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A Speech Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of a speech essay can be quite challenging. The difficulty lies not
only in the need for a deep understanding of the intricacies of speech writing but also in the art of
conveying the essence of spoken words through written text.

To begin with, the writer must possess a comprehensive grasp of rhetorical techniques, as a speech
often relies heavily on persuasive elements to captivate an audience. Translating these spoken
elements into a written form demands an acute awareness of the nuances that make a speech
impactful. Moreover, the writer needs to strike a delicate balance between formal eloquence and
conversational warmth to maintain the authenticity of the spoken word.

Another challenge arises in structuring the essay effectively. The writer must navigate through the
introduction, body, and conclusion while ensuring a logical flow that mirrors the coherence of a well-
crafted speech. This entails organizing ideas in a manner that not only makes sense sequentially but
also aligns with the persuasive or informative intent characteristic of speeches.

Additionally, an essay on the topic of a speech essay requires the incorporation of real-life examples,
anecdotes, or quotes to illustrate the principles discussed. This adds another layer of complexity, as
selecting the right anecdotes or quotes can significantly impact the overall persuasiveness and
relatability of the essay.

In essence, composing an essay on the intricacies of speech writing demands a writer's ability to
merge the analytical prowess of written composition with the emotive and persuasive elements
characteristic of oral communication. Achieving this synthesis can be a formidable task, requiring a
keen understanding of both the technical and expressive aspects of effective speech.

As a reminder, if navigating these challenges becomes overwhelming, one can always seek
assistance. Similar essays and a myriad of writing services are available on platforms like, offering support and expertise to those navigating the complexities of essay
A Speech Essay A Speech Essay
Sterile Chips Lab Report
Methodology: Food items to be tested (ham, cheese, chip). You will need four of each.
Sterile swabs Sterile gloves Timer Agar plates (you will need 12 of them.) Notebook
to record results Experimental Procedure: 1.Put on sterile gloves ( do not touch any
non sterile surfaces when wearing gloves) 2.Drop the first item of food (ham) on the
first surface (tiles) 3.Start the timer 4.Remove the item from the surface after 5
seconds 5.Swab the item with a sterile swab (do not touch anything else with the swab)
6.Gently run the swab back and forth in a zigzag motion over the agar. Do not touch
any part of the agar twice 7.Put the lid of the petri dish back on and label as Ham Tiles
8.Change your gloves 9.Repeat the test with... Show more content on ...
The ham agar plate grows the most bacterial colonies because this food has the most
moisture. Germs like living in moisture and this is why the test could not be done on a
normal tiled floor but instead had to be done with artificially covered surfaces. It also
makes sense that germs would stick to a food that was wet instead of a food that was
dry. Cheese had the second most bacterial colonies, and we could say this could be
because of it being the second moistest food. Lastly, was the chip. The chip got less
bacterial colonies because it had no moisture what so ever. The difference in the
lowest and the highest on the ham varied widely from the lowest and the highest on
the chip. The lowest in the ham is 12 (ham on a bricked, or tiled surface) and the
highest is 25 (ham on a bricked surface) whereas the lowest for a chip is 9 (chip on a
tiled surface) and the highest is 15 which is a carpeted surface. The average amount of
bacterial colonies on the ham throughout the entire experiment is 16.83 whereas it is
12.08 on the chip showing that ham generally picks up more bacteria than a
Taking a Look at the Death Penalty
Death Penalty should be allowed under circumstances also known as capital
punishment, where congress or any state legislature recommend the death penalty for
murder and other capital crimes. Majority of the states are favor in death penalty,
roughly around 32 states are favor and 18 states are against death penalty. In most cases,
many argue that death penalty has violated the 8th amendment, where it bans cruel and
unusual punishment. Therefore, they would go against death penalty. However,
without the sentence to death, the chances of prisoner escaping prison are really high.
If they are able to escape prison and get away with it, then they can continue
committing crimes. Although some may argue that death penalty is harsh because if
you kill someone; and then you take another person s life, then why should yours be
freed? I personally do not agree with death penalty because taking away another person
s life is not going to regain the victim s life back. However, the victim s family would
want the person to be sentence to death, so the victim can rest in peace. I think that death
penalty should be only allowed under circumstances, but then how can you really
determined if the case should be ruled with death penalty? And how would the justice
system know that they have made the correct decision? Did the decision of sentence to
death turn out to be wrong, where the person is later found innocent? There are multiple
of questions that people will be more concern about. The
Schindler s List vs Book Thief
The character Death, in Zusack s The Book Thief says: That s the sort of thing I ll never
know what humans are capable of.
Discuss the way this statement reflects one or more texts you have seen or read this
year. Adaptation is the ability to adjust for existence under environmental conditions.
Like how animals adapt in the wild, humans are also capable to be tolerant in difficult
situations. We do not know our limit of cruelty or kindness. Although most people
choose to be kind and sympathetic to others, there are also people who are cruel and
cold hearted. Mark Zusack states this idea in his book, The Book Thief from death s
point of view, That s the sort of thing I ll never know, or comprehend what humans are
capable of. ... Show more content on ...
Although there were bloodsheds, we could not see the colour since almost the entire
movie is shown in black and white. Otherwise, these bloodshed scenes would be even
more horrible. The Nazi s discrimination towards the Jews is also a very cruel act that
most people are not capable of understanding the reason why they did it. The signs of
discrimination are shown in the film. The Nazis let them run around naked during the
Personal Statement Of Becoming A School Counselor
It was during my senior year of college that I decided I wanted to become a school
counselor. Up until my senior year in college at Penn State I did not know where I
wanted to take my career but I knew I wanted to work in a school setting and I knew
that I wanted to work with kids. When it came time to choose an internship site for my
last semester, I chose an alternative school called Buxmont Academy in Bethlehem
where I would be shadowing two of their school counselors as well as engaging with the
students themselves. I got to work with these children on a more personal level, gaining
an understanding of their emotions, experiences, and difficulties, as most of these
children came from broken homes, and drug and alcohol related settings. I am interested
in becoming a school counselorbecause I want to help. When I become a counselor I
want to make a difference in a child s life whether that be by simply giving them support
that they might not have in their lives or helping them make changes to better themselves
and their futures. A counselor has such an important role in helping to shape young
children and that is something that I want to be a part of. Strengths and weaknesses are
important to consider as a helper. A strength of mine is that I feel that I am a good
listener. I take in and fully invest myself into what another individual is saying during
conversations. I can empathize with others by understanding their feelings, whether or
not I myself have ever been in
Why Antigua And Barbuda Rhetorical Analysis
Why Antigua and Barbuda? is an advertisement created and published at
. The text advertises Antigua and Barbuda as an ideal tourist destination. The text
advertises the twin island nation from its luxury hotels to its main attractions. As a
result, the target audience of the text is the general public, however they lean more
towards rich people. This is because of the fact that the text uses words that appeal to
those who have a high income. The overall purpose of the text is to persuade tourists to
come to Antigua and Barbuda. That level of persuasionrequires a great level of linguistic
devices. This analysis will discuss the theme, diction, layout and photography, stylistic
features, mood and tone, as well as the overall message of the text.

The themes of the text are tourism, travel, and luxury. These themes are all inevitable
when it comes to advertising a country. However this text is very much different. The ...
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The title of the text is Why Antigua and Barbuda? Immediately it is very clear that the
title is a rhetorical question. This makes the reader of the text to take a moment and think.
Think about what the text could be about and think about why should he/she read the
text. That rhetorical question also makes the reader feel as if the text just wants the
reader to lean in and read whatever is written down.

Photography is also present in the text and used as well as means of advertising. Five
photographs are placed on the very last section of the text. Each photo shows the
highlights of Antigua and Barbuda. These highlights are mentioned throughout the text.
Each photo would then create an imagery of how it looks like, but it also gives the
reader a feeling on how it would be like if they would go to the country and have a first
hand experience. The photos make the text become linked to the target audience. That is
why the photos are
Hubtus As A Tragic Hero Oedipus
A tragic hero is a person who has qualities of a hero such as intelligence and strength
but makes choices that lead to their self destruction. The tragic hero is usually from a
noble family or high position. Oedipus from The Sophocles is a tragic hero because he
possesses tragic flaws such as hubris, hamartia, and too much curiosity. Marcus Brutus,
a Roman politician, also serves to be a tragic hero since he is too naive, honest, and
sometimes impulsive. Both Oedipus and Brutus have certain characteristics that
determine them to be a tragic hero. One day, Oedipus went to the Oracle of Delphi and
found out that he was destined to kill his father and sleep with his mother. Oedipus
tried to escape his fate by running away from Corinth, leaving who he thought were
his real parents. However, he ended up running right into his real father. He saw a
group of people riding a chariot at the crossroads and assumed that they were thieves.
Laois happened to be one of them, and Oedipus killed him not knowing that he was his
real dad. This is important since Oedipus fulfilled part of the prophecy. Oedipus
remembered about his encounter with the chariot near the end of the play and said,
But he more than paid for it and soon was struck by the scepter from this very hand,
lying on his back, at once thrown out of the car. I killed them all (Sophocles, 39).
Quite soon, he also won the throne of Thebes by answering the riddle of the Sphinx
and unknowingly married Iocaste, his real mother. Brutus was very naive and got
influenced by Cassius very easily. Cassius was very smart and manipulated Brutus to
make him agree with him. Cassius said, If I were Brutus now, and he were Cassius, He
should not humour me. (Shakespeare, p.13). Brutus believed that his friend, Caesar had
a negative impact on Rome decided to join the conspiracy to assassinate Caesar. Even
though Caesar was his friend, Brutus always showed loyalty towards Rome. Brutus
tragic flaw is that he is not good at figuring out other s intentions, and trusted Cassius. If
Brutus never listened to Cassius in the first place, he would not have joined the
conspiracy, and might not have had a tragic end. Oedipus and Brutus get influenced by
others very easily and believe
The Cause Of The French Revolution
The Cause of the French Revolution
Throughout history, what remains true is that the people are the ones who start a
revolution. And when around 98% of a population is suffering to make a living, there is
little hope for those in power. Taxes levied only on the common folk, crippling wars that
left France with huge debts, and the careless spending of the upper classes ultimately
lead to the start of the revolution. The main political cause was that the King had too
much power but weak foreign policy leads to economic downturn. The main social cause
was that French society was too imbalanced but it was truly economic exploitation of the
lower class. The French Revolution had many probable causes, all linked together, but
none as important and defining as the economic aspect.
There were social and political causes to the French Revolution but both derived from
economic cause. The imbalance of social classes was in part the root of the lower
classes hatred towards the upper class. But it was because the lower class had no
mobility in French Society that people started looking for change. Moving up in rank
or position was nearly impossible and those with power, always had the power. This
proved to be troublesome as one s hard work would not reap any benefits and would still
have to pay heavy taxes to provide lavish lives for those in the upper class. As Dr. Gail
Bossenga states in his book, Origins of the French Revolution, perhaps the search for the
social origins of the
Who Is Ruth Jordan
In 1921 Ruth McBride Jordan was born in Poland and grew up with a Jewish family.
In 1923 Her family moved to the U.S when she was two years old and once she moved
to the U.S her name was changed to Rachel Deborah Shilsky. They moved to Suffolk,
Virginia town where most African Americans were living. Her father (Tateh) opened a
grocery store and over charged his items and he also mistered his family. In 1930 Tateh
raped Ruth and also made her and his children work at the store. In 1934 Sam (Ruth`s
older brother) runs away from home and went Chicago because he couldn t handle his
father any longer. In 1936 Ruth meet a guy name peter. They secretly became boyfriend
and girlfriend because Peter was an African America and she was a white Jewish girl and
Ruth`s father hated African... Show more content on ...
After Andrew`s death Ruth asked her family if they can help her with her and her
eight children but they ignored her and they didn t want to have any connections with
her. But in the same year she found another man name Hunter Jordan and fall in love
with him and he help her and her children. In same year (1958) she got married with
Hunter and had four children together. They taught their children that school and God
will bring them a better future. Hunter became like a father to James so in the year
1972 when Jordan Hunter died James started to do drugs and drink beer. When his
grades started to drop, Ruth moved him and the whole family to Wilmington,
Delaware. In 1973 James was in Louisville and work. When he was there he meets a
man name the chicken man. The chicken man sets James right by pointing out his
failures in his life and told him to stay in school to have a better future than him. James
goes back to school and took chicken man advised to do better and he graduated high
school and went to Oberlin College and in 1979 he graduated Oberlin college. Ruth goes
to college in 1989 and gets a degree in social work from Temple
Analysis Of The Poem Reservation Love Song By Sherman...
Poetry, like all writing, has a tendency to fall into a creative rut. The created works tend
to contain the same themes and fall into similar patterns, especially when they fall into a
specific era. That s why poems can be considered to be from the Romantic or Victorian
period. When a poem manages to break out of that, it makes it memorable and worth
noticing. Reservation LoveSong by Sherman Alexie does so philosophically, by
portraying a realistic side of love, while Mark Strand s Courtship raises some interesting
questions about the relationships between men and women. The poem may i feel said he
by e.e. cummings portrays an adult s love through a childlike appearance. Despite these
differences, these three poems all address an interesting aspect within them while
presenting a unique view on love and relationships.
When a person imagines a love poem, they may conjure up the idea of someone saying
that their beloved is an angel in human form, or that the love between the two can
move mountains. Everything experience is heightened and it takes on a fantastical
nature. In Alexie s poem Reservation Love Song , the reader hears about how the
speaker tells his lover I can meet you/ in Springdale buy you beer and I can pay your
rent (Lines 1 2, 5). That s not often what people think of when they imagine true love .
However, when a person has lacked financial or emotional stability in the past, they tend
to crave that when looking for someone to be with. In stanza
Communication As A Fundamental Role
Communication plays a fundamental role in all facets of our life, personal or
professional: it builds and maintains relationships. In contrast, poor communication
skills can have a negative impact on all aspects of a person s life. If I do not have any
difficulty to communicate with some people (the flow of the conversation is effortless
and natural and I appreciate sharing thoughts and ideas with them), communication with
others can become a struggle and asks me a lot of effort to understand what the other
person thinks or is trying to say. I also noticed that my emotions could have a significant
impact on the way I communicate with others. If I do think that everything can be said,
everything is in the way of saying it. And the way I... Show more content on ...
I was conscious that telling him that, furthermore in front of the others, would offence
him. Here again, I could have made the effort to have the others participate in the
exchange without deliberately offending anyone. As a result, Karim being a person
who apparently does not like to face conflicts, tried his best to avoid me during the
trip, and it was like trying to catch a fish with bare hands to interact with him. In
Uruguay, the first meeting of the group happened to take place with everybody but
me. During this meeting, the choice of the interviewee was again made by Karim and
as Xin Yi pointed out that I should also participate in the choice and offer to go and
fetch me, but Karim did not pay attention to her remark and carried on with the meeting
as she reported to me later. Here again, this behaviour irritated me, for two reasons.
Firstly, because I thought the choice of the interview should have been discussed by the
entire team, and secondly and mostly because Xin Yi had been listened to by neither
Karim nor the team. And at that point, I began to have the bias that as women what we
could say was not considered. Later that day, annoyed by this situation, I told the team
that I totally disagreed with the behaviour of our group and that a meeting should be held
in order to discuss the rules to be implemented in our team (in a nutshell that all the
decisions should be taken by the group in its totality, and that
Leading Change
Book Review
Leading Change by John Kotter 1996
Review by Chris Shea

John P. Kotter is internationally known and widely regarded as the foremost speaker on
the topics of leadership and change. He is the premier voice on how the best
organizations actually achieve successful transformations. The Konosuke Matsushita
Professor of Leadership, Emeritus at the Harvard Business School and a graduate of
MIT and Harvard, Kotter s vast experience and knowledge on successful change and
leadership have been proven time and time again. The book Leading Change looks at an
eight stage process for implementing successful transformations in today s firms as well
as the eight errors that are common to change efforts. The ideas and methods in this book
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To avoid these hazards and capitalize on the opportunities the companies of today need to
become stronger competitors. To become the 21st century organization that will succeed
some of the transformations needed include reengineering, restructuring, quality
programs, mergers and acquisitions and strategic and cultural change. Useful change is
often associated with a multi step process that creates power and motivation significant
enough to overwhelm all the sources of inertia and driven by high quality leadership and
not just management. Kotter states that the eight steps required to produce successful
change are; (1) Establishing a sense of urgency; (2)Creating the guiding coalition; (3)
Developing a vision and strategy; (4) Communicating the change vision; (5) Empowering
broad based action; (6) Generating short term wins; (7) Consolidating gains and
producing more change; (8) Anchoring new approaches in the culture. Kotter goes on
to suggest the first four steps in the process serve to defrost a hardened status quo,
steps five to seven introduce new practices and the last phase grounds the change in the
corporate culture. It s important to go through all of the steps in sequence however
normally one operates in multiple phases at once. To skip a step or get to far ahead
without the establishment of a solid base will almost always lead to problems. There are
How Does Terry Malloy Change In On The Waterfront
On the Waterfront is set on the docks, a very dismal place. The black and white
photography make the streets, alleyways and small, cramped apartments seem dark
and bleak. While the union bosses live well, the workers seem trapped by their
situation, with no way to get out. Terry Malloy is a low level worker for the union
boss, who is not really aware that he is a part of the corruption. He is asked to lure Joey
Doyle to the roof of his apartment building, and believes that the union men just want to
lean on him a little bit (On the Waterfront) about testifying before the waterfront crime
commission. When he learns that he actually lured Joey to his death, he is upset by the
fact that he betrayed his friend, and acts very defensively when... Show more content on ...
However, for most of the characters, choosing to do what is right can be difficult.
Opposing the union bosses can be dangerous, as evidenced by the deaths of Andy,
Joey and Kayo. Therefore, many of the dock workers prefer to do nothing and remain
alive. Other characters, such as Father Barry and Edie, have a strong internal moral
code, and personal considerations do not impact their decision to do what is right.
However, in the case of Terry, his background and current affiliations present a number
of obstacles which prevent him from freely listening to what his conscience is telling
him to do. Terry is owned by Johnny Friendly, and cannot protest against the jobs that
are given to him. This ownership goes back to the days when Terry was a prize fighter,
and was made to take a fall when Friendly bet against him. Charley, Terry s older
brother, is a key member of Friendly s group, and was the one who told Terry he had
to take the fall. When Friendly learns that Terry has been subpoenaed to appear before
the crime commission, he sends Charley to persuade Terry to stop seeing Edie, and
take a high paying job with the union. Terry refuses and Charley pays the price with his
life. When Terry goes looking for Friendly to get revenge, Father Barry tells him: don t
fight him like a
Mr. Erwin Martin In James Thurber s The Catbird Seat
The Catbird Seat by James Thurber introduces the prime character, Mr. Erwin Martin
has been an employee at F S for 22 years. Over time, he has established a reputation of
one who does wrong, but they are unaware of what monstrous deeds he is capable of.
Mrs. Ulgine Barrows is the latest to join F S, where she has only been for a few
months. In addition to her coming, she takes it upon herself, to reign over the established
company. Continuously, she pushes his buttons further, and he is anticipating to rub her
out, in order to rid of her before she begins taking over(1). This is how he justifies the
idea to killher. Although he is debating whether it be necessary, he finally decides and his
intentions are unmistakable when he analyzes... Show more content on ...
Burrows . This is the moment he is visualizing repeatedly, and one can assume that he
will take her life once he sneaks in. There is no reasonable explanation he would be
here. This woman was nothing other than a nuisance to him, and it is obvious he is
showing up with unpleasant intentions. He does not walk in as a guest, he prowls like
a poisonous snake, on the move for his prey. Once he is clear of potential witnesses, he
makes his way to her door where she stands. This shocks him and he moves into swift
motion and, He rushed past her like a football tackle (3). Mrs. Barrows blows it off
with a snarky comment, but there is suspicion lingering, when he questions if there is
anyone else there. Sadly, she does not head warning, but instead she answers him
concluding they are indeed alone, and he is at ease. Frantically, he scans the room for
the weapon for murdering her. Mr. Martin is not a hunt for any weapon, the text reads,
Mr. Martin looked quickly around the living room for THE weapon (3). The search
for something to hit her with is not random, it is the weapon he assumes would be
available, as mapped out. Initially, his plan all along was to kill her with whatever he
found in her place. Following, he catches sight of a knife and he test if it is sharp
enough, but came to a loss because, It was blunt. It wouldn t do (4). Obviously, this is
a red flag, especially considering how much he despises her. Not only is he seeking the
appropriate sharp object, he also makes sure to retain his gloves, in case there is a
residue of blood or fingerprints. Once he fails to find a dagger, a sudden thought arises.
Instead of striking her dead, he realizes it is possible to deceive her. As he lies, he still
throws back a drink and smokes to further eliminate the chances that his employees
Statistics Exercise 16 Essay
в–Ў EXERCISE 16 Questions to be Graded

1. The researchers analyzed the data they collected as though it were at what level of

d. Experimental

2. What was the mean posttest empowerment score for the control group?

The mean posttest empowerment score for the control group was 97.12

3. Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the experimental group.
Was this an expected finding? Provide a rationale for your answer.

The mean baseline depression score of the experimental group is 14.00. The mean
posttest depression score of the experimental group is 13.36. The posttest score is 0.64
lower than the baseline score. This was an expected finding because it was hypothesized
that after the completion of ... Show more content on ...
Both and SD are descriptive statistics.

8. What was the mean severity for renal disease for the research subjects? What was the
dispersion or variability of the renal disease severity scores? Did the severity scores vary
significantly between the control and the experimental groups? Is this important?
Provide a rationale for your answer.

The mean severity for renal disease for the research subjects was 6.74. The dispersion
or variability of the renal disease severity scores was 2.97. The self care self efficacy
severity score did vary significantly with the experimental group s mean posttest score
being 6.44 points higher than its baseline mean score. This is important because this
finding indicates that the empowerment intervention had a positive impact on the self
care self efficacy of the patients.

9. Which variable was least affected by the empowerment program? Provide a rationale
for your answer.

The depression variable was least affected by the empowerment program. The
experimental group s average baseline score only dropped 0.64 from the posttest, and the
control group s average baseline score had no change in the posttest and stayed at 10.40.

10. Was it important for the researchers to include the total means and SDs for the study
variables in Table 2 to promote the readers understanding of the study results? Provide a
rationale for your answer.

It was important for the researchers to include the total means and SDs
Essay on Media Proposal
The media industry has experienced a great deal of upheaval over the last several
years. This process is best exemplified by all the changes in the music industry. Albums
were a secure and controlled delivery method from their introduction in the 1940s until
well into the 1980s when they were overtaken by the more portable cassettes. However,
the most important innovation of cassettes was the ability for consumers to create their
own cassette recordings. As the next generation moved to recordable CDs, this
spawned the adoption of CD ripping and allowed consumers to make mp3 versions of
their songs that could then be re recorded in any order or mix they wanted. There is little
question now that portable digital players and file sharing... Show more content on ...
The following are three such new technologies to consider.
The first piece in this puzzle would be to embrace passion media , or media based on
topics that may be out of the mainstream but people are very passionate about in their
personal lives. Topics would cover areas such as automobiles, science fiction, fantasy,
gadgets, independent music, movies, and computer gaming. Some of these properties
could be developed from scratch but it would obviously be easier to buy a site or
property with an existing audience. Some examples would be,,,,,,, or Wizard
Magazine. All of these are also brands that can be easily extended to newspapers and
TV as special sections or segments. Many of these sites are already profitable due to
their inclusion of contextual advertising. Because they are focused on specific topics,
advertisers are willing to pay for the more relevant ad placements.
The next piece would be to begin developing products for a richer interactive
environment, such as one based on Microsoft s new Windows Presentation Foundation
(WPF). This technology is the cornerstone of Microsoft s new Vista operating system
but also provides a framework for other platforms that can mix both text and video.
Content for the platform is fed behind the scenes over
Essay on The Linux
The Linux was originally founded by Linus Torvalds. In 1991, he was a second year
computer science student in Finland. He sought after an operating system that was
similar to the UNIX system, but both UNIX and the hardware it ran on were
excessively expensive. A UNIX version called Minix was available for free, but it did
not reasonably meet his needs as it was simply an operating system for students,
designed primarily as a teaching tool rather than an industry strength operating system.
As a result, Torvalds studied Minix and proceeded to set out to write a new version.
After six months of working to produce the new operating system, Torvalds made very
little progress toward the utility of the system.
He began to post his intentions ... Show more content on ...
In many systems architecture, the kernel is the lowest level of software that interfaces
with the hardware in a computer. In UNIX, users typically have no direct access to it. It
is responsible for interfacing all applications that run in user mode including the physical
hardware and allowing processes to get information from each other.
Linux kernel developers designed kernel modules that could be loaded and unloaded at
runtime. Kernel modules are essential to keeping the kernel functioning with all of the
computer s hardware without consuming all of the available memory. A module
generally adds functions based on the users needs to the base kernel for things like file
systems and devices. A kernel is essential for any computer system to run and operate
properly. The Linux kernel is different than OS X and Windows because it includes
drivers at the kernel level, and most other operating systems do not. (Salzman, 2005.)
The Linux operating system has been developed by many intelligent people. Around two
percent of the Linux kernel was actually written by Torvalds himself. Today, the Linux
kernel has received contributions from thousands of developers across the globe.
Torvalds remains the definitive authority on what new codes are incorporated into the
Linux kernel. However, Linux distribution modifies the kernel according to each of their
Sample Exegesis Paper
Hunter Bergstrom
Mr. Thomason
Foundations of Christianity
11 May, 2015
Exegesis Paper

The Bible is one ofsdsds throughout the entire history of the world. People have always
fought over true meanings and interpretations of the text and there is no way to find out
the true meaning of the different passages. People spend so much time trying to find the
meanings of the Bible and they don t try to form their own personal and intimate
relationship with the text to try and grow in their own personal faith through reading the
commentaries and other s interpretations of the text. All interpretations are useless if
there is no drive or personal passion to reach a connection with God and grow spiritually.
Through writing this exegetical paper I was ... Show more content on ...
Verse 1 11 have a lot of relevancy behind them even though they may seem irrelevant to
us. This is an army I believe symbolizes the corrupt and imperfect lives that people apart
from God live. Our lives are so fragile with destruction and corruption around every
corner. We have to realize that apart from God there is nothing that good for our lives
and we have to keep God in our focus and live for him. Then in verses 12 17 there is the
call for people to rally for God and come back to him. This shows us all that if we are all
faithful to God that we will be saved. God will except us back and still love us. God s
salvation is the only thing that will protect us from these trials that we would face
without Him.Verses 18 27 are showing the love
The Gallbladder Case Study
The gallbladder is located under the right lobe of the liver. It stores bile that produced
by the liver until it releases into the duodenum to expedite absorption of fats, fat
soluble vitamins, minerals which is part of the digestive system. According to Jorden
s symptoms such as mild pain in midepigastric region, radiating to the right upper
quadrant of the abdomen and right subscapular are, as his nurse, I could acknowledge
the reasons cause all that symptoms are due to cholesterol problem. It s a major
constituent of gallstone which is one of the gallbladder disorders. Patient who
experience it will be in a high risk of inflamed gallbladder due to a big heavy
consumption of high fat meal. And also because the gallbladder is located under... Show
more content on ...
The pear shaped organ s job is to collect and store bile to help the body digest fats. If it s
not working, then it cannot digest fat. His body will store that fats from days to days
causing uncontrollable gain weight which at the end causing gallstones that lead to
pain in the abdominal, bloating, nausea, and vomiting (WebMD, 2016). Jordan is on
14 years old, and he weighs 275 pounds. That is one of the biggest risk of gallstones:
obese. He need to follow a low fat diet and try to lose weight slowly According to
WebMD, here are the list of foods that good for Jordan s condition, include fresh fruits
and vegetables, lean meat, poultry, and fish, whole grains, and low fat dairy products
(2016). More importantly, what Jordan did to try to lose weight is incorrect, he has to
lose weight but gradually, not go for couple days without eating that is an incorrect
way. He also has to try to avoid food that contain high fat foods such as fried foods,
high processed foods, red meat. Also, exercising, participate in physical and social
activities like going to the gym on school days, communicate with his friends. Lastly, I
will explain to his mom about the fat genes that she thinks it goes in the family and there
s nothing they can do about it. Jordan is very
Robert Frost
The only thing that is constant in the world is change. As Homosapiens have progressed
from primitive hunter gatherers to the biggest apex predators on the planet, nothing has
stayed the same. Some epochs were plagued with war and famine while others spurred
immeasurable innovation. From infinitesimal events to yearlong world wars, timehas
managed to converge to this specific point in the present. Yet technological progress in
the forms of snappier smartphones and virtual realitygoggles have allowed today s
inhabitants to forget about real reality and the countless events that have shaped it.
Robert Frost reminds us that time s cyclical holds both healing and destructive
properties in his eloquent poem Spring Pools. Robert Frost was born in San Francisco
on March 26, 1874. He was a farmer, a father of six children, but important of all he
was a poet. He is highly regarded for his realistic portrayals of rural life and his mastery
of American colloquial speech. His work frequently employed scenarios of rural life in
New England at the beginning of the 20th century, using them to examine complex social
and philosophical issues. Frost was honored frequently during his lifetime, receiving four
Pulitzer prizes for poetryand even a Nobel Prize nominee in literature. He published
Spring Pools in 1929 inside a volume of poems titled West Running Brook. During this
time Frost taught English at Amherst College in Massachusetts. He called his simplistic
use of language as the
Advantages And Disadvantages Of CPEC
A few numbers of Pakistanis consider CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) will
prove as East India Company for Pakistan. Moreover, the others have a few reservations
as the poor strategies and interest rate of the lease for CPEC are not in the favour of
national interests. Here, we will scrutinize multi facet aspects of China Pakistan
Economic Corridor. Firstly, I will suggest that you visit the website of CPEC. After that,
you will realize that CPEC is the part of OBOR (One belt one road). 64 countries will be
connected by OBOR A dream of China with each other. Reality is that OBOR consists of
6 corridors and CPEC is one of its Corridors. Length of CPEC is almost 2400Km. This
2400Km long CPEC has various other projects namely highways, Railways, and Energy
Projects. These CPEC projects will bring prosperity in Pakistan. CPEC A multi billion
project will be a game changer for the South Asia region. Kashgar will be joined by
CPEC with Gwadar by 2030. Firstly, we will discuss all the viable routes of CPEC....
Show more content on ...
However, three suggested routes are given below;
i)Central Route:
Length of this rout is 2,756Km
It passes through Indus Highway.
It will touch different cities of Punjab province. ii) Eastern Route:
Length of this rout is 2781
It passes through Motorway.
This lengthy route is in favour of Punjab Province. iii) Western Route:
The shortest route and length is about 2474Km.
This route passes through Quetta.
It is in favour of a less privileged province of Pakistan,
Full Inclusion Vs Inclusive Classrooms
These two article were great to read. The first one by Ford, provides a synopsis of
various approaches used to address the LRE for students with disabilities. It is helpful to
teachers, administrators and other stakeholders in the educational system to read the
authors study and comparison of the differences in how programs approach inclusive
classrooms. The article goes on to define the concepts of full inclusion classroom verses
the inclusion and how important it is to understand these as they relate to the needs for
the most effective educationfor students with disabilities. As an educator understanding
the various co teaching methods: one teacher, one assist; station teaching; parallel
teaching; alternative teaching, and team teaching... Show more content on ...
The second article, A Place for Learning: The Physical Environment of Classrooms
(Phillips, 2014), is a great resource for teachers to use as a tool for understanding and
supporting how the classroom environment can promote human interaction, student
morale and ...learning (Phillips, 2014, para 16). As an interpreter and observer of what is
conducive for learning for DHH students the article is a fantastic resource to share with
other educators. The author furthermore, provides solid evidence related to common
sense of classroom arrangement and offering a warm, supportive, and positive learning
environment. Then Phillips adds more supporting evidence and resources for educators
to investigate further. This is a helpful blog post that is easy to follow and read. The
learning environment is an important component for motivating students, which adds to
overall learning.

Ford, J. (2013). Educating students with learning disabilities in inclusive classrooms.

Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education, 3(1). Retrieved from http:/
/ context=ejie

Phillips, M. (2014, May 20). A place for learning: the physical environment of
classrooms. Retrieved from
What Is The Trial Of Oj Simpson
The trial of the century, is what it is known as. When Americans gathered around their
televisions to see if O.J. Simpson will be convicted of the murders of his ex wife and
her friend. This event has changed the way many think about other races, and the
United States court systems. Although O.J. was known to many as an idol or just
another athlete/actor he still changed the way we treat other races due to what has
happened in the past, and changed the media to how it is today. O.J. Simpson began
his life in San Francisco, California in 1947. When O.J. was thirteen he joined a gang
called The Persian Warriors. He had a very successful career in football from the time he
was in college to the time he left the NFL. In 1968 he was awarded the
Sowbug Report
OUTLINE. Introduction to the Question:
A subclass of pheromones is necromones, which contain oleic acid as a primary
Some pheromones trigger aggregation between organisms, others can trigger separation.
Necromones trigger necrophoric (organisms remove their dead) or necrophobic
(organisms avoid their dead) behavior.
Arthropods use pheromones, this includes sowbugs and cockroaches. Chemical signals
are picked up by antennae.
II. Hypothesis:
When given a choice between two identical shelters, sowbugs will display necrophobic
behavior by aggregating in the shelter that does not contain oleic acid.
III. Biological Rationale:
C.D. Rollo study showed that cockroaches display necrophobic behavior around oleic
acid (dead ... Show more content on ...
II Experimental Design and Methods:
Part 1.
A. Procedure:
1. Obtain 3 large tin bowls, 1 spoon, 1 pair scissors, 6 ketchup containers, 1 pipet, 3mL
oleic acid, 6mL distilled water, 6 filter papers, and 30 sowbugs.
2. Place 10 randomly selected sowbugs in each of the 3 empty tin bowls for 3 minutes to
allow them to acclimate to the environment.
3. During the 3 minute period, soak each filter paper with 1mL of distilled water, because
sowbugs have been shown to prefer moist environments.
4. Add 1mL of oleic acid to three of the wet filter papers, this creates the independent
variable. One will go in each tin.
5. Using the scissors, cut two small doors in each ketchup container on opposite sides, so
that when the container is placed upside down, the sowbugs may enter it. Having 2 doors
in each increases the chance of sowbugs finding an entrance.
6. After 3 minutes, quickly place the wet filter papers on opposite sides of the tin
(noting which one contains oleic acid) and cover them with the ketchup containers. The
doors should face away from the center, towards the edges of the tin. The placement of
the oleic acid containing paper should be random, no preference for either side of the tin.
7. Wait 20 minutes, observing the sowbug s behavior. This 20 minute period gives them
time to find each shelter and determine a preference. Do not disturb them during this
time. Keep track
Antigone Summary
Thebes was invaded by Oedipus son, Polynices, and his followers. As Oedipus predicted
in the previous play, Polynices and his brother, Eteocles, killed each other during battle.
Creon, the king of Thebes, ruled that Eteocles should have a proper burial with honors
and Polynices, the invader, be left unburied to rot. Antigonewas dejected with Creons
ruling and decided to bury Polynicesherself. She tried to enlist Ismene to help her, but
Ismene was to afraid. Antigone furiously continued with the plan on her own. A sentry
discovered Antigone and brought her to Creon. Ismene was also brought to Creon and
confessed that she had helped Antigone with the burial rites of Polynices. Antigone
stopped Ismene and told her not to... Show more content on ...
Antigone had hanged herself in the tomb and Haemon was wailing at her side. Creon
heard Haemon s voice and begged him to come out of the tomb. Haemon came out
and lunged at Creon with his sword and missed. Haemon then took his own life by
leaning on the blade of his sword, Haemon then embraced Antigone as he died.
Eurydice, Haemon s mother and Creon s wife, was brought notice by a messenger that
her son was dead. Eurydice retreated to the palace for the sake of mourning in private.
However, the death of Haemon was to much for Eurydice to bear and she ended her
own life right there in the palace. Creon grieved over the death of Heamon and thought
that there could be no worse. The messenger then informed Creon that the agony did
not end there, Eurydice had also killed herself. Creon cursed himself and anguished
over the loss of his wife and son. In conclusion, Creon begged and prayed for his own life
to be taken so that he would never have to see another
Xerox And Xerox s Strategy
Xerox Fuji Xerox are Leading Document Management Processing Company selling
Xerographic products and providing services like Managed Print Services, Business
Processing System etc. Xerox was founded in 1906 in Rochester, New York and Fuji
Xerox was formed as a Joint Venture between Xerox and Fuji Photo film in 1962. Xerox
in partnership with Fuji Xeroxis currently the market leader in providing Managed Print
Service. The above image shows comparison between Xerox and other players in the
Market. (Gartner, 2013).
Xerox as an organization is also known to have accomplished a lot of firsts in the world.
They have been known for developing the technology of Xerography, WYSWYG text
editor, Graphical User Interface which later on Apple ... Show more content on ...
Post World War II Japan s economy was in shambles; there industrial production was
down to 15% prewar times (Wikipedia, 2014). In order to come back to its full
economic potential Japan had to make strict policies for trade. By 1950 Japan had
already sprung back to its prewar trade level. But until 1960 s opening companies and
doing business in Japan was still very restrictive for international companies. If a
company wants to sell its products or do trade in Japan they will have to have to have a
strategic alliance with a Japanese company to enter Japanese Market.
This presented a major dilemma for Rank Xerox when they wanted to enter Japan
market. But riding on the wave of success, Rank Xerox was expanding tremendously
as a company. Rank Xerox did an analysis and found that they will have to enter into a
Joint Venture in order to started selling in Japan. At the same time, Fuji Film was
making strides towards making document printing machine apart from the Photo
Printing machines which they were already very successful with. Both Rank Xerox
and Fuji Film were same size companies with their revenues standing and US$60
Million. Instead of doing an in house development of the Xerography they decided to
get into a strategic alliance with Rank Xerox and opened Fuji Xerox with 50 50 share
holding this helped them start selling Xerography products in Asia Pacific under a new
brand name. This helped them resolve the
Application For Scalable Data Sharing Essay
An application for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage

Mithun V. Mhatre, Dr. M. Z. Shaikh

Computer Engineering Department BVCOE, Navi Mumbai

E mail:,

Abstract: Cloud technology is very constructive and usefulin present new technological
era, where a person uses the internet and the remote servers to give and maintain data as
well as applications. Such applications in turn can be used by the end users via the cloud
communications without any installation. Moreover, the end users‟ data files can be
accessed and manipulated from any other computer using the internet services. Despite
the flexibility of data and application accessing and usage that cloud computing
environments provide, there are many questions still coming up on how to gain a
trusted environment that protect data and applications in clouds from hackers and
intruders. Cloud storage should be able to store and share data securely, efficiently, and
flexibly with others in cloud storage. The costs and complexities involved generally
increase with the number of the decryption keys to be shared. The encryption key and
decryption key are different in public key encryption. Since we are proposing new era of
Aggregate key cryptography. To produce constant length ciphertext is also one of
important task that we have materialized. In this paper, we propose a simple, efficient,
and publicly verifiable approach to ensure cloud data security while sharing between
Causes Of Trucking Accidents
There are trucks of all sizes on the roads in Montgomery, AL. While truckers play a
vital role in the economy, they are also responsible for an increasing number of
accidents on the roads. Hardly a day goes by when an 18 wheeler is not involved in a
traffic accident.

The biggest problem is that trucking accidents tend to result in significant damage.
Whenever a truck is involved in an accident, other cars, passengers and pedestrians also
often get severely injured or killed. Compared to car accidents, trucking accidents are
associated with more severe injuries, including permanent injuries and disability.

There are many causes of trucking accidents including:

Truck Driver Fatigue: Most truckers drive for a living and often work long hours,
including night shifts. This often results in sleep deprivation and driver fatigue. This
can be a real hazard for the driver as well as those on the road, especially when the
vehicle in question is a truck. A significant number of trucking accidents are because of
exhausted and tired truck drivers.

Speeding: Speeding is a major problem with truck drivers. There is a general

perception that truck drivers tend to speed and drive recklessly because they feel that
they own the road. They are also quite confident that because of the large size of their
vehicle, they are least likely to be injured if an accident occurs. In addition, truckers also
tend to be impatient and have a tendency to overtake as well as drive fast.

Do You Exist Because You Think, or Do You Think Because...
In order to consider I exist because I think or I think because I exist , I would define the I
exist because I think as I think is the cause of I exist . This implies I think appear before I
exist and cause I exist to happen. In the other side, I think because I exist would be I
exist is the cause of I think . This implies I exist appear before I think and cause I think
to happen.

In terms of logic, I would say I think because I exist is more appropriate. It is because I
must exist first, therefore I can think of my existence. Things about me or myself are
impossible to happen before my existence and cause my existence. In the following
paper, I would like to explain why I exist because I think is false and ... Show more
content on ...
Therefore, I can think about my existence. So I think must base on I exist . In contrast,
if I exist is based on I think , this is impossible that I think appear before I exist . How
can my mind and thinking exist dependently? Although some scientists may argue that
brain wave what we call ghosts can exist after life, they may be the other forms of human
thought I think appearing without I exist . However, who have seen ghost in this
world? At least until today no one can prove ghosts exist in this world. So I think is not
the cause that I can exist. However, I exist is the cause of I can think.

To conclude, I think cannot exist without I exist . It should be I exist first then I think I
exist . As the following diagram shows:

If it is I exist because I think , it would be missing I exist in the first place, as below
diagram shows:
Nothing can exist before itself, so before I think, I must exist. In other word, I exist does
not dependent on I think , but I think do dependent on I exist . Therefore, I think because
I exist is
Examples Of Foreshadowing In The Fly Paper Elizabeth
The fly paper

The Fly paper is a short story by Elizabeth Taylor, an English novelist. It starts as an
everyday event and after a while demonstrates how oppressive the protagonist s
seemingly calm day changes to the darker side. In order to show not only a polite
surface, but also an opposite,surface that includes tension and depressive motives,
Elizabeth Taylor virtuously uses foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is being determined by
a hint given in order to understand or predict certain events that will happen later in the
story. It is a great method of using uneven objects / references to demonstrate the future
events. I ve found four examples of foreshadowing in the short story. Elizabeth Taylor is
using this technique ... Show more content on ...
In the beginning of unfortunate events that will take place in the house of an old lady,
a reader may observe a foreshadowing in the following sentence: Sylvia followed the
woman down a side path to the back door, trying to push her worries from her mind. .
An author is using a pre scene surrounding, many readers, out of my own observation,
did not notice. It is a really questionable moment, why she decided to go to the back
door instead of using a main entrance. Another very interesting moment where
Elizabeth Taylor wisely decided to use a foreshadowing is the end of the short story,
when Sylvia noticed a fly paper located in the house of an old lady: She stared up at a
fly paper hanging in the window the only disconcerting thing in the room. Some of the
flies were still half alive, and striving hopelessly to free themselves. But they were
caught forever. . In my opinion, it is one of the smartest ways to end this story, which
was completely shocking to a reader. Here, once again, a fly represented a young girl,
Sylvia, and fly paper represented a trap, house where she decided to go. But I believe
that a fly paper is not just a representation of a house itself, but also of the comfort that
Sylvia tried to get from an old lady. And as she was experiencing a lack of love from her
relatives, her kidnappers idea was to compensate that attention that a poor young
Essay On Reverse Discrimination
Discrimination: treating a person or group differently when the reason is not relevant
(Kaye and Thomson). A double standard is created when a rule or regulation does not
fairly apply to all groups. An example of this is racism s double standard that has been
created while trying to amend to unfairness created by racism. These double standard are
hostile to attempts of true equality due to the harm it causes to the media/justice system
create reverse discrimination, and affect college admissions unfairly. The double
standard of racism affects the media/justice system by creating racist articles that are
viewed as okay , viewing one form of racism acceptable while another not, and affecting
opinions about what if fair and what is not.... Show more content on ...
One reason why this may be more effective it that young minds can be easily swayed
by what may at first seem like reliable media outlets. Also, without proper education on
the topic students can easily see discrimination as a one way act and then be intolerant
but, if taught well they will now that it can go both ways. In addition to this, instead of
teens and adults trying to amend racism by creating a double standard actual work
towards equality can take
Life Christian Ministries
When God gave me the title for this book I was completely and totally dumbfounded. I
was just about to return to work after a three month hiatus, which was used as a period
of recuperation from a total knee replacement. My son was graduating from College, my
aging parents were all having health issues and I was just started the process of allowing
Godto birth Speak Life Christian Ministries through me. My time was limited at best,
if I am honest, I really had no time to begin the journey of becoming a published
author. To be more direct and to the point I really had no desire to become a published
author at all. It was as if I was being punished. I did not wantto open some of the areas
that this book would require me to open. I did not want to revisit my past, not because I
am ashamed, but... Show more content on ...
I had to wrestle with some things, I had to have some very serious conversations with
God, and wrap my mind around Him giving me just one more thing to put my hands
to. Especially when the one more thing was not something I desired to do. I called a
great sister friend of mine to have a gripe and vent session, but as only God can, my
plan was foiled. As we began to talk about the ministry that God was birthing in me,
the why, what, when, and how of it all began to come together. We talked about the
vision of the ministry that God began planting over nine years ago. We talked about
how God had begun to put people in my path that were integral in birthing the ministry.
We also talked about how I would be required to take on roles that I had never thought
about. Finally we also talked about surrendering to the process of what God was
calling me to do. As the conversation went on I realized that my gripe and vent session
had turned into God s planning session for the ministry. As we were wrapping up our
conversation she said to me, I am going to pray that God gives you the grace for even
the more. At the time she spoke those words it did not dawn on me
Victorian And Edwardian Briti A Place Rich Of Strict...
Victorian and Edwardian Britian was a place rich of strict christianity alongside
widespread poverty which resulted with a dangerous and damaging working structure,
high rates of child mortality and a rigid and damaging class structure that was highly
focused around child labour.
The employment of children deprives them of childhood and a chance at education,
interfering with their ability to attend school and educational institutions, while mentally,
physically and emotionalling draining them. The lack of ceoncept of childhood resulted
in chiren actively participating in work as soon as they were seen competent.
Child labor interrupts a childrens cognitive development and can severly affect the
childs social development because the lack of freedom is impacting on their chance to
engage in social play and interacting with other individuals. Those who work many
hours a week are at a higher risk to develop problematic social behaviours and turn to
negative behavoirs as they age alongside poor preformance. [1]
In these times there was a lack of education, especially to the female population as it
wasn t deemed nessisary. Skills were passed down through generations as opposed to
being learnt in schools. This often lead to protests declaring that children were being
used for slavery and being stripped fo their adolescence and things that are vital for
growth and understanding. With the pressures for social reforms the victorian upperclass
then became obsessed with idea of
The Importance Of A Career
There are many decisions an individual has to make in life, and choosing a career is
one of the most important decisions he or she can make. Many people struggle with
choosing one because of various factors that must be considered before embarking on a
career path. Knowledge of self is important because, in order to successfully choose a
correct path in life, it is important for the person to know themselves and align their
personalities and abilities to what they choose to do. Individuals must set goals for
themselves in terms of what they want out of their education and careerso that they can
make informed decisions pertaining to their lives. Plans must be carefully made if
people want a successful career that they feel fulfilled with. My client, Randy, has been
through a process of learning about himself, has goals that have been, and will be,
fulfilled, and has set clear plans on what he wants out of his career. Randy is a successful
athletic trainer because he has taken the timeto plan his life out and find a job that best
matches his personality and goals.
Self Knowledge Goal A keen understanding of self is important in any important
decision, as someone must know themselves to understand what they want out of life.
Self knowledge means understanding self, including what the person is interested in,
values, likes and dislikes, and where one s priorities lie. In the interview, Randy seemed
to go through a process in which he found out about himself through
Research Paper On Modern Construction Techniques
Abstract We all know that there is drastic growth of modern trends, materials and
technologies in the global Construction Industry market. Hence, it is apprehended have a
major effect on the path construction is executed in the future. Modern Techniques for
building construction are around for greater output and operation. The main aim of
modern construction technique is boost construction productivity, efficiency, user
satisfaction, environmental performance, better quality, sustainable development and the
predictability of delivery time of project. In this paper, research proposal that has arrived
from literature review on application of modern construction techniques for improvement
of the productivity is, Conventional practices used for construction is not sufficient and
adequate or traditional techniques of construction need to upgrade according to global
world trend.
Explain Briefly The Four Conditions For Evolution By...
Evolution: SHE Task
Explain briefly the four conditions for evolution by natural selection according to Charles
1.Reproduction, organisms must reproduce in order to create a new generation
2.Heredity. The offspring must tend to resemble their parents: roughly speaking, like
must produce like .
3.Variation in individual characters among the members of the population. If we are
studying natural selection on body size, then different individuals in the population must
have different body sizes.
4.Variation in the fitness of organisms according to the state they have for a heritable
character. In evolutionary theory, fitness means the average number of offspring left by
an individual relative to the number of offspring left by an average member of the
population. This condition therefore means that individuals in the population with some
characters must be more likely to reproduce (i.e., have higher fitness) than others.
If these conditions are met for any property of a species, natural selection automatically
results. And if any are not, it does not.
Thus entities, like planets that do not reproduce, cannot evolve by natural selection;
entities that reproduce but in which parental characters are not inherited by their
offspring also cannot evolve by natural selection. But when the four conditions apply, the
... Show more content on ...
The study of chemicals found in cells, in biochemistry, allows for a deeper exploration of
the evolutionary links between humans and other organisms. Amino acid sequencing,
DNA DNA hybridization and DNA sequencing are relatively newly developed forms of
technology that have enabled a more thorough consideration of the evolutionary
relationships. Previous to these technologies, scientists such as Darwin and Wallace were
more reliant on comparative anatomy and embryology as the means of
Psychological Factors Affecting Consumers’...
Table of Contents

2. Literature review and conceptual

2.1 ThГёgersen (2000) Psychological determinants of paying attention to eco labels in

2.2 Cognitive dissonance and

2.3 New model and Research ... Show more content on ...
The aim of this paper is to investigate psychological factors that lie behind consumers
purchasing decisions of eco labelled products, and will therefore have a psychological
However, the problem will be investigated from a marketing perspective, thus the results
will be linked back to practical suggestions for marketers.
The paper starts with a literature review, then a conceptual model based on the model by
ThГёgersen (2000), cognitive dissonance theory and consumer attitudes will be presented.
Further the new model will be tested using results from empirical research. The final
section aims to identify further research in order to improve knowledge on this topic.


2. Literature review and conceptual framework

The first part of the literature review introduces the model developed by ThГёgersen
He investigates the psychological processes consumers experience in decision making
of purchasing. This paper aim to identify cognitive processes that occurs between the
consumers become aware of the label and eventually decides to make a purchase. Hence
theories of cognitive dissonance and attitudes are introduced. The last part of this section
presents a new model developed on the basis of the model developed by ThГёgersen
(2000) and the mentioned factors. 2.1 ThГёgersen (2000) Psychological determinants of
paying attention to
The Birds By Daphne Du Maurier
Survival. As a famous saying goes, Sometimes even to live can be an act of courage.
Survival is not something most Americans think of first thing in the morning. For some
humans in the world, surviving is the most difficult task to complete in their daily life;
one reason being poverty. For Nat Hocken, it isn t poverty that made it difficult for him
to survive; it is birds. Birds are known to have a predominantly positive connotation such
as innocence, beauty, gentleness, nobility, and good omen. In the story The Birds, the
author Daphne Du Mauriercreates birds that are evil, violent, ferocious, and savage
creatures that are apparently hungry for humans. Nat, living on a small farm, being
physically disabled has to survive on his... Show more content on ...
Nat also had come to recognize the fact that if the government did try to help, it
wouldn t be any use for them. The government would first help its major population in
the cities; not the ones that live in some small rural farm. As a final point, Nat was a
critical thinker. Maurier says, he decided they must sleep in the kitchen... keep up the
fire...bring down their mattresses. He had everything planned beforehand and was
always planning his next step. Nat even calculated the times when it was the most
dangerous times to go out and when it wasn t. His wisdom was the reason his family
survived for such a long period of time.
Secondly, Nat was a very observant man. Maurier says that every day at work Nat at
midday would pause his work and watch the birds (Maurier 51). An average person
could have an hour long conversation with a friend in the coffee shop, but 5 minutes
later can t remember what shirt they were wearing. This isn t a memory problem; it s
the same reason a person forgets why they just walked into the kitchen. Humans have
been accustomed to not notice such trivial things. Nat was different because he would
notice these small things. Maurier said, Jim s body laid in the yard... cows trampled
on...door...shut and bolted...close to telephone (Maurier 79) Here in front of Nat lays a
dead body that has been trampled on by cows, but he is able to pick out little details like
the door being tightly
Hateful Debates
In the current political environment, there is a growing divide between liberals and
conservatives. Across the nation, there have been frequent protest against conservative
organizations and speakers on college campuses. Earlier this year, the UCSB Student
Senate voted to allocate $5,000 to a UCSB College Republicans hosted event (Brugger
2017). This event would host Ben Shapiro, a conservative commentator. The approval of
the event led to protests that argued that the conservative commentator incited violence
and hateful speech. As a UCSB student, I got to hear the complaints that were made
against the hosting of Shapiro. Ben Shapiro, the Editor in Chief at the Daily Wire, has
often been called a racist and supporter of hate speech. He... Show more content on ...
The hateful speech that he incites is unacceptable and should not be anywhere near a
college campus. That being said, I wholeheartedly support freedom of speech as a
constitutional right of all individuals in the United States. College should be a place
where students have an opportunity to listen to diverse opinions and make educated
decision on what to support. Yes, there are going to be situations where students are faced
with ideas that are completely contradictory to what they believe in. However, in my
opinion, that is better position than allowing the university or institution to decide what is
and is not acceptable language on campus. An uncensored campus is a better place for
everyone involved. In this instance, I would have allowed the event the continue as
planned, but I would have maintained an extremely short leash on Shapiro. The second
he starts inciting any sort of unacceptable and unsafe language, I would immediately
have the event shutdown and have him removed from the UCSB premises. In terms of
the class material, the event likely incites macroaggression that have racist
connotations. The speaker is using his right to freedom of speech as an avenue to spew
his hateful and racist remarks. He was allowed to hide under the guise of freedom of
speech to speak at the UCSB hosted
Why the 2014 FIFA World Cup Should Not Take Place in...
Since it began in 1930, the FIFA World Cup has been the largest single event sports
competition in the world. Every four years FIFA, the FГ©dГ©ration International de
Football Association, calls upon thirty two of the world s greatest soccer teams to
compete in the stadiums of the host country. In addition to having one of the top
competing teams, Brazilwill also be hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The 31 day
tournament begins in Sao Paulo on June 12th and ends with the championship match in
Rio de Janeiro on July 13th. In recent months Brazil has been busy preparing to host the
tournament in twelve brand new stadiums around the nation. The World Cup will cost
Brazil an estimated fourteen billion dollars, an amount that continues to... Show more
content on ...
Since this change there has been a significant increase in drug related offences, a
problem that the public health department has been unable to control. The parties and
the festivities of the World Cup will be sure to increase illegal drug sales and
consumption, without the funding to keep the issue under control. The money the
nation is giving to FIFA for the World Cup could be used to better train law
enforcement officials and establish security programs that would keep citizens safe.
Brazil has become a nation that cannot provide the proper security for its citizens, but is
quick to hand over 3.5 billion dollars to refurbish sports stadiums. Law enforcement and
police training aren t the only areas where Brazil is lacking an education. Brazil was
ranked 53rd in an international study of education systems, an accurate placing due to
the amount of children receiving a low level education, or no education at all. In the
poorer regions of Brazil, children receive a lower level of education due to the lack of
amenities and resources. Children in wealthier cities receive much better schooling
because the education system is based on the area the students live in. This inequality
causes some children to feel like school isn t worth their time, and instead spend their
days at home or working in a child labor job. Attendance issues have been a result of
poverty, many malnourished children don t attend school because it is difficult for them
to adjust
All miniature pigs, micro pigs, Viennese potbellied pigs or teacup pigs are a type of
breed that was developed for either medical research or used as a pet. Minipig has
become an acceptable term that is used to distinguish the difference between livestock
swine and smaller breeds such as potbellied pigs or Juliana pigs. Miniature pigs have
become incredibly popular as pets in the United States.
There are at least 14 different pure breeds of miniature pigs, not including mixed
breeds. The 14 pure breeds are juliana, mulefoot hog, Ossabaw island hog, American
guinea hog, kunekune, meishan, yucatan, pot bellied, gottengin mini, and handford mini
swine. Some of these breeds being exotic or rare and others are more common. These
miniature breeds are often bred together to produce the best quality for pets. Besides
breeds specialized for food production, smaller sized breeds (miniature and micro pigs)
with certain characteristics such as cognitive ability, obedience, and friendly nature have
also been selected for the purpose ... Show more content on ...
Stated by the Evidence of GMO harm in pig study, GM fed females have on average a
25% heavier uterus than non GM fed females, a possible indicator of disease that
requires further investigation. Also, the level of severe inflammation in stomachs was
markedly higher in pigs fed on the GM diet. The research results were striking and
statistically significant (Gmojudycarman). New studies have led to scientific credibility
to anecdotal evidence from farmers and veterinarians who have reported reproductive
and digestive problems in pigs on the diet containing GM soy and corn. Some farmers
have even spoke up to the GM crops executive stating that they have noticed with feeding
their livestock with GM crops have noticed increasing digestive and reproductive
problems in
Dual Perspective Analysis
1.Something I learned in this course is that I always seem to find myself in dual
perspective. I actually did not know there was even a word for this, because as the
textbook stated is appears to be innate in humans. However, I have encountered others
who think with a closed mind or egocentrically and I find it to be very damaging to
their interpersonal relationships, and a drag of someone to talk to. When I engage in
dual perspective I am learning from my point of view, but also from someone else s
point of view. They too are showing me how and why to understand something in a
different light.

2.I noticed that I use an identity script when I talk too! I had thought about this concept
prior, but I had not viewed it as an identity script. ... Show more content on ...
When using generalizations in discussion with one another I do believe it gives us both
many opportunities and many limitations. One opportunity is that we can use
generalizations in conversation with the generalized other and with the particular other.
When communicating with the particular other I find myself questioning generalizations
much more often because I care and it is my job as a loved one to make sure I am
communicating effectively, and that is hard to do using generalizations. However, at the
same time we can have a subjective or unclear conversation and still fill fulfilled from the
conversation in some aspect because we got to interact with one another. When
communicating with the generalized other, we can use generalizations just to start or
keep the conversation going. Another benefit to generalizations is that you can find
almost anybody to talk to, given you know them somewhat, and form a better relationship
through conversation. This may be stereotyping, but I feel as if that is how we identify
who we may become interested in or become friends with. However, generalizations do
have their limitations. When we generalize someone else s communication we are not
getting the full story and that can lead to misunderstandings in future conversations and
even misunderstandings of who they are. Moreover, our culture, race, gender, sexual
orientation, socioeconomic class and so forth determine much of whom we are and what
our thought process and communication style is like. So when we are talking to someone
of a different background we may be using these instant generalizations, but shouldn t
because this is an opportunity to learn from and understand one another. Generalizations
assume that we all think and communicate the same way and that is very much false and
the less we generalize the more we learn about the world around
How Has Apollo 13 Changed
Apollo 13 was the seventh mission in the Apollo program, and the third designed to
bring man to the moon. However, the mission was aborted after a catastrophic oxygen
tank explosion left the crew without little heat, potable water, and an increasing level of
carbon dioxide in the cabin. Despite the challenges faced, the crew managed to return
safely to earth, with careful guidance of the ground crew, on April 17, 1970. On April
11, 1970, Apollo 13was launched from the Kennedy Space Center. After launch,
variations in engine start time caused the spacecraft to deviate from its planned
trajectory. Despite this, however, Apollo 13 made its way into orbit after approximately
two and a half hours. At approximately hour 56, an overheated fan in the oxygentank
number two caused the liquid oxygen in the tank to boil faster than the safety valve could
release it, resulting in the tank exploding. Shrapnel from the tank number two explosion
damaged vital components on... Show more content on ...
First and foremost, an isolated oxygen tank was installed on all future ships, used only
to supply the crew with oxygen to breathe. In addition, all shared oxygen tanks (tanks
used for both breathing and running fuel cells) were isolated from each other, to
prevent a cascading decrease in pressure in the event of a single tank failure. Next,
filters and fan wiring were removed from inside the tank itself and placed on an
external line. The insulation on tank electrical components was changed from teflon to
stainless steel sheathed magnesium oxide. Additionally, a 400 amp hour battery was to
be installed on the landing module to decrease the need for power rationing. Finally,
bottled/bagged water was placed inside the cabin of the spacecraft (whereas on Apollo
13 it was located only in the landing module), to provide the crew with drinking water
even in the event of a total failure of the fuel
Implement Best Tips Of Pest Control Islington
Implement best tips of Pest control Islington
Pests can interrupt your peaceful life to a great extent and thus you should make
necessary arrangements so that they can be easily eliminated. Pest control Islington is
a great specimen for all as you will be able to learn a lot of valuable tips for controlling
pests. Harborage, Water and food are the most vital things that are common for almost all
kinds of pests.
By means of discouraging pest activities, the attacks of pests can be controlled for sure
and it can be easily done by implementing varied essential tips. You can ask any expert
in order to learn about these tips in details. Make sure that the tips can be easily
implemented so that you can get rid of the pests in your house as soon as possible. The
currently updated reviews on Pest control Islington are really very much helpful in this
Vital tips for controlling pests
Roof leaks are to be inspected in details so that the bests of pests can be found out.
Downspouts and utters are to be maintained properly and on the other hand pipes and
splash blocks also need to be repaired.
Standing water should be avoided like anything as it gives birth to different kinds of
harmful pests like flies, mosquitoes and others. Rain waters are not allowed to get stored
at one place since a long time.
The bushes or shrubs need to be pruned properly so that effective air circulation can be
invited as a result of which pest infestation can be prevented.
Value Stream Mapping
Value Stream Mapping
Prof. N.Raghavan

Value Stream Mapping (VSM)


Value: What the Client wants from the process

Value stream: Includes all the processes and activities used to design, produce and
deliver the product or service to the Client. All the steps
both value added and non value added required to take a product or service from its
raw materials state into the waiting arms of a happy customer. Value Stream Map:
Special type of flow chart that uses symbols from the Language of Lean to depict and
improve the flow of inventory and information. Typ. VSM

Value Stream
Whenever there is a product for a customer, there is a value stream. The challenge lies in
seeing it. Learning ... Show more content on ...
Create a Future State Value Stream
Now that we have a better understanding of the current state of affairs, we are ready to
draw a picture of how we would like things to look in the future.
Typically, as an example, we aim to make things flow and reduce the amount of inventory
or waiting in between steps.
It s at this point that we can create an ideal work process.

Create an Action Plan

Now that we know how things are working today and how we would like to see them
working in the future it s time to form a plan.
There are a variety of templates available for this. We should know exactly what needs to
happen and when it needs to happen.
In short, we form the plan... then execute the plan!

VSM procedures

For making the improvements, some examples:

Use Work (Time, Motion, ..) studies to identify NVAs eliminate them
Modularisation / Standardisation
Design changes to improve Constructability
Off site fabrication and assembly
Reducing Batch size E.g., going in for multiple smaller batching plants in the site to
enhance flexibility in delivery of concrete mix.
Bringing closely interconnected operations (E.g. Formwork, reinforcement and
concreting) under supervision of one agency
Implementing pull system through Kanban Cards (E.g. Block work, formwork etc) for
better control on inventory management at the central storage yard, smooth logistics
within site and for avoiding
Immigration Laws Affect America
The Immigration Ban and How it Will Affect America

On January 20th, 2017, Donald J. Trump was inaugurated and became the official 45th
President of the United States. A mere seven days later, and the country is already tearing
at the seams. January 27th, 2017 marks the day that the world stopped spinning for a
multitude Muslim immigrants. It marks the day that the immigration ban was signed,
prohibiting citizens from seven countries of a large Islamic populace (Yemen, Sudan,
Iraq, Syria, Iran, Somalia, and Libya) from entering America for a period of 90 days.On
top of that, the U.S. refugee program was suspended for an extra 30 days in hopes of
preventing terrorists from entering the country. This ban will be detrimental to not only
America s ... Show more content on ...
Rallies, riots, and protests have been springing up even outside of the U.S. Former
president Barack Obama has already spoken out against the immigration ban recently put
into place. In his final official speech as President, he spoke about the important role of
citizen[s] and how all Americans have a responsibility to be guardians of our
democracy― not just during an election but every day, said Obama s spokesman
Kevin Lewis, quoted in a 2017 NPR article. Not only that, but according to a 2017
New York Times article, the immigration ban is illegal. Over 50 years ago, Congress
outlawed discrimination against immigrants based on national origin. In 1924, after the
troubles relating to the Asiatic Barred Zone, Congress created a comprehensive national
origins system. Trump, in defense, quoted a 1952 law allowing the president the ability
to suspend the entry of any class of aliens, which was restricted in 1965, something our
president should know if he s going to run the country for four years. Donald Trump, by
doing this, is violating the beliefs of the Philosophes, i.e. Voltaire, Rousseau, and Locke.
He does so by ignoring religious tolerance, and by violating the Constitution and natural
rights. Donald Trump is not only lacking knowledge on the Constitution and American
laws, but he is also putting out country at risk by placing this ban in order. On the
contrary, Trump is doing so with best
Bernard In Brave New World
Linda dies shortly after John arrives at the hospital. He is completely grief stricken,
but, in this new society, death is as important as sex, and no one understands why he s
so upset. Between his mom dying and almost getting raped by Lenina he seeks out an
escape. He finds a group of Deltas waiting for their daily dose of Soma, and he gets
caught up in a riot. Bernard and Helmholtz find him right before the police show up.
The police give the Deltas some Soma, and arrest Bernard, Helmholtz, and John.
Bernard is a turncoat and tries to place the blame on the other two men, but this has the
opposite effect and he s taken away. Mustapha convinces Helmholtz that the island is the
best place for him because he will be surrounded by like
Euthanasia Programs of Nazi Germany Essay
On the first of September, 1939 World War II began. Hitler is in power of Nazi
Germany and is wanting to cleanse the German people of racially unsound elements. He
enacts a program that will aim to eliminate the so called lives unworthy of life called the
T4 program (History Place). Over the next six years throughout Germany, many people
are experimenting with and euthanized to help Nazi Germanyreach a pure state. Was this
program that was enacted ethical and what has happened since then to stop something
like this from happening again? What kind of medical advances and data did we
achieve from it and is it ethical today to use what they learned in today s medical trials?
The T4 program was not the beginning of Germany s... Show more content on ...
Through the implementation of the law an estimated 350,000 people were sterilized
between the years of 1933 and 1939. The shortage of labor helped attribute to the
decline where they would deem you useful if you were able to work and thus were
exempted from the law from 1933. The war has started and hospital space that was
being used by the sick and disabled was needed for wounded soldiers from the war.
They did not want to have to feed and sustain those that were not useful to the war
efforts. Hitler, because of this problem started to endorse the usage of mercy killing of
people that were sick or disabled. (History Place) This is how the T4 program came
around and even though it was signed in October of 1939 Hitler backdated the
document to September to make it look that it was a wartime measure. The program
was coordinated by fifty physicians that volunteered to do the killings. The main
headquarters for this program was located in a villa in Berlin located at number 4
Tiergarten Street thus the name T4. (Georgetown) The program operated the same as the
Law for the Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases but also would include those
that were in institutions for more than five years, were criminally insane, or did not
possess German citizenship. (History Place) The way the program would work is they
sent out questionnaires out to mental institutions, hospitals and other institutions caring
for the chronically ill. (History Place) Based
Most Exponential Problem
Three problems i ve been having lately is a work school balance, seeing friends, and
health. My health has been an exponential problem the older i get. To be specific; my
knees are deformed in combination with having spaghetti noodles for tendons, they
dislocate often. I also had to have spinal fusion surgery, I cannot twist my torso cannot
lift much weight. On top of that i have a history of spontaneously fainting. These are
problems because it makes it difficult to hold a job, it s embarrassing and expensive to
have an ambulance called for you so often, doctors say my healthwould improve if i
exercised yet i can t exercise because of my health. The alternatives to combat this i ve
tried are to warn people such as professors and bosses not
The Glass ( Container )
Bismillah irrahman irraheem
Allahu nooru assamawati wal ardi, mathalu noorihi kamishkatin feeha misbahun,
almisbahu fee zujajatin, azzujajatu ka annaha kawkabun durriyyun, yooqadu min
shajaratin mubarakatin, zaytoonatin la sharqiyyatin wala gharbiyyatin, yakadu zaytuha
yudhee u walaw lam tamsashu narun, noorun Aala noorin, yahdee Allahu linoorihi man
yasha u, wayadhribu Allahu al amthala linnasi, waAllahu bikulli shay in Aaleemun (35)
I seek refuge with Allah from the stoned Shaitan
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth. The similarity of His Light is as a Slot,
inside which is a Lamp. The Lamp is inside a glass (container). The glass (container) is
as a bright planet. (The ... Show more content on ...
(The example of God s Light is like a lamp in a niche, a recess in a wall).
Scupin, (2003) went further to argue that Ibn Massa oud, May Allah be pleased with
him, alleged that the luminosity of God s Face lights (gives luminosity to) the Throne
everlastingly. As He lives higher than the Universe and their astrophysical systems, the
incident of day or night does not live, and there is no requisite for any luminosity above
and beyond His Luminosity, honor to Him in His Highness. The Luminosity is in a glass
(container) (as the glass container brightens the luminosity, like the electric bulb in our
time does). The glass (container) is similar to a brilliant earth (as a result of having the
lamp luminosity inside it).
(The luminosity of the lamp) is fashioned by fire commencing a sacred olive tree (oil),
(The olive tree has been honored by being talked about in the Holy Quran, as in this
Verse and in Surat Al Teen (Chapter 95). It is a sacred tree for the numerous benefits it
supply inhabitants with, such as oil for food preparation, illumination, messaging skin,
and nourishing hair roots. Its beans are also tasty after processing. Finally, the bean
seeds are used as wood for food preparation and heating purposes).
Which is neither of the east nor of the west, (which is in the middle of the olive grove
but in a clear distance from all other trees, so it can receive the sun luminosity all day,
thus enabling it to produce the best and brightest oil?

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