Architectural Essay

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Architectural Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Architectural Essay" poses a unique set of challenges that can
be both intellectually stimulating and demanding. The intricacies of architecture require a deep
understanding of historical, cultural, and technological aspects, making it a multidimensional topic
that demands comprehensive research and analysis.

One of the difficulties lies in navigating the vast landscape of architectural history, ranging from
ancient civilizations to modern innovations. Each era brings forth its own set of architectural
principles, styles, and ideologies, requiring the essayist to adeptly traverse through time and draw
connections between disparate periods.

Furthermore, delving into the technical aspects of architecture adds another layer of complexity.
Exploring the evolution of construction techniques, materials, and the symbiotic relationship
between form and function necessitates a keen eye for detail and a grasp of engineering concepts.

Artistic interpretation also plays a pivotal role in an architectural essay. Describing the aesthetic
elements, the symbolism behind designs, and the influence of cultural movements requires a
nuanced understanding of art and design theory. Striking a balance between the technical and artistic
aspects while maintaining a coherent narrative is a delicate task.

Moreover, the contemporary relevance of architecture introduces a dynamic element to the essay.
Analyzing the impact of architecture on society, sustainability, and urban planning demands a
current awareness of ongoing trends and debates within the field.

In summary, writing an essay on architecture is a challenging endeavor that demands a synthesis of

historical knowledge, technical understanding, and artistic interpretation. The complexity of the
topic requires a careful and thoughtful approach to weave together a narrative that captures the
essence of architectural evolution.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic endeavors, various resources are
available. Services like offer support in crafting essays on a wide range of topics,
ensuring that students and scholars alike can navigate the challenges of academic writing with ease.

Architectural Essay Architectural Essay

There Are Two Main Issues In The Philosophy Of Religion
There are two main issues in the philosophy of religion that focus on the existence of
God. First and foremost, there are four arguments that describes the philosophy of
religion which are cosmological arguments, ontological arguments and teleological
arguments. Cosmological idea are empirical a posteriori arguments based on experience
and sense perception. Our experience of the world shows God as the cause, creator or
ultimate explanation of the word. Ontological concept are rational a posteriori arguments
based on the pure reason, independently of sense experience. The definition or essence of
God, the sort of being God is requires its existence. The third concept is teleological
argument which is empirical a posteriori arguments also ... Show more content on ...
The definition or essence of God s the sort of being God is requires His existence. God is
the supremely perfect being. Decastes knows this because he clearly and distinctly
apprehends the essence of God. The essence of supremely perfect being includes His
existence. In the same, the essence of a triangle is that the sum of its interior angle equals
180 degree, hence this definitely concludes that God s existence. St.Anselm s ontological
arguments describes that God is the greatest possible being. What exists in reality is
greater than what exists only in the mind. Real things are metaphysically superior to
imaginary things. If the great possible being exists only in the mind, then there is a being
greater than the greatest possible being. Namely, one that exists in reality. This is
contradiction, there cannot be a being greater than greatest possible being. Therefore, the
greatest possible being must exist in reality thus, God is real. Kant s and Russell s have a
different objection to ontological arguments that the existence is not a property or a
quality of a thing that some entity can have or not have. For example, there is a logic of
existence of these claims. To say x exist is to say there is an x such that the sentence x
exist is true. What makes the sentence x exist true is the presence of the existence. It is
clear evidence that God has special attributes that is common to Him and
The International Society Of Blood Transfusion ( Isbt )
Chapter I

1 1 Overview of human blood groups

The term blood group is usually restricted to blood cell surface antigens, and generally to
red cell surface antigens. These antigens are molecules present on the red blood cells
membrane, which can trigger an immune response if they are foreign to the body.

Landsteiner and his colleagues (1, 2), discovered the first blood group system (ABO) in
1901, they observed that plasma from some individuals agglutinated the red cells from

For the next 45 years, only those antibodies that directly agglutinate could be studied.
With the development of the antiglobulin test by Coombs, Mourant, and Race in 1945 (3,
4), the non agglutinating antibodies could be detected, ... Show more content on ...
Levine and Stetson identified an alloantibody in the mother serum, which react at room
temperature and 37 c with husband RBCs and with 80% of Caucasians RBCs. They
postulated that this antibody had produced against a specific factor in both fetus and
father RBCs that the mother lack. Levine and his colleague suggested that antibody had
developed during the mother pregnancy after her exposure to a foreign factor from her

A year later Landsteiner and Wiener (7), discovered an antibody in the rabbits and guinea
pigs sera after being injected with rhesus Macacus monkeys RBCs, they noticed that the
antibody agglutinate with 85% of human RBCs. This antibody named Rh after Rhesus
monkeys. Other study carried by Levine and others (8), demonstrate that Rh antibody
which was described by Landsteiner and Wiener has the same specificities of the former
antibody which was discovered in 1939, and they thought it was belong to the same
blood group. Years later, many investigations showed that it was not the case, and each of
the two antibodies belong to a different blood group. However, anti Rh name retained to
the human produced antibody, and the other antibody renamed anti LW in
What Is A Controversial Issue Affecting Our Society
The topic Abortion is a controversial matter affecting our society. People feel as though
there are pro cons of the procedures being done. Which cause all branches of the US
Government to engage action on the issue. The supreme court, Legislators,
Presidential is now ending the federal funding of abortions. Abortion rights causes
arguments amongst men and women who support and don t support it. Regardless of the
bitterness in political debate of abortion it can be overcome by compassion. The
executive branch will vigorously defend the law against any who would try to overturn it
in the courts. However, the Judicial Branch including Hillary feels as though women
have the right to make their own decisions.

The judicial branch supports ... Show more content on ...
In the case Roe v wade the constitution protects a pregnant woman s right to an abortion.
States introduced more than
400 measures restricting access to abortion. Meaning banning of clinics and then removal
of those access to doing abortion procedures. President Obama once stated that We
remain strongly committed to the protection of women s health, including protecting a
woman s access to safe, affordable health care and her right to determine her own future,
the President said , meaning he was all for abortion. He agreed that safe abortion should
be right not just on paper.

The legislation passed an abortion bill that permanently ban federal funding for
abortions. The Hyde amendment bans any federal funding from being used to provide
abortions which is permanent. Republicans will need eight Democrats in the chamber to
support the Hyde Amendment. The Amendment would not provide
Obamacare contributes with subsidies used to pay down the cost of insurance if the
insurance plan covers abortions. Obama care covered elective abortions.
This would end one of the benefits Obamacare. However, there is an exception for
abortions for incest, rape or to save the life of the mother. According
Big Two Hearted River Modernism Essay
Big Two Hearted River by Ernest Hemingway is a prime example of Modernist writing.
The main character Nick embarks on a quest for self discovery away from his fragmented
society. After the war, Nick returns to a society with a loss of old values, structures, and
beliefs. Therefore, Nick isolates himself in the wilderness upon returning. The reader
experiences Nick s post war mentality, and sees the struggles Nick faces with anxiety
about the unknown. It is clear that Nick s journey represents the modernist search for
individuality in the midst of a broken society. While alone by the water, Nick witnesses a
trout. Although it is just a simple trout, the way in which it moves provides a strong sense
of meaning:
A big trout shot upstream in a long angle, only his shadow marking the angle, then lost
his shadow as he came through the surface of the water, caught the sun, and then, as he
went back into the stream under the surface, his shadow seemed to float down the stream
with the current, unresisting, to his post under the bridge where he tightened facing up
into the current. ( Big Two Hearted River: Part I 1202)
The fact that the trout swims upstream is significant in itself. This type of fish travels
while fighting against current. This scene offers symbolism. The trout represents Nick,
and the water symbolizes society. ... Show more content on ...
Nick shows that he possesses this trait when he fishes. Nick did not like to fish with other
men on the river. Unless they were part of your party, they spoiled it ( Big Two Hearted
River Part II 1209). His desire for self isolation is a trait for the hero of modernism.
Modernist heros are often alienated due to the brokenness of society. Since Nick wants to
fish alone, it shows how he prefers to stray away from socialization. In addition, being
alone grants Nick with a better opportunity to find himself as an individual in his
(Trinity Ems Ambulance In Lowell Ma (Left) And Umass
(Trinity EMS ambulance in Lowell MA (left) and UMass Lowell EMS Class V non
transporting ambulance (right)) UMass Lowell EMS currently carries five different types
of medication on their trucks: Aspirin, Narcan, Glucose, Epinephrine, and Albuterol.
Technically, oxygen is listed as a Basic Life Support (BLS) medication, but is not listed
as it is readily available in the air. EMT Basics (EMT Bs) were able to use activated
charcoal for ingestion poisonings, but are currently no longer legally allowed to do so.
Activated charcoal was used to treat many types of ingestion poisonings such as
phenobarbital and carbamazepine. But, it is not effective for a number of poisonings
including: strong acids or bases, iron, lithium, arsenic, ... Show more content on ...
All EMS personnel must take into consideration the Six Rights of medications: Right
person, Right drug, Right dose, Right time, Right route, Right documentation. When
deciding whether or not to give a medication to a patient, many things must be taken into
account. These conditions are known as indications. The indications for a medication
include the most common uses of the drug in treating a specific condition (10). Another
thing to be considered are contraindications, which are conditions where the drug should
not be given. Contraindications are situations in which the drug should not be
administered because of the potential harm that could be caused to the patient (10). The
dosage is also important. The dose simply indicates how much of the drug should be
given to the patient (10). The actions of the drug must always also be taken into account.
The actions are the therapeutic effects the drug will have (10). Side effects of the
medications must also be considered. Side effects are actions that are not desired and
occur in addition to the desired therapeutic effects. Some side effects are unpredictable
(10). After administering any drug or medication to a patient, there are certain steps a
first responder must take to ensure legal protection. To begin, there must be clear and
thorough documentation of the situation and the patient s signs and symptoms, their
indications, and their contraindications. There are also basics that

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