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Abortion Essays Pro Life

Crafting an essay on the topic "Abortion Essays Pro Life" presents a unique set of challenges due to
the sensitive and polarizing nature of the subject. The complexity lies not only in the need for a
thorough understanding of the various perspectives surrounding the issue but also in navigating the
emotional and ethical terrain that accompanies discussions on abortion.

To approach this essay, one must delve into the intricate web of ethical, religious, and moral
considerations that underpin the pro-life stance. The task involves thorough research to explore the
historical, cultural, and legal dimensions that have shaped the pro-life perspective. Understanding the
philosophical foundations and ethical arguments against abortion is crucial to presenting a
comprehensive and well-supported viewpoint.

Moreover, discussing pro-life arguments requires a delicate balance to address the emotional aspects
without alienating readers who may hold differing opinions. It demands the use of empathetic
language while maintaining a logical and analytical tone. Effectively conveying the gravity of the
pro-life stance without dismissing opposing views is a tightrope walk that adds another layer of
difficulty to the writing process.

Addressing counterarguments is essential for a well-rounded essay. Anticipating and refuting

opposing perspectives requires careful consideration and research to strengthen the overall argument.
This entails engaging with the pro-choice position in a respectful and informed manner, further
complicating the task.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Abortion Essays Pro Life" is challenging due to the intricate
nature of the subject, involving moral, ethical, and emotional considerations. Achieving a nuanced
and balanced approach while presenting well-researched arguments is essential for a successful essay.
It requires a writer's commitment to thorough research, empathy, and the ability to navigate the
complexities inherent in discussions surrounding abortion.

If you find yourself struggling with such a task, there are resources available to assist you. Similar
essays and more can be ordered on platforms like, where professional writers can
provide the support and expertise needed to navigate such intricate topics.
Abortion Essays Pro Life Abortion Essays Pro Life
Human Services Essay
In the past century, the scope of practice and competency of Human Services has
developed and devised astronomically alongside its counterparts who include Social
Work, chemical dependency research, and most importantly; Psychology. There have
been numerous of advocates, social workers, researchers, and psychologists that have
contributed to the progress and functionality in this delicate but crucial field of work.
Although all of these people influenced and shaped what the vast field of human
services looks like today, there is one psychologist in particular that played an important
role in the creation of his aiding work has evolved into today. Sigmund Freud, a
physiologist, health physician, psychologist and husband of... Show more content on ...
He drew a number of incredibly vivid supporters whom became the heart of the
psychoanalytic movement. While he was flourishing with what he had accomplished, he
was incapable of agreeing criticism and was known for objecting civilians that did not
concede with him and subsequently went onto towards encounter competing institutes of
thought. (Storr, 2001)

Freud did not design the suggestion of the conscious versus the unconscious mind;
however he was responsible for making it well liked. The conscious mind within what
you are conscious of at any particular moment, your show perceptions, memories, ideas,
fantasies and feelings. The biggest portion, however, being the un conscious. The
unconscious incorporates things that are not easily available towards perception,
incorporating out motors or instincts and things that we cannot carry towards glance at,
such as memories and feelings associated with trauma. According towards Freud s
theories, the unconscious is the cause of our motivations. (Stafford Clark, 1997)

The id, the ego and the superego are another prominent theory that acts off of the
conscious and un conscious mind. Freudian psychology initiates with a earth full of
objects. Among them is a exceptional object, the organism. An extremely meaningful
portion of the organism is the nervous system. At birth, the nervous system is a little
many than of else animals, an it
Sociological Perspectives And Trends Of Health And Illness
M2 Use different sociological perspectives to discuss patterns and trends of health and
illness in two different social groups. D1 Evaluate different sociological explanations
for patterns and trends of health and illness in two different social groups. Introduction
In this assignment I will be writing about two sociological perspectives and discus
there patterns and trends of health and illness to two social groups. The black report
was published in 1980, and it included different facts about how health can be
improved from all different backgrounds in different social groupings. There is still a
co relation between social class and infant mortality rates, life expectancy and
inequalities in the use of medical services. This report looked at the differences
between health and illness. Sociologists from this very day still use the black report to
look at inequalities of health because it was that significant and powerful. Different
researches do believe that there is a link between social class and health. It is a
statistical impression and also it has been argued that there isn t really a pattern in
social class, age and peoples employment that has had an impact on people s health
inequalities. Statistical artefact is a connection that shows how different systems have
been used and measured. lower class have a much higher morbidity and mortality rates
which are compared with the higher class that only work in offices or as a doctors.
Researchers have
Next Day Demolition Case Study
Are you currently a contractor participating in the $16 million Maryland demolition
grants for local community projects? Our Next Day Demolition experts are available
to offer our high quality Baltimore row home demolition and other vacant home
demolition services. Providing a high level of demolition amenities, we are equipped
to handle all sizes of Baltimore vacant home demolition projects. Offering a wide range
of services, Next Day Demolition will work with you to fulfill your grant contract to
allow you to proceed with your community restoration project. Our Next Day Demolition
Services Our Next Day Demolition experts realize each grant project is different with
unique needs for safe completion. Our team will work with you each step... Show more
content on ...
Our services include the removal of outdated mechanical systems, walls, ceilings
floors, and more to allow for the complete interior renewal. Our team will protect any
area not part of the demolition process to preserve the structure s integrity. Excavating
Services: Our excavating services allow for complete site clearing and preparation to
begin a new project. We carefully remove all debris, junk and other natural buildup
from the project site area to provide you with clear, clean and safe working
environment. Even if the vacant area has been left unutilized for a long period of
time, our experienced team will provide a site prepping solution for a clear worksite.
Asphalt and Concrete Removal: By offering complete asphalt and concrete removal,
our team can effectively clear a site for your project. We are fully aware broken asphalt
or concrete creates a safety risk to construction plans. Removing the debris allows you to
proceed without worry. Our highly effective demolition services are available for
residential, commercial, government and industrial project needs. Participating in a wide
variety of projects provides our team with valuable experience. We are able to use the
expertise to offer you effective demolition and site prepping solutions for your community
Rtc Intake Process
When clients are admitted to the RTC, a legal guardian must accompany them in order
to complete the initial intake documentation. Several intake procedures are completed
within the first twenty four hours of the client s arrival. The intake process begins with
consent forms (see Appendix X) that require a signature from the legal guardian, which
gives the RTC permission to treat the client. The legal guardian is asked to complete any
necessary Authorization for Release of Information (see Appendix X). Next, the lead
nurse conducts the Intake Behavioral Health Assessment and Service Plan (see Appendix
x) with the new client. Following this assessment, the client is asked to provide a urine
sample to test for substances (see Appendix X) and the
Mefecane, Used To Describe The Events In African History
Mefecane as generally used to describe the events in African history which can be
characterised by series of wars and migration (especially the African tribes within the
sub continent of Africa). There are many schools of thought as to why these migrations
and wars took place, that is generally known as Mefecane(Wright). There are many
schools of thought, based on specific causes for the Mfecane. These schools are known
by the cause they argues, the causes are overpopulation, trade, political changes and
environmental causes. This essay will however argue that there is no monocasual
exsplanation for the Mfecane, but that the Mfecane took place due to all these causes
present simitaneasly. Thus will all the monocasual causes be discuased with their flaw, to
support the idea that the Mfecane is caused by all these causes present at the same time.
What was Mefecane: History
During the 1820 s the southern area of Africa went through a drastic population growth
and radical social and political changes. This period was characterised as period of
migration, battles, food deprivation, and suffering ... Show more content on ...
This explosion in population growth led to excess pressure on the environment which
also had an effect on mfecane took place. The reason for this is this led to competition
in the few regions left with good ground, thus leading to wars and conquest which
opened the door for great leaders like shake to stand out. An example is the war of
1816 that broke out between the Ngwee and Dawned kingdom. This is a good
example of what was going on in the 1810 1820 s these two kingdoms were neighbours
up until the demand for land increased, and competition, increased which led to a war.
Wars based on resources and land become a pattern as each state wanted enough land and
resources door their economic and agricultural resources (The defecate and its
Comparing Two Different Versions Of Romeo And Juliet
Im Shakespeare tragedy , Romeo and Juliet have fallen for each other.They are faced with
many challenges throughout their love which eventually lead to their death. TheyВґre
two different versions of this play;one is by Baz Luhrmann which is more modern and
has really nothing to do with the play then there is the one by Franco Zeffirelli which
has more things in common with the actual play. In Act V Scene iii ВЁThe Death
SceneВЁ both directors have different ways of showing how the ВЁtwo star crossed
loversВЁ die. There were many differences between the Zeffirelli and Luhrmann
film.The part that stood out to me the most was how Juliet takes her life away when
she sees that Romeo is dead. In the Zeffirelli version Juliet grabs RomeoЕ› dagger and
stabs herself because she sees Romeo had killed himself with poison.However,in the
Luhrmann version Juliet sees Romeo before he dies and actually gets to talk to him
and Juliet sees him die.Juliet can not take the pain of seeing her Romeo die so she
decides to take her own life to but instead of using a dagger she uses a gun.
Fashion In The 1800s
In today s society fashion itself is a way we express ourselves and how we as human
being tends to show the world who we are. People can dress up, dress down, wear
jeans, dresses, or any type of clothing that allows them to share their individuality.
Fashion in the late 1800 s people did not looking at fashionas a way to express themselves
but rather a way of covering themselves so that they don t show their body so people
dont judge them. in European and European influenced countries saw the final triumph
of undress or informal styles over the brocades, lace, periwigs and powder of the earlier
18th century. In the aftermath of the French Revolution, no one wanted to appear to be a
member of the French aristocracy, and people began using... Show more content on ...
These techniques were further developed by the introduction of machines. In the 1800
s during the time when Victoria was queen of England they created a descriptive term
called The Victorian period , the victorian period in England in known as a time of
industrial progress colonial expansion, and public fastidiousness in morals.The
Victorian period in the United States had many of the same characteristics which are
the riches and the poors In the Victorian times a rich woman s casual everyday wear
would consist of drawers which are basically long knickers,they wore a corset which is
a hard version of the top of a dress without any sleeves and a ribbon at the back to
tighten it up they wore it because in those days it looked good having a tiny waist and
a large bottom.They would also wear a crinoline. A crinoline is a metal petticoat
which would go under a skirt/bottom of a dress and make the skirt look bigger and
wider. Rich women wore corsets under their dresses. At the beginning of Victoria s
reign it was fashionable to wear a crinoline under a skirt. These hoops and petticoats
made skirts very wide. Next they would put on their dress which was probably nice fancy
Bsbwor501 Final Exam
NAME __Michael Sean
Brown____________________________________________________ Watch http:/
/ CNBC originals Death is a living. Use internet
explorer or sign up for a free month of hulu. Answer the below questions. 1. a) How do
you measure Demand in this industry (Hint: there may be many ways)? b)What is a
proxy for a demand? c)What is Demand in the industry? What is the typical price of a
funeral? a.) The demand can be measure in variety of wise in the funeral industry. The
demand can be measured based upon the number of caskets, cremations, ceremonies,
funeral plots and etc. b.) The proxy for the demand is the death rate. c.) the typical price
of a funeral is $8,000 to $10,000. 2. List what are... Show more content on ...
The body has to be disposed of in some way, and this is done either through burial or
cremation. The power of substitutes is they provide a less expensive alternative. e)
RIVALRY What factors impact on the rivalry and how? What is the power of
Rivalry? Competitors impact rivalry and this provides consumers were more options.
The power of rivalry allows competitors to be creative in the services and products they
provide. For example, in the video you can cremate your love one and put the ashes in
sea eternal reef, and place this ecosystem in the sea. However, this forces traditional
funeral homes to be creative in the services they provide. They will need to cater to
clients in unique ways to celebrate the lives of peoples loved ones. f) Is the industry
attractive and do you think the operating margins are increasing?? This is not an
attractive industry but it s a needed industry. Death is inevitable and we all will need
this service one day. However, because of the cremation and cheaper alternatives the
operating margins are decreasing for funeral homes. People want to celebrate the lives
of loved ones in a unique way and they don t need to spend $10,000 to do
Essay on Confirmation in the Catholic Church
Confirmation in the Catholic Church Confirmation is a Catholic sacrament of mature
Christian commitment and a deepening of baptismal gifts. Like Baptism and Eucharist,
it is a Sacrament of Initiation for Catholics and a Sacrament of faith in God s fidelity to us

Confirmation is the moment when two things are confirmed. The candidate confirms his
/her faith in Christ and takes full responsibility for that faith and for membership of the
community of faith, which we call the church . God, through the Bishop, confirms God s
claim on the candidate s life.

Whatever happens at confirmation, the moment for those who are confirmed is a ... Show
more content on ...
Confirmation complements the symbols of Baptism. The historical origins of the symbols
of Confirmation are many and diverse. One source of the rituals for the Sacrament of
Confirmation can be found in the bathing customs of the Roman Empire. The water
ritual (Baptism) came to mean the washing away of sin, and the oil ritual
(Confirmation) was interpreted to mean the sweet fragrance of God s presence:
sanctifying grace. In the same way God s grace fills us with redemption and salvation.
This grace, this presence of God in us, is the Holy Spirit. Confirmation is the Sacrament
of the Holy Spirit. Anointing can mean many things. From ancient times, oil has been a
symbol of strength, healing and agility. For Jews, our ancestors in the faith, oil is the
sign of God appointing someone to be a priest, prophet and king. Christians believe that
Jesus of Nazareth was this anointed one. As Christ means anointed, we call ourselves
Christians because we are the anointed ones, the Oiled People, so to speak. The
Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist initiate us into that oiled
community, the community anointed to continue the vocation of the Messiah, the Christ.

At Baptism, the priest lays his hand on those to be baptised and marks them with the sign
of the cross. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the priest lays his hands on the head of
The Bell Jar Thesis
Kyra Hengst
Ms. Metzler
English III CP, period 9
12 March 2018
The Bell Jar, an autobiographical novel
Thesis: In The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath utilizes an autobiographical protagonist to express
purity versus impurity, as well as mind versus body in a world of double standards.
Attempted suicide multiple times
Hanging herself
Electroshock therapy
Commited suicide
Ted Hughes
Husband to Plath
Had an affair
Two children with Plath
Frieda, Nicholas
The Bell Jar
Cultural alienation
Plath s only novel
Preeminent American poet
Died shortly after publishing
Published in England
Eight years
January 1963
Harper Row
Because the book presented ungrateful caricatures
Occupation struggle
Fig tree
Electroshock therapy
Multiple doctors
Sexual revolution
Decade of Plath s death
Women at home
Double standards
Decade the novel was written
Purity versus impurity
Cleansing and purifying spirit
Two perspectives of world
Pure and impure
Double standards
Remain pure until marriage
Men can do as they please
Esther went against norms
Had sex with Irwin
Associated with virgin and clean
Sexual war
Hot baths
Spiritually cleansed
Mind versus body
Takes over mind
Effects body
Spiritual transcendence
Body is an inanimate object
Esther s perspective
Realizes it is feeling flesh

Kyra Hengst
Ms. Metzler ... Show more content on ...
For example, Sylvia Plath formulated her experiences and time period into a plot to
compose her novel. As the book progresses, the protagonist provides insight on her
journey and struggle to find happiness. In The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath utilizes an
autobiographical protagonist to express purity versus impurity, as well as mind versus
body in a world of double
Island Fox Research Paper
The island foxes (Urocyon littoralis) are a unique species of small carnivores that only
live on the Channel Islands located off the coast of Southern California. The island fox
is about 12 inches high, weights 2.5 to 6 pounds, and has a grizzled gray hair color
along the top of the head and back. Along the abdomen, neck and legs it has a more
cinnamon coloring, and white along the cheeks and throat to the chest (Friends of the
Island Fox, 2012). According to Levy (2010) Island foxes are a keystone species. They
play a powerful role in controlling various prey species in the island ecosystem including
the island spotted skunk, deer mouse, and black rat populations. The California Channel
Islands consist of eight islands and on ... Show more content on ...
According to Clifford et al., The total population for the species in 1994 was
approximately 6,000 adults but current population size is less than half that, and island
foxes have declined by over 90% on four of six islands (p. 442). By 1995 ecological
monitoring on San Miguel and Santa Cruz Islands in the national park had detected rapid
and alarming declines in the populations of island foxes there Faced with the imminent
extinction of three island fox subspecies, NPS convened ad hoc recovery team in 1999 to
assess the status on the northern Channel Islands and to recommend emergency recovery
actions. The team, comprising experts in canid conservation, endangered species
management, and raptor research and management, concluded that island foxes were
rapidly declining toward extinction on the northern Channel Islands. National Park began
emergency recovery actions in 1999, with the objectives being to remove the primary
mortality factor now affecting island foxes, and to recover island fox populations to
viable levels through captive breeding. On the Channel Islands, the golden eagle
predation had been confirmed as the primary mortality
Feral Children Essay
The Wild Children

Child: Oxana Malaya

The definition of the word feral children is undomesticated children. It has been a proven
case that young children cannot survive on their own in the wild they are merely adopted
by animals that choose to love them and want to help the children and teach them their
way of life. An animal can sense when they re in danger but when these children pose no
threat all they want is devotion, love, protection they didn t receive from the parents or
guardians that abounded them.

Facts known about the child:

Oxana Malaya lived in Russia, Ukraine in an old village farm at Blagoveshchensk. For
six years Oxana lived with the family s dog in the kennel. Oxana Malaya was born in
1983. She weighed 5 ... Show more content on ...
I know I can never forgive my parents for what they did to me
Oxana was told she had no parents by the doctor but later was told the truth.

Oxana Malaya has a great deal of devotion to the dogs because they saved her life. Some
situations trigger her back to when she lived with dogs and how she used to crawl on all

British psychologist and expert on wild children, Lyn Fry, went to see Oxana Malaya
with a film crew (channel 4) at the Baraboy Clinic where she was living.
It was dirty, terribly rundown and primitive but in the Ukrainian terms, very desirable.
Her carers are good people and with the best interest of their charges of heart, though
there is no therapy as such. Oxana Malaya is doing things she loves

Lyn Fry studied Oxana with day to day human interaction and how she processed new
information in a socialised environment. She doesn t have the social or personal skills.
She has had boyfriends but she doesn t have the ability to form a long term relationship
or to understand give and take. She would rather fall out then compromise. She is a very
vulnerable person and there is no protection outside that institution Lyn Fry reported.

She made a very striking impression on me. When I made her a gift of some wooden
toy animals we had used in test she would thank me superficially, you never knew she
was a young women raised by dog s. quoted by Lyn Fry.

Dr Lyn Fry did tests verbal and non verbal skills after the test
Case Analysis Of The Kraft Heinz Company
The Kraft Heinz Company successfully merged on July 2, 2015 when Heinz owned by
Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital teamed up with Kraft Foods Group. The deal is
considered one of the top most mergers in the food and beverage industry worldwide.
Currently the company has its strong presence worldwide. Moreover both 3G Capital a
Brazilian Equity Firm and Warren Buffet together contributed by investing $10 billion in
the deal making the company worth about $46 billion.
Earlier Heinz was a leverage buyout in 2013 through 3G Capital by Berkshire
Hathaway. On the other hand Kraft Food Group was formed in October 2012, after a
spin off from international snack food company MondelД“z International (MDLZ).
As per the deal shareholders of Heinz in total will have a 51% stake overall. To neutralise
the deal somewhat in favour of Kraft Foods Co also, Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital
paid a one time cash dividend , which meant that one share of Kraft Foods came equal to
one share of Kraft Heinz Company.
Merger proves to be beneficial for both the companies as Heinz 61% sales from
outside North America and on the other hand Kraft Foods sales is covered by 98%
from North America for the revenues in the fiscal year 2014. This gives a big boost for
the Kraft Food to enter and tap the international emerging markets for its strong growth
also. As ... Show more content on ...
As the future growth of the industry also is shown to be positive, the company s
fundamental strategies in terms of management, employees satisfaction, cost cutting to
reduce unnecessary expenditure, giving constant returns in terms of dividend,
refinancing the money into for the expansion of brands not working well for the
company ,tapping for the emerging markets, entering into 40 different variants show a
clear indication that merger proves to be a great move for the company and beverage
industry performance
Hamlet And Family Dysfunctional In William Shakespeare s...
Hamlet..? We all know, and have heard of the great play, and book of the famous
tragedy that was made by Shakespeare. Some debate to see the story as a good piece of
art to something that teaches and also reveals some traits that people have. When we
all think of hamlet I believe we think of a crazy time were a king was killed for a throne,
and it just so happens to be the death of a king who had an insane family, but there is so
much more to it then that. Hamlet is a bunch of things when I look at it. What I see is
a time and place were the actions of people were expressed in a way that the world is
not perfect. We see this royal family with deep family disfunction, distrust and mistrust
within each other, and just straight up corruption. People need to understand that this
play holds deadly truths and lies, but also a handful of passion, sadness, and the need
of love. But sometimes love can come with piece. A powerful word to describe the
Hamlet family is very dysfunctional. Family dysfunction rules out there hope of
trusting one another and depending on the family to even be a family. In the book
Hamlet as you read through the pages, you will begin to see that. The whole family
will rarely sit with each other and just enjoy the presence of their company without
being suspicious of some accusation that just happens to be brought up, it s as if to call
it a big family dysfunction. Having a family is really big part of growing up and when
your father dies, as
Advantages And Differences Of A Dental Hygienist
Dental Hygienist and a veterinarian are two different jobs in this world.
In an ordinary day a dental hygienist has to be ready for the day to complete the daily
tasks on being there on time and helping a dentist on getting all the tools and preparations
for the day, Dental Hygienists have a lot going into their job on getting the right
medication and having the right amount of anesthesia for the patient also a dental
hygienist has to have a great attitude and communication with their work colleagues or
with patients well on duty. A veterinarian s ordinary day on their job they have to be
extremally careful on what kind of animal they are handling for an extreme measure and
also a veterinarian has to perform anesthesia on animals that are ... Show more content on ...
With bonuses and profit sharing proceeds each occasionally running north of $5K and a
few commissions that surpass $19K, total incomes for Dental Hygienists generally vary
between $48K and $88K according to individual performance, about one in three report
receiving medical coverage from their employers and roughly two fifths collect dental
insurance , Some skills that affect dental hygienist Pedodontics , Anesthesia , Diagnosis
and Treatment Planning, Bilingual, Cleaning, Etc., are some skills that are good for a
dental hygienist advantage but it decreases the dental hygienists pay checks. A
veterinarian medium wage is about $99.523 but for other veterinarian is about $135K
yearly but for veterinarians that are beginners in the medical field or first day on the job
being a veterinarian it s the minimum wage for all new veterinarians, According to
Experience counts: Why some veterinarians earn more (or less) than others states that
every veterinarian can work up to minimum 50 hours on the job but maximum 80 hours
can be enough for a veterinarian on a daily basis for each hour that a veterinarian works
throughout the day they get paid $33.24 the hour The median wage for veterinarians is
around $87,590 according to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics survey conducted
in 2014.
Common Theme Of Memory In Forgetfulness, And Once More
Memories have always been priceless and cannot be bought. These priceless items tend
to stay as one in the human mind. Memories are powerful feelings that help one through
tough times. One will never forget the memories closest to the heart. The poem
Forgetfulness by Billy Collins describes memories that are slowly fading away, whereas
in Once More to the Lake E.B. White presents a man that relives his memories through
his son. Both well written texts develop a common theme of memory through syntax,
diction and rhetorical devices.
Forgetfulness by Billy Collins develops a common theme with Once More to the Lake
by E.B. White with the use of rhetorical devices. While describing the way memories are
floating away, Collins says Long ago you kissed the names of the nine muses goodbye
and watched the quadratic equation pack its bag. (Collins 9). This is an illustration of
personification because quadratic equations lack the ability to pack bags. Similarly, in
Once More to the Lake , White says I would remember the things you could do with the
old one cylinder engine with the heavy flywheel, how you could have it eating out of
your hand if you got really close to it spiritually. (White 17). Both of these examples
connect to create a common theme of memory. Collins uses personification to show how
the memories of quadratic equations are forgotten. On the contrary, White uses
personification to show the reader how the narrator remembers every small detail from the
Brief History And Evolution Of Las Vegas
A Brief History and Evolution of Las Vegas and its Casino Marketing Strategies
Angela Rossetti Abstract Every year Las Vegas attracts nearly thirty five million
tourists. What was once a barren desert is now one of the most well known cities in
the world. Known for its neon lights and license to sin, it is no wonder that the
success story of the city of Las Vegas appears to just be beginning. This paper will look
at the history of Las Vegas, various marketing strategies within Las Vegas, and take a
closer look at specific marketing strategies of some of the most successful hotels
currently in the city that lives under the famous neon lights. History of Las Vegas Las
Vegas found its humble beginning in 1905 when the Union Pacific... Show more content
on ...
Sixty six slot machine licenses were issued to store, restaurant, and club owners by the
city that year. Las Vegas was now on the map. Its slow but steady growth resulted in
newly paved roads, new construction, and an increase in tourism. A controversial law
allowing divorce after the shortest required period of residency in the country brought
considerable income to the city as well as thousands of new residents hoping to get
unhitched. Construction of the Boulder Dam began that year as well. Workers and
their families flocked to the outskirts of Las Vegas with nothing but time and extra
money from their new jobs. Construction workers comprised the majority of the
gamblers for this town early on. Despite the bad press that the workers were bringing
to Las Vegas, their gambling losses provided the revival that the city so desperately
needed. As the completion of the construction of the Boulder Dam neared, the city
launched an advertising campaign to promote tourism in Las Vegas. Flyers were
distributed across the southerwestern states. Advertisements were posted in train, airline
and bus ticket offices across the nation. The town continued to diversify through water
and nature events at Lake Mead, sporting events, rodeos, and the like. These events
were promoted via talk radio in surrounding states. Las Vegas welcomed a new wave of
tourism with open arms and began to see growth like never before. While divorces
helped sustain Las Vegas financially,
Mental Health Issues Of Vietnam Veterans
Society does not accommodate the needs of Veterans in terms of housing and health
services upon returning to civilian life. Vietnam veterans are infamously known for being
homeless and having a host of mental health issues. Today s veterans have more support
systems but the success of those systems may vary from region to region. In the Puget
Soundregion there are many homeless veterans despite efforts made by communities and
municipalities. Issues of access to health care and inadequate community support
intersect to form an underserved group of citizens who served in the military. Those who
serve in the military are the often purported to be the ideal citizens who dedicate their
lives to service. Veterans however are displaced and unable to fit within society without
an array of different services. Veterans have engaged in the duty to kill others for the
sake of the political community in order to secure their living and membership within
society (Yuval Davis, 2012:208). The political community then has a responsibility to
provide for the soldiers when they return to being citizens.
The culture for those who come from the military is highly disciplined and has an
emphasis accomplishing goals for the larger group. Veterans witness a low work ethic
and see people squander away their opportunity creating a difference in the culture
between ex military and civilian populations in daily life (Rodriguez, Ricardo,
2016:Personal Interview). The experience for Ricardo, a
Ethics, Trust, And Management
the stakeholders, customers, suppliers, employees, etc. If they know there is a problem
with a product their priority is the safety and consideration of the stakeholders and the
effect on their bottom line second. Modine holds their company and their employees to
the highest of standards. It is by using these values as guide that has allowed Modine to
not only exist but become part of the communities in which their plants are located.
Through selflessness the company is able to put the customer first, with all focus on their
needs they are able to understand what the customer needs and their motives for that
desire. When practiced amongst the employees this puts focus on teamwork,
collaboration, trust and empathy resulting in form ethical decisions and actions. Integrity
is exhibited through their honest, transparent actions and words even when it is hard to
admit. They take responsibility for their actions and own up to the situation they have
created be it good or bad. The same behaviors are exhibited by the employees, they work
work hard and they work right. The employees work tirelessly on development for both
the company and the people. The need for continuous improvement drives them to
continuously be improving the products they deliver. In order for this to work employees
must be honest about their strengths and weaknesses. In doing this they can become
better employees and help others become better. Without accountability the company is
nothing Modine deliver on
A Mature Minor Case Study
The stigma attached to minors today is that they lack the experience required to develop
the level of maturity and intellect needed to govern their personal health. Although this
could apply to a mass of the younger generation, this is not true for the entirety. A Mature
Minor, defined as a competent young adult, has the right to choose what happens to them
medically. Having the independence to exercise these rights would introduce additional
medical options that they might avoid due to concerns of remaining discreet.
Additionally, a teenager struggling with an issue such as Attention Deficit Disorder could
potentially no longer wish to take medicine for their condition. Being able to elect getting
off medications could lead to a healthier... Show more content on ...
The document states that the refusal of treatments will be respected, with the exception
of life threatening conditions. In a case such as Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD,
parent does not necessarily know best when it comes to medicating their children. The
psychiatric medications used to treat ADD come with extreme risk and harmful side
effects. They often contain methylphenidate, a robust stimulant that parallels the effects
of amphetamines and cocaine. These stimulates interact with the nervous system and
interfere with the delicate inner workings of the brain. The list off negatives effects is
extensive and forever expanding. This list does not only consist of a variety of cognitive
deficits, but it also includes high blood pressure, irritable and aggressive behavior,
extreme depression that can lead to suicide, unexpected stroke, or heart attack; even in
young people. Parents should not administer narcotics to treat behavioral issues. Instead,
they should implement alternate solutions that are healthier such as one on one tutoring,
learning in a controlled environment without distraction, or changing the eating habits of
the person involved. In turn, both the parents and the child with ADD gain an
understanding of how the individual operates. As a result, the health of the child, to
include physical, mental, and emotional categories, flourish as he or she cultivates
improved daily habits and skills, enhancing their overall quality of life and their future
competency. In accordance with the mature minor doctrine, all young adults must have
the right to choose what goes into their bodies, especially when it effects their brain
Urban Poverty In Planet Of Slums By Mike Davis
In the passage, Planet of Slums by Mike Davis, the author has a dystopic view on
urbanization and argues that urban poverty is increasing and has a negative impact on
the world. His dystopic vision can be written off as a society with undesirable traits such
as poverty, oppression, and overcrowding. Davis s vision on these people s lifestyle can
be compared and contrasted with Robert Neuwirth s view of this lifestyle in his
passage, Shadow Cities and the film Sleep Dealer by Alex Rivera.
The author Mike Davis has done countless research on the topic of urban poverty. In his
studies he collects and receives his information from other sources. Perhaps this is the
reason why he has a negative view on slums. This is illustrated in his piece Planet of
Slums as he discusses the politics, urban development, and methods within the slums
population. According to Davis, slums and urban poverty have and will continue to
significantly increase. While doing so, the gap in exclusion and inequality will grow. As
a result, this will weaken urban elites in their work to utilize cities as engines of growth.
Slums and slum population are classified as those who are living below the poverty lines,
all while, being associated with overcrowding, having poor or informal housing,
inadequate access to safe water and sanitation, and insecurity of tenure. This is being
recognized as an international phenomenon. To emphasis this phenomenon,
approximately half of the slum population in most
Themes And Symbolism In The Pedestrian By Ray Braddbury
The Pedestrian is an intriguing story that takes place in the future. Ray Bradbury
captured the reality of things. This story shows how people start to be secluded from
everything and everyone. The people in this story have no idea what is happening to
them, but there is one person who does know and his name is Mr. Mead. This story
shows many symbols to many different things. Characterization is shown and described
many times throughout this story, and the setting has its own twist on it too. Mr. Mead
is developed as not normal in this story, but he really might be the only normal one there.
Bradbury literary choices to successfully have an impact his overall theme of how
technology negatively impacts the people. Bradbury expands... Show more content on ...
Characterization is one of biggest elements in Bradburys story. Mr.Mead is a very
interesting character. Mr. Mead shows different emotions throughout this short story.
Mr. Mead loves nature and the beauty of the outside unlike the other citizens. Mead
will talk to the houses, because he knows the people inside will not respond. He will
say things like, Hello, how are you? The citizens of the city never come outside nor do
they see nature, because they are busy using technology/devices. Mr. Mead is known
for being not normal, or being weird. Everyone in the city is known for being normal,
because the normal thing to do is be glued to your device. The people do not go
outside, they do not drive around, take walks, or do other activities. Mr. Mead is not
secluded from the outside world, he goes out and does activities. There is only one
police car in the whole city, because there is no crime or activity outside. So, there is
no need to waste money and other resources on something that would be a waste of
space. Maybe one day people will finally relize Mr. Mead is normal and has a great
impact on the city and
Geothermal Energy Potential For Solar Energy
For Longmont, solar energy may be the best option, although Hydro power, Biomass,
and Geothermal all present options. For Utica, solar energy potential was very low,
while the potential for Hydro power is high and most likely that best option. For Cedar
Rapids, solar energy potential was also relatively low, while Biomass presents the greatest
potential. Yuma has extremely high potential for solar energy, so this seems to be the best
option, but also has high potential for Geothermal energy and Hydro power.

I would recommend the following to Mr. Greene for each of the four locations:
Longmont, CO: 70% Solar, 30% Geothermal
Utica, NY: 100% Solar
Cedar Rapids, IA: 30% Solar, 70% Biomass
Yuma, AZ: 80% Solar, 20% Geothermal

Description of Criteria and Methods

Cost refers to the monetary value that the University of Florida would have to distribute
in order to create and maintain an alternative energy system. Specifically, the University
of Florida would finance labor and materials (including those that make up the alternative
energy system).

Efficiency refers to how well an alternative energy system creates usable energy.
Because many alternative energy systems rely on the physical location of certain
devices and thus are capable of being less efficient in certain physical locations, location
is an integral part of efficiency.


Research was conducted over the Internet. Specifically, the University of Florida s online
library system was used to find
Cecily Brown
Cecily Brown is an active and acclaimed painter born in London in 1969. She received
a Bachelors of Arts in Fine Arts from Slade School of Fine Art in 1993. She has lived
and worked in New York City since 1995 and has been exhibited in institutions across the
United States and Europe such as Whitney Museum of American Art, Solomon R.
Guggenheim Museum, Tate Gallery, and Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Her
work can be described as tension filled scenes that drift over the border of figuration and
abstraction, which often results in her categorization as a Neo Expressionist or a feminist
Abstract Expressionism.
Brown uses the full human figure in her work, and often includes multiple figures whose
forms have no harsh brush stroke to ... Show more content on ...
[...] This prejudice worked strongly against inclusion in the Abstract Expressionist
pantheon of ethnic as well as sexual minorities, because the interests of such artists did
not generally lend themselves to creating works that would qualify as pure.
Cecily Brown s use of abstraction, nudity, male and female bodily manipulation, and
erroticism come together to challenge subjects and movements that are historically
male dominated. The three main elements of Cecily Brown s work (figuration, tension,
and abstraction) contain references to past artistic personas and movements. She is
influenced by the dark expressiveness of Francisco Goya s figures, Edgar Degas s
creation of nearly sadistic scenes with strong colors, and the fluid vulgarity of Abstract
Expressionism. The successful mixture of these elements has branded Brown as a Neo
Expressionist and as a result she has met much success in establishing a painting career
in New York
Annotated Argument-The Belle Curve Essay
Table of Contents
The Bell Curve

Chapter 1 Cognitive Class and Education, 1900 1990

1) It is not just the case that more people are going to college, but that the brighter
students are the ones attending.
2) Admission became more related to I.Q. than in the past.
3) There is a small part of the population that are expected to fill positions of power, yet
they cannot relate to the majority of the population.

Chapter 2 Cognitive Partitioning By Occupation

1) The correlation between I.Q. and job status is high.

2) Family members typically resemble each ... Show more content on ...
2) People with lower IQ s tend to get injured more often than those with high
IQ s.

Chapter 8 Family Matters

1) People with low I.Q. s tend to have lower marriage rates than those with higher I.Q. s.
2) The higher the I.Q., the lower the probability of divorce and/or illegitimacy.
3) Children of divorced parents have an elevated risk of getting divorced.
4) The combination of poverty and welfare cause women to have illegitimate babies.

Chapter 9 Welfare Dependency

1) Women on welfare have less education than women not on welfare.

2) White women with above average cognitive ability or socioeconomic background
rarely become welfare recipients.

Chapter 10 Parenting

1) Smart women are better mothers and provide a better environment for their children.
2) Middle class parents are better parents than that of the working class.
3) Mother s I.Q. is strongly related to a child s I.Q. (heredity).

Chapter 11 Crime

1) There is a link between cognitive ability

Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant
This music can be divided into three types, marked by the degree of difficulty. Simple
chants allowed the whole congregation to participate, and some could easily reach back
before Gregory, perhaps even to the music of the synagogue.
More complex are the antiphons for lauds and vespers. Still, they are not too difficult for
a monastic community with members of varying skills. The O antiphons for Advent
belong to this second group.
Finally, solo cantors or small groups of trained musicians would sing the complex or
melismatic chants for the propers of the Mass. These complex chants are built of
structural notes that are linked by an elaborate interlacing of notes, not unlike the Celtic
knots found in the art of the Book ... Show more content on ...
There are varying definitions of the term, ranging from a slower and mellower form of
rock music to a subgenre of pop music. The detractors of pop rock often deride it as a
slick, commercial product, less authentic than rock music
Much pop and rock music has been very similar in sound, instrumentation and even
lyrical content. The terms pop rock and power pop have been used to describe more
commercially successful music that uses elements from, or the form of, rock music. Pop
rock has been defined as an upbeat variety of rock music represented by artists and
groups bands such as Elton John, Paul McCartney, The Everly Brothers, Rod Stewart,
Chicago, and Peter Frampton
The term pop has been used since the early twentieth century to refer to popular music
in general, but from the mid 1950s it began to be used for a distinct genre, aimed at a
youth market, often characterized as a softer alternative to rock and roll.[6][7] In the
aftermath of the British Invasion, from about 1967, it was increasingly used in
opposition to the term rock music, to describe a form that was more commercial,
ephemeral and
Essay About Counselors
We were getting back from our learning groups and I found our counselor Lauren and
we had to gather all the rest of the girls in cabin 4 and our other counselor Skyler and
walk up to the cabin. Why did Dr. Burnham want to talk to us? I started to wonder, was
it because we weren t in bed by 10:30 always? Was it because we forgot to do
something? Or was it since we were not all done showering early enough? I looked up
and then saw Dr. Burnham standing at the top of the hill waiting for us. I barely could
breathe as my heart sank. We finally got there and then sat down at the fireplace. He
then explained what we were doing there. You re not in trouble. He reasoned. A girl we
found out got scabies, and we just need to get our... Show more content on ...
They all thought we were contagious or something and didn t want to be with us. So
after dinner, we got called to go to our cabin and grabbed our things and headed to
whatever cabin we wanted to stay in. We went to the little cabin put our things on our
beds and got situated. As we did this we all looked at each other knowing if we really
wanted to do this. We decided we did and then went with the other girls to see where
they were staying, waiting patiently for them to put their things up in their cabins. We
went and did our recreation, and we heard more people talking about us, and we
couldn t deal with it so we talked to Mrs. Bohr. She told us it was fine and that if it
continues we should tell her again. After we did our activities we all looked at each
other and knew we were heading back to other cabins and separating. More talk went
through the night and we couldn t deal with it. We just kept crying and crying and
finally, we went to talk to Mrs. Bohr. Mrs. Bohr, may we talk to you for a second? We
asked. Sure what s up? We hear everyone talking about us, and we can t deal with it no
more it hurts our feelings so much, sorry. We explained. Okay, well if it continues to
come back to me and tell me and we will address it. So we took her advice and we went
along with our day. Later that day more of it came by, Stay away from cabin 4. , Stay
away from them they have scabies,
Importance Of Three Texts In The Death Of The Ball Turret...
Walt Disney, a very famous animation creator said, There is more treasure in books
than in all the pirate s loot on Treasure Island. Books have influenced mankind in
multiple different ways. Books, such as the Bible and the Koran, have not only changes
people s religious perspective, but have also helped people s live have more meaning.
Books tell a story that a reader is able to envision in his or her mind easily. This semester
in Room 303, Mr. McGee has studied many texts with his students. So, when asked the
question of which three texts were the most important, one may not know how to
respond. After close examination and careful thinking, however, it is obvious what three
texts must be the most important. In, The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner, Jarrell proves
that his story is important by portraying the message that war is more brutal than many
people think, so it is important to respect those who fight for a country. He explained
how men constantly risk their lives and complete dangerous missions everyday just
for the sake of their country. This author writes of a very brutal war time. He describes
an event that most readers would not understand without prior knowledge or a historic
background. Jarrell writes, From my mother s sleep I fell into the State... (1). These
men, who are hanging upside down for nearly eight hours a day, had adapted the ability
to sleep while they were on the job. This was simply because of the fact that they did not
get to rest or
Cannibal Coop Analysis
With the development of the internet, it is undeniable the techniques in computers are
developing rapidly. As a result, chat rooms are formed, which enables internet users to
meet people or make friends all over the world. Communication via chat rooms are
beneficial and most users find it easier and convenient, but It can be a double edged
sword for many users because many do not realize or disregard the dangers of online
chatting. The article published on CBS NEWS about Ex NYPD officer dubbed
Cannibal Cop tells his story is a story of a former New York police officer Gilberto
Valle. Gilberto Valle was tagged as the Cannibal Cop for the horrifying statement he
made in fetish driven online chats. Valle s shared his gruesome fetish wishes... Show
more content on ...
It s clear that he misused his power and if the court makes a decision in Valle s favor
and decide that the use of a computer for personal use is not the violation of CFAA
then Valle might be free from all his charges. As CFAA just prevents unauthorized
access to the computer and doesn t mention any criteria regarding the use of
computers. But the decision is very critical because it is not just about the Valle case if
the court makes a decision in his favor may employers will be benefited. They can
access the government or office computers for personal use. There should be rules and
the CFAA should also cover the misuse of authorized computers. If the rules are set its
prevents higher rank officers from misusing the computer. If not we have to worry about
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? They are watching us, but who is watching them, they
have the power doesn t mean they can do whatever they want therefore strict rules and
laws must be maintained so that everyone is on
The Locavore s Dilemma By Christophe Pelletire
How would you feel about only eating the food that is 100 miles within the distance
that you live? Would you be able to do it every single day? Within 100 miles of where
you currently living, do you have access to fresh meat products, seafood, dairy
products, fresh fruit, and vegetables products? If you drink coffee, are coffee beans
readily available within that area? What about chocolate or coco, are coco beans grown
nearby? Are you in an area where corn and wheat are grown where you can produce all
the carbohydrates like cereal, bread, and pastries that you consume regularly? What about
sugarcane or sugar beats, the main sources of sugar used in soda, candy, and other sweet
products? Locavores are people who only eat local foodthat is grown within a 100 miles
from where they live. What effect does this have on people who come to visit and have
to eat food that is only local food? In the article The Locavore s Dilemma, author
Christophe Pelletire s skillful presentation of his ethos overshadows his less
successful portrayal of pathos for locavores and logos concerning the topic about
locavores. Pelletire shows his pathos for the quality of food, shows ethos by giving the
readers many examples of the types of resources people would lose, and shows his
logos by providing his story with data he collected while physically living in Vancouver.
In the article, the author is most successful in his presentation of the appeal of ethos, due
to all the information he can give
Male Gaze In The Male Gaze
The Male Gaze is a phrase coined by Laura Mulvey, in which she examines how through
media, the portrayal of women has evolved and is seen through the eyes of the male
perspective. After the 1960 s sexual revolution, films started to incorporate women as a
more objectified aspect, demonstrated by the visual representation of how they
provocatively use their bodies.

In this essay we will be specifically examining the male gaze in the 1999 s cult classic,
Fight Club from both the protagonist and antagonist view and how we as the audience
view ourselves, dissected from the way the characters view themselves.

Fight Club is based on a book by Chuck Palahniuk, centred around a heavily depressed
man (Narrator) who is suffering from insomnia. ... Show more content on
The narrator encounters Marla after she begins attending the self help groups he
attends in order to cope with his insomnia. She attends a self help group for testicular
cancer, an obvious giveaway that she, like him, is there under false pretence. He states
that ..her lie reflected my lie, and suddenly I felt nothing, I couldn t cry and so I couldn
t sleep (Fight Club 2006, p. 7)

Similarly to the Mirror Stage , theorised by Lacan, he has identified his own trait in the
opposite sex. Through a process of identification which parallels Lacan s famous mirror
stage, he derives pleasure from identifying with an ideal image[...] (Laura Mulvey and the
Male Gaze 2015)

From the Narrator s male gaze, he initially doesn t see her as an object of any desire. Her
portrayal towards the audience is almost corpse like, as seen in the image below. http:/
/ club 1999_shortfilms Image 3

With the progression of the film, the narrator begins to feel a sense of inferiority when
Marla and Tyler starting having sexual relations. In turn, he begins to both
subconsciously and consciously sexually fantasise about
Marketing Strategy Of Virgin Mobile
I.Problem Statement
Virgin Mobile needs not only an effective but profitable pricing strategy that will set the
company apart from the competition. With goals to have 1 million total subscribers by
the end of the first year and 3 million by year 4, Virgin Mobile has some high
expectations with a limited budget. As a company, Virgin Mobile wants to implement a
pricing strategy that will attract and retain customers, especially in a target market that
has been underserved in the past.
II.Strategic Situation Facing Management in the Case
The market Virgin Mobile is trying to target is millennials, aging between 15 and 29. As
of now, the U.S. has the lowest penetration in the mobile industry within this age group,
with a high growth rate ... Show more content on ...
Current marketing strategies include a strong focus toward the youth market, and where
they spend most of their time. Advertisements will be aired on MTV, and products will
be sold in places like Target and Best Buy. These are all smart tactics to get the product
in front of the target market. Trends in the market include the growing number of people
within the 15 29 age range. Also, phones are being used for much more than just calling,
other functions like texting and music playing capabilities have dominated much of a
user s data usage. As for market characteristics, the mobile industry has reached almost
50% penetration with about 130 million subscribers, and reaching its maturity. The cost
structure has been very confusing for consumers, with hidden fees, overcharges, and
lacks to reward users who do not use their plans to the max. And finally, channels include
all service provider stores and retail consumer stores, for example, Target, Walmart, and
Best Buy.
III.Strategic Alternatives Available to the Firm
There are three options to price the new Virgin Mobile line in the US. The first option
involves setting prices at the same level as the competition. The benefit of this option is
the ease of implementation, but the drawback is the lack of differentiation. Virgin Mobile
will not be setting itself apart from other companies, by
Shakesperean Clothing Essay example
Have you ever looked at a picture of your parents when they were your age? Or maybe
your grandparents from way back when? Well, judging by how much we laugh at their
goofy clothes and ridiculous shoes, not to mention the hilarious hairstyles, styles have
changed a lot. We?ve gone from high waists to low waists, baggy shirts to shirts that
could fit your little sister, from bellbottoms to skin tight jeans, and from voluminous
hair to straight and silky locks. Yes, style can change a lot in a few decades and if you
think that s a lot of change, try going back a few centuries, to the times of Shakespeare!
Back then, the women wore a lot more clothes than we do, that?s for sure! The style
included a chemise, stockings (hose), a corset or... Show more content on
The men these days wouldn?t be caught dead in those!), a codpiece, and a corset (who
knew men had those). For over clothes, they wore a doublet, with separate sleeves,
breeches, a belt, ruff, cloak, shoes, and a hat. This age was also known as the peacock
age, because sometimes the men were more elaborately dressed than the women!
Make up and hairstyles have also changed from then till now. Then, make up was pale,
and extremely white. Women wore hats and carried parasols to escape from the light,
to stay as white as possible. Those with darker, tanned skin were generally workers, so
it was important for the upper class to distinguish themselves from the peasants. Men
also used this white paste to identify themselves from the peasants. Who knew that
Queen Elizabeth set the standards for make up in those days? Her case of smallpox,
which left some blemishes, was easily covered by the heavy white make up. This
explains the absurdly pale skin in her many portraits. Cheeks and lips were ideally red.
Kohl was used to darken the eyelashes. Light hair was also considered beautiful. Hair
styles were also very elaborate. Can you imagine sitting in a chair for 4 days with 20
hairdressers? Well, many women spent almost that much time, because their hair was
almost never styled. In those days, people very rarely took baths, meaning their hair
would last for a long time. This may seem absolutely disgusting to us, but it was perfectly
Lebron James Mission Statement
GOALS: The main objective is to develop a brand image revolving around the person
that LeBron James is, both for the LeBron brand as a whole and the LRMR (LeBron,
Randy, Maverick, Richard) firm. Another important objective to consider is to create a
new sports marketing business model that revolves around the person behind the brand .
In order to do this, it is important to discuss the three target segment videogame
endorsement opportunities that are in existence. It is crucial to analyze and choose the
best opportunity for LeBron s brand and the LRMR firm. Another goal to be considered
is all the benefits a videogame will bring the firm, such as: easiness to manage, time
commitment, good profit and revenues gained towards the firm (making... Show more
content on ...
In the future, LRMR firm, should also begin targeting 2k games. Initially, LRMR
should target Microsoft Xbox live, because it meets all the criteria of the segmentation
check. This segment is the answer to what LRMR is looking for; being that the main
priority is for the LeBron James brand is to have fun. As shown previously, and
looking at it as a brand image, this segment would permit James and LRMR to have
control over when the game would be released and how it would be promoted; this
deal is really flexible which is what the firm is mainly looking for. Being able to make
it into whatever LRMR wants it to be, the deal with Xbox Live is the perfect fit. For
this segment, there may be some threats and weaknesses that LRMR firm would not
totally agree with, but whenever they go back to check all the opportunities and
strengths this segment has to offer (which is what they were basically looking for),
those weaknesses and threats become a little less important to pay attention to. So in
conclusion, they should choose the XBOX Live deal because it offers the biggest
opportunity for LRMR to make the game about the person behind the brand. As a second
option, targeting 2k games, it is important to have into consideration that profits and
revenues will be much greater if we decide to work with
Searching Cell Phones
Most people have a lot of personal information on their cell phones, from phone calls to
pictures of them and their friends. I think that the government should have access to one
s cell phone information without a warrant, but with very specific restrictions for when
they can look through your phone and why. Normally, the government needs a warrant to
search your things ( The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,
and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no
Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
The 4th Amendment of the US Constitution)... Show more content on ...
Some may call Snowden s actions, brave, but some have another opinion. Former US
attorney general, Eric Holder released his opinion through a podcast on may 30th
2016. We can certainly argue about the way in which Snowden did what he did, but I
think that he actually performed a public service by raising the debate we engaged in
and by the changes that we made, Holder said. Now, I would say doing what he did in
the way he did it was inappropriate and illegal. Holder said of Snowden. He s broken
the law. In my view, he needs to get lawyers, come on back and decide what he wants
to do go to trial, try to cut a deal. He said that Snowden should face charges, including
prison. Not only did Edward Snowden give out the trust of the government, he betrayed
them and the safety of people whom this may affect because criminals now know the
government can see their every move, through their mobile
How Does Reyna s Life Affect Juana
I chose this scene because Reyna s life affected by this moment and Juana s reaction.
Most of the time mothers give the priority to their children no matter what happen. That
day was their the most valuable day to bring their mother back until she ruined it again.
She is keeping on and off, now she is get rid of them from her life for a guy. Usually
parents especially mothers don t want to leave their kids even though something makes
them separate they try to live together. In contrast, Juana doesn t seem to qualify a
desirable motherat all. How many time did her mother betrayed them for guys? They
were paying a lot of effort to back her again and she brought him to destroy everything.
She even didn t do anything to Mago s reaction she just
Winston Constructive Fraud Case
City has commenced a lawsuit against. Winston based on the following causes of action:
Constructive fraud is to unintentionally plan to deceive someone for the purpose to make
money for products or services. For example; participating in an unfair transaction in
which the other party is at a disadvantage. In this case, Winston did not follow the
auditing regulations that hold him liable to report any findings of concern to management
and to the Board of directors. The failure to report his suspicions of the embezzlement
by Bells bookkeeper, Winston is responsible to the third parties that used his unqualified
opinion as part of their decision making process and to City based on constructive fraud.
City is likely to prevail against Winston based
Female Poets And The Dark Side Of Life Research Paper
Female Poets and the Dark Side of Life

During the mid nineteenth century many female poets including

Christina Rossetti seemed to lean upon the dark side of life presenting very dark and
shadowed emotions within their poetry. Yet this is not to say that they were depressed
but in many ways in can be inferred that these dark themes may have been influenced by
the era in which they were living. Many historians have suggested that the second half of
the nineteenth century was culturally, a rather strange period. The Pre Raphaelite
Brotherhood was started in 1848 by Dante Gabriel
Rossetti, John Everett Millais and William Holman Hunt, as a reaction against what they
saw as the stale, formula driven art produced by the
Royal ... Show more content on ...
Raphael represented high renaissance, a time when painters, instead of letting their
subjects dictate their qualities to the artist, would manipulate the subject into their own
ideal of beauty. Thus, all realism was lost. The PRB, with full spirit, denounced this art
of idealization, and led the way to produce works based on real landscapes and real
models, and paid intense attention to accuracy of detail and color

These painters had a specific agenda. Instead of painting the typical still lifes, landscapes
and seascapes, they drew their subject matters from medieval tales, bible stories, classical
mythology, and nature.
Using bright colors on a white background, the artists were able to achieve great depth
and brilliance.

No one can deny that the works these young men produced are truly great. However, in
their own immature rebelliousness, they unfortunately made hypocrites of themselves.
The PRB scorned The Royal
Academy for its snobbiness and closed, high society ways, although they themselves
were very reluctant and too jealous to allow many others into their society as well. The
artists painted with great detail and professed to paint realistically. However, although
they didn t idealize, they often omitted distortions. This causes their work to have an
almost surreal effect. I ask too, how could they call their work realistic with the very
subject matter that they chose?
Certainly mythological
Compare And Contrast The Body Vs Stand By Stephen King
James Chacha

Mr St. John and Mrs. Herron

English 10

03 April 2016

The Body vs. Stand by Me

Did you know that Stand by Me a academy award winning film directed by Rob Steiner
was based of a novel called The Body by Stephen King ? In fact in both the novel and
film the plot is the same but there are some small changes. The plot is about four
twelve year olds who embark into a journey to discover the body of Ray Brower.
During their journey each boy learns something extraordinary about themselves and
about there friends. The main conflict in the novel is that there is another group of
older boys who are also searching for the body. The novel was released in 1982 and the
film was released in 1986. Even though the film was amazing there ... Show more content
on ...
In the novel the setting of the story takes place in a small town named Castle Rock that
is located in Maine in the year 1960 and in the film the setting is Castle Rock, Oregon
in 1959. This difference would be considered a minor change because it is only one
year apart from the original date in the novel and the change of the state does not
really matter. Adding to differences is that in the novel in chapter seven there is a
story that is told by Gordie called Stud City in the film it is not shown or mentioned.
This would be considered a major change because the story shows how smart and
mature Gordie is for a twelve year old and it is important for the build up of the
character but it is excluded from the film. Another difference is that in the novel when
the boys find the body and they confront the other boys Chris pulls the gun out to
make them leave. In the film it is Gordie who takes out the gun to make them leave.
This is a major change because in the novel it helped make the ending make more
sense and helped Chris buildup as a character. In addition to differences in the novel
when the boys are on there journey they go into the pond to swim because they want to.
In the film they go into the pond because they have to in order to get across. This isn t
considered a major change because it doesn t affect the plot in any way. Something the
filmmakers did well
The Cove Research Paper
The Cove Of Despair
Dolphins, a beauty flying through the waves off the coast of Taiji Japan. but sadly they
are being hunted. Every year 23,000 dolphins are massacred in Japan. Ric O Barry an ex
dolphin trainer, and vigilante helped The Oceanic Preservation Society (OPS) reveal the
horrors within Taiji Japan. The Dolphin slaughter in Taiji Japan must be halted
immediately due to the immense amounts of mercury contained in these invertebrates,
and killing dolphins are just morally wrong.

In the First place, dolphin meat is exorbitant in Mercury. Mercury is a highly toxic liquid
metal found in the burning of coal and metal. This toxin can give humans abnormal
features when consumed in tremendous amounts. But how does this affect us killing
dolphins some may ask. Well, you see dolphins are natural born predators meaning they
eat fish, and fish eats bacteria which contains Mercury. When passed from animal to
animal it s PPM for Mercury grows higher and much more dangerous. A small portion of
dolphin meat contains 2000 PPM of ... Show more content on ...
Dolphins are intelligent creatures that could be one of the only animals in the world
that have similar intelligence to us Homo sapiens. Dolphins are also self aware as seen
in the movie The Cove . When the Dolphins were taken into the Cove with large honking
sounds the immediately noticed it was a trap and tried to escape. The methods of killing
dolphins are just horrendous and spine chilling to think of. Dolphin fishing consists of
fishermen using long acute poles and stabbing them into these Porpoises. Who do you
think keeps the fish population down other than the Sharks and other Predators dolphins?
Dolphins of course! This Exquisite creature can save humans and help to keep fish from
overpopulating and affecting our society. This aquatic animal is just a wonderful
creatures and killing them is ruthless and painful to even think
Cultural Impact Of Trekking Developing Country
Cultural Impact of Trekking In Developing Country

The growth of tourism industry in the developing countries is seen through economic
lens. As the number of tourist arrival increases in a developing countries it helps in
generation of income and also provides employment opportunities to the local
communities of the particular tourist destination region. Tourism industry is expeditiously
growing industry. According to UNWTO (2014) report, the growth of international
tourist by mid 2014 was 4.6% and the destination worldwide received around 517 million
tourists between January and June 2014. The increase in tourist activity at any
destination helps in the development of the region when such development is unplanned
then this ... Show more content on ...
This paper argues the affect of adventure tourism on the social community at the host
destination and the practice of sustainability for the future benefits from the tourism
Adventure tourism:
Hall and Weiler defined adventure tourism as:

A broad spectrum of outdoor touristic activities, often commercialized and involving an

interaction with the natural environment away from the participant s home range and
containing elements of risk; in which the outcome is influenced by the participant,
setting, and management of the touristic experience (1992:143).

The above citation briefly describes the experience of adventure traveler. Adventure
tourism is interaction to the new environment and cultural setting which creates a unique
experience for the travelers. Mountain expeditions have become one of the main parts of
adventure tourism. Mountains in particular attract many backpackers and adventure
seeker tourists. The factors that have facilitated the emergence of adventure tourism
which has made impact on mountaineering are a deferring of control to experts, a
proliferation of promotional media including brochures, and the application of
technology in adventurous settings making the urban location and extraordinary
experience of adventure holiday (Beedie Hudson, 2003).
Adventure tourism is growing rapidly in developing countries. The increase in the
number of mountaineering expeditions benefits the host country and the local
Persuasive Essay On Scottish Independence
Scottish Independence Good or Bad Scotland is at a turning point. The 300 year old
Union is some say no longer fit for purpose. Some say it was never designed for the
21st century world and it is well past it s sell by date and is holding Scotland back. The
Scottish people voted to move forward, with a new, more Scottish approach from an
SNP government. But many oppose these views saying that Scotland needs the rest of
the UK and that the economic and social problems caused by independence would be
catastrophic to the relationships between Scotland and the rest of the UK. In any case the
government has published a white paper setting out a vision of independence and
responsibility in the modern world. But is this idea beneficial to our country?
Yasunari Kawabata Letters
Likewise, Yasunari Kawabata s collection of letters reveal the reasoning behind why
he writes so cynically about love. The letters narrate the story of Kawabata s first love,
a tragic tale of the relationship between him and a young girl named Hatsuyo Ito. She
was thirteen and he was already twenty; regardless, they met at a literary cafГ© and
grew close, falling in love(). They were both orphaned when they were young, and they
yearned to create a family together. They planned to get married to each other,
corresponding buoyantly about their future through letters. However, she refused to ever
see him again and rejected him a month after they got engaged, saying she had an
emergency she could not explain (Fujii 3). Kawabata later uncovered
The Impulse Sparknotes
I chose the book Impulse by Ellen Hopkins for my book report. This is a fictional book
but it relates to real life experiences and brings good insight to current issues going on
in young peoples lives as well as issues that are covered in this class, social class,
suicide, drugs/overdose, cutting/self harm, sexual abuse, mental health and illnesses, and
abortion. The setting for this book takes place in a psychiatric hospital, for teenagers
called Aspen Springs. Throughout the book the three teens Tony, Conner, and Vanessa
share their personal experiences on life and become good friends. Tony grew up with to
the best upbringing and home life. When he was younger his father left him and his
familybehind and he has not had ay contact with... Show more content on
Tony, Conner, and Vanessa grew up in different social classes but for the most part
thats not the social class they wanted to live in. Conner grew up in a high social class
with his mother always buying brand name clothing. When he got to Aspen Springs
he said he wouldn t have to worry about all the long aisle searches to find the right
designer clothing with his mom, as he shoved his neatly folded clothes in to a drawer.
Vanessa was raised up in a nice fancy house, while her mother was to busy popping
pills to worry about the blood stained bath tub. Tony grew up homeless due to the fact
his father abandoned him at a young age, while his mother slept with multiple men.
Suicide is the main topic of this book and this is how many people think they can deal
with the issues that they are going through just end their life so they don t have to deal
with it. A good example for individuals to cope with suicide is to seek treatment and
help like the services that were provided for the three individuals in the book at Aspen
Springs. Drugs is another big topic in this class. Most people who come from a home
life of drugs are more likely to abuse them as well. As you can see from this book the
main characters parent(s) had issues with drugs or related obsessive issues.
Healthy Buildings For Disease Control And Prevention
Healthy Buildings
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), [more] than one
third (36.5%) of U.S. adults have obesity. Obesity related conditions include heart
disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer... The estimated annual
medical cost of obesity in the U.S. was $147 billion in 2008 U.S. dollars; the medical
costs for people who are obese were $1,429 higher than those of normal weight, ( Adult
Obesity, 2016).
Forecasts demonstrate obesity prevalence trends to continue increasing as, [eighty]
percent of American adults do not meet the government s national physical activity
recommendations for aerobic and muscle strengthening, ( Physical Inactivity, 2016); thus
many are calling for a movement to create a culture of health to advance the well being of
the country. The American Public Health Association (APHA) believes, ... that health is
a fundamental human right, (Benjamin, 2016, p. 777) and one that stands challenged by
the pervasive use of technology, cultural norms, socioeconomic status, and even how the
circumscribing design of space and environment influence physical movement. Each day
in the United States, more than 150 million American adults participate in the labor
force. With employees spending 7.6 hours a day on average at their place of
employment, worksites provide a unique setting to promote practices that can
significantly increase physically active employees, ( Worksite Physical, 2016). Improving
Compare To Kill A Mockingbird And The Color Purple
Scout s challenge of the traditional ways of living is where To Kill a Mockingbird
differs from The Color Purple. Scout is a strong character that continually inspires the
numerous readers of the novel, especially when she notes that ladies seemed to live in
faint horror of men (Lee 267). Scout does not include herself in her observation, but in
The Color Purple, Celie embodies Scout s statement. In contrast to Scout, Celie lives in
fear of the men that abuse her. When her sister Nettie tells her to fight, she writes I
don t know how to fight. All I know how to do is stay alive (Walker 17). The major
difference between these two characters is that Scout challenges society while Celie
backs away from it. Reflected by the March on Washington in 1963, people want to
follow strong personalities that emerge to lead others and have similar feelings and
ideas. For the event alone, an estimated 250,000 people attended the March on
Washington for Jobs and Freedom ( March on Washington ). The March on Washington
was organized by A. Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin, Whitney Young, Martin Luther
King Jr., James Farmer, and John Lewis, who brought together thousands for the event as
well as an abundant amount of outside supporters that could not attend the march. Scout
mirrors this as an inspirational character when she challenges gender roles and racial
equality in the same way as those organizing the March on Washington. On the other
hand, the same cannot be said of Celie, who
Essay about Democratic Republic of Congo Holocaust
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Holocaust was the bloodiest war fought.
This was due to the death toll, possibly larger than that of the Holocaust. Between 1998
and 2007, there were a total of 5.4 million people dead. The number of those deaths has
definitely gone up over the years (Heaton 1). Genocide is very vital because of the
people being slaughtered and giving their lives away in order to support their political
stance. Everyone, whether it is through war or poverty, suffers from this immense
tragedy. I was interested in the topic due to the little bit of research I did. Through the
research, I found out it was still going on today. I was taken aback by the fact this has
been going on for so long and there is so little effort... Show more content on ...
The deaths in this war are terrifyingly close to those in the Holocaust (Heaton 1). The
massive death toll would include that of the Rwanda Holocaust and the Congo
Holocaust. These deaths include murder, suicides, starvation, poverty, and disease.
The political aspect of this situation is the government killing off rebels and targeting
specific groups such as Hutu s, Tutsi s, and the DRC. They target people to rile up a
dispute, start the war, and gain allies (World without Genocide 2). Many people are
dying whether due to poverty, indirectly, or political stance, directly. The people
suffering from the poverty aspect are getting the effects of the mass murders and the
country s political instability. Genocide describes the heinous act of killing others in
order to prove the point. In this case, Rwanda s government is targeting specific people.
The Congo War, a massive destruction to their country, is genocide. One reason it is, in
fact, genocide is due to the amount of murders occurring. But so far the brutal war in
eastern Congo has not only lasted longer than the Holocaust but also appears to have
claimed more lives [than the Holocaust], (Kristof 1). This shows that although unpopular
and unknown to most, the Congo War devastates further than what it seems like at first.
The everyday struggle people go through to stay alive is relative, bloodier, and more
Causes And Failures Of The League Of Nations
I can predict with absolute certainty that within another generation there will be another
world war if the nations of the world do not concert the method by which to prevent it.
It was with these words that Woodrow Wilson called for the formation of the League of
Nations. By 1919, after extensive discourse between the Big Three, the league was born
and its ideals and structure concocted. The League s chief goals compromised of
preventing war through collective security, disarmament and using negations to solve
disputes between nations. After the end of World War I, such an organisation was
essential to solve border disputes and prevent another war. After numerous noteworthy
successes and a few initial failures in the 1920s, the League of Nations finally proved
inept of preventing hostility from the Axis in the 1930s. And, as stated by Dr. Afroz
Alam, the onset of the Second World War suggested that the League had failed in ... Show
more content on ...
Organisational faults included but weren t limited to the absence of major powers, the
ease of withdrawing, the idea of collective security, the need for a unanimous vote, the
veto and ambitious aims. The powers available were limited economic sanctions were
inadequate whilst military actions were difficult to implement. In my opinion,
Manchuria and Abyssinia, were the turning points and made the league appear as
incompetent, due to failed solutions, secret treaties and unfair justice. These events are
proof that peace couldn t be maintained due to self interests and lack of mutual co
operation. This allowed dictators like Hitler to get their way, paving the path to war. I
believe that the reason of paramount importance for the failure were self interest and the
lack of collaboration that shined during the crises of the 1930 s. The league had
Farewell To Arms Character Analysis
The general should be able to understand the enemy s keen strategy, adjust his own
actions accordingly, and apply the needed timely counter measures. The skilled
general is flexible and innovative, he alters and adapts his strategy, according to the
needs of a changing environment, while recognizing that the concept of war possess
too many uncertainties, multiple elements of surprise, wild cards and risks to
consider and analyze. While the general is very flexible, he is very cautious and
careful at the same time. He is capable of keeping his officers and men in ignorance of
his plans , so no one has knowledge of what he is doing. (Chapter 11, P.137. 43, 45) He
takes advantage of the enemy s unpreparedness; attacks him when he does not expect it.
(Chapter 4, P.89. 20) His actions are pursuing the indirect approachin strategy avoiding
the enemy s strength and probing for weakness. Anciently, the skillful warriors first made
themselves invincible and awaited the enemy s moment of vulnerability. Invincibility
depends on one s self; the enemy s... Show more content on ...
(Chapter 5, P.91.3) He has to create conditions enabling him to conquer the mind of the
enemy, condemning him to a defeat. That the army is certain to sustain the enemy s
attack without suffering defeat is due to operations of the extraordinary and normal
forces and In battle, use the normal force to engage, but use extraordinary force to win.
(Chapter 5, P.91.3) Information and psychological operations are an integral part of
modern warfare and a core instrument in implementing Ch i force. It is a powerful
political and diplomatic tool that equally works on strategic, operational and tactical
levels. It doesn t require an investment of big financial resources, is relatively humanistic
and very
My Favorite Vacation
This time last year, I went to the Cape Coral Coconut Festival, A festival held yearly in
the large lot next to Sun Splash Family Waterpark, a local s hotspot every summer with
guaranteed long lines and a densely packed lazy river. Everyone in my family was
thrilled, my little brother and sister bouncing up and down on the seats of our family
minivan, while my mom attempted to drive to the festival, amidst ear piercing
shrieks, constantly reminding them to calm down. I too was excited, peering up at
the brightly colored lights that stretched all the way to the sky. As we pulled into the
lot, the rides seemed to loom above, the thought of riding them put a knot in my throat
and made my stomach do backflips. We all burst out of the car, walking hand in hand,
my little brother (5), my little sister (3), my Mom, my Dad, my grandma, and I. We all
rode a few rides to satisfy the little ones, the ladybug ride, and then the merry go round.
Shortly after, we passed by a large ride, where flashing lights and pounding music
assaulted my senses. It was so much to take in, I figured out the ride was cars
connected in a ring on a track that first jolted riders forward before having them
disappear in a tube and having them reappear on the other side. Once the ride finally
slowed down and then lurched to a stop, the DJ taunted as the cars began to fly in
reverse. It all looked very menacing. Do you want to ride that? It was my favorite when I
was your age, My mom asked. No
Catch 22 Themes
In Joseph Heller s satirical novel Catch 22, Yossorian, an American bombardier soldier
in World War II, is stationed on an island off the coast of Italy with his fellow comrades.
Everyone there is frustrated and upset as most of them have completed the amount of
missions that are needed to be sent back home, but catch 22is a law that is interpreted
different ways throughout the book that ultimately is there to keep soldiers from
going on leave. The war gradually takes a severe toll on Yossorian, especially when his
friend Nately is killed in combat. After this, Yossorian refuses to fly anymore missions
and gets caught in Rome illegally. With this, the officers over Yossorian give him two
choices: be court martialed or receive an honorable discharge by voicing his approval
of raising the amount of missions to eighty before a soldier can be sent home.
Yossorian, however, had other plans as he decides to get away from the catch 22 once
and for all by escaping to neutral country of Sweden to take control of his life once
again. There are many different elements that Joseph Heller utilizes to portray the
horrors of war such as the characterization of Yossorian, the characterization of Milo
Minderbinder, and the theme of the absurdity of war presented throughout the novel.
Unlike many other characters in the book, Yossorian is characterized as a realist who
sees all the horrors of the war when many others cannot. This is portrayed in a
conversation between Clevinger and
Causes Of Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Kelsey Crooks

OB Project Week 1

CLTCC Alexandria

Hyperemesis Gravidarum.....3
Incomplete Abortion.....6
Incompetent Cervix.....9
Ectopic Pregnancy.....11
Hydatidiform Mole.....13
Rh Incompatibility.....16
Iron Deficiency Anemia.....18
Neonatal Sepsis.....20 Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Extreme, persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy (Hyperemesis Gravidarum:
Medline Plus)
Cause. Risk Factors.
According to Medline Plus:
The cause of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is believed to be a rapidly rising
blood level of a hormone human chorionic gonadotropin.
According to Medline Plus:
Severe, persistent nausea during pregnancy
Salivating a lot more than normal
Weight loss
Light headedness, weakness, headaches, or fainting ... Show more content on ...
Educate parents on proper hand washing techniques 3. Educate mother on importance of
Rhogam injections 4. Advise mother to get shot on time 5. Monitor infant for any signs of
jaundice 6. Monitor for any signs of distress from mother 7. Provide emotional support
for family 8. Educate mother on relaxation breathing techniques 9. Monitor daily weight
10. Encourage a healthy diet for mother
Iron Deficiency Anemia
According to Medline Plus:
A condition in which the body does not have enough healthy blood cells. RBCs provide
oxygen to body tissues. It occurs when the body doesn t have enough iron.
Cause. Risk factors
According to Medline Plus:
Losing more RBCs and iron than your body can regenerate. Body does not do a good job
absorbing iron, not consuming enough foods with iron.
Symptoms and

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