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What touched me most during the immersion:

I volunteered at Rangeen Yuva Sena, an NGO, for 3 consecutive days. This NGO is run by
Prashanth Micheal. My experience at the NGO was a magical and beautiful experience that I
believe not everyone can have unless they become a part of something that is helpful and that
makes your heart at ease. Here I met a number of people and a number of kids who were in
need of help but never asked for it.

At this NGO I became a part of all the schemes they had and all the good work they were
One of the most important schemes they had, that touched my heart the most, was blood
donation. They supported those people who did not have any family or friends that could
donate blood or the money to buy the blood from a blood bank.

I donated my blood to this NGO for the same cause. Volunteering here made me realize how
blood donation is and will be an important aspect in the survival of humankind. Giving blood
is a deed not everyone does but this NGO gave me an opportunity to donate my blood and
also made me realize you can be a reason for someone's survival and that is a very beautiful
feeling. That made me realize that I should promote this aspect in every possible way. People
that are young and need guidance should be taken to such places for inspiration.

People work to make money but here I met people who worked hard just so children, that are
not even related to them in any way, do not go to bed on an empty stomach. Due to the
pandemic a lot of laborers that worked hard and got paid on a daily basis could not earn any
money and were suffering a lot. This NGO also supported such workers

This NGO is working really hard. They organize and plan events every few months to spread
awareness among people about the less fortunate. They support not only humans but also
Animals. They look after the tongueless beings and spread love. Their awareness schemes are
very effective as everyday someone new finds out about this NGO and their work and come
forward to help. Going there for 3 days made me realize that there is still kindness left and
hence there is still hope for humankind. If there were more people like this in our world, it
would surely become a better place to live in.

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