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A Lesson Learned Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "A Lesson Learned" can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies in the introspective nature of the task, as it requires the writer to delve into personal
experiences and reflect on the lessons gained from them. This type of essay demands a deep level of
self-awareness, critical thinking, and the ability to convey emotions and insights effectively.

One of the challenges is finding the right balance between storytelling and analysis. The narrative
aspect involves sharing a personal experience, while the analytical aspect requires the writer to
explore the broader implications of the lesson learned. This delicate balance is crucial for engaging
the reader and conveying the significance of the experience.

Another difficulty is maintaining a focused and coherent structure. It's essential to organize the essay
in a way that effectively communicates the central theme and the progression of the lesson learned.
Without a clear structure, the essay may become disjointed, making it challenging for the reader to
follow the narrative and understand the intended message.

Moreover, choosing the right lesson to discuss can be a complex decision. Writers may grapple with
deciding which experiences have had the most profound impact and can offer valuable insights to
the audience. It requires thoughtful consideration and reflection to identify a lesson that is not only
personally significant but also universally relatable.

Despite these challenges, writing a "Lesson Learned" essay can be an enriching experience. It allows
the writer to explore personal growth, resilience, and the ability to derive wisdom from life's various
encounters. The process of articulating one's thoughts and experiences can foster a deeper
understanding of oneself and provide a sense of closure or clarity.

In conclusion, writing an essay on a lesson learned is a demanding task that involves navigating
personal reflections, storytelling, and analytical thinking. However, the rewards lie in the potential
for self-discovery and the opportunity to share valuable insights with others.

If you find yourself struggling with similar assignments or need assistance with essay writing,
consider seeking help from resources like , where you can find support and
guidance for various writing tasks.

A Lesson Learned Essay A Lesson Learned Essay

The Lamb vs. The Tyger By William Blake Essay
In this essay I am going to be looking at two poems from the Songs of innocence and
experience works. These poems are The Lamb and The Tyger written by William Blake.
Both these poems have many underlying meanings and are cryptic in ways and both
poems are very different to each other. In this essay I will be analysing the two poems,
showing my opinions of the underlying themes and backing them up with quotes from
the poems. I will compare the poems looking at the similarities and differences between
them and also look at each one individually focusing on the imagery, structure and the
poetic devices William Blake has used. Firstly I will look at the Tyger a poem about
experience. The first thing that strikes me about this poem is the ... Show more content
on ...
The first stanza paints a picture of a dark forest at night with a fire and a tyger running
through the forest, here the writer is using his artistic skills to create a picture in the
readers mind. The first stanza asks who could make such evil in the world as a rhetorical
question, I say this as you fear evil and the last line says Could frame thy fearful
symmetry also what immortal hand or eye shows that something that never dies must
have made evil, this being God. The second stanza ask who dares make this evil and why
have they made this evil as another rhetorical question, I say this as the last line again has
an important quote what the hand dare seize the fire ? The poem then go s on to question
this evil more and asks many questions but doesn t find any answers. But why is the
poem about experience ? The poem shows it is about experience with the consistent
structure and rhyming pattern as well as the vocabulary used, the poem talks about how it
is hard to gain, comparing it to a fire. Put your hand in a fire and you are likely to get
burnt. The poem talks about life at the time it was written, with the industrial revolution
and jobs such as blacksmiths mentioned ( anvil hammer ) and also relates to the other
poem I am going to be writing about, The Lamb. The Tyger is hard to understand at first
with many underlying tones and hidden meanings, the poem is well structured and
African American Male Theory
This study was only a snapshot of how African American males felt about their
experiences at Morehead State University. There is a need on campus to find ways of
helping African American males connect with others. Whether it be in the classroom or
outside the classroom. If I were to continue this study, one area I would think would be
interesting is to examine the results of students who lived on campus, and those who
were solely online students. The online learners would likely give a different perspective
on the social viewpoints of college. This study sought to support and add to the literature
related to African American Male Theory (AAMT). I have a strong desire to see all
students succeed, but I have an even greater desire ... Show more content on ...
There was one graduate who identified himself as an online student. Since the
assumption was made that the students would be affected by social and academic in their
persistence, on line students may have a disadvantage by not having the connections of a
fraternity or being a part of a team as a support system to be successful. Another aspect
that could be analyzed is the persistenace from students who started at MSU as freshmen,
and compare that information with students who transferred from community college or
other institutions. Some of the graduates stated they believe their determination to persist
to graduation was due to having a mentor to help them throughout their college
experience. A way to further this study could be to study the experiences of graduates
who had mentors versus those who did not have a mentor and evaluate how this had an
impact on their persistence to graduate. As a part of the study for this capstone, one one
of the tenets for the African American Male Theory was used. Since the AAMT is a
theoretical framework that can be used to articulate the position and trajectory of African
American boys and men in society (Bush Bush, 2013), would any of the other tenets
show or demonstrate the persistenace of African American males in high education.
There would be five others to choice from.
Juvenile Rehabilitation
The United States has been sentences more juveniles to unsafe and violent prisons over
the years. Juveniles are being sentenced as young as ten year old. Juveniles are being
tried as adults in courts and something must change, and it needs to change fast. The
younger generation is supposed to be our future leaders. A juvenile being tried as an adult
is a harsh sentence. Over 5,000 juveniles are being tried and sentence to prison every
year. The United States need to step in and change the way how the youth is being treated
in the criminal justice system. There is no question that someone who committed a crime
they are going to get some sort of sentence. When an adult commits a crime, they are
tried as adult but when a juvenile commits a ... Show more content on ...
Society plays a big role in a child s development and the way they are going to be raised.
One of the biggest solutions that can help is rehabilitation. This can help can help them
and give them a positive transformation. Many see education is the key to youth
rehabilitation. The youth involved in the juvenile justice system has a history of poor
academic education. In rehabilitation, the youth has a right to receive education, such as
getting caught up with their school work. Juveniles need a strong education programs, so
they are inspired to finish their studies and pursue careers in the future. Another solution
for juvenile justice is detention centers. A judge can send a juvenile to a detention
facility. Detention facility are temporary housing for the youth who committed crimes.
Detention sentences are usually short term instead of long term. It is a wakeup call for
juveniles and won t commit that crime again. Home confinement is another solution than
sending them to prison. The juvenile can only leave their house for school, community
service, or counseling. Meaning contacts can have an impact on the juvenile. Family
treatment, such as interventions, with the youth can strengthen the family bond of the
child and decrease any criminal activity in the
The Pros And Cons Of Captive Breeding Programs
Captive Breeding Programs might not be for Everyone.
Breeding wildlife in captivity is done for multiple reasons including preventing
extinction of species (Captive). Yet, is captive breeding the only way to prevent
extinction? Several breeding programs also partner with a reintroduction program. These
two programs could slow extinction or better yet stop it. Captive breeding programs
attempt to breed the wildlife in zoos. Zoos are required to have a studbook. In the book
are records of parents, deaths, and births of each individual of a particular species. The
data is analyzed and a repost is sent to a program s coordinator (Captive). Reintroduction
programs takes rehabilitated and descendants of captive breeding individuals attempting
to reestablish the species in their natural habitat (Reintroduction). There has been success
and failures with both programs. A good example of a successful captive breeding
program is the Black Footed Ferrets at the Phoenix zoo. After a few years on the extinct
list a dog brought home a black footed ferret in 1981. The Fish and Wildlife Service
investigated, finding a small population and decided to start a breeding ... Show more
content on ...
After the attempts it was found that the captive rock hyraxes did not have site fidelity
after release and after three months could not be found. All wild rock hyraxes, except one
whose fate is unknown, were found dead within 18 days of release. One had an
accidental death while the rest were preyed upon (Wimberger). Multiple health problems
stop an Asiatic lion captive breeding program became another heartbreaking failure. The
last lion census conducted in the Gir forests in 2000 put the number of Asiatic lions at
320. However, the animals numbers have further dwindled due to poaching, open wells
that act as death traps and human encroachment on the lions habitat
Mystery In Coraline By Neil Gaiman
In these paragraphs I will show how the author of Coraline, Neil Gaiman, creates
mystery. I will do this by providing various quotes and analysing them.

Neil Gaiman creates mystery in the quote There was a cold, musty smell coming from
the open doorway, it smelled like something very old and very slow by making us want
to know what this smell. Also mystery is created in this passage with the adjective cold
this links to mystery as in most ghost films and books, whenever a ghost (or an undead
creature is present) it always get s a little bit colder. This is mysterious as this makes us
think if this scent is coming from the dead. Another interpretation is from the adjective
musty this word means old or antique, and it is unusual as we ... Show more content on ...
Firstly Neil uses the reflexive pronoun We this implies that no matter how small these
creatures are there are a lot of them, it s almost as if they have an army. He also uses the
modal verb will and this creates suspense as they are guaranteeing that Coraline will fall
and that they will witness, this makes us ask if these creatures have supernatural abilities.
The word here implies that these creatures could know where she will fall and they aren t
telling her so that she will follow them. Could they be spies from the other mother?
Another interpretation is for the pronoun you. You might be thinking that this doesn t
mean anything, however this could specify to Coraline, meaning that they have been
watching her and they know everything about her... And lastly mystery is caused using
the dynamic verb fall this is mysterious as these creatures are telling her when she will
die, and in a way they are threatening her. This is mysterious as we want to know why all
of this is happening to Coraline and not any other
How Did Cabeza Survive In Living Among The Indians
Living Among The Indians

Surviving the harsh environments of Texas, like deserts, mountains, indian territory and
lack of resources and food. It is very hard to fight through all of this physically, but most
importantly, mentally. Cabeza de Vaca left the port of Seville in 1527 to the new world,
to establish settlements. When he got to the gulf of Mexico currents made the ships with
300 men, off course and they shipwrecked near today s Tampa Bay. Here s the real
question, how did Cabeza De Vaca end up surviving with only 3 fellow men? Cabeza de
Vaca survived because of his wilderness skills, his success as a healer, and his respect for
the native Americans.

Cabeza survived because of his wilderness skills, by using all the resources he had like
eating horses (I ve eaten horse in Kazakhstan, it tastes good actually!), since there was a
lack of water, he hollowed out horse legs and filled them with water whenever he had the
chance. He also watched what the natives ate, so he did the same since he was enslaved,
and there was hardly any food. He learned the charrucos language and sign language to
communicate to the Indians when he ran away from the Indians that enslaved him.
Cabeza learned 4 native american languages including charrucos plus sign language.
Cabeza drank ... Show more content on ...
He respected the natives because he they roam around on their own land, and they had to
deal with the harsh lifestyle, above all of it they were free people and he didn t want to
harm them like the spaniards. He was with his three fellow survivors and a following of
the hundreds of indians. The spaniards were on a slave catching expedition that spread
fear across the land. And that we did not covet anything but rather, everything the indians
gave us we later returned. This relates to my statement because it proves that he didn t
want anything from the natives, not slavery, gold, wealth anything, because they
Misconduct Summary
During the reading of Greyner and Lewis s article pertaining Prevalence, Prediction, and
Prevention of Psychologist Misconduct written in 2012, the two complaints that I chose
were poor communication and confidentiality breaches (incompetence).Poor
communication by an psychologist is considered one of the most fatal, unprofessional
concept of an pitfall that affects the doctor and patient relationship rules in medicine
because when this the patient will not be able to understand their prognosis or the kind of
treatment that they need to receive. The concept of having unstable communication
practices/skills on the doctor part have been notice for the simple fact that doctor moral
code of conduct are not being taught or implemented into the training process during
medical school and some doctors ... Show more content on ...
A patient will often reveal thoughts or deep inner secrets to his or her doctor that they
have never revealed to anyone else and these patients who express their darkest thought
along with expression that lurks deep within them. When the patient open up they will
feel comfortable and the trusting mechanism will kick in to disclose all relatable
information/data. A confidentially breaches occurs when a person tells information the is
private without someone consent. A psychologist should always take the necessary
precautions to protect their patient information because they are held liable and for some
strange reason the patient information is breached or even leaks out a lawsuit will be the
next step for the patient. Confidentiality breaches can be stopped by taking all
appropriate precautions to prevent the patients medical treatment/information from
leaking out by us as professional to keep our mouth closes. Make sure data is secure and
follow the rules and regulations according to the Ethical Principles of Psychologist and
the Code of
Theme Of Justine
Written in retrospect, Justine is an attempt on part of Darley, the narrator, to be
reconciled with Alexandria, the city that transfigured his life. During his stay in
Alexandria, Darley is constantly torn between his love for Melissa and Justine. He
associates his love for the two women with the kinds of perfumes they wear, particularly
that of Justine, which Darley searches for in a moment of yearning to be with her. This
urgent search for Justine s perfume parallels Darley s endeavor to find the true essence of
the city. However, the perfume s name, Jamais de la vie, foreshadows his inability to
adapt to the unbefitting city that shall always remain a mystery. Darley s colonial
perspective of Alexandria prevents him from viewing the city ... Show more content on ...
In Part One, he finds a small empty scent bottle of the cheap kind that Melissa used (25),
which he took ... back to the flat where it stayed on the mantelpiece for some months
(25). It is important to note that Darley immediately realizes that Melissa s perfume is
cheap , since it corresponds to her simple mindedness, in addition to her physical and
mental frailty. Furthermore, Darley examines the empty bottle while measuring [the old
furrier s] love against [his] own; and tasting too, vicariously, the desperation which
makes one clutch at some small discarded object which is still impregnated with the
betrayer s memory (26). This remark of desperation is ironical, for Darley himself will be
put in the same position when he later desperately sets out to find Justine s perfume, who
is also a betrayer. Justine s perfume, however, bewilders Darley. The fact that Darley
does not easily recognize the kind of perfume Justine wears sheds light on Justine s
complex character and the struggle to understand the enigma of her personality. Darley
describes the first whiff he gets of Justine s perfume as, the warm summer perfume of her
dress and skin (26, 27). This loving description comes in opposition to that of Melissa s
scent bottle , which Darley does not admire but merely studies . This contrast
foregrounds the true nature of Darley s love of
Exploring Different Career Options With Wells Fargo Other...
I decided to explore different career options with Wells Fargo other than management
roles. The move to Colorado needed to happen by the end of April and because of the
time constraints transferring into a management role was an unrealistic goal. I started
networking and followed the capstone project guidelines. In the class lecture for week 8
the University Of Buffalo School Of Management provides suggestions for questions to
ask during an exploratory interview, Setting up appointments with all the friends,
professional acquaintances and corporate bigwigs you can is just the first step. More
important is knowing what to say once you arrive. Since wasting contacts time is
unacceptable, you should prepare an agenda before each meeting. Decide what you
would like to find out from your contact, and then prepare questions to elicit that
information (40 Questions to Ask, 2015, para. 1).
After reaching out to former co workers I was able to get two hiring managers contact
information. One was for the mortgage department and the other overlapped with retail
banking where I could step down from my current role. From that point forward I knew I
needed to make an important decision and decide what part of the bank I wanted to
transfer too. I took the initiative by reaching out to the Sales Manager in Mortgage. In the
Journal of Applied Psychology, Interviewers may behave in a manner confirming first
impressions, such that post interview decisions are positively related to pre
Essay on Epic of Gilgamesh
Title: Gilgamesh Type: Epic Author: Anonymous Theme: The central idea of Gilgamesh
was the greed that he had to receive eternal life. Gilgamesh was a selfish person who was
half god and half man and wanted to keep his youth after seeing Enkidu die. Gilgamesh
knew his destiny was not to receive eternal life because he was half man. He decided to
go against the odds to fight against not having eternal life searching for the secret despite
what the Gods told him. Exposition: The story dates between 2500 1500 B.C. Gilgamesh
ruled in Uruk, a city in ancient Mesopotamia. Protagonist: The epic is centered on
Gilgamesh because he is the main character and ruler of Uruk who in the beginning is
rude and arrogant and has a journey ... Show more content on ...
Crisis: Death is the crisis for Gilgamesh and the fact he is half man is preventing him
from living forever. He decides to ignore the advice given to the gods and goes on a quest
to find the boatman Utnapishtim for eternal life. Climax: Gilgamesh goes on his journey
for everlasting life and find the boat man Utnapishtim for everlasting life. First,
Gilgamesh is challenged to stay awake for 6 days and 7 nights, but he fails at the task.
Secondly, he tells Gilgamesh that a prickly plant has the answer for his eternal life and if
he is able to capture it he will hold in his hands the answer for his youth. As Gilgamesh
goes to cleanse him self, a serpent takes his plant and Gilgamesh is saddened because this
now means death is in his path. He decides to make plans to take the plant to the elderly
men to renew their youth which shows leadership as a king is suppose to be. Resolution
or Denouement: In the beginning of the epic Gilgamesh the people of Uruk saw
Gilgamesh as a lousy, obnoxious, arrogant ruler. After his journeys to find everlasting life
his heart began to soften and see a different perspective of life. It was revealed long after
Gilgamesh s death that he was actually considered a god. This helps explain his fear
towards death. Gilgamesh wanted to physically be a great warrior until the end of time
opposed to just another historic memory. Although it was not actually death he was afraid
Examples Of Heroism In Fearless
After reading the book Fearless, the reader might come away from it with the idea that
Adam is the sole hero of the story, but reading further into it, there are many heroes of
the story. A hero can sometimes be hard to define. What makes a hero? A hero is a person
that upholds their morals and protects those in need. A hero has a journey, filled with
trials and tribulations, that they must complete. For a hero to be born they must be
brought to their breaking point, and experience a baptism by fire so to speak. Adam is the
obvious hero, but along with him, Kelley and their two kids, Nathan and Savannah are
the heroes of the story. Of course Adam is the hero of the story, as he is the main
character and we follow his journey. We follow him as he showed strong character in his
childhood, standing up for people and showing kindness to everyone he meets, You do
not want to bring attention to yourself, and especially not standing up for an idiot
mistake, but Adam did exactly that. He stood up for what he believed in. (Pg. 206) Then
when he grows up, and eventually drops out of college as he could not stand being
sidelined for football, he faces the challenge to overcome a drug addiction. His life is
taken over by drugs, and no matter what he risked to lose and what encouraged ... Show
more content on ...
It may not seem like it, but they were heroes, not intentionally, but they were heroes all
the same. Adam s children saved his life in a way. Kelley would put their son in Adam s
arms so he would always be aware of what he stood to lose if he fell back into drugs, I
knew holding Nathan made him strong, reminded him he was a father and why he couldn
t give in. (Pg.125). And even after he dies, his children were brave and honored him
during his funeral, Adam had always loved it when she sang to him, so she did just that,
performing an impromptu solo of Proud to Be an American.
The Modernist Movement Of Literature
The modernist movement in Literature came about in the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries as authors began to consciously break from traditional writing styles
and experiment with new methods of storytelling. These authors drew their inspiration
from the real world and their own experiences. Every aspect of the world has its own
influence from historical events to developments in psychological theory. The authors of
the modernist era, such as William Faulkner, Virginia Woolf, T.S. Elliot, and James
Joyce, experimented heavily with established laws of language and structure by
modifying the narration of the story and breaking the plot into pieces for the reader to put
together. In a way, the authors were rebelling against the old views of how stories were
supposed to be told. Some of the most complicated pieces of fiction and poetry came out
of the modernist era. The most prominent characteristics of the modernist movement in
literature were the results of a culmination of the types of thought and ideas that defined
the early twentieth century in the United States and Europe. The events of the world
which modernist authors experienced in their time, most notably the First World War in
conjunction with emerging ideas from different spheres of study such as psychology and
art led to the creation of new forms of narration and stories that broke the rules of
traditional writing and challenged the previous eras of literature. Near the beginning of
the twentieth
Langston Hughes

This paper will be about Langston Hughes and will discuss the topics hughes felt were
important and his poems will be broken down to show you there was and is a deeper
meaning behind everything. and all of his poems can be interpreted in many ways and
can even be analyzed and can be relatable to all races.

Langston Hughes is a well known African American writer /poet. Hughes is known for
his hunger for change and the way he went about addressing the changes he felt needed
to be made. Hughes addressed these points in different ways through his poems and his
novels, each one had a deeper meaning and a specific them than the title.Langston
Hughes addressed the topics and his poems have a deeper meaning behind ... Show more
content on ...
However, Hughes also seemed somewhat reminiscent of the south, as he started
describing the cotton and the moon, warmth, earth, warmth, the sky, the sun, the stars, the
magnolia scented South. He called the south, beautiful, like a woman, but hughes also
calls the south a dark eyed whore...cruel...syphilitic. Hughes admits that he would love
the south, if only the south would love him back instead of turning its back on him
because he was black. With no place for him in the south, hughes stated he started
seeking the north as a kinder alternative where his children would be able to escape the
racism, hatred, and violence that is known in the south. The poem offered insight into
how African Americans viewed the south. This showed he was willing to see the good in
all bad situations. and that changed everyones outlook on the south even though he
confused some. Hughes had a different style of writing,his style was simple yet smart he
had lots info to back up his thoughts and opinions he had a need to let people see how he
viewed things hoping to have a positive an effective outcome for the future generations.
Hughes had a big need with trying to hope for a better and brighter future with
everything being better than what he
Salem Witch Trials And The Witch Trial
First of all, I wanted to talk about what Salem Witch Trial is and who are the persons
involve in this event. Salem Witch Trials, according to Encyclopedia Britannica is A
series of investigations and persecutions that caused 19 convicted witches to be hanged
and many other many suspects to be imprisoned in Salem Village in the Massachusetts
Bay Colony. There are many people involve in Salem Witch Trials and I ll be going to
describe their role in this event, followed by the different case studies of witches. Most of
the people in Salem are Puritans. Puritans have a different beliefs and lifestyle. They
have high expectations in the workforce and in holding back opinions and emotions.
Puritans have strong faith in God and they have the faith in the idea of covenants of God,
Adam, and Abraham so they have a strict moral code. Some of the Puritans are full
covenant members of the church so they are free and have full citizen rights. They
believe that everyone who have sinned must be punished and everyone who follows
Satan is a witch. Mary and William of Orange is the King and Queen of England issued a
new anti religious charter instead of releasing the old one, combined Massachusetts Bay
Colony, Plymouth Colony and others in one. William Bradford was the leader of the
Pymouth Rock Colony in 1620 and held the Harvest Festival to celebrate their harvests.
John Winthrop was a lawyer that found Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1628 and the
governor of City Upon the Hill. Its
Essay on The Women
The women s suffrage party fought for years on the right to vote. They weren t going to
stop until they got their right. For instance, Alice Paul organized a parade through
Washington D.C. on inauguration day, which supported women s suffrage and also
picketed the White House for 18 months. Paul was put in jail for that and started a hunger
strike. Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Shanton supported the women s suffrage for
fifty years later. Neither of them lived to see the 19th amendment ratified on August 26,
1920. The amendment was ratified under Wodrow Wilson as the President of the United
States. Now with the 19th amendment, women have the right to own property, be
employed, get an education, get a divorce, and get custody of ... Show more content on ...
In 1916, Jeannette Rakin of Montana became the first woman to be taken into the United
States House Of Representatives. There were seventy five women who had major roles in
women s suffrage. They were ver important and did a lot of hard work for the women s
suffrage. Some of them were: Susan Brownell Anthony arrested for trying to vote
Elizabeth Cady Shanton wrote the Declaration of Sentiments Alice Stone Blackwell was
the recording secretary Harriot Stanton Blatch founder of the Women s Political Union
Amelia Bloomer publisher defending women and how they dressed in New York. Lucy
Burns helped organized the Congressional Union Carrie Lane Chapman Catt became
president in 1915 Lucretia Coffin Mott started the first women s rights convention with
Stanton and her sister Martha Wright in New York Anna Howard Shaw was President
from 1904 to 1915 Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote a book about women independence.
Alice Paul picketed the White House for women s suffrage 240 WOMEN S SUFFRAGE
By definition, women s suffrage is the right for women to vote. Women s suffrage started
back as far as the 1600 s. I am going to talk about the 1800 s. Women s suffrage upset
many women in the United States. Women were known to be in the home at all times.
They were there to give care for the their husbands and children. Politicians feared
women coming in the political race because they thought that women might vote them
out of office. In the early 19th century,
Battle Of The Alamo Summary
The battle of the Alamo was one of the first wars in the Texas revolution. It took place
March 6th, 1836. The lead attacker was General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. The
Alamo was a stronghold built by spanish missionaries. In the end there were 1500
casualties from mexican troops. There were only 30 civilians spared. The leader of the
Texans, Colonel Travis drew a line in the sand and asked who ever wanted to stay and
protect to come over the line, only one did not. That s basically a summary of the battle
of the Alamo. The Goliad Massacre only happened three weeks after the battle of the
Alamo, so still early 1836. General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna told his men to kill the
Texans that surrendered on March 20th, 1836. Theses Texans were
A Report On The Les Benefices Du Numerique
A. Les Bénéfices du numérique En parallèle au socialisme et la communication, le
numérique aide dans l apprentissage et l éducation. Autrement dit, les réseaux sociaux
laissent les jeunes étudiants connectés pour travailler et échanger les mêmes sujets et
collaborer entre eux. En plus, le numérique englobe ainsi dans l éducation le domaine de
la santé. L accès facile fournit grâce au web permet aux adolescents d avoir des réponses
à tous les questions de santé et de sexualité qu ils préoccupent. L adolescent trouve un
support de prévention et de diverses références face à tous inconnu. Ainsi l adolescent a
un accès ouvert sur des groupes et des sites où des conversations et des dialogues
naissent entre des patients atteints de maladies chroniques et des autres guéris. Ces
groupes jouent un rôle de soutien. Il est toutefois évident l impact du numérique contre l
isolement et le sentiment d exclusion. Dans ce cadre, S. Krishna (2009) ajoute : « Les
techniques mobiles tant dans la téléphonie, que dans les messageries instantanées et les
réseaux ont permis une amélioration de l adhérence aux soins et une diminution des
rendez vous manqués. » (p. 231) Notons que, la présence de la surveillance des parents et
l écoute médicale est nécessaire à cause de la profusion des informations et leurs
complexités. Cependant, l implication du numérique a développé les comportements et
les nouveaux usages et services des adolescents. Cet accès aux informations est considéré
comme une
Stanhope and Raleigh s Relationship in Journey s End by...
Stanhope and Raleigh s Relationship in Journey s End


In this essay, I will attempt to discuss the changes and development in the ongoing and
differing relationship between Raleigh and
Stanhope. I will pay particular attention to character movement and speech, sound,
lighting and audience reaction.

Robert Cedric Sherriff was born on June 6, 1896, in Hampton Wick,

England. After attending grammar school at Kingston on Thames,
Sherriff worked in his father s insurance business until he entered the army to serve as
captain in the 9th East Surrey Regiment in World
War I. He was wounded at Passchendaele.

Sherriff was an English playwright and screenwriter is best known for his World War I
play Journey s End, an account ... Show more content on ...
During the attack, Raleigh is hit in the back with shrapnel. Here we see a much more
gentle Stanhope, almost weeping as he lovingly cares for the dieing Raleigh. This is why
the relationship between Stanhope and Raleigh is so intriguing, with this sudden change
of emotion in Stanhope.

Socio historical

World War One lasted through the years 1914 1918. It involved two alliances The Triple
Entente (Britain, France and Russia) and The
Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria Hungary and Italy). With every great super power in
Europe all becoming more and more politically hostile with each other, and arming
themselves more and more, World War One was a time bomb waiting to explode. When
Austria Hungary Archduke
Franz Ferdinand was on an official visit to the recently claimed
Serbia, a collective of people opposing Austria s presence in Serbia assassinated him.
Austria Hungary, being distraught, blamed Serbia, who denied all knowledge, whom,
seeked help from Russia.
Austria Hungary eventually, invaded Russia with the help of Germany to begin what
would be known as the last Great War .

Much of the fighting in World War One was done on small areas of land, sometimes as
small as 75 yards or so across, with trenches on either side. Men would live in these
trenches for months on end, mostly ending their stay with being told to Go over the top .
This was usually greeted with heavy
Granulated Sugar Chemistry
When you are measuring 5/8 cup of granulated sugar it is best that you use a dry
measuring cup for dry ingredients. Since measuring cups don t usually come in a 5/8 cup
size you will have to use an alternate to get the right amount. You can use 1/2 cup plus 2
tablespoons to equal 5/8 cup. When you are measuring the 1/2 cup it s important that you
use a straight edge spatula to level off the granulated sugar so that you are not using too
much or too less.

A great way to measure flour is to weigh the amount you are using to make sure that you
are using the right amount like we did today in our lab. You may not always have the
option of weighing flour. What you can do is use a sifter and directly sift flour into a
measuring cup. Sifting
Analysis Of The Poem Where The Sidewalk Ends
Shel Silverstein is a notable writer, made famous for his poems that were geared towards
children. One of his most famous poems, Where the Sidewalk Ends shares the title with
what may be his most well known book. This poem is a very meticulously worded work,
and although it may be published in a children s book, it can be understood and very
meaningful to older generations. This piece has a depth and wisdom that may be well
beyond the comprehension of young minds, and it can be interpreted and analyzed in
many ways and can reveal a variety of themes. When first reading this short poem, the
initial theme that stands out to me, personally is the idea of the change that occurs during
aging. It seems that the stark contrast between the imagery of the first stanza, versus the
second stanza reveals the dramatic difference between childhood and adulthood.
Childhood can be thought of as more gentle, airy, and even innocent. The third line of the
first stanza says the grass grows soft and white... (Silverstein, n.d.). This gives that notion
of gentleness, and innocence associated with childhood. Many think of the color white
and associate it with innocence, maybe because of their religious practices. Religious
imagery sometimes depicts heavenly beings in white robes, possibly surrounded by white
wisps of clouds or white rays of light. The word soft is also associated with gentleness.
Many would imagine the soft grass, and think back to a time in their childhood on a
Development Of Optical Imaging Tools For Synapse Typing
Development of Optical Imaging Tools for Synapse Typing
Restructure of synapse types and alternations of dynamics of neurotransmitters and
neuromodulators have been implicated in a number of human neurological and
psychiatric diseases, including autism, Alzheimer s disease, Parkinson s disease,
schizophrenia, and addiction1,2. However, little is known about how molecular
compositions define different types and functions of synapses and how different synapses
organize in micro and macroscale to give rise to complex brain functions and disorders,
due to lack of appropriate tools to characterize synaptic biomolecules in situ in large
scale. Here, I propose a novel research program to develop transformative tools for large
scale mapping of synaptic biomolecules, functional imaging of neurotransmission and
neuronal signaling. Specifically, it will evolve along three main themes: 1. Expansion
pathology for highly multiplexed, in situ and nanoscale biomolecular imaging. 2.
Optogenetic neurotransmitter indicator; 3. in situ imaging tools for endogenous protein
protein interaction; This program will expand on the themes of my previous work on
engineering optogenetic indicators for neuronal activities, such as calcium ions3,4 and
voltage5,6 indicators, as well as my current work on devising a clinically optimized form
of expansion microscopy7,8, which contribute new capabilities to the broader
communities of neuroscience, cell biology, pathology and medicine.
Theme 1: Expansion
The Cost Versus Return Trade Off
The only thing I ever thought to be in life was to build a business like my father and take
it to new heights. For this reason I have an inclination towards my father s business. So I
thought I should make full use of my MBA and apply the models and concepts I am
learning here to our own business.
So the problem I have chosen for my DMD Term Paper is to make optimum utilization of
the resources and get the maximum returns on the money we are investing in our
business. The case will help me determine and understand the cost versus return trade
off. The case will help us realise that what are the maximum benefits we could reap out
of our business if we utilise our resources to an optimal rate. There is a constraint on the
costs as ... Show more content on ...
Our company manufactures four different formulations of drugs of the same brand name
and in the final part of the manufacturing process there are three major operations namely
mixing of salts, pelletizing and packing and packaging of drugs into strips. For each
variant the time required for these operations is shown below (in minutes) as is the profit
per strip sold.

Product Mixing of Salts(min) Pelletizing

(min) Packaging
(min) Profit per product strip(min)
A 2 3 2 1.5
B 4 2 3 2.5
D 7 4 5 4.5

 As per the current scenario of the labour working in our company, we estimate that,
each year, we have 1,00,000 minutes of mixing, 50,000 minutes of pelletizing time and
60,000 minutes of packaging time available. How many of each variant should our
company make per year and what is the associated profit?
 Suppose now that we are free to decide how much time to devote to each of the three
operations within the total allowable time. How many of each variant should we make
per year and what will be the associated profit?
Now simply solving the question using common sense: xi be the number of units of
product variant i (i=A,B,C,D) made per year
Tmix be the number of minutes used in mixing per year
Tpel be the number of minutes used in pelletizing per year
Tpac be the number of minutes used in packaging per year
Where xi = 0, i=A,B,C,D and
Tmix, Tpel, Tpac = 0
Operation time
Tmix = 2xa + 4xb +
Gordon S. Wood s The Radicalism Of The American
Gordon S. Wood, in The Radicalism of the American Revolution, explicitly details the
societal, economic, and governmental institutions of Colonial American society, and
considers the era to be pre modern because of its strong focus on monarchy, hierarchy,
and patriarchy. The colonial world in America was traditional in its basic social
relationships and in its cultural society. (Wood 11). Wood even suggests that, in some
respects colonial society was more traditional than that of the mother country (12). With
the concept of the traditionalism of the colonial world, Wood declares the era to be pre
modern. Pre modernism can be defined as the era before industrialization, which
radically altered the social contract within families and between ... Show more content on ...
A father s control over his family and household could compare to the reign of a king
over his nation, the head of the household remained a kind of miniature king ... [to
whom] respect and subjection were due (49). The father would rule his dependents by no
other law than by his own free will (49). ` dependent on the institution of family; family
remained the primary institution for teaching the young, disciplining the wayward, and
caring for the poor and insane (44). Colonists thought of society as little more than a
collection of family households in which dependents relied fully on their master (the
patriarch) for housing, food, and clothing. Children depended on their father well into
adulthood. For example, fathers would determine the suitors fit to marry their daughters
and would decide how inheritance would be distributed to their descendants. English
laws of inheritance called for primogeniture, meaning the transfer of all land to the eldest
son. Primogeniture was common practice and, alongside other responsibilities of the
household patriarch, helped to assure the continuation of the status quo of the families
wealth and status within
Machine-to-Machine Technology and Analytics
On the horizon of big data, is an ecosystem of solutions that uses embedded devices to
facilitate real time analysis of events and data among the Internet of Things . Machine to
Machine technology and analytics is the promising future of the big data era. Its
exponential growth and advancement promises a plethora of solutions and new ideas, but
as with all innovations, it will also create a wave of new issues, problems and
complications that, given its scale, magnitude and speed of development will certainly
challenge as much as it benefits the legal industry.

What is M2M IoT?

Machine to Machine (M2M) is a broad label that can be used to describe any technology
that enables networked devices to exchange information and perform actions without the
manual assistance of humans. Products built with M2M communication capabilities are
often marketed to end users as being smart . The interconnection between smart objects
and the way we interact in the environment is described as the Internet of Things.

How does it work?

Sensors (which are devices with processor, memory, storage, inputs and outputs, OS and
software capabilities that gather and/or disseminate data on just about anything ), are
attached to objects, and the objects identities, state or state of surroundings become
capable of being relayed to an Internet connected IT structure. The sensors relay data to
the outside world through local area and wide area, wireless or wired links. . Local, on
Ida B. Wells 2 Essay
The Success of Ida B. Wells #8220;One had better die fighting against injustice than die
like a dog or a rat in a trap. #8221; Ida B. Wells Ida B. Wells was an important figure in
Black American History. She was born a slave in Mississippi in 1862. Wells was able to
gain an education and, later, became a journalist for various Negro papers. Through her
writing, she was able to attack issues dealing with discrimination against African
American people. Ida B. Wells became an international activist for African American
rights when she informed the English people about lynching in America. She became a
well known ... Show more content on ...
Black men respected and honored her work in the advancement of African Americans,
instead of envying a woman for accomplishing these essential tasks before a male
exhibited her achievements. Black men, unlike Whites of the time, were able to see past
Wells #8217; sex and support the work that she accomplished for all African Americans.
Another aspect of this time period which proved to be advantageous for Wells was the
fact that she was female. White America was not nearly as threatened by Black females
as the prejudiced fear Whites experienced of Black men. Whites perceived Black men to
be carnal, exceedingly virile 3 and dangerous to the White society. More successful
Black men were lynched than successful Black women. Black women were not seen as a
direct threat of the power roles in society, therefore Wells was able to take many more
risks than any African American male in her efforts to end the lynchings and
discrimination of Blacks. White males also devalued Ida B. Wells #8217; work, because
she was female. White men found it difficult to believe that a woman could accomplish
very much, because of the way they perceived women to be inferior beings. These
prejudiced thoughts actually helped Wells by giving her more space for progress in her
fight to end discrimination of African Americans.
Work And Give Thom Space
When I arrive at the office on Monday, I m resolute to focus on work and give Thom
space. Not a problem, since he goes out of his way to avoid me. In the production
meeting, we don t make eye contact. I take a sneak peek to make sure he s okay. He
should be since he s close to hiring another director. And pre production will go ahead, as
scheduled. With the last order of business completed, Thom and his production team
depart for his office. I hurry to mine to phone the agent who represents the writer of Life
in the Fast Lane. I finished the script on Friday, and am eager to schedule a date/time to
meet with her. Before I get a chance, Harry delivers the mail which includes several
envelopes from agencies. He stands at my desk ... Show more content on ...
And soon, the writer shows up unscathed. He pitches a spec about vampires gone wild. I
m amused by his animated storytelling. However, Thom isn t interested in Gothic. He d
pass on it. So, I end the meeting with a handshake. Thanks for coming. But soon, I have
second thoughts. I love vampire stories, in particular, Anne Rice novels. When his agent
phones to follow up, I have him send over the script. I ll read it and maybe have Harry.
Once work is done, I drive to the gym and take a ninety minute yoga class. And on the
way home, I stop at Whole Foods Market to buy something healthy for dinner. However,
by the time I leave the store, I have bags stocked with lean protein, organic fruits and
vegetables and vitamins. On the drive home, I phone Doris and tell her my resolve to quit
eating sugar and drinking alcohol. She supports me wholeheartedly, and will do the same.
At daybreak, I leap out of bed excited to start our new routine. After coffee, Doris and I
bike thirty minutes longer. And for breakfast, I eat oatmeal with blueberries and drink a
concoction of blended protein powder, assorted fruits and soy milk. When I arrive at
work, I see Sarah with a baby stroller outside Thom s office speaking with Keri. I can t
stop starring and ask Megan, How long has Sarah been here? She arrived before I did a
half hour ago. I m sure she ll come visit you. I don t need much for my mind to run wild
with office
Essay about Research Critical Analysis
Journal Article Evaluation: Barinaga, E. (2007) Cultural diversity at work: National
culture as a discourse organizing an international project group, Human Relations, 60(2):
315 340.
Ester Barinaga s paper on multinational work teams and how they organize themselves
using national culture and cultural diversity as discursive resources is critically discussed,
with special attention paid to the limitations of her research approach. This review
proceeds as follows. First, the theoretical framework is briefly outlined in which
Barinaga embeds the specific angle of her research project. Then follows a critical
description of the international team she followed, her chosen method of observation and
the findings she presents. ... Show more content on ...
While she clearly positions her research approach within the wider framework of the
field, she fails to mention the Global Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
Effectiveness Research Project (GLOBE) initiated by R. House (House et al., 2002).
Although its large scale, quantitative research approach differs from her ethnographic
study and takes on the positivist stance she is arguing against, it deserves mentioning as
both research projects explore the impact of cultural diversity on organizational processes
in multinational work teams.

Research Approach
Using the term discourse as coined by Foucault (1980), Barinaga explores in depth how
team members make sense of their daily group life by way of their discourse on cultural
diversity . To gain insight into the actors construction of themselves and others
(Baszanger Dodier, 1997, in Barinaga, 2007), she therefore chose ethnographic research
methods to collect a comprehensive body of qualitative data on one work team with
members from five different countries. She closely followed every workshop and
communication between meetings over a course of 17 month and recorded meetings,
interviewed team

members individually and collected all documents produced by or passed around in the
Additionally she asked each team member via e mail
Great Gatsby Love
The Great Gatsby is a novel where love is a main focus, but is the love purchased?
Purchased love was huge in the 1920s, which is the time period this novel was written in.
Purchased love is where one or both people in the relationship buy things for each other,
so they are loved. Some people only know this kind of love. For example, we could
assume Tom. Usually families who had a lot of money, like Tom s, arranged marriages
with other wealthy families, like Daisy. Although, not all purchased love is this way.
The love between Daisy and Tom is clearly purchased love. As readers, we would not
even define their relationship as love, more a social status. When relating Daisy and Tom
s relationship to Daisy and Gatsby s relationship
Annie Nicolaides The Natural Way To Draw
Annie read her first nonfiction book, The Natural Way to Draw by Kimon Nicolaides,
when she borrowed the drawing book from her friend s father. She was fascinated by it,
stating, I was amazed that there were books about things that one actually did, and took
up drawing almost every day. Throughout August and the fall season the, book ran my
life, Annie explains, making a tremendous effort to try to follow its rigorous daily
drawing routines. While her father was away on his trip, Annie converted the family s
attic bedroom into a studio and moved in. Annie describes that at eight o clock every
summer or weekend morning she would tape, that day s drawing schedule to a wall, and
since she did not have a model, she would draw her baseball
An Analysis Of Emily Hoerner s Novel Ide Fostering...
Spreading across the United States is a growing epidemic and while the disease will not
maim or kill, it is known to be harmful to the growth and success of children. This
epidemic is known as a literary desert. Emily Hoerner defines a literary desert in her
2015 article A Novel Idea: Fostering Literacy by Eliminating Book Deserts as an area
where children and parents lack access to quality books. Literary deserts occur due to
lack of reading materials and because of a growing loss of interest in reading. Literary
deserts are prevalent in low income and urban neighborhoods where both children and
adults have little to no access to quality reading material. The Merriam Webster
Dictionary defines literacy as the quality or state of being literate with literate, defined as
the ability to read and write. While a literary desert is prevalent in low income
neighborhoods, they are also seen when technology has taken over the children s interest
in reading outside of assigned school reading which leads to a lifetime of consequences.
A symptom of the loss of reading material is a growing lack of interest in reading outside
of school assignments for students. As their access to literature is hindered, the desire to
search out new material decreases as the students age. Over the years, there have been
many ideas of how to stop the spread of literary deserts in urban and rural areas such as
reading partners and vending machines that dispense books instead of food. One of the
Aum Shinrikyo And The Events
This paper will explore research results done through the internet and through published
books on the background of the cult group Aum Shinrikyo, now known as the group
Aleph, and several other Sarin gas attacks, to include the terrorist attack on the Tokyo
subway on 20 March 1995. There is a lot of speculation and questions surrounding this
cult group, which will be discussed later, who started out as a peaceful yoga group by the
founder and his wife, turn into a radical doomsday cult religion capable of not one but
several chemical terrorists acts towards their own countrymen. According ... Show more
content on ...
The articles focus on the beginnings of the group as a peaceful yoga group and lead up to
the most recent events with the chemical attacks of the Tokyo subway systems. Shoko
Asahara, who was born Chizuo Matsumoto, during his stay in India in 1986, while he
was on various religious retreats in the Himalayan Mountains, claimed to have found
enlightenment and upon his return to Japan founded the group Aum Shinrikyo in 1987.
The group started out with a small following from the yoga studio, Aum Shinsen no kai,
he and his wife, Kazuko, owned and operated. Eventually word starting spreading about
his so called teachings of the supreme truth (World Religions and Spirituality Project
VCU, Jackie Fowler, 2001). Asahara claimed that he had the power to read minds and
because of his enlightenment, claimed to have visions or prophesies, as he would call
them, about future events.
Asahara started preaching sermons about how his visions showed him that the world
would end by the turn of the 21st century and that the only survivors would be Aum
Shinrikyo members themselves. The group was so obsessed with Armageddon that it
went so far as to try to make it happen themselves.
In March 1993, Asahara gave orders to start production of Sarin gas
Rene Descartes Skepticism
Rene Descartes Meditations is known to be one of his most famous works, it has also
shown to be very important in Philosophical Epistemology. Within the meditation s he
provides many arguments that remove pre existing notions, and bring it to the root of its
foundation which Descartes, then will come up with his indubitable foundation of
knowledge to defeat any doubt and to prove God is real. Descartes was a foundationalist ,
by introducing a new way of knowledge and with clearing up how people thought about
things prior. Descartes took knowledge to its very foundations, and from there he can
build up from it. In this essay, I will be discussing Descartes, and analyzing his first two
meditations and arguing that he does indeed succeed in his argument.
Skepticism is define as an intellectual process of applying reason and critical thinking to
validate a certain point. Skepticism was the very base for Descartes arguments in the first
two meditations. He started by ... Show more content on ...
The whole point of this method is for Descartes to find at least some truth that is way
beyond any questions of doubt. However, what if people doubt that the two plus two does
not equal to four but in reality of our minds, we all can conclude that is equals to four.
After this point, Descartes introduces the idea of a malicious god or evil demon who s
only goal is to deceive us no matter what, Descartes says, I will suppose, then, not that
there is a supremely good God who is the source of all truth, but that there is an evil
demon, supremely powerful and cunning, who works as hard as he can to deceive me
(Descartes 322.Right Side). Although we all know that two plus two equals four but what
if the evil demon is deceiving us and in reality, it equals five. These three stages make up
Descartes methodic doubt, where he attempts to remove all previous beliefs in order to
find truth that is beyond any
Towards Sustainable Tourism – Key Problems and Issues...
HTM 4105 Contemporary Tourism Issues



Unquestionably, Hong Kong is a blessed land where possesses prosperity and most of the
elements of being a world class cosmopolitan which has successfully attracted visitors
over years, especially from the mainland by emphasising our world class shopping,
dining and other urban attractions (Lam, H., 2004). Despite the flourishing scene of the
tourism industry, the volatile tourist markets and growing competition from Southeast
Asian countries and neighbouring destinations have posed new challenges to Hong Kong
s tourism industry.

In order to strengthen Hong Kong s position as a preferable Asian tourist ... Show more
content on ...
Despite these efforts, several problems are found regarding Hong Kong s culture and
heritage sustainability policy. It is found that Hong Kong has been relatively slow in
developing its potential heritage sites into tourist attractions, as seen in the controversy
over the fate of Tiger Balm Garden and the Central Police Station. According to Chu and
Uebegang (2002), the sluggish and passive response of government reflects the lack of
political will due to a lack of understanding of the principles of heritage and its potential.
The Government believes heritage conservation should be driven by tourism and
economics and not treated in the same way as other social and education services. Even
with the setting up of Heritage Tourism Task Force which is established in 1998, there
have been very few recommendations proposed by the task force. Some critics have
blamed on its lack of leadership and lack of influence in the government bureaucracy
(Chu and Uebegang, 2002). Other problems implied in the policy of government are lack
of a broad based, long term conservation policy, lack of a clear priorities and inadequate
co ordination of government departments involved in present heritage conservation
practice. Besides, in most cultural heritage development, public involvement in decision
making is absent.

Regarding these problem, it is essential for

Sports Marketing and Mobile Technology Essay
Sports marketing has made its way directly to the fans. In the past, only the extremely
devoted fans would check on their teams online but now, the norm has changed. Now the
devoted fans learn new information before anyone else, and even get rewarded for it. In
the article The Passion of the Fan , by Stewart Feil, fans are being rewarded for posting
about their favorite teams on social media. The reason this is possible is because mobile
apps have greatly contributed to the way fans follow their teams. In Sports marketing and
technology with the New England Patriots , by Michael Krigsman, it reveals that fans
have the capabilities of sending their favorite teams their input about the team. The most
amazing part is their voice is being ... Show more content on ...
This trend has become so popular that social media has exploded with sports news and is
a popular way to find information on current sports. Feil describes the influence of social
media on sports, As sports marketing agency Catalyst found in its 2012 Fan Engagement
Study, digital channels league websites, fan sites, online sports news sources, sports
related Twitter feeds and other Internet and social media outlets are now second only to
TV as a primary and trusted source of information for sports fans. People are now relying
on social media to find their information, and they are even spreading the news when
they find out. Teams have started to capitalize on this acquired information. Feil goes
into detail to show how the Detroit Pistons have managed it, A gamified app called
SocialToaster that lets registered fans earn points for each item they repost to their social
media feeds; those with the most points receive game tickets, team merchandise and
other incentives. Teams are capitalizing on this opportunity to spread the word about
themselves using prizes as incentives for devoted fans. By using this method, they hope
to expand to new, untapped, resources of fans and bring their current fan base even
closer. It is truly a genius idea, the
Arthur Ashe s Views On Civil Rights
When Ashe was born, Monument Avenue in Richmond was lined solely with statues of
confederate leaders like Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee; now a bronze statue of
Arthur Ashe, holding a book and a tennis racquet in his hands, surrounded by children,
stands on that same street. His legacy lives on in the naming of the main court at the US
Open, the Arthur Ashe Learning Center, and the Arthur Ashe Courage Award given
annually at the ESPYS. Fittingly, the award recognizes athletes and non athletes for their
accomplishments on and off the field. Past recipients of the award include Jim Valvano,
Pat Tillman, Nelson Mandela, and Tommie Smith. These are just a few of the ways, that
Arthur Ashe, three time Grand Slam champion, has been lionized ... Show more content
on ...
Richmond was a segregated city, and Ashe lived in a poor, black neighborhood. Jim
Crow laws were in full force in the South in the 1940 s, restricting African Americans to
inferior amenities; and Ashe grew up swimming in colored pools. Social mobility was
very limited, and lynchings still occurred. Moreover, African Americans weren t even
guaranteed some of America s most fundamental rights, including the right to vote. The
Virginia constitution banned blacks from voting from 1902 to 1965 and they had little
political power. There were no black city councilmen between 1896 and 1948. Arthur
Ashe s childhood world was one of white
United States Involvement For Terrorism And Spreading...
In 2003 the USA attacked Iraq. Washington s official account of the reasons to invade
Iraq was centred on the argument that Iraq is a threat to its neighbours as well as to the
USA. This was due to Iraq supposedly having WMDs and seeking for nuclear weapons
and Saddam being unpredictable and irrational actor. Furthermore, it was argued that
Saddam supports terrorists and could give WMDs to them. It was USA s mission to bring
democracy and freedom to the Iraqi people (Hudson, 2005: 298 299). Some scholars
support the official account as the real reason for the invasion, but there are many critical
scholars. Some of them advance the theory that behind the attack was the urge to protect
Israel or the effect that pro Israeli voices have in ... Show more content on ...
In the same speech he promised the continuation of war on terror (Bush, 2002). It was
stressed by Condoleezza Rice, who was the Assistant to the President for National
Security Affairs, that Iraq was unwilling to cooperate with the UN inspectors and that
Iraq was lying about its assumed WMDs (Rice, 2002). Bush, Rice and other members of
the administration made clear that Iraq was dangerous because of its WMDs and
therefore Iraq should be invaded. It was also stated in the Joint Resolution that authorised
the war that Iraq had WMDs, seeked nuclear weapons and was a threat to the USA
(H.R.J. Res. 114, 2002).

However, if WMDs and noncooperation with UN inspectors made Iraq such a huge
threat, it has to be asked why Egypt and Israel, for example, were not attacked. For
example, Israel has not ratified the Nonproliferation Treaty or the 1972 biological and
toxic weapons convention and Egypt has not signed the Chemical Weapons Convention
(Hubbel, 1998). Moreover, in general, it is not only Saddam Hussein who has murdered
thousands and defied UN resolutions. The USA, however, is not seriously planning to
attack those other states (Mearsheimer and Walt, 2003).

David Dunn argues that this is, when it comes to North Korea, because the administration
believes that North Korea is militarily strong enough to deter the USA, but Iraq is not
and Iraq has to be stopped before it is, too. (Dunn, 2003: 286) Even if this was true for all
the states in the
Understanding The Terms State And Trait
First, define the terms state and trait. States are temporarily behaviors and feelings that
depend on a person s circumstances. States are responsible how to deal with everyday
stress circumstances. Traits are stable characteristic behaviors and feelings also known as
personality, it is a consistent way how individuals respond to stress. It is genetic based
(Kottler, 2011, pg. 116). Second, provide a brief description of each of the personality
types and how each deals with stress. Different personality types: 1. Type A personality.
People with this personality are intense, very competitive, and ambitious they are very
goal directed and they want to be recognized. They are always in constant rush to finish
all the tasks as quickly ... Show more content on ...
(Kottler, 2011, pg. 119 120). 3. Repressive personality. People with this type of
personality are very organized; rule bounded and they hate surprises. They prefer not
being spotlight, they want that nobody sees them and they avoid conflicts at any costs.
However, they need an approval that whatever they are doing they are doing it right.
When are dealing with stress, they may appear being very optimistic because they
minimalize the threats around them it is an adaptive mechanism how to deal with stress.
They are repressing earlier happened traumas or disturbing situations. They try to avoid
acknowledging anxiety, fear and even attraction. If they do not feel it there is no stress.
(Kottler, 2011, pg. 121). 4. Codependent personality. This is a learned behavior between
people, where one person is emotionally destructive and abusive in relationship. One
patient is the sick one and another one is enabler. Both parties stay in this codependent
relationship while they are feeling needed. While dealing with stress, they continue to
proceed to repeat the same dysfunctional, dependent patterns over and over again until
they experience consequences for their actions and seek help. Codependent persons
develop emotional problems, such as depression, anxiety, and being hyperactive in one
second and lethargic in another second. As well, codependent persons can also
experience physical problems, such as colitis, ulcers, migraines etc. (Kottler,
Theme Of Self-Determination In Through The Tunnel
Throughout the story Through the Tunnel, the most important theme that recurs is self
determination. The boy in the story, Jerry, has demonstrated this self determination by
pushing himself through tough situations. One of these situations was when Jerry saw the
French boys playing in the ocean. In the text, it said, To be with them, of them, was a
craving that filled his whole body. (244) This quote proves his determination because
later on in the story, he then swam toward them. Eventually, they started playing, and the
boys yelled cheerful greetings at him. That s when Jerry knew that he was welcomed in.
Without his determination in this scene, Jerry wouldn t have been able to play with the
boys. Jerry demonstrates self determination in
Social Structure Of France During The French Revolution
The French Revolution was a time of period where social and political was a disruption
in France that lasted from 1789 until 1799. This time of period affected Social Structure
of France prior to the French Revolution. The factors that caused this revolution was due
to having a bad government system, weak superiority, and inequality of the classes of
people in France during the war. In this research, I will define and explain how Social
Structure contributed to the French Revolution Resentment of royal authoritarianism.
The three estates that social structure consists of are first estate which are the clergies,
second estate known as the Nobleman, and third estate which are the Bourgeoisie,
peasants, and workers. The Revolution did not omit sharp distinctions among the social
groups, neither did it alter the distribution of wealth. This caused them to divide into
these three groups called as estates.
The French Revolution were influenced by many factors such as the Enlightenment
ideals, concepts of popular sovereignty, and unchallengeable rights. France s costly
involvement in the Revolution and excessive spending by King Louis XVI and his
predecessor had left the country on the brink of bankruptcy. Not only were the royal
coffers exhausted, but two decades of poor cereal harvests, drought, cattle disease and
skyrocketing bread prices had kindled unrest among peasants and the urban poor.
( actions played a critical role in shaping modern nations. As
Navajo Code Talkers
Navajo Code Talkers
National security of every country highly depends on secrecy maintainance, especially
during wartime. Secrecy is an important element of victory. However, it is important not
only to code messages but also to break enemy codes in order to gain military
advantages. During the Second World War it was very important for the United States to
send and receive codes without any risk of being deciphered. For this reason the
language of American indigenous population of the Navajo was chosen by the U.S.
Marine Corps. This paper focuses on contributions made by the Navajo Code Talkers
during the Second World War. The military enemies of the United States did not manage
to break the code. One of the reasons why the Navajo ... Show more content on ...
However, they were sworn to secrecy and did not share the information even with their
Indians were admitted to the construction of the code only after the training. The initial
problem was that the Navajo language did not contain equivalents for English military
terms and phrases. That is why it was a difficult task to transfer military terminology into
the Navajo language. However, it was recognized that the code should have been both
unbreakable and simple, because under combat conditions rapid transmission and
translation of messages was of high importance.Long phrases might appear ineffective
and inefficient. The Navajos decided to choose words that had direct association with
nature, birds, and common Navajo life in order to avoid perplexity (Townsend 2000,
Generally, there were two methods of communication. According to Townsend (2000,
147), the first method concerned a words for alphabet system. This method was used to
code some terms that could not easily be replaced with a specific word. It was ineffective
to affix an Indian word to any random Pacific island. According to the alphabet method,
each letter of the English alphabet was replaced by with an Indian word. For example,
Tarawa Island was coded as turkey ant rabbit ant weasel ant . In Navajo, this would be
pronounced as Than zie, wol la chee, gah, wol lo chee, gloe ih, wol la chee . Some
English letters were represented by diverse terms in order to increase the
Characters Of A Dog In The Golden Compass, By Philip
Three years ago, my family adopted a dog. I ending up being the one who was most
reluctant to making the final decision and still was even after he had entered our family. I
was the one who thought of all the negatives for we don t need a dog incorporated into
our busy lives. For the first few weeks I did not like this dog, and the dog new it. Over
time, I started to relate and bond with this dog. I saw how he was different, he did not act
like a normal dog of his breed, different from the rest. I find the same thing in myself in
my family, not like the others, but were both of us are still included and loved. Now, the
dog that I didn t want and I are closer than any of my other family members are with him.
In the novel The Golden Compass, the author Philip Pullman develops a similar type of
relationship for each of his characters called daemons. These companions reflect a certain
person s identity, soul, and changes in feeling through their different forms, usually as
animals. I am being considered for Mr. Pullman s next novel and he has asked me to
develop daemons of my own for the next book in his series. After a few days of thinking
I have decided on three animals that would be a great representation of me in daemon
form, an owl, a lemur, and a butterfly. Throughout my academic career I have tended to
be a good student who got excellent in elementary school and straight A s in middle
school. So what better daemon to have than owl to represent this side of me. I tend to
have the ability to understand concepts and make them concrete easily when explained
complete and thoroughly. This form of myself not only comes during school work but
any time that I have to be analytical. One place that I have to show my thinking is on the
tennis court, a sport that I play year round. Tennis is very much a mind game and at my
higher level of play, I am forced to compete more and more strategically while also
maintaining my consistent fundamental skills. This means observing what your
opponents weakness is and applying it to the match so swing it into your favor.
Placement, direction, speed, spin, are all things that need to be considered during every
point. My owl is not only limited to its analytical side but its
Bio Materials for Medical Purposes
Bio Materials? Biomaterial is a material used for medical purposes (device) intended to
act upon each other with biological mechanisms and systems. These materials are used to
produce bio medical devices which are replaced with defected part or organ of the living
body, more safely and more economically to treat the patients. Biomaterials stems are
used to treat many diseases, conditions and injuries wounds with many therapies and
medical procedures. They can also be replaced with failed body parts like hip and heart.
Spinal rod are used to correct abnormalities many devices are used to improve function
pacemaker, stent, they also helps in healing purposes like drug release pharmaceutical
effects. They do not chemically react with the body parts and tissues and do not affect
them, are nontoxic and have different type of reliabilities and time periods
CHARACHTERISTICS OF BIOMATERIALS: Physical Requirements They must be
hard materials in order to bear well stress and do not deform and must be flexible enough
according to the requirement of the body part and function. Chemical Requirements They
should be non reactive with tissues in the living bodies also non toxic so they don t give
any harm to the living body. They should not be degradable can be replaced for Long
term. History: Romans, Aztec s, and Chinese use gold for dental treatments more than
2000 years ago then synthetic implants were available.Poly methyl methacrylate used
first time in dental treatment in

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