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123Helpme Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "123Helpme Essay" poses a unique challenge due to several
factors. Firstly, the subject matter itself is somewhat abstract and open-ended, lacking a clear focal
point or specific research direction. This ambiguity makes it difficult to structure the essay
coherently and present a compelling argument or analysis.

Secondly, the term "123Helpme Essay" is closely associated with a specific online platform known
for providing pre-written essays and academic assistance services. Exploring this topic requires
navigating ethical considerations surrounding academic integrity, plagiarism, and the reliability of
such services, which adds complexity to the writing process.

Moreover, discussing the implications and impact of platforms like "123Helpme" necessitates
extensive research into the broader context of online education, student ethics, and the academic
landscape. This requires sifting through diverse sources, including academic journals, opinion
pieces, and online forums, to develop a well-rounded understanding of the subject matter.

Furthermore, addressing the potential consequences and controversies surrounding the use of essay-
writing services involves delicately balancing differing viewpoints and presenting a nuanced
argument that acknowledges the complexities involved.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of "123Helpme Essay" demands careful navigation of
ethical, academic, and practical considerations, making it a challenging endeavor for any writer.

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123Helpme Essay 123Helpme Essay

Empathy, An Essential Concept For Nursing Practice
Empathy is defined as the ability to communicate an understanding of a client s feelings,
and is a crucial component of the helping relationship (Boggs. 2011, p.106). Empathy is
an essential concept to nursing practice as it allows the nurse to gain perspective in order
to provide appropriate actions and interventions significant to that patient s individual
experience. In Tilda Shalof s A Nurses Story , the author, a registered nurse in the
intensive care unit (ICU), struggles with a particularly difficult patient case and must
reflect upon her own values and subsequent judgments in order to provide adequate
nursing care. Empathy provides the nurse with the perspective that is necessary to
consider the most appropriate actions and interventions significant to a patient s
individual experience (Boggs. 2011, p.107). Failure of the nurse to empathize with a
patient can result in a strained therapeutic relationship as a result of providing inadequate
emotional support and client education (Boggs. 2011, p.107). In providing empathetic
care it is important to mentally picture the client s situation and perform self checks,
thereby assessing for personal bias and stereotypes (Arnold. 2011 p. 84). Additionally,
there are multiple barriers to providing empathetic care, which include lack of time, lack
of trust, lack of privacy, and lack of support, amongst others (Boggs. 2011, p.115). The
use of empathy within nursing practice requires the use of three major skills, which
Compare And Contrast Kennedy s Policy Of Containment
It is of the utmost importance that we supervise the use of any funds made available to
Greece; in such a manner that each dollar spent will count toward making Greece self
supporting, and will help to build an economy in which a healthy democracy can flourish
(Truman T18). Both Truman and Eisenhower used the policy of containment but
Kennedy used the Flexible Response to help with other countries that have communism.
During the Cold War, there were many problems that were going on with the United
States and the Soviet Union. Military aid, military use, and the economic aid of three
presidents were used. They gave assistance, money, military supplies and military help to
these countries falling under the use of communism. The government ... Show more
content on ...
Request for help to send troops to fight for nation s independence against communism
(Eisenhower E27). The United States military is to help territorial integrity and the
political independence of any nation going towards communist military use. Using the
policy of containment gives the United States for the ability against communist using
their military. The United States helps other countries grow stronger economies
(Eisenhower E19). Being non violent with Middle East nations, to help them with
economic strength for their independence. Able to cooperate with these nations give us a
faster ability to go and help them if they are communism. It would, in the second place,
authorize the executive to undertake in the same region programs of military assistance
and cooperation with any nation or group of nations, which desires such aid (Eisenhower
E20). Eisenhower gave the military aid to the nations that are not able to support
themselves. Making a dangerous policy from the Soviet Union treat makes the ideas of
safety to stop before the idea of having a counter attack in nuclear weapons. The United
States would give as many supplies to these nations so the wouldn t be a worry to turning
communist like the worry of
Anshelm´s Proof of God´s Existence
The question about the existence of God or, more generally speaking, of a supernatural
entity that steers the course of the world, is probably as old as humanity itself. Many
great philosophers were concerned with this basic and yet so important question which
remains to be a controversial issue to this day! In the following I will commit myself to
the above mentioned question by firstly reconstructing Anselm´s proof of God´s
existence and secondly considering his position in the light of the critique put forward by
Gaunilo, Aquinas and Kant.
St. Anselm (1033 1109) was an Italian philosopher and monk who later left his country to
become Archbishop of Canterbury. As Anselm firmly believed in God, he wanted to
prove God´s existence through ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, something than which nothing greater can be conceived cannot be conceived
not to be and thus must exist. Put it another way, it is simply impossible for God not to
exist, which even refers back to Boethius (480 AD 524 AD) reasoning, which Anselm
had studied extensively. God differs from humans, animals or any other non living
subjects in that their existence is always contigent on something or someone else. Thus, a
child is contigent on his parents; if the mother had not conceived it, it would never have
come to existence. God, however, is not contigent on anyone or anything else but
Of course, as it is the case with most of the sensational publishments throughout human
history, it did not take long until Anselm´s ontological argument was subjected to
criticism. Up to now many famous philosophers have published papers refuting Anselm´s
argument and questioning its validity, amongst others Gaunilo, Aquinas and Immanuel
One of the first objections documented, was put forward by Gaunilo of Marmoutiers
(11th century). Although Gaunilo was a firm believer in God, he did not agree on Anselm
´s method to prove God´s existence and hence played the devil´s advocate to demonstrate
the flawed reasoning in Anselm´s argument. Gaunilo tried to show up the problem with
the logic of the first argument by
Essay On Elizabethan Food
(Source 1)

ELIZABETHAN FOOD. Elizabethan Food. Heather Thomas, n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.

Summary: This website tells the history of food at the time of the Elizabethan Era.Poor
people had unvaried diets consisting largely of bread, fish, cheese and ale, but the rich of
Elizabethan England ate well.All kinds of meats were served to the rich people of
Elizabethan England.Vegetables and fruits were regarded with some suspicion and was
far more common for roasted and boiled meat to be accompanied with bread.Tudors were
fond of desserts.Sometimes wine glasses, dishes, playing cards and trenchers were made
out of a crisp modeled sugar called sugar plate which would be elaborately decorated.

Evaluation: This site was not long but did contain very detailed information.This website
did include the creators name,it has many contents involving ... Show more content on ...
This site is great for people that have a report on the Elizabethan Era.It gave me more
information then I needed and gave me portraits with brief summaries.

( Source 2 )

Elizabethan Era. ELIZABETHAN ERA. Linda Alchin, 2015. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.

Summary: The site explains the history of foods and drinks at the time of the Elizabethan
Era.In the early Medieval era meat was a sign of wealth.The rich drank ale and wine and
the poor just drank ale. Honey was used to make a sweet alcoholic drink called mead
which was drunk by all classes. Low alcohol drinks at the Elizabethan Era time has been
estimated at around one gallon per person per day.The Elizabethan period saw the
expanded use of sugar.

Evaluation: The information was long and handy information.It had the creators name
and the date when it was last retrieved. I learned about much more then just the food but
how they made it and what they
Essay on Assessment of Psychopathology
Assessment of Psychopathology

Normally both fear and anxiety can be helpful, helping us to avoid dangerous situations,
making us alert and giving us the motivation to deal with problems. However, if the
feelings become too strong or go for too long, they can stop us from doing the things we
want to and can make our lives miserable. A phobia is a fear of particular situations or
things that are not dangerous and which most people do not find troublesome.

Most common phobias are found in the following three categories Specific, Social and
Agoraphobia. Specific phobia is characterized by extreme fear of an object or situation
that is not harmful under general conditions. There are four major ... Show more content
on ...
It is thought to be the most serious of all phobias.

There are many elements that make up the fear response. Cognitive elements (the
expectation of impending harm), Somatic elements (the body s emergency reactions to
danger and changes in appearance the sympathetic nervous system is activated, releasing
adrenaline), Emotional elements (the feelings of dread, terror and panic) and Behavioural
elements (usually fleeing or freezing).

2. The Clinical Characteristics the disorder

For an individual s reactions to be clinically diagnosed as a phobia the following

conditions must be met. Firstly, the fear must be persistent, and must be severe.
Secondly, the individual must feel compelled to avoid or escape from the phobic
inducing stimulus such as a spider or a snake. And finally the fear must also be illogical
or irrational.

For Specific phobias the average age of onset is around 7 to 9 years. People with specific
phobias know that their fear is excessive, but are unable to overcome their emotion. The
disorder is diagnosed only when the specific fear interferes with daily activities of
Comparison between Borders Books and Books
Borders Books and Borders Books This essay examines similar bookselling
businesses with dissimilar outcomes, Borders Books and books. The essay
reviews their histories and business strategies and explores reasons behind their
respective success and failure. The Borders Group Inc. was at one time the nation s
second largest retailers of books, along with music and other educational, informational
and entertainment products. Borders was founded in 1971 by Tom and Louis Borders,
beginning as a single used bookstore in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Within a few years, the
brothers expanded to open two more bookstores in Michigan, one in Atlanta and one in
Indianapolis. They also started a successful wholesaling business, Book Inventory
Systems (Funding Universe, n.d.). The brothers opened their first superstore in 1985.
Their success and that of similar competitors changed the retail book industry by shifting
sales away from mall based stores to busy suburban areas, which were Borders preferred
target locations. By 1992 Borders was so successful that it attracted the attention of the
Kmart Corporation. Borders became a wholly owned subsidiary of Kmart in 1992. The
following year sales from Borders operations reached $224.8 million. Kmart ownership
of Borders bookstores, along with its CD superstores and Waldenbooks, ended with the
formation of the Borders Group in 1994 (Funding Universe, n.d.). That year the group s
overall sales reached $1.5 billion. In
Case Study On Tata Consultancy Services
About Tata Consultancy Services: The Tata group s core purpose is to improve the
quality of life of the communities it serves globally, through long term stakeholder value
creation.Founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1868, the Tata group is a global enterprise
headquartered in India, and comprises over 100 operating companies in seven business
sectors: communications and information technology, engineering, materials, services,
energy, consumer products and chemicals. Tata companies have operations in more than
100 countries across six continents, and export products and services to over 150
countries. The revenue of Tata companies, taken together, was $96.79 billion (around
Rs527, 047 Crore) in 2012 13, with 62.7 percent of this coming from businesses outside
India. Tata companies employ over 540,000 people worldwide.Good corporate ... Show
more content on ...
There are 32 publicly listed Tata enterprises and they have a combined market
capitalization of about $122.34 billion (as on May 22, 2014), and a shareholder base of
3.9 million. Tata companies with significant scale include Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata
Consultancy Services (TCS), Tata Power, Tata Chemicals, Tata Global Beverages, Tata
Teleservices, Titan, Tata Communications and Indian Hotels.Many Tata companies have
achieved global leadership in their businesses. For instance, Tata Communications is the
world s largest wholesale voice carrier and Tata Motors is among the top five commercial
vehicle manufacturers in the world. Tata Steel is among the top 10 best steelmakers and
TCS is amongst the top 10 global IT services companies. Tata Global Beverages is the
second largest player in tea in the world and Tata Chemicals is the world s second largest
manufacturer of soda ash. Employing a diverse workforce in their operations, Tata
companies have made significant local investments in different
Syntax In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
In the attached passage, Mary Shelley weaves numerous rhetorical devices and
effectively utilizes different styles of syntax to enhance the explanation of how
Frankenstein becomes interested in chemistry and decides to make his own
accomplishment in science. In order to emphasize certain ideas and phrases, Shelley uses
two forms of syntax: anaphora and dashes. When Frankenstein first hears a lecture by M.
Waldman, Waldman says, They penetrate into the recesses of nature and show how she
works in her hiding places...they have discovered how the blood circulates, and the
nature of the air we breathe. Shelley, through Waldman, wants to convey that the
philosophers, not the teacher or modern masters, should be given credit for the
advancement ... Show more content on ...
During M. Waldman s lecture, Frankenstein says, ... I felt as if my soul were grappling
with a palpable enemy; one by one the various keys were touched which formed the
mechanism of my being; chord after chord was sounded, and soon my mind was filled
with one thought, one conception, one purpose. By using personification, imagery, and a
metaphor, Shelley displays that Frankenstein has finally found the last note to the chord.
Frankenstein, from Waldman, has now heard of the remarkable discoveries from the
philosophers that he grew up admiring. This makes him engrossed in wanting to pursue
chemistry because he now has validation that these philosophers were valuable to the
advancement of science. The audience, through Shelley s figurative language, can not
only perceive a picture both visually and audibly, but they can also more easily
understand Frankenstein s thoughts and emotions. Yet another style of Shelley s writing,
descriptive diction, makes the novel feel life like to readers. Phrases depicting M.
Waldman such as short but remarkably erect and voice the sweetest I had ever heard,
adds details to the image and character of Waldman. Without utilizing descriptive diction,
Shelley s novel would lose a sense of
Egrets Research Essay
Abstract: A review of an article that gives details about the concerning health issues of
Egrets a class of white feathered birds with long black legs and researched information of
how diseases in birds can create a huge effect on the health of humans. It discusses their
research methods and experimentation used to conduct evidence for the host of bacterial
diseases in the Egret bird population can contribute to arthritis and its possibility to
spread to other bird types as well. In the beginning of 2013 a group of researchers Min
Su Kang, Ok Mi Jeong, Hye Ryoung Kim, Il Jang, Hee Soo Lee, and Yong Kuk Kwon
found a class of bird that was thought to have been sick of a bacterial disease that was
affecting its health and skeletal system. The class of bird were Egrets, a tall white
feathered structured bird with long black legs, long neck and dagger like beaks. The
Egrets living environments are near salt or fresh shallow water to hunt for marine ...
Show more content on ...
What they found was a Salmonella Typhimurium infection, a type of bacteria that can
cause many illnesses in both animals and humans. It is most commonly known as
Salmonella the food borne illness you get from eating contaminated food leading to food
poisoning. There are three types of Salmonella, two of which are more severe than the
one researchers found on the Egret bird. The two are called Non Typhoid Salmonella
which are Salmonella Javiana and Salmonella Enteritidis, non typhoid can cause
gastroenteritis which is inflammation of the stomach and intestines, and bacteremia
which is the presence of bacteria found in the blood. The third type of Salmonella is
called Typhoidal Salmonella which can cause typhoid fever and is caused by the bacteria
Salmonella Typhi which is the one the researchers found on the dead Egret found by the
Comparing the Ways in Which a Tabloid Newspaper and a...
Comparing the Ways in Which a Tabloid Newspaper and a Broadsheet
Newspaper Treat the Same News Story

The death of John Thaw was announced in national newspapers on the Friday 22nd of
February 2002. In my essay I am going to compare the story of John Thaws death from
two newspapers. These newspapers are the Mirror, which is a tabloid and the Times
which is a broadsheet.

Tabloid newspapers include the Sun, Star, and Mirror. Broadsheet newspapers include the
Gaurdian, Times, and the Daily Telegraph.

The differences between a broadsheet and a tabloid are the size, a tabloid newspaper is
half the size of a broadsheet. You need a lower reading age to read a tabloid because
there are shorter articles, ... Show more content on ...
However the broadsheet also covers minority sports, like polo and archery.

In the times newspapers the article about John Thaws death is at the bottom of the page.
It s not very noticible, it s not the lead story, the lead story is about politics. Also the
article doesn t contain any pictures. It consists of six, two inch columns. In the Mirror the
article is the lead story. They dedicate almost half the front page to John Thaw plus the
whole of page seven, also there are seven photos of John Thaw throughout his life.

The headline in the Times is small and doesn t stand out, it gives the main details and it s
factual, the headline is also present tense John Thaw dies , this is present tense so that
readers think they are getting the latest news. The headline in the Mirror is huge, black
and bold, it s also short and stark, and not a complete sentence. The headline is emotive
Morse star John dead , this stirs the emotions of the readers. The headline contains all
one syllable words and it is also in the present tense.

In the opening paragraph of a newspaper article the journalist usually uses the four w s
which are who, what, where, and when. This is the key information of the article, readers
usually make the decision whether to read ahead if they want more detail, based on the
photographs, headlines, and the first
Contoh Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

A. Background
Preposition is one of function words in English. It had introduced from elementary
school till university, one way to introduced and learned the preposition is by asking
students to make a writing paper. Sekolah Tinggi keguruan dan Ilmu pendidikan (STKIP)
PGRI Banjarmasin have many programs to increase their students writing ability. STKIP
has two programs that can make their students ability in writing better and better. The
programs are structure and writing.
In writing, the students learn how to make right sentences and at the end of this program
they had to write a research design as their final assessment. But ... Show more content
on ...
Preposition includes to kinds of function words which means a word that doesn t belong
to one of the four major parts of speech in English (noun, verb, adjective, adverb). Their
purpose is not only to express meaning but to relate other words to each other (Hornby,
Prepositions are words normally placed before nouns or pronouns and can also be
followed by verbs but, except after but and except, the verb must be in the gerund form
(Thomson, 1986: 91)
A preposition is a words that links a noun or a noun equivalent (e.g. a pronoun or a
gerund) to another word by expressing such relationships as location, direction, time, or
purpose. (Longman,...............).
Preposition are always followed by nouns (or pronouns).They are connective words that
show the relationship between the nouns following them and one of the basic sentence
elements: subject, verb, object, or complement. They usually indicate relationship such
as position, place, direction, time manner, agent, possession, and condition, between their
objects and other parts of the sentence. Prepositional phrases usually provide
international asked for by the question words who, what, where, when, why, how, and
how long. The noun or pronoun following the preposition is it s object. A pronoun used
in this position is always an object pronoun: me, you, him, her, it, us, and them. The
preposition plus its object is called the preposition phrase. (Wishon,1980.288 289)
Marie Dean Is The Person I Choose
Marie Dean is the person I choose to write about for my profile essay. Marie is a very
caring, hard working, strong, and intelligent woman. She stands at 5 3 with long black
curly hair and brown eyes. Over the past years she has shown me and my brother that
with determination and perseverance you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.
She also is an essential part of my life and has shaped me into the person I am today.
Marie Dean was born in Montgomery, Alabama to Walter Marie Dean and Herron Dean.
She has lived in Montgomery all her life. She is the oldest of five children. She attended
St. John Middle School, then for high school she attended Montgomery Catholic
Preparatory High School. Along with going to school, my mother also ... Show more
content on ...
She worked at the Montgomery Civic Center for four years then started working at Winn
Dixie. She worked at Winn Dixie for eight years. She started off as a cashier then was
promoted to the manager. Winn Dixie was robbed twice while my mother was working
there. The second time they were robbed she was held gun point while she was forced to
open the safe to give the robber the money that was in it. That day was very frightening
for her, she no longer felt that she was safe working there anymore so she decided to
leave. The Alcoholic Beverage Control well known as the ABC store was where my
mother started working after she left Winn Dixie. This store was located in Birmingham,
Alabama. My mother worked there for two months then she later got a job at The
Alabama Department of Human Resources Food Stamps office located in Tuskegee,
Alabama. She worked at the Food stamps office for five years. My mother liked working
in Tuskegee but she was tired of driving back and forth everyday going to work so she
decided to apply for a job at The Alabama Health Department as a Medicaid worker so
she could be closer to home. Three days after she applied for the job she was called to
come in for an interview. Even though this job was similar to her previous job at The
Alabama Human Resources Food Stamps office it still was a little different. At this job
she would have to help people who were not employed or had any insurance get
Respiratory Activity Essay
(Click on the Save a Copy button on the panel above to save your report)

Activity: Name: Instructor: Date:

Respiratory Volumes

1. During exercise: TV will increase. 2. During exercise: IRV will decrease. 3. During
exercise: ERV will increase. 4. During exercise: VC will not change. 5. During exercise:
TLC will not change.

Materials and Methods

1. Dependent Variable. respiratory volumes 2. Independent Variable. level of physical
activity [resting or exercising] 3. Controlled Variables. height; age; sex 4. Which
respiratory volume was calculated? Breating rate, TV, ERV, and IRV. 5. What was the
purpose of the nose clip? the nose clip was used for the lung function testing to prevent
leakage with ... Show more content on ...
7. Did the minute ventilation increase, decrease, or not change with exercise? of course
the minute ventilation increase tremendously after exercising.

Table 3: Lung Capacities and Minute Ventilation

Breathing Rate 2.6 2.9 3 2.8 TV(L) 2.9 3 2.9 2.9 Resting Values ERV(L) IRV(L) 3.9 4.3
4.3 4.2 5.5 5.9 5.9 5.8 RV(L) 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.6 Breathing Rate 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 TV(L) 4 4.3
4.4 4.2 Exercising Values ERV(L) IRV(L) 5.6 5.9 6 5.8 6.2 5.3 6.7 6.1 RV(L) 42.2 50.2
49.5 47.3

Subject1 Subject2 Subject3 Averages

Comparison of Resting and Exercising Lung Capacities and Minute Ventilation

1. Explain the change in ERV with exercise. the ERV decrease with exercise asssuming
that the volume of air was exhaled more than being enhaled at the time. 2. Explain the
change in IRV with exercise. IRV decreased as well because the amount of air that was
supposed to be inhale was very little inhalation during the time of exercising. 3. Explain
the change in IC with exercise. IC increase with exercise beacause the subjects were able
to allow their lungs to breath. 4. Explain the change in FRC with exercise. The FRC
decrease just a little with exercise. 5. Explain why RV does not change with exercise. the
ERV decrease with exercise asssuming that the volume of air was exhaled more than
being enhaled at the time. 6. Explain why VC does not change with exercise. the vital
capacity remain the same because it accumulated the tidal
One Day In The Life Of Ivan Van Denisovich Analysis
Solzhenitsyn s One Day in the Life of Ivan Van Denisovich takes place in a Soviet Union
work camp in the mid nineteen hundreds. The book reveals to the reader what a day in
the life of an average worker would look life, the books specifically follows Shukhov, a
peasant brick layer; a hardworking man who has been in the Gulag for the past eight
years. Many of the prisoners in these camps die due to malnutrition, stepping out of line,
being independent or for really no good reason. Shukhov lives his days in the camp
through hard work, dignity and hope.
The fact that Shukhov survives the camp is a miracle, he has missing teeth, he is going
bald, and he is starving. Shukov and many other workers have been put through hell in
the camps and have not been treated like human beings. Shukhov ... Show more content
on ...
Although his family has not sent him a package in this new camp and he told his family
not to send anything anymore, he has hope that his family might still send him a package,
still he sometimes had the crazy idea somebody might run up to him one day and say,
Shokhov, what are you waiting for? You ve got a package, (154) He has hope in the next
day and in the opportunity that work gives him, at the end of the night Shukhov thinks to
himself, Nothing had spoiled the day and it had almost been happy. (203) Despite the
hardships that Shohkov faces he is able to end his day satisfied and almost happy. The
individuals who put people like Shukhov into camps are controlling, insensitive and
selfish. No human deserves to be placed in a work camp with an inadequate food, shelter
and warmth for a day let alone eight years. These camps that were created in the Soviet
Union were due to political repression. The lives of those put into camps were changed
forever, the camps created dehumanizing, soul, independence and ownership crushing
environment, however some prisoners like Shukhov were able to live their day to day
lives by hard work and some glimpse of
Ethics Of The Bolam Test
When a doctor provides a patient with insufficient information, a alternative action may
lie in a claim for negligence for breach of duty of care towards the patient. In the
landmark case of Sidaway v Board of Governors of Bethlem Royal Hospital, the House
of Lords held that the legal standard to be relied upon while assessing whether a doctor
was negligent in relation to rendering advice about treatment was contained in the Bolam
test . As per this test a doctor would not be held to have acted negligently if he acted in
accordance with a reasonable body of medical opinion. The majority in the Sidaway case
rejected the approach adopted by Lord Scarman who was of the view that the law must
recognise the duty of the doctor to warn his patient ... Show more content on ...
in English jurisprudence the doctor s relationship with his patient which gives rise to a
normal duty of care to exercise his skill and judgement to improve the patient s health in
any particular respect in which the patient sought his aid, has hitherto been treated as a
single comprehensive duty covering all the ways in which a doctor called upon to
exercise his skill and judgement in the improvement of a physical or mental condition of
the patient for which his services either as a general practitioner or specialist have been
engaged. This general duty is not subject to dissection into a number of component parts
to which different criteria of what satisfied the duty of care apply, such as diagnosis,
treatment or advice . The Bolam test has therefore been treated as laying down a
principle of English law that is comprehensive and applicable to every aspect of the duty
of care owed by a doctor to his patient in the exercise of his healing functions with
respect to that particular
Fukushima Energy Crisis
On March 11, 2011 Japan was rattled by a powerful earthquake and tsunami. When the
tsunami hit, thousands of lives were changed forever. The tsunami claimed lives,
destroyed homes, businesses, and roads and left an excessive amount of debris. The
impact of the tsunami also caused a major power outage which in turn caused a nuclear
meltdown/explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. With the devastation
of that day and the days that followed, there will be long term effects on the environment
and the quality of life of the Japanese people. When nuclear power is used, there is a
possibility of a nuclear meltdown and/or explosion, thus Japan should not be using
nuclear power as a source of energy.

While nuclear power seems to be ... Show more content on ...
The earthquake and resulting tsunami that hit Japan in March 2011 is likely to be the
costliest natural disaster on record ( Economic Impact of the Tsunami ). The nuclear
meltdown/explosion that followed is still creating havoc on the Japanese people. The
effects of this debilitating disaster will continue to affect the region not only for this
generation but generations to come. The area is still riddled with debris not only left from
the tsunami, but the radioactive clean up as well. Much of the area affected by the
nuclear disaster is still desolate. No one really knows when or if life can return to normal
in the areas that were affected by the nuclear fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
Power Plant.
Work Cited
Analysis: The legacy of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Carbon Brief. Published by
Brief Ltd Company No. 07222041, 10 Mar. 2016. Web. 09 May 2017.
Asia PacificEurope. Renewable Energy for Japan: A Post Fukushima Quest.
Knowledge@Wharton. N.p., 03 Oct. 2013. Web. 01 May 2017.
Economic Impact of the Tsunami. ConnectED. McGraw Hill Education, n.d. Web. 01
May 2017. Asahi
Defaulting College Tuition Debt
Along with scholarships, fellowships, and grants, student loans are an important method
of financing post secondary education. With tuition costs rising, more students are
borrowing to pay for college education today. However, not all students realize the
burden of paying back their student loans. Many are defaulting.
Moreover, individual borrowers are not the only ones who face the consequences of the
loan default. The federal government recovers around 80% of the total defaulted amount
of student loans, losing billions of dollars each year. The latest data from the U.S.
Department of Education indicates that student loan default rates have been rising.
Official 2011 default rate is 10%. ( Comparison of FY 2011 2 Year ... Show more content
on ...
Borrowers do not have power over the maximum amount they can borrow, over the
interest rate, over anything in fact. However, at the time of enrollment, loan is not a real
thing for the borrowers, as they do not have to worry about paying it back right away.
They face problems when they need help repaying the loans or cannot repay the loans.
Then, they have a legitimate and urgent issue to deal with, but still no power. So the
borrowers are moderately salient or expectant stakeholders (Mitchell, Agle, and Wood
853 86). They can only choose from the available repayment options or default on their
Another group of stakeholders is the schools. Loan servicers monitor when students do
not make payments on their loans and go into default and report it to the school and the
department of education. At this point, the school tries to reach the student and explain to
them existing repayment plans or forbearance options. If the student does not sign the
repayment plan or the forbearance, the loan is reported on a cohort default rate. (Default
cohort consists of loans that go into the repayment during a single federal fiscal year
(from Oct 1 to Sept 30). There are 2 year and 3 year default cohort periods). If the
reported school default rate gets to 25% in 3 consecutive years or 40% in one year, the
college could lose eligibility to participate in the Direct Loan program, and in most cases,
the Federal Pell Grant program. That is
Stigma In Veterans
Both PTSD and substance abuse in Veterans not only affects themselves, but it also
affects their families and communities (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration, 2017). The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(2017) states that there are 3.1 million immediate family members to the veterans in the
United States (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2017).
These family members can potentially suffer from second hand trauma symptoms
(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2017). The U.S.
Department of Defense and the U.S Department of Veteran s Affairs both offer care that
veterans and their families are eligible for, but a substantial number of veterans and their
... Show more content on ...
Department of Veteran Affairs, 2017). It covers things to help reduce stigma around
experiences that veterans may have had and stigma surrounding their diagnoses. Another
resource is the Veterans Treatment Court (U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, 2015). The
Veterans Treatment Court was developed in 2008 during a collaborative meeting
including: The Center for Mental Health Services, law enforcement members, the court
and justice systems, community advocacy groups, federal agencies, and specific groups
dedicated to veterans health and advocacy (U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, 2015).
The idea is to provide applicable mental health and behavioral health services to veterans
in need rather than leaving them in the justice system (U.S. Department of Veteran
Affairs, 2015). Depending on what the person is arrested for determines their treatment
path and which community partner they are paired with (U.S. Department of Veteran
Affairs, 2015). Some of the community partners include: various local Veterans
Associations, Veterans organizations, substance use treatment facilities, and/or Veterans
health and advocacy groups (U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs,
Essay about Hinduism, Hindutva, Colonial and Post-
Hinduism, Hindutva, Colonial and Post Colonial Myths
During this period (early history of the British in India) in India, while the Europeans
fought one another and the British intrigued among themselves for personal advantage,
Mughals killed Mughals, Rajputs killed Rajputs, Mughals killed Rajputs, Rajputs killed
Mughals, British killed Mughals and Rajputs, Mughals and Rajputs killed British, and
starvation and taxation kept killing the farmers and laborers of India as usual. 1
This is how Wendy Doniger defines the pre independence early history of India (of the
19th century) in her book The Hindus: An Alternative History . Karl Marx too in an
article that he wrote for the The New York Daily Tribune describes an India that has ...
Show more content on ...
An example of this is the idea prevalent in certain parts of the society that the colonizers,
even though violators of human rights themselves, in many circumstances had also
civilized the country by abolishing brutal practices like the Sati and by having offered a
scathing critique of the oppressive Indian caste system, helped in removing it. What
remains hidden behind this myth is the fact that the colonizers had not only in their early
days of invasion and in their oriental spirit as Doniger points out, remained oblivious to
the brutal act of Sati and intended not to interfere with Hindu practices but also
throughout their rule propagated the ideas of caste distinctions. These distinctions based
themselves not only on the existing Hindu caste system but also on the fact that certain
sections of society were more loyal to the colonizers than others. The caste based
division in the Indian Army (formed during the British rule) that manifests itself in the
name of the various regiments also further establishes this idea.
Although this was not the only way in which the colonizers gave support to the Indian
caste system. They supported caste in many ways, both because they unconsciously
tended to adopt the ideas of social stratification of the people they were ruling and
because the Indian caste system echoed their own subtle and deeply entrenched social
hierarchy , Doniger points out in her book.
It was the
Lead Like Jesus Summary
The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus is for those who want to become wise and highly
effective leaders. This is more than a theory; it focuses on a uniquely constructive and
compassionate approach to leadership based on positive spiritual principles contained in
the teachings of Jesus. It addresses priceless wisdom for leading ourselves and others. We
can apply these principles to family, work and church or ministry. When we are called
upon to lead, in any capacity, we have to be effective and lead with ethic and justice. We
have to be able to provide positive influence for others. The book Lead like Jesus give us
four stages for us to learn how we can identify our stage in order to go to a different level
of leadership. We need to identify ... Show more content on ...
God has given me the opportunity to serve different areas of ministry, children, woman s,
music and all this has given me the chance to learn. I believe that God is preparing me to
become a master learner. This kind of service to the neighbor is also difficult and entails
a lot of patience and love towards the other people. At this time I have developed a good
communication among people who attend church. I show them how important they are to
me as a persons, I always show them that I care about their lives. That gives them a
feeling of trust and confidence when they talk to me. Time is very important people
require a little time and not everyone is willing to give their time, worse in these times
when people are always hurried. I also know that in this I have very much to learn. In my
character I have too many flaws, because I am a person who likes to do things at the
moment we need them. However I must learn that sometimes we have to wait. It is God
who handles everything.
In the end I understand that I need to learn many things to become a master leader. I am
trying to follow the leadership of Jesus so I can implement it every day in every moment
with my family, work and ministry. Peter was one of the disciples of Jesus, he had a
strong character and he was very impatient, in some way I identify with him. He learned
and dared to walk on the water, did what he learned from the master, I think he was the
only one who did it. Until that stage I want to reach myself, to learn what seems
impossible for the humans, but possible for
Nurses Are The Traditional Care Providers For Mothers And...
Midwives are the traditional care providers for mothers and infants. They provide
support so that a woman s pregnancy is healthy and the have optimal births and that they
recover during the postpartum period. Midwifery is a woman centered empowering
model of maternity care that is utilized in all of the countries of the world. Midwives
practice in private homes or clinics or birth centers. Countries that utilize midwives as
primary health care providers are countries in which the mother and the infant fare best.
The U.S. ranks behind most of the developed world in terms of infant and maternal
mortality. Midwives cultivate relationships with women and they value communication
and developing trust. Midwives provide a more personalized and thorough care on many
levels throughout a woman s pregnancy including preconception, pregnancy, labor,
postpartum and even beyond that. There are several different types of midwives and
different pathways to education and training. Most pathways result in certification and
licensing like professional Midwives. On the other hand, there are more traditional
midwives and those are midwives who for religious, personal, and philosophical reasons
choose not to become certified or licensed. Traditional midwives are also called
community based midwives. They believe that they are accountable to the community to
heal and to serve. ( What is a Midwife 2016: para 6) Every culture and religion have
similarities and differences in the way they practice
Examples Of Christ Quotes In The Great Gatsby
The Christ Gatsby

When you think of the wealthy and marvelous Jay Gatsby, one wouldn t dare to think of
him to symbolize Christ. However, throughout the novel The Great Gatsby, F. Scott
Fitzgerald was successfully able to represent such a character to be a somewhat
grotesque version of Christ himself. The novel takes a religious angle where quotes and
evidence from bibles are evidential and parallel to the book and the character of Jay

Father s Business

The first connection we came upon, relates to Gatsby s corrupted dreams and choices he
had made in the past to make his happiness worth while. Even though the love of his life
was long gone, he still decided to strive for her and even commit illegal regards to satisfy
the emptiness he had inside. Referring to religious terms, this situation falls under a
category of being a business . All of Gatsby s malice decisions comes only to be a
product of redemption just as any other person would act. In the ... Show more content on ...
When the wine runs out leaving everyone without something to drink, Jesus delivers a
sign of his glory and turns water into wine; this event is known as the Marriage at Cana.
The same could go for Jay Gatsby and the various miracles he was able to perform with
his wealth as his parties. In chapter three, when describing the cocktails served at Gatsby
s parties, Nick says, ...and floating rounds of cocktails permeate the garden outside, (pg
40) and, Suddenly one of these gypsies, in trembling opal, seizes a cocktail out of the air,
dumps it down for courage and, moving her hands like Frisco, dances out alone on the
canvas platform. (pg 41) Aside from the cocktails, Gatsby used his money to ensure that
his guests would always be entertained at his parties. Just like with Jesus and how he
transformed water in wine, Gatsby was able to perform dozen of miracles with his
Security Governance in Afghanistan
Security Governance in Afghanistan
I. Summary:

Afghan security forces have lead security responsibility throughout the country, and the
States and its partner countries are reducing military involvement in Afghanistan. The
International security mission terminates at the end of 2014 and is expected to transition
to a smaller mission consisting mostly of training the Afghanistan National Security
Forces (ANSF).
The number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, which peaked at about 100,000 in June 2011,
was reduced to a pre surge level of about 66,000 by September 2012, and to about 34,000
as of
February 2014. The U.S. force will shrink to about 28,000 by June 1 and to 22,000 by the
end of
October. A residual force that will remain in Afghanistan after 2014 is likely to consist of
about 12,000 U.S. and NATO trainers and mentors, of which about two thirds would be
U.S. forces, plus about 3,000 mostly U.S. counterterrorism forces. No decisions on the
residual force have been announced, in part because President Hamid Karzai refuses to
sign a required Bilateral
Security Agreement (BSA) before he leaves office in mid 2014. All the candidates in
presidential election which took place with apparent high turnout and minimal violence
publicly support the agreement. But a successor will likely not take office until July 2014
at the earliest, constraining the U.S. and NATO force planning process. Fearing
instability after 2014, some ethnic and political faction leaders are
Ferrari Competitive Advantage
Ferrari has a celebrated history of producing exceptional automobiles both on the road
and on the racetrack. (Aloian, 1) Ferrari has been making cars since 1929 and has still
been making cars since. They are one of the nicest car brands out there. Ferrari makes all
kinds of cars from SUV s to expensive supercars. Like any market for anything there is
going to be competition. Ferrari s competition is Lamborghini. But Ferrari is the superior
car brand because it is the best car for the cost, Ferrari has set the bar for modern car
brands, and they have better race history.

The first reason Ferrari is the superior car brand is because the cost is the best for the
reliability and maintenance of the car. In an article made by a man who bought ... Show
more content on ...
When Ferrari first started making cars they were a lot different than all of the other car
brands. They were doing their own thing. At first people thought that what they were
doing was weird and that the cars wouldn t turn out good. But little did they know. In a
book all about Ferrari they talk about some of their older models, they truly were doing
their own thing. But that was what Ferrari was best at, doing things their own way.
(Ferrari) Ferrari was the master of making something that most likely wouldn t work and
making a masterpiece. Most of Ferrari s cars were beautifully made cars they just did
what they did the best they could and it was amazing the way they did it. From making
cars that should have front engines back engines to making cars look so beautiful it is just
amazing the way that they did it. Furthermore, Ferrari seems to always come out with
amazing new cars every year. One of the newest models is the 812 Superfast. This isn t
just any ordinary car they have done extensive research and testing to make this car truly
the best in its class. On their website they state some details about the car. On this
occasion, intensive research and development focused on exploiting Ferrari s wealth of
track derived engineering know how has produced the 812 Superfast, designed to offer
its drivers both benchmark performance across the board and the most riveting and
rewarding driving experience possible. (The Fastest and Most Powerful Ferrari Yet)
What really sets Ferrari aside from other car brands is the way that they make their cars.
They spend time on every individual car to test it and make sure that it lives up to its
standards. The last reason why they have set the ar for many modern car brands is
because a lot of other car brands will use Ferrari engines. They make their engines with
care and with so much pride, and it really
A Rose For Emily Character Analysis
A Rose for Emily William Faulkner s, A Rose for Emily, is an account from an eye
witness perspective of the life and dilemma of a noble woman belonging to the bankrupt
aristocratic family in the late nineteenth century. It s a tale of a woman who due to her
seclusion at the hands of her father and severe critique by the society turns into a
mentally unstable person. The character of Emily is intriguing in its stubbornness of
defying the changes around her. She is set in her ways and unwilling to let go of pride
that comes with her family name even though the readers are informed at the very start of
the narrative that she is left with nothing other than the house by her father. It is an empty
pride she carries around her and a reason ... Show more content on ...
Samuel explains this shift of wealth, For centuries, even millennia, being rich depended
on one thing; owning land. In nineteenth century, however, industry emerged as a prime
way to get rich. (7) In A Rose for Emily, this boom of industrialization is depicted in
what sounds like disgust, Miss Emily s house was left, lifting its stubborn and coquettish
decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps an eyesore among eyesores. And
the failure of previously rich as, But garages and cotton gins had encroached and
obliterated even the august names of that neighborhood . A Path for Progress.
Industrialization brought a series of development that laid the foundations for America s
progress. An article from Gale Database on 1878 1899: Lifestyles, Social Trends, and
Fashion: Overview describes it as a time when, Homeowners in cities and suburbs were
introduced to running water, gas, electricity, and sewer systems. Public places such as
schools, stores, restaurants, and government offices were the first lighted by electricity, a
service that became increasingly available in the 1890s. The story, A Rose for Emily,
mentions these changes more than once for example, The town had just let the contracts
for paving the sidewalks and When the town got free postal delivery Along with the infra
structures the legislations were reformed. In an article, The Development of Industrial
United States the need for change in
How Reiki Is Considered As A Form Of Healing Essay
This assignment evaluates the topic of reiki, which is considered as a form of healing. To
begin, it provides a definition and highlights reiki s application in mainstream medicine.
This forms scientific assumptions of the use of the scientific method. This highlights
credibility, methodology and reliability as a precursor of application to public health. As
a result, it firstly demonstrates credibility through the process of gathering scientific facts
from reliable sources. Journals are found using the British Psychological Society (BPS)
and PsycINFO. This subsequently provides empirical research for critical review.
Secondly, it explores methodology from a selection of these journals. It includes the
necessity of operational definitions, value and measurement, and construct validity.
Finally, it therefore demonstrates the reliability of results as scientific data, to infer robust
conclusions. This will provide the basis of the argument to evaluate if reiki is science or
pseudoscience. Reiki Application Firstly, reiki is described as an ancient Japanese form
of therapeutic healing (Baldwin, Rand Schwartz, 2013; Baldwin, Wagers Schwartz,
2008; Cuneo et al., 2011; Diaz Rodriguez et al., 2011; Richeson, Spross, Lutz Peng,
2010; Shore, 2004). Its efficacy claims to improve human welfare a shared perspective of
many science applications (Anderson, 1998). Its mechanism is theorised as a natural
phenomenon (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The Misogynistic Henry Higgins
The Misogynistic Henry Higgins

The key to understanding George Bernard Shaw s Pygmalion lies in understanding the
power struggle between the haves and have nots specifically the active and intentional
disenfranchisement of women at the turn of the 20th century. At the core of Pygmalion
there is a focus on the societal inequities of the day, with Shaw presenting society s
treatment of women as property without rights and with little understanding of their
surroundings or place in society. Throughout the 19th century, and into the early 20th
century, when Shaw penned Pygmalion, British laws and society actively restrained
women, both politically and economically.
Unlike the United States, women in England were allowed to vote prior ... Show more
content on ...
Much of English society and government mirrored Higgins beliefs. In 1888, an appeals
court judge, Lord Esther, ruled that neither by Common Law nor by the Constitution of
this country from the beginning of the Common Law until now can a woman be entitled
to exercise any public function. (Aked) This is notable because, just as with the Reform
Act of 1832, the ruling was a detriment to women, as women were already exercising
public functions , such as overseers, way wardens, church wardens and members of
school boards. This ruling was the first of several rulings and legislations that removed
rights and governmental access from women.
These actions of the British Parliament led to the creation of several suffrage movement
organizations in England, such as the Co operative Society and The Labor Party, each
with almost two and a half million members, as well as several smaller groups, such as
The Women s Liberal Association, The British Women s Temperance Association, The
Women s Textile Union, The Women s Labor League, The National Union of Women s
Suffrage Societies, The Women s Social and Political Union, and The Men s League for
Woman Suffrage, as well as many others. It is well known that Shaw was an avid
proponent of women s freedom and suffrage, and it is quite possible that Shaw wrote
Pygmalion with the idea of promoting women s suffrage as, only three years earlier, he
had already penned a
My Out-Of-Class Negotiation At Macy s Department Store
The topic for my out of class negotiation was to get a good deal when purchasing
business jacket from Macy s department store. In this paper, I will examine my
preparation process for negotiation, applied concession strategy along with implemented
personal bargaining style. Finally, I will evaluate my the knowledge gained and my
personal communication competence measure to improve my negotiation and
communication effectiveness for any situations that may arise in the future. Insights are
drawn from three sources: my own experience, the online search, and the course book
Bargaining for Advantage.
When entering the store, I wanted to appear reasonable, following along consistency
principle, so I can get a normative leverage in this negotiation. Before jumping in any
bargaining, I ve decided to do my homework and gathered some data about Macy s, it s
policies and sales they were having at that time. In order to get the best deal, I had to
know the standards and norms such as quality , quantity , applicable discounts that carry
weight in negotiations and would seem legitimate to another party. This analysis would
give me a speaking role and fair basis on which I could be an effective advocate for ...
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In the beginning, I opened optimistically, then showed a willingness to cooperate and
made a series of smaller concessions in the end. Even though this negotiation seemed
like distributive with a goal to divide a pie, in this case simple buy/sell transaction, I was
able to transform it to some extent in integrative negotiation. I used flexibility on the
quantity of purchase, which allowed be to bring the price down, from the associate side it
was a win because instead of selling just one jacket, she included 2 more items.
However, I was very firm with my tactics in my concession strategy in support of high
Steel During The Second Industrial Revolution
The second Industrial Revolution was an era that created many inventions off of the first
Industrial Revolution, which included refining techniques to chemicals, electricity,
transportation, and production engineering to name a few. One of the most highly
technological innovations of the second Industrial Revolution, however, was the
innovation of steel. Steel was used before the second Industrial Revolution, but was
mainly used to make swords and weapons by blacksmiths. Before the second Industrial
Revolution Henry Bessemer writes in his autobiography, At that date there was no steel
suitable for structural purposes . At the time, anything structural, including railways,
buildings, ships, and bridges were made out of wood and iron because ... Show more
content on ...
With the technology advancing, the production of material moved from small shops and
homes into large factories for mass production. This included steel industries that
allowed the transfer of ...manufacturing plants away from naturally flowing waters
(outside the city) to areas inside and around the cities where more abundant labor was
available . Even with the pollution becoming a major problem during the second
Industrial Revolution because of all the manufacturing plants coming into the city, this
era laid the foundation for some of the famous and most popular inventions of today s
time. But still during the era of innovations, many inventions would not have been made
possible without the innovation of steel and the Bessemer process. This would be the
reason steel had the most profound impact about the
Effects Of Communist Manifesto On Human Values
The Effects of Karl Marx s Communist Manifesto on Human Values

What was it like living in the times before the Communist Manifesto was introduced to
society? What kind of affect did this document have on the values of the average family?
How did it influence the values of the individual? Sometimes these values where affected
in a way that does not come directly from the release of the Manifesto but instead
vicariously through other events brought on by the document. Overall, an interesting
topic to look at is what it meant to be human in the 1840 s. France is representative of
European nations at that time. Through France, the effects of the Communist Manifesto
on human values are evident.

In order to understand how people ... Show more content on ...
Likewise, many of the old workers had been thrown out of employment, 3 and these
numbers only grew into the year of 1848. In a way Marx talks about this problem in the
Communist Manifesto. In this document, Marx introduced his idea to incorporate
socialism into the government before communism. This is mainly because socialism
would prepare the way by nationalizing the means of production and putting them under
the control of those he viewed as the sole producers of wealth: the workers. 4 This would
take the control out of the hands of the wealthy and it would be given to those people that
had been the poorest in the previous years. His goal was to get the common people to
have a changed view of work once they started to be in charge of the producing of goods.
This way, there would be no rich and no poor, only economic equality would result.

Marx was intent on the subject of human change. Marx was often confronted with the
charge that he was trying to change human nature. However, his rebuttal was that human
nature [had] changed many times in the past, 5 and that it was possible to change it again.
He acknowledged that it would have to be a gradual change, but it was able to change.
After all, we as humans are products of our environment, particularly of the economic
system in which we live. 6 The government and its actions do
The Seneca Falls Convention In The 1800 s
Seneca Falls In the early 1800 s, many of the women in the United States were plain and
simple getting fed up with their lack of writes. Men had dominated everything in the past
and they were still continuing to do so. Women were finally ready to come forward and
voice their opinions about how men and women are created equal. It was now time for
women to go out and become what ever they want to be and not have to worry about the
fact that they are females. The Seneca Falls Convention would soon be one of the biggest
victories for women s rights. The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, the first women s
rights convention in American history, was an outgrowth of almost twenty years of
female activity in social reform. Elizabeth Cady ... Show more content on ...
This is how women let the government know that they wanted the equal rights that they
so much deserved. One point that Elizabeth Cady Stanton makes is that the man never
permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise. This is very true
seeing that women were not even allowed to work because their place was at the home
where they were to raise the family. If women did work for a part time they would not
get even close to the amount of money that males get. She also states that he has taken
from her all right in property, even the wages that she earns. Women at this time were not
allowed to own property. She also states that he has withheld her from her rights, which
are given to the most ignorant and degraded men, which even includes foreigners. This
meant even if you were the smartest, kindest, and most willing to work hard woman
alive, you still would be treated worse than the least respected man. What all of this
means is that at this time women were be deprived of pretty much every right that they
were given by god. The Seneca Falls was the beginning, which sparked a bunch of
conventions that would follow every year. Eventually it worked, and women started
getting custody of children, and the government was more favorable
Personal Values And Social Work Values
Amber Sperlbaum
Indiana Wesleyan University


ETHICS..................................................................................................3 4 PERSONAL
VALUES VS SOCIAL WORK VALUES.......................................................4 ETHICAL
AMBIGUITY IN RESOLVING CONFLICT......................................................................5

A. INTRODUCTION Social work is a profession which has the objective to improve the
quality of life of other individuals. The NASW code of ethics is used as a guideline for
social workers and the interaction they have with their clients. In addition, within the
code of ethics, there are six values, which include service, social justice, dignity and
worth of a person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence.
Therefore, going into the social work field it is important to understand that your
Main Reasons For The Fall Of Rome Essay
Julius Caesar once said, It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find
those who are willing to endure pain with patience. The Ancient Roman Empire was one
of the world s greatest empires. Beginning in around 750 BCE with a small settlement no
one knew it would become a great empire making many discoveries that we still live by
today. Although the empire was strong they started to run into some problems. Starting in
44 BCE with Caesar becoming emperor and continuing into 500 CE, the city was
declining fast. Although some researchers may say that natural disasters were the main
reason for the decline of Rome, however the primary reasons for the decline of Rome
were political corruption and military mistakes. Political corruption was a main reason
for the fall of Rome because there were higher class people trying to take all the power
which made many people unhappy causing assassinations and unfairness. Military
mistakes were also a big problem because the military was too lazy to fight causing
invasions and unnecessary deaths. To begin with, political corruption was a major reason
leading to the fall of Rome. Leaders were jealous, selfish, and unfair to the poor.
Document E, an excerpt of a historical text by Priscus states, A wealthy lawbreaker... is
not punished for his injustice, while a poor man... undergoes the legal penalty. This quote
shows that because a man is wealthier than another and can pay a bribe he gets off easy
for a crime while a poor
Plessy Vs Ferguson Essay
The Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson is known for having established the
precedent of separate but equal. The case originated in Louisiana and was specifically
made to the separate passenger cars that were for the black and white races. The Supreme
Court, in this case, upheld the right of Louisiana to separate the races and this decision
provided the legal foundation to justify many other actions by state and local
governments to socially separate blacks and whites (Zimmerman, 1997). It was not until
the famous Brown v. Board of Education case in 1954 that the highest court in the land
outlawed the principal of segregation and the concept of separate but equal. Homer
Plessy was only one eighth African descent and appeared to be white. Despite his white
features, he was arrested for sitting in a white car and refusing to leave the white railroad
car. The case went first to the Criminal District Court of the Parish of Orleans in State of
Louisiana v. Plessy in ... Show more content on ...
It even says it in the US constitution, No state shall make of enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges of immunities of citizens of the US. And the arrest of Homer
Plessy was enforcing a law which abridges the privileges of US citizens. All citizens
constitutionally are completely equal before the law. The constitution does not tolerate
classes among citizens; it does not tolerate the splitting of the people it s meant to
protect. The constitution was written to bring those separate classes together. The case
Plessy v. Ferguson was a test of a Louisiana law s constitutionality. It took 50 years to
realize it, but the constitutionally and morally right way was to end segregation. This
case was never about Plessy not being able to ride on a white only car on a train headed
to Covington, Louisiana. It was about a group of black citizens trying to stop segregation
from ever
Community Resource Assessment Of A Vulnerable Population
Community Resource Assessment of a Vulnerable Population in Prince William County:
Mental Health and Minorities

Mental disorders and illnesses are non discriminatory. They affect people of all ages,
races, socioeconomic statuses, cultures, genders and educational groups. An excerpt from
Stanhope Lancaster s book states that, [i]n the United States, approximately 57.7 million
adults (ages 18 and older), or 26.2% of the population, suffer from a mental disorder in a
given year and 6% of the population suffer from a serious mental illness such as
schizophrenia; [and] nearly half of those with any mental disorder meet the criteria for
two disorders (Kessler et al, 2005; NIMH,2010), (Stanhope Lancaster, 2012, p785). They
also write that, [a]t least 13% of children and adolescents between the ages of 8 and 15
have a diagnosable mental disorder, but only 39% receive treatment (SAMHSA, 2007),
and this does not include the approximately 17% of persons over age 55 who also
experience a mood or anxiety disorder (2012, p785).

Mental Health is defined as a state of well being in which the individual realizes his or
her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and
fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community, but only 17% of
US adults fall into this category (WHO, 2001). Mentally ill individuals fall into the
vulnerable population category due to the impact these illnesses can have on
productivity, overall
Knowledge Based Expert System in Transportation...
Knowledge Based Expert System in Transportation Engineering and Traffic Adaptive
Signal Control System
I. Abstract

Advances in computer technologies have been changing transportation field. Based on

those, Intelligent Transportation System has been proposed and being developed for the
next generation transportation system. This system requires more utilization of Artificial
Intelligence, such as Knowledge Based Expert System, than current one. Although
Knowledge Based Expert System has not been robustly studied in the field of
transportation, it is suggested to be implemented in Traffic Adaptive Signal Control
System as a part of Intelligent Transportation System. Therefore, it is fundamental to
overview that what the current position ... Show more content on ...
Being experienced with negative environmental impacts and high land cost from those
processes, transportation engineers noticed the need of new technologies to maintain
transportation system to be enable to handle traffic without constructing new facilities.

Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) is an ongoing movement, which starts in the late

1980s, intending to maximize the utilities of transportation facilities. It is based upon the
utilization of advanced computer technologies in communication between hardware
control systems and in decision making processes on various tasks. Many advanced
studies have been achieved under the name of ITS, and they include the application of
Artificial Intelligence, such as Knowledge Based Expert System (KBES) which will be
dealt with in this report.

KBES has implemented in limited fields of transportation; it is mainly used in pavement

management system including road maintenance and road rehabilitation. Previous
implementation of KBES in transportation field are briefly reviewed in the following
section. In addition, potential applications of KBES are discussed by focusing on the
Traffic Adaptive Signal Control System, which is under the ITS project and is suggested
to be designed to use KBES by many researchers.
III. Discussion

KBES is an intelligent computer program that uses the knowledge and inference
procedures of human experts to solve difficult problems, and it is not robustly studied in
the field of
Describe The Structure Of Methanogenesis
Methanogens are prokaryotes. A prokaryote cell does not contain a membrane bound
nucleus; they range from 0.1 to 10 µm in total cell size. Methanogens are usually either
coccoid (spherical) or bacilli (rod shaped). Each cell is surrounded by a plasma
membrane. The cell has no subcellular organelles, only infoldings of the plasma
membrane called mesosomes. The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is condensed within the
cytosol to form the nucleoid. The cell walls of Methanogens, like other Archaea, lack
peptidoglycan. Some prokaryotes have tail like flagella. By rotation of their flagella, they
have the ability to move through their surrounding media in response to chemicals or
better known as chemotaxis . The flagella are made of the protein flagellin that forms a
long filament, which is attached to the flagellar motor by the flagellar hook.
Methanogens are anaerobic unicellular organisms that release methane as a waste product
of cellular metabolism. All of the methanogens are lithotrophs that can make their own
energy only by Methanogenesis, or the production of methane. ... Show more content on ...
They are responsible for the methane in the belches of ruminants, as in, the flatulence in
humans, and the marsh gas of wetlands. Methanogenic archaea, are an important group
of microorganisms that remove excess hydrogen and fermentation products produced by
other forms of anaerobic respiration produce methane as a metabolic by product under
anaerobic conditions ecosystem. Because of this, methanogens thrive in environments in
which all electron acceptors other than CO2 (such as oxygen, nitrate, trivalent iron, and
sulphate) have been depleted. In spite of this, since the process of methanogenesis also
produces methane, which has a global warming potential 21 times greater than that of
carbon dioxide. This effect can fortunately be offset through the use of methane as a
Substance Abuse In Schools
There are also internal factors that stimulates the need to try or abuse alcohol, tobacco
and illicit drugs. Negative mood such as depression, anxiety, low self esteem, and lack of
support triggers the need for alcohol and marijuana. Victims of bullying are at high risk
of substance abuse because they cannot escape from their peers. They consume illicit
drugs and alcohol as a way to handle situations. When they have problems at home, at
school, and with peers, they believe that the effects of drug abuse will help them cope
with stressors. Furthermore, they try illicit drugs for curiosity and new experiences. A
research done by Terry McElrath, O Malley, Johnston (2009), addresses the percentage of
students who report specific reasons for the use of illicit substance, 57.2% of all seniors
checked To have a good time as a reason for use of one ... Show more content on ...
Students who become addictive to these substances are more likely to drop out of school,
as they lose interest for academic achievement. They miss classes, get poor grades and
show discipline problems. According to research by Williams, Johnson, Williams T.R,
Saunders, and Nebbitt (2007), students with lower grades were five times more likely to
report marijuana use (p. 2). Once they are on drugs; they do not care about the academic
opportunities. They do not aspire to graduate from school and go to college. The lose
scholarship opportunities because adolescents who drop out of school are more likely to
be involved in substance use than are those who complete (Williams et al., 2007). Also,
they have difficulties with memory and concentration. Williams et al., states that
educational statistics report that 48.9% of all African American students entering ninth
grade do not graduate on schedule or drop out (2007, p. 9). Substance abuse ruins the
lives of students. They take many wrong decisions and prefer the street and easy
The Strengths and Weaknesses of Dualism
Dualism is the belief that reality consists of two different, separate substances: that of the
mental and that of the physical. In philosophy of mind, the belief that the mental and
physical are deeply different in kind: thus the mental is at least not identical with the
physical. It directly opposes materialism, as dualism dictates that the mind is
unidentifiable to the body, as opposed to stating that the mind and body exist as one. The
concept of dualism is not only fundamental in philosophy, but also affects our thoughts
on science, religion and psychology: for example, if a convincing rejection of dualism
can be formulated, the materialist approach of modern science will be vindicated. If,
conversely, dualism can be convincingly ... Show more content on ...
Aquinas agreed with the Artistotlean notion that when the soul entered the body it
animated it and gave it life; calling it anima. Moreover according to Aquinas, the soul
operates independently of the body and it cannot decay; for only things that can break
into parts can decay, Thus, following Aquinas argument, the soul is able to survive death.
He also said that through the link with a particular human body, each soul becomes
individual. So, even when a body dies, the soul that departs retains the individual identity
of the body to which it was attached. Despite this earlier work, there was still no
explanation of how the soul and body worked together, if at all. This was until Descartes
(1596 1650) who provided the fundamental writings on dualism with his work
Meditiations on First Philosophy. Indeed, he is considered the father of modern
philosophy and his Meditations lead to the school of dualistic ontology known as
Cartesian Interactionist Dualism, which still inspires much thought and extension by
modern philosophers today. Descartes defined the mind as all the feelings and sensations
that he could describe, but which he could not locate physically . He then furthered this
by saying that the mind is everything that is non physical. Then without doubt I exist also
if he deceives me, and let him deceive me as much as he will, he can never cause me to
be nothing so long as I think I am something... it might possibly be the case if I ceased
Leadership And The Non Verbal Communication Styles
The research problem, among others includes the style of leadership that improve
productivity and ones that hamper productivity. Improving productivity as well as morale
takes great communication between leaders and subordinates. This is one problem that
will be addressed in this literature review. The author will look at the problems and the
solutions to overcoming these situations. The author will show that different leadership
styles show that communication and determine how subordinates will produce as well
having good morale. A few of these styles include transformational and laissez faire. One
last look would be that the non verbal communication styles, provides a variety of
information about others such as, status, dominance, ... Show more content on ...
Research Purpose and Questions
The purpose is to examine how, current research communication between leaders and
subordinates, affects both productivity and morale. How can good communication effect
morale and productivity within an organization, and what skills are needed to ensure that
good communication is maintained throughout an organization? You can get insight into
what things are important to the employee by using surveys, suggestion boxes and team
meetings. Be open minded and encourage them to express their ideas and perspectives
without criticism. This means putting into practice everything you have learned about
effective listening. Address their concerns in the best way you can. Show that you re
genuinely concerned about employees opinions and use social media as a
communications tool to build engagement. Organization based self esteem (OBSE) refers
to employees self perceived value as organization members (Rank, 2009).

Literature Review
How can good communication effect morale and productivity within an organization?

For several decades, leadership researchers have attempted to identify subordinate

characteristics that may moderate, the relationships between various supervisory
behaviors and subordinate performance (Rank, 2009).
While supervisors guide and assess the subordinate s performance through the use of
feedback, leaders do not always have the same relationship with all their subordinates,
since most supervisors develop different
Comparison of Hinduism to Christianity
Hinduism is one of the earliest religons that is still practiced around the world. It seeks to
answer the same questions that Christianity does, but arrives at different answers. It seeks
truth, but fails to find it. Hinduism seeks to ask the question of where do we come from?
This question is not easily answerable. Because of the nature of Hinduism, everything is
in a cycle. There is no beginning and there is no end. Hinduism also does not have a set
of defined rules because of it s views on multiple views and believes. Because of this, we
see a few different origins for human kind, but Hinduism fails to give a definite
Hinduism would next ask the question of Identity. What does it mean to be human?
Ultimately Hinduism has a rather selfish view of this, even if it believes in peace and
harmony. It looks at people as all part of the same god essence . Humanities purpose is to
be brought back to nirvana. It is me centric. You try over and over to live the perfect life.
There is no grace for the things you do. Ultimately you are responsible for living the
perfect life and reaching Nirvana, a place where you are one with the god essence .
So what is the meaning of all of this? Humanity must get to Moksha, which is known as
the release. It is a release from wanting and desiring. It is where you are basically
liberated from your humanity. It is the Hindu kind of salvation.
So what about Morality? How do we know what is right or wrong? Hinduism does not
Composipost And Endopost
Hedlund et al. compared the clinical performance of Composipost and Endopost which is
another carbon fiber post with different morphological characteristics, specifically
created for narrow root canals. They evaluated 48 posts (either type) on 68 patients over
mean period of 2.1 years. A failure rate of 3% was determined which is related to a
premolar that was part of a cantilever fixed partial denture and an upper canine. Both
failures were reparable and recovered through recementation where the restorations were
functional for another 10 months. (12)
Fiber posts (DT Light) were evaluated in terms of clinical performance when used with
direct resin composites and this combination was planned as a treatment option that
preserves remaining tooth structure in the short term and results in good patient
compliance. (15) ... Show more content on ...
compared prefabricated titanium posts with fiber reinforced posts. For luting procedures
a self adhesive resin had been used. The study contained a detailed and organized study
design where baseline criteria such as amount of cavity walls remaining, minimum apical
root canal seal, and degree of tooth mobility were well established. The authors also
recorded another factors such as, number of proximal contacts, amount of attrition, post
length within the root canal, and antagonistic contacts. After follow up and compares for
these two type of posts (87 posts) had been completed, no failures were founded during
follow up period up to 3 years. Though the study determined that the post material had
no effect on success rate, they added that the results should be interpreted with caution
because this is a study of short period of time and different outcomes may be obtained in
longer term trials.
Marketing Mix And Telephone Operator O2
Introduction There is no single indicator of performance but a variety of different
measures which provide an insight into a telephone operator s economic, social,
managerial and consumer perspectives. These may relate to price, quality, user choice or
efficiency. A good performance in one service does not allow one to predict a favourable
performance in other aspects and no operator can claim to be perfect in all of these
respects. In a highly competitive business environment like the telecommunications
industry, subscriber based service models are something of a mandate In markets like
these, business successes can be validated by a very low churn rates. _Churn rate is a
wide term and can be applied to a company s customer base, revenue, employee turnover
etc._ This is ideally a result of the deployment of successful business models and a
logical application of the marketing mix and telephone operator O2, in the recent years,
have been repeatedly getting the combination right. O2 is a telecommunication provider
for pre and post pay subscribers and corporate customers in the UK and Ireland. The
company also has fixed and mobile businesses in Germany. O2 is the commercial brand
of Telefónica UK Limited . With over 23 million customers, O2 runs 2G, 3G and 4G
networks across the UK, as well as operating O2 Wifi and owning half of Tesco Mobile.
O2 has over 450 retail stores and sponsors The O2, O2 Academy venues and the England
rugby team. As of February 2013, it had
Paul Bateman, And Narcissistic Personality Disorder In The...
Christian Bale plays a psychologically troubled man named Paul Bateman in the movie
American Psycho. If I were to diagnose Paul Bateman with a psychiatric disorder, or in
this case two, I would say that he shows symptoms of Anti Social Personality Disorder
and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In the beginning of the movie when he s listing
what he does every morning (certain conditioner, clothing, exercise routine, etc) I would
say he might have OCD tendencies, but that pales in comparison to his other symptoms
of his disorders. Anti Social Personality Disorder is characterized by a lack of concern
towards the expectations and rules of society, and a pattern of lying, truancy,
delinquency, substance abuse, vagrancy, and breaking the law . (DSM IV)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by an excessive need for admiration,
disregard for others feelings, an inability to handle any and all criticism, and an extreme
sense of entitlement . (DSM IV) These two disorders are often co morbid, which means
that antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder are often shown
in people at the same time, but not always. Both disorders are much more prevalent in
men than they are prevalent in women.
The movie accurately portrayed some parts of Anti Social Personality Disorder
accurately but failed to really show how ASPD comes about. In early childhood to
adolescence/ late childhood (11 or 12), a person who shows similar symptoms to ASPD
is usually
Greek Tragedy By Euripides Medea
Discuss the ways Greek tragedy authors addressed such topics as duty, honor, kingship,
gender roles, and the other. Greek tragedy authors tend to use their writings as a means of
social, political, and religious commentary. Both of the authors we read of, use their
characters and the storyline development to test their reader s moral boundaries. On the
one hand, Euripides Medea emphasizes Greek thoughts concerning foreigners, and
denounces Athenian social bases through his character s traits and actions. First of all,
from a Greeks point of view, Medea is the ultimate model of foreigners lack of moral
bounds. Yet she is also a character that defies Greek gender views of what a normal
woman s attributes and manners should assume. ... Show more content on ...
Sophocles depicts his characters in a certain matter in order to provoke his audience in
contemplating the idea of freedom. Is Creon free because he is a king and has the ability
to do whatever he pleases? Or is he bound by civic duty to his people, and the pressure
and need to be loved by them? Moreover, is Antigone free, because she follows her own
thoughts and beliefs despite her uncle s authority? Or is she bound by her emotions and
passion, which challenge the purity of her intentions? How does Herodotus characterize
the Persians? Does his view change throughout the text or is he consistent? What kinds
of traits and characteristics does he focus on and why? What do they have in common
with Greeks and where do they differ? When reading what Herodotus wrote about the
Persians, a basic fact cannot be overlooked; Herodotus wrote for Greek Elites, and
therefore made choices of what to write about in order to appeal to his listeners. He
mostly chose to specifically talk about important Persian kings, who, in his own way,
used as a means to disguise his own thoughts. Herodotus used the Persians to portray two
of his major themes. First of all, the theme of Timocracy versus Plutocracy. By way of
his choice of kings to talk about, Herodotus makes it clear that he believes Timocracy is
the most favorable way of ascending a thrown. He admires Persian lineage and
denounces Athenian monetary manipulations. He sees Persian Kings as rightful heirs
because of the
Zara It for Fashion Case Study
Executive Summary

Zara has relied on Personal Digital Assistants (PDA s) and Point of Sales (POS) terminal
operating on Microsoft DOS which are not linked to the headquarters or other stores for
its daily transactions. Although, the system has proved to be stable and reliable over time,
it has become obsolete and cannot be supported by the providers.
I recommend that the company invest on a new system like Windows, UNIX or Linux
operating system which will enhance connectivity and flexibility in operations and
information flow.
Investing in a cutting edge technology though may be capital intensive initially; it will
ultimately improve efficiencies across board and provide new learning opportunities for
the entire workforce. ... Show more content on ...
Also, Managers can see the newly available garments by consulting a handled computer
that is linked each night via dial up modem to information system at La Coruna.
Fulfillment: Fulfillment or shipping clothes to stores to satisfy orders involve other group
of commercials. They determine which store s would get available inventory and which
would not base on past selling record. They work with product manager to determine
future production for each SKU. They could also ship items that stores didn t order like
new garments. Ordering and fulfillment should be aligned with a modern IS

Design and manufacturing

Stores are located in prime retail districts and layouts are changed frequently. Zara
introduces approximately 11 000 new items in a typical year while competitors average
2000 4000. Zara vertically integrated manufacturing with CAD which gives room for
flexibility and quick turnaround. Designs and cutting of fabrics are done in house.
Garments are delivered to the stores with prices ready for the rack.
IS and Commercial Process
Zara s approach to information technology was consistent with its preference for speed
and decentralized decision making. No formal process on IS investments. Low It
spending of 0.5% of revenue compared with 2% by competitors.
As the head of IT for Inditex, the holding company atop Zara, there must be meeting
point with Bruno Ocampo Sanchez, technical lead for POS system on the
Code of Ethics Paper Learning Team C: Cynthia Anderson, Heaven Bagley, Lewie
Hodge, Rachel Cluff, and Yvette Allen HCS/335 Due: 09/26/2011 Mayo Clinic s work is
well known for many specialties, ranked in the top ten for most of them, the biggest thing
that this not for profit organization is concerned with is, the care and satisfaction of the
patients they serve. Patients from all fifty states travel to the Mayo facilities for treatment
because they hold their employee and facility standards to high ethical and moral
standards. The motto of the patient comes first plays a big part in way the Mayo facilities
operates on a daily basis. As we take a look at some of the ... Show more content on ...
[By working in partnership with local nonprofit organizations and businesses, Mayo
enhances access, services and sustainability of downtown Rochester for all residents and
visitors] ( Mayo Clinic 2010 Annual Report , 2010). [In 2010, Mayo Clinic expanded
efforts to conserve energy, build more sustainable buildings and strengthen
environmentally responsible purchasing and waste management programs] ( Mayo Clinic
2010 Annual Report , 2010). [Mayo Clinic recycled approximately 30 percent of its non
regulated waste in 2010] ( Mayo Clinic 2010 Annual Report , 2010). [Some of the trash
proved to be treasure for schools throughout the Phoenix area, as Mayo employees in
Arizona contributed no longer needed office supplies, such as pens, tape dispensers, files,
markers and art supplies, to local schools] ( Mayo Clinic 2010 Annual Report , 2010).
Mayo clinic s social responsibility for all principles mirrors their mission statement and
values as a company. Mayo Clinic is focused on assisting not only their local community
but other communities as well. Mayo Clinic adopted a green initiative to reduce the
amount of waste that is being used to help protect the environment. Mayo Clinic
provided assistance to various natural disaster victims around the world. These examples
show that Mayo Clinic is focused on the health and well being of
Business Acumen
My current manager has got to be the most applicable reference to business acumen that I
can think of. I have worked for the Federal Government for 4 years now, and have
worked for my current boss for 2 of those years. Her name is Cindy and she is without a
doubt the best boss I have ever had. Throughout my time here, Cindy has taught me the
ins and outs of supply chain, product management, and so much more. Although she is
incredibly efficient at her job and the tasking it entails, I have found that it is not her true
passion. Cindy loves to help people. She has made it her mission in life to make sure
nobody on our team ever feels lost of like they don t have anyone fighting for them, and
she has shown many times how much she truly ... Show more content on
As stated by Drucker in this week s reading couldn t predict the environment of the
future. However, what you could do is create the future (Cohen, 2008). Throughout my
years here, I have seen the forward thinking mentality of Cindy. She is truly a woman
beyond her years. She has spent the last 20 years creating a name for herself in this
organization and it has certainly not gone unnoticed. I have witnessed the creation of new
programs used to support the fleet, and even Cindy s hands on approach to problem
solving at the root of the issue, as opposed to waiting until the issue hit her desk. This is
another aspect of business acumen that I believe Cindy truly possessed; the ability to
handle decisions so that the future brings good outcomes. I could never ask for a better
working environment or a better, more knowledgeable boss. I have observed these skills
and will apply them to my career one day. I hope to be a manager that people enjoy
working for, but also trust to make the right decisions for all parties involved. I believe I
have learned those traits from Cindy in my very short, but very informative time here.
Cohen, W. A. (2008) A Class with Drucker, The Lost Lessons of the World s Greatest
Management Teacher
Reilly, R., amp; Reilly, G. (n.d.). What It Is, Why It s Important and How to Get It.
Building Business Acumen. Retrieved July 27, 2012, from
A Research Study On Primate Conservation
Primate conservation has long been a topic of debate, reliant most heavily on the struggle
to provide the necessary resources to combat the declining rate of population growth
among various species. Orangutans in particular, both Sumatran and Bornean, have
experienced a rapid drop in their free living populations. With an estimate of only 27,000
left in the wild, questions have been raised over what selective pressures are impacting
the steady decline of these animals existence. While hunting and poaching have been
identified as contributing factors, habitat loss primarily takes center stage in their demise.
Conservation efforts have been made and continue to be somewhat successful, however,
challenges and set backs continue to threaten ... Show more content on
They also consume a wide variety of other food sources including leaves, seeds, pith,
fungi, honey, termites, and even small mammals. Orangutans are known to spend nearly
95% of their daily activity budget feeding, resting, and traveling. In fact their day ranges
can vary between .056 and 1.9 miles. Likewise, the proportion of their day ranges is
directly related to their home ranges. Because orangutans are so well adapted for the
ecological niche they occupy, it is understandable why their populations suffer when their
habitat is destroyed. In fact, in the last 20 years orangutans have lost nearly 80% of their
natural habitat largely due to deforestation. Between the years of 1999 and 2006 roughly
55% of that deforestation was due to the expansion of the palm oil industry. Furthermore,
Indonesia and Malaysia combined account for nearly 87% of the global output of palm
oil with Indonesia generating about 18.7 and Malaysia 17.4 million tons a year. When
considering these statistics, it raises questions about why this industry is seemingly more
relevant than conserving natural resources and more importantly protecting an invaluable
species of ape from extinction. To answer this question, it might be helpful to consider
how the vast majority views the palm oil industry by comparison to the orangutans in
terms of economics. Palm oil is a lucrative business that generates billions of dollars a
year. It is
The Hessians And The Revolutionary War
In the year 1775, British troops under the British General Gage launched attacks on the
towns of Lexington and Concord. These attacks, coupled with the colonists already
seething rage over the many taxes and laws that had been placed on them, caused a chain
of events that led to the Revolutionary War. During the beginning of the war, soldiers
went around recruiting more men to fight for them. A man by the name of Joseph Martin
was ecstatic to join the fights against the British, his problem was that he was a year to
young to join the army. However, a year later he was old enough, so when soldiers came
around looking for new recruits, Joseph was one of the first to volunteer. (Hart, pg.119)
Even though the Americans were outmatched in ... Show more content on ...
For starters the British had more than twice the men that the revolutionary army had, not
to mention the Hessian soldiers that the king had hired. On the other hand, the Americans
had better leaders and smarter tactics to counter those numbers. On the downside ,the
American soldiers couldn t get any supplies or food because they had no money to pay
for it. To change matters again, the British leaders never cooperated with each other and
were always going behind one another s back. At the end of the war, both sides had many
strengths and weaknesses, but it didn t matter because the Americans still
Ethics And The New Genetics Analysis
Technological developments are growing fast and individuals can not live without
technology in the modern society. People all have their moral compass and ethical
boundary which limit their behaviors. As technology is widely used, the connection
between technology and ethics is getting inseparably associated. In the article Ethics and
the New Genetics by Tenzin Gyatso, he mentions the genetic engineering field s benefit
and potential harms which lead people to consider the relationship between ethics and
technology. He argues that technological development advances individuals lives and
also pushes the envelope which leads people to shrink the ethical lines and is harmful to
human societies. Thus, technology is the pivotal point of humans moral
responsibilities.Although ... Show more content on ...
Both articles discuss the relationship between burgeoning technology and human ethics
and put human morality in the critic position because of the unprecedented technologies.
Even though technologies tremendously alter human societies and push humans ethics
borderlines, people still need to hold their ethical boundaries and define their human
values to positively contribute to the society. Individuals need to keep their moral
compass and clearly realize about the relationship between technology and ethics, even
though technology can advance their lives. As the technology develops, people are facing
a serious gap between human morality and the quick development of new technology.
Unfortunately, ethical development cannot easily catch up with the speed of
technological progress. Thus, people are at the critical point of moral responsibility.
Gyatso thinks the relationship is an unprecedented acquisition of knowledge and power
that places us in a critical position at this time. The higher the level of knowledge and
power, the greater must be our sense of moral responsibility (133). People have a
dilemma that
For The Followers Of The Holiness Church In The
For the followers of the Holiness Church in the Appalachian Mountain region, serpent
handling is a central activity at their religious meetings. Following a passage in the
Gospel of Mark, followers are instructed to take up serpents and trust in God enough to
put their lives at risk. This rather unique religious ritual can be analyzed and understood
by looking towards the MacMillan definition of religion. The MacMillan Encyclopedia
of Religion states [...] almost every known culture [has] a depth dimension in cultural
experiences [...] toward some sort of ultimacy and transcendence that will provide norms
and power for the rest of life. When more or less distinct patterns of behavior are built
around this depth dimension in a culture, this ... Show more content on
As Stein explains, this scriptural backing and myth has led to the widespread practice of
serpent handling. The scripture provides the clarity that MacMillan defines as central to
religious experiences. While the mythology has existed for centuries, Stein stipulates that
the practice of serpent handling in Appalachia originated in the 20th century. The
relatively new practice must be explained and understood in practical terms of
anthropology. Stein and Stein provide five categories of religious rituals: technological,
therapy, ideological, salvation, and revitalization. Since the ritual is focused on individual
faith and action to follow the word of God, it can best be characterized as a salvation
ritual. Stein and Stein explain that salvation rituals are focused on the religious
experience of the individual, have some mystical experience, and in which an individual
is changed in some way, temporarily or permanently. (Stein and Stein 86) Snake handling
is a fundamentally individual experience. While parishioners go to church and watch the
ritual together, there is no external pressure for an individual to take up snakes. Instead,
believers are told that they will be moved by the Holy Ghost to take up snakes. Children
are kept far away from the practice, revealing that believers want an individual to be fully
aware and ready for the ritual if they should eventually
Essay about Answering Big Datas 10 Bigge 263047
This research note is restricted to the personal use of tjean G00263047
Answering Big Data s 10 Biggest Vision and Strategy Questions Published: 12 August
2014 Analyst(s): Douglas Laney, Alexander Linden, Frank Buytendijk, Andrew White,
Mark A. Beyer, Neil Chandler, Jenny Sussin, Nick Heudecker, Merv Adrian Gartner
analysts address the most pressing vision and strategy questions that business, analytics
and information professionals have, providing valuable insights on dealing with big data
projects successfully. Key Challenges ■ Even as organizations are embarking on big data
initiatives, many still have several vision and strategy questions regarding how to drive
the most value from these vital projects. ■ As ... Show more content on
Whether your organization is just embarking on a big data initiative, or if you are further
along the maturity curve and looking to take the next step in deriving value, Gartner can
provide support and guidance. In this piece, Gartner analysts address the most pressing
and prevalent questions they receive about big data vision and strategy. (For further
information, read our companion piece on the biggest planning and implementation big
data questions, Answering Big Data s 10 Biggest Planning and Implementation
Questions. ) In this note, we tackle both the hype and practical matters surrounding big
data, including questions such as: ■ Is there actually any real substance behind all these
big data discussions? ■ How do you know what data can be used and what potential
usage might attract public criticism? Page 2 of 11 Gartner, Inc. | G00263047 This
research note is restricted to the personal use of tjean This research
note is restricted to the personal use of tjean ■ What is the value of big
data projects? ■ Where is this value found and how can it be justified and proven to the
rest of the organization? ■ What sources should you gather information from, how can
you collect social media and what are other leading organizations doing with big data?
Finally, we look at the issue of your big data organization and skills: ■ What skills are
required for big data? ■ Is there a difference between a data
Theme Of Balzac And The Little Chinese Seamstress
Love is the one of the most powerful feelings one can experience. The other feeling is
fear. When a situation combines the both of them, which will prevail? The passage
chosen comes from Dai Sijie s Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress where the
Narrator experiences this struggle after being attacked and returning to an empty home.
Only a fantasy about the Little Seamstress could remedy the gloom which hangs over
him. The passage illustrates that the Narrator has a deep longing for the Little Seamstress
but his respectful attitude towards her due to an underlying fear; which reveals his utter
The assault on the Narrator took a heavy toll on his mind, sending him into depression.
The Narrator ends up in an all time low and in a state of emptiness. The Narrator
describes his house as lonely and bleak with the rancid smell of desolation in the air. The
gloomy diction reveals the feeling of isolation engulfing the Narrator as an expansive
nothingness is felt inside of his small house. In an attempt to cure himself, the Narrator
attempted to read his favourite novel but it was impossible to concentrate on. This
selection of detail explains that nothing real, even if he deeply cared about it, would
remedy the displeasure he was feeling. The oppressive smell of desolation would not
resolve as a result the Narrator was flooded with rage once again. This ominous and
powerful diction depicts the overwhelming nature of the events surrounding the Narrator

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