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Mid Semester (Even Semester) Examination – 2022

Subject: Materials Science and Engineering (MO-201)

Full marks: 50 Time: 24 hours

Write in your own language. No copying please. Take relevant data from the book/e-
source and give reference. No additional data shall be provided. Make suitable
assumptions wherever necessary based on your understanding so far in this course.

Please submit hand-written (scanned PDF version) answers to your teaching

assistants as well as in Microsoft portal. Diagrams should be hand drawn.

The filename should be: [your-name] [roll-number].

Submit within 24 hours, after this document is posted in Microsoft Teams. All the
registered students should appear and finish within the stipulated time.

Submissions should be mailed to your TAs.

1. Draw a cubic unit cell. Show [111], [100], [110] in it. Show all the 2-fold, 3-
fold and 4-fold in a cubic unit cell
Draw another cubic unit cell and show (111), (010), (110). Calculate angles between


2. Calculate the effective number of atoms in the HCP unit cell. Describe the basis
for generating the HCP structure starting from the hexagonal space lattice.
Calculate the packing efficiency of (i) close packed structures (FCC and HCP) (ii)
monoatomic BCC and SC crystals.
Give the Miller indices of the family of close packed directions in SC, BCC, FCC and DC
crystals, indicating the magnitude of the closest distance of approach between neighboring
Find the diameter of the largest atom that would fit an interstitial void in FCC nickel
without distortion.
Find the size of the largest sphere that will fit an interstitial void in a BCC crystal as a
function of the atomic radius r. The void is located at (0, 1/2, 1/4) and other equivalent
[ 16]
3. Distinguish between atom sites and lattice points in a monoatomic FCC crystal
and a NaCl crystal.

State the differences and common points between (i) CsCl, (ii) a monoatomic BCC
crystal, and (iii) a monoatomic SC crystal.

What are the factors that determine the density of a crystal? Which of these factors is
dominant in determining the decreasing order of density with increasing atomic number
in the following elements?
Cu (Z = 29) 8960, Ge (Z = 32) 5320, and Se (Z = 34) 4790 kg m–3
Aluminium has an FCC structure. Its density is 2700 kg m–3 ( 2.7). Calculate
the unit cell dimension and the atomic diameter.

Find the local packing arrangement in the ionic crystal CaO. Assuming the crystal
structure to be cubic, calculate the density of the crystal. Given
the radii:
Ca 2+ = 0.94 Å and O2– = 1.32 Å.


4. Write down a brief description of possible defects in 3D crystalline

solids. Indicate their importance in relation to properties of materials.
Slip and twinning are two modes of permanent deformation in metals. What
are the defects that are responsible for such a deformation process.
Draw schematic of edge and screw dislocations. Write down the characteristics of
these dislocations. Will the line of dislocation and Burgers vector always define
a unique plane? Give arguments i n support of your answer.
“All dislocation start or end at free surfaces or grain boundaries.” Justify the above

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