Abstract Essay Example

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Abstract Essay Example

Crafting an essay on the topic "Abstract Essay Example" presents a unique set of challenges that
demand careful consideration and a nuanced approach. The inherent difficulty lies in the need to
balance abstraction with clarity, as the topic itself calls for an exploration of abstract concepts. The
writer is tasked with navigating the fine line between providing concrete examples and delving into
the realm of the abstract, all while maintaining coherence and engagement.

The challenge further intensifies when attempting to avoid vagueness. Striking the right balance
between generalization and specificity is crucial to ensure the essay remains insightful and relevant.
Finding appropriate examples that illustrate abstract concepts without oversimplifying or becoming
too esoteric is an intricate task that requires a deep understanding of the chosen theme.

Moreover, grappling with the ambiguity of abstract ideas necessitates a meticulous choice of
language. Achieving precision becomes paramount to convey complex thoughts effectively. The essay
must transcend the commonplace and offer readers a fresh perspective, requiring a level of creativity
and intellectual dexterity that adds to the overall complexity.

Furthermore, framing an abstract essay involves the delicate task of structuring ideas coherently.
Establishing a logical flow becomes pivotal, allowing readers to seamlessly journey through the
exploration of abstract concepts without feeling lost. The writer must carefully thread the narrative,
providing a clear roadmap that guides the audience through the conceptual labyrinth.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "Abstract Essay Example" demands a combination
of intellectual rigor, creativity, and linguistic finesse. It's a task that requires the writer to navigate the
intricate interplay between the tangible and the abstract, offering readers a thought-provoking
exploration while maintaining clarity and coherence throughout the essay.

For those seeking assistance in tackling similar writing challenges or exploring various essay topics, a
helpful resource is available at HelpWriting.net. There, one can find a range of professionally
crafted essays and access support to enhance their own writing endeavors.
Abstract Essay Example Abstract Essay Example
Children At Risk For Late Onset Diseases
Many parents claim that they should have the right to have their children tested for any
late onset diseases if that child is at risk. The professional consensus of most medical
professionals (Kopelman), do not agree and claim that testing children for late onset
diseases not only affects the child in a negative manner, but also negatively influences
the parents relationship with that specific child (Davis). I argue that children at risk for
late onset disorders, such as Huntington s or Alzheimer s disease, should not be tested for
such genetic markers at the request of their parents. The decision to test a child for a
late onset disease restricts the child s right to an open future (Davis). These diseases
will affect that child as an adult and, as an adult, the child should have the right to
choose for themselves whether they want to be tested or not. Not only does testing
children for late onset diseases restrict the child s future, but it also leaves a significant
impact on the child to parent relationship which is vital for development throughout the
early stages of life (Davis). Oftentimes, the parents find themselves treating a diseased or
affected child with more care and precaution in comparison to their other children
(Kopelman), as if the diseased child is fragile.
However, parents who claim late onset disease testing for their children should be an
option also have strong objections to this professional consensus. Objections include the
idea that the
Free Doctor Assisted Suicide Within Canada
In late February 2016, a recent debate among Canadian politicians arose on whether
mature minors have the right to access doctor assisted suicide within Canada. In
Canadian Paediatric Society1 article, it explains how the government has a three year
deadline in order to create new legislation. However, the the Canadian Paediatric
Society (CPS) believes that this three year deadline Is not enough time to gather
adequate and appropriate information on whether this practice should be allowed to
be extended to minors under the age of 18. Currently, the CPS believes that it will be
very hard to develop any data the experience of physician assisted deaths among adults,
within the next 3 years. The CPS stated that Without that data, and a great deal of other
information, it is premature to set a deadline for enacting legislation (2016). The CBC
brought up valuable points to the cause, firstly that age is arbitrary . Dr. Smith stated
in the CBC article that there are some people who are 21, while there are those that are
14, and have the maturity to give consent, he went on to explain that he feels that this
topic should go to even younger children. Later in the article Conservative MP Mike
Cooper said that this was illogical and that those not old enough to vote should not have
the right to choose if they live or die. The CBC went on to reiterate what the CPS article
was about, saying that with such little data on the subject, and with two very distinct
sides to this ethical
How Did King Louis Xiv Have An Absolute Monarchy
French King Louis XIV became king at the age of four. However, it was not until after
the death of Cardinal Mazarin, that Louis was officially recognized as the King of
France in 1643 until 1715. He referred to himself as the Sun King and is well known for
the building of Versailles and being the best illustration of an absolute monarchy in the
seventeenth century. However, historians think that it might have not been an absolute
democracy since France had other influencers with authority. Instead, Louis achieved an
indirect absolute monarchy by controlling the policy making regulations and the people
in his court. France was the dominant power in Europe at the time, and Louis he wanted
to showcase it through his military forces and the Palace of Versailles. He also wanted to
unite the Catholics which lead to conflict with Protestants, and invested a vast amount...
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The Sun King did not want Protestants to practice their religion in a largely Catholic
France. He believed in the idea of one king, one law, one faith, since he felt that any
other minorities can threatened his political supremacy. He issued the Edict of
Fontainebleau and revoked the Edict of Nantes. The Edict of Nantes was issued by
Henry IV and gave some religious freedom to French Protestants, who were also known
as Huguenots. The new edict called for the wreckage of Huguenot churches and the
closure of Protestant schools. About 200,000 Huguenots left France to seek shelter in
other countries. The support for no Protestantism came from the people of France. They
rejected the rights of Protestants, banned them from government meetings, and destroyed
Protestant churches. Which eventually lead Catholicism to regain control in densely
Protestant areas. All in all, King Louis XIV was not supportive of Protestant reform in
France because he wanted to keep it a Catholic
Nethergrave By Gloria Skurzynski Analysis
In the story Nethergrave by Gloria Skurzynski, lies a boy named Jeremy. Jeremy is a
misfit, a person that don t belong anywhere, or a person that is different. Jeremy is the
kind of boy who can memorize a whole book of sports, but can t physically play any
sports. He vaults to the internet for hope of his four friends, but instead he finds
something different. Even though, Gloria Skurzynski story Nethergrave is a science
fiction genre, I believe that the meaning of this story could be that there s always a place
for everyone. In the beginning, Jeremy struggles with the schools most abrasive students,
and his daily life. Though, Jeremy knew that he wasn t any good on his soccer team, he
thought the school was too deep in frivolity to ever pay attention to other student s needs.
Since, the school suggest that the students need to sign up for an activity,... Show more
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However, that doesn t mean that he doesn t have friends at all. Right after school,
Jeremy would go home, and log into his computer along with his three other buddies:
Hangman, PrincessDie5, and Dr. Ded. These four friends met in a music chat a while
back, and ever since then, they became friends. It s natural for many kids, pre teens,
and teens to go on the internet looking for friends, and wanting to feel like they have
someone to talk too. They would settle down, and talk about death jokes, until someone
goes. Considering Jeremy s temperament, he lies to his online friends, so they wouldn t
know about him in real life. After every lie, he would tell them, was getting harder to
keep up with them, so he would tell another lie. Jeremy knew that lying to them was the
wrong thing to do, and he also knew that he doesn t really belong with his online friends
either. Being accepted is one thing, but lying just to be accepted is another thing. Now,
like everything in Jeremy s life was turning away, something magical
Taking a Look at N. Meningitidis
N. meningitidis and the diseases that it is responsible for are diagnosed by blood
samples or a spinal tap to retrieve cerebrospinal fluid samples. Since the bacteria grows
fastidious and is oxidase positive, it is preferred to grow it on a blood agar plate or a
chocolate agar plate at temperatures ranging from 35 37 degrees Celsius. It can be
identified using the Kovac s oxidase test and if a positive result is found it should be
followed with a carbohydrate utilization test. If this too shows N.meningitidis then a
serological test should be performed to determine which strain is present. The strains of
A, B, C, Y and W135 are the only known associated with humans and disease. Strain B
is a weaker form and does not generate an adequate immune response therefore natural
infection is capable of generating some immunity. It is also important in the lab testing of
N. meningitidis to remember that the bacteria is capable of fermenting maltose in
cultures which would set it apart from N. gonorrhoeae. It is imperative to utilize the
Biosafety Level 2 to prevent contamination in lab workers. Most strains and diseases
caused by N. meningitidis are treated with the administration of intravenous penicillin in
a natural form. Ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin or rifampin as well as Chloramphenicol in
children are used in treatment. It is also advised that anyone who may be exposed to the
disease be treated with prophylactic treatment in order to prevent secondary infections.
The treatment
The Importance Of Internment In John Okada s No-No Boy
Ichiro Yamada, in John Okada s No No Boy, plays a major role in defining American
ness in the novel. From the very start of the book, readers may note that the rest of
society indefinitely identifies Ichiro as Japanese, due to his unique appearance compared
to the white majority of America and his refusal to join the military during Japanese
internment. While Ichiro was interned, the government required a Loyalty Questionnaire
to be administered to all Japanese interned in the camps. Two major questions
determined, in Ichiro s eyes, either acceptance or unacceptance into American society:
one being the will to serve in the army whenever asked and swearing allegiance to the
United States and forswearing allegiance to the Emperor of Japan ... Show more content
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The gradual decrease of Japanese pride is also emphasized with the fact that he sees
himself as only half Japanese, since one does not speak and...play and fight and see and
hear in America among Americans...without becoming American and loving it (16). He
explains this uncertainty about his national identity as the reason behind why he refused
to go serve in the army in the first place.
Later in the novel, as Ichiro converses with Emi, he considers the possibility that his
decision was not out of Japanese nationalism, but due to the societal ideal that one must
choose if they are Japanese or American; being both is impossible (84). Subsequently,
the allegorical message that he is not masculine enough, which in a way defines
American ness in American culture, is portrayed by the beating he receives from Taro s
friends. At first, the initial visual image of the scene views the situation as only an
attack on Ichiro. However, the second underlying meaning behind this literal attack is
portrayed by when There was a sharp and slender youth bent over him with a wide grin
and started to slip the knife blade under the leather belt (73). The action of slipping the
knife blade under Ichiro s leather belt infers the attempt to castrate him to further
emasculate him, which represents that he does not belong to society as both a person of
color and as an American man due to refusing to serve in the army. Furthermore, although
the story concludes that society
The Death Of A Young Girl
In the year 1997 on the 28th of October, a young girl is born. She is small and knows
nothing of the world. But, her parents, they know she will do great things. What they
are, they have not a single clue, but even so, they want to see where she will go. What
they don t foresee though, is the pain she will have to go through first to get there. She
is different from most kids. She isn t attracted to the boys girls in her class fawn over.
She finds drawing characters in the shows she watches with her godfather to be much
more interesting. It gets her into trouble with the other kids. So much so, that her parents
are forced to transfer her to another school due to the bullying. Sadly it does not end
there. No matter where she went, she was bullied. But, it doesn t matter. She has art, and
that is all she needs.
Creating new things has always made me happy. Even from a young age, I would have
dreams always urging me to create new stories. The urge to create what is useful and
tangible is deeply human. There s something about it that releases stress and brings us
back to center (Sisson). When I draw, it helps me destress, even if just for a moment.
And, when I finish one I end up feeling much happier. The first symbolic representation
of my creative intent is the crane. Throughout all of Asia, the crane has been a symbol of
happiness and eternal youth...The Japanese refer to the crane as the bird of happiness;
the Chinese as heavenly crane believing they were symbols
Lorraine Hansberry Research Paper
On May 19,1930 a set of events was set in motion that an inspiration and touching to
many. May 19,1930 Lorraine Vivian Hansberry was born in Chicago, Illinois, she was
the youngest of four kids. Her parents were Nannie and Carl Augustus Hansberry.Nannie
and Carl Hansberry were independent, politically active and Republican. Growing up she
dealt with many problems involving her race, her family was victims of segregation. The
effects of her childhood greatly affected how she went on about her life.
In 1950 she decided to take a leap of faith and try to pursue a career of being a writer. She
moves out to New York City and starts going to The New School but only one year
later she moves out to Harlem so involve herself in the activist struggles. In 1951 she
started working writing newspapers for black freedom.Lorraine Hansberry wrote a
poem called Lynch Song inspired from Willie McGee s court case. One June 20,1953
Lorraine Hansberry married ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Her funeral was held in Harlem on January 15, 1965. Paul Robeson and SNCC
organizer James Forman gave eulogies. She is buried at Asbury United Methodist
Church Cemetery in Croton on Hudson,New York. After her death, Nemiroff adapted a
collection of her writing and interviews in To Be Young, Gifted and Black, which opened
off Broadway at the Cherry Lane Theatre and ran for eight months.
In 1973 A Raisin in the Sun opened in theaters in New York. A Raisin in the Sun won a
tony award for best musical and went on broadway in 2004 and received a tony award
nomination for best revival of a play. In 1999 Hansberry was posthumously inducted
into the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame. In 2013, Lorraine Hansberry was
posthumously inducted into the American Theatre Hall of Fame. The legacy of
Lorraine Hansberry will forever be remembered because even know her life is inspiring
many and her audience is always
How Does Morrison Use Direct Characterization In Recitatif
Two women. One black, one white. Separated not by their race, but by their character.
This idea is found throughout the short story Recitatif by Toni Morrison. Recitatif
follows the story of the protagonist, Twyla, and her encounters with her childhood
orphanage roommate, Roberta. In the beginning of the story, Morrison makes it clear that
Twyla and Roberta are of different races, but never actually states which raceeach one is,
which greatly enhances the characterization and meaning of the story. This forces the
reader to interpret the thoughts and actions of the characters without the social stigma
behind the color of a person s skin and question why the author chose to handle the
characterization in this way. Throughout the course of the story, Morrison is very
meticulous with characterization. By purposefully withholding the race of Twyla and
Roberta, the reader is forced to define the characters through more than just their skin
color. As a result, the reader learns more about Twyla s character through direct and
indirect characterization. For example, during Twyla s encounter with Roberta at
Howard Johnson s Morrison writes, Maybe she didn t want to be reminded of St. Bonny
s or... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Twyla and Roberta are anything but predictable. Throughout the narrative, the reader
can never be sure when, where, or why Twyla and Roberta will meet next or what they
are going to say to each other. A example of this can be seen when Roberta tells Twyla
that they both kicked Maggie from St. Bonny s. The reader is not expecting this and it
forces them to question Twyla s reliability as a character. At the end of the story the
reader learns that what Roberta said was not true. And you were right. We didn t kick
her. It was the gar girls. Only them. But, well, I wanted to (Morrison 147). This excerpt
reveals the complexity behind Twyla and Roberta and helps the reader understand them
Berlin Wall Monologue
Chancellor Kohl, Governing Mayor Diepgen ladie Finally! I thought to myself as I
sighed in relief. I have been standing out here for like an hour and my legs are starting
to burn. I said to myself quietly. Amalia! my mother whispered, Mund zu! (Shut Your
Mouth) she said in a quiet harsh tone. Fine. i muttered back as i pouted from being
scolded. In all honesty it s not my fault I don t really understand what s going on I am a
sheltered child. My motherdragged me here to listen to this american president talk
about the Berlin Wall. That wall has been before i was even born. Based on what my
mother said she had familyon the other side of the wall that i would love to meet. She
also told me that on this side of the wall, the west
Hoop Dreams Analysis
Lorenzo de Medici

Film Analysis: Hoop Dreams (1994)

Written by Ann Kelsey

Cinema of the Real: Documentary Films
Paolo Grassini
December 5, 2012

The 1994 Documentary, Hoop Dreams, directed by Steve James, is a masterful display of
human drama. The story line is so captivating and theatrical that it seems crafted from
fiction. The Documentary boasts cinematic techniques and private investigating that
rivals most film of this time period. The film follows the high school careers of two boys
from the Cabrini Green housing projects in Chicago. The aggressive authenticity of
cinema verite does not only peek through in character emotion, but film s beginning came
together naturally. James tells Robert Ebert in 2009, A ... Show more content on
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In contrast with interviews that James conducts as a source or witness, in which he sets
the mise en scene, James tends to keep the camera true to life with the mother (Bellour,
50). James maintains a shaky camera technique to solidify his position as the eye looking
into their world. During panning or other establishing shots, narrated sequences, and
interviews with characters, a tripod is used to separate those moments from the story.
Although not entirely non diegetic, the interviews are spaces in the film shot outside of
the story. The audience is given confirmation of how William and Arthur must be feeling
during this time, allowing character development. Along with the ethical concerns of not
tampering with reality, aesthetic efforts during the interviews was necessary to separate
them from reality (Ellis, 222) Arthur s mother, Sheila Agee, was a symbolic
representation re occurring themes; strength within struggle (IMDb). Her character acts
as more then a rock for her family, but the struggle of her reality gave character
authenticity, adding to film credibility. Institutions of Education and Financial policies
act as the antagonists. The films hero, suitably so because our society draws a parallel
between hero and mother, is Sheila. Ryan intentionally displayed her character in
abundance. She stood as the
Comparing Dundee University s Heat Energy Systems And...

This report shows the differences and the similarities between Dundee University s heat
energy systems and those that are employed by Hillcrest Housing Association. The main
technologies used in the university are gas fired engines, whereas the Hillcrest building
which has a biomass boiler. As far as models of ownership are concerned, the University
has established a wholly owned operating company DUUSCo to undertake the Project.
While, although owned by Hillcrest the biomass system is operated and maintained
under a 10 year agreement by Angus Biofuels who sell the energy to Hillcrest. Finally,
comparing the risks associated with security of energy delivery we can say that they are
similar. Even if the two heating systems are different, both of them had the same goal,
reducing the energy used and achieve low energy consumption. And move a step closer
to sustainable and zero carbon buildings. An explanation of zero carbon meaning is given.

Technologies used in Hillcrest and Dundee University

Hillcrest Housing Association (Appendix A) building uses for heating, except for the
orientation and the big windows on the North and south, the air. Air is brought into the
building through 5 trunk molded conduits climbing out of the grass to the once again of
the building (Appendix G, 4). Low controlled fans support the methodology. The air is
drawn into a maze of 600mm solid pipes that bolster into a block chamber which works
on the same guideline as an issue
Aristotelian Virtues
I do not believe that the table of Aristotelian virtues works for all the human virtues .
According to Aristotle, behaving in the right manner is the mean between extremes of
deficiency and excess. Excess is having too much of something, while deficiency is
having too little of something. Sometimes, in real life situations it is difficult to figure
out the means between excess and deficiency. You can use fear and confidence as an
example. The mean is courage, while the excess is rashness and the deficiency is
cowardice. A soldier for example does not want to be a coward. You want to be
courageous, but it is hard to identify how many bullets needs to fly past someone s head
before they can go back to safety? Virtues are also dependent on many things, such...
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The mean is truthfulness and the vices are boastfulness and understatement/mock
modesty. In a job interview, we are supposed to make our interviewer think we are the
best person for the job. Maybe we do not think we would be the best fit for the job, but
financially we need it. We are not being truthful when we say that we would be the
best candidate for the job. Also, we are taught that during an interview, we need to be
boastful. We need to make it show them we are skilled, experienced, and competent.
Yes, you do not want to be overly boastful, but in this situation being boastful will
benefit you more than if you were truthful. The final example why the table of Aristotle
s virtues does not work for all human virtues, is because Aristotle lists ambition/empty
vanity as a vice. For someone who is extremely religious, you can never worship God
too much. In this case, the vice would be the virtue. As you can see, there are many
reason why the table of Aristotelian virtues does not work for all the human virtues.
Sometimes, vices can be virtues. When you are figuring out the means, you have to
consider someone s religion, culture, or
Responsibilities Leadership And Human Capital Management
Stephenie Bailey
Midyear Self Assessment

Responsibilities Leadership and Human Capital Management

This is my second year as temp manager in DCO. As a manager I like to create a work
environment of professionalism where employees are treated with dignity and respect
by providing quality leadership, adequate training, and effective support services. As a
manager, I attended various formal training events on my level of leadership. I took a
series of courses beginning with EQSP refresher training and attended a Self
Assessment training class to help improve my writing skills for my mid years. I have
enrolled in an upcoming class to improve on performance counseling and annual
appraisals. I was asked to oversee an Operations project ... Show more content on
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I developed a seating chart for my team to help the Work Leader and Quality know who
is where with their EOP numbers. I created an environment for continual learning by
developing my backup lead through coaching, mentoring, recognition, guidance, and
support which encouraged short and long term goals. As a manager I am making
myself more available to the quality review and improving the communication between
our team and the Quality Review Unit. I complete all LIPC QPC reports that are sent
when asked to provide for new programs being added to an employee s profile. I have
found that since beginning this process, our working relationship has improved. I
identified a back up Work Leader and coordinated training for them with the Control
Desk and our current Work Leader. At this time all work is being KV d and all
documentation is being submitted to the Control Desk and Quality Unit in a timely
manner. I work to balance my day so that I am spending time engaged with team members
and still meeting assignment deadlines. I foster an inclusive work environment and
promote workforce diversity thru support of EEO and affirmative employment
objectives, fair and equitable employment decisions, prompt attention to allegations of
harassment and discrimination, and encouragement of early disputes resolution when
appropriate. During counselling, I verbally and in written form go over feedback from
The Liberating Appeal Of Cars In The Haunting Of Hill House
The Liberating Appeal of Cars I choose to interpret the representation of cars in The
Haunting of Hill House. In this novel, a car is first represented as a means of control
over Eleanor by her sister (Jackson 7). However, Eleanor s stealing of the car transforms
the car into a representation of freedom from her present life (Jackson 10). The car
allows Eleanor to be free of her controlled life and to begin her own journey (Jackson 10).
We observe the same car at the conclusion of the novel as a device used to free herself
from her forced departure of Hill House (Jackson 178). She uses the car to commit suicide
, allowing her to stay at Hill House indefinitely (Jackson 182). I argue that in the novel
the car is utilized for control... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Montague said importantly. I must say, she asked first about the car. A vulgar person;
I told her she need have no fear. You were very wrong, John, to let her steal her sister s
car and come here (Jackson 177). This occurrence shows a regression of the car s
representation back to an object utilized as control over Eleanor. Mrs. Montague s
reprimanding of Dr. Montague for allowing Eleanor to steal the car transforms
Eleanor s act of stealing the car into a negative action, as opposed to a positive act of
Eleanor liberating herself from the restraints and control of her life. Therefore the car
is again transformed into an object of control over Eleanor. Eleanor s following
confession demonstrates her desperate need to remain at Hill House and keep her
freedom: I haven t any apartment, she said to Theodora. I made it up, I sleep on a cot
at my sister s, in the baby s room. I haven t any home no place at all. There s no place
you can send me (Jackson 177). This allows us to further realize how meaningless and
controlled Eleanor s life was prior to her journey to Hill House (Jackson 177). Eleanor
leaving Hill House in her sister s stolen car would most likely force Eleanor into an
even further restrained and controlled life. Forcing Eleanor to depart in the car only to
return to an extremely controlled life would again make the car into
The Power Of Music, Music And Music
There are many ways to tell a story. Throughout my life I ve find this to be true. As a
storyteller myself, I always try my best to utilize the many different approaches to
telling a story. Whether through music, books, poetry, drawings, films, etc. I ve tried
them all. I ve always been fascinated by other people s stories. I will always try to retell
them myself. Most of the time I usually just talk about them. But once in awhile, I like to
use what I think is the most powerful form of storytelling, music. Music has been part of
my life for a while now. Throughout middle school and high school I was in both Band
and Choir. And throughout these years I come to understand the power that music has
with storytelling. Especially in films, I ve grown up watching films and they have
impacted my life greatly. The films, Jesus Christ Super Star, La La Land, and The
Grand Budapest Hotel have a musical score that expresses a story better than any words
could ever express.
I grew up Catholic, just as my family grew up Catholic. Every year during the season of
Lent, around the time of Holy Week, my family and I would honor Jesus s final days
with many traditions. Tradition such as attending mass, receiving palms, having our feet
washed and of course watching the 1974 classic Jesus Christ Superstar. Now the Roman
Catholic Church dosen t considered Jesus Christ Superstar a tradition, but I do. My
family and I will all get together and eat some popcorn and drink some pop.
The Fairness Doctrine Dbq
The Federal Communications Commission stopped enforcing the Fairness Doctrine in
1987, less than 40 years after the policy was created. The doctrine required broadcast
stations to discuss important controversial issues and that they provide time for both
sides of the argument. This included allowing someone who had been attacked on air
the right to respond back. The FCC also reserved the right to take away a station s
license if they did not follow the set guidelines. During the 38 years that the policy was
active, many stations had to use more time to talk about issues that did not necessarily
align with their station. The repeal of the doctrine led to a rise in conservative talk radio
shows, such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark... Show more content on
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Liberals thought that Jim Hightower was going to be the talk show host that would
match up with Rush Limbaugh, however his talk radio ended after only a year and a
half (Mayer). The majority of people listening to talk radio enjoyed the rhetoric of
people like Rush Limbaugh because the radio was the only media outlet that provided
listeners with a right leaning viewpoint at the time. Talk radio shows like Rush
Limbaugh spent more time on issues that were interesting to their specific audience
and did not need to show the liberal side of the argument. If the Fairness Doctrine was
not repealed talk radio would look completely different and it would consist of mostly
a political radio shows that focused mostly on sports and other non political shows. The
rise in conservative talk radio is credited to the end of the Fairness Doctrine. In 2008
Republicans were trying to convince their followers that Democrats were set on trying to
bring back the Fairness Doctrine in efforts to silence limbaugh and other talk radio host
like him. Some democrats did want the Fairness Doctrine reinstated. In 2005
Representative Maurice Hinchey introduced a bill that would reintroduce the Fairness
Doctrine. Republicans nicknamed this bill as the Hush Rush bill. Nonetheless, The piece
of legislation did not go
An Introduction Of Martingale Theory
Introduction to Martingale Theory
Martingale Theory is a simple mathematical model which models sequence of a fair
game [1]. It is a stochastic process on some probability space {О©, F, P}. Originally it
was used as a betting strategy during 18th century in France. In 1934, Paul LГ©vy
introduced concept of Martingale in probability theory. It is named after La Grande
Martingale, which means strategy for even odd bets where bets are doubled every time
we lose. Idea behind this betting strategy is tht one cannot expect gains without taking
To understand Martingale, we need to understand Filtration first.
Available information is modelled by a sub Пѓ algebra F. A sequence of Пѓ algebras Fn
such that F0 вЉ‚ F1 вЉ‚...вЉ‚ F. This ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Every time the person lost he had to double his bet so that the first win would help him
regain from the previous losses plus win profit equal to the original stake [2]. If X1,
X2,..., is a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables with
P(Xn = 1) = 1/2 , P(Xn = 1)= ВЅ. Filtration (F_n )_n Fn = Пѓ(X1,...,Xn). Then sequence
(s_n )_(n=1)^в€ћ(simple random variable walk on Z) is martingale w.t.r. (F_n )_n as
E(Sn | Fn 1) = E(Sn 1 + Xn | Fn 1) = Sn 1 + E(Xn | Fn 1) = Sn 1 + E(Xn) = Sn 1 [1]
Poyla s Urn A container has balls of two color, say red and blue (r and b). We pick out
one ball, observe its color and place it back in the container along with another ball of
the same color. Draw another ball from the same container. Probability of drawing red
ball in first try is r/(r+b) and that of blue ball is b/(r+b). In second draw, probability of
red ball being drawn if a red ball was drawn first time will be (r+1)/(r+b+1). Probability
of red ball being drawn if a blue ball was drawn first time will be r/(r+b+x).

Probability of a red ball being drawn on second draw

P(Red : Draw =2) = ((r+1)/(r+b+1))*(r/(r+b))+((r/r+b+1)*(b/r+b))
= r/(r+b) [3] Example of Submartingale, Supermartingale : In a coin toss we have three
coins. One unbiased and two biased. In the two biased coins, one has P(HEADS) = Вѕ
and the other has P(HEADS) = Вј. After tossing the coin if heads come, we win, tails, we
lose. If we
Providian Trust
Business Context/Key Business Drivers
Providian Trust delivers financial and fiduciary services to clients across 216 branches.
In an industry built on servicing clients, many of Providian Trust s trust officers had 20
30 years of experience with the company and managed clients at a personal level. The
trust officers had total control over what was sent to the client, including generation of
financial statements. Control of the financial statements often resulted in a 2 3 month lag
in statement delivery, a slower turnaround time compared to competitors. Additionally,
trust officers often discounted or waived client fees for late or inaccurate statements,
costing the company an estimated $2 $5 million dollars per year. The ... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
Project Team did not address risks directly. Instead, they handled the topics one off. *
Project team did not handle risk of insufficient testing * Impact: * Risks not addressed
impact success of project * Sufficient testing is not conducted. It is unknown whether the
system can handle the information volume

I do not expect this initiative to be successful. Inadequate planning, poor resource
selection and an undefined vision put the project at risk for failure. From the
beginning, there was a lack of due diligence across many levels of the project. The
employees involved in the project were not selected appropriately. Junior employees
who lacked experience were making project decisions, decisions that would have a
significant impact on the company and the way they do business. Additionally, user
representation on the project team was low, impacting the accuracy of business
processes and also impacting user support and adoption of the initiative. It was evident
that Providian Trust lacked strong executive leadership on the project which did not
send a good message to the field. Lack of executive support will impact
Life Of Galileo And Top Girls Analysis
Life of Galileo and Top Girls

Life of Galileo and Top Girls are two plays that truly exemplify epic theater. They both
tell stories in order to call the audience to some form of action, and they both alienate the
audience from the characters. Epic theater s purpose is to cause the audience to think
objectively about the play, to reflect on its argument, to understand it, and to draw
conclusions ( Epic Theater ). Therefore, for a work to be categorized as epic theater it
must have an argument or main idea. Not only must it have an idea that drives the play,
but the subjects of the play must be conduits to this idea. This is why characters in epic
plays are often detached from the audience. The audience is not supposed to be invested
in ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
This devotion to ignorance, or denial of the truth is another theme in the play. In Life
of Galileo, ignorance is represented by the church and most of its members. Many of
these figures stay willfully ignorant despite being faced with Galileo s findings. For
example, in Life of Galileo Galileo says, A man who doesn t know the truth is just an
idiot, but a man who knows the truth and calls it a lie is a crook and Shutting their
eyes to every fact and pretending nothing has happened (Brecht). It seems that the
political structure within the play advocates for the ignorance of people even though
they are faced with the truth, and that is one of the political ideas that Brecht is trying
to convey with Life of Galileo. Specifically the characters that represent ignorance of
the truth are Clavius and Cardinal Barberini, because they are confronted with and
acknowledge Galileo s truth while still forbidding it to be taught. They are the
antithesis of Galileo and the ideas he represents. While Galileo represents truth, they
represent ignorance of truth. Because truth is such a broad and universal theme, Life of
Galileo has been adapted a few times in order to fit into different time periods and
political environments. Because of this, Life of Galileo is allowed to have a subtly
different theme with each adaptation. In order to be able to differentiate the ideas
associated with Galileo and the character of Galileo himself, Brecht has to alienate the
Ignition Interlock Devices
A solution for eliminating drunk driving may be accomplished with an Ignition
Interlock Device for detecting alcohol consumption. Although, some states incorporate
the mandatory installation of such a device, it is usually with repeat offenders. Should
more states enact this device with first time offenders, it may be a win win situation
for all parties involved. 4 Reasons Ignition Interlock Devices are a Win Win for DUIs
Although the legal consequences for a DUI vary in each state, most will involve a
suspension of license, fines and educational training. In addition, some states have
adapted the installation of a breath analyzer, known as an ignition interlock device (IID)
that connects inside the car. This device measures the driver s... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
The IID Eliminates Plea Deals Offenders may find themselves involved in a plea
agreement through a DUI attorney. Although, this may eliminate the suspended
license, it usually involves a hefty fine. Organizations, such as Mothers Against Drunk
Drivers (MADD) have opposed plea deals, as it does not keep a potential repeat
offender off the roads. MADD advocates the mandatory installation of the electronic
device for first time offenders. The IID Cost Offsets Fines Mandatory installation of
the IID may alleviate the enormous fines imposed on lawbreakers. However, there is
still a punitive cost placed on the driver for the installation of the device and the
monthly fee. Typically, the one time installation fee is approximately $100 and a
recurring fee around $50 per month. The installation of an IID has the ability to take
drunk drivers off the road. At that same time, it can ease the financial hardship of hefty
fines and license suspension for first time offenders. At this time, the device is not
capable of detecting illegal drug use, but is a first step in eliminating alcohol related
Perseus And Spiderman Research Paper
My paper is about two heroes Perseus and Spiderman. For one perseus was the one that
went and killed Medusa, and then after he killed Medusa he went and saved his to be
wife, then he went back and saw that his mother was mistreated and he will turn the man
that mistreated his mother to stone with the head of medusa. For Spiderman, he was
bitten by a spider and turned into a man that saves people also known as Spiderman. For
this essay one will be comparing and contrasting their origins, agility, their strength, their
courage, and how they had helped others.

Perseus was born from DanaГ«, she was mortal and the daughter and only child of the
King Acrisius of Argos and his wife Queen Eurydice. Acrisius was seeking information
for his future and had found out from the ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Perseus was known for his great physical strength as well as his bravery. After he grew
a little bit more, the king of the island Polydectes pretended to marry his friend s
daughter and wanted everyone to bring a gift, and knowing perseus was poor he
would pretend to get furious and get into a huge argument to where he would want
perseus to go find and kill Medusa and bring the head back. So Polydectes was wanting
to send him on a death mission so he would not have to worry about him anymore. So
Perseus went on a search to find the The Graiai that were actually 3 other sisters of the
gorgon Medusa, they shared an eye between the three of them. So Perseus went to go
and find the Graiai to get directions on the whereabouts of Medusa. So Perseus took
their eye and blackmailed them for directions on which he had got from them and from
there he went searching for the gorgons layer. When Perseus got there he had to look at
the reflection in his sword of the Medusa. The gorgons sisters were right next to her and
could of easily awoken Medusa to turn Perseus to stone but were asleep until he had
beheaded the gorgon and they had tried to fight him
Essay on Education and Virginia’s Woolf’s A Room
Only the gold and silver flowed now, not from the coffers of the king, but from the
purses of men who had made, say a fortune from industry, and returned, in their wills, a
bounteous share of it to endow more chairs, more lectureships, more fellowships in the
university where they had learnt their craft(754). This is a quote from Virginias Woolf s
essay, A Room of One s Own . Here she is making a point about universities and the
funding that they received from men that had gone to school there. Woolf s essay takes
place during the early nineteen hundreds when most women did not attend a university.
There was great inequality of those who attended school because men had control over
all the money. The men in society either received... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
Thankfully times have changed, and women writers are recognized equally as men are
today in society. The main reason is that women today have an equal chance at
education. Education today is open to everyone, because education can be paid for, or
funded in various ways.

Universities today are much easier to attend for anyone that wishes to go to school.
There are so many different types of programs out there today that make education
more affordable for people that do not have the assets to pay for an education
themselves. There are many forms of financial aid available for specific groups of
people. For example, there are scholarship programs set up specifically for women, or
programs set up specifically for minorities. There are also programs set up for people
with certain disabilities. These programs are set up in this sort of way to give
everyone a chance to fit in to one of the specific categories. There are many ways to
apply for these types of financial aid. You can do them through your high school, place of
work, or even find them over the internet.

What about the people that don t fit into these specific categories? For these people, there
are general financial aid programs established. These programs are set up by private,
public, or government institutions. These programs include scholarships, student loans,
grants, and many more. Many of these types of financial aid
Augat Electronics Essay
Augat Electronics Inc.
A Case Analysis
1.Critical Issues
Canadian market for Cable TV connectors is expected to grow substantially in the
coming years. Given the current product quality and the maturity in Value Added
Services provided by the Cable TV companies, the basis for purchasing decisions seems
to be changing. Given the current market share that Augat has and situation, it will be of
at most importance to penetrate one or more of the multiple service operators (MSOs)
that dominate the Canadian market. Augat believes that Snap N Seal might be the product
that would help Augat reach mainstream status
The most significant problems in this case as far as Augat goes is their decision(s)
pertaining to
a.Pricing Strategy in ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Moreover, a lower price might provide a lower perceived value by the MSOs, poor
product quality as the reason for the lower price. So Augat would be better off pricing
the Snap N Seal connector comparable to Raychem s. By doing so, the company will
be able gain better margins on their product. Additionally, the price will not be suspect
to scrutiny. Although this strategy, enables the company to compare itself to Raychem
in terms of price and quality it will possibly make it more difficult to persuade the MSO
to purchase the product. This is exasperated by the fact that the tools necessary for the
Snap N Seal connector are a capital budgeting decision that represents a considerable
investment for the cable provider.
For the problem on distribution partner, Augat has the option to stick with White Radio,
or to seek new partnerships in distribution like Anixter Canada, or Deskin Sales. Though
this would help Augat enhance the coverage in terms of suppliers (or end users) and a
potential increase in market presence. However, on the other hand, Augat would lose the
exclusive relationship it was with White Radio, knowing White Radio s Steve Quinn
knowledge about Cable TV MSO s approval process. In addition, the other distribution
companies also carry competitor s products and there is no guarantee that they would
How Media Affects Society Essay
How The Media Affects Society

The media is undoubtedly a significant and influential aspect in modern day society. As a
means of communication in a world very much advanced in technology, the media
touches all types of people through various forms such as the radio, newspapers,
televisions etc. The question remains: what information is left unbiased and untarnished?
The people within society must sort through the many bits of information fed to them
and unfortunately, in most cases, all bits of media is taken as the whole truth. The ways
in which media impacts society to a great extent are through the facts it chooses to
reveal, as recently seen in the case of the Tamil war in Sri Lanka. The tone in which it is
presented such as the ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The tone can affect society s view on the situation, resulting in either a positive or
negative reaction. As seen on May 10th when thousands of Tamils met on Toronto s
Gardiner Expressway, for almost 4 hours shutting down a key artery in the city s road
network. If the media had said, The Tamil protesters are keeping Torontonians hostage
in their own city vs The Tamil protesters are bravely doing what needs to be done to
save their families . This could have resulted in Toronto turning against the Tamil
community and possibly resulting in hate crimes, but instead the tone of the media
was in favour of the protesters. Which has resulted in a positive reaction from Toronto
and the Canadian government. The tone in which the facts are presented by the
media, can easily change the point of view of the consumer, and can have either a
positive or negative reaction regardless of the truth behind the facts. Lastly, the media
uses its voice to target certain audiences for certain reactions. Who can the media
target? In the case of Victoria George Pazzano, a 29 year old woman who suffered a
severe asthma attack while on vacation in Mexico became critically ill. Victoria s family
pleaded to the Canadian government and Ontario hospitals to bring her home,but were
continuously told that there were no beds and doctors available to treat in all of Ontario.
The family of Victoria then pleaded there case to the media,
Analysis Of Nyx Chevlier s The Great Mayan God Kukulkan...
Nyx Chevlier was a 25 year old woman who had jet black hair and a pair of striking
blue eyes. She had previously gone on an adventure entailing the great Mayan god
Kukulkan and the terrifying beast Camazotz. This time she was looking for an artifact
called the Scepter of King Dagobert. It is said that if you possess this scepter that you
and your army (if you have one) is granted the power to conquer the world (or any being
that you desire to have controlled). Reliable sources say that the scepter is in the
Verkhoyansk Range in Sakha Republic, Russia. This adventure began in the small town
of Dzhargalakh in the Sakha Republic of Russia, a small town in right in the
Verkhoyansk Range. I found a small hotel there to get ready for my... Show more content
on HelpWriting.net ...
Then I thought that if I was going after some scepter that could help you conquer
anything, this probably wasn t going to be the strangest thing I saw. I stepped inside
the cave, I was sweating inside my clothes. I took my parka and all those wintry
clothes off and set them down at the entrance of the cave. I kept on my black leather
motorcycle jacket on though. Even though it was warm, it wasn t eighty degrees
warm. The cave was dark, but there were luminous crystals in there that lit up a path
ways. I slid my backpack back on and left my wintry clothing behind, following the
trail. I had gotten my machete and my handgun out, just in case. My sniper rile
probably wouldn t do much good in close combat, not that I was expecting that or
anything. It took about an hour to find the end of the tunnel. When I reached it, I was
so used to the low light setting that when I got to this new part of the cavern I was
almost blinded by the light. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I looked around at my
surroundings. I was an underground tropical forest, I could hear a river nearby. I saw
many colorful birds, snakes, and other tropical animals. I saw nothing abnormal about the
place, except that this was an underground jungle, and it was now eighty degrees in here
whilst negative 10 outside.
I found a tree with some vines around it and tried to climb up it. One of the vines I put
my hand on was a snake and not a vine. I quickly
The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence
In her novel The Stone Angel, Margaret Laurence uses the stone angel monument to
embody the qualities of Hagar . Over the course of the novel, Hagar reflects back on the
memories that have made up her life. Hagar s loneliness and depression are self induced
and brought on by her pride, lack of emotion, stubbornness and the ignorance which she
has towards anyone s opinion but her own. The qualities of Hagar are identical with those
possessed by the stone angel monument and paralleled by Laurence many times
throughout the novel. The angel was certainly not a suitable statue to mark the death of
Mrs. Currie as it was uncharacteristic of her. The statue of the angel is a more fitting
representation of Hagar s father Jason Currie and hence... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
When her son John dies she does not weep, almost as if she was made of stone. The
night my son died I was transformed to stone and never wept at all. (Laurence 243)
Hagar believed if she cried it would damage her pride and make her appear weak. She
would simply not have people think that. I wouldn t cry in front of strangers, whatever
it cost me. (Laurence 242) Hagar makes love to Bram and never lets him know that
she enjoyed it. He never knew. I never let him know. I never spoke aloud, and I made
certain the trembling was all inner. (Laurence 81) She could never allow others to
know how she felt. Hagar remained emotionless throughout her life. When Bram dies
Hagar does not even dare to shed a tear. But when we d bury Bram and come home
again and lighted lamps for the evening, it was John who cried, not I. (Laurence 184)
In many ways Hagar s passionless life was identical to that of the Angel; it never shed a
tear, rarely did she. Her inability to express emotion led to her relentless ignorance of
others and their opinions.

Hagar Shipley is a very stubborn woman at the age of ninety. She is very set in her ways,
and does not appreciate being told what to do. The most prominent sign of this
stubbornness is when Hagar is brought to Silverthreads nursing home to view this
location. Upon this discovery Hagar attempts to run away, only to find herself lost in a
forest. The
The Joy Luck Club Quotes Analysis
A relationship without trust is like a cellphone with no service, you just play games
(Quotesvalley). This quote shows that trust is important in a relationship, and it shows
how without trust the people involved in the relationship will just be playing games,
manipulating each other. The Joy Luck Club is about four Chinese mothers and their
relationships with their daughters. The major influences that complicate these mother
daughter relationships are differing opinions on cultural beliefs and a lack a trust
between the mothers and daughters. Amy Tan shows the idea about trust s importance
through the relationships in the Joy Luck Clubthrough Waverly and Lindo Jong s
relationship, by showing that all relationships without trust will ultimately fail because
this leads people to consistently think that others are trying to manipulate them.
Lindo raised Waverly with an emphasis on invisible strength s importance and having
able to manipulating others. This quote shows this idea playing a role in Waverly s life,
I desperately wanted to go, but I knew she would not let me play among strangers. So as
we walked home I said in a small voice that I didn t want to play in the local tournament
(Tan 97). Waverly was also raised to think in terms of chess strategy, being ten steps
ahead of your opponent in order to manipulate them, and tricking them to fall into her
trap. In the quote, Waverly is figuring out the best way to manipulate her mother into
letting her play in the
Analysis Of Francis Fukuyama s The End Of History And...
The National Review describes Francis Fukuyama as one of the most important thinkers
in America because of his status as a triple threat in public intellectual life: he is able to
maintain high appointments in academe, produce popular books and magazine writing,
and advise American presidents and foreign leaders directly . This status contributes to
Fukuyama s continued success as a political scientist, political economist and author.
After achieving notability for his book, The End of History and the Last Man, Fukuyama
changed pace and wrote a distinctively historical work (as opposed to his aforementioned
previous novels that were more theoretical) entitled The Origins of Political Order: From
PreHuman Times to the French Revolution. Citing 9/11 and American s failed ability to
adequately understand how hard it is to establish institutions Fukuyama decided to write
a novel concerning where political institutions originated in countries that had them.
Fukuyama introduces his novel by developing his theory that there are three factors
involved in political order: 1, the state 2, rule of law and 3, accountable government. He
attempts to prove that a modern democracy (such as Denmark) would consist of a stable
balance between these three components. By using these specific concepts, Fukuyama is
able to successfully analyze the checks and balances of a countries political system, and
thus determine its relative stability. He illustrates these elements as separate columns
Persuasive Essay On American Soccer
Collegiate Men s Soccer is American Men s Soccer s most important asset. But the
sport is currently in a unique position. It s forced to compete with Basketball and
Football for popularity. If it s able to become the third major collegiate sport it must
coexist with MLS academies. The path won t be easy however it s necessary if
American Soccer want s to remain stable.

For the first time in a long time apart is growing before our eyes. Lacrosse is thriving
but it s a niche sport. American Soccer s growth is starting to resemble the popularity
Baseball achieved. This popularity could be stabilized and even boosted by Collegiate

The more opportunities players have to play and develop their game the better. Some
players prefer to play at the collegiate level others don t. Giving the ones that do more
options I extremely critical. Only 206 ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Many of the local athletes choose Football and Basketball. Collegiate Football and
Basketball programs often give the players lucrative scholarships. It s not a perfect
marriage but it is a start. Collegiate American Soccer needs to come up with it s own
strategy If it wants to succeed.

Talented Hockey players have two major development options that, they can choose
from. They can get paid to play or they can go the college route. College Hockey is
popular but it s not as popular as College Basketball or Hockey. The sports unique
developmental model, set s it apart from Football and Basketball. Soccer is in a similar

The major four American sports leagues all have their own player development methods.
Some of them are dependent on collegiate players others aren t. MLS is still struggling
with its developmental identity. The current happy medium approach, utilizes both
methods. Collegiate Soccer and club academies have been able to coexist. In order for
American Soccer to truly thrive the relationship will need to
The Current Position and Debt Management Issues of Dollar...
Abstract This paper highlights the current position of Dollar General Corporation, a
multibillion discount retail giant located in Goodlettsville, Tennessee. The paper also
outlines the current debt management issues of the corporation. It further outlines
the current problems facing the corporation and general issues on the debt and
inventory management issues facing the company. Finally, the paper focuses on the
dollar general corporation position in the market and possible solutions to the debt
crisis facing the company. Dollar General Corporation Position The company began
operations in 1939 as J.L. Tuner and Sons, Inc. in Scottsville Kentucky and in 1968
after the death of J.L. Tuner, the company s name was changed to Dollar General. Cal
Tuner who joined the firm in 1965 became the president until his retirement in 2002.
The company grew to more than 6000 stores and with over 5 billion in sales. The
stores were later acquired by Kohlberg Kravis in 2007 and in 2009 were listed as a
public company. It is America s largest discount retailer now headquartered in
Goodlettsville Tennessee. The corporation offers popular goods at affordable prices by
using everyday low prices in selected branches. According to Dollar General, the
company is the largest retailer of superior products made by American manufacturers
Unilever, Kimberly Klark and Proctor Gamble. It offers name brand, generic
merchandise, off brand goods and closeouts of name brands. Most of the goods in
Speech About Deep Sea Fishing
The wind in your hair, the spray of salt water over the bow, the anticipation of a
monstrous tug at the end of your tackle, the thought of catching something that would
take more than 5 people to carry, that image of showing a picture of you and a fish with
a body length longer than yours. Nausea?....Hopefully not. Here are 9 other things you
might expect on your deep sea fishingtrip.

1. Nothing shallow. As the word deep means, you will be setting off on a boat to
deeper waters that are more than 30 meters deep. This will definitely bring you a certain
distance away from dry land so make sure you have everything you need with you.

2. Expect that your fishing expedition will be dependent on weather conditions; wind that
adversely affects ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Run INS. Expect to meet more than your average pond frogs, or local lake creatures.
You are in the open sea! Where you may get the chance to see the good, the bad and the
ugly of the deep blue sea. Dolphins, manatees, puffer fish, and yes sharks! No need to
feel anxious about this possible run in, fishing charters and your skipper are very
knowledgeable of deep sea fishing spots and will ensure absolutely safe.

7. Expect action. Deep sea fishing is action packed. Strong gusts of winds and waves
will make sure you get your adrenalin pumping, and you take it a notch higher as you
hook your first catch. Expect of course that you will get wet and sweaty as you tirelessly
reel in your fishing trophy for the day.

8. You will be expertly guided and coached throughout your adventure by experienced
individuals who have the endeavor for the sport. Deep sea fishing is a totally relaxing
sport and with the best fishing buddies on board, you wouldn t need to worry at all.

9. Expect amazing feats of visual satisfaction. Be ready to capture them on camera as

you will be flanked by a number of memorable experiences on your trip. The beauty of
the open sea, the rich and abundant marine wildlife and of course that moment when you
bag the first catch of the
Vodafone Case
the Vodafone Case We start of with making the calculations for the premium that
Vodafone is going to pay for Mannesmann. We know that Mannesmann will own 47.2%
of the equity of the newly combined company. This is 47.2% from € 275 375
million, which is €129 997 million. Vodafone is offering 53.7 shares of the value of
December 17, so € 4,957, for every share of Mannesmann. Mannesmann has 517,9
million shares, so Vodafone would pay 517,9 million * 53,7 * € 4,957 = € 137
860.3 million. This would be a premium of € 137 860.3 million €129 997 million =
€7 863 million. This premium we are going to compare with some possible different
estimates for the synergy that will follow from the acquisition. (1a) We know that
Vodafone and Mannesmann... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
To recalculate the new WACC we assume the following: Market risk premium is 7.7%. A
leverage of 5% (or D/V =1/20) and a given risk free rate of 5.5%. Also we assume the
cost of debt (rD) to be 7%. We find the return on equity (rD), by using the CAPM
formula. For the equity beta of Vodafone we use 1.1, as given in footnote a of exhibit 10:
rE= Rf + beta* market risk premium rE = 5.5 + 1.1 * 7.7 = 13.97% Now we can easily
find the WACC by filling in the formula: WACC = (D/V * rD) + (E/V *rE) WACC = (1
/20 * 0.07) + (19/20 *0.1397) = 13.62% With the new WACC: | 2001| 2002| 2003| 2004|
2005| 2006| After| Op. Pr.| 90| 246| 688| 984| 1221| 1489| | Tax (1)| (31,5)| (86,1)|
(240,8)| (344,4)| (427,35)| (521,13)| | ATOP| 58,5| 159,9| 447,2| 639,6| 793,65| 967,85|
10 061(2)| Cap. Ex| 60| 147| 360| 420| 469| 506| | Total| 118,5| 306,9| 807,2| 1059,6|
1262,65| 1473,85| 10061| PV(3)| 104.30| 237.73| 550.32| 635.80| 666.82| 685.05|
4676,3| (1) This is the 35% tax taken from Operating profit (2) This is After tax
operating profit for after 2006, taken the WACC and growth in consideration, so 967,85
/(0,1362 0,04) (3) This is the present value of the total estimate of the synergies after tax,
discounted with the WACC, so (total)/(1+0,1362)year If sum up all the present values,
we get the amount of ВЈ 7556.32 million. At an exchange rate of 1,5789 EUR/GBP this
gives a
Colony Collapse Disorder ( Ccd )
Godwin Dalima
Directed Study in Biology
Ryan Fisher
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)

Introduction Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is a very common issue directly

associated with the health status of honey bees. Several research study articles have
evaluated CCD and concluded that this disorder had a significant impact on the well
being and wellness of honey bees. A significant number of research studies have
examined that CCD has lead to abrupt disappearance of honey bees. The abrupt
disappearance of honey bees, specifically the worker bees, will have an immense impact
on various natural phenomenas.
Several different terminologies have been used to describe the CCD. Autumn Collapse is
the most commonly used terminiology to describe this disorder. Autumn collaspse is a
significant term used to describe this disorder, since during the autumn season there tends
to be a higher percentage of abrupt honey bee disappearance compared to the other three
seasons. Other common terminiolgies that are often used to describe this disorder
include May disease, Fall Dwindle disease and Disapperaing disease. These various
terminiolgies used to describe this disorder are often uitilized in both experimental and
professional environments to analyze and evalued various facts. The incidence rate of
honey bee disapperance is progressively increasing within the environments in the United
States. Similarly, the occurrence of this disorder has also been drastically increasing in
Examples Of Kinematic Model Of Mobile Robot
Kinematic Model of Mobile Robot
The mobile robot has two drive wheels mounted on the same axis and assumed that each
wheel is perpendicular to the ground. The velocity of the center of mass of the robot is
orthogonal to the wheel axis.

Figure 1: Kinematic model of the mobile robot.

The Kinematic equations of the autonomous wheeled robot are

[в–€(x@y@Оё_m )] = [в– (cos Оё_m 0@sinОё_m 0@0 1)] . [в–€(v@w)], (1)

[в–€(v@w)] =[в– (r/2 r/2@r/D ( r)/D)]. [в–€(V_R@V_L )],(2)

Combining (1) and (2), we get

[в–€(x@y@Оё_m )]= [в– (r/2 cos Оё_m r/2 cos Оё_m@r/2 sinОё_m r/2 sinОё_m@r/D
( r)/D)] . [в–€(V_R@V_L )](3)

where x and y are the coordinates of the mass center of the robot, Оё_m is the angle that
represents the current orientation of the robot, ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol.11,No.1,2015.
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mobilerobots ,International Conference on Advances in Engineering Technology
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and Obstacle avoidance using ANFIS in Unknown Environment ,International Journal of
Computer Applications (0975 8887),Volume 91 No.14, April 2014.
[22] Dilip Kumar Pratihar, Kalyanmoy Deb, Amitabha Ghosh, A genetic fuzzy approach
for mobile robot navigation among moving obstacles ,International Journal of
Approximate Reasoning 20 (1999) 145 172.
[23] Angelo Martineza,Eddie Tunstela1,Mo Jamshidia, Fuzzy logic based collision
avoidance for a mobile robot ,Robotica,Volume 12,Issue 06,November 1994,pp 521 527.
[24] Nabeel K.Abid Al Sahib,Ahmed Rahman Jasim, Guiding Mobile Robot by Applying
Fuzzy Approach on Sonar Sensors ,Al Khwarizmi Engineering Journal,Vol. 6,No. 3,PP
Analysis Of Rene Descartes s Work Discourse On The
Throughout his work Discourse on the Method, Rene Descartes discusses the things
he believes to be true concerning thought. He discusses the things which he believes to
be more perfect and the things which he believes to be less perfect (pt 2, para 1).
When comparing the two, he eventually comes to the conclusion that things that are
more perfect are constructed by fewer hands and have specific purpose (pt 2, para 1).
He also introduces in the opening portion of his work that his opinion of good sense is
the ability to judge rightly and to follow through with the judgments (pt. 1, para 1). He
concludes his writing by explaining that he believes that thinking is a non mechanistic
action, and he makes several points to confirm this (pt. 5, para 10). Descartes makes
claims that sometimes compare thinking to the workings of a machine. However, he is
correct in saying that thinking is a non mechanistic action. Because human beings
thought processes are not mechanical, we must take care to use good sense in order to
make right judgment. Descartes opens his Discourse by explaining that he believes that
good sense, when fully developed, is the power to judge rightly (pt 1, para 1). He says
that each individual has the same capacity for judgment, but differences arise based on
the extent to which an individual is able to use their reason. In presenting these opinions,
Descartes makes the point that it is not enough to have a good mind the individual who
possesses the good mind
Lack of Communication Is the Biggest Problem in Healthcare...
Problem Statement Introduction One of the major problems in healthcare today is the
ineffective communication among hospital personnel, patients and their families, and the
effect it has on patient safety. Communication, as a whole, is very complex and is the
root of teamwork and collaboration which aids in keeping patients safe in the hospital.
Throughout the healthcare field today patient centered care and patient safety seem to be
major focus points. Unfortunately, ineffective communication can potentially cause
patient harm and even death. The breech in ineffective communication between hospital
staff and family was clearly portrayed in the story of Lewis Blackman. The lack of both
communication, not just verbally but through... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
During the multiple days Lewis was in the hospital a series of symptoms developed
and he was misdiagnosed by doctors twice. Many staff members from the healthcare
team came in and out of Lewis s room without properly identifying themselves to
Lewis or his family (Haskell, 2009). As portrayed in Appendix 1, all of these safety
mishaps during Lewis s stay led to a decrease in patient and family satisfaction. Also,
patient centered care seems to have almost not even existed in Lewis s story which
affected his safety. Purpose Statement The purpose of this paper is to discuss how lack of
communication is the root cause in a patient s demise. The author will argue that poor
collaboration of doctors and nurses, overall satisfaction, and patient centered care
collectively affect patient safety. This paper will enunciate the primary causes that were
detected and propose a solution to further enhance the safety and well being of patients.
Quality Measure There are six quality and safety measures as defined by the Institute of
medicine (IOM); patient centered care, evidenced based practice, continuous quality
improvement, safety, informatics, and teamwork and collaboration (Cherry Jacob, 2014).
The safety measure is best paralleled with the topic of communication presented
throughout this paper. Safety is the effort to minimize risk of harm to patients through
system effectiveness and individual performance (Cherry Jacob, 2014,
The Pianist Analysis
The Pianist is a 2002, war based movie that was produced and directed by Roman
Polanski. The film is about a Polish Jewish pianist, Wladyslaw Szpilman who survived
an environment full of violence, greed, power and death. The film has a very emotional
and powerful meaning towards its viewers, which provides its audience to feel emotion
towards the film and its characters. Szpilman is a family man who is passionate about
his music, who lived a healthy and average life with his family and other siblings.
Throughout The Pianist, Polanski produced a film that captures his audience to relate
back towards the difficult times during the war and how challenging it was for an
individual to survive. Many cinematic techniques have been used to portray that
perseverance can lead to survival in the film.
A cinematic technique that Polanski used to portray survival in The Pianist, is the use of
the tracking shot. A camera technique where the camera moves alongside the object it is
recording, in this scene it is Szpilman. This technique is used in multiple scenarios,
specifically during a scene when Szpilman was separated from his family. Throughout the
entire scene the camera was focusing on the movement and actions that Szpilman took to
get away from the scenario. The tracking shot technique is used during the scene to
capture Szpilman s emotions. The emotions that the audience captured were full of
sadness, fear, and mostly confusion. Szpilman had no idea what was happening whether
he should go with his family or save himself. All that Szpilman knows is that his family
is gone and that he needs to survive. Polanski was able to capture Jews that were abused
or killed and their belongings all scattered on the ground throughout the tracking shot was
in motion. Polanski used this camera technique effectively by showing great amounts of
emotion and background actions.
Lighting is a cinematic technique that Polanski used to portray survival in The Pianist.
While Szpilman is trying his hardest to survive during the war he came across a day
that he is suffering from dehydration. He discovers an abandoned hospital building that
was destroyed by German soldiers searching for any food or water. Szpilman was too
thirsty to care when
Urban Sprawl Essay
An emerging issue is that of urban sprawl. While some aspects of urban sprawl has been
seen since ancient times, this phenomenon has started gaining the most momentum in the
past century, aided by the advancement of technology, especially with the rise of mass
produced automobiles, houses and highway systems. Many people unknowingly
contribute to this environmental problem, as is the nature of it. Urban sprawl deals with
the growth of the suburbs, the area between the urban and rural areas of a city. Most of
America s largest cities and states, in terms of population, are prime examples of urban
sprawl. Opponents of urban sprawl usually cite the government as a major cause of
sprawl. The government may be a major catalyst of ... Show more content on
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The wealthiest often would have the most space in the city, while the class directly
below them would be cramped within the city yet separate from the wealthiest of them
all. This cramped lifestyle was not very pleasing to majority of the population, yet
many chose to live there because of necessity. The outsides of the city walls, known as
the suburbia, housed the people that could not afford life inside the city. Despite poor
dwellings in the suburban areas, people still praised and wrote about the pleasant
suburban life, as they could escape the atrocious, cramped and uncomfortable city. The
sprawling of the urban population became more apparent in London a few centuries after
the fall of the Roman Empire, where people now had money to build or buy houses
outside the city limits. These areas were much cleaner and quieter than the main city,
similar to the characteristics of cities in Rome. (Bruegmann)
In America, sprawl became much more noticeable in the 1950s. The first noticeable and
prominent example of the growth of the suburbs in America is Levittown, built in 1948
on Long Island, New York. This community was advertised and intended for post war
America and for returning veterans and their families. Americans perceived it to be a new
and cheap housing community, and the houses and communities were attractive to the
new residents, with many of them coming from urban areas (Hales). People sought to
escape the
Acupuncture By James Reston
1. Acupuncture: An extraordinary therapeutic method over two millennia old

Acupuncture treats diseases by the insertion of fine needles into the body. In July of
1971, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger made a secret trip to China to prepare for President Nixon
s historical visit. Among his entourage was James Reston, a journalist from the New
York Times. While in China, Reston suffered an attack of acute appendicitis and
underwent an appendectomy at the Beijing Union Medical College, established by the
Rockefeller Foundation of New York in 1916. During the second night after the
operation, Reston started to experience considerable discomfort in his abdomen.

With his approval, an acupuncturist at the hospital inserted and manipulated three long
thin needles, one into the outer part of his right elbow and one below each knee. There
was noticeable relaxation of the abdominal pressure and distension within an hour, with
no recurrence of the problem thereafter. James Reston included a detailed description of
his experiences with acupuncture in his dispatches from ... Show more content on
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Blockages in these energy rivers act as dams, obstructing the flow of Qi and blood and
causing it to back up in connecting channels. Needling the acupoints removes the
obstructions, curing disease by reestablishing the regular flow of Qi and blood. In the
same way, dredging a river by clearing away sediment prevents flooding by allowing the
water to flow freely. Similar descriptions of flood control and acupuncture have been
used since acupuncture first appeared as a comprehensive system of healing early in
China s Western Han Dynasty (206 BC 24 AD). Such hydraulic terminology has been
employed not simply for its evocative imagery. Rather, it indicates the understanding the
Chinese ancestors have attained by this time of the correspondences between Nature and
Human, river and meridian, flood and
Personal Norm Violations
Norm Violations Paper
Kameron Edwards
Bakersfield College

Norm Violations Paper

As we know, norms are social expectations that guide our behavior. In this paper, I will
discuss norm violations that I ve observed, and my own personal norm violation that I
committed. I will describe what happened, what was done, and the reactions of the
people around when these norms begat. I will also discuss the significance of folkways,
mores, values, and sanctions to my observations.

There were two norms in which I observed. The first violation I spotted was a bit... out
of the ordinary. One day, I decided to take a trip to the Marketplace on Ming with one
of my buddies. All was seemingly normal until we stumbled upon a sight that shocked
both of us. It was around 7:30 p.m. when we walked upon a pack of humans standing
in a circle with their dogs. They were located where the suit stores and black tables are.
As we first walked up, there seemed to be only a few dogs and a few humans. As we
drew nearer, though, we found that there were at least 30 humans and 30 dogs. That
was unbelievable. As we got within sight of the subjects, they all turned and looked at
us at the same exact time. Both the human faction and the dogs simultaneously turned to
us. My friend and I could not, at the time, decipher which party was in control, the
humans or the dogs? My friend and I decided that this sight was... too much... so we
decided to slowly walk away in a backward manner. Having
Fear Why Americans Are Afraid Of The Wrong Things
The article The Culture of Fear Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things by
Barry Glassner describes the problems of the American news media. The issues
presented in this article is the fear business by news media to present problems to rile
up average Americans. Fear in this article is meant to describe how we feel about
diseases and crime based on the news we receive. The disease aspect of the article is
interesting because it accurately describes the health scares that occur more and more
frequently as stated, Besides worrying disproportionately about legitimate ailments and
prematurely about would be diseases, we continue to fret already refuted dangers (Xii).
News media continue to place spotlight on very rare diseases and freak
Textual Analysis Of Due South
The Canadian television series Due South will be subjected to a textual analysis with
the goal of figuring out if this show represents Canada and Canadian aspects. Due South
is a crime series created by Paul Haggis and produced by Alliance Communications. The
show follows the adventures of an officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Policeand his
partner from the Chicago Police Department. The show falls under the genre of both
comedy and drama. The character Benton Fraser (played by Paul Gross), who is the
Canadian Mountie, embodies key characteristics and stereotypes of a typical RCMP
officer. The same can be said for Raymond Vecchio (played by David Marciano) who
evidently embodies common stereotypes associated with a Chicago police officer.
Us Wars Essay
Political Science 120A Midterm Study Questions 1. How does public opinion affect
foreign policy? Is public opinion permissive or constraining? Does the U.S. public
support the use of force? Under what conditions?The public holds the president
accountable because he needs approval ratings and support, especially during elections.
Public can constrain freedom of action (if the public hates something, the president isn t
going to do it), and the public generally supports war when it is a security issue. It
opposes casualties though, and in the case of the Vietnam War, the public urged the U.S.
to back down. If the public does not like something:* permissive (could allow president
to do something risky) tends to rally... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
straw man tactics agree on a particular alternative, then surround it by two extreme
ones в†’ the normal issue is picked; ensures president doesn t get all the options
Missed opportunities to move forward. 4. What factors contributed to the U.S.
intelligence failure over WMD in Iraq? If Saddam didn t have WMD, why wasn t he
more cooperative with international inspections? (Check out the Fisher article)
President Bush made many claims about Iraq possessing WMDs, and these claims were
able to strike fear into the American public. Because the people relied on his
information, even though it wasn t credible, he was able to get enough popular support
to send military forces into Iraq, without the full approval of Congress (check this fact?)
he used an old resolution that allowed him to go to war. (Pollack article). Also, there was
lack of information sharing between the CIA and FBI because competitors don t like to
share info. The CIA also contributed to intelligence failure because it distorted info and
chose specific reports to support their decision and didn t actually give congress the
correct info. The UN also went in and made reports but gave unreliable info based on
fabrications and outdated info. The administration tainted intelligence by cherry picking
through the information that they wanted. They would intentionally choose channels
that would give them the information they wanted, most notably the
Characteristics Of Termite Termites
Brisbane is the capital and most populous city in the Australian state of East Queensland.
Brisbane has a climate with hot and humid summers and dry moderately warm winters.
While their climates restrict some animals and insects from wandering around, there are
many animals and insects that are destructive in nature to be wary of. These insects can
successfully adapt in Brisbane habitat and cause great destruction to homes if not acted
on immediately. These insects are called termites. Termites are commonly known as
white ants in Australia, but there are not even closely related to ants. In fact, their close
relatives are the cockroaches, since recently they have been included into Blattodea, the
cockroach order. Termites are small, soft bodied, and social insects. They work and live
together in a... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
This includes the reproductive, the soldiers and the workers. King and Queen The
swarmers, also called as the alateare the potential kings and queens of new colonies.
They have good and functional eyes, reproductive systems and wings. The queen s
abdomen become enormously expanded with eggs and is capable of producing 2,000
eggs per day. They usually leave the colony through specially constructed exits. After
swarming, they will shed their wings, find a mate, and will search for an ideal place to
start to build their own colony. The queen termites may survive for over a 10 25 years
under desirable conditions. In addition to laying eggs, the king and queen produce
pheromones that help regulate life in the colony. These pheromones are in charge in
determining how many larvae become workers, soldiers and alates. If ever the king or
queen dies, these pheromones will also disappear along with them. Then, one of the
secondary or tertiary reproductives becomes the new primary reproductive, sometimes
after winning the throne with a competition.
Essay on Santiago as Code Hero in The Old Man and the Sea
In Ernest Hemingway s novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago demonstrates the
traits of the code hero. The Hemingway s code hero covers the principal ideals of honor,
courage, and endurance in a misfortune life. Throughout the novel, Santiago shows a
contrast between opposite attitudes and values which associate his behavior with the
guidelines of the code. In this case, the depiction of conflicting values, such as dignity
despite humility, perseverance despite despair, and victory despite defeat are aspects that
help to describe and understand the role of Santiago in the novel, and reflect the reason
why this character is perfectly suited to the heroic conduct established by Hemingway.
The first argument to be addressed is how the ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
The nobility of character of the old man prevents him from feel hate and rancor toward
the other fishermen. Despite the taunts of the other fishermen, Santiago is quiet and
admits having a bad streak of luck. This makes him an honorable man, which avoids
any conflict and is able to recognize his flaws as a fisherman. Although the sea has
given him several bitter drinks, he is able to keeping on loving it. A man is honest
when he acts honestly, he is humble when he acts humbly, he loves when he is loving
or being loved. (Waldmeir 165). Perhaps, the crowning act of humility in Santiago is
when he is forced to recognize that by his own forces he will not be enough to grab the
fish, and decides to carry out prayers to the Almighty. At the end of the hunting of the big
animal, Santiago does not become conceited. His simple and humble soul thanks with a
prayer for the outcome of his effort. Although the fighting has been severe and bloody,
the old man was not self styled hero . Santiago humbly considers himself as one
fisherman more, and the categorization as a hero depends on the readers. It is the
knowledge that a simple man is capable of such decency, dignity, and even heroism, and
that his struggle can be seen in heroic terms, that largely distinguishes this book. (Young
131). The evident relation between his humility and dignity helps to place Santiago as a
Comparative Similarities Between India And Thailand
India and Thailand, located in one another s stretched out region, share a coastal
boundary of the Andaman sea. The religions unite both countries, Buddhism is trusted by
the majority of Thai people. Hindu elements could be found in Thai arts, architecture,
drama, and literature. Moreover, Thai language is largely influenced by Pali and
Sanskrit. India and Thailandimplement policies that are incorporate to each other. India
adopts Look East Policy, whereas Thailand adopts Look West Policy. And Thailand
values India as one of the most influential trading parter. Both countries inter relations are
connected in many aspects; politics, history, religion, social and culture, and, of course,
their trading relationships. Economic and commercial... Show more content on
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As explained in the paragraph above, the 2009 2010 total trade did not improve much
from the year earlier as because the whole global economy system was affected by the
credit crisis started in the mortgage problem from the United States. Nonetheless, since
2010 onwards the total trade kept then significantly increased annually as in 2010
2011 the total trade is 6.54 billion USD. In addition the numbers total trade were 8.34
and 9.19 billion USD, respectively in 2011 12 and 2012 13. Although we see the
positive trends of trading patterns in earlier year, in 2013 14 we see a slight decline in
the total trade, which could be affected by factors such as the appreciation of exchange
rates or even the non economic factors like political stability in Thailand. Consequently,
the total trade in 2014 2015 was improved, the growth can be seen again by comparing
to the earlier years. By looking at the export and import data published by the Department
of Commerce, Government of India, we can see that India has a current account deficit
compared to that of Thailand. At the same time, evidently, Thailand has a current account
surplus compared to that of India. India s trade balance has been fluctuating slightly for
the last five
Summary Of Glory By Yusef Komunyakaa
Glory by Yusef KomunyakaaIn the short story Glory , by Yusef Komunyakaa, He
writes about how anyone in this world can achieve glory. Even if you are born into a
poor family Working knockout shifts from daybreak to sunset six days a week , there
is always a chance for you to achieve and attain glory. This essay will examine Glory ,
by Yusef Komunyakaa and how the author has used literary elements to create this
interesting story.The theme of this story is that no matter where your from or what you
look like it is always possible to achieve your goals. In this story it shows that no matter
what you are going through you can find glory by chasing what you love. In this story it
uses baseball. He used figurative languages such as metaphors to

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