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Communication Essay Sample

Crafting an essay on the topic of communication may seem deceptively straightforward, but delving
into its intricacies and presenting a comprehensive analysis can be a challenging endeavor.
Communication, being a multifaceted concept, encompasses various forms, channels, and nuances,
making it a vast field to explore.

To begin with, one must navigate through the extensive literature on communication theories,
models, and principles. Understanding the historical evolution of communication and its diverse
applications across different contexts adds another layer of complexity. The challenge lies in
distilling this wealth of information into a coherent and engaging narrative that not only informs but
also stimulates critical thinking.

Moreover, addressing the cultural, technological, and interpersonal dimensions of communication

requires a delicate balance. One must navigate through the complexities of language, non-verbal
cues, and the impact of digital communication on our interconnected world. The essay should strive
to capture the evolving nature of communication, considering the ever-changing dynamics in society
and technology.

The task becomes even more formidable when attempting to present original insights or perspectives
on the topic. A well-crafted communication essay should go beyond regurgitating established
knowledge and offer a fresh perspective or a thought-provoking analysis. This demands thorough
research, critical thinking, and a creative approach to synthesis.

Organizing the information in a logical and coherent manner is another hurdle. The challenge lies in
ensuring a smooth flow of ideas, avoiding redundancy, and maintaining the reader's interest
throughout the essay. Striking the right balance between depth and accessibility is crucial, as the
essay should appeal to both experts in the field and those approaching the topic for the first time.

In conclusion, while the prospect of writing a communication essay may initially seem manageable,
the process unravels layers of complexity that demand diligent research, critical thinking, and
effective synthesis. However, for those seeking assistance or wishing to explore alternative avenues,
it's worth noting that similar essays and more can be conveniently ordered through platforms like . These services provide an accessible solution for those navigating the challenges
of essay composition, offering expertly crafted pieces tailored to specific needs and topics.

Communication Essay Sample Communication Essay Sample

Revenge In The Film Gladiator
For almost three thousand years, revenge has been a central preoccupation of European
literature. ( #2 ) Even today we as students of the world see Aristotle s influence around
us. Especially in the forms of entertainment that we seek, such as movies. The film
Gladiator contains the need for revenge; just like the many European literatures before its
time. It also follows Aristotle s guidelines of tragedy. The protagonist, Maximus, suffers
from a thirst of revenge for the murderer of his family. As the audience watches this film
they are taken through a roller coaster of emotion such as, sympathy for Maximus and
fear for his defeat. In the film Gladiator, written by Ridley Scott, follows Aristotle s
guide to tragedy by depicting the protagonist s fatal flaw of vengefulness, the audience s
emotions of fear and pity while watching this film. Throughout the course of the film it is
obvious that Maximus s need to avenge the death of his wife and child is the driving
force behind his actions, and inevitable death. After a crucial change in power for the
Roman empire, General Maximus Decimus Meridius is put into a tough situation. The
new Caesar holds a grudge against Maximus and takes it out on his wife and son,
creating a storm of rage within the Roman General. Driven by his need for blood,
Maximus uses his newfound life as a Gladiator to get close to the emperor. Near the end
of the film Maximus and the emperor finally clash, and the duel brings about the death of
Pipeline Failures Are Caused By Undetected Corrosion Of...
The majority of pipeline failures are caused by undetected corrosion of the pipe (1). A
real time corrosion detection technique that does not require access to the entire pipeline
would allow for maintenance and repairs to be done before a failure occurs, saving time
and money, reducing or negating environmental damage, and easing political pressure
and social stigma on pipelines. Pipeline failures can relate to each aspect of the STEEP
model. When a pipeline fails, it effects the surrounding environment by leaking
hazardous gas and hydrocarbons into the ecosystem. In addition to the environmental
affects, the economical effects are drastic. Between 2002 and 2009, pipeline companies
spent over $600,000,000 on pipeline failures (1). Social and political stances on pipelines
are very crucial right now, as pipelines have a stigma in the media because of the damage
and loss of life failures cause. If we can reduce or negate these failures, social and
political support for pipelines should grow, enabling more pipelines to be built across the
world. From my research, I have not found any corrosion detection techniques out there
that do what I am proposing. A real time corrosion detection technique would allow
companies to detect corrosion in underground/underwater piping systems without having
to excavate, or dive and inspect them. A wireless technology that can be introduced to a
piping system capable of detecting corrosion or a corrosive environment
Hawaiian Memories, Inc.
A. Whether a C corporation that has preferred stock and common stock with both voting
and nonvoting rights, eight shareholders among whom there are a Swedish individual and
Plantation Sugar partnership, may elect to be an S corporation, under section 1361(b)(1)
(B), 1361(b)(1)(C) and 1361(b)(1)(D)?
B. Whether all the shareholders must consent to the election of S status, under section
C. Whether the election of S status is effective if a C corporation does not meet all the
requirements in the election year, under Reg §1.1362 6(2)(ii)(B)?
D. Whether an S corporation can keep its C corporation tax year, which ends in June 30,
without documenting any business purpose, under the provision of section 1378(b)?
E. Whether a newly ... Show more content on ...
E. For an S corporation converted from a C corporation, it shall recognize the LIFO
recapture amount, which is the excess of FMV on the first day of S year over the adjusted
basis, by including it in the gross income of the last C corporation year.
F. An S corporation has to recognize built in gain of assets from C corporation years,
which is the least of taxable income, unrealized built in gain minus recognized built in
gain and built in gains reduced by net operating losses from previous years.
G. A corporation cannot use net operating losses between C corporation years and S
corporation years, with the only exception that net operating losses from C corporation
years can reduce net recognized built in gains from S corporation years.

List of Applicable Law:

A. §1361(a)(1); §1361(b)(1)(B); §1361(b)(1)(C); §1361(b)(1)(D); Reg §1.1361 1(I)(1)
B. §1362(a)(2)
C. §1362(b)(1); Reg §1.1362 6(2)(ii)(B)
D. §1378(b); Reg §1.1378 1(d)
E. §1363(d)(1); §1363(d)(2); §1363(d)(3)
F. §1371(b)(1); §1374(b)(2); Reg §1.1374 2(a); Reg §1.1374 1(d)
G. §1374(b)(1); Reg §1.1374 2(a)

Discussion of law:
Section 1361(a)(1) provides that an S corporation is a small business corporation with an
S status election in effect. To qualify for a small business corporation, a corporation
cannot have a partnership as a shareholder according to
The Effects Of Social Cognitive Theory On The Behavior Of...
Natural environments and outdoor settings are common places people go when they want
to relax or temporarily escape life s problems. Most often, when choosing where to
vacation, people commonly select a destination with picturesque sceneries or serene
landscapes. For this reason, natural outdoor settings seem like an ideal place to
incorporate recreational therapy activities for those with physical and mental health
issues. Recreational therapists should consider several aspects of their patients lives when
creating these outdoor therapy programs. This paper explores the social cognitive theory
and the behavioral, personal, and environmental constructs that affect the behavior of
veterans with PTSD and other psychological health issues. There will be a brief
discussion regarding the details of the study as well as the author s findings. In particular,
the role of the environment on one s behavior will be examined. The social cognitive
theory is a social psychology theory created by Albert Bandura that stems from the social
learning theory. Social cognitive theory suggests that there are multiple factors that shape
and affect the behavior of an individual. Personal, behavioral, and environmental factors
can influence each other and influence how an individual behaves. The hypothesis for
this study was that nature based leisure experiences would benefit military veterans by
improving psychological well being, social functioning, and life outlook. Various
Tim Hortons analysis
1. Summarize the company, its current financial health and overall capital structure.
Tim Hortons is a leader of QSR (quick service restaurants) in Canada and fourth in North
America. The company has 3,148 restaurant in Canada and 602 in USA, 194 locations in
the Republic of Ireland, 81self serve kiosks in the United Kingdom and temporary
location in Kandahar, Afghanistan. THI restaurants represents by standard restaurants,
small full service restaurants and self serve kiosks.

Business model: THI charges restaurant owners a Franchise fee of 4.5% of their gross
sales. Rental income results from an 8.5% charge on restaurant sales. In addition, owners
have to pay for advertising funds. Another way to manage Tim Hortons restaurant is ...
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Average day s Payable Outstanding: This ratio tells us how efficient THI is in paying it s
current portion of liabilities. With 26 days Tim Horton is experiencing a downward
(ameliorating) trend since 2006. Today THI is able to pay off its Accounts Payables faster
than the years before; this average is 20% lower than the industry.
With an Average Cash Conversion Cycle of 10 days (2007 to 2011) THI is able to pay for
the materials purchased from suppliers, sell them and then collect cash on the retail level
within a period of 10 days.
The operating cycle of THI is 36 days as for the industry average its 21 days.
Overall the liquidity of the company is very stable, THI working capital is healthy and
the company is able to support its short term business needs in an efficient manner.
3. Comment on its effective or ineffective use of debt.
Tim Hortons debt can be classified into the following categories:
Senior Unsecured notes trading at a market value 327 million with face value of 300
million and a coupon of 4.2%. Moreover, a revolver with a ceiling of CAD 250 million.
Tim Hortons has a large number of capital leases. 2,176 stores, out of 3750, are leased by
THI (and subleased to restaurant owners). Generally the lease period is 10 to 20 years
with an obligation to cover expenses such as insurance, taxes, maintenance etc.
Moreover, those leases cannot be cancelled even in

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