5 Paragraph Essay Sample

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5 Paragraph Essay Sample

Composing an essay, especially one adhering to the traditional 5-paragraph structure, may seem
deceptively simple at first glance. However, the process involves a myriad of challenges that can
make the task quite daunting. The first hurdle lies in selecting a topic that not only aligns with the
prescribed format but also allows for meaningful exploration and analysis within the limited scope.
It requires a delicate balance between specificity and breadth, ensuring that the chosen subject
matter can be adequately addressed within the confines of the essay's structure.

Once the topic is established, the next challenge emerges in crafting a compelling introduction that
not only grabs the reader's attention but also sets the stage for the subsequent paragraphs. The thesis
statement, a critical component of this section, demands precision in articulating the main argument
succinctly. Striking the right balance between informativeness and conciseness in the introductory
paragraph is an art that many find challenging.

The body paragraphs present another set of obstacles. Each paragraph must contribute to the overall
coherence of the essay, seamlessly building upon the previous one. Achieving a smooth transition
between ideas, while maintaining clarity and depth, requires careful planning and a nuanced
understanding of the chosen topic. Additionally, selecting appropriate evidence and examples to
support each point necessitates thorough research and critical analysis.

Concluding the essay poses its own set of challenges. Crafting a conclusion that effectively
summarizes the key points, reinforces the thesis, and leaves a lasting impression on the reader is no
easy feat. Striking the right tone and avoiding redundancy while providing a sense of closure adds
complexity to this final section.

In essence, writing a 5-paragraph essay is an intricate task that demands not only a command of
language but also a keen analytical mind. It involves navigating the delicate balance between
structure and creativity, conciseness and depth. However, with careful planning, attention to detail,
and ample revision, one can overcome these challenges and produce a well-crafted essay.

If the intricacies of essay writing still appear overwhelming, assistance is available. Similar essays
and much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net , where experienced writers stand ready to help
you navigate the complexities of academic writing.

5 Paragraph Essay Sample 5 Paragraph Essay Sample

Analysis Of Morgan Security Audit Pricewaterhouse Cooper
J.P.Morgan security audit Pricewaterhouse Cooper INTRO According to Institute of
Global Ethics Ethics in its broader sense, deals with human conduct in relation to what is
morally good and bad, right and wrong. It is the application of values to decision making.
These values include honesty, fairness, responsibility, respect and compassion (He 2017)
therefore they are principles of right conduct. Unlike morals which are the principles of
right/improper conduct depends person to person. BODY In 2012,
PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) was fine by AADB The Accountancy Actuarial Discipline
Board, financial regularity authority in United Kingdom, for wrongly reporting that J P
Morgan have complied with statutory requirement. This negligence in ... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
In 2010, the AADB started investigations into the conduct of professional firms, such as
EY and JPMorgan (En.wikipedia.org, 2017). The PwC were charged £1.4mllions by the
AADB after failing to report that the investment bank JP Morgan s systems is not as per
the statutory requirement and are not sufficient to safeguard the clients assets (Treanor,
2017). JP Morgan had been mixing their clients funds with their own s for a period of
seven years. It was PwC s task to submit a report to Financial Services Authority (FSA).
The report suggested that JP Morgan have followed and complied with relevant
framework and had in place internal control system to safeguard clients funds. An
investigation led by FSA revealed that JP Morgan is guilty of violating the rules of not
segregating their funds with their clients . This is lead to doubt in professional integrity
of PwC s work. This error, if quantified, meant an average of £5 billion of client money
was at risk each day (Treanor, 2017). JP Morgan was fined £33millions in June 2010 for
failing to segregate client money from its own funds over a seven year period (Treanor,
2017). Furthermore, PwC admitted that it has failed to
Loyalty Programs in Indian Retail
Retail Loyalty Programs
Loyalty Programs in retail : An overview
What is a loyalty program ?
Loyalty programs are the schemes designed with an intention to retain existing customers
and attract new customers by rewarding a customer with both hard and soft benefits for
his loyalty and patronage.
Loyalty programs (either ‘on the shop delivery or ‘web based ) can be classified either
based on types of rewards and recognition tools used or the mechanism by which
customers earn their rewards.
Classification based on the mechanism by which customers earn their rewards :
1. Earning points towards a reward of free or discounted product.
Such kind of approach is normally used in applications where there is high transaction ...
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Page 7 of 21
CASPIAN and No cards shoppers are some of the numerous anti loyalty programs
consumer groups active across the globe
Benefits of Loyalty programs:
Up gradation of shoppers
Valuable data
Increased sales
Increased footfalls
Brand reinforcement
IIFT_NCS Paper writing contest
Essentials of a successful loyalty program
Before discussing essential elements of a successful loyalty program, it is critical to
understand that there are a lot of strategic issues that a company should consider before
deciding whether it should go ahead with a loyalty program or not .Also, there should be
a proper alignment between an organization s strategy, its business model and customer s
needs and preferences. Now let us look at what successful loyalty programs all over the
world have in common:
Realistic and focused program objectives
A well designed loyalty program would have specific measurable objectives and targets,
for example aiming at 5% annual increase in sale. Clear objectives helps a retailer to
design appropriate loyalty strategies targeted at specific segments and
How Does Miss Havisham Influence Joe Gargery
Children are influenced by adults close to them because they have learned from them and
they usually follow what they do so they can grow up to be successful. In the novel,
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, the characters Joe Gargery and Miss Havisham
influence Pip greatly. Joe influences Pip because Joe was always hardworking and now
Pip tries to be hardworking like him. Pip also now feels like he should have never left the
marshes. On the other hand, Miss Havisham teaches Pip to not love and to not be
hopeful. Ultimately, Joe has a greater influence on Pip. Joe has a kind and forgiving
nature throughout the novel. Joe describes his childhood to Pip, he reveals that he and his
mom were always running away from Joe s father because he ... Show more content on
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First, Miss Havisham tells Estella something that will confuse and depress Pip Let me
see you play cards with this boy. With this boy? Why, he is a common labouring boy! I
thought I overheard Miss Havisham answer only it seemed so unlikely Well? You can
break his heart. (46). Miss Havisham tells Estella to break Pip s heart so that Miss
Havisham can benefit and be amused. Miss Havisham is vengeful here because she states
that it is okay for Estella to break his heart, which is just so that Estella will play cards
with him for Miss Havisham s benefit. Next, Miss Havisham is vengeful when she tells
Estella to break everyone s heart. Break their hearts my pride and hope, break their hearts
and have no mercy! (74). Miss Havisham tells Estella to break their hearts . Miss
Havisham is extremely vengeful here because she uses Estella as a pawn to go out into
the world to make men jealous of her just so that she can break their hearts. Finally, Miss
Havisham is vengeful to Pip when she tells him that she has no reason to be kind. But
when I fell into the mistake I have so long remained in, at least you led me on? said I.
Yes, she returned, again nodding, steadily, I let you go on. Was that kind? Who am I,
cried Miss Havisham, striking her stick upon the floor and flashing into wrath so
suddenly that Estella glanced up at her in surprise, who am I, for God s sake, that I
should be
Supreme Court Judgements
The complex structure of the Supreme Court, the highest tribunal for cases and
controversies proceed under the Constitution or laws of the nation, does not display a
democratic practice. The justices are staffed with lifetime appointments by the president
and the Senate seconds the nominee. However, the President and the Senate is
undemocratic when it comes to confirming the judge. For instance, the million
population votes of Californians is not proportional with he hundred thousand population
votes of Alaskans. The divergent ratio between the Californians and the Alaskans is not
the best representation of a majority rule. As for the President, the one elected
officeholder whose the supporters is the whole nation, the judges are appointed ... Show
more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Madison case. The judicial review allows the Supreme Court to strike down any acts that
are not explicit in text of the Constitution, allowing the court to have the power to
determine laws, treaties, and actions are constitutional or not. Since the judges are
appointed for life, they based their decision constitutionally rather than political terms,
exempting them from liability of error in their judgements. The lack of necessary
resources to find the specific facts, and the lack of relevant knowledge upon what action
should be executed reduces the power to confront a general social issue or make indirect
discriminations that a legislature frequently conducts. An example of the court fail to
comply with the people is the Schneck v. the United States (1919). Schneck was
punished for violating the Espionage Act (1917), hence his defense was his first
amendment rights was taken away. The court presides over his argument and upheld the
Espionage Act, limiting the freedom of speech. Therefore, this case displays how the
court bends the constitution to maintain its jurisdiction. Although the court s decisions
may not correspond to the majority will, the society still depends on the courts to make
the final say in the controversial topics, shifting the status
The Marxist Feminism Theory And The Social System
Health is a social construct system and health inequality is the result from social
dysfunction. Health determinants are the combined factors that influence an individual or
the community s health such as the social environment, economic environment and the
individual characteristics and behaviours (Germov, 2014). Firstly, the Marxist feminism
will be discussed. This theory believes social structure shapes the group s behaviours and
perspectives. People who have a higher socioeconomic status have better health.
Secondly, the Marxist feminism theory is a structure based theory and several debates
arose in regards to the theory. Thirdly, gender inequality is shown in the statistics and
males are more likely to experience physical health injuries and death compared to
females. Finally, the movie, Devils Dust highlighted the Marxist Feminism theory and it
will be discussed.

Marxist Feminism was presented in the movie. Marxist feminism theory allies with Karl
Marx s philosophical and economic theories. It explains gender inequality via the
capitalism and social institutions of private property (StudyMode, 2013). Capitalism is a
social system (World Socialist Movement, 2014). There are two classes, the capitalist
class and working class. The capitalist class is the people who own a business and
produce and distribute goods. The working class is the people who use their ability to
work and receive a wage or salary in return. Social institutions of private property refer
to the
How Did Johnson Build A New Administration Building
In the summer of 1936 Herbert Johnson was ready to build a new administration
building. He had commissioned a prominent local Architect and was nearly ready to start
construction. However, both Johnson and his general manager Jack Ramsey were not
satisfied with Architect J. Manor Matson s proposed Beaux Arts style proposal. Although
dissatisfied with the proposed building, neither Johnson or any of his team could come
up with suggestions on how to improve the design. At this point Johnson decided to
search for a new Architect. He wanted a beautiful, pure, and completely American image
for his company (1), but even more importantly, he wanted a place where his employees
would be happy to work (1). It was this decision that not only brought the S.C. Johnson
Son company into the 20th century, but also brought about a second renaissance in the
career of Frank Lloyd Wright. In Frank Lloyd Wright and the Johnson Wax buildings
Jonathan Lipman chronologically documents the interpersonal relationship between
Herbert Johnson ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Johnson meanwhile becomes a man enamored with the Architect who he has hired, while
occasionally having moments of intense doubts brought on by conversations with other
members of his company and the construction team. Lipman makes few assertions which
are not almost immediately followed by a quote or the full text of a letter. In many ways
it feels as though Lipman acts more as an editor than as an author, merely creating
transitions between the quotes, and providing context for otherwise raw information.
This theme is continued through the extensive illustrations provided throughout the book.
Almost every time a detail is discussed or a construction method described, it is paired
with a matching
The European Union And The Euro Crisis
When the European Union was established in 1993, its goal was to create a common
currency in Europe, called the euro ( Eurozone ). This goal was achieved in 1999, and the
euro is now used by 17 European Union countries, including Greece ( EUR ). Greece
adopted the euro in 2001, and their economy has been struggling ever since. Since
joining the European Union, Greece has struggled economically, politically, and might
continue to struggle in the future. When the European Union was founded with the
signing of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, it included many of the countries that were a
part of the previous European Community, including Greece (Prono). The European
Union was formed to create economic and political integration between an ever growing
group of European countries (Prono). When the euro was introduced in 2002, Greece
adopted it, and was one of the poorer European countries to do so ( European ). This led
to bond traders by buying Greece s debt, believing that the Greek economy had been
bolstered by Greece s adoption of the Euro ( European ). After the U.S. investment bank
Lehman Brothers went bankrupt in 2008, a financial crisis began that eventually spread
to Europe ( European ). After the financial crisis spread to Europe, the Prime Minister of
Greece, George Papandreou announced that the nation s budget deficit was actually twice
what had previously been reported ( European ). This led to many banks and and other
financial entities not allowing
Analysis Of Welcome To The Monkey House
A Feminist Analysis of Welcome to the Monkey House and Miss Temptation Kurt
Vonnegut is known for his dark humor, wit, and imagination. He is consistently listed
among the great American authors of the later twentieth century and his novel s such as
Cat s Cradle and Slaughterhouse Five are considered modern classics. In this essay, I will
focus on two of Vonnegut s short stories Welcome to the Monkey House (1968) which
takes place in a dystopian future where everyone is required to take pills that take all the
pleasure out of sex and Miss Temptation (1959) which takes place in a small east coast
town by looking at them through a feminist lense. Both stories come to the same ultimate
conclusion that over moralization of human ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
When Nancy counters this with you certainly manage to make a woman feel like an
object rather than a person, Billy s response is thank the pills for that. This moment is
presented as one of the first lessons that Billy teaches Nancy, that the pills are bad and
somehow making her less of a woman. However, what it really suggests is that a woman
isn t worth listening to if her sexuality isn t involved. Once Nancy reaches Billy s
hideout, other women are more than happy to assist him in raping her. It is later revealed
that all of these other women were also once raped by Billy but have now they
understand and they re grateful. The fact that these victims would not only be happy to
assist their rapist and kidnapper but also are described as almost worshipping him seems
to suggest more of a Stockholm syndrome situation instead of one where Billy has saved
them. Billy obviously holds the power within his gang and these women are willing to do
whatever it takes to help him rape other women. The idea that all these women needed to
become grateful was to be forcefully deflowered by Billy perpetuates the patriarchal idea
that women need to be introduced (often forcefully) to their own sexuality. Instead of just
letting the women stop taking their pills and then waiting for them to make their own
Women s National Basketball Association Essay
The Women s National Basketball Association, more commonly known as the WNBA, is
a professional basketball league consisting of 12 teams spanning across the United
States. The league was founded in 1996 but didn t officially kick off until 1997. While it
s not the first major women s professional basketball league in the United States, the
WNBA is the only league that has received full backing from the National Basketball
Association, more commonly, the NBA. Now in its 20th season under the direction of
league president Lisa Borders, the regular season is played from June to September with
the playoffs spanning through the remainder of September into the middle of October.
Although they have the full backing from the NBA, there are still a few discrepancies
between the two leagues. Even though WNBA games are not as exciting as NBA games,
the players of the WNBA deserve equal pay because the team mindset makes the game
more challenging, players continue to show their hard work in the offseason by playing
overseas, and they inspire young girls by providing for charities as a result of their work.
There is the idea that the WNBA is less exciting than the NBA due to the lack of
dunking. The dunk, or the alley oop (lob to the dunk) has become an intricate part of the
men s game but it is not so often used in the woman s. While the average NBA player
stands at about 6 3 , the average WNBA player is only about 5 10 . With this in mind,
almost every single NBA player is able to
Comparing The Poem The Chimney Sweeper
The two poems that I chose to compare are The Chimney Sweeper poem from both
Songs of Innocence and the Songs of Experience.
When my mother died I was very young,
And my father sold me while yet my tongue
Could scarcely cry weep! weep! weep! weep!
So your chimneys I sweep in soot I sleep.
There s little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head
That curled like a lamb s back, was shaved, so I said,
Hush, Tom! never mind it, for when your head s bare,
You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair.
And so he was quiet, that very night,
As Tom was a sleeping he had such a sight!
That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, Jack,
Were all of them locked up in coffins of black;
And by came an Angel who had a bright key,
And he opened the coffins set them all free;
Then down a green plain, leaping, laughing they run,
And wash in a river and shine in the Sun.
Then naked white, all their bags left behind,
They rise upon clouds, and sport in the wind.
And the Angel told Tom, if he d be a good boy,
He d have God for his father never want joy.
And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark
And got with our bags our brushes to work.
Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy warm;
So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.
The Chimney Sweeper from Innocence, to me, showed just that. Even though these little
kids had to climb up chimney every day and will probably eventually die from it, it ll all
turn out fine because as long as they re good,
Different Perspectives In Edwin Arlington Robinson s Poem
In the poems Richard Cory written by Edwin Arlington Robinson and Glass Ceiling
written by T. R. Hummer. Both authors explain how well someone can be but with a
different perspectives. Robinson in his poem talk about this well man that had everything
but feeling so empty. In the other poem Hummer talks how a grandmother is trying to
teach a lesson to her granddaughter. I believe that the two characters have something in
common that in which make them take different decisions, with a fancy and well images
but being total different. Richard Cody was a well respected men that everyone would
like to be, We people on the pavement looked at him: He was a gentleman from sole to
crown meaning that he was a really nice guy that a man that was ... Show more content
on HelpWriting.net ...
In the Glass Ceiling Hammer the narrator express his feelings as a grandchild tell that his
mother was the grandmother, the kind of person that everyone would recognize for
knowing a lot as old school, she was hiding into that well known woman when the tru
was not that, since a mother should be leading a research group, or running a software
company,but a grandmother still can dress in buckskin and ride a fabulous palomino,
doing handstands, old people were different from today s society, now this is turning into
a different world. Both poems show how others relate to these people that are as we are
but with different beliefs, education, and social class. Richard Cordy was a well and
respected man; rich and famous, but not happy, or having someone to be there for him.
Hammer presents the need of masquerading a person for his/her real personality because
the society has certain expectations for genders that can be judge, as in Glass Ceiling
Hammer s mom having a different personality wearing a mask. People are not always
happy as they
Similarities Between Hamlet And Oedipus
Hamlet and Oedipus as Tragic Heroes The theme of tragedy is strongly present
throughout Oedipus and hamlet. Both stories revolve around a plot of murder and
personal loss. They consist of a dark mood and scenery as well as a tragic conclusion. A
similar concept in the characters is their noble heredity and ideals. Additionally, they
possess a mutual trait, known as a tragic flaw. Oedipus seems unable to manage his
anger, causing him to act abruptly. Consequentially, he unknowingly killed his father in
an outburst. He had experienced tragedy since the very beginning of his life. From his
origin, he was disposed of and left for dead by his parents, such character may be
classified as ill fated , which is a similitude between him and Hamlet. Despite his early
tragedy he had grown to have a prosperous life as a great king, with ideal traits in his
personality. This lasted until he brought tragedy ... Show more content on
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The said soliloquy shows him to be more melancholic, and desperate. In the beginning,
his motives and feelings are clear. Hamlet is simply disgusted that his mother, who had
appeared to be so much in love with his father, has married Claudius, which presents a
related theme between the two stories, incest. For Hamlet as the play opens, existence is
a burden, he seems tormented by the events happening around him. Although in the start,
he conducted himself with more composure, his mood and actions become more manic
later on when he meets the ghost. The subject of insanity is something he and Oedipus
have in common. Furthermore, the misery hamlet shows at the beginning is comparable
to what Oedipus develops in the end.
Oedipus was more ignorant towards the truth, regardless of how conspicuous it may be.
He is unable to see the reality of his origin, and the realization of the oracle s prophecy
through his own actions. I curse myself as well...if by any chance he proves to be an
intimate of our
Research Paper On George Soros
George Soros Personal Background
George Soros having a background from Hungarian was born on august 12 1930.
Brought up with a Jewish background. He is a renown American business tycoon, a great
author, investor, as well. with his business minded brains, Soros is considered to be
among the top 30 richest people in the universe. He owes investments worth billions of
US pounds.

Contribution to politics
In relation to politics, George is influential especially when it comes to progressive and
liberal politics. this is because he has largely contributed almost 10 $ billion to
philanthropic related issues. additionally, Soros has actively involved himself in peaceful
talks on capitalism and communism in parts of Europe. This has impacted positively on
education through his desired goals and objectives.

Business career ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...

True to this, Soros after graduation had a humble background in his journey as a business
person. Soros started up as a sales person where he endured great obstacles and
humiliation at the start. Determination kept him moving and later managed to get a job in
the merchant bank. with his outstanding performance and skills, his ladder started
moving upwards. He later became a director and there is where he credits the success of
his journey both as an investor, financial person and economist. additionally, Soros had
the ambition to study philosophy which greatly open up his mind to predict, analyze and
make quick decisive arguments in investing in the American and Europeans markets.
Soros came to greatness through starting of funds organization. this is well seen in 1967.
He was a key factor in the formation of First Eagle fund which was an offshore
investment fund. as time went by, things turned up to great fortunes in his world of
investing to greater
Jackie Robinson Values
10 sentences ¶ I m not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you
respect me as a human . This is a quote from Jackie Robinson . Jackie Robinson was the
first Negro baseball player on a major league baseball team.He was recruited by Branch
Rickey. This was called a noble experiment because this was a time when segregation
was a procedure that did not exclude anyone. He played ten seasons and won awards like
rookie of the year. Jackie Robinson s Values of excellence, integrity and persistence were
most evident in the three texts .He tried his best to become a player you couldn t
undervalue. In fact, he did what was right because it was the right thing to do, not
because he wanted to do it and he could have given up on his promise but he didn t. ...
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Because they give many facts and accomplishments. The author of the article Jackie
Robinson states Two years later he led his league with .342 batting average and won the
Most Valuable Player Award. If you re awarded this it doesn t mean you re good, it
means you add to the value of your team which causes great achievements. In the article
written by Shannon Robinson About My Father she states, As predicted my dad played
baseball with amazing odds. He fought back with perfectly timed bunts, hard line drives,
and stolen bases. He tried his best and gave dramatic results this shows the amount of
excellence he puts in his work. This shows the amount of effort he applied, which
resulted in great outcomes and many
Impacts of Historical Globalization.
by the Social Studies Department Bishop Carroll High School SOCIAL STUDIES 10 1
IMPACTS OF HISTORICAL GLOBALIZATION (4 units) |Key Issue: To what extent
should we embrace globalization? | | | |Related Issue 2: To what extent should
contemporary society respond to the legacies of | |historical globalization? ... Show more
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d. How does she hope to change the future? I Lost My Talk I lost my talk The talk you
took away. When I was a little girl At Shubenacadie school. You snatched it away: I
speak like you I think like you I create like you The scrambled ballad, about my world.
Two ways I talk Both ways I say, Your way is more powerful. So gently I offer my hand
and ask, Let me find my talk So I can teach you about me. 5. The following is a
quotation, from Brian Maracle s book Crazywater in which the subject is explaining why
native alcoholism is connected to the residential schools: Figure it this way, over sixty
thousand natives were processed through those schools since they started and you got
generation on generation just piled on top and now we re trying to figure out, What is
love? How in the hell are you supposed to know how to f in love when you re not given
love for ten months out of every year? It s obvious they don t know how to love. They
ran away because they knew there was something missing. They didn t have it. Same
thing with me... The question is not, Why do we drink? Ask first the question, Do you
know how to love? And you ll find a very thin line between them because they come
from each other. You booze because you can t love and you booze under the guise of
pretending that you can. Why do you think that the experience in a
You Need To Know How To Become Successful Kite Runner
People run for many different reasons, whether you are trying to lose weight or trying to
stay healthy. However, some people simply love running. Some say running allows them
to clear their minds and just escape. Whatever the reasoning, you need to know how to
accurately run so you can become successful. In order to become an outstanding runner,
you must monitor your eating and stretching habits, run consistently, and focus on proper
running techniques. First of all, monitoring your eating and stretching habits may be
more strenuous than expected. You need to appropriately stretch before each run;
however, it is recommended to do a warm up routine such as jogging a lap or taking a
brisk walk with long strides before stretching. Stretching
The Battle of the Ants Analysis
Everyone is familiar with the state of armed conflict that is war, and for as long as there
has been civilization there has been war. Upon first glance, Henry David Thoreau s The
Battle of the Ants seems like a simple descriptive story of a battle between two different
species of ants, one red and one black, but if one were to further inspect the text, they
could see that Thoreau uses the ants and their battle as a satirical allegory for human
conflict. Thoreau chooses to use ants as a metaphor to make it clear to the reader that war
is futile, pointless, and a waste of life.
The Battle of the Ants begins with Thoreau casually walking out to his wood pile as he
stumbles upon the battle between the red ants and the black ants. After ... Show more
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He also anthropomorphizes the emotions and motivations of the ant war when he says [i]t
was evident that their battle cry was Conquer or die. He is alluding to human war and the
rhetoric and propaganda that are associated with it.
As the essay continues, Thoreau manages to make war seem even more insignificant in
comparison to the rest of the world by focusing on a single ant. He carefully narrows the
scope from the war itself to the actions of individual ants, emphasizing the irrelevance of
war. In the meanwhile there came along a single red ant on the hillside of this valley...
whose mother had charged him to return with his shield or upon it (575). Thoreau
continues expanding upon this idea of anthropomorphizing the ants to make their
comparison to humans that much more explicit. According to Thoreau, this red ant
observes the battlefield, the size of the opposing ants, and decides when to dive into
battle, something a human in the middle of a war would do. Accompanying the
meticulous description of battle, Thoreau offers a sense of hope to the otherwise futile
outcome of war when the ants collide: and so there were three united for life, as if a new
kind of attraction had been invented which put all other locks and cements to shame
(576). While discussing the destructive inevitability of war, Thoreau includes this line to
acknowledge the
Camera Techniques In The Tall Man
Under their Thumb
Questioning the credibility of the Queensland police force is unheard of, but when an
Aboriginal man is found dead in his cell, who is held responsible? Director Tony Krawitz
decides to uncover this tragedy in his documentary, The Tall Man writes Paige Smith.

Through compelling visuals, confronting interviews and captivating camera techniques,

The Tall Man is an informative documentary which shockingly details the injustices of
this story and the effects on the community.

On November 19th, 2004 at 10:20 am Cameron Francis Doomadgee was taken into
police custody and forty minutes later was found dead in his cell. Senior Sergeant
Christopher Hurley was the arresting officer and the film s focal antagonist. This
occurred ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
When Eric, Doomadgee s son, is reminiscing keep these brief pauses in for emphasis.
Commonly, the camera remains on the interviewee so the audience can resonate with
what they just said. Non diegetic sound is also used fittingly in The Tall Man. In
interviews, often there is subtle instrumentals playing. When the film is detailing more of
the distressing components of this case, suspenseful and tense music is playing. One key
scene where non diegetic sound is utilised, is when a picture of Doomadgee is focused
slowly zoomed to and in the background the song, (San Francisco) Be Sure to Wear
Some Flowers in Your Hair, is playing. Not only was it one of Doomadgee s favourite
songs but the jovial melody forces viewers associate him with it. Effectively,
emphasising that a good man wrongfully died.

Despite, ¬The Tall Man giving tremendous insight Doomadgee s death, there is a pivotal
scene which the underlying premise of the film is evident. After absorbing an abundance
of perspectives that clearly state injustices are present and Hurley is guilty, the verdict is
especially intense. There is a focus on a pedestrian crossing in a wide shot. As the verdict
is being reached, it is broken up the diegetic sound of the crossing beep . The beep does
signify a heartbeat, maybe Hurley s. Hurley has so much at stake, his professional life is
on the
The Titanic And The Titanic
On April 10, 1912, the British ocean liner, Royal Mail Steamer Titanic, departed from
Southampton, England and set sail about the Atlantic Ocean, holding approximately
2,435 passengers and 900 crew workers aboard, making its capacity over 3,300. On the
night of April 14, 1912, just 4 days after its departure, the Titanic collided with an
iceberg, sinking the ship, and killing over 2,340 of its people, including both passengers
and crew. It also influenced many books and films to be produced. Most people know of
the RMS Titanic through the tragic love story of Jack and Rose, but what most people
don t know is that RMS Titanic was not only home to one of the most tragic love stories
in history, it was also a major influence on the passing of the Radio Act of 1912. The
RMS Titanic, captained by Captain Edward John Smith, was the largest, fastest, and most
luxurious ocean liner ever built at that time. It was designed by Irish shipbuilder and
chairman of the Harland and Wolff shipbuilding company, William J. Pirrie, and built by
Thomas Andrews in Belfast, Ireland. The ship measured over 883 feet in length and 92.5
feet in width. The Titanic was thought to be unsinkable due its watertight, 16
compartment body. Its engines were the largest that had ever been building, reaching 40
feet in height and 9 feet in diameter; it required the burning of 600 tons of coal per day.
The ship consisted of an on board gymnasium, swimming pool, libraries, restaurants, and
multiple living
Essay on Homeless Women in America
Homeless Women in America

Today in the U.S. there is a large percentage of people that are homeless. There are so
many questions when one sees a homeless person, for example why doesn t he or she get
a job and get out of the streets? People that make comments like the one just made
probably doesn t really know anyone that is homeless so they do no understand what they
go through. In the book Tell Me Who I Am, Elliot Liebow tries to explain what the cost
and gains are for women living in a homeless shelter.

In 1984 Elliot Liebow decided to study homeless women in Washington D.C.

The place that he volunteered at was called the Refuge Shelter for Homeless Women.

At this shelter Liebow became great friends with ... Show more content on
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He said that these women would try to show people

along with themselves that they were mentally ill. These women would start to feel sorry

for themselves and feel like it s them against the world.

Another cost that the women experienced from living at the shelter was their

inability to get a job. The reason for this was because the women would not be able to

put a phone number and address on the application. Some of the women may get hired

for a job but the employer was not able to get in touch with them to in form the women.

The women could put down the address to the shelter but most wouldn t because they

believed that employers would be scared off. The women tried to get the head of the

shelter to change the way that the phone was answered but the request was denied.

Another cost from living at the shelter was the fact that the will always be racism.

In the shelter there many different points of views every person had a opinion about a

certain issue. There were some women that didn t like other women

because of there race. This was a issue that wasn t a favorite of most people at the shelter.
Some of the white females felt like they couldn t be friends with black females because
of the attitudes of the black females. One women was noted for saying that black people
ruled Washington. This comment was made
Homeless Organization
Some people might think that the people living on the streets don t have a home because
they didn t make use of opportunities while they could. Even though that may be true for
some, others didn t have the best childhood and didn t have the money to go to school
and be successful. I am here to give them a second chance and renew themselves. I am
creating an organization to build tiny homes for the homeless. I have done some research
about different tiny homes communities. There are several in the US that have wanted to
house the homeless, but none have specifically wanted to create an organization and
expand. One is located in Austin, Texas and they serve the homeless food with a food
truck. My goal is to be able to expand from Texas and go into surrounding states as well.
There are roughly 565,000 homeless people in the US that need our help, 20,000 of those
are located in Texas. If you have ever been to the Dallas Fort Worth area, you have
probably seen some around the streets. Texas has tons of acres of empty land that we can
make these communities on and transport the homeless to these houses to get a fresh
start. Speaking of the ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
My solution is to spread the word about the organization by putting out flyers, maybe
asking the newspaper to put an ad in, and making a website to gain awareness and to
spread the word everywhere not just in our small town. Sponsors don t have to be just big
companies; it can be locals who want to support us. I was thinking we should have a
donation box where you can donate supplies, furniture, appliances, and even toys and
clothes for the kids. Getting furniture and appliances will cut the cost of the house
tremendously. The big sponsors I would love to have would be Lowe s and Home Depot.
They would help us with all the supplies (wood, screws, nail, lighting,
Centripetal Acceleration Lab
The objective of this lab was to explore the behavior of centripetal acceleration and
identify the relationships between the acceleration and several forces acting on the
object. After collecting data and analyzing the results the group concluded that tension
will always be greater than mass for uniform constant motion due to the presence of θ.
As the length of the string for the flying toy increased, θ decreased in both trials for the
cow and bat. For instance, when the bat had a length of 0.86m, the calculated θ was
34.4°, but when the length was shortened to 0.61m, the θ increased to 36.5°. The period
was also shortened when the length decreased; therefore, velocity decreased as string
length increased while acceleration increased with a ... Show more content on
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This was due to the formulas used to calculate the actual velocity and acceleration: 2πr/t
for speed and v2/r for acceleration. As for the other forces identified within the lab, the
force of air resistance equaled the net force and allowed the flying cow to travel at a
constant velocity. There were many opportunities for error within this lab due to the
procedure the group decided to follow. However, the percentage error was not very
significant, with a 1.12% to 6.71% difference between the actual and predicted velocity.
The slight difference between the percentages could have been a result of parallax,
instrument resolution, environmental factors, and the lack of trials. Once major source of
error was the group s decision to bypass collecting many data trials in the interest in time.
This may have introduced biased sample fallacy into the conclusion because there were
only two trials per a flying toy and which was little evidence to support the statements
made about the relationship between velocity, acceleration, and circular motion. For the
next lab, the group plans to conduct at least three trails and then use the average to avoid
this bias. Environmental errors present during this lab included classmates walking into
the flying toy while the group was collecting data,
What To Look For In A Hairdressing School
What to Look for in a Hairdressing School

Hairdressing is an art and creativity rather than just a job, holding a pair of scissor and
cutting hair of an individual. Before a professional holds a scissor for the hair cut, he
must know several classic techniques to implement. You can get any amount of pay
depending on the level of your skills, abilities and years of experience. There are several
other skills that can be included to your resume with ongoing training and practice in this
area, in addition to learning the basic style methods.
It is vital to enroll in a hairdressing course, before entering in this career. Surf the internet
to know the best institutes for hairdressing courses in Melbourne. Ask your friends, and
read reviews on the web as well to know the best one. Compare the prices offered by
different institutes, and select the most appropriate one. After completing the course, you
will have a good knowledge and skills of this domain. ... Show more content on
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He always keep their clientele needs in mind to give the satisfactory results. Planning and
asking for a sagacious suggestion, before starting a hairstyle play a significant role on
attaining its success. You can find the apt hairstyle for a natural look of the client,
depending on the shape of his face and bone structure. The reputed stylists are always
concerned with type and quality of hair, like texture and growth patterns. If they find the
quality of hair, poor, they even suggest them the remedies for it.
In the hairdressing course, you will learn about different things about hair, including
types, colors and lengths. You will also come to know about practical lessons and tips to
provide best hair treatments. You will get a good knowledge about professional
haircutters, hairdressers and hairstylists. You will get the necessary skills to hold those
cutting and thinning scissors, apply dyes and do the styling according to the
We All Fall Down And The Permission Of Marina Mcduff
We all fall down
(Inspired by true events. Used with the permission of Marina Mcduff.)
When Sarah s aunt told me this story I thought she was being silly. A long time ago Jane
had a new baby, a new house, and no husband. She was lucky when her sister Eloise
offered to come stay with her and help out, until her husband returned from working in
Alberta. The sisters had almost finished unpacking, but Eloise found one small box,
labeled for the baby, that sat alone in the dark hallway.
Jane, what s in here? Eloise asked.
I can t remember, Jane said, looking at the label. Kate s got so much stuff. Open it, and
have a look.
Eloise got a knife and carefully sliced through the red packing tape, and lifted the box s
lid. Inside lay a number ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Jane did you put on one of the tapes?
No one answered her.
Eloise figured Jane had already gone back to bed. She crept into the room, and looked
around for the tape player. The music had already stopped, but Eloise looked around the
room anyway.
Kate looked like a cherub asleep in her cot. Black curls fanned her pillow, and Kate
pursed her lips together in a little frown.
I know, said Eloise, stroking Kate s cheek with her finger. It s cold, but we ll get that
sorted. Eloise pulled a blanket off a chair, and lovingly covered her niece with it. She
then went back to her own room, and promptly fell asleep.
The next morning Eloise sat with her sister, while Jane fed the baby pureed carrots. Kate
resembled a jack o lantern, her face was caked in orange and she was smiling naughtily.
Jane, did you put on one of the tapes last night? Eloise asked.
No, why?
I thought I heard music last night.
You must have been dreaming, smiled Jane. I wish I slept that well.
I must have been, I thought I heard a little girl singing.
Well, I generally prefer more adult dreams, but I guess any good dream will do. I only
get pockets of sleep these days.
It didn t feel like a good dream, Eloise said.
Was the little girl trying to kill you? Jane teased, wiping the baby s mouth with a cloth.
No, but it sounded odd. Too pretty.
Well at least the kid wasn t crying, Jane said.
Yeah, Eloise said, biting her bottom lip.
What Is Jan Eisenhardt s Contribution To Canada
Amidst the chaos and disparity of the great depression, there was one man who brought
hope and happiness to British Columbia in the form of recreation. Jan Eisenhardt, also
known as Ian Eisenhardt, has been touted as a national hero and treasure (as cited in
Markham Starr Delamere, 2005, para. 2) for his contributions to recreation in Canada and
abroad. He was born in 1906 in Denmark and relocated to Vancouver, Canada in 1928.
Eisenhardt began his career in recreation as a playground attendant in and was later
promoted to Supervisor of Playgrounds for Vancouver (Dunae, 1992) He was known to
be an avid advocate of physical activity and wellness as a means for personal and social
freedom and wellbeing (Macdonald, 2013). During The Great Depression of the 1930 s,
Eisenhardt, with the help of BC Minister of Education George Weir, spearheaded a
revolutionary recreational movement dubbed The Provincial Recreation Program or the
Pro Rec movement . At time when Vancouver was plagued with unemployment,
homelessness, and despair, the pro rec movement was intended to bring relief and
purpose to unemployed men (Schrodt, 1983). ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
These acts possessed similar interests despite their varying titles. All aimed to investigate
connections to fitness and recreation (Schrodt, 1983). In addition, Eisenhardt worked on
the Youth Employment Committee of the National Employment Commission. His
ideologies were used by these organizations to develop programs meant to to prepare
young people to enter the workforce (Markham Starr Delamere,
Architecture Of The Renaissance Period
The Renaissance period was a time filled with new ideas and developments that changed
European society. Many cultural and scientific advances were made during this period,
especially in architecture and medicine. As Arthur Ericsson states the period was studded
by the names of architects such as Filippo Brunelleschi and Donato Bramante, whose
creations are recorded as great historical events. The Renaissance period is also well
known for the new scientific discoveries made through the examination of the human
body. The European society changed greatly during the Renaissance period due to the
many cultural and scientific advances made particularly in architecture and medicine.

The architecture of the Renaissance period replaced the medieval gothic style with a style
representing the rebirth of classical civilization. One of the famous architects in the early
Renaissance was Filippo Brunelleschi. Through looking at the old Roman and Greek
architecture, he was able to bring back the old traditional buildings and arches, but in a
more effective and proportional way. In the early Renaissance, the Florentines fathers
created a competition for the ideal dome design. Many architects came from all around
Europe to showcase their designs. Brunelleschi had won for his amazing yet risky plan.
He designed the dome with two concentric shells. The inner shell facing the inside of the
cathedral, and the outer shell would be a large dome. He bound the walls with tension
rings of
Cultural Differences
Cultural Differences
Jason Roby
COM 360
October 24, 2011
Professor Renee Peckham

For any relationship to succeed both parties need patience, tolerance, and understanding.
This becomes especially important when individuals come from dissimilar cultural
backgrounds. If the individuals take the time to learn about the other s culture many
stereotypes and misconceptions will be eliminated. If they slow down and listen to one
another they will likely find that despite their differences they share many basic needs;
this can serve as the common ground or a starting point needed for understanding one
another. However, if both parties remain staunchly entrenched in their own culturally
based viewpoints confusion and turmoil will ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Geert Hofstede, a cultural anthropologist examined cultures and ordered them according
by dominant patterns of value orientations regarding power, self, gender, predictability,
and time (Lustig Koester, 2010). Analyzing the power distance patterns of Miss Daisy
and Hoke s respective cultures it becomes evident there were major differences overcome
in order for these two to form a relationship. All cultures have preconceived beliefs
regarding class inequalities. Miss Daisy held it to be true that each individual has a
rightful place in society and that authority figures should not be confronted or
questioned. During the time period this film portrays the European American culture can
be ascribed as a culture with a large power distance. African American culture during the
civil rights movement was seeking to minimize power distances, and believed that class
and social inequalities should be minimized. Throughout most of the film Miss Daisy
exemplifies large power distances demonstrating her beliefs regarding her status, and her
beliefs that her authority should not be challenged. Despite her insistence that she was
not prejudice, she repeatedly demonstrated her beliefs that she was superior to and
separate from African Americans by her continually referencing them as they, and
referring to African Americans as little children who need to be instructed on what to do.
Miss Daisy also demonstrated her power distance
Siddhartha Gautama s Life And Spiritual Religion
Siddhartha Gautama s Life Spiritual religion is one of the main aspects of human
civilization. Buddhism is one of four religions that have the most followers besides
Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism. Siddhartha Gautama, called Buddha, was the
founder and awakened leader of Buddhism. His life has a great influence on this religious
belief. Siddhartha s Birth Siddhartha Gautama was born as the royal prince at Lumini (a
place in Nepal now) in 6th century B.C.E. His father was the king of a clan named
Shakyas named Shuddhodana Gautama, and his mother was queen Mayadevi ( The Birth
of Buddha Kadampa Buddhism. ). One day, Queen Mayadevi went out to share food and
clothes for the poverty people. After returning to the palace, the Queen had the dream
that the white elephant descended from heaven and entered into her womb. After that, the
Queen got pregnant. When she was giving birth of the child, she did not experience the
pain. It was a miracle birth. The Hindu gods and godless came and blessed the child, and
they took him from the side of the queen ( About Buddha. ). The baby stood up right after
the delivery and he walked seven steps into four directions. He had the birthmark of a
wheel or chakra at the bottom of his feet. Queen May died seven days after of Siddhartha
birth. After that, Siddhartha was taken care by his mother s sister. As the practice of all
near East civilization, the king invited the fortuneteller Brahmin to the palace to predict
the future of the
The Colonization Of The Colony Collapse Disorder
Introduction: The Colony Collapse Disorder is a strange occurrence in which worker
bees from different honeybee colonies just disappear. Honeybees, which are a crucial part
of the U.S. agriculture, have been under some drastic stress from the mysterious Colony
Collapse Disorder, which is a syndrome defined as a dead colony with no adult bees or
dead bee bodies but with a live queen, honey and juvenile bees still present in the hive. A
scientific cause for the Colony Collapse Disorder has yet to be proven. What has become
of the adult bees after the Colony Collapse Disorder? Body: Between 2006 2007, many
beekeepers had begun to report losses of 30 90 percent of their hives. Close to 50 percent
of the affected colonies have showed signs inconsistent with the known causes of
honeybee death (Colony). The main symptom of the Colony Collapse Disorder is very
low if not zero adult honeybees present in the hive, although a live queen is still present.
There are also no dead honeybee bodies present, and often still honey and younger bees
present in the hive. Verroa mites, a virus transmitting parasite of honeybees, are often
very frequently found in the hives that have been hit by Colony Collapse Disorder
(Honey). Beekeepers have experienced unexpected losses such as this before; research
has shown many other honeybee colonies seen losses during the 1880s, 1920s and 1960s.
The descriptions of these losses sound very similar to the Colony Collapse Disorder,
although there is no way
Cultural Capital As An Agent Of Change Essay
When examining a family s history it is obvious that the many children have ended up
with the same level of education as their parents and ancestors. Children whose parents
received tertiary level education normally obtain a qualification from tertiary level
education as well. This idea was first questioned by Pierre Bourdieu who introduced the
concept of cultural capital. Cultural capital is the skills that a person can use to their
advantage in a social situation, especially in education. While observing a classroom
children were being dismissed because they did not speak the language, their low cultural
capital impacted their learning immensely; however, in another classroom I observed the
teacher being an agent of change. Striving to include every child in the lesson depict the
diverse range of cultural capital present. These two different situations impacted when
the child was present, how the children participated in class and their overall
Cultural capital is the ideas and knowledge that people draw upon and use as an asset in
social situations. As Lamont Lareau state the idea of cultural capital was introduced in
the 1960s by Pierre Bourdieu, a French sociologist, anthropologist and philosopher. The
concept was originally designed to explain why children from certain backgrounds would
often repeat their family history in education (Lamont Lareau). Bourdieu tried to explain
the social inequalities in education in during the 1960s in France. Children
Wife Of Bath And The Prioress In Chaucer s The
The Wife of Bath and the Prioress are two completely different characters. One is a
woman who has lost five husbands and is looking for a sixth, and the other is a woman
who acts properly all the time, whether she is speaking or eating, and is much too
sentimental. Chaucer is a master at using physical details to reveal character. The inner
natures of the pilgrims are revealed by their outer appearance. Being the only two female
pilgrims, it is interesting to see how Chaucer describes them in such sundry ways. The
Canterbury Tales, written in the early 1300s by Geoffrey Chaucer, is a collection of
stories in which twenty eight pilgrims, and Chaucer himself, are challenged by the host
of an inn, Harry Bailey, to tell two stories on the journey to Canterbury and two on the
way back. Canterbury is the site where Saint Thomas â Becket was murdered and where
devout Christians would travel on a pilgrimage to seek the martyr s help for illness and
for absolution for their sins. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
When it comes to the clothing that she wears, she dresses more elegantly than the Wife of
Bath. She wears a cloak and has a coral trinket upon her arm. She also has a golden
brooch that is engraved with love conquers all in Latin. The Prioress body description is
much different than Wife of Bath s. The Prioress, unlike the Wife of Bath, has an elegant
nose, glass grey eyes and a small, soft and red mouth. Another way that the Prioress
differs from the Wife of Bath is how she holds herself. She spoke a schoolgirl French,
acted with decorum, and she was all sentiment and tender heart (154). The Prioress is
described as being someone who certainly was very entertaining,/ Pleasant and friendly
in her ways, and straining/ To counterfeit a courtly kind of grace (141 143). The outer
appearance of the Prioress reveals her inner nature because it shows how fake she is
being and how hard she is trying to be someone she s
The Effects Of War And Immigration On Society
Vija Celmins, for all of her statements about the meaning of her prints lying in their
processes, has missed what can be called her unconscious influences. The true intent of
her print piece Untitled (Web 3), cannot be garnered by her words alone but must be
analyzed in order to uncover the childhood impact of war and immigration and how they
have played a vital role in how she thinks about her printed works. By digging further
into her work an underlying sense of a loss of control can be seen as a concurrent theme
in the shift of processes and mediums that she undergoes both willingly and as a forcible
change throughout. Contrary to Vija Cemins own beliefs about her work it can be
surmised that her work is not as isolated as many of her peers seem to believe because a
loss of control in early childhood and on effects both the way that she creates her art as
well as her obsession with processes. When observing Celmins visual language it stands
to reason that her piece Untitled(Web 3) isn t out of the ordinary for her particular artistic
style. Celmins use of limited color palettes and simplistic singular subjects and motifs are
an essential part of her work that transcends her various mediums. For instance, in
Celmins works she includes the same ocean motif in her graphite, painting, and print
versions. All of these versions have the same all over, photorealistic, monochromatic
style throughout that renders a haziness to her work and lets the viewer into the remnants
of her
Stuart Zenger Research Paper
Stuart Zender
The bass player that I have selected to make a report about is Stuart Zender. He was born
18th, March 1974 in Philadelphia, UK. He was a bit of a trouble maker in his young
years, being expelled from his first school in 1989, Leighton Park School. Leighton Park
School is where he found his love for music, because the school was heavily involved
with music.

Stuart left home when he was only 17 to pursue his career for music, and His mother
gave him two thousand pounds she had saved over the years, to give Stuart a good start
with things in life so he could be a guitarist. Stuart wasn t very good at managing his
money, so instead of investing his money, he spent almost all of it on a Warwick
Streamer, but luckily it turned out
Soviet Family Code and Women
Reproductive rights and daycare became capital in soviet society as more and more
women were entering the workforce and receiving an education. The direct influence of
the early Soviet Rule on women s employment was modest as the foundations for the
professionalization of women had been laid on decades before the October 1917
Revolution. Furthermore, the two World Wars greatly impacted women employment by
opening up new fields for them.
The Industrial Revolution of the end of the nineteenth century marked the first massive
entry of women in the industrial workforce. Indeed, they provided an inexpensive supply
of unskilled labor (Lapidus 1978). Women primarily worked in the industry, with an
emphasis on textile and garments which were respectively 68% and 80% women
dominated fields in 1932, (Heitlinger 1979). Women also represented the majority of
education, sciences and scientifical services employees, representing between 54% and
58% of the labor force between 1929 and 1940 (Sacks 1977). World War I by draining
young able bodied men emptied factories and gave the opportunity to women to access
male dominated fields ( from 26.6 percent of the workforce in 1914, the proportion of
women in the industry as a whole rose to 43.2% by 1917 (Engel 2004)).
The predominance of women in education can be explained by the dramatic increase of
access to education for women between the end of the nineteenth century and 1917.
Before the Revolution, education was gender segregated.
Physical Security Principles
Physical Security Principles

Paula L. Jackson

June 7, 2010
Professor Brian Kissinger


Physical safety inside and out depends on the type of physical security that is being used
by that facility. How well the buildings security system is being implemented can have
an impact on the safety of its patrons and other individuals who frequent the building.

Physical Security Principles

Safety in numbers has always been a deterrent method when leaving or traveling through
places that are not safe. But without proper physical security measures set in place when
leaving any facility or building the need for a crowd will be of no use. Proper physical
security requires accessing the risk that may cause ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
Technology Advancement

Physical security for any facility is a major factor for keeping safe and having modern
technology on site is a greater addition. Protecting the facilities assets requires the
company to stay ahead with modern day upgrades and devices for ensuring that whatever
or whomever is gaining access to the property is suppose to be there. Monitoring the
individuals who enter through facility access control and perimeter fences or installing
video and closed circuit television surveillance can eliminate trespassers and those with
no prior business on the property. Personal identification systems can also be established
that use fingerprints and biometrics to gain access into any facility for staff and
personnel. The amount of technology to use for physical security is unlimited depending
on the facility and what needs protecting.


Physical security involves many components such as location, configuration, size, shape,
and many other vital attributes that comes with a standing structure. Keeping people safe
on the inside as well as those on the outside requires security principles that go beyond
what just the normal eye can see. Applying the correct physical equipment to lower the
risk of unwanted behaviors and attacks depends on how well the perimeter is guarded.
Advanced technology including cameras and monitoring systems add to the insurance of
physical security and if used
Mary Magdalene Passage Analysis
Wednesday July 22nd. Mary Magdalene is one of my favorite people in the bible. She is
loyal, strong and persistent. She was such an eager disciple and did not let her
weaknesses stop her from serving and learning from the Lord. So in this Gospel reading I
see her vulnerable, weak and anxious. A moment of devastating pain as she discovers the
body of Jesus was missing from the tomb. As I read the passage I highlighted a few
phrases and the one that spoke loudly to me was when Jesus said to her, Stop holding on
to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. As I picture Mary crying and mourning
with confusion and anxiety I can t help to think how in the midst of sorrow and pain, I
too have been so blinded by emotion that I did not ... Show more content on
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As it highlights the fact that we are never alone and that we are to share our faith in
community. There is a longing and need to be accepted and understood, and Jesus is the
way, truth and the life. The Gospel will be uncomfortably heard at by some of my family
members and friends who are formerly Catholic. They would say that I am being chruchy
and that they are spiritual and not religious. I know this because I used to live that way
myself. I will still share the Good News, even though it is uncomfortable. The Gospel
would be ignored by main stream media. It would not be sensational enough to grasp and
keep the attention of the immediate gratification
Roles Of Women In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Roles of Women What if women never established rights? The world would not be the
place it is today if that was the case. Women are able to do just as much as men if not
more.Women were regarded as the weaker sex , not just in terms of physical strength, but
emotionally too. The fact that women were not treated equally was wrong in many ways,
but that was the way of life during those times. In the British culture, from the Anglo
Saxon, the men were respected on a higher level than women, and women were to
always be subservient to men, which were demonstrated throughout many works of
literature. To point out, women unlike men had a more submissive role in the Anglo
Saxon era. In the story Sir Gawain and the Green Knight shows a woman that is
seductive toward a man, which is not her husband, but only because her husband orders
her to. Thus validating that men had the authority over their women. In the poem this is
proven to be when, The lovely lady came laughing sweetly, / Fell over his fair face and
fondly kissed him; / Sir Gawain welcomed her worthily and with pleasure; He found her
so glorious, so attractively dressed, so faultless in every feature, her colors so fine (Line
200 220). The Lady is trying to seduce Sir Gawain, but he rightfully declines her offer.
The fact that The Lady is looking so pleased and she is kissing him, that does not seem to
interfere with the way Sir Gawain feels about her at that moment. Sir Gawain encounters
multiple uncomfortable situations with The Lady when: For that priceless princess
pressed us here so hard... And drove him so close to the line that she left him no choice...
But to take the full pleasure she offered but refuses her. (Line 240) Sir Gawain did not
want to sleep with The Lady because he did not want to violate the chivalric code.
During that time period, men and women had to obey the chivalric code, which was a
system of ideas and social codes governing the behavior of knights and gentlewomen.
Chivalry brought about an idealized attitude toward women, but it did little to improve
their actual position. The chivalric code brought a certain level of respect to the women
of that time; even though it did not necessarily change their positions in
Women s Role In Ancient Rome
Role of Women in Ancient Rome Women in ancient Rome played a vital role in the
transition of political power in the roman government. Although the Roman women were
not allowed to formally hold office or vote, they often were influencing their men in
regard to political decisions. These women were typically working in the background and
although they may not get the explicit mention they deserve in historical texts, without
their actions Rome may have had a very different outcome. In Livy s The History of
Rome, three instances involving women had a significant impact on the development of
the Roman government. In Livy s first book of The History of Rome, he narrates the
events that occur around Lucretia , daughter of Lucretius. Lucretia became
How Crime and Deviance Can Be Seen As Functional for
Crime and deviance are acts that will elicit dissent from society. They take various forms
and involve various concepts and theories. It will be the aim of this paper to explore
those that are considered to be functional for society. It was Emile Durkheim who first
clearly established the logic behind the functional approach to the study of crime and
deviance[1] when he wrote The Rules of Sociological Method and The Division of
Labour[2]. In those works, Durkheim argued that crime and deviance is an integral part
of all healthy societies . He reasoned that crime and deviance are not only inevitable, but
also functional for society and that they will only be considered dysfunctional when they
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As societies expanded due to the economic demands posed by the Industrial Revolution,
Durkheim said that the moral ties which bounded society together were weakened.
Therefore, as society became more complex, a mechanism was engineered to effectively
regulate these relationships and the result was the legal system[5]. The codification of
moral behaviour, through laws, created guide lines for large scale societies. The
foundation of these boundaries is in effect a function of crime and deviance, because
without crime and deviance, on what basis would these laws be drafted upon? It follows
that when a crime is committed, the legal locomotive will set in to punish the convicted
accordingly. Without dwelling into the functions of punishment, the concept of Durkheim
s Degrading Ceremonies must be explained. Through agencies like the mass media and
the Courts (when conducting public hearings), criminal behaviour would be publicised.
The publicising of these acts functions to make the public aware of the tolerance of
society, and also reinforces the society s opinion of such criminal behaviour. This
promotion of boundary maintenance [6] brings upon the next function of crime and
deviance integration. When a crime is so deviant that it far exceeds society s tolerance, it
triggers public alarm and outrage[7] that draws the
Communication Is An Important Part Of Lives
Communication Challenges Communication is an important part of lives. Unfortunately,
not all of us are blessed with good communication skills. Poor communication can cause
conflicts in our personal and professional lives. However, good communication will
strengthen relationships and lead to success both personally and professionally. A little
over a year ago, I went to the eye doctor for my yearly exam; I told him that I was having
trouble reading things up close. Much to my surprise my vision had improved and my
contacts were just too strong. Before I left, we talked about ordering new contacts and
new glasses since my prescription had changed. A month later I called my eye doctor s
office to see if my new contacts had come in since I had not heard from them.
It seems that Dr. Thomason and I had a miscommunication, he thought I was coming
back to pick out glasses when he received some new frames and I thought he was
ordering contacts and I was coming back to look at the new frames when they came in.
This is just one example of how poor communication can cause problems.
In this case we were both guilty of not listening or hearing only what we want to. Poor
listening can lead to many problems. Unfortunately, even when we are good listeners
there can still be communication problems. Sometimes it is difficult to understand what
the speaker is saying. There were a lot of times at my former job when my boss was
telling me something and I did not know what he was talking
Essay about Exploring the Issue of Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying has been a topic for scholarly inquiry, political debate, and policy reform
since the commercialization of the Internet. Pre internet bullying involved socially
marginalized children and teenagers picking on their friends and other marginalized
children in the school yard. Traditional discipline included detentions, phone calls to their
parents, and some sort of reconciliation between the children involved. Today however,
the climate for bullies has dramatically changed and the risk reward balance has been
significantly tilted in favour of the bullies. The Emergence of Technology
Today, bullies can simply connect to the Internet and create aliases (real or anonymous)
through free e mail services, instant messaging ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
Considering there have been cases of suicide and homicide resulting from interactions
between participants within these virtual worlds, one can safely assume that the
emotional toll of cyber bullying on engaged participants is nothing less than traditional
bullying or cyber bullying. A case can be made that for engaged participants within
massively multiplayer online role playing games, their social well being is paramount in
their realization of happiness and acceptance. This paper will also try to make a case for
why bullying in these virtual gaming worlds can be more damaging to participants than
traditional bullying.

Cyber Bullying as a Criminological Issue

The world has adopted the Internet as one of the most popular mediums for exchanging
information, and criminologists need to be well versed in its complexities in order to
make meaningful, relevant, and thought provoking research. Cyber bullying piggy backs
on the foundations of traditional bullying in principle, but provides instigators with a
presumed veil of anonymity which modernizes the bullies process of bullying. Bullies
naturally have less inhibition when they are bullying online because they can be safe at
home without fear of repercussion. This is extremely troubling considering there is very
little fear of reprisal in an online environment. There are no internet police actively
monitoring conversations or
The For The Affordable Care Act
Ahead of the 2012 elections both parties fought openly over how they would fix out of
control spending on health care entitlements. But neither side could be specific on how
they would make health care more affordable. If health care costs continued to climb at
the current rate, benefits for Medicare and Medicaid would exceed tax revenue gathered
by 2030. Politicians knew they had to find a way to make Medicare solvent or, it would
consume all tax dollars collected, but finding a way to rein in costs and make healthcare
affordable for all Americans wasn t going to be an easy task. The Affordable Care Act is
one of the most significant bills passed into law in many years to this day much is still
unknown. Speaker of the House Nancy ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
In 2009 the framework for the affordable care act was formed. Envisioned was a plan
that could help millions of Americans without insurance obtain it. Eliminate costly
preexisting conditions, allow people to keep their existing plan if they wished and make
health care more efficient by reducing unnecessary procedures. He refused to accept any
plan that increased spending over a ten year period. (Tumulty 2009)
As it stands insurance companies now can no longer refuse coverage based on
preexisting conditions or health status. In other words insurance is now guaranteed issue.
In order for this type of coverage to be affordable compliance of a majority is necessary
component of ACA. Without an individual mandate a typically healthy person could hold
off buying insurance till they became ill. Therefore reducing the total share of people
insured and make costs rise considerably.
The new law aspires to address insuring millions of currently uninsured the guaranteed
issue and community rating rates and makes all equal regardless of age or preexisting
conditions. Historically a need that s what insurance companies do they collect money
and redistribute it to people who are faced with regulate insurance companies so that
money spent goes to actual care Recently the Supreme Court ruling last year in a split
decision 5 to 4 they ruled in favor of the individual mandate declaring it a tax. Chief
Justice Roberts in National
Sexualization Of Women In Action Movies Essay
Sexualization is one of the obvious characteristics in action movies. Sexualization
represents the issue of gender inequality, showing the imbalanced participation of
characters with different gender in action movies. When talking about the sexualization
in action movies, we firstly need to identify the stereotypes of females in action movies.
As we know, the action movies usually present the heroism of the main characters, who
are mostly males. To frame the heroism of male characters, it is routine to add female
characters in action movies. Such female characters are fragile, vulnerable and weak.
They usually need the protection of males. In action movies, the typical female
characters are wife and daughter . In action movies, especially the ones who involve
revenge, such female characters usually got ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
In action movies, many plots contain violent and dangerous scenes. Usually, females
cannot burden such dangerous tasks in which even male characters usually get injured
(Dargis, 2014). This phenomenon can be attributed to the division of work among
females and males. In the long history, males are the ones who join in the army and
participate in the war. Females are the ones who prepare supplies at home. Therefore,
females seldom join in violent fights. Therefore, the sexualization of action movies is
related to the social position of females in history. Fortunately, females are taking more
responsibilities from males in action movies. For example, Michelle MacLaren is hired to
direct the movie Wonder Woman, which is an action movie with female main characters.
This is a breakthrough in the history of action movies and demonstrates a trend of De
sexualization in action movies. Also, female led action movies like Underworld:
Evolution show a direct response to decades of suppression of females in action movies
as well as the society (Meslow,
Barriers Of Oligopoly
2. Economic Theory
2.1 Oligopoly
Oligopoly is a market structure in which a few firms dominate the market (Jocelyn Blink
Ian Dorton, 2012). The market may have a large number of firms or just a few, but the
important idea is that the industry s output is shared by a small number of firms. It is
possible for oligopolistic industries to differ, in the sense that some industries would
produce the same kind of products, where the product is practically the same and only the
companies name is different. On the other hand, there are also industries that produce
completely different product and also ones that produce products that are only a bit
different from each other, but these firms do tend to spend most of their budgets to
advertise their products (Jocelyn Blink Ian Dorton, 2012). There are a few main
characterises of firms that operate as oligopolies these include:
1. Interdependence
2. Strategy
3. Barriers to entry o Natural barriers o Artificial barriers
When economists determine the competitiveness of market they usually look at the
assumptions of the different market structures. The same ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
These obstacles are known as barriers to entry. There are generally two types of barriers
to entry that exist, these are natural and artificial. Natural barriers can be exploited by the
major firms and the artificial barriers can be used belligerently to stop other firms from
joining the market.
Natural Barriers to Entry:
Economies to Scale
Larger firms tend to have lower cost compared to smaller firms, due to the fact that they
are able to gain from economies of scale, but it is possible for larger firms to experience
diseconomies of scale. As firms increase their production scale they tend to lower their
production cost and move to the long run, this can be represented using the diagram
An Important Part Of Interpersonal Communication
Feedback is known to be an important part of interpersonal communication. It lets
speakers know what impact their words are having. When others have an opportunity to
respond, a dialogue is created and the content of the messages can be adjusted, or even
improved. This dynamic is applied every day in health care settings. Medical
professionals rely on feedback throughout their careers to enhance the quality care they
provide. Patients enter clinics and emergency rooms seeking feedback from physicians
about what is happening to their bodies. Together, medical staff and patients must depend
on feedback to reach a diagnosis and find the best course of treatment. Physicians and
other medical staff collectively examine patients: recording their vitals, taking an
accurate history, and performing a thorough review of certain body systems. All of this is
done based on the patients chief complaints. Their bodies are sending feedback signals,
trying to tell them something is wrong, such as an infection like pneumonia. Patients
cannot interpret this feedback themselves, so they seek medical services to further
examine them. Sometimes the feedback patients bodies send is not very clear. Many
diagnoses share signs and symptoms, so physicians should consider other factors as well.
The patient may have other conditions that put them at particular risk for other problems
to arise. If physicians or staff fail to further investigate in these situations, a potential for
serious consequences
Melting Point Range Lab Report
The first part of the experiment focused on finding the melting point range of known
substances, Trans cinnamic acid and Urea. The Trans cinnamic acid had a melting point
range of 133.0 135.8℃. Urea had a melting point range of 132.5 135.8℃. However,
when a 50/50 mixture was created of the two substances, the melting point range was
98.8 132℃, 40 degrees less than the two known substances. This is due to an impurity of
the 50/50 mixture. Each substance was acting as an impurity to the other substance. The
expected range for Trans cinnamic acid was 132 135℃ and Urea had an expected range
of 132 133℃. Trans cinnamic acid and Urea are similar compounds but lack identical
structure, causing their combined melting point range to be lower than what ... Show
more content on HelpWriting.net ...
A ramp rate was first used to obtain the approximate melting point of the unknown
before obtaining a more accurate melting point range of the unknown substance. Based
on the rapid heating rate of the test, it was determined that the unknown substance was
either Trans cinnamic acid or Benzoin due to the wider melting point range at 132℃.
After the second, slower heating rate, it was determined that the unknown might be
Benzoin due to the wider melting point range. However, when experimented with the
unknown and the Benzoin, the 50/50 mixture melted before the other 2 compounds had
begun to change states because it was acting as an impurity instead of melting at the
same time. If the unknown and the possibly known substance were the same compound,
those two compounds plus the mixture would have melted at the same time. The Trans
cinnamic acid was then compared to the unknown substance, which resulted in two
compounds and the mixture melting at the same time, which had a melting point range of
133 to 136.2℃. According to the results of the melting point ranges given, the melting
point range of Trans cinnamic acid should be 132 135℃. The experimented results were
133 136.2℃, which are about a degree higher than what they should be, but the
compounds and the 50/50 mixture all melted at the same time, making the unknown
substance Trans cinnamic
The Generation Of Offset Curves
Metalworking is one of the oldest occupations of humankind. At the beginning of last
century metalworking machine tools were invented and these were controlled by an
operator who performed all the movements of the tool in order to obtain the final parts.
Nowadays, metalworking using machine tools is one of the most important activities to
support industries development and the most important of these industries is the
automotive industry.
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the generation of offset curves,
considering both naive approaches and more sophisticated approaches such as the
Voronoi diagram. The paper starts by explaining some basic concepts of offset
machining, insisting on the most important types of compensation. The next section
includes a discussion on different ways of representing curves in a computer program,
starting with two dimensional curves and ending with non uniform rational B spline
curves (NURBS).
The basics of offset machining
Definition 1.1 A Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine is a machine tool that uses
programmed commands (alphanumeric codes) to control its movements and functions.
The applications of CNC machines include drill press, sheet metal press, milling
machine, laser, grinding, welding machine etc.
The most fundamental operation that can be performed with a CNC machine is to remove
all the material that lies within some boundary. A CNC machine makes use of
mathematics and various coordinate systems to
Business Research Analysis
Business Research Ethics

Danielle Dunnivant


March 30, 2014

Harold Graff

Case of Unethical Behavior in Pharmacy

One of the most trusted health professional roles is that of a pharmacist. Unique to their
profession they are faced with an array of ethical challenges. A Pharmacist is like a
gatekeeper to drugs which give and take life. It is known of some pharmacies to even put
their customers health and their well being above any profits the pharmacy could make.
However, there are some that do not, and when this occurs, and profits are all that s seen,
the results can become tragic.

The New York Times reported ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
These conversations include such topics as dietary supplements, herbs, and homeopathic
products. This unethical behavior can be avoided by when pharmacist in America
discourage inappropriate practices and purchasing inappropriate products? Do you think
that will ever happen? I believe that it can pharmacist are expected to be professional and
knowledgeable about the drugs they are dispensing. They are to dispense them in a
responsible and ethical manner. I realize that their income also depends on the sale of
their products. However it is still ethical to attempt to protect their customer s from
wasting their money on products that do not or will not work for them. This unethical
behavior has given pharmacist a bad name in many instances. Hopefully we will continue
to see more honest pharmacist operating in America.


New York Times Toxic Pharmacist 2002

Kessler, DA, (March 3, 1998)

Stephen Barrett

FFDA (Public Health Advisory, January 16, 2008)

Bouts, BA, (November 25, 2005)

CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I certify that the attached paper is my original work.
I am familiar with, and acknowledge my responsibilities which are part of, the University
of Phoenix
Student Code of Academic Integrity. I affirm that any section of the paper which has
been submitted previously is attributed and cited as such, and
Hyperspectral Image Classification
Classification is a principle technique in hyperspectral images (HSI) analysis, where a
label is assigned to each pixel based on its characteristics. Applying machine learning
techniques to these datasets need special consideration, since the hyperspectral images
are typically represented by features vectors of extremely high dimensions. A robust HSI
classification requires a prudent combination of deep feature extractor and powerful
classifier. In the last one decade, extensive classification methods are designed in
hyperspectral objects, but these approaches prone to learn the correlated features, and
usually fail to consider the structural information in the feature space. Most of CNN
methods extract image features at the last layer ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
Keywords: High dimensionality, Hyperspectral image, classification, deep learning,
feature extraction, Introduction In the last decade, hyperspectral image (HSI)
classification has been a very active research discipline. Hyperspectral image contains
ultra high dimensional data with hundreds spectral channels, which leads to highly
correlated features and the noises that presented in adjacent bands. However, the
classification results are affected by these redundant and correlated features. Therefore,
in processing hyperspectral images, the classification approaches has been proposed
jointly by dimensionality reduction. Several feature extraction methods (see Section 2)
have been developed to solve the classification problem in hyperspectral images. Feature
extraction based on HSI aims to reduce the dimensionality of the data while preserving
the discriminative information (spectral spatial information) as possible. However, there
is no universal feature extraction which perform well in all type of application and thus,
it remain an active research area in advancing HSI analysis for the foreseeable future.
Moreover the complexity, diversity, dimensionality and quantity of HSI are all increasing
day by day and thus, the existing learning tasks are computationally inapplicable and
incompetent for analyzing and modeling the HSI data [9]. There are several challenges in
the hyperspectral data classification: (1) ultra high dimensionality of data, (2) limited
Should Cows Be Used In Research Essay
When one thinks of cows, or bos taurus, words such as meat, and dairy pop into mind. A
word that is rarely ever associated with cows is research. It is not commonly known that
cows are used in research that benefits humans. Cows are used as models of human
conditions by biomedical scientists, this occurred because the similarities cattle share
with humans. Cows are used in the research of reproductive physiology, heart
experiments, and autism, because of the use of animals in research we are closer to
finding solutions to almost all maladies that plague humans and animals alike. Artificial
insemination, was developed as solution to the many problems faced by the cattle/dairy
industry. Problems such as the need for genetic improvement and ... Show more content
on HelpWriting.net ...
There is an extremely broad spectrum for autism thus making it harder to find treatments
and medicine for it. Suffering from Asperger s spectrum disorder, Temple Grandin found
that observing cows helped soothe her. On her Aunt Polly s farm Temple noticed that
when the cows become agitated they would be put in the compression machine. Temple
discovered that the application of deep pressure helps calm the agitated cows, upon
further investigation she found that cows respond differently to the different pressure that
is applied. The cows high stimuli to being touched reminded her of how children with
autism react to being touched and she created a crude version for herself to test.
Surprisingly she found that that pressure when she was agitated reduced her anxiety
within seconds (Edelson 14) Seeing this she quickly realized that cows share similar
traits with people who suffer from autism. This encouraged scientists to look outside the
box when researching autism. This resulted in the ground breaking discovery that
children who have autism When cows are agitated it causes oxytocin to squeeze the
muscle cells to contract the squeezing the milk into the milk ducts and result in
inconsistent milk letdown. Seeing this scientists started to research how oxytocin affects
human behavior. It was concluded that low levels of oxytocin could potentially
Incidence Rate Of Skin Cancer
Abstract: Incidence rate of skin cancer are increasing day by day. Skin cancer is one of
the deadliest forms of cancer but detected earlier can save the life time of the human
being. An automated screening system is introduced to identify the presence of skin
cancer in advance. In this paper, texture distinctiveness lesion segmentation algorithm is
used. Experience and training based characteristics of back propagation neural network is
used with texture distinctiveness lesion segmentation algorithm, for identifying the
normal and abnormal portions of skin .The most commonly occurring skin cancers are
Melanoma, Basal and squamous cell carcinoma and actinic keratosis. The proposed
system is to diagnose the presence of these skin cancers with high segmentation
Keywords: Melanoma, segmentation, skin cancer, texture, neural network.
Cancer is a life threatening disease caused primarily by genetic instability and
accumulation of multiple molecular alternations [1] [2].Present diagnostic and prognostic
classifications are insufficient to make prediction for successful treatment and patient
outcome [3] [4].Among many types of cancer, Skin cancers are the most common form
of cancers in human [5]. The common types of skin cancers are melanoma, basal and
squamous cell carcinoma, and Actinic Keratosis [6].Digital Dermoscopy is widely
considered as one of the most cost effective method to identify and classify skin cancer.
The rate of detection of melanoma
Newsbreaks About Truck Drivers
One of the newsbreaks that I was particularly interested is the one in Schultz Schultz
(2016), textbook Don t Look The Driver Behind You May Be Sleep (P.266). This
newsbreak is about Truck Drivers; that according to Schultz Schultz (2016) 78% of them
having a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea. (P.266) The reason why I am
interested in this newsbreak is because it effects all of us, we all drive on the road, and
having someone next to you on the road being sleep deprived is scary thought. The truck
driver could lose control of the vehicle and create a major accident where multiple lives
could be lost. Another newsbreak is the Engineering Psychology is a Hot Career Choice
Seriously (P.312). This newsbreak is about the
I M Attending College
College has always been on my mind, getting far in life and doing something I always
wanted it to do is my goal. I will be the first one in my family to attend college and I m
proud of it. I want to be a professional, I want to get an education so I can set a good
example for my future kids. My family is happy that I m attending college I want to do it
for them but mainly for me. College is going to provide me new opportunities, going to
meet new people, job opportunities, and a higher education level. My main motivation
for attending college is the fact that if I get to where I want to be, my future will be
brilliant. Also, making my family proud and making myself proud. Maturing and
challenging myself to things I never thought
The Importance Of Being An Informed Psychologists
Opportunities to thrive have being one of the reason why people migrate to different
countries. With such migration come culture, diversity, teaching and learning that allow
individuals to interact and exchange different ideas. When there is an increase in
population certain organizations emerge in order to comply the needs of certain groups.
That is why in the psychological field, psychologists need to be part of organizations in
order to learn and inform themselves of emerging changes regarding a group of people.
The American Psychological Association of Multicultural Psychology created a guideline
that will allow psychologist to learn how to behave with certain ethnic groups and will
prevent them to have any cultural bias against them. In this paper I will be analyzing the
importance of being an informed psychologists and the issues that being part of an
organization might bring. It is important for psychologist to learned about changes within
the cultural norms of certain groups that will allowed them to access valuable
information in order to support organizational policy.
Being in a cultural environment allows a person to drawn information from different
sources. However, it is not as simple as talking to a culturally diverse person once. For
instance, psychologist cannot argue that interviewing a person from different
backgrounds culturally orients them. To be culturally oriented includes research,
practices and education towards that ethnic group. Guideline 6 from
Evolution of the American Short Story
When short stories started to be written in the American Romanticism Time Period, they
were very different from the ones today, but they didn t change abruptly. Over the
different periods like the American Romanticism, Dark Romantics, Realism, Moderns,
and Contemporary, the events changed the style of writing and the characteristics of the
way the authors in these times wrote their stories. The authors in these eras started to
revolutionize the way they wrote according to occurrences in that particular period.
Another thing that affects the periods are the way public starts to think and the events
that start happening in the United States. There are many unique factors that contribute to
the American Romanticism, Dark Romantics, Realism, Moderns, and the Contemporary
Time Periods.
The American Romantics Time Period is where America was trying to establish things as
a new country and was figuring out how to run the government. One of the authors from
this time was Washington Irving, he wrote the story Rip Van Winkle. He was born on
April 3, 1783 and died in 1859. Irving is best recognized for his works Rip Van Winkle
and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. This story was written when fiction writing was
believed to be harmful to the public. In this story, Irving obliquely examined the
importance of the American Revolution when the country was asserting itself against the
European rule. Rip Van Winkle is about Rip s memory of America differing with the
actuality he faces
Questionnaire On The Consumer Behavior Of Aldi
Assignment 2B

Questionnaire Reflective Report

Asma Amjad (s4202429) Nuwan Ramawickrama (s4433943)


Introduction 2
Justification for survey administration method 3
Advantages and disadvantages of face to face survey administration 4
Advantages 4
Disadvantages 4
Reflection of administration procedure 5
Suggestion to improve the administration procedure 5
Changes required in questionnaire for a larger group 6
Key lessons learnt 6
References 7
Appendices 8
Appendix 1 Final Questionnaire 8 8 9
Appendix 2 Questionnaire Verification Sheets 10 10
Appendix 3 Completed Questionnaire 14


In the current dynamic business environment stay align with the needs and demands of
consumer is a challenge for the organizations as the changing market trends provides a
tough time to organizations and more specifically the retail companies. For the purpose
of present report, a survey had been conducted to evaluate the consumer behaviour of
ALDI, which is a large retail store in Australia. The organizational management wanted
to improve the product and service quality for better customer service. For the purpose a
survey has been conducted and some of the ALDI s regular shopper has been asked to
provide their responses by filling up the designed questionnaire. The responses have been
recorded and evaluated to take further steps to improve overall customer service by
understanding their buying behaviour at ALDI. The findings of questionnaire
Drug Use And Its Effects On Society
Despite the issues regarding the scientific studies, evidence has drawn positive links
suggesting people who use drugs are more likely to engage in criminal activity than non
users if simply because they are breaking the law to obtain the substance of use. Research
does support this contention as people who are arrested for various crimes test positive to
be under the influence of a drug at the time they committed their offense. However, the
evidence remains elusive as to whether the drug use led to the crime or the crime was
separate from the drug use and related needs (i.e., money to buy drugs, territorial wars,
etc.). Because of inconsistent data and definitions in reporting, statistical evidence is not
empirical enough to draw hard conclusions regarding the relationship between drugs,
including alcohol, and crime, or to quantify how much of that crime begins with the
innocent seeming lighting up of a marijuana cigarette. In addition, when more than one
drug is present, it is difficult to assess which of the two or more might have induced or
inspired the criminal behavior, if any. The association between alcohol and violence
illustrated through various studies makes it clear that correlations between drug use and
crime are greater complicated through the presence of other dynamics such as socio
demographic and personality characteristics.
Given these cautions regarding the research and studies then, it is interesting to note that
studies limited to marijuana only do not
College Has Changed Me At The University Of Arizona
Before attending the University of Arizona, I felt a need to set a specific goal to achieve
in ten years later. The collegiate journey was more different than I aspect. With far more
about many options in careers, I had realized that broader goals could help me explore
what actually interest me the most. Before I started college, I had chosen pre physiology.
However, I am majoring in biomedical engineering now and really enjoy taking
engineering courses. Currently, I have broadened my horizons to consider both graduate
and medical schools unlike before. Before, I never believed that one can change goals so
rapidly. Now, college has changed me.
With the help of scholarships like AAFASAA, I have the chance to get more involved
with the community. Thus I am re applying for this scholarship because it had created
many impacts upon my new life as a college student. By participating in the AAFASAA
events last summer, I formed mentoring relationship with many upperclassmen and
faculty, who then later introduce me to be a part of the Asian community. Also, I feel the
eagerness to learn more about the Asian clubs in the UA to build up my Asian identity.
Currently, I am an active member is the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers
(SASE), APAMSA, and Vietnamese Students Association club. I also joined the EDGE
program to receive some help in the transition to college. These clubs have many
different events such as career building, teaming, or getting help with research. The clubs

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