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Abortion Arguments Essay

Crafting an essay on this subject can be quite challenging due to its controversial nature and the
deeply ingrained personal beliefs and emotions it evokes in people. Firstly, delving into the
complexities of abortion necessitates thorough research encompassing legal, ethical, religious, and
medical perspectives. This entails sifting through a myriad of conflicting arguments and data,
requiring critical analysis and discernment to separate credible sources from biased ones.

Moreover, navigating the nuanced ethical dilemmas surrounding abortion demands a delicate
balance of empathy and rationality. Addressing the diverse viewpoints on the topic, ranging from
pro-choice to pro-life stances, requires a nuanced understanding of the underlying philosophical,
cultural, and societal factors at play. Crafting a coherent and persuasive argument while respecting
opposing viewpoints is no small feat, as it necessitates a careful exploration of moral principles and
human rights.

Furthermore, the emotional weight of the topic cannot be understated. Writing about abortion
involves discussing deeply personal and sensitive experiences, often touching upon issues of
autonomy, bodily integrity, and the value of human life. It requires a compassionate approach that
acknowledges the complexities of individual circumstances while also upholding the broader ethical

In summary, composing an essay on this topic entails navigating a minefield of ethical, emotional,
and intellectual challenges. It demands rigorous research, nuanced analysis, and a respectful
engagement with diverse perspectives. Crafting a well-rounded argument that addresses the
multifaceted dimensions of the issue is a daunting task, requiring both intellectual rigor and
emotional intelligence.

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Abortion Arguments Essay Abortion Arguments Essay

Criticism And The Pre-Raphaelite Movement
Dante Gabriel Rossetti once said, beauty without the beloved is a like a sword through
the heart. Exhausted of the Royal Academy, William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais
and Dante Gabriel Rossetti decided to break away, and drew inspiration off of
Shakespeare, the Bible, Ancient Mythology, along with other multiple sources of
inspiration. Formed in 1848, the main focuses were on nature and bright colors. The Pre
Raphaelite movement was like the re birth of the Renaissance Era, which approximately
began in 1300. Invented by a group of 3 people, the movement focused on poetry and
writing as well as paintings, an accurate view of nature, and depicted physiological and
social tension, religion and color. The Pre Raphaelite movement focused ... Show more
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Key factors in the importance of Pre Raphaelite painting was the emphasis on painting
literary themes, involving romance, and developing psychological and social tension.
Millais Isabella casts off the influence of William Etty, as well as the traditional
composition, lighting, and detail of Victorian standards Hunt, later repudiated the notion
that the movement aimed at any kind of revival of early Renaissance styles (Prettejohn
19). The group focused on more significant subjects such as medieval tales, poetry, and
religion, while emphasizing color and psychological stresses. The group individualized
as they aged, with Rossetti concentrating more on mystical themes and individuality, and
Hunt working towards realism, but with moralistic and modern themes. In elevating color
as a sensual element in painting these painters risked affronting those who associated
color with what was disparaged as passionate, fleshy, and feminine in art a lack of
control and emotional excess in contrast to the disciplined rigor of sound
draughtsmanship (Prettejohn 135). Throughout the Pre Raphaelite movement, art was
focused on realism, while others strived away from that, and did more mystical like
paintings, like
Diagnosis Of A Stages Of Wound Healing
The following is presented as a patient for this particular case study: an 89 year old male
with a stage III decubitus ulcer on his coccyx being transferred to a long term care
facility. The physician has asked that the patient and wife be educated about wound
healing. Secondary intention healing will be applied with negative pressure wound
healing to advance the ulcer to a level of healing with the knowledge that the diagnosis of
a stage III ulcer cannot be reversed to a lesser stage. Three factors that will be discussed
to avoid will be lying on the affected area, moisture to the area, and factors that
contribute to infection. Included in the teaching will be the importance of proper
nutrition, such as increasing protein intake ... Show more content on ...
Pressure ulcers are classified from stage I through IV depending on the depth and
damage to the tissue, there are also unstageable and deep tissue injuries (McCance
Huether, 2014).
The patient has been identified with a stage III pressure ulcer which means there is full
thickness skin loss involving damage or necrosis of subcutaneous tissue that may extend
to, but not through, underlying fascia (McCance Huether, 2014, p 1625). The goal of
treatment will be to stop the progression to a stage IV ulcer and heal the current stage III
pressure ulcer while minimizing pain and infection.
Wound Healing
Harper, Young, and McNaught, (2014) explain the four distinct phases of wound healing
that are identified as hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and tissue remodeling.
Hemostasis is the body s response to prevent exsanguinations; thusly, the cascading
response to injury causes constriction of blood vessels but if continued, leads to tissue
hypoxia and acidosis. The next stage of healing is inflammation. This stage is a result of
cells that inhibit and prevent infection and once the resulting threat of infection is gone,
inflammation will subside. Prolonged inflammation can lead to chronic wound
formation. The next stage of healing is proliferation which consists of angiogenesis,
formation of granulation tissue, collagen deposition, epitheliazation and wound
retraction. It is during this stage the extracellular matrix is laid down forming
After Phoebe Dialectical Journal
Chris Murray
Ms. Reedy
CP English 11
20 March 2017
Chapter 25.5 After Phoebe nearly spent three fourths of her Christmas money on carousel
rides, the ride was about to close because of all this damn rain. I mean, it wasn t like it
was a tornado or anything but . Anyways, when the ride was over, all the kids ran to their
parents like they thought the rain was lava or something and it was going to melt them.
Not old Phoebe though. Boy was she smooth. So smooth. She just walked on over to me
and plopped right down beside me on the bench. It was as if Phoebe was as happy as I
was, watching her all smiley and funny and stuff. It made me even happier; watching
Phoebe was one thing, but her acting just like me, boy did that kill me. It really did. ...
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We were soaked, me and Phoebe were, but we just kept walking. I started to think about
how phony everyone was: those parents and even their kids. I mean, the rain was just rain
and it wasn t gonna kill them, but it just seemed so damn phony to me. Like kids don t
care about getting dirty and stuff, but they just followed what their parents did. Boy did
that piss the hell outta me, seeing everyone acting all phony. It really did. Anyways, I
decided that we needed to get some place dry pretty quick. I mean Phoebe s coat was
drenched with water and my red hunting hat stuck to my head from all this rain. I was no
doctor, no where near one in fact, but I think that this wasn t very healthy and all, being
outside in the freezing, cold rain. I was getting so damn mad from all this rain. Almost as
mad as I was when stradlater tried to give Jane the time. Boy did that make me hit the
ceiling. I can t stand rain sometimes. It just annoys me.
We saw a tiny roof on the side of a trailer. We waited under there until the rain died
down. I wanted to go home I really did but I knew I had promised Phoebe that I wouldn t
run for the hills. The rain died down and we continued walking home.
As we were walking we came up to this store. It was made for tiny people or something.
You couldn t have even fit a mouse in that store for God sakes. Anyways, we went inside
to look for some food and clothes. We were starving. We really were.
You can t be in here with all your messy clothes, The manager
The Great Gatsby Marxist Perspective
Marxist Perspective Passage: Would you rather put it off for a few days? I asked. Oh, it
isn t about that. At least He fumbled with a series of beginnings. Why, I thought why,
look here, old sport, you don t make much money do you? Not very much. This seemed
to reassure him and he continued more confidently. I thought you didn t if you ll pardon
my you see, I carry on a little business on the side, a sort of side line, you understand.
And I thought that if you don t make very much You re selling bonds, aren t you, old
sport? Trying to. Well, this would interest you. It wouldn t take up much of your time and
you might pick up a nice bit of money. It happens to be a rather confidential sort of thing.
I realize now that under different circumstances that conversation might have been one of
the crises of my life. But, because the offer was obviously and tactlessly for a service to
be rendered, I had no choice except to cut him off there. I ve got my hands full, I said. I
m much obliged but I couldn t take on any more work. You wouldn t ... Show more
content on ...
Again, Gatsby asks, don t make much money do you? , Nick responds saying, Not
very much This seemed to reassure him and he continued more confidently. After Nick
responded with respect, Gatsby saw that as an approval to continue asking financial
questions. Nick is not considered to be poor, although he is within a lower class
compared to Gatsby. Gatsby s confidence shows that he sees himself to have more
authority than Nick. Gatsby continues to ask, And I thought that if you don t make very
much You re selling bonds, aren t you, old sport ()? Gatsby asked what Nick does for a
living like he is better than him. Gatsby s involvement in Nick s financial life shows that
he may be trying to help him out, but his help is a way for him to prove to Nick that he is
wealthier and
Cabeza De Vaca Analysis
Cabeza de Vaca was a Spanish member of an exploration to go out settle and colonize
Florida (Bandelier 22). He and 80 other Spanish members who were a part of the
expedition went out to go find Florida, but actually ended in the coasts of Texas
(Bandelier 22). Cabeza and his men stayed in Texas for eight long years (Bandelier 22).
While Cabeza was there he and his men had problems with the Native Americans who
had already inhabited the area (Bandelier 22). Cabeza and four other people survived the
not only the conflicts with the natives, but also diseases, which I think that the Spanish
brought with them when they came (Bandelier 22). Now we are going to analyze Cabeza
journal and how him and his men met with Spanish who were enslaving natives
(Bandelier 22). Cabeza tells us how he felt bad for the natives because ...found it all
deserted, as the ... Show more content on ...
This filled our hearts with sorrow, seeing the land so fertile and beautiful, so full of water
and streams, but now abandoned... (Cabeza 22). When he says this we also feel a sense
of sadness for the natives who fled from the Christians. Cabeza tells us how the natives
were practically starving and how they had to resort to eating tree bark and roots (Cabeza
22). We are told about how the natives were chased out by the Christians and how they
burned the natives villages and took ...half of the men and all of the women and
children... (Cabeza 22). Cabeza tells us how the natives were very nice to them while
Cabeza and his men were with them and he also tells us that the natives would have
rathered died than to face the cruelty from the Christians (Cabeza 22 23). When reading
Cabeza s journal we can tell that the natives thought very bad of the Christians. The
Natives were scared of them and angry that they had taken their people and their homes
away from them.
Cloud Computing Is The Best Option For The Libraries Essay
The emerge of the cloud computing is becoming one of the most important virtual
technologies. Cloud computing enables organizations to solve more complex tasks and
services. The application of the cloud platform makes organizations more cost effective
and simplify complicated workloads. The development of this technology has brought a
dramatic change in every field. The use of the cloud computing in the library system has
achieved a significant success. Libraries have also started adopting this technology,
which involves delivering hosted service over the web. Managers now spend less money
on the development and procurement of computing resources and peripherals. Cloud
computing is the best option for the libraries to solve the above mentioned problem.
What is cloud computing? Cloud computing is a practice of storing, collecting and
sharing data and resources through web based tools. It connects many computers together
and forms a bigger computer. The biggest characteristic of cloud technology is flexibility.
This refers to the ability of system adapting and scale to change in workload. Cloud
computing can automatically provision and deprovision information to ensure it satisfies
the latest resource demands (Interoute, What is Cloud Computing). There are different
levels of security and management requirements that fit almost all the companies. Cloud
computing can be private, public and hybrid. Private cloud computing is data from
business center deliver to internal
End Of Life Option Act
The patient is experiencing a major illness or disease within their body. All patients who
qualify for this act are terminally ill and have six months or less to live. They have
exhausted all treatment options or are opting to forgo treatment in favor of quality and
not quantity of life. The medications administered to facilitate dying cause CNS
depression which lowers the heart rate and respirations and increases drowsiness causing
sedation and then ultimately death.
The normal physiology of a patient would be compromised and would continue to
deteriorate due to illness. Terminal illness has set in and organ failure would be inevitable
due to disease. Depending on the type of illness is where organ failure would originate
and may become ... Show more content on ...
These medications have evolved and changed due to availability in the past few years.
Cost has also had an impact on what medications are available to a dying patient. A
patient self administers an oral liquid suspension or a powdered mixed with a soft food
such as applesauce. The mix of medications include barbiturates, chloral hydrate, and
morphine which are compounded into a single dose prescription to facilitate death.
Premedication is required prior to taking this final dose. The most common barbiturates
are phenobarbital, pentobarbital or secobarbital. Phenobarbital is the longest acting and is
typically used for seizures. Pentobarbital and secobarbital are used to sedate prior to
surgery and are not as long acting as phenobarbital. Barbiturates effect the central
nervous system. They are classified by their how long they take to effect and their
duration of action. Barbiturates increase GABA (gaba amino butyric acid)
neurotransmissions in the brain. The increase in GABA causes drowsiness. They are
highly addictive, and patients may become tolerant. The addiction is not an issue when a
patient has reached this stage and does not need to be a concern. More importantly, if
they have used them during the disease process as a sleep aid the patient may have built a
tolerance and would require a higher dosage to be effective. Barbiturates do not provide
pain relief, to provide pain relief a patient would need to reach a dose high enough to
cause a comatose state. Chloral hydrate is a sleep aid or tranquilizer prior to surgery. This
medication is quick
Natural and Sexual Selection of Vestigial and Wild Type...
Natural and Sexual Selection of Vestigial and Wild Type Drosophila melanogaster
In this experiment, vestigial flies as well as wild type flies were used to create some
diversity as well as test one of our hypotheses. Our hypotheses are as follows; 1) The
wild type flies will have a greater relative fitness compared to the vestigial flies based on
only sexual selection. The wild type has a relative fitness of 1 since it has fully functional
wings. Vestigial Winged flies are not as sexually appealing since their wings are not
functional and the wing movement is a vital part of their mating ritual. 2) The vestigial
fly will have a greater relative fitness when considering both sexual and natural selection.
With the presence of ... Show more content on ...
With the presence of natural selection (fly paper hanging from top of cage) posing a
larger threat to the wild flies b/c they can fly better, this will allow vestigial flies to
prosper better.
Materials and Methods
To set up this experiment, two twenty five gallon aquariums, 3 petri dishes, 200 flies,
rotten bananas, and yeast were used. The bananas chosen to be an accelerant for the
growth of the yeast and were frozen so they would be easier to cut. The yeast was used
because the drosophila melanogaster prefer this as a food source. The vestigial and wild
type flies were sexed (to determine their sex), sorted, and counted. An initial population
size of 100 total flies was decided so that it would be easier to determine the phenotypic
percentage of the total population. Fly paper was placed in one of the sets of cages to
impose a method of natural selection as well as the sexual selection which is being solely
tested by the other set of cages.
It was decided that there would be 80 vestigial flies and 20 wild type flies to total to an
initial population of 100 drosophila. Next, the flies were anesthetized flies using Fly Nap.
The flies were counted out to reach desired ratio, sexing the flies making sure there are
equal amounts of males and females to be sure there is ample individuals to allow
successful mating. The fly s food was prepared by taking a frozen rotten banana, cutting
it in half, mashing up the banana meat, and mixing yeast into it. The
Thesis Statement For Jack The Ripper
Jack The Ripper

Andrew Hill
English 12
Diane Leazer
November 16, 2017
Jack The Ripper

Thesis Statement: A research paper of the mysterious and famous 19th century serial
killer Jack the Ripper and how it is that the legend came to be.

The Murders
The victims How he killed them

II. The Mystery

The Letters How he didn t get caught

1.Media coverage

2.Victorian Scrapbook

Jack The Ripper

Jack the ripper the notorious and legendary London murderer started his reign of terror in
the August of 1888. Jack the ripper is a fairly difficult character to find proper
information on (regrettably noted) however his murders are not. It is speculated that he
killed more than five people but the Canonical five are a definite. All of them where
prostitutes from the Whitechapel area of London; a poor and deteriorating side of town.
The first of these murders was Mary Nichols she was murdered on August 31st 1888
(www.jack the The murders that happened after followed in this order. Annie
Chapman was the second of the five main victims she was murdered on September 8th
1888(www.jack the The third and fourth victims shared the same day of
death with a peculiar twist. Jack the Ripper was known to deface and mutilate all the
bodies in which he slayed, Elizabeth Stride the third victim was wholly
intact( Both Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes died on the
same day September 30th 1888(www.jack the The final victim to be
famously associated with the case of Jack the Ripper was Mary Kelly who was killed on
November 9th 1888. All of the victims were more than likely unaware of their fates
beforehand, he typically knocked them out before he would kill and maim them. Jack the
Ripper s scenes in which he left the corpses were calculated, he was informed and
educated on how it is he done what he did. It was believed at the time that he was
potentially a doctor or a butcher due to the tools needed to do what was done to the
bodies. In addition to this the cuts left on the body showed that the killer had knowledge
of the human anatomy and the way it worked. He usually always started the
Sophia Mitochondria Research Paper
Once a upon time, there was a lonely mitochondria named Sophia Mitochondria. Sophia
Mitochondria had been alone for a while and she does not know where her parents are.
She want to find her parents so she decided to talk someone to help her which is her
childhood best friend, David Chloroplast. However, before she called him, she did her
normal routine. She took nutrients from one of their cells, breaks it down and turn it into
energy. This routine is also known as cellular respiration. After that, she call her David
Chloroplast and thirty minutes later, David Chloroplast was in front of her house. David
Chloroplast and Sophia Mitochondria came to Bacteria Garden which Sophia
Mitochondria s parents favorite place to go every weekend. When they ... Show more
content on ...
David Chloroplast hold the plant, the plant got bigger and he remember that he can
produce a food to plants which also known as photosynthesis. David Chloroplast put the
plant in the table and it exploded into pieces. And then they found an amazing and unique
wedding ring. Sophia Mitochondria looked over it and she found her parents name inside
of it. David Chloroplast noticed that someone is standing behind them. And it was
Meghan the bacteria and then Sophia Mitochondria looked at her like she hate it. David
Chloroplast remembered that Sophia Mitochondria hates bacteria because she consider
them prokaryotes and it caused disease to people. Sophia Mitochondria left them and she
went to the office. She found a particular paper that saying where her parents are. Sophia
Mitochondria went to find David Chloroplast but she cannot find him. She went outside
and look but still David Chloroplast was nowhere to find. When she was about to
outside, a bigger cell took her and about to digest Sophia Mitochondria. When David
Chloroplast walk in and hold her hands to stop it but the bigger cell is too strong so he
cannot handle it anymore. He hug Sophia Mitochondria and said I love
Sea Otter Speech
A sea otter is the smallest marine mammal in North America, and is a part of the weasel
family. They range along the coast from San Mateo County, and South ward through
Monterey County, down through Santa Barbara county. Most animals don t have fat on
them, unlike a sea otter which has blubber to keep them warm, which is very thick. It
keeps the otters warm in negative degree waters. Their fur is made up of million hairs per
square inch. Only way they keep their coats waterproof, which they only do by hours of
cleaning and grooming. Sea otters spend most of their lives cleaning their fur to stay
waterproof and warm. Most sea otters eat up to a quarter of their weight every day. Sea
otters also may hunt on the sea floor, but always come back to the top to eat its food on
its chest, and use it as a table. A sea otters diet consists of crabs, clams, crayfish, and
frogs. Most otters hunt by detecting movements in the water. Their life spans only last
about 15 20 years for females and 10 15 for males. Male otters weigh up to 44 99 pounds
and females weigh about 31 73 pounds. Female otters normally have their first pup when
they are about the age of four to five. Their pregnancies last for about 4 5 months. Their
babies are called pups. The pups are born anytime of the year, except the California sea
otters are born normally through January and March. When the pups are born they weigh
about five pounds. In Alaska they are born in the summer and not the winter.
Why Is Mahatma Gandhi Unjustified
You must be the change you wish to see in the world Mahatma Gandhi (source from
Mahatma Gandhi Quotes. ). Many assassinations occur due to political, religious, and
cultural reasons. Some assassinations occur without explanation, or with explanations
that sound illogical or ridiculous. On January 30, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was shot three
times by his assassin, Nathuram Godse. Gandhi was a man who only wanted what was
best for his fellow Indians, and his love for his country and its people were what
motivated him to do what he did. He was the leading figure responsible for India
achieving independence, and he wanted to see a free and united country. Some may argue
that he was not a good politician however, having to put politics within every view can
sometimes be too much, which can cause arguments, leading to chaos. The first reason
why Gandhi s death was unjustified was because Gandhi wanted only what was best for
for his fellow Indians, and his love for his country and its people were what motivated
him to do what he did. An example of him wanting what was best for his fellow Indians
is Gandhi leading several campaigns in which he intended to make public of what
unfortunate situation Indians were in inside their Country. This include the protest against
the South African government s refusal to allow for Indians to vote. He was significant to
the the founding of the Natal Indian Congress in 1894. This is an organization that
became center in 1894 and helped political resistance develop over a seven year period
which began in 1906 (All stated in the article, Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His
Struggle with India. ). Another example was that in future years, is in 1913, Gandhi
negotiated with colonial laborers with Jan Smuts. Smuts was an Afrikaner (Afrikaans
speaking person in South Africa, especially one descended from the Dutch and Huguenot
settlers of the 17th century) and a racist who later became colonial secretary after the
Boer War. The final decision between the two managed to gain Indians rights by a little
(All stated in the article, The Problem with Purity. ) The second reason why Gandhi s
death was unjustified because he was the leading figure responsible for gaining India s
Relationships Between Ekwefi And Ezinma
The relationships between mothers and daughters in both pieces distinctly illustrates that
actions result in consequences through the various similarities and differences. Two
specific mothers throughout both the novel and the film appear to unconditionally
support their daughters in any way feasible. The relationship between Ekwefi and
Ezinma emerges as a significant bond that shapes the lives of both Ekwefi and Ezinma as
well as other characters in the novel. For instance, when Chielo captures Enzima and
takes her to Agbala, Ekwefi becomes concerned and follows them to the caves. Traveling
through unbearable conditions, walking and running countless miles and even disobeying
her religion to simply confirm her daughter s safety. This shows that Ekwefi and Ezinma
have a profound connection and will take perilous actions to ensure safety and happiness
for one another. Likewise, Vianne would undertake precarious actions to ensure her
daughter s safety and satisfaction. For example, in the situation where the river rats boat
ignites, Vianne plunges into the river and risks her life to assure she finds Anouk safe.
This demonstrates that Vianne and Anouk has a compelling relationship and will take
extreme measures to ensure the other s happiness and safety, similar to that of Ekwefi
and Ezinma. The actions taken by Vianne and Ekwefi result in a strong, beneficial
relationship with their respective daughters and shape the ensuing lives of each character
involved. Clearly, these
The Negative Effects Of Alien And Invasive Species
Alien and invasive plants (AIPs), classified as biological invaders, negatively affect
water sources as (Ghahramanzadeh, 2013). The NEMBA Alien and Invasive Species
Regulations (Notice number 864 of 29 July 2016 in Government Gazette 40166) aim to:
Prevent the unauthorised introduction and spread of alien and invasive species to
ecosystems and habitats where they do not naturally occur, Manage and control alien and
invasive species, to prevent or minimise harm to the environment and biodiversity; and
Eradicate alien and invasive species from ecosystems and habitats where they may harm
such ecosystems or habitats.

The NEMBA Alien and Invasive Species Regulations further categorise the various
invasive species, as listed in the National List of Invasive Species, as falling within
Category 1a, 1b, 2 and 3.

AIPs in South Africa cover a vast area of the land surface and is continuing to spread at a
rapid pace (Blanchard Blignaut, 2011). Woody AIPs negatively and certain areas
detrimentally affect biodiversity especially faunal and floral Species of Conservational
Concern (SCC), water sources, land use and productivity (Mugido et al., 2014). Some of
the woody species include but not limit to Acacia mearnsii (Black Wattle), Acacia
saligna, Eucalyptus sp. These species have a total evaporation (TE) of 895 mm in the
Western Cape. The native and indigenous vegetation, in contrast, have an TE of 520 mm
(fynbos) and TE of 575 mm (thickets), this indicates that AIPs use more water than
native vegetation to the area does (Meijninger Jarmain, 2014). Van Wilgen, Cowling and
Burgers (1996) estimated a 30% loss of water supply to the City of Cape because of the
increased AIPs proliferation and the increase usage of water by these AIPs. Controlling
of AIPs within the catchment area of the water supply could have lessened the water
shortage that the City of Cape Town is experiencing currently. The invasion of AIPs is a
severe threat to the sustainability of agricultural activities, which are water intensive.
This is not limited to the agricultural sector, but also includes other industries using water
as one of their key inputs. AIPs proliferation has both economic and environmental
implications (Lenda,
John Maynard Keynes And Joseph Alois Schumpeter During
Keynes versus Schumpeter Among many economists throughout the world, especially
two ambitious figures, John Maynard Keynes and Joseph Alois Schumpeter, stood out
vividly. Although both of the economists ideologies differ greatly, each figure had
contributed to the betterment of the society throughout the world, especially the United
States of America. Keynes, a command economist, was in favor of government
interference while Schumpeter, a free market economist, was in favor of determining
prices and goods by the consumers. In order to distinguish differences between command
and free market economy, three components are used as a guide. First, the influence of
John Maynard Keynes during the Great Depression. Second, the influence of Joseph
Alois Schumpeter during the Great Depression. Third, the rise of Keynes and
Schumpeter. Ultimately, the practices of the command and free market economy are the
fundamental part of any economy. Hence, Joseph Alois Schumpeter was the eminent
figure that enlightened the benefits of letting the economy flow without government
intervention for the betterment of the society.
When looking into Keynes and Schumpeter s introspective opinion on monetary
spending, both economists shared many similarities and differences. First, Keynes (1936)
creates a contrast between a cooperative real wage economy and an entrepreneurial
money wage economy while Schumpeter (1934) creates a contrast between the circular
flow and economic
Kidney Dialysis
Kidney Dialysis There are a few options when it comes to dialysis. Depending on your
diagnosis you may have the option of peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis. With these two
treatments you have the option of completing the treatment either in a center or at home
if you are able to learn how to treat yourself through training. Peritoneal dialysis cleanses
your blood of waste products when your kidneys can no longer take on the task
adequately. This can be caused by diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney inflammation, or
multiple cysts in the kidneys. As wastes build up in the body, it can be dangerous and
may even cause death. The patient is trained on what peritoneal dialysis involves and
how to use the equipment which may consist of a catheter ... Show more content on ...
Hemodialysis removes wastes, salts, and excess fluid from the body when your kidney
can no longer do the work adequately. The treatment is used with end advanced kidney
failure and can help maintain an active life despite failing kidneys. In any case, the
process can help control blood pressure, maintain the proper balance of fluid and various
minerals. A vascular access is created by a surgeon and then the site will need to heal for
any a period of a few weeks to a month. This access point allows a mechanism for a
small amount of blood to be removed, cleansed and then returned to your body in order
for the hemodialysis to work. In a dialysis center your weight, blood pressure, pulse, and
temperature are checked then the access site cleaned. Two needles are inserted, attached
to a flexible plastic tubing, and then connected to a dialyzer. With other options this can
be done in your own home, which is easier on your body, and may give you more
freedom. Equipment that may be used includes a graft or catheter, and a hemodialysis
machine if the treatment will be at home and a filter called a dialyzer. The concept behind
this process is to help cleanse your blood of the toxins in your body. This will help with a
better quality of life, increased well being, reduced symptoms, less cramping, headaches
and shortness of breath, improved appetite, sleeping patterns, energy levels and the
ability to
Sample Marketing Plan

The following pages contain an annotated sample marketing plan for Blue Sky Clothing.
At some point in your career, you will likely be involved in writing or at least
contributing to a marketing plan. And you ll certainly read many marketing plans
throughout your business career. Keep in mind that the plan for Blue Sky is a single
example; no one format is used by all companies. Also, the Blue Sky plan has been
somewhat condensed to make it easier to annotate and illustrate the most vital features.
The important point to remember is that the marketing plan is a document designed to
present concise, cohesive information about a company s marketing objectives to
managers, lending institutions, and others who ... Show more content on
In addition, Blue Sky strives to design programs for preserving the natural environment.

During the next five years, Blue Sky seeks to achieve the following financial and
nonfinancial goals:

Financial Goals

1. Obtain financing to expand manufacturing capabilities, increase distribution, and

introduce two new product lines.
2. Increase revenues by at least 50 percent each year.
3. Donate at least $25,000 a year to conservation organizations.

Nonfinancial goals

4. Introduce two new product lines customized logo clothing and lightweight luggage.
5. Enter new geographic markets, including southwestern and Mid Atlantic States.
6. Develop a successful Internet site, while maintaining strong relationships with
7. Develop its own conservation program aimed at helping communities raise money to
purchase open space.
Blue Sky seeks to use its core competencies to achieve a sustainable competitive
advantage, in which competitors cannot provide the same value to consumers that Blue
Sky does. Already, Blue Sky has developed core competencies in (1) offering a high
quality, branded product whose image is recognizable among consumers; (2) creating a
sense of community among consumers who purchase the products; and (3) developing a
reputation among retailers as a reliable manufacturer, delivering the requested number of
products on schedule. The firm intends to build on these
Monetary Policy On Economic Prosperity Essay
KCA 14/02073
Term Paper submitted to
Dr. G. Kosimbei in partial fulfillment
Of the requirements for the course
Monetary Economics, as credit towards
The degree of
Master of Science (Finance and Economics)

November, 2014

Monetary policy takes central part in discussions on how to promote low inflation and
sustainable growth in the economy. Monetary policy operates as a tool to reduce prices
during inflation and enhance growth in recession times. Its basic objective is
improvement of price stability and achievement of high employment levels in the
economy. Thus monetary policy not only fosters economic prosperity but also safeguards
people s welfare.
An understanding of those mechanisms through which monetary policy affects economy
is very crucial for the successful undertaking of monetary policy. There exist a number of
crucial channels that have been identified in this context. These channels are;
1. Interest rate channel
2. Credit channels
 Bank lending channel
 Balance sheet channels

3. Exchange rate channel

4. Equities channels
 Tobin s q theory
 Wealth effects
These channels generally reinforce each other they all move aggregate expenditures in
the same direction. All channels serve to increase aggregate expenditures with
expansionary monetary policy and reduce aggregate expenditures with contractionary
monetary policy. This paper seeks to explain these transmission mechanisms and
Consider the Theme of Transformation in Metamorphosis
Consider the theme of transformation in Metamorphosis and The Yellow Wallpaper.
Apart from the very apparent theme of transformation that runs through both stories there
are also many underlying themes connected with transformation, not just physical but
also mental. Metamorphosis sees Gregor wake up one morning physically transformed
overnight into a huge insect, by the description given by Kafka, possibly similar in
appearance to a cockroach, although the description given does not allow the reader to
make any definite identification. He has been the breadwinner of the family, working as a
travelling salesman to keep a roof over the heads of his mother, father and younger sister.
This is a service that he has got no thanks or ... Show more content on ...
It s such a long time since he s eaten anything. (Kafka 2005) Unlike Gregor the
protagonist in The Yellow Wallpaper does have some control over her destiny as she
demonstrates. Gilman writes her story as a demonstration of the effects of gender
inequality, and the male patriarchal hold over women. The narrator slowly slips into a
deeper psychosis the more time she spends alone in the room, however in her studies of
the text Catherine Golden questions whether her transformation is simply a sign of her
increasingly hallucinatory state or a larger awareness of the limitations of her patriarchal
world. This is a very interesting question and one that has many possible answers. The
text itself is open to many interpretations and has been received by critics in several
different ways. The wallpaper itself morphs gradually the more time the narrator spends
looking at it. At first just dim shapes are seen behind the pattern the narrator tells us that
The dim shapes get clearer every day. It is always the same shape only very numerous.
And it is like a woman stooping down and creeping about behind that pattern. (Gilman
1998) The theme of imprisonment is apparent from the first mention of something behind
the pattern as the narrator tells us that the faint figure behind seemed to shake the pattern,
just as if she wanted to get out. (Gilman 1998) The feeling of being
Whiskey Rebellion Essay
In a time when the British won a war against the Native Americans and the French, to the
first political parties, the Federalists and Democratic Republicans, there were rebellions.
It is in this context that changes can be found between the March of the Paxton Boys,
Shays Rebellion, and the Whiskey Rebellion. Violent protest in America from 1763 to
1791 changed significantly in terms of reasons behind the desire for violent protest and
the result that occurred because of the rebellion. Admittedly, one significant continuity
was the continued rebellion of the common people against the elite. In all three
rebellions, the people who were rebelling were the poor and common people of the
United States, rebelling against something the wealthy ... Show more content on ...
Nearly 500 farmers attacked the house of General John Neville who was a tax inspector.
Pennsylvanian Farmers also attacked tax collectors and other officials in order to avoid
paying the tax which was imposed by the United States government. The March of the
Paxton Boys, Shays Rebellion, and the Whiskey rebellion were all common people
against the elite because each rebellion had the poor angry with the government. The
United States government, on the state and national level, was run by the elite, such as
the northern wealthy citizens and southern gentry. On the other hand, one significant
change was the reason behind the desire for the rebellions. After the attack on the
Conestoga people by the Paxton Boys, the Pennsylvania government put the remaining
16 Conestoga Indians in protective custody, but the Paxton Boys broke in and killed 6
adults and 8 children. The March of the Paxton Boys, as previously mentioned, occurred
because of the group wanting the law to help the farmers as well. The Paxton Boys, who
were led by Reverend John Elder attacked the Conestoga because of anger towards
natives because of Pontiac s Rebellion. Pontiac s Rebellion was when a group of natives
who were led by different leaders, but most prominently Pontiac, attacked British Forts
and settlements because of their anger towards British policies after
Themes And Symbols In Everyday Use
Everyday Use is a story of a mother and her daughters, and how each understands their
present life in relation to the customs of their people and culture. The difference in
beliefs between the mother and Dee is highlighted throughout the story using several
different symbols. The theme of Everyday Use accentuates this symbolic story full of
symbols that show the difference in how mother and daughter understand their heritage.
The three symbols I have selected to show this difference between characters are the yard
and setting of the story, the quilts, and the clothing of each character. The setting of
Everyday Use takes place in the yard of the mother of both Dee and Maggie. The yard in
which is mentioned in both the beginning ... Show more content on ...
The importance of African American heritage is a focal point of this story and is
represented by the quilts. Quilts in this heritage were symbols of tribes and religious
beliefs. When visiting her mother, Dee is quite emphatic that she wants these quilts since
they are so valuable to her African heritage which she is trying to live. The quilts mean
something different to Dee than they do for her mother and Maggie. The mother and the
maker of the quilts, Aunt Dicie you can tell had a strong bond and one that Dee and
Maggie have never had. The mother wishes to give the quilts to Maggie, even with Dee s
persistent request to receive them. When asked what Maggie would do with the quilts,
she advised that she would hang them and Dee would merely put them on the bed, and
they would be rags in five years (Kirszner Mandell, 2012, p.351). The difference in
meaning of the quilts to both mother and Dee adds to the overall theme of the story, and
shows that remembering your heritage can mean different things to different people.
When Dee believes she is deserving of the quilts, the mother informs Dee that they have
been promised to Maggie, which shows the appreciation for the true meaning of the
quilts and their heritage (Sustana,
The Physics of Archery Essay
The Physics of Archery

There are not many activities out there that relax and soothe me quite like shooting my
bow. It is not as simple as it sounds though, just pulling on the string, releasing the string,
and watching the arrow fly towards your target. There are a number of aspects that must
be taken into consideration when trying to shoot a bow and arrow efficiently, this is
where we will get into the physics of archery.

There are two main things to consider when looking at archery and the physics concepts
behind it. First there is the bow, which basically is a device that uses human force over a
distance and converts that into stored Mechanical Potential Energy. The second factor
involves that stored Mechanical Energy being ... Show more content on
The materials that construct the Recurve bow must be taken into consideration when
looking at the force applied from the bow. The most popular material for traditional
archers today would have to be a certain type of wood from the yew tree. The reason for
this particular choice of wood is that it contains the highest elastic energy storage per unit
mass for any type of wood, which is around 700 Jkg 1. Which is very close to having the
same rating as spring steel. However with technology these days more people are leaning
towards a type of carbon fiberglass laminate. This particular combination brings both a
lighter weight than wood and a higher elasticity rating. The reason some wood bows are
still around is due to the fact the old timer traditional type archers shun using any kind of
technology or advancements to aid them in shooting their bows. The material of the
strings also needs to be taken into consideration, this is so because the string mass needs
to be kept as low as possible for obvious reasons with efficiency and speed of the bow.

Another thing to be looked at would be the Draw Weight or Draw Force of the bow,
which basically is how much weight or force is
The Global Online Travel Agency
Orbitz Worldwide Inc. (NYSE: OWW) is a leading global online travel agency (OTA)
that uses state of the art technology to allow leisure and business travelers to research,
plan, and book a wide range of travel services. Orbitz maintains and operates a group of
consumer brands that includes Orbitz, CheapTickets, ebookers, HotelClub, RatesToGo,
the Away Network, and the corporate travel brand Orbitz for Business. In their Chicago
headquarters Orbitz has 800 employees and 1,500 employees worldwide with offices in
20 countries
Orbitz was initially created by a group of leading U.S. airlines in 1999 to take part in the
quickly growing online travel industry. The airline investors in Orbitz comprised of
American Airlines, Continental Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Northwest Airlines and United
Air Lines. The Orbitz website was introduced in 2001. In November 2004, Orbitz was
bought by Cendant and undertook responsibility for Cendant s domestic online travel
business, which included CheapTickets, a leading online travel brand directed on the
value conscious traveler, and for Flairview Travel, which managed the international
online hotel websites and In February 2005, Cendant
bought ebookers, a leading international online travel brand with an online existence in
13 countries in Europe. Orbitz Worldwide was formed through the blend of Orbitz and
the online travel benefits of Cendant s travel distribution services division and became a
public company in
The Second Coming By W. B. Yeats
The Second Coming by W. B. Yeats, was written in 1919 following World War I and was
to present the idea that he thought that the apocalypse as presented in the Book of
Revelation from the Bible was about to begin. The poem does not mention the second
coming of Christ but rather focuses on the coming of the antichrist, meaning Yeats could
only see despair, hopelessness, and chaos in the world. These sentiments of Yeats and
others are due to war damages, collapsing economies, and the coming of the Great
Depression and the Irish civil war. The word choice, meter, persona, subject, and lack of
mention of Christ all collectively contribute to reflecting Yeats sentiments in the poem.
Several lines in the poem support this mentality of despair and chaos. Turning and
turning in the widening gyre refers to the worsening state of society with the collapse of
democratic governments and economies. (1) The second line, The falcon cannot hear the
falconer means that any sense of hierarchy and authority has been lost. The best people
don t have the conviction to combat the growing evil and the worst, the sinners, are full
of passionate intensity meaning the world is filled with those who wish to do evil. (7 8)
These lines emphasize the corruption that the world is falling into. The selection of
adjectives and nouns used in the poem carry a negative connotation reflecting the
negatives thoughts of the state of the world. Yeats uses words such as blood dimmed,
Naoto In Detective Prince
From the outside, Naoto seems cool, calm, and collected. At times she can come off as
cold or unemotional, but only because, despite her small stature, she attempts to put on
the air of someone much more mature than her age. Through this demeanor (and while
masquerading as a male), she earned the title of Detective Prince, and was a consultant of
the police, although she also often worked on her own. Even with this exterior, however,
it s easier to illicit an emotional reaction out of Naoto than it first appears. This is
especially true when dealing with a case, or when someone close to her is being
threatened. Despite her serious appearance, she can act quite childish and narrow minded
at times.

Her work and her job is one of her driving forces; her parents were both detectives, and
died during an investigation when she was young. Partly out of adoration and partly to
find her place, she started training soon after the accident to become a detective and
continue the Shirogane line. It s no small matter; Naoto is a workaholic. Although she
works as a consultant for the police, she is also often on her own, and will fall just short
of doing anything to solve a case. When it became obvious that the police had arrested
the wrong suspect in the Inaba murders, Naoto acts as a decoy (and the next victim) by
readily ... Show more content on ...
This acceptance that she strives for has two dimensions; she both wants to be accepted
and respected in the workplace, and accepted by her peers as a friend. In the workplace,
she was (and still is) very rarely taken seriously because of her age, despite her
accomplishments. However, at the end of her social link, she vows to keep working cases
and trying harder so that she ll one day be
Essay about Shrek s Message
Shrek s Message

In traditional fairy tales, ogres are man eating beasts. The prince usually rescues the
princess, they marry and live happily ever after. How do the makers of Shrek use
presentational devices to reverse this tradition, to reveal the Ogre as good, and the Prince
as evil?

In this essay I am going to analyse the characters of Shrek and Lord Farquaad and write
about how the film makers use different interpretations making Shrek as good and the
Prince as evil to create an unusual fairytale.

In traditional fairytales they start with an elaborate book which opens up to tell the story,
gradually each page of the book turns to reveal the next page. The book starts by telling
the ... Show more content on ...
The storybook characters react by running away screaming this suggests Shrek seems
like a traditional ogre because like Jack and the beanstalk ogres and giants like the taste
of humans Fe fi fo fum I smell the blood of an Englishman .

When Donkey approaches, Shrek roars at him and tries to intimidate him, Donkey is not
frightened and Donkey responds to Shrek by laughing at him and is not intimated.
Donkey says You need some tic tacs Donkey ridicules Shrek about his bad breath.
Donkey questions Shrek; Shrek shouts What am I? Shrek emplys that he is a monster but
it doesn t scare Donkey. Donkey is very irritating towards Shrek he runs into Shreks
house and bounces on his chair. Shrek does not succeed when he tries to stop Donkey,
which suggests that Shrek isn t really a terrifying ogre! Unbeknown to Shrek fairytale
characters have been evicted by Lord Farquaad and came to Shreks swamp. Shrek
noticed three mice on his table and up his shoulder. It is comedy as he fails to catch the
mice. Shrek shouts I m a terrifying

Ogre, what do I have to do to get a little privacy? The behaviour of Donkey and the mice
suggests that Shrek maybe not as frightening as an ogre should
Living Revocable Trust
Benefits of trust are many and varied. A trust is one of the most flexible tools a financial
attorney can use. There are various types of trusts available and they can be beneficial to
asset protection, income tax planning, and estate planning. The trust that provides the
best solution for your needs will depend on a number of different factors.

The living revocable trust is the one used most often. The benefits of a trust like this
include: helping dodge probate, reduce estate taxation, and maintain asset management
when the owner or initiator of the trust becomes incapacitated or dies. Yes, technically
trusts don t have official owners, but this description makes it much easier to understand.
Today we are going to focus on establishing and ... Show more content on ...
Most people will not have a will, but if you do it s probably what we like to call a John
loves Mary will . Typically these wills make estate tax disasters because they require
everything to be probated. Let s say your family gets into a car accident, and your will
states that upon your death everything goes to your spouse. If only you die in this
accident your spouse will avoid estate taxes, but anything not owned as joint tenants with
go through probate.

Now, let s also assume that your spouse was in the car with you, and while they survived
the crash, they died in the ambulance or at the hospital shortly after. If you have children,
then your will would likely turn over your property to them. Now everything will have to
go through probate, and it will also be subject to taxes. The laws behind estate taxes are
evolving in ways that make more people susceptible to them, and on top of that, they are
becoming a lot more expensive. In 2013, estates valued over $1 million will face taxes as
high as 45%. This can be truly devastating for your family, especially in a tragedy like
the one illustrated here. You don t want this to
Factors To Reduce Climate Change
Climate is increasing our global temperature, and we should be aware of the effects of
climate change so we are conscious about how to alter our actions to reduce it. Climate is
the overall weather pattern over a long period of time. Over the decades, climate has
drastically changed. There are several key factors that contribute to how climate works.
The atmosphere acts a greenhouse, trapping the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gasses inside, gradually warming the earth. The clouds in the atmosphere act as a second
layer trapping in the heat from water vapor, and blocking the sunlight. The albedo of ice
caps and glaciers is high meaning their reflectivity is high, however, with the melting of
ice caps, more heat is retained into the ocean rather than reflected off. Ocean currents
also play a role in climate change in the sense that the conveyor belt keeps the oceans
circulating. In addition, the Milankovitch theory which uses the earth s eccentricity, tilt,
and wobble to explain the alternating warm and cool changes. Carbon dioxide plays a
significant role in the effects of climate change. The trapping of greenhouse gasses, of
which includes carbon dioxide, has overtime caused a global warming. Since the
Industrial Revolution, humankind has tripled the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into
the atmosphere(NASA, 2107). The burning of fossil fuels is a large contributor to the
emission of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is gradually warming the planet which
affects all
Valerie Thomas Research Paper
Have you ever thought of how cool it is to be able to sit and watch a movie in which the
images appear to come out at you in 3 D? If so, and even if you haven t, you have Valerie
Thomas to thank. Valerie Thomas made and patented the Illusion Transmitter which later
led to
3 Dimensional images. This was a big contribution to our modern day technology and
NASA research. Valerie Thomas is one out of many African Americans who influenced
American history.
Valerie Thomas was born in 1943 in Maryland. While Growing up, she was always
interested in technology. Once, Valerie watched her dad take apart their television. She
was mesmerized by all the mechanical parts, thus, sparking her interest in technology.
Thomas loved making and tinkering with ... Show more content on ...
With flat mirrors, it would produce a reflection that would seem to lie behind the surface
of a glass. With concave mirrors, the reflection would appear to be out in front of a
mirror, thus, producing a three dimensional optical illusion. After these findings, Thomas
believed that this method could be used in a more accurate representation of video data.
She not only viewed this as a potential breakthrough for commercial television, but also
an opportunity for NASA and its image delivery system.
After a year of working with her process, Thomas applied for a patent on December 28,
1978, and the patent was issued on October 21, 1980. This innovation was like the
method of holographic generation of picture recording which utilizes rational radiation
and utilizes front wave recreation systems. Explanatory mirrors can render these optical
figments with the utilization of an inward reflect close to the subject and a second curved
reflect at a remote site. In the depiction of her patent, the procedure was clarified: Optical
illusions may be produced by parabolic mirrors wherein such images produced thereby
are possessed with three dimensional attributes. The optical effect may be explained by
the fact that the human eyes see an object
Alcohol Is Everywhere Research Paper
Alcohol Is Everywhere: How It Affects Your Teeth

It s no secret that wine can stain your teeth, but did you know that drinking alcohol can
have other damaging effects to your oral health? Whether it be a daily nightcap, an
occasional drink, or even some common health products you d never suspect as harmful,
alcohol intake can be the root cause of many costly mouth problems. Find out how this
pervasive substance can wreak serious dental havoc, and what you can do about it.

Oral Effects Of Alcohol

Because alcohol can cause dehydration, regular production and flow of saliva may be
disrupted and result in Xerostomia, or dry mouth . Telltale symptoms may include bad
breath, a parched feeling in your mouth, and a shiny, bright red appearance ... Show more
content on ...
As with cold and cough medications, the amount of alcohol may be much smaller, but
there can still be detrimental effects to your mouth without proper hygiene.

Even everyday meals may be laced with alcohol if the recipe calls for certain cooking
extracts, wine, or a sweet liqueur like rum, for instance. Simply asking your server about
the ingredients, however, and reading all product labels carefully before use are easy
ways to monitor and control your exposure to alcohol.

Proactive Ways To Protect Your Smile

In order to protect your oral health, managing the amount of alcohol you consume is only
one half of the equation. Unless there is a larger problem at hand, such as alcohol abuse,
completely avoiding alcoholic drinks and alcohol based products may be unrealistic.
Instead, improved hygiene and overall preventative care may be the more effective
solution. If you suspect alcohol consumption is causing you dry mouth or other oral
problems, seek non alcohol based alternatives for any medications you may be taking
from your dentist (or doctor), and consider increased checkups and cleanings to detect
and address any issues as soon as
Positive Effects Of Being Antisocial
Antisocial: Life what is it and is it worth living? Well in my sense l think it s not that
great. You have hundreds of people judge you from the moment you re born all the way
up until the moment you die. Constantly competing for the highest stance, the alpha of
the group. Anything less than perfect is unacceptable. You are defined be numbers your
entire existence your GPA, IQ, weight, height, basically everything. Everyday life is a
competition, survival of the fittest. So your whole life you are striving to be perfect and
what happens when you get there you die just keel over and disappear from everything
you know. But you think is the cycle truly over? Can you finally relax in your grave and
say you worked your whole life? Or do you have to prove yourself once again? Well
many believe that when ... Show more content on ...
Nothing is worse than being stuck with the curse of depression. Sinking deeper and
deeper into its claws until the creature finally consumes you I ve tried once or twice and
rolled the dice with the odds ever in my favor. Death is a strange creature it never lets
you see all it consumes it just dooms you with millions of questions. It circles my head
and then I ask myself why, why am I here in this year with all these people that just tear
me down. I have so much good in my life so it confuses some why I wish to die. I just
hide behind a fake smile that s as real as my fantasies. And no one can see threw my fake
smile as I laugh and giggle. My drug is my happiness. I crave it day and night. But it s
not the same as when skies where blue and now I m stuck in the dark of the night with
nothing but a gun and my tears to keep me company for all these years. So as I pull the
trigger I see the flash and hear the bang but my body starts to drain and as I drift away
into a better place everyone points the blame at me and my
Information Security Management System




A study by

Akash Pandey MBA (IT)

Indian Institute of Information Technology

Allahabad, U.P.

This study is submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in Master of
Business Administration from Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad

June 2008


(Deemed University)
Jhalwa, Deoghat.


This is to certify that Akash Pandey of MBA (IT)/ MSCLIS Batch 2008 10 at Indian
Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad has successfully completed his/her
Summer Internship during 20th ... Show more content on ...
Figure 13: Asset

Figure 14: Business Impact


Figure 15: Vulnerability


Figure 16: Risk


Figure 17: Implement Risk


Figure 18: Analyze Control


Figure 19: Security Incident


Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 27001,
ISO/IEC 17999, are as follows:

Asset anything that has value to the organization

[ISO/IEC 13335 1:2004]

Availability the property of being accessible and usable upon demand by an authorized

[ISO/IEC 13335 1:2004]

Confidentiality the property that information is not made available or disclosed to

unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes

[ISO/IEC 13335 1:2004]

Integrity the property of safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of assets

[ISO/IEC 13335 1:2004]

Threat a potential cause of an unwanted incident, which may result in harm to a system
or organization

[ISO/IEC 13335 1:2004]

Vulnerability a weakness of an asset or group of assets that can be exploited by a threat

[ISO/IEC 13335 1:2004]

Impact adverse change to the level of business objectives achieved

Information security risk potential that a

The Life of Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei is considered one of the greatest scientists of all time. He was an Italian
mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who very strongly supported
Copernicanism, which is the idea that the earth orbits the sun. It was hard to advocate
Copernicanism because it was a very controversial idea during that time. Galileo was a
leader in the Scientific Revolution. He made discoveries in the sciences of motion,
astronomy, and strength of materials. In motion, his famous scientific discoveries were
circular inertia, law of falling bodies and parabolic path of projectiles. In mathematics, he
changed philosophy from a verbal explanation to a mathematical one in which
experimentation was a method for discovering facts of nature. In astronomy, he
revolutionized telescope and made way for the recognition of the Copernican heliocentric
system. Galileo changed the world forever. Galileo s childhood was full of schooling and
studying. Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy, on February 15, 1564. Galileo, the oldest child
in the family, was born to Guilia Ammannati, and Vincenzo Galilei, who was a great
musician. When Galileo was eight, he moved to Florence. He went to the monastery
school at Vallombrosa in his teens. Galileo later studied at University of Pisa, where he
was supposed to study being a doctor, but instead he was captivated with math and
decided to make math and philosophy his job, against his father s will. Even though he
was very young, Galileo
Sigmund Freud Essay
Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud was an interesting man with many opinions and ideas,
ranging from Religion, to philosophy, to medicine, all the way to science. Sigmund Freud
was born in 1856 in Maravia, but grew up in Vienna. He started out by studying
medicine, then later, in 1885, traveled to Paris, where Charcot encouraged him to study
hysteria from a pschological point of view. Then later, in 1895, making his first
publishing, Uber Hysterie. Freud was the man who came up with all these theories about
why we dream, and what they mean. He believes that what we dream about is what we,
without knowing it, desire. After many years of work and study, Freud died in 1938. But
he will always be remembered because ... Show more content on ...
This is only one of many of Freuds theories, but his theories on dreams seemed to be the
most popular, even to this day.Freud thinks that the agent that distorts our dreams is what
you would call a censor. A censor stands before our dreams and says: Thou shall not pass.
Just like all through the nineteenth century , the Eastern European Jew tried to get
admission to bourgeois Western civil society. During Freuds time he experienced the
journey of seeking social acceptance and rejection. Which, for Freud that was very
difficult to deal with. His internal censor definately represented bourgeois Christian
nineteenth century culture. There were standards to live by, and components of the
common culture, as part of the personality structure. Internal censor, according to Freud
is the censor which allows nothing to pass without excersizng its rights and making such
modification as it sees fit in the thought which is seeking admission to consciousness. It
is the greatness of Jewish passing and its cognate, which is the Jewish joke, that stand
behind Freuds discovery of internalization. It seems as though Freud started his study of
the unconscious by examining the psychopathology of everyday life. Freud was always
fascinated by just about any phenomenon, espacially of unsuitable affect, its expression,
suppression, and repression, and ofcourse the most important of all, how it
Varsity Player Comparison
Our study, The Comparison between the Holistic Development of Engineering Varsity
Players and Engineering Non Varsity Players of Silliman University, aims to compare the
said varsity and non varsity students in terms of their mental health, time management,
physical health and social health and aims to conclude that the varsity players are
holistically well developed than the latter. Our conclusion is proved by the following
facts gathered by interviewing two credible people and giving questionnaires to 617
respondents (60% of the total population=1029) wherein we only received 603 answered
survey questionnaires for the non varsity players and a complete set of 23 questionnaires
(60% of the total population=39) from the varsity players, both ... Show more content on ...
The survey proved that varsity players are better in coping up for upcoming tests because
they are able to maximize their time for studying. They are also able to balance their
leisure time outside the training walls. LHSAA s news (2011) said, Being a varsity player
opens doors and preparation for life because participating in a college sport prepares you
for life after graduation and can often open doors enabling you participate in the
professional world. The social networks that are developed through athletics and the
team building skills learned while playing a college sport can give college athletes a head
start in the business world. Having been a good leader or a good team player in college
prepares you for a professional setting and makes for an attractive potential employee,
not to mention the time management skills learned as well. It is noted that increasingly,
the business world is focusing on creating a team environment in the workplace where
people work together effectively toward a common goal and a college athlete, who has
practiced this skill for years, could potentially be an ideal candidate. Overall, there is an
overwhelming amount of positive impact that the experience of being a college athlete
rewards. The life lessons, level of responsibility, skills learned, and connections made are
proof that you are
U.s. State Department Advisory
State Department Advisory: The US State Department advises citizens not to visit
Mexico during their elections. So, it was Day One of our trip and I felt quite nervous.
Sleep eluded me the night before as my head was spinning with thoughts of spending the
next three weeks flying all the way from Phoenix, Arizona to Santiago, Chile in a small
airplane. I couldn t refrain from dwelling on how crazy we were, especially given the
State Department warning against U.S. citizens visiting Mexico. Up until that point in
time, I had never been out of the continental United States. When I was twelve years old,
I visited Puerto Rico; however, I m not sure that counts. For this to be my first true
international travel experience felt rather ... Show more content on ...
When I arrived at Scottsdale Municipal Airport, to begin our trip, Miguel had already
arrived and unloaded his car. He sat perched in front of a mountain of personal
belongings. Without even exchanging as much as a, Good morning, we both stood
glancing back and forth between his massive pile and the small plane. When we made
eye contact, we both burst out laughing. Obviously, we had way too much to put in the
plane. In addition to sheer volume, we needed to be concerned with Weight and Balance;
in other words, total weight and how it s distributed in relation to the airplane s center of
gravity. My weight, Miguel s weight, combined with the weight of the fuel and
everything we were taking had to be factored in. Loading the plane accordingly was
essential; otherwise, there existed a danger of the plane becoming uncontrollable or not
even being able to safely take off. Already falling behind schedule and faced with the full
day of flying, we needed to make some decisions quickly. Brandishing a pack of Post it
Notes, Miguel suggested we employ to mark each bag with its weight. Armed with a fish
scale and Post it Notes, we proceeded to weigh and mark each and every item we had.
Deciding what to take and what to leave behind was difficult; we had brought only what
we considered essential. For example, one of the bags held assorted medicines and
extensive medical supplies which had all been purchased based on the
Essay on Acc 504
ExamYour Course Project
Financial Statement Analysis Project A Comparative Analysis of Oracle Corporation and
Microsoft Corporation

Here is the link for the financial statements for Oracle Corporation for the fiscal year
ending 2011. First, select 2011 using the drop down arrow labeled for Year on the right
hand side of the page, and then select Annual Reports using the drop down arrow labeled
Filing Type on the left hand side of the page.

You should select the 10k dated 6/28/2011 and choose to download in PDF, Word, or
Excel format. relations/sec/index.html

Here is the link for the financial statements for Microsoft Corporation for the fiscal year
ending 2011. You need to press the ... Show more content on ...
Overall Requirements For the Final Submission:

Your final Excel workbook submission should contain the following items. You cannot
use any other software but Excel to complete this project.
1. A completed worksheet title page tab, which is really a coversheet with your name, the
course, the date, your instructor s name, and the title for the project.
2. A completed worksheet profiles tab that contains a one paragraph description
regarding each company with information about their history, what products they sell,
where they are located, and so on.
3. All 18 ratios for each company, with the supporting calculations and commentary on
your worksheet ratio tab. Supporting calculations must be shown either as a formula or as
text typed into a different cell. The ratios are listed further down this document. Your
comments for each ratio should include more than just a definition of the ratio. You
should focus on interpreting each ratio number for each company and support your
comments with the numbers found in the ratios.
4. The Summary and Conclusions worksheet tab is an overall comparison of how each
company compares in terms of the major category of ratios described in Chapter 13 of
your textbook. A nice way to conclude is to state which company you think is the better
investment and why.
5. The Bibliography worksheet tab must contain at least your textbook as a reference.
Any other information you use to profile the companies
Persuasive Speech On Aliens
After speaking with me a little, it doesn t take long to realize I am a giant nerd. I love
Science Fiction and I never turn down a good Outer Limits or Doctor Who marathon. It
makes my heart beat fast when I hear the words There is nothing wrong with your
television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission or
Are you my mummy? Just thinking about it now makes me a bit giddy.
Recently, I was very excited to be a part of a discussion on aliens. The topic was What if
the aliens were actually watching us? Even further, what if they were watching us and
judging us based on how we treat people with disabilities. Perhaps that s why aliens
haven t communicated with us. Why people with disabilities though? Think about it.
People with disabilities are an incredibly diverse community. Anyone can be disabled.
Race, wealth, age... none of it is a factor in determining who has a disability and who
doesn t. ... Show more content on ...
Not all aliens speak or can speak, hear or see. There are aliens with differing mobility,
size and shape. Old school aliens from movies set in the 50 s all used telepathy. The
aliens from the Alien franchise do not have eyes and rely on sound to stalk their prey.
Chewbacca is nonverbal but uses a limited amount of noises and physical gestures to
communicate. Author Temple Grandin mentioned in an interview that she loved the
character of Mr. Spock because his ability to act without emotion made it more possible
for him to save the day where Captain Kirk could not. While the show was airing,
Leonard Nimoy was often applauded for his character s parallels to the life of an autistic
person s. It s not a stretch to say that many aliens have similar backgrounds to people
with disabilities. I would be curious to know if they face the same ignorance and
prejudice that people on Earth often do because of their
Belly Dance History
The style, Belly Dance, is typically misunderstood to be aimed toward entertaining men.
Belly Dance is typically performed by a women. It involves undulating movements of the
stomach and rapid moves of the hips. It is almost normal to a girls muscle and bone
structure. It is articulated in the torso rather than in the legs and or feet. The most difficult
part is isolating different parts of the body, moving them on their own in patterns moving
together. It is generally performed without shoes, helping with connecting between the
dancer and the earth. Belly dance has a spiritual connection that links between the body
and mind. It helps the dancer become one with themselves and let the dance speak
through them. There are many different forms ... Show more content on
Because of the fact that belly dance was originated in the Middle East and Northeastern
Africa, belly dancing music involves the cultural of the different areas. Therefore you
would typically hear Egyptian and Middle Eastern pop, and traditional Saidi rhythms,
and even Hindi music. Music plays a huge role in a belly dance performance. Certain
instruments are put together to create a beat for a specific dance. There is a large variety
of instruments that are used to make a belly dance music set. This consists of traditional
as well as a few new instruments such as percussions, strings, and wind instruments. A
few main instruments that are used are the Dumbek, which is a goblet shaped drum, the
Kanoun, a string instruments which is like a harp, and the Kawala, a flute made from
reeds. Making music for this dance is very articulate but can also be easily manipulated,
yet it is the thing that drives the entire
Summary Of Last Child In The Woods
Throughout history, humans have had a strong reliance on nature and their environment.
As far back as historians can look, people have depended on elements of nature for their
survival. In the past few decades, the increased advancement of technology has led to an
unfortunate division between humans and nature, and this lack of respect is becoming a
flaw in current day society. In Last Child in the Woods, Louv criticizes modern culture
by arguing that humans increasing reliance on technology has led to their decreasing
connection with nature through the use of relevant anecdotes, rhetorical questions and
powerful imagery to appeal to ethos. Louv develops his argument by using insightful
anecdotes that allow him to become more relatable to the reader. He relays a story about
his friend s experience of being pushed to buy multimedia entertainment products by a
car salesman selling her a luxury car. This anecdote is enhanced by a hyperbole to
describe how the car salesmen s jaw dropped when she decided to draw the line. The use
of the anecdote makes Louv seem more personable to any parent who desires
convenience because it shows that he understands the appeal of such luxuries, but he
continues by showing everything the child is losing from not observing the natural
landscape and experiencing the real and physical world. This anecdote allows the reader
to experience the same feelings that the friend may of felt in that situation. This makes
the argument a more relatable
History of Mass Media




TIME : 8.00 to 11.00 am

ROOM : R4.2


To introduce students to the historical development of media, including books,

newspapers, magazines, radio and TV broadcasting and cinema. Students will be able to
trace the emergence of modern media institutions from their historical roots and discuss
the impact of social and technological change. This will be able to provide the student
with the ability to evaluate issues that are affecting or are likely to affect the media

The aim of this module introduces historical perspectives on the development of mass
media and the ideological positions ... Show more content on ...
|Quiz2 |(chap4 7) | |
|16 | 23 |Law and Regulation, Ethics | | | |
|16 | 23 |FINAL EXAM | | | |


CHAP 1 The Mass Media Industries

Mass Media are everywhere you are

Mass communication becomes wireless

How the communication process works

Elements of Mass communications

Three key concepts.

How today s communication network operates.

CHAP2 All about the books

How American book Publishing Grew

Grove Press

Authors and
Essay on A Day in the lLife of Jean-Dominique Bauby
Jean Dominique Bauby was born in Paris France on April 23rd 1952, he had two children
a son named Theophile and a daughter named Celeste. After working as a journalist for
The Quotidien de Paris and Paris Match magazine for four years, in 1991 Bauby had
finally became a well known author, journalists and editor in chief of a French fashion
magazine called Elle. As Bauby quickly made his way to the top of the corporate ladder
his dreams were suddenly shattered.
On December 8th, 1995 at the age of forty three Bauby had a stroke and fell into an
induced coma for twenty days. After being in a coma for twenty days, Bauby awoke only
to discover that his entire body was paralyzed leaving him unable to speak, eat, breath or
move on his own. Bauby ... Show more content on ...
When confronted with questions as to why he no longer wanted to partake in speech
therapy Bauby communicated that he felt the system was to slow, his therapist was
moving to fast and the system wasn t working. In his efforts to discontinue learning
Partner assisted scanning or listener assisted scanning, Bsuby communicated to his
therapist in their next session I want to die. Fed up with his negative attitude his speech
therapist scolded him and convinced him that there are a lot of people who care about
him and that life is worth living. With these words of encouragement Bauby took a new
outlook on life stating I decided to stop pitying myself. Other than my eye, two things
aren t paralyzed, my imagination and my memory. With this new attitude and outlook on
life Bauby started making more of an effort to learn this new form of communication. As
a result Bauby would spend long hours constructing and memorizing each sentence that
he wanted to use in his head so that he could quickly relate what he wanted to say to his
transcriber speeding up the process. Eventually over time Bauby had mastered this
technique so well to the point that he could create one word in under three minutes.
In spite of the difficulties Bauby had to endure he ended up writing a 140 page
autobiography called The Diving Bell and the Butterfly . In his autobiography Bauby
described what his life was like before and after he had the stroke and reflected on his
personal experience of what it was
Social Media Negatives
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are just a few social media websites and
applications that have transformed the World Wide Web. Social media is defined as
websites or applications that allow online users to produce and share content. Of the 7.6
billion global population, 2.46 billion of them actively use social media. Many use social
networking to stay in contact with others and access information more quickly. Although
the proposed reasons for social media use appear positive, they present many negatives.
One should limit his or her social media use due to its damaging impact on today s youth
and spreading of false information. Social media has countless adverse impacts, but it is
primarily harmful on today s youth. Specifically, social networking has negative affects
one s education. Since the introduction of social media, students have scored lower on
test. As a result, students are left with a poor grade point average (GPA). According to
Facebook and Academic Performance, students who used social media maintained a 3.06
average GPA. In contrast, students who did not use social media had a cumulative GPA
of 3.82. The article also presents a study that found that students who use social
networking to study score 20 percent lower than those who do not. In addition to inferior
grade point averages and lower test grades, undergraduates who use social media
inappropriately have lower chances of being admitted to colleges. Teenagers across the
nation use social
City Of Angels Research Paper
The City of Angels offers plenty of interesting things to do and see. Visitors who arrive
by bus will find themselves within walking distance of restaurants, tourist activities, and
shopping venues. If you re planning a future trip to Los Angeles, book your bus tickets
on Busbud to save money and use this guide to find your way around this iconic city.
What Stations Can You Use?

When you book your bus tickets, you can choose to arrive at the LA Greyhound station,
Union Station, or North Hollywood Greyhound station. The best destination depends on
how you plan to spend your time in Los Angeles and whether you will rent a car while
you re in town.

The LA Greyhound station is on East 7th Street between Lawrence and Wilson Streets. It
s just a few miles north of I 10, and there are several restaurants nearby, including fast
food options like McDonald s and more upscale establishments like Little Bear. ... Show
more content on ...
Alameda Street. You can get a bite to eat and peruse the building s beautiful Mission
Revival architecture. It s located just a few blocks north of the Santa Ana Freeway and
just south of East Cesar E Chavez Avenue. Alternatively, the North Hollywood
Greyhound station drops you on Magnolia Avenue and close to North Hollywood Park,
where you can stretch your legs.
What Bus Companies Serve This City?

Many people take Greyhound buses to Los Angeles, but you can also select other lines if
they offer more amenities or better schedules. Lux Bus, for instance, offers beautiful
interiors, comfortable captain s chairs, and other upscale amenities. However, you ll pay
more for a ticket than you would for Greyhound and other budget friendly companies.

Megabus, CA Shuttle, Hoang, Sleep Bus, BoltBus, and Tufesa also carry travelers to Los
Angeles. You might have more limited options depending on your origination point. For
instance, Lux Bus focuses on the Los Angeles and Las Vegas areas.
How Can You Spend Time in Los
Emma Lazarus Poem The New Colossus
Rough Draft
The poem The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus portrays the ideals of the United States
such as freedom and equality. Unfortunately Americans did not welcome many
immigrants from all over the world and didn t let them in. This poem aimed to raise
money to for a pedestal for the Statue of Liberty and to shape the idea of the Statue of
Liberty as a welcoming mother, and of America as the great nation of immigrants. The
New Colossus accurately shows the reality of how immigrants were refused.

Paragraph 1 (i)The life of Emma Lazarus Emma Lazarus was an American poet and
Georgist from NY city and best known for her sonnet The New Colossus . She was born
into a large Sephardic Ashkenazi ... Show more content on ...
The New Colossus. Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation, 2002, and poets/poems/detail/46550. Accessed 2 May 2017 Editors. Emma Lazarus., A E Networks Television, 13
Apr. 2016, lazarus 9375885#! Accessed 17 May
Enszer, Julie R. Old School. On Emma Lazarus s The New Colossus Poetry Society of
Accessed 25 Apr. 2017.

Spacey, Andrew. Summary and Analysis of the Poem The New Colossus by Emma
Lazarus. LetterPile, LetterPile, 7 Dec. 2016, and Analysis
of Poem The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus. Accessed 12 May 2017.
Staff. Statue of Liberty., A E Television Networks, 2009, of liberty. Accessed 17 May 2017.

The Journey to America. The Journey to America,
Accessed 12 May
Abortion Did Not Lower Crime Rate
Ever since Freakonomics was published, and sold, which it sold very well to be honest,
there has been many debates about one theory that Steven D. Levitt used to explain why
the crime rate dropped in the 1990 s. That theory is that the Supreme Court case of Roe V
Wade, which legalized abortion in all fifty states. Steven Levitt stated in Freakonomics
that the legalization of abortion had the biggest percentage of why the crime rate went
down. Yet, I would like to question this theory myself. One big controversy that I have
with this theory is that Mr. Levitt did not put in to factor the crack issues that were
occurring during the time. The 1990 s was the biggest boom for the crack industry,
becoming the major reason of why people were committing homicide during the decade.
So how does one truly know if those fetuses that were aborted would have joined the
crack fiasco (
HLjarwtM95Erz45QPP0pDWul8rc_20061127.html?mod=tff_main_tff_top). Another
issue that I have with this abortion theory is that it is being conducted as a total, complete
whole of all people in the United States. In the 1970 s non white females were at their
peak of abortions. One would expect that the crime rate should be the lowest then in the
1990 s for non whites, but in the years of 1993 and 1994 homicide was at its peak for
young black male adults. Even though the statistics prove this to be true, Levitt and his
partner of this theory, John
Gillo Pontecorvo s The Battle of Algiers Essay
Since its release in 1966, Gillo Pontecorvo s The Battle of Algiers has divided critical
opinion. The film which depicts the Algerian struggle for independence against French
colonial power, was awarded the Lion d Or at the 1966 Venice Film Festival. Yet, despite
this acclaim, the inherently controversial film was banned in France until 1971 due to its
graphic portrayal of torture and repression during the Algerian war. The politically
engaged director had however sought to make The Battle of Algiers within a dictatorship
of truth, neither supporting the Algerians nor reducing his film to propaganda. Influenced
by the distinctive film style Neorealism, Pontecorvo rendered such an extraordinarily
accurate reflection of social reality that ... Show more content on ...
This close up thus creates a collective protagonist which in turn becomes an embodiment
of the Algerian people. In contrast, the two French paratroopers on the other side of the
wall, are shot in side profile through a long lens with their backs turned to the audience,
whilst the machine gun which holds connotations of the violence and brutality employed
by the French army is incorporated into the left hand side of the frame. Pontecorvo s
simplification of the nationalist struggle is further signified through the interplay of dark
and light elements. Whilst Pontecorvo employs a chiaroscuro image of Ali La Pointe s
hideout in order to highlight the faces of the FLN members against the dark background,
the visual expressions of the French soldiers are obscured by shadows. The audience is
consequently denied the same intimacy that they are permitted to experience with Ali La
Pointe and his collaborators. It can be argued therefore that this opening sequence which
begins with the fate of Ali conveys Pontecorvo s natural empathy with the Independent

As Ali s face dissolves to a flashback, non diegetic music accompanies the overview of
Algiers. The musical motif which begins as the camera starts to pan is exemplary of the
parallel relationship between the aural and visual elements in the film. As Joan Mellen
has highlighted, the arabic soundtrack, as if from another world, expresses the

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