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5Th Grade Persuasive Essay

Writing a persuasive essay for a fifth-grade level may seem deceptively simple, but in reality, it
poses its own set of challenges. Crafting an essay that effectively persuades and engages a fifth-
grade audience requires a delicate balance between simplicity and sophistication. The difficulty lies
in tailoring the language and arguments to a level that is both age-appropriate and intellectually

Firstly, one must consider the cognitive and emotional development of fifth-grade students. The
language used should be clear, concise, and easily comprehensible, avoiding complex vocabulary or
convoluted sentence structures. However, striking the right balance is tricky, as the essay still needs
to demonstrate a level of depth and coherence to make a compelling case.

Furthermore, choosing a persuasive topic that resonates with fifth graders while maintaining
relevance and significance can be a challenge. The subject should be relatable, capturing the
attention and interest of the young audience. However, it's crucial to avoid oversimplification and
ensure that the chosen topic allows for meaningful exploration and argumentation.

Additionally, structuring the essay appropriately is a vital aspect of the challenge. Fifth graders are
just beginning to grasp the concept of essay organization, so crafting a coherent introduction, body,
and conclusion requires careful consideration. Developing a persuasive argument with supporting
evidence and counterarguments, while keeping the overall essay length appropriate for the grade
level, adds another layer of difficulty.

In conclusion, writing a persuasive essay for a fifth-grade audience demands a nuanced approach.
Striking the right balance between simplicity and sophistication, selecting an engaging topic, and
structuring the essay effectively are all challenges that must be navigated with care. While the task
may seem straightforward, it requires a thoughtful and deliberate effort to create an essay that is
both accessible and intellectually stimulating for a fifth-grade audience.

If you find yourself needing assistance with similar essays or more, you can explore the services
available on .

5Th Grade Persuasive Essay 5Th Grade Persuasive Essay

The Pros And Cons Of Costa Rica
10. Conclusions Since 1985 and after a severe economic crisis Costa Rica has been
implemented a trade liberalization and a foreign investment attraction policy as a core
development program. With a FTA with the United States, the country consolidated a
long relationship with its largest trading partner. Under the Caribbean Basin Initiative all
countries of Central America enjoyed preferential treatment for almost all its exports.
However, the unilateral nature of the CBI had weaknesses and uncertainties that
jeopardized growth and thousands of jobs. This issue gained recognition and moved up to
the political agenda of the region. Consequently, Costa Rica had to support the Treaty to
avoid the loss of its competitive edge in the continent. ... Show more content on ...
CAFTA had the support of the Government, mass media and most part of the productive
sector, while the opposition encompassed labour unions, cooperatives, students and other
social groups without big economic resources. Although one week before the
referendum, final polls predicted a victory for the NO Group , one day before the election
a statement of the White House rejecting a renegotiation in case of a disapproval of the
Treaty changed the course of action. In October 2007, Costa Rica narrowly approved the
agreement (51.6% in favor and 48.4% against), enabling its entry into force at the
beginning of 2009. During 2008 the Government focused its attention on reaffirming
their obligations under the Agreement with the approval of a body of laws included in the
Implementation Agenda. For this reason, complementary reforms needed to take
advantage of the benefits of CAFTA and to reduce its disadvantages were moved into the
background. Three funds from international organizations were insufficient on the
promotion of projects to support the local production, while compensation policies to
mitigate the negative distributive effects were
National Geographic s Intro To Geophagy
After watching National Geographic s videos on global warming and learning about it
though other supplementary mediums provided I can certainly agree global warming is a
growing problem, that needs to be seriously addressed. Although it may not be a threat at
the current moment, global warming will become a serious problem that we as a planet
will not be able to control or reduce if we do not act now. It truly terrifies me that future
generations may not be able to enjoy everything this wonderful earth has to offer because
of global warming. For example, on page 97 in Intro to geophagy by Dahlman Renwick
it states how global warming will result in rising sea levels. Rising sea level presents
threats to low lying coastal areas. If sea levels ... Show more content on
Since cars produce an immense amount of Carbon dioxide into our ozone. Which
contribute significantly to the rising problem known as the greenhouse effect, which is
one of the main problems involving global warming. Many of these simple tips I was
able to learn through the National Geographic s videos on global warming. Another
procedure I would enforce if I was on the Presidents Climate Task Force is a fine towards
big factories that have machines that contribute to the immense amount of pollution in
our ozone. Many of their machines release carbon dioxide into the air and contribute to
the greenhouse effect which in time increases global warming. If this fine was in forced
many companies would have to change over to environmentally friendly machines to
produce their products. Although this might seem drastic this fine could help save our
planet and ever organism living on it. Finally, my last proposal I would make if I was in
the Presidents Climate Task Force would be to force construction companies, paper
companies, and lumber companies as well to be limited on the number of trees they can
Examples Of Deterrence Justification
Deterrence justification is the reasoning of punishing criminals in order to set an example
and decrease the crime rate. A common punishment that is defensible under deterrence
justification is the death penalty. According to the data on the Executions and Murder
Rate graph, there is a correlation between the number of executions that were carried out
and the murder rate over a rate of fifty years. However, the data of the graph exhibited
other variables (confounding variables) that could have affected the initial two. The
confounding variables that affect these two variables include policy changes made to
reduce crime, the criminal landscape, the number of states that allow the death penalty,
and how many are actually carried out. The deterrence ... Show more content on ...
Capital punishment comes at a hefty price. A lot of tax dollars go to this supposed
justified deterrence that is intended to reduce the rate of murder and crime. The money
could be put to better use, such as reforming the criminal justice system and put funding
into low income neighborhoods and programs for at risk youths. These would be better
alternatives to the death penalty. Another point is the level effectiveness of the death
penalty. The data on the Executions and Murder Rate graph shows that even though the
murder rate rose to an all time high when there was little to no executions between the
years of 1965 to 1980, it did not start to gradually decline until around 1995, about
fifteen years after the number of executions started to decrease. A lot of time and money
is being used in capital punishment without fast enough results. According to the data on
the Executions and Murder Rate per State, 2010 section, the majority of states in this
country either have outlawed capital punishment or not had any executions that year.
States, such as North Dakota, has no capital punishment and less than 2 (per 100,000)
murder rate, while Arizona has the death penalty and a murder rate of more than 6 (per
Langston Hughes Poetry Analysis
Throughout history, forms of language such as, speeches, poetry, and literature, have
been strategically and efficiently utilized as a revolutionary tactic to fulfill a goal of
social change. For instance, Langston Hughes was an incredible poet in which he used
his words to question the racial division of the American society during the Harlem
Renaissance. Additionally, Hughes became a vital figure in the movement for racial
equality through the use of his language. Language and more specifically, words have the
power to drive resistance because they convey a particular message and inspire and
motivate others to strive for social change. With the assistance of rhetorical techniques,
such as word choice, tone, theme, allusion, imagery, pathos, and repetition, the message
is adequately emphasized to convey the poet s idea. This, therefore, motivates others to
contribute to change. Furthermore, poetry is crucial to effectively motivate the collective
majority to be involved in resistance through the use of rhetoric. Besides Hughes, another
poet named Oscar Williams wrote a poem entitled A Total Revolution, which was a direct
response to Robert Frost s A Semi Revolution, in which he argued that everyone is
needed to contribute to change, not half. Williams usage of the word evolution makes a
definite explanation of what a semi revolution would result to. The word evolution is
commonly applied in the context of science to explain the gradual development or
progress of
Dollar Bill Symbols
What are the symbols on the dollar bill and what do they mean? There are many symbols
for instance the laurel wreath around the one on the front of the dollar symbolizes
victory(3). The some of the latin on the dollar bill is E pluribus unum which means One
out of many (1). The American bald eagle symbolizes freedom and strength. It is holding
13 arrows in one claw and an olive branch with 13 leaves in the other symbolizing
Congress power over war and peace. The eagle is looking right showing that the US is a
peaceful nation. The unsupported shield, like the US, stands on its own. The shield is
composed of 13 stripes representing the 13 colonies with a blue bar on top uniting the
stripes denoting Congress(1) . This is an piece of text from a site based on this topic.
These symbols are not all of the symbols either. ... Show more content on ...
What do they have to do with the dollar bill? The number thirteen was, in theory, an
important number to the masons, There were 13 original colonies, 13 colonies signed on
for independence, there are 13 stars above the eagle, there are 13 steps on the pyramid,
there are 13 letters in the Latin phrase ANNUIT COEPTIS, there are 13 stripes on the
U.S. flag and eagles shield, there are 13 olive branches (each olive branch has 13 pieces
of fruit attached to it), and there are 13 arrows(4). Thirteen can be seen all over the dollar
bill and in our history. The back of the dollar has the U.S. seal. on the back of the seal
there is an unfinished pyramid with an eye in a triangle floating over the top. The eye is
also known as the eye of providence or lucifers eye(2). The three sides of this eye are the
antichrist, the beast, and the false prophet(2). This eye is a masonic symbol as
Stephen Chbosky s The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
Title: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
1. Significance of the title: A wallflower is defined as a person who feels shy and
awkward when at a party, and is often times excluded completely from activities. In this
novel, the main character, Charlie, must adapt to high school life as a wallflower when he
learns about all sorts of high school activities, from parties to concerts to learning about
high school lifestyle. 2. Genre: The genre of this novel is Young Adult Fiction.

3. Date: The date of original publication of the novel was on February 1, 1999, and it was
published by Pocket Books.

4. Author: The author of the novel is Stephen Chbosky.

5. Setting: The story begins in the early 1990s during Charlie s freshman school year at
high school. The first letter to the reader is dated right before the beginning of Charlie s
school year, and ends with a letter dated the day before he starts his sophomore school
year. The story is told in a suburb of Pittsburgh.

6. Importance: While being a fictional story, the importance of understanding different

lifestyles through reading about Charlie s life in high school provides insight to the
reader on what may occur in high school. There are many things that the ... Show more
content on ...
Theme: One of the major themes of this novel is friendship. Charlie struggles at first in
high school, until he makes friends with Patrick and Sam. Through their tight friendship,
Charlie is able to learn and grow into a more positive and understanding person in high
school. Another major theme is the coming of age theme. Charlie at first is a wallflower,
a late bloomer, but given the right environment and time, he will eventually blossom, as
Charlie did in high school. The final theme is drugs/alcohol/sex. In the novel, Charlie
witnesses all kinds of high school type things occur, from being high from pot brownies
to drinking alcohol and watching/hearing people have sex. It plays a major role in
shaping Charlie into a more understanding and mature
Discrimination And Harassment Against Women
Throughout the 20th century, women were often seen as eye candies and mannequins at
work, and in many cases, they even encounter sexual molestation. Discrimination and
harassment against women is still prevalent in the workplace. During the 2013 fiscal
year, Courts enforced 7,256 charges of sexual harassment, out of which, women
comprised 82.6 % of victims, while there were 27,687 cases of gender discrimination.
Our era has seen new conventions and legal philosophies, which are steering towards
female emancipation. Courts have passed laws such as Title VII, of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964, which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religious
belief, gender, or national origin of the person. These laws empower women and aim to
forestall them from facing any discrimination or hostility at work. Civil rights provide
protection to women, but it fails to provide the sense of equality that women deserve.
During the 20th century, our society has envisioned a vast movement for Equal Right
Amendment (ERA). The ERA was a proposed amendment to the United States
Constitution, which guaranteed equality between human races and women, under law.
The bill failed in 1982, when it did not receive enough state votes for the confirmation.
To a historian, North Country can present insight about gender inequality in the late 20th
century. It also sheds light on the historical issues which stand to influence our times, by
leading to the conception of new laws and
Holly Barker Essay
Holly Barker is the title character in the Holly Barker series of novels by American writer
Stuart Woods. Woods first introduced the Barker character in the first novel of the series,
Orchid Beach published in 1998. The novels are best classified as thriller mysteries.

Holly Barker is a fiercely independent and attractive Chief of Police in Orchid Beach,
Florida. The series begins immediately with the narrative of Barkers rise through the
ranks from army Major to civilian life and finally to chief of Police. Dismissed from the
army after a sexual harassment case, she is learning how dangerous police work can be.

The first novel in the series, Orchid Beach, begins the story of Holly Barker as she is
adapting to her new life as Chief of Police. When an associate and a colleague are
gunned down brutally during wedding festivities, Holly vows to find the killers.
However, as a greenhorn, surrounded by juniors she hardly knows or trusts she knows it
is not going to be easy to crack the case. To add to the complexity of the case, she has
almost no clues that she can latch onto.

Desperate for any help, she finds it from the most unexpected of sources her dog, a loyal
and intelligent Doberman named Daisy. With every step, she takes towards unraveling
the Orchid Beach mystery, the more dangerous her life becomes. The Doberman
becomes her ... Show more content on ...
CBS adapted the 1981 published Chiefs novel into a miniseries that aired in 1983. Stuart
Woods was the lead writer with the starring role going to Charlton Heston. With
nominations for the Eddie Awards and three for the Emmys, the movie did not do too
badly. CBS also adapted Grassroots into a miniseries by the same name that aired in
1992. Corbin Bernesen got the starring role in the script co written by Derek Marlowe
and Stuart
Programs Impact Children s Academic Achievment
From the information I gained from my classmate s wikis, many of them include skill
building lessons that incorporate the common themes of increasing children s social and
emotional competency. Like the Roots of empathy program, these programs all aim to
incorporate better understanding and acceptance of differences. Some of the differences I
notice are that a few of these programs also have the direct goal of trying to improve
literacy and academic success, though I believe all programs like these will impact
children s academic achievements positively. From what I took, most of these programs
start in the classroom, and then send lessons or activities home. Parent involvement is
important to the success of all of these programs and is a huge link to the retention of
each of these programs. Many of these programs teach about positive peer relationships,
which to me is a starting point that lays the foundation for how children will interact with
their communities, as they become adults. To better understand each of these programs, I
have compiled details on each from my review of the wiki pages.

The Positive Action program is designed for grades K 12 and focuses on building skills
that support effective social and conduct behaviors with emphasis on personal character
and mental health, and works to develop the ability to be able to set and achieve goals.
The curriculum follows 140 lessons that are divided in to six teaching units. These six
units include lessons
Persuasive Essay On Racism And Hypocrisy
In our world today, it seems that the news is filled exclusively with stories of attacks,
racism, and hypocrisy. Americans are becoming divided, our words filled with hatred,
our hearts with fear of what the future holds for our country. With the recent shootings in
Las Vegas and Sutherland Springs, people are looking to blame political parties or the
government. With the take a knee protests in the National Football League, people are
demanding that players give respect to the country that gave them freedom. With the
closing of the doors at Lakewood Church during Hurricane Harvey, people are criticizing
the hypocrisy they see in Christianity. And all the while, we stand back and listen,
thinking to ourselves, God, please change their hearts. Give us peace in this land. But
hearts will not be changed if not prompted to change. Our land will not be given peace
without peacemakers taking action. We are called to be lights in this world, a city on a
hill. The problems that plague our nation are not entirely because of the evils that are
prevailing. Part of the blame is on us, on me. When we sit silently in the wake of
violence and hatred, we are letting evil win. The problem lies in the closed lips of the
Christians who do not proclaim the hope that we find in Jesus Christ. In staying quiet, we
are keeping the opportunity of knowing Christ from those around us. But what can we
do? In a country that claims freedom of religion and speech, but seems to suppress those
Mae Egger Identity
The Circle by Dave Eggers portrays Mae Holland s status promotion from a small
Customer Experience employer to a world celebrity. Along with this promotion,
however, her personality character undergoes a dramatic change as a result of Mae s
unconscious deception on herself. In a motivation to appear perfect, Mae forms a second
Mae using technology to represent herself but begins to enjoy and rely on this machinery
identity. Ultimately, she misleads herself into believing that she herself is the second
Mae. Through the descriptions of how Mae deceives herself into believing in the false
online identity, Eggers warn the dangers of creating an identity using technology.
It all starts from the beginning of Mae s first day in the Circle, when she describes a
utopia (the Circle) as if she had gone to a new world. It may be true that the Circle is
nicely designed and constructed, Mae s over exaggerating responses reflect that she is, in
fact, repressing herself to adapt to this new environment. This is because she does not
want to lose the given opportunity to work in the Circle and that she feels inferior
surrounded by the elites. She knows that ... Show more content on ...
An online tool, TruYou, is used as a representation of oneself, where an individual s
information is stored as a profile. For the same reason as before for a good impression in
and outside of the Circle Mae unconsciously created a second Mae that only contains her
positive interests and personalities, and perhaps, some fake information combined for
perfection. Though calling this identity perfect, online identities, like what Mercer says,
are less colorful and complex than the real person. However, with Mae s increased
reliance on technology, she deceives herself into believing that the perfect second Mae is
her true persona; ultimately transforming her original character with this perfect but fake
and fragile
Zelda Breath Of The Wild
Open world game is the game that players can go around the world without limitation. It
is one of popular game genre for people to explore the game, but it is also one of the
hardest concept for game developer because the game requires to show various places
with no repetitive contents. For example, The Division, open world third person shooter
game in 2016, successfully showed destroyed New York City with natural color, but it
failed to give various contents with good gaming experience. Another example, No Mans
Sky, open world action adventure game, had a huge world with different planets, but it
failed to show different atmosphere of environments. However, Breath of the Wild solves
these problems well. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild ... Show more content on ...
It is one of the important elements for the game because of the massive exploration that
allows players to spend on finding secrets. Most of players tend to find the secrets in
open world games and Legend of Zelda game series bring its concept very well. For
example, Shrine is the place where players solve the various puzzle to get Sprite Orbs,
the object that upgrade the number of Link s maximum hearts or Stamina. Shrines can be
found easily on the map such as behind villages and random flat surface, but some of
Shrines can be found if players solve secret puzzles like hitting targets with thunder
arrows and dropping balls on specific
Essay on The Main Obstacles to Peace
The Main Obstacles to Peace There has been violence in the Middle East for the past 60
years, and there still seems to be no hope of a compromise between the Palestinians and
the Israelis. In order for a peace settlement to work, both sides must agree to it, and must
overcome the four main barriers which stand in the way. They must reach a compromise
over the city of Jerusalem, showing it should be controlled by both peoples because of
the joint history between them, the attitudes and expectations should try to be fulfilled,
which would destroy the extremist movements on both sides of the conflict, but more
importantly, it has to see a solution for the refugee crisis in this area of the world, ...
Show more content on ...
The Jews recently have begun settlement building in the West Bank, encouraged by Ariel
Sharon, (he was the housing minister in the 1970 s but now the Prime Minister). Today
around 400,000 Israelis live illegally on the Palestinian lands, despite Resolution 242
passed 30 years ago making the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza strip illegal. This
is why most terrorism happens in these areas, in order to scare the Israelis into defeat. A
Recent example of this was in October 2003 when the Israelis launched a tender for the
construction of 550 new homes in the Jewish section of the West Bank there was much
protest from the moderate Palestinians but very soon there was a huge increase in the
violence on the West Bank. Therefore, since any compromise involves one side giving up
or not getting enough of the land they both see as rightfully belonging entirely to them,
any peace deal will inevitably leave both the Israelis and the Palestinians unhappy. The
Second barriers to peace are the extremists on both sides in this conflict. These people
want 100% of the land and wouldn t be happy with anything less than the whole of
Palestine to themselves. Both the Palestinian and Israeli Prime Ministers have hoped that
with this new Road Map to Peace would satisfy the
Moral Dilemma Project Examples
Moral Dilemmas Project
Each of the three prominent approaches to moral dilemmas carry with it various aspects
with which I find affinity. For example, generally, each maintain the existence of many
absolute moral norms, meaning that for these norms there are no exceptions or
exemptions. Specifically, however, Non Conflicting Absolutism ( NCA ) highlights the
Lord s sovereign rule and transcendence over creation in arguing that moral norms are
birthed from the character and essence of God. For example, Isaiah 55:8 9 (NRSV) says,
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as
the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my
thoughts than your thoughts. Reminding us, ... Show more content on ...
Paul declares to the Corinthians, No testing has overtaken you that is not common to
everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with
the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it (I Cor.
10:13, NASB). Ideal Absolutist argue that one must choose the lesser of two evils, and as
a result in these moral dilemmas one commits a sin and stands guilty before God
however, this sin is pardonable. In other words, we ve made our beds in sin as humanity
and now we must live in it. However, John and Paul Feinberg right note in their co
authored book, Ethics for a Brave New World, Moral philosophers commonly agree that
in assessing moral praise or blame for an action, one must consider whether the agent
acted freely or not. The principle involved is: no one is morally guilty for failing to do
what he could not do or for doing what he could not fail to do [emphasis added]. That is,
moral responsibility presupposes freedom of action. Moral oughts imply that the agent
can do his duty [emphasis added]. As such, guilt would not be imposed when moral
conflicts arise simply because one simply cannot not feasibly obey both. One of the
better and simplest metaphors of this is when two roads intersect, one must yield to the
other we refer to this as the right of way . Feinberg and
Snapple Case Study
Snapple s brand equity was driven by how unique and popular the product became
almost immediately. By 1994, it had grown substantially and was known as a popular and
user friendly ready to drink beverage. The huge growth Snapple was able to achieve was
due in part to the almost cultish fan base that Snapple developed. For example, a family
in New Jersey even gave their son the middle name Snapple. Studies showed that ready
to drink beverages were selected almost strictly based upon fashion, taste, and status
related considerations. For this reason, Snapple gained appeal through alternative means
of marketing. They used product placements (Seinfeld and Sleepless in Seattle),
sponsorship from celebrities, consumer composed jingles, and ... Show more content on ...
They were able to use similar distribution, administrative and production systems which
allowed them to achieve growth in profits and a 2% boost in the beverage market share.
However, Snapple faced some very different dangers in the Cadbury acquisition
compared to the Quaker acquisition. Anytime a small, focused brand like Snapple is
acquired by a large corporation, they take on some brand confusion. Consumer s who
love the small and unique company may turn on you when purchased by a large
corporation. Because Cadbury is so large, they may dilute the brand by wrongly
marketing the product towards a group of consumers much too large for Snapple. Also,
large companies tend to have more standardized marketing efforts. Snapple has always
benefitted from alternative means of marketing. For example, Cadbury s attempt to make
Snapple the official beverage of New York did not align with their core associations. As
the ready to drink beverage market becomes increasingly competitive, Cadbury needs to
focus on Snapple s core associations to leverage its brand equity. If Cadbury doesn t have
the capability to maintain the small niche, unique, innovative, and quirky feel of Snapple,
they should sell it. If they feel they can properly manage Snapple, they need to revisit the
alternative means of marketing and use the grassroot activities that Triarc was successful
with. They also need to extend the brand into areas that align with the brand s
Absurdity In The Stranger
World Literature
Ms. Megan Wall
Jin Woo Lee
September 23, 2015
The Stranger Essay: Topic One The Stranger, written by a famous French philosopher
Albert Camus, tells a story of a young Algerian man, Meursault, who perceives his life,
values, behavioural norms differently from other people in his society. Throughout the
course of the rest of the novel, readers can easily notice Meursault as a detached and
indifferent character who shows difficulty in expressing his emotions. However, by
characterising Meursault in such ways, Camus indirectly challenges the society s
conventional moral standards and brings up the idea of absurdism philosophy. By
describing the actions of Meursault and minor characters, Camus successfully conveys
ideas such ... Show more content on ...
This idea is clearly shown in part one when Meursault describes Raymond s encounter
with the policeman after the beating incident. Meursault describes, right then the cop
slapped him a thick, heavy smack right across the face ; this quote clearly shows that
concept of justice is flawed in this society because although people criticises Raymond
for hitting his mistress and calls the act immoral, they deem the cop s action to be moral
(36). Physically, both violence are nearly the same, yet one is regarded as wrong, and the
other, is justified. Through Meursault s interaction with the policeman, Camus implicitly
challenges the truth of society s accepted moral order and the concept of justice. In
addition, the trial scene in part 2 of the novel also conveys this theme. Although
Meursault s act of murder is a serious crime, it seems as if the magistrate and the juries
are not judging Meursault for his murder, but for his indifferent behaviour toward
Maman s death because the latter explanation makes more sense to them. For example,
when the magistrate gives his closing statement, Meursault describes it was then that he
talked about my attitude toward Maman. It went on much longer than when he talking
about my crime (100). In addition, the magistrate claims that Meursault s indifferent
reaction over Maman s death threatens the moral
Ancient Greek Philosophy -Paper
Lovers of Wisdom

Ancient Greek philosophy arouse in the 6th century BCE, some claim that Greek
Philosophy was influenced by the older wisdom literature and mythological cosmogonies
of the
Ancient Greek Near East. Greeks had confidence in the power of the mind Greeks used
observation and reason to determine why things happened, they opened up a new way of
looking at human existence. During the time of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle it was a
crime to investigate the things above the heavens and below the Earth. Socrates, Plato,
and Aristotle were well known philosophers. Their research contributed to modern
science and the development of
Western political thought.

Socrates, born in 5th century BCE, makes a watershed in ... Show more content on ...
Plato like Socrates believed that reason not the experience of the sense led to genuine
knowledge. He also believed in the quality of all people at birth. Plato believed that
though the body dies and disintegrates; the soul continues to live forever. After the death
of the body, the soul migrates to what Plato called the realm of the pure forms. It exists
without a body, contemplating the forms. Plato thought that only the soul could perceive
the ideal forms. He believed when the body and the soul combine, the body obstructs the
soul s ability to recall the ideal forms. He maintained that he could ride only a high in
society as their abilities allow. His society was divided into three: workers to produce the
necessities of life, soldiers to defend the state and philosophers to rule. There is no direct
information of how Plato s came to death. There are three stories of how he died one is
Plato died in his bed. Another is Plato died at a wedding feast the last one suggest Plato
died in his sleep.

Aristotle was Plato s student from the Academy. He later developed his own ideas about
government Aristotle analyzes form of government such as monarchy and democracy.
Just as
Plato he preferred government by the many then the few. He then favored a constitutional
government by members of the middle class. He called it the polity . A constitution is a
set of laws that a set of people have made and
Isis King Research Paper
Isis King Bio, Married, Net Worth, Salary, Height, Weight, and Wiki
Short Bio
Isis King is an American model, actress, and fashion designer. She is best known as for
being a contestant on both the eleventh cycle and the seventeenth cycle of the reality
television show America s Next Top Model. In 2008, she finished in 10th Place on Cycle
11 of America s Next Top Model. Isis finished in 12th Place on the All Stars Cycle of
America s Next Top Model. Isis is also known for appearing as a guest star on multiple
episodes of the soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful in 2015.
Isis King was born on October 1, 1985, in Prince Georges County, Maryland, USA. Her
birth name is Darrell Walls. She was born as a male but she has stated that mentally and
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She has revealed, things have been anything but successful. She has calmed that it s hard
finding a boyfriend as a trans woman. She is unmarried and single. She is not dating
anyone at the present time.
Height and Weight
Beautiful model and actress Isis King have a perfect height and body that suits her
personality very well. She has a height of 5 feet and 7 Inches (1.7 meters). Her exact
weight is unknown. Many sources have claimed that her weight is 49 kilograms. Her
body measurements are 31 24 34 Inches and her bra size is 30B. She has dark brown eyes
and dark brown hair. She has a slim body. She usually sticks to healthy and balanced
foods. She often drinks a protein shake, every time she performs her workout.
Wiki and Facts
Isis King is the first trans woman to compete on the reality television show America s
Next Top Model. She received an associate degree in design and illustration from the Art
Institute of Philadelphia. While she was at the Arts Institute of Philadelphia, Isis served
as Vice President of the Fashion Club. She graduated with the Industry Award for Best
Evening Wear in 2005. Her bio is available on several social sites and websites including
Wikipedia. For more information about her career and growth, do visit her Wikipedia
page. Isis King is one of the most notable transgender people on
Failure In Roman Architecture
The Romans were recognized and renowned for their engineering accomplishments,
having pioneered engineering materials and structures, some standing till date. Despite
these achievements, they have been accused of failing in aesthetics. I believe terming
Roman architecture as failure aesthetically is extreme due to their pragmatic nature and
practical approach, evident from the aqueducts, the amphitheatre and Roman temples.
The Romans constructed aqueducts to transport water from different sources into
metropolitan areas. According to Anderson (2012), the primary purpose of the aqueducts
was to transport water from valleys into town. The bridges and viaducts on aqueducts
were necessary for aqueducts to support the water flow, instead of architectural glories to
be admired. Anderson felt the Pont du Gard was a mixed piece of architecture from the
Romans. They stayed organized by listing the soft yellow limestone bricks ... Show more
content on ...
They built several amphitheatres mostly homogeneous, varying in size namely Pompeii,
Arles and Nîmes. According to Ulrich (2014), the materials used to build amphitheatres,
concrete, or opus reticulatum, was evidence that they were significant in the Roman
Empire. Buildings made of concrete in the Roman Empire were politically and
ideologically motivated, establishing the significance and prestige amphitheatres held.
Experienced teams were sent out of central Italy to construct amphitheatres outside the
capital. A Roman hierarchical seating system designed for the platform seating arena, or
cavea, was incorporated into the amphitheatres. In terms of size and extravagance, none
could be compared to the majestic Flavian amphitheatre, more commonly known as the
Colosseum. The exterior design of the Colosseum was in Doric, Ionic and Corinthian
order surrounding the façade of the amphitheatre, a lavish stadium created by the
Romans to showcase their power, wealth and talents on the grandest
General Maths Financial Maths
Financial Mathematics
Credit and Loans:

Simple Interest and Flat Rate Loans:

A flat rate loan is one where flat or simple interest is charged on an amount borrowed or
principal for the term of the loan. Interest is always charged on the full amount of the

I = Prn
P = principal r = rate per period expressed as a decimal n = number of periods

E.g. Phil borrowed $4000 for three years at 8%p.a. (per annum) (flat rate)
a) What is his interest?
b) What is the total repaid?
c) What are the monthly repayments?

a) 4000x8/100x3

b) Total Repaid: interest + principal


c) Monthly repayments:
=4960÷36 (36 is the number of months is 3yrs)

Buying on ... Show more content on ...

Total purchases=$65.50, $85.00, $24.00, $36.80, $32.00 = $243.30
b) Manuel pays his account in full on 3 September. How much does he pay? Interest is
charged on each purchase from the date of purchase until the date payment is received.
For example the dinner set is bought on 2 August and paid for on 3 September. Number
of days=29+3= 32 Interest rate per annum= 14% Interest rate per day= 14/36500

|Purchase Amount |No. of days interest |Interest to 3 September ($) |

|$65.00 |32 |65.00x14/36500x32=0.8048 |
|$85.00 |32 14 =18 |85.00x14/36500x18=0.5875 |
|$24.00 |11 |=0.1013 |
|$36.80 |8 |=0.1130 |
|$32.00 |5 |=0.0614 |

Total interest= $1.6672...=$1.67

Manuel s total payment= $243.30+$1.67 = $24409
See text book for another example pg. 98
Beethoven And Liszt Piano Concerto No
Throughout the centuries, there were a variety of genres in the music literature, Concerto,
one of the most substantial and lasting genres of all time, was sought after by many
composers. It initially emerged in seventeenth century, and later developed into the idea
of concerto grosso in the baroque period. By the time of Beethoven and Liszt, concerto
had grown into a rather mature genre of music. It is obvious that their predecessors,
including Bach, Haydn, and Mozart, put their tremendous amount of efforts to push the
pace of progress on this genre. Both Beethoven and Liszt s genius on music are more or
less influenced by those previous giants. However, Beethoven and Liszt s own wit and
originality are never questionable throughout the entire music history. In Beethoven
Piano Concerto No. 5 and Liszt Piano Concerto No. 1, they remarkably demonstrate their
gift on each piece. Besides, if taking the comparison between these two compositions
into account, based on the different biographical background of these two composers,
their compositional approaches toward tonality, structure, and thematic transformation
lead these two piano concertos into two distinctive paths.
The biographical background of Beethoven about his Piano Concerto No. 5 indicates a
sense of heroism. It is written in 1809, and dedicated to Archduke Rudolph, who is
Beethoven s patron and composition student. According to Finson, this piano concerto is
considered written in Beethoven s heroic period along
The Characteristics Of Beethoven And The Emperor
The String Quartet was dedicated to Joseph Haydn, who was Beethoven s teacher
These characteristics of the Hunt Quartet are found in the Emperor concerto, especially
in the 6/8 Finale, which uses solely triadic melodies based on the tonic and dominant
chords exclusively
In some ways, Haydn, with his Military Symphony and the great E flat symphony no
103, Drumroll , prepares the world for the arrival of Beethoven
The Emperor Concerto uses similar characteristics of the Military Symphony no
100, which include a slow introduction, dotted rhythms, trilled notes to add a pervasive
air of expectation, stops and rests to introduce the essential element of silence, and a turn
to the minor to foretell the forthcoming use of that mode to darken the ... Show more
content on ...
In his early works, when Beethoven could hear the full range of frequencies, he made use
of higher notes in his compositions
As his hearing failed, he began to use the lower notes that he could hear more clearly
Works including the Moonlight Sonata, his only opera Fidelio and six symphonies were
written during this period
The high notes returned to his compositions towards the end of his life which suggests he
was hearing the works take shape in his imagination
E flat Major, the key of the Emperor concerto, is closely related to its relative C minor, as
they both share three flats in the key signature
A lot of scholars have explored the heroism of C minor, however I would argue the fact
that what applies to C minor can also be said of E flat
Analysis Of The Project Disappearing Into Night
The project Disappearing into Night was made in and around Al Asmakh, Doha, Qatar in
2016 17. This neighbourhood is situated in the heart of the Msheireb project, a large
scale, inner city regeneration project inspired by contemporary design processes, yet
retaining Qatari cultural character and heritage articulated through city planning and
architecture (Law, R. and Underwood K, 2012). The old district of Al Asmakh, is
populated predominately by male economic workers, attracting flows of migrants from
African and Asian countries including: Ghana, Somalia, Ethiopia, Benin, Mali, Sudan,
Nigeria, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Egypt, Bangladesh and Nepal working in construction
and the service sectors. Furthermore, a rapidly growing ... Show more content on ...
Accordingly, Walter Benjamin s concept of the Dialectical Image is significant in project
development, and mobility and migration are themes utilised to encounter architecture
with audio visual and sonic media. The presence of shadows in the pictures indicates the
uniform and solid reality of the buildings, yet light is contingent and obscures or opens
up sites seen in the cityscape (Borden, 62, Buck Morse, 210 215). Consequently, these
shared spaces where a multiplicity of events occur generates what Gilles Deleuze defines
as distributed space where chance plays a significant part in redefining the distribution of
space (Gilbert, 95 96). Subsequently, exposing sites where social and structural
infrastructure merge to form and enhance the ocular dialectic portrayed in the images. As
a result, exposing traces of precarious communal activity or unofficial organisation via
audio visual media identifies how construction processes could be informed and
reproduced by the people who build as much as those who design Gulf cities. The project
divides into two parts, in addition to written reflections and photographs focusing on
nocturnal sites, the work in progress aims to consider how ocular and auditory landscapes
seem to have no distinct presence or absence in and around building developments in
Doha. So, over time complex and prolonged audio visual processes have evolved in the
research. Influenced by the co presence of
Brian Friel s Dancing At Luughnasa
Brian Friel and Colette Bryce, convey the impacts that Ireland had on their upbringing,
challenging such traditional perspectives with the ambition in attaining physical and
psychological liberation by breaking free from such political and social views. Brian
Friel s play Dancing at Lughnasa, a two act memory play published in 1990, presents a
reflection of memories of Michael Mundy s Summer in 1936, conveying the isolation
and struggles endured by the Mundy sisters. The Full Indian Rope Trick, a collection of
contemporary poems published in 2005, portrays Bryce s views on the Irish social and
political debates including the Troubles; alongside the political and nationalistic conflict
in Ireland at the time; reflecting her life throughout her
Star Wars Argumentative Analysis
When Ronald Reagan unveiled the Strategic Defense Initiative, the whole world laughed.
The movie Star Wars had just come out, and the description of this new laser defense
system seemed more at home on the screen of a science fiction movie than in the arsenal
of the American military. People today still call the plan absurd, but is it really? Well, the
technology is still not quite to the level that Ronald Reagan had hoped in his speech, but
it is not as far fetched as one would think. In fact, this idea actually has paved the way for
very similar systems that have been protecting Americans and other civilians for years
now. So, what was the Strategic Defense Initiative and how did it evolve, how was it
accepted, and what equivalent do ... Show more content on ...
Today, we have in place multiple systems that do the job that Ronald Reagan dreamed
about the two most important being the Patriot Missile Defense system, and the Defense
Support Program. The Patriot Missile defense system is a short range, mobile missile
defense system that has been used in the military for quite some time now. It is carried
around on the back of a military vehicle, and can detect missiles from 50 miles out (that
seems like a very long distance, but most missiles travel at around 1 mile per second),
and shoot them down before they get near wherever the vehicle is stationed and trying to
protect. Such missile defense systems have been leased to allies, and even used in recent
wars in the Middle
Advantage And Disadvantage Of Bsnl Company

An Introduction:
As we all know, BSNL is the No.1 telecommunication company and the largest public
sector undertaking of India and its responsibilities includes improvement of the already
superb qualities of telecom services, spreading telecom services in all villages and
creating confidence among its customers.

Apart from vast network expansions, especial emphasis has given for introducing latest
technologies and new services like I NET, INTERNET, ISDN (INTEGRETED
SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK), IN entered in mobile communication. BSNL has all
the new services send technological advantages, which are available with any well,
developed Telecom network anywhere else in the country.

And all the following mentioned ... Show more content on ...
Each terminal is allotted a short time slot in which to transmission is on sequential basis.
This time slot is usually a fraction of a second.
In TDM, the time slots are allotted to multiplexed lines even if they have no data
transmit. In STDM, a time slot is allotted to the multiplexed line only if there is data to
be sent. The multiplexed circuit is used more efficiently.
It can be defined as the group of various cooperating computers worldwide
interconnected by computer based on TCP\IP communication. People use internet to get
information over a particular standard communication link.
GIAS: BSNL launched the Gateway Internet Access Service (GAIS) through dial
up/leased/ISDN network. Users can access GAIS from 99 cities in India by this means.

The basic function of Internet can be summarized as under

Interconnecting of computers to form a particular network.

Interconnecting of computers to form a set of network.
To establish a communication link between two
Nietzsche Dionysis Essay
What method does Nietzsche use to become the Dionysian Overman? What perspective
on life does the Overman adopt? How does it enable amor fati and express optimum Yes
saying to our present natural life in the world? How does this overcome slave morality or
religion ? Nietzsche uses acceptance of fate, its obstacles, adversity and also its divinity
to become the Dionysian Overman. He believes by affirming life in both its cruelty and
beauty that we can achieve joy in the present without the need for beliefs in an afterlife
or future existences. Nietzsche states the Overman holds a love for natural life, with no
grudges or sense of resentment whilst others hold spitefulness despite their religious
beliefs and hence they cannot enjoy life ... Show more content on ...
This is because, The child is innocen[t]...a new beginning... the spirit now wills its own
will, the spirit sundered from the world now wins its own world... (Hollingdale trans.,
Penguin, pg 55.) Now with a mindset free from societal pressure and preconceived ideals
one may become overman and go forth with a joyful perspective on life. The Overman
adopts the perspective that beauty, cruelty, happiness and sadness despite their
definitional differences are to be appreciated all the same. He explains that it is the
obstacles in life that spurn the greatest happiness, it is explained in this Chinese Proverb:
The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all. Nietzsche
believes that as there is no adversity in Heaven there can be no such beautiful flowers
blooming there (PHIL1087 #4) and hence no chance for courage, generosity and personal
growth. There is hence no chance to adopt a Dionysian perspective and be at one with all
of what is natural, to thence be able to find true Dionysian virtue. This virtue lies in the
acceptance of all that is pleasurable and painful. It then brings happiness as Nietzsche
argues that vice sprouts from disaffection...resentment, spite, from the...lack of inner
power and its joy . As the Overman can hold no sense of resentment, or grudge and
through metamorphosis has a strong sense of
The American Fur Company
How did the environment of the American Fur Company change in the 1830 s? What
deep historical forces are implicated in these changes?
The American Fur Company:
The American Fur Company was founded by John Jacob Astor in 1808. The company
grew to monopolize the fur trade in the United States by 1830, and became one of the
largest businesses in the country.
In early 1830 s it seemed nothing could slow Astor. But this environment suddenly
changed for fur companies. Although the American Fur company was still competing
with other Fur companies, unfavorable trends were building that would bring it down.
Factors Effecting Fur Companies Environment: A. Demand for beaver start falling due to
change in fashion trend of beaver hat ... Show more content on ...
By the Standards of Today:
By analyzing the treatment received by the stakeholders of the fur industry in the 19th
century with the modern world standards, we come to know that they were treated highly
As they crushed the competition and exploited the workers monopolize the markets so
these all thing are highly unethical according to the today s standards and there are
proper laws regarding these unethical activities and whoever performs such activities are
charged with fines and punishments.
Question#05: On balance, is the legacy of the American fur company and of the fur trade
itself a positive legacy? Or is the impact predominantly negative?
American Fur Company and the Fur trade itself is a sort of positive legacy with all its
faults and shortcomings. It was in fact the main actor in the global industry with
enormous geopolitical power. It marked the trails that were followed by the settlers. It is
very true to say that American Fur Company and the Fur trades were the pathfinder of the
civilization. Civilization which was slowly mastering the opposition of nature and
barbarism the trading posts build by them were later appeared thriving towns and cities.
They were the pioneers of many business models like capitalism applied in this modern
world globally. The Fur business expanded because of the innovative and critical
thinking of its owner. Even with all such advantages and
Analysis Of Greenleaf By Flannery O Connor
Social status often establishes one s credibility and integrity within a society. The power
that social status has, encourages people to heavily focus on it. With this focus on social
status ever pressing, one s identity often gets intertwined with and reliant on their place
in the hierarchy of society. People become fixated on one idea they have of a person in a
certain social class, that anybody who breaks out of specific stereotypes may often cause
anger amongst others. In the short story Greenleaf by Flannery O Connor, the main
character, Mrs. May, is obsessive about the way others perceive her and her place in
society. Mr. May s identity is so strictly tied to her desire to get to a higher social class
and her notions how society ... Show more content on ...
This cycle in the end, makes her extremely bitter towards two types of people she
encounters: those that she perceives as lower than her and those that have somehow
ascended the social hierarchy through nontraditional means.
Mrs. May views Mrs. Greenleaf, the wife of her hand around the farm, as one of the
lowest members of society. Mrs. May not only sees her as less of a woman than she is,
but is resentful of the manner in which she lives her life. From Mrs. May s first
introduction to the woman of the Greenleaf family, when Mrs. Greenleaf and her five
daughters pulled up to her farm in a pieced together truck (26), she has resented the
mangy manner in that the Greenleaf woman, lead by Mrs. Greenleaf, live their life.
Because they do not necessarily care about being the stately woman Mrs. May thinks
they should be, Mrs. May views them as less than her and not as true woman. Further,
Mrs. May has an incident when she runs into Mrs. Greenleaf observing her religious
practices in the woods. This involved Mrs. Greenleaf, after she cut out horrible stories
from newspapers digging a hole in the woods, burying them and falling to the group and
moaning for an hour or so. Mrs. May describes the experience as Mrs. Greenleaf, moving
her huge arms back and
The History Of Antidepressants And Its Effects On The...
The history of antidepressants began with isoniazid, which was an anti tuberculosis
medication. This came after finding that the medication had euphoric effects on the
patients taking it. The drug had a mood altering side effect which later became the
primary effect for depression and was a basis for synthesis of generations of new
antidepressants (Indian J Psychiatry, 2011). Antidepressants are psychiatric medications
given to patients with depressive disorders to alleviate symptoms (MNT, 2012).
Neurotransmitters in the brain can cause changes in mood and behavior, antidepressants
can help correct these chemical imbalances. Many psychiatric conditions can be treated
with antidepressants including anxiety disorders and dysthymia. According to, there were 13.3 million people using antidepressants in 1996 by
2010 that number jumped to 23.3 million. The website goes on to say they believe the
increase in antidepressant use can be credited to a higher need for mental health
treatments, campaigns promoting mental health care being more widespread and mental
health treatments becoming more widely accepted. In the years since the antidepressant
age came to be many new antidepressants have been made, the Royal College of
Psychiatrist say there are at least thirty different kinds of antidepressants, all of which
can be divided into five main types.
There are five main types of antidepressants; MAOIs, NASSAs, SNRIs, SSRIs and
Tricyclics. MAOI stands for monoamine
Symbols In A Clockwork Orange
Code and Cinematic Signs of A Clockwork Orange

Stanley Kubrick is famous for his dark humor movies. He used a lot of codes and signs to
express his stylish aesthetic violence and sexual implications in his movies. A Clockwork
Orange can be considered as one of the best among them.

In the opening milk bar scene with the mannequins, the bar is full of sexual imagery. The
film continues this motif throughout, combining sex with violence as the social norm.
Alex s parents are completely docile and impotent, having no idea of the actual state of
world affairs. Strangely, Alex has an affinity for Beethoven, which often plays ever
scenes of violence on sex, including rape scenes.

The main character Alex is a good way to start. In the film, ... Show more content on ...
Here Kubrick and the original novel are at complete odds. Deltoid s dialogue, faithful to
the book, depicts Alex as being an inherently evil boy from a good home with good,
loving parents . Kubrick s visual direction appropriately reverses this misguided concept
to show that abuse during childhood, especially that originating in the home, is what
leads human beings to abuse others later in life.

In the film, there are a lot of pyramid like shot compositions, Kubrick has frequently
placed artificial light sources at the apex and the number of light sources in these shots
sometimes parallels the number of people coming from an apex to inflict violence.

When Alex and his friends break into the writer s house, it is obvious that there are four
unusual light sources in the house, being put side by side. Each of them has a huge
illuminated globe on a stand. In the same house, but nearly at the end of the film, Alex is
eating a meal, the lights (at the same location as the four unusual light props) behind him
gone out. It seems like sunlight comes into the house from windows off screen, but once
the shot is then reversed, audience know that it is artificial light, which is come from four
illuminated globes parallel the number of attackers (and they are behind the
The Pros And Cons Of Enforcing Traffic Laws
The most prevalent form of transportation in the United States is by far the automobile.
With so many vehicles on the road, effectively enforcing traffic laws is becoming more
and more complex. The cost of reckless driving is astronomically high, both physically
and financially. In 2007, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated
that speeding related crashes cost society a staggering $40.4 billion per year, and speed
was a major contributing factor in at least thirty one percent of all fatal crashes (citation
needed). Most drivers can agree that the United States needs to enforce speed laws
because all drivers deserve to commute on safe roads. As technology advances, so do the
methods for enforcing traffic laws. One of the newest methods of speed enforcement
popping up all over the country is the use of ... Show more content on ...
As of November 2011, a total of sixteen states and thirty three cities have outlawed the
use of photo enforcement tickets. These state and local governments have banned the use
of photo enforcement because they do not protect citizens and in some instances, they
actually violate citizens rights. An example of this is how photo enforcement tickets
violate the Fifth Amendment because they do not offer the legal due process. Upon
receiving a photo enforcement ticket, drivers must pay a fine or risk seizure of assets.
There is no opportunity for the driver to face their accuser, or to plead their case.
Furthermore, in many states, either a sworn law enforcement officer, or a process server
must present a speeding citation to the offender. Until a ticket is officially presented by
one of these two people, it is merely a request to pay the prescribed fine. Additionally,
whenever a citation is issued, it is sent to the registered owner of the vehicle, not
necessarily the person who was driving that vehicle at the time the photo was
Spotify Intro and Swot
Intro to Spotify
Spotify is a revolutionary software which allows its users to stream millions of songs on
demand. Users can access music on computers, mobiles, tablets, cars and gaming
consoles. Spotify was launched in 2008 by the Swedish entrepreneur Daniel Ek. Since its
launch in 2008 Spotify has grew rapidly, available in 58 markets, upwards of 75 million
active users of which over 20 million are paying subscribers, all with access to over 30
million songs. Subscribed users pay a fee of £9.99 a month which allows for ad free
listening, highest quality audio and it allows the user to create and download playlists for
offline listening.
Each time a user streams a song Spotify pay the rights holders royalties. Currently
Spotify are ... Show more content on ...
Pest analysis
My opinion on where Spotify is going

Bibliography analysis spotify/ explained/
Ballad Of Birmingham Rhetorical Analysis
Ballad of Birmingham

In the poem Ballad of Birmingham, by Dudley Randall, written in 1969, Mr.

Randall uses of irony to describes the events of the mothers decision, and also

her concern for the welfare of her darling little child. It seems odd that this

child would even know what a freedom march is, but this would be considered

normal back in the early 1960 s, when Mr. Martin Luther King Jr. had rallies and

freedom marches to free the African American people from discrimination and

segregation (Hunter 6). It also seems very ironic that the young child is acting

like an adult in this particular situation (Hunter 12). I think the mother would

be the one who would want to got to the march to free her people, not the child.

In the poem Ballad of Birmingham , by Dudley Randall, written in 1969, Mr.

Randall uses tone and irony to describe the events of the mothers decisions, and

as well as her concern for her child s well being.

In the first stanza irony is used in order to make

reading the poem more interesting. The situation in this first stanza is also

very important. The little child is in a desperate situation and wants to help

better the lives of the African Americans. Randall also focuses on specific

culture here. The speaker is allowing the reader to make a mental picture of one

specific march in Birmingham (Hunter 17). But, you know as well as I, that with

peace marches and rallies comes violence and hostility. This is exactly what the

little girls mother is afraid of, this is why she will not let her go to the

march. It also seems weird that her mother is so sure that going to church,

instead of going to the march, will be the best thing for her. (Hunter 19 20).

Typically, a church is to be a very safe and sacred place where no one would
imagine a bombing or any other type of violence to happen. What is ironic about

this is that going to church turns out to be the worst place for her to be

(Hunter 21). Something else that strikes me funny is that her mother dresses her

in her daughter in her best clothes to go to church with her. What is ironic

here is that she ended up wearing them to her funeral instead (Hunter 26). There

is also a shift
Vikings Influence On How Women Were Treated In Medieval
It s a well known fact that in history women weren t always treated the best. They were
often treated as little more than the property of a man, be it their father or their husband.
The only time women would be able to get away from that, was if she was widowed,
although she might not always manage it then, or if she became a nun which wasn t
always possible especially after The Protestant Reformation and doing away with
nunneries and monasteries. It s important to look back at stories of how women were
treated and how they are respected within literature to get a full understanding of how
much we have progressed in this age. how A question one might ask is how the history of
Vikings might influence how women were treated in that medieval
Moonlight Character Analysis
In the film Moonlight, Mahershala Ali plays a drug dealer who acts as a father figure to a
homosexual, African American boy. Ali is not an A list actor, but his talent as an actor is
widely recognized and acknowledged. Although he cannot be considered a star, he can be
classified as an actor because he is professionally trained and has indisputable talent. He
is known to play very tough and intimidating characters who are not to be trifled with.
Ali s acting style can be classified as representational because his gestures and
expressions come so naturally, as if he could easily relate to the characters that he plays.
In some of his past roles, Ali has played the parts of a soldier and a crime lord, which
shows how he usually plays gritty and fearless characters. In many of these roles, Ali s
character is not very talkative, but he is well respected and his words hold a great deal of
weight. People who have seen some of Ali s other films and television shows would
expect nothing less than a bold and uncompromising performance. Ali s performance in
Moonlight does not disappoint because he embraces his reputation as an actor that plays
characters with a quiet, yet heavy presence. He also draws upon his experiences in
previous roles to exceed the high expectations set for him. His character in Moonlight,
Juan, is a respected and successful drug dealer. Ali is a perfect fit for this role because of
his masculine characteristics and features, all of which help to give Juan a macho
persona. Ali can create this sense of masculinity not only through his appearance, but
also through his behavior. Since Ali is very tall, toned, and dark skinned which
establishes his character s dominating and imposing presence. In the film, Juan is
oftentimes wearing a durag, earrings, and a tank top which fits the stereotype of an alpha
African American male. He is also casually smoking a cigarette in many scenes, further
adding to his confident and well poised persona. Ali s behavior and composure
complement his physical appearance as well. For example, throughout the film, Juan
walks around with an aura of confidence, and it is clear that the people he talks to have
great respect for him. He is also an observant person, constantly
Richard Milhous Nixon Rhetorical Analysis
Brandon Wagner Professor C. English 124 4 March 2016 Checkers ` Richard Milhous
Nixon was the 37th President of the United States serving from 1969 to 1974, and who
also, became the first and only U.S. president to resign from office. In 1952 Nixon
previously was elected as vice president to the former Republican President Dwight D.
Eisenhower despite his prior agreement to support Earl Warren, former governor of
California. As Warren supporters were outraged from his failed attempt to gain the
nomination, supporters now questioned Nixon s public integrity. This event was just a
stepping stone to a following incident that would jeopardize his whole political career.
One resentful supporter located in Pasadena California, accused him ... Show more
content on ...
This new use of technology in somewhat way gave him the advantage of support across
the nation. The set was simple: Nixon sat behind a desk, his hands loosely clasped over
his notes, and Pat Nixon was several feet away in a chair that seemed too large for her.
The most obvious appeal that Nixon was trying to make to the people was an appeal to
the audience s pathos, and the use of the rhetoric tool called the straw man technique
which he really drove home through his use of his dog Checkers. After being attacked for
receiving and accepting gifts along the campaign trail from his supporters and
corporations he admits to accepting one gift, a little cocker spaniel that his six year old
daughter named Checkers, as guilty as he would have admitted to accepting millions of
dollars. By apposing the thought that he was taking money and other dubious gifts with
the gift of an adorable new puppy that a man down in Texas sent for his children, Nixon
creates the sense that he has been victimized for accepting a kind gesture. He is
distracting the audience s attention to believe that the only gift he is being accused of
taking is this dog, and he is asking them to judge if that is wrong in their own minds.
Nixon built a straw man, the real issue at stake is the fund, not a cocker spaniel. He is
also appealing to the familiar feeling of any parent who have ever had kids who want a
dog by stating the kids, like all kids, love the dog to prove that he really is just a family
man who is just like them. Finally he ends his portion on Checkers by comically
suggesting that no matter what people say he s going to keep the dog which creates the
sense that that was the extent of his crime and to prove that he didn t do anything wrong.
It also serves as a jab to those accusing him of illegal activities and an assurance to
Unethical Animal Testing
Within laboratory walls, the worst forms of institutionalized animal abuse is conducted.
This abuse and torture is also known as animal testing and is primarily done with the
expectation of find a cure to various illnesses. Scientists use this harsh research to gain
control over behavior or biological systems. During the experiments helpless animals are
exploited and endure great suffering. These conditions along with the feelings of the
animals are unacknowledged in the name of medical research. The use of animals in
medical research is essentially legal abuse. Animal testing for medical research should be
made illegal because it is unethical, unreliable, and archaic.

Testing on animals for medical reasons does not make it okay. It is unethical that these
animals are taken from their habitats and placed in confined cages to be test subjects. The
experiments these animals are subject to include poisoning, vivisection and toxicology.
That can be considered lucky, compared to others who are burned, crippled, and
neglected intentionally in the name of medicine. At this time, there is no form of testing
considered illegal. They are used as subjects until death. After each experiment data is
recorded and time is allowed for the animal to heal for the next experiment (Cruelty
Free). If the test results are not too harsh the testing continues with more dosage or a
different product. Animals that survive cannot be released back into nature because the
subject could negatively affect the ecosystem; even those that survive all experiments are
killed (Neavs). Those animals never got to experience life outside of a laboratory. The
conditions these animals go through are morally wrong but are ignored because it is
considered research. The use of animals in should immediately be stopped and outlawed
because it not right to sentence a creature to death because they have no say so.

Along with being morally wrong, animal testing is unreliable because many of the
diseases humans acquire animals naturally do not develop. This includes diseases such as
heart disease, many types of cancers and diabetes (Wise). If animals differ so much from
humans in their reactions, how can one test drugs on them that are intended for
Example Of An Escalator Research Paper
The actions of characters in the escalator fail video are an excellent example of a human
vice. The characters have become accustomed to escalators and take advantage of using
them. When the escalator stops moving the thought of walking up the remainder of the
escalator never crosses their minds because that would go against their usual habit. While
not all would agree that using an escalator is a vice I will argue that while convenient,
escalators encourage laziness and frequent use can lead to other bad habits. Many places
that feature escalators also feature stairs. While stairs may require more effort, they save
time and get you moving. It may not seem like it is worth it but if you choose to use the
stairs every time, rather than escalators
Close USots In Casablanca
In the film Casablanca, there are many extreme close up shots and zooms, often focused
on the facial expression of characters. These close up shots show great details of
characters face, which reveal the emotion of a character. For example, when the engines
of the plane is starting up, there are a lot of close up shots that really demonstrates
character s thinking processes. During the scene, Rick and Ilsa looked toward each other,
then Rick turned his head toward Victor, Victor turned to Ilsa and asked if she is ready.
After that, she had another look at Rick, responds with Yes, I m ready. Based on Rick s
facial expression, we can say that he is returning Ilsa back to Victor, and he has finalized
his decision. At the same time, Ilsa s face tells us that she is accepting this decision, but
still not entirely ready for the final farewell. Scenes ... Show more content on ...
These long shots continues without stopping, moving from a place to another, smooths
out the story by avoiding cutting scenes and thus creates continuity for the story. From
the same scene where they depart from the airport, when Rick announces that Victor and
Ilsa will be flying and he will stay, Ilsa was stunned. Scenes like this create amazing
action sequences to help us to focus on the story, and add extra punches to the movie.
Another good angle that is useful in analyzing this film is the characters roles and their
development, which changes over the course of a narrative. During the narration of Rick
s story, his past was revealed after Ilas s arrival at Casablanca, it is necessary to help
emphasize what kind of person Rick is and how different he was. Captain Louis also took
an important role in this story. At the beginning, he seems like a person who doesn t care
about other people, only cares about himself, but as story goes, he can t hide his feeling
to befriend with Rick, finally escapes Casablanca together with
Importance Of Learning To Read And Writing In English
Learning to read and write in English was a very tough accomplishment that I made in
first grade. It was difficult because my first language is Spanish. With the help of my
parents and my teachers in school, I had the chance to learn another language. It took
time, practice and effort to accomplish my goal to read and write in another language.
The earliest memory of literacy was spending time as a young child, with my mother,
reading the Clifford the Big Red Dog book. Learning how to read this book felt like it
took me six million years to do so, but eventually, I learned. As I read the Clifford book, I
struggled to pronounce every single word. My mother tried her best to teach me how to
sound each syllable. Cli fford, you ha ve to eat up and get big, I said. I read it at a low
volume, and my voice was shaky and cracking. I didn t know if I was reading it right. I
had a rough time improving my reading level. Besides Clifford the Big Red Dog, I read
The Rainbow Fish, by Marcus Pfister. At home, I watched plenty of English movies and
television shows such as Dora the Explorer to help develop my English literacy. I
enjoyed watching those shows because they helped me a lot.
In first grade, the teachers spend time teaching us how to learn the alphabet, how to
sound each letter, how to pronounce words that we didn t understand and how to use
words in complete sentences. I started to gain knowledge of what were adjectives, verbs,
nouns, pronouns. Also, I learned that what makes a story is characters, a setting, a
climax, etc. My encouraging English Teacher would meet up with each of us individually
and made us read aloud so she can see what our reading level is. She saw that I struggled,
so she used her teaching techniques to help me get better at reading. After I finished first
grade, my teacher scheduled a parent meeting with my mother, and she gave my mother
the option to send me to summer school so I can take an English class and receive more
help so I could get better at writing and reading in English. Summer was taking forever. I
felt frustrated because It felt that no matter how much I tried to learn how to read and
progress in my reading level, it got way more difficult. I felt like giving up at some point
The Distance Between Us Reyna Grande Summary
In The Distance Between Us, Reyna Grande describes of her life, how she came to this
country with difficulties. Grande was young that it was really hard for her to understand
the circumstances that were happening to her and her family. The relationship between
the two passages is the different directions, but their purpose is similar. The purpose of
the two passages explains the struggle of how a family from a different country is going
to survive without any help. The first excerpt, Mi Mama Mi Ama, describes the tension
and confusion of the writer s early stage of her life. They run from there to here to
survive and for their new and hopeful lives. This is before she moved to the United States
and the first night that she spent with eating bird food. The second excerpt, The Man
Behind the Glass, describes Grande s and her siblings first day of school. As they have
the same purpose, to survive, they conflict from getting ready to go to school, because
they don t know a word of English. Grande s father can t help them either because he
doesn t know how to speak English. Grande s family already failed twice for coming to
this country. If they fail again this time, she will be sent back to her grandmother because
her father thinks her mother isn t doing a decent job of taking care of her and her
siblings. The third attempt wasn t easy, even though they were fully ready and knew what
they were supposed to do. The first day of the American school wasn t easy too. Grande
Letter To School Dress Code
I am writing this letter to explain how harmful and diminishing our school dress code is.
School dress codes sustain sexism, rape culture, and victim blaming. This school should
rise above these standards and put a stop to this, especially with the safe environment you
are guaranteeing.

In my experience at The Pembroke Hill School I have noticed that girls are targeted for
violating school dress code policies far more than boys are. Most of the dress code is
addressed towards girls, and honestly it is not okay. Obviously there should be a school
dress code, but it should be to teach students what they can and cannot wear in public as
adults, rather than to body shame them. When the message is saying that exposed
shoulders and short
Informative Speech On Cancer Research Paper
Cancer, it s this big bad word, when we think of cancer we think of death, we think of
going bald from chemotherapy. When we see Cancer patients it makes us sad, we are
happy to be okay but sympathize with the families and the patients. When we see people
overcome cancer we think strength, we think power, we are delighted that they get a
second chance, that they get to live. That six letter word, nothing good ever follows
hearing it.

Cancer is a disorder in which body cells lose the ability to control growth. Cancer cells
do not respond to signals that regulate cell growth. Without radiation or chemotherapy
Cancer cells cannot be controlled or killed. Cancer cells grow uncontrollably in and big
amounts. They absorb nutrients needed for other
Theme Of Bravery In Life Is Beautiful
How does Benigni show the significance of bravery in the film Life is Beautiful?
Life is Beautiful (1997), an Italian comedic drama set in 1939, tells the tale of Guido, a
young Jewish man living during the time of World War II, the film follows Guido and his
family; from when they were happy living freely to when they are forced to work
unfairly in concentration camps. Directed by Roberto Benigni, also known for Pinocchio
(2002), Life is Beautiful portrays many important themes and messages to the audience.
Benigni shows the importance of bravery in the film, through cinematic techniques
including camera angles, lighting, and sound.

Bravery is likely the most conspicuous theme in Life is Beautiful. It is exhibited

throughout the whole film by the cinematography directed by Roberto Benigni.
Cinematography includes the different angles, camera movement and editing. Camera
angles can affect the audience in many ways. The most common camera angle used in
this film is the wide shot as it shows the characters completely not only the main
character but all the characters in the foreground and background. To portray the theme
of the importance of bravery, Benigni uses a mid shot to grasp the attention of the
audience which focuses in on Guido and a German Nazi Officer. In this scene, Guido
offers to translate the rules of the concentration camp as he claims to speak German,
however Guido only wishes to translate the rules for his son making the rules seem like
the rules of
The Issue Of Reproductive Rights
The topic of reproductive rights surrounding women in Texas has been a hot buttoned
issue since the closing of many reproductive centers across the state. Recently damaging
abortion restrictions were passed and therefor encroach on women s reproductive rights
even more by decreasing access to abortion care. Texas 84th Legislature, both passed HB
3994 as a law and had it Governor Abbott make it effective with his signature on July 8,
or this year. This law complicates access to abortion services for mistreated and
neglected minors and for those who do not possess specific identification cards in Texas.
Specifically HB 3994 has four requirements of the bill that would explicitly hinder
Latina minors. The first provision it that the bill will make it harder for a minor to
demonstrate that she needs a judge to approve her for an abortion because the level of
evidence that the minor must acquire is much more encompassing. Secondly, it revises
the requirement that a judges rule must be made immediately, expanding the decision
time from two days to five and prolonging the process. The third provision withdrawals
the requirement that in the case the judge cannot make an immediate rule, then the minor
s case was automatically granted. This third provision along with the extension of the
ruling time, could lead to a number of rules not being made and to the possibility of the
minor s application being denied. Fourthly, the new bill brings limits on who can have
their appeals heard
The Importance Of Maintaining And Manufacturing
Maintaining and manufacturing relationships is one of the most stressful undertakings a
human can experience. Humans crave relationships no matter how introverted; still
wanting some form of companionship whether it be face to face or through technology.
The only way to have a relationship is to have communication with others that start the
stages of developing the relationship. Without communication in some form, we could
never truly have a relationship or bond with another human being; causing that craving
for companionship and relationships to never be filled and major physical and
psychological damage to oneself. A common problem in communication or even starting
a relationship is that most people report to be shy or have the fear of speaking to others
fear of judgment or just anxiety takes over.
I myself have this problem and find it extremely difficult to make or build a relationship
because of my inability to muster up to talk to others. When I was in high school, every
year on the first day of school I would sit in the back of the class so I could avoid the
converse of others and when we had to introduce ourselves to the class I would get really
nervous and stumble over my words. When others talk to me in a public place that I don t
know. I typically don t talk and try to leave as fast as I can because I feel if I just stand
there and ignore the person the whole time they are talking to me it will be ruder than just
leaving. During parties that I rarely
The Core Value Of Social Work
When people think of the social work the first thought that comes to mind are the
individuals who take children from their homes, but that is not the core focus of this
profession. Social work focuses on helping individuals, families, groups, and even
communities improve their overall well being. It also benefits those individuals to
develop skills and tools to resolve problems in their personal lives or in the environment
around them. In order to aid those individuals develop these skills and tools, the social
worker must incorporate the six core values. Helping people who are in need and
addressing social problems are the primary goals of a social worker and represents the
core value of service. Another core value of social work is social justice. For this value,
social workers challenge social injustices that are going on in the community. The areas
of injustice that are primarily focused on are poverty, unemployment, and discriminations
of the vulnerable and oppressed populations. While focusing on social justice, social
workers must respect the dignity and worth of the person. Social workers must treat
persons in a respectful and caring manner. They must be mindful of that person s culture,
socioeconomic status, and background differences. They want the person they are
assisting to know they are there to help and not offend them. This is when human
relationships come into play. It is ideal to build a relationship with that person and
understand that others around can
Simpsons Family Therapy Essay
Family Referral Today I received a referral from a family who is seeking help regarding
their dysfunctional family structure. The Simpson s are a nuclear family that is having
difficulties living as a family. I have already spoken to Marge Simpson and agreed to find
a way to get her husband and children to therapy. She has very high aspirations of
attending therapy with her family because she has longed for a normal functioning family
in which her husband and children interact in a much healthier manner than they do now.
She described her husband of being careless, her son uncontrollable ate times, and her
daughters disconnected from the family. We have set up the meeting for next week,
Wednesday at six, when she believed her family ... Show more content on ...
For this particular session Marge sat with her baby in the couch, her son sat as far away
from the family as he could, her other daughter also sat on the couch but not close to
Marge or the baby, and her husband sat on the recliner way from her family as well. I
tried to break the tension that I felt in the room by asking the family how they were doing
but I only got an answer from Marge and a smile from her older daughter, Dad and son
didn t seem to want to take part. I then asked each one to introduce them selves. The first
one to speak up was Marge; she introduced herself and her baby Maggie who is one. I
could tell that Marge was nervous about therapy and her baby was just being a baby. The
next one to speak up was Lisa, Lisa seemed shy but was very polite as oppose to Homer
her dad and Bart. Both Homer and Bart seemed to resemble each other; they were
careless and bored about being in therapy. During the first session boundaries and ground
rules were set. In this session my goal was to get to know the whole family and learn
about each of their concerns and what they each wanted to gain from therapy. I went
around the room and asked each one to describe how each one viewed their family
structure as a whole. I let Marge begin since she seemed to be the most eager one in
starting family therapy. Her main concerns were having her husband s support, her son s
Abandonment And Abandonment In Frankenstein
Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley in 1817, is a story of obsession, heartache,
abandonment, vanity, and more. This is a fiction with many levels and views for people
of all ages, and it was assigned to our Senior English class. The novel is centered around
the story of Victor Frankenstein and his creation and the many trials and affairs they go
through. Throughout the story, both characters make many choices that they shouldn t.
However, when you take into account all of the events that lead to those poor choices, I
believe it s the creation that is most justified. To be abandoned and hated simply because
of your appearance, something you had no control over and can t change, is enough to
turn anyone into a vengeful soul. This story starts out with letters from Captain Walton
talking to his sister about a strange man they found on an iceberg. This strange man had a
very dark and desolate story, and it was time it be told. This man was Victor
Frankenstein. Frankenstein was a scientist with a dismal past, and it all started with a bolt
of lighting. After seeing a bolt of lightning strike a tree by his home, Frankenstein
became obsessed with electricity, and throughout the story, his obsession grew to include
all kinds of social sciences and the like. This leads him to college, and eventually to the
worst decision of his life.
Victor makes catastrophic choice when he decides that he wants to make a new life form.
Frankenstein becomes obsessed with making this new being
Examples Of Montag s Dual Nature In Fahrenheit 451
The Dual Nature
Who is a hero? Who is a villain? Based on the Oxford Living Dictionary, a hero is a
person who is admired for his or her actions, while a villain is a criminal, therefore his or
her actions are not admired. Ray Bradbury, in his novel Fahrenheit 451, created a
protagonist, Guy Montag, who is both a hero and a villain. Bradbury illustrates Montag s
dual nature through his actions in the book. He also illustrates Montag s heroic nature
through his relationship with Faber and his villain nature through his relationship with
In the novel, Bradbury illustrates Montag dual nature through his actions. He shows the
two sides of Montag s, how his actions are both considered moral and evil. In the
beginning of the novel, Bradbury
Persuasive Essay On The Matrix
As we grew up, and got into a more understanding stage as a kid, we always have
questioned everything that comes new to us, with the, five W s, (when, where, why, who
and what). We experienced new things like, different hobbies, food, traveling to new
places, etc. As we enter the teenage years, we think our main goal in life is to, go to
school, graduate, school again, graduate and finally our dream job, but life isn t that easy
isn t? Life involves money, dealing with people, meeting new people, drama and other
struggling situations. Life is not easy because many things come one it. Watching The
Matrix gave me a real life lesson and made me more open minded about life that can help
anybody. I believe The Matrix answers some questions concerning serious life issues
like, self doubting, taking revenge and taking a new path into your life. Self doubting
makes us feel unwanted and unbelieving on your self when it comes to any situation.
Taking revenge only takes place when somebody is mad at one another by mostly being
jealous. Taking a new path may be a start to something better, and start understanding
what you re here for. In The Matrix , Morpheus finds Neo because he knows he is the
one. After Morpheus find him and tells him you re the one , Neo is confused and wants
more answers. Morpheus gives Neo two options to take the blue pill or the red pill. If he
takes the red pill, he will know all the answers he s been wanted to know and if he takes
the blue
Essay On A Shop
Where West Carolina meets Sixth Avenue, there is a store that stands out from the rest. In
front of both surrounding shops resides an empty, cracked sidewalk. It is uninviting to the
public and well fit with the rest of the beaten down, encasements of what once was lively.
Now, though, instead of energetic, those tan and blue tinted boxes are sloppily slathered
in a depressing coat of cracking paint. Re tail Therapy, however, is the opposite of the
lifelessness that surrounds it. Two wooden cutouts sit in front of the shop. They inspire
hope within passerby s that encourages them to investigate the outlier of West Carolina.
The cat cutout that sits furthest right on the pavement is angled so initially it is a
noticeable distinction to ... Show more content on ...
They look up and examine the condition of the visitor before quietly returning to their
chore. Aside from the gentle tapping given off by their work, the store returns to its
silence. To the immediate right of the door sits a mid sized cardboard box filled with
various sized photographs, drawings, and paintings. The box itself is rather plain aside
from some pen markings on the top right corner. Five Dollars. In the front of the
collection of artwork is rustic looking picture. An off white background is split into
sections by light brown lines throughout the paper, giving it a vintage appearance. The
centerpiece of the picture, however, is a vibrant rose. There is one fully blossomed flower
connected to three buds and a half bloomed flower. The top right corner holds a white
sticker stating the price of the rose as eight dollars, suggesting the prices of the artwork
contained in the box had been dropped perhaps due to lack of interest. The silence of the
store is broken again by a soft meow from behind the box. A tender creature, with white
paws and stomach, approaches from behind the box and investigates the new visitor to
her home. Large, green eyes stare at the newcomer, awaiting the attention that many
before had given to her. Once the engagement is over, the dark grey animal will carry
about with her business and playing with her sister. A green iron rack containing various
works following the same color scheme can be found to
Essay On Naturalistic Observation
The question: Does playing violent video games increase aggressive behavior in
children? The answer: No clue. So how do we discover the answer? The best two
methods of study for accurate and more conclusive results are naturalistic observation
and (insert other form of study).
Let s examine Naturalistic observation first. To start, what is naturalistic observation?
This term is defined as the inconspicuous (as much as possible) observation of an
individual/group in their natural (unaltered) environment. The benefit of this (in theory)
is that we can view the natural state and behaviors of a person. The downside is that
people always alter their behavior when they are aware they re being watched. However,
being that this question is directed towards children there is a resource available that may
be used for naturalistic observation: Video surveillance. With parental and school
administrative consent (and the unlimited budget), a researcher could place hidden ...
Show more content on ...
Group One shall consist of 50 children ages 10 17 who will play violent video games for
3 hours a day for 7 days on an individual while their actions and interactions are
observed for the seven day period of the experiment. Group Two will also consist of 50
children between 10 17 that will play nonviolent video games for the same amount of
time, same number of days and same observation parameters. Each group will be given,
at the end of the session on the first, fourth and seventh (final) days, the exact same list of
characters (unknown characters), a list of items, a list of settings and asked to write a
short (two or three paragraphs) story. Being given the same factors, the researcher can
then analyze the nature of the story (bloody, action packed, homicidal etc.) to monitor the
level of aggression at equally spaced intervals in the
Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants ( Uwtps ) Essay
Visakhapatnam city has two Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants (UWTPs) in the city,
located at 1 town and Mudasarlova (Arilova) village, Andhra Pradesh, India. These
plants are planned and built with an intend to oversee wastewater in order to minimize
and/or expel organic matter, solids, nutrients, disease causing organisms, pollutants and
different toxins, before it re enters a water body. The concentrations were assessed from
two sewage treatment units; the largest STP situated at 1 Town with handling capacity of
38 MLD took after by Arilova STP of 13MLD capacity. It was uncovered from the
execution, examine that effectiveness of the two treatment plants was poor concerning
expulsion of total dissolved solids as rather than the evacuation in different parameters
like total suspended solids, BOD and COD. In 1 Town STP,TDS, TSS, BOD and COD
removal efficiency was 2.6, 97.71, 95.18, 80.54 % and respectively, while in
Mudasarlova STP,TDS, TSS, BOD and COD removal efficiency was 1.0, 90.89, 89.5,
75.18 % and respectively. The order of decrease efficiency was TDS COD BOD TSS and
TDS COD BOD TSS respectively in 1Town STP and Mudasarlova STP. Furthermore, the
issues connected with the operation and support of wastewater treatment plants is
Keywords: Total suspended solids, Total dissolved solids, Chemical oxygen demand,
Biochemical oxygen demand, Mixed liquor suspended solids, Sludge volume index
One fourth of the world s population is
The Harsh Reality Of Deforestation
The Harsh Reality of Deforestation If you ask a random individual to describe a
landscape to you, any landscape that they can imagine from anywhere in the world, the
odds are that they will mention an environment with trees. This is almost inevitable as
every type of biome harbors some kind of tree, except for one: the arctic. Through new
forms of science, researchers were even able to calculate just how many trees were on the
earth. According to this recent study the answer is somewhere around 3.04 trillion. That s
about 400 trees for every person. (Netburn 1). The fact is that trees are necessary factors
in maintaining the balance our planet requires to sustain life for all living things. Without
trees, existence is impossible for ... Show more content on ...
By cutting down forests there is not only the loss of precious resources, but also the risk
of extinction for numerous, tropical species. However, the impacts of deforestation on
animals are not seen immediately since many of the side effects occur over time. As
stated by Ian Sample, Though few species are killed off directly in forest clearances,
many face a slower death sentence as their breeding rates fall and competition for food
becomes more intense (Sample 1). Deforestation can attribute to a lack of resources,
which in turn creates a battle of the fittest scenario for most species. Only the smartest
and strongest breeds are able to survive in these circumstances, leaving the weaker ones
to starve and eventually die off. A decrease in food and shelter, along with an increase in
competition, is a deadly combination for many animal genera. Another detrimental side
effect of deforestation is poaching. When these forests are cleared, animals are left in the
open without a source of protection or camouflage, making them much easier for
poachers to reach. If the loss of their habitat does not kill them, it is likely that illegal
hunting will. Deforestation plays a prime role in climate change as well. When trees are
cut down or burned, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. This is incredibly
dangerous, as global warming by definition is the result of too much carbon dioxide in
Constellations Character Analysis
Constellations, an absurdist and post modernist performance by the Queensland Theatre
Company, perceptively explored what the play s title suggests; a group of stars forming a
recognizable pattern. More plainly, though, it revealed that fate will prevail. This was
evident through the relationship of characters Marianne and Roland s, where conflicting
predicaments of their romantic connection were explored in many alternate universes that
each aligned with each other and correlatively led to the same destiny. Particularly, this
concept encompasses the ideal that we have the time we ve always had. There s not going
to be any more or less of it. As such, roles and relationships, time, tension, movement
and symbols were prevalent elements ... Show more content on ...
Within each universe, a particular scenario was repeated, and their relationship was
pictured in a different light each time. However, in each of these instances, their
connection was still intact; reinforced by the final scene in which they always remained
together. This concept of fate is reflected through various scenes, one of which being
Marianne and Roland unexpectedly running into each other at a dancing class. In one
scenario, Marianne told Roland that she was rehearsing for her own wedding; and, then,
on another occasion, she was simply there for a friend. In both predicaments, though,
their connection was undeniably present. Having not seen each other for quite some time,
there was easily a sense of tension that dominated the mood, and in effect revealed that
their love for one another was still present; that the romantic tension was so powerful that
Marianne and Roland s purest feelings were awaiting to burst. For each universe, they
were both standing a few meters apart; a form of emotional friction that cemented their
undying love. They, too, used the same voice inflections in every replay of this particular
scene; a tone that was awkward and unsettled. This, in correlation with the characters
staging and movement, displayed that Marianne and Roland s connection was bountiful
in each universe. Despite the universes portraying a diverse
Theodicy And The Manifestation Of Evil
Theodicy in its most common form, attempts to answer the question why a good God
permits the manifestation of evil. Some theodicies also address the evidential problem of
evil by attempting to make the existence of an all knowing, all powerful and all good or
omnibenevolent God consistent with the existence of evil or suffering in the world.
Unlike a defense, which tries to demonstrate that God s existence is logically possible in
the light of evil, a theodicy attempts to provide a framework wherein God s existence is
also plausible. God exists in our understanding. He created us perfectly with His likeness
but then I believe that it is us who get to pick what we wanted to become. It is like
Lucifer in catholic teachings. ... Show more content on ...
Saan nanggaling ang mga bagay na mayroon tayo ngayon kung wala si God. By making
people realize that if God do not exist, are we going to be here in this world that we are
living in then as of today? So there is a powerful creator where we are not on the same
level in, because we people, animals, and plants cannot create but we can only make
things. It is because creation is creating out of nothing while in making, we make things
by the things that already exist, and there can be no one but God. God will reveal himself
to those who do not believe on him. No one can prove God s existence unless God will
do it himself. We do have our free will but with the laws made by the government it
decreases although some of us become against on some of it, there are still laws that are
sakto lamang sa ating kagustuhan at tuluyan na rin nating sinunod dahil ayon ito sa ating
kabutihan at sa nais nating mangyari kung saan malalagay tayo sa mabuting
Learning Is The Gaining Of Conducts
the OUTDOORS Arian Retkoceri Tutor: AG Freeman Word Count: 1821 Introduction
Affective learning is the gaining of conducts comprised in stating emotions in attitudes,
gratitude, and morals. Affective learning touches the emotional and belief arrangement
parts of those who simplify and contribute in it. As a part of study, affective learning has
been described both by the kinds of educational objects pursued in proposing educational
experiences, and through theoretical models representing the variety of influence
conceivable. Experts effort to touch the affective domain when they inscribe objectives
which stress a feeling quality, an excitement, or a degree of approval ... Show more
content on ...
Distinguishing that a definition built exclusively on non measurable educational objects
caused in an insignificant influence to the arena of adult learning, theorists have
prolonged the deliberation of affective learning to comprise theoretical models of this
method. One of the initial of these models is discovered in (Hill, 2012). This model
offers a complicated, multi dimensional range which functions its way from a humble
consciousness of a worth to an extremely combined internalization of value
arrangements, or, in (Council, 2011) terms, from obedience to ID and internalization.
Next to this universal range, the model offers a flattering collection of members
emotional participation, advancing from impartiality throughout slight emotion to robust
emotion. Lastly, as the range rises to elevated levels, the participant changes from
deficiency of consciousness of the worth, to conscious knowledge, to an unconscious
combination into one s life and movements. Adult mentors see this model in act when,
throughout their teaching, they see the light bulb brighten over their formerly
uninterested learner s intelligence. When that happens, he/she has shifted a step further
alongside the affective learning range. Discussion Experiential learning is usually related
with learning that varies on direct experiences which link the learner with

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