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5 Paragraph Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of a "5 Paragraph Essay" may seem deceptively simple at first, given
its structured format. However, delving into the intricacies of crafting a coherent and compelling
piece within this constrained framework poses its own set of challenges. The apparent simplicity of
five paragraphs may mislead one into thinking that the task is straightforward, but in reality, it
demands a delicate balance between conciseness and depth.

One obstacle lies in the restriction of expressing complex ideas within the confines of this format.
Crafting a thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the entire essay while ensuring each
subsequent paragraph maintains a logical flow can be a daunting task. The challenge is to provide
enough information to support the thesis without veering off into unnecessary details, all within the
prescribed five-paragraph structure.

Moreover, the introduction and conclusion, which bookend the essay, must be skillfully written to
grab the reader's attention and leave a lasting impression. Striking the right tone, maintaining
coherence, and ensuring a smooth transition between paragraphs are additional hurdles to overcome.
The limitation of five paragraphs necessitates careful word choice and organization to convey a
comprehensive message without sacrificing clarity.

In essence, the difficulty in writing an essay on the topic of a "5 Paragraph Essay" lies in the art of
balance—balancing brevity with depth, structure with creativity, and simplicity with sophistication.
It challenges the writer to distill complex ideas into a concise format without compromising the
richness of the content.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or more complex writing tasks, various resources
are available. Websites like offer a platform where one can order custom essays
tailored to specific requirements, providing a valuable solution for those navigating the challenges
of academic writing.

5 Paragraph Essay 5 Paragraph Essay

The Based Sharing Economy Is The Community Based
Technology based sharing economy is the community based online services that sharing
the access to goods and services based on peer to peer mode (Hamari, Sjöklint Ukkonen,
The widespread of mobile tablets and advanced payment ways motivate the advent of the
technology based sharing economy like Airbnb and Uber. The sharing economy
nowadays is just a reengineered consumption model consists of old processes and digital
technologies (Sundararajan, 2013). In other words, digital technologies are the powerful
enablers for the rising of sharing economy.
Sharing economy opens a new door for the whole world, however, there remains some
obstinate problems and one significant issue is the fuzzy regulations. One news reported
that NSW ... Show more content on ...
The fuzzy regulation s promoting the development of sharing economy not only brings
impressive benefits but also causes serious problems.

1.Impact on society
1)Create further sustainable society. The fuzzy regulations provide a suitable growing
environment for sharing economy performers such as Airbnb and Uber. The application
of Uber takes full advantage of cars not only relieve the congestion but also cuts
emissions, which benefits the sustainability of society.
2)Boost economy for some cities. One study found that 14% of Airbnb customer would
not visit a city without Airbnb (Heinrichs, 2013). As Airbnb rental is cheaper than hotel
services, people tend to travel with Airbnb, which also promote the tourism in these
1)Hidden danger caused by fuzzy rules. There remain no clear rules to regulate the peer
to peer business, which will cause great danger. If a car accident occurs to Uber driver,
who should take the responsibility, the driver, the passenger, or Uber whereas Uber may
just claim that it just is a communication platform for car pooling service. Therefore,
clear and corresponding rules should be applied to avoid such flaws.
2)Uncertain service quality. As the emerging of Airbnb and Uber, there are blurred
boundaries between personal and professional services (Malhotra Alstyne, 2014). To
what extent, the service quality is affected. For instance, a noisy
Junior Year At Tucson High Magnet School
Junior year at Tucson High Magnet School I was enrolled in College Algebra a class I
was having difficulty in. First semester had already passed and I received the letter grade
D. I knew I had to work harder and study more especially if I wanted to get a better grade
point average in order to get excepted into Universities. Friday after noon returning from
lunch with the taste of peperoni pizza still in my mouth I arrived at my fourth period
class, college Algebra. Slowly sitting in my wobbly wooden desk near the large
rectangular window, I stared outside. Only able to see big brown branches pressed
against the glass window moving side to side, leaves falling off one by one. In a trance of
the movement of the spooky tree, I was awakened by ... Show more content on ...
I couldn t stop smiling and kept looking back and forth at my results. Preparing for my
final took loads amount of work but at the end it was all worth it to get an A in the class.
It took motivation to accomplish what I had thought to be impossible. Which was passing
the math final with a C or higher. I am proud of myself for not giving up at the end even
though mentally I told myself I wasn t smart enough and at times when I simply just
wanted to quit. I know I wasn t the smarts student in my class and had doubts toward
myself but I still putt in all my effort to study, ask questions, and pay attention in class.
Showing that I am capable of pushing myself even when times get
Art Inspired By The French Revolution Research Paper
Art Inspired by the French Revolution 1
Art Inspired by the French Revolution
UoPeople Student
University of the People
Art Inspired by the French Revolution 2
The French revolution began in the late 18th century. It started out quite peacefully when
commoners, feeling oppressed by the Monarchy and high society, began to challenge tax
reformation proposed by the King s ministers. They joined together to form a National
Assembly in order to lobby for their own rights. However, within a few weeks events
took for a bloodier turn. The time ahead would not only change the political climate of
France but also lead to ... Show more content on ...
The National Assembly had just been established and had set out to convene in order to
form their own constitution. Unfortunately, as they arrived at their meeting hall they
encountered royal guards and locked doors preventing their entry. Having no other
choice, the deputies of the National Assembly gathered at a nearby indoor tennis court.
Here, a crowd of 577 deputies took a pledge to stay together until they were able to
compose and implement their own constitution. This moment can be seen in Jacques
Louis David s
Neoclassical drawing, The Oath of the Tennis Court (The Tennis Court Oath, n.d.).
Art Inspired by the French Revolution 3
(David, 1791).
The author of this momentous pledge, Emmanuel Sieyes, is in the center of the picture
and stands on top of a table above the other deputies. Almost all of them are reaching
towards him appearing to take the oath as he is in the process of reading it aloud. A lot of
them are even clamoring on top of one another to show their dedication to the assembly s
Dave Ramsey Is A New York Times Bestselling Author
Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey is a New York Times Bestselling Author who has written over 15 books
that gives the reader practical guidance on eliminating debt and building wealth. Dave s
story started out as a picturesque American Dream type of a story that most people dream
of living. By the age of twenty six he has amassed a portfolio worth four million dollars.
He later lost it all by the age of thirty (Lampo Licensing, LLC, 2015). Since his financial
downfall Dave Ramsey has devoted his life educating and empowering people to get
their personal finances in order.
In his pursuits to educate people on eliminating debt and achieving financial peace, Dave
created the Financial Peace University (FPU). This thirteen week program helps people
... Show more content on ...
Baby Step 1: Put $1000 in a Beginner Fund
This may not seem like a major move in becoming debt free, but it gives us well needed
practice in changing our behaviors to start becoming money minded. For me this was a
step that was already complete, however, for some this may be the hardest step to take
because it requires them to change and become committed to a new process (Ramsey,
Baby Step 2: Pay Off All Debt Using the Debt Snowball
The debt snowball is a simple concept by which the user makes a list of all of their
outstanding debts from lowest to highest and starts paying them off. This step takes some
coordination through budgeting and lifestyle reduction. In the Chapter titled Dumping
Debt , Dave states that the first thing we should do to eliminate debt, is to quit borrowing
money, which includes using credit cards (Ramsey, 2012). This is such a profound
revelation, taking that credit card debt is up to 887 billion dollars as of January 2015
(Nasdaq, 2014).
Baby Step 3: Put Three To Six Months of Expenses into a Savings Account for a Full
This Baby Step is very important because no income is a sure thing. If our income flow
suddenly stopped, how would we make ends meet? According to the Bureau of Labor
Statistics the average American household drummed up $51,100 in annual expenses (US
Department of Labor, 2014). This means that the average American would need $12,000
25,000 in saving
What Is Doublethink In 1984
In George Orwell s novel 1984, the party who rules the society uses different methods to
control their citizens and strengthen their own power. By comparing with the modern
American society, we can see similarities. This essay will contrast the two societies
within the subjects of doublethink, surveillance and the governing of the people.
Doublethink is a method and an act that is being used by the party and the American
government to make the citizens simultaneously accept two contradictory beliefs as
correct at the same time. Surveillance is used as the eye over the population. In 1984 it is
Big Brother who sees and hears every step you take, while in America it is the National
Security Agency (NSA). By controlling the people with lies and ... Show more content on ...
It focuses the hatred and rage of the people away from Big Brother and towards the
enemy as well as providing excuses for the second rate life of the citizens. Oceania is and
has always been at war with Eurasia but during Hate Week, the enemy changes to
Eastasia. The party immediately disregard all of the evidence showing that Oceania has
been at war with Eurasia. Doublethink causes the people to hold and then accept the false
idea that they had always been at war with Eastasia, even though material proof
contradicts this idea. This is very significant because if the inhabitants were allowed to
notice the change in war, they may have began to question it. The party uses doublethink
to focus the people s anger outwards instead of inwards against their leadership. A
modern act of doublethink in America, which could be compared to Oceania s, is when
Barack Obama in 2009 accepted the Nobel Peace Prize as he was simultaneously
involved in two wars. One in Afghanistan and one undeclared in Pakistan. As in 1984
you could say that the anger was focused on the enemy instead of his and the
governments leadership. America, the world s savior, has a habit of as they please
keeping the peace in foreign lands. They send their armed troops into these lands,
threatening to kill anyone who goes against the interests of democracy. (Landler,
A Reflection At The Center For Inclusion And Campus...
A Reflection at the Center for Inclusion and Campus Involvement: Social Justice Pre
Practicum Unlike my mental health pre practicum which was an off campus endeavor at
Aspire Health Partners, my social justice, and advocacy prepracticum took place on the
campus of Rollins at the Center for Inclusion and Campus Involvement (CICI). Working
this semester for CICI was an eye opening experience. For over four months, I was able
to abide by CICI s mission statement which consists of the following values; inclusion,
courageous leadership, authenticity, and social change. My endeavors were directed
towards the LGBTQ community at Rollins, but I was also able to work with incoming
students with Title IX and Buzz to help the new students understand how to be safe in
campus. My professional and personal values remained congruent with the social justice
and social advocacy mission values of CICI, and afforded me the chance to see the ethics
of my mental health counseling program in action. Accordingly, my values stand as self
determination to encourage social justice and social change on behalf of my clients. It
behooves me to highlight how meaningful this value subsists for me since this was one of
the central purposes that inspired me to pursue a career in mental health counseling. As a
gay man, I realized that the LGBTQ community needs many advocates for their rights
and for society s acceptance, especially for the LGBTQ youth of today. Therefore, I
recognized that counseling was
Hydrogen And Its Effects On The Environment
Hydrogen is the most popular on this list, there are many great things about hydrogen
such as it is not harmful to the environment, hydrogen is actually very safe; this is
because it uses a chemical process in the fuel cell to use the hydrogen as a fuel, it is much
more efficient than gasoline power, and research has shown that hydrogen can actually
clean the environment around them. Nonetheless hydrogen has some major problems
such the fact that it is extremely expensive to pull hydrogen from water making it much
more expensive than other renewable resources. Also the pollution created from making
the fuel cells essentially cancels out the benefits of hydrogen. Experts state that hydrogen
that escapes during the production process could erode the ozone layer even further and
exacerbate global warming. (Watson) Researchers also need to find a way to store
hydrogen as it highly flammable compared to gas, and in low density hydrogen has to be
transferred under high pressure making the transport very bulky and impractical.
(Watson) Biodiesel is essentially diesel that made from renewable resources. Biodiesel is
not used very much in America, however in countries in Southeast Asian are embracing
this alternative fuel source. Biodiesel can be made from a variety of biological organisms
such as corn, grass, or fats. Biodiesel has a net energy balance of 2.8, with a range of
0.27 to +5.3 based on different assumptions for how to assign energy usage and by
Professional Athletes, Sports Cars, Mansions, And Money
When thinking of professional athletes, sports cars, mansions, and money all come to
mind. What about after the pros? Most people would say that professional athletes are set
for the rest of their lives with everything luxurious. In most cases, athletes are
accustomed to the luxurious lifestyle and living for the moment while playing in the pros
that they do not think of retirement and no longer receiving salary or comparable salary if
securing alternative employment. So if they do not have money put away, whatever they
were paid as their last salary is what they have left. They continue spending their money
on expensive restaurants, trips, cars, etc. until it is gone and bankruptcy is the only
option. According to Sports Illustrated, in ... Show more content on ...
Although Owens had amazing talent, his ego disrupted the team on the field and in the
locker room. After many seasons with San Francisco, Owens decided to sign with the
Philadelphia Eagles in 2004 as an unrestricted free agent. Later throughout the season,
Owens broke his leg but with a speedy recovery he was able to take his starting role in
Super Bowl XXXIX. Even though he made it back in time for the Super Bowl, the
Eagles came up short and lost to the New England Patriots. Although Terrell Owens first
season with the Eagles went smoothly, his second season was not as good. Unhappy with
his contract, critical with the Eagles quarterback, and causing trouble in the locker room,
the club released him in 2006. Soon after his release, the Dallas Cowboys picked Owens
up for three seasons before dropping him due to his ego off and on the field. Terrell
Owens would then go to the Buffalo Bills for the 2009 season and then the Cincinnati
Bengals for the 2010 season. As a six time Pro Bowl selection and being second in
league history with 15,934 receiving yards, tied for second with 153 touchdowns, and
sixth with 1,078 catches, Terrell Owens did not receive a single offer from an NFL club
in 2011. In hopes of gaining attention from NFL scouts, Owens joined the Allen
Wranglers Indoor Football League in 2012. Terrell Owens biggest downfall was how he
conducted himself off and on the field. Many teams would not give him the time of day
because of how he conducted
America As A Puzzle Essay
I like to envision America as a jigsaw puzzle. Every piece represents each and every
American and their individuality. Alone, one puzzle piece may not look like much, but as
each piece unites together, the big picture is formed. No two pieces are alike, or play the
same role as another. America is a lot like this puzzle. The America I believe in is united.
When you sit down to put together a puzzle, it can sometimes be a little overwhelming.
So many pieces, all different and unique. In America, when we face a problem, like
someone protesting for equal rights, our diverse nation does not make it an easy fix.
When putting together a puzzle, the pieces don t just immediately fall into place. It takes
time and patience to start seeing the bigger picture. America has gone through difficult
times such as slavery, women s rights, and the Civil War. These were ... Show more
content on ...
There are lots of Americans, but only one America Val Saintsbury. 319 million people in
America and we re growing more and more each day. Out of those 319 million, 21.8
million are veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. Our veterans are like the box our puzzle
comes in. They are the ones that hold all the pieces together in one place and protect
them from outside elements. Without the box, we would lose puzzle pieces. As in
America, without our veterans, we would lose many things we take for granted every
day. Veterans are the main reason our country is united today. Our strength as a nation
comes in our unity. Ben Carson. America is working each and every day to be the best it
can be. Even though we fail sometimes, we can always pick the pieces back up and place
them where they need to be. The pieces will not always fit where we would like them to,
and sometimes pieces will go missing. But that s the great thing about America. No
matter what happens, no matter how many times we fail, we will always reunite together
to form the bigger picture. That s the America I believe
The Jewish Culture During World War II
The Jewish culture during World War II was primarily the target of terror. These people
were brutally murdered, sent to concentration camps where they were sent to pretty much
die, and also their way of life was almost destroyed. The Nazi s ran terror on these
citizens for years during the war. Even though all this was brought down onto the Jewish
citizens, they were still able to fight back. What different acts of resistance was there?
Who was all participating in the resistance? How were they able to obtain their resources
for their revolts? Where was the resistance happening at? In this essay, it will describe to
the readers of a couple instances where the Jewish resistance happened, such as; the
Sobribor concentration camp revolt, the ... Show more content on ...
A small group of Jewish prisoners who they were considered the underground
committee, they planned a small revolt and escape. The reason for this revolt is because
stated by Philip Bialowitz in A Promise at Sobibor
Our fears of liquidation only worsen when the transports begin arriving at less frequent
intervals in July. People begin thinking even more seriously of any way to save
themselves or to at least take some measure of vengeance before the Germans kill us.
The revolt began around October 14th at 4pm. They were supposed to slowly and silently
kill off SS staff. Someone made a duplicate key to the armory room, so they were able to
obtain some weapons from there. The first kill was an SS soldier with an axe, and the
Jewish prisoners went on to kill another 10 guards. The telephone wires were cut, and
with guns in hands they were aiming down the guard towers. When chaos broke out the
remaining guards shot at the prisoners. Roughly about 300 prisoners escaped but only 50
of them survived the war. Right after the revolt the camp was dismantled.
Michael Berenbaum wrote in his article Warsaw Ghetto Uprising,
As part of Adolf Hitler s final solution for ridding Europe of Jews, the Nazis established
ghettos in areas under German control to confine Jews until they could be executed. The
Warsaw ghetto, enclosed at first with barbed wire but later with a brick wall 10 feet high
and 11 miles long, comprised the old Jewish
Lululemon Athletica Analytic Essay
Case Analysis #1 Problem Essay Lululemon Athletica Inc Samuel Ellison Presented for:
Professor Kannangara Sunday, March 6th, 2016 BUSI4003 Introduction Lululemon
Athletica Inc., founded in 1998 in Vancouver by Chip Wilson, is a company which
designs and produces high end yoga and technical athletic clothing. They have operated
primarily in North America and Australia; their initial target customer was an educated
woman who lives an active and healthy lifestyle. They opened their first store in
Kitsilano in BC in November, 2000. The first store was intended to act as a community
hub where people could learn and discuss about the physical aspects and mental aspects
of a healthy life, in addition to selling yoga clothing. ... Show more content on ...
The company plans to launch stand alone men s stores by 2016 and expand their business
globally. That same day, the company announced plans to quit the Toronto Stock
Exchange (TSX) due to a lack of trading on the Canadian exchange, stating that the
expenses associated with having a dual listing were not justifiable(Nichols, 2016). The
one remark that sent the media in a frenzy was in response to the public criticism of the
sheer yoga pants, Wilson explained, Quite frankly, some women s bodies just actually
don t work for it. Even our small sizes would fit an extra large(Nichols, 2016). It s really
about the rubbing through the thighs, how much pressure is there. This statement
triggered massive social outrage that was felt throughout many media platforms(Nichols,
2016). With this media fire storm it was clear that Mr. Wilson needs to be reprimanded in
the sense of being taught to speak to the media. Christine Day has stepped down from the
CEO position and corporate will need to select another leader. To break down the
analysis of the case I believe is it best divide aspects of the case and as well what they
should do into categories such as : Economics, Sociocultural, Demographic, and
Technological. These would all be considered apart of all external aspects. Economic:
Continued economic struggles, especially within the European Union, have the potential
to negatively affect Lululemon s international expansion(Thomas
Masaccio Fresco Of The Holy Trinity
Renaissance artists had achieved to recreate the three dimensional physical reality of the
human body and architecture of two dimensional surface in the 1400s. Horizon line,
vanishing point and parallel lines are the system to linear perspective. Objects are smaller
to represent depth, smaller objects are back into space and larger objects are bigger. Also
using shadowing to create an illusion of depth. A great artist was Masaccio, who began to
explore the idea of depth and volume in their art. Masaccio painted his fresco of the Holy
Trinity in 1424. The title come from the three religious figures: Christ of the cross, the
holy spirit and God the Gather standing behind Christ. God the father is standing behind
Christ, we would traditionally
Hazing In High School
In a perturbing video released on the World Star Hip Hop Website, a secret ritual for new
fraternity initiates known as pledging displayed petrified students lined up and passing a
raw egg yolk from mouth to mouth1. Older students stood laughing as they hazed the
recruits to pass the egg. Such immature deeds have resulted in repercussions felt
globally; more than 250,000 students experienced some sort of hazing to join a college
athletic team2. Hazing has been observed in schools, fraternities/clubs, and households.
I did not know much about hazing until I tasted it firsthand after I was elected into
Student Government Association (SGA) in high school. Many upperclassmen from SGA
in my school intended to patronize those who were not old ... Show more content on ...
Secret Ritual Of Pledging? [Internet]. WORLDSTARHIPHOP. 2017 [cited 14 February
2017]. Available from:
2 College B. Important Hazing Statistics | Hazing Prevention | Babson College [Internet]. 2017 [cited 11 March 2017]. Available from:
life/community standards/hazing/Pages/important hazing statistics.aspx
3 [Internet]. 2017 [cited 15 February 2017]. Available from: and its consequences/
4[Internet]. 2017 [cited 15 February 2017]. Available from: and bullying/
5 Hazing The more you know [Internet]. Hazing Prevention. 2017 [cited 18 February
2017]. Available from: content/uploads/Article Page
Lorin Phillips 2016.pdf
6 22 Shocking Hazing Deaths Statistics [Internet]. 2017 [cit ed 14 February 2017]. Available from:
The Depth And Complexity Of Empathy
Most definitions of empathy are based on the same core idea empathy is the ability to
understand and identify someone else s thoughts and feelings, as if they were one s own
(wordreference online dictionary, 2016). Although it s been said there are probably nearly
as many definitions of empathy as people working on the topic. (de Vignemont Singer,
2006, p.435) suggesting that there is no singular way to even define empathy, let alone
explain its impact on our behaviour. Due to the sheer depth and complexity of empathy it
s understandable that each discipline within psychology presents it s own explanation for
why we experience it, and how it can affect our interaction with the world around us.
Psychologists have been exploring empathy for decades, in hope of gaining a complete
grasp of what it means and how it can vary between each person, therefore its important
we look at different psychological perspectives to try to understand it s many dimensions.

For a number of years empathy was difficult to measure, as there was limited basis of
empirical data. This changed with the progression of technology, as the biological
approach could then using brain imaging techniques to visually represent the activity
going on in the brain and biological psychologists could then research links between the
activity and behavioural traits like empathy. One way in which biological psychology has
helped us understand empathy as a complex trait is through exploration of mirror
In this modern world, learning a new language is a huge...
In this modern world, learning a new language is a huge endeavor in a person s life. In
order for someone to learn a new language, it is necessary for them to learn the language
structure, its phonemes, facial expressions, word collocations, and other detail aspects
related to learning a language. When communicating with someone that can fluently
speak the language you are trying to learn, talking to them may be a challenge because it
takes awhile for someone who is foreign with the language to find the right words to
properly express the message you are trying to convey. When learning the English
language, I usually focus on learning words through images and books. I hardly ever
translate the words to or from my language because ... Show more content on ...
Most establishments, street signs, and just about what I see around the city use English as
the official language and this makes it easier for me to learn and remember English. Also,
in order for us to be promoted to the next grade level, we need to pass English class and
use English as the primary language in all classes. We only use Filipino as a secondary
language in school.
Speaking a different language with a different word structures and accent makes learning
and speaking English quite challenging at first. For instance, English puts the adjective
before a noun whereas most other languages in the world put it after the noun. English
has so many idioms and expressions that it makes quite confusing to learn. We usually
don t speak English with friends and at home back there and because of this; it can get
more problematic to retain what was previously learned because of lack of exposure.
I was fortunate enough to go to private school because I don t think a public school in my
previous country would have the same English academic standards as the classes found
in private schools. I took an English class since kindergarten because of it being the
universal language and I thought that it might be helpful for me to learn especially in
business and when watching American television shows and Hollywood movies, where
the English language is predominantly used.
I realized that starting to learn a new language at a young age was a great idea because if
A Research Study On Finance And Economics
Two years ago while I offered a research job at Cambridge in applied economics, one of
my friends jokingly quipped that one day I would be the next Raghuram Rajan, who had
just taken over as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India following his academic
position. I smiled as I had then not considered the possibility of becoming an academic
who could wield such power in designing policies to govern the financial institution of
the world s largest democracy. In retrospect, this does not seem very far from the truth
with respect to my long term career goals. I consider it a privilege to contribute
meaningful work that would improve the financial standards in my country. My interest
in a quantitative field like finance and economics comes as no surprise, since
Mathematics is one of my favorite subjects and my forte right from secondary school.
The power of these subjects to cater to practical applications in the real world setting led
to my close involvement with them, which was also instrumental for my qualifying for
the Indian National Mathematics Olympiad. For my undergraduate studies, I chose
Mechanical Engineering over the other options, at one of the top universities for this
discipline in my country, due to its significant quantitative content and for the possibility
of applying those tools to solving complex problems, which I did. The rigorous pure
math training spanning 3 semesters including topics in linear and vector algebra,
multivariate calculus, differential
The Role Of The Cadaver In Mary Roach straff
Mary Roach s Stiff is on the human cadaver and their many uses throughout history.
Roach begins by visiting the University of California, and observes surgeons practicing
surgeries on cadavers. The donated cadavers are very important in the medical field,
because without them, there would be no realistic way to practice surgeries without
actually performing them on live people. Roach then goes into the history of the cadaver
in the medical field. Many civilizations used dead bodies to learn about human anatomy
and practice medical procedures. England in the 17th and 18th century used cadavers so
often, that they had a shortage of them, leading to people snatching bodies from graves to
sell to medical schools and anatomists. Next, Roach flies to the University of Tennessee,
where they have an area with bodies decomposing all over the lawn. Researchers here
observe the processes after death, which begins with autolysis, where enzymes in the
body break down cell walls. Roach calls the next step bloat, where the bacteria in bodies
expel gas, but the body cannot release it, making it swell. The final step is putrefaction or
decay, where the body is eaten away by the bacteria inside of it. ... Show more content on ...
However embalming is only temporary, and the body will eventually decay. Cadavers are
also used as crash dummies in car accidents. Researchers get better results when testing
on dead humans rather than fake dummies. The use of cadavers in car safety testing has
advanced our knowledge of car injuries greatly, leading to knew innovations and saving
Investigating The National Check Fraud Center
Individuals should take the time to carefully review their bank statement in order to help
secure their own accounts and the things that banks overlook.

Inks that will make a Criminal Rethink

The National Check Fraud Center recommends for people to change the type of pen that
he or she signs with in order to protect him or her from falling victim to this crime. The
majority of both ballpoint pens and dark inked markers have a rich dye base. This simply
means that switching pen types can help protect individuals from check washing. There
are security pens that have a completely different ink base. Among water resistant inks,
the inks gel does not allow fluid to pass through it making it a safer pen. Gel pens have
been found to be the most impervious pens and have been discovered as counterfeit proof
pens. These counterfeit pens are secure from acetone and many other chemicals used in
check washing. According to a recent study performed by the National Check Fraud
Center, a specific and inexpensive pen called Uniball 207 makes check washing much
more difficult for the check washers. The Uni ball pen has been around for over 125
years. Originally made of wood, this pen was first started in 1887 by Niroku Masaki and
ten employees in Tokyo... with these wooden pens history begins. When check washing
became a serious problem worldwide the Uni ball company business leaders began
attempting to create a pen to trump all others. Only a few years ago did this company
create the
The National Football League
The National Football League is known for its prominence, dominance and thrilling
seasons that play a role in the lives of so many. From the summer months of the pre
season to the Super Bowl in February, American football dominates the sports scene.
However, college football and the draft are both equally important factors for the NFL to
live up to the expectations of the fans. Both the draft and division one football are
streamed on television so that each fan can tune in and see who will be the next member
of their beloved NFL team. For many across the United States, the Dallas Cowboys, also
known as America s team is that cherished team. However, the Dallas Cowboys have
struggled to have a strong offensive and defensive presence in ... Show more content on ...
He s taken the same approach to the second round of the NFL draft several times since
2010 without hitting many gushers. Jones likes to pick players who are not a sure thing
when it comes to the game of Football and so far this has not paid off in his or team s
favor. If contacted by the team, to assist in the draft selection process, my first suggestion
would be no more wild cards. Through my quantitative analysis proposal, I hope to
ensure that the Dallas Cowboys receive defensive players that can play and contribute to
the beginning success of revitalized team. My proposal would look at filling the two gaps
left by the exits of the cornerbacks and strong safety. The Dallas Cowboys need players
who can perform at the level of the top players in those specific positions to ensure that
success for the team comes early. My proposal would look at three different sets of
statistics to ensure a positive draft pick. First, I would analyze the other thirty one teams
within the National Football League, and deduct based off of the statistics of the
cornerback and strong safety position who is regarded as the top players in that specific
position. The Strong Safety is usually, well, strong, and fast. They are usually responsible
for covering TEs, RBs, and WRs and playing down the field, but are often expected to
come up in run support. While the cornerbacks try to break up passes, tackle players who
catch passes, and try to intercept passes
What Is The Difference Between The Fourth Amendment
Cyber Terrorism and Fourth Amendment
The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution comprises the
Bill of Rights that fundamentally accentuates upon the prohibition of unreasonable
searches and seizures and presses upon the presence of warrant to be judicially
sanctioned and supported by a probable cause. The law was basically developed in
response to the abuse of the writ of assistance.
This was basically a general type of warrant issued by the British government and was a
major source of tension in pre revolutionary America. The Fourth Amendment was
introduced in the US Congress in the year 1789 by James Madison, along with other
amendments that were later encompassed in the Bill of Rights. This was mainly in
response to Anti Federalist objections that were introduced in the new Constitution
(Wood, 2006). Congress submitted the necessary amendments that it needed were
mandatory to be made ... Show more content on ...
Fourth Amendment case law manages three focal inquiries: what government exercises
constitute hunt and seizure ; what constitutes reasonable justification for these activities;
and how infringement of Fourth Amendment rights ought to be tended to. Early court
choices constrained the alteration s degree to a law implementation officer s physical
interruption onto private property, yet with Katz v. United States (1967), the Supreme
Court held that its assurances, for example, the warrant prerequisite, reach out to the
protection of people and also physical areas. Law implementation officers require a
warrant for most pursuit and seizure exercises, however the Court has characterized a
progression of exemptions for assent quests, engine vehicle pursuits, prove on display,
critical circumstances, fringe looks, and different
The Arthritis Foundation
Arthritis affects nearly 53.8 million people in the United States as of 2014 and is 2 times
more likely to occur in women than in men. (Arthritis facts). Arthritis is painful swelling
of joints and can cause many complications to other parts to the body( What is
Rheumatoid Arthritis). The Arthritis Foundation is a Non profit organization that deals
with the treating, recovery, moral support and the development of new treatments for the
many different types of arthritis. They help the entire spectrum of arthritis for adults to
kids and rheumatoid arthritis to osteoarthritis One should spread awareness of the illness
and even go as far as to donate and volunteer because this is a widespread illness and
people know far too little of it, they ... Show more content on ...
Children with arthritis are going to have to live their entire life with it, they need help to
understand, live with and rise about arthritis. One should spread awareness of the illness
and even go as far as to donate and volunteer because this is a widespread illness and
people know far too little of it, they give moral support to the people who have it
especially children and they research better treatments so that the pain and inflammation
of arthritis many be minimised in hope that families that arthritis affects can get on with
normal lives. Arthritis may not be life threatening however it causes pain. That pain stops
adults from working and doing the things that they love. That pain stops children from
having a quality child hood from being bullied to falling behind in school to feeling
awful about themselves. That pain cause the elderly to not be able to enjoy the time they
have left. That s why new treatments are needed, a cure needs to be researched and moral
support needs to be given. So that the people with arthritis might have a small chance to
live their life without pain and a constant nagging reminder that no matter how hard they
try the pain will alway be there. This is why you should volunteer, donate and/or spread
awareness about the arthritis foundation
Essay about Identification

The identification process is perhaps the biggest problem in gifted education. In the
United States, it is estimated that 47,846,000 children are enrolled in K 12 public
schools. Of these students, approximately 2,393,000, or five percent, are considered
gifted (Genius Denied, 2005). Developing procedures to identify these exceptional
students can be an arduous task. However, Coleman has stated that, Identification
remains critical to ensuring that children receive the services they need to thrive in school
(2003, 1). There are several problems educators deal with when identifying gifted
students. First, students from economically disadvantaged families or from culturally
diverse backgrounds are considerably ... Show more content on ...
There are several negative consequences involved when gifted students are not properly
identified or treated. The student will learn at too slow a pace in the regular classroom,
resulting in boredom and frustration. Some students who are not identified may even
become completely disinterested and drop out. Eventually, those students who remain in
school at this slow pace will begin to realize that they can succeed without putting forth
much effort. As a result, the students will develop poor study habits and a smaller
attention span. By the time this student enters college, he/she does much poorly than the
average student because he/she never learned how to properly study (Southern Jones,

Educators should be aware of several general characteristics of gifted and talented

students, which are outlined on (2005). Although gifted students can
come from all ethnic and socioeconomic groups, they all have things in common.
Exceptional students think and learn more rapidly than normal students, and in unusual
ways. They are more able to think deeply or abstractly about what they learn. They are in
constant need of mental stimulation, and generally have the ability to form patterns and
connections easily. Most gifted students are precocious in a particular area, such as math
or English, while some children are talented in a wide array of subjects.
Yooree Losordo
There, she stood in the corner that she could finally call her own.

This was the moment that made Yooree Losordo realize that she had accomplished what
many had a difficult time initiating a successful business. As the owner of On the Dot
Books Bookstore, the shear excitement of bringing a service to the community helps to
keep her working tirelessly in her efforts to continue developing all positive ideas into
Migrating from Seoul, South Korea, to the United States at just six years old made
Yooree feel eternally grateful to be in a country where she would be given the same
opportunities to become a working, successful citizen like everyone else. Since moving
to America, her mother worked at the Queens Borough Public Library. ... Show more
content on ...
In many occasions, women owned businesses stay at a small scale due to lack of finance.
Unlike some differing opinion, Boston has a lot of resources for women entrepreneurs.
Contrary to popular beliefs, Yooree believes that it is very easy to get opportunities as a
woman. The question of discrimination between men and women, and people of color in
the business field arose. Yooree commented, I have never been white nor a man, so I
would not know about how it feels to be in their position, but women and men of color
tend to be socially conscience, such as the Black Lives Matter movement, and their
businesses have social ambitions. The challenges do remain to be all the same. She says
that she has never faced any discrimination that she was aware of, but strongly agrees
that entrepreneurs were made to keep going and not dwell on situations as such.
In terms of being a business owner, Yooree believes that the pros of owning one s own
business is that it is very rewarding, one can set their own schedule, the job can be
positively challenging, it is possible to create an unlimited destiny, and it gives people an
opportunity to grow within themselves. The cons, however, are that the work is never
done, and solo entrepreneurship simply means that there are never enough people to help
with the
The Tell Tale Heart Insanity Quotes
Guilt is cancer. Guilt will confine you, torture you, destroy you as an artist. It s a black
wall. It s a thief. Dave Grohl perfectly describes this psychological demon inside our
minds, munching away on our inner esteem. However, this contrite conscience only
comes after a harrowing deed has been done, after a haunting experience has been
encountered. One such phenomenon occurs in the short story The Tell Tale Heart, where
the protagonist, an unnamed narrator, brutally murders an old man to get rid of his evil
eye. To start with, this anonymous storyteller endeavors to convince the reader of his
sanity, and states that he has contracted a disease that has honed his senses (especially the
sense of hearing). The raconteur continues by ... Show more content on
To begin with, his motive for murder is the epitome of insane. The text states Object
there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. He had never wronged me.
He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! Yes, it
was this (2). Even though the old man does absolutely nothing to upset his younger
companion, the protagonist still strives to end his life, all because of an eye. With this
newfound objective, the story teller quickly acts, describing how he advances in
paragraph 3: You should have seen how wisely I proceeded with what caution with what
foresight with what dissimulation, I went to work! Specifically, the main character stalks
the old man throughout a whole week before finally striking. At midnight, he cautiously
opens the bedroom door and sticks in a lantern, just enough so he lands a single ray of
light upon the evil eye. On the other side of the spectrum, he lures the old man into a
false sense of security during the day by acting good natured and kindhearted. Although
the raconteur has expressed his psychotic mind and vexatious ideas, the infamous
principle innocent until proven guilty prevents his conscious from entering the depths of
guilt since no serious devilry has been done
Analysis Of A Farewell To Arms
A Farewell to Arms is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway. The book setting is in Italy
during World War I, along the border between Italy and the Austro Hungarian Empire.
The novel focus on a tragic love story between Lieutenant Frederic Henry and British
nurse Catherine Barkley. Though many obstacles, the two lovers always find a way to
stay together. The novel s ending wasn t the best but in the end, they were star crossed
lovers. Hemingway was best known for this novel as to be one of the best novel that he
has ever written. The novel is recognized by its style, characterization, and tragedy.
Throughout the novel, Hemingway does a great job at introducing each character and
their relation to the war. He s very descriptive when it come to the interaction between
the two main characters. However, his transition from one chapter to another was
sometimes confusing and not as descriptive. For example, each chapter he would state
the next morning or the next afternoon but he doesn t give us the specific date or the time
of the day. This makes the readers wonder if Hemingway is telling the truth about the
events of the war or not. Since its past tense and is being told through a narrative novel,
we can t trust whether Hemingway is leaving out any detail of the events because there is
such a big time gap between when it was told and when the book was written. We can t
say that Frederick was taking notes on every event that occurred but we can only trust
that he s telling the truth. Furthermore, each time he transitions from each chapter and
book, he completely changes the setting and mood of the story. This confuses some
readers and makes them not wanting to continue on reading the novel. He also gave us
descriptive information regarding to the war as well. For example, in chapter 2 it stated:
The next year there were many victories. The mountain that was beyond the valley and
the hillside where the chestnut forest grew was captured and there were victories beyond
the plain on the plateau to the south and we crossed the river in August and lived in a
house in Gorizia that had a fountain and many thick shady trees in a walled garden and a
wistaria vine purple on the side of the house. Now
The Information Technology Project Management Project
The information Technology project that I will be working on for this assignment will be
a media management. So the scenario will be that this hypothetical Department of
Defense contract company deals with large data files within the sensitive compartmented
information facility. The data includes personal information, programs, software install
kit, intelligence surveillance data and etc. Any of media traffic that goes in and out of this
facility must be logged and tracked by security officials.
However, this mission could fail essentially with increasing amount of data. Therefore,
my boss would like me to start a database management project that will accommodate
this program. I would suggest using the Microsoft Access software for this project
because it s cost effective, simple to operate, and one of commonly known source among
other business entities. In order to create a database management, I would first analyze
the data, identify data types, create tables, assign attributes such as primary keys, set up
relationships between tables, input the data, create a design, build a query, generate
reports, and run final assessment.
If I do everything correctly, then this database management tool will allow the company
to consolidate physical CDs, DVDs, and tapes in a centralized secure location with
capabilities to track them. Security office staff were concerned about missing media from
the sensitive compartmented information facility. From this IT project, I hope to develop
Short Story Of Morty s A Jewish Dog
Morty visits Dr. Saul, the veterinarian, and says, My dog has a problem. Dr. Saul says,
So, tell me the problem. Morty explains, He s a Jewish dog. His name is Izzy and he can
talk. He can talk? the doubting doctor asks. Sure, watch this! Morty points to the dog and
commands, Izzy, Fetch! The dog walks toward the door, then turns around and says, But
why are you talking to me like that? You always order me around like I m nothing. And
you only call me when you want something. And then you make me sleep on the floor,
with my arthritis. You give me this fahkahkta food and tell me it s a special diet but it
tastes like dreck! You should eat it yourself! And do you ever take me for a decent walk?
Nope, it s out the house, a short pish ... Show more content on ...
When four legged friends are working dogs, we are appreciative of their skills and we
look after their needs. Jewish text is familiar with the dog in its role as guard dog and
sheep dog. Jewish communities have benefitted from sled dog, tracking dog, water dog,
and police dog and in other forms of work. On the other hand, the identification of dogs
as pets is another story. In Exodus, G d informs Moses of the tenth plague on Egypt, the
slaying of the first born. There shall be a great outcry in the entire land of Egypt, such as
there has never been and such as there shall never be again. But against all the Children
of Israel, no dog shall wag its tongue, against neither man nor beast, so that you shall
know that the Lord will have differentiated between Egypt and Israel. How miraculous is
this; no dogs barked and called attention to the homes of the Israelites where Torah was
1.08 Dialectical Journal
zany He threw a finger to the dead end of the corridor, where twenty someting Jason
Abbernathy proceeded with a smile, sliding a homburg over his gelled hair and urbanely
clicked his door shut. Oh, and here, we have the maladaptove daydreamer He was
directed into a broad coridor, where criminal inpatients silently begged family or
bondsmen to answer their phone callsd Her eyes lingered at the Venetian blinds as thet
swooped against the open window. Hey, it s pretty windy tonight. Brady silently choked
on a chicken bone of terror once his own eyes caught a glance. He knew that it wasn t
merely the wind from the cracked window, but, rather, the girls. His girls; his homicide
victims; those he had turned into foolish ashes and bear ... Show more content on ...
The shifting of clouds around the noon sun tell him that lunch break is around the corner
and that it may be one of the most peaceful days to take lunch outside. Now, as he ties up
clutter around his desk, he is paged by his darling partner and secretary Janet who
announces, Gough, Brady is coming in. Right then, the voice of Brady Gough drifts
closer, and joined by his distinctively slow but obnoxious footsteps through Janet s hall.
His nothing above normal compliments towards Janet echo, along with her fiddle
laughter, until he opens the door to Van Buren s office. Van Buren is in slight relief. The
few previous times with Brady had not been so voluntary. He pulls his bottom desk
drawer out and walks his finger through in search of Gough s folder. I did not have you
listed for a noon appointment, but it is quite nice to. . . A sudden plop takes his speech off
track, and entices him to glance up from his desk drawer. . . . See you. . . In front of the
desk stands Brady, almost too enlightened. He had dropped his flaccid member on the
edge of the doctor s desk, acquainted with a bunched and clinging condom, and he is
posed dressed in nothing but proud sweat and skin. How are ya,
Garth Stein s The Art Of Racing In The Rain
Garth Stein is an American creator and film maker from Seattle, Washington. Broadly
known as the creator of the New York Times top rated novel, The Art of Racing in the
Rain, Stein is additionally a narrative producer, writer, educator, and novice racer. Garth
Stein was born in Los Angeles on December 6, 1964, yet spent the greater part of his
adolescence experiencing childhood in Seattle. His dad, a Brooklyn local, was the
offspring of Austrian Jewish migrants, while Stein s Alaskan mother originates from
Tlingit and Irish plummet. Stein later returned to his Tlingit legacy in his first novel,
Raven Stole the Moon. Stein earned a B.A. from Columbia College of Columbia
University (1987) and a Master of Fine Arts degree in film from the University s School
of the Arts (1990).Stein has acted as a chief, ... Show more content on ...
She began her vocation in the theater, and won an Obie Award for Best Actress in 1963
for her Off Broadway execution in Bertolt Brecht s Man Equals Man. She later
transitioned to film work and in 1987 she won an Academy Award, a Golden Globe, and
a BAFTA selection for her execution in Moonstruck. She got another Golden Globe
assignment for Sinatra, and Emmy designations for Lucky Day, More Tales of the City
and Joan of Arc. Dukakis was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, the girl of Alexandra (née
Christos) and Constantine S. Dukakis. Her guardians were Greek settlers to the United
States, her dad from Anatolia and her mom from the Peloponnese.[1][2] She has a
sibling, Apollo, and is a cousin of Michael Dukakis, a previous legislative head of
Massachusetts and the Democratic candidate for president in 1988, for whom she was a
representative from New Jersey at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. She is an
alumna of Arlington High School in Arlington, Massachusetts, and was taught at Boston
University. Dukakis has been hitched to on screen character Louis Zorich since 1962.
They have three
A Novel Modeling And Design Of Statcom With Controllable...
A Novel Modeling Design of STATCOM with Controllable grid connected Variable
Speed Wind Energy Supply System

Mohammad Arshad Ali

P.G Scholar,Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
SRKR Engineering College
Bhimavaram, India.


In the grid new renewable resources are added to extract more power. This adds more
power quality issues to grid connection. A Power quality problem is an occurrence
manifested as a nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that results in a failure or a mis
operation of end user equipment. This paper investigates the use of a static synchronous
compensator (STATCOM) is connected at a point of common coupling with Battery
Energy Storage System(BESS)to overcome of a power quality issues of a wind farm
equipped with variable speed wind turbines driving Double Fed Induction Generators
(DFIG). A physical control scheme, including four control loops: ac voltage, dc voltage,
ac active current and ac reactive current controllers, is pre specified for the STATCOM. A
synthetic algorithm is proposed to embed these physical control loops in the output
feedback path. The simulation results demonstrated that under various system
disturbances, the proposed mode decoupling STATCOM is effective in regulating IG
terminal voltage.
The conventional energy sources such as oil, natural gas, coal, or nuclear are finite and
generate pollution. Alternatively, the renewable energy sources like wind, fuel cell, solar,
Silence By Shusaku Endo s Silence
Zhaowei Cui (Aries)
Professor Stephan Davis
Intro to Religious Thought

Many times throughout religious history God has seemed to show silence towards his
followers, at times when they really needed Him the most. For instance the Jews have a
long history of anguish and suffering at the hands of other religious faiths or races, and
often have been met with silence from their God. The holocaust is perhaps the most well
known example of a religious group being persecuted without any protection from the
God that they worship and seek protection from. In Shusaku Endo s book Silence, he
writes of another example of religious persecution, this time focusing on the Japanese
eliminating Christianity. When religious people face suffering they can often be faced
with a horrible dilemma: What s more important, my faith, or the lives of others? If a
religious person has to commit sacrilege in order to save another human beings life, is
that the right thing to do? Or even further, if a religious person must give up their religion
in order to save other people, is that the option they should, or would take? Regardless of
the decisions people make facing such dilemmas, why should they need to face this
dilemma in the first place? If their God would not stay silent, and come to the aid of His
people, then would the dilemma not be averted? Shusaku Endo s book Silence, which is
loosely based on the life of the historical figure Giuseppe Chiara,
Naming Alcohols in Chemistry
In chemistry, an alcohol is in the hydroxyl functional group ( OH) is bound to a carbon
atom. In particular, this carbon center should be saturated, having single bonds to three
other atoms. Important alcohols are the simple acyclic alcohols. Of those, ethanol
(C2H5OH) is the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages, and in common speech
the word alcohol refers specifically to ethanol. When it comes to alcohol reactions the
functional group of the alcohols is the hydroxyl group OH. Unlike the alkyl halides, this
group has two reactive covalent bonds, the C O bond and the O H bond. The
electronegativity of oxygen is greater than carbon and hydrogen. The covalent bonds of
this functional group are polarized so that oxygen is electron ... Show more content on ...
In the monohydric alcohol group there is Methanol (wood alcohol), ethanol (alcohol),
isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), Butyl alcohol (butanol), pentanol (amyl alcohol),
and hexadecan 1 ol (cetyl alcohol). Another group of alcohols would be the polyhydric
alcohols. With these alcohols there are ethane 1,2 diol (ethylene glycol), propane 1,2 diol
(propylene glycol), Propane 1,2,3 triol (glycerol), Butane 1,2,3,4 tetraol (Erythritol,
Threitol), Pentane 1,2,3,4,5 pentol (xylitol), Hexane 1,2,3,4,5,6 hexol (Mannitol,
Sorbitol), Heptane 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 heptol (volemitol). Another group of alcohols would be
the unsaturated aliphatic alcohols. In this group would be Prop 2 ene 1 ol (allyl alcohol),
3, 7 Dimethylocta 2, 6 dien 1 ol (geraniol), and Prop 2 in 1 ol (Propargyl alcohol). The
last group of the alcohols would be alicyclic alcohols. In this group there is Cyclohexane
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 hexol (inositol) and 2 (2 propyl) 5 methyl cyclohexane 1 ol (menthol)
(Britannica). The names above are just a list of some of the alcohols that can be found
within the big range and different types of alcohols. The alcohols above use the same
formats as alkanes to be named. When it comes to alcohols and naming them they will
end with the letters ol at the end of the name, which means that they are alcohols. When
it comes to alcohol reactions the functional group of the alcohols is
Lead Like Jesus By Ken Blanchard
Lead Like Jesus Authors Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges are two great friends who had a
hope of getting others to experience Jesus in a whole new way, growing and trusting Him
as the one to ultimately seek as the perfect one to lead others. I believe the two said it
best when they defined leadership as a process of influence. Anytime you seek to
influence the thinking, behavior, or development of people in their person or professional
lives, you are taking on the role of a leader. (pg.18) Leadership is an entire process of
influence. It was easy to start reading this book with presuppositions that it would be
another Sunday school lesson about Jesus being the one we need to ask for directions and
how we are called to live like Him daily. What I was not expecting when I started this
book was that I would self evaluate myself in everyday situations and reflect on how I
could better myself as a leader and lead others to the Lord through my daily
conversations and eventually my future career. This book serves as a text to inform you
on leadership qualities in the business world, personal relationships and in having a more
personal relationship with God. At the beginning of the book, Blanchard and Hodges
encourage you to do seven things before reading; begin in prayer, skim through the entire
book, read each chapter and underline key thoughts, take time to pause and reflect,
summarize you ideas and reflections, share with others what you have learned and
periodically review
Plickers Essay
At the beginning of the school year, students take an assessment also known as the BOY
Beginning of the school year assessment. This assessment provides teacher insightful
knowledge as to where the student is at and what background knowledge does the student
have. Providing this baseline assessment especially for special education students it
provides the teacher with useful knowledge on what he or she can implement on their
unit plan. The baseline assessment will include responding short answers with citing
evidence. Currently, they are several methods on how to obtain data from assessments
such as using Achieve 3000, plickers and the regular method, which would be test and
quizzes. Achieve 3000 provides the student with a modified article ... Show more content
on ...
Plickers assigns a code to a student and provides the student to namelessly provide its
answer; Plickers is an app on the teacher s phone , the teacher then scans the student s
answers. The program then generates a graph of students scores it provides who got the
answers correct or incorrect. Additionally, plickers helps decrease students copying each
other s answers. Plickers is a great tool to use for during and post assessments.
Additionally, using plickers for quick checks for understanding to know if your students
understand concepts and skills.
Exit ticket includes self reflective questions that guide students towards self monitoring,
assessing individual writing goals, and identifying areas of progress in writing (CAST,
27). Exit tickets provide the best form of post assessments. Additionally, exit tickets
inform the teacher if the students were able to grasp the concept and skills. Providing an
exit slip at the end of the lesson informs teachers if they need to re teach the lesson or
provide additional assistance to certain students. Also, exit slips are a form of data that
teachers are able to
A Day Died Of Heart Attack
Ibbad Hussain

The Perfect day is when I was on a picnic with my family at Karachi beach in
Pakistan. The summertime there is when the day is extremely hot and the ocean
exceedingly breezy. On this perfect day as I recall, the mist of the salty ocean water
dampened the face and the smell of the sizzling burger patties wafted in the air. My
Grandfather whom I called Big G , the reason that calling him Big G is his biggest pet
peeve. On this perfect day, Big G made the greasiest, succulent burger I have ever eaten
and that day I ate four full size burgers. I know it s a lot of food to eat one time, but I can
t help it; they were just so mouth watering. Only if things lasted forever, I wish he were
still alive to make another one today just like on this perfect day.
Big G on the perfect day died of heart attack due to lack of proper medications. The heart
attack happened because Big G had high cholesterol, which was not reduced by proper
medications like it is in America. As an effect of improper medications for the high
cholesterol condition, any sort of minor physical activity had serious consequences. On
this perfect day, Big G was playing Badminton with me, and as the game progressed, the
physical condition worsened into a sudden heart attack. My parents rushed Big G to the
hospital, but on the way hope was lost. When the ambulance arrived at the hospital,
burial forms had to be filled out instead of hospital admittance forms. I cried my heart
out that day, eventually
Sexual Harassment Issues
Sexual harassment is an ongoing problem in our society and has been swept under the
rug in most sexual harassment cases in the workplace. The problem with sexual
harassment, especially in the workplace, is the fact that victims usually cannot escape the
situation from happening more than once. The victim is often in a position with their
company that the victim cannot let authorities know of the harassment because of
financial obligation to their family and themselves through the company. Sexual
harassment is an issue that, is not only a major issue but an issue that needs to be
stopped. Sexual harassment in the workplace needs to be prevented from happening and
we as a society need to raise awareness for this issue. The sexual harassment epidemic in
the workplace in America is escalating quickly, but what exactly is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted sex related behavior at work that is appraised
by the recipient as offensive, exceeding her resources, or threatening her well being
(Barling). However, there is a difference between sexual harassment in the workplace
and workplace romance. Workplace romance is a risky game to play in the workplace
environment. Often in cases of sexual harassment, workplace romances have taken a turn
in the wrong direction and turn into more aggressive relationships. Sexual harassment
does not only happen to women but also to men. However, sexual harassment cases
occur more with women as the victim than men being
How Does The Boo Radley House Symbolize In To Kill A...
The Boo Radley house reflects mystery, fear, and understanding. Harper Lee has Scout
explain how people tremble when walking on the sidewalk next his home, which shows
how the Boo Radley house is a great symbol in To Kill a Mockingbird. Arthur Radlenny
gives the children and the people in the community a feeling of uneasy edge when they
are around his house. A Negro would not pass the Radley Place at night, he would cut
across to the sidewalk opposite and whistle as he walked... People are scared to walk near
the Boo Radley place due to the mysterious man that lives there. Arthur Boo Radley is
never seen by Jem, Dill or Scout until the very end of the novel when he saves the
children from Bob Ewell. Even then, Scout is the only one of the
The Health Information Technology For Economic And...
Organizational Information Hospital Sisters Health System (HSHS) is a group of 13
hospitals located within Illinois and Wisconsin. While run under the guidance of the
HSHS governance board, the hospital is divided into four divisions. Each division works
with the system office located in Springfield, Illinois. While each division is governed by
the system office, they also have their own governing board that enables each division to
make decisions that will be beneficial to their demographic area and the patients that they
serve. This paper will focus on HSH Eastern Wisconsin Division (HSHS EWD) is a
division of HSHS that currently consist of four hospitals, several clinics, and hundreds of
physicians in Eastern Wisconsin. HSHS EWD has prided itself on staying up to date on
the latest technology, including HIT. The Health Information Technology for Economic
and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 was designed to decrease healthcare costs,
improve health outcomes, coordinate care, and protect personal health information in an
electronic format. Part of HITECH was utilizing electronic health records (EHR) that
qualify for meaningful use. The objectives of meaningful use were designed with the
goal of improving the quality of care, safety, and efficiency of the healthcare system
while providing patients access to their health records in a secure electronic format. One
important outcome of HITECH is providing facilities and providers with a monetary
incentive when
Recognition In Pinnipeds
The ability to recognize particular individuals becomes highly important when living in a
social setting, for many Pinnipeds living in a collective group atmosphere this capability
proves highly beneficial, especially for mothers. By merging numerous studies centered
on vocal and kin recognition, as well as the evolutionary forces driving such a unique
skill set and their impact on the fitness of the species in general, under a more critical
lens, a better understanding of these social animals can be established. The following
collection of research is divided into multiple subsets focusing on both the proximate and
ultimate causes associated with individual recognition within the various families of
Pinnipeds. Introduction Mother pup bonds
True Teleportation During An Experiment At Work
My story starts mid January 1837. It was a Friday, and I had just gotten home from a long
day of work. Eager, though, because I had only installed the final parts into a secret
project of mine. I had earlier discovered the secrets of true teleportation during an
experiment at work. I heard a subtle thmmp as the moon began to shine so slightly
through the now barren trees outside my windows, brightened for a short moment by the
electricity in the sky. Small droplets of water started appearing on the windows. Odd for
this time of the year, for it had not been too long since they were frozen. As I made my
way with haste to my small lab, the beat of the rain grew, and more frequent rattles of
thunder shook tiny clouds of dust into the air. ... Show more content on
The storm persisted, but not as intense as before. There remained a trickle of water from
the sky.
I brought myself up. From my surroundings, it was apparent that I had not gone out too
far from my laboratory. Despite the blackness of the night, I was too familiar with the
swamp which engulfed my town. I pointed myself in the direction of the only light I
could see, unmistakably the town s lighthouse. However, it was difficult to be sure given
my recent and regrettable actions. My mind seemed to betray me in a sense which caught
me off guard. Nevertheless, the light was my only point to go on, so I began my short
journey back to civilization.
Nearing the edge of what now felt like a forest, I found my way to the lighthouse. Close
by sat the small town, which came to me quickly compared to my trek through the marsh.
The guard stopped me before I could walk through the gate. Confused, I took a glance
backwards. I was a well distinguished individual in my local community, and it was quite
atypical for the guard to stop almost anyone from our small settlement. To my surprise,
however, there was no one else to be seen except myself.
What are you and what are you doing here! bellowed the chief. I was quite thrown. It s
just me. I muttered, probably not to be heard. It was ill lit and perhaps he could not see
me, but I was surely unmistakable in my laboratory attire. The chief stomped forward as
the rest of the guard drew their weapons,

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