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500 Word Essay On Responsibility

Embarking on the journey of crafting a 500-word essay on responsibility may initially seem like a
straightforward task, but delving into the intricacies of the topic unveils the complexity that lies
beneath the surface. Responsibility, a concept woven into the fabric of human existence, demands a
nuanced exploration that transcends mere definition and delves into its multifaceted dimensions.

To begin with, one must grapple with the challenge of defining responsibility itself. It's not a term
confined to a singular interpretation; rather, it encompasses a spectrum of meanings. Is it about being
accountable for one's actions, or does it extend to societal obligations and ethical considerations?
Navigating through these nuances requires a delicate balance, as the essayist must avoid
oversimplification without drowning the reader in a sea of abstract concepts.

The task becomes even more formidable when attempting to strike a harmonious chord between
personal and collective responsibility. Does individual agency hold the key to societal progress, or is
there an intricate dance between personal choices and broader communal obligations? Here, the
writer treads the fine line between generalizations and specific examples, aiming to create a narrative
that resonates universally while acknowledging the idiosyncrasies of individual experiences.

Moreover, the challenge lies not only in defining responsibility but also in dissecting its implications
across diverse contexts. Responsibilities in the workplace differ from those within familial bonds,
and societal expectations may clash with personal values. Navigating this intricate web requires a
keen understanding of the contextual nature of responsibility, demanding an acute awareness of the
various hats individuals wear in their daily lives.

Furthermore, crafting a coherent narrative within the constraints of a 500-word limit necessitates the
art of succinct expression. Every word becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of the essay, requiring
thoughtful consideration to convey complex ideas concisely. Striking this balance is a tightrope walk,
where the writer must ensure depth of thought without sacrificing clarity or brevity.

In conclusion, the task of writing a 500-word essay on responsibility is no simple feat. It demands a
nuanced understanding of the concept, an adept weaving of personal and collective dimensions, an
exploration of diverse contexts, and the art of concise expression. As the writer navigates this
challenging terrain, the ultimate goal is not merely to fulfill a word count but to provoke thought,
inspire reflection, and convey the profound significance of embracing responsibility in its myriad

For those seeking assistance in crafting similar essays or exploring a myriad of topics, a valuable
resource is available at Expert writers stand ready to lend their expertise, ensuring
that the nuances of responsibility, or any other subject, are articulated with finesse and clarity.
500 Word Essay On Responsibility 500 Word Essay On Responsibility
Comparison Of Shirley Hutchinson And The Lottery
Compare and Contrast Essay

To start, the theme I chose for these two articles that we will be comparing and
contrasting is standing up for what is right may not be the easiest path. This means that
when you are thinking about standing up for someone and no one else starts to, it may
be hard for you to start standing up for someone. In The Lottery Tessie Hutchinson and
her family live in a town that do this thing called the lottery, but you don t win any
money during this lottery , you get the prize of death. In First They Came... Martin
Niemoller expresses his point of view on how he did not speak out for people in
danger, when he should have. I chose this theme, because in both The Lottery by
Shirley Jackson and First They Came... by Martin Niemoller there are some people
that could have stood up for each other but no one around them did so they didn t want
to. These two articles are alike, because people die in both of these events . This shows
that in First They Came and The Lottery that people in the village or different groups
of people were too afraid of standing up for Tessie, or the Socialists, Trade Unionists, or
the Jews. On one hand, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is a fictional short story about
well the lottery, but it is not the lottery that you think of when you hear that word. The
Claim of this essay is standing up for what is right may not be the easiest path.
Evidence that supports this claim is Suddenly, Tessie Hutchinson shouted to Mr.
Summers, You didn t give him enough time to take any paper he wanted. I saw you. It
wasn t fair! This quote means that Tessie Hutchinson was trying to stand up for her
husband Bill Hutchinson. However, after she does this the crowd goes after her telling
her Be a good sport, Tessie Mrs. Delacroix called, and Mrs. Graves said All of us took the
same chance shut up, Tessie Bill Hutchinson said . This means Tessie tried to stand up
for her husband and it clearly was not easy. I think we ought to start over, Mrs.
Hutchinson said, as quietly as she could I tell you it wasn t fair. You didn t give him
enough time to choose. Everybody saw that This quote means that Tessie was still trying
to stand up for her family and no one listened
I Believe Act Utilitarianism Is The Strongest Ethical Theory
Philosophy is one of the most interesting subjects. Many people assume and confuse it
with psychology. Philosophy is completely different from psychology. Psychology is how
a person feels about a topic, while philosophy is how you ought to feel about the topic.
The purpose of philosophy is to understand an argument, not emotional, but logically.
Only by truly understanding an argument, one can improve his/her thinking. Within
philosophy, there are many ethical theories. Such theories include: the Divine
Command Theory, Hedonism, Desire Theory, Ethical Relativism, and much more. In
this term paper, I will discuss which theory I believe is the strongest and which theory
I believe is the weakest. Regardless, there is no perfect theory. Each theory has their
own flaws. I believe act utilitarianism is the strongest ethical theory presented in class.
According to Russ Shafer Landau, act utilitarianism is when acts are right just because
they maximize the overall amount of well being in the world . On the other hand,
actions are wrong if they do not maximize the overall amount of well being in the world.
Because the main concept of utilitarianism is to improve the overall well being, that
concept determines which actions are considered right or wrong. Act utilitarianism is a
part of a family of theories that are similar to consequentialism and utilitarianism (neither
act nor rule utilitarianism). This family of theories are all similar in a way that the main
idea is to improve
Rap Music And Its Effects On Society
Who some call the call the godfather of rap, Eazy E, once said, Who gave it that title,
gangsta rap? It s reality rap. It s about what s really going on. There has been a great
injustice done to the form of expression called rap. In essence rap is just lyrics over a
basic beat or rhythm. Many members of society today assume that rap is a dangerous
and violent influence, however what they seem to be ignorant of is the fact that rap
music is actually beneficial. The majority of the world we live in today has unjustly
classified rap as a barbaric form of music, unfit for any decent human to listen to, but
the reality of the situation is, that people simply cannot accept the culture known as
rap into society. Nowadays, rappers such as Kanye, Soulja Boi, and Wiz Khalifa are
receiving much criticism about the way they portray their hoodlum lifestyle or the way
they encourage violence through their music, when in actuality they are venting about
the unfair circumstances society has forced them into. Listening to rap music and it s
positive vibes is in fact beneficial based on evidence which shows that consumption of
rap music not only assists the listener in several ways, but also aids the rapper. The
form of music that we know as rap is heavily influenced by earlier African American
music forms. Modern day rap, originates from it s previous form of gangsta rap. Gangsta
rap is an extremely controversial form of music, even to this day, people argue about
how safe it is
Homeless Persuasive Letter
I am Lance Corporal Josiah Freeman. I live in Oklahoma City and the reason why I
am sending this letter is because the number of homeless people in Oklahoma City is
unacceptable and must be fixed. People should not have to live on the streets because
it is unhealthy and can lead to mental health issues. The homeless shelters are
constantly bombarded with hundreds of hungry and hopeless people every night.
Seeing the streets flooded with homeless people has been a sore sight for Oklahoma
City and has been for a long time. The city should build more homeless shelters to help
people get back on their feet, because no one should have to live on the streets and feel
like a second class citizen. No one should have to live on the streets, it is not healthy,
physically or emotionally. Being homeless can be very stressful and can lead to mental
health issues causing people to make poor decisions to be able to survive. People will
constantly get into some sort of trouble so they can be arrested and go to jail just so they
can sleep in a bed or be given food because if the shelters are full the only other place that
offers free food and a bed is the county jail. Just by providing a... Show more content on ...
Homeless people have to wait in line all day for them to open so they can get a spot
before they are too full. This can be a problem for many people because if the shelters
are full they have to start looking for somewhere else to sleep which can be bad
because anyone who lives in Oklahoma knows the weather can change in a drop of a
hat and can put many people in desperate situations to find shelter. Such as breaking
into someone s car or an abandoned house and if they are caught they will most likely
end up going to jail. One way to help with this problem is building more shelters to
house people. Currently there are not enough shelters in Oklahoma and in order to
reduce the number of homeless people in the State we need to add
How The Muscle Car Changed America
American muscle cars paved the way for modern super cars. Muscle cars were high
performance cars with big engines that were made to go fast. America fell in love with
them and they quickly became the most popular cars of their time. These cars would
go on to shape the future of all performance cars even to this day. Not only did early
muscle cars make drag racing popular, but they also they shaped the future of high
performance cars. The first ever muscle car was the 1966 Pontiac GTO. The Pontiac
GTO called The Great One this car would begin an era like no other in American car
history. This was the first high performance American car to hit the market. It came with
a big engine and a light body, built for the enjoyment of the speed loving youth. The car
came with an eight cylinder motor that... Show more content on ...
They inspired people to go fast and gave America a passion for speedy and flashy cars.
They changed the way we look at cars. They changed the way cars were built. Muscle
cars changed America. Without muscle cars America wouldn t be the same at all in
any way. Muscle cars gave America its passion for cars. A passion that is still around
to this day. The flashiness and speed that men from the 60s fell in love with has been
passed down from generation from generation. In the 60s everyone dreamed of having
the fastest car at the drag strip today many people share that same dream. People today
are always looking to upgrade looks and performance, muscle cars started all that.
Muscle cars changed the way cars were built. Muscle cars were the first cars to have
big high performance motors in them. Many cars today have large motors with high
horse power output. The muscle car was the first of its kind. Many of the most well
known cars have large motors for high performance. The entire concept of muscle cars it
what really stuck with Americans and that concept is applied to most cars
Benefits Of Justicia Adhatoda
Justicia adhatoda is a medicinal plant native to Asia. It is widely used in Ayurvedic and
Unani medicines. Its leaves contain most of its alkaloid content. Alkaloids extracted from
its leaves are used in various drugs. Considering its medicinal importance and high
antioxidant content, Justicia adhatoda was chosen for this study and estimation of total
antioxidant content, phenolics and activities of enzymes catalase and ascorbate
peroxidase was conducted on the leaf samples of the plant.

Keywords: Justicia adhatoda, antioxidant enzymes, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase,


Justicia adhatoda, previously called as Adhatoda vasica, is an evergreen, perennial
plant belonging to the family Acanthaceae. It is more commonly known by its
regional names, Arusha, Vasaka or Malabar nut. It has a very unpleasant smell and a
bitter taste and may be toxic to some cattle and other smaller domestic animals. Justicia
adhatoda is a highly branched shrub which can grow up to a height of 2.5 meters. It
has lance shaped leaves which are arranged opposite to each other. It has white or pink
coloured flowers (Patel and Venkata Krishna Bhatt, 1984) and the inflorescence has large
and dense axillary spikes. Fruits of Justicia adhatoda are pubescent and have club shaped
capsules. ... Show more content on ...
Many studies have been previously conducted to determine and estimate the presence of
phytochemicals and alkaloids which are of medicinal importance and can be used for
the development of drugs. Vasicine and vascinone are two major alkaloids extracted
from this plant and have been used in many drugs, the most common drug being Vasaka.
Vasaka is very effective in the treatment of bronchitis. Another drug, Bisolven, made
using Vasaka as an ingredient is used to treat respiratory conditions as it is effective in
clearing the mucous and opening
Nike Brand equity
IntroductionNike Corporation was incorporated in 1968. In their thirty four year history,
Nike has primarily been in the business of designing, developing, and marketing athletic
footwear, attire, equipment and accessories, Р° lot of companies go out on a limb when
it comes to business decision or management strategies with Nike Corporation. Nike is
Р° powerful company. Nike Corporation is a well managed company in Р° striking
industry, the company has a strong brandimage, and they are effectively capturing the
value shaped from their savings. Modern superior ways to make products are significant
in today s Apparel companies, both to be efficient and to be able to make hi tech
products. Nike is dependent upon high technology in their effort... Show more content on ...
The companies also have manufacturing contracts with manufacturers in countries that do
not have as many requirements for conditions of work environment and others that
increase costs. Also because of the process is labour concentrated, the manufacturing
takes place where labour is cheap. Nike is trying to increase their international presence.
On line store is an important factor in the presence of Nike Corporation; the company
believes it is vital to run on line operation. (Peters 2005 3 6)Nike despite popular belief
the very good thing about them is that the company is aware of their social responsibility,
and donated million of cash and products to different charitable organizations. In addition
to their contributions they have also developed Р° labour practices department, which
pays close attention to Р° labour practice of third world countries in which it produces.
Even though they are charitable organization they have not forgotten to be
environmentally aware, with the introduction of Р° environmental concern showing
consumers that they have a heart. Because of the Nike growth they are an advantageous
position in the market. This can also be attributed to their market share leadership, wide
product selection, and stronger name recognition. (Peters 2005 3 6)Brand loyaltyBrand
faithfulness is the major success of any company and Nike has managed faithfulness with
the customers now for Р° long. There are
Joining The Military
Once upon a time their were to young kids named Roberto and Guadalupe. They came
from humble homes but they had big dreams. They had heard that attending the military
gave many benefits. They were interested in joining the military because the military
pays for your college if you serve enough time. They also heard about a program in their
high school called JROTC. They found out that if they attended the program for three
years they could get payed more if they joined the militaryafter high school. Eventually
they realized their parents did not have enough money to pay for their college funds, so
they decided to join JROTC so they could get payed more once they got to the military,
and so they could attend college after their time in the military. In this program they had
to do drills, physical training, and focus on their academics. They loved everything in the
class including the teachers, students, drills, and even their physical training. The only
factor they disliked about the class was the senior cadets. They disliked them because...
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They eventually learn how to get on the senior cadets good side, but they were still
unhappy with the way they were being treated by the senior cadets, but one day on a
casual day of JROTC major Stephens announces that the army is recruiting cadets to
serve in the military to later attend college. Roberto, Guadalupe and lieutenant hutchins (
one of the meanest superior cadets) were the first to sign up. Months go by and before
they know it they are in military boot camp. Roberto, Guadalupe, and ex lieutenant
hutchins are the only cadet from ROTC who actually joined the military. In the army
lieutenant hutchins was having trouble listen to our superior cadets because she was
used to giving orders in ROTC. In the military Roberto, Guadalupe, and hutchins were
regular soldiers but with higher pay due to their time they served in
What Is The Role Of Women s Duty During Ww2
According to government records, there were 22,000 women in uniform when World
War II ended and there were some 120,000 on active duty during the Korean War.
Roughly one third of them were health care providers. Female patriots volunteered for
service in the Women s Army Corps (WAC), Women in the Air Force (WAF), Women
Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service of Navy Women s Reserves (WAVES), and
Women Marines. Those who were medical personnel served in Korea in Mobile Army
Surgical Hospitals (MASH units), onboard hospital ships, in MEDEVAC aircraft, and in
hospitals in Japan, Hawaii, and the USA that were receiving the wounded from Korea.
In June 1950 there was only one Army nurse (Capt. Viola B. McConnell) on duty in
Korea. By August
Strengths Of Nike
Nike+ has much strength that differentiates it from its competition. In example, the main
strength of Nike+ is that it is the first of its kind. Prior to the Nike+, runners used several
devices to calculate their time, heart rate, and calories burned which were often
cumbersome to runners and caused hassle and inaccuracies. In addition, they did not
have the amount of features existent in the Nike+/iPod Nano combination which allows a
runner to listen to music and receive running statistics (calories burned, time elapsed,
distance run, etc.). In addition to Nike+ s features, a runner may also customize their
own workout. Through this functionality, the runner may sync certain music for different
points in their workout to serve as motivation. Additionally, the consumer may also plug
their results into iTunes and share specific songs with friends and family. Because this
product is the first of its kind, it fills an empty market. In summary, this product is
unique, convenient, and technologically advanced.
Another strength that the product has is its coalition with the iPod. Although the Nike+
and the iPod are sold separately, a very strong partnership has been developed between
the two. Nike, as well as Apple, has a very strong reputation with its customers as ...
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Although the product is already exceedingly advanced in technology, it still has room
for advancement. To illustrate, the Nike+ is paving the way for exercise criteria
devices. The product can not only advance with its developments but it can advance with
its use. In addition to being used for running, it can advance into other sports and uses as
well. Because the brand is extremely popular among our targeted segments, there are also
opportunities to expand the brand to newer models, clothing apparel lines, and other
accessories such as
Women Should Not Go Into Combat
This debate on whether women should be in military combat roles or not, has no in
between, one either believes women should go into combat or one believes women
should not go into combat. The two extremes sides of this argument offer numerous
reasoning as to why they stand with their beliefs but the reasons which make a valid
argument are as follows. For the positive side which believes women should go into
combat, say that this decision should be dependent on a person s skills and abilities to
perform under these condition rather than their genderidentity. Aside from this, there
have been many recent developments in warfare technologies which accommodate to
females bodies and many of these women can meet the physical and mental standards that
are required for combat fighting.
Moreover, the negative side argues that women are not as physically or mentally capable
when compared to men. Also that their weakness will have a significant impact on them
as a person but as well as the military in general. Stating that there are no modifications
in actual combat, where there can be in training settings. Those opposed to women in the
military also mention that there is the possibility of sexual assault within the infantry

Emotional and Mental Stability

With background information on the history and the constantly changing policies, you
see that the debate over this issue leans towards the negative side, where women should
not be in combat. Yet, with all this
Theme Of Blackberry Picking By Seamus Heaney
Seamus Heaney s Blackberry Picking, recounts a journey that starts with the luscious
taste of a blackberry, sparking a lust (Line 7) in the speaker to go pick more.
Nevertheless, such a journey is ended with the cache (Line 19) of blackberries rotting,
yet he still continuously picks more every year with the same outcome, giving a false
sense of hope to the speaker. Heaney can convey a strong image of what it s like to
pick blackberries, and he can also portray the personal feelings of the entire experience
through his use of sensory language and strong imagery. The language Heaney uses, in
Blackberry Picking , expresses the intimacy the speaker has with the taste of the
blackberries, producing a visual bond with the characteristics of the berry. Heaney uses
seductive language, such as describing the taste as thickened wine (Line 6) enough to
give a sensation of lust (Line 7) for wanting to pick more. The blackberries are innate
with summer s blood (Line 6) which stains (Line 7) the mouth with... Show more content
on ...
It starts off with, our palms sticky as Bluebeard s (Line 16), a reference that is
naturally negative, since the use of Bluebeard as a descriptive word for the stickiness
gushing out from the blackberries will only entail an undesirable outcome. Soon after
the speaker brings the fresh berries in the byre (Line 17), does he witness the tragic
sight of fur (Line 18) growing all over the berries. Additionally, there are several sensory
stimulating phrases rat grey fungus , sweet flesh would turn sour , canfuls smelt of rot ,
fruit fermented which are used to convey the horror that emanates from the berries.
These phrases powerfully communicate a strong feeling of disgust, accompanied by an
even stronger feeling of disappointment. The long journey of picking the ripen dark
blobs (Line 14) from the patches, is wasted in the end due to the rotten
The Works Of Francisco De Goya
Francisco de Goya was born in 1746 in the village of Fuendetodos in Aragon. He
started studying painting before the age of 14. Goya lived in Spain during the French
occupation in 1808 that led to the Peninsular War of 1808 1814;therefore, the war
changed Goya s paints pallet from bright colors to dark colors. Goya painted the
struggle the Spanish people went through. For instance, he painted The Third of May
and The Disaster of The War series. Goya also suffered from a severe and undiagnosed
illness in ,1793, which left him completely deaf. This was another reason leading to his
darker paintings. Also Josefa s death affected Goya s painting, while he was mentally
and emotionally processing the war by painting the Second of May, 1808 and... Show
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Goya s painted a man who is about to be shot, men who have just been shot, and line of
men who are about to be shot. Goya makes us see the Spanish people s faces, and their
emotions, to make us have empathy. In the other hand, the solders lined up with their
backs toward us leave us with no feeling for them. Saturn Devouring His Son is another
painting by Goya. It was painted from 1819 to 1823. According to the traditional
interpretation, it depicts the Greek myth of the Titan Cronus . Saturn Devouring His
Son is one of Goya s darkest paintings. It was painted directly onto the wall of his
house. The painting is about Saturn, the God of time, who was told that one of his
sons will dethrone him. In order to prevent that Saturn devoured his children as they
were born, but Jupiter escaped so Saturn in the end was dethroned and couldn t escape.
This terrifying story is depicted in a horrific way in this painting. We can see the
horror in Saturn s eyes as he pulls his son s arm into his mouth. He is trying to seek
revenge, and tells us that no one can take away what he has. Also Saturn s facial
expression gives us the feeling that Saturn knows that he is not doing the right thing, so
he tries to do it as quickly as possible, he is trying not to listen to his heart, but to listen
to his head only. Although this is his son, he thinks he shouldn t feel sorry for him
The Human Genome Project Research
Human Genome Project Research Paper
Research Leading Up to the Human Genome Project
Many genetic studies leading up to the start of the human genome project include some
of the first research done on the structure of human DNA: In 1952, Rosalind Franklin
created Photograph 51 using X ray crystallography: the first evidence of DNA s helical
structure. Using this evidence, in 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick were the first
to model the true structure of DNA as a double helix with sugars and phosphates
forming the backbone and the base pairs A T and C G pointing inward to the center.
They also showed in their model that the base pairs are connected by hydrogen bonds
and that the two strands of DNA run in opposite directions but are parallel (Genome
unlocking life s...).
Following the discovery of DNA s structure, the research possibilities that could be
conducted on the DNA that makes up all of life was endless. In 1961, the genetic code
for protein synthesis was discovered by Marshall Nirenberg. Also in 1977, Frederick
Sanger developed the rapid DNA sequencing technique to determine the bases order in
a DNA strand; this would later be known as the Sanger method. Huntington s disease
was the first genetic disease to be mapped in 1983, and was later isolated in 1993.
Also, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the technology still used today to amplify DNA,
was developed in 1983. Lastly, in 1989, the mutation for cystic fibrosis was discovered,
and in 1990 scientists found the
Lee Harvey Oswald Was Not the Lone Assassin
Lee Harvey Oswald Was No Loner On November 22nd, 1963, President John F.
Kennedy (JFK) was shot and killed in a motorcade running through Dealy Plaza, in
Dallas, Texas. Shortly after, a man by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested
and charged with the murder of President Kennedy. Over the years there has been
much controversy over if Lee Harvey Oswald was in fact, the only man involved in the
assassination of JFK. The assassination is still a topic of debate to this day and has
spawned many conspiracy theories. At the time, there was little persuasive evidence to
prove that Oswald was involved in any sort of conspiracy to assassinate the president,
but as time went on people began to grow suspicious of certain things. In 1966,... Show
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Although Ruby claims to have murdered Oswald as revenge for killing President
Kennedy, most people believe it was part of a cover up for a much larger conspiracy.
After Ruby s arrest, he was sentenced to death, only to have his trials postponed and die
of lung cancer shortly after postponing the trial. While Oswald was in interrogation, he
changed his story many times when asked routine questions such as where were you
at the time of the shooting , or explain to us what you did the day of the assassination .
He also denied any involvement in the incident even though there was evidence
against him. Oswald was bound to face further, more intense interrogation in the
future, and this is the reason most people believe that assassination of Oswald was to
prevent him from talking about what actually happened in the Kennedy assassination.
There were also many strange reports of President Kennedy s brain being switched
from when it was seen in evidence, to when the autopsy was performed. There were
pictures of Kennedy s brain for evidence showing immense damage to the rear,
consistent with an exit wound and therefore evidence of a shot from the front.
Meanwhile, the autopsy brain did not nearly show the same amount of damage in the
back of the brain, and an exit wound in the front. Douglas Horne, the Record Review
Board s chief analyst for military records said that he was 90 95% certain that these
brains were not
Product Design In Daniel Pink s A Whole New Mind
In saying you need to differentiate to survive, Bob Lutz meant that in order to compete
in the modern economy that a company must be capable of producing products faster
and cheaper with higher quality than that of their overseas competitors. If this is our
goal how might it be that we can achieve such a task? In Daniel Pink s work entitled A
Whole New Mind, he puts forth several ideas about how the right brain as it is known in
psychology may have the answers.

Design combines technology, cognitive science, human need, and beauty to produce
something the world didn t know it was missing . Assume that all products have the
same technology, price, performance, and features. How would you know which
product is better? That s what design does; it is what differentiates one product from
another. It creates utility and significance. For every percent of sales invested in
product design, a company s sales and profits rise by an average of 3 4 percent. My MAP
organization Aldi s thrives on making design choices that will benefit them in the
future. They choose to have all stores exactly the same square footage, minimal brand
options, only 6 8 employees, even multiple bar codes so checking out is quicker, and
chose to save on stocking time by keeping their products in the same boxes they were
shipped in. They utilize their costs and that has a huge significance on customer
appreciation. Who doesn t want greater quality at everyday low prices?

We are our stories; context enriched by emotions. We are not set up to understand logic,
we are set up to understand stories. Aldi s wasn t always called Aldi s. It became Aldi s
from ALbrecht (brothers last name) +DIscount = ADLI. Aldi s story begins with two
brothers; Karl and Theo Albrecht; from the mining town of Essen, Germany in 1913.
Their mother had a small food store and when they were old enough they took over the
business and expanded to 4 locations. To be able to do this they had to reduce costs by
removing merchandise that were not selling, keep the size of their retail outlets small,
and neither advertise nor sell fresh produce. Once the locations started booming they
opened their first self service store which was a first for Germany. Once they had grown
Transcendental Philosophy In Civil Disobedience
Thoreau s Civil Disobedience was influenced largely by the current events of his
lifetime: The Mexican American war, and the abolitionist movement. He attributes the
root of these issues with the American governing system. He believes it to be broken,
and refers to it as a wooden gun to express its ineffective nature at combating the issues
that plague the American society. It is a machine used by the elite few to impose their
agenda on the general population. This observation of these issues led him to believe
strongly in Transcendental philosophy. A belief that promotes an inward and
individualistic point of view. Every man should decide for himself what believes to be
right and upstanding and in no way, should that man compromise his personal belief
because of another s opinion or even a law. In this essay, we will explore how Thoreau
s ideals have had a great impact on society through inspiring great leaders such as
Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Transcendental philosophy relies entirely on an
individual s point of view. One must do some soul searching to really practice it to its
true effect. It promotes the idea that a man should place his own moral rectitude above
all else. No deity, man, or even governing body should be allowed to move this person
away from what they believe to be right. A respect for self should be regarded above all
else. Some of the greatest reformation in American history was pioneered through people
who had this resolve. Take for
Panselectionism Vs Pluralism
I am reminded of learning that when air rushes out of a flat tire, it isn t being squeezed
out, it is merely not being completely contained and the kinetics of matter in the gas
phase are sufficient to allow the tire to deflate to equilibrium with the atmosphere. At
first this seemed like a linguistic matter and mostly irrelevant. For most people it is a
completely irrelevant nuance, but not for physicists and chemists who are using the
principles of effusion to separate isotopes of radioactive uranium. Similarly, while a
discussion regarding the difference between panselectionism and pluralism will sedate
most readers into a state of drooling submission, the critique issued by Gould and
Lewontin should be considered carefully by evolutionary... Show more content on ...
Several alternatives to panselectionism are presented and are generally all a variation
on the neutral theory of molecular evolution (printing should pend inquiry regarding
the lack of credit to Motoo Kimura for development of said theory). This hypothesis
proposes that random genetic drift plays a dominant role in genetic evolution with
selection playing a minor supporting role. In the section titled Telling Stories, the
authors criticize scientists who ignore and/or marginalize the more likely explanation
of neutral theory in favor of the archaic approach of justifying every identifiable
characteristic of an organism as beneficial and inventing an often completely untestable
hypothesis for its utility. I heartily agree with this objection I have long felt that the
field of evolutionary biology is weakened every time the phrase over millions of years
is uttered (and it is uttered far beyond the point of clichГ©), and every time a biologist
duplicitously represents that selection happens without values and judgment (of course),
and then proceeds to describe the various features in terms of survival value and utility.
As the authors point out, the mere existence of a good fit between organism and
environment is insufficient evidence for inferring the action of natural selection (593).
Finally, the authors invoke Darwin himself in order to remind readers that He was
patently pluralist and bristled at being portrayed as a panselectionist although as Gould
and Lewontin note, we do not now regard all of Darwin s subsidiary mechanisms as
significant or even valid
Cyber Crimes And The Crime
Abstract Law Enforcement have always been tasked with having to evolve with the
trends in crime throughout history. Unfortunately for Law Enforcement, they are always
on the back end of that and are often behind for months before being able to counteract.
Cyber crimes are no different. Cyber Crimes are a new and always developing form of
crimethat bases its entire agenda from taking advantage of its victims over the internet.
Law Enforcement s job is to assess and work to stop these crimes but it s not that easy.
These cyber crimes are heavily in the favor of the criminals and the lack of assistance to
Law Enforcement makes it harder for them. The scams are always changing and the
costs are adding up as Law Enforcement takes on Cyber crimes.

Introduction Cyber crimes, as defined by, are criminal activity or a crime

that involves the internet, a computer system, or computer technology. Cyber Crimes
may occur all over the globe, but the scene of the crime shares one common location,
the internet. Law Enforcement has been tasked with bringing an end to this digital
dilemma and they have started by going to war. The war on Cyber crimes is a term
used to designate the efforts of Law Enforcement to go against these sly criminals. There
are many different forms of these crimes, such as some come in forms of scams and
others are ushered in by hackers. The shocking part is the statistics that come along with
these crimes and the amount of money that
The Legacy Of Henry Ford
Henry Ford was instrumental in revolutionizing modern day America with his
innovations in the manufacturing industry. His modernistic ideas that led to the
creation of the Model T and assembly line were never heard of before. Ford s
development dramatically decreased assembly time of the Model T from twelve
hours to less than six hours. His Model T was the first to be within economic reach of
the everyday man. However, Ford didn t always see himself as an inventor, or even an
innovator. He spent many of his younger years working as a machinist. It wasn t until
1882 when Ford got a job at the Westinghouse Company of Schenectady where he
repaired road engines that he saw himself enjoying the idea of being a creator. Henry Ford
was born on a prosperous farm in Dearborn, Michigan on July 30th, 1863. Ford was the
oldest of six siblings. His family was neither rich nor poor, but somewhere in the
middle. The house he grew up in is still standing today and he owns it along with the
farm. Ford s major education influence as well as his moral influence was his mother.
While he was growing up, he constantly pondered how much work there was to do on a
farm and that surely there had to be an easier, quicker way to get it all done. Ford
attended school until he was 15 when he started to discover his fascination with
machinery. He often tinkered with things to figure out how they worked. Ford put it this
way: every fragment of machinery was a treasure. Ford says his mother always
Gay s Catalog Of Unabashed Gratitude By Ross Gay

Throughout Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude by Ross Gay, Gay shows how nature
controls emotional responses, forces and other higher or more powerful things.
Furthermore, nature brings about unnatural aspects causing greater control of forces in
nature, and outside of the natural realm. Many cycles revolve around nature, producing a
circle, or cycle, of life that changes depending on different things. Even more, nature can
interact with man made things in ways that disrupt it. Gay portrays nature as a
commanding force, something that s located everywhere. Also, it shows how the nature
forces have consequential reactions, resulting in everything being controlled by nature.
Ultimately, this shows how Gay portrays nature as a controlling ... Show more content on ...
The use of Thank you shows the gratitude Gay has for nature, and shows he is grateful
for the commanding forces nature has. When he writes, The river bends around the
elephant s / solemn trunk depicts how he uses comparisons between two natural elements
to make a complex statement of the two. This shows how nature has consequential results
because of what it has done for
Katherine Burr Blodgett Biography
Katharine Burr Blodgett was born on January 10, 1898 and born in Schenectady, New
York. Her parents were Katharine Burr and George .R. Blodgett , her father was a
Patent Lawyer for the General Electric Company , but passed away a few weeks
before she was born. Katharine, her mother, and brother moved to France in 1901 and
back to New York in 1912. As an adult Katharine lived her entire adult in a house close
to the one from her childhood. Katharine had one brother, George Blodgett Jr. and was
the youngest of the 2. Katharine attended Bryn Mawr College, University of Chicago,
and University of Cambridge. At a young age she attended Rayson School and showed
great talent at mathematics, she was 15 when she graduated high schooland she won a...
Show more content on ...
Katharine was hired by General Electric [ G . E ] as a research scientist in 1918. Also
in 1918 Katharine got her master s degree at University of Chicago , with a thesis on the
chemical structure of gas masks . Katharine was the first women scientist at G . E .
Katharine worked as Irving LangmuirВґs assistant. He encouraged her to continue her
education and in 1924 went to Cambridge University. At Cambridge University she
worked with Ernest Rutherford. Katharine was the first woman to receive a PhD in
physics from Cambridge. In 1926 she returned to the staff of G . E . First, she
collaborated with Langmuir on some improvements to light bulbs. In 1933 they began
working on surface films and eventually they started working on thicker films. They
made a film with 3000 layers and they were called the Langmuir Blodgett films.
Katharine noticed that even the clearest of glass reflected . She believed that her soapy
films could fix this. This would cause the glass not to glare, the glass was almost
invisible . G . E announced the discovery in December 1938. Katharine invented non
reflective glass. Katherine Blodgett received U.S patent #2,220,660 on March 16, 1938,
for the Film Structure and Method of
Death And Dying, Death, And Death
Christopher Bullock had said it best in his work Cobler of Preston , Tis impossible to
be sure of any thing but Death and Taxes. (Shapiro, 2008)
Prior to Elisabeth KГјbler Ross bestseller novel On Death and Dying, death was to be
done alone. Death was a taboo subject for society. Death is the end result of many
different factors effecting the body in a way it (the body) can t handle it any longer.
Speaking in a medical light, there are two types of death, clinical and biological.
When a patient s breathing and heartbeat stop, clinical death occurs. This condition may
be reversible through CPR and other treatments. However, when the brain cells die,
biological death occurs. This usually happens within 10 minutes of clinical death, and
is not reversible. In fat, brain cells will begin to die after 4 to 6 minutes without fresh
oxygen supplied from air breathed in and carried to the brain by circulating blood.
Cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) consists of the actions you take to
revive a person or at least temporarily prevent biological death by keeping the person s
heart and lungs working. (Limmer O Keefe, 2012, p. 1124)

The KГјbler Ross model, or the five stages of grief, postulates, a series of emotions
experienced by terminally ill patients prior to death, wherein the five stages are denial,
anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The model was first introduced by Swiss
psychiatrist Elisabeth KГјbler Ross in her 1969 book On Death and Dying,
The Birdman Of Alcatraz, By Aka Robert Stroud
While you may have heard of, The Birdman of Alcatraz, aka Robert Stroud, another
popular Alcatraz inmate. He was probably the most famous inmate to reside on
Alcatraz. In 1909, Stroud brutally murdered a bartender when he failed to pay the girl
Stroud was pimping for. He shot the bartender to death and took the wallet for the
prostitute. Stroud was convicted of manslaughter and sent to McNeil Island in 1911. At
McNeil Island, he was noted to be violent and difficult to manage. Robert Stroud
viciously assaulted a hospital orderly and even stabbed a fellow inmate. As a result of
his hostility, he was sentenced an additional six months. Stroud was moved to
Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary in Kansas because of overcrowding and... Show more
content on ...
Unfortunately, Robert Stroud was never to able to see the move of himself, Birdman of
Alcatraz, by Burt Lancaster. The movie portrayed Robert with a more calm personality,
the opposite of his actual behavior. (Alcatraz History: Famous Inmates)
Everyone knows how hard it would have been to escape Alcatraz and live, so escape
attempts were rarely rewarding. Alcatraz was open for twenty nine years and only had
fourteen escape attempts with thirty six involved prisoners overall. No attempts were
considered successful. One prisoner actually made it to San Francisco, but was
promptly arrested and returned. Two inmates drowned in the bay and six were shot
dead during their attempts. Twenty three were captured and returned, but five were
never found. Prisoner officials say the five prisoners must have also drowned. The
first escape attempt was made in April, 1936, by Joseph Bowers, prisoner 210. He was
shot and killed. The Battle of Alcatraz is considered one of the bloodiest escape
attempts in the history of Alcatraz. It s also known as the Alcatraz Blast Out . On May
2, 1946, six prisoners tried to take control of the main building. They were able to
overpower the guards and the battle lasted two days. Two officers were killed and many
others had several injuries. Three out of the six prisoners who attempted to escape died
in battle. Finally, on May 4, reinforcements came and took control. The living three
inmates went on trial for the murders
The Theory Of Mind ( Tom )
Theory of mind (ToM) is the ability to differentiate one s own mental state from others
and therefore, influence the behaviour accordingly. Mental states comprise of the
individual s desires, beliefs and intentions. ToM is considered to be a milestone in
psychosocial development as pre schoolers at the age of 4 or 5 tend to be able to
recognise that not everyone perceive the same reality as they do (Wellman, Cross
Watson, 2001). This is known as false belief and is an important skill in comprehending
and predicting people s emotions and actions to construct a meaningful relationship.
Many have argued that ToM coincides with language acquisition providing a mechanism
to apprehend mental states within one s cognition (Karmiloff Smith,... Show more content
on ...
That is, whether a deaf child was from a deaf family or normally hearing, and thus the
immersion of the natural language leading to a successful ToM maturation. Moreover, a
cochlear implant can improve a hearing impaired child s communication skills, which
benefits social functioning, but still lag considerably behind in ToM compared to
normally hearing peers. The outcomes of a delayed ToM do not occur in a particular
order nor should they be considered as distinct features. Rather, the consequences are
intertwined whereby one particular aspect can affect the other. For a deaf child, their
natural language is signing (Mayer Leigh, 2010). Auslan or other variations of signing
is instinctive to a deaf individual because it is the language that they can form coherent
sentences and explicit semantics to engage in a discourse. Although language is
predominately symbols rather than verbal or written compared to a deaf child s
normally hearing peers, it still allows the child to apprehend mental states in their
cognition and conceive others around. Therefore, studies have shown that these children
can do just as well, or even better, on false belief tests than hearing children (Marschark
Clark, 1998). In other words, despite being diagnosed as deaf or hard of hearing, native
signers typically show no delayed ToM and the implication is higher control of
behaviours, or executive functioning, and
Coming To America Poetic Devices
The story of the song begins with how they came to the Land of the Free. The lyrics in
the first verse, Man, I was brave, sailing on graves Don t think I didn t notice those
tombstones disguised as waves, and We all came America trying to get a lap dance
from Lady Freedom, shows how the author understood the deep intentions of
immigrants. Even though people do not come over to America on ships anymore, he
uses these words to compare the same dangers of coming to America. Back then, ships
would carry travelers over to the colonies and many people died sailing on the ships,
hence the phrase tombstones disguised as waves. Those who came were brave and left
everything they had back in their home country while risking their life for a chance
Being A Grandparent
As she sat reading the light dimmed. Hello, Gran, a voice boomed from the doorway,
and hulking silhouette filled the doorway. Josh! How lovely to see you! , pushing
herself out of her seat. He scooped up for the final ... and then hoisted her off her feet.
Josh, put me down! , she exclaimed, giggling. She hoped he hadn t noticed her
wincing. Oo, did I hurt you, Gran? No, of course not. Now put me down! Your wish is
my command, he said, lowering her with a flourish. She had always had a
rumbustious relationship with Phillip s children and dreaded it ending. Josh was now
well over six foot and broad too. He d been trying to lift since he was about eight, and
it had become part of their habitual greeting. One of the lovely things about being a
grandparent was not worrying about having favourites. She loved all of Phillip s
children, but Josh had always been her favourite. She had been scrupulously fair with
Edward s twins, and hoped her efforts had had results. As the children grew, however,
it changed. As the children presented themselves to her of their own free will rather
than at parental command, so she loved them. And if they weren t there, what was
there to love? It had been made easier by Edward moving to Manchester. He only rang
occasionally and his visits were even rarer. She could have rung him, of course, but he
always seemed to be so busy. His marriage to Alexa had increased the distance between
them they d chosen to get married in a wedding
Descartes’ Arguments for the Real Distinction of Mind
Descartes Arguments for the Real Distinction of Mind and Body

Descartes argues has three main arguments for minds and bodies being two different
distinct types of substance. These are known as arguments for substance dualism and are
as follows.

* The Argument from doubt : Descartes argues that while he could pretend or think that
he had no body and therefore did not exist in any place, he could not think or pretend he
had no mind, as merely having a doubt that he had a mind proves that he does.

* The Argument from Clear and distinct understanding: Descartes argues that if two
things can be separated even if only by god then they must be two different things.
Descartes ... Show more content on ...
Further more the mere doubt that you exist is proof that you in fact exist as how can
you doubt something unless you are existing. I assuredly existed, since I was
persuaded. But there is I know not what being, who is possessed at once of the highest
power and the deepest cunning, who is constantly employing all his ingenuity in
deceiving me. Doubtless, then, I exist, since I am deceived; and, let him deceive me
as he may, he can never bring it about that I am nothing, so long as I shall be conscious
that I am something. So that it must, in fine, be maintained, all things being maturely
and carefully considered, that this proposition (pronunciatum ) I am, I exist, is
necessarily true (Descartes Meditations, II, p16,17). Descartes s also says that clear
perception, clarity and distinctness are present in the cogito, he says that these
qualities are essential in being sure of anything. Clearly perceiving something might
mean that you think you are sure of it but you could be wrong, Clarity and distinctness
of perception means that you recognise the reasons for the claim made by clear
perception for what you believe to be true being true, Descartes called this the mark of
knowledge. Together the cogito and the mark of knowledge set a firm foundation for all
of Descartes s conclusions by showing that he and all of us exist and that we can be
certain about things we
Zabriskie Point by Michelangelo Antonioni
Thesis: The use of silence in Antonioni s Zabriskie Point is a reflection of his signature
themes of alienation, inability to communicate, sexuality, and the focus on the
psychology of the characters, not action and his signature style of the focus on objects
instead of people and long tracking and panning shots.
Zabriskie Point is a film directed by Michelangelo Antonioni in 1970. The film follows
Mark, a college dropout, and Daria, an anthropology student. The use of silence is seen
continuously throughout the film. The themes seen in Zabriskie Point that are common
of Antonioni include sexuality, inability to communicate, alienation, and the focus on the
psychology of characters, not action. The style of Antonioni that is seen in Zabriskie
Point include the focus of objects instead of people and long tracking and panning shots.
Antonioni s themes and style are shaped by the use of silence in Zabriskie Point.
In Zabriskie Point the main focus of the film is on Daria who eventually meets Mark.
Mark is active in campus protests. While participating in a campus protests the police
tear gas some of the protestors to break up the protest. Mark almost shoots a police
officer, but someone else shoots the officer first. Mark escapes before the police could
arrest him. After fleeing the protest Mark takes a bus to a town with a small airport,
steals a plane, and flies out to the desert. While Mark is participating in protests and
stealing a plane Daria is in her car
Network Topologies And The Network
Introduction Network Topology is how computers, printers, and other devices are
connected over a network ( Guide to Network Topology , 2015 ). The word topology
means shape and the term network topology refers to the shape of a network ( Guide
to Network Topology , 2015). Network topologies refer not only to the physical layout
of the devices connected but how the devices communicate to each other ( Tomsho,
Tiffel Johnson, 2004, pg 48 ). There are several different topologies and the choice of a
topology is determined by how the network works. The network cabling system carries
all the data from one point to another and the design is determined by how the network
should function, the reliability and how accessible the network should... Show more
content on ...
It is used from one end of the network to the other with different network devices called
nodes. Bus topologies are commonly used on LAN networks because they are
inexpensive and easily install. In today s business society, bus topologies are not
commonly used and in the past years 10Base2 Ethernet, Thin Ethernet and 10Base5
are examples of LAN technology that uses bus topology. The structure of bus
topologies is where nodes are connected to a central cable called a bus where messages
are sent by a nodes and travels along the bus through all other nodes ( Guide to
Networking, 2015 ). Bus topology networks use coaxial cables and at the end of each
network segment there is a terminator ( Hallberg,2014, pg 39 ), The terminator is
important for a bus topology to function properly, without a terminator the data will
bounce from end to end causing a signal bounce ( Guide to Networking, 2015 ). Bus
topologies are not commonly used today but were easily installed and used less cable
than other topologies. Bus topologies work best with least number of devices. Bus
topology does not handle heavy traffic well, therefore; if more than dozen computers
are added you will mostly see performance issues. Although bus topologies are has the
advantage of being the least expensive and user friendly, they do have their drawbacks.
Some disadvantages of bus topologies are the network is easily to be disruptive. To add
or remove a computer the network has to be completed shut
Gatorade vs. Powerade
Gatorade is a flavored non carbonated sports drink manufactured by the Quaker Oats
Company, now a division of PepsiCo. Intended for consumption during physically active
occasions, Gatorade is formulated to rehydrate and replenish fluid, carbohydrates and
Robert Cade, Dick Malonis, Harry James Free, and Dana Shires were the medical
researchers at the University of Florida who created Gatorade in 1965. The Gators
football coach, Ray Graves, was frustrated with the performance of his players during
the hot summer football practices, and asked the team doctor, one of Cade s associates,
for his insight. Cade and his research team came across the unique mix of water, sodium,
sugar, potassium, phosphate, and lemon juice that is now ... Show more content on ...
Diet Pepsi ranked 17th and Diet Coke ranked 36th as having the most loyal customers to
their brands. The new competition between rival sellers is to create new varieties of soft
drinks, such as vanilla and cherry, in order to keep increasing sales and enticing new

New entrants are not a strong competitive pressure for the soft drink industry. Coca Cola
and Pepsi Co dominate the industry with their strong brand name and great distribution
channels. In addition, the soft drink industry is fully saturated and growth is small. This
makes it very difficult for new, unknown entrants to start competing against the existing
firms. Another barrier to entry is the high fixed costs for warehouses, trucks, and labor,
and economies of scale. New entrants cannot compete in price without economies of
scale. These high capital requirements and market saturation make it extremely difficult
for companies to enter the soft drink industry; therefore new entrants are not a strong
competitive force.

3) Threat of substitute products: Substitutes products are bottled water, sports drinks,
coffee, and tea. Bottled water and sports drinks are increasingly popular with the trend to
be a more health conscious consumer. There are progressively more varieties in the water
and sports drinks that appeal to different consumers tastes, but also appear healthier than
soft drinks. In addition, coffee and tea are competitive substitutes because they provide
caffeine. The
Scout Monologue
Outgoing Like many others at my age, I am very active in my life. Whether it be with
work, clubs or other after school activities. We all do something with our time away
from school. However, I personally feel like my life is a bit busier than most others.
To start off a normal day after school on a monday is actually quite calm, until tuesday
hits. After class ends I rush over to VAMF( Basically a geek club at our school) for I
happen to be the president of our club. Shortly after I rush home to quickly eat food so
I can go to my next destination, scouts. I happen to be the oldest scout there, not only
by age but by experience as well. Luckily I m no longer in charge of them and I get to
sit back and make sure they don t do anything stupid to hurt themselves.... Show more
content on ...
I got roped into being our troops den leader years ago so I get to teach my small group of
cubs about how to be a boy scout, play games and have fun. To tell you the truth I wish I
was still a Cub scout. As I near the end of my week I go to my other clubs that I don t
get to go to very often. At my Model UN meeting I continue to revise and work more
on my resolution to hopefully make one that the other delegates from other countries
find it useful to fix whichever issue we are working on. While my other clubs like
Sign language, and French club are just there for me and my friends to hangout and
eat food, for all we do in French club is, eat food while talking with the few words we
know in French. With all my clubs and extracurriculars I can somewhat say I lead a
pretty busy life.
The Greatest Sports Game Created Essay
The greatest sports game created

Thirty seconds left in the La Liga cup finals. Real Madrid is playing the Notorious FC
Barcelona. Everything is on the line. Cristiano Ronaldo has the ball on his foot. He
cuts left passing a right midfielder. Ronaldo advances forward towards the opponent s
goal. Again, he dashes toward the next man, double step over, rake, Cruyff turn,
scissor, and another cut to his left to be the center defensive midfielder. With every
second gone the pressure rises. Ronaldo has two more defenders to beat before he has a
chance to shoot the ball. Instead, he does the unthinkable, from 34 yards out he strikes a
driven ball with the outside of his right foot putting it perfectly in the upper left hand
corner of the goal to win the game. I know what you re thinking there is no way that is
true and you may be partly right. This event did take place, however, in the new FIFA
17 video game.
Growing Popularity

The FIFA video game is ever growing in its popularity. According to the Neil Herndon
from the Forbes Insider, FIFA 12 sold 3.2 million copies in a single week (Herndon).
And it is no surprise why. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and it does not
take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. FIFA also Holds the record of fastest
selling sports game to this day, and generated $180m in retail the first week of release
(Herndon). FIFA has so many different features and gameplay modes. Ultimate team by
far is the most popular.
Dickens s Conflict In Relationships In Hard Times By...
Dickens s conflict on Hard Times relationships:
The conflict in relationships due to family and class conflict can also be seen in
Charles Dickens s Hard Times. The central theme of the novel, that of fact versus
fancy, is dramatized through the Gradgrind family and Louisa s longing to find an
imaginative escape into a world not conditioned by economic thinking (Dickens,
1854). Due to the expectations on Louisa and her life, she is bound to certain
behaviors, and her desire for something else in her life contradicts those expectations.
Only after Louisa marries Bounderby and is led, for the first time, to an encounter with
Stephen Black pool, is she given a new perspective of the world around her (Dickens,
1854). Prior to this, Louisa had no conception of individuality in connection with her
family outside of the ideas of supply and demand (Schor, 2001).

One of the most significant elements of the relationship between Louisa and Mr.
Bounderby is the role that compliance plays in their relationship. Louisa immediately
complies with Mr. Bounderby s request to marry her, largely because she sees an
economic opportunity. ... Show more content on ...
In Pride and Prejudice, social class guides decisions in that Mr. and Mrs. Bennett wish
Elizabeth to marry into a relationship that is beneficial for the social standing of the
family. Conversely, social class influences the characters in Hard Times in that Louisa s
imagination is brought dramatically into reality when her marriage to Bounderby opens
her eyes to a life beyond her upbringing. In this way, both novels are not only
characteristic of Victorian Era novels, but are characteristic of the lives of Victorians in
Essay on Apostolic Ministry in Rome
Apostolic Ministry in Rome

According to tradition, there are two apostles who ministered in Rome. While some
modern scholars question whether the Apostle Peter was ever in Rome, he is certainly
the most celebrated Apostle of the city. A simple example of this is that the largest
basilica in Rome (and one of the largest in the world) is named in honor of Saint Peter.
The Apostle Paul s existence in Rome is less disputed and even though he is less
commemorated nearly two millennia later. The circumstances surrounding Peter and
Paul s arrivals in Rome, their ministries in Rome, and their deaths are worth examining
since these two figures are still remembered nearly two millennia after their ministries in

There is ... Show more content on ...

This letter implies that the suggestion that Peter had ministered in Rome was common
knowledge in the early second century (Kirsch Sec. IV).? In the middle of the second
century, after having spent time in Rome, Iren›Î of Lyons ?described the Roman
Church as the most prominent and chief preserver of the Apostolic tradition, as ?the
greatest and most ancient church, known by all, founded and organized at Rome by the
two most glorious Apostles, Peter and Paul?? (Kirsch Sec. IV).? There are many other
testimonies to Paul and Peter spending time in Rome including the apocryphal Acts of St.
Peter and the Acts of Sts. Peter and Paul.

While Peter?s visit to Rome is primarily mentioned in extra Biblical literature, Paul?s
visit to Rome is mentioned in some of his epistles and in Acts.? During his third
missionary journey, Paul?s ministry to Rome has clearly already begun even before he
has ever traveled there.? While at Corinth, he writes to the Roman Church in view of
his intention to go to Spain because the gospel had yet to be preached there.? Paul also
states that another intention of his is to stay for a time in Rome (Romans 15:14ff, 24,
28).? This comes about through a different series of events than one might expect.? Paul,
unlike Peter, is a Roman citizen.? After being falsely accused by Jewish leaders of
Jerusalem and subsequently two years of
Why The Government Shouldn t Permit The Use Of Drones,...
The government shouldn t permit the use of drones, due to cost, failure, and availability.
Over the years the government has been bus with more troubling matters as in drug
legalization, elections, and the recent police cruelty. They shouldn t waste time and
money on something so small and complicated that will hardly make a difference in the
The cost of these little spy toys, will be in the hundreds or thousands to produce. What
it takes to make this drone is a few fiberglass pieces, screws and screwdriver some
wires and a landing gear. You would think that would be inexpensive, right? Well
actually it s a tad bit expensive to get custom made fiberglass. After that you need tiny
motors for all 4 blades that will require more ... Show more content on ...
That s just one of the many reasons why they shouldn t be allowed in the commercial
use. Another thing that is frightening people is what if they re used as mini bombs to
attack planes in flight. Let s make an example of it; if a jetliner is flying at 250 mph,
then hitting a 25 pound UAV drone will cause over forty thousand pounds of force to
the jetliner. This is an actually capable of happening these drones aren t visible on air
radar, making pilots and radar watchmen incapable of seeing these little drones. That s
just from a simple seventeen year old mind, We re seeing capabilities that were
previously the monopoly of major military powers are now non state
actors, even individuals, said Kelly Saylor. She s an associate fellow at the Center for
a New American Security. They have seen in war zones how these little drones can be
used as an IED or remote controlled bomb against people. Besides that, there are over
fifty thousand pages long of mechanical failure, human error, and bad weather of these
things crashing. These are over three and a half million dollar drones, which get either
lost in Afghanistan or malfunction in our own lands. Military drones have slammed into
homes, farms, runways, highways, waterways and, in one case, an Air Force C 130
Hercules transport plane in midair. No one has died in a drone accident, but the
documents show that many catastrophes have been narrowly averted, often by a
Advantages And Disadvantages Of CPEC
A few numbers of Pakistanis consider CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) will
prove as East India Company for Pakistan. Moreover, the others have a few reservations
as the poor strategies and interest rate of the lease for CPEC are not in the favour of
national interests. Here, we will scrutinize multi facet aspects of China Pakistan
Economic Corridor. Firstly, I will suggest that you visit the website of CPEC. After that,
you will realize that CPEC is the part of OBOR (One belt one road). 64 countries will be
connected by OBOR A dream of China with each other. Reality is that OBOR consists of
6 corridors and CPEC is one of its Corridors. Length of CPEC is almost 2400Km. This
2400Km long CPEC has various other projects namely highways, Railways, and Energy
Projects. These CPEC projects will bring prosperity in Pakistan. CPEC A multi billion
project will be a game changer for the South Asia region. Kashgar will be joined by
CPEC with Gwadar by 2030. Firstly, we will discuss all the viable routes of CPEC....
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However, three suggested routes are given below;
i)Central Route:
Length of this rout is 2,756Km
It passes through Indus Highway.
It will touch different cities of Punjab province. ii) Eastern Route:
Length of this rout is 2781
It passes through Motorway.
This lengthy route is in favour of Punjab Province. iii) Western Route:
The shortest route and length is about 2474Km.
This route passes through Quetta.
It is in favour of a less privileged province of Pakistan,
How Did Monarchs Influence The Tudor Period
From nine days to forty five years, the reigns of the monarchs during the Tudor period
were different and impactful. This period in England between 1485 and 1603 was
home to many of the great monarchs, nobles, and civilians of the world. The monarchs
in Tudor England shaped the period that is known so well today for its culture and
power. They controlled the religion, military, and culture in a way that was unrivaled by
anyone in their time. The monarchs shaped the Tudor period into a time remembered
for culture, war, and religion in a way that nobles and civilians could not match. The
Tudor period of England was home to many monarchs that each changed England in
very different ways. The first monarch of this period was King Henry VII. He... Show
more content on ...
She was the eldest daughter of Henry Grey and Lady Frances Brandon, a great
granddaughter of Henry VII. She was very well educated and raised a devout
Protestant so that she could marry someone of power. John Dudley, one of Edward VI
s most trusted advisors, wed his son Guildford to Lady Jane Grey. He convinced
Edward to make her his heir so when he died she would take over the throne. As a
devout Protestant, Lady Jane Grey wanted to keep the Church of England and not let
Mary gain power. When Edward VI died, Lady Jane Grey was only queen for nine
days before the popular Mary took the throne and imprisoned her in the Tower of
London. Under Mary s rule, England was changed back to Catholic. Lady Jane Grey
was executed on February 12, 1554. Her life story has influenced many cultural novels,
plays, painting, and films. She is recalled for her resilience and courage to step up to one
of the most intimidating women in England. Lady Jane Grey s successor, Mary I, would
attempt to change the English Empire into a religious, cultural, and military
Mademoiselle Reisz Analysis
The Influences of the Mademoiselle Reiz on the development of Edna Pontellier:
Edna is the protagonist of The Awakening by Kate Chopin. She is the wife of a New
Orleans businessman. She is not content with her marriage and the lifestyle that she
must conform to. She changes from her role as a devoted wife and mother to a woman
who becomes engrossed in discovering her own identity. She then goes through a
series of experiences to satisfy herself mentally, emotionally, and sexually. She changes
from the woman of those times, who always stuck to conformity, to someone who
worries and is only responsible for herself. It is Mademoiselle who influences her to
become awakened in such a way. However this very awakening will be her downfall.
She will then begin to isolate herself from those around her and eventually choose
suicide as an escape. A main factor towards the development of Ednawould be
Mademoiselle Reiz. Her influence plays a vital role towards her awakening and
change to her life style. From the moment she heard Reiz play she had begun to be
influenced. The very first chords Mademoiselle Reisz struck on the piano sent a keen
tremor down Mrs. Pontellier s spinal column. It was not the first time she had heard an
artist at the piano. Perhaps it was the first time she was ready, perhaps the first time her
being was tempered to take an impress of the abiding truth. (Chopin 29) . It can be said
that the change in Edna was sparked by this very moment. From here on Edna
JPMorgan Chase Paper
JPMorgan Chase Leg 100 Buss Law 1 Aug 11, 2013 In the summer of 2012, JPMorgan
Chase, the largest leading U.S. bank, announced trading losses from investment
decisions made by its Chief Investment Office (CIO) of $5.8 billion. The Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) was provided falsified first quarter reports that hidden this
massive loss. Discuss how administrative agencies like the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) or the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) take
action in order to be effective in preventing high risk gambles in securities / banking, a
foundation of the economy. In the summer of 2012, JPMorgan Chase, the largest leading
U.S. bank, make known... Show more content on ...
The leader of CFTC, Gary Gensler, give an opinion that JPMorgan s losses are worth
looking into, because as a U.S. bank, it is an entity with direct admission to the Federal
Reserve s discount window and federal deposit insurance (CNN Money). Determine
the elements of a valid contract, and discuss how consumers and banks each have a
duty of good faith and fair dealing in the banking relationship. A contract is a legally
obligatory promise or set of promises (Bagley, C. 2013). If this promise is broken,
either party involved can be legally responsible and take the other party to court. There
are four basic elements in the creation of a valid contract. The first consist of an
agreement between the parties involved, by an presented offer and acceptance. The
second states that the parties promises must be supported by something of worth,
known as consideration. The third advises both parties must have the ability to enter
into a contract. The fourth element states the contract must have a legal purpose
(Bagley, C 2013). The duty of good faith and good dealing is implied in every contract.
In recent years the mortgage industry has been seen as a prime example of how
consumers and banks need to better understand and adhere to duty of good faith and
good dealings. Consumers had the responsibility of
Understanding Community And Social Networks
Understanding community and social networks is important in the Child and Youth
Counsellor (CYC) field in order to help create and encourage positive communities and
networks for the youth within the CYC care. Community and social networks are
important for self esteem, sense of belonging, and overall happier and healthier
individuals. Understanding the communities or social networks within an individual s
life will assist in the appropriate goal making and action planning in order to meet the
individual s needs. As described by Oxford Dictionary, a community is a group of
people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common where as
a social networkis a network of social interactions and personal relationships Examples
of a community include neighbourhood, church or place of employment and examples
of social network includes friends, families, classmates and colleagues. ( Community ,
2014; Social Network , 2014). Despite this traditional definition of a social network, it is
also currently described as a dedicated website or other application which enables users
to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images,
etc. Facebook, twitter and Instagram are all examples of this. ( Social Network , 2014).
Does the change in the meaning of social networking noted above have an impact on the
traditional community and on youth? Despite the differences between community and
social networking, they are intertwined, and
The Chrysanthemums, Richard Cory, And Sula
People will feel lonely or isolated at some point in their lives. The isolation and
loneliness may be self inflicted or forced on them by another person. Authors often
write a hidden theme of loneliness or isolation into their stories and poems. Loneliness
appears in the works, Daddy, The Chrysanthemums, Richard Cory, and Sula. In these
works, loneliness and isolation affect the characters in similar ways where either the
character has lost an individual or had no one to lose because there never was anyone.
In Sylvia Plath s poem, Daddy, she seems estranged from her father and her heritage.
She also seems to feel isolated by her heritage due to her lack of knowledge about it. The
poem states, So I never could tell where you/... Show more content on ...
The theme of loneliness and isolation is depicted in, Daddy, The Chrysanthemums,
Richard Cory, and Sula. In each of the works, loneliness and isolation affects the
characters in different ways. Loneliness or isolation could be self inflicted by the
person or it may be forced onto them by others. Loneliness and isolation are difficult to
come to turns with and the people suffering from them may seek ways to fill the void.
Some of them may not even realize they are lonely and only later realize through specific
events that
The Thing That End Essay
Why it is important to keep sensitive items accountability at all times. Sensitive Items is a
range of items which varies from those which are essential to the mission to those which
contain information which is sensitive in nature (i.e. giving access to secure
communication, movement of troops, their equipment, support lines or the general idea
of the mission.) There are many reasons these items need to be secure and accountability
maintained for them. Some of these reasons include the potential to pose a threat to
mission success if fallen into the wrong hands, the ability to complete the mission if not
maintained by the troops themselves, the security of those around you if not maintained,
and the ease and flow with which the... Show more content on ...
Things happen, we ve all lost something before, hell I had lost $100 cash before. When
I woke up the next day and couldn t find it, I was so pissed, but it happened and there
was nothing I could do about it, just had to take it as a loss. I’m only human,
and this will not be the last mistake I ever make. However, I wont make the same
mistake over and over again. I am certain that the corrective training I am doing sucks
just enough if not more to make me want to ensure to maintain firm awareness of the
location of my ID card at all times from now on, which I m sure was the intention of
this corrective training or essay writing. Don t get me wrong a lot of bad things have
the potential to occur if my ID were to fall into the wrong hands. Being accountable
means being dependable arriving to work and appointments on time, meeting deadlines,
being in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing at the right time, and
making sure you have your i.d. card at all times. Morning formation is the most
important formation of the day. It is made to get accountability of everyone and put out
any information that there needs to be dealt with. Without having accountability there
is no knowing of where everybody is or what s going on. I have realized that is an
important asset always showing up on time By not being accounted for I have let my
unit down and failed in the missions that needed to be completed. I have not set a good
Innocence Quotes In To Kill A Mockingbird
Tom Robinson, an innocent man was shot in prison after he was wrongly convicted and
falsely accused in Harper Lee s To Kill a Mockingbird. This action, along with others is
found commonly throughout the book as defenceless characters get hurt and wrongly
judged despite their innocent persona. Along with Tom Robinson other characters suffer
too, people such as Boo Radley and Atticus Finch suffer from the cruel world around
them. In the surrounding chaos, those few characters manage to preserve their innocent
nature. By doing this, Harper Lee presents a theme of innocence throughout the book To
Kill a Mockingbirdthrough the symbolism of the mockingbird portrayed by the actions
and emotions of Tom Robinson, Boo Radley, and Atticus Finch. Tom is the best example
of a defenceless soul... Show more content on ...
Atticus is one of the least innocent people in the story he deals with law and he s had
to shoot rabid dogs. But what Atticus does is more to protect his kids. He s even
explained to them, Scout, said Atticus, nigger lover is just one of those terms that don
t mean anything like snot nose. It s hard to explain ignorant, trashy people use it when
they think somebody s favoring Negroes over and above themselves. It s slipped into
usage with some people like ourselves, when they want a common, ugly term to label
somebody. (109) Atticus tries to at least sugar coat the hard truths of the world to his
kids. He even says one of those terms that don t mean anything like he s trying to
discredit some of the awful things in the world. He also didn t want Scout and Jem in
the courtroom because he was worried they d see how awful things are for people of
color. To be honest, what parent wouldn t want to at least wait a little while longer until
exposing your kids to the horrible truth of how the world works. So, Atticus doesn t
exactly has his innocence, but he has managed to maintain the innocence of his
Questions On The Midterm Exam
Ivana Ezeude
ANTH 312
7 October 2016
Midterm Exam
Part 1: #1 Through various sources from the past, it was relatively easy to determine the
overall perception towards Africans that dominated much of the 19th and 20th centuries.
During these times, Africans were seen as primitive and savage. They were inferior and
less evolved in comparison tot heir Western counterparts. For the most part, they believed
that Africans had made little, if any, progress since some humans left the continent and
established themselves in other parts of the world. While this viewpoint may seem
ludicrous to most modern people, Westerners actually based their claims on various
theories. A major theory used to promulgate this viewpoint was the concept of Social
Darwinism. This theory holds that human beings, like other organisms, ares subject to
the concepts natural selection and survival of the fittest (kiem article). Social
Darwinism was readily employed as justifications to why Africans were inferior, and
had slipped behind in the race towards progress (connah 1). They had stopped
developing a long time ago, and, as a result, continued to live in savagery. Africa was the
past, and the Western world was the present and future. Research at the time did little to
abate African stereotypes. Research mainly served the purpose of studying human
evolution rather than the place...[because it is] merely a backdrop to studies pertaining to
how Western culture has managed to establish itself as superior
Breaking Bread Project Analysis
During this semester s service learning project, I chose to serve at a community
organization called Church On Wheels, Breaking Bread Soup Kitchen. Every night
Monday through Friday Breaking Bread opens its doors to the community and provides
a meal at no cost. Their mission statement is simple: To carry the gospel of the Lord
through feeding the hungry and helping those in need. With this Christ like love to His
people, every night employees and volunteers come together to provide a meal that does
not only feed them physically but nourishes the soul of everyone that enters the doors.
Within the city of Midland, Texas you will find a diverse culture and community. Due to
the recent oil boom, many families found themselves struggling to put a meal on the table
. Breaking Bread saw the need in the community to open the doors every night to see
that no one would go hungry in our town. With a commitment to see that the poor and
needy are served with the love of Christ. On any given night you can expect to find...
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On the days that I served I worked with their head chef Mari and a small group of
volunteers from local groups. The agenda that day was cleaning and organizing the
pantry and blessing closet, as well as lending a hand in the kitchen. Every day they open
their doors to volunteers at 3pm and we work to prepare the dinner and help Mr.
Robert and his wife Grandma Betty in the dining room. Within the kitchen, duties
range from food prep, clean up, and serving people that come through the line. In the
dining hall, Grandma Betty runs a tight ship. We assisted her with prepping every
table, the drink station, and assisting people as they exited the line. As dinner
progressed, we worked to walk table to table picking up trash for diners, fellowshipping,
and offer refills on their drinks. Overall, my favorite portion of service is the dining
hall. It is a blessing to serve others with a kind heart and
Staples and Cofer
Different Ethnicities Same Problems
When Americans meet someone new they are already sticking that person into some sort
of category because of their appearance. If someone looks different than Americans are
use to, they automatically stick some sort of stereotype to them. Stereotypes are strongly
displayed in the media; stereotype can be based of someone s color, culture, religion, or
sex. In Black men in public spaces by Brent Staples, and in The Myth of the Latin
Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria by Judith Ortiz Cofer, the authors talk about
stereotypes based on their gender and ethnicity and the experiences they both encounter
because of their ethnicity and gender which have many similarities and differences.
Stereotypes can lead ... Show more content on ...
There is no fear associated with these Latina women because they do not look
intimidating but rather sexy or domestic, they are approached with sexual advances or
as if they were all house keepers, maids, or waitresses. In Staple s case, he was not
only judged by his intimidating appearance, but also feared by all who came across
him. As opposed to Cofer, where people are approaching and harassing her. Staples is
seen as a threat and is unapproachable to all who come across his large stature. Staples
explains how during several instances while walking around at night he would notice
how individuals changed their reactions when they saw him. Staples describes how he
would hear the sound of car doors being locked when he would cross a street with cars
waiting for the traffic light to change (Staples 60). Staples also explains how tense it
would get when he would walk down the street at night with other pedestrians around.
Although Staples was everything but a mugger, the people he came across at night
from fearing him. Staples was clearly seen as some sort of predator while Cofer was
seen as the prey who is constantly approached and being harassed with negative and
insulting comments. She was stopped and harassed on many occasions by men singing
offensive songs to her. Staples was nothing like a criminal, what most people assumed he
was, he was an educated individual who had an intimidating appearance from his
Identify Early Risk Factors Of Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile delinquency is defined by the Merriam Webster online dictionary as ...a
violation of the law committed by a juvenile that would have been a crime if committed
by an adult; also: antisocial behavior by juveniles that is subject to legal action (https:/
/www.merriam As juvenile delinquency continues to be a great social
concern, getting to the source of the problem and identifying solutions is paramount.
Case studies have been conducted to identify early risk factors for delinquency. There are
many programs in the state designed to help youth resist committing crimes and to
prevent youth, who have already been in the juvenile justice system, from making
repeated offenses. In order for these programs to be successful, they... Show more content
on ...
In some instances, when a youth is no longer involved with the juvenile justice
system, Rhode Island social services remains involved to help support both the youth
and their family. Additional services are available to youth in most major cities in
Rhode Island which include youth support groups, twenty four hour call centers, and
parenting classes. The Northern Rhode Island Collaborative is a non profit, public
agency that offers an alternative classroom education for students that have been
diagnosed with emotional or behavioral disorders. This agency also offers youth, ages
18 to 21, school to career transition services. Being able to support a youth leaving the
justice system requires parents to obtain new skills. Parenting classes are available and
are often free of charge. Boys Town New England offers free parenting classes that are
held in areas that have been recognized as having the highest need. The classes offer
parents a common sense approach to providing the support their child needs. These types
of services allow youth in Rhode Island to return home and avoid re entry into the justice
Osteoarthritis Degenerative Joint Disease
Osteoarthritis is degenerative joint disease caused by mechanical wear and tear. Damage
manifest as breakdown of cartilage, injury of subhondral bone and changes to all articular
surfaces. it presents as pain in weight bearing joints that worsen with use. The joints that
are mostly affected are the distal interphalanges, knees, hips, toes and spine [1]. Knee
osteoarthritis is suspected after a medical history and physical examination is done.
During the physical examination the doctor will examine the knee and its series of
motion. He will pay close attention to areas that are swollen, tender and painful [2].
There are a variety of diagnostic tests that may help confirm the diagnosis if patient s
knee is affected. There is X ray that... Show more content on ...
The effect of utilization of ultrasound via an increase in local blood flow can be used to
help reduce local swelling and chronic inflammation, and, according to some studies
promote bone fracture healing [6]. There are two different ways in which US can be used
to treat disease, continuous and pulsed ultrasound. Continuous ultrasounds are typically
responsible for the heating effect in the tissues because it uses an unmodulated
continuous wave ultrasound beam with limited intensities. In comparison, the pulsed
ultrasound beam is modulated to deliver brief pulses of high intensity separated by
longer pauses of no power. It is suggested that pulsed Ultrasound be recommended for
acute pain and inflammation and continuous ultrasound for the treatment of restricted
movement [7]. In general, ultrasound is a safe treatment that has been used in
osteoarthritis therapy for years. It delivers heat to deep structures of the body, and it is
thought that this heat helps improve that way that your body heals. Numerous studies
found positive links between ultrasound and bone healing. It is both cost effective and
produced no serious complications or side effects which is an advantage over other types
of treatments used in therapy of bone
Vegetarianism Is A Better Lifestyle Than Eating Meat And...
People eat food every day without knowing its origin or how it was processed. As people
mature, they pay more attention to how food affects them, instead of how it affects the
environment. Although it is a fact that everyone needs to consume food to survive, what
kind of food one consumes is ultimately the choice of the person themselves. Vegans and
vegetarians support both a healthy diet and environment without exerting themselves.
Veganismand vegetarianismis a better lifestyle than eating meatand meat products.
Intentionally avoiding flesh eating first came into place as a part of rituals for short
lived purification. Evidence of vegetarianism has been found during different times and
places all over the world. The teaching of Pythagoras of Samos, a philosopher, in the
fifth century BC is the first recorded teaching of avoiding flesh eating in the
Mediterranean. He taught that kinship of all animals is a base of goodwill towards each
other ( Vegetarianism ). Vegetarianism has been around since the sixth century BC in
Greece and Italy; their biggest motive was to avoid harming animals ( Vegetarian Verve ).
In Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth century CE, the greater significance of
humanitarianism and moral progress, and the return of animal awareness allowed
vegetarianism to expand and gain attention ( Vegetarianism ). By the 1830 s, the term
vegetarian was already being used in the United States. However, it was not popularized
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Packaging
ABSTRACT There have been different ways to package products for years. Having
choices can make it harder but understanding what you have and how it needs to be
shipped can be beneficial. For non retail packages there are three types of shipping
containers, plastic based, paper based, and wood based. In this paper I will go over the
advantages and disadvantages of paper based container, plastic based container and wood
based container. As well as, compare all three to each other. Understanding which one
might be a most effective when shipping non retail packages.

Making sure that products get to their end destination without any damages is one of the
most important goal for shipping products to customers. There are different factors to
take into ... Show more content on ...
Wooden crates are easy to prepare; whether from a set design or perhaps a customized
design specs by a customer.
Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages of wood based crates for shipping. Wood
needs to be treated. The finished product when the crate is all put together is too heavy,
requires lifting equipment such as pallet jacks, forklifts or even cranes, they can even
become a safety risk to employees handling the crates because of splinters and concerns
with handling to get inside. Wood also sometimes has a smell to it that can be bad for
the products that are inside. Wood has been used for centuries for crafting. Wood based
shipping containers are used to gather, store, ship and protect consumer goods.
Paper based
As time changes, paper and paper based packaging have become key components in
today society. Communication, food, and consumer products are just a few of the
things that are improved upon and more easily accessible as a result of paper and paper
based packaging (American Forest and Paper Association, 2014).
The Problem With Illegal Aliens
Introduction Despite the multiple laws and policies that were implemented in the United
States, there is still a problem with illegal aliens or immigrants. The U.S. government has
spent millions of dollars to secure our southern border but, with that being said, the
government has charged the Department of Homeland Security to create and implement
new and innovative ways to justify and solidify those polices. In this case study, there
will be a focus and analytical approach to three of the main issues which continue to
surface on immigration enforcement. These issues are: who is an illegal alien; who can
detain illegal aliens; and when can they be deported?

Who is an illegal alien? To the average citizen, an illegal alien is an ... Show more content
on ...
This business specializes in the slaughter and distribution of turkey parts. In the late 80s
and 90s this was one of the largest meat plants in the county. In 2008, two of the
company s top officials were charged with hiring undocumented workers for about eight
years before 300 plant workers were arrested... Most of the workers arrested in the raid
have been deported, but others have been convicted of using fraudulent documents to
obtain their jobs, the newspaper said (Savage, 2009). This situation along with many
others lead to the demise of the company many years later. Many illegal aliens migrate to
the United States for work opportunities so they can support their families. Many people
have negative attitude toward these individuals but, not all of the individuals that migrate
to the United States have bad intentions. Many just are looking for the pursuit of
happiness in the American way.
Who can detain illegal aliens? Any law enforcement branch including the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) operating under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)
has the right to detain any person seeking illegal entry into the U.S. This Act was
passed by congress and is the main law that legislates and regulates immigration. This
authority is prescribed by the Secretary of DHS to all law enforcement agency operating
from the local level all the way up to the federal level.
Ethical Dangers Of Animals
The world is full of many different animals. With so many species, they all play a role
in the ecosystem and serve a purpose. So why is it that most people only love the cute,
fuzzy ones? It is completely understandable for people to dislike unattractive or
dangerous animals, but even they are important. People would love to give money to stop
things like seal clubbing, but not to protect other animals from abuse or even Extinction.
All because they don t like the way they look. This bias for certain animals makes us treat
them differently in this can be ethically wrong, or can even harm the environment.
Animals like the American burying Beetle are in danger of going extinct, but people don
t care just because of the fact that they re bugs. Even though people don t like them
they re still important, they eat dead birds and get their nutrients back into the soil.
People would gladly help endangered pandas and or Tigers, but when it comes to any
what Jane Goodall world call creepy crawlies , people don t care. We need more
people like Jane Goodall who care for these unloved creatures. She learned from two
friends who were researching the American burying beetle that they were going extinct,
And she watched as Lou Perotti and Jack Mulvena helped to bring these efficient
recyclers back to viability.
Not only does this bias towards certain animals have the potential to harm the
environment, it can also result in cruel actions taken against animals that people don t
like, or
The Concept Of Gasification
2. I consider these activities work because they are all things that have to get done. If I
don t, they will just pile up and overwhelm me. I have to do house chores and
homework in order to live a sane life. I could walk around in filth , but I would be
utterly disgusted by myself. I could also not do my homework, but then I would fail
my classes and I will have spent all of this money for nothing. They have to get done,
so as much as I hate it, I will do them. 3. The only challenge I that I can predict, is the
lack of time that I have to get things done. There are only twenty four hours in a day, and
all of them are pretty much jam packed with something. If one activity runs long, it will
cut in to another activities time slot. This means... Show more content on
I. will try to overcome these challenges bypassing close attention to the time. I will also
try to multitask. I can do my laundry at the same time as my homework. All I need to do
is put a load on and forget about it. I don t have to focus on a single task at once. Some
things are easier than others, so I can do a few easy things at the same time. As long as
pay attention to the clock and stick to my schedule, I should be fine. 5. The concept of
gasification really stuck out to me. I really liked the idea that if an activity is fun you are
more likely to do it for the reward of winning. No one likes to clean, but if I test myself
to see how far I can get in a room before a song ends I m not cleaning. Instead, I am
playing a game that just happens to have an outcome that will make my living space
look nicer. I will also want to beat myself. I will always think, Maybe I can get farther
with this song. 6. I can use the concept of gasification to make boring old tasks more
exciting. If I give myself goals , and more specifically rewards when I reach those goals, I
will be more likely to do the activity. If I give myself challenges to complete it won t
even feel like work at all. Instead, it will feel like I am just having a good time. It just
so happens that I will also be getting things done in the
Future Labor Unions
Future of Labor Unions13 Research Paper: The Future of Labor Unions Kedra Archie
Keller Graduate School of Management HRM 586 Labor Relations Professor: Danielle
Camacho December 4, 2016 Abstract The history of unions in the US is based on a time
line that represents workers struggling to organize unions. In the United States, the
history of unions played an important part in the independence process... Show more
content on ...
Earlier in the century, many textile and manufacturing mills fled the Northeast for the
promise of cheap land grants and cheap labor without the hassle of dealing with the
negotiation of labor union agreements (Shuler, 1999). Today, much of that labor has
departed for the shores of other countries like Taiwan, India and China for the promise
of much of the same. The Southeast never fully adapted to the idea and continues to
operate as mostly Right to Work states to this day. Shuler (1999), states that the
Southeast also faced additional struggles with union organization; Jim Crow laws. This
meant that biracial unions had to be created and were immediately met with resistance
due to the belief that even biracial interactions at the union level could lead to the
downfall of the white race. The author contends that while historically we think of labor
unions as only operating amongst blue collar workers, there is a huge market available
today for labor unions to become extremely active in the white collar
Informative Essay On Soul Surfer
I dug my toes into the white sand of Tunnels Beach, Kauai, Hawaii. I stared off into the
waves and the horizon as I waited impatiently for pro surfer and author of Soul Surfer,
Bethany Hamilton. I was still in shock that I would be interviewing her. I am hoping
to discuss Bethany s life, including her attack and her book. Bethany s attack took
place at this very beach on an early morning in 2003. I hear a friendly Hello in the
distance and turn around to see a blonde haired girl with sun kissed skin and a Rip
Curl rash guard walking towards me. I gestured her to sit down beside me, Hello
Bethany, I m so thrilled to finally meet you! Thank you for joining me. Bethany greeted
me with a friendly Aloha, I am so excited for our interview! ... Show more content on ...
In my opinion, we all could learn a thing or two from Bethany. Her faith, kindness,
determination and courage are inspiring. It s astonishing that after such a traumatic
experience, Bethany was able to overcome all the obstacles and continue to surf and
live her dream. Even with one arm, she was able to accomplish unbelievable things. It
s hard to feel empathetic for Bethany, most of us haven t lost a limb due to a shark
attack , or could even imagine it. However, we can all relate to experiencing setbacks
in life. Bethany was not discouraged by the attack, she was able to overcome it and
became even better at surfing than she originally was. Her grace is something we can all
admire and look up

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