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A Process Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "A Process Essay" presents a unique challenge due to its inherent
meta nature. The task essentially requires crafting an essay about writing an essay, which demands a
deep understanding of the essay writing process itself.

Firstly, one must grapple with the conceptual intricacies of defining and elucidating the steps
involved in essay composition. This involves breaking down the process into manageable
components, such as brainstorming, outlining, drafting, revising, and editing. Each of these steps
necessitates careful consideration and explanation to ensure clarity and coherence in the essay.

Secondly, there's the challenge of striking a balance between providing detailed guidance on the
essay writing process and maintaining the engagement of the reader. The essay should not only
inform but also captivate its audience, which requires adept storytelling and effective use of
language to keep the reader invested from start to finish.

Moreover, crafting a process essay on writing itself requires a certain level of self-awareness and
reflexivity. The writer must navigate the complexities of introspection, reflecting on their own
writing process, habits, and challenges. This introspective aspect adds another layer of complexity to
the essay, as it demands honesty and vulnerability in examining one's own writing journey.

Furthermore, there's the challenge of addressing a potentially diverse audience with varying levels
of familiarity and expertise in essay writing. The essay must cater to both novice writers seeking
guidance and more experienced writers looking for insights to refine their craft. This necessitates a
nuanced approach in explaining concepts and offering tips that are accessible yet insightful for
readers across different skill levels.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "A Process Essay" is undoubtedly a formidable task
that requires navigating through layers of complexity. From conceptualizing the essay's structure to
maintaining reader engagement and addressing a diverse audience, the process demands careful
thought, introspection, and skillful execution.

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A Process Essay A Process Essay

The Individual Being in Hegel s Philosophy Essay
The only similarity between Marx and Kierkegaard beyond disagreeing with Hegel is
they both find Hegel to be apathetic. As Kierkegaard summarized in Either/Or, and as
Marx exemplifies in his many writings, either one is to resign themselves to inaction for
the greater good or one commits to action regardless of the consequences. Hegel, they
argue, commits himself to the former. He resigns himself to universal ethics, acting on
the greater good at the expense of the individual. Here, Kierkegaard and Marx swerve
away from Hegel. Kierkegaard believes the faithful must act as an individual in a
relationship with God. Marx believes that the individual, acting in concert with other like
minded individuals, is key to enacting the Bloody ... Show more content on ...
He suggests that Hegel resigns himself the status of a tragic hero for the greater good.
Kierkegaard alss tells the analogy of the Knight of Infinite Resignation which illustrates
the need to resign oneself from achieving a personal good in honor of the universal good.
He gives the analogy of a Knight who wishes to seduce a princess, but cannot because of
the greater good. Rather, he resigns himself to worship the idea of the princess and
detaches himself from her physical nature. This detachment causes him to worship an
abstract ideal in order to conform to the needs of the greater good. If the Knight were to
have her, it would violate the ethical principals he has entrenched himself in and cause
ruin upon others. He will no longer maintain the status of the tragic hero and would have
acted unethically. Beyond that, the Knight of Infinite Resignation would not want the
princess as her physical embodiment represents an imperfection. Kierkegaard does not
like this movement. Instead, he creates the Knight of Faith, which acts on his passions.
The Knight of Infinite Resignation loves the princess and idealizes her, but knows he will
never have her. If he were to have her, it would ruin the idealization of her. Her physical
being would then become a roadblock towards the realization of her essence. The
selfishness of the Knight of Faith becomes a form of passion. The Knight of Faith, like
the Knight of Infinite Resignation, realizes the impossibility of getting the
My Interest In My Volunteering Program
I m interested in participating in this program because of many reasons. I always find
myself volunteering at places that aren t in my community and I would like to volunteer
more in my own community, where I live. I feel as though my help can be used in a
positive, impactful way. I have worked with kids before and I feel as though I can be a
positive role model and set an example for these kids to look up too. I m also very
interested in computers. I have already learned how to use a program called storyboard
my first day on the job. We are working on a storyboard project that is going to help us
find our own identity and figure out who I truly am. I like to use my summers for a
positive and impactful way for myself and my community. There
Career And Technical Education
Including Career and Technical Education Teachers in the IEP Process: The Need For
Increased Participation

The current mantra of the American education system is to equip students with the skills
and knowledge required to be college and career ready. This is not an easy task for
educational leadership given the diversity of students served in public education. While
programs and services exist to support students in their individual post secondary
endeavors, coordination and communication between programs in not always a given.
This phenomenon exists between two such programs: career and technical education
(CTE) and special education. Each programs goal is to assist students with obtaining the
skills and knowledge necessary to move forward ... Show more content on ...
Legislation assisting students with disabilities (SWD) with equal opportunities in
education and training has been progressive. Legislative mandates underpinning CTE
and inclusion of students with special education needs has occurred in rapid succession
since the 1950 s. There are several key legislative directives, which bolster the inclusion
of students with disabilities (SWD) in career and technical education (CTE). In 1975,
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act, together with the Americans with
Disabilities Act (1990), the Rehabilitation Act (1973) and Section 504, prohibit
discrimination based on disability, and require equal access for all students in programs
that are federally funded. Furthermore, the Perkins Act (1998) requires that individuals
with disabilities receive equal access to all vocational education endeavors supported by
federal financial assistance and bars discriminatory practices based on ability (Ordover
and Annexstein,
Exploitation Of Sweatshops
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein s brain than in
the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived, and died in cotton fields and
sweatshops. Stephen Jay Gould. Sweatshops exploit people, and children. They take
advantage of their poverty, and there need for a better life. Sweatshops are one of the
worst things that ever happened to the business world, and poor people around the world.
Sweatshops should be stopped, and ended.
Sweatshop is a common term used to refer to factories that typically produce apparel;
that have very low wages by modern U.S. standards, long working hours, and unsafe or
unhealthy working conditions; that often don t obey labor laws; and that would generally
be considered unpleasant places to work by most citizens in wealthy countries.
Sweatshops first appeared in Great Britain in the late eighteenth century and persisted
there until the early twentieth century. In the United States, the first textile sweatshops
appeared in the early nineteenth century in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Virtually
every wealthy country in the world had sweatshops at one point in their past. Sweatshops
are an important stage in the process of economic development.
The International Labor Organization (ILO) has estimated that 250 million children
between the ages of five and fourteen work in developing countries. 61% in Asia, 32% in
Africa and 7% in Latin America. Many of these children are forced to work. They are
Being a Teenage Mother Essay
It was a beautiful afternoon on the bay of Huntington Beach. Just what would be
expected of any regular day in California. The sun was shining inexplicably, as if it knew
what was coming, the sky was clear with one cloud across the horizon, the sand was
boiling and I could literally feel the bottom of my foot melting away. The air was scented
with the sweetness of spring and refreshed by gentle breezes. There are families
everywhere I look, playing endlessly with their kids, throwing beach balls around,
tanning their bodies until it turns to ebony, walking their precious dogs, and riding their
bicycles until their muscles deteriorated. The beach is adult s playground.
She appeared, emerged, surfaced, arrived fashionably late flaunting, ... Show more
content on ...
Obviously, she was a teenage mother who went through difficult times. Being a teenage
mother is the single most difficult thing I have ever gone through. Having my daughter at
the age of seventeen was frightening. My world was altered from a world of dates,
parties, sleepovers and waiting for a Saturday so you can sleep late, to the world of
diapers, baby formulas, bills, doctors, appointments, and day care.
Amanda is head strong, independent, courageous, and once she has made up her mind,
little can be done to convince her otherwise. Through all of the obstacles that the world
has put her way, and all the situations life has brought her, Amanda still knows that all
the decisions she took may not have been the best. However, she learned from her
mistakes to make better judgements. I regret things that I didn t do in my life more than
things that I have done. The things that I have done in my life that I should regret are the
things I learned from, which at the end of it all, are what make me stronger. Without
these mistakes I would have never learned, and I would have never been mature enough
to take care of my beautiful kids. So for me, I try not to regret anything that I ve done. I
accept what was, cherish what is, and hope for a future that is filled with promise in the
things to come . In the background Harmony and Adam
Airport Master Plan For Red Deer International Airport
8.0 Roads

The Roads, Transit and Parking Section will overlook in detail the preparation, research
and plans we have for Red Deer International airport. This document will also overlook
operation processes, pertinent to roles in future groundside development, transit
operations, parking lots and parking garages, public access roads, bridges, curb spaces
and commercial vehicle.

About our Roads, Transit and Parking.

In this section, the details of operational for road operations, parking operations and
transit agreement and its operations. Also, procedures, process, and policies will be
explained in its respective description. This document will also reference other sections
of the entire Airport Master Plan document.

This document will ... Show more content on ...

Warning Signage.

These signs will warn potential problem areas such as crosswalks and road curves.
(Yellow in Colour)

Temporary Signage.

These signs mark temporary problem areas such as construction zones or detours,
(Orange in Colour)

Variable Signage

These signs can be programmed to present different messages dynamically from a central
location. These signs will be used to communicate information to all airport personnel
and passengers during unusual times.

Pavement Signage

Roads and bridges are marked to visually identify the traffic lanes and shoulder space,
also stopping and merging points. Pedestrians crosswalk will be painted in hatched
patterns also speed bumps will also act as indication to upcoming crosswalks.

8.2 Curbside Signage

Curb signage will be mounted above the curbside and inset from the edge of the

Curb Signage will include:

• Information signage, Bus schedule, no parking, loading, authorized vehicle and tow
away zones.
• Regulatory signage

• Warning Signage

• Temporary Signage

• Variable Signage

• Pavement Signage

All of these signs will indicate curb usage, such as taxi and limos location on departures
and Arrival levels.

8.3 Parking Signage

Parking signage will be mounted on ceilings positioned at key locations.

Parking Signs will include:

• Parking locations signage on pillars, which use an alpha numeric system to ensure all
personnel remember level, row, and lane they parked in.

Asd Intervention
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder which causes
deficits in social, behavioral and learning skills. Over the past few years there has been a
rise in the number of children being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, which
has led to urgently seek measures for alleviating the difficulties faced by the affected
children and their families. There is extensive research being carried out to come up with
a cure for ASD, however, researchers have yet not been successful at targeting this
disorder. This grant proposal mainly extends the idea of developing evidence based
interactions for children with autism and evaluation of their cost effectiveness, which
could help improve the quality of life of children with ASD. ... Show more content on ...
Hence, there is a demand for cost effective and economic analysis of interventions in
order to influence the allotment of monetary resource for appropriate function and keep
modifications in policies such as insurance.
The National Database for Autism Research (NDAR), a shared database has a plethora of
information and data obtained from diverse clinical and pharmacological studies, along
with projects concerning interventions for children with ASDs. Nevertheless, the cost
effectiveness of the interventions has not been so far explored.
In order to study the economic aspects of interventions, we have generated primary data
on quality adjusted life years (QALYs) on the basis of clinical data obtained from
children with ASDs. This would then make it possible to predict the QALYs gained using
different interventions, which would further make it possible to make a judgement on the
cost effectiveness of the interventions. This approach along with decision analytic
modeling would give us a better perspective about costs and consequences of different
interventions adopted.
The following specific aims will aid us in achieving majority of our research goal
towards this
How The Best Web Hosting Service For You Essay
Are you receiving ready to run your website to a new host, or want to launch a brand new
site? Choose a web host can be a risky process, mainly because there are so many
companies offering cheap or free hosting. While it s enticing to just register for a free
host, there are many factors to keep in a brain, and you ll often find that a paid host is
much more supportive in the long run in your site. See Step 1 under to learn how to pick
the best web hosting service for you. Part1 Determining Your Needs

1:Look at your present website (or website idea). What does your website do? Is it a site
that for fun or share with friends? Is it your blog site? Is it an e commerce site? Is it a
store site? The answers to all of these questions will help you decide what you need to
look for in a web host. If you re only making a site share information with friends and
family, you can probably get away with free hosting. It will be leisurely and there may be
ads sited on it, but you will be capable of doing working with web servers.
2: Think about your potential growth. Is your industry increasing rapidly? Are gaining
new customers by the day? Do you foresee a significant increase in traffic? There s a
good possibility that what works for you now will need to be scaled up in the near future.
When selecting a server host, always seek to keep the future in mind and plan
The Reluctant Fundamentalist Analysis
Lover or Foe

In The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Moshin Hamid, The main character Changez

experiences life both as an American and as a Pakistani. The setting take place in a
restaurant in Lahore and Changez is talking to a stranger to our knowledge about his
endeavors in America. Changez is in America, and finds himself becoming more and
more fond of the American lifestyle and even meets a girl named Erica who he first
thinks is the love of his life. Fast forwarding into the future Changez s job is not all as
great as he thinks and America in general is not the dream he thought he had been living,
Changez soon figures this out after his relationship with Erica becomes a total bust and
his job isn t the amazing job he thought it was, and he soon feels like a slave to America
and the American ways of life. He ends up returning to Lahore back home and becomes a
professor at a university, and is an advocate to disengagement from America to Lahore.
Within this novel Hamid shapes the protagonist, Changez, as someone who is sincerely
both a lover and critic of America. Changez truly does love America, at least in the
beginning, because it was like his relationship with Erica: you first meet a person and
you like what you see, and you get to know that person and start developing feelings and
enjoy being with that person, like he did being in America, but when he started finding
out bad things or things she was doing he did not like, like he did when he found out
America was bombing near his country. When Changez found this out he felt in a sense
betrayed. It doesn t mean that he doesn t love America anymore, but he was simply
unaware and now that he s aware he became a critic as well as a lover. There are many
people who travel to America under the impression that they will be Living the American
Dream and before see nothing but love for America. That is exactly what we seen happen
with Changez when he first came to America and we see his love for it grow. Changez at
one point is embarrassed to admit he is actually from Pakistan when he started working
for a huge American company by saying, To be reminded of this vast disparity was, for
me, to be ashamed. But not on that day. On that day, I did not think of
A House Amid The Thickets Analysis
Akinari s use of dramatic irony also deserves attention. In A House Amid the Thickets,
Akinari utilizes literary interlacing to provide the reader with information on both Miyagi
s and Katsushiro s status. For example, when Katsushiro leaves the reader learns that
Miyagi writes poetry (122) and that a man tries to seduce her, which prompts her to bolt
the door and decline all visitors (123). The reader then learns in the next few paragraphs
that Katsushiro makes a great profit in Kyoto (123) and finds himself accosted by robbers
(123 124). After these moments, seven years pass and Katsushiro finally embarks on the
trek back home, where he learns all the reader learns earlier. Dramatic irony factors into
Akinari s use of interlacing because ... Show more content on ...
To address a possible counterargument, yes, Manago is technically a serpent demon. But,
this demon s portrayal of a women plays an integral role in the tale. Hence, if the
characters realize Manago s true identity as a demon from the beginning, the tale ends
abruptly. Contrasting from Miyagi and Tomiko, Manago and Miyagi s ghost display
agency, power, and craftiness. Beginning with Miyagi s ghost, she represents craftiness
and power: Or was it her ghost, he thought, her ghost yearning for love that came back to
meet me? It was just as I remembered her, and in excess of grief, he began to weep (129).
Here, Miyagi s ghost not only creates an artifice that deceives Katsushiro (craftiness), but
she also elicits a wave of emotion from him because her trick forces Katsushiro to come
to terms with his neglect of his wife. The power for a woman in Edo era Japan to shame a
man to the point of repentance and emotional instability truly demonstrates the influence
of the supernatural to subvert societal norms. Greater Learning claims: In her dealings
with her husband, both the expression of her countenance and style of her address should
be courteous, humble, and conciliatory, never peevish and intractable, never rude and
arrogant that should be a woman s first and chiefest care (38). Miyagi s ghost rejects this
rule entirely. What humility or courtesy resonates in the ghost of a man s wife returning
The Many Forms of Hate Crimes Essay
The Many Forms of Hate Crimes

The issue of hate crimes has greatly affected the way in which people interact. A hate
crime is defined as any act of violence or verbal slashing of a person based upon race,
religious belief, or one s sexuality. There are several other grounds for determining a hate
crime depending upon guidelines in written laws. Hate crimes are said to have originally
derived from the unjust treatment of Jewish cultures during the Holocaust in World War
II. Slavery of African Americans in the early to mid 1900s has also been deemed a cause
of hate crimes. The issue of hate has completely engulfed the media with questions and
proposed answers on how and why some of these ungodly acts could have taken place.
The ... Show more content on ...
Groups such as the Ku Klux Klan serve as a basis to the ideology of white supremacy
and anti Semitism. Recently, several white supremacists have been arrested for threats on
anti hate group officials. Alexander James Curtis and Michael Brian DaSilva were
arraigned in federal court with felony charges of a two year hate crime spree against
Hispanic and Jewish Politicians. Both politicians had spoken out against unjust treatment
of minorities in the past. (Article 3) The ideology of the Ku Klux Klan has also appeared
in Moscow recently as former member David Duke spoke against world Zionism and
preached of expulsion of dark skinned people. The slogan of the Ku Klux Klan, Glory to
Russia and White Power is still evident the crowd in Moscow. (Article 4) Aside from the
rise in racial discriminative acts, hate crimes against homosexuals pose as the one of the
largest problems in recent news. With the current rise of gay and lesbian marriages, many
individuals are protesting that this action is not acceptable and in violent ways. Police
and Congress have their hands full sending out large task forces and passing laws to put a
stop to harmful protests. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force declared October
19th National Hate Crimes Call In Day. The
Chinese Seamstress
In the novel Balzac and the Chinese Seamstress Dai Sijie uses key moments in the novel,
such as the seamstress departure, her transformation, and Four eyes and the two boys
change of attitude to display the significance including the importance of literature.

At the end of the novel, the seamstress decides that she has outgrown both Luo and the
Narrator and decides to leave. The line She said she had learnt one thing from Balac: that
a womans beauty is a treasure beyond price adresses how the two boys were not to tie her
down anymore. Throughout the novel, the boys are constantly trying to re educate the
seamstress with western literature, in hopes that she will reach their level of intelect. Luo
feeds her multiple western novels, ... Show more content on ...
However later on, we see her loose her innocence as she has sex with Luo, leading to her
getting an illegal abortion. Suggesting that the more educated you are, the less innocent
you become. Throughout the novel, Dai Sijie creates checkpoints for the reader, to
present how the seamstress has transformed more and more into a modernised,
independent, city girl . This had first become apparent when the seamstress was able to
show her independent thinking for the first time; when they wanted Four Eyes books and
she sudenly swung her head round to face the boys and said about those books of his
what if we stole them? . This moment created a juxtaposition as the young innocent
village girl had become and intelligent woman that could care for herself after reading
one book, written by Balzac. The dramatic and confident motion of swinging her head
round alone foreshadowed the seamstress departure. The word swinging could allude to
how her character and personality had completely changed direction, taking a 180. The
western books act as a motif in the novel, and we are reminded of this every time the
seamstress develops more into a self assured
Similes In Sinners
There are many varying views of God and his abilities, that can be integrated differently
into their lifestyle. Jonathan Edwards touches on merging God into your life into his
sermon, Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God. The sermon talks about God s fury
caused by the sinful actions of humans, and how they are doomed if they do not adjust
their lives. Jonathan Edwards uses similes about God s wrath, diction that describes the
definition of a sinner, and repetition about the pits of hell to his advantage to make his
readers realize they need to change their ways. Edwards usage of similes in his poem is
mostly used to show how mighty God s wrath and power truly is. He compares God s
wrath to great waters that are dammed for the present; they increase more and more, and
rise higher and higher, till an outlet is given; and the longer the stream is stopped, the
more rapid and mighty is its course, when once it is let loose (Edwards). The quote helps
people to imagine God s wrath in a physical sense as being held back by a dam on the
verge of bursting. Similes allow Edwards to help his readers understand how angry God
truly is and also God s authority. Edwards simile is supposed to scare readers into
becoming better Christians. To further make his point about how worthless humans are to
... Show more content on ...
Edwards use of the mere pleasure of God is to restate his point throughout the poem that
everything is done under God (Edwards). Edwards use of this phrase not only restates
God s power but also show the reader that have life because of God. God could easily
take their life away if they anger him and continue their sinful actions. This would terrify
readers into behaving as God would like, so they do not continue to anger him.
Repetition helps to escalate the text and create a bigger impact on the
Motivations In Antigone
Creon s Foil

Zeus hates an arrogant boasting tongue (lines 152 153). Antigone s words, action, and
ideas contrast with Creon s to the point of these two characters having conflicting
motivations. These conflicting motivations caused the characteristics of stubbornness,
disrespect, and anger to be highlighted within Creon s character. Overall, these
conflicting motivations develop Creon as a tragic hero by emphasizing the characteristics
that all tragic heroes must have. His interactions with Antigone develops the theme by
showing their distinct views.

Creon s character is developed as a tragic hero when Antigone goes and buries her
brother, Polyneices, even though she was told not to. This situation brought out many
characteristics of ... Show more content on ...
The theme of this story is that wisdom is the key to success, not an arrogant man. In the
beginning Creon was a very successful man, he had a wonderful kingdom and a beautiful
family, but he lacked wisdom in many areas of his life. His ignorance was clearly shown
when he decided to follow his own rules, rather than the rule of the gods. His decision to
not bury Polyneices led to Antigone s defiance, and her defiance led to the death of his
family. In The story, it says Creon moved away, so the boy s blow failed to strike his
father. Angry at himself, the ill fated lad right then and there leaned into his own sword,
driving half the blade between his rib. (lines 1372 1376) This quote is describing the
killing of Haemon after he saw Antigone s body. After this scene Creon had to come
home to find his wife has killed herself, Your wife is dead blood mother of that corpse
slaughtered with a sword her wounds are very new, poor lady (lines 1428 1230).
Everything that happened corresponds directly to the theme. It shows that without
wisdom, a man is nothing. Creon was a very successful man, but arrogant, so because of
his arrogance he lost his
The Advantages Of Oracle Universal Content Management
Abstract: Universal Content Management (UCM) also called web center content gives a
bound together application for conveying record administration, web content
administration, computerized resource administration, and maintenance administration.
The suite of items offers an adaptable, hearty and versatile substance administration
arrangement that permits representatives, clients and accomplices to work together
contribute and access business content anyplace around the world. Oracle UCM helps
organizations completely boost the estimation of their data and scholarly resources by
bringing content, for example, contracts, showcasing materials, computerized resources,
records and inventories, to the Web where it can be productively overseen . Oracle web
Center Content (UCM) gives a brought together vault and ... Show more content on ...
With Oracle Universal Content Management, you can safely share and disseminate
through Web locales and Web applications. Oracle Universal Content Management will
likewise help take out excess strides in your procedures and can mechanize manual
advances, for example, changing over things to Web arranges and directing substance to
various clients or offices for audit and endorsement. Also, Oracle Universal Content
Management mixes well into existing business forms by enabling substance proprietors
to keep utilizing natural desktop applications, for example, Microsoft Office and
Outlook, Autodesk AutoCAD, Lotus Notes Email, and Oracle Star Office
Jamarie Alternate Ending
I know what he did! she snaps I was there but you weren t Koga. What he did was
horrible I understand that but by storming into his base firing guns and throwing knifes
will not solve anything! Innocent people are going to die! It s a sacrifice I m willing to
make. He counters. Jamarie stops taken aback by her husband s selfish comment. Their
lives are not yours to sacrifice. She turns hot on her heel and walks away from him,
stopping when she reaches the entrance to the tent and turning back to look at him a
pitying expression on her face. Just look at what you ve become. With that she exits the
tent in one swift wave of the curtain, leaving Koga alone once again. ... Show more
content on ...
Thankyou. This causes both of them to drop silent and stare at her making her blush at
the attention. ...Pardon? Thankyou, Peony repeats, for everything. Rhett finds himself at
a loss for words, his hope for getting back together with Peony strengthening. When he
doesn t say anything, Scarlett punches him in the shoulder. Ow a! Rhett glares at her,
holding his hand over his now throbbing arm. She cocks her head towards Peony, looking
at him expectantly. Rhett turns his gaze away from his sister and to what once was his
fiance. You re welcome. Rhett! Casey barges into the tent, knocking things over as she
barrels over to them. Rhett it s Koga, he s here! He s here already?! He curses, standing
up and looking around for something to cover himself. After maybe a few seconds of
searching, he spots an old coat laying in the corner of the tent. He grabs it, slides it on
and zips it all the way up to his chin before running out of the infirmary dragging Casey
along behind him. In his rush to get out, he didn t hear his gun fun to the ground as he
burst out the
Sandra Cisneros, Fredrick Douglass, And Malcolm X
I hate the fact of knowing that the only way for someone to mentally escape can bring
evilness into their eyes. Why is it that that happens? Why is our only escape the way that
can bruise us the most? Don t you hate when you hold a passion for something and
everyone around you disapproves of the fact. It s like you re holding onto the last string
but in reality nobody is at the other end, you re all alone. You are fighting for yourself.
You are pushing yourself, 7.5 billion people in the world but you are still all alone. On a
good note for some people their escape captivates them and brings them peace. Little do
you know those escapes are really reading, to one it brought bruises and to the other it
brought peace. That one thing that person ... Show more content on ...
Little do you know the two men, Fredrick Douglass and Malcolm X, died climbing that
mountain, they died breaking those chains, the died striving for the maximum. Nobody
believed these three people; Sandra Cisneros, Fredrick Douglass, and Malcolm X; had
the gift in the beautiful words they wrote. The words that influenced others to strive for
the maximum that they were never able to even see. Their words allowed others to break
free from the chains, it allowed them to climb to the top of the mountain that nobody
believed they could reach. We are always given the negative, why are we always fed the
negative? We crave the attention, we crave the fact of knowing someone being there to
guide and help us. In a sense, everything I have written has been for him, to win his
approval even though I know my father can t read English words,... . This was a quote
from Sandra Cisneros piece, Only Daughter, she craved the attention and approval of her
father, that was never given. From this time I was narrowly watched. If I was in a
separate room any considerable length of time, I was sure to be suspected of having a
book, and was at once called to give an account of myself. All this, however, was too
late. The first step had been taken. Mistress, in teaching me the alphabet, had given me
the inch, and no precaution could prevent me from taking the ell. As said by Frederick
Douglass, all he
Current Ceo Of Hewlett Packard ( Hp ) Company
For my paper I have chosen to analyze current CEO of Hewlett Packard (HP) Company.
It is especially interesting to me personally to track the success of the person who is no
stranger to the financial world and appeared at The Wall Street Journal , Time , Fortune ,
Business Week and to research the traits of leadership style of a huge technological
company, along with mechanisms of implementation of such a leadership approach and
manners in which the entire company shifted. I m talking about Margaret Cushing, also
known as Meg Whitman who currently holds CEO position of HP, an idol of a
businesswoman. She was born in 1956 in Long Island, NY. Graduated with MBA
diploma from Harvard School of Business. From that she became one of the planet s
most successful CEO and powerful leader. Prior to HP Meg held CEO and leading
management positions in many large companies as follow: Hasbro Inc. Preschool
Division as a General Manager, Florist Transworld Delivery as
President CEO, Stride Rite Corporation as
President of Stride Rite Division, Walt Disney Company as Senior VP in Marketing, Bain
Company as VP, Procter Gamble as VP Brand Management, and CEO of eBay. Meg
Whitman stared her home run beginning 80 s, at that time she worked as an executive of
a strategic planning department over at Disney Company. She then moved on and in 90 s
she took a position of CEO at DreamWorks, Procter Gamble, and Hasbro. As graduate of
Harvard Scool of Business and Princeton
Professional Conduct Critique Paper
Professional Conduct Critique

A 3 years old female spayed DSH presented with a large rectal prolapse.
Two days prior to presentation the cat was continuously straining and going back and
forth to the litter tray. On the night before presentation the owner observed a
development of rectal prolapse. On the clinical the cat was BAR. General clinical
examination was unremarkable. A 5 cm oedematous and inflamed rectal prolapse was
present. An investigation and treatment plan and was done and a cost estimation was
given to the owner.
After checking estimation owner said that unfortunately this cat is currently not insured.
As he has two more cats and this one is the younger and has been healthy, he decided to
cancel insurance due to personal financial issues. This owner was demonstrating extreme
sensitivity, sadness and love for this cat, regretting all the time not having continued with
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I said to the owner that I couldn t do that because it s against the law.
Owner was insisting in a way that started making me feel really uncomfortable.
I explained to the owner that we, as a veterinary surgeon (VS), are a third party in the
contract between owners and insurance companies and veterinary surgeons have the
responsibility to report with honesty and integrity.
The clinical records should be honest and with truth and the relevant information about
the presented animal should be provided to the insurer. This is illegal and would be
considered dishonesty and fraud. A VS who acts dishonestly or fraudulently may be
liable to criminal investigation and/or disciplinary action (RCVS, 2012). This would be
considered a fraud against the insurer. Any failure to disclose information, dishonestly or
intending by that abuse to make a gain will lead to payment of claim being refused and
both VS and owner could be prosecuted (The Fraud Act, 2006).
The stakeholders were me (VS), the owner and the insurance
Cultural Appropriation, By The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge
Anyone who knows me, knows me knows that I love to watch reruns of What not to wear
on TLC, As it teaches me something I clearly know nothing about, fashion. However
anyone who is in my Spanish class known that I not only care about my culture but
others as well. This school year has been interesting both fashion wise and politically,
from the Kylie Jenner Lip challenge, to Donald Trump running for president. It has been
such a weird school year however, that it has pointed out a sad fact about the current
fashion world, that is prevalent through the politics we discuss in our everyday lives, and
that is cultural appropriation. As cultural appropriation according to the Oxford
Dictionary is A term used to describe the taking over of creative or artistic forms, themes,
or practices by one cultural group from another. It is in general used to describe Western
appropriations of non‐Western or non‐white forms, and carries connotations of
exploitation and dominance. And despite how much we would like to believe that this
issue doesn t exist in our present day society, if one looks In clothing stores, fashion
magazines, and even Halloween parties, cultural theft is occurring. This can be seen
especially with indigenous cultures as: elements of indigenous cultures are morphed into
fashion trends and costumes for those who will never understand their significance.
Navajo print leggings, tribal jewelry, and Indian princess Halloween costumes are
examples of gross
Reflection Paper On Golf Carts
As a teenager, hearing our parents tell us no to doing something enjoyable due to it being
unsafe is a huge heartbreaker . We seem to think we are invincible and that our parents
know absolutely nothing. January 1st of 2015, I learned that maybe, just maybe, our
parents are actually looking out for us. We should probably listen to them when they tell
us to not ride a golf cart at 1 A.M. on a freezing cold winter night. My day started off just
as it usually does, I wake up and go straight to the kitchen for my morning cup of hot
chocolate. I knew that this day was going to be fun, it was New Year s eve. My
grandparents were having a family party that night. I have a very close relationship with
all of my family so seeing everyone together again was extremely exciting. We got to my
grandparents house around 7 P.M. Most of my family arrived earlier so, I went off to see
what my cousins were doing. I found them in the backyard driving rampant on my
grandfather s new golf cart. I probably should have taken this as a sign to not get on, but
everyone else was doing it so I decided I should just do it too. Our parents eventually told
us it was getting too late and to come inside. After watching the ball drop, My cousins
and I decided to take my grandfather s golf cart for one more ride. Our parents told us
that it was too late, too cold, and we shouldn t be going. We had the bright idea to go
against what our parents had just told us and told them we were going outside to play
basketball. We got outside to find that the keys were still in the ignition from the
excitement we experienced earlier that day. My cousins, Blake and Hannah, got in the
front seat while I got in the backseat along with my other cousin Hillary. We started our
ride off with a trip down the driveway and quickly picked up speed, way faster than we
expected. As we got towards the end of the driveway, Blake decided it would be a good
idea to make a sharp left turn. This caused the golf cart to flip. As we were flipping, I
could see Blake and Hillary jump off while Hannah and I were somehow thrown under
the golf cart. Hannah ended up getting lucky, only her ankle was caught under a metal
bar and she was able to easily get out. On the other hand,
Achieving and Maintaining Invididual Excellence
Achieving and Maintaining Individual Excellence

BSHS 462

Achieving and Maintaining Individual Excellence Individual excellence is pushing

yourself to surpass other s expectations and excel in everything you do. Individual traits,
ethics, values, experiences, and individual performance help develop and define a person
s individual excellence on a personal and professional level. Individual excellence will
lead a person to be a better leader, manager, supervisor, and a better person in any
organization. In this paper I will formulate a framework for achieving individual
excellence as I focus on my ultimate goal of going into the human services field. This
paper will examine a force analysis that lists my personal drives as well as ... Show more
content on ...
As a human service manager, I must learn to take feedback, both negative and positive,
and learn from every experience to make me a better employee and future manager.
Supervision is needed to guide employees, motivate them, and reward them to achieve
program effectiveness. My strengths are my ability to work alone, to supervise, motivate,
and recognize other people s achievements. My restraining force is that I have very little
experience supervising individuals and I am usually a follower rather than a leader. I will
gain the confidence needed to take on the roles and responsibilities of any position or
challenge that I am faced with.
Financial management is referred to successfully managing finances by the human
service manager. My personal drive is the success I have at managing my own finances,
because I have no experience managing finances for large organizations. I am currently
debt free and feel very proud that as a mother of two I can handle finances very well even
money is tight. My restraining factors is that I am not a big saver and can work on
creating a budget or savings plan for the organizations future and long term goals.
According to Lewis (2007) a well designed information systems can enhance an
organization s effectiveness and responsiveness and raise an employee s sense of
satisfaction and purpose. Managers should ensure that information systems
Scoliosis Case Studies
Scoliosis is define as a lateral curvature of spine greater than 10 degree and vertebral
rotation (Pellios et al., 2016).The spinal changes shown as compressive force on concave
side of a curvature resulted in narrowed disc space and spinal canal space, wedge shaped
vertebral bodies thinner and short lamina and pedicles, however, convex side changes
includes wider rib space and posterior deformed rib cage (McKinnis, 2014). According to
McKinnis, spinal curves over 10degree appears in 2% to 4% of population and curve
more than 25 degree occur in 1.5per 1000individuals in the United States (2014).
Approximately 10% of all adolescents have some degree of scoliosis, moreover,
approximate cost of spinal surgery to correct idiopathic scoliosis was ... Show more
content on ...
In addition, Adam s forward bend test with scoliometer helpful in assessment of scoliosis
with accuracy, in this test patient stands and bend forwards at the waist, examiner asses
back symmetry, check for rib hump, back abnormality from behind and beside, also
examiner may use scoliometer or inclinometer and recommended for radiological or
advanced diagnostic screening (Horne, Flannery, and Usman, 2014. Frerich, Hertzler,
Knott, and Mardjetk (2012), study had 30 repeated formatic 4dimentional (4D) measure
was taken in 64 patients, also included standard radiograph and surface topography
measurements. In addition, the outcomes compare and noted that Formatic 4D techniques
shown significant correlation with Cobb s angle with test retest reproducibility, without
any radiation exposure (Frerich, Hertzler, Knott, and Mardjetk, 2012). The two different
measurement method as 2D and modern 3D imaging system use in 442 patient to
measure angle of thoracic idiopathic scoliosis, and results shown superior and detail
information found with 3D (coronal, sagittal and axial plane) method compare to
traditional radiographs, in the screening of angles (Sullivan, Reighard, Osborn,
Parvaresh, Newton, 2017). In addition, new mathematical methods,
Apa Template For Nursing Program
APA Template for Nursing Program Papers Jill Connolly Ferris State University Abstract
An abstract is a short summary of the article that is written after the rest of the paper is
finished. It is the most important paragraph in the document, allowing readers to quickly
decide if they want to read the rest. Write the abstract clearly with concise language.
Open with the most important points and make each sentence maximally informative.
Accurately state the purpose and content of the document. Only report facts, do not
evaluate or make additional comments. Include only information found in the body of the
article and use the headings to verify accuracy. Format: Do not repeat document title and
do not indent. The ... Show more content on ...
APA Template for Nursing Program Papers The introduction needs no heading because it
appears immediately after the abstract. In a few pages, present the topic of the paper and
describe the research strategy. Discuss why the problem is important and whether it has
been studied in the past. Describe how your paper is different from previous research and
how it builds upon the topic. Formally state the purpose of the research by summarizing
the hypotheses supported and why. Mention significant related literature and assume the
reader has a basic understanding of the topic and its history. State how your report is
similar and different from cited works. Stay on task. Reference important sources of data
or research and be sure to site these sources. Logically show how your paper relates to
previous work. Be sure to keep the introduction readable. Do not be so brief that only
experts in the field can follow what is being said. Explain your approach to solving the
problem. Briefly but clearly describe specific questions and how these were logically
decided upon, how they connect to the research materials you cite. Clearly develop
rationale for each theory and distinguish between primary and any secondary theories.
Format: See page 42 in American Psychological Association (2010). As shown here,
indent the first line and new paragraphs that are still part of
Comparing Mdisho And Miss Trefusis
A man who wears a wig and has fake dandruff, a woman with an odd hatred for fingers,
and a man who Is happy to be at war. U.N Savory, Miss Trefusis and Mdisho are all very
unusual characters in the story. Mdisho and Miss Trefusis, both are people he has met on
his journey, but Dahl describes them very differently, Mdisho is more outgoing and
happier, while Miss Trefusis seems more stubborn. U.N Savory seems almost un
comparable because Mdisho and Trefusis have a reason behind their weird attributes.
Mdisho was the one who seemed more normal than the rest of them. Mdisho was bold
and courageous. He had come from Mwanumwezi tribe, one of the best fighting tribes in
East Africa. So, there was no surprise how excited he was when the war had finally
broken out. When Roald and Mdisho were speaking of the war Mdisho said: Oh bwana, I
can hardly wait for that time to come! Meaning he was excited for the war that was going
to occur. Furthermore, the area around Roald and Mdisho s house was filled with German
people because, the area used to be German east Africa before it became British.
Knowing this, Mdisho went to a rich Germanic s house and killed him! Miss Trefusis
was a very odd and unusual lady. She was like nothing I have ever seen before. Trefusis
had a ... Show more content on ...
Roald s opinion on Savory is he believed he was clever and weird. He was a grown man
who wore wigs and faked having dandruff. U.N says: I do it purely for business reasons .
He works in Amistar, for the Sikhs. The Sikhs were people who really valued you and
had more respect for you if you had a full head of hair. U.N Savory was a bald man so he
felt the need to wear wigs. U.N did it quite cleverly. He faked having dandruff so the
Sikhs wouldn t suspect a thing. No one on board the ship suspected it not even Roald.
The way he did it was he sprinkled Epson salts on his shoulders so it would look like
Reflection About Living With God
The book is about living with God, instead of living over, under, for, or from him. It talks
about how important it is to be aware of how we think about God and our relationship
with him. I appreciate this book a lot because the day I accepted Christ was when I
finally understood that everything he did wasn t to get me a get out of hell free card, it
was to be able to spend the rest of this life drawing me closer to him and to spend
eternity with him. In that regard, the first part of the book was about what I expected, but
as I was surprised, encouraged, and challenged as I got further into the book.
The first point that stood out to me was the way we assign the way we value
effectiveness to God; we assume that he gauges success the same way we do. I love the
way the author presented the story of Moses striking the rock in the light of him doing
only what he knew had worked in the past. He followed a formula; and yes, he was
effective, but he was not faithful or obedient. It is possible to succeed without being in
relationship with God. Along the same lines, one of the most helpful ways I ve heard this
concept presented is from Moses initial reaction with God; God finding Moses and
arguing back and forth with him while Moses makes excuse after excuse about
everything he can t do. God is not a God of efficiency. What would have been efficient is
snapping his fingers and freeing all the Israelite slaves from their captors in Egypt. But
he chose to work through Moses;
The Legacy Of John Towner Williams The Star Wars Saga
John Towner Williams is considered one of the most successful composers in the last
century. He has scored many popular movies and has many other notable works.
Involved in major works including Jaws, ET, Indiana Jones, the Harry Potter Series, and
his critically acclaimed work in the Star Wars saga, Williams is undoubtedly one of the
best in the business. Williams holds a commanding position over many of his colleagues,
and fellow composers to this day. Williams has won five Academy Awards, four Golden
Globe Awards, seven British Academy Awards, and twenty two Grammys. Boasting a
dominant fifty Academy Award nominations, and following only Walt Disney, John
Williams is the second most nominated individual. Since the beginning of the film ...
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Once finished with his service, Williams moved back to the Empire State to study at the
most prestigious music school in the world, The Juilliard School. Williams spent his time
gigging around New York and studying profusely. Working under Rosina Lhevinne,
Russian pianist and composer, Williams became more in touch with Tchaikovsky, Rhim,
Wagner, and branched into neo romanticism. By becoming more familiar with these
composers, Williams grasped a better concept of leitmotif by which helped him to pursue
a career in film scoring.
Williams moved back to Los Angeles and began working immediately. He composed,
scored, and was featured performing in several films throughout the seventies. This
granted him a plethora of experience and recognition. It wasn t until 1974 that he was
asked by director Steven Spielberg to write the score for his debut film, Sugarland
Express. This was only the beginning of their partnership, and would work on several
films through out the seventies this including Jaws, and Close Encounters of the Third
Steven Spielberg recommended Williams to an ambitious George Lucas who needed a
score for his one of a kind, Star Wars. This was the beginning of the rest of Williams
career, as Star Wars broke multiple box office records, and won several academy awards,
including best musical score. Luke s Theme is easily one of the most recognizable motifs
S. N. 1 Lab Report
As discussed in lecture, the determining factors of a substitution reaction is likely to
occur in either S_N 1 or S_N 2 by: substrates, leaving group, strength of the nucleophile,
and the type of solvent.

When conducting the S_N 1 portion of the experiment, the solvent used was 1% silver
nitrate in ethanol solution (〖AgNO〗_3). This solvent is polar protic. This is the best
type of solvent needed for an S_N 1 reaction because the hydrogen atom is positively
charged while the nucleophile is negatively charged achieving a hydrogen bond. Two
factors that contributed to the rate of reaction for S_N 1 are stability of the carbocation
and the leaving group departure. The more stable the carbocation, the faster the reaction
generates and the better the leaving group, it creates a carbocation faster, which in turn
leads to a ... Show more content on ...
The following six of the nine alkyl halides produced precipitates at room temperature: 2
bromobutane, t butyl chloride, crotyl chloride, bromocyclohexane, bromocyclopentane,
and benzyl chloride. All of these alkyl halides reacted in room temperature because they
were either secondary or tertiary carbons except for crotyl chloride. These types of
structures (tertiary) are favored in the case of S_N 1 while secondary can undergo either
S_N 1 or S_N 2. The only primary carbon that reacted quickly was crotyl chloride
because it is an allylic substrate, which can undergo S_N 1. On the other hand the three
remaining alkyl halides did not react at room temperature: 1 chlorobutane, 2
chlorobutane, and bromobenzene. These three alkyl halides were then heated at 80℃. 1
chlorobutane s alpha carbon is primary, so heat is needed in order to create more collision
resulting in a reaction. 2 chlorobutane and 2 bromobutane have similar structures, but the
latter reacted in room temperature because Br is a better leaving group than Cl. Lastly,
bromobenzene did not react even after adding heat
The Life of Franklin D. Roosevelt
A mention of the name, Roosevelt D. Franklin to most Americans, rekindles the
memories of the Second World War, the Manhattan projects and the subsequent bombing
of two Japanese cities. What most of these people fail to understand is that Roosevelt s
presidency was the Second World War. Turth be told, Roosevelt is one the greatest
presidents the United States ever had based on his personality and the challenges he
faced while in the White House. This paper discusses a number of aspects about one of
the United States celebrated presidents, Foosevelt D. Franklin, including his life history,
challenges he faced, his achievements, as well as, some unique things about him and his
Franklin D. Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, in ... Show more content on ...
Other important legislations enacted by Roosevelt include the Social Security Act, Tax
bill, and the National Labor Act. Most of these legislations were geared towards
regulating how the banking system worked and ensuring trust in the country s financial
system. Others were geared towards giving poor Americans some for of economic relief
during their most challenging times (Gunderson 2010).
The second challenge Roosevelt faced was the Second World War that had destroyed
most of Europe. Roosevelt did everything possible to keep the United States of America
out of this war through provided forms of support to countries like Britain and France
during this war. Nonetheless, when Japanses attacked the Unites States itself, Roosevelt
was forced to send American forces to take part in the war. The attach on American
soldiers and vessels changes Roosevelt s calculation. The entry of the United States into
the Second World War changed the face of the whole conflict. It was Roosevelt who
commissioned and oversaw the Manhattan Project that led to the construction of the first
atomic bomb. The Manhattan Project is one of the largest projects ever understaken in
the history of the world. Roosevelt wanted the atomic bomb as one of the way of
bringing the war to a quick end, as well as, one way to increase the United Stat s
Teen Messaging Influence On Teens
It s a well known fact that adolescents adore messaging. Overviews indicate it has turned
into their favored type of correspondence, with youths sending and getting a normal of
167 writings for every day. The greater part of the discourses encompassing messaging
and adolescents have concentrated on the impact messaging has on social aptitudes and
up close and personal social collaborations, and additionally it being a risky diversion
while driving. However, another examination recommends that while messaging turns
into a urgent propensity, it can hurt teenagers scholastically. This affiliation,
notwithstanding, was just found in young ladies. It creates the impression that it is the
enthusiastic idea of messaging, as opposed to sheer recurrence, that is dangerous, lead
analyst Kelly M. Lister Landman, PhD, of Delaware District Junior college, said in an
announcement. Enthusiastic messaging is more mind boggling than recurrence of
messaging. It includes attempting and neglecting to reduce messaging, getting to be
noticeably protective when tested about the conduct, and feeling disappointed when one
can t do it. Lister Landman and her partners reviewed 403 understudies in grades eight
and 11 out of a semi rural town in the Midwest. The scientists planned a scale measuring
urgent messaging by asking understudies questions like: How regularly do you find that
you message longer than you proposed? How frequently do you check your writings
previously accomplishing
Gatesburggreen Initiative Case Study
The GatesburgGoGreen Initiative is a joint proposal developed by environmental groups,
businesses, city officials, and citizens. The goal of the initiative is to reduce the waste
added to the county landfill by 90% over the span of five years by giving residents three
trashcans; one for compost, one for recyclable paper and plastic, and one for landfill

The goal of the project is well hearted, and has benifits for the environment, by
encouraging recycling and lessening the amount of energy used by making new
materials, the tax payers, by eliminating the cost it would take for the county to open a
new landfill (which would be very costly), and citizens, by providing compost to use in
their gardens.

There are though some problems that would come with this proposal. The
GatesburgGoGreen Initiative would place strict laws on what residents can and can not
put inside of each bin. The initiative proposes that fines will be placed on citizens who do
not adhere strictly to the rules of what can go inside of each bin. Also, each bin is equipt
with a radio frequency identification computer chip, which will weigh each bin, and
compare how much waste is placed in the recyling bins, versus the trash bins (waste that
will go to the county landfll). ... Show more content on ...
I know that there are many times I have looked at a piece of waste, and was not quite
sure if I should recyle it, or throw it into the trashcan for it to be taken to a landfill. If an
initiative like this were to be made official, it should take into account human error, and
not fine those who might be simply confused, or have made only a simple
The Major Sub Areas Of Finance
1. Define the terms finance and financial management, and identify the major sub areas
of finance.

Finance is the study of applying specific value to things we own, services we use and
decisions we make. Financial management is the process for and the analysis of making
financial decisions in the business context. The major subareas of finance are
investments, financial management, financial institutions, market, and international
finance. Risk is a potential future negative impact to value and or cash flow. It is often
discussed in terms of probability of loss and the expected magnitude of the loss.
2. What are the three basic forms of business ownership? What are the advantages and
disadvantages to each?
The three forms of business ownership are sole proprietorship, partnership, and

A sole proprietorship is a entity that is not legally separate from its owner.
The advantages to the sole proprietorship are single control over the business and its
decisions, easy to start up, less regulations and paperwork burden that the other types of
business. The disadvantages are unlimited liability for their company debts and actions.
The law does not recognize any distinctions between the owner s business assets and
personal assets. Banks are very skeptical about lending to these types business because
there is only one person to hold liable for repaying the debt.

A partnership is a business organization where the partners own the business together and
Military Involvement Of The United States And Mexican
Military Guarding The United States and Mexican Border
Should our military guard The United States and Mexico border? The opposing views
think that military involvement is not the solution to the problem. The following writing
will discuss reasons for that our military needs to be involved in protecting the borders of
The United State and Mexico and the arguments regarding our military being used to
guard our borders. Many people dispute the military involvement and many are in its
favor. This paper will discuss reasons why military involvement is vital in the protection
of the United States Mexican border. The border between The United States and Mexico
has been the routes used for trafficking drugs, illegal immigrants and the entry ... Show
more content on ...
In our past history, The United States Customs and border officials have been focused on
relatively common matters of enforcing laws regarding trade and immigration, watching
over agriculture and economic interests from pest and disease, and processing people,
vehicles and goods. After the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001, the primary
concern was the homeland security. The threat of terrorists and terrorist tools coming
through our borders all add to an increased set of dangers to The United States. Is it the
responsibility of our United States Military to defend our country from these threats? The
following myths are often understood as true, when in fact they are not.
Myth #1 The US Constitution prohibits posting US troops on the border;
The US Constitution says no such thing. In fact, Article VI, Section 4 states: The United
States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and
shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the
executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence. (Illegal
Immigration Solutions Pros and Cons (2012))
Myth #2 The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits US troops from guarding US borders.
This 1878 act was enacted to prevent Union troops from continuing to enforce federal
laws in the defeated South after the
The French Of Religious Identity Essay
Have you ever wondered why the French are so private about their religion? It is because
the French are required to keep their religious identity out of the public space. The
French call it laïcité or secularism but it means much more than just the separation of
church and state. It guarantees the freedom from religion in the public domain so that no
one is oppressed by religion and everyone is seen equally. Muslims, living in France, are
being treated unequally by the state while they support the catholic majority. This seems
hypocritical coming from a nation that prides itself on being secular. The hypocrisy of
Frances outdated laws of secularism and deep catholic roots cause discrimination and
oppression of Muslim identity while aiding catholic organizations.

Frances transition from a monarchical society with close relations to the catholic church
into a secular republic dates to the French revolution in 1789. After a dispute between the
Vatican and the French state, they came to an agreement known as the concordat. This
arrangement would keep the church under state tutelage but leave it alone if they kept to
themselves. It wasn t until 1905 when the law of separation was ratified that the church
and state would be completely independent. Laïcité at its core is considered the belief
that religion is a private matter . In this manner, the republic would adopt laïcité as its
national religion and no longer recognize, remunerate, or subsidize any other religion.
Jeffrey Dahmer Trial Essay
In the month of January 1992, Judge Laurence Gram Jr. was presiding over the
Milwaukee County Circuit Court at the beginning of Jeffrey Dahmer s trial. Defense
Attorney Gerald Boyle represented the defendant Jeffrey Dahmer whilst District Attorney
E. Michael McCann spoke for the state of Wisconsin. Dahmer was charged with
murdering fifteen individuals. During the initial part of the court proceedings, Dahmer s
defense claimed that he was clinically insane. In due course, the jury had to decide
whether this insanity claim was factual or not: Was Jeffrey Dahmer certifiably insane?
Did his admission of guilt founded on mental illness stand up in court or was he sane and
guilty? Was he or was he not in control of himself when he murdered fifteen ... Show
more content on ...
Those individuals comprised of the following: Psychiatrist Dr. Park Dietz, Defense
Psychologist Dr. Judith Becker, and Detective Dennis Murphy as expert witnesses. These
witnesses shared previous conversations about the things that Dahmer had talked to them
about during his alleged crimes and deviant lifestyle. Ronald Douglas Flowers Jr., an
unnamed underage victim referred to as SS, Jeffrey Connor, and Tracy Edwards were
among the witnesses and victims that testified about the events that had transpired with
Jeffrey Dahmer. The expert witnesses testified to Dahmer s confessions during therapy
and psychological sessions. These expert witnesses described their accounts in a matter
of fact style and remained straight to the point. Consequently, the younger victims of
Dahmer were very anxious and frightened throughout the testimonial process. The final
victim, Tracy Edwards, who had escaped from Dahmer, was poised when testifying and
remained in a state of melancholy. Throughout the process, Edwards anger was
increasing, however he was able to control his emotions and remained professional
within the court. The jury ultimately decided each of Dahmer s charges separately. At the
conclusion of the trial, victims family members were given a platform to express their
emotional distraught of losing loved ones. Finally, sentencing
Effects Of Discrimination In America
How Discrimination still effects Modern America

Have you ever had a conversation about pay with a female coworker that was equally
skilled only to realize she was payed less? Have you Seen someone bullied or harassed
solely based off the color of their skin? Have you ever seen someone be treated
differently or unfairly based off of their religion? Then you know what discrimination
looks like in everyday life in a variety of ways. Discrimination is everywhere even in
modern day America and it happens every day with sometime fatal results to such hate.

On august 16th 2016 a group of police officers were shot in downtown Dallas that sent
the crowd screaming in terror. There were 5 total officers shot and killed and another 2
injured at this
Closure Of Hospital
I was surprised to see how beautiful the hospitals are. They look gothic and solid. The
mental institutions look really expensive to build and the size is incredible. Even though
the hospitals housed many patients, they were forgotten because patients were out of
society s view. They did not live in the larger society. It is shocking that some
psychiatrists think they were helping patients get care. Some of the psychiatrist attempts
were barbaric. Patients were even being mistreated by some hospital staff. Watching the
documentary, I was surprised because the patients experiences at the mental hospitals
were traumatic. Additionally, something that stood out to me was that drugs may have
played a role in keeping mental institutions open. ... Show more content on ...
Treatments in the past have been unsuccessful in curing patients mental illness. The
terrible conditions in the hospitals led to the search for more humane approach to help
patients get better. The justification for mental institutions were questioned. As both the
American and British mental institutions utilized drugs to help patients get better, they
still live behind bars. As described in the textbook, the United States mental healthcare
system is very dependent on government budget. When the government cut the funding,
many hospitals struggle to keep the facilities running. The same is true with the British
mental healthcare system, as discussed in the video. Many patients were misfits of
society. They were neglected and the hospitals seem to be the only place to get care. But,
they ended up being dirty and the patients were mistreated by staff of the hospitals. Most
of the psychiatric care in both countries are similar. Mental health became the general
hospitals responsibility as the asylums were being closed and patients went back into
society. The British asylums and the United States mental hospitals did share many
commonalities. The Americans had a moral movement that focused on legal rights and
protection for the patients. In the 1950s, the British had a similar movement. Also, the
British had the user movement, where patients can have more input about the treatments
they receive, as is discussed in the video. In Britain, grassroots efforts sprang up for
patients to have more say in the treatment options, the way it is in modern day
Essay on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens


Charles Dickens was born in Landport, Hampshire, in 1812 and died in

1870. His father was a clerk in the navy pay office and family life was occasionally hard,
especially when his father had to go to the debtor s prison. The young twelve year old
Charles became the main money maker in the family at this time and worked in a
blocking factory. Charles father was released a year later and Charles was able to go to

After school he became a clerk for solicitors, later becoming a journalist, a reporter at
Doctors Commons and at 22 joined a London newspaper. He published various papers in
the Monthly Magazine, following this up with sketches and articles for the ... Show more
content on ...
Charles wrote A Christmas Carol in 1843. This short novel has a
Christmas theme and has been popular since it was first published.
This moral story is about an old man called Scrooge who hates
Christmas and is mean to everyone, but he is transformed. The lessons he learns are as
much for the reader to benefit from as Scrooge. His transformation is the key event in the
novel and the reader clearly sees Scrooge before and after his experiences. This process
will now be explored more fully.

A Christmas Carol , by Charles Dickens

When we first meet Scrooge he is described as a cold hearted, selfish, evil man. He was a
Tight fisted hand at the grindstone , A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping,
clutching, covetous old sinner! . He is also described as a very cold man, A frosty rime
was on his head, on his eyebrows and on his wiry chin. He carried his own temperature
always about with him . The reader gets the impression that whenever somebody may
walk past him they would shiver or shudder.
When the reader thinks of cold they may think of chilly or they may think symbolically
of cold in a person, as in no passion or feeling.

When other people meet Scrooge their reaction was to avoid talking to him, nobody
asked him even for a little amount of money or what the time was. This was because they
knew his answer would be a negative one. Perhaps they thought that if they ignored
Scrooge he would go away. It seems as if
Life Cycle Analysis Big Mac
Life Cycle Analysis of Big Mac Life Cycle Analysis Environmental Impact Assessment
Matrix | |Pre production |Production |Distribution |Utilisation |Disposal | | | | | | |Water used
to flush the toilet | |Water Relevance |Consumption of 1381.3 litres of |No significant
consumption of |No significant impact | |Water used to ... Show more content on ...
| |Resources to produce energy to | | | |to run the production | | |recycle the paper | |Effect
on Ecosystems | | | | | | | |Deforestation in order to make |No significant effect |No
significant effect | |Effect caused by landfill | | |space | | | | | years of Big Mac and so what/2856278
p6BiMdqJw3_t78DE Z TWNWqBfUvpnMJGVn5wKGoOQEw
Breweries In America
This Beer is my Beer
According to this article, the traveler explains the different breweries in America. Also,
he said it was hard, where to begin consuming beer. Each region of the country has its
own beer style, where you can taste different types and flavors of beers. There are a
number of distinct and diverse beer regional styles, for example (The New England IPA,
the Southern Saison, the Great Lakes gose, the Rocky Mountain lager, the Cascadian
fruited sour, the southwestern scotch, and the SoCal session). Undoubtedly, American
beer is the best beer of the world and the where is more consumed. Nevertheless, beers
from other countries compete with American beers, such as Scottish beers. American ...
Show more content on ...
Capitalism is one of the branches that is related to this Article, it means the production
and distributions of goods, beers are produced by manufactured industries. First, farmers
cultivate the ingredients that are necessary to produce their beer, then farmers distribute
their crops to different brewers companies to produce their beer. After producing their
beer, companies distribute their beer to all brewer stores, markets, and liquor stores, so
they could sell the beer to the consumers. Labors are another example, that economics is
related to this article, their skills are essential to the production of goods, also labors are
responsible in the production of these goods because they spend hours working hard and
using their minds and hands to make sure that the production must be of high quality.
Teamwork is an important key to making a high quality production, labors should work
together and help each other to do the job the best as possible. Therefore, if labors make a
good quality job that will benefit themselves and the company because their job depends
on the effort they put in the products of goods. Consumerism is another branch that this
articles related. This branch means the promotion of the consumer s interests, beer is
always consumed by the most of the people. In America, people consume beer to relax,
spend a good time or
Research Paper On Black Rhinoceros
The endangered animal I have chosen for this project is the diceros bicornis, more
commonly known as the black rhinoceros or the hook lipped rhinoceros. The origin of
the black rhinoceros scientific name, diceros bicornis, is quite interesting. Dicero from
the Greek word di translates to two and ceros translates to horn. Bicornis from the Latin
word bi translates to two and cornis translates to horn. The black rhinoceros scientific
name describes their most prominent physical features, their double horns. There are four
different subspecies within the black rhinoceros family whose names differ according to
their geographical location within Sub Saharan Africa, namely the South Central Black
Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis minor), the South Western Black Rhinoceros (diceros
bicornis bicornis), the East African Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis michaeli) and the
West African Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis longipes). The black rhinoceros was
first classified as an endangered species in 1986 and remained on the endangered list
until 1996 when it was reclassified as a critically endangered species. The black
rhinoceros was last classified as a critically endangered species in 2011.

Geographic Range and Statistics

The black rhinoceros is native to eastern and ... Show more content on ...
( AWF Check out the Rhino! , 2017) Due to the increase in poaching and loss of habitat,
numbers declined worldwide. The recent growth in poaching is due to the rise in demand
and price for the rhino horn, with the horn being valued as worth more than its weight in
gold. The demand for the horn comes mainly from Asian countries where it is used in
traditional medicine. This is due to the false impression that the horns have medical
properties. The rhino horn is made of keratin, which has no health advantages or benefits.
In Vietnam, powdered rhino horn is believed to be an aphrodisiac and is sold in
What Is The Similarities Between Easter 1916 And An Irish...
The effects of war as a theme in W.B.Yeats s Easter 1916 and An Irish Airman Foresees
His Death Easter 1916 and An Irishman Foresees His Death are poems which were
written by William Butler Yeats. Easter 1916 was written to relive the Easter Rising, an
event which occurred in Ireland during Easter in the year 1916 to confirm its
independence and national identity from British. An Irishman Foresees His Death was
written as a tribute to Major Robert Gregory who had died while fighting for his country
during World War I. Although both the poems focuses on war yet the perception viewed
on war is different. Therefore, both of these poems will be compared with the
consequences of war as the theme of the poem and based on the patriotic emotions ...
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For the perception of war in Easter 1916 it was a patriotic and collective force especially
fighting for their nation. However, in An Irish Airman Foresees His Death, the Irishman
though he was patriotic he makes war sound as though they had to go out of compulsion
or was forced to go. Moreover the airman flew in the sky not only to fight but also to
fulfill his desire. Those that I fight I do not hate, Those that I guard I do not love (Yeats,
1918). There is deep irony in this statement because Yeats says that those people who
fight for his country and people are the courageous man whom the poet worships and he
hates those people who always try to rule and make other people to follow them. This
statement signifies Yeats hatred towards British country that conquered and ruled Ireland.
Although they had positive thoughts towards Germany they were insisted to revolt
against by the British. In Easter 1916, British colonized Ireland and harsh anti Catholic
law were passed upon Irish people, that led to increase in Irish Nationalism and it let to
revolt in. So in this context, Yeats is talking about the British for being too offensive and
it makes the people wonder how many Irish people suffered and had been killed during
World War I. Around thirty five thousand Irish died in the First World War among one
hundred forty
Adoption And Foster Care Analysis
Foster Families
According to the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2014) in the
United States in 2013 over 400,000 children were in foster care, more than a quarter were
in relative homes, and nearly half were in nonrelative foster families. About half had a
reunification with their families, and close to half of the children who left foster care
were in care for less than one year.
In Arkansas 4,046 children were in foster care at the end of the first quarter of 2015 of
those children two to five years of age represent the largest group, of these children 60%
were returned to their families within 1 year, which exceeds the national average. In
Arkansas the top two reasons for children entering foster care were ... Show more content
on ...
Article the eighth receive preparation for citizenship and parenthood through interaction with foster
parents and other adults who are consistent role models.
Article the ninth be represented by an attorney at law in administrative or judicial proceedings with
access to fair hearings and court review of decisions, so that his best interests are
Article the tenth receive a high quality of child welfare services, including involvement of the natural
parents and his own involvement in major decisions that affect his life (National, 2015).
Foster families provide a substitute family life experience to children who have been
displaced from their parents for a variety of circumstances. In the foster environment the
purpose is to provide a healthy, safe home for the child while the circumstances of their
placement in foster care are being resolved, it is intended to be a temporary solution until
the child can either be reunited with his or her family, or placed in an adoptive family.
Foster parents must be willing to give the child unconditional love and a safe
environment to enhance the healing process of the
Essay On COPD
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) is a chronic lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs.
Symptoms of COPD patients are shortness of breath (SOB) that causes limiting of the
patient s activities and lack of energy, hard cough, massive sputum production, blue lips
and fingernails (cyanosis), losing weight, fatigue, swelling in feet (edema), and
wheezing. COPD is a disease caused by a long history of smoking cigarettes. COPD
patients are more at risk for diseases such as heart disease, lung cancer, and other
conditions and diseases. The two most common diseases related to COPD are
emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Tobacco smoking is the main cause of COPD in
developed countries because people are close to chemical fumes, dust, and smoke from
fuel in poorly ventilated homes. Many ... Show more content on ...
There are many different ways to diagnosis COPD such as pulmonary function tests,
chest X rays, CT scans, arterial blood gas analysis to measure the level of oxygen in the
blood, laboratory tests, and spirometry. After COPD is diagnosed, there are different
ways to apply the treatment for the patients with COPD. The most important step in
treatment is that the patient has to stop smoking. The doctor s orders require the patient
to take bronchodilators that disperse the appropriate medication that relaxes the muscle
that control the airway. Surgery is an option for some people with severe emphysema
who are not helped by the other ways of treatment. Surgical options include lung volume
reduction surgery, lung transplant, and bullectomy. In addition to the varieties of
treatment, there is oxygen therapy (The Mayo Clinic, 2017). According to PubMed
health states that sixteen million Americans have been diagnosed with COPD and 14
million have chronic bronchitis. 2 million people have emphysema. An example of a
patient with COPD is a 65 year old man admitted to the
Taking a Look at California State University Long Beach
Since 1949 California State University Long Beach has been educating and attracting
students to its institution. This wonderful campus is located on 1250 Bellflower Blvd,
Long Beach, CA 90840. The mission of this institution is an engage public university that
is committed to give education opportunities for graduates as well as undergraduates.
This college is a learning environment that prepares students to take another step for their
educating needs. California State University Long Beach ranks #1 in the nation for most
graduates that receive degrees in doctoring, science, and engineering. The founder of
CSULB is DR. P. Victor Peterson which served for 10 years between 1949 through 1959
before he died. This university was found in the year of 1949. California State University
has some specific requirements for those wishing to attend. Some of the obligations to
attend CSULB are graduating from high school, must have eligibility index, and must
complete all courses in the comprehensive pattern with the grade average of a c or better.
Therefore to be accounted as an admission attending, SAT must be taken. Honors courses
in subjects that approved taken in the last years of high school that will receive additional
points in your grades. An important issue to consider before attending the college
California State University Long Beach. There are four different financial aids that are
available. Scholarships, grants, employment and loans are offered to help students
God And The Kingdom Of God
Jesus came proclaiming the gospel of God and the Kingdom of God. But many of his
disciples, like John the Baptist, did not envision the Kingdom of God for themselves nor
the Kingdom miraculously coming from Heaven. The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom
of God is at hand: repent and believe in the gospel. (Mark 1:14 15, ESV.) The phrase
Kingdom of God is the centerpiece of Jesus teachings and is found in his unique way of
speaking about God s kingship. The arrival of the Kingdom of God did not mean the end
of the world or the destruction of Israel s enemies. Jesus then said, The kingdom of God
is not coming with the things that can be observed; nor will they say, Look , here it is! Or
There is is! For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you. (Luke 17:20,21) The
Kingdom of God was based upon inclusive solidarity of human race. Ir is involved with
the idea of covenant bringing together two parties by a solemn, unbreakable oath. It is a
spiritual place in the hearts of men and women and it will find its fulfillment in the
eventual rule of God and defeat all evil. Those people, who chose to belong to God s
kingdom and serve Him, are those who are destined to have eternal life in God s
presence. (Christian Bible Site) We know that this Kingdom of God is not with a man; it
is something within which man can live. It is the God s people in God s place under God
s rule. It is the final establishment of the new heavens and the new earth. One day the
Balancing School
Do I want to study, or do I want to go to that Kappa party? Many students in college find
themselves asking that kind of question every Friday or Saturday night. Picture yourself
standing in the middle of the party and remembering that an assignment is due at 11:59
pm. While some might continue to party, others will rush home to get partial credit.
Some individual s priorities are out of order and balancing their school and social life
becomes a challenge. The problem of balancing school and social life can be solved by
prioritizing, making time for yourself, and choosing a good space for studying. Most
students are able to multitask in college. Some individuals are better than others when it
comes to resisting temptation. The temptation ... Show more content on
Students usually think they have to only choose two of the three. The most difficult part
of keeping a tight schedule is that schedules are bound to change on a daily basis. For
any plan to work, there needs to be a schedule to abide by. To succeed in meeting the
triangle expectation, a strict schedule is needed and has to be followed. Learning how to
say, I have to go start studying now can be one of the best skills you learn in college
when it comes to managing school and your social life. On a college campus, freshman
students can feel over committed when it comes to classes and extracurricular activities.
College will become stressful, but students have to remember to live in the moment and
try the best they can to manage their
Essay about The Ancient Relatives of Mammals
The mammalian line of descent reaches back to over 300 million years. The ancient
relatives of mammals were extremely different in terms of appearance from living
mammals, and are often mistaken for reptiles (for example dinosaurs). In reality though,
these relatives of mammals, called synapsids, are more like mammals than reptiles.
Synapsids are often described as mammal like reptiles because they show both reptilian
and mammalian traits. They lived right before the Mesozoic Era, during the Permian
Period (286 251 mya). Synapsids derive their name from the fact that they had only one
temporal opening on each side of the skull (called laterotemporal fenestrae), just like all
mammals. Many synapsids had features that were considered ... Show more content on ...
They are believed to have hunted larger herbivores in packs (similar to wolves).
Lystrosaurus was another hippo like aquatic creature. Cistecephalus lived underground,
where it most likely dug for insects and worms. Estemmenosuchus was another Permian
carnivore whose skull had many bony outgrowths. According to Neo Darwinian theory,
all the functional diversity (the various synapsid types) was wiped out as the reptiles of
the Mesozoic Era overtook the synapsids. It is usually said that only the basic structural
plan of modern day mammals was derived from the synapsids. This view is technically
flawed because in terms of fossilized remains (the only basis by which the structure of an
extinct animal can be remade), only a small amount of traits consistently distinguished
mammals from reptiles. In damaged and fragmented fossils, these traits are practically
undetectable. So how can one tell what the basic structural plan that was derived from
synapsids was?
Regardless of this, only one thing is known for sure Non mammalian synapsids did not
evolve from reptiles. We know for a fact that non mammalian synapsids have something
to do with the origin of mammals, but what happened to these fascinating creatures
during the Mesozoic Era and how they gave rise to real mammals is unknown.
The information we have on these unique group of animals is in fact very hazy and
confusing, but perhaps with more researchers and new information, the
Relationship Between Financial Incentives And Productivity...
Review of Literature Kazmi and Farooquie (2000), investigated the relationship between
financial incentives and productivity by administering structured questionnaire to 150
SSI located in the industrial cities of Aligarh, Basti, Firozabad, Kanpur, Saharanpur of
Uttar Pradesh. The study enumerated that profit sharing, bonus, financial support on
festivals increased wage piece rate basis. Overtime, extra duty allowance, advances and
loans prizes and incentives for low absenteeism has been found to be effective in
improving productivity. Ramakrishna K T (2001), pointed out that the nature and
magnitude of financial problem faced by the small scale industrial sector of India, the
role of government, SFC and banks in financing this sector. He concentrated several
countries like Japan USA etc. Vasantha R 2004 opined that as the Small Scale Industries
sector is coming under primary sector the banks regularly provide loans to small
industries but the problem faced by Small Scale Industries sector is delay in sanctioning
of bank loans in right time. The small industries also face the problem in giving collateral
securities for obtaining loans. Mathur S P (1992), tried to explore the reasons behind
sluggish growth of small scale sector, inspire of states encouragement in various ways
since independence. The factors responsible for that the improper utilization of raw
materials, manpower, capital resources and the study traced out that inadequate supply of
fixed and working
Fancy Nail Designs
Fancy Nails Designs Fancy nails designs could be a terrific way to express your
individual style. You may also say how s your feeling today via nail designs that the
presently put on. If you are kinda bored towards the old French or nail polish design, you
ll be able to use navy or neon colors in your nails. Each of them can make an excellent
fancy nail designs. You will find lots of nail designs to select. However nowadays, we re
gonna concentrate on the butterfly design. It s a great pattern that s been accustomed to
decorate many women s nails all over the world. Should you interested, you browse the
tutorial to produce this fancy nail designs here. First, you have to determine what type of
colors that you would like for your nail polisher.
Bad Air Conditioner Breaking Bad
Possible Reasons Your Car s AC Isn t Keeping You Cool One form of auto repair you
probably won t put off long in the summer is to fix a broken air conditioner. An air
conditioner is vital if you want to arrive at your destination looking fresh and calm.
Driving in intense city heat makes you miserable, and it isn t always safe to drive with a
window rolled down. Here s a look at some causes of air conditioner trouble in a car.
Low Air Flow From The Vents If the air feels cold, but the flow isn t strong enough to
keep you cool, it s a problem just like having no cool air at all. At least you know the
refrigerant should be okay. Low airflow could be a sign the fan has died or is failing.
Clogging can also cause low airflow from the accumulation ... Show more content on ...
These problems can be repaired when you take your car to the shop in time. When your
car s AC shows signs of low airflow or other problems, early repairs can save you from
costly damage later on. The AC Doesn t Blow Cold Air An equally annoying problem is
when the air blows strong out of the vents, but it isn t cold. This can be caused by
problems with the electrical system or the AC compressor, evaporator, or condenser. A
big reason for loss of chilled air is a refrigerant leak. When the refrigerant leaks out, the
AC can t make cool air. Simply filling the refrigerant is a temporary fix since it will leak
out again. The cause of the leak has to be pinpointed and repaired so the system holds
refrigerant and starts cooling your car. While the workings of a car AC may seem
mysterious to you, your mechanic has tools that help diagnose the problem. This could
involve the use of an electronic leak detector or other means. The cost of repairing a
faulty air conditioner will vary depending on the problem. Some repairs are minor, quick,
and inexpensive. Others may require more complex work and cost more. Take your car to
a mechanic at the first sign of air conditioner trouble and you might prevent a complete
breakdown that costs more to

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