Abstract Expressionism Essay

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Abstract Expressionism Essay

Crafting an essay on Abstract Expressionism is a challenging endeavor that demands a thorough

understanding of art history, profound research skills, and the ability to convey complex concepts in
a coherent and engaging manner. Abstract Expressionism, as an art movement, emerged in the mid-
20th century, challenging traditional artistic norms and pushing the boundaries of self-expression. To
do justice to this topic, one must delve into the intricate details of the movement's origins, key artists,
techniques, and the profound impact it had on the art world.

The complexity arises from the need to unravel the multifaceted nature of Abstract Expressionism,
encompassing diverse styles such as Action Painting and Color Field painting. Analyzing the works
of prominent artists like Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, and Mark Rothko requires a keen eye
for artistic nuances and the ability to contextualize their creations within the broader cultural and
historical milieu.

Moreover, discussing the philosophical underpinnings of Abstract Expressionism adds another layer
of difficulty. Exploring concepts such as gestural abstraction, emotional intensity, and the rejection
of representational art demands a nuanced approach and an adept command of art theory.

Compiling relevant sources, navigating through scholarly articles, and synthesizing information to
construct a cohesive narrative contribute to the essay's complexity. The challenge lies not only in
presenting factual information but also in offering insightful interpretations and critical analyses that
contribute to the reader's understanding of Abstract Expressionism as a pivotal movement in art

In conclusion, tackling an essay on Abstract Expressionism requires more than just writing skills. It
demands a deep appreciation for art, a comprehensive understanding of the movement's intricacies,
and the ability to convey this knowledge in a compelling and coherent manner. It is a task that
requires dedication, time, and a passion for unraveling the mysteries of one of the most influential art
movements of the 20th century.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any academic writing challenges, a valuable
resource is HelpWriting.net, where expert writers can provide guidance and support in navigating
the complexities of art history and various academic subjects.
Abstract Expressionism Essay Abstract Expressionism Essay
Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz Analysis
Think inside the box, think inside the box! When we think inside a box we are
imitating our capability and limits are view of the world. We are limited to an area but
there were two inspiring females that thought outside the box. This two female had no
limits, Frida Kahlo and Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz where the beginning of feminist
movement. They may not be recognized for their people in there years but they did
change the view of femalenow. They work around what they had and no matter the
problem or people around them they would work. Frida and Sor Juana had no space
limits for their art and writing. Frida would paint and Sor Juana would write, these two
women where strong because in there year s females were only allowed to be
housewife and they defied that. Frida and Sor Juana are very dedicated women, they
were able to mentally make a space for then to make their work... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
They stand out and went against the norm. In the beginning of their life line they both
were willing to become men so that they can have higher education and the same
opportunity. Sor Juana at her youth ask her mother to dress her as men so that she can
learn more, but her mother denied the question. Frida Kahlo also did something
similar. For a family portrait Frida dress as a men and her mother was very angry.
These two had no limits and made anything there space. Even this two women are
from different year period, Sor Juana from the 1600s and Frida Kahlo from the 1900s.
Having a time gap make them no different, on the other hand they show a lot of thing
in common, one and the main one is that they were able to have no limits in there art
and writing. They both made their mental space anywhere and did what they loved.
They had their mental space and there space. Sor Juana became a nun to have the space
and the time to read and learn more. Frida Kahlo had her parent house La casa Azul
where she move
Explain The Thing That Unified The Colonists With Britain
1)The thing that unified the colonists with Britain is by having the same culture. The
British colonists thought that they had similar culture with their mother land despite the
fact that he was half way across the world. British were taxing colonists on everything.
On import and export goods. That was the reason that divided them at the time of
revolution. 2) In the 18th Century revolution war the British and the continental armies
moved black people into position for military action as recruits. George Washington first
didn t want blacks in their army but they changed their mind after British hired blacks
for their military. There was an opportunity of freedom given for the blacks who joined
both armies and many were promised payment. So
Objectives Of Supply Chain Management
1.1What are the organizational objectives of your chosen organization? Explain the
importance of an effective supply chain management in achieving the chosen
organizaiton s objectives. (Assessment Criteria 1.1: Explain the importance of effective
supply chain management in achieving organizational objectives)

In today s competitive business world, the best companies have discovered a powerful
new source which encompasses on all the integrated activities that bring the product to
the market and create satisfied customers and is called Supply Chain Management .

Manufacturing, operations, procurement, transportation and physical handling of any

product lies under supply chain management. Successful supply chain management link
not only internal departments of an organization but also vendors, carriers, third party
companies and ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Policy and prime business function of my organization is to monitor customer
satisfaction on service levels and product quality. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is
an integrated business model that takes a process based view of how all of the business
functions need to work together and how a business relates to its suppliers and customers
(Dr. Douglas Lambert, 2008)

Therefore, SCM is a process that links all the business functions of an organization.
Knauf, like any other successful gypsum board company if has to pursue its objectives
will have to work with streamlined processes and with well defined business functions
and very effective supply chain management to manage all the business functions in
As supply chain is the connection which assists any organization in achieving its core
business operations successful by rendering goods or services to its end customers or
users. Supply chain of my organization has following nodes:

1) Capital
The Driving Causes Of The Taranaki War
Causes of the Taranaki conflict of the 1860s and beyond

There were a number of driving causes of the Taranaki wars. The four most significant
driving causes of the Taranaki wars include the Musket Wars, conflicting beliefs about
sovereignty between the Maori and Pakeha, conflicting beliefs about land ownership
between the Maori and Pakeha and the selling of the Pekapeka block.

A significant cause of the Taranaki wars is the Musket Wars. Musket wars were inter
tribal wars between different Maori tribes in the 1820s/18230s. They were one of the
most lethal inter tribal wars in Maori history due to the introduction of Muskets by the
British. Historically, Maori wars were fought in the Autumn after food had been
stored for the winter. Hand to hand weapons such as mere and patu were used and
wars were ritualised activities which caused few deaths. Maori had non violent ways
of resolving disputes. These include tactics such as diplomacy, arranged marriages,
gifts, asset stripping and escape to avoid war. The leader of the Ngapuhi tribe, Hongi
Hika was seen as responsible for the Musket Wars. Hongi s uncle and two brothers were
killed in a battle with Ngati Whatua, and Hongi felt obliged to avenge them. The musket
wars were New Zealand wide, and the Northern rivals Ngapuhi and Ngati Whatu led
the way, however the heaviest fighting took place between Ngati Toa and Ngai Tahu in
the South Island. Ngai Puhu first used muskets in battle in 1807. In 1818, Ngapuhi
began to use muskets in battle, wreaking havoc down the North Island. Hongi led his
taua south, destroying 50 Maori villages along the east coast. 2000 people were
enslaved for labour to produce profits to purchase Muskets. In 1821, Hongi acquired 300
muskets, escalating the fighting. He then attacked rivals in Auckland, capturing another
2000 slaves. Maori without muskets were forced to trade with the British for them in
order to survive. Tribes threatened with attack had no choice but to buy their own guns
and launch their own campaigns. The fighting reached a height in the 1820s. In 1822, Te
Rauparaha led the Ngati Toa tribe down the North Island, attacking other tribes along the
way. Taranaki iwi fled south to join a confederation which defeated opposing
Economic Commentary on Comcast s Prospective Acquisition...
IB Economic Commentary
Even in technology there are monstrous firms that are power thirsty and try to have the
whole market to themselves. Comcast wants to acquire Time Warner Cable for a $45
billion offer. This is a disadvantage to the consumers because Comcast will have the
position as the dominant cable operator. Furthermore, that could lead to a decline in
competitive pressure. Therefore, is it a wise decision for the deal to be allowed to go
Monopoly is a single firm that controls the market of a given product. In a monopoly
there is an absence of competition, which results in high prices and inferior products.
Because there is an absence of competition and the firm has total domination of the
market, the demand curve in the entire market for the good is equal to the demand for
the individual firm s output. A key characteristic of a monopoly is the individual s firm
downward sloping demand that shows that the firm has some market power. Market
power is the ability to control price without losing market share. A monopoly s profit
maximization is achieved when marginal cost equals marginal revenue.
Comcast is already a monopoly in a few states, but with the acquisition of Time Warner
Cable, it will obtain coverage of almost one third of the United States as seen in the
map below (Graph 1). With one third of the United States covered by one cable
corporation, that leads to an absence of competition. Therefore, we see in the graph
below that Comcast will cause
The Ancient Minoans and Their Demise


The Minoans were an advanced civilisation, ready to take on the world. But their
progressive empire was brought to a sudden end, their demise unknown to many
archaeologists and scientists alike, UNTIL NOW.

The Minoan demise is hotly debated amongst the most reputable archaeologists and
scientists of today

The Ancient Minoans were an advanced civilisation located on the island of Crete that
was devastated firstly by natural disasters that sent their carefully structured island
community spiralling into a whirlwind of chaos, vulnerability and deterioration, resulting
in invasion. It has been hotly debated amongst the most reputable archaeologists and ...
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Evidence of this lies within the strata of Crete. Here it can be seen that a thin layer of
pumice, left behind after volcanic eruptions, exists at the same layer that remains of the
ancient Minoan civilisation were found. The following is an image of this pumice within
the strata:

Radiocarbon dating of this pumice has indicated that the eruption occurred approximately
3,600 years ago, as indicated by the educational Thera Eruption website (2006). This
eruption however, did not bring the Minoan civilisation to an end as there is still
evidence of the Minoan civilisation found in the strata for another one hundred and fifty
years after the volcanic eruption. Start Dunn, an archaeologist who graduated from the
University of Durham with a PhD in Aegean Bronze Age archaeology, conducted
fieldwork in Crete and also concludes that, in his opinion, this volcanic eruption did not
cause the end of the Minoan civilisation. Dunn states that: ...the volcanic ash from the
Thera eruption obviously shadowed Crete for a few days, but under no circumstances
destroyed the Minoan civilization... Stuart Dunn (2007), as viewed in Archaeology,
mythology and history of Crete: Minoan civilization website (2007). So if this volcanic
eruption didn t cause the Minoan demise, what did?

Further clues that piece together this century old mystery also lie within the soil of
Crete. Archaeologist Sandy McGillivray, who
State University ( Gsu ) Tigers Vs. The Prairie
Usually, when the Fall comes around in Dallas, it means one or two things. The
Grambling State University (GSU) Tigers vs. the Prairie View A M University
(PVAMU) Panthers game and the State Fair of Texas. By all means everything fell
into place on October 1, 2016. The beautiful backdrop from the Texas Star (Ferris
Wheel) is in the distance. The aromas from the great foods of the State Fair of Texas
was in the air. If you never attended a Historical Black College and University (HBCU),
football, you are missing an event full of pageantry, music, ambiance and competition.
From the time you step in the stadium, it s Showtime. The crowd is normally dressed to
a T. The Barbershops, Hair Salons, Nail shops and stores have met their... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
PVAMU took advantage of the GSU s missed opportunity and marched down the field
from the 24 yard line. Lee and the Panthers appeared to have the Tigers on their heels
as they moved the ball to the GSU s 33 yard line. From that point, Dawonya Tucker
rush for 33 yards to the for a touchdown, Owen Hoolihan added the PAT with 5:08 left
in the quarter to give the Panthers a 16 0 lead. At this point, the wheels came off of
the Panthers wagon and GSU scored 16 unanswered points. GSU got things going and
the momentum changed in their favor. Kincade connected with Chad Williams on a
13 yard passed to make the score 16 7 with PAT by Jonathon Wallace with 2:42 in the
first quarter. At this point, both teams were going back and forth. Several turnovers
occurred. Until, Kincade and GSU got their groove on with an 11 yard run for pay
dirt. Jonathon Wallace successfully completed the PAT to make the score 16 14 in
favor of PVAMU at the 10:39 in the second quarter. GSU would score again before the
half when PVAMU s Lorin Winston couldn t handle a high snap and push the ball out
of the back of the end zone for a safety. That tied the score at 16 16 all with 2:00
minutes left in the half. Both teams continued to battle prior half time. GSU s Jameel
Jackson intercepted Green at the 42 yard line to bring the quarter to an end. As the teams
Tantrism Essay
There are many religions that share various common beliefs and philosophies. On the
contrary, there are other religions that are on the opposite side of the spectrum, all with
their own distinct beliefs aside from the majority. As religion is considered a
controversial topic, Tantrism is among one of the most eccentric religions. It is
considered an interesting religiondue to the fact that sexual experiences play large roles
in the process of redemption for its followers.

A simple definition for the Tantric religion would be the fundamental belief that Tantrais
a cult of ecstasy, focused on a vision of cosmic sexuality (Rawson, 7). Even though the
religion is based on sexuality, Tantrism is a practice involving many different ... Show
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As the practitioner of Tantra unites with the cosmic energy through their sexuality, they
also learn to direct and control this energy in order to put it to use in other rituals and
practices within the religion. The energy, once aroused, is harnessed to rituals, meditation
and yoga, turned back up within the human energy mechanism, and used to propel the
consciousness toward blissful enlightenment (Rawson, 30). To transcend this world and
unite with the cosmos is a step to achieve enlightenment. Thus, sex is a logical solution in
achieving this goal of self enlightenment.

Since these sexual experiences propose a different goal aside from reproducing, the
rituals are also different. Unlike informal sex or even the close tied bonds of marital
sex experienced in everyday life, Tantric followers take these sexual experiences much
more serious. The male penis and female vagina are worshiped as deities; the god Shiva
and goddess Shakti are often associated with these sexual organs, respectively. Thus,
before sexual intercourse, rituals and flowers are often offered to these sexual organs.
Also, many positions are practiced as it enhances the act of love (Rawson, 34). Tantric
sex is much more involved. Sex is not regarded as sensation, but as feeling; attraction is
not appetite, but the `meeting of eyes ; love is not a reaction, but a carefully nurtured
creation (Rawson, 87). Beliefs of Tantra include the celebration of both life and creation
The Attack on Constantinople by the Crusaders
The Attack of Constantinople by Crusaders In his account of the Crusaders siege of
Constantinople, the Byzantine historian Nicetas Choniates, provides some compelling
reports concerning the behaviors of the Christian knights and peasants who formed the
Crusader army that sought to wrest control of the city from its defenders. In his account,
Choniates makes the point that the Crusaders little resembled the good hearted Christians
they purported to be, but were more like a barbarian horde in the brutality of their actions
when reaching the city, which was a major center of the Christian faith at the time.
Moreover, the Crusaders had even sacked another Christian city, Zara, on their way to
Constantinople. It was clear, then, that these Crusaders were less interested in wresting
the Holy Land from the Moslems than they were in taking advantage of this opportunity
to unjustly enrich themselves at the expense of anyone who happened to get in their way.
Unfortunately, Choniates also emphasizes in his account that these actions were not
those of just a few overzealous Crusaders, but were rather characteristic of the actions of
all of them. For instance, Choniates reports that, Nor, indeed, were these crimes
committed and others left undone, on the ground that these were of lesser guilt, the
others of greater. But with one consent all the most heinous sins and crimes were
committed by all with equal zeal. Moreover, the list of the types of sins and crimes that
Bed Room Gap Analysis
In 2010, the medical critical care unit at the York Street campus of Yale New Haven
expanded into two 28 bed units housed on two floors, each encompassing 33,000 square
feet. The increase in geography posed new challenges for clinical staff with regard to
alarm management. Crisis monitor alarms were programmed to populate the bedside
physiologic monitoring screens in zoned clinical areas. This allowed clinicians to view
the alarmcondition and respond appropriately to area alarms.
The units established an alarm management team in 2013 with the goal to meet the
requirements of NPSG.06.01.01. The team consisted of representatives from clinical
engineering, the Yale School of Nursing, information technology, nursing management,
performance improvement, physician leadership, and bedside clinical staff. The team
began by using the gap analysis assessment tool provided by AACN.3
Clinical staff members responded to an open invitation for alarm management committee
participation. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Ten staff nurses shared their ideas about improving alarm management. Pulmonary
critical care physicians verbalized that alarm noise detracted from the team s ability to
interact with the patient and family at the bedside during rounds. Clinical staff members
were engaged in the project using shift change huddles, patient safety and quality
briefings, pulmonary critical care provider and alarm management meetings. The
performance improvement team addressed staff feedback regarding noise levels.
Decibel meters were placed in a central location in the intensive care unit to obtain
measurements of noise from all sources. The team identified audible alarms from
bedside physiologic monitors as the largest contributor to the noise levels in the units.
Overall, noise levels in the units averaged 68.4 dB. [AU: Reorganized paragraph for
clarity. edited paragraph
The Effects Of Television On Public Service Advertising Essay
1. Introduction Public service advertisements are a type of advertisements that usually
communicate a certain idea not a mainly a product, they are used by Mass media to
raise awareness and educate publics about an issue in order to shift attitudes and
motivate behavior change. PSAs mainly communicate about health topics or social
issues including alcohol and drug awareness, environmental protection, obesity
prevention and gun control. A PSA is generally sponsored by a not for profit
organization, trade association or political group. It is usually featured on television,
radio or print. The Public Service Advertisement should contain three types of messages
to motivate behavior change: Awareness, instruction, and persuasion. To create
awareness, the messages of the campaign must inform publics about the health topic.
Instruction messages should tell the people what to do and how to do it, and persuasion
messages should give reasons to the public to adopt this particular health behavior. 2.
Literature Review: 2.1 Effects of Televised Public Service Ad The effects of television
are of particular interest because of this medium s ability to reach a variety of
populations, including adolescents. Television is by far the most widely used means of
disseminating prevention messages, usually in the form of PSAs(Phillip Palmgreen,
Lewis Donohew N.D)1. Drug Abuse Prevention Campaign Studies generally suffer from
mistakes in campaign execution, including violating two of the main
Aztec Vs Inca Comparison Essay
Imagine the world today dotted with intricate stone temples serving as altars for human
sacrifice. Imagine further that these human sacrifices were considered mandatory
through the state religion. This is part of what life was like in the time of the Aztecs and
the Incas. The Aztec empire and the Inca empire were two of the first civilizations in
what is now Mexicoand South
America. Formed within the two centuries of each other, they had several differences in
their cultures. Despite these differences, there were a considerable amount of similarities
in the civilizations. Life at the time of the Aztecs and the Incas was very thrilling.
The Aztec empire and the Inca empire both came to power in very interesting ways. The
Aztecs won land due ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
By the

time Huayna Capac died, the empire, also called Tawantinsuyu, stretched from Colombia
Chile and eastward across lake Titicaca and Bolivia to northern Argentina. The distinct
religion of these two empires show some similarities along with differences as well.
Both the Aztec empire and the Inca empire thought of the god that represented the sun
as the highest deity. They also both practiced human sacrifice and polytheism. Aztec
religion was a vast, uniting, and sometimes oppressive force and little distinction made
between the gods and the natural world. Gods of rain, fire, water, corn, sky, and sun
were venerated. There were at least 128 deities! Each god had both a male and female
form, plus each god had at least five aspects, each one associated with one of the
cardinal directions and the center. They were supported by a round of yearly festivals
and ceremonies that included feasting, dancing, penance, and sacrifice. All 128 deities
can be broken down into three major categories: the gods of fertility and the agricultural
cycle, the creation gods, and the great traditional deities. the
Most important god was Huitzilopochtli, who was identified with the old sun god. The
Persuasive Essay On Censorship In Schools
When you tear out a man s tongue. You are not proving him a liar, you are only telling
the world that you fear what he might say. Proclaims George R. R. Martian. There is the
never ending argument of censorship in high schools. Censorship is the act of
controlling what one writes or does in order to maintain a false sense of control. This
means in a high schoolsuch as our very own Haysville High School students are not at
liberty to write about controversial issues such as the legalization of marijuana, abortion,
gay rights, and immigration. To some censoring these topics is a way of protecting their
children. Others believe that most high school students are not mature or intelligent
enough to handle these topics. The First Amendment of... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
First of all, According to Niki Fritz, a journalist for the Chicago Tribe, states We want
to protect our kids as long as possible, but also we need to educate and empower them.
For example, I agree with this statement because of the fact that when students are
allowed to research the topics that are forbidden to write about they are becoming
informed and conversant. Secondly, according to USA Today when students are not
constrained by censorship young writers understand journalism for its accuracy,
objectivity, and they learn that they are responsible for their own decisions. For
example, when a student writer takes on the challenge of writing about a topic that is
arguable they are taking a risk and are taking responsibility for any positive or negative
judgment that they will receive from anyone who reads their paper. Finally, Charles C.
Haynes shares his concern about student censorship by saying It is bother strange and
troubling that in the land of the free so many school officials are afraid of freedom. For
example, Haynes goes on to say that schools that give students the right to exercise their
right in the first amendment have more successful learning. In summary, giving student
journalists and writers the right to research debatable topics the students become abreast
with the facts and
Toast Island Research Paper
Flag The flag of toast island has the Union Jack flag and a white and pink striped flag.
Its has the Union Jack Flag because they were influenced by the third British Empire.
The pink represent their cherry blossoms and the white stands for pure and perfection.
This flag was waving in the air ever since 2004 and created by the Order in Council.
Government The of government is Toast Island is a Monarchy and it s limited. They
have a Queen and a prime minister. The Queen isn t in the country but the prime
minister is. The Queen name is Queen Elizabeth II and the prime minister name is
Brock Lee. The Queen is still the queen until she passes away and the prime minister will
have 4 years in office and could get re elected for another 4 years... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
This allow citizens to buy what they want and or create business and they pay them
fairly. There is little government intervention or central planning. The major export in
this country is Gold because there are so many of them below the feets of Toast
Islanders. Traditions One of our tradition is celebrating our national holiday:
Beginnings. Beginnings is when locals receive time off from work, eat chocolate and
release thousands of sky lanterns in the air. They day is celebrated on December 21.
This day is when they announced Toast Island to be an official country. The meaning
of the lanterns is to represent light going through the darkest day. Religion In Toast
Islands, the first settlers were Christian. Because of this, the amount of people who
follow the christian faith dramatically increased as the year went by. But as the
country starts developing, more people with different religion came to the island.
With all these people, Toast Islanders has the freedom of religion and the religion of
Toast Islands is a variety. Language The National Language of Toast Islands is English.
The language is English because the first settlers spoke English and so it spreaded out.
But overall people all over the world come here so English isn t the only language you
will be hearing when your in Toast
Sexual Exploitation Of Sex Advertising
Sexual exploitation is becoming more and more mainstream in advertisements.
Everyone knows that sex sells. Especially Carl s Jr. They have developed a reputation
with their salacious ad campaigns, often depicting women in very revealing attires. In
their recent advertisement for the 2015 Super Bowl, it features model Charlotte
Mckinney where she is baring almost everything. There is more to the commercial than
just boobs and burgers. The use of Mckinney s body as a sexual object is discriminating
to all women and raises sexism. The stereotypical ad brings imparities between genders
and promotes genderpolicing. The attention grabbing, super sexy Au Naturel ad first
starts off with the model Mckinney, walking through a farmer s market practically
naked while strategically placed items are covering her private areas. She clearly has
all the attention of the men at the market. She walks by this one man with a spray
hose and he completely turns around to catch a look of Mckinney, who appears fully
naked, being covered this time by the spraying water from the hose. She catches
another man s attention and is a shot of her bare back with a tomato shaped exactly
like her behind, perfectly covering just that. The man then pinches and grabs the side
of the tomato. The shot after shows her walking towards a scale where again, a man is
perfectly barely covering her up by putting two big melons on a scale to replace her
breasts. The last and final shot is when she is walking towards
The Trials Of A Christian s Life
6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to
suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of
your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire may
result in praise, glory and honor when JesusChrist is revealed. As the end of my first
semester in college comes to a close I feel blessed that I am able to write about the
purpose of trials in a Christian s life. Within this paper I hope to enlighten those who
question the trials and difficulties that Godgives us to face. By developing understanding
that the reason for trials are to build up and test your faith, to help you mature as a
Christian, as well as give new insight to something beyond your current circumstance.
Testing of Faith God gives us trials that knock us down to the point that we feel
hopeless and the obstacle is far too difficult to overcome. His purpose is not to turn us
away from Him, but instead He wants us to seek comfort and strength in Him alone.
Strong not only in the Christian faith, but also in Jewish culture, it is stressed that the
endurance of testings from God should be viewed as a blessing, and to find joy in
them as they express faith in God s sovereignty. Trials are not meant to create bitterness
or anger in a person s heart. When God gives us trials he has a purpose in mind that
pertains only to us.
One of the most important virtues of the bible is patience as the
Emergency Management Operation Of Emergency
Emergency management Operation
Emergency management operation deals with executive functions that create the
framework for managing the community disaster response and recovery plans. It requires
proactive, comprehensive, progressive, risk driven, integrated, collaborative, coordinated,
flexible, and professional approaches (Principles of Emergency Management, 2007, p.4).
City emergency department is responsible for handling all the emergency response in the
city. The department has to put together necessary emergency actions such as mitigation
and prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery that will help to protect lives and
properties during disaster emergencies. This presentation will outline and describes the
National Incident ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
For instance, disaster causes serious damages to our critical infrastructures such as roads,
bridges, facilities, even lives and properties ((Suryanto, Kuncoro, 2012). Plans of action,
to deal with unexpected occurrence of incidents are part of emergency management.
These actions are also part of the National Preparedness goal for the whole community
individuals, families, communities, the private and nonprofit sectors, faith based
organizations, and state, local, tribal, territorial, insular area and Federal governments to
prepare for all types of emergencies (Federal Emergency Management Agency, n. d). It
includes five mission areas of such as preventing, protecting against, mitigating,
responding to, and recover from incidents of national significance (Federal Emergency
Management Agency, n. d). Cities and business shall have an emergency plan or incident
management system that will help in the management of resources during incidents
(Federal Emergency Management Agency, n. d). The National Incident Management
System (NIMS) provides guidelines on how the city and community emergency plans
will integrate to the national plan for effective nationwide response and recovery. But
NIMS also, specified that local jurisdictions will retain command, control, and authority
over response activities in their jurisdictional areas during incident response (U.S.
Department of Homeland Security 2008).
The National Incident Management
Outsourcing Compliance Essay
Outsourcing Compliance, especially in a small hospital setting, may be the best way to
be in compliance with required regulations and apply limited resources. Why do many
healthcare organizations still not have a formal corporate compliance program, or do
not have what would be considered an effective program? Lack of resources is often
mentioned. Outsourcing compliance may be the answer. A corporate compliance
program must address many issues, not just what is popularly discussed in the news
media, such as HIPAA breaches. Outsourcing compliance, and providing privacy officer
functions via a third party, may well work best for a smaller hospital.

Corporate Compliance Programs have been around now for over two decades. Guidance
from the Health and Human Services Department Office of ... Show more content on
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For instance, do you need first a comprehensive assessment of the existing program?
Maybe you need in addition a complete HIPAA Risk Analyses? Are you starting from
scratch, or is the current corporate compliance program dysfunctional and needs an
overhaul? Are you in the midst of an investigation that may lead to actions taken by
regulatory authorities? Do you need the expertise of a seasoned compliance officer to
assist with the organization s response to any ongoing investigation(s)? Does your legal
team need assistance in coordinating investigation responses, internal or with regulatory
entities? Will the compliance officer have extended responsibility for areas like setting
up or maintaining an external hotline for receiving calls related to compliance or
privacy? Will the compliance officer be responsible for employee or medical staff
sanctions screening, or for other services such as physician
Child Labor
Child labor
Elie Bou Chaaya

ENL 110 Section D Miss Zeina Fayyad

18, January, 2008

Thesis statement: Child labor nowadays is considered to be a social injustice due to its
harmful effects on the personal and psychological life of the child where the kinds of
work offered to the child increases the amount of these effects regarding the solutions. I.
Harmful personal and physical effects of child labor A. Low pay B. Very long work hours
C. Forbids children right in education D. Physical harm 1. Increased risk of accidents 2.
Working in unregulated environments where little attention is paid 3. Violence exerted
by adults on children 4. Risk of illness from ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
In addition to that, one of the most important side effects is that working children may
experience physical harm in a number of ways. These include an increased risk of
accidents; children and young people often work in unregulated environments where
little attention is paid to safety. Working children often experience violence in the
workplace from adult staff and managers. Children and young people working in the
street are also at risk of physical violence from police officers and other authority
figures. Risk of illness from poor hygiene and exposure to bad weather can also be
witnessed. Therefore, child labor involves the following characteristics: it violates a
nation s minimum age laws, involves intolerable abuse, such as child slavery, child
trafficking, debt bondage, forced labor, or illicit activities, prevents children from going
to school, and uses children to undermine labor standards (December, 2007). Child labor
can also be developmentally, emotionally, and physically abusive. Child workers are
more vulnerable than adult workers, leaving them at risk for exploitation, dangerous and
abusive conditions. In many parts of the world, it too often involves confinement,
bondage, and forced labor; it frequently involves dangerous and unhealthy working
conditions. Children work longer hours have lower pays than adults. Some children are
sold into labor
Duffield Dentistry
Welcome to Duffield Dentistry!

Dr. Lawrence Duffield has been a part of the Royal Oak community for over 20 years.
Through Duffield Dentistry, he has touched the lives of friends and neighbors throughout
the community.

Offering a wide range of dental health options, Duffield Dentistry is able to take care of
your oral health needs.

Family Dentistry

At Duffield Dentistry, you will be treated as though you were a part of our own family.
We are here to help you keep your smile bright and healthy.

Cosmetic Dentistry

We know that sometimes, things happen. That is why we have cosmetic dentistry
options that will help make those sometimes seem like they never happened at all. From
whitening to vVeneers, Duffield Dentistry is here to help. ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
Whether for an eExam and cleaning or something more, we are here to help. Come visit
us at our Royal Oak office to see how we can help you maintain your smile.

Short Term Orthodontics

Busy adults need a quick way to get the smile they want. That is why Duffield Dentistry
offers Invisalign for those who want to fix their smile without letting the whole world
know. Our experienced staff will help you choose the option that is right for you.

Relieving Dental Anxiety

Duffield Dentistry knows that going to the dentist is not your favorite activity. That is
why we offer options such as sedation to manage any anxiety you might feel about your
appointment. Give us a call to discuss the different ways we can help take the worry out
of your visit.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sleep aApnea is a difficult condition to live with. It is hard on you and your family.
Duffield Dentistry is committed to helping you deal with this condition and take the load
of you and your family.

Dental Implants
Giving someone a smile they can be proud of is a priceless gift. Your smile is at the
heart of so many important, happy, or exciting times in your life. Without your smile,
those occasions would not quite be what they should. That is why Duffield Dentistry is
here: to help you get the smile of your
Relationship Between Psychology And The Practice Of...
The Germany scholar named Lay (1903) studied the relationship between psychology and
the practice of teaching subjects in Language Arts and Literacy and math (Lay, 1903. P.1).
Based upon Lay (1903) she believed that educational subjects could benefit from an
experimental approach that explored the relative sciences in psychology, biology, and
anthropology. However, the economical, logical, ethical, and religious experiences
concerning the student and his community develop profound conclusions about the
experiments (Lay, 1936, p. 139).
Theorists like Lay (1903) will be constructing more research in the future for experiments
as they search for answers to studies about the problems in our society. Whether
individuals or teams, technology experts are needed in businesses and schools to
maintain the access to computers. However, many technologists are being laid off
because of the cost. Technology is very costly but businesses need their skills and
Baum (2005) stated that The challenges of educational equity and diversity created and
broadened access to emerging technologies have implemented technology in classrooms
from grade k 12 are very important for students and teachers (para.1). An essential part of
educating students is supporting their comprehension about the materials. Teachers have
developed many types of assessments, both formative and summative with the use of
technology to help students learn skills. Baum emphasized that technology is used to
Looking For Alibrandi And Winnie The Pooh
I m not going to lie, I m quite scared, and anxious, even terrified, but as Max Lucado
once said, Meet your fear with faith , both faith in yourself, and faith in the people
around you because sometimes a different perspective is a smile away. This belief in
others is clearly communicated in Kate Wood s Looking for Alibrandi and beloved
children s book Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne.
Josie Alibrandi, the protagonist of Looking for Alibrandi, marches through her life
without her father, deeming him as useless just like all dads , but as her life progresses
through her final year of formal education, her entire world turns upside down,
illustrating to her the value of a father in her life. Josie s scholarship schooling, although
impressive, ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Winnie the Pooh, although a children s book, still conveys the value of working off
others, as a means of personal growth and changing perspective. Winnie, along with his
friends, venture their world and coming together to work off each other s strengths and
weaknesses. Each individual character has a blatant difficult that they struggle with
throughout their countless adventures and stories, such as piglet being an anxious
mess, and Eeyore struggling to find a reason to even bother doing anything. Yet as
their adventures progress, so does their friendship, constantly evolving and adapting,
working off each other to grow as people, and overall, change their perspective. A
prime example of how each individual assists in changing the perspective of another,
is the tale of when Winnie and his friends get lost in the woods. Piglet, being the only
one not with them, is terrified of both the dark and the forest, but he conquers his fears,
not for himself, but for his friends. He changed what he saw from a nightmare into a
plain, old tree. Winnie the Pooh may be a book directed at children, but it still shares the
same concepts and beliefs that even the greatest narratives present. Changing perspective
can be a difficult process, but with help from others, it can be
Analysis Of Grease By Robert Stigwood And Allen Carr And...
Grease is a classic American film that takes place in the 1950s and explores ideas of
gender and sexuality. The film was produced in 1978 by Robert Stigwood and Allen
Carr and was directed by Rundel Kleiser. The film was not set in the 1970s because it
would have to tell a different story; in the 1970s there was birth control and an
abundance of sexual liberation, unlike the 1950s. The producers were able to connect
the concepts of events from the 1950s into the film. Grease explores the ideas of gender
and sexuality through specific gender roles. On one hand, there are characters in the
film who are sexually good and are innocent, they are pure. On the other hand, there are
characters who are sexually bad and have a tendency to sin,... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
Good Sandy, Frenchy, and Patty do not get as much attention from the boys in the
film. The producers were able to communicate that bad girls are better. The film s
treatment of gender and sexuality connects to the time in which the film was based in
and also made in. Grease connects to the 1950 s because of its relevance with the
release of Playboy in 1953 (Playboy History). Playboy conveys the idea that sexually
mischievous women are better than women who are not with their explicit media.
Grease also connects to the 1970 s because of the feminist movement in the 1960 s and
1970 s. The Civil Rights Act was also passed in 1964, which was intended to prevent
employment discrimination of race, religion, and sex (The 1960s 70s American
Feminist Movement: Breaking Down Barriers for Women). In the film, women seem
to have a bit more power than they are thought to have. For example, bad Sandy is able
to assert sexual power over Danny at the end of the film. The producers of the film
were able to connect elements from the 1950 s to the 1970 s. The film s treatment of
gender and sexuality connects to course readings that are studied in our class. Elizabeth
Lunbeck s essay, Hysteria: The Revolt of the Good Girl , there are two main themes that
correspond with Grease. The first theme is that women are hypersexual creatures that
seduce men. This theme is only considered normal to men
Treatment Options For Children With Adolescent Idiopathic
Treatment Options for children with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

Parents of children diagnosed with AIS (Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis) face difficult
decisions when determining a course of treatment. The information received from the
child s doctor or orthopedist may be the only reference parents have to base decisions on.
This may leave many unanswered questions regarding the child s treatment, effects of
treatment and long term quality of life after treatment. Like most parents, upon hearing
my daughter s diagnosis, a million questions came to mind including what does this
mean for her health, can she still play sports, will she have pain, and mostly, will she
live a normal life?
Scoliosis is defined as an ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
While back pain is not a normal sign of scoliosis, it was the only thing my daughter
complained about and it can indicate a secondary condition such as spondylolisthesis,
syringomyelia, tethered cord, herniated disc or spinal tumor. (Asher Burton, 2006)
Diagnosis for scoliosis via a standard exam can be easily detected using the Adam s
Forward Bend Test. During this test, the patient leans forward with his/her feet
together and bends 90 degrees at the waist revealing any asymmetry on the truck or
any abnormal spinal curvatures. If abnormalities are detected an x ray, spinal
radiograph, CT scan or MRI will be used for more accurate diagnosis. Curves are then
measured by the Cobb Method with the higher severity depicted by a greater curve.
(AANS, May 2016) Statement of Problem: Interventions and treatments for AIS have
evolved over the years, however long term study documenting outcomes are rare. To
properly study a case from diagnosis to completion would encompass a minimum of
thirty years. Effects of treatment are unknown due to lack of comprehensive studies. This
leaves parents of AIS patients at the mercy of doctors and orthopedists who themselves
have not
The Electric Conductivity in the Ionosphere Essay examples
The electric conductivity in the ionosphere associates the electric current and the electric
field by Ohm s law.
The conductivity includes the Pedersen component ( Expression 1 ) parallel to the
electric field and the Hall component ( Expression 2 ) perpendicular to the electric and
the magnetic field.
The conductivities usually concentrate between 100 and 130 km altitudes in the central E
region where ions and electrons can move separately.
Conductivities are proportional to plasma densities.
Daytime plasmas are mainly created by the solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation into
the neutral atmosphere.
Thus daytime plasma densities depend on the solar zenith angle (SZA, Expression 3 ).
Height profiles of such plasma densities are ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
In contrast, other studies assumed that conductances behave as Chapman layers and
reported significant possible contribution from the attachment loss process, which is
dominant in the ionospheric F region
In summary, SZA dependences are qualitatively different among previous studies.
The purpose of this study is to find simple and essential approximations of conductances
against SZA.
In particular, we will express the Hall to Pedersen conductance ratio as a function of SZA.
We will conclude that the daytime conductance can be understood by the Chapman
theory after additional considerations including (1) upward gradient of the atmospheric
temperature, (2) vertically flat plasma density profile in the topside E region, and (3)
variations of conductance layer thickness.
Conductances are also dependent of the incident solar flux and the local magnetic
Such additional dependences will be studied in the future after the SZA dependences are
Both Solar X ray and EUV product ionospheric plasmas e.g.,
{Solomon_Qian_2005JGR_SOLAR_IRRADIANCE but we simply call them as EUV in
this study.
We excluded plasma productions caused by precipitating electrons, which is supposed to
Big Brothers Big Sisters Project Paper
Project Description
The project is important due to the fact that Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ocean State
serves between 500 600 boys and girls in Rhode Island and neighboring communities.
These children are able to have a positive role model in their life to provide them with
advice, help them with homework, and help them develop into productive members of
The 93% will increase the number of male mentors by six for Big Brothers Big Sisters
of the Ocean State by December 2015. This will be done by communicating with Bryant
University and establishing a relationship between the school and the non profit. Serving
as a mentor for the non profit will teach cultural awareness and ethical reason, and help
fulfill a Gateway requirement. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
In the event that one of our team members fall ill or has an emergency, we as a team
have assigned back up roles for each team member. As an example, if Marvelle Nicole
Markwei has to take the rest of the semester off due to a family emergency these are the
back up roles that will be assigned.
Communication to the Gateway Professors : Kevin Ludemann
Scheduling: Maegan Mark
Communication to the Big Brother Big Sisters of the Ocean State: Adeel Mahmood and
Calum Daly
Writing: Josh Kliger.
If our original plan is not feasible, the back up roles for the Dave and Busters event will
be assigned as follows:
Venue: Maegan Mark and Marvelle Nicole
Two Kinds Figurative Language
Paulo Coelho once said Don t waste your time on explanations, people only hear what
they want to hear. The quote said by Paul Coelho connects to the story as a mood of a life
lesson within the main character (narrator) that goes through major struggles throughout
their life of trying to keep their mothersatisfied with their actions. The mood shows how
each thing changes throughout time and more. In the story Two kinds by Amy Tan, the
author uses figurative language and descriptive language to develop the mood of the story.
Amy tan uses figurative language to develop the mood in the story Two Kinds . When
describing the narrator practicing with her instructor, she remarks herself by saying I just
played some nonsense that sounded like ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
A beginning would be when the narrator is taken to a beauty school by her mother, she
is given a haircut and states: Instead of getting big fat curls, I emerged with an uneven
mass of crinkly black fuzz. The author uses words such as Big fat curls and Even mass
of crinkly black fuzz to let the reader visualize the look of the girl. This is an example
of descriptive words. Another addition of descriptive words is when the mother and
daughter see a girl on television. The narrator states The girl had the sauciness of a
Shirley Temple. She was proudly modest, like a proper Chinese Child . The words
such as sauciness and modest describe how the girl on the television seemed to look
and act like. The descriptive words help the reader understand what the narrator saw in
this girl. It gave off an ashamed mood from the narrator, since she herself could not
satisfy her mother so easily. A concluding example would be during the fight between
the mother and daughter. She explains how she reacted by announcing I was sobbing
by now, looking at her bitterly. The mood expressed by her bitter words set off a
defensive mood, showing how she was in tears and sobbing throughout the argument.
This helps the reader get a visual of how she looked like. The descriptive words
throughout the story provided by Amy Tan helps shape the mood of Two kinds by using.
In the story Two kinds by Amy Tan, the author uses multiple
My Reflection For An Early Intervention Experience
Field experience is a big part of majoring or minoring in Individuals with
Exceptionalities. For my Early Intervention class, we had to observe Early Intervention
programs. For my other class, we had to observe a place of our choosing and I was told
I could use that program for my 9 hours as well. The first program was Central
Susquehanna Intermediate Unit to observe the WorkFoundations Program. The second
program I observed was Danville Head Start.
Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit Work Foundations Program
September 27th around 12:30, I went to Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit. While I
was there, I observed the Work Foundations Program. The Work Foundations Program is
a special education program focused on providing academic instruction and real life job
training for young adults. Most of the young adults were a mix of emotional disturbance
or intellectual disabilities, or both. Students receive multiple services such as,
employment transition services which helps with resumes and cover letters, Practical
Assessment Exploration System Lab (PAES) which is a stimulated work environment
that exposes students to different work environment s and assesses their skills and
interests, Academic Instruction and Remediation Lab students receive instruction in the
areas of reading, writing, and math, and more. I was very impressed with the center
because of what the students were doing. One of the PAES lab was wood shop
/construction and the students were rebuilding
John F. Kennedy Inauguration Speech
At a time of hardships, a generation who had lived a life of war and troubles came
together to celebrate the inauguration of the 35th president of the united states. The three
pieces analyzed use different methods to portray what exactly went on on that cold
January day, but managed to impact the readers and portray John F. Kennedythe same
way. His inauguration speech uses different rhetorical terms and Ethos as a method of
persuasion. The article Inside KennedyВґs Inauguration by Eleanor Clit on the other
hand, uses Pathos to give an emotional connection. Finally the photo, credited to the
United States Army Signal corps uses imagery to capture that historical moment.
Regardless of what method they each used they all manage to portray him the same way.
As a respected, strong, brilliant and transcendent human being. Each of the three sources,
uses unique methods such as ethos, pathos and imagery to portray a similar legacy of
John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

John F. Kennedy Inauguration speech uses a different style to portray the president s
legacy. Here we get to hear a first person account of what he hopes for the nation and
what his objectives ultimately are. The prominent method of persuasion used is ethos
while there is also a presence of other key rhetorical terms throughout the speech. The
readers are compelled to listen and take in all of the words given by John F. Kennedy
since there is that sense of trust or credibility in his statements. He has now become
China s National Interests Essay
China Essay
Evaluate the extent to which a specific Asia pacific state has been successful in achieving
its national interests.
China is firmly positioned as a superpower in both the Asia Pacific region, and the global
political arena. Some issues, however, have prevented China from fulfilling its national
interests including territorial integrity, economic prosperity, a harmonious society, and a
peaceful rise to power.
Territorial Integrity:
The PRC s desire for territorial integrity means that China must remain whole at all
costs. As a state with a population of over 1.3 billion, China will undoubtedly encounter
social problems particularly when 100 million of its population are not ethnic Chinese .
The state s One China ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Moreover, China s support of authoritarian regimes around the world in terms of trade
and oil exchange may result in the spread of totalitarianism around the world as an
effective trade. This sets a bad precedent for future international trade. China is still
firmly placed to overtake the world s largest economy, the US, by the end of decade.
This would be a shift in the hegemonic influence over economic affairs not just in the
region, but in a global context. When the Chinese economy sneezes, the rest of world s
economies get pneumonia. A loss in the percentage of growth in the Chinese economy
reverberates through the rest of the Asia Pacific region s economies.
Harmonious Society
One of China s main goals is to achieve and maintain a harmonious socialist society by
2020. This is an ambition not easily obtained. Public outrage and lessening opinions of
the government are growing in China reflected by the increasing number of public
disturbances and riots. The police and military are quick to respond highlighting China s
poor human rights record. Pollution too is a major problem in China with 16 out of the
world s 20 most polluted cities being China. Over 700,000 deaths are attributed annually
to pollution. Although China is moving towards better environmental sustainability, two
thirds of its energy comes from coal sources currently and every dollar of GDP uses
three times more energy than the global average.
Marriage as Slavery in Middlemarch Essay example
Marriage as Slavery in Middlemarch

One of George Eliot s challenges in Middlemarch is to depict a sexually desirous woman,

Dorothea, within the confines of Victorian literary propriety. The critic, Abigail Rischin,
identifies the moment that Dorothea s future husband, Ladislaw, and his painter friend
see her alongside an ancient, partially nude statue of the mythic heroine, Ariadne, in a
museum in Rome as the key to Eliot s sexualization of this character. Ariadne is, in the
sculpture, between her two lovers. Theseus, whom she helped to escape from her father s
labyrinth in Crete has already left her, while the jubilant God, Bacchus, her next lover,
has yet to arrive. By invoking the silent visual rhetoric of ancient ... Show more content
on HelpWriting.net ...
Unable to fully explain something by itself, Eliot takes advantage of literary devices to
displace the content and coat it so that her reader may swallow the meaning.

Sir Thomas Browne s definition of satire, which Eliot includes at the begining of
chapter 45, further admits Eliot s awareness of the displacing (as Miller says) literary
tact she employs in describing ideas that her reader will not otherwise be comfortable
with, like her sexual female character or her complex theory on perspective. Without the
borrowed help and satire of times past; goes the quotation from Browne, condemning the
vices of their own times [passed times], by the expressions of vices in times which they
commend [present times]... [Satirists] cannot but argue the community of vice in both
(422). A bit earlier, Eliot puts the definition more subtely in the words of Mr. Brooke,
Dorothea s father, Satire, you know, he states, should be true up to a certain point (369).
Middlemarch itself is written in the context of having taken place about 40 years prior
(1832) to the point in time that the narrator herself occupies (1871). Likely, Eliot frames
her criticisms of the town of Middlemarch such that they reflect on the then current state
of things in England.

An instance of Eliot s
To Kill A Mockingbird Calpurnia Quotes
Calpurnia s one of the major characters in Harper Lee s To Kill a Mockingbird written
in 1960. Calpurnia is a black woman who works for Atticus Finch taking care of his
two children Jem and Scout. In the book Calpurnia is a nurturing figure in the kids
lives, although sometimes tough she is very wise and tries to teach the kids good
values. Calpurnia is nurturing because she is like a mother to Jem and Scout and she
has a protective motherly instinct on the kids. She tells scout, Baby... I just can t help it
if Mr. Jem is growing up... so you just come right on in the kitchen when you feel
lonesome. Will find lots of things to do in here. (154). This shows that Calpurnia is not
only their housekeeper but she is also like a mother to Scout and Jem. During a
conversation between Atticus and Alexandra, Atticus tells Alexandra If anything she s
been harder on them than a mother... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
When Cal took the kids to church with her scout asked why she was talking nigger,
when she knew it wasn t right. Cal said to her It s not necessary to tell all you
know...you re not going to change any of them by talking right, they got to want to
learn themselves, and when they don t want to learn there s nothing you can do but
keep your mouth shut or talk their language. (167) This quote says that Cal knows
better than to make people feel different by showing off that she can talk properly .
Cal is wise because she knows better than a lot of people, she chooses to look past the
color of your skin and treat all people with equal respect. You ain t got no business
bringing white chillun here they got their church we got ours... They s my comp ny... It
s the same God, ain t it? (158) It is clear that Cal has good values which make her wise
because she looks past the things everyone is focused on and knows what is
Hungry Bird Short Story
The Hungry Bird
Good Morning ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention please? Passengers
travelling on Emirates flight EK 547 flying to Dubai may proceed to board the
aircraft. The time is finally up! Excitement exploded as if an extinct volcano erupted
all of a sudden. I hurriedly walked through the boarding bridge with each atom bomb
erupting into excitement, as I took each step towards the aircraft. Hello, and welcome
aboard, may I see your boarding pass please? said a beautiful looking angel in a sweet
voice. I was ushered to my seat with my seat belt fastened. Ladies and gentlemen, I
kindly request you to take your seats and fasten your seatbelts as we are preparing for
take off. Cabin Crew prepare for take off. Contentment reached to its highest peak but
eventually turned into a moment of stomping heartbeats as I felt myself go all the way
up, up and above.
Cabin crew prepare for landing, and a few minutes later welcome to Dubai International
Airport, where the local time is 8.am in the morning and the outside temperature is 86
degrees Fahrenheit. Hooray, it s finally here! My nerves charged up and lit me bright
from the inside like a fluorescent bulb. I went out of the airport to the bus waiting
outside. It felt like I was thrown into a planet outside of the universe. What an exotic
view! The tall buildings stared at me with their frightening shadows casted over me like
cops surrounding a criminal. An amazing fact was that the authentic Arabian
A Mastopexy Case Review
A Mastopexy (breast lift) is a surgical procedure designed to lift and reshape the breasts.
Following a breast lift procedure with Dr. Nina S. Naidu, women have more youthful
looking breasts and an improved breast profile.

What a Breast Lift in Manhattan Can Accomplish

While performing a Mastopexy, Dr. Naidu raises the breasts by eliminating excess skin.
She reshapes the breasts by tightening surrounding tissue. This tightened tissue supports
the new breast contour. In addition, during a breast lift, Dr. Naidu can reduce the size of
the patient s areolae (the dark colored skin that surrounds the nipple).

Factors that Affect the Breasts

As time passes, various factors affect the breasts causing them to lose their youthful
shape, skin elasticity ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Naidu has completed her evaluations and assessments, she will discuss the patient s
options, her recommended course of treatment and likely outcomes of a breast lift
procedure. Dr. Naidu will discuss the potential complications and risks associated with
breast lift surgery. Dr. Naidu enjoys spending time with her patients and educating them
on the various procedures they are interested in learning about. As such, patients should
not be hesitant to ask questions.

A Breast Lift Procedure with Dr. Naidu in Manhattan

Dr. Naidu prefers that her patients receive general anesthesia during their surgical
procedures: With general anesthesia, Dr. Naidu knows that her patient remains
completely comfortable throughout her breast lift procedure. As a Mastopexy is an
outpatient procedure and anesthesia is provided, patients need to arrange for
transportation to and from the surgery center on the day of their procedure.

A breast lift procedure takes about 1ВЅ hours. Dr. Naidu performs her surgical
procedures in an ambulatory surgery center.

The Night Before the Breast Lift Procedure

For safety s sake, patients are required to fast prior to their surgery; consequently, the
night before their surgery, patients must begin fasting at
Comparing The Characters In Robert Redford s A River
In Robert Redford s A River Runs Through It is about two sons of a strict minister,
which one is rebellious while the other one is very reserved, and they devote their life
to fly fishing. The two brothers, Norman and Paul, both have the stature of fly fishing.
They devoted much of their time to it. Norman seemed to be the better at fly fishing.
He worked hard to perfect his craft in catching the fish and his form. He is described
as reserved and you see this through his schoolwork which he was exceptional at and
went to Dartmouth for college. He is dedicated to his hobbies. Paul is sort of the
opposite of his brother. Paul is very rebellious which can have the potential to lead him
on a difficult path. His major flaw is that he is a big gambler and when he loses he...
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In that time many places did not really accept people of other skin colors. Men at this
place started to make fun of Paul s date which leads to Paul getting into a fight with a
man and this scuffle ends with Paul going to jail for the night. Norman and Paul have
an awkward confrontation the day after because Norman was just trying to help Paul
out and Paul did not want the help. This decision could have made Paul seem like a
hero if he would have handled it correctly, but instead he handled it wrong which led to a
tragic resolution for the character. The two brothers grow a bond when Paul catches a
giant fish and you could see that Norman was really proud of his little brother that he
worked hard to accomplish something. This is one of the last happy moments that these
two brothers share as Norman finds out that his brother Paul died in a fight almost a
month later. Norman finds somewhat reassurance in that Paul had died while something
he enjoyed doing, fighting. Norman has trouble in accepting the death of brother as he
always wonders what he could have done to save his brother. The water haunts him as it
reminds him of his brother, showing that Norman doesn t accept the
Hester Dimmesdale And Chillingworth Remain Unforgiven...
Hester, Dimmesdale and Chillingworth remain unforgiven. Hester and Dimmesdale
remains unforgiven for what they did because both of them knew that what they were
doing was wrong and they still did it. Roger remains unforgiven because he hid from
the people and used a fake identity so they did not know he was Hester s husband.
Hester was married and minister Dimmesdale knew that. In the story it says Yonder
woman, sir you must know, was the wife of a certain learned English man .
Chillingworth remains unforgiven because he knew sending Hester alone and not
coming right after her was wrong. Chillingworth knew that the people would also blame
him for what happened between Hester and Dimmesdale so he made his fake identity,
Roger Chillingworth,
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Key Question Biology SBI4U Essay
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Key Question Biology SBI4U C ILC
1) Mg2+ Has 10 electrons.
2) Carbon 14 would not be effective at dating bones that are millions of years old.
Carbon 14 is effective at dating to a maximum of 40 000 to 50 000 years old. The isotope
decays over time and would not be present on bones that are millions of years old.
3) Hydrolysis Water used to breakdown molecules. Hydro means water and lysis means
to breakdown. An example of hydrolysis in action within our bodies is how our body
breaks down protein into amino acids. Water is used to break protein down in to its
amino acids.

Condensation Condensation is when two molecules combine and form one bigger
molecule. It is exact opposite process of hydrolysis. It is also ... Show more content on
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The functional groups are called aminos and carboxyls. The linkage type is by using a
peptide bond. The primary function of protein is build and repairs the body.
c)Lipids monomer(s) are called fatty acid and glycerol. The functional group is called
ester. The linkage type of lipids is non polar bonds or sometimes called ester bonds. The
primary function of lipids is energy, hormone production and insulation of the body.
D)Nucleic Acids monomer(s) are called nucleotide. The functional group is
dna(Deoxyribonucleic acid) and rna(Ribonucleic acid). The linkage type is covalent
bonds and hydrogen bonds. The primary function of nucleic acid is to store and transfer
genetic material.


Box on right illustrates the peptide bond resulting from the condensation of both the
amino acids. The box on the left illustrates the separation of the hydroxide group from
glycine and the hydrogen atom from valine.
7)a) You would do the Benedict s reagent test for simple sugars and the Lugol s solution
or Iodine test for polysaccharides and starch. To test the lipids you would use the Sudan
iV test and Biurets reagent test for protein.
b) Benedict test the solution color will change from blue to pink/orange red, indicating
simple sugars are present. Lugols test the solution color will change from yellowish
brown to dark purple, indicating starch and polysaccharides are present. Sudan iV test the
lipid content will turn into red, indicating lipids are
Cultural Awareness And History Of The United Arab Emirates
Cultural Awareness and History of: U.A.E SSG, Femenella, Jonathan, R. ADA ALC
002 16 Cultural Awareness and History of: U.A.E The United Arab Emirates (UAE)
was established 45 years ago, in 1971. However, that short lineage is deeply rooted in
culture and affluence. UAE consists of seven states known as Trucial states. These
Trucial states also known as Emirates are, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Fujairah
Umm al Qaiwain, and Ras al Khaimah. Their vast growth and substantial success have
made them one of the most economically thriving countries in the world. UAE has
developed immensely since its birth, especially in the last 20 years. The territory of
UAE is extremely rich in oil and natural gases, which are their main exports. Many
different ethnicities make up the country s population, so much so that Emirati
citizens have become the minority in their own country. UAE also has a growing
military force consisting of Air Defense Artillery, F 16 fighter jets, and heavy armored
vehicles. Originally UAE relied on coastal fishing and farming for their main food
source, UAE now imports most of its food. UAE has a thriving economy due to their
possession of roughly 10% of the world s oil and natural gas reserves. In the early
1990 s UAE realized their land sat upon a tremendous natural resource to which they
could export and trade. Before their discovery of oil, the main currency used for trade
and business was pearls. The capital, Abu Dhabi
Analysis Of The Movie Violet s
The film is based on the lives and experiences of three women who work at a large
corporate office known as Consolidated Industries. The three women are Judy Bernly
(Jane Fonda), Violet Newstead (Lily Tomlin), and Doralee Rhodes (Dolly Parton). The
head of the corporate offices is Franklin Hart Jr. (Dabney Coleman), and he is a
chauvinistic tyrant who works everybody hard especially the women. He believes that
women are inferior to men and says so to Violet when she gets passed over again for a
promotion that she deserved. In the movie Violet is very gifted at her job and has had
a number of brilliant ideas, which Frank simply passed off as his own. She is the
supervisor of her department and is sick of being passed up by men even... Show more
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After he gets a concussion the girls think that they killed him and go to the hospital to
hide the evidence by stealing his body, which turns out to be another man s body.
When they get to work the next day and find that Frank isn t even hurt and discuss
what happened last night, they are overheard by Frank s friend Roz. When Frank tries
to use this information to force Doralee to finally sleep with him she hog ties him with
his phone cord and pulls a gun on him. Realizing that they are all in serious trouble
now they decide to hold Frank captive in his own home until they can find enough
blackmail on him to keep him quiet. While waiting for an inventory list to prove that
Frank has been stealing inventory, the three women come up with many ideas about
how to change the company for the better. So they draft changes for the office and
forge Frank s signature on the paper to make it legitimate. After the many changes that
the girls make the office is more productive and efficient than ever before, and the
employees are much happier. The changes they make include part time work, a
daycare, and allows for people to have personal items at their desks. Three days before
the invoice comes from the corporate offices Frank escapes and is able to rectify all of
the theft which he has done without the girls knowing he was free. Frank,
Ariel And Tupolski s Play
Both the central idea and the stories within the play revolve around parents or adults
treating the children badly. What s more, it is not only Katurian and his brother that are
subjected to acts of physical violence but also the police officers Ariel and Tupolski.
When this is revealed, Ariel and Tupolski become both the executors of subjective and
systemic violencebut also the victims that act out their own traumatic experiences. So,
by this dialogue very soon it is clear that Ariel as one of the detectives was physically
and sexually abused as a child and is also represented by Katurian when asks him: And
who was the first one who told you to kneel down, Ariel? Your mum or your dad?
(Ariel stops dead still. Tupolski s jaw drops.) (McDonagh 54). Tupolski also continues to
show that he is the victim of child abusewhen he says:
I m just tired of everybody around here using their shitty childhoods to justify their
shitty behaviour. My dad was a violent alcoholic. Am I a violent alcoholic? Yes, I am,
but that was my personal choice. I freely admit it . (McDonagh 54) According to this
conversation, Ariel and Katurian both are the victims and at the same time hero who did
divine violence against their parents and murdering ... Show more content on
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All of them get together and represent a good example for a society with domestic
violence, for the most part, represented in the form of child abuse in the play and we
are faced with several irresponsible families. It also shows the views of the people
who are living in that society who are the victim and at the same time hero for
themselves. On the other hand, every character of the play lives with the sense of
revenge and also on the opposite side needs peace in his mind, that can be impossible for
him to have both of them at the same
I Will Choose Gene Therapy
I will choose gene therapy for this assignment. According to Genetics Home reference
(2015), gene therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or prevent
disease. In the future, this technique may allow doctors to treat a disorder by inserting a
gene into a patient s cells instead of using drugs or surgery. Gene therapymade many
medical accomplishments in less than two decades (American Society of GeneCell
Therapy, 2015). According to American Society of Gene Cell Therapy (2015), within
this short time span, it has moved from the conceptual stage to technology development
and laboratory research to clinical translational trials for a variety of deadly diseases. For
example, gene therapy used to cure chronic... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
In a clinical trial conducted in the United States, the therapeutic gene was introduced
into the liver of patients, who then acquired the ability to have normal blood clotting
time. Gene therapy also cured ADA SCID disease which is known as bubble boy
disease (American Society of Gene Cell Therapy, 2015). ADA SCID disease affects
children who born without immune system (American Society of Gene Cell Therapy,
2015). According to American Society of Gene Cell Therapy (2015), the therapeutic
gene called ADA was introduced into the bone marrow cells of such patients in the
laboratory, followed by transplantation of the genetically corrected cells back to the
same patients. The immune system was reconstituted in all six treated patients without
noticeable side effects, who now live normal lives with their families without the need
for further treatment. Gene therapy also cured several kinds of cancer, such as suicide
gene therapy, oncolytic virotherapy, and anti angiogenesis and therapeutic gene
vaccines (American Society of Gene Cell Therapy, 2015). According to American
Society of Gene Cell Therapy (2015), two thirds of all gene therapy trials are for cancer
and many of these are entering the advanced stage, including a Phase III trial of Ad.p53
for head and neck cancer and two different Phase III gene vaccine trials for
Becoming An Honor High School Student
. After two years, I was able to find my way and becoming an honor high school
student; I was able to qualify honor classes and A.P classes. Due to my efforts, I also
got the high school business award for 2008. I persuaded for a better education by
challenging myself with heavier work and difficult tasks. I was able to pass the state
exams and graduate from high schoolwith a 3.6 GPA. This first achievement showed me
that I could do anything I wanted as long I had the desire, motivation and commitment to
give the best of me. This mentality helped to overcome many obstacles during college; I
was able to graduate from DeVry Universityin December 2012, with a degree in technical
management and a minor in business information systems. Also,
D.Min. Project Prospectus Sharon L. Smith I. Title: Bridging the Gap: A Pilot Project
Aimed at Mutually Equipping Church and Business Leaders for Kingdom Impact II.
The Context: Followers of Jesus Christ who possess a divine calling, talents, and gifts
to work and serve God through specific voluntary or paid vocations in the workplace
face daily opportunities to impact the Kingdom of God. When believers walk by faith
and obedience in the revelation that God s divine presence and purpose is with them
daily in their work lives, God empowers them to lead change that can transform lives,
businesses, and even nations. Believers clearly see this truth in the lives of Abraham,
Joseph, Daniel, and Nehemiah. The Great... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Many marketplace leaders express a desire to have greater impact for God in the
workplace, but their view and understanding of Kingdom ministry hinders them. The
common belief that sacred is separate from secular is pervasive among marketplace
believers. This view is detrimental to the advancement of the Kingdom. Contrary to
this belief, Scripture represents a holistic approach, which views work as worship
with all believers as one of a kind ministers of God s grace in the context in which He
places them. A deficient understanding of the importance of a God given calling to
serve the Kingdom in a marketplace vocation weakens a believer s perspective and
witness as he or she seeks to engage with unsaved humanity. Also, many Spirit filled
marketplace ministers lack hope and faith that the gifts of the Spirit will operate through
them in workplace contexts. The present state of corruption, greed, and moral failure
among leaders in corporate America bears witness to the need for the Church to more
effectively engage in the marketplace. Informed and relevant equipping and empowering
of workplace believers by knowledgeable church leaders can help direct God s followers
toward this goal. Greater and more industrious works of service are possible through
increased communication and collaboration between church and

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