Causal Essay

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Causal Essay

Writing a causal essay can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the intricacies of
dissecting cause-and-effect relationships and presenting them in a coherent and persuasive manner.
Crafting such an essay requires a deep understanding of the chosen topic, a meticulous analysis of
various factors contributing to a particular outcome, and the ability to connect these elements

The process starts with selecting a suitable topic, which itself can be a daunting task. One must find
a subject that is not only interesting but also offers a clear cause-and-effect relationship to explore.
Once the topic is determined, extensive research becomes imperative. Gathering relevant data and
information is time-consuming, and it demands a keen eye for detail to distinguish between
correlation and causation.

Organizing the essay structure poses another challenge. Ensuring a logical flow from one cause to its
corresponding effects and presenting a compelling argument requires careful planning. Striking the
right balance between providing sufficient evidence and avoiding information overload is crucial.
Additionally, maintaining clarity in the writing while delving into complex relationships demands a
high level of precision.

Furthermore, crafting a strong thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the causal
relationship is essential. It serves as the backbone of the essay, guiding the writer and readers alike.
Developing coherent paragraphs, each dedicated to a specific cause or effect, adds to the complexity.
Transitioning smoothly between these sections requires skill to maintain the essay's overall

In conclusion, writing a causal essay is a formidable task that demands a combination of research,
analytical thinking, and effective communication. It is an intellectual exercise that challenges writers
to delve into the intricate web of causation and present their findings in a compelling manner. While
the process may be arduous, the satisfaction of unraveling causal connections and constructing a
persuasive argument is undoubtedly rewarding.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic tasks, various online platforms
offer professional writing services. One such example is , where you can find
expert writers ready to tackle a wide range of topics and assignments.

Causal Essay Causal Essay

Examples Of Negligence In Sports
Upon being injured in his first rugby game, Jim Smith decided to sue his university for
negligence. He believed that the school did not provide him with proper medical
attention upon suffering a concussion during his game. Negligence can be defined as
failing to do something that a reasonable, prudent, and up to date person would have
done under the same/similar conditions or doing something that a reasonable, prudent
and up to date person would not have done (Dougherty, Goldberger, Carpenter, 2007, p.
187). Despite these acts being unintentional, one can seek compensation from the courts
under tort law. For a tort lawsuit to be successful, it must have all four elements of
negligence: duty, breach of duty, proximate cause, and loss. The ... Show more content on ...
Waivers are legally binding contracts which states that the coach or whoever else is in
charge is not liable for any injuries. These hold up as defense in court, unless it is applied
to gross negligence. Jim s case files under gross negligence since the school made a
conscious and voluntary disregard of the need to use reasonable care, which is likely to
cause foreseeable grave injury or harm to persons, ( gross negligence, 2008). The
University made the conscious decision to not make sure that there was medical
assistance at the rugby game, knowing that some type of injury was bound to occur.
Despite the school committing gross negligence, the school still has the defense of
assumption of risk. It means that an individual recognizes that an activity comes with
certain inherent risks. Inherent risks are risks that cannot be eliminated without
fundamentally altering the very nature of the activity (Dougherty et al., 2007, p. 190).
Rugby by nature is a violent contact sport, where the players have almost no padding to
protect them. The only way to remove some of the risk of it would change the sport
entirely. Given that Jim voluntarily decided to participate, was aware of the nature of the
sport what risks went along with it, and that his injury possibly could have come from the
inherent risk not the negligence, the
Persuasive Essay On Why Should We Die
Human beings, the most intelligent life form on planet Earth. Humans are the only
species on the planet capable of making and using complex tools, forming and using
languages, solving complex problems, developing social skills, and capable of being the
top predators. So why do we have to die in such painful and agonizing ways when we
become terminally ill? As a society, we know suffering is inhumane. After all, when our
pets become ill, we have them put to sleep so they do not suffer. So why as humans are
we told we cannot die a peaceful death? I believe as humans, we should be able to make
the ultimate decision on how we leave this life when the time comes. When I was twenty
years old, I took my father to the hospital because he had a cold ... Show more content on ...
I was at the hospital with my ninety six year old grandmother, who had suffered a
massive stroke. I was about to learn another one of life s valuable lessons. When
someone has suffered a massive stroke and has lost the ability to communicate, and
swallow, the answer is to stop giving them food and water so they can die a peaceful
death. In fact, the doctor told me, Starving to death is not painful, because your body
releases endorphins and you die peacefully. Well, thirteen days later, when my
grandmother had both eyes wide open for the first time since the stroke, because she was
in pain and about to die. I could not help but think, what the doctor told me was not
peaceful enough for my beloved, sweet grandmother. Many people, myself included,
think of our pets as a child. My Rottweiler is nine years old, and I have easily spent more
than ten thousand dollars on him without even questioning it. Pets can be very beneficial
to one s health and happiness. Unfortunately, for most pet owners, we are usually put in a
situation where we have to humanely euthanize our pet when it becomes ill to avoid
suffering. Well, I guess people really do hold their pets to a higher standard in our
Nuclear Essay
The UK civil nuclear power industry initially started in 1946 followed by the
establishment of one of the world s first nuclear power plant in 1956 [23 24]. This
commercial scale reactor was built in southwest Scotland and given a name MAGNOX
due to the fuel cladding (magnesium non oxidising alloy) used to contain the fuels. The
MAGNOX reactor uses natural uranium metal fuel to generate thermal energy while
using graphite bricks to moderate the fast moving neutrons within the core. Two types of
graphite bricks are used in MAGNOX design; these are Pile Grade A (PGA) and Pile
Grade B (PGB). The former is used as a neutron moderator due to its high density and
lower neutron absorption, whereas the latter is mostly used as a reflector [23]. ... Show
more content on ...
Currently, there are fifteen operating reactors in the UK with a combined total output
around 8883 MWe, and one under construction [27]. Fourteen of the fifteen operating
reactors are AGRs and located at seven different power stations, making the AGRs the
most dominant nuclear reactors in the UK. The remaining two reactors (including the one
under construction) are based on PWR design.

AGRs are the second generation of the UK nuclear power plants, and initially designed
to improve the steam cycle efficiency of the early reactor design (MAGNOX). This type
of reactors exists only in the UK and operated by EDF Energy (formerly British Energy).
Since the AGRs first operation in 1976 they have become the UK s most dominant
reactor after showing an increased economic benefits and steam cycle efficiency
approximately 42% compared with MAGNOX reactor, which has approximately 31%
efficiency [25]. AGRs are capable of producing peak fuel temperature approximately 800
°C and the coolant gas temperature approximately 650 °C at 40 bars. The steam
generated by the AGRs can reach up to 540 °C at 165 bar, which is capable of driving the
standard 660 MW turbines.
Some of the main differences between the early MAGNOX reactors and AGRs that have
a key impact on the reactor
Bloody Mary Short Story
Bloody Mary

I was having some friends over on Friday night. Friday the thirteenth of october to be
exact. Me and my four best friends. It was Erick, Jeff, Brady, and Trevor. We made food
and watched movies and talked where we were going hunting tomorrow. By midnight,
we d run out of things to do. We were so bored. Let s try that Bloody Mary thing, Trevor
said. Erick, was sitting crossed legged on his sleeping bag, said, What s the Bloody Mary
thing? Brady, who was laying on top of his own sleeping bag on the far side of the room,
said: Come on, Erick. everyone knows the Bloody Mary thing! You stand in front of the
bathroom mirror with a lighted candle and say the Mary s name three times. Then her
ghost appears, looking just the way she did when she died; all horrible and bloody with
scars all over her face! . She sounds gorgeous. Just why, exactly, do you think I would
want to see the ghost of Bloody Mary? Erick asked. Why not? I said from my spot on the
air mattress in the living room. I ve always wanted to see a ghost! It could be fun.
Besides, I ve heard she can tell your future if you summon her correctly. And if you don t
summon her correctly, or if she s in a bad mood, the ghost of Bloody Mary will rip your
eyes out and leave your face horribly scarred, Jeff said dramatically. Or you will be found
dead with claw marks all over your face and body. Or you could be trapped in the mirror
with Bloody Mary for eternity, Trevor
Differences Between The Movie And The Book
The novel the The fault in our stars is based on some teenagers that are battling against
cancer. The author of this novel is named John Green and his book was not only based on
these teenagers that had cancer but also about their love story. The main character of this
novel is named Hazel Grace Lancaster which is a 16 year old girl and is battling stage 4
of Thyroid cancer. One of the other main character was named Augustus Waters and he
had a type of cancer that made him lose his leg. The novel gave a lot of detail based on
everything they went through and it explained many things. On the other hand the movie
also showed many things that did happen or that the writer wrote in the novel and only a
few things were a little different. There ... Show more content on ...
I also liked the movie better because I just like seeing the story in action and seeing how
they act instead of having to read the book. Even though there were many differences and
a little similarities it was still a good book and movie. I think that the author s message
through this novel was that no matter what situation you are in, there are still many ways
you can fall in love with someone and also to always live your fullest because you never
know when it will be your last day of living. The author of the novel, which was John
Green and Josh Boone, who directed the movie both did a great job showing everybody
the story of The Fault In Our Stars and even though Josh Boone didn t include every
scene of the book in his movie it was still good. This story will forever be one of the best
because of all the good and exciting things that it had which was one of the reasons so
many people loved
Nazism In The Lion King
Nazism has been portrayed throughout modern films, such as The Lion King, Cabaret,
Sophie Scholl The Final Days, Schindler s List and Downfall. The accuracy of the rise
and fall of Nazism varies, however the ideas of Nazism are consistent throughout these
films. These films accurately portray the rise and fall of Nazism in Germany as well as
Hitler s ideology. Although some of the films are modified to create a more appropriate
rating so a wider range of audiences are able to view them, therefore some of the
historical accuracy was lost.

In the scene Be Prepared in The Lion King, there is a significant use of symbolism that
refers to the power of Nazi Propaganda. Scar symbolises Hitler and the hyenas are the
Nazi party/soldiers. When Scar ... Show more content on ...
At first Schindler is shown to not care anything about the Jews and only the money he
makes through his business. A powerful quote he said to the Nazi Official who was in
charge of the camp was, Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don t.
This phrase deeply resonated with the Nazi Officer, as there was a clear change in him
until he looked himself in the mirror and then shot the Jewish boy he earlier dismissed.
But as the movie transpires it shows Schindler becoming softer, saving certain Jews by
giving them work in his factory and paying off the Nazi Officials. Schindler is then
shown to truly care for the Jews when the women on his list were sent to Auschwitz, and
he desperately fought to have them sent to his factory. Another powerful quote said by
Schindler was, I could have got more out. I could have got more. I don t know. If I d
just... I could have got more. This clearly expressed Schindler s guilt for being a part of
the Nazi party and that he felt responsible for the Jews lives. In this film Hitler s power
remained strong in those who were loyal to him and did not apply to those who realised
what was right and what was
Perseus Fatal Flaw
Once there was a boy in a big city named Perseus. He was the child of Zeus(God of
lightning) and his mother s name was Danae (DA NAY). this city was called Seriphos
This city was one the oldest cities in ancient Greece. The King of the city, Polydectes
wanted to marry Danae but she didn t want to marry the King because her son Perseus
didn t approve of it. So the King Polydectes was smart and he knew how to get Danae to
marry him. Later that day he was collecting presents for another king s daughter and he
asked Perseus where his gift was. The King also said that Perseus must have the best gift
because he was the greatest warrior in the city of seriphos. It was rude because everyone
knew that Perseus was poor. His mother told him to let it go and that it wasn t important
but he wouldn t listen. ... Show more content on ...
Perseus said for the King to name anything and he would bring it. King Polydectes told
Perseus to swear on the River Styx. In Ancient Greece it was like me swearing on my
PS4. So Perseus swore on the River Styx and, Polydectes said bring me the, cut the
dramatic music ........... Head of Medusa duh duh duh Perseus curse himself because he
knew he couldn t without lots of help(why he needed help because Medusa could turn
people to stone with a glace) , so he prayed to his father Zeus for help. Zeus heard him all
up on Olympus and he sent Hermes (the messenger god) to help Perseus with his
impossible task. Hermes went down to Perseus and gave him a bag for the head of
Medusa, a fake version of Hades s helmet which can turn you invisible, a pair of winged
shoes to fly and told him to find the gray sisters that s because they will tell you where
Medusa lair was and because they also know where the sword and shield of the prophecy.
So he found the gray sisters on a mountain far away from Argos. They told him that
Medusa was in another
Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Essay
Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Marquez tells the story of the murder of a
young man called Santiago Nasar. The novel is narrated by a man who returns to his
hometown twenty seven years after the murder and attempts to reconstruct the events of
the crime through the memories of other townspeople. Contrary to its title, Chronicle of a
Death Foretold is technically not a chronicle. Instead, it is an amalgamation of the
information the narrator compiles from the townspeople he interviews. Upon reading the
text, the reader will find that the narrator is largely unreliable due to his personal
relationships and biases which prevent him from relating the story with complete
impartiality. Nevertheless, the narrator plays an essential role in helping the reader to
understand the work and its major themes. The story is told in a non chronological,
journalistic style, and reads rather like a retrospective , fragmented report. The narrator,
being limited in his knowledge of the crime and the events leading up to it, must rely on
the memories of others to reconstruct the past. In the first chapter, when the narrator
reveals that his interviewees did not have a consensus about the weather on the day of the
murder, readers are prompted to question the reliability and subjectivity of memory, ...
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Her declaration that she would never have married him if he hadn t done what a man
should do displays the societal expectations placed upon the Vicario twins to regain their
sister s lost honor. Another example that demonstrates this is the comment made by
Clotilde Armenta that a horrible duty had fallen on the Vicario twins, referring to the
murder of Santiago to recover Angela s honor. The remarks made by the two women
stress the importance of honor within the society and indicate that it should be protected
at all

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