Show more content
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Women were expected to have as many babies as they could, because there were never
sure how many of the children would reach maturity. Many women died in childbirth or
because they were weakened from having too many children without reprieve, or rest
(Mason). Infertility was a ground for divorce, and women would often offer a divorce, so
that their husbands would have the opportunity to have children with someone else.
Women really did not have any authority over their children. Husbands had the authority
to decide whether a child survived, and the wife would not overrule her husband, if he
decided to expose a child. At birth, a child was deposited at the feet of the father. He
without explanation or justification either recognized the child as his by picking it up, or
withheld his recognition by leaving it where it was. The recognized child became a
member of the family; the unrecognized child was abandoned to the river or left to die by
When or if marriages dissolved, unfortunately, women did not have many legal rights
over children or property. Any man or woman, who wished to divorce, could simply send
the spouse a letter or even by declaring in front of witnesses that the marriage was over.
There was no such thing as joint marital property and any children of the marriage
belonged to the father. If the husband initiated the divorce, he must return the full dowry
(B. M. James C. Thompson). There were a number of additional
Security Concerns With Having An International Company
There are main security concerns with having an international company. I will be
discussing some of those vulnerabilities. So you need to understand that the company
culture needs to bridge the gap on these issues so the company can stop these
vulnerabilities, so the companies culture needs to direct and guide against these issues.
I will use the list from Heimdal Security story 10 Critical Corporate Cyber Security Risks
A Data Driven List The first concern is the failure to cover cyber security basics Zaharia
(2016) . With emerging counties entering the market place they are new to the security
basic. They are so eager to prove themselves as equals to their peers in the advanced
countries they cut corners to prove themselves. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
The third concern is lack of cyber security policy Zaharia (2016) . With different counties
there are local laws they have that will not apply to other countries. As in the United
States there are different laws for each state there are also common laws. So they will
have to make sure that thy have a common policy and that find the local risk. Each
country should have their own security governance committee. These committee needs to
use the common policy and create ones that comply with local laws.
The fourth concern is confusing compliance with cyber security Zaharia (2016) . In the
United States people think that they are good at cyber security when they follow
company policies. We as IT professionals should make sure all countries we work with
are security minded and look for improvements.
The fifth concern is that people can be the weakest link Zaharia (2016) . Most cyber
attacks are inside jobs. The employee is motivated by number of reasons money,
curiosity, revenge, or for the fun of it. So protecting sensitive information is what
companies in multiply country need to do.
The sixth concern is employees using their own device at work Zaharia (2016).
According to the article 93% of companies allow their employees to use personal device
at work. So this in itself is a big security risk. Virus, malware and other programs can be
attached to these devices and breach security. My company has a no personal device use
policy. I see the reason for
Essay about Compost Lab
Building a Compost Lab

Darius Dixon
Biology 5TH Period

Introduction Composting is nature s way of recycling and is the key to healthy soil and a
healthy environment. Composting is a cost efficient way of getting rich natural soil for a
very cheap price. There are numerous types of compost bins available to make; each
enable the growth of lawns and gardens. A compost pile is usually made from fruit and
vegetable scraps, newspaper and grass clippings, worms (that act as decomposers), and


According to the concept of composting it is more than likely that rich filled nutrient soil
will be produced from the worm compost bin at the end of a twenty day period. Rich soil
that one buys at the ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Day 16
6/3 N/A N/A N/A 6/4 Add fertilizer to make up for lost compost. Lettuce turns black
Day 18
6/5 50 Fresh Smell Moist More worms however they are fried from being under sunlight
and add dirt.
Day 20
6/7 51 Ok looking Rough Dead worms show so mix up in compost.

Analysis and Conclusion

At the conclusion of my experiment my hypothesis was correct. The worm bin was
successfully composted and the organic waste was decomposed by the worms. However
as a fault of leaving the worms under direct sunlight it seems that they were burned and
died. Also, as a result of moving worm bin outside due to smell, a rodent knocked it over
therefore I dirt was added to refill lost soil. When one should conduct experiment again
may upsize worm bit to produce more soil.

1 Worm compost saves you money by replacing store bought soil conditioners.
2 Helps garden and house plants grow by improving the fertility of your soil.
3 Saves water by helping the soil hold moisture and reducing water runoff.
4 Benefits the environment by recycling valuable organic resources, reducing air and
water pollution from refuse trucks and runoff, and extending the life of
Theme Of Christian Justice In The Play Measure For Measure
The title Measure for Measure gives us a glimpse into what resonates in this play the
exchange or trade of one for another. On the surface, the play seems to be accepting this
kind of contractual justice , which is seen as conventional throughout the play. However,
beneath the surface, as pointed out by Manderson J, there is [...] a kind of contempt for
the idea of contract in Measure for Measure. Shakespeare is trying to point out that
strictly abiding to contracts or rules is not the way to uphold justice. The flaws in the idea
of contract become the barrier to achieve justice. Shakespeare s ideas about justice help
lawyers understand the interplay between mercy and justice . Shakespeare s ideal
Christian Justice is presented in the play by emphasizing on the indispensability of one s
moral conscience and mercy. This paper will discuss Christian Justice presented in the
play ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The contract made between rulers and citizens, it is called social contract . The authority
to govern, social contract theorists contend, is ceded by free and equal individuals who
accept the arrangements as being conducive to the pursuit of the public good.
Government is based on the principle of consent. Thomas Hobbes, in Leviathan, argues
that the only way to secure peace, security and order is for everyone by covenant to
relinquish their natural rights and submit to the authority of a coercive power, which
through the threat of punishment, will ensure that promises are kept and rules obeyed.
This [social] contract is constituted by two distinguishable contracts. First, [the people]
must agree to establish society by collectively and reciprocally renouncing the rights they
had against one another in the State of Nature. Second, they must imbue some one person
or assembly of persons with the authority and power to enforce the initial
The And Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Abnormal Psychology Professor Alison Buckley Term Paper Scot Albert Due: May 11 at
11:59pm Calendar: PSYCH 46 D9920 2016SP Details They used to call it shell shock.
While shell shock has evolved to PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in title, it is
still the same culprit that has caused countless devastation to those who are afflicted. The
first thing to examine is what was the definition of shell shock. According to some online
research, shell shock was defined as: psychological disturbance caused by prolonged
exposure to active warfare, especially being under bombardment. (1)(Googlecom, 2016)
The etiology of this disease is described thusly: You can develop post traumatic stress
disorder when you go through, see or learn about an event involving actual or threatened
death, serious injury or sexual violation. Doctors aren t sure why some people get PTSD.
As with most mental health problems, PTSD is probably caused by a complex mix of:
Inherited mental health risks, such as an increased risk of anxiety and depression Life
experiences, including the amount and severity of trauma you ve gone through since
early childhood Inherited aspects of your personality often called your temperament The
way your brain regulates the chemicals and hormones your body releases in response to
stress. (2)(Mayoclinicorg, 2016) In my life experience, I can speak of this from two
standpoints. Over the years I have spoken to a few men who have witnessed combat
Rosa Parks Courage
black community has suffer tremendous amount of hatred and humiliation for slavery to
the segregation laws that oppress the black communities. An obstacle so big that can only
be fixed with leaders that are brave enough to do something about it. Rosa Louise
McCauley was born in February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama. In 1955, Rosa challenge
the ridicule law of segregation in Montgomery, Alabama. Her actions help start a
revolution, the Civil Right Movement. Ms. Park was a brave women, and she as Mr.
Nixon put it my god, look what segregation has put in hands (125 1). She was the
plaintiff he was looking for, Rosa was different than the other people that refuse to give
put their sit before her. Rosa park act of bravery was the critical for ... Show more
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The black community boycotted the transportation system to show how much they
depended on black business. They also created a new group called the the Montgomery
improvement Association (MIA, and electing Dr. Martin Luther king, Jr. as the president.
Furthermore, Rosa action was the fuel that spark the action and decision that follow. She
was brave and she inspire a new movement. Nevertheless, Rosa Parks has always been
Through out the book, Rosa talks about standing up for herself and not letting anyone
treat her like she was less of a human. Rosa knew that the more we gave in and complied,
the worse they would treat us, ( pg. 115, 3) She knew that for them to show her respect
she would have to show bravery to take a stand for what she believed was just. Most of
this was due to the great character of her grandfather. Rosa s grandfather was the first
activist that Rosa learned her worth as a human being from. He away stud up for himself
even after leaving a a slave half of his life. He taught her that you don t put up with bad
treatment from anybody (pg.15 1). Moreover, from a very young age Rose understood
that she was a person of dignity and respect. He grandfather was not a violent person ],
be he believed in self defense, Rosa recalls the night her grandfather would sit by the
door with his gun just in case the klansman would try to break the door. She mention
being there wanting to see when her grandfather took the
Car Essay
Evaluation Essay Purchasing a new car can be one of the most exciting mile stones,
especially when a favorite aunt has agreed to pay it in full! The obvious deciding factor is
getting the coolest car to show off to a bunch of friends. However, there are many factors
that should be considered to make a smart long term investment. When searching for the
perfect vehicle some things to keep in mind are: compare key features including highway
vs city mpg, dimensions, horsepower, and most importantly safety ratings. With that
being said, narrowing down the car selection to a Toyota Corolla, Ford Fusion, and
Honda HRV all fall into the $25,000 dollar budget range including money left over. With
advancing technology and an increase in safety ... Show more content on
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The Ford Fusion has positive ratings such as sharp handling, strong engine, upscale
cabin, and has a roomy interior. A negative rating on the car is that it has limited review
visibility, and has poor fuel economy. The Ford Fusion also does not have start stop
technology, supercharge, is not a gas guzzler, but does have turbo charge. The Ford
Fusion has front wheel drive. The car has a passenger volume of 103 square feet, and
luggage volume of 12 square feet ( Find and Compare Cars ). The Ford Fusion was rated
between better than most and about average. The Ford Fusion and the Honda HR V both
have an overall 5 star safety rating. Switching lanes, he dimensions of a 2017 Honda HR
V are; length, 169 ; width, 70 ; height, 63 . MSRP is 19,465 dollars, has a horsepower of
141 hp. The city mpg is 27 and the highway mpg is 31 (Best Cars). The total gas mileage
range is 383 miles, the annual fuel cost is 1,300 dollars, and it costs 33 dollars to fill up a
13.2 gallon tank ( Find and Compare Cars ). The Honda HR V has an overall 5 star safety
rating. The Honda HR V has positive ratings such as: flexible cargo space, spacious rear
seats, and has a quiet cabin. A negative rating on the car is that it has a slow touch screen.
The Honda HR V also does not have start stop technology, turbocharge, supercharge, but
it is not a gas guzzler. The Honda HR V has all wheel drive.

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