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A Descriptive Essay About A Place

Writing a descriptive essay about a place may seem deceptively simple at first, given that it doesn't
require extensive research or complex arguments. However, the real challenge lies in capturing the
essence of the place and conveying it vividly to the reader. It demands a keen sense of observation, a
mastery of language, and the ability to evoke emotions through words.

To begin with, choosing the right place is crucial. Whether it's a bustling city, a serene beach, or a
quaint countryside, the writer must have a personal connection or a profound understanding of the
chosen location. This familiarity enables them to paint a detailed and authentic picture in the reader's

Crafting a compelling introduction is another hurdle. The opening should grab the reader's attention
and set the tone for the entire essay. Descriptive language, sensory details, and perhaps a hint of
mystery or nostalgia can be effective tools in achieving this.

Maintaining a cohesive structure poses its own set of challenges. A balance must be struck between
providing a chronological account of the place and organizing the description thematically.
Transitioning smoothly from one aspect to another while maintaining the overall flow can be a
delicate task.

Moreover, the use of language is of utmost importance. A descriptive essay requires a rich
vocabulary, varied sentence structures, and the ability to convey emotions effectively. Metaphors,
similes, and other literary devices can enhance the descriptive quality of the essay, but their overuse
must be avoided to maintain clarity.

Revision is a critical step in the essay-writing process, especially for a descriptive piece. Fine-tuning
the language, eliminating redundancies, and ensuring coherence are essential. The writer must step
back and read the essay with fresh eyes to identify areas that need improvement.

In conclusion, while writing a descriptive essay about a place may not demand extensive research,
its difficulty lies in the nuanced art of observation, vivid expression, and emotional resonance. It's a
task that requires not only a mastery of language but also a deep connection to the chosen place.
Crafting a compelling narrative that transports the reader is a challenge that demands time, effort,
and a keen eye for detail.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, a resource like can provide professional support and guidance. Expert writers can help navigate
the complexities of descriptive writing, ensuring that the final piece is not only descriptive but also
engaging and evocative.

A Descriptive Essay About A Place A Descriptive Essay About A Place

Summary Of Frolus Faustus
Faustus portrays the stumble over the Alps and the different urban communities while in
transit to Rome. After Mephistophilis discloses to Faustus that he has organized to enter
the pope s private chamber, he depicts the city of Rome. They get ready to go into the
pope s chambers and Mephistophilis makes Faustus undetectable. At the point when the
pope and a gathering of monks enter, Faustus plays traps on them by grabbing plates and
containers from them. At long last, he boxes the pope on the ear. At the point when the
ministers who are going with the pope start to sing a requiem to re move the detestable
soul that is by all accounts present, Mephistophilis and Faustus start to beat the monks
and indulgence a few firecrackers among them. The theme enters and surveys Faustus
profession. At the point when Faustus has seen all the imperial courts, he returns home,
where a hefty portion of his companions search him out and pose troublesome inquiries
concerning crystal gazing and the universe. Faustus learning makes him well known all
through the land. At long last the ruler, Carolus the Fifth, requests that he go to his
court.Faustus gives the scoop on his excursion to Rome, telling how he went over Trier,
France, the Rhine River, Naples, the tomb of Vergil, Venice, and Padua. At that point, to
Mephistopheles, he s all, man, where are we? To which Meph lets him know: duh, Rome.
Mephistopheles clarifies the topography of Rome how it remains on seven slopes with
the Tiber River
The Issue Of Gun Safety Essay
When thinking about gun safety, many people think of the news channels, or the
speeches from Congress and the President about guns and some of the problems that they
cause. Man go as far as saying that the more guns U.S. civilians have, the more crime
will rise.. Though there are many problems that happen that involve guns, it is not the
guns themselves causing these problems; it s the people that are behind them.
Gun safety is a subject that has been a main topic in the past few years among many,
especially within politics. It is something that has become a substantial topic in the past
few years due to many shootings and accidents that have occurred with today s youth. It
is a topic that needs to be addressed. Gun safety is very important in the matters of
teaching people that firearms are not a toy. One should always treat the gun like it is
loaded. Too many people choose to play around with guns by swinging them around,
tossing them to people, or aiming the gun at other people and pretending to shoot them.
These are signs that people are much too immature and should not be handling a firearm.
Interviewed a friend about an instance that involved a situation with someone being very
immature when it came to handling a gun. When to a hunting store to purchase a hunting
shotgun this past summer, there was a gentleman standing right next to the handgun case
looking at a semi automatic pistol. The man asked to look at a certain handgun and then
proceeded to pick up the
Foam Roller Essay
Many habitual exercisers and athletes experience some sort of pain throughout their
active life due to tight muscles, restriction of movement or aggravating injuries. My first
recommendation to avoid falling into this circle is to put yourself on a daily dose of Z
Health R Phase Joint Mobility. However, if you are practicing this on a regular basis and
you still feel like more flexibility is needed or certain areas of your body need constant
massaging to help loosen up, try using a foam roller. While most of us try to stretch out
the pain with passive lengthening, the roller is a much more efficient and effective way
of targeting the muscle group without fear of pushing the limits and straining the fibers to
the point of tearing.
How does foam rolling work?
Just below our skin there is a dense connective tissue called superficial fascia that covers
the entire body. Often perceived as a thin sheet, superficial fascia is actually a special
layering filled with adipose tissue, nerves, blood and lymph vessels, and connective
tissue. (1). Together, our muscles and fascia make up what is called the myofascia
system. Whether extreme athlete or couch potato, stresses ... Show more content on ...
I felt imbalances in my gait creeping up which eventually led to worse joint pain. After
spending roughly 10 15 minutes a day for a week on the roller, the trigger points in my
IT bands and quadriceps were almost gone and my stride gradually returned to normal.
Trust me when I say, this is not a comfortable walk in the park (especially on the IT
bands). Their will be moaning and grimacing but if you persevere through the pain, you
will begin to feel relief and experience results faster than with regular
AP Calculus Lessons Of My Life
It was December and near the end of the first semester of my senior year. I sat next to my
close friend Adrian as I helped him understand the last few AP Calculus lessons. The
time had reached 4:30 P.M., and we d been sitting together in Mr. Brink s room after
school for almost two hours. Mr. Brink sat at his desk while Adrian and I were at a
different table. Only the three of us remained in the room. Eventually, Adrian started to
pack up. I gave him a hug as he left, then sat back down. As I looked up, I made eye
contact with my favorite teacher and best friend.
Thank you for helping Adrian today. He said to me.
Of course! I smiled in return.
As strange as it may have sounded, calculus was important to me. Mr. Brink showed me
how easy ... Show more content on ...
My life has been dramatically changed by the teachers in my life. From Mr. Brink, to my
8th grade science teacher Coach Bradley, the love, service, and patience I ve seen
reflected in my favorite teachers astounded me every time.
As a teacher one day, I can only hope to open up my arms with acceptance and love the
way my old teachers opened up to me. My past experiences have taught me not only how
difficult life can be for certain students, but also that there is beauty in diversity. I hope to
show all of my different students both appreciation and respect, regardless of their
background, the way my teachers have for
Racism In Beloved By Toni Morrison
Racism. Protests. Profiling. These three words are common buzzwords that are used in
the United States media almost daily. They are used so often, some contend, that it has
created a sense of apathy in the American public in regards to solving the age old
problem that has its roots grounded in slavery. Burns states, [Toni] Morrison contends
that the American history of slavery had been consciously disremembered so that it is
conveniently shrouded by a comfortable state of national amnesia . Likewise, in her
novel the characters Sethe and Paul D in the novel Beloved by Toni Morrison also exist
in a state of amnesia but of their own slavery. In this essay, I will argue that in the novel
Beloved, Toni Morrison use characters Sethe and Paul D and their willed forgetfulness of
slavery and past actions to reveal the modern reader s absent mindedness of slavery and
discussions of race. In the first few pages of the novel, Morrison uses Sethe s
forgetfulness of Beloved s soul to parallel the forgetfulness of slavery in the average
United States citizen. The narrator states, Counting on the stillness of her own soul, she
had forgotten the other one: the soul of her baby girl. (5). The wording, the other one
[soul] , implies that the soul of Beloved and that of Sethe are one, inseparable. Yet, Sethe
seems to strive to place a barrier between the two souls in the interest of her inner
stillness . For the modern reader, this sought after stillness derives from the tendency
Twelve Key Economic Indicators
Economic Analysis
In order to obtain a rounded view of the economic environment within the U.S. twelve
key economic indicators can be observed. These fall into the categories of leading and
lagging indicators. Based on the data of these indicators, a picture of the current and
future economic environment can be obtained.
The seven lagging indicators used to capture this economic picture include GDP changes,
income levels, unemployment rates, the Consumer Price Index, the U.S. Dollar Index,
interest rates, and corporate profit levels. Beginning with GDP, figure 1A shows the
quarterly percentage change in GDP for the United States. This data indicates that the
U.S. GDP growth has been mixed over the past five years, but has been growing at a ...
Show more content on ...
economy, five leading indicators can be observed. These include the stock market,
inventory levels, retail sales, new housing starts, and the housing market. The two
primary measures used for the stock market are the NASDAQ and S P 500 indexes
[figure 2A]. The S P 500 index has steadily grown at a low rate over the past five years,
and the NASDAQ index has grown at a faster rate. There is indication that the stock
market began to plateau starting in the second quarter of 2015. Inventory levels, as seen
in figure 2B, show growth through 2014, but began to decline starting in 2015. Retail
sales [figure 2C] show a similar trend, as they showed steady growth through 2014, but
show indications of plateauing, as growth declined in 2015. However, residential
construction and housing show a different indication. New housing starts, shown in
figure 2D, have steadily grown over the past five years, with a very slight decline in
average growth rate in 2013. Housing prices within the U.S. have grown steadily since
2011 [figure 2E].
These leading economic indicators give the general direction that the U.S. economy is
headed. The data indicates that there may be a slowing of growth within the economy.
There is no strong indication of economic downturn, but the slowing of growth indicated
could hint at an increased chance of downturn in the more distant future. Taking the
lagging indicators into account as well, it can be seen that the U.S. economy has slowly
grown as it was recovering from the 2008 downturn, but the future holds the possibility
of slowing growth in certain
Hemp to Save Our Trees
BY: Lillian Richard

Hemp to Save Our Trees

Worldwide we are seeing a devastation of our forests due to paper production.

Consumption of wood products has risen 64% since 1961. Globally, pulp for paper, has
risen from 40% in 1998, to an expected 60% over the next 50 years. The industry expects
that demand to double by 2050. The U.S. consumes 200,000,000 tons of wood products
annually, increasing by 4% every year. U.S. paper producers consume 1 billion trees each
year (735 pounds of paper for every American). U.S. at 5% of world population
consumes 30% of world s paper. Only 5% of virgin forests remain in the U.S.

The pulp and paper industry is the 3rd largest industrial polluter 220 million pounds of
toxic pollution into air and ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, these claims went unchallenged and Congress outlawed hemp in 1937.
Millions of Americans still believe the lies spread about hemp.

Hemp fiber and hurds should be used to make paper in the U.S. to reduce deforestation,
reduce toxins in our waterways, and aid family farms. Hemp products are nontoxic,
biodegradable and renewable. No tree or plant species on the planet has the commercial,
economic, and environmental potential of hemp. With over 50,000 non smoking products
which can be produced from hemp why not start by saving our trees!

Lillian Richard
SCI 204 Q

Hemp to Save Our Trees Footnotes 1. Walker, David W., Ph.D., Can Hemp Save Our
Planet? , Citing St. Angelo A.J., E.J Conkereton, J.M. Dechary, and A.m Altschul, 1966,
Biochimica et Biphysica Acta, vol. 121 pp. 181; St. Angelo, A., L.Y. Yatsu and A.M.
Altschul 1968, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, vol. 124, pp. 199 205;
Stockwell, D.M., J.M. Dechary, and A.M. Altschul, 1964, Biochimica Biophysica Acta,
Vol. 82 pp. 221. 2. Morroson, R.t., Organic Chemistry, 1960; Kimber, Gray, Stackpole,
Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology 1943. 3. World Hunger Project, Save the Children,
EST. Forum. 4. Frazier, Jack, The Marijuana Farmers, Solar Age Press, New Orleans,

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