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Best Essay Ever Written

Crafting an essay on the subject of the "Best Essay Ever Written" is a paradoxical challenge. The
inherent difficulty lies in the subjective nature of the topic itself. What defines the best essay is a
highly personal and variable judgment, varying from person to person. It's akin to attempting to
capture the essence of the most beautiful sunset or the finest piece of music – an endeavor rife with
subjectivity and diverse perspectives.

To embark on such a task, one must grapple with the vast landscape of literary history, delving into
an array of genres, styles, and cultures. The sheer volume of exceptional essays, each with its unique
voice and narrative, makes the process of singling out the pinnacle a Herculean feat. Moreover, the
definition of excellence is fluid, morphing with evolving literary trends and societal changes, adding
layers of complexity to the endeavor.

Attempting to write the best essay ever necessitates a nuanced understanding of the various elements
that constitute greatness in writing – from impeccable grammar and syntax to profound insights,
compelling narratives, and the ability to resonate with a diverse audience. It demands not only a
mastery of the craft but also an acute awareness of the dynamic interplay between language and

Moreover, the endeavor is compounded by the anxiety of influence – the awareness that countless
writers have grappled with similar aspirations throughout history. It requires navigating the fine line
between originality and homage, attempting to contribute something new to a conversation that has
spanned centuries.

The pressure to encapsulate the epitome of writing in a single essay can be paralyzing. The writer
must confront the daunting realization that their work will be held against the backdrop of literary
giants and timeless classics. This awareness can either be a motivating force, propelling the writer to
new heights of creativity, or a stifling burden, inhibiting the flow of ideas.

In the end, the quest for the best essay ever written is a Sisyphean task. It's a journey fraught with
challenges, where success is elusive, and the definition of achievement is ever-shifting. Yet, perhaps
it is in this very struggle that the beauty of the endeavor lies – the ceaseless pursuit of excellence,
the exploration of uncharted territories in the vast realm of language and expression.

In a world saturated with words, attempting to write the best essay ever is an audacious endeavor, a
testament to the indomitable human spirit's pursuit of perfection. Whether it ends in triumph or not,
the journey itself becomes a reflection of the writer's dedication to the craft. The quest for the best
essay ever written is, in essence, a journey into the heart of literature, a quest that, despite its
inherent challenges, holds the promise of discovery and growth.

For those seeking assistance in navigating this literary odyssey or any other writing challenges,
similar essays and much more can be ordered on , where skilled writers stand
ready to lend their expertise to your creative pursuits.

Best Essay Ever Written Best Essay Ever Written

Essay The Many Interpretations of Justice over History
Every decision or action we make is either justifiable or unjustifiable. Justice usually
decided by society or by the norm. This relates to how the different types of justice also
contribute to an individual s behavior and actions which also affects society. The norm
constantly changes from one society to another. Although, there are always laws that are
broken brings consequences that must follow, as well as punishments that are made.
Justice continues to be a controversy that concerns the issue of what s just or unjust. The
many interpretations of justice have changed over history. Rightfulness or lawfulness, as
of a claim or title; justness of ground or reason: to complain with justice. The first word
rightfulness suggests ... Show more content on ...
Depending on the severity of an offense a person participated in determines the
punishment for that person. Retributive justice responds to crime that which also
considers punishment. Retributive justice focuses on the wrongdoings of justice. Divine
law involves the religious approach of justice directly from God. The eternal law leads to
divine law translating to having without a beginning or an end. Those laws have always
been there, meaning that God is infinite or endless; his laws are also infinite and eternal.
Suggesting that not all, but a large percentage of religious people follow the divine laws
of God, meaning a diverse group of different religions practice and interpret their own
ways of following the laws of God. According to the Free Online English Dictionary,
justice said to be the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral
rightness: to uphold the justice of a cause . Equitableness has to do with treatment of
fairness that brings about just behavior which fairness also recognized. Fairness suggests
equal treatment in a proper legal matter, or how something will be handled. When
comparing equitableness and fair, they both mean the same exact thing which is just fair
and equal treatment that implies reasonable and unbiased in both parts of the meanings.
The words come hand in hand by suggesting that equality in which individuals are
treated the same in a positive manner resulting in a win win
Euthanasi Euthanasia And Non Voluntary Euthanasia
Euthanasia is defined as the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and
painful disease or in an irreversible coma. Also known as mercy killings and physician
assisted suicide, it is currently legal in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and two
American states, Oregon and Washington. There are three types of euthanasia. They are
voluntary euthanasia, involuntary euthanasia, and non voluntary euthanasia. Whether or
not euthanasia is moral is a subject that is often debated and it is very controversial.
There are many things that have to be considered in determining whether or not
euthanasia should be practiced. For example, many people feel that it is completely
immoral and vile because they believe that everyone should die naturally. Also, people
who are religious also believe that a person should not be able to decide when they are to
leave this world. While this may be true, it is also evident that certain sick people do not
have a quality of life. Voluntary euthanasia would allow these people to decide whether
or not they want to stay alive. Therefore, is it just to take that right away from them? For
instance, someone who is terminally ill and is suffering every day is going to die
eventually. Instead of keeping them alive on respirators and countless doses of
medication, they can decide to die peacefully and with their dignity. Voluntary euthanasia
can save money, and shorten the grief and suffering of both a patient and their families. A
My Community Is The Best For The Most
My community is anyone who identifies as Mexican/Latino(a)/Chicano(a). I choose this
community because I believe there are issues that need to be addressed with the way
Latinos are portrayed in society. Right now, due to the media, if someone says illegal
immigrants a person automatically thinks about someone from Mexico. I believe this is a
problem because it causes Mexicans to have a negative stereotype, which often times
include anyone who looks Mexican. After reading Rules for Radicals I have learned that
I need to start seeing the world how it is not were I want it to be before (Alinsky 12).
Alinsky defines ethics as doing what is best for the most (Alinsky 33). Since it is in the
best interest for my community to not have such a negative stereotype I plan to address
this issue by educating individuals on different issues that reinforce negative stereotypes
such as calling an individual an illegal immigrant. I believe this is important because no
person can actually be illegal and using the term alien to identify someones documented
status is a form of dehumanization. I would also share different forms to view Donald
Trumps position on undocumented immigrants in order to ease tension and share how his
position is not very logical. My goal is for society, from the United States, to no longer
think of Mexicans as illegal immigrants, but rather refer to people who are here with out
residency as undocumented. I would also like if the world thought of everyone as
The Amish Essay
Kraybill, Donald. The Amish and the State. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,

The Amish and the State is wrote with the intent to identify the cultural values and social
organizations of the Amish order along with how the traditional values of the Amish
counteracted with the modernity of the state. This book covers the most prominent
aspects of the Amish order dating all the way back to their very existence during the
Radical Reformation in the sixteenth century. It entitles one to see and feel the
persecution the Amish order has faced since 1525. Donald Kraybill believes that the
Amish order, even though some individuals view their religious practices as being
extremely impractical, is a major attribute toward the freedom ... Show more content on ...
In the twentieth century they still continue to be persecuted even though it is not as harsh,
they spend large amounts of time in jail and even suffer abundant quantities of fines for
following the religious pathway of Christ. The Amish order continues to strive for their
religious rights although their struggle with the state and government does not get any
easier. The torture that the Amish persevered through and continue to battle against is an
example of how Kraybill proves that they helped pave the pathway toward our religious
The Amish faith is to be considered as living a life of self surrender. According to
Kraybill this attribute is the core of the Amish religion. The cornerstone to the values in
the Amish faith is Gelassenheit. The German word means submission=yielding to a
higher authority. It entails self surrender, resignation to God s will, yielding to others, self
denial, contentment, and a quiet spirit (12). Being able to display wholesomeness and
respect toward the individuals which are trying to bring about an end of your complete
form of life is an influential aspect which enabled the Amish to aid in the uprising of the
First Amendment clause. They continued to fight for their religious rights in away that
does not intrude on their belief of living a
VAX Computer Work Together with VAXclusters
VAXclusters is made to be used by using many VAX computers so that all these systems
could work together and operate as one unit. Professionals are making new programs so
that updated working could be obtained through VAXclusters. Users of VAXclusters are
able to have speed for almost 70MB per second which is able to handle nearly 3000
messages in one second. It means that users of VAXclusters are able to have high sending
and receiving of messages in this system.

Multiprocessors are tightly coupled in VAXclusters and distributed systems are loosely
coupled so that users could get instant results. Professionals are installing and updating
programs in VAXclusters so that desired results can be obtained by users. Professionals
had a goal in mind to make a system with VAX computers which will be available for
users in order to process their queries with great speed and accuracy. Continued working
and research gave birth to a new system which is known as VAXclusters.

All data is stored in a large sized hard disk and users of VAXclusters have access to this
storage of data for getting benefits. VAXclusters is available for users all the time and it
is easy to extend this system as it is made in such a manner to have easy installations of
systems and programs for better performance. Professionals are available and working on
VAXclusters for increasing the scope of working and providing more areas for users.
Much advancement have made in old models so that new VAXclusters could
The Focal Length of Spherical Mirrors
Section 1: The Focal length of a concave mirror
Section 2: The focal length of a convex mirror
Done by:
I.D: 201100635
24 Oct. 11

Section 1: To determine the focal length of a Concave Mirror by locating the centre of


In this paper we want to discuss the focal point of a concave mirror by locating the centre
of curvature. The focal point is a point in space at which light incident towards the mirror
and travelling parallel to the principal axis will meet after reflection. The diagram at the
right depicts this principle. In fact, if some light from the sun were collected by a
concave mirror, then it would converge at the focal ... Show more content on ...
In the diagram I have drawn I ve had to exaggerate the shape of the mirror a bit to be able
to use it in some of the diagrams later on, but you should be able to get the basic idea.
Like a regular circle, the distance from the centre to the surface of the mirror is the
Focus or Focal Point (F)
If an object was infinitely far away from the mirror, the light from it would converge on
this one point. In the diagrams we are doing we will mostly be looking at how some light
rays pass through (or appear to pass through) this focal point. The focal point is exactly
in between the mirror and the centre. Since the distance between the centre and the
mirror is the radius, the distance from the focal point to the mirror is half of the radius.

Principle Axis
The blue line is the principle axis, a line that we will use as a reference point in our
diagrams. It passes through the centre and is perpendicular to the surface of the mirror.
(White, 1999)
There are two main rules we need to use to figure out where the image of the object will
appear. All of the rules involve what a ray will do when leaves the object.
Rule #1: Any ray through the focal point will reflect parallel to the principle axis (Figure
Light reflects off objects at all sorts of angles, and if it will help us to find where an
image is, we might as well assume one ray goes right through the focus.
Problems with the Japanese Whaling Industry
The Japanese whaling industry has thrived and flourished since its origin. The Japanese
have depended on whales such as the blue, fin, sei, and humpback whales. The issue at
hand is that the demand for whale products and byproducts is so large that the numbers
of these types of whales has declined to near extinction levels. Without any care to the
harm being done, the Japanese whaling industry has not shown any sign of remorse
towards this actions little has been done by the international community s to put an end to
the elimination of these large and peaceful creatures. There have been small groups of
anti whaling conservation. The groups have had many victories along the way by using
their non traditional methods and sometimes generating violent tension between them
and the whaling ships while in international waters.
This topic has generated research and observation in order to understand both sides of the
whaling industry in Japan. First must take a look to the history and background of the
topic. The oldest Japanese book in existence, called the Kojiki, chronicled that the
Emperor Jimmu, the first emperor of Japan, ate whale meat (History of Japanese
Whaling, 2013). Due to over 1,000 years of whaling in Japan, It has not been an easy
task for the Japanese people to ease up on this addiction to whale products. For centuries
this industry has remained strong until recently attacks by conservation groups. The
international community has created the
Analysis Of Pam Jenkins, Steve Kroll Smith, And Vern Baxter
In Left to Chance the authors: Pam Jenkins, Steve Kroll Smith, and Vern Baxter attempt
to fill a book with details from the events leading up to and the aftermath of hurricane
Katrina without explicitly talking about race. This is a new take on writing about
hurricane Katrina because most books and articles out there use race as a backbone in
describing how devastating the storm was. This decision was beneficial to the overall
message of the book because even though the authors never brought up race, the people
who were interviewed brought it up on their own volition, which consequently brought
the issue of race along for the ride in the entirety of the book without the authors never
having to explicitly say, because they were black. This perceived notion that race was a
huge piece in the puzzle that was the newly decimated New Orleans, shows that even
though there is a book that existed in all intents and purposes to NOT focus on race, race
was obviously a very prevalent reason in why African Americans suffered the worse in
the storm. Furthermore, the authors made an intelligent choice in deciding to choose two
economically different black neighborhoods to focus their book on instead of writing
about two poor, black neighborhoods, two white neighborhoods, or one white and one
black neighborhood. The reason for this is because the two economically different black
neighborhoods prove that it wasn t just a monetary reason for why African Americans
were so devastated by the
How Did The French Revolution Influence The Arts
French Revolution Influence on the Arts
University of the People
French Revolution Influence on the Arts
Late eighteenth century France was embattled with a mix of social and political unrest.
While the austerity of the citizenry hit new heights, the aristocracy and royalty were
smitten with their luxurious, palatial surroundings. Socioeconomic instability and
polarity, during this time, influenced artists to break norms and seek meaningful art as a
way to define the period. Illiteracy in eighteenth century Europe created opportunities for
art to be a tool for encouraging revolution fervor. Over the next few paragraphs, ... Show
more content on ...
Artists that practiced the Romanticism style seemed to want more freedom in their art. As
Willette (2009) writes, artist demanded the right to freedom of expression as an art
maker, which, in these early years of Romanticism, played itself out mostly along the
lines of style and the way in which materials were handled. One of the more significant
artworks of this style is Delacroix s Liberty
Leading the People. The Roman inspired personification of Liberty is captured as a
prominent lady carrying the French flag as revolutionaries follow, in pursuit of their own
liberty. In the background you see numerous militias and the fog of war they are
marching through. This draws on the emotion of vigilance during the pursuit of freedom
and a strong draw of patriotic feeling.
Figure 2. Eugène Delacroix s Liberty Leading the People.
In conclusion, we have discovered how the French Revolution inspired artists during the
Neoclassical era and Romantic era. Even with strife, art can remain a steady inspirational
figure. The timelessness of art will continue to give rise to influence, emotion, and

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