Cite Essays

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Cite Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Cite Essays" can prove to be quite challenging, as it requires a
delicate balance between providing insightful information and adhering to the principles of proper
citation. The difficulty lies not only in the research aspect but also in the meticulous task of citing
various essays accurately.

To begin with, one must delve into the extensive realm of existing essays, navigating through a
myriad of topics and sources to gather relevant information. This phase demands a keen
understanding of the subject matter, coupled with the ability to discern credible and authoritative
essays from the vast sea of available literature.

Next comes the intricate process of incorporating these sources into the essay while adhering to the
prescribed citation style. Whether it be APA, MLA, Chicago, or another format, the writer must
meticulously follow the guidelines to ensure the proper acknowledgment of each referenced essay.
The challenge here lies not only in correctly formatting the citations but also in seamlessly
integrating them into the flow of the essay without disrupting its coherence.

Additionally, writers tackling the "Cite Essays" topic must possess a comprehensive understanding
of the importance of citations in academic writing. This involves elucidating how proper citation not
only gives credit to the original authors but also bolsters the credibility and reliability of the essay
itself. Balancing the inclusion of citations with the development of one's unique perspective can be a
tightrope walk, demanding a delicate touch to avoid overreliance on external sources.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Cite Essays" necessitates a combination of research prowess,

citation expertise, and a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. It is a task that requires careful
attention to detail, as each citation plays a crucial role in supporting the arguments and assertions
presented. While challenging, successfully navigating this terrain can lead to a well-crafted essay
that not only educates but also exemplifies the importance of proper citation in academic discourse.

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Cite Essays Cite Essays

Falls Intervention Report

1. Admission Officers conduct screening against patients with risk of falls, namely by
means of visual (patients using tools running/not, how to walk upright, stagger/swaying),
verbal (ask if have a history of falls in the last 3 months), if there is one then the patient
at risk of falling rings pairs (intervention).
2. Patients who have already installed the bracelets a risk assessment will be conducted
and fall monitoring by outpatient nurses using the method get up and go test or humpty
dumpty (nurse prepare the assessment form, get up and go test/humpty dumpty).
3. Nurse intervention and monitoring
4. when patients entered in the assessment of the risk of falling, then the bracelet still
attached, but if the patient is not ... Show more content on ...
The nurse to determine in advance the risk assessment patient fall according to adult
patients Morse scale or a scale of Humpty Dumpty for patient kids.
2. prepare Nurse intervention and Monitoring sheet Prevention risk of Falling
3. Intervention and Monitoring to contain it things to do in preventing falls
4. For patients with the risk of falling to do intervention and monitoring that includes a
description of the risk falls on the patient, make sure the bell function and within reach of
the patient s hand, position the lower bed, locked wheels, bed side rail mounted all, help
patients when the transfer/ambulasi, post a sign risk appetite fell near the bed of the
patient, make sure the yellow rings mounted on the patient s wristband, describe the drug
effects anestesia , anti seizure, anti histamine, an anti seizure, narcotics, psychotropic
substances, diuretika.
5. The nurse checking (√) on actions taken pursuant to the risk of falling
6. give the name of the nurse and the nurse paraf intervention and monitoring.
7. The nurse intervention and monitoring each shift
8. To patients not at risk of falling assessment done every 3 days or if there is a change in
conditions such as unconsciousness, medication effect conferring sedation, post surgery,
transfer to another unit or if the patient suffered a fall while still in the HOSPITAL.
9. If in scoring found patients not at risk of falling then the bracelet falls risk removed, if
later found patients are at risk of falling assessment done and patients mounted bracelet
Crime Profile Paper
The cities in this countdown are based on the population size of each region and the
number of crimes that take place. Each individual crime is tallied per thousand residents.
Violent and property crimes including burglary, homicide, rape, armed robbery, assault,
and vehicle theft are all accounted for in this study. Thanks to the Neighborhood Scouts
and law enforcement for providing the information for the safest cities to live in the
United States.

Number Ten: Cheshire, Connecticut

Population: 29,000+
This town city is located in New Haven County. Along with being ranked one of the
safest cities to live in, it was also ranked as one of the 100 Best Places to Live by Money
magazine. The city s bragging rights also includes being the hometown of actor James
Van Der Beek.

Number Nine: Bartlett, Illinois

Population: 41,000+ ... Show more content on ...
Number Eight: Aliso Viejo, California
Population: 50,000+
Aliso Viejo is located in Orange County, and it borders the infamous Laguna Beach
(made popular on the reality television series on MTV). The average income for families
in Aliso Viejo is about $99,000 thousand.

Number Seven: Franklin, Massachusetts

Population: 32,000+
Franklin or the Town of Franklin is located in Norfolk County. It is home to America s
first library, and the library s first books were donated by Benjamin Franklin. The city
was named after Benjamin Franklin, which was voted on by the people in 1778.

Number Six: Rancho Santa Margarita, California

Population: 47,000+
Education in this city is held very high, and more than 30% of residents living in Rancho
Santa Margarita have a Bachelor s degree. The reality television series, The Real
Housewives of Orange County, is mainly filmed in this city (even though the show is
based in Coto De Caza).

Number Five: Bella Vista, Arkansas

Identifying The Appropriate Members For A Team And...
Aspects Essential in Identifying the Appropriate Members for a Team and Ensuring the
Team Is Successfully Launched
In the article of Polzer (2003), it was stated that choosing the appropriate team members
could be the trickiest part of designing a team yet it is also of great importance. For a
team to work, the right mix of individual should be selected. There should be a right mix
of technical and interpersonal skills between team member together with the right level
of diversity, and everyone s roles are clearly differentiated (Polzer, 2003). Team size,
individual skills, diversity, defining formal roles, and formal leadership should be taken
into consideration during the selection process. Team size is the most fundamental
starting point for choosing team members (Polzer, 2003, p.7). It is not always the more,
the better in this case. The leader during selection should consider the task they need to
accomplish, the skills of the members, and the deadline of a task. As an example, it will
be easier to relay information to five people than twelve people as it could take twice the
effort in doing it. However, as mentioned earlier, it always depends on the project, task,
goal, time, and the people involved.
After the selection of the effective team members, it is important to analyze the
conditions that should be in place before the team is launched; analyze the team
processes that unfold as the team begins its work; assess what should happen during the
team s launch, and
The Nun s Priest
Analysis of The Nun s Priest The Nun s Priest is an awkward story teller who is used to
suitors chasing him. On the journey, he tells a story about his vain rooster. In this story,
Chanticleer has a dream that a fox like beast was chasing him. His wife, Pertelote, tells
him that dreams don t hold any merit and that he just needs a laxative. That day, a fox
convinces Chanticleer not to run from him by appealing to his vain nature, and captures
him. Everyone begins to chase after the fox, who is running around the farm. Chanticleer
convinces the fox to open his mouth and release him by telling him to yell insults at his
pursuers. This tale is a fable that comments on the Middle Ages, uses satire to get its
point across, and has a moral that is applicable to life in the twenty first century. ... Show
more content on ...
The Nun s Priest s Tale opens up with by first using animals to portray people and by
placing the tale of courtly love in the setting of a barnyard. The plot of the tale analyzes
the compelling battle among farm creatures to the Jack Straw Rebellion (a peasant s
revolt in England in 1831). The fox and the rooster s story reveals the conflict between
the nobility and the peasants. Chaucer uses animals to illustrate humans because he
believes humans behave like animals. There is no question that The Nun s Priest s Tale
was written in a satirical manner. Chaucer writes the passage in the model of a Homeric
epic, but he fills it with the squawking and pecking of simple birds. The rooster,
Chanticleer, appears to be a simple animal that is hilariously vain and self absorbed. By
using the chickens as his main characters, Chaucer is effectively comparing man and
beast. By writing in such a humorous style, Chaucer shows that man is no better than a
rooster, vain and full of
The Role Of Climate Change In Canada
Climate change has become the most serious global environmental threat with sides of
people who do not believe it exists and people who are actually aware. The release of
greenhouse gases such as carbon and methane into the atmosphere has been known to be
one of the major causes of climate change. Scientists explain that these emissions must
drastically reduce to avoid a 2°C rise in average global temperature. Therefore different
countries have made policies and ways to reduce the production of these gases and
Canada is one of them. Canada ranks 15th out of 17 countries for greenhouse gas
emissions per capita.Canada s per capita decreased by nearly 5% between 1990 and 2010
while the total GHG emissions in Canada grew by 17%. The ... Show more content on ...
Electricity generation is Canada s fourth largest source of greenhouse gas. When it comes
to controlling the emission that comes from electricity generation; most provinces in
Canada are already opting out of the coal phase to provide cleaner energy. The burning of
firewood to create energy releases CO2 into the atmosphere thereby introducing more
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.therefore introducing approaches to electricity
such as increasing the amount of electricity generated from renewable sources;
connecting clean power with places that need it and modernising electrical system could
bring Canada to its goal by at least 5% to 15%. New rules that help to control emissions
from an electrical sector that is burning natural gases should also be implemented. the
government Could also control greenhouse gas emission by mandating the carbon pricing
policy. Carbon pricing charges industries and corporations that emit CO2 for their
emissions. This limits their emissions by instituting a price charge and encourage
companies and consumers from burning fossil fuel and find alternative ways that are
efficient for their business. Carbon pricing has been known to be the best tool in reducing
greenhouse gas emissions since most of the gases released into the atmosphere are
carbon. Carbon pricing helps to fight climate change and it provides job opportunity in
creating clean energy. the growing population is also a discussable topic in climate
change that could be really hard to control due to the fact that as the population increases;
the demand for products that release this toxic gases would also increase. The
government could control this by finding alternative ways to produce these commodities
without introducing so much carbon or methane into the
Essay on The Digestive System
The Digestive System

What are the main functions in digestion of the

a) mouth

b) stomach

c) small intestine

The mouth takes in the food and uses the teeth and the salivary glands do break down the
food so it could move onto the next phase. The teeth chew food while the salivary glands,
liver, bile duct and pancreas produce digestive juices to break down food.

The stomach is a L shaped, organ situated on the left side of the abdominal cavity
beneath the diaphragm. At either end of this organ is a sphincter muscle which contracts
and relaxes to control the movement of food in and out of he stomach. The stomach
churns the food and releases gastric juices to help break it down. ... Show more content
on ...
The pharynx pushes the food down into the oesophagus also known as the food pipe. The
oesophagus uses the process of peristalsis to propel the food down towards the stomach.
The stomach uses hydrochloric acid and pepsin to help with the break down of food the
stomach churns the food for the process of breaking down the food and then leaves the
stomach in the form of chyme. This then enters the small intestine, this is where all the
nutrients in the food are absorbed. Also in the digestive process the pancreas and the liver
also play a part. The pancreas releases hormone in the body via the blood steam as well
as that it also produces enzymes such as, Trysin which digests proteins and breaks them
down into amino acids,

Amylase which continues the digestion of starch,

Lipase which breaks down the fats into fatty acids and glycerol,

The pancreas also keeps a check on the amount of glucose in the blood. If the levels of
glucose are too high or too low, it produces hormones that stimulate the liver to adjust the
balance. The liver has a number of functions such as,

Storing and filtering blood,

Secreting bile to help break down fat,

Detoxification of harmful substances such as alcohol, paracetomol and other chemicals

into safer form,

Storage of
The State Of Education During Sub Saharan Africa
The state of education in Sub Saharan Africa is in crisis. UNICEF (2013) research has
shown that 40 million children in Africa currently do not attend school. The enrollment
figures indicate that there are fewer educational opportunities in sub Saharan Africa than
in the five countries in the northern part of the continent. More than 100 million children
of primary school age do not attend school worldwide, of which a vast majority of these
children are in sub Saharan Africa (UNICEF, 2013). However, the research also shows
that even if these children could attend school, the existing schools are not equipped to
provide for them (Samhoff, 2003). Rampant poverty, economic turmoil, and disease have
taken over the sub Saharan countries. Poverty, economic decline, and disease are
interrelated factors contributing to the poor education system in sub Saharan countries.
Economic decline has led to increased poverty throughout the continent. Poverty makes
preventing and fighting disease nearly impossible due to lack of affordable medicine and
sanitation. Disease puts a strain on the labor force, because the sick are unable to work
which attributes to economic instability. This is a simplistic example, but it is clear that
poverty, economic decline, and disease create a vicious cycle. This paper will examine in
depth the causes and effects of poverty, economic decline, and disease (specifically
HIV/AIDS), how they affect the education system, and how education may be a solution.
Myths on Cosmic Creation
Every person in America has a myth or conviction of truth as to how creation was formed
and human beings came into existence. The following are inclusive in creation myths, the
first is the Zulu myth found in the continent of Africa, and the other is the myth of Norse
originating from Europe. Both myths give a reason as to how creation was formed on
earth. Though there are endless amounts of ideas and vast amounts of myths to explore,
the focus of these two particular myths brings fascination to a social phenomenon.
The cycle of creation in the Zulu myth is as follows in the in text citation ( Zulu Creation
, 2011): Darkness was in the beginning accompanied by a large seed. The seed fell from
heaven and the seed produced reeds that grew called Uthlanga. One seed in particular
grew into a man and his named Unkulunkulu. He grew so large and heavy that he broke
off and fell to earth. As he fell, he walked earth with a purpose to grow other seeds into
male and female. Outside of humans, Unkulunkulu created animals, mountains, lakes,
and the sun and moon. He taught female and male how to survive by imparting
agriculture to grow things, how to hunt, and make fire. Unkulunkulu sent a chameleon
into the world with the message that his people will live forever. As this animal took too
long, his impatience grew and a lizard sent out a message of death completing the circle
of birth to death.
The introduction of creation in the Norse myth is as follows from the in text citation

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