Ethiopian Airlines Medical Travel Agmt

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P.O. Box 1755, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
(hereinafter referred to as "Ethiopian'1



having Regd. Office at H. No. 48, First Floor, G. No. 2, Pratap Nagar, New Delhi - 110091
and corporate office at Golf Course Rd. Sector 53, Gurugram, Haryana 122022

(Hereinafter referred to as "PKH")

Whereas, Ethiopian is willing and ready to engage in the facilitation of the sales and
transportation of a Medical Travel service in its major markets in Africa;
Whereas, PKH is willing and ready to organize the ground services and perform the
medical treatment and other facilitation services as described in this agreement.
Whereas, both parties are desirous to collaborate in the promotion and facilitation of
the medical travel services from Africa to PKH;

Now, therefore, both parties have agreed on the following;

I. Definition
The following terms shall have the meaning given to them herein below;
"Sales Territory"- shall mean the countries in Africa identified as potential medical
travel markets by both parties;
"Medical Travel"- shall mean the joint Ethiopian/ PKH service of medical treatment
transportation of clients from their home base to INDIA.
"Medical Service"- shall mean a scheme put In place to facilitate the medical
treatment of clients;
"Products" - shall include all medical travel and services as defined within this
"Client"- shall mean any individual or entity located in the sales territory that has
purchased the product for medical service;

Article 1 - Scope of the service

1.1 The service offered under this agreement encompasses the end-to-end
facilitation and coordination of the medical travel needs of the clients from the
initial contact up to return to home base after receiving the medical treatment.
1.2 Promotion, marketing and sales of the service will be conducted by Ethiopian;
while the ground services arrangements at PKH and the actual medical
treatment will be conducted by PKH.

Article 2 - Joint Responsibility

2.1 Ethiopia n and PKH will conduct joint promotion and marketing activities on
2.1.1 Advertising of the product on various print and electronic media such as
flyers, brochures, banners, 1V and Radio Ads, etc.

2.1.2 Conduct familiarization programs in PKH for potential selling partners in

the Sales Territory.

2.1.3 Conduct joint road shows in at specific locations in the Sales Territory
identified by both parties as potential market.

2.2 Ethiopian and PKH shall join resources in these promotional activities. Costs
associated with such activities, excluding costs of products and services owned
and/or operated by either party, shall be shared equally (50% each) among the
Article 3 - Responsibilities of PKH

During the term of this agreement:

3.1 PKH shall fully participate in the joint promotional activities aimed at
promoting the medical travel product as per the cost-sharing scheme
described in article 2.2 above.
3.2 PKH will appoint a representative office in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - the REP
Office, that will liaise with the hospital for all coordination activities of the
responsibilities of PKH.

3.3 Upon receipt of new medical cases or any enquiries from Ethiopian sales offices
in the territory, the REP Office will provide briefing to the Client on the services
offered under this agreement and communicate with the hospitals for further
action as required.

3.4 The REP Office will further coordinate the preparation of treatment plan, initial
quotation for the required treatment and confirmation of Doctor's appointment.

3.5 The Rep Office in coordination with its headquarters is responsible to make
necessary arrangements for the ground services such as MAAS - Meet and Assist
on arrival, transfer to/from airport and hotel, accommodation, etc.

3.6 PKH will admit the client and provide the medical treatment as per the treatment
plan prepared and agreed before departure of the client.

3.7 Upon completion of the medical treatment, PKH will prepare an invoice for the
service provided and a statement of accounts as per the procedure described in
Article 5 below.

3.8 PKH will respond to Ethiopian complaints, received within 15 days of the
clients return, pertaining to PKH product.

Article 4 - Responsibilities of Ethiopian

During the term of the agreement Ethiopian:

4.1 Shall fully participate in the joint promotional activities aimed at_ pron:'otin~
the medical travel product as per the cost-sharing scheme described tn article 2.2
4.2 Shall make flight reservation for the arrival and departure dates of the
client and attendants, if any, as per the treatment schedule.
4.3 To the extent possible and when required, Ethiopian may establish airfare on
its services at a discounted rate than what is offered in the market in order to
make the Medical Travel service competitive in the Sales Territories.
4.4 Shall Collect the total medical treatment amount per the quotation and close
sales. Ethiopian will confirm collection to the REP Office in Ethiopia and the
hospital in PKH and request to proceed with final arrangement for treatment.
4.5 Shall provide the transportation service per the flight reservations and schedule
booked for the clients.
4.6 Upon completion of the treatment and receipt of the final invoice from PKH,
Ethiopian will review the statement of account and settle all bills as per Article
5 below.

Article 5 - Payment

5.1 Appointment for hospital treatment, hotel accommodation, meet & assist and
other logistics arrangement will be made by the REP Office in Ethiopia. The
airline tickets from all Sales Territories will be produced by Ethiopian and the
total invoice (The cost of the hospital, airline ticket, hotel, meet & assist, other
special requested services) will be produced and presented to the client by
Ethiopian's offices in the Sales Territory.
5.2 PKH shall submit a statement of account with the original hospital's invoices to
Ethiopian in PKH on a weekly basis for the services it has rendered during that
5.3 Ethiopian will reimburse the hospital against the invoice issued after accounting
for its royalty as per the provisions in Article 7 below.
5.4 Ethiopian will effect payment within 30 days after the receipt of
invoice from PKH.
5.5 Payment to PKH should be made through Bank Transfer, to the bank details
herein this Agreement.

Bank Details Account:

Account Holder Name: PK Healthcare Private Limited

Account Opening Bank State Bank of India
Bank Account Number 40649714624
Bank IFSC (Branch Code) SBIN0009950
Bank Branch and Address SME Faridabad

Article 6-Contingency Expenses

Contingency expenses shall be borne by the client. Ethiopian and PKH's Representative
Office in Ethiopia will jointly facilitate to make arrangements for the payment of these
expenses to reach PKH in time to avoid any inconvenience to any of the involved party.
Conting~ncy Expenses: Any additional expenditure resulting from PKH
undert~kmg certain ~dditional _measures ( other than those already indicated to
the patient and/or h1s/_her family members/relatives/friends making the booking
on b~half of th_e client for his/her admission to Sanar International
~o~p1tals) required for the welfare and benefit of the client, including but not
limited to any complications during the treatment or post treatment overstay
emerg ncy, new findings prior to, during or post treatment, fresh in~estigatio~
or equipment use required, medical escort and equipment required to escort
client back to his/her home country.

Article 7- Commission

PKH will pay Ethiopian a commission at the rate of 15% of the final medical invoice
after completion of the medical treatment of each client. The commission will be paid
to Ethiopian regardless of direct sales made through its sales offices in the Sales
Territories, or through its agents and sales partners.
In Case the Client is referred by third party (referred as representative) to Ethiopian,
Ethiopian shall receive a commission at the rate of 15% of the final medical invoice
after completion of the medical treatment of each client.

Article 8 -Valid ity Period

This agreement will commence from the date written first herein below and continue
in force for 4 Years (The "Term") unless terminated beforehand in accordance with
the termination clause.

Article 9 - Indem nity

9.1 Ethiopian defends, indemnifies and holds harmless PKH, its officers, agents,
employees and servants against any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses
and liabilities which may be claimed against PKH due to the non performance
in whole or part of any element of any product sold in conjunction with the
Ethiopian product, brochure or otherwise by any client provided that the client
has purchased an Ethiopian product in the territory.
9.2 PKH shall also indemnify and hold harmless Ethiopian, its officers, agents,
employees and servants against any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses
and liabilities which may be claimed against Ethiopian due to the non-
observance of PKH of any of its obligations within this Agreement or the non
performance in whole or part of any element of any product sold in conjunction
with PKH product bro h
client has pu h 5 ' c ure or otherwise by an r
9.3 In the even;c 0~ :~~ ~~~r?<Ju~ in the territ:ry~ rent provided only that the
negligence of the other h1op1an suffers loss because of .
a~~:/~~~~~~I~~ ~~e m~dical Issues), eith:up'=~ ~~
en~itled to deduct an
product to the total
va ue travel cost after official investigation~ sa e of the

Article 10 - Trademark and Name

10.1 At not· - p
,me_can . KH and. Ethiopian business imply that it is an
PKH brand name in
owned or fr~nch1sed business of both parties. Use of the
PKH and Ethiopian
a_ny pr?mot,onal materials other than those provided by
be approved by both
( mcl~dm~ newspaper, 1V and Media advertisements) must
with any product that
parties. PKH and Ethiopian brand name cannot be used
will not be permitted
has not been contracted by both parties. Business cards
and both parties should use their own.
10.2 Ethiopian may only refer to its organization as a "Medical Travel Facilitation
service Partner" with PKH.
10.3 Ethiopian may produce promotional material for distribution using the name
opian is "Medical
PICH, provided it is clearly stated in the material that Ethi
be pre-approved by
Travel Partner" with PKH. All promotional materials must
both parties.
cannot be used
10.4 Both inside and outside PKH and Ethiopian offices, logos
except in promotional posters which will be approved by both
guidelines from time to
10.S PICH and Ethiopian retain the right to amend these

Article 11 - Internet
PICH and Ethiopian may utilize the trade name of both
parties in connection
the worldwide web
with promotion of the joint service using the internet or
oval is secure from
as intermediate for that communication provided prior appr
both parties.
11.2 PICH and Ethiopian shall not link their Inter
net (Medical Travel) site to any
internet site managed by both parties and their subsidiaries.
Article 12 - Rights of Renew al

Both parties shall have the right to req t .

of the term hereby granted upon the f~~~~~nge;al of thd1s agrde~~ent at the expiration
12 1 Th h b rms an con 1t1ons·
· er~ s aII e no outstanding breach by either parties of ~ny of the terms
of this agreement; and

12.2 The parties shall have properly observed and performed all their obligations
under this agreement from the date of commencement of the contract.

Article 13 - Termi nation

PKH and Ethiopian may terminate this agreement forthwith by notice in writing and
all rights of both parties shall thereupon cease with it where:
a) Either party fails to fulfill any of its obligations under this agreement

b) There is a complete or partial change of ownership of either party which is

considered to be incompatible with this agreement

c) Either party fails to commence the provision of services as required under this
agreement within the period of 60 days from the date hereof

d) Either party shall become insolvent, enter into liquidation, whether compulsory
or voluntary, or if an administration order shall be made in respect of either

Article 14- Copyright

PKH and Ethiopian own the copyright to their brochures for the sole use of their
clients. Under no other circumstances shall they be sold, loaned, copied distributed or
otherwise circulated without the written permission of both parties.

Article 15 - Liability

PKH will be responsible completely for all medical treatment issues, medical facilitation
services (hospital reservation, approving patients, follow-up) and logistic service in the
medical destination (transfers, meet & assist, hotel accommodation) of all clients
referred to it by Ethiopian. Ethiopian will not be responsible whatsoever for any
claims and liabilities arising from and/or related to the medical treatment of the client.
Clients must sign a medical consent upon arrival at the health care facility approving
the me~ical proce~ures ~rovide? to them. PKH shall ensu
re that each client traveling
on medical travel signs this medical consent form upon arriva
l at the health care facility.
Article 16 - Dispute Sett lem ent

In the even t of disputes, differences or controversies betwe

en the Parties arising out of this
Agreement or any matt er incidental thereto, during its tenur
e or after completion, the same
shall be resolved by mutual discussions and negotiatio
ns, failing which such disputes,
differences or controversies shall be settled through Englis
h Law & Courts. The respective
cost of the same shall be borne mutually by both the partie
s. The place of venue shall be
mutually decided between the parties.

In witnesses wher eof, both parties set their hands and seal
on the date written first
herein below.

This agre eme nt is made on the 27 th June of the year 2022

. __ _

Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise PK Healthcare Private limited

Mr. Hailemelekot Mamo Mr Naresh Kapoor

VP ET holidays & Digital/GCIC Sales Founder & Managing Director

Signature Sign atur e_-l /---il'i1tal1rc d~ttrec

Witness Witness

Mrs. Mahlet Kebede SRIS,-,r I TA::t.W~,

~P ~Y .t e ~ , ~
Head ET-holidays

Signature:_ _ _..J..__ _ __

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