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Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

AERO 480 and MECH 6091:

Flight Control Systems
Lecture 6: Static Stability I

Prof. Youmin Zhang

Diagnosis, Flight Control and Simulation Lab (DFCSL)

Networked Autonomous Vehicles Lab (NAVL)
Concordia Institute of Aerospace Design and Innovation (CIADI)
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Concordia University
1515 St. Catherine W., EV 12-103
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 2W1
Tel: (514) 848-2424 ext. 5225

October 21, 2016

Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Contents to be Covered
Basic definitions and concepts, aircraft configurations
Forces and moments acting on aircraft, coordinate systems
Aircraft equations of motion (including quadrotor
helicopter), longitudinal and lateral-directional equations of
Linearization of equations of motion, state-space form,
stability derivatives
Trim, static stability (longitudinal and lateral-directional)
Dynamic stability (longitudinal motion)
Dynamic stability (lateral-directional motion, to be covered
as time permitted)
Brief introduction to flight control system design via classic
and modern control theory (to be covered as time
Brief introduction to fault-tolerant flight control systems
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

After this lecture you will know about:
Review on equations of motion and linearization of EOM
Aerodynamic center, neutral point
Longitudinal equilibrium, trim
Longitudinal static stability
Hinge moments and control forces
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Review EOM
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Review EOM
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Review EOM
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Dimensional EOM
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Dimensional EOM
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Non-dimensional EOM
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Non-dimensional EOM
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Non-dimensional EOM
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Non-dimensional EOM
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

State-space format
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

State-space format
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

State-space format
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

State-space format
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

State-space format
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

State-space format
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

State-space format
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

State-space format
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

State-space format
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

State-space format
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Aerodynamic Center
Aerodynamic Center (AC) is a point at which the
aerodynamic moment tends to be invariant with respect to α
(within some range of α).
The location of aerodynamic center for real aerodynamic
shapes can be found from experiment.
The aerodynamic center is important when we come to
consider the stability of the airfoil in an airflow.
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Neutral Point
The Neutral Point is the CoG position for which Cmα = 0. It is
therefore an ”aerodynamic center” for the whole aircraft.
dδtrim Cmα
dCLtrim Cmδe CLα − Cmα CLδe

In otherr words, Neutral Point is a special location of the CoG of

the airplance. In a limitd sense, it is the boundary between stable
and unstable CoG positions.
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin


The trim condition is one at which the resultant of all forces

and moments on airplane are zero.
An aircraft is called trimmed if there are no net forces and
moments acting on it. e.g., the net pitching moment
coefficient is zero.
Designers should ensure at each flight condition, the airplane
can be trimmed by pilot by a proper command.
Mathematically, for longitudinal mode, we have
T mg
CD = ; CL = ; Cm = 0
q̄S q̄S
Usually, it is assumed that for the level flight first and second
equations are satisfied, and the solution of the last equation gives
us the magnitude of elevator command at each flight condition.
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Elevator Angle to Trim

For any flight condition, corresponding to a CL or α, there should
be an elevator angle within its mechanical limitation which satisfy
Cm = 0. Mathematically,
Cm = 0 = Cm0 + Cmα α + Cmδe δe ⇒
Cm0 + Cmα αtrim
δetrim = −
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin


Essential principle of trimming models: Determining a steady state

equilibrium condition
Steady state condition: state derivatives are minimized
How to trim numerically: Minimize a so-called cost function which
is a summation of (square) state derivatives multiplied by a weight
W e.g.
f= (Wi ẋ2i )
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Numerical Calculation of Trim and Linearization in

Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Concepts of Static and Dynamic Stability of an Aircraft

Static Stability refers to the tendency of the aircraft to
develop forces or moments to return to its trim condition
when disturbed.
Dynamic Stability deals with the time history of the vehicle’s
motion after it is disturbed from its equilibrium point -
stability of motion.
A body is dynamically stable if it eventually returns to and
remains at it equilibrium position over time.
Note that the vehicle can be statically stable but dynamically
unstable. Static stability, therefore, dose not guarantee
dynamic stability. However, for the vehicle to be dynamically
stable it must be statically stable.
Link to control: A pilot/autopilot’s ability to control an
airplane is linked to the stability of dynamic stability (or
dynamic modes - i.e., the time-dependent behavior of the
system in response to an impulsive input), so dynamic
stability is of critial importance.
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Longitudinal Static Stability

Longitudinal static stability refers to the tendency of the aircraft to
return to its trim condition after a nose up or nose down
disturbance. This implies that Cm must vary with AOA in certain
manner!! (What manner?) Suppose
an airplane encounters an upward gust which increases AOA.
If airplane doesn’t develop a negative moment to decrease
AOA, the airplane is not statically stable.
Mathematically implies,
Cmα = <0

dCm dCL
Cm α =
dCL dα
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Longitudinal Static Stability

xcg xac d
Cmα = CLαW ( − ) − ηVH CLαt (1 − )
c c dα
So, having a negative Cmα imposes a condition on location of
center of gravity (CoG). This distance is called Static Stability
Margin. The neutral point is defined as a point at which
Cmα = 0.
xN P xac CLαt d
= + ηVH (1 − )
c c CLαw dα
Outline Introduction Review on EOM Review Linearization of EOM Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Poin

Reading and Exercise

Durham (2013): Section 7.4;
Cook (2007/2013): Section 2.7, Chapter 3;
Yechout (2003): Chapter 5;
Reading materials provided on the course website;
Durham (2013): Problems 5, and 6 in Chapter 7;
Cook (2007/2013): Problems 1, 2, and 3 in Chapter 3;
Yechout (2003/2014): Problems 5.1, 5.2, 5.12;

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