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A Level History Essay

Writing an A Level History essay can be a challenging task that requires a combination of critical
thinking, research skills, and the ability to articulate ideas effectively. The difficulty lies not only in
presenting historical facts accurately but also in analyzing and interpreting them within a broader
context. A successful essay typically involves a deep understanding of the historical period or event,
the ability to evaluate various perspectives, and the skill to construct a coherent argument.

One of the challenges is the extensive research required to gather relevant information from credible
sources. This involves delving into primary and secondary sources, analyzing conflicting accounts,
and discerning the biases inherent in historical records. It demands time and patience to sift through
a vast amount of material to extract key details that support the essay's thesis.

Moreover, crafting a well-structured essay involves organizing thoughts logically and developing a
clear thesis statement. The essay must progress smoothly, with each paragraph contributing to the
overall argument. This requires a mastery of language, as well as an understanding of historical
concepts and their significance.

In addition, meeting the stringent requirements of A Level standards adds another layer of
complexity. The need for critical analysis, synthesis of information, and original insights places a
higher demand on the writer's cognitive abilities.

Despite the challenges, writing an A Level History essay can be a rewarding experience, providing
an opportunity for personal growth and intellectual development. It encourages students to engage
deeply with historical content, refine their analytical skills, and communicate effectively.

If you find yourself struggling with such essays, remember that help is available. Various resources
and academic support services can guide you through the process, offering valuable insights and
assistance. Additionally, professional writing services like can provide expertly
crafted essays tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a high-quality and well-researched final

A Level History Essay A Level History Essay

My First Soccer Game-Personal Narrative
referee blew his whistle announcing the game was about to beginning, it s was our
biggest rival, Silver creek. Let s go ladies . We can do this! Our captain told us so that we
could go out there and take the win. It was 7:30. When the game had began,The
bleachers were full of people from both teams. This game was the most important game
so far because both team were tied for first so whoever won this game was the champion
of the league . As the sky got darker and the crowd couldn t stop from screaming. With
the first half ended, The score was 0 0, were playing good lady s but we can play better
Coach told us. He then turned around and started walking away. okay you guys heard
coach, we can play better. If you guys would noticed their weakest side is their left so if
... Show more content on ...
I was so exited that I wanted to celebrate but I didn t because we weren t winning yet. As
a result I took the ball out of the goal and took it to the middle of the field to continue
with the game. There was 5 minutes left before the referee blew his whistle to indicate
the end of the game. My team knew that we had a Great chance of winning because in
soccer it is often said that when a team scores a goal, the team that received it will give a
5 minute window to score another goal. This motivated us more. However, we knew that
we had to defend well enough because we could also lose the game. Time began to move
fast. It wasn t until the minute 89th that the game changed. At that moment I had the
possession of the ball. I moved through the field still with the possession of the ball. I
saw that my teammate began to sprint towards goal so I gave him a threw ball. He then
shot the ball but the defender blocked his shot. The ball was going towards me so I had it.
I was 10 yards away from the goal but I didn t know what to do with the ball. I heard a
lot of people telling me all sorts of things but at the end I chose to have a shot
Salmonella Research Paper
Salmonellosis is a disease caused by the bacteria salmonella. Characterised usually by
acute onset of fever, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea and sometimes vomiting. Onset
of disease symptoms occurs 6 72 hours (usually 12 36 hours) after ingestion of
salmonella, and illness lasts 2 7 days. Symptoms of salmonellosis are relatively mild and
patients will make a recovery without specific treatment in most cases (WHO).
Salmonella being a foodborne illness pathogen causes severe debilitating infections
including meningitis.
The group of organism comprises two species:
Salmonella enterica, which is divided into 6 subspecies: (enterica, salamae, arizonae,
diarizonae, houtanae and indica), and ... Show more content on ...
Examination of foods implicated in foodborne illness, UK 1999 2009)

Prevention, Interventions and Health Promotion

Prevention requires control measures at all stages of the food chain, from agricultural
production, to processing, manufacturing and preparation of foods in both commercial
establishments and at home. Ensuring food is properly cooked and still hot when served.
Washing hands thoroughly and frequently using soap, in particular after contact with pets
or farm animals, or after having been to the toilet (WHO). Both professional and
domestic food handlers to be vigilant while preparing food and observing hygienic rules
of food preparation. Protecting fields from animal faecal contamination.
Poultry Vaccination to be carried out and thorough reheating of food.

However, having a grasp of the burden of a disease would imply integrating the different
health effects of foodborne illnesses such as short and long term complication and their
impact on daily life and mortality. A public health indicator which combines the effects
of morbidity and mortality is the disability adjusted life years (DALYs) as previously
demonstrated in the WHO Global Burden of Disease study (Murray and Lopez, 1997a,
Residential Real Estate Essay
Residential real estate is the business of buying, selling, renting, and leasing property for
a singular person or an entire family for the purpose of housing. The existent of
residential real estate started as an exclusive loan were only given to nobility to purchase
a home and land. Then came the industrial revolution, which provided more wealth to the
world to practice the business of residential real estate. For residential real estate, the
tradition product is homes. But with time progressing, products like apartment,
condominium, Houseboat, and others are being offered as housing options. Current
leaders within this business are Re/Max, Century 21, and Keller Williams Realty Inc.
Consumers are often out to buy housing, but some invest ... Show more content on ...
Real estate attorneys also often handle a closing on a purchase . To work in this business,
a person skill list should include persuasion and honesty. In this industry, a skill of
persuasion is needed in order to make people buy a home. Also, when buying a house,
knowledge about the home is key. A real estate agent must value honesty among many
other traits in order to be in the business. A Challenge facing residential real estate is
dropping homeownership rates. In the United States, rate of homeownership has declined
it lowest in 20 years towards the end of 2014, with of 64% of households owning a
home. Tight credit, rising home prices, and slow job growth are problems that continue to
make it difficult for many people to buy a home. Also, with advancement of technology,
more data, records, and information are being recorded online. This provides security
Risks within Technology such as Security breaches. Security breaches are a risk inherent
in the use of information and technology networks . The range of sensitive data that
would harm the business if compromised in a security
Panera Bread Strategy Essay
Title: Panera Bread Strategy
Ron Johnson
March 1, 2009
Southwestern College Professional Studies Abstract
This case study is about Panera Bread Company and its strategy it wishes to employ to
become the best brand name of fresh bread in the United States. Panera Bread s use of a
broad differentiation strategy has helped their profitability and growth and rivals have
found it hard to compete with the competitiveness of Panera Bread. A SWOT analysis
will reveal the competitive advantage Panera Bread has and why this company is in an
attractive situation and what Panera Bread must do to strengthen its competitive
advantage against rival chains.

Panera Bread Strategy

Neighborhoods and cities ... Show more content on ...
In this case Panera Bread has set itself apart from its rivals by offering specialty type
foods that are outside the norm. The bakery menu offers pastries and sweets, granola
parfait, baked egg soufflés, breakfast sandwiches and of course, freshly baked breads to
include bagels. They also have a café menu that offers hand tossed salads, sandwiches,
drinks, and soups. To top things off, they even offer a kids menu, so Panera Bread caters
to the entire family. Panera Bread Company went as far as starting a catering program to
extend its market reach (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2008, pC 92). Everyone enjoys
choices, especially when they re fresh, fun and spontaneous. Right now at Panera Bread,
there are plenty of tempting selections to captivate, tantalize and energize your bread
lover s soul as we celebrate the delicious rewards of the baker s craft (Panera Bread,
2009). What competitive edge does Panera Bread have if any? Panera is attempting to
achieve a longer lasting, more profitable competitive advantage by their capability to
offer unique or specialty type items. Also, their commitment to put there all into
everything they offer their customers. For example, Panera offers 4 different flavors of
coffee, dark and light roast, hazelnut, and decaf. What is important is the work they put
into making the coffee. We believe that coffee is sacred. And that making it requires the
utmost attention from the bean to the cup. So we roast our coffee beans in
Database Xml And Resource Description Framework ( Rdf )
A triplestore is a non relational database that stores and retrieves triples using semantic
queries. Triples store data and are imported and exported using the Resource Description
Framework (RDF). A triple is a data entity comprising three components a subject,
predicate and object that describe a set of data such as We have shoes . The subject is We
, the predicate is have and the object is shoes . Triples provide an easy and flexible way
of modeling data that is similar to how the human brain functions. Triples have a
semantic structure that can easily represent connections between structured data and free
flowing text. Triples form interconnected data networks (graphs), which are easy to read
and can represent complex data structures.

Information is stored in a triplestore and retrieved using a database query language called
SPARQL. SPARQL is a query language for RDF data. It is a basic method for querying
remote databases over HTTP. SPARQL can perform graph pattern matching queries and
allows users to specify types of accessibility and navigational queries (the shortest
distance between two nodes or how two nodes are connected) in triplestores. SPARQL
generates powerful queries and reasons intuitively on the data in a triplestore. This also
allows computers to reason intuitively on data.

The information in triplestores can be stored, accessed and manipulated much easier
versus using a relational database exponentially expanding data management and storage
Indian Removal Act Of The Early Nineteenth Century
From the onset of Europe s exploration to the new world, the Native Americans have had
the land that they once called their own stolen from them. As history continued to play
out, the Indians could never escape the stigma that they were wild savages. This is no
more evident than with the Indian Removal acts of the early nineteenth century in which
many Indians were sent to their death on the Trail of Tears. Then came the age of
reservations which began just before the Civil War, placing Indian Tribes onto land that
they were assigned. This is where they have remained for many years because at the time
it was just easier to put them aside. Even though the history between the two has been
rough their relationship evolved overtime. The United States have become an important
ally for the tribes even they were the ones who put them on the reservations in the first
place. The United States government should do more to help Indian casinos, domestic
violence cases, and poverty and land disputes because of the sovereign nation s troubles
with these issues.

The opposition to the government being more of a factor in the Native American
activities would argue that the United States were the ones that put them in this position
in the first place. They are the reason that all of the substance abuse, poverty, domestic
violence, and land disputes have occurred on the reservations so far. This argument does
have merit with the government making mistakes in dealing with Native American
Frida Kahlo Flower
A Flower from the Ashes OR Beauty Through Fire Frida Kahlo was a phoenix.
Phoenixes are mythical birds, often with flaming feathers, but by far, the most interesting
quality of a phoenix is its death. When a phoenix dies, it burns up into a heap of ashes.
Then, from the ashes a new baby phoenix is born. In a way, this is a perfect metaphor for
Frida Kahlo and her life. When Frida burned in life, it didn t just end there. After Frida s
accident, her world fell apart. Instead of an ending though, for Frida, it was a new
beginning. Using her sorrow and mixing it with joy she grew a flower from her ashes,
she rose again a new bird. Frida Kahlo used her pain to create beauty. The childhood of
Frida Kahlo was not standard by any means. As was much of her life, it was colorful,
eclectic, and full of tragedy. The first deviance from the ordinary was contracting polio at
age six. Frida recovered, but not before being permanently scarred, with her right foot
stunted and her right leg frailer than her left (Tuchman). The next was that her father
encouraged her masculine interests, pushing her to try things unusual for a girl. He could
tell that she was intelligent, and unlike many ... Show more content on
Her father also taught her photography and got her drawing lessons through a friend
(Tuchman). By 1922, Kahlo was fifteen and one of the few girls entered in the Escuela
Nacional Preparatoria. She was taking classes to become a doctor, an unheard of goal for
a woman in Mexico at the time (Lindauer). On top of everything, at seventeen Frida was
active in a student political group and romantically involved with it s leader, Alejandro
Gómez Arias (Lindauer). However, on September 17, 1925 Frida Kahlo s life changed
forever. She was riding home with her boyfriend, when the bus they were in was rammed
by a trolley car. Several people died, and Frida s pelvis was stabbed by a broken off
handrail. She was hospitalized with a fractured
The Girl And Mother In My Mother By Jamaica Kincaid
In the story My Mother Jamaica Kincaid shows the reader that the girl has an obsession
with her mother. The mother has a power over the girl throughout the book. The girl
looks back onto when she was younger and misses her relationship that she had with her
mother. The author shows this through intensely lyrical images and showing the
problematic intimacy between the girl and her mother.
The mother of the girl in the book was only mentioned a few times up until the story
called My Mother. The story My Mother focused on the relationship between the girl and
mother. One of the main thing that is focused on is the girl s obsession with her mother.
In the first sentence on of the story My Mother the girl says, Immediately on wishing my
mother dead and seeing the pain it caused her, I was sorry and cried so many tears that all
earth around me was drenched, (Kincaid 53). This shows the reader that the girl doesn t
want to cause her mother pain, and just wishing it upon her makes the girl very upset.
The obsession between the girl and her mother is very strong. The girl says My mother
and I now watched each other carefully, always making sure to shower the other with
words and deeds of love and affection. (Kincaid 54). The love between the girl and the
mother is very strong and that is all that the girl wants from her mother. The girl is more
than obsessed with her mother she also relies on her mother. The girl says My mother
and I were standing on the seabed side by side, my arms laced loosely around her waist,
my head resting securely on her shoulder, as if I needed the support. (Kincaid 55). This
shows the reader that the girl wants to be really close to her mother and expects her
mother to support her throughout her life.
The girl isn t just obsessed with her mother she also doesn t want to grow up and leave
her mother. The girl uses what seem life flashbacks to talk about how she became
independent from her mother. The girl knows that her mother won t always be there to
support her, but she doesn t want to accept that fact. The girl knew one day that she
would have to grow up and become a woman, but she didn t expect it coming. The girl
says I lay on her bosom, breathless, for a time uncomfortable,
Essay about Sherman Anti-Trust Act (Constitutional Law)
To: Reader
Re: Sherman Antitrust Act

John Davison Rockefeller was the founder of Standard Oil Company in 1870 and ran it
until he retired in 1897. Standard Oil gained almost complete control over the oil refining
market in the United States by underselling its competitors. Rockefeller and his
associates owned dozens of corporations operating in just one state.
The Sherman Antitrust Act was enacted on July 2nd, 1890 which prohibits activities that
restrict interstate commerce and competition in the marketplace.

Issue Cal Hockley owns numerous steel mills in 1912. Cal believed that if he was taken
to court for breaking the Sherman Antitrust Act that his lawyers would simply argue that
Cal is not in violation ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, the subjectmatters of the combination and the combination itself are not
excluded from the scope of the act as being matters of intrastate commerce and subject to
state control.
In Standard Oil Co. v. United States, 221 U.S. 1 (U.S. 1911) Standard oil and 37 other
corporations were alleged to have engaged in conspiring to restrain the trade in
petroleum and monopolize the petroleum industry. The Supreme Court ruled that
combining the defendants oil companies stock to be a restraint of trade and an attempt to
monopolize the oil industry and maintain dominance and therefore a violation of the
Sherman Antitrust Act.
Furthermore, in Standard Oil Co., the Supreme Court stated that The term monopoly, ...
as used in the Sherman Act was intended to cover such monopolies or attempts to
monopolize as were known to exist in this country; those which were defined as illegal at
common law by the States, when applied to intrastate commerce. The Supreme Court
went on to further state that the principles of the common law applied to interstate as well
as to intrastate commerce.

Analysis In the issue of Cal Hockley s steel mills, it is clear that the courts would find
Cal Hockley in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act, even though the conduct
Dr. Liljequist Summary
I went to a forensics psychology seminar and listened to Dr. Lilijequist talk about her
experience has a forensics psychologist. She said that forensics psychologists are not as
cool as they seem on tv, and that all they do is assess and evaluate prisoners, and people
getting ready to testify at court to see if they are mental stable . She said that some
lawyers would call her up and say that they want her to come to this conclusion about
their client . Also, she said that most forensics psychologists have a code of ethics and
morals they follow, and that they would not listen to a lawyer when they want a certain
illness listed . When she talked about the code of ethics and morals; I started to see where
forensics psychology was a part
Freud s Theory Of Personality
Freud gave counseling a unique and powerful way to look at the human mind by
observing and taking note of the conscious and unconscious mind and how those
thoughts could reflect human behavior. Freud also emphasized the importance of early
life experiences and how they shape the human mind and behaviors. In my opinion, I
believe that Freud s Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality would be the most practical
approach for me to utilize in a counseling situation. His theory identifies many aspects of
the conscious and unconscious while exploring different defense mechanisms people
often attribute to reduce or cope with anxiety. Freud also stresses the psychosexual stages
of development and how those experiences could affect a person s conscious,
preconscious or subconscious being. According to Freud, there are three separate yet
autonomous parts of the mind that are important to understanding a person. The three
parts of the mind, as described by Freud are the conscious, preconscious and the
subconscious mind. The conscious mind, or the Ego, is the conscious mind that is at the
surface of a person s personality and could readily be accessible to to draw out what a
person is thinking about. The conscious mind is also a persons personality which is
automatic and constructed of the superego s balance of the animal like instincts of the ID.
An example could be when a counselor would ask the client what his favorite color
would be. The person s response to this type of question is
My Love Of Dance
As a child I was very active. Participating in gymnastics, dance, soccer, and volleyball.
This was a very enjoyable time in my life. School was not very difficult considering I
was only in grade school. My greatest passion was dance. At this point in my life I had
been dancing for six years. Dancing was something I took pride in. Getting the
opportunity to perform in front of hundreds of people excited me.

This love of dance started when I was three. My mother had brought me to the Ozark
Dance Academy. I can remember exactly how i felt. Remind you I was roughly three foot
and everyone had already formed partners. I couldn t even see over the bar. We all know
that the short quiet one is always left alone. My teacher Mrs. Julie had grabbed my hand,
walked me to the middle of the floor, and whispered into my ear dance like you are the
only one here. The music clicked on, heart pounding in my ears, I started to dance. I feel
like everyone was slightly impressed. Moving to the music with all of this passion made
me feel like I was dancing on air. All of my nerves went away. Later that day after my
class had ended Mrs. Julie walked me over to my mom and said something I will never
forget. Why don t we put her into basic point? I Grace Van Helden, only being three was
about to be in a class with five and six year olds. Boy was i smiling.

Being in this environment made me happy. Everyone no matter their background could
come and experience the joy of dancing. Point was
Hypothyroidism And Thyroid Similarities
The thyroid gland is located in the lower front part of your neck. In this gland, hormones
are release that travel through the bloodstream which affect almost every part of the body
all the way from the heart, brain and muscles to the skin. Hypothyroidism and
hyperthyroidism are two diseases associated with the thyroid. These two diseases are
both related to the thyroid but affect the body in different ways.
Hypothyroidism, is when your thyroid isn t making enough thyroid hormone. This is also
called underactive thyroid disease. A low level of thyroid hormones can affect the entire
body. This butterfly shaped gland called the thyroid is located in the front of your neck.
Did you know that the thyroid makes hormones that control the way your
My Experience As An Intern At Anslow Bryant Construction
The purpose of this final report is to summarize my experiences as an intern at Anslow
Bryant Construction, Ltd. I will discuss the internship orientation and preparation,
activities and experiences, and the application of technology. I will continue on to the
energy and environmental awareness, and sustainable construction, and communication
shill enhancement. I will conclude this report with legal and ethical issue awareness,
lessons learned, and the overall assessment and recommendations of the internship.

Internship Orientation and Preparation

The internship orientation was a three day process. The first day was spent with the
human resource department reviewing the employee handbook and completing
employment forms. I took a tour of the office and was introduced to the project
managers, estimators, administrative assistants, and the IT department. I was taken out to
lunch by the same managers that interviewed me at the career fair. The second day was
designated for safety. I watched an OSHA video and reviewed the company s safety
manual. Once I completed the video and read through the manual I was able to receive
my PPE. Typically on the second day of the orientation, the safety manager takes the new
employee to visit a jobsite to view safety hazards and proper safety practices. Due to
poor weather conditions, I was unable to attend the safety site visit. On the second day I
was scheduled to go to lunch with the executive team. The third day of orientation
The Violation Of Miranda Rights
Mr. Knight s statements to officers in the patrol car cannot be suppressed for violation of
Miranda rights because he was neither in custody not subjected to an interrogation. To
suppress a statement under the Fifth Amendment for violation of Miranda rights, (1) the
suspect must be in custody of law enforcement officials and (2) subjected to interrogation
(3) without being first provided Miranda warnings. United States v. Brownlee, 454 F.3d
131, 4 (3d Cir. 2006) (citing Rhode Island v. Innis, 446 U.S. 291 (1980)). Here, the police
officers that detained Mr. Knight are law enforcement officials; however, Mr. Knight was
not in custody because he was stopped for a short and temporary amount of time, and the
officers explicitly told him that he would be free to go after completing the traffic
summons paperwork. Additionally, Mr. Knight s incriminating statements during his
detention were not the product of an interrogation because they were voluntary and not
reasonably foreseeable by Officer Davis. Consequently, Mr. Knight did not require a
Miranda warning, meaning his incriminating statements in the patrol car cannot be
suppressed under the Fifth Amendment.
A. Mr. Knight was not in custody Mr. Knight was not in custody because he knew he
could leave after he completed the traffic summons paperwork. To suppress a statement
for violations of Miranda rights, the suspect must be in custody of law enforcement
officials. Brownlee, 454 F.3d at 4. When in custody, a person is
Ping Bikes
If you ever have a moment of glowing pride when someone compliments your ping pong
prowess, immediately halt your happiness and inform the complimenting bigot that you
are in fact worse than an amateur. Recreational and professional ping pong are leagues
apart. Not only can recreational players not utilize the same techniques as professional
players, the equipment used is completely different. Every piece of equipment bought at
your local Dick s Sporting Goods or Modell s is completely worthless equipment
regardless of the price. Balls sold for three dollars a pop are only worth a dime and are
not used at all on a professional level. Those pitiful consumers who choose to buy
equipment in retail and wholesale scores are being deceived by big ... Show more content
on ...
Similar to sponges, blades can control dwell time and rebound on the paddle. They also
affect the consistency and speed of your strokes. Blades are required to be 85% wood but
the materials can still vary, causing many different effects. There are many types of wood
that have different attributes such as softness and springiness. Besides wood, many
synthetic materials have been used in ping pong paddles, including aralyte, zylon, and
most popularly, carbon. These materials can cause differences in spinning, receiving, and
attacking the ball. The weight and shape of the blade much also be held into
consideration. Lighter materials and more aerodynamic shapes can increase the speed of
your swing dramatically but heavier materials can increase the impact against the ball by
utilizing gravity. Most of these materials are limited to professional paddles while
recreational paddles are stuck with cheap pine lumber. Also to be considered is the
thickness of the blade. The blade is created using pressure to bind many sheets of
material in a process not unlike producing plywood. Professional blades can have as little
as five ply to as many as thirteen ply. Recreation blades, on the other hand, commonly
have three ply which gives the paddle barely any weight and leaves it prone to breakage.
Professional blades can heighten the players ability to perform certain techniques based
on specification whereas recreational paddles do not enable the players to perform the
Emotive Behavioural Therapy REBT
Answer: REBT stands for Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy is much the same as
CBT. It was developed by the psychologist Albert Ellis and it works by focusing on
helping clients change irrational beliefs. He identified 12 common beliefs amongst
individuals that lead to unhealthy or dysfunctional behaviours. These incorrect and
damaging beliefs were:
1. The need to be loved and have approval by virtually every significant other person
2. The need to achieve at everything in all respects or else one is inadequate, or a
worthless person.
3. People must always act accordingly and fairly is not they are bad and are their bad
4. Things cannot go wrong and go a certain way. It is awful and terrible when things do
not go as planned. 5. The
What Caused The Egyptian Revolution
Our freedom is not up for negotiation. (Mohamed ElBaradei). The Egyptian Revolution
was a battle to take back rights that had been taken away for nearly thirty years.Socially,
the main causes were a lack of human rights, and poor living conditions.Economic
changes also promoted the development of protests. Political leaders were unjust,
provoking citizens to create an uproar of resistance. The Egyptian Revolution has had
many harsh social, destructive economic, yet promising political impacts on the Egyptian
people while the prospect for peace remains uncertain. The Egyptian revolution took
place all over Egypt. The conflict involved two groups, the Egyptian people, and the
government. The first protest was on January 25th, 2011. The people ... Show more
content on ...
Poor conditions sparked the Egyptian Revolution. The work conditions were so poor, that
...a street vendor in Tunisia set himself on fire in front a municipal building to protest his
work conditions (Global Issues in Context Online Collection). This is an example of the
many forms of protests in the Egyptian revolution. A street vendor had been severely
mistreated in his job, so he put on a public display to draw attention to his struggles.
Setting himself on fire was his way of telling the world that he needed a change. A social
impact of the Egyptian Revolution were the emergency measures taken by the
government to control protesters. Although protests were non violent, the police used
very abusive tactics to end them. Police used tear gas, rubber bullets, firehoses and even
guns, to end protests. (Egyptian Anti Government Protests). Despite the country s fight to
end police brutality, and other violations of human rights, their protests were stopped by
any means necessary. The struggle that Egypt was going through was so harsh, the police
had the right to mistreat anyone participating in even the most peaceful protests. The
biggest social impact of the Egyptian Revolution was the number of casualties. Egyptian
people faced mass arrests of protesters, injuries, and even deaths. Over the course of the
revolution, there were at least 840 deaths.(Britannica School). Despite both sides good
intentions, the number of casualties in the Egyptian revolution was astounding. Protesters
were abused in protests, but they needed a better life. The police force and government
wanted to keep things under control, but their efforts sparked more and more protests.
This illustrates that a need is often granted with a sacrifice. In Egypt s fight for human
rights, it was clear it would not be easy, but the impacts were more significant
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Business
Friends and family who are supportive of the business idea provides money either
directly to the entrepreneur or into the business. Borrowing in this way can add to the
stress faced by an entrepreneur, particularly if the business gets into difficulties, also
socio relations come in the picture.

Quicker and cheaper to arrange.
Interest and repayment terms may be more flexible than a bank loan.
Financial pressure is normally less than with a bank. You get more time to repay.
The bond you likely have with the family or friend is typically higher than the one you
have with a bank or lender.
Borrowing from a close family member or friend is the possibility that the debt is

The fund provider may feel that he or she is now part owner of ... Show more content on ...
It s also called IPO preparation funding schema, the ultimate aim of which to have clear
exit policy and prepare the business to be sold off attractively.

Obtaining venture capital financing can provide a startup or young business with a
valuable source of guidance and consultation.
In a number of critical areas, including legal, tax and personnel matters, a venture capital
firm can provide active support.
Faster growth and greater success are two potential key benefits of venture capital
Venture capitalists are typically well connected in the business community.

An Entrepreneur may lose control over its business. It is likely that your venture
capitalist will want to be involved in your business stake.
You could lose management control in your business because of the VC firm s stake in
your company.
Benefits from such financing can be realized in long run only.
All business operations will be under constant scrutiny.
Venture capitalists take too long to decide whether to invest in your business or
Plus Minus Grading System Case Study
Louisiana State University has decided to adopt a Plus/Minus grading system for the fall
semester of 2015. So what does this mean? The current grading system bases grade point
averages, or GPAs, on a 4.0 scale with an A worth 4.0 quality points, a B worth 3.0, et
cetera. According to the University Registrar s website, GPAs with the Plus/Minus
grading system will now be based on a 4.3 scale with an A+ worth 4.3 quality points, an
A worth 4.0, an A worth 3.7, et cetera. Supporters of the Plus/Minus grading scale believe
that it will reduce grade inflation and make LSU more competitive with other national
schools that have a system in place like the one LSU is adopting ( A Plus and Minus
Grading System for LSU ). However, many students have great concerns about how this
policy will be implemented and the repercussions it will have on their GPAs and futures.
Overall, the University should have been more thorough conducting its research and
considered the negative effects that the Plus/Minus system will have on students and the
university as a whole. Although the ... Show more content on ...
With the traditional grading system, grades are somewhat set in stone. Sure, a professor
might have a little bit of wiggle room with grades, but more or less your grade is set.
However, with the Plus/Minus system having 12 different levels, there is more room for
more arguing between students and professors about grades. Tom Zorn, a finance
professor at the University of Nebraska Lincoln, also agrees, a plus/minus system means
more students would be within a point or so of getting the next higher grade. That could
lead to more conflicts between faculty and GPA conscious students (qtd. in UNL may
change ). Can you imagine all of the emails a professor will get requesting that he or she
change a student s grade from an A to an A? This will lead to more unnecessary stress for
both the student and the
I Am Contacting Your Up Coming Film Quilts
I am contacting you in concern for your up coming film Quilts. I have read the script that
you sent to my agency and have found the perfect women to play the part of the mother
and the narrator. She fits the role of a tough, traditional and loving single mother. My
acquaintance Mama Johnson would be the best candidate for this part. Mrs. Johnson may
not have a lot of money but, has always provided for her two girls Dee and Maggie. After
a house fire that destroys their home, the Johnson s rebuild and keep their family
traditions alive.

Mama Johnson was born in the mid 1990 s, because the era she was born in was such a
different time period than today s generation, it brought hardships for young black
women. Mrs. Johnson grew up having very little money so; Mama parents taught her the
ropes in order to help take care of her family. These skills help Mama out when she
becomes older and starts a family of her own. Mrs. Johnson barely mentions her girls
father but, as far as I can tell he is not their lives. So being raised as a poor girl had its
advantages because she now knows the ropes on how to be a mother and provide for her
family like a father.

Mrs. Johnson also takes pride in hard work and she works just as good has a man if not
better. Mama could do anything from shooting and skinning hogs to working from dusk
till dawn. One time she got kicked right between the eyes by a bull but, that did not stop
her. She got right back up and had his meat hung up to dry by
Harry Potter Chesney Essay
Knoxville, Tennessee is known for many things, especially known as a college town.
Little did anyone know that on March 26, 1968 a superstar would be born, and the star
would not be known for throwing, running, or catching footballs but singing ( Kenny
Chesney. )? The country genre did not know it for a while, but it had a person that was
going to bring country music to new heights. With a mix of some traditional country
music mix with some rock country and island country music it would make Kenny
Chesney a very successful country artist.
Kenny Arnold Chesney grew up in a blue collar family to a father who was an
elementary school teacher and mother who is a hair style list. Kenny played football and
baseball growing up and always had a dream to be a star in football. Once he reached ...
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During Kenny s early touring years he played covers of Keith Whitley, Jones, and
Haggard s songs ( Chesney, Kenny. ). Some of Chesney s favorite venues to play at early
on were fairs, festivals, and roomy honky tonks were he could play for more than 2 hours
( Chesney, Kenny. ). Kenny was no different from any other up in coming artist during
this time period, which was to play some of his songs and songs the crowd enjoyed
listening to.
Also detailed by Contemporary Musicians the album Me and You was released in 1996
by BNA and the album was much more organized and put together than albums before it.
This album was a big success to Chesney by it becoming his first gold album and having
his first single When I Close My Eyes reach number one on the country charts. Chesney
was touring with the band called Alabama when this album was released. Kenny was
opening for Alabama, which gave him great exposure by opening to big crowds on a
consistent basis. This exposure helped the sales of the album Me and You continue to rise
( Chesney,
A Framework For Low Performing Schools

To: Dr. Michael A.Grego, Supertiendent of Pinellas County Schools

From: Michelle Kinyungu, Educator

Date: October 17, 2015

Subject: A Framework for Low Performing Schools in Pinellas County Schools

Attached is my proposal for a framework for the low performing schools in the Southern
Area of the district. Pinellas County schools has several A+rating schools within the
district. However, the South Area has had an F rating for the last five years consecutively
with little improvements. The research proposal gives a framework for turnaround
schools to increase the F rating to a better rating. The benefits of the framework will
include the following: To maintain retention for new and contract teachers. Provide
classroom teachers, principals, and support personnel additional training with model
from high performing districts with the State of Florida or High performing states.
Produce an active parental involved community by require all Pinellas County Schools
be a fundamental system. My proposal is to provoke solutions that will help
reconstructed Pinellas County Schools to be a more effective county with great schools.
I am propose a model for the low performing schools in the Southern Area. To design and
develop a new strategy to improve the failing schools in the four areas of concern noted
above. The attached proposal includes my research for solutions in the following areas:
retention, professional development, and parental involvement.
Please let me
How To Farm A Better Fish Analysis
How to Farm a Better Fish by Joel K. Bourne, Jr. was published in National Geographic s
June, 2014 edition magazine. This particular article characterizes the differences between
the various types of aquaculture, as well as what species to feed and the ingredients that
make up the food given. The reporter who composed this editorial informed the reader of
the advantages and downfalls of an indoor fish tank vs. an outdoor fish pen. The reporter
pointed out the numerous ways an aquacultural company may feed their harvest of fish.
He even explained that some fish farms have a whole ecosystem of aquatic animals and
plants that they feed instead, to supply the whole food chain with enough nutrients. This
is a rather important article because ... Show more content on ...
The writer introduced us to Bill Martin, the president of Blue Ridge Aquaculture, located
in Virginia. His company owns the largest indoor aquacultural farm in the world. Martin
has over twelve thousand pounds of tilapia, a common freshwater fish largely enjoyed in
America by seafood lovers everywhere. Using this indoor fish farming company as an
example, the writer describes how Martin keeps the water the fish live in clean and
healthy. Blue Ridge Aquaculture has a massive water treatment system that pumps half a
million gallons of water from their own, personal underground aquifer. Powered by a
large supply of coal, eighty five percent of the water fish swim in is rotated throughout
the treatment system, while the rest is sent to a local sewage plant, soon after proceeding
to the nearest landfill. When interviewed, Bill Martin states that his fish are happy living
in his company s indoor fish tank. One may interpret a fish s feelings by how healthy it
is. A dead fish is clearly unhappy, while a live one is. Martin tops it all off by saying he
hasn t had a single tank of tilapia completely die out yet. By looking at Martin s dialogue,
anyone can see that he is proud of his company, and believes it to be the best aquacultural
farm ever. Take in mind that indoor fish tanks have no waste impact on the oceans since
it is a one hundred percent controlled faculty. However, in order to obtain a large enough
area to create an indoor tank used for holding a very substantial amount of fish, the
company has to mow down the natural landmarks and terrain around that place. For
example, thousands tropical mangroves were bulldozed over to support the aquacultural
evolution in the 1980 s, resulting in colossal habitat destruction. It is equally important to
know that just because the fish aren t dying in their tanks doesn t mean they live in the
best environment. Indoor
Early Emergent Readers
1.Early Emergent Readers these readers only just beginning to understand that reading
needs to make sense. Books have a strong picture support and large print; they have
repeated vocabulary. Early Emergent Readers are learning the alphabet and starting to
recognize upper and lowercase letters. They can identify most letters by name. They are
able to use some letters and sound knowledge to decode some words. They are aware of
some punctuation and capital letters, but not always use them in their writing.

2.Emergent Readers These readers understand the alphabet. They know a lot of high
frequency words. They can recognize different types of text especially fiction and
nonfiction, and they can recognize that reading has a variety of purposes. Emergent
Readers expects stories and books to make sense and entertain. They want to read and
they know how stories and books work. They should be able to handle books with
confidence. Emergent Readers are able to make predictions and recognise book language
like once upon a time , the end , author etc. and sometimes they should be able to use
these words ... Show more content on ...
Their reading is confident and fluent and they use expression and punctuation. They have
a good understanding and are able to use a variety of comprehension strategies. These
readers read a wide range of text types. They continue to improve their reading skills as
they come across more difficult reading materials. Books they read have a majority of
text, a variety of topics and challenging vocabulary. They have more complex sentences
with interesting descriptions and include different writing styles. Fluent Readers able to
recognize and read the words and work out new and challenging words. They can
understand what is being read and are able to make predictions and interpretations. They
can also make connections between different books. They are able to use the vocabulary
they gain in their own
The Hero s Journey in Cameron Crowe s Film Almost
The Hero s Journey in Cameron Crowe s Film Almost Famous

Almost Famous (2000) is a dramatization of writer/director Cameron Crowe s real life

experiences as a teenage rock reporter for Rolling Stone. Based on thinly veiled
autobiographical material from the precocious beginnings of Crowe s early career, the
screenplay shapes sentimental memories into movie magic. But how did Crowe give his
own coming of age tale such universal appeal? A closer look reveals that Almost Famous,
like most films worth their salt, is yet another incarnation of the greatest and only
mythological adventure, The Hero s Journey. This relationship can be explained using the
framework of Joseph Campbell s phenomenal book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, ...
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He doesn t refuse the call. It s his mother that needs convincing. As long as I know this is
just a hobby, she says, dropping her son off at a Black Sabbath concert. Her reluctance
evokes the protective aspect of the THRESHOLD GUARDIAN (Campbell 82).
Notebook in hand, William knocks at the backstage door. The surly bouncer that answers
is the personification of another aspect of the THRESHOLD GUARDIAN, an ogre of ill
will who slams the door on William because he s not on the list. William joins a nearby
cluster of waiting girls and is instantly smitten by the lovely Penny Lane not a groupie,
but a retired Band Aid. When the girls get whisked backstage, Penny promises to try to
get him a pass, establishing herself as one of his ALLIES.
As William waits, the members of the band Stillwater arrive late to the show.
Recognizing them, he introduces himself as a journalist and asks for an interview. They
refuse, yelling, The enemy! A rock writer. It s no accident that this nickname sticks. The
band members particularly Russell Hammond, the guitarist are the ENEMIES of William
s adventure. Far from traditional, out and out villains, these antagonists take more
curiously fluid, ambiguous forms. (Campbell 97) They are the SHAPESHIFTERS that
Lester Bangs has warned him against, the fake friends that will ruin rock and roll. It s not
until William flatters them with his detailed knowledge of their music that they offer up a
fickle form of friendship, bringing
Human Exploration Vs Space Exploration
Only recently I saw Elon Musk s speech about the future of SpaceX and theirs plans on
sending manned mission to Mars in a decade or less. This got me thinking on the
achievements of mankind in exploring the universe in the last 30 or more years. What I
thought was completely different than what my grandpa was thinking about the future
when the Apollo Mission was landing into the moon. It is easy to realize how space
exploration is deepened on two factors, cost and geopolitical reasons[1], maybe the
second one affects the first one in a way, but this is a different story. At the end, I came
up with a big debate on my mind. This is human exploration vs robotic exploration. It is
obvious how the second one has dominated the field for years now and I totally agree
with that. However, at some point in the future both human and robotic exploration
should be combined. As mentioned earlier, many experts claim that space exploration is
depended on geopolitical reasons. The money governments will spend is thus, in a way,
not depended on curiosity about the universe or any other reason, but in the rivalry
between countries. As a result, cost is a primary factor of space exploration. NASA back
in the 60s rejected a manned mission to mars due to the extreme cost, and has been
rejecting it since now based on the same old calculations[2]. On the other hand, robotic
exploration is much cheaper. There have been notable examples such as Cassini,
Pathfinder, Curiosity etc. All these missions
Comparing Sophie s World, By Groucho Marx And Sigmund
It is worth noting from the start that Sophie s World revolves around the premise that
philosophy is the single most important discipline in the life of any individual. Sophie is
introduced to the idea of philosophy when Noah gives her a picture with animals that
have been saved. Alberto keeps mentioning the natural theory of life and backs this up by
quoting Charles Darwin, Groucho Marx and Sigmund Freud (Gaarder, 2007). Charles
Darwin is perhaps the most notable of the philosophers following his theory of evolution
that has changed the course of science and the way the life of plants and animals is
perceived. His favor of biological evolution was premised on the idea that nature favors
only the strongest in terms of survival (Gaarder, 1996). Hilde, on the other ... Show more
content on ...
The psychoanalysis involved the study of the human mind in finding out how humans
deal with different situations especially problems. Most notably, Freud posited the fact
that the malaise suffered by human beings is caused solely by the events they choose to
push to the back of the mind. In order for an individual to function, the ego needs to
create a balance with the identity of the person. Otherwise, this would lead to problems
being created. Further, Freud argues that the social morality regulating human behavior is
informed by the superego of the individual. This is illustrated in Freudian slips where our
unconscious being has been established to interfere with some of the human action.
Another philosopher that makes Sophie s world is Groucho Marx. Marx advances the
supposition that history was driven forward by material aspects. According to him, the
present that we experience today was as a result of material desires that further shaped
our well being. This can also be said of the other philosophers including Hume, Berkeley,
Bjerkely, Locke, Spinoza and
Out of the twenty one Spanish speaking countries, Colombia is one of those. Colombia is
located in South America and is bordered by Panama, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, and
Ecuador. The kind of government that Colombia has is a Republic, which their president
is Juan Manuel Santos, and the currency they use is a Colombian Peso. Their population
is 47.15 million, and they have a life expectancy of 75.25 years. The capital of Colombia
is Santa Fe de Bogota, which holds 8.743 million people of Colombia s population. The
flag of Colombia is set up in the colors that have meanings of the country. Yellow
represents all the gold found in the Colombian land, blue represents the sea on Colombia
s shores, the rivers that run through, and the sky above, ... Show more content on ...
Factor based exports like textile, clothing, leather goods, process food and beverages,
manufactured oil, chemicals, cement, and metal products are also growing industries.
With destroying Colombia s society due to violence, the drug trade is also a very illegal
export of the country. These drugs consist of cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and cannabis.
Even with the fact of this export to be illegal it has brought many riches to the men and
women willing to follow this path. Traditional dish of Colombia is Bandeja Paisa, it
consists of white rice, red beans, ground beef, plantain, chorizo, chicharron, arepa,
morcilla, fried egg, and avocado. This dish is also to be considered as the national dish as
well due to how much people of the country and tourist enjoy eating it.
Colombia is also a country that is full of holidays. Their holidays consist of New Year s
Day, Epiphany, St Joseph s Day, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Labor Day, Mother s
Day, Ascension Day, Corpus Christi, Sacred Heart, Father s Day, Saint Peter and Saint
Paul, Declaration of
Essay The Early 20th Century Labor Movement
The early 1900s was a time of many movements, from the cities to the rural farms;
people were uniting for various causes. One of the most widespread was the labor
movement, which affected people far and wide. Conditions in the nation s workplaces
were notoriously poor, but New York City fostered the worst. Factories had started out in
the city s tenements, which were extremely cramped, poorly ventilated, and thoroughly
unsanitary. With the advent of skyscrapers, factories were moved out of the tenements
and into slightly larger buildings, which still had terrible conditions. Workers were forced
to work long hours (around 12 hours long) six hours a day, often for extremely low pay.
The pay was also extremely lower for women, who made up a ... Show more content on ...
Workers had simple demands, such as a 52 hour workweek, a 20% pay raise, and the
right to organize (von Drehle, 59). The strikers dealt with many problems, such as fierce
strikebreakers, and when brought to the attention of the police, strikers tended to be the
ones arrested (von Drehle, 64). This strike brought the support of many wealthy people
including Anne Morgan (Von Drehle, 71), Alva Smith Vanderbilt Belmont (Von Drehle,
66), just to name a few, who helped bring attention to the strikers cause. This helped in
bringing attention, but was not enough to keep the strike going and formally ended in
winter 1909. The strike did not lead to very many gains, and it would take the death of
146 workers (Von Drehle, 265) for any actual change to be brought about. The biggest
benefit to labor that came out of the fire was the Factory Investigating Commission,
which was born officially in June 1911 (Von Drehle, 212). The commission had virtual
self governance, and had investigators that would personally check the conditions of
New York factories (Von Drehle, 213). The commission had a small set of cities it
investigated, but was later expanded throughout the state of New York (Von Drehle, 214).
The commission was the product of Wagner and Smith, the so called Tammany Twins ,
and also brought in Frances Perkins, who would later become the Secretary of Labor
Perseus Andromeda Research Paper
The constellation that I ve chosen to discuss in this essay is the constellation Andromeda.
The reason why I ve chosen this constellation is as a young girl I ve always loved the
Greek Myths in all their many versions. I remember liking the tale of Perseus and
Andromeda and the sense of adventure I found in the tale.
The constellation Andromeda is said to be located in the northern sky, otherwise called
the northern hemisphere, containing the Andromeda Galaxy .
Following on with the Greek myth, there are also several constellations that border the
Andromeda constellation, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Lacerta, Pegasus, Pisces, Cepheus and
Triangulum, but the ones to note are the ones from the myth: Perseus, Cassiopeia,
Cepheus and in some versions of the tale, Pegasus. Her future lover and king, her mother,
her father and the winged steed that aided Perseus.

From the versions I have heard, it s hard to remember what is from one and what is from
another. Thus, my retelling will most likely pull from several.
Andromeda was born princess, daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, the king and queen
of Ethiopia . The princess was a beautiful young woman, and her mother the queen
Cassiopeia was so arrogantly proud of her daughter s beauty that she boasted to all that ...
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Gifted with the winged sandals of Hermes: which granted him flight; and Hades helm of
darkness: which hide him from sight; Perseus caught sight upon the chained princess, and
believed her to be a statue at first, till he say her hair fluttering in the wind and her tears
falling. He fell in love at first sight, caught in her beauty. He flew to her and queried as to
why she was fastened to the rock. When she had told him why she had been chained, he
flew to her distress parents and told them that he would kill the monster if they would
grant him Andromeda s hand in marriage in return. To this request they readily
Nitobe Ethos Of Bushido
The relationship between ethos and ethics seems evident. When used as a noun, Ethics is
the philosophical study of principles relating to the conduct or right or wrong actions.
Contrariwise, ethos is the basic values that make up the character of a person, a culture,
or in the case of this book, a nation. This distinction may be superfluous, nonetheless, it
must be recognized in order to attempt an understanding of what Nitobe s intent was in
formulating Bushido: The Spirit of the Samurai. It is hard to take away the fact that
Nitobe is an intellectual. His education and training surely prepared him for the stylistic
approach apparent throughout the book. At times poetic, at times intriguing, there are
numerous examples of the great rhetorical ... Show more content on ...
Is Nitobe really the proper authority to speak for the people of Japan? While the book is
beautifully written, most of the evidence provided is incredulous or anecdotal. The
stories used to explain the ethos of bushido are no more than anecdotal evidence, handed
down in the form of myths and bedtime stories. Not that this is necessarily wrong, but the
problem lies in the fact that this is all there is. The people cited by Nitobe, which a few
and far in between, are mostly other Western trained literati s whose driving ethos is
separable from what one could ascertain to be the true spirit of the Samurai. This book
was written in 1899, less than 30 years after the restoration measure which begun the
downfall of the warrior. Why would Nitobe not use the people who were these warriors
to explain their belief systems and their insight into the true nature of Bushido? At this
point, I must retreat and talk a little about the positive aspects of the book. Nitobe s initial
instinct seems correct when he writes, ...the philosophical student reads the results of
today in the stored energies of ages gone (xvi). If only Nitobe would have remembered
this intuition when writing... The main thesis, as I can gather is, Enticing as is an
historical disquisition on the comparison between European and Japanese feudalism and
chivalry, it is not the purpose of this paper to enter into it at length. My attempt is rather
to relate firstly, the origin and sources of our chivalry; secondly, its character and
teaching; thirdly, its influence among the masses; and fourthly, the continuity and
permanence of its influence
Viva La Vida Coldplay Meaning
If you had the choice to be a king, would you take it? The song Viva La Vida, by
Coldplay, could possibly change your mind. The lyrics convey multiple messages about
power and how easy it is to lose it. The public loved the song, and it stayed on top of the
charts long after it was released. Many people who actually paid attention to the deeper
meaning of the song learned something from it. There are many interpretations of the
song, but the real meaning is about the Roman Catholic Church and King Louis XVI
both having a lot of power, then losing it all. The bass guitarist, Guy Berryman, said that
the song is a story about a king who s lost his kingdom, and all the albums artwork is
based on the idea of revolutionaries and guerillas. It also foreshadows to multiple
revolutions that have happened over the years. The song starts off by saying I used to rule
the world, seas would rise when I gave the word, meaning he was once a king who had a
tremendous amount of power. One minute I held the key, next the walls were closed on
me, and i discovered that my castle stands upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand. (9 12)
means that all of the power he had took control of his mind, making him do a lot of
things he never should have, causing his reign to ... Show more content on ...
It taught them about the importance of managing how you use the power you have, and
not to let it consume you. It also shows that just because you do something because of
your religion, doesn t mean it is always the right the to do. The lines For some reason I
can t explain, I know Saint Peter won t call my name. Never an honest word, but that was
when I ruled the world. (33 36) show that he fought in the name of Christianity, but he
will not be able to enter the promise land because his intentions were deceptive and filled
with lies. This song also taught us that we should always be suspicious of people in
power, who seem to fight under religion, freedom,
Describe The Four Types Of Weapons In Elizabethan
Elizabethan Era Weapons
, All of mankind s existence has been in thanks for weaponry. From the cavemen to the
Elizabethan Era, weapons have always been by man s side. Nobles, Archers, and Knights
have all used various types of weapons in the Elizabethan Era. From the billhook to the
Poleaxe, Elizabethan Era soldiers have used almost any weapon given to them, and they
will fight for their cause no matter the cost. Foot soldiers were the main men the
Elizabethan used during war. Foot soldiers were the most versatile out of the main four
types of soldiers used by Elizabethan. These soldiers either rode horseback or were on
foot, giving them their name, Foot Soldiers . Foot soldiers mainly used a mace. Foot
soldiers used the mace because of it s mobility and also by the amount of damage it could
deal in a single blow. These soldiers were also the most plentiful of any type of soldier
that Elizabethan had at her disposal, but foot soldiers weren t the only type of soldier
Elizabethan had. Not only did Elizabethan, she also had knights. ... Show more content
on ...
Using weapons on horseback made someone a harder target to hit and more deadly on
the battlefield. The most used weapons on horseback were the mace and the poleaxe. The
mace was a metal ball with spikes attached to a chain and rod. It could severely injure or
kill anyone with one hard blow. While the mace was very effective, it was also very
cheap to manufacture. So if a mace broke in combat, it wouldn t make a financial hole
into the ruler s pocket. Poleaxes were also a very effective weapon to use from
horseback. It was a long sharpened rod with an axehead on the top. The poleaxe was long
so that a soldier could be up close, but also keep their distance to protect themselves from
the enemy. Poleaxes were primarily used while a knight was mounted on horseback. Just
like the mace, it could do significant damage with just one blow and defend a soldier
John Ford s The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
John Ford s The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance black and white film tells the story of a
killing of a man that helped a town progress and become civilized. The film begins when
a young quixotic man fresh out of law school from the East, moves to a western town
called Shinbone without knowing this town is a wilderness ruled by guns and savages.
The optimistic lawyer named Ransom eventually brings law and order to the town after
the local troublemaker is shot. He is then known as the man who shot Liberty Valance
and ends up becoming a senator in Washington. Time passes by and he and his wife
Hallie come back to the town of Shinbone for a local rancher s funeral named Tom
Doniphon. Here, the editor of The Shinbone Star asks Senator Ransom why ... Show
more content on ...
Johnson. There are slight differences between the two, but the main plot remains the
same, that of a town ruled by mayhem with a local ruffian loaded with guns not wanting
the town to progress; a lawyer who realizes he will have to get rid of the ruffian not
through law but through a gun and the rancher who helps him get rid of the ruffian going
unrecognized. Switching now to the differences between the short story and the film, the
first difference the reader is able to spot is how the short story begins as opposed to how
the film begins. In the short story, the rancher is named Bert Barricune while in the film
he is named Tom Doniphon. The film opening scene begins with a long shot of a train
arriving to the town of Shinbone, while the Marshal, Link Appleyard, waits at the train
stop for Hallie and Senator Ransom to step out of the train. On the other hand, the short
story starts right at the funeral scene, and it describes how not more than a dozen people
showed up to Bert s funeral. Both also differ in the way the lawyer, Ransom, arrives to
the western town. In the film, Tom Doniphon brings Ransom s passed out body into town
in the back of a carriage, while in the short story Ransom limped into the Marshal s
office as Bert was being let out of a one cell jail. Another difference is the duel scene, in
the short story Ransom passed out and he wakes up to see Bert s face, who
How Roman Art Became Christian Art
When Christianity was introduced as a successor to Judaism, Roman Empire s official
religion was still Paganism. As a result Christianity was a mystery religion in Roman
Empire before it became an official Religion. In this period we do not see any churches,
and people used to gather in a secret place in order to pray. These places were like
ordinary homes, but they changed inside, so it could be used for religion purposes. A
really good example of it is Dura Europos house church. It has a simple architecture, as
we can see they even broke the wall inside the house to make it bigger as to serve
gatherings. After Constantine declared Christianity as an official religion, everything
changed. In this essay I aim to discuss how Roman art became Christian Art. In other
words, I will explain how Romans used their art and style as a formula to create art based
on Christianity principals.
This essay starts with the use of Roman architecture to practice Christianity. Then I will
write about how the image of the Roman emperors became the inspiration for the image
of the Jesus. Finally I will discuss the way Romans used the same iconography and
narrative they already had as a formula to image the bible.
As we know, Romans were so religious, and they paid homage to their gods with
building gigantic temples and statues, which now we may know many of them as
wonders of the ancient world. Constantine was going to build churches in his empire as a
place to practice Christianity; they
John Watson Research Paper
John Broadus Watson was born in Travelers Rest, South Carolina in 1878 on January
ninth. His mother s name was Emma Watson and his father Pickens Butler. He wasn t
very good at school during his youth. At the age of sixteen he he was accepted into
Furman University and graduated at age twenty one with a masters degree. And began
studying psychology at the University of Chicago. He got his Phd in psychology in 1903.
John s mother was a very pious woman wanting John to grow up to be a minister. She
disavowed smoking, drinking, and cheating. All of which Pickens Butler did. He drank,
smoked, and had affairs with other women and eventually leaving the family shortly after
John s thirteenth birthday. John grew up to favor his father to whom he ... Show more
content on ...
It was there her met Rosalie Rayner. Rosalie was a student of his and throughout classes
they got very close, leading John to cheat on his wife Mary. Once word got around the
school of a relationship between teacher and pupil John was asked to leave. Shortly after
leaving he divorced his wife Mary and married Rosalie in 1921. John and Rosalie
married for fifteen years up until Rayners death in 1936. Rayner had died due to the fact
that she had dysentery from eating tainted fruit. Watson and Rayner had two children
together, william and James. Both tried to commit suicide after developing depression as
adults, only William succeeded. (Rosalie) After the death of his wife he went into
advertising. Where he advertised for certain companies. (John Watson)
Mary Loretta was born in Weston, Connecticut. Mary Loretta, most commonly known as
Mariette Hartley by the rest of the world was John s only grandchild. Mariette Hartley
claims that John gave her psychological problems due to the fact that there was a lack of
warmth in the house she grew up in, and that John believed that children should never be
held or cuddled. She says that s what drove her to theatre. She is now a famous actress.
John died in 1958. He had lived to be eighty years old. John ended up burning a very
large collection of letters and personal papers leaving historians a lack of understanding
the early history of behaviorism and leaving the world not really knowing
The Hubble Telescope and Its Discoveries Essay
Hubble Space Telescope and Significant Discoveries

Funding was approved in 1977 for a Large Space Telescope in 1977 and in 1983 it was
renamed Hubble Space Telescope in honor of astronomer Edwin P. Hubble who
discovered evidence of an expanding universe and the existence of other galaxies. Work
was completed in 1985 and it was launched and deployed from the Space Shuttle
Discovery in April of 1990, 350 miles above earth. Since its deployment, there have been
five services, each service to perform corrective and preventive maintenance, add
upgrades to the equipment, or both. In 2011, the Hubble space Telescope celebrated its
millionth observation, the spectroscopic analysis of HAT P 7b an exoplanet orbiting
around the star HAT P 7 ... Show more content on ...
Based on observations of galaxies, galaxy clusters and cosmic microwave background,
scientists determined that most of the universe s mass is composed of dark matter. Dark
matter does not emit light but can be detected by the way its gravity distorts the images
of the background galaxies. Using large 3 D models of the distribution, scientists have
determined dark matter clumping increases over time (Livio, 2010).
The Hubble Space Telescope has been key in not only confirming the universe s
expansion but also the further defining the rate of the expansion. Edwin Hubble in 1929
provided the first evidence of the expansion of the universe and its finite age with his
Hubble constant. The constant says that the farther a galaxy is the faster the acceleration,
therefore the universe is expanding. The ability of the Hubble Telescope to resolve
Cepheid variable stars farther out than could previously be done by ground based
telescope allowed scientists to see further out and therefore longer periods of time than
they ever could before. This ability to look further back in the past has allowed scientists
to better define the expansion rate of the universe. When Hubble was first launched, the
expansion rate was estimated between 50 100 km/sec/Mpc. In 1994 it was determined to
be 80 km/sec/Mpc with a 10 percent rate of error. In 2009, scientists, using observations
of Cepheids in faraway galaxies, were able to narrow
Feasibility of the Extract from Sibukaw (Caesalpinia...

SIBUKAW (Caesalpinia sappan) WOOD










Ibrahim, Mahalia Taskeen R.

Cabugatan, Fahad M.

Lomansoc, Jake G.

Miano, Ryan I.

Surmion, Paul Jeffrey S.


Dyes known to the ancients came from plants such as indigo and madder or from the
shells of mollusks; today most dyes are made from coal tar and petrochemicals. The
chemical structure of dyes is relatively easy to modify, so many new colours and types of
dyes have been synthesized. Natural dyes are used as an alternative ... Show more
content on ...
Today, nearly all dyes are made from compounds obtain from petroleum or coal, this
dyes are called synthetic dyes as opposed to natural dyes obtained from plants, animals,
and mineral sources which were exclusively used in the past.

The Researchers will try to produce natural dye using Sibukaw Wood to promote the
usage of natural dyes and to lessen the production of synthetic dyes, which are very
Statement of the Problem

Can the extract of the sibukaw wood be an effective textile dye?

Sub Problems

1. Can the extract from the sibukaw wood be used to color the clopman cloth?

2. Is there a difference in the intensity of the color the extract gives to the clopman cloth
using a mordant and without mordant?

3. Will the intensity of the color of the dye with a mordant changed after the:

a. Sunlight test

b. Washing test

c. Bleaching
Religion And Religion In Australia
In Australia religion is a very important belief to the many different Australians. As
Australia is a very diverse place there are many different religions and cultures in small
towns and cities of Australia. The population of Australia is 22,751,014. From
22,751,014 30.1% are Protestant 30.1%, 17.1% are Anglican ,5.0% are Uniting Church,
2.8% are Presbyterian and Reformed,1.6% are Baptist, 1.2% are Lutheran, 1.1% follow
Pentecostal 25,3% follow Catholic, 25.1% follow Roman Catholic, 2.9% of people
follow Christianity, 2.8% follow Orthodox, 2,5% follow Buddhism , 2.2% of people
follow Muslim, 1.3% follow Hinduism and a massive 9.3% don t identify themselves
with a certain religion.

Australian cuisine is very different
Eric Schmidt s Personal Life And Professional Career
Google s Former CEO, Eric Schmidt
Jessica R. Kircher
Keiser University

Eric Schmidt, the former Google CEO, served in that position from 2001 to 2011. In
2011, Eric decided to step down from chief executive officer and fill the executive
chairman seat. I chose to write my research paper on Eric Schmidt because Google is an
inspiring company that I look up to as a graphic designer. One of my everyday tasks
consists of designing websites for clients and Google plays a huge part in developing my
client s search engine optimization. In this paper, I am going to discuss Eric Schmidt s
personal life and professional career as well as going in depth in regards to his
management style and what makes him a successful CEO. Eric Schmidt was recognized
for his aspiring management practices. He helped the company grow into the technology
leader that it is today.
On the 27th of April, 1955, Schmidt was born. Schmidt had two highly educated parents.
His mother had a master s degree in psychology and he father was a professor of
international economics ( Eric Schmidt: Is the Executive, 2012). Schmidt s father also
worked at the U.S. Treasury Department during the Nixon presidency ( Eric Schmidt: Is
the Executive, 2012). While in high school, he earned eight varsity letter awards in long
distance running, which goes to show his determination and persistence. At the age of
twenty five, Eric went on to marry his wife Wendy Schmidt, whom he met at the
International House
Why Choose Pop-A-Lock
Pop A Lock Palm Beach Is Your Trusted Residential Locksmith
Are you sure that your home is completely protected from outside security threats. It s
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Your home is where you should feel the safest. Yet, ... Show more content on ...
Contact us today and allow us to perform a security assessment of your home so we
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Our mission is to be the best locksmith and unlocking mobile technical services company
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Pop A Lock is the country s largest group of locksmiths, providing 24 hour locksmith
service across the country. As a result of years of dedication to pride in service and
customer satisfaction, we have developed a reputation for fulfilling customer needs
quickly and professionally. Today, Pop A Lock is home to the nation s most trusted
locksmiths. All Pop A Lock technicians are trained at our state of the art training facility,
remain up to date on the latest technology, and use the latest and most effective tools to
ensure that you receive the best service possible.
To provide the best, we employ the best. Before we hire our locksmiths, they undergo
background checks and partake in an extensive training program at our state of the art
school. Then we equip them with the best technology in the locksmith industry, making
sure they have what it takes to handle any situation. We do all this because we know how
important security is to our
Essay on Chapter Five Forensic Science
January 24th, 2014 Forensic Science/ Mod 3
Chapter 5 Test
True or False:
1) Pollen is an example of trace evidence.
Answer: True
2) Through microscopic examination of pollen or spores, it is possible to identify a
specific plant that produced that pollen or pore.
Answer: False
3) All Pollen Spores are produced continuously throughout the year.
Answer: False
4) With the exception of bacterial endospores, pollen spores are reproductive structures.
Answer: True
5) Spores are produced only by fungi.
Answer: False
6) Flowering plants or angiosperms are the only plants that produce pollen.
Answer: False
7) Pollen Spore identification can provide important trace evidence in solving crimes
dues to their ... Show more content on ...
Answer: Animal pollinated plants are strong, which make them easier to be found during
evidence collection but not a plentiful as wind pollen. Wind dispersed pollen produces
large amounts of pollen, which makes it easier to be found in forensic science during
evidence collection, but it s harder to direct find a suspect with this type of pollen. Water
dispersed pollen absolutely has to stay in water or it will degenerate. So this type of
pollen doesn t exactly help in forensic science unless a victim was drowned.

17)Describe how pollen can be used to determine if a crime occurred in the city or in the
country or during the day or night.

Answer: Pollen can be used to determine if a crime occurred in the city or in the country
or during the day or night because country city conditions are different. The air is more
polluted in the city than in the country, which can affect plant cycles. Also, the city has a
lot more sidewalks other pavements, shaded areas and not very much fertile soil for
plants to even grow. This majorly limits the types and survival of plants in that
environment. Plants mostly flower in the daytime opposed to the night time because there
is sun only in the daytime. This means that there is more pollen in the air during the
Heart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad And The Film
Dark, suspenseful, and altogether brutal is what describes Heart of Darkness by Joseph
Conrad and the film adaption Apocalypse Now by Francis Ford Coppola. A short novella
published in 1899, Heart of Darkness centers on the journey taken by the narrator
Marlow up the Congo River with a Belgian trading company. Upriver he encounters the
mysterious ivory trader, Kurtz and is brought face to face with corruption and despair.
Set in the Vietnam War, the film Apocalypse Now follows the central character, U.S.
Army special operations officer Captain Benjamin L. Willard, of MACV SOG, on a
mission to kill the radical and seemingly psychotic U.S. Army Special Forces Colonel
Walter E. Kurtz. Coppola draws on Conrad s characters in order to create Captain Willard
and Colonel Kurtz, but in adapting these dynamic characters he changes the internal and
external forces both main characters endure. Coppola creates interesting parallels
between Willard and Marlow; Marlow s voyage downriver to the heart of Africa and
Willard s mission on the Nung River in Vietnam. Both men are on journey s to the
darkest of places: journey into self , and the discoveries to be made there. Both are about
men confronting fears of failure, insanity, death, and cultural corruption. However, both
are also are drastically different at times. Ronald Bogue s article The Heartless Darkness
in Apocalypse Now provides a wonderful intake on commonalties and differences in the
two works. He notes that by
Leadership Traits and Principles
The United States Marine Corps has been one of the most powerful military branches in
the world for more than twenty three decades. The most important things that have kept
this organization as prestigious and powerful as it is are the famous leadership traits,
leadership principles, corps values and the leaders that uphold those traits. Without these
structures, this leadership hierarchy this gun club would not have lasted this long. The
next thousand or so words will help explain those traits, principles and corps values that
we hold so high.

The first leadership principle that will be discussed is one that was first thought to me
through Drill Instructors training us for PFT s and CFT s or whenever we would feel like
giving up. That ... Show more content on ...
It also encourages the subordinates to exercise initiative and to give wholehearted
cooperation in the accomplishment of unit tasks. When you properly delegate authority,
you demonstrate faith in your Marines and increase their desire for greater
responsibilities. If you fail to delegate authority, you indicate a lack of leadership, and
your subordinates may take it to be a lack of trust in their abilities. To develop this
principle you should operate through the chain of command. Provide clear, well thought
directions. Tell your subordinates what to do, not how to do it. Hold them responsible for
results, although overall responsibility remains yours. Delegate enough authority to them
to enable them to accomplish the task. Give your Marines frequent opportunities to
perform duties usually performed by the next higher ranks. Be quick to recognize your
subordinates accomplishments when they demonstrate initiative and resourcefulness.
Correct errors in judgment and initiative in a way which will encourage the Marine to try
harder. Avoid public criticism or condemnation. Give advice and assistance freely when
it is requested by your subordinates. Let your Marines know that you will accept honest
errors without punishment in return.Assign your Marines to positions in accordance with
demonstrated or potential ability. Be prompt and fair in backing subordinates. Until
convinced otherwise, have faith in each
Erikson s Theory On Development
From leaning objective 8.9, explains the development of the personality along with social
interpersonal skills, and the concept of the self from infancy to adulthood, I wanted to
compare the first five stages of Erikson s theory on development to Ken Wilber s first
five stages of his nine stages, that he calls spaces. The first five stages of Erikson s
theory, which he notes as crisis, are trust versus mistrust, autonomy versus shame and
doubt, initiative versus guilt, industry versus inferiority, and identity versus role
confusion. The first four personal spaces, of Wilber s theory are the archaic, the magical,
or egocentric, the mythical, and the rational. Erikson s theory states that an emotional
crisis must be successfully met for normal development. Wilber s theory is similar in that
he uses an example of a multiple story building. If one stage isn t completely understood,
but not mastered, then that floor will end up leaning, and a building like that cannot be
sustained for long before its structural integrity is compromised. Erikson s theory is
based that social interactions were the most important thing to consider for healthy
development of children. The first stage, starting from infancy on to 1 year of age, has
the crisis of trust versus mistrust. This just means that they develop either of these skills
based on how well their needs are taken care of. The next crisis starts at 1 year of age up
to 3 years of age, toddler age. This one is called autonomy
American Nurses Association And Lead Poisoning And
American Nurses Association and Lead Poisoning and Screening The American Nurses
Associations (ANA) is an organization cherished by most, if not all registered nurses. It
is an organization that aims to improve the nursing career by offering opportunities on
building nurses rights, practices, and views by the public. ANA is a representation of all
nurses and acts as their voice in better improving the profession and revolving issues
(American Nurses Association [ANA], 2016). The American Nurses Associations
mission statement is as follows: Nurses advancing our profession to improve health for
all (ANA, 2016). One issue that the ANA is trying to settle is the increasing amounts of
pediatric deaths due to lead poisoning. ANA supports lead poisoning prevention activities
to reduce children s blood lead levels to 10 micrograms per deciliter of whole blood
(ANA, 2016). It also supports screening activities to better catch this poisoning before it
becomes deadly. Lead poisoning is very preventable among children and with support
from the ANA; the United States could put a stop to this health issue. This paper will
discuss how the ANA is governed, the legislative agenda, the issue of lead poisoning that
they are pursuing to eliminate, how the agenda is communicated, and partnerships with
The American Nurses Association is governed by a Membership Assembly and a Board
of Directors. First off, the Membership Assembly is responsible for voting and
A Controversial Policy For Combat Marital Rape
A Proposed Policy to Combat Marital Rape
Marital rape, a rape in which the perpetrator is the victim s spouse, is an underestimated,
underreported reality that effects 10 14% of all women in the U.S (Basile, 2011).
Although the U.S. government has made strides in sexual violence laws in the past few
years, marital rape policies still have a long way to go. The instance of marital rape
should be combatted by the U.S. Federal Government with a multifaceted plan. First, the
U.S. federal government should offer states incentive to develop laws where no
distinction is made between marital rape and non marital rape in terms of elements of the
crime, statute of limitations, and length of the sentence. Second, the Federal Government
should ratify the Declaration to Eliminate Violence Against Women. Third, the federal
government should completely eliminate all funds for private abstinence only education.
Fourth, the federal government should offer additional incentives to states who have rape
education programs in their public high schools.
A Note on the instance of Marital Rape
While the marital rape experience extends to men as well, women are disproportionately
affected by this form of sexual violence (Bryant Davis, 2011). Additionally, there is very
little evidence that rape occurs in the context of homosexual relationships (Bryant Davis,
2011). This proposal will mainly address policies that are focused on alleviating marital
rape for women in heterosexual marriages, since they
change in macbeth character
Macbeth s character shows us the tragedy of over ambitious people; it also shows us that
negative aspects can overwhelm the good side of our personality.

Throughout this piece of writing I will be showing the changes within Macbeths
character, which is the only character within the play that has visible changes in his
character. I will be describing these points by inspecting the asides and soliloquies, which
are both dramatic ironies that place the audience in a privileged position as they are
introduced to the characters thought pattern that gives them an insight to how he may be
feeling. All of which is unbeknown to other characters in the scene.

In Act I, Sc iii, when Macbeth is told that he is the Thane of Cawdor, he is ... Show more
content on ...
and this explains how double faced and furtive devious he becomes.

Act IV, Sc I shows how Macbeth believes only in the witches, he trusts them and makes
all his plans and arrangement according to their prophecies. This doesn t only show us a
mental change but also how Macbeth lost his morality, honesty, and nobility and became
more frenzied, no more mercy to be thought of or shown and decides, The firstlings of
my heart shall be
The firstling of my hand.
Comparing this to the first soliloquy in my piece of writing we perceive a tremendous
development of his personality and attitude. He is not hesitant about killing any more and
will do any thing to keep his throne and power.
Following his meeting with the witches they tell him to be ware Macduff and macbeth
acts upon this warning by sending murderers to kill His wife, his babes, and all
unfortunate souls this act shows in depth how immoral he becomes.

It didn t stop with killing the king, his friend, Lady Macduff and her children; Macbeth
has lost even the sense of what does love and family mean and becomes more selfish. In
Act V, Sc v, the servant informs Macbeth of the distressing sorrowful news about the
death of Lady Macbeth But he replies with cold nerves: She should have died hereafter;
There would have been a time for such a word
His wife is not one of his main concerns; he does not even respect the sanctity
Speech on God vs. Science
God vs. Science: 1 INTRODUCTION TO TOPIC: Good morning everyone present here,
before I start speaking, I would like to share a simple dilemma that I have in my mind.
This confusion is common, may it be any field in life. So, being a soldier of my country I
would quote in our context only. Question is in the battle field when a soldier, a pilot in a
jet plane, when face the enemy, what does he thinks will be there with him to save him
GOD OR THE WEAPON he has with him. As you all must have got a hint of what is
going to be the topic on which I am going to speak today. The greatest debate, the mother
of discussions, which is superior GOD or SCIENCE. The soldier in the battle field would
rely on the weapon in his hands, which is a piece of ... Show more content on ...
Despite of quarrelling and contradicting each other people must concentrate on their life
and duties towards their country and family. Doesn t matter what you believe if you are
doing the required , having a pious heart and clean intentions both god and science will
be your tools for excelling in your life. One may take the domains as support or the fear
of god and the love of the technology that makes him/her do the correct thing. So
personally my suggestion to every one debating over the god vs. Science , leave the
discussion and start trying to reason out the differences they share and ultimately respect
each other. As they say SCIENCE IS GOD FOR THE SCIENTISTS , so may it be god or
science they exist , and rather glorify each others existence. Me personally , i m a
believer in the all mighty god. But also i am a logical person that accepts the innovations
and the arguments that science puts forward. Finally i would like to end the day with this
great quote by a great person ALBERT EINSTIEN he said Science without religion is
lame. Religion without science is blind. Thank
Cannery Row Summary
Fiction Book Reporting Form AP English Language Composition *I divided this book
into five sections, starting with introducing the townsfolk, to the protagonists planning
and throwing parties for Doc Name: ______Jacob Ricafrente_____________ Date:
______4/10/16_______ Period: _3_ Book Title: _____Cannery
Row____________________ Genre: ___Fiction/Novel______ Author: ___John
Steinbeck________________________ Number of Pages: ___208____ Brief Summary
and Arrangement of the Book: Cannery Row is a 208 page novel written by author John
Steinbeck divided into 32 chapters with a loose but linear main storyline interrupted by
various vignettes referencing acts of direct and indirect violence, and the cruelty of the
world. The book begins with ... Show more content on ...
Mack asks Dora what he should do to make it up to Doc, so she suggests throwing
another party that Doc can actually attend. Thus, plans are in place for another party, this
time on Doc s birthday (although Mack does not realize that Doc gave a false date when
Mack asked about his birthday). All of Cannery Row knows about the party except for
Doc, who forgets that he gave Mack a made up birthday. Everyone comes up with
genuine and homemade presents for Doc. Doc does eventually hear about the planned
party from a random drunk at a bar, and he decides to forestall some of the problems
from the first celebration by buying alcohol and food and locking up his cherished and/or
breakable possessions. The night of the party arrives, and it begins slowly but then it
soon blossoms into a lively, fun, and boisterous affair with fights, food and dancing. Doc
even reads a poem to the crowd that renders them pensive and nostalgic for lost
Notes On Brain And Brains Essay
1. Brain cells and brains evolved pretty recently about 250 million years ago, compared
to the appearance of the first life forms to arise.
First evolved neurons and muscles to assist animals with movement.
Nerve net a connection of neurons that receive sensory information and send signals to
other neurons that are involved in muscle movement.
The first bilateral symmetry was described in flatworms, the nervous system on one side
is almost identical to the other side, the human nervous system is arranged the same way.
Segmentation, first observed in earthworms, whose bodies consist of several repeating
segments, just like a human spinal cord.
Ganglia. The first brain like structure (a collection of neurons that function somewhat
like brain) was found in clams, octopuses, snails, and insects.
Spinal cord connects our brain and all the body parts senses. Was first found in highly
evolved chordates.
Brain. Amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals share this unique part of our central
nervous system, but the human brain appears to be the largest relative to body size.
It is believed that our ancestors brains evolved from changing their life styles: having an
upright posture, constructing and using tools, and developing language.
2. The human brain and a spinal cord make up the central nervous system (CNS), which
is responsible for mediating our behavior; it processes the afferent sensory information
carried by the peripheral nervous system (PNS) all

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