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Advertisement Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of advertisements presents a unique set of challenges that may prove
to be quite demanding for many individuals. Firstly, the subject itself is broad and multifaceted,
encompassing various aspects such as marketing strategies, consumer psychology, ethical
considerations, and the impact of advertisements on society. Navigating through this diverse
landscape requires a thorough understanding of not only the overarching theme but also the ability to
delve into specific subtopics.

Another hurdle lies in striking a balance between providing factual information and offering
insightful analysis. An effective advertisement essay requires a blend of empirical evidence and
critical thinking to illuminate the reader on the intricacies of the advertising world. It demands a
careful examination of case studies, industry trends, and historical perspectives to construct a well-
rounded argument.

Furthermore, staying current with the ever-evolving nature of advertising is a challenge in itself. The
field is dynamic, with new platforms, technologies, and trends constantly emerging. A successful
essay must not only acknowledge the existing paradigms but also anticipate and discuss potential
future developments.

Moreover, the ethical dimension of advertisements introduces a layer of complexity. Analyzing the
impact of persuasive techniques on consumer behavior and considering the societal implications
requires a nuanced and sensitive approach. Addressing the ethical concerns associated with
advertising practices necessitates a thoughtful examination of cultural, social, and economic contexts.

Lastly, the task of writing an engaging and coherent essay demands effective communication skills.
Organizing thoughts, structuring arguments, and maintaining a logical flow are essential components.
The challenge is not only in generating insightful content but also in presenting it in a compelling
manner that captivates the reader's attention from start to finish.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of advertisements is undeniably intricate, involving a

thorough understanding of the subject matter, critical thinking, ethical considerations, staying abreast
of industry developments, and effective communication. It is a task that requires dedication, research,
and analytical skills to produce a comprehensive and insightful piece.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or other writing tasks, various resources are available,
including online platforms like, where similar essays and a wide array of writing
services can be accessed to facilitate the writing process.
Advertisement Essay Advertisement Essay
Struggle for Equal Work Essay
Struggle for Equal Work
The development of the Lowell Mills in the 1820s provided American women with their
first opportunity to work outside the home with reasonable wages and relatively safe
work. About ten years later however, working in the mills wasn t the same. Working
conditions became more vigorous, the mills were unsafe and the pay received didn t
match the amount of work done.
The Lowell family s textile mills were set up to attract the unmarried daughters of farm
families, hoping that they would work a few years before getting married. These young
women were called Lowell Mill Girls. A typical working day in the mills started with a
factory bell ringing at about four in the morning to wake up employees. After this,
employees ... Show more content on ...
Conditions in the mills during the 1830s were terrible. Lighting was a problem in the
mills causing the workers to strain their eyes to see what they were doing. This was to
make sure they were working productively and to avoid injuries from tools or machinery.
Comfort wasn t something women were used to while working in the mills, especially in
the boarding houses where they stayed.
Unmarried women who worked in the Lowell mills lived in boarding houses within
the area. A widow was usually the supervisor in these places and was responsible for
the moral and physical well being of the girls. The women were required to pay about
a dollar a week to live there and the money was taken directly out of their paychecks.
About 30 women lived in the boarding houses with about six living in each room. The
rooms, which had three beds, were poorly ventilated, overcrowded, lacked privacy and
infested with rats and roaches.
A 1930s mill worker said, In vain do I try to soar in fancy and imagination above the
dull reality around me but beyond the roof of the factory I cannot rise. Women today
would not stand for these conditions. We live in a world today where women hold just
the same jobs as men. Work such as in the textile industry wouldn t be a popular job to
fill since there are so many opportunities today. Women are still struggling for equal pay
in some situations, but overall, working
Wind Power Research Papers
Wind Power is the use of our natural wind that converts it into mechanical energy which
eventually becomes electricity. You may not realize this, but we used wind power that
dated centuries ago. It pumped water, ground grain, and plenty of other things.
Ever since recorded history, people had the ability to use wind as a source of energy.
Wind power was been used to propel boats along rivers as early as 5000 B.C. At 200
B.C., China used windmills to pump water, while in Persia and the Middle East used
vertical axis windmills with woven reed sails were grinding grain. (history wind energy, Eventually, discoveries for wind energy became vast. Plethora of ideas
developed. During the 11th century, the Middle ... Show more content on
The wind power at 30 mph would equal: P=1/2(1.5) (1.5) (13.4) Ві = 2,707 Watts. The
power increased by 8 times. Exemplary I must say. However, there are factors played in
the part of having a wind energy turbine in any area. The majors ones are as followed:
Wind Speed
Proximity to airport
Proximity to residences
Transportation access
Distance to transmission lines
Environmental issues such as endangered species or wetlands
As long as you don t have much problems with the factors shown above, you can build
yourself a wind turbine. To construct these things, the wind turbine consists of three
basic parts: the tower, the nacelle, and the rotor blades. The tower itself is either a
steel lattice tower almost the same as an electrical tower, or a steel tubular tower with
an inside ladder to the nacelle. The first step in constructing the wind turbine, is to
have a tower. The steel parts are usually made off site in a factory, however, they are
usually built on site. The parts are bolted together, and as usual, keeping the tower
horizontal until placement. Next is the fiberglass nacelle is installed. It s stuff inside
such as the main drive shaft, gearbox and blade pitch and yaw controls are created and
mounted onto a base frame at a factory. The nacelle is a strong, hollow shell that has
the inner workings of the wind turbine. Towers do not have guys, which are cables used
for support. They are mostly made out of steel that has been coated with zinc alloy for
Michel Gondry In Be Kind Rewind
CRITICAL DIARY 1: According to Bordwell and Thompson, Narrative is a chain of
events linked by cause and effect and occurring in time and space (2010, p.79). With
Respect to the above quote, the whole movie Be Kind Rewind by Michel Gondry can
be summed up. For instance, Jerry thinking that the power station is a device that the
government uses to control people s mind. And so, he gets an idea to sabotage the
power station, which is the cause for him to get magnetised. In result, the video tapes get
erased which is considered to be the effect of his magnetisation, stood as the base of the
story for the further happenings. Mike doesn t want to disappoint Mr. Fletcher by
damaging the stores reputation and so these guys starts recreating
Essay on A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O Connor
A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O Connor

A Good Man is Hard to Find is an extremely powerful commentary that elucidates

Flannery O Connor s opinions about religion and society. Like the majority of her other
works, A Good Man is Hard to Find has attracted many interpretations based on Christian
dogma (Bandy 1). These Christian explications are justified because Miss O Connor is
notorious for expressing Catholic doctrines through her fiction. Once she even remarked
I see from the standpoint of Christian orthodoxy (Kropf 1). This longstanding reputation
compels every critic of O Connor to expose the religious convictions encrypted within her
stories. The grandmother s final gesture towards the Misfit is not a ... Show more content
on ...
The grandmother and the Misfit are essentially the only characters of significance. The
other characters such as June Star or Bailey Boy merely reflect O Connor s
observations about society. The other characters have little affect on the central theme of
the story. The Misfit and the grandmother seem to be the exact opposite. The
grandmother seems to be a harmless busybody, utterly self absorbed but also amusing
(Bandy 2). The Misfit fits the stereotypical cast of an escaped convict. Ironically, their
similarities will allegorize Flannery O Connor s notion that a good man or woman is hard
to find.
A literal interpretation of the grandmother portrays an elderly southern woman
attempting to maintain the proper and genteel values of the South. The grandmother
places great importance on her appearance and the opinions of others. This importance is
revealed at the beginning of their journey when the story compares the grandmother, a
reflection of the past, to the daughter in law, a reflection of the present:
The children s mother still had on slacks and still had her head tied up in a green
kerchief, but the grandmother had on a navy blue straw sailor hat with a bunch of
white violets on the brim and a navy blue dress with white dot in the print. Her collars
and cuffs were white organdy trimmed with lace and at her neckline she had a pinned a
purple spray of cloth violets containing
Do Violent Video Games Cause Violent Behavior Essay
Do violent video games cause behavioral problems? For years this topic has been highly
debated amongst parents and the players. Violent video games do cause behavioral
problems because they alter a gamers mind.
Risk factors are a major part of behavioral problems. A risk factor of behavior problems
are behaviors that are harmful, disruptive, and impulsive. A majority of researchers say
that it is unlikely that playing violent video games will cause a child with no other risk
factors to turn into an extremely violent person(Lee). This being said, violent video
games are a common risk factor among adolescents (Cooper). Personal background,
peers, neighborhoods, and genetics are other common risk factors. Combined, these risk
factors can cause violent behavior to occur (Calvert).
Continually being exposed to violent acts will eventually lead to violent behavior.
Exposure to violence will cause some form of violence to develop over time.
Unnecessary violence, such as video games, are causing problems that would otherwise
not be an issue. For example, in one study, 161 nine through twelve year old s and 344
college students were randomly assigned to play either a violent or nonviolent video game
throughout a specific amount of time. The participants played a game against the
computer in which they set punishments levels for their opponents. Those who played
the violent games appeared to have harsher punishments than those who played
nonviolent games (Cooper).
Children often imitate the actions of characters from games they play and find it
difficult to separate reality from fantasy. Kids are changing the way they think. Says Dr.
Gentile. He explains that long term exposure to this media can potentially lead to
changes in both thinking and behavior. Generally speaking, when children play these
games they really enter into the spirit of things. In many of these games, one must play
as a specific character throughout the game. From beginning to end, the player is
required to make decisions as if he/she was actually that character, facing new challenges
and completing quests with every new section of the game. These games require the
player to be an active participant, allowing them to decide the destiny of their
Essay on L’Oreal


Strategy analysis focuses on the long term objective generating alternative strategies, and
selecting strategies to pursue. The firm s present strategies, objectives and mission,
couple with the external and internal audit information, provide a basis for generating and
evaluating feasible alternative strategies (David 200).

L Oreal has numerous competitors. To have an advantage on competition, L Oreal has to

apply some strategies that include internal audit information and external opportunities
that will make the company stronger. They will also prevent competitors to have an
advantage over L Oreal.
This report will be based upon the effectiveness of current strategies of L Oreal, a real
global leader in every ... Show more content on ...
ST Strategies

ST strategies use a firm s strengths to avoid or reduce the impact of external threats.
L Oreal has made strategic acquisitions that strengthen its position in different categories.
By doing so, they have taken hold as a leading position that other companies have trouble
matching. As an example, L Oreal can now offer product to Black consumers, because it
has acquired Carson Inc that specialize in cosmetic products for black consumers. By
achieving this significant progress in the ethnic beauty market, they avoid the threat of
losing to other competitors.

WT Strategies

WT strategies are directed at reducing internal weaknesses and avoiding environmental

threats. As a company, L Oreal has commitments to its employees by training and
recruiting people with talents. It avoids having to face losing potential employees to
competitors. Their reputation of performance is an everyday reality for L Oreal Group.
Employees have the opportunity to be innovative and that leads to more responsible and
committed personal.


L Oreal capitalize on opportunities in the global market. They are international with
laboratories on three continents: in Europe, the United State of America, and Asia. They
have test centers in many countries, enabling a better understanding of local customers
preferences. Their increasingly global outlook, ensure a better and closer identification
of specific local
The Importance Of Being A Good And Effective Leader
One very important aspect of being a good and effective leader includes valuing your
employees and being able to convey to each employee the value that they have to you
and the company as an individual. Christine Comaford wrote The Value of Valuing
Employees discussing the importance of valuing each employee and discussing six
specific pitfalls leaders portray when it comes to valuing employees. The pitfalls include,
failing to respond to employee emails, failing to provide feedback positive or negative,
acknowledging people only when they make mistakes, failing to celebrate victories,
showing favoritism, and burning out employees.
Committing pitfalls in leadership The first pitfall Comaford (2013) discusses is Failing
to Respond to Employee Emails . This pitfall is essentially not making enough time to
respond and/or not responding quickly enough to employees, specifically in emails. By
not responding to your employees email in a timely manner, or simply not responding
at all makes the employees mind panic and the employee begin to question themselves
and their importance in the company. I have had this happen in my previous workplace
with my district manager. I would send her emails, leave her notes on her desk, or even
ask her in person, face to face to help me out with something or an answer about
something and nine times out of ten she would forget to respond or help me in anyway.
This made me not want to come to her with any concerns, or for any help or any
Essay Video Games Speech Outline
Persuasive Speech Outline
Matt King
CMST 220
Video Game Speech
6 12 13
* Attention grabber/introduction Slaying dragons, defending your planet from alien
invasion, or bouncing on the heads of koopas and saving the same princess who gets
caught every time? Sound Familiar? If you re anything like me you have tried all of
these. Of course not literally but I m sure you have all played a video game that has let
you do something crazy and exciting you couldn t normally do. * Can I get a show of
hands of anyone who has ever played a video game before or watched someone play
one? All of you, I know I have? Video games are a huge entertainment activity for people
of all ages. * I have done extensive hours of video game ... Show more content on ...
* Transition However, there is a solution... * Internal preview We will take a look at
how video games really can be beneficial to you. * Solution Video games in moderation
can improve human functions and creativity. * Main point #1 Improve health functions
in people. * Hand eye coordination is improved just as playing actual sports, video
games played as children promote learning. * Video games violent or not reduce actual
teen violence. * Main Point #2 social benefits can come from playing video games. *
Kids can interact with children too far away to communicate with face to face. *
Children can develop self esteem and new friends who enjoy the same activities that
they do. * Internal Summary So as you can see, the accusations against video games
are relatively all false if moderated. * Transition Now that you know what the actual
results of playing video games are, let s take a look at what the future holds for the
gamers. * Visualization Video games are a great way to pass time, connect with others
who enjoy similar games as you, and meet new friends through networking and
similarities. * Main Point #1 Video game approval and relevancy. * Video games
could be incorporated into people s values and parents attention just as normal sports
are. * Video games are a great past time that are fun for everyone. * Main point #2
education benefits of video games. * Video games could
Fat Noodle Target Market
2.1Target market It is easy to see that the target market of Fat noodle is the guest of
The Star casino and hotel. They can be the guest living in the hotel or any players who
looking for a convenient restaurant within the casino. In contrast, Coogee Pavilion
targets on family, friends sector. While the Ground is opened for all ages (minus must
be accompanied by adult), the Rooftop is a bar for over 18 only. 2.2Location and
ambience Location is always considered to be critical element of a restaurant. Fat
Noodle located at level 1 of The Star Casino and Hotel, 80 Pyrmont Street which is the
hot spot for entertainment within Sydney. Some patrons might find it is a drawback of
the restaurant since they did not come here for gambling but
Fluid Volume Excess Case Study
Risk for fluid volume excess R/T decreased Urinary Output S/T Mechanical obstruction
by enlarges prostate AEB Oliguria.

The patient will demonstrate a stable hemodynamic

The patient will have a balanced intake and output.

The patient will verbalize the understanding of the cause of excess fluid volume and will
comply with the regimen to maintain a balanced fluid volume.

The patient will have normal laboratory values. Assess patient for signs of fluid volume
excess. Check edema of the face and the extremities.

Monitor Vital Signs every 4 hours.

Assess Level of consciousness and observe for change in mental status every 8 hours.

Monitor hemodynamic measurement every shift from the labs.

Refer to dietary consult for appropriate dietary choices; and fluid ... Show more content
on ...
The patient will have a comfortable level of knowledge regarding disease process.Use
therapeutic communication skills; develop a trusting relationship with patient and be
available for patient.

Establish realistic goals for learning about disease process and treatment regimen.

Protect patient s privacy and maintain matter of fact attitude during procedures.

Tailor teaching to patient s age, educational level, and preferred method of learning.

Refer the patient to support groups for specific disease process, as appropriate.

Obtain referrals and consults for therapy and counseling, as nee

Provide therapies to reduce anxiety, such as music therapy.

Acute urinary retention R/T Mechanical obstruction S/T inflammation of the prostrate
AEB Bladder distension and verbalization of a full bladderThe patient will void adequate
amounts of urine, will have no palpable bladder distension.

The patient will verbalize feeling of comfort after voiding.

The patient will have adequate intake of fluidEncourage oral fluids up to 3000mL daily,
or as ordered.
Monitor vital signs, blood pressure, peripheral edema, changes in mental
Examples Of Gender Discrimination In The Workplace
Employment Opportunity Commission reported that over 27,000 claims were alleged
sex based discrimination. Most of these gender related accusations are gender
discrimination. Stephanie Sipe and Donna K. Fisher, two professors at Georgia Southern
University, and C. Douglas Jonson, a professor at Georgia Gwinnett University, state
Genderdiscriminationoccurs when employers make decisions such as selection,
evaluation, promotion, or reward allocation on the basis of an individual s gender (Sipe,
Johnson, and Fisher 342).Since the beginning of time, Women have experienced
inequality in the social as well as professional endeavors. Women s inequality in the
workplace has always been a controversial topic; yet, gender is a factor that affects men
and women.

Reverse Gender Discrimination

Following the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) hundreds of cases were heard and
judged in favor of oppressed minority groups. However, in recent years an increasing
number of discrimination cases are being filed by members of majority groups,
claiming discrimination on the basis that minorities now had unfair advantages. These
cases are now commonly referred to as reverse discrimination. According to, reverse gender discrimination typically refers to situations where a
member or members of a majority are discriminated against on the basis of a protected
factor, such as race or gender. While the number of reverse discrimination suits is still
quite small when compared to regular discrimination suits, the gap is closing.
The notion of reverse gender discrimination specifically has also gained popularity as
many majority groups feel as though affirmative action and other anti discrimination
policies negatively affect them because of their gender. Less is known about the
dynamics of reverse gender discrimination in industries and jobs predominantly
dominated by women such as nursing, teaching, etc. It is this small number of reverse
discrimination cases based on gender, where the victims are female that capture our
interest, as there is a distinct possibility that this group will continue to grow in numbers.
As the social and political climate has
Privacy And Airport Body Scanning
Vacations are a must for people in their lifetime full of long dreadful hours of working,
education, business meetings, and basic living. The need for a nice vacation establishes
a luxurious living when traveling far and beyond a person can imagine. From cruise
lines, planes, and trains any mobile access to traveling for a nice desirable vacation is
easier to gain. Unfortunately, behind the extravagance of traveling, privacyis retained
from those who experience traveling on vacation. Privacy is the confidentiality of
information. Only the person who owns it can decide to distribute that information. In
Dillon W. Thomas and Thomas S. Daphyne article, Airport Body Scanning: Will the
American Public Finally Accept , the prospects that privacy ... Show more content on ...
Securing information such as photo identification, clothing, personal jewelry, medical
evidence, technology devices, money, credit/debit cards, or family/guardian data on
luxurious vacations is a necessity regardless who is presence during the travel or
destination. Being mindful of each circumstance benefits and provides protection
concerning the individual or individuals throughout the vacation. Apply these safety
concerns to each vacation cannot just help protect the individuals going, but preserve the
vacation while having an extended period of enjoyable moments deprived of
complications. Vacations are moments filled of untroubled, delight, and luxury. In
addition, when arranging to travel on vacation for luxurious desires from extensive
appalling hours at work, education, business conferences, and everyday living, do not let
the invasion of privacy take away from those treasurable
Billy Budd Research Paper
In the story of Billy Budd, Sailor by Herman Melville the main themes are justice and
loyalty. Is Billy being sentences to death with just cause? While Billy did commit mutiny
was that his intention? Should Captain Vere serve his king or his conscious? These
questions are tested but ultimately Captain Vere must side with the law and make an
example to the other crew members what mutinous acts are met with. But the question
facing this paper is whether or not Captain Vere was just in his conduct at trail? To this
reader, the answer is yes.
The mutinous act in question is when Billy Budd strikes Claggort, after he has accused
Billy of mutiny, and Billy kills Claggort. The force of the blow was too strong and
Claggort dies instantly. Captain Vere is present for this encounter and there is no
question Billy has struck and killed a superior officer. While this may have not been his
intention, a man is dead because of his actions. Today this would be considered
manslaughter. Manslaughter being defined as when one person causes the death of
another unintentionally by culpable negligence or as a ... Show more content on ...
He explains to the judges the implications they would face should they let Billy live.
Gentlemen, were that clearly lawful for us under the circumstances, consider the
consequences of such clemency. The people (meaning the ship s company) have native
sense; most of them are familiar with our naval usage and tradition; and how would they
take it? Even could you explain to them they, long molded by arbitrary discipline, have
not the kind of intelligent responsiveness that might qualify them to comprehend and
discriminate. No, to the people the foretopman s deed, however it be worded in the
announcement, will be plain homicide committed in a flagrant act of mutiny (21).
Captain Vere knows if he lets Billy slide, though he never intended mutiny, it would invite
real mutineers to test the ships commitment to the
Greek Pankration History
In the Greek Olympics, Pankration is one of the sports that have influenced the modern
sporting events. Pankration was a very popular combat sport in Ancient Greece. It was
made up of two sports wrestling and boxing; kicking was allowed as well. This sport is
basically where the modern society founded mixed martial arts from. The poet
Xenophanes describes the Pankration as that new and terrible contest...of all holds
(Xenophanes 2). The Pankration name came from the Ancient Greek words ПЂО±ОЅ
and ОєПЃО¬П„ОїП‚, which insinuates that the winner of the sport was the one who
had all the ability and control of his fellow competitors. The competitors who
participated in the Pankration were called Pankratiasts, and it was first founded as a
sport in the Greek Olympics during the 33rd games held... Show more content on ...
Immediately it became very popular and the spectators were drawn to it by the fact
that it was a diverse and exciting sport, very different from other combat sports that
were in the Ancient Olympics. Although the show was exciting and spectacular for
those fans who enjoyed blood and violence, the sport itself was very dangerous for the
pankratiasts. During the games, there were a lot of severe injuries sustained and
sometimes even death occurred, which occurred to the opponent who was losing or
would refuse to surrender. The fact that the sport was becoming too violent, and most of
the Greek society was becoming more sophisticated and civilized, that then meant that
the men s Pankration was replaced by the Pankration for boys; a less extreme version of
the sport. The Pankration for boys was officially deemed a sport for the games in 200
BC. When Pankratiasts would compete, they
Amy Tan Mother Tongue Analysis
Novelist and essayist, Amy Tan, in her essay, Mother Tongue , emphasizes the
hardships faced by those who speak with limited English. Tan strives to broaden
awareness of the damaging stereotypes thrown upon those with limited English,
creating a personal and reflective tone that develops her attitude toward her mother.
Tan uses connotative diction to develop her attitudes towards her mother. As a child,
Tan was ashamed of her mother s English. But as she grew, she came to the realization
that she, in fact, uses the same English her own mother uses. Her relationship with her
mother strained due to the boundaries of language. Tan s mother s broken English
causes tension and resentment from daughter to mother. Tan s regrettable experiences,
helping her mother with phone calls and appointments, led her to have a negative
attitude towards her mother at an early age. As Tan grew up she realized the injustices
found in the world, especially those directed at broken English. Her perception of her
mother changes as she ages. When she is older, she is conscious of the struggles her
mother faces. She exudes all respect to her mother, for her mother s English was the
most familiar rhythm she has ever come to know. Tan also uses oxymora to develop
her attitudes in her mother/daughter relationship. Tan sees that her mother s speech is
Impeccably broken, . To be impeccable is to be of the highest standards. To be
impeccable is to be faultless; flawless. Tan views her mother s English to be so
flawlessly broken that no one can fix it. This one oxymoroncontributes to the entire
piece, fitting in the crevices. Tan, at an early age, was ashamed of her mother s
English, the sentence structure and simple word choice, because it was broken. The
oxymora in this piece reflect the idea of the stereotypes drawn from society. Those
who do not speak perfect English are not validated. For Tan s mother s speech was so
flawlessly unfixable, that it was unable to be understood. A reader would think that
those words are contradictory, that something flawless could not be broken or shattered,
but indeed can. Because something so broken, can be so flawless because it s as broken
as it can possibly be. Tan uses
The Sniper Character Analysis
When I was in first grade I went to Michigan Adventures, which is a theme park with
lots of rides. My friend and I went on most of all the rides. After that my friend wanted
to go on Shivering Timbers, a tall wooden coaster, it s highest point being 122 feet. We
got in line and I was very nervous, so my friend asked me multiple times if I was fine
with going, and for some reason I said yes every time, but I was frightened on the
inside and I did not want to go. By the time I wanted to tell him I didn t want to ride it,
I was already on the ride. First we went up, then back down continuously until we
turned and did the same thing going back until it stopped. After, I was happy I rode
the ride, and I felt accomplished. This shows bravery because I was risking what felt
like my life due to me being scared of the roller coaster. Bravery is doing something
other people might not, which is what I did because people scared of roller coasters
wouldn t ride on them. This trait is also relevant to the main characters in the books
The Sniper by Liam O Flaherty whose main character is known as the IRA Sniper or
Irish Republic Army sniper, and Michael from The Eye of Minds by James Dashner, who
is a hacker in a virtual world who is hunting down a cyber terrorist. The characters
Michael and the IRA Sniper are both brave because they are willing to risk their lives for
the greater good. Michael from The Eye of Minds is brave due to risking his life in
multiple occasions. An example
Mother To Son Literary Devices
Have you ever come across an obstacle you thought you would never overcome? Every
mother prays that her child does not struggle growing up. Langston Hughes poem,
Mother to Son depicts that life is full of hardships in a message from a mother, who
has had her fair share of hard times, to her son. The poem also states that you have to
overcome life s obstacles to be successful in the future, even when you see nothing but
darkness. Hughes portrays the hardships of life through the use of metaphors, voice,
imagery and repetition to compare the mother s life to a crystalized, yet jagged staircase.
Hughes poem incorporates multiple different metaphors to ensure that the reader
understands the overall message of the poem. In Langston Hughes, Mother to Son he
writes, Life for me ain t been no crystal stair (2). The author used the extended
metaphor of a crystal staircase to represent the struggles in life and that life is full of
hardships. A crystal staircase would represent a rich and flawless life whereas the
character in the poem had a harsh and difficult life. Stairs can be torn up, contain loose
tacks and give people splinters, but you have to find a way around the default s of the
stairs to get to the top. In terms of the poem, life can be full of obstacles, but you have
to work around the obstacles to be successful and reach your goal. This ... Show more
content on ...
The poet uses images of a jagged and torn up staircase to allow the reader to have a
mental picture of how an old staircase relates to the challenges in her life. It s had tacks
in it, / And splinters, And boards torn up, (3 5). The image of the tacks and splinters
allow the reader to picture the smaller obstacles that were in the way of the mother
reaching her goals, and the torn up boards relate to the major challenges and the times
when she wanted to give up in
The Cracker Tchaikovsky Essay
Each year, it is a tradition within my family to see The Nutcracker at Christmastime.
The Nutcracker is a ballet about a young German girl, Clara, who dreams of a
Nutcracker Prince and a battle with a Mouse King, that was helped to be made famous
by a Russian composer, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Along with The Nutcracker,
Tchaikovsky composed the works from two other popular ballets, Swan Lake and
Sleeping Beauty . Tchaikovsky and his compositions played a major role in changing
and shaping the face of ballet. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born on May 7, 1840 in
Vyatka, Russia, and was a Russian composer of the Romantic era. He composed many
different types of works, including symphonies, operas, ballets, instrumental and chamber
music,... Show more content on ...
In The Nutcracker , we are introduced to this new instrument, which is the celesta.
Tchaikovsky once wrote to his publisher that the celesta was an instrument that was
something between a piano and a glockenspiel, with a divinely beautiful tone. The
impact that Tchaikovsky s own works had on the ballet set new standards for the
classical ballet and the role of music within it. He set this standard through his mastery
of danseuse , or melodies which match physical movements perfectly, vivid
orchestration, effective themes, and continuity of thought (Classic Cat). Many of his
well known ballets, Swan Lake and The Nutcracker , are said to be enduring
masterworks and wonderful examples of nineteenth century classical ballet. Towards the
end of the artistic life of the nineteenth century, ballet began to take a steady position in
Tchaikovsky s consciousness. In a sense, both ballet and Tchaikovsky met one another in
the middle. Through this genre of ballet music, Tchaikovsky was able to bring his
unusual way of thinking to life and embody real and eternal feelings within the world of
Two Basketball Players; Kobe Bryant and Dwyane Wade Essay
Two Basketball Players; Kobe Bryant and Dwyane Wade
There are many basketball players in the world. Throughout the history, some players
became more known than other players. Kobe Bryant and Dwyane Wade are very well
known in this world. Although their awards are similar, Kobe Bryant is a better
basketball player than Dwyane Wade because of his statistics and records. To begin with,
Kobe Bryant and Dwyane Wade have some awards in common. Both of them have
been in the NBA All Defensive First Team. Kobe and Dwyane have met five times in
the NBA All Star Game. They both have been to the NBA All Second Team twice. Also,
Kobe and Dwyane have been named the NBA Finals MVP, too. They have won the NBA
Championship title with both of their ... Show more content on ...
In playoffs, Kobe s percentage for field goal is.447 %, 3 point field goal .329 %, and free
throw .811% per game in playoffs. Kobe gets 5.1 rebounds , 4.7 assists, 1.4 steals, and .7
blocks per game in playoffs. Kobe has played in 11 NBA All Star games, started in all 11
of those games, played 27.1 minutes, and scored 18.8 points per game. In NBA All Star
games, Kobe s percentage for field goal is .503%, 3 point field goal .354 %, and free
throw .778%. Kobe gets 4.5 rebounds , 4.6 assists, 2.7 steals, and .4 blocks per game in
NBA All Star Games. On the other hand, in playoffs Dwyane has played 61 games,
started in 61 games, played 40.8 minutes, and scored 23.4 points per game. In playoffs,
Dwyane s percentage for field goal is .454 %, 3 point field goal .327%, and free throw
.801%. Dwyane gets 5 rebounds , 4.5 assists, 1.2 steals, and .4 blocks per game in
playoffs. Dwyane has been to the NBA All Star game 5 times, started in 4 games, played
25.4 minutes, and scored 15.2 points per game. In NBA All Star games, Dwyane s
percentage for field goal was .489%, 3 point field goal .250 %, and free throw .615%.
Dwyane gets 2.6 rebounds , 3 assists, 2.6 steals, and .4 blocks per game in NBA All
Star Games. Furthermore, Kobe Bryant has more records than Dwyane Wade. Kobe
Bryant currently holds nine records and shares two NBA records with Donyell Marshall,
Michael Jordan, and Wilt Chamberlain. Most three point field goals made in a game
record are held by
The Aviation Industry From His Childhood
David Barna has been associated with the Aviation Industry from his childhood. He
got his private pilot license when he was 14. He joined the US Air Force after
graduating from high school and was a celebrated B 52 bomber pilot for 19 years
prior to his retirement from service. Oklahoma knows the Barna family for their
passion for flying. Mr. David Barna has directed us create a business plan for a startup
airline company providing luxurious travel experience to its prospective clients. This
travel company will provide door to door service to its customers using high class
transportation to reach their choice of destinations within the United States. Mr. Barna
has conducted professional surveys to identify the market for ... Show more content on ...
The staff compiling this business plan is as follows:
Lechanda Adams Chief of Staff; Heather Britt Chief of Purchasing
Badar Habib President of Business Solutions; Paul Hoss Operations Manger
Kokain Mothershed President of Pricing and Incentives

Barna Luxury Travel will provide door to door and point to point services within the
Continental United States. It will fly into terminals that are not located in the hubs of
cities but rather fly into regional terminals to avoid excessive terminal fees. Barna
Luxury Travel will maintain a webpage providing its customers the convince of paying
for services online. Currently this proposal is to purchase three jets and four limousines
to provide door to door service. Sooner Travels, Inc. located at Wiley Post Airport will
provide baggage handling, schedule flights and ticketing in addition to providing
accounting services for Barna Luxury Travel Services.
Barna Luxury Travel is committed to getting its passengers to their destinations in a
simple, direct, efficient manner. Eager and dedicated employees are available and
willing to help the passengers with boarding at the departure gates and provide additional
services for your ground transportation and hotel accommodation at your destinations.
Passengers are encouraged to use Barna s executive suite which will
Hobby Store Business Plan
Hobby Store Business Plan

Owner: Alexander Engarto

R/C hobby
232 West Main Street
Moorestown, PA 08057

I. Table of Contents

I. Table of contents...............................................................................2 II. Executive

Summary.............................................................................3 III. General Company
Description.................................................................4 IV. Products and
Services...........................................................................5 V. Marketing
Plan...................................................................................6 VI. Operational
Plan.................................................................................8 VII. Management and
Organization................................................................9 VIII. Personal Financial

II. Executive Summary

The purpose of this business plan is to raise enough money to open and run a ... Show
more content on ...
* Some barriers the business will face are high initial costs to stock the entire store and
build a race track for organized events, shipping costs to ship all of the product from the
manufacturer to the store. * These barriers could be overcome by striking deals with
manufacturers for buy products in bulk for lower prices and lower shipping prices.
The customers the store wants to attract range from young children to older adults.
The store will stock something for all age groups for males and females, but the main
target customer would most likely be young to middle aged male adults that are
interested in racing r/c cars and trucks on a weekly basis at the track the shop will
provide. These customers will keep coming back and stay interested in what the hobby
shop is going to focus on, which is r/c cars and trucks of all scales. The location of the
store is a fine place for attracting this target customer and people from all around to use
the dirt track that will be built, because few other stores will have one.
The store will also stock products in all different price ranges in attempt to allow people
of all income levels to enjoy the hobby. Certain products will be eligible for payment
plans as well. Competition
The main competition that R/C Hobby will have to deal with won t be other stores in the
area, but online websites that can sell name brand products at low
Kenwood 1964 Analysis
Kenwood 1964
In the essay Kenwood 1964, Frank B. Wilderson в…ў explains his tough life at home.
The author starts by explaining his mother and father s unhealthy relationship toward
each other and how their personalities clash, which affects the whole household. His
parents are very hard on him and his siblings, mentally and physically. They believe they
ve underappreciated their hard work. Before they bought their home, the family had been
questioned and judged because of the color of their skin, it was said to them by the
seller I ll have a black mark against me forever, that I can never come back to Kenwood
(Wilderson 33). After his mom and dad put in a lot of work, proving themselves and
money shuffling, they were capable of receiving
Persecuted Church
Horrifying evil shocks us into paralysis. That is the point of terrorism: not just to kill,
but to demoralize any opposition into hopelessness and inaction. As urgent as it is to
document Christian persecution in our time to shine a light on it, it s important too to
understand that evil doesn t stand unopposed. There are signs of hope: the heroic virtue
of many Christians in the face of genocidal attack; the help they have received from
noble allies; and some signs that the tide may have turned and things can get better.

Earlier this spring I heard Steve Wagner, the head of Solidarity with the Persecuted
Church, give an inspiring and informative presentation about the conditions of persecuted
Christians in the hot spots of Iraq, Syria, and ... Show more content on ...
We accomplish this by providing material assistance for projects requested by the
churches themselves, so that the local Church can do those things it thinks are needed to
endure. SPC seeks to be the vehicle for concerned people who want to express their
support and solidarity for Christians brothers and sisters at risk. By contributing to an
IRS recognized non profit such as Solidarity with the Persecuted Church, individual
contributions are tax deductible. In fact, it is not legal for American citizens to send
money to Syria; they must work through an established organization such as
Signs Movie Review
Can you see the signs ? The movie Sign is based on a small family. Graham a loving
father, Merrill a carrying brother, Morgan a opened minded boy, and Bo the quirky
little sister who lived on a small farm together. The film Signs is full of suspense and it
keeps the overall audience on their feet wondering what was gonna happen next but also
playing with audience mind. Signs the movie was very interesting, the way the director
/producer planned out the movie was ingenious. The heroic father cares and loves for his
kids and he ll do anything to protect them from harm s way. The movie Signs is based on
faith and religion and even though you might not see them doesn t mean they aren t
there. The father graham finds mysterious signs in his
The Purpose Of American History
American history is an imperative part of our nation. It allows the upcoming generations
to understand the successes and hardships the country has endured. How can the past
become the hope for our future? Before answering the complex question, we need to
understand what is history. History is not only a class, or a text book, but experiences,
stories, and monuments. It is the foundation for the present civilization. Each monument,
or memorials are to teach, but also remind younger generations of the fallen citizens,
soldiers or public figures and show their sacrifices, and achievements. They are physical
stories, instead of being only an account or written in a book.
To add, Poet and author, Robert Penn Warren, said, History cannot give
Saying Goodbye To A Teacher
Saying goodbye to a my choir teacher They say people never know how important
something is, until it s gone. When I said goodbye to my choir teacher, it opened my
eyes to how influential she was. Jami Lercher pursued the job of my choir teacher
freshman and sophomore year at Roseville Area High School. She played a significant
role in my life as my mentor and a great friend. She also invited me to join her outside of
schoolchoir, VOX and we grew even closer through that experience. Everywhere she
went, merriment and exhilaration followed her. She assisted me with the ability to read
notes and read music. Unfortunately, the jubilance of the choir department would come
to a halt. Mrs. Lercher received the opportunity of a lifetime and was accepted into the
university of MiamiFlorida to pursue her doctorate degree. She would depart from
RAHS, taking that merriment and exhilaration with her to Miami that she had
constructed for the choir department. The choir students were grieving, but we
supported her decision and knew that this would aid her immensely when she would
come back to teach. The night I said goodbye to Mrs. Lercher was a night of
waterworks, compliments and the hardships of expressing our goodbyes.
That night my choir, Bel Canto, just finished our final concert of the year, making the
waterworks pump double of what they should. The crowd roared when we finished our
final song called Sail Away . The compliments flowing from the audience s mouths about
Essay on Response to Bitzer s Rhetorical Situation
In The Rhetorical Situation, Lloyd F. Bitzer argues that what makes a situation
rhetorical is similar to that which constitutes a moral action as he writes that, an act is
moral because it is an act performed in a situation of a certain kind; similarly, a work is
rhetorical because it is a response to a situation of a certain kind .(3) By defining the
rhetorical situation in this way, Bitzer further contends that rhetoricis a means to altering
reality. (4) It is through the use of discourse that one is capable of changing reality
through thought and action. (4) Bitzer then elaborates upon the nature of a rhetorical
situation by explaining that rhetorical discourse enters a situation when: providing a
response to its state of affairs;... Show more content on ...
Although Bitzer continues in the third section of his essay, by outlining the general
characteristics or features of a rhetorical situation, it is his discussion of sophistical
rhetoric that is most interesting. (11) He notes that a sophistic situation is one where
a contrived exigence is, asserted to be real... alleged constituents are due to error or
ignorance,... and [it derives] from fantasy in which exigence, audience, and constraints
may all be imaginary objects of a mind at play . (11) He concludes that, rhetoric is
distinguished from the mere craft of persuasion which, although it is a legitimate
object of scientific investigation, lacks philosophical warrant as a practical discipline .
(14) While Bitzer s insights into how one may think about the way in which rhetorical
discourse acts upon and therefore alters the reality of a situation, it is difficult to see his
point in stating that the mere craft of persuasion lacks philosophical warrant as a
practical discipline. The clearest reason it seems, is implied from the examples that
Bitzer uses, none of which are theological or religious in nature, but rather the examples
he provides are usually political. Although one is left to speculate as to what categories
Bitzer would include in sophistical rhetoric (other than a play or novel), might
theological and religious discourse be subsumed under
Kohler Memoirs Comfort Height Toilet Review
Kohler Memoirs Comfort Height Toilet Review

Kohler is a name brand that many people turn to when looking for new faucets and other
bathroom and kitchen items. The name brand itself is a name that most people think of
when they are searching for quality. That is perhaps one of the main reasons they love
the Kohler toilet, but that is not the only reason it is a popular choice. To find out more
about what Kohler toilets have to offer, you should take a look at our Kohler Memoirs
Comfort Height toilet review.

Features of the Kohler Memoirs Comfort Height Toilet

This toilet is a two piece toilet that features a round front bowl. The fact that it has a
round bowl makes it ideal for smaller bathrooms that do not have a lot of space. It will
work ... Show more content on ...
This is because of the high pressure flush that occurs due to the AquaPiston canister.
For most families, this is a minor issue and it does not take long for them to get used
to it, but for others, it could be a major problem. It is slightly more expensive than
some toilets, but not by enough to really matter if you are seeking quality and the
extra cost is easily offset by how much money you will save on your water bill. In
general, a reliable toilet that holds true to the Kohler brand name of products. There is
not much that you will find negative about it, regardless of where you look on the
internet to find ill thoughts. However, some people may not like that it is a two piece
toilet. What more could you ask for in a
Symptoms And Treatment Of Retinoblastoma
Cancer comes in many forms and can attack just about anyone. Some cancers take
more time to grow, spread and show signs of attack, but it is very important for
everyone to be very careful and cautious because anyone can be a victim for this cruel
cancer. Retinoblastoma is one of the cancers that can become very fatal to someone s
vision if not treated. Retinoblastoma is caused when the cancercells start to grow with no
control. Cells can become cancer cells in any part of the body so it is very essential
for it to be treated as soon as possible. It can also extend to any other parts of the body.
Retinoblastoma is started in the retina of the eye and is most common in children.
The very first thing anyone should do when they are diagnosed with cancer is to consult
with their doctor about treatment plans. Retinoblastoma has many treatment options for
the patient. One of the main treatments of retinoblastoma is surgery. If the
retinoblastoma is detected while it is a small tumor, surgery is not necessary. If the
tumor is not found in time and is quite large, the eye s vision has most likely been
already damaged. If this is ever the case, then there is a procedure called, enucleation,
and this procedure removes the whole eye and a part of the optic nerve that was
connected. Meanwhile, during the enucleation procedure, an orbital implant is put in,
taking the place of the eye. The orbital implant contains contents such as, silicone or
hydroxyapatite. This substance is very alike
Internal Analysis of Rolls Royce
ROLLS ROYCE: INTERNAL ANALYSIS For the purpose of internal analysis, I have
selected civil aerospace SBU of Rolls Royce. This analysis has been done considering
the fact that the case study was published in year 2005. Financial Analysis: Rolls
Royce has been generating higher margins in past few years. In last four years i.e. from
2002 to 2006 the operating profit has grown from ВЈ168 million to ВЈ692 million with
the annual growth rate of 42.5%. The net profit has also increased at compound annual
growth rate of 71.3% from ВЈ53 million to ВЈ998 million in these four years. These
figures are the indicators of a strong financial performance. It is evident from the figures
that the high levels of margin in their field of operation are very... Show more content on ...
He suggested that sustained competitive advantage derives from the resources and
capabilities a firm controls that are valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable, and not
substitutable. He further added that the resources and capabilities can be viewed in
form of tangible and intangible assets. There are four different categories of resources
financial, physical, human, and organization. Barney and Hesterly (2006), describe the
VRIO framework as a good tool to examine the internal environment of a firm. They
state that VRIO stands for four questions one must ask about a resource or capability to
determine its competitive potential: 1. The Question of Value: Does a resource enable a
firm to exploit an environmental opportunity, and/or neutralize an environmental threat?
2. The Question of Rarity: Is a resource currently controlled by only a small number of
competing firms? [are the resources used to make the products/services or the products
/services themselves rare?] 3. The Question of Imitability: do firms without a resource
face a cost disadvantage in obtaining or developing it? [is what a firm is doing difficult
to imitate?] 4. The Question of Organization: Are a firm s other policies and procedures
organized to support
How Did Donatello Tell The Story Of The Annunciation
In your own words, explain how Donatello has told the story of The Annunciation in
sculpture and why contemporaries were so impressed with his achievement.

Donatello is considered to be one of the most influential artists of the 15th century. A

member of the innovative group of painters, architects and sculptors that revolutionised
art in

Florence at the beginning of the 15th century, he succeeded in becoming perhaps the
most successful

in his field due to his understanding of the aspects of classical sculpture and the creative

emotive way in which he adapted them to his own works. In particular, his reliefs
surpassed all

others of the time in terms of their dramatic effect and complexity of character placement
... Show more content on ...
[3] The artist s eagerness to produce something as thoroughly all antica as possible, is

responsible for the poor taste of this mixture of decorative features borrowed from various


The story of the Annunciation is one that focuses on the centuries long Islamic
perspective of

judgement and expectation of others, especially women. Set during a period of time
where the

sacred nature of a woman s purity was highly valued, the angel Gabriel s message to the

Mary was not one entirely void of danger and aprehension. An unwed mother would

be persecuted by her peers and this is the danger that Mary faced with the deliverance of
the news.

Donatello s job was to not only create a skilled and beautiful piece of art but also to
depict the
varying emotions of the scene in such a way as to convey to his audience the true story
of the

Annunciation in all it s different aspects.

The placement of the figure of the Virgin is especially successful in displaying a sense
of shock on

her part. Frightened by the appearance of the angel, she has delicately turned her body
away from

him to the left while her right arm covers her left breast in surprise. He left arm hangs
lower as she

clasps a book
The Common Genetic Birth Defects
One of the most common genetic birth defects is Down syndrome which is a
congenital disorder caused from a chromosome defect. It causes impairments and
physical abnormalities. This is a condition where a child is born with an extra copy of
their 21st chromosome. According to the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS),
1 in 700 babies are born with DS. There is not an exact cause of how DS happens but
there is an explanation as to what happens. When there is any case of reproduction,
genes from both parents are passed to the children. Within these genes there are
chromosomes and the child is supposed to receive 23 pairs of chromosomes or 46 total.
Children with DS end up with 3 copies or an extra partial copy of chromosome 21
instead of 2... Show more content on ...
Children with DS often grow slowly and as they become an adult they are shorter than
normal. Their neck can have excess fat and skin which makes it look shorter than
normal. Short, stocky arms and legs along with a wide space between the big toe and
second toe is also a physical body symptom. As for face shapes and features they can
have slanted eyes, nasal bridge that looks pushed in, small ears that look low on the head,
irregularly shaped mouth and tongue. A child s tongue can partly stick out and the teeth
can come in late and in a different order than other children. Most children with DS have
mild to moderate cognitive disabilities such as impulsive behavior, short attention span
and slow learning capabilities. Some health issues that are often symptoms of DS are
heart defects, hypothyroidism, eye conditions, hearing and dental problems, respiratory
infections and depression. (What is Down Syndrome) Children and adults with DS can
face many major health concerns during their life. A few of the most common include
repetitive and obsessive compulsive behaviors, autism spectrum conditions,
neuropsychological problems, and inattentive behaviors. Young children with DS that
have limitations in language and communication skills, cognition, and non verbal
problem solving abilities present with increased likelihood of developing: Disruptive,
impulsive, inattentive, hyperactive and oppositional behaviors; anxious,
Virgin Atlantic
1998 was a rather trying year for Virgin group of companies.
With the hopes for an economic upturn still remaining, it is recommended that the Virgin
group approach and review, with great urgency, the matters outlined in this memo.
Questions have been raised by many noted publications including the Economist and
Marketing News regarding the current financial state, brand strength and future of the
Virgin group. Many has quipped Mr. Branson and the Virgin group as over exerting and
extending company resources, capabilities and competencies beyond a controllable and
unprofitable threshold. Many critics have pointed to Virgin s brand losing goodwill and
compromising core values due to the brand stretching. With over 20 holding companies
... Show more content on ...
Virgin Cola o $5 ₤ millions in loss on $30 ₤ millions in revenue. o Attained only 8%
of market share.
Virgin Rail o Showed positive EBIT ($12.6 ₤ millions), Net Cash Flow ($7.5 ₤
millions) and EVA ($12.1 ₤ millions). However, Virgin Rail is plagued with operational
deficiencies and future profits are questionable. Customer satisfaction is declining due to
unreliable schedules and poor customer service.

As shown on Table 1, we can quickly acknowledge the financial health of the 13

businesses as indicated by the Net Cash Flow, EBIT and EVA. Virgin Travel Group is
strong in all three indicators boasting EBIT ($51.5 ₤ millions), Net Cash Flow ($37.9
₤ millions) and EVA ($32.5 ₤ millions). Most of the media related Virgin endeavors,
such as Cinema and retail, are all experience negative growth and troubled cash flows.

Value Chains As an umbrella brand name, the number of value chains and links existing
between customers and the Virgin group of companies and between each of the Virgin
operating businesses increase as Virgin continues to implement diversification and
market extension strategies. Goodwill is built by the company s core values and product
/service offerings. Most importantly, Virgin has been capable of sustaining the same
values across each of the companies. With recent critiques of elasticity and stretching,
Virgin s goodwill has slightly been tarnished. However, it will not be a hard task
My Future Essay
Every since I was a young girl I have been always asked by, what do you wanna be
when you grow up? I know some people that change their minds every week of what
their future hold for them and how they are gonna live through it. The future is changing
every second of our lives, everything single thing that we do affects what our futurehold
for us. All my life I have been determined on one thing in my life. I have always wanted
to become a doctor no matter what. I know that there is nothing that is gonna change
my mind about that. Technology has helped many people with what they do at their
job, however it has also harmed their jobs also. All my life I have been in and out of
hospitals. Every since I was born I had some problems that I had to face. Thanks to all
the doctors that were there for me, that helped me become the girl that stands today, I get
to live my life in peace. I had told myself from that day forward that I was gonna become
a doctor or a nurse and help as many people as I can. I have always loved to help people
in need. I hope that one day that I can savesomeone s life as someone saved mine.If I had
to pick one role model that I looked up to ,I couldn t. That is because I admire and
idolize every single nurse and doctor there is in this world that help keep people alive
and safe every single day.

I want to do many things in my future. As well as being a doctor who helps people, I
want to live life and just be there. The future is
Globalization And Its Impact On Socio Economy
Globalization and its Impact on Socio Economy in India
Dr. Mahendra Singh
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
Madhav University, Pindwara (Rajasthan)

Globalization was adopted by Indian Government during 1990 91 when Indian Economy
was in a very bad shape. It was, however, adopted not as a solution to deteriorating Indian
economy but to enable itself to get further foreign exchange loans from World Bank as its
foreign exchange reserves were reduced to mere 3 weeks outflow. To rectify its ailing
financial health, Government simultaneously decided to amend its economic policies
and go for privatization liberalization of its economy. These decisions had immediate
positive effect. However, globalization has proved to be a double edged weapon. It did
help government temporarily meet its emergent need of foreign exchange but it has, as a
by product, caused some permanent damage to Indian Economic system and Indian
social structure.
Key Words: Privatization, Liberalization, current account deficits, disinvestment, western

For thousands of years, different countries have been doing trade with one another . But
the process has got a tremendous boost in last about two decades due to high handed
policies of International Monetary Fund, world bank and world trade organization who
have been working on the agenda of developed countries like USA. They practically
forced underdeveloped countries to adopt full throttle globalization by opening
Richard Rodriguez Complexion
Authors utilize rhetorical devices in order to convey the true meaning of his work.
In his essay, Complexion, Richard RodrГguez uses the rhetorical modes of description
and symbolism. The description gives the work a story like flow, while the symbolism
makes the reader more able to experience the emotions and feelings present within the
authors complexion. The utilization of the stylistic tools aids in conveying the true
message of the author s claim which is that he received mass racism out in the society.
Since the essay is an account of his own experiences with racism, the description works
well to take the reader to different periods of time and events in Rodriguez s life.

The use of description allows the essay to be ... Show more content on ...
His mothers friends would also often talk about what a burden or curse it was, to have
dark skin, was a woman s spoken concern: the fear of having a dark skinned son or
daughter. (Rodriguez 449). This displays that in his culture, people preferred light skin
children over dark skin, knowing that a light skinned child would not face as much
prejudice a dark skinned child would growing up. The use of symbolism
Slavery In The Old South
This historical analysis will define the argument put forth by James Oakes (1998)
about the misguided view of slavery as a paternalistic system of economics in the Old
South. The paternalistic/honorific view of slavery is incorrect because of the
underlying system of capitalism, which allowed slaveholders to exploit, commercialize,
and commoditize slaves for profit. More so, Oakes (1998) shows how the industrial
Northern was simply a different form of capitalism that often cooperated with the
agrarian South in exploiting slaves as a method of low cost labor. Machine technology
allowed northerner manufacturers to exploit low wage laborers in industry, yet the South
relied heavily on the exploitation of slaves for agrarian production. Oakes... Show more
content on ...
The only conflict between the two capitalist systems was the outdated methods of human
labor that the South relied upon to compete with the increasingly industrialized methods
of farming that the north was using as they expanded into western territories. Oakes
(1998) defines the capitalist system as the driving force for economic conflicts between
these two regions of the United States: Having repudiated the suggestion that all poor
people in America ought to be enslaved, conservatives argued instead that slavery, as
practiced in the South, represented the fulfillment of destiny (Oakes, 1998, p. 215).
This economic view of low cost labor defines how Oakes (1998) understands the
underlying profitability of a capitalistic system, which temporarily sustained a
cooperative relationship between the North and South. The difference between these
two societies was the method in which low cost labor could be exploited through wage
slavery in the North and outright slavery in the South. The roots of capitalism are also
found in the willingness of colonial slaveholders to join the American Revolution
because it would free them from the exploitative bonds of British capitalism that
hindered their ascension to greater wealth as land owners and slave holders: Colonial
slaveholders had enthusiastically joined the Revolution against Britain: most saw no
conflict between its libertarian principles and the perpetuation of slavery (Oakes, 1998,
p.241). These are important aspects of the underlying profitability of slavery in the
capitalistic system of economics, which often overrode the principles in favor of gaining
access to low cost slave labor during the antebellum era. In this manner, the capitalistic
UMAT Assessment Essay
As a current student striving to be accepted into medicine I will be required to
undertake the UMAT examination. I have always been interested in the relevance of the
examination, how it is perceived by people and whether students are the key people it
serves . To gain a basic understanding of the purpose of the UMAT I conducted
preliminary research, utilising the ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research)
website, who were the developers and write the examination every year. I obtained
sources through the use of google scholar to locate relevant and highly reliable sources.
The majority of my sources were secondary obtained from websites, journals and
articles. I had emailed multiple professionals to conduct interviews but received no
responses, hence, I was unable to obtain primary data on my topic. However, sources
from the Medical Journal of Australia provided sufficient information on my topic,
providing me with facts and statistics which I utilised throughout my report. I was
assured that information obtained from this journal was highly reliable as the articles
are all peer reviewed and also by the reputation of the journal. Other information was
sourced from either the Adelaide University or the ACER website, which I believe ...
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I organised my information and report in informative language. Informative in the
informational genre, I did not want a balanced point of view but one which describes
my findings. Due to the fact that I was writing an investigation I utilised objective
language, ensuring that I elaborated my points out clearly. This will assist in presenting
findings in a clear, concise and professional manner, it was also vital that I structured my
report in a manner that was easy to follow and logical. This will ensure that readers will
be able to understand information and examples utilised, and easily comprehend the
Cadence Design Systems Case Study
Cadence Design Systems Company History
Cadence Design Systems was the creation from the merger of two companies in the
late 1980s became came the world s leading global leader in the electronic industry. San
Jose, California was the birthplace of this merger and is still today the headquarter for
Cadence. At the headquarter facility is where sales, designing, and researching still takes
place for the global industry of electronics. Cadence Design Systems has been featured in
Fortune Magazine many times. In the year 2017, has Cadence Design Systems listed
by Fortune Magazine as one of the Best 100 Businesses for Which to Work, for the
third year in a row, ( Cadence Named One ). Cadence Design Systems is a software
animation ... Show more content on ...
Mergers can kill all of the companies involved or rise up and become something greater.
Rise up to become something greater is the regular practice when Cadence Design
Systems acquisitions and mergers.
Daniel Holden from Chilton s Electronic News reported from an interview with
Cadence Design Systems president at the time of the interview, The merging of the two
companies would provide each with a significant inroad to the market segments
dominated by the other, while allowing both companies to focus more on their core
technologies, said Mr. Costello. Insiders said that while the potential synergy is there,
one of the biggest challenges for the new company would be dealing with overlapping
products as well as the R D, marketing, sales and distribution efforts connected to them.
(Holden 1). Cadence Design Systems has a history of not having a twenty percent or less
overlap with acquisitions and mergers to prevent problems. This is another example of
the human relations theories well practiced within this company. Human relations
theories are also practice in the acquisitions and mergers when the acquisition and
merger is wanted and by making sure the company that Cadence Design Systems is
merging with has the same core values. Cadence Design Systems belief statement is, At
Cadence, our core values are more than just words, they are the way we work, laugh,
debate, care, question, and innovate together. We are One Cadence One
Reflection Papers
Imagine living in a country, where the average life expectancy for men and women in
the year 2017 is 49 years old. Imagine living in a country where electricity is one of the
hardest things to obtain. Imagine living in a country with over 60% of the country s
population living below the poverty line. Imagine living in a country that has suffered
greatly through civil wars, epidemics, and environmental climate disasters. Just imagine
being from a country that is rich in the world s most precious minerals but still
classified as a third world country. What country is that you ask? Its Sierra Leone of
course, named the 11th poorest country in the world located in West Africa. A country
who has been going through economic, political, and social challenges for over two
decades now.
July 09 2004, I was about eight years old, excited to travel on a plane for the first time
in my life and finally getting to visit what my parents called Sweet Salone. I didn t
know what to expect when I got to Sierra Leone. I thought it would look just like
America but boy was I wrong. As we arrived I saw nothing but bushes, trees and little
houses made out of sticks, and aluminum. I was a bit confused as to what was going on
but was hard to see because it was dark. Once we got to Freetown everything started to
change, I started seeing better buildings, stores and restaurants and was a little bit more
courage about being there. As we roamed the streets during the day, that s when I really
got to see the good and the bad of the country. What struck to me the most about the
country was the way the hospital buildings were and how they were ran.
Almost every hospitals building is old, run down, no air condition, and have many
broken windows. The hospital barely has enough hospital beds for patients, and very
few stable equipment for doctors to use and very little to no sanitation. The lack of
experienced doctors and nurses makes it hard for patients to get treated for long term care
and sometimes short term care. As I visited the hospitals I just couldn t believe my
eyes, although I was only eight years old I still didn t expect to see what I saw and hoped
for a change. December 2016 was certainly a life changer for me. That was the
Peru is not only mountains like most people think, the country actually has chilly
sierras, a dry coast, and a humid jungle. Peru is a large country of contrasts when it
comes to the regions and climates that come with each region (Shields 10 13). The
amount of people occupying these regions in the country is an impressive 30.95 million
as of 2013 (Gottlieb 1). The culture of course, like any other country, has little differences
in traditions and the ways of life depending on the part of the country. The differences
vary anywhere from festivals to food throughout the country. For each of the regions like
the Andres Mountains, what Peruis most geographically known for, are more Eastern
towards the center of the continent. In these mountains... Show more content on ...
Spanish is the official language and is used in most of the country. Other languages have
been recognized by the Constitution, such as Quechua, which is spoken in many Andean
regions in different varieties, and Amara, the predominant language of the southern
Andes (About Peru). Even though that Spanish is the official language is apparent that
the region and the culture have an influence on the language and dialect as well. Like
many countries throughout the world, region to region the way people talk varies in
accent and dialect. Even though many people may speak the same official language
there is always differences. People in Peru do not only just speak one language like
Spanish, it can be mixed with other native dialects to make a mixture of words and
phrases (About
Security Torque Sticker
1. You will want to make sure and begin by taking the console and turning it over on its
top, and position it to the point that you can have direct access to the ports. This is
where you will find a screw that will have a sticker pertaining to your warranty. Take
this sticker off and discard it Remove this sticker as it will not be that important in the
long term.. Underneath the sticker you will find a securitytorque screw. This is here to
deter you from being tempted to open your console up and do regular cleaning on it.
Remove the screw with the special T8 screwdriver that you have as this will be the only
way to remove the screw.
2. Next you will want to make sure to pop the hard drive cover off of the back of the
console. This will be next to the screw that you just removed. After this has been ... Show
more content on ...
Next, remove the ribbon cables running from the disc drive to the motherboard. They
can be pulled out, except for the large one, which has a clip you ll need to disengage.
There will also a cable and two screws on the front and back that will need to be taken
care of before the metal plate comes off. Make sure the thermal pads on the plate stay on
or remain on the motherboard.

9. Now comes removing the brains of the operation, the motherboard. This is a very
delicate process as screwing this up can leave your system being nothing more than a
paperweight. Once you have removed all of the screens and other screws that hold this
in place, you will once again want to use your pliers to remove these cables. Once they
are all loose and free from the case, your motherboard should come out without any

10. Finally removing the screws from the plate under the motherboard as well as the
few in the back of the system will generally allow the plate to come out and allow you
access to the cooling system of the console. Many people will take it this far as they
want to make sure that their fan is as clean as possible to ensure that the system runs at its

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