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Accomplishment Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of personal accomplishments is no small feat. It involves a delicate
balance between humility and self-promotion, introspection and expression. The challenge lies in
presenting one's achievements without coming across as boastful or detached, and articulating the
lessons learned without delving into clichés.

To begin, there's the daunting task of selecting the right accomplishments to highlight. Should one
focus on academic achievements, professional successes, or personal milestones? The struggle to
choose the most impactful moments can be a source of internal conflict. Additionally, finding the
right words to convey the significance of these accomplishments requires a careful consideration of
language and tone.

The writing process itself demands a deep dive into one's own experiences, a self-exploration that
can be both enlightening and emotionally taxing. Trying to strike a balance between showcasing
one's achievements and demonstrating personal growth can feel like walking a tightrope. The fear of
sounding too arrogant or too modest adds an extra layer of complexity.

Moreover, there's the challenge of maintaining coherence and flow throughout the essay. Connecting
various accomplishments in a seamless narrative while avoiding redundancy is a skill that not
everyone possesses. The struggle to create a compelling storyline that captivates the reader and
effectively conveys the journey of personal accomplishments can be arduous.

Revision becomes a crucial step, requiring a critical eye to identify areas of improvement. The
process involves refining language, ensuring clarity, and checking for consistency in the portrayal of
achievements. It's a meticulous task that demands time and patience.

In conclusion, writing an essay on personal accomplishments is a challenging endeavor. It requires

introspection, humility, and the ability to articulate one's journey with clarity and purpose. The
process involves navigating the fine line between self-promotion and authenticity, making it a task
that demands both skill and self-awareness.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or any other writing needs, various resources are
available. Services like provide support for crafting essays, offering a helping
hand to navigate the complexities of personal narrative and accomplishment exploration.

Accomplishment Essay Accomplishment Essay

LULULEMON Ethical BehaviourSocial Responsibility

lululemon athletica

There are many ways to measure the success of a business. A financial analysis of
lululemon athletica, a Vancouver based company, would show that it is valued at more
than $220 million. Would looking at an improved level of health in its community be
another way to measure the success of this company? lululemon athletica founder Chip
Wilson would welcome your investigation of the improved health and well being of
people in the communities of the more than 40 locations around the world where the
company conducts business.1

History of the Company

Founded in 1998, lululemon athletica recognized an increase in the number of women

participating in both yoga and athletics, and ... Show more content on ...
Some examples include, friends are more important than money, SWEAT once a day to
regenerate your skin, and jealousy works the opposite way you want it to .

The Charitable Giving program at lululemon athletica is committed to raising awareness

of charities in the communities in which it does business. Guests decide which local
charities they would like to support and the store then selects up to eight of these to be
part of the program. lululemon athletica is also committed to the Centre for Integrated
Healing, an organization dedicated to holistic treatment and prevention of cancer, and
Silken Laumann s community oriented Active Kids Movement.8

Growth and Community Commitment

The company has plans to open nearly 200 new stores worldwide. In preparation,
lululemon athletica has hired an experienced CEO, Robert Meers, who was at the helm of
Reebok for 15 years. In 2005, the company implemented a five year vision called the
Community Legacies program which is based on the belief that every person we hire,
garment we create, store we open, customer we educate, and yoga class we attend
contributes to building a legacy in our communities. 9 This goal and action plan, along
with the deep rooted commitment to ethical business practices and maintaining a health
and fun filled environment in communities it operates in, will guide lululemon athletica
towards success as a global retailer.
Essay On Wooden Porch
A wooden staircase leads to the second story of the structure s porch. The second story of
the porch sits upon white painted wooden beams and consists of a wooden panel floor.
White painted wooden balustrades are present with a green painted railing on the porch s
second story. The balustrades and railing continue to the porch s addition, which is
attached to the back of the Victorian structure. Positioned on the second story are three
Tuscan Columns, which support the porch s full entablature weight and roof. The
window located on the right side of the porch is a nine over nine double hung sash
window that includes wooden moldings. The center and left windows on the second story
are both six over six, which also include wooden moldings. The ... Show more content on ...
Four maroon and yellow painted wooden chamfered pillars support the porch s first story.
Two symmetrical maroon pilasters are positioned on both sides of the porch. Between the
chamfered pillars are yellow balustrades that are comprised of maroon railings. Leading
out from the balustrades are four wooden steps. The ceiling of the first story presents
aqua green wooden panels. The addition features a maroon Sussex paneled door and a
doorframe that offerings a fanlight and sidelights. Flanking the doorframe are two
The Environmental Impact Of Factory Farming
The Environmental Impact of Factory Farming Everyday millions of people around the
world sit down to a meal composed predominantly of meat. Many of these people have
no idea where the meat came from before it reached the shelves of local grocery stores.
Most of the meat and animal by products found in today s grocery stores are produced
from large scale farms, commonly known as factory farms. These farms have replaced
traditional small scale family farms. Factory farming is an unsustainable practise that
puts the health of the environment at risk. Factory farming is a commercial form of
agriculture that uses extreme growing techniques to produce the greatest amount of
outcome for the least amount of cost. The main goal of these industries is to produce
enough meat, milk, and eggs for human consumption. To keep up with the with the
growing demand for animal products and by products, billions of animals are bred just to
be killed in a few short months. Every year 56 billion animals are killed in these
operations. Farming has been around for centuries; however indoor farming was only
introduced in the last century. In 2005, 40% of all meat was produced in factory farms
and that number continues to rise at an astronomical rate (Cummins). Factory farming is
often referred to confined animal feeding operations or CAFO or for short, showing that
these animals are nothing more to them than profit (Cummins). The most significant
piece of evidence that factory farms are
Scirocco Essay
Here s the Scirocco is a sport compact car offered by the German automobile
manufacturer Volkswagen between 1974 and 1992. Two generations was released before
revived by the third generation in 2008. The Scirocco was highly successful, and helped
bolster VW s reputation in the North America and Europe.

The Scirocco is the successor model of the Volkswagen Karmann Ghia. Same as the Golf
(Rabbit in US) and Jetta, the first generation of Scirocco (MK1) built on a A1 chassis, but
they was more sleeker and sportier. The engine and all of part of the Scirocco s was
designed to favor of a sport drive, it s a seriously sport car purpose on Volkswagen
badge, they comes in 3 door hatchback body type.

Where s coming from the name of Scirocco was taken? ... Show more content on ...
Same as the first, the second generation still assembled on behalf of Volkswagen by
Karmann of Osnabrück. The Known internally at VW as a Type 53B.

During 1981 1992, in general the Scirocco MK2 powered by four cylinder comes with
fuel injection engines, which initially all models featuring 8 valve engines then in North
America market was offered 16 valve engines. They have numerous trim levels existed,
depending on the model year and market. Here s the list of trim levels was produced and
offered from low to the top, as the L, CL, GL, LS, GLS, GLI, GT, GTI, GTL, GTX, GT
II, Scala, GT 16V and GTX 16V, included the special limited edition models, the White
Cat (Europe), Tropic (Europe), Storm (UK), Slegato (Canada), and Wolfsburg Edition
(USA). Only the GTi with the 1.8 L engine in either manual or automatic transmissions
offered in Japan.

March 1981, at Geneva International Motor Show the Scirocco MK2 show up. As we are
know specifications in North America are somewhat different from those of cars sold in
the rest of the world, due to the differing safety and emissions regulations in place there.

1982, North America specs produces 74 hp coming from four cylinder 1.7 L engine with
5 speed manual
Existentialism In Mad Max
1. Give a full description of where the issue discussed was observed. Mad Max is a
movie from 1979 that I recently have watched with my brother over a weekend at home.
As we were engaged in entertainment of this movie it was brought to my attention of the
worldview that this particular movie presented to its viewers. This worldview is called
Existentialism: a view that indicates that our lives are meaningless and it is up to us to
create our own meaning from the day we are born to the last breath on earth. This is
expressed consistently throughout the entirety of the movie and can be of concern if
taken literally.
2. Give a brief statement as to why this issue was chosen. In today s modern world we
encounter many different types of groups and organizations that seem to take major parts
of this worldview to seemingly get there way or act how they deem fit for their own
personal gain or lifestyle.
3. Summarize the particular issue and the position presented in the observed forum. Mad
Max is set in a future state of unrest for the world for decades as many violent gangs and
terrorist roam the streets of countries wrecking havoc on all innocents that pass on by.
Their only option is to create something of their own view such as: gangs, violence and
death. Thus, indicating there is no meaning or structure to these gangs and terrorist only
to bring satisfaction to themselves by destruction of others. Max is a law enforcement
officer who loses all meaning
Changing Attitudes During World War I
I Think during the war the attitude towards the two didn t change much. However later in
the years, there attitudes changed for one another. This seems to be an issue with many
groups. The childhood friends and acquaintances, and his father s non Jewish contacts
changed as time went on too. Many people s actions towards other changed during the
war times. A thing that got me in Toivi Blatt was the deportation of people who were
younger than 15 and older than 55. I couldn t fathom the thought of losing my parents if I
was 8 years old or the thought of my parents sending me off to an unknown place.
Wondering if we would ever be reunited. Before the war, there was a big push on getting
the kids out of the country and at this time. It would be
Ottis Toole Case
Who would take a six year old boy and decapitate him? Who?
Some agree with the fact that it is wrong to murder an innocent child. The main suspect
in this case is Ottis Toole, for killing the victim, Adam Walsh. He had confessed to
committing the murder. Toole was and is the long prime suspect in this case. Born March
5, 1947 in Jacksonville, Florida. He was raised by a single mother after his father
deserted them. His mother has been reported to be cruel and both she and Toole s
grandmother possessed extreme religious views. Toole admitted to committing his first
murder at the age of 14. After being picked up by a traveling salesman who forced him to
have sex, Toole ran the man down with his own car. As a boy, Toole was classified as
developmentally ... Show more content on ...
Authorities made a series of crucial errors, losing the bloodstained carpeting in Toole s
car preventing DNA testing and the car itself. It was a week after the boy s disappearance
before the FBI got involved. To help solve the case.
So many mistakes were made within the case, John Walsh said in 1997, upon the release
of his book Tears of Rage, (about his son) Which harshly criticized the Hollywood Police
Department s work on the case. It was shocking, inexcusable and heartbreaking.

Adam s death, and his father s subsequent activism on his behalf, helped put faces on
milk cartons, shopping bags and mailbox fliers, started fingerprinting programs and
increased security at schools and stores. It spurred the creation of missing persons units
at every large police department.

It also prompted national legislation to create a national center, database and toll free line
devoted to missing children, and led to the start of America s Most Wanted, which
brought those cases into millions of homes.
What it also did, said Mount Holyoke College sociologist and criminologist Richard
Moran, is make children and adults alike exponentially more
The Sun Also Rises Essay
quot;One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh; but the earth abideth
forever amp;#8230; The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to the
place where he arose amp;#8230; The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about
unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to
his circuits amp;#8230;All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the
place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again. quot; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Ecclesiastes
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;This passage from Ecclesiastes gives examples of the
quot;Circle of Life. quot; In the book The Sun Also ... Show more content on ...
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Another example of this appears on pg. 148 quot;Perhaps
amp;#8230;about. quot; This section shows how the main character, Jake Barnes, does
not care if he truly learns anything in life and only wants to know how to get by. If in life
you never learn anything, then it is almost impossible to change. Jake Barnes
unwillingness to learn shows that later in his life he will have little or no change as he did
for the book, yet again showing the theme of a constant or unchanging course. nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;The incident where Bocanegra kills a man in the crowd while
being loaded off the truck for the fight later that night is a subtle example of the theme,
the bill always comes. (On pg. 199 quot;The amp;#8230; Pamplona. quot;) The example
shown here is the bull kills a man and later the will get its punishment from Pedro
Romero. The bull has committed a violent and deadly act against man so, in turn, he (the
bull) will be smitten in view of hundreds of spectators. This shows how things in life will
always have a steady course of action, which is shown in this rather subtle example. A far
better example of the thematic interpretation conveyed in the prior paragraph, is the
character of Mike. Mike is very high and mighty when arriving in Pamplona with his
lady, Brett. He continues to inflate his ego by insulting Robert Cohn with out any feeling
of remorse. Mike
Ge Rhetorical Analysis
Organizational change in any company is difficult but for a company as large as GE such
change most be extremely menacing; which is why, I am surprised I have never heard of
this before! This sounds like a technique that should be taking corporate America by
storm since everyone is trying to be more innovative and competitive in regards to price
and quality. By creating a quick and empowering process that delivers success it sounds
like cure all to corporate fat, however the article uses a lot of adjectives to describe GE s
success with its workout routine and not a lot of numbers. Which is why I want to
research this technique further and find some empirical data to back this technique. Now
a potential reason for the lack of logistical backing
Thyroidism Case Study Essay
During the review of this scenario it was concluded based on laboratory test that were ran
that the nurse was experiencing hyperthyroidism. The nurse came in due to abnormal
symptoms that she was experiencing, symptoms which are often associated with thyroid
problems. This lead to the healthcare providers running test to check her thyroid.
Hyperthyroidism is when a person s thyroid gland produces an excess amount of thyroid
hormone than is necessary for the human s body. Since the hormone is so prevalent in the
body and is in control of the bodies energy, if there is a deficiency or surplus of thyroid
hormone it will vastly alter the way the body works. When checking for hypothyroidism
or hyperthyroidism it is often know to run a serum T4 and serum T3 test. The T4 test is a
test that is ran to check the amount of thyroxine that is present in the person s blood. The
T4 levels have a normal range of 4.6 to 12 ug/dL. The nurse test results showed that her
T4 was 15.6 ug/dL which is above the normal range and a sign of hyperthyroidism. The
next test ran was a T3 serum test, this test measures the amount of triiodothyronine in the
blood. The serum T3 levels have a normal range of 80 ... Show more content on ...
One cause is a condition called diffuse toxic goiter (graves disease), an autoimmune
disease where the body manipulates the thyroid gland into overproducing thyroid
hormones even if excess already exist. Individuals with Graves disease have slow growth
of the thyroid gland by the use of immunoglobulin to neutralize proteins such as, thyroid
peroxides, thyroglobulin and thyroid stimulating hormone receptor. Graves disease is the
first most common cause of hyperthyroidism (Parangi Phitayakorn, 2011). Another cause
is referred to as subacute thyroiditis. This occurs when an excess amount of thyroid
hormone is discharged because of an infection of the thyroid or certain medications being
consumed (Parangi Phitayakorn,
A Study On Premarital Cohabitation
Premarital Cohabitation
In the late 1980s, only 44% of women cohabited before their first marriage. 67% of
women have cohabited before their first marriage since 2000 (Manning Cohen, 2012).
Premarital cohabitation has become the majority experience in the United States (Tach
Halpern Meekin, 2009; Teachman, 2003). Although cohabitation has become the
majority experience, premarital cohabitation is still associated with poorer marital
communication quality, lower marital satisfaction, higher levels of domestic violence,
and greater probability of divorce in U.S. samples (Cohan Kleinbaum, 2002; Stanley,
Rhoades, Markman, 2006). In a study completed by Cohan Kleinbaum (2002),
researchers found that the couples who did not premarital cohabitate had more positive
problem solving skills and more positive help seeking methods than couples who did
cohabitate before marriage. Despite the negative consequences, there are still many
reasons young couples are choosing to cohabitate.
Researchers have found that young couples cohabitate before marriage in order to test
their relationship and attempt to divorce proof their marriages (Manning Cohen, 2012).
Oppenheimer (1988) argued facilitates the kind of interaction that increases the
knowledge of oneself and of a potential marriage partner and of the kind of mutual
adaptations that are so essential to a stable relationship (p. 583) (Manning Cohen, 2012).
The sharing of living expenses was ranked second among important
Concussions And Sports
Some people think sports are beneficial but others think they are dangerous.sports are
overrated. Sports are unsafe for kids because concussion, recovery of a concussion and
Sports are expensive.
For example, how you recover from a concussion. Doctors did studies on football players
that had a concussions every player or person heal at a different rate . When you have a
concussion early Activity can and will slow your healing . Problems with memory and
concentration . This means you should ask the coach to sit and rest. Sports are too
expensive example parents estimated $671 annually on sport related activities, most of
the money goes to football . The parent has to pay 4 to 5 fees like coach fees, meet fees
and equipment fee . This
Modern Technology And Science Rule
Since the 18th and 19th century the world has spiralled into an ever changing and fast
paced place where the possibilities are endless and technology and science rule. There
was the introduction of machines, modern technology and science which gave the world
incredible inventions such as the motorcar, aeroplane, the radio and electricity. These are
the things that bought civilisation into modernity, it changed not only how people used
the world but how they saw the world and envisaged the future. As times changes,
architects gracefully chose to or were forced to adapt to the needs and conditions of their
present world which were created by this Modernity. Some of these conditions which
will be analysed are; the way in which society started to reject traditions and believe in
the present and future, the initial reactions of scepticism towards the development of
technology and imagination becoming important as people s views on the world started
to shift.
The early 19th century was a tumultuous time for civilians and young soldiers alike
living in Germany, with unthinkable losses in the war and an uncertain political future,
this time of uneasy life with hopes for a better future created widespread despair and wild
hopes through the country (Gay 2008, p315). This along with the constantly rising trends
of modernity and the worlds need to make it new, an ever growing list of modern men
throughout Europe strove to make a difference, one of these men was Walter Gropius. A
Justice Is The Legal Or Philosophical Theory Of Justice
Justice is the art which gives to each man what is good for his soul. Discuss.

Justice is the art which gives to each man what is good for his soul and that is simply to
say that justice is identical with, or inseparable with philosophy. (Cahn, Political
Philosophy, 1 136) Justice is an order and duty of the parts of the soul; it is to the soul as
medicine preserves the health of the body. In its current and cardinal definition is a just
behavior or treatment; a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people.
(Oxford Dictionary, Justice ) Justice is the legal or philosophical theory by which fairness
is administered. However, justice is polymorphic; depending on eras and civilizations
also differing in every culture. Although there some principles of justice that can be
found to be almost universal. An early theory of justice was set out by the Ancient Greek
philosopher Plato in his work The Republic. Plato was highly dissatisfied with the
prevailing degenerating conditions in Athens. The Athenian democracy was on the verge
of ruin and was ultimately responsible for Socrates death his mentor. Plato saw in justice
the only remedy of saving Athens from decay and ruin. Evidently, factors such as
amateurishness, political selfishness and excessive individualism became main targets of
Plato s attack which were rampant in the Greek world. Agitated in contemporary affairs,
the attack came in the form of the construction of an ideal society in which justice
Classical And Operant Conditioning
The behavioral model is the study of measurable, observable behavior and the way in
which the environment determines behavior. Yet, initially, most behaviorists adopted a
rather extreme view that it was impossible to scientifically measure mental process,
thereby leaving observable behavior as a psychologists only unit of analysis (Lehmiler,
2014, p. 11). The behavioral approach was a radical departure from the dominant
psychoanalytic approach leaning toward the side of nurture and giving most of the
attention to experience. The behavioral model aims to ameliorate the behavioral
problems or seek to alter behavior, this model increase control of the individual over
themselves or their environment. Corey (2016), stated the behavioral theory differed for
other therapeutic approaches in its application of principles of classical and operant
conditioning (p. 233).
The classical conditioning refers to to what happens prior to learning that creates a
response through pairing (Corey, 2016, p. 235). A key figure in this learning theory is
Pavlov, who conducted the famous dog s experiment. The classical conditioning involves
a particular unconditioned stimulus that produces a specific unconditioned response, and
then the original (unconditioned) stimulus is paired frequently enough with a new
conditioned stimulus that does produce identical trained behavior. Later, both stimulus
will provoke the same response autonomously.
From a broader perspective, the classical conditioning
Technological Surveillance
The Surveillance Society, by Adam Penenburg explains the impact that the attacks on
September 11th, 2001 had on usage of technological surveillance of the American
people. Penenburg writes that the assault on U.S. soil caused a great shift between
privacy and policy causing a bill to be signed into law granting the government easier
access into our emails, web history, and even phone calls. Even with all the surveillance,
Penenburg claims that people could care less because in a time of turmoil because they
care deeply about safety. Surveillance can be used to convict criminals, stop car thieves,
and prevent terrorism. The constant surveillance increases the amount of information
available on every single person but is extremely difficult ... Show more content on ...
He begins the article by mentioning September 11th, a tragic time in America s history
that every citizen in the United States can relate to and uses this to allow a smooth
transition into his main topic about the evolution of the surveillance society. Here he
follows a very subtle pattern making the article an easy read for the audience. He first
mentions a type of surveillance that is commonly used, then explains how it is used or
what it is used for, and then follows up with a relatable example for the audience to
consider and contemplate. For example, Penenburg writes about a famous service
developed by General Motors called OnStar. OnStar is service that offers GPS and
location services for their vehicles. He uses an example of how a man had his car stolen
and immediately called OnStar. Within minutes, officers swooped in on the vehicle and
arrested the men (Penenburg 472). This is a prime example of Penenburg s great
organization of his article, not only does he use this with GPS locating, but tracking
metro cards, credit cards, cameras, and the protection of the 4th amendment. His great
organization gives the article a nice flow that the reader feels comfortable with allowing
them to be persuaded further into agreeing with him that a surveillance society offers
many benefits. Not only is Penenburg s article well organized
What Is Erastus Smith A Hero
Erastus Smith. A admirable scout. A valuable spy. And most of all, a significant Texas
hero. Better known as Deaf Smith

Erastus Smith was born in Duchess County, New York, on April 19, 1787. He was eleven
years old when he moved to Natchez, Mississippi Territory. In his childhood, Smith had
lost his hearing to an unknown disease, which would later on give him his acclaimed
nickname, Deaf Smith. Smith first visited Texas in 1817, but didn t stay long. He
returned in 1821 and settled near San Antonio, where he found Guadalupe Ruiz Durán in
1822. In 1825, Smith helped build the town of Gonzales, which later on he would have to
burn. Smith and five other men settled on the claim of James Kerr, the surveyor for the
new colony of Dewitt, about ... Show more content on ...
Travis, who considered him the bravest of the brave in the cause of Texas. Smith carried
Travis letter from the Alamo on February 15, 1836. On March 13, General Sam Houston
dispatched Smith and Henry Karnes back to San Antonio to learn the status of the Alamo.
If living, Houston reported to Thomas Jefferson Rusk, Smith would return with the truth
and all important news. Smith returned with Susanna W. and Angelina E. Dickinson.
Houston first assigned Smith to the cavalry, but later placed him in charge of recruits
with the rank of captain. During the San Jacinto campaign, he captured a Mexican
courier bearing important information to Antonio López de Santa Anna. On April 21,
1836, Smith and Houston requisitioned one or more axes, with which Houston ordered
Smith to chop down Vince s Bridge, reportedly to prevent the retreat of the Mexican
army. Smith accomplished the mission and reported to Houston before the battle of San
Jacinto. It was Smith that Houston entrusted Santa Anna s orders to General Vicente
Filisola to evacuate Texas. After San Jacinto, General Rusk continued to send Smith out
as a scout. After having been absent from the army for the first two weeks of July, he was
falsely reported as captured by the Mexicans. During this period his family, rendered
destitute by the war, was living in Columbia, where it had apparently had some dealings
with Santa Anna , who was being held at the nearby port of Velasco. On November 11,
1836, the Texas Congress granted Smith the property of Ramón Músquiz on the northeast
corner of San Antonio s Military Plaza as a reward for his military service. Nevertheless,
Smith and his family stayed in Columbia. He resigned his commission in the army, but
raised and commanded a group of Texas Rangers that on February 17, 1837, defeated a
band of Mexicans at Laredo. Soon thereafter he resigned from ranger service and moved
to Richmond, where he died
Mongoli Developing Asian Country Dependent On External...

Amy V. Tsu
ECON 335 MW 1:00 2:15
Neerja Aggarwal
California State University, Fullerton
Mongolia is a land locked, developing Asian country dependent on external trade
specializing in mining and agriculture. Mongolia obtained membership to the United
Nations (UN) in 1961, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1991, and the World
Trade Organization (WTO) in 1997. In recent years, Mongolia progressed in regional
development, promotion and intensification of trade and investment cooperation within
the region and to negotiate free trade agreements with [its] trading partners ( Trade Policy
Review, 2014).
Figure 1: Mongolia s GDP growth rate, 2005 13 Figure 1 demonstrates Mongolia s
dependency on external trade for its economic sustainability.
Major Trading Partners.
Table 1: Mongolia s main trading partners The Table 1 shows Mongolia s major trading
partners and their share in total trade. In 2013, Mongolia traded with 135 countries; the
countries listed accounting for 92.3 percent of trades. Major exports over the past decade.
In addition to agriculture, the Mongolian government focused on developing the mining
sector, commercializing mineral raw materials, and exploiting major gold, copper and
coal deposits ( Trade Policy Review, 2014), accounting for 28 percent of its GDP. In
2013, the largest export commodity was coal; briquettes, ovoid and similar solid fuels
manufactured from coal ( Mongolia, 2013); 94.6 percent of these total
Analysis Of Bachmann Gambling Addiction
Bachmann Gambling Addiction
In The Neurology of Free Will, Charles Duhigg puts a special importance on habits their
inner working and how they can change. Duhigg describes how habits work through the
cycle of cue, routine, and reward. Angie Bachmann from being a bored housewife to
losing all her money through uncontrollable gambling.
Angie Bachmann mother of 3 children, got addicted to gambling felt lonely at home,
when her husband went to work and children went to school. Bachmann had gotten
married young and had become pregnant almost right away. She had never held down a
meaningful job. One morning, She was sitting at home, staring at the television, so bored
that she was giving serious thought to reorganizing the silverware drawer (Duhigg). That
morning the trouble began. She was really bored, so at about noon, Bachmann drove to a
riverboat casino. She played and lost 40 dollars. After that first trip to the casino,
Bachmann started going to the riverboat once a week. Then twice a week. Over the next
decade, Bachmann played regularly. She went whenever she fought with her husband or
was just bored. At the tables she was numb and excited, all at once. The high of winning
was so immediate. The pain of losing passed so fast. According to Duhigg states First,
there is a cue, a trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode. Then there is the
routine the behavior itself which can be physical or mental or emotional. Finally, there is
a reward, which helps
The Legal Entity System Has Profoundly Affected The...
1.0 Introduction The legal entity system has profoundly affected the process of human
economic and social development. Needless to say, the connotation of the legal entity
system is very rich, and that the company has an independent personality and
shareholders bear the limited liability is the two basic features (Tweedale, G., Flynn, L.,
2007). Of course, the company s independent personality is based on the separation of
corporate property and shareholder property. Under this circumstance, the company shall
enjoy their rights, fulfil obligations, and independently bear civil liability in its own name
(L.C.B., 1992). However, with the development of commodity economy, and the
deepening and extensive use of the legal entity system, the ... Show more content on ...
3.1.1 Fraud or misrepresentation Fraud or misrepresentation is one of the most frequent
factors in piercing the corporate veil. Fraud is a deliberate concealment of the truth and a
false statement leading the other party to engage in certain acts and causing loss or injury,
which can be seen in the case GILFORD MOTOR Co. v HORNE Ltd. (1933) . Fraud
includes civil fraud and criminal fraud, and fraud is often associated with
misrepresentation. Inaccurate statements in the litigation of piercing the corporate veil
generally include misrepresentation of the company s assets and financial conditions, as
well as misrepresentations of paying to the parties. Professor Thompson is of the opinion
that when the act is found to be fraud by the court, the act is often used as evidence to
support the misrepresentation if the fraud claim cannot be substantiated (Hodge, L.,
Sachs, A., 2008). 3.1.2 Shareholders control and domination In order to pierce the
company veil, the plaintiff needs not only to prove the domination and control behaviour,
but also to prove that there is fraud or abuse unfair form of corporate. In order to pierce
the company veil, that shareholders only control/dominate the company is not enough,
and there must be fraud or misrepresentation evidence. In this regard, the standard of
piercing the veil of the company is also particularly stringent. If there is only the fact that
the shareholder is a
Annabel Lee
Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe shares the story of two young children who share a
deep love for each other. But, Annabel Lee dies at a young age, being killed by Angel or
Seraphs because they are jealous of the love the two share.

Poe s writing touches on several different aspects and feelings that people feel as the go
thru the lost of a loved one. Often times when a close loved one dies, we lash out at God
or a higher power, blaming Him for taking them especially when it is the life of a person
who is still young and had a long life in front of them. This is how I interpret lines used
by Poe in the end of the second stanza and the third and fourth stanzas. Annabel Lee
seem to die of sickness caused by cold weather and the narrator
This Tundra Region
This tundra region spans an area of 26 million hectares. Around 24.2% of the land is
covered by slow growing forest. The remaining area is dominated by bogs, fens, and
thousands of small lakes and ponds. Two thirds of the area in this region is covered by
muskeg, a type of acidic soil.

There are a variety of organisms that inhabit this region. The most common tree species,
all deciduous, are the white birch, dwarf birch, and willow. Animal species include, but
are not limited to, the woodland caribou, polar bear, arctic fox, arctic hare, Canadian
geese, snow geese, willow ptarmigan, and several species of duck.

This region spans an area of 50 million hectares, amounting to two thirds of Ontario s

This region is heavily influenced by natural disturbances . Species here have adapted to
large wildfires; some, including the jack pine and black spruce, require these fires to
reproduce. Heat is needed to release their seeds, and seed germination only occurs in
favourable conditions produced by the fires. ... Show more content on ...
Present are hundreds of species of ferns, mosses, shrubs, and fungi. The most common
tree species are the black and white spruce, jack pine, balsam fir, tamarack, eastern white
cedar, poplar, and white birch. Animal species include, but are not limited to, predators,
such as the black bear, wolf, and lynx; ungulates (hooved animals), such as the moose
and caribou; birds, ranging from the great owl to the winter wren; and small mammals,
including the pine marten, hare, red fox, and
Top Of Form Governments Spying On Us
Top of Form Governments Spying on us According to the journalist Arthur Baxter
Technology has brought great advances and conveniences, but it also comes with the cost
of privacy (TNW News). We have seen many examples about governments spying on
people or spying on other countries. Perhaps the most important and the easiest way that
enables governments to spy is by using people s information on social media, bank
accounts, by satellite surveillance, and help from some companies. This, however, is a
stain on all governments that pursue this approach, and to all companies that help the
governments spying on people. The government could spy on us through our electronic
devices. Bring up what mentioned on Washington blog Even now after all of the
revelations by Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers spying apologists say that the
reports are exaggerated or overblown , and that the government only spies on potential
bad guys (Washington blog). However, the truth is that the government is spying on
everyone. The government has the ability to identify your location at any time by
cameras scattered throughout all over the state next to most of the traffic lights.
Moreover, the government has the ability to turn on your phone camera and eavesdrops
on you. Furthermore, according to the journalist Howard Berkes As privacy advocates
and security experts debate the validity of the National Security Agency s massive data
gathering operations, the agency is
Kylie Jenner s Liping Point
All throughout history, individuals have had a desire to have the perfect lips. Recently,
Kylie Jenner has invented a cosmetics website and store. Within this cosmetics line, she
has made lip kits. These lip kits have gone viral due to the fact that Kylie is a very
famous figure. Over the past month, Kylie gave birth to a baby girl and many individuals
have had an interest in her. The book, The Tipping Point includes reasoning as to why
this lip kit has expanded into something that everyone wants. Because Kylie Jenner
recently gave birth to her daughter the spotlight has been on her, which leads to an
increase in sales of the Kylie Jenner Lip Kit. Kylie Jenner is a famous individual that
knows how to get advertisements stuck in another s ... Show more content on ...
Kylie s lip kit is sold anywhere from 27.00 29.00 dollars per kit. Odyssey states, Kylie s
products are made as a sister company of the much cheaper brand ColourPop...So, for the
price of a Kylie Lip Kit you can get approximately 3 lippies and matching liners at
ColourPop. The price of the lip kit is a little more than most expected it to be. It is
common to find lipsticks for cheaper such as ColourPop lipsticks, in any kind of store.
While it may be true that there are various lipsticks that can be bought at a cheaper price,
the Kylie Lip Kit does not have to be reapplied for it to stay on long. According to
Sweety High, Priscila Martinez states, Didn t re apply even once and my lips were as
fresh as when I arrived to the party. (Sweety High). The Kylie Lip Kits (unlike other lip
brands) stays on longer and remains on the lips after doing activities that involve using
the mouth. Odyssey counters their first claim with a strong reason to enjoy the lip kit sold
by Kylie herself. They claim, Kylie s liquid lipsticks are water (and food) proof, have a
smooth and creamy application, and don t dry out your lips like some other liquid
lipsticks. (Odyssey). This website compares the Kylie Lip Kit to other liquid lipsticks
that will smudge and come off. Odyssey has told everyone that this lipstick will stay on
and stick against many things. There are many pieces of evidence that support the
Anthony Jenner s Acceptance Speech
Caitlyn Jenner prepares for her acceptance speech when they announce her as the winner
of the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. It has to be perfect, a source told Radar Online, July
15, 2015. Caitlyn has been practicing her speech. She doesn t want to forget to mention
anyone who helped her along the way on changing genders. However, there is one person
she is not going to thank or mention, according to the source. Kris Jenner s name is not
written or mentioned anywhere in her speech. Caitlyn has full control over tonight s
events. She has her guest list. Only the names on her list can attend the ceremony. She
has only certain people from the media coming, while no others will be allowed in to
cover the event. Caitlyn s dress will be a Patricia Field
Persuasive Essay On Net Neutrality
The fight for net neutrality has begun again with the FCC attempting to repeal the net
neutrality act protected under Title Two. what exactly does that mean? Net neutrality is
where an internet user has total unrestricted access to all internet content, and where big
companies, such as Verizon or Comcast, are legally unable to control or regulate what
someone can access. Furthermore, they cannot restrict access to specific content simply
due to the fact that they disagree with the message that is being sent. This has been an
ongoing battle, with one side voting against net neutrality, as they believe it to be exactly
what everyone needs and the other seeing it as a breach of their right to freedom of
speech. Federal Communications Commission, otherwise known as the FCC, voted two
to one in May of 2017, to begin the tearing down of the net neutrality law (Rushe), that
which protected individuals from companies that purposefully slowed down service lanes
so as to regulate what was being broadcasted across computers. Chief internet official
Ajit Pai at the FCC stated that he believed that the dismantling of the net neutrality laws
could pave the way for a more competitive marketplace, that which would lift heavy
handed internet regulations that overly restricted internet providers (White). The
repealing of net neutrality seems to mainly garner approval from big companies, such as
Verizon, and more recently, Comcast, companies that would do well by the repealing of
such a law. With net neutrality gone companies such as those listed above would be able
to, legally, regulate and control what people saw on the internet by slowing down or
speeding up lanes depending on the affiliation the company has with that specific website
(Finley). However, even with Title II in effect, some companies have found a way to
circumvent those rules in order to play favorites as it were. For instance, when AT T
customers access the Direct TV s streaming service they may find that the data
extrapolated from the service used did not count towards their current data limit s
(Finley). It is also believed that with no regulations in place regarding net neutrality,
companies have the potential of becoming dictators and blocking
Theories Of Gender Performativity
Gender performativity was defined in lecture by Dr. Thomas O Neill as the act of being
either male or female each day (September 21st, 2017). In this essay, I will first be
discussing what is meant by gender performativity, followed by an illustration on how it
differs from gender socialization and interpretive reproduction two other theories of
gender identity formation. Patricia Adler (1992) as cited by O Neill in lecture, explains
that gender socialization theory emphasizes how children, through socialization, try and
adopt gendered characteristics to develop their own identity (September 21st, 2017).
Interpretive reproduction on the other hand, was a concept established by William
Corsaro and explained by O Neill in lecture as, the ... Show more content on ...
This statement suggests that if you were to disregard the scripts that are assigned to each
gender, something different might come to be. In summary, the theory of gender
performativity highlights that gender performance is habitually and continually acted and
performed on a daily basis in everyday life and gender does not have to be depicted by
the set regulations of society.

A gender identity formation theory that exhibits a completely different way of thinking is
gender socialization theory. Karen Wells (2015), explains that gender socialization
theories originated from general theories of socialization which suggest that children
learn how to be functional members of society through daily experiences and arising
issues in addition to formal training. Wells (2015) highlights that gender socialization
focuses on socialization into appropriate roles depicted by gender this varies drastically
from the theory of gender performativity. For example, gender socialization theory
assumes that children learn what is considered to be culturally appropriate for their
gender by using others as role models, imitating and eventually internalizing the role
model s behaviours and attitudes (Hill, 2002 citing Ickles, 1993 as cited by Wells, 2015).
Patricia Adler (1992) describes gender socialization as the internalization of idealized
gender images . As a result, this creates a socially constructed right and wrong for each
Igmp 500 Research Paper
Chevrolet Beretta parts/chevrolet/beretta The
Chevrolet Beretta was produced between 1987 and 1996, and it was designed as a sports
coupe that included a hardtop or a convertible. In 1990, the convertible model was the
official pace car for the Indianapolis 500. It came in either an inline 4 or a V6 with a
choice of transmissions for those who like to shift. You still drive your Beretta and keep
it well maintained. When you need to replace a part, you use a genuine OEM part like
those found at Body Keeping the body on your vehicle looking good
means that you may need to replace broken parts like trim or even side mirrors should
they become damaged. While trim parts for the center console are ... Show more content
on ...
It is a luxury model SUV that has four doors and rear wheel drive. The XL model had an
extended wheelbase, which allowed it to seat five by using a third row. Your Envoy XL
takes your kids to their sports practices and lets you get all the extra sporting equipment
in the back. You make sure that you use genuine OEM replacement parts from Steering An SUV like the Envoy is a joy to drive when the power
steering is operating properly, but if something goes wrong, it can be difficult to get it
around corners. Should you have a power steering problem, you may need to replace the
pump. We carry the pump and others like the gears, linkage, housing components and
even the steering column assembly and wheel. Electrical It takes the electrical system to
power your Envoy, and that means more than just the battery or a fuse or two. This
means that any short can cause a lot of trouble to the rest of your vehicle since just about
everything on your SUV needs electricity to run. We carry alternators, ignition systems,
power seats, lamps, starters, radios and even lumbar control
Maya Angelou Phenomenal Woman Essay
Maya Angelou was born in St. Louis, Missouri, is a writer,and she is known for many
auto biographical novels and she also writes poetry and essays. She also loved to study
music, dance,and drama. From 1963 to 1966 Angelou was involved in the black civil
rights movement. Maya Angelou wrote this specific poem called; Phenomenal Women .
Angelou has a very creative way of saying things throughout her poem. Angelou talks
about a woman in the poem that talks about herself a lot she repeats the phrase I m a
woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman that s me ( Angelou) therefore Angelou
might be this person in her poem. Angelou is trying to show the reader that you need to
have more confidence in your own person instead of worrying about others judgment. ...
Show more content on ...
In that case if anyone who is trying to put her down will end up failing. Maya is really
proud of her appearance and not afraid to show that. As shown above it is explain that
when you are strong and have confidence nothing will stop you from moving forward in
life. As you can tell this poem is a very good advice from the author herself she includes
how other people get amazed by the confidence she has. After all it is all about the
confidence you carry at all times and putting aside all the negative things you carry that
Purpose In The Movie Shyamalan
The human race is the only known species on Earth that requires a purpose in life; most
species only require basic things to have a successful life, such as: eat, sleep, breed,
repeat. This is not the case for humans, as previously stated, humans need a purpose;
whether the purpose is taking care of family, going to school or work, humans require
something to make them feel useful in some sort of way. Many people go their whole
lives not finding their purpose, while others simply do not care about finding a greater
purpose, and are content with smaller daily activities to fill that spot. However, those
looking for a purpose can be disheartened when they can not find it quickly, bringing on
an obsessive out look. Manjo M. Night Shyamalan, takes this to extremes, in his movie
Unbreakable. Shyamalan, a man holding multiple roles in the film industry such as;
producer, writer, director, and actor, takes on the role of director. Unbreakable is an
artistic, thought provoking movie on the phenomena known as purpose , and the
importance of it, the character Elijah portrays this, as well as taking the need for worth
too far, I, similarly to Elijah, do not know my purpose.

Lacking purpose, or lacking an ability to fulfill one s believed purpose, can lead to
multiple psychological discrepancies. Elijah Price, sufferer of Type I Osteogenesis
Imperfecta, leading him to experience many forms of mental illness, due to having
multiple broken bones. Along with his mental state
Theme Of Alienation In Metamorphosis
How the theme of Alienation is demonstrated in metamorphosis through the mediums of
situation, setting and relationships? In the Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka reflects upon
past experiences of his personal life, both mentally and physically, to help create Gregor
s life. Kafka throughout the novel talks about the relationship between Gregor and his
family which is in many ways similar to that of Kafka. From Kafka s early childhood, we
can understand that he also suffered with the aspects of alienation and to a greater extent
from his father Hermann. Furthermore, the theme of alienation in metamorphosis will be
elaborated on through situation, setting and the familial relationships, Gregor
experiences. The first passage of the book refers to the dehumanisation of Gregor, who
all of a sudden wakes up and finds himself transformed into an insect and it is this
dehumanisation that sets the scene for the rest of the story. The scene that is being set out
is random and paves the way for the rest of novel to follow on to the theme of alienation
in the most random of situations. As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy
dreams he found himself transformed into a gigantic insect (p.9). The first passage
reflects on how Gregor undergoes a physical transformation from human to an insect.
Despite this change in appearance, he maintains his state of mind and memories. Whilst
maintaining his mental abilities, it is his change in appearance that causes his family to
turn a blind eye and results in Gregor dying. The situation that is being presented to the
reader is a theme that arises at the beginning of the novel is that of randomness. The
protagonist, Gregor, cannot begin to comprehend the situation that has occurred. Early in
the book, Gregor cannot understand what is happening and states What has happened to
me? [...] It was no dream (p.9). This suggests to the reader that was is happening is real
but remains random to the reader. Furthermore, this allows the reader to question the
situation that is at hand so early on in the novel. All of this drama unfolds in Gregors
room in private. The setting for Gregors alienation is within the confines of his room. It
is where most of the novel takes place, and
My Life Changed My Best Friend
My life has changed a lot ever since I met my best friend. She made me who I am today.
The first time I met her, I never would ve guessed we were going to be best friends. I met
her two years ago. My family had just moved into our new house, out in Twin lake. A
few days after we moved in, I was outside and this girl came walking down the road with
a bunch of little kids. She stopped and talked to me for a minute. She introduced herself
and told me a couple of things about her. Her name was Ariel and she lived down the
road. She asked me how old I was, which I was thirteen years old at the time. After she
asked me my age, she told me she d be right back and went into the house next to mine.
She came back out, but with a girl. She looked my ... Show more content on ...
Of course, I made more friends around the neighborhood (mostly people that Kailynn
was friends with), so we hung out with them a lot. That next fall, we went to the same
school. We didn t have any classes together, but we still saw each other a lot more than
we did when I first moved next door to her. Some of the people we hung out with over
the summer became good friends of mine, and others became strangers. I talked to a
couple of them everyday, and the others I didn t talk to at all. No matter what, Kailynn
stuck by my side. We became those best friends that call each other s parents our parents
and walk into each other s house as if we lived there. We were inseparable. Last January,
things were starting to get bad at my house. I was always at Kailynn s house because I
couldn t even stand to be in mine. My mom and step dad got divorced, so we had to
move out. I wasn t only ten seconds away from Kailynn anymore. We moved to
downtown Whitehall. It wasn t that far from her house, but it wasn t close. She still came
over when ever she could. Eventually, we ended up moving to Oakridge, which is a half
an hour away from her house. Even when we didn t get to see each other, she was still
there for me whenever I needed her. Even though I ve known Kailynn for two years, she
has made a huge impact on my life. I wouldn t be who I am today if I didn t know her.
She taught me that it s okay to be who I am and not to care
Hemingway Alcoholism

In my opinion, the continuous drinking references symbolize multiple things, one being
the masculinity the men feel to be in the war, the alcohol use on a daily and a way of to
forget the war. A first example of masculinity is at the start of the book, when Frederic
and his friend are sitting outside a bawdy house drinking as they watch the onlookers
pass by.Throughout the book, Hemingway implicitly writes that women lean on men,
how women enter the story, impact the male protagonist and then leave the story. An
example of this is how Catherine enters the story, she s immediately attracted to Henry
and even goes as far as to praise him. After she influences him to make a few decisions,
whether that be pushing him to move to Switzerland ... Show more content on ...
While Catherine and Henry sit together in the hospital in Milan she says, I m afraid of the
rain because sometimes I see myself dead in it, (Hemingway 110). She goes on to say
that, And I sometimes see you dead in it (Hemingway 110). Perhaps this is a way to
foreshadow the death of Catherine and a piece of Henry, the baby. When Catherine dies
at the end of the book, Henry says, And walked back to the hotel in the rain (Hemingway
284). When the author wants to portray feelings of sadness and dismay to the reader, it is
as if he uses pathetic fallacy to convey this message. The rain at the start of the book,
when Henry is describing the army in Italy, as soon as Hemingway inserts rain into the
chapter, he describes seven thousand who die because of cholera. The reader can infer
that Hemingway purposefully added the symbol of rain to add the emphasis of the
remorse and sadness that the war brings upon people. It also refers back to the theme of
warfare, which can relate to how the characters are somewhat desensitized to the war. An
example would be when Catherine refers to her late fiance, she says bluntly that They
blew him all to bits (Hemingway 17), possibly out of anguish. Also, when Henry and his
friends are running from the army, whichever army that may be, Aymo says, To morrow
maybe we drink rainwater (Hemingway 167). A day later, Aymo is killed in the line of
action. So the reader can infer that the
The Alchemist Reflection Essay
I was taught to strive not because there were any guarantees of success, but because the
act of striving is itself the only way to keep faith with life. This is a quote said by
Madeline Albright, an American politician and diplomat. What Madeleine Albright
means is that when you strive, you are not only have a chance of success, but you are
giving faith and other good qualities to your surroundings. This is a lesson that Santiago
learns throughout his whole journey. In the novel, The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho,
Santiago learns, When we strive to become better, everything around us becomes better,
too. First, Santiago arrives at a crystal shop and works there to earn back money he had
lost. Next, while Santiago is walking, he a has a vision of a terrible war. Finally, Santiago
strives to turn himself into the wind.

First, when Santiago first arrives at the crystal shop, he spends one year working hard to
earn back his lost money. For instance, as Santiago is finishing his first year at the shop,
the crystal merchant gives his thanks to Santiago: I am proud of you he said. You brought
me a new feeling to my crystal shop (63). As Santiago continuously works for one year,
he is able to earn back his lost money as well as improve the merchant s shop, providing
easier living for the merchant and the customers. Santiago provides the merchant with an
on going line of customers and a great profit. To add on, the customers are able to feel
the luxuries that are bought with the crystal glasses. But, most importantly, Santiago is
able to learn some very important life lessons that help him throughout the rest of his
journey. Ultimately, as Santiago strives to earn back his stolen money, he is not only
improving his life, but he is a also improving the lives of the merchant and customers.

Nest, while Santiago is taking a stroll, he sees two hawks violently flashing at each other,
giving him a vivid vision of a gruesome war at the oasis. For example, as Santiago shares
his vision with the chieftains, they decide to give Santiago a chance: Tomorrow, we are
going to break the agreement that says no one at the oasis can carry arms. Throughout the
entire day we will be on the lookout for our enemies (111).
Essay about The Forbidding House
It was a cold winter s night. The wind was whistling through the bare branches of the
trees. The dead leaves were dancing noisily across pavements and all was still. That night
I was walking down Old St.Paul s Road when the clouds started to build. I looked around
as I huddled under a large, dead oak tree. I had noticed that almost all of the houses on
this abandoned street were too badly damaged for us to take shelter in, except for one.
Lightning split the night sky without a sound, illuminating the skeletal trees outside. The
old Victorian house shook to its very foundations as the peal of thunder rumbled
hatefully across the shimmering, tempestuous lake. Should I stay under the tree ... Show
more content on ...
Once I got to the top my heart thumped harder and faster as I saw a dark figure in the
distance, disturbingly silhouetted in the dark. In the shock I slipped and fell backwards,
tumbling down, like rocks on a cliff face. When I got to the bottom, I felt a ghastly
throbbing pain in my back, which hurt like hell. I slowly got up and my mind was
focused on the thing I had seen upstairs. I then felt a cold breeze that made my bones
shiver and hair stand up on end. A giant rat scampered across the floor; it s beady eyes
glowed red in the flicker of the lantern light. It hissed at me. I dropped my lantern.
Suddenly, I was plunged into utter darkness. I took several deep breaths to calm my
trembling body and finished my trek up the stairs. Vivid flashes of lightning illuminated
the attic. A vase lay in pieces in front of the broken window. Well, at least I knew what
had caused the crash, I mused to myself. I found an old threadbare cloak hanging near the
window. I now realised that is wasn t a person who I had seen but simply an old cloak. I
suddenly tripped over a large box as I walked. The trunk wasn t locked, but age had
rusted it shut. I gripped the top and pulled with all of my strength. The trunk protested,
but finally gave in. Another rat jumped up at me. I clenched the rat s tail and threw it
away from me. I felt something solid inside the trunk. Whatever I had found, didn t
Veronica By A Famous Modern Artist Jay Defeo
While walking through the halls of the museum, I was in a rather skeptical attitude,
because after several halls, none of the paintings particularly impressed me. They were
all too confusing, too simple. So it continued until I went into a room with huge
canvases, and that s where my eyes got attracted to an artwork that has later become my
favorite. The large, towering almost to the ceiling vertical canvas intrigued me with its
colors and texture, and in the description has been written that this is the work called
Veronica by a famous modern artist Jay DeFeo, and it s been created pretty a long time
ago in 1967. This piece is drawn in a very nice mix of colors and looks like a silk thread
aspiring up and shimmering with all shades of bronze and gold. The painting is done in
the abstract style so that everyone sees in it something of their own a feather, wood
texture, a piece of fabric as far as the imagination will suffice. According to the author, it
should be Veronica s veil a piece of cloth which bears the likeness of the face of Jesus. In
Gospel, during the Passion of Christ, one of the holy women who accompanied him to
Calvary, offered him a towel on which he left the imprint of his face. Whether the artist is
embedded in this work some deep (religious) meaning or not I don t know, so I
appreciated the painting from an aesthetic point of view. I really liked the technique that
DeFeo used to create big and small strokes and transitions between shades: it
Toni Morrison Banning Beloved
Mr. Smith, I would like you to know that banning Beloved written by Toni Morrison will
not shelter your child from learning the horrible truths of this country s past and how it
truly affected the black community. Whether it be social media, friends, or family who
teach your child about slavery, your child will know the history of the black men and
women who were kidnapped from their homes and forced into servitude. Beloved s
purpose is to teach it audience the earth shattering reality of the effects of slavery.
Beloved is not meant to push a feminist agenda, emasculate men, or inaccurately depict
slavery. Morrison s depiction of life after slavery is essential to understanding how racial
discrimination and racist tendencies negatively impact ... Show more content on ...
Did you know that Beloved, is based on the true account of Margaret Garner? Garner
was a slave mother who killed her children in an attempt to eternally free them from the
chains of slavery. Morrison uses the true story of a slave mother who is so desperate to
break the cycle of misery for her children that she took their lives with her bare hands to
create a narrative that depicts the heart breaking truth of struggles of the black woman.
Other slave narratives, like Incidents, and Narrative of Frederick touch on the topic of
black mother hood and how they are ripped from their children and forced to tend to the
children of a white man. Incidents, tells of a slave s New Year s Day and how children
are sold to slave masters across the country, never to be seen or heard from again. This
reality is enough to drive any woman mad. In Beloved, Seethe, a runaway slave, tries
desperately to shelter her children from the outside world because she fears that the grasp
of slavery will come bearing chains for them. Seethe knows too personally, the truth of
slavery and the hurt of the real world. Seethe is driven by her fear of the past and has lost
all rationality. This affects her children negatively. Seethe is eighteen years old but has
very childish tendencies. It is not until the presence of Beloved, who is the
personification of slavery, drives her from 124 and she is able to make purposeful
Opioids Lab Report
Pain is a common symptom that is associated with numerous medical issues, including
musculoskeletal problems that physical therapist see on a day to day basis. There are
several different ways to treat pain and one of them is to provide a means of releasing
opioids in the body to alter the pain experience. In fact, there are three different types of
opioids: naturally occurring (endogenous or exogenous substances such as natural
endorphins or poppy), semisynthetic (exogenous substances that contain both natural and
synthetic agents), and synthetic agents (man made substances used to mimic the effect of
natural substances) used to decrease the symptom of pain.1 The way opioids work is by
attaching to one of three different type of neuronal receptors located in the brain and
spinal cord (and possibly the peripheral nervous system). The three ... Show more
content on ...
Hydrocodone is a semisynthetic opioid that attaches to the mu receptor in the brain and
spinal cord.4 The dosage of the medication can vary between 10 milligrams up to 120
milligrams, depending on the patient s needs.3 It usually takes about 20 30 minutes for
the medication to take effect and the peak effect usually happens between 30 to 60
minutes after it has been ingested. The medication lasts for about four to six hours, and
then another dose is generally taken.1
Hydrocodone can also be used as an extended release tablet taken orally. This is usually
prescribed to a patient that has chronic, sustained pain. When these medications are
prescribed, it is determined if the patient can tolerate the effects of the drug. The dosage
is low to begin with, usually starting around 10 milligrams every 12 hours.2 This allows
the body to adjust to its potential side effects. Higher doses of 40 50 milligrams are
usually reserved for individual who can tolerate the
Phuong Symbolism
In the book The Quiet American Phoung, the beautiful Vietnamese girl caught in a love
triangle with an American spy and a war correspondent, is seen as a commodity,
something to be bartered, without actually taking her feelings into consideration. She is
treated as a delicate victim who needs saving by the men in the book but although it
seems like Greene is portraying Phuong as nothing more than an object, he means for her
to represent much more than that. Greene s portrayal of Phuong as an object represents
the treatment of the Vietnamese people in the hands of the Americans. She is meant to be
symbolic of her country, both men, American and British want to possess her, much like
the war raging in Vietnam.
Phuong is treated like an object to be won by the men in The Quiet American. Both
Fowler and Pyle fight for her affections, without truly understanding her. Pyle sees
Phuong as being an innocent, delicate victim that needs to be saved from Fowler who he
believes is taking her for granted. That night I woke from one of those short deep opium
sleeps, ten minutes long, that seem a whole night s rest, and found my hand where it had
always lain at night, between her legs. She was asleep and I ... Show more content on ...
He puts her on a pedestal and has an unrealistic idea of her and ignores all other qualities
that might taint this ideal version of his. He plans to marry her and expects her to
emigrate to America with him and be the perfect American wife. Join the local women s
club and generally behave life a housewife. Even Fowler can see that what Phuong wants
is support and comfort not this idea of love and marriage that Pyle wants. He warns him
to stop projecting his American ideals on her. Eventually Phuong ends up choosing Pyle
over Fowler, prompted by her sister who believes the American is more wealthy and will
provide for her. When Pyle is killed she runs back to Fowler, showing us that who she
gets that security and love, from does not
Aristotle And Jean Jacques Rousseau And Rousseau On The...
People such as Buddhist monks devote their lives to the search for virtue through
isolation and meditation. Others believe that just simply living your life as a generous
person and practicing self preservation is virtuous. These two different, yet similar ideas
of virtuous living came from the two philosophers known as Aristotle and Jean Jacques
Rousseau and their works in the Nicomachean Ethics and Discourse on The Origin of
Inequality. Aristotle believed that the individual had to meet multiple qualifications in
order to truly be virtuous; rather than Rousseau who thought a virtuous person simply
needed to preserve their own life and have the virtue pity, or defined by him as your
natural impulses. While they both disagree on whether impulse or habit is the key to
becoming virtuous or even what virtue is, they agree that we pursue the virtuous life in
order to avoid pain. Jean Jacques Rousseau in The Origin of Inequality talks briefly
about a savage man in the state of nature and what makes him virtuous. Rousseau said,
Qualities that can harm an individual s preservation vices in him and those than can
contribute to its virtues. In that case it would be necessary to call the one who least resists
the simple impulses of nature the most virtuous, (35). When reading this, one can clearly
see Rousseau depicts the virtuous person being the savage man who gives into his
impulses. He believes that man should only fulfill his natural impulses of sex, sleep, and
food in
Italian Unification Dbq Essay
In order to restore France after the Napoleonic Era, the Quadruple Alliance, Russia,
Prussia, Austria, and Great Britain, held a meeting called the Congress of Vienna in order
to establish peace between countries. The four countries decided that creating borders
within Europe and receiving compensation in the form of territory would be an effective
reminder of the pain France had caused during its revolution. After decades of dealing
with borders placed by the Quadruple Alliance, the inhabitants of Italy wanted a more
unified peninsula. Although many leaders of Europe proposed ideas for fixing this
problem, many of them such as Cavour and Napoleon III had ulterior motives. The
unification of Italy took such a long time because its politicians were not being honest
about what they actually wanted. One of the most influential political figures in Europe
during this time was Count Camillo Benso di Cavour, a politician from Piedmont
Sardinia who had very small and realistic goals for Italy (Hearder 40). To him, there was
no hope for a democratic revolution across Italy, and he viewed the settlement from the
Congress of Vienna as arbitrary [and] defective (Doc. 4). He only ... Show more content
on ...
He decided to end his alliance with Cavour because he feared losing support from his
Catholic subjects in France (McKay et al 753). Napoleon made a compromise peace with
Austria at Villafranca. The only land that Italy obtained from Austria were the two
fortress cities of Mantua and Peschiera (Doc. 10). The rest of the map remained the same.
Cavour resigned out of pure frustration (Hearder 149). In a letter to an Italian friend,
Napoleon wrote, I do not wish to see Italy united. I want only independence. Unity would
bring danger to me... (Doc 11). Despite all of the bitter resentment, Cavour was
pleasantly surprised when the northern and central states of Italy called for a fusion, and
he returned to power in 1860 (McKay et al
Role Of A Third Party For A Peace Operations Effort
Shamella Tribble PUBP 651 Analysis Paper The role of a third party in a peace
operations effort can be categorized as fragile and easily misconstrued. These groups can
include international governments, UN and even NATO just to name a few. Their tasks
mainly rely on incomplete data, inaccurate assumptions and the pressure from the outside
world to fix the conflict all within a span of a CNN news hour. There are many factors
which are taken into consideration by these groups. These factors are used to determine
the plan and ultimately the overall success of the peace keeping mission. The plan can
include funding, demobilization, reintegration and long term peace. These issues when
not properly analyzed can cause difficulty in the ... Show more content on ...
With increased access to what goes on around and the need for the next big story to bump
up the networks ratings the need to take action has become necessary. Now this in itself
is not necessarily a downfall of peace operations but the call for immediate action and
even faster resolution often is. The 10 minute segment we see on the news channel on
our way to work shows us the most gritty and violent piece of information and we take
our demands to the government in an effort to stop the violence. Weak actors will want to
socialize the conflict that is, to enlist allies in their cause against a greater power and to
increase the perception of suffering (Bajraktari and Parajon 2007, par. 5). With this
motivation the third party must now gather the advisors and top personnel to devise a
plan that fixes all atrocities taking place on the nightly news. The international
community would do well to recognize the danger of calibrating its responses to the
substance and timing of the information it receives from media reports (Bajraktari and
Parajon 2007, par. 6). There is no mistake that action should be taken as quickly as
possible to diffuse the conflict as much as possible but the overall goal that seems to be
Will Hunting Is A Year Old Orphan
Will Hunting is a 20 year old orphan. He lives in a small apartment in Southie and has
been working as a janitor at M.I.T under the supervision of the Parole Employment
Program. As a child, Will was constantly in and out of foster homes due to the physical
abuse by three different foster fathers since adolescence and has a history of assault,
grand theft, resisting arrest, mayhem, impersonating an officer. As an effect of this abuse
Will blames himself for his unhappy childhood and turns his anger issues into a form of
self sabotage in both his professional and emotional lives. Hence why he is unable to
maintain either a steady job or romantic relationship. He always wore slacks, and t shirt
to all his therapy sessions, but his clothes appear to be clean. Will Hunting had anger
issues and was very oppositional to authority figures. He also had abandonment issues.
He was arrested for fighting and beating up another young man who he went to
kindergarten with. At his court appearance, he was mandated to attend therapy twice a
week and also required to report to Professor Lambeau once a week. He saw five
therapists with whom he failed to connect, prior to seeing Sean Maguire. He terminated
himself from some of his previous therapy sessions. Two of his therapists walked out on
him. Will accused his first therapist of being gay and played his second therapy by
pretending to be hypnotized. He was institutionalized for most of his childhood years. He
spoke of his three close
Elizabeth I s Reforms
The English Reformation of the sixteenth century was one of the most drastic religious
reforms in England. During this time, the Tudor Dynasty swept England from Roman
Catholicism into the arms of Protestantism. However, such a massive change did not
come without strife.
The Tudor Dynasty began with King Henry VII. After defeating Richard III and ending
the War of the Roses, Henry united the warring Lancaster and York factions under the
Tudor Rose. Henry and his wife Elizabeth had four children: Arthur, Margaret, Henry,
and Mary. After Henry VII s death, his firstborn son Arthur ascended to the throne and
married his betrothed, Catherine of Aragon. Mere months after the marriage, Arthur died
from illness. Henry VIII took his place and married the widowed Catherine (
Staff, Henry VIII )
Catherine bore three sons and three daughters, but only her daughter Mary survived.
Henry became infuriated with his lack of a male heir and began to stray. He feared that
God had cursed Catherine, as the Old Testament forbade marrying a brother s widow. His
eye landed upon a young noblewoman named Anne Boleyn. He sought to marry her, ...
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Some Protestants saw Elizabeth I s reforms as inadequate; they called the Church halfly
reformed. They removed themselves from the Church of England and sought their own
spiritual outlets, such as Puritanism, which aimed to remove all dredges of Catholicism
from the Church. The dissenting populace was negligible, though, and England remained
unified under the Protestant religion. By the time Elizabeth s reign drew to a close,
English citizens respected and loved their Church, seeing it as a cornerstone of their
identity. The significance of this Protestant identity was carried into English culture as
well: Protestant festivals replaced Catholic holidays, such as Elizabeth s day of
accession, the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot, and the day England defeated the
Spanish Armada
The Prairies Essay example
The term romantic is defined as literature depicting emotional matter in an imaginative
form (Morner). Romanticism was a cultural movement in the eighteenth century that had
an impact on in many areas including music, art, and literature. The movement that
Romanticism put forth was so powerful that today, scholars refer to it as a revolution that
took place in rebellion against the austere views of groups like the Puritans from the
previous centuries. Many images of nature in the writing at this time, as well as writers,
encompass sympathetic interests in the past. One particular piece, William Cullen Bryant
s The Prairies captures an strong sympathetic look to the past.
In his poem The Prairies , William Cullen Bryant s exhibits a ... Show more content on ...
Bryant shows his appreciation for those who come before in saying, Man s better nature
triumphed then. (L 79) After continual expansion of the American colonies, many Indian
tribes were forced to leave their native land and move westward. Bryant explains that this
had a major impact on the mound people, The red man came/ The roaming hunter tribes,
warlike and fierce, / And the mound builders vanished from the earth (L 58 61). Then
Bryant becomes extremely compassionate for the vanquished mound people when he
says, All—save the piles of earth that hold their bones / The platforms where they
worshipped unknown gods / The barriers which they builded from the soil/ To keep the
foe at bay—till o er the walls/ The wild beleaguerers broke, and one by one, / The strong
holds of the plain were forced, and heaped/ With corpses (L 64 71). After taking over the
prairies form the mound people, the Indians then lived peacefully until they again come
in contact with the colonists. The colonist way on life is what again forces the Indians to
leave because all of the bison had been killed. Later in the poem Bryant then shows
sympathetic feelings toward the Indians after their way of life was changed by the
colonists when he states, The white man s face—among Missouri s springs,/ And pools
whose issues swell the Oregan,/ He rears his little Venice. In the plains/ The bison feeds
no more (L 95 98). William Cullen Bryant
The Body Shop Canada Term Paper
Contents of the Case Report Executive Summary 3 Events and Incidents Leading up to
the Primary Issue 4 Primary Issue 5 Objective 5 Analyze of the situation 5 Situational
Analysis 6 SWOT Analysis 7 Identification of the Suggested Alternatives 8 Identification
and Evaluation of the Alternatives 8 Financial Analysis 10 Decisions 11 Course of Action
and Implementation 11

Executive Summary |

Richard Paul is about to graduate from his M.B.A program and planning to start running
his own store. While scanning through job advertisement, he comes across of The Body
Shop Canada. The notice stated that the company has number of operating stores
available for franchise. Knowing the enormous success of the company, Mr. ... Show
more content on ...
Paul comes with a thought of purchasing two franchises instead of one because he
realizes there are 13 of the franchisees have multiple stores. The reason behind having
multiple stores is because Mr. Paul thinks the start up costs and operating expenses
would be no higher than for a single store operation. Mr. Paul has two friends in mind
that he would think would be a great partner to operate the franchise. Two of his friends
will purchase a minority equity position of the franchise and it would be a great help for
Mr. Paul because he would have additional capital.
City A, B or Both There are two existing locations that are available for Mr. Paul. One of
the stores is located in City A and the other one is located in City B. Both cities have
different advantages and disadvantages. Store that is located in City A is currently in
franchise operation but the owner is planning to sell the franchise on the market due to
family problems. Size of the store is inexpertly smaller than he has imagined. However,
many people describe the location as the only good retail location in the city. On the
other hand, the store in City B is located in one of the newest malls in an area surrounded
by upscale housing and extensive development. In term of size, store in City B is much
bigger compare to the store in City A. Mr. Paul is certain that both of these stores would
be well above his expectation for start up operations. He also owns a house in City B and
he is willing

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