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9Th Grade Persuasive Essay

Crafting a persuasive essay as a ninth-grader can be quite challenging. This task requires not only a
clear understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to articulate thoughts and opinions
effectively. For a ninth-grade student, navigating through the complexities of essay structure,
argument development, and proper use of evidence can be overwhelming.

Firstly, choosing a persuasive topic that resonates with both the writer and the target audience is a
demanding task. It requires critical thinking and an understanding of the interests and concerns of
one's peers. Once the topic is selected, researching and gathering relevant information becomes the
next hurdle. Ninth-graders may find it challenging to sift through sources, discern credible
information, and organize it coherently within the essay.

Constructing a compelling thesis statement and developing a well-structured argument are additional
hurdles for a ninth-grader. The essay must flow logically, presenting a clear stance and supporting
evidence in a manner that engages the reader. This requires a keen understanding of persuasive
techniques and the ability to express ideas persuasively.

Grammar and language proficiency can also pose difficulties for a ninth-grade writer. Expressing
complex ideas with clarity and precision is a skill that develops over time, and students at this stage
may still be honing their language skills. Additionally, adhering to proper citation styles and
formatting guidelines can be challenging for those new to academic writing.

In conclusion, composing a persuasive essay in the ninth grade demands a combination of critical
thinking, research skills, and effective communication. The process involves overcoming challenges
related to topic selection, information gathering, argument development, language proficiency, and
adherence to formatting guidelines. However, with dedication and guidance, ninth-grade students
can develop these skills over time.

If you need assistance with your essays or want professional help, you can explore various writing
services like , where similar essays and much more can be ordered.

9Th Grade Persuasive Essay 9Th Grade Persuasive Essay

The Skin You Live In By Michael Taylor
The book I chose to do an integrated unit on was The Skin You Live In by Michael
Taylor with second grade students aged 7 8 years old. The big, colorful pages are vibrant
and easy to absorb. This book delivers an important message about acceptance to young
readers. It also has a great message that we are all different and the same and we should
love ourselves for who we are. I have developed three activities that introduce concept
explorations and challenge students to accept all cultures. It is very beneficial to involve
learning students cognitively, emotionally, and physically. These lessons demonstrate
learning experiences that are beneficial and relevant to children all over the world (Davis,
2011). For the math activity, I chose an activity that came from China, it is called Five
Up Dominos. The children will use their math skills and practice addition and
multiplication. For the science activity, the students will do an experiment called Save
the Flag. This activity teaches students how to preserve certain material such as a
countries flag. For the social studies activity, the children will make a garland of flags
based on a country they research. The math concepts taught in this lesson are teaching
the students how to use certain math formulas, and practice addition and multiplication.
It is beneficial for students to know what tools to use for capturing and displaying
information that is important to them (Davis, 2011). The science concepts taught in this
The Importance Of No Motion In Baseball
Baseball is a sport that has been around since the 18th century. Baseball is referred to as
America s pastime because of all the history and tradition behind the game. Alexander
Cartwright developed the basic rules of the game as we now know it today. On
September 23, 1845, he organized the Knickerbocker Baseball Club of New York. The
first game was played in Hoboken, New Jersey. Baseball is a great sport to watch and
play however many athletes who play this game become very injury prone. No motion in
baseball is very natural. The baseball throwing motion, where players bring your arm all
the way behind your body and whip it forward, can put a lot of strain on a player s arm
and elbow. A pitcher in particular is someone who throws a ball sometimes more than a
hundred times a game.

Although many strength and conditioning programs have been developed to help player
strength their arms to reduce the risk of injury many players still get hurt. These strength
and ... Show more content on ...
So right off the bat you can already tell that these two articles contradict each other.
Studies from the Henry Ford Health System show that pitchers are less likely to reach
even their pre surgery performance level, no less exceed them. Vasilios (Bill)
Moutzouros, M.D., a Henry Ford orthopedic surgeon and the study s senior author said,

Tommy John surgery is an effective surgery and most pitchers get back to pitching after
surgery. But it s not going to improve their level of performance,There s been a
perception that the surgery will make you better. Our findings debunk that perception.
Eighty to 90 percent of major league pitchers will get back to pitching at the major
league level but they just won t be as effective as they were before injury

Doctors conducting this study actually found a link between the surgery and decline in
player performance
Endangerment Wildlife Trust Ethos Pathos Logos
The Endangerment Wildlife Trust, started a campaign titled If you don t pick it up, they
will In 2009. This is a Visual Analysis on The Rhetoric used in this Ad which includes
Pathos, Ethos and Logos, Pathos being the strongest of the three. The image displays a
dead bird with a strong emphasis on the small manmade objects inside to direct our
attention toward it and reflect feelings of guilt back to us. The artists wanted to bring the
whole image together and deliver its intended message. EWT knew the text would get
our attention by making us feel responsible for the crisis. This Ad is displayed for the
purpose to increase awareness of pollution and man made waste. Audience They are
targeting Society today. The intended purpose of this is to raise awareness, and to instill
watchfulness in the audience. They want individuals to feel responsible for the
endangerment of wildlife by using strong pathos. The design of the Ad they created was
intended to work together as a whole, to make their message relevant to everybody and
also to convince the viewer to be increasingly more aware of the issue surrounding them.
They know that the audience is a big part of the issue that is occurring and that wildlife is
suffering for ... Show more content on ...
By eliminating that grey area they can convince more of the audience to their way of
thinking. The logic is pretty simple, If you don t pick it up, they will . It directs the text
straight toward individuals and by showing the dead bird and the manmade objects eaten
by it helps solidify the truth to the word they . The evidence is shown in the picture with
the objects in the bird and they know that the audience has seen how bad pollution is
around them and this helps solidify or convince the reader into the author s way of
thinking. Makes you ask yourself if you would have made better choices in the past how
much that would have changed your
My Experience in the Military
Marcus Pennie Written Communication September 9, 2012 My darkest hour was also the
moment I became a man. When all my years of training, all the blood, sweat, and tears of
running, aiming, skills training, and hand to hand combat had finally been put to the test.
My first kill. It wasn t a proud moment but it was one on necessity and choice that I ve
played over and over again and I still get the same result. It would have gone exactly the
same. September 21st 1999, 1327 Zulu time. We were flying over Almaty, Kazakhstan.
The rattling of the POS tin can they call an airplane was really making me queasy. Man
less than an hour before we land. It s not coming soon enough. I thought. Then came the
dreaded command that started the ... Show more content on ...
I was holding up until the pain from the slice began to overwhelm me and I felt woozy. I
felt like this was it, I am going to lose my grip and this knife was about to go into my
face. I quickly thought of everything that would follow and everything that has happened
to me up to that point in an instance. Then as if a blessing from God, the door burst open
and I redirected my focus to the door. So did he, which was his mistake. I quick glanced
back at him and noticed two things. His eyes were off of me and his push weakened just
for a second. The only second I needed. I pivoted my upper half to my right and pulled
his arm towards where my head once was, jamming the knife into the hardwood floor. I
brought my right elbow into his head and he toppled over. I reached for my side arm,
rolled away, up on to one side, aimed and fired twice. My pistol and eyes both rose up
and to the left to the doorway and fired three more times. Both enemies, cancelled. I took
what seemed like an eternity to curse, catch my breath and regroup myself. I stood up
and realized the fight wasn t over. I still had to make it to my unit. I made my way
through the apartment I earlier crashed into, out into the hallway and back up to the roof.
I noticed insurgents on the rooftop directly behind me making half ass shots at me. I leapt
to the next
Haunted House Essay
It was the perfect night for an adventure through a haunted house. My cousins Mariah
and Tyina were planning to join me on a October 31st night to remember. The first thing
the three of us did was get dinner and talk about how we were kind of nervous to go and
walk the haunted house. After dinner we all got in the car and drove to our destination
and then we bought the tickets and were waiting to get in. We all felt as if we had
butterflies in our stomachs. As we were about to walk through the door to the haunted
house we were startled because of all the strange sounds that we were hearing as we
walked in. Finally we were able to look around. We were not so scared until Tyina had
stumbled upon a mysterious door. Some people would have ... Show more content on ...
Tynia looked at Mariah and then me and we got the idea that he was very angry again
Tyina had turned to Mariah and said that I am terrified, are you Mariah? Mariah replied
by saying Tyina I am scared! They both ask me Shaniaieasha what should we do!?
We are trapped in here with these ghosts and they are surrounding us and we have no
way out of this gloomy room. I replied I don t know what we should do I am as spooked
as the both you. The ghost finally gave us his name, he said that his name was Joel. In
her bragging tone Mariah said I knew it, he is trying to communicate with us! Tyina
asked Why do you always have to act like you re everything like a god? I said Why are
are you two arguing? We are trying to see if Joel needs help and you two are acting like
total fools. Joel had made one lap around the room and that is when we knew that he
needed something from Mariah, Tyina, and I. Mariah being the brainy one in the group.
Asked Joel How can we help you with the problem that you are facing?
Joel replied I need to get a message to my family because I have some stuff buried in the
ground where we would go and spent hours gazing at the stars. Joel then asked Do you
think the three of you can help me get the message to them? I answered Of course we
would be delighted to help you to get the message across to your family. Mariah asked
him What is the message that you need to get across to your family Joel?
Arguments Against Hate Speech Laws
In light of the recent events in Charlottesville, where a white supremacist rally turned
violent, the argument on whether or not hate speech should be banned has become
increasingly more relevant. Those supporting the ban argue that this kind of speech
eventually creates a society that doesn t accept the affected minorities as equals, and can
shame them into silence. On the other side, people argue this would infringe upon free
speech rights. In Glenn Greenwald s article, In Europe, Hate Speech Laws are Being
used to Silence Left Wing Beliefs, he addresses how this ban might affect left wing
activism, and the fallacies in the arguments supporting the ban. Greenwald mainly relies
on logos to back up his thesis; that a hate speech ban would not work in America. The
problem he faces with this as his argument is that it makes the assumption that these
same issues would arise in America. Other than a brief mention of his time as a lawyer to
back up one talking point, there is very little ethos. While his tone throughout the article
feels very neutral and informative, he makes poor use of logos and ethos, leading to an
ineffective argument.
In the article, Greenwald focuses on trying to make an argument for why free speech
should be protected, even if that speech it hateful. Greenwald argues this point mainly by
showing a collage of examples where hate speech infringed upon the rights of left wing
proponents. Some of these examples include when, in 2015, France convicted 12
activists supporting the boycott of Israel by wearing t shirts reading Long live Palestine,
boycott Israel , while others have been convicted for adorning vegetables with boycott
stickers. Some other instances he brings up of conviction for hate speech include a
distraught Muslim teenager lashing out on Facebook at the British troops who died in
Afghanistan after having killed innocent Afghans, a devout atheist who put up anti
religion fliers in a religious room of the Liverpool airport , and a liberal partisan who
held up a sign reading get lost, jerk directed at the former French President, Nicolas
Sarkozy. Within these examples the only appeals he tends to make are towards logos with
a bit of pathos in some of the wording. Towards
Effective Manager Interview Essay
Into the 21st century, an era filled with many possibilities of an ever changing social
culture, it s time to step out of the comfort zone to deploy new tactics to address these
changes. Today s managers and organizations are being buffeted by massive and far
reaching competitive, social, technological, and economic changes. (Daft. XV) Recently,
I ve had the opportunity to interview Matthew Moen, Direct of Provider Management, to
one of the largest Care Management Healthcare Organization within Wisconsin, about
the importance of being an effective manager. As leaders not only is it crucial to continue
being exposed to innovative ways of managing, but it should include learning new styles
and ways to combat these changes in which can ... Show more content on ...
A year later, in 1998, he obtained his CPA licensed. As the Direct of Provider
Management, for the past10 years, his main function is to oversee 15,000 providers
within the network, credentialing providers, provider quality and supervise a staff of
nineteen people which includes nine direct reports. Furthermore, Moen s many years of
managing people spanning all generations group said that one of the most important
aspect of managing people effectively is to appeal to everyone s individual style. People
are vastly different and come from different background, therefore getting to know what
works or doesn t work for them, will translate to managing people successfully . This
type of skill is called the human skills that involve the manager s ability to work with and
through other people and to work effectively as a group member (Daft 2015) A mother
may not be able to work later and may need flexibility to tend to her children, but she
may be able to come in earlier than most of her peers. It s important to take all these
things into consideration when considering Human skills. Human skills are demonstrated
in the way that a manager relates to other people, including the ability to motivate,
facilitate, coordinate, lead, communicate and resolve conflicts . (Daft
Reflection On Teaching And Learning
According to Dr. Patricia Alexander teaching and learning are interrelated. Teachers and
students learn at the same time. As Dr. Alexander mentions in the video that actions and
characteristics of one affect the other. For example, if a teacher in a classroom is not
preview prepare for class, students will lose interest in the class. Students have to
perceive that the teacher is mentally and intellectually well prepare in order to show
some interest in the class. One of my teacher s actions affected me when I was in middle
school. I remember that when I was in 7th grade one of my teachers used to say to his
students that they are very dumb to learn. I as student felt like I really was dumb. Even
though, I tried to learn everything he taught us, I did not retain any information. As a
result, my grades dropped a lot, so I refused to go to that school until my mother moved
me to another school. In the other hand, if there are students that do not show any interest
in learning, teachers performance is affected. For example, there is anything a teacher
can do when a student does not really want to learn. Some teachers use a variety of
strategies without any result of learning, but is does not mean that the teacher is not well
prepare; it is more about what the student want. Dr. Alexander also mentions in the video
that the factors that determine success are the same for teachers and students. I believed
that it is connected because teachers and students are in constant
Workout Log Analysis
Is there any other way you can help me? Does the 25$ you charge only include you E
Book? Like can you help me make a more proper training I believe I work out like a
powerlifter just lifting heavy weights in the beginning and then later in my workout do
my 4 sets of 12. Below is what I usually do. I always start with compounds such as the
flat bench, deadlift and squats. I do like 2 warm up sets 2 set of 12 10 then 3 sets of
heavy lifting around 6 1 reps After that I do the rest of my workout by sets of 3 or 4 of 8
12 reps. Tuesday Chest/Triceps Wednesday Back/Biceps Thursday Legs/Abs Friday
Shoulders/Traps Monday Chest Barbell Benchpress Medium Grip Barbell Incline
Benchpress Medium Grip Chest Fly and Pec deck
First Epistle To The Corinthians
Mother Teresa once said, If we want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out.
To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it. The Church in Corinth was
righteous and pure once it started following God again. Unfortunately, they continued
their sinful ways soon after. The First Epistle to the Corinthians, by Clement of Rome,
accurately displays how to regain and maintain a faithful walk with God. Like the church
in Corinth, all churches need to learn this message. Clement preaches to turn from envy,
remain humble at all times, and above all, love. His writings continue to live on today, as
they clearly should . Cain killed Abel, Jacob ran from Esau, and Joseph s brothers sold
him. All of these conflict occurred ... Show more content on ...
Love covers a multitude of sins. Love beareth all things, is long suffering in all things.
There is nothing base, nothing arrogant in love. Love admits of no schisms: love gives
rise to no seditions: love does all things in harmony. By love have all the elect of God
been made perfect; without love nothing is well pleasing to God. In love has the Lord
taken us to Himself (Clement, The First Epistle to the Corinthians). Clement of Rome
clearly held love on a high pedestal. All Christians should respect and appreciate God s
love, because it made us perfect. ... those who, through the grace of God, have been made
perfect in love, now possess a place among the godly, and shall be made manifest at the
revelation of the kingdom of Christ (Clement, The First Epistle to the Corinthians).
Without love we can neither be with God, nor can we please
Awana Research Paper
Every Wednesday my church has AWANA,a church youth activity, where at sign ups you
receive a book of activities,challenges,and verses to memorize and complete thought out
the year,starting around the same time as school.Sometimes that book sits there on my
nightstand and I see it and think I should do that tonight ,but don t. Every Wednesday I
end up scrambling to get it completed.Every Wednesday creeps up on me, and I don t get
it done throughout the week. Every Wednesday I get to the big nosy auditorium where
we have AWANA and I feel bad about it,like I did it wrong.Every Wednesday I still got it
done and I read for hour one night to finish my bible reading,but put off even trying to
cram the thousand extra verses.
The book has a written ... Show more content on ...
Awana is done all over the world and is very enjoyable.We had game time where we
would go out to the gym/atorium and play dodge ball with my brother in law because he
was in charge of game time.My whole family has been involved with AWANA,my
dad,mom ,sisters,brother in law and Ian and I.Caleb used to but now he lives in
Boomington and is pretty busy. Awana has changed now from when I was in it,what we
do doesn t involved the other kids and we are more separate from the 1st 6th graders,we
used to have game time,verse and snack time,and then council time to close.We were
separated,Sparkeis or T and T and each grade level had a different book to do and had
council time all together. This year they have separate council times and all have one
generic book.We also have events around holidays like a Christmas party and other
things like that,and at the end of the year is Fairmont fair or however you spell it where
they have all kinds of games and prizes you can win or buy with points you are awarded
throughout the year.Last year and this one since we are in Trek we help with it ,working a
booth,game,or helping at the point store or kitchen. Something Trek does at Christmas
that is really fun is the Christmas scavenger hunt thing.We get in groups and go out with
a box of candy and have to trade it for something and trade that for something,and trade
that and so on,and whichever group comes back with the best thing wins.This year we
were told you can t get something that doesn t fit in the car,several years ago somebody
had brought back a boat,so we ended up with,a dehumidifier,a box of oranges and a pack
of meat sticks.Earlier they said it has to fit in the car yet,the winning team had a fridge
which they could not fit and had it on
Examples Of Sadness In The Great Gatsby
Cami Brady
American Literature
Ms. Gibbs
17 November 2016 Sadness Expressed In Our Lives
Sadness is something that can happen to anyone and about anything. Sadness can really
affect people s lives. In The Great Gatsby there was sadness when Gatsby wanted Daisy
to be with him again but she was still married to Tom and she was afraid to say she never
loved Tom. Gatsby was also sad that Daisy wasn t telling Tom she never loved
him.George Wilson was also feeling sadness when Myrtle died because that was his wife.
In anyone lived in a pretty how town the character no one was feeling sadness when
anyone died because she loved him. F. Scott Fitzgerald, author of The Great Gatsby and
E.E. Cummings, author of anyone ... Show more content on ...
Cummings made the poem kind of a sad poem. There didn t seem to be a lot of places in
the poem where there was happy words. One of the quotes from the poem one day
anyone died I guess (Cummings ln26) that caused sadness because it just talked about
how anyone dies. Another quote from the poem was women and men(both little and
small )cared for anyone not at all. (Cummings ln 6). That showed sadness by nobody
caring when he died. In The Great Gatsby the tone is that F. Scott Fitzgerald made the
story have good things happen but most of them led to not so good things happening.
One thing that happened was that Gatsby started to have feelings for Daisy again but she
was married to Tom. it was very upsetting because she loved him too and wanted to be in
a relationship again like they were 5 years ago. Like when Gatsby said to Tom your wife
doesn t love you (Fitzgerald 130) he told Tom for Daisy and tried to get Daisy to say it
too. Tom was always abusive towards Daisy but he was also abusive towards Myrtle too..
Like when Nick said Making a short deft moment, Tom Buchanan broke her nose with
his open hand. That s very sad because she didn t really deserve to be hit like
Vegans Are People Who Shun All Animal Products From
Vegans are people who shun all animal products from their clothes, diet, and even other
personal items they may use. Finding animal friendly related gifts can be hard to find at
times, but have no fear here are some ideas listed below. 1. Shoes A good place to order
shoes for vegans would be to visit They have saved the Vegan
shopper the confusion of sifting through hundreds of shoes that may not include leather,
but are not explicitly Vegan. Also by using modern technology they given vegans the
privilege of offering these animal free substitutes without sacrificing longevity or
performance. 2.Veglife If your friend is a health nut you can get him or her a vegan
supplement called Veglife. It is a supplement that is suitable for even the most strictest
vegan and contains no gelatin. To find Veglife related products go to 3. Smore Pies Yep smore pies these tasty treats have
vegan marshmallow inside of them and the chocolate in the pie is just heavenly if your
friend has a sweet tooth then check out this treat at 4.Lip
Balm The best vegan lip balm I have tried so far would be from Merry Hempsters. The
Lip Balms are made from organic hempseed oil that is a great relief for parched lips. 5.
Body Shimmers Herbs Of Grace Mineral Makeup Body Shimmers add extra sparkle to
your skin with just a light dusting and is easy to apply. This is one fantastic vegan
friendly make up product. 6. Herb Hair
Messalina Vs Claudius
Claudius survived in a hard time in his childhood, and he was ignored as an idiot and
embarrassment. However, Claudius life changed somewhat because of his nephew
named Gaius who was killed by a murder. And then Claudius was ratified by Senate as
an emperor for an accident.
Claudius married Valeria Messalina in 38 A.D., Messalina came from a noble family, and
therefore we could say that the marriage between Claudius and Messalina was a two
prominent family. Suetonius portrayed Messalina as she hold a crazy party with other
nymphomaniac adolescent and Messalina had performance of disloyal to her husband,
however, on this point, Claudius did not know anything. Messalina used sex as a weapon
to manipulate court politics. Messalina hold a great ... Show more content on ...
In fact, Agrippina was the daughter of Claudius s brother, Germanicus and a sister of
Gaius Caligula. Someone just believed that Agrippina exiled for involvement in the
conspiracy of Gaetulicus; in addition, Agrippina married before, so she was second
marriage with Claudius. The main point was the law should be changed to avoid
consanguineous marriage because Claudius was Agrippina s uncle, which was really
ridiculous of consanguineous marriage. Therefore, consanguineous marriage of Claudius
could be the second the political invective. Furthermore, Claudius s marriage to
Agrippina could be a disaster, especially in the Claudius s last years. The reason was
Agrippina had powerful personality, and she wanted to dominate Claudius. If compared
with Claudius s previous empress, Agrippina was the brightest because she was
recognized by imperial politics, and Agrippina appeared in official coins and inscriptions.
The powerful position of Agrippina could facilitate the advancement of her son
Domitius, and Domitius could consolidate the status of Agrippina as well. In fact,
Claudius had a natural son named Britannicus but he was still a minor, he was only 13
years old; Claudius really liked Britannicus, and then Claudius began to advance
Domitius through various signs of favor. However, Claudius marked Domitius as his
successor, he might be influence by Agrippina and had
Magical Realism In Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Kids taken from mothers, people stripped of their cultures, and families separated. Latin
American people have gone through burdens unimaginable to other, more developed,
countries around the world. Latin America has a very distinct culture, but that culture was
stripped from the people and replaced with another culture. Latin America s diverse
culture shows in its use of magical realism and their intriguing ways of telling history.
Magical realism is used to represent the mistreated figures and atrocious leaders in their
literature. One of these writers is Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Born in Aracataca, Colombia
this latino writer used magical realism in his stories to represent the conditions in Latin
America. He uses characters in his stories to represent Latin America and how the
countries people are treated. Gabriel originally went to school to be a lawyer, but later
gave that up to be a journalist. His short stories and inspirational speeches were awarded
the Nobel Prize of Literature and the International Literature Award. Although Latin
America was beaten down, they still persevered. They gained their independence and
started to become the great country they once were. Like Gabriel said in his speech, The
Solitude of Latin America, Nevertheless, in the face of oppression, pillage, and
abandonment, our reply is life. This tells us that Latin America, in the face of defeat, rises
and comes back twice as strong. The constant oppression of their people and the
Enlightment of Education in Pygmalion and Educating Rita
Top of Form [pic] [pic] [pic] Bottom of Form Share on mymailruShare on facebookShare
on twitterShare on vkMore Sharing Services0 | | |Войти |Literary analysis of the play
Pygmalion by G.B. Shaw Иностранный язык реферат | |Top of Form |Plan: | |Email | | |
[pic]Пароль |Introduction | |[pic][pic] |1. Social conditions in ... Show more content on ...
In this work, I investigated life and creative | | |activity of George Bernard Shaw and
especially his famous play Pygmalion: the | | |characters of the play and their spiritual
philosophy, conflict and social background | | |of the play, writing style of Pygmalion and
the origin of its title. | | |Bernard Shaw occupies a conspicuous place in the historical
development of the English | | |and the world literature. In his books Shaw could
realistically describe the social | | |life of people. He considered language a lot and tried
to reform English and make it | | |easier to read and to learn. This point of Shaw s creative
activity determines the | | |actuality of my course paper. | | |Shaw entered drama area as
the original innovator. He established a new type of a drama| | |at the English theatre an
intellectual drama in which
Josephine Bahkita Research Paper
There are many people in my life that I can say that I admire as leaders. From my mom
who has shown me courage, to my father who works so hard to provide for my family, to
even my brother. But out of all these people, the one person who has inspired me to go
above and beyond myself is Josephine Bahkita. Josephine is an exemplary leader to me
not only because of her unwavering faith, but her compassion towards people, the way
she could forgive easily, and the way she helped others even though many people had not
shown her the same kindness and respect. Josephine Bahkita embodies what leadership is
because she knows humility at the hands of others and yet she would thank those who
kidnapped her because she believed that without those people she ... Show more content
on ...
Influencing people by means of doing great things for others, selflessly, is what makes a
leader. Josephine Bahkita embodies that because though she was kidnapped and treated
terribly, she still used her influence to give to people who were in need, when she could
have done nothing instead. Furthermore, instead of seeking revenge on her kidnappers,
she would thank them for showing her everything she was missing, and the way her life
turned out. She could have become bitter and uncaring, but she allowed her experience as
awful as it was to change her into a better person. People who have the ability to learn
from terrible things in their lives are leaders because they don t let those experiences
change them, instead they use those experiences to help other people (Catholic Online).
A leader has to stand behind unwaveringly for what they believe in. Josephine Bahkita
was a little girl sold into slavery who didn t know who God was, but she knew someone
was always watching over her. No matter how awful her life was, she still believed that
someone was always there. When Josephine went to Italy with her owner s family, she
became a Sister. It took a lot of courage for Josephine to ask to stay in Italy where the
laws of slavery were abolished. She
Malaga Research Paper
Malaga is a gorgeous city located in southern Spain s. It s known as the best
Mediterranean destination to discover. in addition, Malaga has a rich history to know
about it is almost 3000 years old is the perfect cultural destination and you can enter to
the monuments and museums for free it has more than 20 museums, most popular one is
the Picasso museum.
Malaga has many famous festivals and public holidays all over the year and the famous
one is called Feria takes place in the middle of august. Also, Malaga known by its
beautiful beaches such as the Malagueta beach and you can find different kind of food
like the great seafood straight out of the Mediterranean, pork meat, the local fruit and
vegetables all this sort of food are the most famous
Conflicting Narratives Of The Israeli Palestinian Conflict
Conflicting narratives in the Israeli Palestinian conflict
Any reference to conflict turns history into a reservoir of blame. In the presence of
conflict, narratives differ and multiply to delegitimize the opponent and to justify one s
own action. Narratives shape social knowledge. The Israeli Palestinian conflict, both
Jews and Muslims, view the importance of holding the territories through religious,
ideological, and security lenses, based on belief that Palestine was given by divine
providence and that the land belongs to either the Israelis or Palestinian s ancestral home.
Understanding these perspectives is required for understanding Palestinians and
especially Israel s strategy and role in entering the Oslo peace process. Despite ... Show
more content on ...
To show examples how conflicting narratives affected the Oslo peace process, conflicting
narratives stemming from collective memories will be applied to issues regarding
security, history, and social identity.
Security narrative
A narrative based on collective memory is difficult to deconstruct and functions as a
barrier to negotiations. Given that narratives play an important role in determining the
flow of the negotiations and that every new generation on both sides is raised with this
narrative of insecurity in mind, the gap of conflict is widened through a hardening of
attitudes amplified by the delay of resolving the stalemate. Connecting the gap to security
arguments, the gap is further widened when collective memory functions as the key in
altering the status quo especially in asymmetrical conflict where the weaker group fears
the total domination of the other and contests the imbalance by resorting to violence. A
clash in security narratives is seen: Palestinians justify their violent actions by trying to
balance out with Israel claiming that they feel powerless and fear the loss of dignity,
while Israelis justify their actions citing issues of threat and security. As seen in the
eruption of the second intifada, Palestinian riots occurred after events that affected their
sense of security. First, Ariel Sharon s visit to the Temple Mount reminded the
Palestinians of their claim over East Jerusalem and saw Sharon s visit
Analysis Of George Orwell s 1984 As Well As His...
Relationship between thought and language is not something you consider or
contemplate in your everyday life. Nevertheless, the answer to this seemingly useless
philosophical question might spell the difference between totalitarian control of our
minds achieved through manipulation of language and a world of freedom, where human
ideas cannot be subjected to blatant perversions as they resonate through intelligent
minds, bound only by the power of our imagination. This dilemma has captivated my
attention ever since I read Orwell s 1984 as well as his Politics and English Language. In
both pieces, Orwell implies a direct correlation between the two notions and paints a
horrifying picture of disastrous consequences that a language manipulation can usher in.
Orwell s claim that if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought
clashed with my own perception of those concepts somewhere deep on a subconscious
level. Language could not possibly alter a thought, I thought, How could it? After all,
language merely describes my thoughts, whereas thoughts are generally spontaneous
ideas, sounds, pictures that flash though my mind s eye, sometimes so fast, that I fail to
grasp them before they fleet away. Even though in his article Orwell was referring
specifically to bad practices that are common in the use of language, the question
persisted. Can a language influence thinking in the same manner as thinking influences
the words being uttered or does it have
Interracial Marriages In The 1950 s
Have a good day at work honey! , is something that a housewive would say to their
working husbands in the mornings when they leave for work. Women were always
happier to be stay at home mothers due to the fact that it was their only role during those
times. The only things that they were responsible for was to make meals, house chorus,
and to care for the children. Men only had to work to maintain their families, be always
right, and always gave inspiring moral advice. Since the family roles in the 1950 s were
much more simple, many people believed that those were the best times to start a family.
That wasn t the whole truth of the family construction in the 50 s, and it wasn t the best
time to live due to the fact that there was so much disconnection ... Show more content
on ...
Interracial marriages was one of the different forms of structure. Now more than ever
there are more and more families from different races that are being married. Like in the
first episode of Modern Family , Sofia Vergara or better known as Gloria is married to an
older caucasian man. Not only is it a interracial marriage but they have both been
divorced with children. Due to the fact that her second husband is older than her, so are
his children. In the 1950 s such marriages were not acceptable in all of the states.
Interracial marriages was not only the different thing in the modern family but also was
that homosexual marriages. Homosexuals were never accepted, they were always
considered to be sick. In never had anyone thought that homosexuals would be able to be
married, much less be able to have a family. In the same show Gloria s step son adopts a
baby girl from vietnam. Jay, Gloria s second husband, never accepted his sons
homosexuallity. All those thoughts went away when he saw the baby girl that his son and
his husband adopted and realized that love brings families together. In the 50 s being a
homosexual was a big offence and if the person wanted to be a homosexual it had to be a
secret or else they would be given many medications to be
Zhenchi Tu. 200345838. Engl 110. Kathryn Maclennan. Essay
Zhenchi Tu 200345838 ENGL 110 Kathryn MacLennan Essay 1 February 2, 2017
Breaking Rules or Creating Hero Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone by
J.K.Rowling shows the world of magic and wizardry. The main character Harry Potter is
a boy who grows up in his uncle and aunt Dursleys house. Harry s childhood was not so
perfect. The Dursleys do not like him very well, and they treat Harry more like a servant
than a family member. Fortunately, Harry is not a normal boy. His parents are wizards
killed by Voldemort. Voldemort is a fallen wizard, he kills everyone who is against him
but Harry. Harry survives under Voldemort s attacks which makes him famous in
thewizard world. After Harry s 11th birthday, Hagrid brings him ... Show more content
on ...
Harry can feel the presence of his father. Professor McGonagall is guider of Harry:
Potter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood I ve found you a Seeker! Wood s expression changed
from puzzlement to delight. Are you serious, Professor? Absolutely, said Professor
McGonagall crisply. The boy s a natural. I ve never seen anything like it. (120). When
Professor McGonagall said she found a new seeker, it can be easily imagine how
excitedshe is. McGonagall must know that a first year is not allowed to fly a broomstick.
But she ignores the rule and sees the talent of Harry. After Harry joins the team and gets
first win in the Quiddtich game helping to Harry builds his own confidence. It is very
important to Harry because his childhood is not very perfect. Pressures from the Dursleys
make Harry very unconfident. He is afraid to against bullying from his family members.
If McGonagall punish him when Harry against Malfoy s bully, would make Harry feels
his action is not correct. He would be afraid to fight back the wrong things. Just like
Nevill to escape from Malfoy s bullying. The support from McGonagall is not less than
the support from Dumbledore. McGonagall is the one who builds Harry s characters. In
the troll instance, Quirrel , who is the carrier of Voldemort sets the troll free at Hallowing
night. Everyone panics and Dumbledore ask prefects to lead students back to the
dormitories. At this time, Harry realizes
Five Luminous Mystery
ntroduction The Rosary is a series of prayers devoted to Mary, the Mother of Jesus and
the Church. Praying the Rosary makes it possible for us to speak to her directly so that
she may intercede for us in heaven. There are five decades in a Rosary, each beginning
The Our Father, a mystery for us to reflect on, and ending with a Glory Be. Each mystery
is a reflection on Jesus s ministry beginning with The Annunciation to the The
Crucifixion. There are twenty mysteries in total however for this paper we will only
study the five Luminous mysteries and their relation to the Old testament as well as their
application in everyday life.
Baptism of Jesus The Baptism of Jesus is recorded in all four Gospels; Matthew, Mark,
Luke, and John. The mystery ... Show more content on ...
Jesus, Mary and his disciples are all at a wedding for an unnamed couple when the
wedding feast runs out of wine. Jesus is called by Mary to perform a miracle. Even
though Jesus says My hour has not yet come (Jn 2:4), he still is obedient to her. Jesus
tells the servants to fetch stone jars which were used for Jewish rites of purification (Jn
2:6) and fill them with water. After the servants fetched the water, they gave some to the
steward to taste. At the moment he tasted it the water turned into wine. This mystery
brings to life the splendor of Gods covenant with us. The bride and groom remain
anonymous to signify Jesus s position as the bridegroom and the Church as the bride on a
spiritual level. Pope Benedict XVI makes a beautiful connection between the Wedding
and The Song of the Vineyard in Isaiah 5. He parallels the fruits of vineyard with the
fruits of marriage. In the Song, the vineyard produces bad fruit because the Bride, which
he interprets as Israel, is unfaithful. God returns to give his son to tend to the vineyard.
Jesus is the bridegroom so we may be apart of the covenant and produce good fruit. Jesus
preforms the miracle on the seventh day of his opening week which is the number of
completion and perfection. His presence makes marriage a
The Disturbing Sexualization of Young Girls Essay examples
In the American culture today, women are becoming more sexualized at a younger age
due to the influences of the corporate media. Corporate media and society form the
perfect idealistic body that women should have and is constantly being promoted making
younger girls start to compare themselves to them at a young age. Certain shows and
movies, such as Disney, influence young children and teenagers through their characters
as to how a woman is supposed to be accepted. The way the corporate media and society
make this body image they want women to have starts in a very early stage in a woman s
life without them knowing. There are these childhood movies, such as Disney, Barbie
and Ken dolls, programs such as Netflix, teen ... Show more content on
In society, women relate to friends, models and actresses which are actually people who
are in the industry portraying the ideal body. Women think too much about what others
think of them instead of just caring about themselves. They also choose to take the
unhealthy approach and gain all these bad habits to obtain the ultimate body image of
this ideal woman society has created. Social media is categorized under corporate media
in which websites are used to advertise new trends through social networking sites that
have many insecure teenagers. By looking at these images of other people, women often
compare themselves to them. Girls love to look at pictures on Instagram, Tumblr and
even Facebook of their friends and often compare themselves with them. Social media
does not always impact one to change their self image alone, however, the need to belong
relates to the people whom women hang out with because those are the people who they
feel accept them for who they are. Friends and social groups of these women look into
social media for the ideal woman they want to be and of course these women do not want
to be the odd one out so they change themselves to be like their friends. To feel accepted,
you compare your body image, looks, likes, hobbies, eating habits and so on to those that
your friends feel are at the moment trend. Friends who constantly know what is in or
The Magnetic Field Of A Permanent Magnet

Task 3.1

a) The magnetic field of a permanent magnet causes the atoms to move around uniformly
in the same direction. This may vary depending on the electrons of the atoms causing a
variety of atoms to be able to do this and few which can hold a permanent magnetic field.
It is an invisible field and it is also called a vector because of the forces specified
direction and magnitude. The arrow displays the direction of the force and also how the
forces are. The closer the lines are together it shows how much stronger it is also the
further away they are it shows how much weaker they are.
Magnetic flux; the units for magnetic flux is Weber(Wb) and for magnetic flux density is
used as Telsa(B) as a unit.

 b) B= Flux ... Show more content on ...

If the magnet is withdrawn, the direction of the current is reversed. Such currents are
called induced currents. The current flows in the conductor as a result of an electromotive
force that is induced the so called induced EMF
The effect of conductor moving through a magnetic field is that it would cause a
electromagnetic field which is used in transformers to change current and voltage.

Mutual inductance is the magnetic field generated by a coil of wire which induces a
voltage in the other coil of wire. A transformer is an object constructed of multiple
numbers of coils in close proximity to each other, with the express purpose of creating a
condition of mutual inductance between the coils.
Transformers Having a different number of coils between two coils of wire can cause a
decreas of voltage of AC currents in applications. Transformers are based on Faraday s
Law of electromagnetic induction and mutual induction; the transformer has the first wire
coil that emits a magnetic flux that has a EMF in a secondary wire coil with aid of a high
magnetic permeable core.

Task 3.4
Series wound DC motor The characteristic of a series wound DC motor is that its speed
is proportional to the load and as there is a lower load it has an increase in speed. Also
the torque allows for moving of large loads allowing it to be
Molecular technology has become the talk of mainstream...
Molecular technology has become the talk of mainstream science and technology today.
As the aviation industry searches for new forms of efficient aviation, molecular
technology would be the only logical place to start. For this report the various beneficial
uses of carbon nanotubes, in form of buckminsterfullerene, will be both discussed and
theorized. The infinitesimal molecular structure of carbon 60 has provided a
revolutionary solution for flight efficiency and advancement today. Through the use of an
experimental material derived from carbon nanotube technology some of flights oldest
conjectures will be solved. Manifested in the form of paper like sheets, these carbon
molecules have been transformed into a material better known as ... Show more content
on ...
Through the use of Smalley s advance laser, laurites were able to create clusters of
carbon 60 and 70 atoms (The Discovery). These buckyballs formed when graphene was
evaporated into an inert atmosphere at very high temperatures (The Discovery). Their
unique nanospheric structure gave birth to new questions, ultimately expanding the field
of practical uses in the real world today.

Buckypaper is a small molecular structure that is most commonly associated with the
shape of a soccer ball. About 1/50000th the diameter of a single human hair, this
incredibly small material possesses superior properties that make it a remarkably great
conductor for both heat and electricity (Ray B). Its small, yet effective, attributes are a
result of the powerful atomic bonds found within unique molecular fibers of these
nanostructures (Boyd J). About 100 times stronger than steel and only one sixth of its
total weight, buckypaper is the perfect replacement for all composite materials currently
used to construct aerodynamic crafts (Boyd J). The molecular size of buckypaper s
nanospheric structure has made production both a very tedious and expensive task.
Research is currently being done by students under the direction of Dr. Ben Wang at
Florida State University in hopes of creating practical, but affordable, methods of
buckminsterfullerene production for future commercial uses. Though students at FSU
have been given over 3.7 million in
Summary Of Charlie Anderson In The Movie Shenandoah
In the wise words of Charlie Anderson, [I]f we don t try, we don t do. And if we don t do,
why are we here on this Earth? Charlie Anderson is the protagonist in the movie
Shenandoah, who lives with his six sons, Jacob, James, John, Nathan, Henry, and Boy,
and his daughter, Jennie. Charlie Anderson is the type of person who responds to
everything by trying and giving it his all, but only if it concerns him. The movie takes
place during the Civil war, which occurs near their family farm and Charlie s intent was
to stay neutral because he felt that the war did not concern him, until his youngest son,
Boy, was mistaken for a union soldier and taken by the confederate army. Charlie
ventures off with five of his sons and his daughter, while James and his wife, Ann, and
their baby stay back at the house. Along the way, tragedy strikes the family, affecting
them in ways that cannot be undone. The protagonist in the novel Johnny Got his Gun,
Joe Bonham, was drafted into the war and greatly injured as a result. Joe experiences a
loss of his eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and limbs. The only thing that Joe is left with is a
working brain and very little ways to communicate with the outside world. As the novel
progresses, Joe faces an immense amount of internal conflict and struggles with the
effects that war has on him. Although both Charlie and Joe experience the harsh impacts
of war, they respond to them in quite different ways. Charlie and Joe respond differently
towards war, before
Colonization and Wealth in Joseph Conrad s Heart of...
Colonization and Views on Wealth in Joseph Conrad s Heart of Darkness and Chinua
Achebe s Things Fall Apart

The novels Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and Things Fall Apart by Chinua
Achebe share a common theme; both deal with the colonization of Africa by settlers from
Europe. When one examines the motives for this imperialist attitude in each book, one
notices that in both books the motivation for colonization revolves around the gaining of
wealth. However Conrad and Achebe define wealth differently. In Heart of Darkness the
Europeans view wealth economically, such as the trading of ivory. In Things Fall Apart
the idea of wealth is viewed by Europeans as belonging to and spreading the European
culture and religion. Despite these ... Show more content on ...
You would think they were praying to it (Conrad 39). Marlow s words demonstrate the
colonists love of ivory and shows that it has been elevated in importance almost to a
position of a god. From this extreme want of the ivory, one can say that ivory is wealth in
the minds of the settlers in Heart of Darkness.

As stated above, the main reason for colonization of Africa is for the settlers to gain
wealth. However, each type of society can define wealth in different ways. In Heart of
Darkness wealth was ivory, but in the book Things Fall Apart one can see that the settlers
define wealth as the degree to which their religion is accepted by the Africans. This is
evident when Mr. Smith says, He saw the world as a battlefield in which the children of
light were locked in mortal conflict with the sons of darkness (Achebe 184). From this
statement one discovers that Mr. Smith sees his purpose in Africa is to convert the sons
of darkness into children of the light. One can also see that Mr. Smith has adopted a
Manichean allegorical view of the members of each of the religions. According to Mr.
Smith The children of the light are the Christian members and the sons of darkness are
the Africans who cling to their traditional religion. Using this term to describe the
Christians puts a positive light on them, while it also points out
Women Of A Slave Girl By Harriet Jacobs
Harriet Jacobs s Incidents in the life of a Slave Girl allows Harriet Jacobs, speaking
through the narrator, Linda Brent, to reveal her reasons for making public her personal
story of enslavement, degradation, and sexual exploitation. Although originally ignored
by critics, who often dismissed Jacobs story as a fictional account of slavery, today it is
reported as the first novel narrative by an ex slave that reveals the unique brutalities
inflicted on enslaved women. Gabby Reyes
Am. History
Dr. Cole
Harriet Jacobs s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: A Harrowing Escape from Abuse
During the Antebellum period, our young slave girl, in Harriet Jacobs s novel Incidents in
the Life of a Slave Girl, seeks release from the horrors of a cruel, sadistic white
plantation owner (vii) in a cruel, sadistic world that sees her as nothing more than
property. The psychological tribulation Harriet Jacobs endures makes her a sympathetic
character for the abolitionist movement spearheaded by the north. She is faced and
burdened with the issues of self identity, self preservation, and freedom, yet she is
unrelenting in her determination to secure a life in which she has sole control. The
outdoors gave the young protagonist, Chris McCandless, in Jon Krakauer s Into the Wild,
room to explore and find himself before his untimely death. His qualities make him an
admirable character (though he was sometimes naïve in his actions), and his death makes
him a martyr to the cause
Gun Ownership Essay
According to the Brady Campaign, every day, 297 people in America are shot in
murders, assaults, suicides/suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, and police
intervention. Gun ownership in the USA should be controlled in a stricter manner by
limiting gun owners to only being allowed to have one gun per person. The reason being
is because the limitations will decrease the amount of guns being spread around the
United States. Limiting the amount of guns people can own will reduce gun violence and
deaths. Studies have also proven guns are rarely used in self defense, and have shown
countries with stricter gun control laws have lower gun homicide and suicide rates than
the United States. The United States should not limit gun ownership ... Show more
content on ...
Collectively, 142 guns were possessed by the killers with about 75% obtained legally,
said an article by Mark Follman, Gavin Aronsen, and Deanna Pan. The statistic above
shows how even legally; a criminal can still find a way to possess a gun. There are also
many, many illegal gun distributors who sell guns without the government finding out.
These illegal guns are called ghost guns . There are guns smuggled across the border
without being registered in the United States, which are then sold to criminals or any
ordinary person, no questions asked. There are no background checks or mental health
checks. There are too many factors involved in the matter. Finding and seizing all the
guns running through the country would not only invade people s property, but also
would cost the government most likely billions of dollars from hiring more border patrol
agents to aggressively search cars for illegal guns. One way or another, criminals will
find a way to get their hands on a gun. The idea of going around and searching houses
and seizing guns would be unsuccessful because the government would be paying too
much money out of pocket to continue efforts in finding all the guns. Therefore, limiting
gun ownership in the United States would not have any significant impact on our society,
but would instead raise tax
Symbols in Uglies
Judy Burnside Mrs. McClure English 11 Honors, Period 7 3 Jan 2013 Have you ever
wanted to be perfect? Have you ever wanted a perfect society? Imagine a place where
everyone was equally beautiful, and there were no responsibilities or worries. A place
where you were given everything you could ve ever asked for. If you had a place this
luxurious, would you still want it? Sometimes we think our lives would be fulfilled if we
were smarter, or prettier, or more athletic. It is these times that we neglect to see how
great our lives already are. This is the theme of Scott Westerfeld s novel, Uglies. Like all
great writers, Scott Westerfeld supports the theme of his novel with symbolism that is
hidden in every character and event. Uglies ... Show more content on ...
Cable tells Tally, Then I ll make you a promise too, Tally Youngblood. Until you help us,
to the very best of your ability, you will never be pretty (Loc 1309). After hearing this,
Tally reluctantly agrees to help Dr. Cable find Shay. This moment is important because it
symbolizes weakness and selfishness in human nature. Sometimes, we are willing to go
against someone we love if it benefits ourselves. Tally wants to be perfect so badly that
she is willing to turn her friend in to the authorities to get the operation she wants. Dr.
Cable gives Tally supplies to get to the Rusties and a heart shaped locket that she is to
activate when she finds Shay. Once Tally activates it, Special Circumstances will be able
to find the location of the Rusties and arrest any outlaws living there. Tally travels for
several days and nights and finally gets to the Rusties. Shay is happy to see her, and
immediately introduces her to all of her new friends. These friends include David, a
sixteen year old that ran away from the surgery because he wanted to stay pure. When
Tally meets him, she thinks to herself, He was an ugly, but he had a nice smile. And his
face held a kind of confidence Tally had never seen in an ugly before (Loc 2180). David
represents pureness and reality. In our world, we classify someone as beautiful if they
have exquisite features that are rare. In Tally s world, everyone was given these rare
Summary Of Patterns By Amy Lowell Patterns
Amy Lowell was a leader of the Imagists movement. She was influenced by John Keats
and gathered a selection of his works. Lowell began to write after her brothers published
books of their own, but she focused on poetry. The detail in Lowell s poetry related to
describing and environment or a person could help the reader better understand what is
happening in the poem and include the reader as if they were actually there experiencing
what the narrator or speaker is experiencing. Her choices develop a bigger picture than
what the poem is actually saying. Amy Lowell helped to change the thought process
when reading poetry. Amy Lowell s Patterns is a very good example of imagery being
used to draw the reader s attention. This poem is filled with so many bright and vivid
colors and different moods that it attracts the reader. Each stanza shows a different scene
or a different moment in the same area and exuding different emotions to share that
moment and feeling. The first two stanzas and the last three stanzas are in the present,
while the third and fourth stanzas are flashbacks or memories she is having as she
remembers her lost lover. The title Patterns refers to the gown that the speaker is
wearing, the different flowers in the garden, the paths that are in the garden, and the war
that the speaker mentions towards the end of the poem. In the first stanza, the speaker is
walking through the garden and she notices the wind blowing on the flowers causing
them to move or sway. She continues walking through the garden in her stiff but
beautifully embroidered gown. She has white hair and a fan embellished with jewels. She
states that she has a unique design. The mood in this stanza seems calm or content but a
little uncomfortable. The second stanza she is still walking along the path in the garden
and her train is dragging on the ground behind her covering the path and the plants along
the sides. Her ensemble is currently in style and so are her shoes. She only shows
confidence while wearing her corset and gown. She slowly takes a seat under the lime
tree, although the corset makes it difficult and uncomfortable to sit, she sits anyway. She
watches the flowers swing in the breeze wanting to be able to do
Enuma Elish Vs Genesis
Oral Roberts University

Survey of the Old Testament

Essay # 1

Victor Francis Mavika

Survey OF Old Testament
Prof. Martin Lyons
21 September 2017

There are multiple debates and arguments concerning the creation story of both mankind
and the universe from the Bible and the Babylonian creation poem the Enuma Elish.
There is a debate on whether the two accounts have similarities or one of them borrowed
its content from the other. Enuma Elish is a great Assyrian poem which narrates the story
of the creation of the world and man. The poem contains what the old empires believed
concerning the creation of the universe. This Babylonian and Assyrian poem gives an
account of how Apsu (fresh water) and Tiamat (sea water) ... Show more content on ...
Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule
over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild
animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. (Gen 1:26). Contrary to
Genesis, in EE man is a servant to the gods. The main purpose of man s creation was for
the gods to be free from work. Their work was mainly to lessen all types of physical
labor to the gods. That the service of the gods may be established, and that their shrines
may be built (cf. EE VI.5 9). It was God s purpose for man to take care of the garden.
Contrary to EE, God s purpose was not to lessen the number of activities he had; He
wanted to have fellowship with man. Thirdly, both accounts express the existence of
chaotic state before creation. The fact is there is no order depicted in both accounts. In
verses two of Genesis the Bible states ...Now the earth was formless and empty. No
presence of any living creature because of this chaotic nature. Similarly, to Genesis
account, EE chaotic nature of the universe is mainly due to the absence of gods. Tiamat
and Apsu both represent aspects of the physical world. Apsu is a god of fresh water and
fertility while Tiamat goddess of the sea, therefore, chaos and threat. The fierce battle
between Marduk and Tiamat replaces Apsu and Tiamat Chaotic nature. And
Nursing Interventions For The Management Of Patient
Michaela P. Capulong

Unit 3 Assignment Worksheet
August 17, 2015


1. List the source in APA style and format


Patterson, E., Wan, Yi, Wai, T., Sidani, S. (2013). Nonpharmacological nursing
interventions for the management of patient fatigue: a literature review. Journal of
Clinical Nursing, 22, 2668 2678. doi: 10.1111/jocn.12211

2. Is the review thorough does it include all of the major studies on the topic? Does it
include recent research? Are studies from other related disciplines included, if
appropriate? (25 points)

In my opinion the review was fair, but the research study is weak due to several
The reviewers clearly identified the limitations of the study such as, the sample size and
the evaluation of the interventions. Although, the eight types of interventions were
reviewed, the researchers did not include the effect and impact of nonpharmacological
interventions of patients with fatigue. The reviewers included the recent research studies
for comparison and credible references were used to support the review. A table with
descriptions and interventions should also be clearly labeled and in detailed. Based on the
study, the interventions were delivered by nurses and nurse researchers. It would more
effective if other disciples such as the occupational therapist, physical therapist,
Kinesiotherapist, and physicians were included in the studies. The OT, PT, KT plays a
significant role in improving activity tolerance and
Sexual Exploitation Of Women In The Media
Thesis: Over time, the increased sexual exploitation of women in the media (magazines?)
negatively impacts the body image and self esteem of young girls and women in the U.S.
Today magazines are exploiting the female body in an extremely sexual and lude way to
sell products to audiences worldwide. To shed light on the negative impact these images
are having, I m going to focus on the history of the female body in relation to its
increased sexual portrayal in society. In this way, we ll see how the increased sexual
exploitation of women in magazine advertisements negatively impacts the body image
and self esteem of young girls and women in the United States. When looking up the
definition of the word media on, the definition that ... Show more content on ...
First, the internet. The concept of the internet emerged as a mass medium in the 1970s
and remained a platform for communication used mostly by educated, elite users until the
development of the world wide web in the early 1990s. The internet grew quickly and
rigorously in popularity as developers created web browsers that simplified the process
of connecting via personal computers. Media organizations soon began to recognize the
web s value as a medium capable of transmitting and communicating information
instantly and in greater depth and clarity than was ever possible. Over time, media groups
began increasing their reliance on the web by building more sophisticated and
complicated sites to display things such as video, audio, print, graphics, etc. Almost 73
percent of all US adults enjoyed having a connection to the internet in 2006, and a recent
growth has occurred in the acceleration of high speed internet service. More than 42
percent of American adults had broadband connections in 2006, which was a remarkable
40 percent increase in broadband use from a year earlier. News organizations were
cautious and warry when they transitioned onto the web while journalists cautioned
against almost a loss of control and maybe function within a more fluid, interactive
environment. The need to change to keep consumers was overwhelming though and gave
the organizations no other choice. Traditional print and broadcast organizations
especially adapted to and/or embraced the change of medium with transmitting
information because of the continued crumbling and decline of audiences and consumers.
Because of the internet, journalism has changed a bit with how information is distributed
as well. Now people are sharing and distributing information through blogs, podcasts,
video sites, and popular social networking sites. Throughout the
Monsanto s Lawsuits Analysis
Do you think it s fair that one farmer had to settle (say he was guilty) because that was
cheaper than trying to fight Monsanto s lawsuits? Why or why not? The fact that the
farmer had to settle because he couldn t afford fighting the lawsuit is extremely unfair.
However, I don t think it is a good decision. Even thought defeating Mansanto in court is
almost impossible, settling and saying that I m guilty is not an alternative if I were in his
place. Not because I believe in justice, but because I believe that our fight against this
kind of big companies will not be easy, and if we give up so easily from the beginning of
the road we couldn t see the end of this dark tunnel soon. When we give up, we are
giving a sign to those companies to ... Show more content on ...
The film mentioned that Group Danone bought Stonyfiels, Colgate bought Tom s of main
etc.... Big companies can do anything that give them more money and less costs; and
buying their new youth concurrent is undoubtly profitable. In one hand their getting ride
of a new concurrent in the market. In the other hand they are ..... of their part in market,
their consumers and even their workers and their new innovations. Companies like
Danone,Kellog, and Clorox wants to attract the kind of consumer that is able to pay more
money to buy healthier and cleaner products. I think that is to still putting the name of the
small companies in products made by new companies. In addition I think if the consumer
knows about that, they will probably change to other brand because big companies are
not trustable in consumers minds. The consumer knows very well that big companies will
not think twice about cheating in the product quality to make more profit. Author
Michael Pollan points out in the film that to eat well in this country costs more than to eat
badly. It will take more money and some people simply don t have it. And that s one of
the reasons that we need changes at the policy level so that the carrots are a better deal
than the chips. If healthful, environmentally sustainable food were to cost less than other
food, do you think people would eat more of it? Why do you think
An Understanding Of The Notion Of Water Rights
An understanding of the notion of water rights in the eastern part of the United States is
supported by two key questions (a) What can I do? (b) What can someone else do?
Riparian s have certain rights (1) right to continued natural flow of water in largely same
quality and quantity; (2) right to make reasonable use of water, subject to the equal rights
of other riparian s on the same water body. Thus, a possessory right subject to the
usafructory rights of other riparian s. This paper argues that while it might have been
okay to have a general doctrine of reasonableness , that this might be too broad given
greater demands/uses in riparian states, plus changing climatic conditions.

The alteration of regional hydrology by climate ... Show more content on ...
Beyond this, the owner may use the water for reasonable artificial or commercial
purposes, subject to the very large proviso that he may not substantially or materially
diminish the quantity or quality of water. Certainly no water may be transported to land
beyond the riparian land.

With the advancement of commercial development, many states moved away from the
doctrine to the American rule or reasonable use doctrine. A Pennsylvania court ruled that
a mine operator could dewater and lower water tables throughout an entire valley, with
no responsibility for injuries to owners of domestic wells whose supply was thereby cut

Classification of water:

It is considered by scientist, that all ground and surface waters are deemed to have
hydrological connection, and characterized as: (a) surface water; (b) diffused surface
water; (c) groundwater; (d) percolating groundwater. In governing the use of water,
various rules and regulations have been developed for each classification.

According to one commentator:

Man has coped with the complexity of water by trying to compartmentalize it, ...the legal
profession ... has on occasion borrowed from the criminal code to term some waters
fugitive and others a common enemy. The classification of water includes percolating
waters, defined underground streams, underflow of surface streams,
Essay about The Heroism of Minerva Mirabal Who was the...
How do the Mirabal sisters compare to colonial patriots? Both fought for freedom. Both
risked their lives to gain their freedom. And even though all of the Mirabal sisters were
I believe that Minerva was the most courageous. She fought for her personal freedom,
she fought for the rights of women, and she even brought her own family into the
rebellion to assist her in fighting against tyranny.. Through this essay I will explain my
overall opinion and show that
Minerva was the bravest and most devoted of the Mirabal sisters.
Minerva first began to show her bravery when she wanted to go to a boarding school.
She was not afraid of being away from home, even as a child. She wants to experience
the world to free her mind and widen her ... Show more content on ...
This was at the formal dance when Trujillo began to dance with her and they began to
talk. Minerva thought to use the opportunity to her advantage and requests that Trujillo
allow her into law school. Despite her attempts, Trujillo ignores her pleas responding
with The university is no place for a woman these days, and he then continues to attempt
to fondle her. Trujillo continue to try to seduce
Minerva, who quickly stands against Trujillo and states, I m afraid I m not for conquest.
responding to Trujillo saying that Minerva would make a nice conquest. She realizes that
she has failed to persuade Trujillo and attempts to leave, but Trujillo holds her against
him. When she attempts to pull away a second time, Trujillo becomes quite vulgar. The
third time that she attempts to leave and fails, Minerva slaps Trujillo without
contemplating the consequences. This obviously angers Trujillo. The Mirabals depart
from the party to avoid any punishment. Over the next few days, the Mirabals attempt to
apologize for leaving the party earlier, but are eventually called in by Trujillo. Trujillo
begins to make small talk about his dice and of the Mirabals breaking the law and leaving
the part early. Minerva then raises a question about the dice and of her request to be
allowed to go to law school. Trujillo expands this when he states, I ll tell you what. I ll let
you toss for the privilege. You win, you get your wish. I win, I get mine. , Trujillo s wish
being to bed Minerva.
Sistine Chapel Essay By Michelangelo
The Sistine Chapel is one of the most beautiful artworks known to man, but who knew
that so many secrets could be hidden in the artwork that covers the ceilings and walls of
the sacred church. The Sistine Chapel was falling apart and after getting it fixed church
needed someone to decorate the inside with the most intelligent strokes of a paint brush.
After searching Pope Julius ll chose the famous artist Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of
the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo may or may not have wanted to paint the Sistine
Chapel for the Pope. Symbols are everywhere in art; Michelangelo was able to put large
and even some insulting symbols on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo Di
Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was the full name of the famous artist we all call by just his
first name Michelangelo. Michelangelo was born on March 6th, 1475 in Caprese, Italy
and lived with his parents and four siblings. Michelangelo s mother became sick when he
was an infant and he was raised by a wet nurse. In Michelangelo s teen years he would
leave school early and go to the church to watch the painted while they worked; his
family started to see him as a disgrace as they didn t see art as a profession he should
join(Michelangelo). As he became older he worked more and more with stone over any
other type of art and made ... Show more content on ...
Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel using a fresco technique(Tate). Fresco painting
is done by brushing water based paint directly onto freshly laid plaster so that the paint
becomes one with the plaster. With the paint and plaster becoming one the imaged
painted with last longer and is easier to keep intact unless treated right from the start.
Two coats of plaster are applied to the surface and allowed to dry, then you put a fresh
coat of plaster before you start to paint with a water based
Definition Of Termite Extermination
Wikipedia has millions of articles online based on a broad range of topics, including
termite extermination. Commonly, this web source ranks first in the search engines, but
the credibility and reliability fall short in terms of termite extermination. What are some
of the ways that Wikipedia does not stand up to the test? 5. Relying on a Single Source of
Information Everyone will make mistakes, and it does not matter who they are.
Newspapers and scholarly sources will all contain errors that need to be corrected. The
best method of doing this is to call a termite extermination professional. They will give
you accurate information because they understand how to exterminate termites. When
you re reading anything online, you should take a somewhat
Examples Of Creed In The Chrysalids
The Limitations of Creed or Large Beliefs in Large Societies
A creed is the beliefs or religion that people follow. We follow them because their beliefs
they had are thought to be right and people grew into their society, and did not question
their beliefs because the beliefs was passed down the from generations thinking it was
right. But we shouldn t always follow creed or those strong beliefs because the
limitations it has on our growth as a person. Other reasons why we shouldn t always
follow creed. Those beliefs is because what they believe in isn t always right, that creed
created many social conventions we have today. People struggle to find ourselves with
those beliefs. David experiences this in The Chrysalids that s why he decided to leave all
the people of Waknuk and go to Sealand. He thinks it s a great place for him to
experience a new life where he can ... Show more content on ...
David experiences this in the novel. He is stuck between thinking what is right, the
beliefs of the Waknuk society, or what Uncle Axel and The Sealand woman are telling
him. David is going through an existential crisis, where he doesn t know who he is
anymore and what he should think of society. When we follow creed we are like robots,
we can t think for ourselves. What they think is what they made us believe. It is like they
are programmed to think and do certain things. People are like robots programmed to do
certain things and nothing else. In The Chrysalids everything is heavily based on the true
image of man and what God thinks of is pure, but if everyone was supposed to be look a
certain way everyone would look the same. But that not the case we were all made to
look different from one another and it s our goal to find who we are going to be. That is
what the Fringes people are they are free human beings who have put no limitations upon
Matrix and Bhagavad Gita: Matrix is not just an ordinary science fiction movie and is in
actual a philosophical message woven around a science fiction concept. To certain extent
I found matrix similar to Bhagavad Gita in which Arjuna(Neo) who is perfectly capable
of fighting against Kauravas(Machines) is confused, helpless and does not believe he
could actually achieve what he is supposed to through war. Bhagavad Gita is a book that
enlightens soldier in war by banishing all self doubts and dilemmas. In matrix, it s clear
from the very beginning that a war is going on and the way Morpheus trains Neo is what
I find is similar to Bhagavad Gita in which Arjuna is enlightened by a superior person
Krishna. Philosophy in the movie resembles a ... Show more content on
Basic strength of Neo in movie is ability to combat with agents which others have failed
in the past. So the very thing in which we can differentiate Neo from other humans is his
fighting technique. A reason behind inclusion of martial arts could be the fact that it is
extremely rapid technique. Such speed and accuracy can not be achieved without control
over my mind. Some of the Bruce Lees quotes which highlight these facts are

1. Be formless... shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup.
You pour water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put water into a teapot; it
becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or creep or drip or crash! Be water, my friend...
* Neo s swift dodging techniques and bending gravity when inside the matrix are result
of the same ideology when true nature of matrix is understood by him. Before
understanding he can be formless or shapeless inside matrix as matrix is not a real entity,
he was unable to stand against Morpheus either but once he understands and embraces
truth of matrix with open mind he is able to tackle with agents as well who were
considered invincible before.

2. All types of knowledge, ultimately leads to self knowledge.

Again we come across same thing, self knowledge, understanding ourselves is the only
way of making
Bride Of Isis Research Paper
Bride of ISIS: From happily ever after to hell of isis islam mitat/index.html
(CNN)Islam and Ahmed met online, looking for their happily ever after through a
Muslim dating site.

But instead of bringing love and contentment, their marriage left Islam trapped in a living

Fast forward four years and three husbands and she and her two small children are caught
in limbo in northern Syria.

Islam Mitat met her first husband on a Muslim dating website then he took her to live in
ISIS territory.
Islam Mitat met her first husband on a Muslim dating website then he took her to live in
ISIS territory.

Islam Mitat is from Morocco; Ahmed Khalil was originally from Kabul in Afghanistan,
... Show more content on ...
ISIS did its best to keep her and other muhajarin away from local Syrians who might help
them, and smugglers hesitated to help, because they faced execution if caught. Others
asked exorbitant fees as much as USD $5,000 according to Mitat.

How ISIS is evolving

How ISIS is evolving

How ISIS is evolving 01:13

Eventually ISIS compelled her to marry for a third time, this time to a man who Mitat
describes as a gentle soul, called Abu Abdallah Al Afghani.

This name given to him by ISIS indicates he was of Afghan origin. Mitat, though, says he
was Indian, and that his mother lived in Australia. She says he may have been an
Australian national.

Although ISIS propaganda videos portray life in Raqqa as a believer s paradise, Mitat
says it was anything but.

It s like you re dead, it s not life, she recalls.

She says she was always scared, always hearing bombs, guns, shooting. In recent
months, food began running short, and power and water cuts grew longer.

Mitat had a second child, daughter Maria, with her third husband, but the more difficult
the situation became, the more eager she was to flee.

Escape from
The Night Of The Lake
The ride across the lake was everything Rose had imagined and more. She even thought
she might have seen the giant squid poke up out of the water. She tried to point it out to
Albus, but it had disappeared when he looked over.

They finally pulled up to the shore and began following Hagrid up the grounds to the
castle. It was so much bigger than she had imagined.

It s so big, Albus said in awe.

I was just thinking the same thing, Rose replied.

The students sidled up to the entrance. The doors opened and Hagrid shepherded the
student into the Hall.

Professor Longbottom will be with you in a moment to explain what will happen next. If
any of you ever need someone to talk to or a cup o tea, you can always come find me,
Hagrid said looking directly at Rose and Albus.

Just then, Uncle Neville (no wait, Professor Longbottom, Rose had to get used to calling
him that) came down the big flight of stairs.

Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! I am Professor Longbottom,

Head of Gryffindor House! I know some of you and I can t wait to get to know the rest of
you in due time. In just a moment, you will enter the Great Hall and we will begin the
Sorting ceremony. You will be placed into one of the four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff,
Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. As I was told my first year at Hogwarts, your house will be
like your family. You can earn points for your house by being good students and good
people. You can also lose points from your house if you
My Favorite Archaeological Site In Japan
Japan is a country well known for the preservation of cultural places. In such a small
country, there are many historical sites open for visitation, and museums built for history
that they could not conserve. While there are many attractions in Japan for tourists, the
most popular are sites with a lot of Japanese culture. As an aspiring archaeologist, I
would absolutely spend most my time in Japan, should I ever get to go, touring the most
popular historical locations. My favorite archaeological site in Japan is the Tomb of
Emperor Nintoku. There are many reasons why I felt this site was the most intriguing,
but the main reason was the extraordinary size of the tomb. It is about 486 meters long,
about 307 meters wide, and 35.8 meters high. Supposing 2,000 people worked on it every
day, it is estimated that it took about 16 years to build. The Tomb of Emperor Nintoku is
one of the three largest tombs in the world, the other two being the Tomb of Qin Shi
Huang in China and the pyramid of King Khufu in Egypt. Emperor Nintoku s tomb is
also fascinating because the inside has not been excavated, so there is no guarantee that
this tomb is in fact where Emperor Nintoku was buried. Emperor Nintoku was the most
powerful person in Japan at the time that the tomb was being built, so it is a safe
assumption that the tomb was built for him. His actual burial site has not been confirmed,
as is the norm for tombs in Japan, as they are protected by the government from looters
and foreign
Examples Of Ellie s Feelings Towards His Father In Night...
In the book Night, Elie Wiesel explains the main character s feelings towards his father
throughout the story from before, during, and after the Holocaust. In the book Night, Elie
Wiesel explains how the main character feels towards his father such as how he is
worried about his father and afraid that he will die during the Holocaust and be the only
person left in the family. Ellie s feelings towards his father at the beginning of the story is
a that he and his father have a typical relationship and Ellie s father refuses to let Ellie
learn about the Kabbalah. Ellie s feelings towards his father in the middle of the story is
that Ellie does not want his father to die during the Holocaust or getting lost in the camps
because his father is the
The Influence Of The Spanish Culture Of Nicaragua
What does one think of when one first thinks of Nicaragua? Most of the time one would
associate it with Spain and the Spanish since the Spanish colonized it first. However, the
native cultures of Nicaragua have also worked their way into Nicaragua s overall culture,
even if Spanish influences dominate it. One prime example of this is located in the
languages of Nicaragua. The official language is Spanish with 95.3% of Nicaraguans
speaking it as a first language. Nevertheless, some Nicaraguans speak other languages
such as Miskito (2.2%), Mestizo of the Caribbean coast (2%), and other languages
(0.5%). English and indigenous languages are also spoken as of 2005. Another example
of Nicaragua being influenced by the Spanish culture lies in the religion of the country.
More than half of Nicaraguans are Roman Catholic (51.6%), the main religion of Spain.
Evangelical is second with 33.9% of the population in its grasp, with other religions
(1.5%), unspecified religions (12.9%), no religion (0.2%) following behind (as of 2016).
When it comes to the many ethnic groups of Nicaragua, they are immensely spread out,
according to Countries Quest. The majority, the Mestizos (69%), a mixed white and
Amerindian people, live in the west, speak Spanish, and are mostly Roman Catholic.
People who identify as white (17%) also live in this region. Meanwhile, on the other side
of the country, the indigenous peoples (5%) live. The main indigenous tribe is the
Miskito, who live in the northeast,
Research Methodology For The Research


In doing the research, the methodology must be appropriate so that the analysis findings
could reach the objective. Research methodology proposed one procedure in order way
to be follow to answer all the questions in the research that want to be made. Quoted by
Denzin and Lincoln (1994), methodology is a process that related with research objective
and data. In the others word, it is early research planning that include the research scope,
data collection method, data collection process and data analysis method. For Ranjit
(2005), methodology is one of crucial part in research, in order to ensure the research can
be done in the systematic way Overall, this chapter will discuss on the research frame
and the methodologies used in order to meet the research objectives. Research process
been divided into three main parts there are preliminary research part, data collection and
last one data analysis.

Research Methodologies
Research methodology is a way how the research is conducted step by step and in order.
There are two methods used for data collection which is the primary data and secondary
data. These data can be obtained and used many ways. The data is taken and analyzed in
advance to produce a result that we can use for research and future reference. This study
will relate to the objective we want to achieve and finding the answer to every objective
we seek. In order to successfully achieve the objectives we seek, we must know
Dance On The Water Analysis
The Devil That Danced on the Water, a memoir written by the talented Modern World
Literature author, Aminatta Forna made its debut in 2002; just in time to contribute to
healing the brokenness of a society and their leftover open wounds from the aftermath of
the civil war in Sierra Leone. In this analysis research paper, I will discuss how the
author extends her writing to address an entire society, as well as ordinary families and
individuals that have experienced the horror and corruptness that broken politics can
bring upon a group of people. More narrowed, I will focus on my particular interpretation
and argument of the reading; not the author s work to honor her father by tracking down
the truth, but rather her ability to use her personal experiences in a way that inspires a
more hopeful, courageous, educated and independent population throughout all of the
world affected by war and hate, particularly West Africa.
Aminatta, a woman of many cultural backgrounds, contributes multiple perspectives of
her writing, which helps readers understand differing cultures. Her mother was Scottish,
her father was from Sierra Leone and finally her influential step mother fled with
Aminatta and her siblings to make a life for them in England as the downfall of
democracy began in Sierra Leone. This two part book evolved as a collection of piecing
together memories and discoveries leading to the uncovered mystery behind Mohamed
Forna s public execution during Aminatta s childhood. After
Apple s Approach to the Broad Market
Introduction Consumer electronics company in Cupertino, CA 72,800 employees $156
billion in sales in FY 2012; $41.7 billion in profit Strong growth trajectory since early
2000s Main products: iPad (tablet), iPhone (smartphone), computers, mp3 players 3rd
largest online retailer; also has network of retail stores Simplified product lines, emphasis
on design and product quality Integrated hardware and software Segmentation
Demographics: Apple skews young, urban, white, educated Socioeconomic: High level
of disposable income, emphasis on style, upwardly mobile, social. Upper middle class
and above. Psychographic: purchases for style and prestige as much as function Fits into
specific social groupings where Apple products are especially popular Diminished
segmentation overall as market penetration increases No longer niche product; Apple is
now mainstream Target user experiences, and positioning reflects consumers who want a
particular experience. High internal homogeneity, low parsimony Target Segments Two
approaches to shopping for consumer electronics, for almost all consumers High
involvement purchase, so extensive research is conducted Apple seeks to make
electronics a low involvement purchase Emphasis on simplicity in researching and
simplicity in purchasing. Help the consumer to choose Apple Target segment (white,
middle class+, educated, urban) prefers simplicity in shopping Wants the decision made
for them, and the decision needs to be
Brainwashing Totalitarian Nature In 1984, By George Orwell
Developing emotions such as compassion are arguably the most fundamental part of
being human. However, when a danger such as an over controlling government threatens
to take those feelings away, one truly appreciates the kindness and loyalty of humans. In
1984, George Orwell is able to use O Brien s deceptive, astute, and political nature in
order to warn readers about the negative effects that a brainwashing totalitarian
government could have on human minds and emotions. At the beginning of the novel, O
Brien is presented as a character who Winston Smith could trust with his deepest
thoughts. He is described as having a rather intimidating figure, with his burly physique
and thick neck. Despite the menacing appearance, he was believed to be ...a person that
you could talk to, if somehow you could cheat the telescreen and get him alone. (Orwell
13) However, the kind nature was all simply a lie. For instance, in order to gain Winston
s trust, O Brien gives away the address to his house, and turns off his telescreen. With
these actions, O Brien is able to trick Winston into confiding in him with thoughts of
rebellion. Even though Winston convinces himself that O Brien can be trusted, the truth
is that he is a deceitful character ... Show more content on ...
With the back stab from this character, Orwell is able to show readers what a totalitarian
government could do to human emotions. In other words, O Brien s character is a prime
example that an over controlling totalitarian government could make even the strongest
of people lose touch with the warm emotions that make up the fundamentals of being
human. In conclusion, George Orwell s portrayal of O Brien s deceptive, astute, and
political personality in 1984 was created to demonstrate that a totalitarian government
could create brainwashed monsters, rather than the caring and compassionate people we
see in today s
The Attack by Aum Shinrikyo
The Attack by Aum Shinrikyo Britt W. Gerdes Grand Canyon University Terrorism and
Emergency Management EMM 442 Prof. Jim Gallagher August 30, 2010 The Attack by
Aum Shinrikyo It was March 20, 1995 and the time was 0800 hours, when the City of
Tokyo was subjected to a terrorist act by a radical religious group. This group was Aum
Shinrikyo, when translated mean supreme truth . The attack consisted of members of
Aum Shinrikyo releasing poisonous gas into the crowded subway system. This particular
terrorist group did not coordinate the attack for political revenge; it was an organized
religious group attempting to devastate the Japanese government. By using John
Parachini s risk assessment perspectives the Japanese ... Show more content on ...
One of the key topics that come out of this is intelligence . John Parachini explains that at
the time the Central Intelligence Agency had their focus on the Islamic terrorism,
overlooking the Aum. They were overlooked because they believed the unintelligible
religious group in a country considered to be an ally was no threat. My guess is, they
misjudged and were wrong with their intelligence gathering. But since this attack, the
Central Intelligence Agency has fixed the intelligence blind spots. However, I think the
government needs to think about the newer intelligence issues that are being developed.
In closing, governments need to know that even though the possibility of a biological or
chemical attack is remote, they have a responsibility to do everything in their power to
curb the opportunities, guard, and take action. For the Japanese government their test is
to establish how much to organize for a low probability attack, all while safeguarding
against on more likely events with significant, but not inevitably disastrous penalties. But
the Japanese also need to make sure they understand that terrorist groups don t always
use biological weapons for their attacks, because they often have other alternatives that
will better serve the function of the terrorist organization. Through the risk management
perspectives of John Parachini, if the Japanese government can
Essay on Dracula and Women in Bram Stoker s Dracula
In the 19th century Bram Stoker wrote the infamous novel, Dracula. This novel was
composed in the style of letters, journal entries, newspaper articles and telegrams in order
to convey to the reader a realistic story. The story of Dracula is about an ancient vampire
who moves to London from his native country of Transylvania. In London, Dracula
seduces and bites a young woman by the name of Lucy Westenra. When Lucy falls sick,
no one knows how to help her because while Dracula has bitten her many times she has
always been in a trance. Lucy?s friends decide to join together to combat what ever is
ailing Lucy. In hopes of some help, Lucy?s friend Dr. Seward asks an old mentor of his
by the name of Dr. Van Helsing to come to London ... Show more content on ...
During the many times that Dracula visits Lucy he never shows his human form. On one
occasion Lucy says ?The air seems full of specks, floating and circling in the draught
from the window, and the lights burn blue and dim? (Stoker 158). This is Dracula and for
Lucy this would be even more terrifying because she doesn?t know what has happened to
her in the first place. However because the reader knows what Dracula is, it makes his
character all the more evil and horrifying which is exactly what Stoker was aiming for.
While the absence of Dracula?s character does convey him to be frightening it also
makes him dangerous because you do not know when or where he will strike next. Bram
Stoker makes Dracula such a mysteriously evil creature lurking in the shadows, yet
Dracula is always the focus of the novel. Another example of this would be when Mina is
staying in Dr. Seward?s insane asylum while the men are out trying to destroy Dracula.
At this point in the story Dracula?s main focus is getting to Mina, which she doesn?t
know. At one point during the night Mina notices the window is open when she is
positive she shut it. Right away she sees a kind of mist that floats into the room. Then she
notices that it ?got thicker and thicker, till it seemed as if it became concentrated into a
sort of pillar of cloud in the room through the top of which I could see the light of the gas
shining like a red eye?
Why Breakfast Is Important To The Rest Of The Day
Breakfast is a fundamental need for human beings as it is the first meal of the day eaten
and it provides the body and brain the fuel needed for the rest of the day. For example,
not eating breakfast is like wanting to start a car without gas. Apart from the energy,
breakfast is a great source of nutrients such as calcium, iron, fibre, antioxidants, protein,
carbohydrates and all types of vitamins. These are essential nutrients and according to
research, if breakfast is missed the nutrients missed are difficult to recover during the rest
of the day. The ideal type of food for breakfast are fruit or vegetables because they are a
good source of vitamins and minerals and also a very important portion of the meal are
proteins for example egg, ham, sausage, meat, chicken etc. Starting of the day eating
breakfast benefits the body by providing an energy boost in the start of the day, have a
sharper focus by eating breakfast every morning, you are able to be more focused and
productive. But when you skip out on breakfast, it s hard not to think about anything
except food. Also it gives a boost to the metabolism. Starting the day with a healthy
breakfast will allow the body to start burning calories ... Show more content on ...
For example, if a person eats breakfast, then the body will restore glycogen and stabilize
levels of insulin; if breakfast is skipped, then the level of blood sugar in the body
decreases. Skipping breakfast also slows down the metabolism; when breakfast is
consumed the metabolism rate increases and the body system burns more calories instead
of converting the energy (calories burned) into fat. Not eating breakfast affects both
physically and mentally the person s performance throughout the day. According to a
study of the Healthy Children website, about 8 to 12 percent of school age children skip
breakfast entirely, and among adolescents, this rate is even higher, reaching up to 30
percent (Livestrong,
The Business World Is More Challenging
To say the truth the business world is more challenging. To assess the purpose the
business it should be noted that we can say that the profit must come in the first array and
in some special cases the benefit to the society also has come as a major why the
business is doing in the current world. If we wish to make analysis the environment of
the business then the industry in which the business is operating must be given
preference as well as the risk the business is having in the current time being.
1 Task 2
1.1 How the different economic system affects the effective allocation of the resources
Command economy: At first we will discuss regarding the command economy. Actually
command economy refers to any such type of economic system where the government
holds the authority of the major decisions such as how much to be produced, the price
quotation for the produced goods and the quality of the produced goods in some extent
also. So it is necessary to discuss how it will affect the Trio and other business
organization. To say we can illustrate that here the company will not have the option to
produce as its best wish rather than the government has (Piveronus, 2006). On the other
hand the company has not the right to fix the price quotation rather it may be lower due
to the government intervention on the company. The company cannot have the optimum
quality production as the price charge may not come up with the said price. Market
competition may be high. There is a little
Porcelain And Pink Analysis
In this essay I will analyse a given extract from Porcelain and Pink by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
This will be done by considering what is revealed about the characters by analysing the
features of conversation and drama. In the extract two females are having a conversation.

We are given small details about not only their personalities but also their relationship
from their dialogue. One thing we can definitely determine is that they have known each
other since they were babies. This is suggested when Julie says: If I were consistent I d
still be living on warm milk out of a bottle , and Lois replies with: ...and probably my
bottle . Later, Julie refers to a game they used to play, called soapo . Lois and Julie both
refer to the same lady as ... Show more content on ...
She also tends to be a bit obstinate in her actions when she does not comply in Lois
request to finish up in the bath. It is not a direct refusal of Lois request, but her actions
imply it. The more Lois withholds information, the longer Julie takes to finish her bath.
When Julie says I wait till the water gets tepid and then I let in more hot it suggests that
she does not intend to hurry up at all. Her playful nature is further reflected in her
memory of playing a childhood game called soapo . She dismisses Lois opinion that it is
a silly game, telling her that it is actually very good for the nerves . There is also some
evidence of resistance to the idea of maturity in Julie s words. When Lois complains
about her mother not liking her suiter, but acknowledging her experience, Julie says that,
Experience is the biggest gold brick in the world. All older people have it for sale. A gold
brick is something that is supposed to be valuable, but turns out to be worthless. Her
confidence comes across in statements like, I m all educated . Julie also likes to tease her
sister by saying things such as, You can buy yourself a little tine one, or use the hose .
This is both normal for siblings as well as an example of her playful

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