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Act Sample Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Act Sample Essay" can present a considerable challenge for
various reasons. Firstly, the task requires a comprehensive understanding of the ACT format and the
specific nuances associated with it. This entails familiarity with the different sections of the test, the
types of questions posed, and the expectations set by the examiners.

Moreover, writing a compelling essay demands not only a deep knowledge of the topic but also the
ability to critically analyze and synthesize information effectively. In the case of an ACT sample
essay, it's crucial to showcase a mastery of language, grammar, and rhetorical strategies. This includes
constructing a coherent argument, employing persuasive techniques, and demonstrating a nuanced
understanding of the given prompt.

Time management adds another layer of difficulty. The ACT is a timed test, and the essay section
requires candidates to efficiently plan and organize their thoughts within a limited timeframe.
Balancing the need for thorough analysis with the necessity of completing the essay within the
allotted period poses a significant challenge.

Lastly, individual writing skills and comfort with expressing ideas in a structured, coherent manner
impact the difficulty level. Some may find it challenging to articulate their thoughts eloquently,
while others may struggle with maintaining focus and avoiding tangential discussions.

In summary, crafting an essay on the topic of "Act Sample Essay" is a demanding task that
necessitates a profound understanding of the ACT format, effective language use, critical thinking
abilities, and adept time management. Individuals undertaking this endeavor must navigate through
these challenges to produce a well-structured and persuasive piece.

For those seeking assistance in tackling such writing challenges, it's worth exploring external
resources. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where professional
writers can provide support tailored to individual needs and requirements.
Act Sample Essay Act Sample Essay
Notes On Monetary And Monetary Policy Essay
USANG 138581

List of Abbreviations
CB Central Bank
ECB European central bank
FEDS The federal reserves
MP Monetary Policy
IT Inflation Targeting
MT Monetary Targeting
M1 Narrow money
M2 Intermediate money
M3 Monetary aggregates 3
MB Monetary Base
MS Money Supply

For decades, high inflation has always been a potential threat to the macroeconomic
stability and long term economic growth in the world. Central banks have been
modelling strategies to tackle the general price instability in an economy. Different
models have been adopted to predict general price levels, maintain a favorable inflation
rate and promote economic growth. This can be achieved by ensuring that the economic
variables are properly regulated by committed and reliable financial institutions in a state.
Getting the model and monetary policy right is crucial for the health of an economy.
Overly expansionary MP leads to high inflation, which
The First Camera On The World Was Invented By Alexander...
On May 8th 1840, the first camera on the world was invented by Alexander Wolcott.
Since then, people considered photography as an objective medium, which is always
used to describe and explain the reality and even considered for law enforcement. For
example, pictures chalked on the gate of suspect s house may serve as alibi. However,
with current technology, people can easily manipulate ( manipulate is underlined twice
as topic specific vocabulary) pictures. (In class writing, Oct.18.2016) People start to learn
that a photograph can be carefully staged to express certain opinions, thus we lost trust
on photographyand instead begin to evaluate pictures. Court also create different laws
to check the admissibility of digital evidences. However, techniques and strategies of
editing images has gone either unexplained or mis explained because people are lack of
professional knowledge about photoshopping so that images are blindly doubted. In the
rest of this paper, I give three different examples and explanation to analyze how and
why visuals were edited.

Admit or not, photoshop is now closely connected to our daily life. Nowadays,
teenagers have become the most electronically connected generation of all time. As
many Chinese may know, social apps such as WeChat, Weibo and QQ have become the
main means of communication for teenagers. In 2015, 549 million active users are using
WeChat, where images are posted and shared millions of times a day. And while teens
are lectured




MARKS: 100

This memorandum consists of 9 pages.

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English First Additional Language/P3

2 NSC Memorandum

DBE/November 2010

INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION This memorandum must be used together with

the attached English FAL assessment rubrics for SECTIONS A, B and C. SECTION A:
ESSAY QUESTION 1 Instructions to Markers: Candidates are required to write an essay
of 250 to 300 words (1 to 1 ВЅ pages) on ONE topic only. Full credit must be given for
the candidate s own interpretation. Marking must be objective. Consider the background
of the candidate and give credit for relevant ... Show more content on ...
2.1 INTERVIEW 2.2 The interview must be between the manager of a government
department and the candidate as an applicant for the bursary. The interview should be
about the candidate s application for a bursary. The register and tone of the interview must
be formal. The dialogue format must be used.


FORMAL LETTER The letter should be addressed to the manager of a company. The
content should include references to the success of the event and thanks for the
sponsorship. The tone and register of the letter should be formal. The following aspects
of format should be included: o Address of sender o Date o Address of recipient o
Greeting/Salutation (e.g. Sir, Madam, Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Mr Smith) o Subject
line/heading o Suitable ending (Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully) o Signature and printed
name of sender.

Copyright reserved

Please turn over

English First Additional Language/P3

5 NSC Memorandum

DBE/November 2010


NEWSPAPER ARTICLE The article must have a heading/headline. The article must be
written in paragraphs. The suggestions/advice/tips may be bulleted/numbered. The tone
and register of the article may be formal or informal. The article must be on how to
avoid becoming a victim of crime, i.e. the suggestions should be about
Active Reading In George Orwell s Shooting An Elephant
This lesson has three main objectives. These are to direct students in active reading
through George Orwell s Shooting an Elephant. Determining the central idea of the essay
and how it develops over the text, different themes that are introduced, what the author s
viewpoint. The final objective is to give students time in class to read. I intend to do this
through a lesson and demonstration on active reading, class discussion, and through small
group work. To start off what is active reading? Active reading is simply thinking about
what you read as you read it. Before this assignment I didn t know the origins of active
reading, but after research I had trouble finding the origin. Some sources give credit to
Reg Revans while others give... Show more content on ...
I personally find this to be the most important step of the process. This point of this step
is to have students ask themselves What was this text really about? I am using this SQ3R
method in my lesson plan by having students skim the first two paragraphs, write a
predictions, participate in an active reading demonstration, actively read George Orwell s
Shooting an Elephant themselves, grouping backup the following day to talk about the
text, and then having students work in a group to reflect on the writing to summarize and
reflect on what the text is really about. Moving onto the second objective, students will be
directed on determining the central idea, identify different themes, and understanding the
author s viewpoint. These tasks will be accomplished through the active reading and
group discussion components in class. I turn to John Dewey s theory on learning. Dewey
says Learning is active. It involves reaching out of the mind. It involves organic
assimilation starting from within. Literally, we must take our stand with the child and
our departure from him. It is he and not the subject matter which determines both quality
and quantity of learning (9). This reminds teachers that learning is a social process that
requires students to reach out with their own thoughts and ideas to gain value from the
assigned subject matter.
Through talking and discussing George Orwell s Shooting an Elephant, students are
engaging with the source material and
Epidemiology of Chickenpox
Epidemiology of Chickenpox
Karissa N. Martinez
Grand Canyon University: NRS 427V

Epidemiology of Chickenpox
This essay was written to explain the epidemiology of chickenpox and allow the reader to
develop a better understanding of the disease. The author intended for the reader to
become informed about the causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications,
treatment and mortality and morbidity rates. Also, the reader will become familiar with
the determinants of health and contributing factors to develop varicella, the relation of
the epidemiologic triangle, the role of the community health nurse, as well as identify a
national organization that reduces the impact of the disease on the community.
Chickenpox ... Show more content on ...
For patients who are at high risk for complications an antiviral can be prescribed called
acyclovir. Acyclovir can help reduce symptoms in the early stages; twenty four hours
after the rash appears (Gould, 2014). Mortality and morbidity rates are higher for adults
and those how are immunocompromised ( Khandelwal Kumawat, 2008). Centers for
Disease Control 2014, has revealed that the number of chickenpox outbreaks in the
United States has decreased significantly since the vaccination was introduced. If the
disease is still acquired after vaccination symptoms are mild resulting in fewer lesions
and low or no fever (CDC, 2014). Centers for Disease Control, 2014 state that four
million people would be infected by chickenpox in the United States alone, 10,600
people hospitalized and 100 to 150 deaths before the vaccination was initiated.
Determinants of health can be both social and physical factors that can either help avoid
or put one at increased risk for development of a disease such as varicella. Some
examples of social determinants of health can be quality of education, public safety,
language barriers, culture, social support and socioeconomic conditions (Healthy People,
2013). These determinants can negatively impact the community, for instance if the
population of focus is one of poverty level with low rates of quality education, and high
incidence of crime this can make it difficult to obtain
High Standards Of Beauty In The Uglies By Scott Westerfeld
In the dystopian novel The Uglies by Scott Westerfeld teens are forced to live in a
society consumed by the high standards of beauty. The teens in The Uglies live in a
town called Uglyville up until the age of sixteen where they go to live in New Pretty
Town . Once the teen turns sixteen years old, they are forced to undergo a surgery that
changes their entire demeanor just so that they fit into societies standards. Much like
teens today, the teens in The Uglies face the obstacle of doing what it takes to be
deemed pretty . Just like the teens in The Uglies, the teens of todays society also face
the challenge of being accepted. The high standard of beauty in both The Uglies and
todays society comes from those who are looked up too. Celebrities
Queen Anne s Revenge Essay
Swoosh! Splash! Swish! A pirate ship sails through the salty ocean. Three pirate ships
sail across the same deep glimmering marine. They all meet around the cove, but they all
get ready for rivalry. One ship starts dismissing their cannons at their enemies. Just then,
the other two ships began to sail away, but one cannonball proceeded towards one ship,
and struck the ship leaving it to sink. Pirates used ships to get to their destination, and
to be ready for their enemies. First of all, the Queen Anne s Revenge was one of the
most famous pirate ship. The Queen Anne s Revenge was originally a French owned
slave ship. The ship first name was La Concorde De Nantes. It was found in 1996.
Furthermore, the ship had 26 guns, and was captured from the French merchants.
Queen Anne s Revenge was one of the most powerful ships in American waters. The
name Queen Anne s Revenge comes from Queen Anne, who was one of the principal
actors in the War of the Spanish Succession in which Blackbeard was likely a privateer.
On the other hand, the ship can store more than 300 tons (272 t) of treasure, and can
hold up to 250 pirates. To sum up, the Queen Anne s Revenge was used to sail... Show
more content on ...
The Golden Hind was a galleon armed with 18 guns. The ship s name was originally
known as Pelican. it was one of the most famous sailing ships in history. Additionally,
several ships in well liked culture have names and associations of The Golden Hind.
The ship s dateline was 1578. However, the Golden Hind s ship was ship type was a
galleon. The ship weighed around 100 tons. Most importantly, the ship s guns and crew
were unknown. The Golden Hind s journey was 2 years, 10 months, and 18 days. Best
of all, the ship took an historic and exciting voyage around the world and was the only
vessel to return from the expedition. All in all, the Golden Hind was used to sail around
Accepting Reality Is An Endeavor Essay
Accepting reality is an endeavor that most individuals struggle with; they believe that an
individual s perception of the world is what exists in reality, and hence may exclude
themselves from learning the details that will actually enable them to grasp a true
understanding of reality. As a result, we may trap ourselves in our own mental worlds,
with our own understandingof reality. While some may be trapped in their own mental
worlds due to the fact that they are excluding themselves from learning the truthabout
reality, some may be trapped in his or her own mental worlds for various other reasons,
one of which includes trauma. Trauma affects one s understanding of reality because
trauma causes one to either overreact or not react to the realities in life. In addition,
trauma can also prevent one from having an understanding of his or her surroundings.
Martha Stout, the author of When I Woke Up Tuesday Morning, It Was Friday,
describes how her patients are affected by trauma and how living life both in a
dissociative state and in reality affects them, because an individual may never have a true
understanding of reality. Stout relates the stories of trauma victims, to indicate that one s
traumatic experience can cause dissociation and influence an individual s life to a great
extent. When an individual goes through a trauma, he or she feels disconnected from the
worldaround him or herself, which ultimately leads to that individual being trapped in his
or her own mental
Communication In The Veterinary Profession
Tarleton allowed students to work together to achieve different tasks. These group
projects can provide students with many different benefits. For example, it can help to
teach time management, learn how to give appropriate feedback, improve
communication skills, teach accountability, and can even help to challenge previous
All of these are important in a work environment. For instance, learning how to manage
your time will help an employee to know what tasks need to be finished right away and
will help them learn how to not waste time on trivial things. Giving appropriate feedback
is important because in a work environment people need to know how to voice their
feelings in a professional manner, without making it sound as if they are attacking
someone ... Show more content on ...
Finally, communication is extremely important in the veterinary profession. As
technicians are the one responsible to educate clients on their pet s health, so it is
extremely important that a student has learned how to do this in an appropriate manner.
Leadership is an important part of the veterinary team. It is also important for people
to understand if they would make a strong leader or if they are better suited to be
someone who follows leadership. In a veterinary clinic it would be harmful if there
were 10 different people all trying to lead with different ideas. It is important for a
student and technician to understand and accept if they are better as someone who
leads or as someone who follows leaderhip. Throughout Tarelton it was always taught
to us that students should try to be more of a leader in their clinic and take on a
leadership role. Although, this can be of use to people who have the personality and
desire to be a leader, it can also be harmful for someone who would be very
uncomfortable in a position of leadership. Throughout Tarelton s education, some students
realized that a leadership position is not something they are
Hoplite Warfare And Ancient Greece
Hoplite Warfare In Ancient Greece When one thinks of Ancient Greece, one does not
typically think of hoplite warfare. However, hoplite warfare is the quintessential factor in
Greece becoming the country that it is today. Without this warfare Greece would have
fallen to a number of countries not making Greece the independent country that it is
today. Thus, making hoplitewarfare the most important aspect of Greek history.
As Greek population began to increase, city states began to increase as well. Along with
the rise of city states came to question a new form of warfare. This warfare is called
hoplite warfare. Hoplite warfare was formed c. 700 BC. Hoplites are a group of heavily
armed soldiers. Hoplites are supported on the left arm by a large round shield. Hoplites
are also equipped in their right hand with a long spear, six to eight feet long. Lastly,
hoplites are equipped with a short sword.
Hoplites fight in an organized line called a phalanx. They would overlap their shields,
thus producing an impenetrable wall. This phalanx would be able to spread out into a
line and place itself into valleys or between mountains, causing their enemy to have to
go through them rather than around. This phalanx would work very well within Greece
due to the geography of Greece itself. Greece has many mountains and valleys that
work well for this type of warfare. Throughout this paper you will learn why hoplite
warfare is the single most effective type of warfare in Greek history.
John Donne s Metaphysical Poetry
John Donne s metaphysical poetry is where theology crosses with sexuality. The
connection between spiritual love and erotic love becomes apparent. Throughout his
whole life Donne found love in everything. In his early life his focus was on the love
of women, and then it transitioned to the love of his wife, and ultimately the love of
God. His work defines the unity of these contrasting ideals in every man and woman.
Batter my Heart and The Ecstasy displayed the connection that can be found between
erotic love and divine love. There are also characteristics with each piece of Donne s
work that can be identified as crossovers from erotic and divine. Early in Donne s career
his initial pieces of literature were defined as his love poetry, while his later work was
primarily his Holy Sonnets. It can be perceived that through his love poetry Donne
establishes his ideals on love. Through his writing of The Ecstasy , Donne is able to
relay his experiences of love and that love is experienced through the body, soul, or both.
His work emphasized that it can either be a religious or sensual experience. For The
Ecstasy Donne conveys a complex viewpoint towards erotic pleasure in comparison to
the full understanding of love. His poem urges the readers to rejuvenate their souls
through a sensual connection that results in ecstasy. This idea bashes the conventional
idea of the time period that the soul and body are separate; that sexual pleasure does not
create a bond between the
What Is The Character Of Meursault
The Strange Character of Meursault In what perhaps is Albert Camus s most notable
work, The Stranger, the main character Meursault can be considered as a vessel for the
philosophy of existentialism, an idea prominent in the time period in which the novel
was written. Though at first glance Meursault may come off as a simple, uncaring man,
as the story progresses, the reader is able to see Meursault as a complex and intriguing
person. While in the beginning of the book Meursault is focused only on completing his
physical needs, when his ability to fulfill them is taken away from him in prison, he is
forced to truly think about his life, becoming fully absurdist in his philosophy. From the
very start of the story, the author establishes Meursault as a faithful follower of the...
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Since he believes nothing really matters in the end, not even receiving the news of his
own mother s death invokes much emotion in Meursault: Maman died today. Or
yesterday maybe, I don t know. I got a telegram from the home [...] that doesn t mean
anything. Maybe it was yesterday (Camus 3). In contrast to society s expectation of his
reaction to the passing of his mother, Meursault regards this event in his life as more of
an inconvenience than anything else. While waiting for the funeral proceedings to
begin, Meursault observes that it was going to be a beautiful day [...] I could feel how
much I d enjoy going for a walk if it hadn t been for Maman (Camus 12). This quote
demonstrates that otherwise emotionally straining situations do not impact Meursault in
the same way they may affect other people. At least at this point in the book, Meursault
is much more focused on fulfilling his physical needs and
John Watson s Little Albert Experiment
In February of 1920 at The Johns Hopkins University, John Watson and his graduate
student Rosalie Rayner performed a controlled experiment that would show the effects of
classical conditioning in humans. Drawing from the influence of earlier psychologists
such as Ivan Pavlov, and inspiring many psychologists to come, Watsons experiment truly
changed the field of psychology. Born on January 9, 1878 in Greenville, North Carolina,
John Broadus Watson was son to a poor family. His mother was very religions, and his
father broke many rules of marriage by drinking and having affairs. John went to the
University of Chicago to receive a masters degree, where he met his first wife, Mary
Ikes, with whom he would have two children. However, John has the same habits as his
father, and later was divorced by Mary. He would next meet and later marry Rosalie
Rayner, one of his graduate students. Together, John and Rosalie would go on the
perform the Little Albert experiment. This test, named the Little Albert experiment, was...
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In detail, his goal was to find out if a response of fear can be conditioned into a young
baby, how long it would last, and if it could be passed on. The structure of the
experiment was simple. Albert was to be placed in a room in which a metal bar stood
behind him. First, objects such as a white rat, rabbit, and cotton wool (neutral stimuli)
was to be placed in front of him, to see if he reacted fearfully to them. Next, the two
researchers would hit the metal bar (unconditioned stimulus) behind Albert, causing him
to cry (unconditioned response). Then, to link the object the the response, when the
object was introduced to Albert, the bar was hit, causing him to cry with the object
present. This sound, after several trials, was later removed, causing Albert to cry (now a
conditioned response) when the object (now a conditioned stimulus) alone was shown to
Hearing Aids
Dr.Karen Mills came to speak to our class about her job of being an audiologist. She
came and told us about what could cause hearing loss or what could prevent it. She
made excellent points about how many older men and women who have been through
world wars have lost most and almost all hearing because the guns and bombs and all
these load objects made their nerve in their ear damaged or ruined. Older men and
women of wars wish they would have protected their ears in anyway because now they
have no hearing at all. So protect your ears!!!!!!! Dr.Mills showed us some of the
different hearing aids that audiologist use when dealing with a newborn child to full
grown adults. They work with babies to make sure their ears work so they will not
have as much trouble when growing up, sadly there will be one child out of maybe
every 10 children who might have a hearing problem. Their good parts of the jobs but
when you have to tell a motherwho just had a baby and tell her that her baby can not
hear, that is the sad part. During the presentation she made a good example and show
us what it s like when someone is deaf or can not hear very by letting us put earplugs in
and she try and talk. When it comes to people who can barely hear depending on how
bad it is depends if you need a hearing aid or not. Most men who... Show more content on ...
Yet people who have hunted or listened to loud music or have been in a war, they have
never bad hearing because their nerves are messed up or damaged. When people have
hard hearing there is a couple different reasons why their hearing could be in and out or
do not have any at all. Some people they have wax or water in the ear so that could be
why their hard hearing or they could have more serious like damage to the nerves. There
is also a way where some people can not hear at all. Dr.Mills told us all the different ways
we could lose or hearing or have temporary hearing
Wedding Crashers By David Dobkin
If you re a fan of romantic comedy films then Wedding Crashers might just be the film
for you! Wedding Crashers is a popular film from 2005 directed by David Dobkin. The
top stars in Wedding Crashers include Owen Wilson as John Beckwith, Vince Vaughn as
Jeremy Grey, and Rachel McAdams as Claire. The movie begins as the main characters
(John and Vince) who are divorce mediators in Washington D.C. go to crasha wedding
held for the U.S. Secretary of Treasury s daughter. While at the wedding Jeremey ends
up finding another sister of the bride, Gloria Cleary and ends up hooking up with her at
the wedding. While Jeremey is occupied with Gloria, John also finds himself another
girl, Claire who has a boyfriend.

The entertainment value of ... Show more content on ...

John and Jeremy get invited to the Cleary s mansion after crashing the wedding and end
up staying the night. At a point during the night, Kathleen Cleary, the wife of William
Cleary, seduces John, making him grasp her breast. The second affair occurs that same
night when Gloria s brother, Todd enters Jeremy s room and jumps on top of him and
asks him to play tummy sticks. The plot twists in the movie can also be seen when the
wedding crashers get exposed by Sack and their real identities are shown to the Clearys.
After being exposed to the Clearys, John and Jeremy were told to leave by the William
Cleary. Jeremy would secretly continue his relationship with Gloria while John would
go on a downward spiral of depression. Wedding Crashers does not have a lot of history
in the movie due to it being a strong comedic film with a hint of romance in it but it does
reflect human nature. Throughout the film, people are generally happy such as
weddings and affairs, but even with happiness comes downfalls such as when John and
Jeremy get exposed and have to leave the Clearys or when John crashes a funeral.

Wedding Crashers lacks in the intelligence value as well as the director s craft value.
The main focus of the movie is crashing a wedding so for special effects there isn t a lot
you can do. The only pyrotechnics in the movie is when the men all go hunting and there
is gun shots and the gun shots hit a mannequin or stunt double and rip holes in the pants.
The movie in
The Effects Of Sexually And Domestic Violence On...
Summary of Overview: Research was done to analyze the effects of being exposed to
child abuse and domestic violence on adolescent externalizing and internalizing
behavioral issues. This data was from a Lehigh Longitudinal Study which was conducted
on 457 children. This experiment was created to understand how violencemight alter the
actions of the youth who experiences this on an everyday basis. This study focused
directly on children who were exposed to child abuseonly, domestic violenceonly, both,
and neither. Moylan and colleagues (2010) results show that children who are exposed to
ultimate violence such as child abuse and domestic violence are more likely to have
internalizing and externalizing outcomes during their adolescent years.

Summary of Background Literature: Children, in millions, are being raised in homes

where only violence is prevailing. Not only is child abuse occurring, but also there is
domestic violence which can result into serious complications as the children grow.
Cases shows that a double whammy which signifies the child is being exposed to both
types of abuse are likely to have much worse consequences (Moylan et al. 2010). Not
only is this study viewing the well being of a child, but also how their gender can affect
the aftermath of this all. This study wants to support the conclusion that anxiety,
depression, delinquency, commit violence crimes, and many more internalizing and
externalizing behaviors increases in a child exhibiting
Interview At Agency For Health Care Administration
Interview Assignment
The subject of my interview is Roger Bell, CPA, and Manager at Agency for Health
Care Administration. The reason Bell was chosen is because of his contributions as a
Certified Public Accountant, CPA and Manager at Agency for Health Care
Administration. The area of expertise of Mr. Bell s is similar to my future goals. The
subject of my interview owned a small accounting firm in Cedar Key, Florida. There are
two crazy times for tax season in accounting firms. The first busy tax season is from
January 1st to April 15th. The next busy tax time is from September 1st to October 15th.
The latter tax time is when corporations and people that have filed six month
extensions. During tax time can be compared to being in a boxing match, the
personnel are highly stressed with short fuses. The turnover rate is high because of the
abundance of the extra workload during these two tax times. The personnel that remain
in their employment are severely overworked; there is a lot of overtime. The only
times of the year that anyone was allowed vacation time were in the months of May or
June or December. The services that were offered in the accounting firm consisted of tax
return preparations, basic accounting services, and bookkeeping services. Consulting
services were available to assist the community with people developing budgets for
personal and businesses purposes. Also, Bell desired, while the owner of the accounting
firm, to be able to assist his clients with
Cost Accounting Essay
Cost accounting is used by most companies whether manufacturing or service to keep
track of their daily activities. It is essential in understanding the costs of running any
enterprise. In other words they aid in determining the costs of inputs and outputs used in
production. It involves analyzing and evaluating different approaches in order to
determine the most suitable method that management can use suitably and one that can
aid in future planning. Cost accounting is therefore an essential tool in decision making.
Decisions made may involve pricing levels, future investment, production levels and
coming up with a good competitive strategy. Different industries use different cost
accounting method depending on the type of services provided or product manufactured.
... Show more content on ...
Another disadvantage of standard costing is that organizations which use it in most cases
usually react to matters instead of finding a proactive approach of mitigating the errors.
Inefficient processes are allowed to run and then cost comparison is done between actual
and normal cost. Management may then try to eliminate the variances. This method
works on the assumption that factors such as technology remain constant which is not
logical especially in this dynamic world where prices of commodities keep on changing.
This leads to organizations revising their standard costing instead of taking corrective
Standard costing cannot be used in companies that produce heterogeneous products since
it works only where the components and processes are the same and repeat themselves
and this result in production of identical goods and services. This does not take into
account customer preferences since customers need diverse types of goods. This makes it
difficult to be applied in many accounting
Stockings In Death Of A Salesman Essay
The tragic play, The Death of a Salesman, is following the protagonist, Willy is a
salesman with a dysfunctional family. Willy s wife loves him unconditionally but his
sons have a troubling relationship with Willy. Throughout the play, the audience sees
many average items that have deeper meanings called symbols. Some of these symbols
are diamonds, the rubber hose, the tennis racket, seeds and the stockings. Out of the
many symbols in The Death of a Salesman, the stockings are the most significant because
they represent the woman, Linda and Willy s guilt.

The stockings, which appear in different times throughout the play, have many hidden
meanings, for example the woman. While Willy was on business trips, the audience
assumes that The Woman is a love interest. Where s my stockings? You promised me
stockings, Willy! I have no stockings in here! is one of the excerpts of the play where
The Woman is mentioning stockings. The Woman keeps Willy company when he is not
with Linda, ... Show more content on ...
Linda is Willy s loving wife who is always mending stockings. The stockings symbolize
Linda because she is trying to fix Willy and she is always fixing the stockings. Also,
stockings represent Willy s love interest because stockings are feminine. What s that?
Just mending my stockings. They re so expensive! I won t have you mending stockings
in this house! Now throw them out! this is an example of how Willy lashes out on
Linda when he sees stockings anywhere. Linda mending the stockings could symbolize
her want to fix everything in Willy, to make him happy. The audience assumes that Willy
needs emotional wounds fixed because whenever he sees Linda mending the silk
stockings, he gets disturbed. During the play, the audience figures that stockings
symbolize Willy s guilt and failure as a father and
Book Of Tolls Essay
The Book of Kells is one of the most beautiful and mysterious surviving medieval
manuscripts, and it is prominent for its extreme decoration. It comprises of four
Gospels in Latin created on vellum in a bold, as well as, professional version of the
writing referred to as the Insular majuscule that St. Jerome completed in 348 AD. 1 The
manuscript is intermixed with readings from the from the earlier Old Latin translation.
The book contains 340 folios currently measuring approximately 330 x 255 mm that was
trimmed and the edges and gilded in the course of rebinding in the 19th century. The
habitation of origin of the Book of Kellsis usually credited to the scriptorium of the
friary founded around 561 AD by St. Colm Cille on Iona, an island off... Show more
content on ...
The art of the Book of Kells is a complicated synthesis of Christian iconography, derived
from the Mediterranean world, and the northern European predilection for brilliant
colour and abstract pattern. In the religious scenes, abstract values dominate at the
expense of naturalism, imbuing the images with a detached, visionary quality. The
bulk of the painting, however, appears to be as much decorative as religious in
content. The book has a broad palette of colors with purple, lilac, red, pink, green, as
well as, yellow being the colors greatest frequently used in the writing. The lavish
illumination of the program of the book is far better than any other enduring insular
gospel book. There are ten persisting full page illuminations including two evangelist
pictures, three pages with the four evangelist symbols, a carpet page, a minuscule of the
Virgin Child, a minuscule of Christ enthroned, a minuscule of the Arrest of Jesus, and
the Temptation of Christ. There are thirteen existing full pages of decorated text
including pages for the first few words of each of the Gospels. 9 There are numerous
pages where only some of the text is decorated. Notably, fols 29v 31r are incomplete, and
others display illustartions
David Takayoshi Suzuki Biography
David Takayoshi Suzuki is one of the most famous Canadian in the world. He is a
geneticist, broadcaster, environmental activist, and Co Founder of the David Suzuki
Foundation. His study has affected and helped to develop our lives. He has still
published his articles online and warned people to keep our sustainable environments.
His life is stormy and full of drama because of his race and the World War II.
He was one of the twins born to Setsu Nakamura and Kaoru Carr Suzuki on March
24th, 1936 in Vancouver, British Columbia (Suzuki, The Autobiography 6). He was
born as a third generation Japanese Canadian. In 1942, during the World War II, his
family was interred in a camp at Slocan in the British Columbian Interior, and his father
was sent to work in a labour camp in ... Show more content on ...
In 1941, Canada was still a racist society, and by the attack on Pearl Harbor on
December 7th, 1941, his family was stripped of all rights of citizenship, their property
and assets were seized and sold at fire sale prices, their bank accounts were frozen and
ultimately looted (BIOTECHNOLOGY). All Japanese Canadian became Canada s
enemies, even though they had Canadian loyalty. About a year after they arrived in
Slocan, a school was built in a settlement. He was seven when he enrolled in grade 1,
but he was skipped through three grades and he passed into a grade 4 in a year (Suzuki,
The 379). When World War ended in 1945, his family shifted to Islington, Learnington
where he attended Mill Street Elementary School and Learington Secondary School.
Here, his interest in the environmental studies was stimulated by his father. The family
then shifted to London, Ontario and he began to attend London Central Secondary
School (David Suzuki Biography). His popularity is attested by the
Turkey And Intra European Rejection Of Turkey
From the filing of its EU membership application in 1987, Turkey has long attempted to
become a member of the European Union. As of 2014, Turkey is still a candidate
country for membership and its position doesn t appear to be changing anytime soon.
This paper will outline the various challenges Turkey faced in the past and its relation to
current challenges facing her ascension to membership in the European Union. This will
take the form of establishing Turkey s position relative to other European nations from
the end of the Second World War and how Turkey is progressing towards
Europeanization. This paper will also discuss Turkey s security outlook, its completion of
the Copenhagen Criteria, the current issues surrounding Cyprus and intra European
rejection of Turkey as a possible EU candidate.
From the end of the Second World War, Turkey has enjoyed its position as the West s
(especially America s) strategic security bastion as part of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) against Communist threats. According to Oguzlu (2002), in the
post Cold War period, Turkey and its elites still view it s relation to other entities,
especially the EU, as that of a strategic security partner. He makes the point that an often
used Turkish argument wherein if EU members desire to turn the EU into a global
security actor with interests in Turkey s vicinity, they would push more strongly for
Turkey s admittance into the EU.
Oguzlu describes two main reasons why such thinking on
Review Of Work From Home Careers
Work From Home Careers By Lee Favre | Submitted On January 03, 2012 Recommend
Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this
article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share
this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg
Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest With the proliferation of the
internet and the acceptance of the many ways to communicate online or over mobile
devices, work from home careers have seen a boon in recent years. It used to be
common that someone who worked from home was considered a slacker or someone
who really did not have a job. Today, more and more people are working their high
profile jobs with very large companies from the comfort of their own home. Of course
we all can see the obvious benefits of working from the house. No commute so you
can get to work on time every day. You also have the ability to work at whatever hour
you prefer although most companies have strict hours that require you to be online,
you can flex your schedule a little bit to what works for you. There are also some
negatives to working from home. Some people do not have the ability to separate their
work from their home life so you have to be very responsible and a self starter to make
working from home work for you. As long as you have the drive and skills, you can
excel in several work from home careers that are available today. Lets
Super Bowl Trailer
Pirates of the Caribbean 5 Super Bowl trailer brings back Jack Sparrow; Teases
spectacular battle All those Jack Sparrow fan who had been losing their sleep over the
absence of Johnny Depp in the previous trailers of Pirates of the Caribbean 5 can
finally heave a sigh of relief. Sparrow is back. The Super Bowl LI trailer gives us a
glimpse of the badass pirate. Captain Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp, is back in
the fifth installment i.e. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, reports
The Wrap. The Super Bowl trailer of the movie shows him making an appearance at
the end and he is seen holding a rum bottle in his hand and is totally covered in mud.
However, the show stealer happens to be Captain Salazar (Javier Bardem) who is seen
leading his monster pirates to war. The sprint across the surface of the sea is a treat to
watch as it is full of spectacle. So, fans can be sure they are going to witness striking
battles on screen when the fifth edition arrives in theaters this summer.... Show more
content on ...
This led to speculations that the actor would not be making it to the fifth installment.
Nevertheless, he is back and so are Geoffrey Rush and Orlando Bloom i.e. Captain
Barbossa and Will Turner. In related news, the official synopsis of Pirates of the
Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales is also out and reveals many things about the movie,
claims Den of Geek. It says that Captain Jack Sparrow is in trouble as he is being chased
by an old rival Captain Salazar. He and his crew of ghost pirates have escaped from the
Devil s Triangle and the villain is determined to kill every pirate at
Huburt Watches Case Study
Course Name: Market Management Student Number: 2014104 Purpose of the paper This
paper will highlight how Hublot watches use the elements of the marketing mix to target
its position and to achieve its competitive force. The essay is composed of two main
parts. The first part includes the analysis of the segmentation and target of Hublot
watches and its major competitors. The second part is adopting marketing mix (4P) to
illustrate how the company differentiate itself from competitors to satisfy costumers, then
to enhance its market share percent and sales. Background Currently, luxury product can
be found everywhere and the demand of them is high (Kapferer and Bastien, 2008: 311).
Each company wants its products to be... Show more content on ...
Hublot segment its target market by demographics which illustrate different customers
attitudes. According to Dubois et al. (2001: 35), there are three types of customers. The
first is Elitist s Group , customers in this group state that luxury product must be small
educated, sophisticated and refined. And it should differentiate itself from others. It is
indeed expensive and cannot be mass distributed (ibid). The second type is Democratic
group that customers in this section consider the luxury should be mass distributed and
accessible to consumers. To appreciate luxury goods no special education is required,
this section do not consider luxury should be reserved to refined people. Additionally,
they think that it is not the word of good taste or differentiation, it is also not necessary
to be expensive. The customers in this section has being positive to luxury (ibid). While
the last section should be the Distant group , which means customers do not have a
negative attitude towards luxury, they consider luxury is another world where they do
not belong to. In fact, luxury does not attract them, also they cannot find out any value,
attribute or relevance, especially useless and too expensive. They report that more taxes
should be paid from luxury (ibid). Thus, based on the customers attitudes, Hublot mainly
focuses on the Democratic group which can be shown in Appendix 1 (Gautschi, 2005: 9)
and Appendix 2 (ibid). Hublot s products are
Problem Set 2 With Answers
FIN532M: Financial Derivatives
Problem Set 2
DUE DATE: Feb. 12, 2015
1. How can you differentiate the forward price from the value of a forward contract?

(2 points)

2. Explain why an FRA can be viewed as an exchange of a floating rate of interest for a
fixed rate of interest payments and how you can use FRA in mitigating risks.
(4 points)
3. The standard deviation of monthly changes in the spot price of live cattle is 1.2 cents
per pound. The standard deviation of monthly changes in the futures price of live cattle
for the closest contract is 1.4.
The correlation between the futures price and the spot price changes is 0.7. It is now
Feb 5 and a beef producer is committed to purchase 200,000 pounds of live cattle on
April 10. The producer ... Show more content on ...
(Portfolio) Mismatched
(Portfolio) Matching using FRA
Investment earning at RK

Investment earning at RK

Paying the principal at RK

Loan paying interest at RM

Loan paying interest at RM

Investing the principal at RM

3. Given:
Standard deviation (delta spot prices) = 1.2 cents/pound
Standard deviation (delta futures prices) = 1.4 cents/pound
Correlation between delta spot and delta futures prices = 0.7
1 futures contract = 40,000lbs
Purchasing requirement = 200,000 lbs
a. Optimal hedge ratio: h* = 0.7 x (1.2/1.4) = 0.6
b. Optimal number of contract:
N = 0.6 x (200,000/40,000) = 3 contracts
Since you are the one who needs to purchase the live cattle, then you should long 3 May
live cattle futures contract and close out the position in April by shorting 3 contracts.

4. Given:
Current Index : 1,200
6 month Risk free rate: 3.5% p.a. continuous compounding
Dividend yield: 1% p.a. continuous compounding
6 month Futures Price = 1,200 x e[(3.5% 1%) x 0.5] = 1,215.09

5. Given:

R4 = 4.2%
R5 = 4.5%
RF =?

T4 = 4
T5 = 5

T5 T4 = 1

5th year Forward Rate (Forward rate for the periods year 4 to year 5)
RF = (R5T5 R4T4)/(T5 T4) = [(4.5% x 5) (4.2% x 4)]/(5 4) = 5.70%
6. Given:

L = $1 million
RK = 6% p.a compounded annually
RF = 5.6% p.a. continuously compounded
R2 = 5% p.a. continuously compounded
T2 = 5
T1 = 3

You are the borrower, thus

VFRA = [L x (RF RK) x (T2
Comparing Berger And Luckmann
Traditional economics bases human decisions off of price and income; however, Berger
and Luckmann differentiate their theory by utilizing social construction to explain
behavior. At the most basic level, Berger and Luckmann view man as homo socius,
individuals influenced and molded by their social surroundings into the person that they
are. Humans come to understand their personal reality through socialization as it
provides them with their own meanings of themselves and the world that they are in.
Two main types of socialization function to form humans in this model: primary
socialization, which begins at birth and develops as the core of one s self and secondary
socialization, which occurs after primary socialization from the accrual of information...
Show more content on ...
Habitualization allows an everyday act to become engrained into reality and require
less effort as it becomes increasingly fortified in daily life. Narrowed choices simplify
decision making and generate a stable foundation that allows people to make larger
decisions without worrying about the less important ones. Since all human activity can
be habitualized, each individual will develop different habits based off of their own
daily routines. For instance, if Starbucks is directly on my way to class and I have been
socialized to enjoy drinking coffee, I begin to stop in at Starbucks increasingly more
before class. With repetition, this activity becomes solidified as a part of my daily
routine and takes less effort to decide whether I want to stop at Starbucks or suffer
through my class under caffeinated. Eventually, when both actors reciprocally typify
habitualizations, these actions become institutionalized. Typification is the process we
undergo to create standard social constructions based on the standard assumptions we
share. Actors typify interactions between individuals, externalizing their own subjective
ideas and making them more concrete as they now become objective to the other actors.
Typically, these institutions are considered to be obvious social structures such as family
or government, however, they can even be extended to my Starbucks example. My role
as the customer is buying coffee, while the employee s role is providing service. This
action becomes typified by us and replicated by others, forming an institution of social
construction; as the subjective memory of the actions fades, they become the natural
order of things. As institutions form, they guide human behavior as an objective
facilitator of activity in our
Case Study On Skoda Cars
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SKODA is automotive manufacturing company started
1895 in Czech klement. It was acquired by Skoda work in1925 and become a wholly
owned subsidiary of the Volkswagen group in 2000, positioned as the entry brand to
the group. Skoda have worldwide area of operation. The reason to choose Skoda was
to know the market share of Skoda with Its competitors in the local market as it has
taken an upward direction to reach higher sales in last several years as compared to
other private car providers. The project title a study on consumer behaviour towards
Skoda cars in Mysore city has basically prepared to know the customer behaviour
towards Skoda cars. The Primary objective of this research was to know the market share
of Skoda cars... Show more content on ...
These articles can be found from various business magazines, trade journals, academic
publications, and the Internet and they offer a great number of insights about product
placement, interviews and comments from various product placement professionals
and some research results on the feasibility and effectiveness of product placement
along with audience attitudes (Nebenzahl Secunda 1993; d Astous SГ©guin 1999; d
Astous Chartier 2000; Gould et al. 2000; Gupta et al. 2000; Law Braun 2000). Other
research papers are also available ranging from brand recognition and recall studies to
media effect factors and further to e.g. image management studies (Babin Carder
1996; Brennan et al. 1999; Sandler Secunda 1993; Bennett 1999; Meenaghan Shipley
1999; Ferrand Pages 1999). The majority of magazine articles handle the issues about
the alliances in the product placement business as well as the individual companies
experiences as in a form of case studies illustrating both the success stories as well as
the failures in product placement. The practical elements of product placement gained
from the variety of articles and publications will be complemented with primary
research data received from some of the companies used as case examples at the end of
the paper (Grollman 2001; Wallace
The Relationship Between Phonology And Morphology
3.The relationship between Phonology and Morphology.
The relation between the distribution of phonemes and grammatical units such as
morphemes and words is therefore an aspect of the interface between Phonology and
morphology. Both Phonology and Morphology study various patterns in languages all
over the world. Considering the similarities of these fields, both are engaged in the
scientific analysis of languages. Both are sub branches of Linguistics and without
studying Phonology, one cannot move on to Morphology. There is an inter relationship
between these subjects. For differences, we can identify that Phonology mainly
concentrates on sound systems of a language while Morphology pays attention to the
word and the morphemes of a language. (Booij, 2007)
Then, in general, the interaction between phonology and morphology can be illustrated
into at least four points:
1 Phonological rules may precede the morphological rules. Therefore, phonemes are
considered to be the basic units of speech sound by which morphemes are represented.
According to Kiparsky (1985), there are two common word internal phonological
domains, level 1 or the stem level, ... Show more content on ...
Its pronunciation varies between [s], [z], and [ЙЄz], as in maps, games, and glasses
respectively. A purely phonological realization would most likely assign to these three
ending phonemic representations /s/, /z/ or /ЙЄz/. On a morphophonological level,
however, they may all be considered forms of the underlying object //z//, which is a
morphophoneme. The different forms it takes depend on the segment at the end of the
morpheme to which it attaches: the dependencies are described by morphophonological
rules. The behaviour of the English past tense ending ed is similar, it can be pronounced
/t/, /d/ or /ɪd/, as in worked, bobbed and loaded respectively. (Hargus, Kaisse‏,
1993) and (Hayes,
The Importance Of Superheroes In The Classroom
The first day, the teacher should be prepared for anything that can come up through the
day such as knowing the emergency exits just in case of any drills, where to get the text
books or supplies, what to do if the child gets sick in the room, how to contact the office
or janitor, and if it rains to know where to pick up the students (17 18 classroom
discipline and control: 101 practical techniques). Also having the classroom in a way that
can welcome them and make them feel safe. According to... One way to do this is to
decorate the classroom as superheroes. Superheroes are important because they are a
good influence and they help them to find solutions where they can find courage to deal
with situations of their life. They help them to be brave and on the other hand, it helps
them understand that they have vulnerabilities and limits that make them unique because
they see superheroes outside their costumes and see that they are real human beings just
like them that deal with real problems but they stick with it and stay good. Another thing
that influences them for good is that they see a hero like Robin and how he is a sidekick.
This teaches them that they do not have to be the center of attention to be good,
impacting, and successful. Students can see that they are different but that should not
stop them from being successful ( how they
influence children/). Management can also be used with superheroes with having a
The Angry Black Man Analysis
The Angry Woman, The Angry Arab, The Angry Black Man. These are labels given to
people in today s society who for speaking out on injustice in the world. Is this fair?
Are these individuals out of line for getting angry at injustice? To explore this topic we
will take use an example from Nora Berenstain s essay Epistemic Exploitation, of a
woman named Summer who believes her department of Philosophy had sexist biased in
the decision to reward fellowships to only male graduate students. She also points out the
department is known for covering up issues of sexual harassmentand harboring
perpetrators of sexual harassment, some of which she has personally experienced.
When confiding in a male cohort, Dean, he says her accounts are a misrepresentation
of the department, and that there are, only a few bad apples . Likewise, he minimizes
Summer s points and says she is just upset that she did not win a fellowship from the
department. If Summer were to at this point get angry at the situation, she would be
justified in her anger because of her perspective in the situation, and Dean as a member
of the oppressor group is in the wrong for trying to discredit and perpetuate the gender
oppressive environment. To begin, we should discuss two opposing views on the
aptness of anger. A classic stoic argument on anger comes from the first century roman
philosopher Seneca, in his book On Anger. In his first extract of his book Seneca
describes how anger is uncontrollable and therefore useless (Seneca, 101). To support
this, in the second extract, Seneca rebukes the argument that anger can be used as
motivation, by stating that he believes virtue and moral outrage at injustice can provide
enough motivation to make change (Seneca, 103). Further, in his third extract, Seneca
argues that anger should not be used as motivation because he believes the very nature of
anger is precarious, therefore untrustworthy. Rather, humans have been equipped with
reason for both foreseeing issues, and to use as motive for change (Seneca, 104). Thus,
Seneca says gaining control and overcoming ones emotions is the only way to live a
productive in making change to moral injustice in the world.
In contrast to Seneca, Amia Srinivasan has an
Beowulf As A Hero
Crime and sickness is a big problem in the world. Everyday someone is dealing with a
disease like cancer or even worse the death of a loved one. For no particular reason
except for life happens. It is important that on this planet we have heroes to get through
all the heart ache one faces in the world. If not help those through the traumatic and
devastating events life throws at them, then to get rid of it completely. It is important to
remember that not all heroes wear capes. Some might think of heroes as movie actors
with capes and stage makeup facing unrealistic conflict. Multiple heroes that are on earth
today are just ordinary people that walk the same streets as everyone else. In the poem
Beowulfhe is a herothat did some unrealistic things. Even though they did not seem to be
real life situations the story helped people understand some of the characteristics of a
hero. The best comparison to Beowulf is an Emergency Medical Technician. The first
reason why an EMT and Beowulf are the same is because they are strong physically
and mentally. Beowulf was strong mentally in the strategy he used to fight. He kept a
clear mind and did not let things easily get to him. For example, when he fought
Grendel there were multiple things to put into perspective. The fact that he had to stage
the scene exactly how it would have been set up if the men were in the hall normally.
Not only that, but Beowulf knows how to keep a level head. When Grendel came into
the Mead Hall and
Top Leading Countries
Did Libya have the potential to be one of the top leading Countries? What exactly does
it mean for a country to be on top? According to US News and World Report, in order to
determine the rankings of a country, it s rated through the use of these nine sub rankings:
adventure, citizenship, cultural influence, entrepreneurship, movers, heritage, open for
business, power, and quality of life. Based on these rankings, Germany scored the
highest in most of the listed categories and in turn gave the country the recognition of
being best in the world . Germany, is the most populated European country with the
largest economy due to the fact that they ve exported a loansome more of goods than
they ve imported to gain a larger profit. Germany has... Show more content on ...
It was until the infamous Muammar Gaddafi seized power ,in 1969, through a Coup d
etat that Libya had began to progress. Unfortunately, Gaddafi has been labelled has a
erratic, brutal, defiant dictator because of the strategies that he used to enhance and
enforce his power. It s been alleged that used various forces to get rid of competition or
anyone that opposed him and his way of ruling. This has made it easy for many to
discredit him and the many progressive ideas that he d brought to Libya.
Muammar Gaddafi strongly believed that owning a home is a natural human right and
is just as necessary as food. Owning home will allow one to live and feel free without
the many control that comes from living under a landlord. Anyone living under a
landlord will have to comply with their rules. New home buyers were given an
equivalence of 50,000 US dollars so that they may start a family. An extra 5,000 was
given to mothers after they gave birth to support the child. When Gaddafi took control,
he greatly took into consideration the poverty stricken state that Libya was in and made
it his duty to make education, medical treatment, and electricity free because they are
believed to be basic human rights as well. As a result of this Libya s literacy increased
from 25% to 87%. Not only was education free, but students were able to choose what
and when they wanted. He strongly felt that a standardized
Water Quality Of Tap And Filtered Water On Campus
Terez Chapman

Amelia Gardner

Fiona Lien

How does the water quality of tap and filtered water on campus

compare to bottled water?

Background Information

Potable water is becoming more available in modern society and there are more ways
of accessing it than before. On Georgia College s campus it can be accessed through
bottled, filtered and tap water. In some places, droughts are affecting the amount of clean
water when surface water is the main source for drinking water (Leland et al 1993). This
can cause water quality concerns that lead to people buying bottled water rather than
using tap water. Studies have been conducted that show positive aspects for both tap and
bottled water use (Doria 2006). Depending on the area that you ... Show more content on ...
There might be a leak somewhere in the area if excessive amounts of coliform bacteria
is found in the water (Kissel 2014). Iron, although considered an aesthetic contaminant,
has no ill health effects and may have some benefits. The experiment will test water
from on campus sources and compare them in terms quality as a source of drinking
water. The tap water should have the best water quality compared to filtered and bottled

Ideally, all major sources of potable water should be safe and contain reasonable levels of
contaminants/additives due to the passing of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) in
1974. Although the SDWA has gone through numerous changes over the years to
accommodate for the widening body of knowledge concerning drinking water safety, its
main purpose is to set legal limits of harmful substances and encourage reasonable
monitoring of said substances. The EPA cannot and does not directly monitor the levels
of harmful substances in drinking water, but it does require strict monitoring (including
reports when fecal contamination is detected) and regulates water sources to ensure the
safety of the public.

Bottled water is required to follow the same regulations that municipal water is.
Oftentimes, this is because the sources of bottled water is virtually identical. The FDA
regulates the labeling of bottled water and with enough general knowlege about the
labeling process, one can determine
My First Day For Inner City Kids
Honk, honk and we were off to Houston, Texas. The trip was about 5 hours long and I
was exhausted when we arrived at the Impact Church of Christ. We were there for a
mission trip to put on a vacation bible school for inner city kids that were less
fortunate. The first day we arrived at the church we had to set up and meet with the
other youth groups. My youth group was set up in the furthest building from the
auditorium. We had about an hour before we had to pick up the kids for vacation bible
school. Before we picked them up, we assigned people within our own youth group to
different task groups. I was one of the oldest kids in the youth group so they put me in
the yellow group. Yellow group had the oldest kids which were in 5th grade. There
were not a lot of 5th graders so they combined the yellow group with blue group which
contained 4th graders. After we assigned groups there was a lot to get done still before
they arrived. We had to set up our skit before the kids arrived. Our group skit was about
how the deviltempts us to do bad things and how we need to fight that temptation. The
skit opens as God is telling Eve not to eat from the tree of life, but the devil would
jump in and tell Eve that it would make her powerful. She fell for Satan s trick and ate
from the tree of life and then convinced Adam to eat the fruit too. God then kicked them
out of the land and forbid them to ever go there again.
We finally get to pick up the kids. I was dying to meet one of the kids
Use of Cellular Phones While Driving Essay
Use of Cellular Phones While Driving

Cellular phone is a wireless and hand held device that is well known to the public. It is
very common to have a cellular phone now a day since cell phone was introduced to the
United States in 1983. According to the wireless industryfs trade association, Cellular
Communications Internet Association, there are over 135 million subscribers in the
United States at the time of this writing. It estimates that there will be over 200 million
cellular phone subscribers in world wide by the year of 2005.

The use of cellular phone has skyrocketed since low price phones and services plans
became widely available to the general public in the recent years. As cellular phone is
getting more and more ... Show more content on ...
The law allows for a rare exception: when a call is made in the case of an actual
emergency. Marlborough Township, New Jersey, also enacted a similar ban during the
summer of 2000, according to ZDNet News, an Internet news provider. Other small
cities have attempted to enact similar bans, while big the city of Chicago is considering
a $25 to $100 fine if a cell phone is found to have contributed to an accident.

Besides the places that are mentioned above, cellular phones have been banned in New
York State as the vehicle is in motion. According to some web site information in the
internet, the Governor of New York has signed a bill which becomes law on
November 1st, 2001, that will outlaw the use of a hand held cellular phone, only
hands free will be allowed (except for emergencies). There will be a one month grace
period where the police will just issue warnings. If someone does get cited, and
produces a receipt that they have bought a hands free kit for the car, the case will be
dismissible until April 2002.

In worldwide, the following countries have banned or restricted the use of a cellular
phone while driving a vehicle:

Australia, Spain, Israel, Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Chile Switzerland, Great Britain,
Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Turkey Slovenia, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Romania,
Greece Denmark, Austria, Germany

As safety issue of hand held cell phone is getting hot, the cellular phone manufacturers
are improving the ease of use
Essay on Ap Biology Your Inner Fish
Cheyenne Grindrod
AP Biology
Mrs. Lancaster
05 August 2013
Chapter 1: Finding Your Inner Fish
(b) Prediction: Judging by the image of the magazine cover, this chapter will cover
fossils as well as evolution. Perhaps it will talk about how land and water organisms are
(c) Description: The magazine cover is Tiktaalik which is a very famous fossil that is
the first to show aquatic creatures becoming more associated with being on land and
adapting. Tiktaalik is the first cross between fish and tetrapod. The chapter speaks of all
the necessities and struggles of uncovering fossils and the wonderful things discovered
by them, such as the fact that Tiktaalik is over of the first creatures that showed
similarities ... Show more content on ...
A human s hand is almost exactly the same as the Tiktaalik s hand .
Dispute: Humans and fish are nothing alike: we have hands with fingers, they have
fins. It s an alligator! It s a crocodile! It s a lizard! It s.. a fish? All educated guesses
even preschoolers can notice. The discovery of Tiktaalik has given many scientists
something to think about. The first being that humans may after all be closely related
to fish. When first hearing this theory, for anyone it is hard to believe. Humans have
fingers and fishes have fins! They have gills and we have lungs! Many things point
towards the fact that humans have nothing in common with fish until one looks at the
bone structure of each and how exceptionally similar they are. The reason for the
similarity is because both species share a common ancestor. All animals with limbs
have a common design. If a batwing were to be formed from a person s hand, make the
fingers extremely long; a horse elongates the middle fingers and reduce and lose the
outer ones; frogs elongate the bones of the leg and fuse several of them together. All in
all, despite radical changes in what limbs do and what they look like, this underlying
blueprint is always present. Before Tiktaalik was named, Fred
Gel Kayano 21 Essay
Discover Why The ASICS Men s Gel Kayano 21 Running Shoe is the Number One Shoe
By Most Athletes
For many of us that enjoy running and having flat feet, one is always dreaming about the
perfect running shoe without the concerns of pain that comes with it. Thinking on this
point, many agree. We have tried many different running shoes and some of them are
fine, however, when one tries on the ASICS Kayano 21 things start changing, especially
with their latest release! Built with comfort one has never seen before in any of the
Kayano range with some great improvements and modernized sock liner with the
midsole and some other great characteristics, keep reading, so let us get going!
пѓјThe best running shoe for avid runners as it has a rubber ... Show more content on ...
However, the DuoMax support still feels a bit on the heavy side!
It has a forefoot and rare foot cushioning made of gel units placed between the outer sole
and midsole. This gel helps runners with the shock they receive from the ground during
running and great for running on different surfaces. In addition, the cushioning is superb
and constructed with Dynamic DuoMax support and great for avid runners.
For the passionate runner your feet need to breathe, leaving them feeling dry without
that sweaty feeling and the ASICS Kayano 21 is superb as it has a Fluidfit mesh on the
outer side that stretches and forms with your feet presenting one with a snug feel to it.
While the ComfortDry X 40 sockliner provides one with comfort and breathability and
the lace up designs, superb as it weaves through the tongue and midfoot.
In addition, one of the superb characteristics for all avid runners is the updated heel
clutching system as ASICS have removed the hardened plastic under the mesh and
replaced it with a plastic frame. One still finds the same soft mesh available as on the
rest of the running shoe as the plastic locks your
Polyvinyl Acetate Lab Report
Inquisition of the polymers formed between Polyvinyl Acetate, Polyvinyl Alcohol, and
Sodium Borate
Cheriann Baker
CHS 2440L 006
Laura Anderson
Mestiyage Dona Chamithri Jayawardana
October 21, 2014

A monomer is a compound that can react with at least two other monomers and form
polymers (Monomer). Polymers are very large molecules that are made up of repeating
monomers. Polymers can be formed into linear and nonlinear structures. Most polymers
consist of two or more different types of monomers (Polymer).
A bouncy ball can be formed from a ratio of polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl alcohol, and
sodium borate. This experiment is designed to find the ideal ratio of the above
compounds to create a substance that has the qualities ... Show more content on ...
The balls that contained 4% polyvinyl alcohol didn t stay in a ball like structure for
more than ten to fifteen minutes. The balls that contained 4% sodium borate and
polyvinyl acetate were able to bounce and retain their shape and stayed in a circular
ball shape much longer than the balls that had the 4% polyvinyl alcohol. The balls
were able to keep their shape because the polyvinyl acetate cross links with the sodium
borate when they are reacted together. The 4% polyvinyl alcohol doesn t cross link
with the borate so the bouncy balls weren t able to retain their shape. The bouncy balls
that consisted of a two to one ratio of polyvinyl acetate and 4% sodium borate produced
the best bouncy balls in this experiment. Those bouncy balls bounced the highest after
there were placed in the cold and hot temperature environments. They were able to be
stretched further than the other balls and retained their shape after being dropped
repeatedly. A two to one ratio of polyvinyl acetate and 4% sodium borate was the ideal
ratio, in this experiment, to produce a bouncy
Why Democracy Needs an Investigative Journalism

A free, aggressive, open and bold press is part of the spiritual core of our Democracy .
Thomas Jefferson
In the world we are living today, investigative journalism is becoming a significant part in
our daily lives as it informs, unleash and reveals us the happenings in our community,
society, government and in the country.
Having the democracy to exercise and express our freedom of the press, which was have
been suppressed before, during the Marcos regime, we can say that the Philippine news
media s role is critical to the advancement and preservation of the country s democratic
institutions and way of life and in helping catalyze equitable development. The issues and
problems confronting the Philippine press ... Show more content on ...
The act of doing this generally is called investigative journalism and is distinct from
apparently similar work done by police, lawyers, auditors and regulatory bodies in that it
is not limited as to target, not legally founded and closely connected to publicity.
Investigative reporting is distinctive in that it publicizes information about wrongdoing
that affects the public interest. Denunciations result from the work of reporters rather
than from information leaked to newsrooms.

While investigative journalism used to be associated with lone reporters working on their
own with little, if any, support from their news organizations, recent examples attest that
teamwork is fundamental. Differing kinds of expertise are needed to produce well
documented and comprehensive stories. Reporters, editors, legal specialists, statistical
analysts, librarians, and news researchers are needed to collaborate on investigations.
Knowledge of public information access laws is crucial to find what information is
potentially available under freedom of information laws, and what legal problems might
arise when damaging information is published. New technologies are extremely valuable
to find facts and to make reporters familiar with the complexities of any given story.
Thanks to the computerization of government records and the availability of
extraordinary amounts of information online, computer assisted reporting (CAR)
Plastics Have Hazardous Influence on Human Health
Plastics have hazardous influences on human health. It takes huge amounts of
chemicals and fossil energizes to produce plastics. The type of plastics that we
frequently use, contains a chemical called Bisphenol A known as BPA and other types
of chemicals (Ellsbury, 2012). BPA can interferes with human body and modifies
hormones, which has been proven to be dangerous to human health. In addition, various
types of serious health problems have been strongly related to BPA (Lights, 2012). For
instance, certain types of cancer, impaired immune function, early onset of puberty,
obesity, diabetes, and hyperactivity (Adverse Health Effects of Plastics, n.d.). Research
has shown that BPA enters human body through exposure to plastics, such as plastic
bottles. Moreover, risks of these bottles increase even more if they expose to high
temperatures, because the plastic will secrete its harmful chemicals into drinks (Lights,
2012). Plastics harm animals and consequence the death of them. Thousands of wild
animals and sea animals are dying because of the plastic pollutant. In addition, once the
animals swallow the plastic, it will not pass by the animals gut so it stucks, and that
leads to a slow and excruciating death. Moreover, as plastics need more than lifetime to
decompose, after the animal dies and decays, the plastic will be freed back again to the
environment to keep killing other animals (Ark, n.d.). In the marine environment, plastic
bags are the most frequently mistaken

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