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An Essay About School

Writing an essay on the topic "An Essay About School" may seem deceptively simple at first glance,
as one might assume that discussing a familiar subject like school would be a breeze. However,
delving into the intricacies of this seemingly straightforward theme can prove to be more
challenging than expected.

Firstly, the challenge lies in avoiding clichés and generic statements. It's easy to fall into the trap of
using overused phrases and conventional ideas about the educational system. Striking a balance
between presenting common perspectives and offering fresh insights requires careful consideration.

Furthermore, navigating the fine line between personal experiences and a broader, more objective
analysis adds another layer of complexity. The essay should not become a mere recollection of
personal anecdotes but should also include a thoughtful examination of the broader implications and
issues surrounding the concept of school.

Researching the topic might seem unnecessary, given that school is a part of everyone's life.
However, finding reliable and relevant sources to support arguments and enhance the overall depth
of the essay is crucial. It requires sifting through academic articles, educational studies, and perhaps
even historical perspectives on schooling.

Crafting a well-structured essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion
is essential. Ensuring that each paragraph seamlessly connects to the next and that the overall flow
of ideas is coherent can be a challenging task.

Additionally, maintaining a balance between positivity and critical analysis is important. While it
may be tempting to focus solely on the negative aspects of the educational system or excessively
praise its virtues, a nuanced approach that acknowledges both strengths and weaknesses is more

In conclusion, writing an essay on the seemingly simple topic of "An Essay About School" demands
careful consideration of language, structure, balance, and depth. It's an endeavor that goes beyond
the surface level and requires a thoughtful exploration of various facets associated with the subject.

For assistance with such essays or other academic writing needs, one can explore platforms like , where professional writers offer their expertise to help students navigate the
challenges of essay writing and academic assignments.

An Essay About School An Essay About School

The Chesapeake Region and The New England Region
The Chesapeake region and New England colonies greatly differed in their development
of their two distinct societies. The Chesapeake region was a loosely fitted society with
little connection with each plantation while the New England colonies had tightly knitted
communities with a sort of town pride. The difference in unity and the reason for this
difference best explain the significant disparity between the dissimilar societies.
The New England and Chesapeake region had evolved into two different societies
because the world was changing and a lot of people didn t like the change that was taking
place so they left. For example, the Church of England was said to be corrupted. That is
one of the main reasons for the separatists. They ... Show more content on ...
The great lack of unity between the colonists in the Chesapeake region is evident the
events that occur later in the Chesapeake regions history. Governor Berkeley asking for
troops from England revealed the important point that unity was greatly lacking, as they
could not fend off the united Dutch assaults with the lack of unity among the rich and the
poor (Document G). The hunt for greed in the Chesapeake region led to a strong revolt
from Bacon. The lack of doing anything for the safety of the citizens of the Chesapeake
region by Governor Berkeley led to a strong revolt by Bacon (Document H). The New
England residents were resourceful and unified as shown in Document E as they worked
out their problems and therefore set a standard wage for all workers. The very seeds of
the first settlers arriving in each area founded all these problems and solutions.
With the different types of people being sent to each settlement, both had different
objectives and outcomes. New England from the very beginning was determined to work
together for two goals: to preach and to follow the ways of God. The had to become
tightly knitted as one and do everything from mourn to dance with one another. The New
England colonies or the Massachusetts Bay colony in this case acted as a city upon a hill
where everyone else especially God was watching their every movement. If they did
false against God then they
Act And SAT Persuasive Essay
Colleges use the ACT and SAT tests to predict how students will perform in college and
also to decide whether they can get into the college and receive scholarships. There is
controversy on whether gpa and more essays is a better way to decide scholarships and
admissions. I believe the ACT and SAT are not the best way to predict how smart a
student is or how well they will do in college and they should not be used for admissions
and scholarships. A few reasons come to mind when making this decision. Before
anything I will explain what the ACT and SAT are, then why the ACT and SAT are
biased, why gpa is a better way to predict first year college performance, results that
colleges are getting from removing test scores from admissions, and why teaching
students how to test is taking away from their actual learning. The ACT And SAT are
tests that colleges across the world use for admissions, course placement, academic
advising, scholarships, and loans. As quoted in Chris Streetman s paper The Oxford
Dictionary says, the SAT is known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test and and it is a test of
... Show more content on ...
It is proven that the more times you take the test the more your score will go up, but on
the other hand it costs a good portion of money. Students with richer families will have
better scores than students with families with less income, because they will have more
chances to make their score better. According to Fairtest, ACT research shows that whites
still outscore all other groups. These are not the results that they should be getting
(fairtest). The ACT is related to the mount of family income meaning the students with
the richer parents are the students with the higher scores (Fairtest). This also goes back to
students who have more family income will be able to pay for ACT and SAT prep
courses and pay for more chances to take the test. This is unfair for lower income
students that aren t given the same opportunities but are just as
Paul Von Hindenburg s Rise To Power
Andrew Paolillo 10/30/15
World History

History Paper

On January 30, 1933, Paul von Hindenburg, president of Germany, appointed Adolf
Hitler as the new chancellor of Germany. He chose Hitler because Hindenburg believed
that he could be easily controlled. ( Hindenburg, Paul von. ) By the time Hindenburg
died, Hitler was in such complete control, that he was able to usurp the authority of of the
presidency and became the ruler of Germany and leader of the Nazi party. This led to
Hitler being the most successful leader ever.

When Hitler came into political power for the Nazi party, he was the lead commander on
becoming the dominant party in Germany. Hitler single handedly destroyed all parties,
except the NSDAP (National Socialist
The historical cost accounting convention.

Realised profit, matching based, historical cost accruals accounting (HCA) has for over
fifty years been repeatedly challenged as being an inadequate basis for the measurement
of income which reports increments in the value of businesses. Such challenges continue
unabated and are made by both accounting standards regulators and by academic
commentators. Despite its obvious deficiencies for measuring valuation based income,
and subject to concept of prudence, internationally HCA remains the dominant basis for
reporting and share prices appear to be influenced by reported earnings.

This paper will go through few criticisms of our standard accounting model, look at
possible alternatives and finally will provide a detailed ... Show more content on ...
Opportunity costs are commonly used in economics and do not have much relevance
here, however accounting bodies and academic commentators have forwarded new
methods of accounting using the current asset value, as opposed to the conventional
acquisition cost.

Replacement costs could be used as a possible alternative to historical cost method. In

crude terms Replacement costs (RC) may be defined as the estimated amount that would
have to be paid in order to replace the asset as the date of valuation (Page 46,Lewis
Pendrill, 2000). An advantage of replacement cost is that it focuses on the services the
asset will provide rather than the precise physical asset. It therefore excludes speculative
gains that might be made from selling a building to a purchaser who will redevelop it for
an alternative use; equally it allows valuations to reflect the use that the current owner
can make of an asset, even if a purchaser would not be able to employ the asset as

However there is an immediate flaw noted in its definition, where the costs have to be
estimated. Estimation has to be carried out after reviewing the asset, the market, and if an
identical asset is still being traded in the market. Further difficulties inherent in the
estimation are noted when the asset in the market is either not identical or obsolete. In
these cases usually the replacement costs are much higher.
Similarities Between Halloween And Samhain
When Was the First Halloween?

There has never been a time in modern civilization that we haven t had a Halloween
celebration. For the past 2,000 years, various cultures around the world have participated
in observing the holiday. Different cultures introduce their own traditions and carry out
preexisting traditions. The cycle has been continuous for a couple thousand years, but
where did it all come from?

When Was the First Halloween?

The first documented instance of Halloween was found in Irish and Scottish historical
documents that placed the first mentioning of Halloween type celebrations about 2,000
years ago. This celebration was the Celtic holiday of Samhain. Samhain was a very
important holiday for the Celtic people. These people were entirely dependent on the
land for survival. This dependency demonstrated itself with the number of nature gods
that the Celtic people worshipped. During Samhain, it was assumed that ... Show more
content on ...
While some of the traditions have changed over the years, the same fundamental
traditions are still observed in modern times. Historians backed up their claims because
of the similarities between Halloween and Samhain.
Costumes: Costumes are a very specific Halloween tradition, but it was the participants
of Samhain that wore costumes first. The Celts believed that spirits could come back to
the land of the living during Samhain, and they would dress like supernatural creatures in
order to blend in. They believed that dressing up kept them safe because they could fool
the ghost into thinking that they were supernatural. Costumes were handmade until the
1920 s when companies found that Halloween was a very profitable time of year, and
decided to start mass producing costumes.
Trickery: Samhain was a time where the youth of the group would participate in trickery,
much like we see during Halloween today. Minor incidences of vandalism were reported
with both
High Fat And Low Carb Diet
Learning that (good) fats are good, and wheat is bad (white or whole, it all has gluten),
one may think, What should I eat then? . The answer is a high fat and low carb diet. An
excellent example of such a diet is called the Paleo diet. Nutritionist Stephanie
Eckelkamp discusses the theory behind the Paleo diet, The theory is, our bodies haven t
evolved to properly digest these modern foods, which became widely consumed only
upon the advent of agriculture 12,000 years ago . Evolution happens very slowly, so our
stomachs know the chemistry of meat, fat, and veggies. It knows how to break them
down. If the species of felines have been eating meat, then why would anyone start to
force all cats to start eating beans and rice? That food wasn t meant for them, and it
would probably make them really sick. If humans have been eating meat, fat, and veggies
for so long and have been never had a problem with weight, then why is everyone so
surprised that large quantities of GMO food (genetically modified food that has been
changed in a lab), featuring modern day gluten, has dramatically increased obesity and is
killing more people than cigarette smoking? What about the people who have lost weight
with the low fat and high carb diet? A recent study done by a Harvard team of professors
looks at the difference between high fat and high carb and their effects for weight loss.
Amby Burfoot, who wrote an article explaining the study, reported this, After six days,
the high carb group
Student Retention In Universities Essay
Student Retention in Universities
A Literature Review
Benjamin J. Curran
Corona del Sol Preparatory Academy

Author s Note
This paper is written for Professor Johnson s fourth hour English 102 Class
Student Retention in Universities
Over half of first time undergraduate students fail to obtain a degree within a six year
time period. Premature exit of university students has stumped even the most dedicated
analysts. Extensive theories have surfaced in an effort to elucidate student attrition.
Vincent Tinto constructed new trains of thought with his avant garde study in 2001. Tinto
was led to revise his work in 2005 in the midst of criticism competing theorists. These
scholars set the precedent for modern research conducted in the field of student attrition.
Upon review of literature, compelling similarities and criticisms are contrived around the
same basic theories.
Primitive information existed before examination under Tinto. In fact, most other
subsequent studies reference and base their theories off his perceived models. Other
theorists such as Gary Metz believe that Tinto s work is actually derived from Rites of
Passage, by Arnold Gennep. Concentrating on the anthropological aspect of homosapien
rites of passage, Gennep s observations explicate common human behavior exhibited
throughout the college experience. Tinto reflects a specific segment of the book
encompassing initiation rites. This segment allegates that physiological puberty and
Restructuring After A Hiring Freeze Is Never Easy
Restructuring after a hiring freeze is never easy. It is truly very dirty work. In my
experiences, restructuring meant realigning people s pay to meet their newly scaled back
responsibilities, which meant, we are not going to fire you, but we are going to take some
of your pay to keep you around. Unfortunately, some people depend on their current pay,
but not always, some are able to adjust out of necessity and live within their new means.
Others, however, venture out looking for new or additional employment. Above all, when
you address restructuring or scaling back pay, it is important to recognize the
disengagement of your employees and find ways to improve their engagement while
maintaining productivity. Thompson Technology s HR can assess the level of employee
disengagement by using surveys to gauge job satisfaction. Once they make the proper
assessment, then they can begin to improve employee engagement through
communication, feedback, restructuring and reassigning work, collaborating, structuring
the organization, training, rewards, advising supervisors, balancing life/work
expectations, and career planning and development (Gusdorf, p.10 11, 2012). ... I hope
that the changes to improve employee engagement will help maintain productivity. If
Thompson Technology does not manage to assess the actual level of employee
disengagement and find ways to improve employee engagement and maintain
productivity, they will find their business slowly going upside down. Assess The
A Short Note On Health And Dental Insurance
Health History Date: August 15th Name: Mr. ZNK Address: 1121 Maryland Avenue,
Beltsville, MD 20707 Telephone: 3016554386 Age: 30 Date of birth: April 24,1984
Birthplace: Accra, Ghana Gender: Male Marital status: Single Race: African Religion:
Non Occupation: Automotive technician Health insurance: Medical dental insurance
from work Source: Client Reliability: Client is alert to person, place ,situation, and time
and is able to provide needed information during assessment Present Health/Illness
Reason for seeking care: Medical checkup for frequent urination that started one week
ago. Urine amount each time is very small. Daily activities get interrupted and I am
hesitant to drink fluids but that has not prevented it . Health beliefs and practices: Visit
the doctor as often as possible, especially if I feel like something is not right in my body.
Health patterns: Try to eat right and exercise regularly Medications: No medications.
Tylenol once in awhile for headache Health goals: Work on having annual checkup with
my doctor Past History Childhood illnesses: Chicken pox, measles and asthma
Immunizations: Had all the childhood vaccines in Accra. Other vaccines like hepatitis
vaccine I had in the US Medical illnesses: History of asthma and seasonal flu
Hospitalization: None Surgery: None Injury: Sustained a laceration on scalp at age 10
and had a suture. Blood transfusion: None Emotional/psychiatric problems: I get
overwhelmed at times with pressure
Analysis Of The Book I Am
At the beginning of the novel, I am immediately implanted a general impression of
McTeague, a clumsily single minded giant, who operates his own dental practice and
goes about his daily routine with satisfaction: he would sit at the bay window (1) reading
the paper (1) and [gorging] with steam beer (1) and even play regularly on his concertina.
Moving his immense limbs (2) slowly and ponderously, McTeague looks like a draught
horse, immensely strong, stupid, docile, obedient (3). Worse than that, his mind was as
his body, heavy, slow to act, sluggish (2). But thanks to his barbaric mind, he is not
saddened by his terrible appearance; instead he feels that his life is quite a success with
the dental practice guaranteeing him a stable income, that he could hope for nothing
better (3). He is never fed up with his repetitive days, and the only enjoyment in his
tedious life probably is to appreciate the panorama of the urban street from his bay
window, where the world goes past (6). No matter the various shops or people from all
walks of life, from seven o clock in the morning to eleven in the evening, never fail to
interest him. Besides that, the other way that could connect McTeague with the outside
world is Marcus. Unlike his friend, McTeague is introversive and indifferent to the
society and neighborhood, knowing nothing except for his routine. Therefore, he is
frequently bewildered by Marcus while listening to his political tirade with admiration;
but he
Tuckmans Teams
Katzenbach and Smith (1993a) recognise teams as the basic units of performance in
organisations and identify a team as ...a small number of people with complimentary
skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals and approach for
which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

There are a large variety of team types and different studies distinguish them by certain
characteristics such as the team s timespan, work cycle, and the nature of tasks among
many others. For example, Torrington et al. (2002) differentiate the teams by their
timespan (temporary or permanent), range of skills, and a task. They identify the four
team types:

Production and service teams;

Cross functional management teams;
Functional teams; ... Show more content on ...
Working closely together towards achieving the common goals, the team has developed a
certain degree of trust and cohesion. Although, cohesiveness can be seen as an obstacle to
progress (CIPP, Unit 1) it is still one of the key characteristics of the team s high
performance. It helps to achieve a greater focus on the process and commitment to the
decision making process. It became clearly visible once the team faced a change. The
good level of cohesion and trust let the team members openly share their concerns,
consider each other s feelings and opinions and come to decisions of how to handle the
change in the most effective
Wal Mart s Competitive Advantage
Wal Mart Stores Inc. is American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of
discount department stores and a warehouse stores. The company is headquartered in
Bentonville, Arkansas and was founded by Sam Walton. Wal Mart is the world s largest
company by revenue, according to Fortune Global 500 list in 2014 and the biggest
private employer in the world with over two millions employees. Wal Mart analytical
strategy is to focus on selling products at low prices to get higher volume sales at a lower
profit margin. Sam Walt was successful analytically because he was able to find lower
cost suppliers and also shared his data than those used by other stores. Walmart is an
organization that uses analytics extensively and systematically to outthink and execute
the competition. Walmart has gained competitive advantage by following four pillars of
analytical competition. These are; Walmart support strategic distinctive capability.
Distinctive capability set Walmart apart from competitors and made them successful in
the market place. For example Wal Mart distinctive capability is supply chain,
professional sports is choosing the right players, Netflix is predicting customer movie
preferences etc. Without distinctive capability you cannot be analytics competitor
because there is no clear process or activity for analytics support. Secondly, Walmart has
adopted enterprise level approach to management, this ensures that the data and analysis
are made available broadly
Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (Chipotle) is a US based...
Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (Chipotle) is a US based company of Mexican food
restaurants that developed and operates in the fast casual, fresh Mexican food restaurant
industry across the US. Chipotle is the catalyst for this new category of restaurant.
Chipotle believes that the idea that food served fast doesn t have to be typical fast food.
The company manages Mexican food restaurants across the US, Canada and London, all
under the flagship brand and trademark of Chipotle. Chipotle also focuses on using the
best ingredients, and living their mission statement Food with Integrity . Their focused
menu of burritos, burrito bowls, tacos, and salads; are made to order right in front of you,
of high quality, organic ingredients which are ... Show more content on
Given a strong focus and dedication from the top to serving a quality product to its
consumers, Chipotle has enjoyed enormous success in recent years but the continuation
of implementing cutting edge strategies will allow continued expansion.
Chipotle is innovative. Chipotle founder and CEO, Steve Ells, focused on making his
restaurants have Food With Integrity . Chipotle has vegan friendly and gluten free items
on the menu for those customers who have different wants and needs (S. Hayes, personal
communication March 3, 2014). Chipotle consists primarily of directors who previously
worked for McDonalds and have leveraged that experience into building Chipotle into
the success that it is (Satran, 2013).
Opening new stores with smaller footprint and lower upfront costs as the new locations
they have planned to open will feature Type A designs. The locations will have a smaller
footprint and lower upfront costs which will allow the company to start up new locations
and the return on investment will not require additional expansion for additional funding.
This decision alone will decline the cost for a new location by $800,000
(Ambartsoumian, 2012). Chipotle has stores in various types of locations such as end of
row shops, shops within a row, free standing units, and those in urban locations. This puts
them in variety of locations making it easy
Muscle Size Research Paper
steroid derived from DHT
Four Ways to Enhance the Muscle Mass without Using Supplements
Every one of us at some point of time wants to increase our muscles size. It does not
matter whether you want to increase your muscle definition impress others or you have
taken bodybuilding as carrier. Beginners who are unaware that chemicals supplements
can bring negative effects on their health you may lead to health complications in their
life. It is imperative on your part to consume any kind of health supplement for
increasing muscle definition under the supervision of an experienced physician or
physical trainer. This will ensure that you do not make any wrong moves.
In order to achieve a lean and muscular body, it is not necessary to go for chemicals
supplements. You can achieve good muscle size without using them. Here are a couple of
... Show more content on ...
When you are eating to increase your muscle size, 1 g of protein per pound of
bodyweight is advised. You can always increase or decrease protein in your diet
depending on your requirements. Other than this I advise my clients to consume 15% of
total calories from good quality protein. If you are a vegetarian opt for plant protein
otherwise animal protein is considered best for bodybuilders.
Importance of fat and carbohydrate many people are scared of eating fat and
carbohydrate because they think that it will increase the fat percentage. Therefore get that
carbohydrates and fats are good for providing energy the body. If you eat a banana before
your training session, it will help you work out with good energy. You can also consume
a tablespoon of honey with water before exercising. Honey will dissolve fast in your
body and it will enhance the energy level in your body.
Experienced bodybuilders know the importance of healthy fats and they consume 30% of
their calories from it.
The Importance Of Sea Temperature Anomalies
The oceans play an important role in the climate system owing to the interannual and
longer timescale variability in sea surface temperature (SST). Hasselmann (1976)
proposed that this climate variability could be represented by a stochastic first order auto
regressive process
(AR1 process) and should be considered as the null hypothesis for extra tropical sea
surface temperature anomalies (SSTA). According to this concept, SSTAs quickly
responds to the atmospheric heat fluxes at short time period and the heat capacity of the
ocean integrates the
SSTA variability on a longer time period. Frankignoul and Hasselmann (1977) have
further suggested that the atmospheric forcing for SST anomalies follows a spectrum of
white noise with constant ... Show more content on ...
Thus the broad structure of the SSTA spectrum is determined by the depth of the ocean
ML and atmospheric process.
Attempts to include additional processes, such as Ekman transport, entrainment of sub
mixed layer thermal anomalies (Dommenget and Latif 2002; Deser et al. 2003; Lee et al.
2008), state dependent noise (Sura et al. 2005) and the re emergence associated with
seasonal change in MLD (Schneider and Cornuelle 2005) has shown to increase the
SSTA variance at annual and longer timescales. However, studies have demonstrated that
the SST variability at some part of the oceans cannot be represented by a simple AR1
process (Hall and Manabe
1997; Dommenget and Latif 2002, 2008). The inconsistency arises from the exchange of
heat energy in the mixed layer and sub mixed layer in the ocean.
The strong seasonal cycle of the MLD can strengthen the persistence of SSTA from one
winter to the following. The timescale in which the subsurface temperature anomalies
entrain to the surface (nearly 1 year) is expected to influence the spectral variance of
SSTA. Möller et al. (2008) have shown a peak in the annual time period in the power
spectrum of midlatitude
SSTA that is associated with the re emergence. Figure 5.3 illustrates the power spectrum
SSTA and 90% significance level (shaded), presented in different ways (taken from
Moller et al. (2008)). Figure 5.3a express the spectral variance density, while figure 5.3b
Contractor Agreement For The Licensee
Page 1 of 5 ____________
DATED: 2013.
(hereby known as the LICENSEE )
iPOKER Pty Ltd (ACN 129 384 363) trading as OMG Gaming Academy
(hereby known as the CONTRACTOR )
START DATE: / / 2013.
iPOKER Pty Ltd (ACN 129 384 363) trading as OMG Gaming Academy
Page 2 of 5 ____________
1.1. This Agreement allows the signatory (the Licensee Regional Training Manager ) a
five year license to provide Croupier Training under the trading name of OMG
Gaming Academy, in the NSW region of Australia.
1.2. The Contractor has agreed to share with the Licensee 20% of profits made from
training ... Show more content on ...
The Licensee must promptly advise the Contractor of any issues of which it becomes
aware as to premises or equipment that reasonably might not comply with any
Occupational Health and Safety legislation in relation to the provision of goods and
services. 3.2. The Licensee must comply with any Occupational Health and Safety
legislation in regards to the provision of goods and services by ensuring that at all times
when providing the contracted services, it uses safe and proper procedures and practices
and that all employees are properly trained and supervised and observe all proper and
safe practices.
Page 3 of 5 ____________
4.1. If the Licensee breaches any of its contractual obligations under this Agreement and
fails to remedy that breach promptly, and in any event within 24 hours of being requested
by the Contractor to so remedy, then the Contractor may, by written notice to the
Licensee, terminate this Agreement. The Contractor will have no obligation to
compensate the Licensee for any loss or damages. Any contributions made by the
Licensee will not be returned.
4.2. All equipment must be returned immediately on termination of this Agreement, or
else the Licensee must pay full cost of replacement equipment to the Contractor.
4.3. This Agreement will be terminated immediately if any illegal activity, theft, or
breach of code of conduct is committed by the Licensee.
5.1. The Licensee undertakes to keep all
Blue Hive Advertisement Analysis
Technological advancements are often associated with state of the art machinery that
could potentially save a copious amount of lives; however, such advancements also prove
to be a sinister threat that could take a life with just one push of a button. Distracted
driving is a pervasive phenomenon that has ravaged a myriad of nations; from the United
States to the United Kingdom, texting while driving takes thousands of lives yearly in
these nations. Blue Hive, an advertising agency in London, launched a campaign against
texting while driving in August of 2012. Over four thousand miles away, the United
States government s Department of Transportation created a campaign and website that is
committed to distraction free driving. Both campaigns ... Show more content on ...
Blue Hive s advertisement centers on the gruesome display of a dead person (see fig. 1).
The woman s body is uncannily clean of blood, dirt, and injuries; it can be implied that
the body must have already been examined and cleaned by the medical examiner.
Although no blood is present in the image, it can still be perceived by some as macabre
and insensitive since a loved one s body is nonchalantly exposed to the public eye;
emotions of guilt, anger, and poignant mourning are evoked in the viewers. The U.S.
Department of Transportation s advertisement primarily focuses on the danger and
tragedy that is associated with distracted driving (see fig. 2). This sense of danger is
notably accentuated by the disarray of both sharp and blunt car debris littering the road.
The red light that engulfs the background of the wreckage heightens this danger as the
color red connotes crisis, emergency, and bloodshed, thus, establishing emotions of
insecurity, fear, and anguish in viewers.
Blue Hive s and the Department of Transportation s advertisements both clearly state
their incentive: texting and driving is a trend that must be halted. Both achieve their
objectives by incorporating blunt, substantial messages and symbolic images of death,
danger, and guilt. The ultimate objective for both parties is that drivers of all ages should
not engage in distracted driving. Both advertisements simply want viewers and drivers
alike to envision the inevitable consequences associated with distracted driving in hopes
of thwarting families from grieving the loss of their loved
How Did Joseph Henry And Alfred Vail Created An
In 1836 Samuel F. B. Morse, Joseph Henry and Alfred Vail created a electrical telegraph.
Which is a device that sends electrical currents over long distances through wires, when
received on the other end it could either be shown by a light flashing or heard by a
clicking sound. One year after Samuel released the telegraph Charles Wheatstone and
William Cooke released an improved version of the electrical telegraph. They invented
this so that people were able to send information over long distances in a shorter amount
of time. In 1844 Samuel sent out his first message to Baltimore, Maryland from
Washington D.C. When Morse code was first invented Samuel only made the code for
numbers but later added letters to make it quicker to understand.
Who Is Vincent Van Gogh s Silence The Voice Of Negativity
Silence the Voice of Negativity If you hear a voice within you say, You cannot paint. then
by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. Vincent Van Gogh, 1853 1890,
Impressionist painter Dutch Post. This quote shows that no matter what someone tells
you, you can do it. This story is going to show you things that can prove to you that you
can do anything. There will be 3 paragraphs to show that these people can do it even
when people think and said that they couldn t do it, but they were successful and proved
them wrong. By the end of this story it will hopefully inspired you to think more highly
of yourself. Let the story begin! There has always been many great people in history who
had succeed with many failures. One person ... Show more content on ...
This woman s name is Helen Keller, and she was an author and lecturer. As a child,
Helen would throw tantrums, because she couldn t understand anyone. Soon, she had a
helper who was also deaf and her name was Anne Sullivan. Anne taught Helen thing that
will be useful. Then Helen had a dream to be an author, But her mother never believe in
her. Helen wanted to prove her mother that she was wrong! So Helen work harder and
harder and then she finally reached her dream. Everyone love her and she didn t care
about her disabilities. Mrs. Keller will be remember not for her disabilities, but for her
hard work and
Carson, Illinois At The World s Busiest Corner Between...
Carson, Pirie Scott Building (1899 1904) is also known as Schlesinger Mayer Store
which is located in Chicago, Illinois at The World s Busiest Corner between State and
Madison Street. This building was designed by Louis Sullivan and Dankmar Adler for
the retail firm Schlesinger and Mayer in 1899.
Carson, Pirie Scott Building is quite unusual building compared to other buildings as it
continuously developed overtime (Fig 1). Louis Sullivan considered Schlesinger and
Mayer s aspect, giving the new presence and atmosphere to the store among its
neighbours along State Street, of the building that lead him to design rounded corner
entrance according to the site.The Building is surrounded by the buildings but it stands
out definitely. And also, the relation to the other buildings brings the contrasting
atmosphere due to its difference and ornamented exterior. There is three possible
entrances to the building (The main grand entrance and two of the entrances to the office
in each side of the street.) The Chicago Department Store is a Landmark as it stood from
the Field Museum of Natural History also has been a Chicago Landmark since 1975.
The exterior of Carson Pirie Scott Building shows Sullivan s own style with his motif of
nineteenth century architecture were the expression of people s particular way of life.
The expression of the columns and the beams (Fig.2.) were giving architectural function
to the building for the office area especially. By reading up the columns
Pet Ownership In Australia
In 2013, Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world, with more
than 5 million household out of 7.6 million households in Australia owning a pet (Animal
Health Alliance, 2013). The most common pet owned by households in Australia are
dogs, where an estimated 4.2 million pets in Australia are dogs (Animal Health Alliance,
2013). Due to the high companion animal ownership rates and the need to attend to the
welfare of pets, companion animal veterinary services are in demand among pet owning
households. Pet owners spend approximately $1.7 billion on veterinary services a year
which include visit to the veterinarian for vaccination, general check up, dentistry and de
sexing (Animal Health Alliance, 2013). De sexing a companion animal is defined as a
surgical procedure intended to permanently remove gonads of the pet and is considered a
routine medical procedure that involves visits to a veterinarian (Cocia Rusu, 2010). The
de sexing rates are relatively high in Australia, with 78% of dogs de sexed (Animal
Health Alliance, 2013).

The decision to de sex a dog ultimately depends on the pet owner s ... Show more content
on ...
While previous studies have focused mainly on the attitudes and enabling and disabling
factors that influence the decision of owners in de sexing their dogs, this is the first study
to investigate the experiences of pet owners in having their dog de sexed. Moreover,
limited studies regarding this topic has been conducted in Australia. Findings from this
study will inform the veterinary profession regarding client perspectives on having a dog
de sexed. These findings are significant as veterinarians are considered to be the most
important source of information regarding companion animals hence play a valuable role
in educating pet owners (Animal Health Alliance, 2013; Downes et al,
Consumer Behaviour Identity And Identity
Introduction To understand consumer behaviour is an important process as it allows
marketers to comprehend better the reason why an individual choose to select, purchase
and use a good or service to satisfy their needs and wants based on his or her buying
tendencies and spending patterns. The analysis of consumer behaviour requires the
consideration of various processes, internal and external factors for the individual. Both
internal and external factors of an individual are required necessary for the analysis of
consumer behaviour, as well as examining the complex interaction of many influencing
elements, such as personal and cultural influences, which includes identity (Moutinho
1987). Identity plays a vital part in the unsustainable ... Show more content on ...
These personal and collective identities more often could be contributed by different
categories, such as age, gender, race, nationality, religiosity, then further from political
views, career and of course wealth and social status. Identity also manifested in
conventional social roles, norms, mores, and status quo expectations (Bristor and Fischer
1993). Identity is what the consumer believes, it is what gives them the sense of positive
self esteem affiliation and distinctiveness, self verification, and self affirmation (Escalas
2013), and these would affect his or her choice in consuming a good or a service when a
case is required to make between different products in the market. Each consumer has his
or her own unique, distinctive identity, yet on the other hand, they share so many
similarities sometimes, and it would form a collective identity. Collective identity is
shared among group of people who often enacted through fashion, music, art, trend,
technology and such (Holt 2002) from the society, Obesity among young female adults
Obesity, as the selected unsustainable consumption issue for the Consumer Behaviour
Creative Production stage 1, has been specifically defined with a designated target group
for this project, which are Australian young female adults aged between 18 to 25 years
old, one of the biggest age group among Australian female age distribution. They are
Punctuality In The Military Essay
Punctuality is a concept that is held to a different standard in every culture in the world.
In Switzerland, for example, the train schedule is almost to the second. If a commuter is
even thirty seconds late for the train, it will have already departed. On the other hand, in
Italy, which is right next door to Switzerland, the train schedules are quite a bit more
relaxed. If a train is not posting delayed warnings, it almost comes as a surprise.
However, there is one cultural norm that all peoples across the globe can agree upon:
respect. Being respectful to our peers, superiors, and subordinates, is an extremely
important part of the Army lifestyle. One way that we show this respect is through an
even more disciplined version of punctuality ... Show more content on ...
Building a culture of respect and regard for another s time is important in every level of
relationships in the military, seniors, peers, and subordinates. Being punctual is a sign of
excellent leadership, as well as a sign for the potential for more responsibility and
leadership opportunities. Timeliness is a key part of self development. Being self
disciplined can lead to building a better personal life for oneself, and being on time in
your daily activities is a good opportunity to put self discipline in to action. Finally,
timeliness is an important aspect of the military community that non military personnel
respect and admire. Maintaining that imagery and persona of a military member can lead
to great opportunities outside of the military. Clearly, punctuality is key to being a better
Examples Of Grit In The Outsiders
Imagine you re surrounded and your friend is being attacked. What do you do next? If
you re Johnny Cade, you murder the leader of the group with your switchblade. This is
particularly odd since he s the gentlest person in your gang. Would you show grit in this
crucial moment like he did, or would you head for the hills? Let s talk more about grit; it
stands for growth, resilience, instinct, and tenacity. Johnny s passion is a blatant example
of grit. Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals, Angela Duckworth, the
term s creator, states in a TED Talk. The Outsiders character Johnny Cade demonstrates
this precious quality in two ways. He displays growth and passion when he overcomes
his terror and defends his friend, respectively.
Midtown Research Paper
The Midtown Lofts apartment complex pool was closed for the season. The
groundskeeper who was making his final round for the week when he noticed something
rather someone floating near the shallow end. Horrified he tore across the pool deck and
through the courtyard to find help. He found the apartment manager who then proceeded
to call 911.
When the cops arrived at the Midtown Lofts apartments at 5:42 p.m. on Friday, they
determined that the fellow floating face down in the shallow end of the community pool
was a Mr. James Joseph Esters. He was a younger fellow, 26 years old to be exact, and he
lived there at Midtown. According to his rental agreement, he worked and studied nearby
at Thomason University. He was a smart kid. He was working as a teaching assistant
while working on his Ph.D. in physics. There were three stab wounds found on Mr. ...
Show more content on ...
James sent his obnoxious friend over with a peace offering gift a few days ago. It was a
silver bracelet... if he knew me at all, he would have brought me gold, stated Viola. That
was right... Viola only wore gold. Tons of it. He made that mistake many years ago, when
she threw the silver necklace he gave her back in his face. Mr. Doyle decided that he
would do anything to prove that Ms. Viola Prescott was innocent. All he had to do was
find the real murderer.
To start with, he needed to find the real murder weapon. It was as clear as day that the
police hadn t found the real weapon. Doyle put in a request for a search warrant of the
three suspect s living spaces. Within hours, he received the authority to proceed with the
After searching Mr. Michael Blume s house, he found absolutely no evidence of criminal
activity. He talked to Michael while he was searching his house. The only sin committed
was a little competitive jealousy. Determining this made Mr. Doyle become extremely
nervous. There were only two suspects left and one was his former
Compare And Contrast Functionalist And Stylistics
Two different approaches in Stylistics: Formalist Vs Functionalist

Stylistics as a particular way of approaching the meaning that a society produces has
many tools to analyze writer s or author s style of their works. There are actually several
different approaches toward stylistics including formalist, mentalist,
textlinguistic/functionalist, pragmatic, radical and empirical, however this paper will only
focus on comparing and contrasting two different approaches, those are Formalist and
Comparing Formalist and Functionalist
Generally both of them are interested in finding the meaning of the text, but formalists
look at the text semantically, while functionalists concern with the text pragmatically.
a. Formalist
Formalist ... Show more content on ...
Firth and M.A.K Halliday. Malinowski, 1923 (cited in Burke, 2014) works on the
importance of situational context. Functionalists also look at context as important thing
in constructing meaning. Context will influence how we interpret a text. However,
context is put in the highest level of interpreting meaning. And then, Firth with his work
Personality in language and society (1950). Halliday (1994) (cited in Burke, 2014) in his
work An Introduction to Functional Grammar proposed what we called as metafunctions
. Halliday believed that in a particular language there must be tripartite functions, namely
Ideational, Interpersonal and Textual. Ideational or well known as experiential meaning
which has a representational function is used to encode any idea or experience of the
world; it conveys a picture of reality. Interpersonal function means we use it to encode
interaction to see the social relationships. And the last is Textual function of language is
used to organize our experiential, logical and interpersonal meanings into a linear and
coherent whole and it provides the formal properties of language. (Halliday, 2014). All
these functions work simultaneously and they have relation one another. However, it still
can be analyzed
Justification Of Disaster Response Protocols
Justification of Disaster Response protocols: All the data of the BOLD pharma
organization will be stored on the magnetic tapes. To avoid the risks due to any disaster,
it should be kept in the QA department. The other method for securing the data even
more further is maintaining the replica of the servers in different locations. The first step
which should take if any incident happened as I mentioned like due to the server crash, it
should be immediately reported to the higher officials and a ticket should be raised
internally and externally to the vendor too. It is not suggestible to touch the production
server if it has a warranty. If that is not the case, then try to recover the server from the
point of time and put it back on the cluster. Make sure that the other server is up and
running fine to avoid the manufacturing loss. So, by recovering the damaged server soon
can avoid the disaster. Natural disasters can be avoided by constructing the data center in
the safest environment, even a natural storm should not affect the data center in any
aspect. Access Control Protocols: The BOLD pharma organization is using a software
called PAS|X on the shop. PAS|X is the software which is used to access and process
everything within the organization. Apart from the production department all the other
departments will also use this software to perform their tasks. For example, if some
person wants to do a particular task, he should have required privileges to perform that
Unique Characteristics Of The Climograph On Death Valley
There are a lot of unique characteristics in the 5 climographs above. The climograph on
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania shows that the hottest time in Pittsburgh is around June (around
27 degrees Celsius), and the coldest time is around January (around 3 degrees Celsius).
In addition, it shows that there are fairly large amounts of precipitation throughout the
year. The climograph on Death Valley, California shows that it is fairly hot all throughout
the year with very low precipitation. The coldest it gets in Death Valley is around January
(around 20 degrees Celsius), and the highest amount of precipitation is during February
(around 13 millimeter). Similarly to Pittsburgh, in Hartford, Connecticut there are large
amounts of precipitation and around
Counter-Music Research Essay
Jimi Hendrix, A guitarist who played in the first Woodstock Festival in 1969, said Music
doesn t lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen
through music. Woodstock is a music festival that many people attended, and the words
said by Jimi Hendrix represented the music sang by the artists at this festival detailing
events all around the world, such as the Vietnam War, and the Counterculture movement
happening in the United States. John Antonelli and his friends attended this festival in
1969 and the songs they heard at the festival influenced them to bring ideas back to
Fitchburg State College. This resulted into the Counterculture movement led by John
Antonelli and his friends to changed the campus community ... Show more content on ...
Music was a big thing in his life, and his roommate at the time of his stay in Fitchburg
State introduced him to several folk singers. He stated how folk songs during this time
had a lot to say about political matters, and said, There was a very thin barrier ... between
music and politics at that point in time. That was the mechanism by which politics were
getting expressed in that day (John Antonelli Interview Transcript, 3). Through music he
was able to learn about the events that were happening outside of campus, and he was
able to learn the national issues that were occurring throughout America. Antonelli and
his friends were able to bring in music performers, Country Joe and The Fish, to campus
and exposed the large unpoliticized student body of the social political issues happening
in the United States with Country Joe s Vietnam Rag song. Many students were
influenced by musical guest performers Antonelli and his friends were able to bring to
campus to perform and joined the Counterculture movement that was happening on
campus. As mentioned before, Antonelli and his friends were able to attend the
Woodstock Festival. Antonelli would write an article on the first issue of the college s
newspaper on Woodstock and what he learn from there about the cultural and political
issues from the songs they heard such as the Vietnam War and student rights on campus.
The newspaper caught some attention to the student body and joined the Counterculture
movement that was happening on
what makes an excellent film Essay
What makes an excellent film?

It took me a little while to come up with an answer to, What makes an excellent film?
There really is no answer, actually. I believe that an excellent film is within the eyes and
emotions of the audience. After researching and discovering what actually won Oscars
and Golden Globe awards, it came down to what the people thought, and the popularity
of a film. It is extremely hard to predict what will win these awards before the movie is
even released to the public.
Before really thinking about the subject, some obvious traits of what I would consider an
excellent film would be superior acting, beautiful scenery, etc., such as many present
categories in the Academy or Golden Globe Awards. Of course I could ... Show more
content on ...
The only other time that this had happened was in the 1950 s, for Ben Hur. These
definitely have something to do with what makes an excellent film, but I also believe that
the personal connection and emotions that someone has with a film is just as important.
I feel that the emotional connection that people make with a film is, in most cases, an
extremely important quality that directors can emphasize on in /their work. Whether it is
a realistic movie that is based off of a true story, or a children s Disney movie, anyone
can experience a sense of a character s point of view. Depending on the type of film
(horror, suspense, comedy, drama, etc.), this emotional connection can vary among
different people. In a classic Disney film such as Bambi, children can relate to Bambi.
They can easily understand the type of experiences that he goes through such as having
friends (Thumper, a joyous rabbit, and Flower, a loving skunk), playing on an icy pond,
and even going through an emotional event of losing a loved one (the death of Bambi s
In general, people rarely want to watch films that they know they won t enjoy. This is
why there are so many types of films, and different people have different views on what
makes an excellent film . The media can have an
Summary Of Pina Bausch s Cafe M�ller And The Rite Of
Pina Bausch s classic Café Müller and The Rite of Spring seem to come from completely
different worlds. The movement style, narratives, and musical scores are completely
contrasting in the pieces. However, there is one similarity between the two the way Pina
intelligently uses the music to inform her movement. In both works she utilizes both
stillness/silence and repetition to create power and drama to match the music.
As I watched a tall woman, stumble blindly across a crowded stage in silence, the last
thing that crossed my mind was what kind of music could accompany such mundane yet
ethereal movement. If I were to have guessed what musical score would be used for Pina
Bausch s abstract choreography, I surely never would have imagined Henry Purcell s
arias from Dido and Aeneas. On a basic level, Pina s choreography seemed to have no
correlation to the music. The sporadic rhythm of her choreography never seemed to
follow the trembling voice of the soprano or dramatic cry of the violins. In fact, as
furniture and dancers unpredictably crash around the stage, her choreography almost
serves as a second, contrasting musical score. At first, the choice of seemed as random as
which chair the sleep walking women ran into yet her musical choice still seemed to fit
Oddly enough, the choreography did have an obsessively regular rhythm, it just did not
correlate with the music s rhythms. In her piece, the dancers bursts of violent movement
are followed by long
The Raven s Annabel Lee
Unlike The Raven s narrator, the narrator of Annabel Lee does not perform actions
throughout the poem. Instead, his action is limited to the second and ending stanzas. He
does, however, react emotionally to the action of the angels. In the second stanza, he
[loves] with a love that [is] more than love and Annabel Lee loves the narrator back in
the same fashion. Additionally, she lived with no other thought/ Than to love and be
loved by the narrator. This is their soul purposes in life. Even though she is dead, he is
still alive and, therefore, still lives to love her as she did him while she was alive. He
dreams of her and feels her eyes every night she has really never left him and will stay
with him for as long as he lives. ... Show more content on ...
It was many and many a year ago begins the narrator, reminiscent of the once upon a
time introduction of fairytales ( Annabel Lee 1). This fairytale like introduction to the
poem gives it an air magic and mystery. The vagueness characterizes the narrator s
feelings toward everything else. The setting does not really matter to him. Annabel Lee
does. Since nothing else matters, he is able to completely ignore death and thus death has
no power over him as it does with the narrator of The Raven. Likewise, the same
fairytale like introduction hints at timelessness and immortality. Time cannot touch his
love. His love cannot decay nor can it be controlled. He has his happy ending
characteristic of fairytales. He has an immortal love that will never die. In addition to the
fairytale aspect of the poem, Annabel Lee s sepulcher is by the sea, implying that it has a
view of the horizon an infinite view ( Annabel Lee 40). This view and the fairytale
quality symbolizes the immortality of their love. Death cannot touch the love, being
immortal. It therefore has no power to control any aspect of the relationship between the
poem s narrator and his beautiful ANNABEL LEE ( Annabel Lee
Criminally Adaptive Crimes
Social networking sites encourage people to be more public about their personal lives.
Because intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass
the filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives. One of the
main reasons why people avoid social networking sites is because they are afraid of a
lack of privacy. Social networking can sometimes result in negative outcomes, some with
long term consequences. Nowadays, social media seems like a big part of our life. Blog
and Forum are also types of social media because they allow you to share what you think
about articles, pictures, videos and so on. There is social media which allows the users
not only to share about their ... Show more content on ...
With increased understanding and law enforcement interdiction, new crimes transform
into better understood adaptive crimes, and laws making criminally adaptive behaviors
explicitly illegal begin to be enacted. The process of formulating and enacting new crime
laws and regulations raises public awareness of crime problems threatening society.
Combined with media attention about these issues, attitudinal and behavioral changes
emerge in ways that precipitate arrest and prevention of adaptive crimes. Eventually,
adaptations of laws are widely adopted and diffused as a form of legal/social technology
that leads to increased investigation and prosecution. When this happens, once new and
then adaptive crime transforms into ordinary crime that is much better understood,
routinely recognized and responded to, and may be systematically targeted for
prevention. Concepts of technology enabled crime, policing and security, along with
Big Brothers Big Sisters Case Study
Big Brothers Big Sisters is a reputable preventative program for youth who are at risk of
becoming juvenile delinquents. Empirical evidence has shown that the BBBS is a valid
prevention program where we can find criminology theories being enacted. Participants
are ascertained as youth who are more likely to become juvenile delinquents due to their
lifestyle, personality and social interactions. This program of mentoring gives an at risk
youth the opportunity to bond with a positive adult mentor who will listen, offer help and
be a good example to follow all within a community setting. I believe in this program not
just because of the evidence showing it works but in the experiences of my peers when it
was first applied to our community. I saw the positive influence in some of the
participants but as far as I am concerned, if we can help 1 or 2 it is a good program and I
if I remember correctly there was only a few that went on to make criminal choices while
most increased their peer support group. Big Brothers Big Sisters was started by Ernest
Coulter, a city court clerk who noticed that over time it the number of youths were
becoming more abundant. Ernest observed how an adult who cared about a youth
increased the likelihood of less delinquent behavior and could even affect their turning
away after criminal activity. By the simple action of asking for volunteers to mentor
these young men, Mr. Coulter began a movement which he called Big Brothers.
Anita Groener vs. the Minister for Education and the City...

The case study is presenting a lawsuit of Anita Groener, who is suing Minister for
Education (hereinafter referred as the Minister ) and the City of Dublin Vocational
Educational Committee (hereinafter referred as the Education Committee ). The charge
was based on the free movement of workers, more specific, knowledge of an official
language of the host country. Mrs. Groener was a Netherlands national, who wanted to
work as a full time art teacher.

The origin of the dispute was the Minister s refusal to appoint Mrs. Groener to a
permanent full time post as an art teacher employed by the Education Committee after
she had failed a test, intended to asses her knowledge of the Irish language. Minister s ...
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The documents before Court contain that the teaching of art, like that of most other
subjects taught in public vocational education schools, is conducted essentially or indeed
exclusively in the English language. It follows that the knowledge of the Irish Language
is not required for the performance of the duties which teaching of the kind at issue
specifically entails. The national court has to decide whether the linguistic requirement in
question is justified by reason of the nature of the post to be filled . The Irish Constitution
says: 1) The Irish language as the national language is the first official language, 2) The
English language is recognized as a second official language, 3) Provision may be made
by law for the exclusive use of either of the said languages for any one or more official
purposes, either throughout the State or in any part thereof.

Irish is not spoken by the whole Irish population. The Irish government designed this
policy to maintain and to promote their identity and culture. Teachers have an essential
role to play, through teaching and by their participation in the daily life of the school and
the privileged relationship which they have with their pupils. In those circumstances it is
reasonable to require them to have some knowledge of the first national language.
Community law requires that power to grant an exemption is exercised by the Minister in
a non discriminatory manner. The principle of non discrimination
Too Much Ambition In Macbeth
Everyone wants to be famous, be in charge, be powerful. It is human to reach for more
power or authority and that ambition tends to clouds people s judgement and block who
they truly are inside so that they can get what they want. Throughout the play Macbeth, it
is evident that ambition will take over a person of power and make them commit evil
without considering the consequences because it corrupts the mind of those it consumes.
The destructive actions of a person in power with too much ambition are noted in the first
two acts of Macbeth. Starting the play off, in act 1, Lady Macbeth immediately started
scheming to get her and Macbeth into the position of king and queen after Macbeth was
made Thane of Cawdor. Come, you spirits that tend
Jamey Johnson In Color Analysis
When choosing a song for the papers in this class, it s always a difficult decision because
I listen to such a variety of music and so many different genres of music and I love all of
it so it is very hard to narrow it down to one song. But, one song I have been gravitating
towards recently is In Color from the album That Lonesome Song by Jamey Johnson. It
is a more mellow song and falls under the country genre, which is one of my favorite
types of music. The time period of the song is between 1935 and 1943. The song is about
a grandchild asking his grandfather about some old black and white photographs he
found from back when his grandfather was a child, also from when his grandfather was
in World War II, and when his grandfather married ... Show more content on ...
Most country music does have a slower rhythm and tones. Even though the instruments
have a slower tone Johnsons voice still has such a strong conviction. When listening to
the song there are a few instruments I can pin point such as drums, the electric guitar and
the acoustic guitar. I feel like the timbre of the song In Color is definitely country, but it
also has kind of a rock sound to it as well. The hook of the song would have to be the line
You should ve seen it in color referring to how they are looking at his grandfathers old
black and white pictures, but nothing is like having been there in the moment. I think this
song really resonated with me because as it says in the hook you should ve seen it in
color back in my grandparents day it was so completely different then it is today and I
don t think people truly realize how different it was and we won t ever really know
because we can t go back to that time. Our grandparents can try and tell us how it was
and their stories, but we will never truly know what it was like. I also think that the hook
explains perfectly how this song ties in with theme two: music and identity, because I
think if someone such as my grandfather listened to this song and heard the part about the
grandfather talking about being in the war it would bring him back to when he was in the
Inspector Calls Inspector
An Inspector calls The Role Of the Inspector. The character of Inspector Goole is the
catalyst for the evening s events and is quite a mystery and fascination to many people.
He is described and comes across as able to create an impression of massiveness, solidity
and purposefulness… He speaks carefully, weightily and has a disconcerting habit of
looking hard at the person he addresses. I will be carefully looking at how he manages to
be so powerful and authoritative, mainly concentrating on the specific language and use
of rhetorical speaking that he uses throughout the play. I will also mention the mystery of
whether the inspector was an impostor and look at the broad possibilities, of which he
may be, One of the ... Show more content on ...
You ll see (pg 26) This clearly shows that despite the Birlings being aware that the
Inspector already knows everything there is to know, they still pour out the information
precisely because of the effect he has on them. He not only asks them to tell him what
they did but also guilt trips them by asking them whether or not that is how they would
want to be treated. By doing this, the Inspector is attempting to broaden the family s
perspective on their own actions, giving them a chance to realise their own faults. The
showing of Eva Smiths photograph is a useful technique of the inspector, which he uses
to trigger the character s memories of their involvement with Eva and make them relive
their experiences. However his methods of showing a photo are rather suspected. He only
lets one person see the photo at a time and every time replaces it in his pocket. How do
we know it is just one photo, when it could be several photos of different people the
family has been involved in and then could be no connection whatsoever? J.B Priestly
has used the photos as a clever tool to heighten the mystery and to keep the audience
wondering and so in turn making the play much more dramatic. The Inspector also
manages to induce dramatic irony during the last sub plot within in which he prompts
Mrs Birling to condemn the father of Eva s child, which ironically is Eric. Using his
method of talking calmly but disturbingly, making the questioned person feel
General Henry Arnold and The United States Airforce Essay
It can be argued that General Henry Hap Arnold is the father of the United States Air
Force. His experiences, wisdom, and foresight are what made him, in every way, a
visionary leader. Due to his efforts developing air mindedness during the first part of the
20th century, he shaped what is today the greatest Air Force on the planet. I will begin by
explaining his effective use of transformational leadership and the impact it has on the
development of airpower. Then I will explain how his acceptance of diversity impacted
the war effort during WWII and the future of the United States Air Force. First, we must
know what shaped him into the leader he eventually became. Hap Arnold started out his
military career somewhat average. He ... Show more content on ...
He learned many lesson over these years and these lessons were start of his path to the
driving factor for change in the Air Corps. Hap began to prove the value and feasibility
of aircraft during military operations. He led and organized an 18,000 mile flight of 10 B
10 bombers from Washington D.C. to Fairbanks, AK. The mission ended up
accomplishing three things; 1) mapped 35,000 square miles of territory, 2) proved that
bombers could be flown in mass formation over great distances, and 3) began to restore
the confidence of the American people in the Air Corps. Arnold demonstrated untiring
energy, professional flying skill and fearless leadership (Glines, 2006). This example
shows his unwavering commitment to the mission and ties directly to the message in the
CSAF White Paper, The story of the Air Force is a story of innovation. Airmen, using
their unique perspective, have long stood for and pioneered innovative ways to win the
fight while shaping the future. This is exactly what hap Arnold was doing. He showed all
of the Air Force Core Values in this one mission. He would go on to be an innovator with
regards to developing new aircraft. His vision would result in the development on the B
17, B 24, and B 29 bombers. He would not only lean on the best and the brightest
military aviation minds but pull in civilian aviation scientists as well. He did not embody
all the aspects of a transformational leader, but he excelled at three of
Cause Of Ww1 Mini-Q Analysis
In World War I countries used all resources they could including dogs. Dogs were used to
carry messages that would be attached to their bodies. Germany had employed 30,000
dogs by 1918. It s crazy to think about a dog on the battlefield. The spark of World War I
was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife on the morning of June
28, 1914. There were many underlying events that caused World War I, but three
important underlying events were alliance, industrialization , and militarism. One of the
three underlying events that lead to World War I becoming such a big war was alliances.
There were at least 100 countries according to fighting a war,
and countries had to choose their side. Countries used alliances for extra support.
Germany, Austria Hungary, and Italy were part of Triple Alliance until 1915 when Italy
switched sides hurting Austria Hungar. On the Triple Entente United Kingdom, and
France fought together. ... Show more content on ...
In Document E of Cause of WWI Mini Q the image shows a German propaganda
showing people that England is a monster.England is shown as a monster because of how
big they were from land to population. Britain had square miles of 12,740,000 and a
population of 400,000,000, the biggest population out of the eight main countries.
However militarism is also an important underlying event in World War I. The warfare
great increased. In the beginning of the war soldiers used gun powered guns at the end
they used tanks and machine guns. Great Britain spent the greatest percentage on its navy
according to Document C of Cause of WWI Mini Q Great Britain s army spent about $90
million at the beginning of the war in 1914. At the end of the war countries have spent
more than expected. Countries spent more because the warfare became more expensive
since it s wasn t just cannons and gunpowder
Reflection On The Happiest Memories Of Identity
The realization of my identity was something new to me and I love learning something
new, yet I was hesitant to look back in the past because I am not one to really reflect on
the past until this assignment. While reflecting on some of the happiest memories about
myself, it also comes with the one no one wants to ever visit which were the unpleasant
memories. Considering the past can help you learn things about yourself that you never
knew. Some of the earliest memories that I can recall was way back from kindergarten
and even until now. While considering the past, I thought about how I saw myself and
what others saw or thought about me. One thing about myself is that I do not like
reflecting about myself. I do not like talking to anyone about my who I am or the
problems that I am going through. It is just a part of me when I was growing up. Being
born into a family where communication was not as important, I grew up learning to
keep our emotions to ourselves. I never talked about our problems so when I grew up I
saw myself as someone who keeps to themselves and never bother anyone. This way I
was great at hiding my true feelings. At the same time, I thought I am outgoing and shy
because I love meeting new people and chatting but at the same time I am shy because it
ties in with keeping everything to ourselves. After I meet you, I am a lot more talkative
and a joker. How others saw me most of the time or when they first met me was probably
that I am shy. That is the most reoccurring thing that gets brought up in a conversation
about me. Others that get to know me sees me as friendly, smiley, happy and always in a
good mood. They also say that I give good advices and a great person to talk to because I
am interesting and have so many stories to tell. They knew I love to relax but also go out
and have lots of fun. Others probably thought I was weird too because I have my days,
but I think that everyone that knows me can agree that I am a positive person. My earliest
realization of me becoming aware of my racial identity would be in elementary school or
maybe earlier. I cannot recall much when I was younger, but I think that when I was little
I would ask questions about why we spoke a different language.
To The Virgins
In the poem To the Virgins to Make Much of Time and the podcast Radiolab Time , time
is being described. Time is an important part of life. There are similarities and differences
between the poem To the Virgins to Make Much of Time and the podcast Radiolab Time .
For instance, people did not want to miss their train in the podcast Radiolab Time . Also
the girl wanted her family to arrive back home sooner in the poem To the Virgins to
Make Much of Time . People told time in the poem To to the Virgins to Make Much of
Time and the podcast Radiolab Time . People used time to plan their day accordingly. In
both the poem To the Virgins to Make Much of Time and the podcast Radiolab Time
people found out when and what things were occurring,
Gilded Age Hero
The world is constantly evolving. Time periods come and go, but certain ones stay with
us and are remembered greatly. Of such, the Gilded Age is one of those few that made a
very large impact on our world today. The Gilded Age is the period in American history
from around 1870 1900 s where the United States population and economy grew quickly
in a short amount of time causing extensive amounts of slave work and wealthy
individuals to live pretentious lifestyles. During this period, John D. Rockefeller, The
founder of the Standard Oil Company, became one of the world s well known wealthiest
individuals and a major philanthropist. In total, he controlled some 90 percent of the
nation s refineries and pipelines In America. Rockefeller didn t ... Show more content on ...
Rockefeller was in fact a villain, he is also thought of as a hero to the Gilded Age
because of the few good acts he did. During the Gilded Age, oil was very expensive and
difficult to acquire.Overall, only the wealthy and well privileged had much access to it,
but Standard Oil developed the world s largest oil refineries and drove down the cost of
refining oil, (World Book, Rockefeller). With Rockefeller as the head of the company, he
was able to expand access of oil to those who didn t have as much money and produce
large amounts of oil for little cost. With his new ideas and methods, he was able to cut
down oil cost and produce more of it more efficiently and quicker than that of the past.
Due to becoming one of the wealthiest individuals in the United States, Rockefeller had a
substantial amount of money and He gave away about $540 million during his lifetime.
He gave most of his money to the public through foundations he established himself and
through other organizations, (World Book, Rockefeller). These other foundations, which
were mainly universities, highly profited and grew off of these generous donations from
Rockefeller. They are still functioning today and Rockefellers impact on them has never
been forgotten. As a result, John D. Rockefeller was thought of to be a hero rather than a
villain. Besides all this good he may have done, his selfish acts can t go unseen and
unnoticed from his action.
John D Rockefeller lived a higher, better life than almost every American during this
time age. He also obtained an extravagant amount of power through his work and
company. His good deeds were overruled by his many bad deeds therefore making him a
villain rather than a hero.
Aesthetic Judgement And Aesthetic Judgment
Anyone who is familiar with the science of evolution in human beings and its
philosophical context in history and modern society can appropriately associate that idea
with variety amongst individuals. Undeniably, there is a persistent growth in the variety
of people who identify in a myriad of groups. Interestingly enough, if anyone were to
take a step back and observe the variety of individuals around them, he or she would
participate in abstract notion of aesthetic judgment or an analysis of what the individual
deems to be beautiful based off of differing factors, though initially based off of physical
attributes. On a psychological level, this aesthetic viewpoint is a reflection of the relative
perspective of people and circumstances in which they consider what is attractive or
repulsive , and apply how it is universally understood beauty attracts while ugliness
repels. Aesthetic judgment can be utilized as a mechanism to enhance survival and
reproduction within a species. Thus, this overall notion of aesthetic judgment can be
associated to the emerging theory of evolution and everything it encompasses. With this
groundbreaking discovery, a variety of historically great modern thinkers (philosophers)
managed to incorporate this scientific theory into their understanding of the world around
them. Ultimately, while their perspectives may vary, these philosophers fundamentally
acknowledge that this evolutionary change is ever present and influentially active in
Plight of Women in Sweat by Zora Neal Hurston Essay
Sweat by Zora Neal Hurston is one simple yet powerful story that aims to reveal the
plight of women through Delia. Delia turns out to be an empowered woman who has
built her own home, handles her family s finances, works hard, and takes pleasure in the
results of her hard work. The fascinating fact about Delia whom I believe represents
women in general, is that she was able to establish and maintain a home despite being
married to an inconsiderate husband who only brought a longing for the flesh instead of
love into the relationship (699).

In a nutshell, Delia s husband, Sykes has plans to kill her to pave for way for his second
marriage to a plump woman named Bertha. He intends to achieve this by placing a
rattlesnake in their ... Show more content on ...
Hancock who made an observation that [Sri Lankan women], have formed the backbone
of an enormous economic shift toward export oriented industrialization . . . . [Bringing]
about benefits, particularly to families and households where stable incomes are usually
non existent(1).

Delia was a round character, at first she comes out as being docile. She took up numerous
insults, disrespect and worst of all physical violence from her arrogant cruel and barbaric
husband. She has bore with the mentioned lifestyle for about fifteen years. Zora Neal
Hurston says that Delia had brought love to the union and he had brought a longing for
the flesh. Two months after the wedding, he had given her first of the many to come
brutal beatings (699). This trait turns out to be one of her major flaws that cause her to
suffer a great deal of problems in her tormenting marriage.

Later on, Delia was able to change to an assertive woman. She seized the iron skillet
from the stove and struck a defensive pose, which act surprised him greatly, coming from
her. It cowed him and did not strike her as he usually did. (Hurston 699). This act of
bravery translates to a stronger woman. Even when Sykes brought a snake to the house,
she stood for what was rightfully hers despite her great phobia for snakes.

Hurston tells us that when Sykes tried to stir up an argument, Delia replied, Ah aint for
no fuss tonight Sykes. Ah just come from taking sacrament at the church house (698).
This portrays
Education Vs Incarceration Analysis
Books Through Bars: Education Versus Incarceration. Books Through Bars. N.p., n.d.
Web. 12 May 2016.
This website talks about how much the U.S. is spending on prisons vs. Schools. The
funding for schools has decreased by more than ten percent, and the spending for prisons
and increased by 430 percent. It states that the key to reducing crime is education, but
since the education system is not being funded properly the kids aren t getting a good
education so they don t have a big chance at a good future. The article points out that one
in ten dropouts are imprisoned, and one in 35 graduated go to jail, so that shows proof
that education is the answer. Comparing this source to the other ones, this one mostly
talks about the funding of the ... Show more content on ...
Kids get yanked out of schools and get sent to prison, and it is mostly black students and
poor students. The reason for this happening is because prisons get double the funding
schools get, so as a result the prisons get filled up with students, and those students are
mostly black and/or poor. This source is somewhat similar to a couple of the other
sources because it talked about the school to prison pipeline system, the funding of the
systems and the results of it. The author of this article wanted to inform the reader about
the system and show that with a little more education and a little more tolerance there
would be a lot less crimes. This article shows that education is the way to decrease the
number of prisoners.
Heitzeg, Nancy A. Education Or Incarceration: Zero Tolerance Policies And The School
To Prison Pipeline. (2009): n. pag. Print
The author in this source says that the expansion of zero tolerance policies have no effect
on school safety, instead it raised school suspension, the number of dropouts, and it is
racist. The article defines the school to prison pipeline, it talks about the rise of
incarceration, and it offers a lot of statistics. This author wanted the reader to gain
knowledge about the system, this article will help me back up a few points in my essay,
and prove my thesis.
Owens, Jody. How Prison Stints Replaced Study
Icon Medical Center Accident Clinic
Icon Medical Centers Accident Clinic in Hollywood, Fla., specializes in helping patients
who have been injured in vehicle accidents, sports related injuries, slip and falls as well
as injuries sustained at work. We provide various services to residents in and around
Hollywood, including Physiotherapy, Chiropractic Care, Orthopedic and Neurosurgical

Dedicated Medical Professionals in Hollywood, Florida

The staff and medical professionals at our Hollywood, Fla. accident clinic are dedicated
to assisting individuals as they move through the recovery process. Our patients enjoy the
highest quality of care provided by some of the most skilled and compassionate
physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors and massage therapists available in South

Experience, Knowledge and Innovative Treatments at Icon Medical Centers Accident


At our accident clinic, we have experience caring for individuals who have been injured
while playing sports or those who sustained injuries in a car accident, motorcycle
accident, on the job, as well as individuals who received injuries due to a slip and fall.

All Inclusive Care at Icon Medical Centers Accident Clinic

Becoming injured in and of itself is difficult to contend with: The last thing an individual
wants to do is travel from one area of South Florida to the next to receive the medical
care they need as they move through the recovery process. For this reason, we strive to
provide our patients with as many
Hills Like White Elephants, a Theme Analysis Essay
Ernest Hemmingway uses time, place, and symbolism in Hills like White Elephants to
intensify the central dilemma in a story about a man and a woman deciding on whether to
go through with an abortion. Although a literal reading of the title may not seem to have
any relation to the story, the title is rich in implications. Critics suggest that Hills refers to
the shape of a woman s stomach when pregnant, and Webster s 21st Century Dictionary
defines white elephant as: [An] awkward, useless possession. The term is also defined in
Webster s as an item that is worthless to some but priceless to others. According to Victor
Lindsey, the child in the story is a white elephant in the view of the man, who is trying to
convince the girl to ... Show more content on ...
The train depot is surrounded on both sides by fields: one side with trees and fields of
grain, and the other contains nothing but dust (Hemingway 324). The two sides of the
train tracks represent the choice Jig will have to face between pregnancy and abortion.

Every time the man or the woman try to change the subject and avoid talking about the
abortion, they end up saying something that refers to or alludes to the baby or the
abortion. The woman suggests that the hills look like white elephants (324), which the
man fails to acknowledge. The lack of clear communication between the two causes
tension and arguments at every turn. When the woman agrees sarcastically that the man
has never seen white elephants, he says, Just because you say I wouldn t have doesn t
prove anything (324). The woman is clearly annoyed at the insensitivity of the man s
negative feelings toward her pregnancy. For her, the baby is a priceless treasure, but for
him it is a worthless fetus.

Time and place are very significant in the story. The author describes where the train is
boarded and where it is headed to, but he never tells the reader where the man and
woman are at the moment. Hemingway notes that the train stopped at this junction for
two minutes and went on to Madrid (324). Baker argues that this limited time symbolizes
the time she has to have the abortion (Baker, 145). Baker further
Statement Of Sop For Mechanical Engineering

If you can dream it, you can do it

.................................Walt Disney

I believe that the 21st century belongs to people with the ability to dream far beyond the
existing reality and having the potential to realize those dreams. Behind every great
invention there is bold dream equipped with curiosity and hard work.
Career plans long term goals...
My name is Koundinya Kompalli and I am a Graduate in Mechanical Engineering from
P. Indra Reddy Memorial Engineering College, affiliated to JNTUH, India. My long term
career plan is to take up a challenging position either in the academia or the industry
where I can do research and development work. And in order to realize my career plan
my immediate objective is to do my masters degree in mechanical engineering with
specialization in Robotics and later work towards a PHD in the same field.
What I have... ... Show more content on ...
I have always performed my best in academics right from my school days through my
graduation in which I have graduated with distinction and topped in my college.
I always had a flair for mathematics and physics as they kindled curiosity in me and got
me thinking about the reason behind every phenomenon. I derived immense pleasure
every time I solved a complex mathematical problem. Ever since my childhood I was
deeply fascinated by machines which can think and reason like human beings. My
curiosity to question everything and look for the logic and principle behind every
machine has led me to choose Mechanical Engineering during my under
Brown Bear (Ursus Arctos)
The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is a large bear with the widest distribution of any living
ursid. The species is distributed across much of northern Eurasia and North America. It is
one of the two largest terrestrial carnivorans alive today, rivaled in body size only by its
close cousin, the polar bear (Ursus maritimus), which is much less variable in size and
averages larger due to this. There are several recognized subspecies, many of which are
quite well known within their native ranges, found in the brown bear species.

The brown bear s principal range includes parts of Russia, Central Asia, China, Canada,
the United States (mostly Alaska), Scandinavia and the Carpathian region (especially
Romania), Anatolia, and Caucasus. The brown bear is recognized as a national and state
animal in several European countries. ... Show more content on ...
As of 2012, this and the American black bear are the only bear species not classified as
threatened by the IUCN. However, the Californian, North African (Atlas bear), and
Mexican subspecies were hunted to extinction in the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries, and many of the southern Asian subspecies are highly endangered. One of the
smaller bodied subspecies, the Himalayan brown bear, is critically endangered,
occupying only 2% of its former range and threatened by uncontrolled poaching for its
parts. The Marsican brown bear, one of several currently isolated populations of the main
Eurasian brown bear race, in central Italy is believed to have a population of just 30 to 40

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