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American Revolution Essay

Crafting an essay on the American Revolution is no small feat; it requires a deep understanding of
historical events, political ideologies, and the socio-economic context of the 18th century. The topic
itself is vast, spanning from the early stirrings of discontent to the establishment of the United States
as a sovereign nation.

One of the challenges lies in sifting through the plethora of information available, ranging from
primary sources to modern interpretations. The historian must navigate conflicting perspectives,
evaluating the credibility of sources and discerning the nuanced motivations behind the revolutionary
fervor. This necessitates not only a keen analytical mind but also a commitment to historical accuracy.

Furthermore, the essay should not merely chronicle events but must delve into the underlying causes
and ideological currents that fueled the revolution. Exploring the philosophical underpinnings of the
American Revolution, such as Enlightenment ideals and the concept of natural rights, adds another
layer of complexity to the writing process.

Crafting a compelling narrative requires the ability to connect disparate events coherently, weaving a
story that captures the complexity of the period. The writer must be adept at contextualizing
historical moments within the broader tapestry of the revolution, demonstrating an understanding of
causation and consequence.

Moreover, a successful essay on the American Revolution should not shy away from addressing the
contradictions inherent in the fight for liberty and independence. The tension between the call for
freedom and the persistence of slavery, the role of indigenous peoples, and the status of women
during this period are just a few of the nuanced aspects that must be considered and integrated into
the narrative.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the American Revolution demands meticulous research, critical
thinking, and the ability to synthesize diverse information into a cohesive and insightful piece. It is a
challenging task that requires not only historical knowledge but also a keen awareness of the
complexities and contradictions inherent in this pivotal moment in history.

If you find yourself grappling with such a task or facing time constraints, remember that assistance is
available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where professional
writers can provide the support needed to navigate the intricacies of historical writing.
American Revolution Essay American Revolution Essay
Perks of My Ford and My Lincoln Touch Essay
Perks of My Ford and My Lincoln Touch
Are you against my ford touch and my Lincoln touch? But if you have not heard of
this cool feature in ford vehicles you need to check it out. It has a lots of perks no big
bulky nobs just a simple seamless touchscreen. Plus you can use your own voice and
give sync a command and it will do it for you without you having to touch a thing. It s
very simple the home screen is split into four different quadrants consisting of
navigation, climate, entertainment and phone it s very simple to use. But there is one
feature people forget about that is very important 911 assist it can save your life if you
are in serious crash. My ford touch is helpful to drivers because it helps them keep their
eyes on the road ... Show more content on ...
For those who think My Ford Touch is complicated it is not it is very simple the home
screen is split into four quadrants. The navigation quadrant has a built in gps and
navigates you to your destination with no problem and just tell sync the address and
she will guide you. But wait there s more there s the climate quadrant to adjust your
temperature at the touch of a your finger tip. Then you have the entertainment quadrant
for all your music needs no more nobs you can now digitally tune your radio and have
your favorite radio station on in an instant. There is also the phone quadrant you can
now have sync with my ford touch call someone for you without having to take your
eyes off the road all you need is you re your phone connected to sync and she will help
With My Ford Touch there is another hidden feature 911 assiste. If an impact or
fatality crash were to happen sync with my ford immediately calls a 911 operator to
assiste you and pages all rescue services at your need. This has come in handy for some it
has saved thousands of lives a year without this feature who knows were some of us
could be. Many can tell you sync and my ford is the reason they are alive and standing
before us today. Millions of accidents happen each year in an
Discussion Questions On Formal Language
Assignment 3 [837921]

Question 1
1.1)One expects to find formal language in any place of work and authority such as
businesses, court, parliament, newspapers etc. Any profession which is associated
with a high level of education and order. Formal language is also known to reflect on
the speaker s social class. It shows what type of school you attended, how you were
raised and your heritage. Informal language is more commonly heard in a social
environment. For example when you are at a braai or attending a family function. The
people present usually know each other so the atmosphere is more relaxed and there is
not an essential requirement for formality. Informal language is usually used on social
media platforms or instant messaging.
1.2)If you were to address your colleagues, you would need to do it in a formal manner.
You should gather as many facts as possible and also listing as many possible solutions
as you can find. Facts and solutions help in strengthening your argument. This
information would be presented to the board to try and convince them to agree with
your point of view. Whereas in a social environment with your friends informal language
could be used. You could discuss teenage pregnancy and give your personal thoughts and
opinions on the topic. Your thought would not need to be supported by facts as it could
be opinion based.
1.3)Whenever you are addressing someone professional, you are required and expected
to use formal language.
Texas Usa 2011 Case Study
1.What were the Interstate Compact Statistics for TDCJ in 2015? Number of Texas
probationers supervised out of state: 6,787 Number of probationers from other states
supervised in Texas: 4,201 Number of Texas parolees supervised out of state: 3,048
Number of parolees from other states supervised in Texas: 2,008 Number of ICOTS
parolees and probationers supervised in Texas: 464 Number of ICOTS parolees and
probationers supervised out of state: 323 2.What is the Mission Statement? Is to
facilitate the transfer of adult offenders who are placed on probation/parole to be
supervision to a state or another state territory. 3.What is the (ICOTS) System? The
system facilitates the transfer of supervision for those probationer and parolees... Show
more content on ...
An official officer must submit a completed transfer with the required information to
the Texas interstate compact office before allowing the offender to leave Texas. 5.Do
some states charge a fee for the transfer process? Some states do charge a fee, but that
would be asked to the probation/parole officer. 6.Can attending school out of state be a
reason to request an interstate compact? The education doesn t meet the standard for a
mandatory transfer. Although, you can contact your probation/parole officer for more
information. 7. Can a person transfer back to the state they came from? They are
allowed to transfer back once they are done with the completion of attending their
treatment etc. 8.Can you transfer to another state straight from prison? If so what is the
process? The other state has to approve and send instruction within two business days.
9. need an emergency transfer, what happens next? Depending on TDCJ they might
send you to a unit/office within the requested location. 10.I didn t have to supervision
pay fees in my old state but the new state requires me to pay a supervision fee? What
shall I do? The offender will have to pay the supervision fee or else that would be
breaking the
The Ethical Ethics Of The Court System
This paper is going to be over the ethical misconduct that comes when working for or
in a court system. Daily there are criminals being sent to prison and being released
from prison; some for crimes that they committed, some for crimes that they were just
there at the wrong time for. But is there ever a time where people are sent to serve a
sentence for a crime they did not commit? The answer is yes. Many of the public do
not have a strong liking for lawyers, judges, or mainly just people that work within the
federal or state government. Reason being, sometimes you may have to question the
fairness, equity or the integrity of the person to know if they are coming from a good
place or not. As a lawyer this may be hard to prove ... Show more content on ...
The amendments that were set into place were structured to give certain guidelines that
were to be followed by the judicial system and how it should be operated. As with the
fifth amendment it states no person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise
infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury nor shall any
person be subject for the same offense to be in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be
compelled in any criminal case to be witness against himself, nor be deprived of life,
liberty, or property, without due process of law this is to be strictly followed by the
system in order to ensure that there is a delivery with justice for whomever is being
Judiciary Duties and Ethics
When it comes to the ethical standards that are to be delivered and expressed it is not
only the judge s position to do so, but along with lawyers and jurors as well. The 12
juror system, though not always works out in some cases, it is there so that when a
defendant is charged with a crime, he or she could be fairly tried by an impartial jury
of their peers. Unfortunately, jurors can never be 100% impartial, some of are going to
be biased in some way or another and will always be affected by the outsiders. The
average juror is either not capable of or not competent to accurately decide what the
manipulations of the lawyers mean and what the court room or the
Personal Account Of The RIP-TOA Phenomenon
Description of Events Clausewitz s fog set in almost immediately with erroneous
reporting of a fire spotted on approach heading into Bagram Airfield. The large areal
surveillance balloon operator thought he has spotted the crash site in the vicinity of
the approach end of the airfield. This caused a pause in the launching of recovery
assets as the flight from Logar to Parwan would have taken longer than a ground
assault convoy from Bagram Airfield manned by the security forces in conduction with
the Air Force Para rescue men there. We were able to take a tactical pause and make the
decision to launch our RIP TOA platoon rather than the mission ready platoon. This
decision was made based on previous planning but RIP TOA platoon was not scheduled
to take on the... Show more content on ...
I ran down the mountain as quickly as I could. It was more of a controlled fall down
the mountain. I hopped on a Blackhawk and told the crew chief to take me to BAF.
The pilot CW3 Rob Lyon was a great guy who often bent over backwards to take care
of the Pathfinders; we tried hard to return the favor. We arrived to the rotary wing
PAX terminal at BAF at about 1800 at night. Nothing was there for us. I ran into the
PAX shed fresh off of the mountain. Everyone was staring at me like I was a caveman. I
had a loaded weapon and thermite grenades exposed on my kit. I guess a lot of people
there forget a war is going on. I called the only person I knew to call. Our BDE S4
NCOIC. We received four box trucks full of all sorts of stuff. Sleeping bags, beanies
and about 3000 body bags. Mortuary affairs got told there was a MASCAL and came
in force with their own truck and about five soldiers. I task organized my group of
helpers including some Air Force truck drivers and the mortuary affairs team into
building speed balls with the sleeping bags, water, batteries, and chow. Oh they also
brought a shipping container and more cell phone
Why Do Doctors Make The Best Criminals
I believe Holmes in every way, and I think you should too. One because they have
knowledge. Two doctors are perfectionists. Lastly they know many medications and
poisons. That s why I think doctors make the best criminals. First, doctors have
knowledge. The knowledge that doctors have is a advantage because they know what
they can give to people to make certain things happen to them. Doctors can use
weapons to there advantage to hit vital areas. Also doctors know a lot about different
drugs. I would like to add that doctors can make a drug that wont be able to be traced
and they would have free access to the drugs needed. Second, doctors are perfectionists.
Doctors are used to making perfect incisions and making no mistakes. And they follow
Discrimination, Discrimination And The Right Of A Person
Discrimination as used in the context of human rights in employment, a distinction,
exclusion, or preference based on one of the prohibited grounds that has the effect of
nullifying or impairing the right of a person to full and equal recognition and exercise of
his or her human rights and freedoms. (1). Unfortunately discriminationof employees,
weather direct or indirect is a common occurrence in today s business environment.
Hence laws are set up to protect employees from discriminations based on: national
origin, religion, age, sex, race, sexual orientation, harassment, marital status, family
status, disability, employer retaliation and enforcement. Based on the newspaper article,
the initial motion filed in the federal court by Saks stated, that the discrimination
lawsuit filed by their ex employee was to be dismissed, because transsexuals are not
protected under Title VII, (2) which is a section of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that bans
employment discrimination based on race, religion or gender. The ex employee, Leyth O.
Jamal, 23, was terminated in July 2012 after she filed a complaint to the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission, stating that even though her manager was well
aware of her transgender identity, he asked her to behave in a more masculine way and
even instructed her to use the men s restroom. She also complained about a male
colleague who repeatedly question if she was a prostitute as well as made threats of
violence. Almost three years
The Lifetime Of A Nuclear Power Plant Essay
The lifetime of a nuclear power plant is planned to be 40 years. Recently there are trails
to raise this life in new constructions as well as the old ones to 60 years (1 4). During this
prolonged lifetime components are exposed to degradation that may affect safe operation
of the plant. Such influences affect pressure retaining items of the plant including reactor
pressure vessel, reactor piping, bolting and threaded fasteners, steam generator materials
and several other items (5). The Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) is the most critical
component in the LWR pressure boundary. It is the only component in this boundary
whose failure is considered to be of such low probability that it is considered essentially
incredible. NRC regulations require that RPV steels maintain conservative margin for
fracture toughness so that flaws do not threaten the integrity of a RPV during either
normal operation and maintenance cycles or under accident transients such as
Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) (6). The major technical issues regarding aging of RPV
include: high fluences, for long times that may lead to high emrittlement creating large
uncertainties for emrittlement predictions (7). Increasing nickel content in the RPV steel,
all other factors being equal, causes increasing emrittlement (7). The degradation
mechanisms that may affect RPV include Irradiation embrittlement, Thermal ageing,
Temper embrittlement, Fatigue and Corrosion (8). Concerning nuclear piping the main
Representation of Christianity in Charles Dickens Works...
Representation of Christianity in Charles Dickens Works

The representation of Christianity in Charles Dickens works was both debated and
largely overlooked by his contemporaries, particularly because of his lack of
representation of the views of the Established Church. In fact, Dickens voiced his
opposition to the practices of the Anglican Church. His negative representations of
Church officials, in many of his novels, pointed out what he felt were the hypocrisies of
the Church. Dickens was a liberal Christian and believed in a more humanitarian view of
Christianity. He wanted to remove religion from the high Church and place it back into
the lives of the common people. Dickens believed Christianity was ... Show more content
on ...
Dickens, a liberal Christian, viewed the dogma, teachings, and debates of the church with
disdain. For instance, in a letter to Miss Burdett Coutts, the headmistress of the Home
For Fallen Women, Dickens expressed what he believed to be a community wide
dissatisfaction with the Anglican Church for its indolent temporizing and its miserable
internal squabbles, [so much so] that [the congregation had] lost their natural interests in
the struggle (Johnson 185). Dickens was dissatisfied with the Protestant church s (or any
church s) use of text to claim religious authority for their interpretation of the Bible
(Ackroyd 506). Dickens believed these internal debates were the cause of the people s
disinterest in religion and thereby negatively affected their faith in Christianity. He felt
that the only way to set right these abuses of the church was through religious reform
(Johnson 185). Dickens was so adamant about the necessity of Church reform that he
advocated governmental intervention: when I reflect upon all of this, in my unvarying
faith that [Parliamentary] Reform is the only true Preservation [of the Church] (Johnson
185). While some of Dickens contemporaries believed his criticism of the church revealed
anti Christian sentiment, Dickens viewed his faith as deeper than that of the Established
Church. He saw the beliefs of the Established Church
Sir Percy Blakeney In The Scarlet Pimpernel By Emma Orczy
Landree Lamb Ms. Corl Honors English 97/19/15 The Scarlet Pimpernel is an
adventure novel by Emma Orczy that was going on during the Reign of Terror,
following the start of the French Revolution. The title character is Sir Percy Blakeney,
a wealthy English aristocrat who transforms into a swordsman and a quick thinking
escape artist. Sir Percy Blakeney has many interesting features, such as his
courageousness, his personality, and his style. Blakeney is a very fashionable person.
People actually look up to him for his style and describe him as a chic man. He is also
an exceedingly handsome man. Because he is vain and shallow, he typically presents
himself in a way that is always stylish and proper. They call him a foppish
Role Of Duct Tape In Crime
Based on the above observations, the suspect in question did not commit the crime.
The duct tape found at the scene of the crime does not share qualities with the duct
tape possessed by the suspect that are significant enough to conclude that the suspect is
guilty. All four pieces of duct tape were the same color when investigated with both the
naked eye and stereomicroscope. This similarity, however, does not say much about
whether or not the suspect committed the crime. Many varieties of duct tape are gray
/silver and all four pieces were the exact same color. The color observations are
insignificant because the duct tape found at the scene came from only one roll of duct
tape. Since all four pieces were the same color, the crime scene
World War I and World War II
Many people know about World War I and World War II seeing that they are a couple
of the world s most famous wars. Have you ever wondered how much you really
know? This paper is here to inform you of all of the propaganda used to persuade
people to follow Hitler, the Nazi party, and Stalin, terms that were used during this time
period, and some of the very important people involved in World War I and in World
War II.
In the heat of World War I there were two groups, the Allies and the Central Powers.
The Allies, which included France, Britain and Russia, went against the Central Powers.
The Russian Revolution was also going on during this time period, which was a term
that described a series of revolutions in Russia. These series of ... Show more content on ...
Basically Hitler was saying that if children of Germany were weak and did not
conform to his beliefs and become an ideal Nazi, the children had no chance. After
Hitler came to power all of the other youth movements were abolished. By 1933 the
Hitler Youth membership was up to 100,000 members and it was seen as repulsive if a
child from ages 10 through 18 were not a member.
Anti Semitism is a prejudice belief and the hatred of a certain racial group. Anti Semitism
is a form of racism. Anti Semitism members expressed their feelings towards the Jewish
community in many different ways. Most showed their hatred of the Jews and
discriminated individually. Others organized extremely violent mobs, and military
attacks on entire Jewish communities.
The Allied forces of World War II included the United States, Britain and the USSR. The
Allies were the countries opposing the Axis Powers. Their goal was to stop German,
Italian and Japanese aggression. The Soviet Union joined the Allied forces after being
invaded by Germany and its Allies in 1941, the United States also joined after the
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December of 1941. The relationship between Britain
and the US were extremely close, but other key alliances were China, Canada and India.
The Axis Powers were the nations that fought in World War II against the Allied forces.
The Axis Powers were brought together by their opposition against the Western world
and the Soviet Union. Their goal was
The Invention Of Willis Carrier
Willis carrier
The invention of Willis Carrier is timeless and a major breakthrough in the engineering
field. The air conditioner is applied almost in all engineering systems like computers,
vehicles, factories and all machines where heat is involved. Conditioners are also applied
in domestic homes and institutions like hotels and hospitals. It is, therefore, evident that
this invention has created a revolution in the present working environment and so
deserves great praise and honor to the hard work and commitment of Willis Carrier are to
be emulated. Carrier was a mechanical engineer who was quick to identify a fault in the
nature of work he did and his skill in engineering compelled him in the invention of a
mechanism that would impact the world to the present age. He would soon come up
with a set of designs and drawings that would be adopted by many other manufacturing
companies and set up a ground for the establishment of his own enterprise. Willis life
is a motivation to all engineers in terms of critical thinking and innovation and the
ability to persist on a given course despite the challenges on the way. His knowledge
and curiosity of engineering design is to be admired which is a wakeup call to many
that may not have yet found a purpose for their study. His business and entrepreneurship
skills should also be proof to us that we are meant to be all round and not just fixed
minded to what revolves closest around us.
Willis Carrier was
Punaluu Beach Research Paper
For our project, we decided to do the Punaluu Black Sand Beach. Punaluu is on the
main island of Hawaii. Punaluu Black sand beaches started to form over hundreds or
thousands of years. On Hawaii, there is a hot spot underneath it. There is a non
explosive volcano that spills out lava over thousands of years with hundreds of small
eruptions each day. A cliff of black igneous rock formed where the lavameets the ocean.
Then over many hundred of years, it is slowly eroded away by the big and small waves.
When the waves start to erode away the rock on the cliff, it washes rock fragments and
basaltonto the beach.
Waves are formed by the energy of wind being transferred into the water. The energy of
the wind makes the water go upwards. Then as
Essay On Sports And Sports
What are the positive effects sports have on children? This question has a wide variety
of answers. Some may say sports can help with intelligence, building relationships, and
activity, while others see sports as overwhelming or dangerous. Sports can influence a
child s well being far greater than most can imagine. From their mental and physical
development, to their bright futures, sports playan important role in a young boy or girl s
lifetime. Specifically, tennis is one of the best sports to support the development and
futures of children. The future of a childis very important and it is critical that it does not
become endangered by negative factors.

From the early years of their life, kids can learn and develop from sports. ... Show more
content on ...
Other sports may provide excellent health benefits, as well as stimulate mental and
emotional growth. But no other sport received such acclaim for its great benefits
physically, mentally and emotionally. (Groppel) Along with the teaching of respect,
sportsmanship, healthy habits, fairness, and the basics, tennis helps kids develop hand
eye coordination, positive characteristics, and acquire tactical thinking. Tennis is a
very mental game. It is optimal that you have control over your emotions as well as
figure out your opponent s mentality. The tactical aspect of the game keeps your mind
occupied while your body gets a good workout the short term goals of reaching that
little yellow ball in time makes it a complex sport full of small rewards and limitless
challenges. (Cramton) Teaching a kid these rather complex ideas from a young age will
not only aid them with their tennis skills but also their life skills to come in the future.

Tennis has its benefits that jump starts a child s development and knowledge of life
lessons, but it also has its benefits of providing a future for young players who work
hard to be successful. These futures can include athletic scholarships, a professional
career, or possibly a job teaching others tennis. There is also the effect of a person s
happiness in the future. Tennis players scored higher in vigor, optimism and self esteem
while scoring lower in depression, anger, confusion, anxiety and
Essay on A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O Connor
A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O Connor

A Good Man is Hard to Find is an extremely powerful commentary that elucidates

Flannery O Connor s opinions about religion and society. Like the majority of her other
works, A Good Man is Hard to Find has attracted many interpretations based on Christian
dogma (Bandy 1). These Christian explications are justified because Miss O Connor is
notorious for expressing Catholic doctrines through her fiction. Once she even remarked
I see from the standpoint of Christian orthodoxy (Kropf 1). This longstanding reputation
compels every critic of O Connor to expose the religious convictions encrypted within her
stories. The grandmother s final gesture towards the Misfit is not a ... Show more content
on ...
The grandmother and the Misfit are essentially the only characters of significance. The
other characters such as June Star or Bailey Boy merely reflect O Connor s
observations about society. The other characters have little affect on the central theme of
the story. The Misfit and the grandmother seem to be the exact opposite. The
grandmother seems to be a harmless busybody, utterly self absorbed but also amusing
(Bandy 2). The Misfit fits the stereotypical cast of an escaped convict. Ironically, their
similarities will allegorize Flannery O Connor s notion that a good man or woman is hard
to find.
A literal interpretation of the grandmother portrays an elderly southern woman
attempting to maintain the proper and genteel values of the South. The grandmother
places great importance on her appearance and the opinions of others. This importance is
revealed at the beginning of their journey when the story compares the grandmother, a
reflection of the past, to the daughter in law, a reflection of the present:
The children s mother still had on slacks and still had her head tied up in a green
kerchief, but the grandmother had on a navy blue straw sailor hat with a bunch of
white violets on the brim and a navy blue dress with white dot in the print. Her collars
and cuffs were white organdy trimmed with lace and at her neckline she had a pinned a
purple spray of cloth violets containing
Blood Pressure Regulation
Blood pressure regulation and changes occurring after increase in blood pressure

Each time the heart pumps, it sends blood all over the body to supply organs and tissues
with oxygen and nutrients. The strength of the force created as the heart pumps blood
into the vessels together with the vessels resistance to the blood flow is defined as the
body s blood pressure (Darovic, 2002). A normal range blood pressure (BP) must be
between 100 130mmHg systolic (when the heart is beating) and 60 90mmHg diastolic
pressure (between heart beats) (Sherwood, 1997). Many factors can change blood
pressure, including exercise and diet. The regulation of BP within the body is tightly
maintained by nerves, hormones and renal control in relation to three ... Show more
content on ...
These signal messengers will rapidly communicate with the autonomic neural system, in
order to decrease sympathetic influence on the heart and blood vessels and increase
parasympathetic activity, so that mean arterial blood pressure returns to its normal. By
releasing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (Ach), parasympathetic nerves will decrease
the frequency of the action potentials of the sinoatrial (SA) and the atrioventricular (AV)
nodes, found in the heart. This mechanism will decrease cardiac output by reducing the
number of heart beats and the organ s force of contractions (Milnor, 1990).
Parasympathetic activity will also expand vessels, decreasing their resistance to blood
flow and therefore decreasing total peripheral resistance. As veins get wider, they will
retain blood causing a reduction in venous return to the heart. Decreased amount of blood
in the ventricles at the end of diastole (period between contractions of the heart) will
consequently decrease cardiac output and blood pressure (Constanzo, 2012).
Electrolytes such as sodium and chloride are essential as they help to maintain body s
water balance. However, excessive dietary intake of salt increases the amount of water
retained by the body and as a result increases blood volume (Thomas and Bishop, 2007).
When the heart senses the rise in blood volume, atrial and brain type natriuretic peptides
(ANP and BNP) are synthesized and released. The
Cocoa Vs Board Of Education Case Analysis
San Antonio Independent School District v Rodriguez,

For this situation the Supreme Court s dominant part held that instruction was not an
established right, regardless of its undisputed significance and as aresult, states were just
needed to give the essential negligible aptitudes fundamental for the happiness regarding
the privileges of discourse and full interest in the political methodology. Thisdecision has
made it allowable for understudies in poorer school areas to get aninferior training
contrasted with those in wealthier school locale.

Cocoa v Board of Education

Cocoa v. Leading group of Education of Topeka, was one of the point of interest cases in
United States where incomparable court held that the state laws making diverse schools
for white and distinctive schools for African American as illegal. Cocoa versus Board of
Education overruled the choice of Plessy v. Ferguson choice 1896, which permitted state
supported isolation, insofar as it connected to government ... Show more content on ...
Various schools, especially in the field, are shabby. Notwithstanding attempts via
preparing reformers to propel imaginativeness, understudies instructors still need to think
most of their essentialness on making arrangements for government authorized tests.
Additionally, China s schools as the years progressed are overwhelmingly male, with an
unassuming group of young women among a sea of youthful men. That said,
notwithstanding, the Chinese have made a huge amount of headway in propelling
exhaustive key preparing and have yearning centers to backing the amount of young
people who proceed to optional school. Indian powers understand that India needs to
enhance occupation training its children. For instance, Union Human Resource
Development Minister Arjun Singh perceiving that reformers have far to go in India.
Says Singh: Investigations of accomplishment levels of our school young people
Summary Of The Movie Dirty Harry Essay
The movie Dirty Harry came out in 1971. Harry Callahan, the cop, attempts to track
down a rooftop killer who calls himself Scorpio. If he does not find him fast enough, a
kidnapped girl will die. Callahan goes from phone booth to phone booth on foot to
make sure the kidnapped girl does not get killed. Once Callahan finds Scorpio, he
abuses the murderer s civil rights which ends with him being back on the streets. The
killer gets on a school busfull of kids and hijacks it as soon as he is released causing
Callahan to go after him once again. The bus driver tries to stop Scorpio, but he pulls
a gun on her that he stole from the owner of the liquor store. He begins to make the
kids sing while the bus driver takes him to his destination. Harry is waiting on Scorpio
on top of the bridge. Scorpio started shooting at Callahan which made the bus driver
faint, so Scorpio takes the wheel. Harry starts chasing Scorpio and they begin to fire at
each other. Callahan shot the killer in his shoulder and was able to stop him and put the
revolver to his head. He shoots Scorpio in the chest, killing him. Scorpio committed
many crimes, but Callahan also violated rights of the perpetrator. Callahan was searching
for evidence that Scorpio used to killthe young black boy, officer, teenage girl, and the
swimmer on the rooftop. He found the rifle used to kill them, but he did it without a
search warrant. Callahan takes this case in front of a judge, and he concludes that
Ebonics is Not a Seperate Language but Improper Form of...
The United States is filled with many different ethnicities, cultures, customs, languages,
etc. Supposedly, our public schools are equipped with classes, teachers, curriculums and
materials in order to educate that part of the student population whose first language is
something other than the English language. Bilingual classes, transitional classes, ESL
classes are just a few of the programs that have been developed to instruct non English
speaking students in order for them to acquire the English language. However, there has
been a language use among African American students; language that has not been
examined closely nor acknowledged until recently. Ebonics is classified as Black English
or Black sounds , or Pan... Show more content on ...
As a result of many students using ebonics in a school setting, it has been recognized
in our educational system and it is believed that the understanding, the application, the
principles, the laws and the structure of ebonics would help African American students
(Amended Resolution of the Board of Education, 1997. P. 1). Ebonics would be used
to help learn Standard English. Therefore, ebonics has been studied for the last 15
years due to the State of California recognizing the unique language stature of
descendants of Africans (Amended Resolution of the Board of Education, 1997. P. 1).
As a result, the State of California is trying to mandate an education program that is in
the interest of vindicating their equal protection of the law rights under the 14
Amendment (Amended Resolution of the Board of Education, 1997. P. 2). The 14
Amendment states: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to
the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they
reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or
immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its
jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (Microsoft Bookshelf. 1996 1997). The
Oakland school district is trying to pass a program based on
The Theories That Best Resonate With Me Essay
In analyzing my development, the two theories that best resonate with me are the
cognitive theory of Baxter Magolda s Model and the moral theory of Rest s Approach. I
plan to first begin explaining Baxter s cognitive model and relate it to my personal
development through personal examples. I will transition to talk about Rest s moral
development approach and how the approach applies to my personal development.
Baxter Magolda s Model
The Baxter Magolda s Model focuses on the epistemological reflection through four
stages with gender related differences. The epistemological reflection encompasses the
assumptions about the nature, limits, and certainty of knowledge. Baxter s model was one
of the first to address gender in cognitive development in both men and women. The four
stages that Baxter utilizes include: Absolute, Transitional, Independent, and Contextual
knowing. (p. 363) Through Absolute Knowing, knowledge is certain, for example
instructors are seen as authorities with the answers. Knowledge is then acquired by two
means, either receiving knowledge, which is used more by women and has a minimal
interaction with instructors. (p. 363) The second means of knowledge is mastering
knowledge under which knowledge is obtained by a verbal approach or willing to
question learning when interacting with instructors. (p. 363) Through the Transitional
Knowing stage, individuals accept that some knowledge as being uncertain, which
includes two patterns of
Antigone The Characterization

Sophocles tragic drama, Antigone, presents to the reader a full range of characters: static
and dynamic, flat and round; they are portrayed mostly through the showing technique.

In Sophocles Praise of Man and the Conflicts of the Antigone, Charles Paul Segal takes
the stand that there are two protagonists in the drama (which conflicts with this reader s

This is not to say that there are not conceptual issues involved in the characters of Creon
and Antigone. But the issues are too complex to be satisfactorily reduced to a single
antithetical formulation. We must avoid seeing the protagonists as one dimensional
representatives of simple oppositions: ... Show more content on ...
Nothing so evil as money ever grew to be current among men.

The guard exits with the intention of saving his own skin by never reappearing before
Creon. But shortly thereafter he again approaches Creon with the startling news that the
guilty party has been apprehended in the act of burying Polynices corpse: I have come,
though tis in breach of my sworn oath, bringing this maid; who was taken showing grace
to the dead. The guard s recounting of the actions of Antigone develop her character into
all of its fullness as a most sentimental and religious person:

And when, after a long while, this storm had passed, the maid was seen; and she cried
aloud with the sharp cry of a bird in its bitterness, even as when, within the empty nest,
it sees the bed stripped of its nestlings. So she also, when she saw the corpse bare, lifted
up a voice of wailing, and called down curses on the doers of that deed. And
Superior Court Case Study
Throughout the course of this investigation, the following courthouse was researched to
locate any all court documentation for Dennis Baker and Charlotte Baker, as the search
was expanded to include Shawna Thornton s affiliation with the Bakers . The
investigator located the results for each of the dates: On 7/7/2016, the files for
Shawnya E. Thorton was found to be an Unlawful Detainer for Madison Park vs.
Thorton court case, dated 1/8/2015. Case Status Records were pulled for this matter at
the Superior Court of California, San Bernardino, Rancho Cucamonga Courthouse. On 7
/8/16, at the Pasadena, Superior of California Courthouse s City Clerk s Office, the
investigator conducted research with the Courts computer and located a case number
07C01773 referencing Dennis Baker.... Show more content on ...
First Interstate Bank of California. Upon further checking the Clerk s Office claimed
the documents for the case were transferred to the Superior Court Archives
Department. Upon further investigation with the Clerk at the Superior Court Archives
Department, the case was redacted due to the shelf life of the documentations. On 7
/13/16, at the Alhambra Superior of California Courthouse s City Clerk s Office, the
investigator discovered Dennis Baker s name associated with a criminal courts records
that originated at Chatsworth s Superior of California Courthouse. These said records
were sent to the Alhambra s Superior Courthouse, as the case file was ultimately
transferred to the West Covina Superior of California Courthouse. No records provided.
On 7/14/16, at the West Covina Superior of California Courthouse s City Clerk s
Criminal Office, the investigator discovered court case summaries under Dennis
Lamarce Baker. The records were destroyed, but the summaries for each of the criminal
matters for Mr. Baker were summarised for the following offences
John De Crevecoeur s Opulent America
J. Hector St. John de CrГЁvecoeur s Opulent America When J. Hector St. John de
CrГЁvecoeur came to America, he became known simply as Hector St. John, a name
change that might have been meant to allow him to blend in with other settlers in his
area, to live the life of a simple American farmer by way of reinventing himself as one.
Torn between fame and notoriety and blending in with complete anonymity,
CrГЁvecoeur penned several letters as an average Joe American farmer. CrГЁvecoeur
s desire to live as an agriculturalist meant living simply which contradicted his view of
the American world as a world of opulence. In his letters, CrГЁvecoeur discussed the
ways in which America, and more specifically Charles Town, was a land of lavishness
simply due to its location, the population, and the resources and commodities found
there. CrГЁvecoeur opened his letter comparing Charles Town with a similar trade
hub in Peru, describing Lima and Charles Town as cities of abundant wealth and
commerce (319). Charles Town was described as wealthy, in part, because of its
location. An epicenter of trade situated on several rivers with a well traveled harbor,
Charles Town was a profitable commercial center for housing and distributing goods. He
described the location of Charles Town as ideal for trade routes deeper into America s
barbarous interior, an untamed part of the country vastly different from elegant and
refined Charles Town: Its situation is admirable, being built at the confluence of
Snow Persuasive Speech
I.Snow is nice and beautiful for it only accurse once a year every year, furthermore
Pocatello is exposed to winter snow and has laws in place as well. A.Pocatello gets an
average of 9 inches of snow a year. ( 2016) B.If you slip and fall, you
may be able to recover the cost of your medical bills by suing the property owner and
perhaps even the contractor who was responsible for clearing away snow and ice.
( II.Snow falls every year at the city of Pocatello, usually the streets are
covered in snow and get maintenance from the city by hiring snowplows to clear the
roads leaving the sidewalks to be takin care of by homeowners. III.I, who owns a home
have the responsibility of clearing my side walk from snow... Show more content on ...
Many people rely on sidewalk and cannot afford a vehicle also the fact is you can ride
the bus for free if you are crippled. A.On a wheel chair, it is hard to know how much
time I would take you to get to the bus on an icy sidewalk. B.It would be easier for
anybody if there is no snow on the sidewalk, it is not like everyone has expensive
boots for winter. C.Imagine going uphill on an icy side walk, that would not be fun
either. IV.I know a fact that some of you are affected as well those who live near by
the campus and those with a past dealing with snow when getting to work. Transition:
Figuring that it is common sense on this serious matter with ice on sidewalks, you are
probably wondering on how to pace yourself when snow forms on your sidewalk. I
have some ideas on helping you with this matter. Solution/Satisfaction Step I.The city
employs that home owners do not ignore the sidewalks and shovel the snow for good
measure and keeping the balance for the two sides, which is road and sidewalk. A.
Henceforth, saving the city money so that schools get the funding they need. B. By
which, bettering the economy in some fashion. II.The best way on not getting a law suit
on your hands is by being active for this issue and planning the best time to
Comparing Poems Ghazal And To His Coy Mistress
Both Ghazal and To his coy mistress explore intense feelings and attitudes towards love.
In Ghazal , the narrator uses the word if multiple times, as if they are thinking of
different scenarios in their head about their lover. This suggests that the narrator feels as
if they have endless time to spend with their partner; they think that love is timeless, and
they have plenty of time to try out new ideas and scenarios with their love. The anaphora
of the word if suggests that their partner is constantly on their mind, and that they
continuously think about them, showing that the narrator s love is passionate and
consuming. The idea of timeless love is also reinforced through the natural imagery in
the poem such as breeze , grass ... Show more content on ...
While we may suggests that the narrator thinks that their love is running out of time, and
that they should act upon it now before it s too late, and that they should make the most
of it whilst they can. This is further reinforced when the narrator writes rather at once
time devour , showing that the narrator sees time as the enemy, and that it may devour
their lover before they can fully express their love to each other. The first stanza in his
coy mistress is written in tetrameter, suggesting that the narrator is controlled and calm,
trying to put forth their suggestions and persuade their lover to fulfill their
Chronicle Of A Death Foretold By Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The presenter s conveyed the importance of magical realism, machismo, and inspiration
of the creation of the novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold written by Gabriel Garcia
Marquez. Marquez uses magical realism to structure his novel s background. Magical
realism is a Latin American narrative strategy that combines magical/mythic and real life
elements in order to create a realistic atmosphere. Magical realism helps the novelblend
both reality and fantasy. An example of magical realism presented in the book was
when Pedro says that his groin pain reached his throat, causing him to not sleep for 11
months (80). This is magical realism because groin pain exists, but the lack of sleep for
11 months straight is not authentic. Magical realism
Table of Contents TASK 1 1 INTRODUCTION Self Efficacy refers to an individual
belief in their personal capability to accomplish a particular group of job (Bandura
1997). This particular description is associated with self efficacy which came from a
crucial idea within Albert Bandura s interpersonal cognitive concept, and has already
been used in a variety of mental hypotheses. In neuro scientific mindset, self efficacy
are likely involved in several hypotheses associated with inspiration, believed designs,
cognitive procedures, choices, long term alignment as well as daily conduct. Higher self
efficacy are already discovered to be confidently related with performance, making
determining the degree of self efficacy in... Show more content on ...
2009). Nonetheless, the develop stays empirically underdeveloped many pupils
possess required refinements on the develop (Forbes 2005; Kolvereid and Isaksen
students tend to be from the viewpoint that it s not essential to possess a particular
entrepreneurial self efficacy creating, instead of recommending an over all way of
measuring self efficacy. (Chen, Gully et al .2004).You will find presently in
congruencies within exactly how scientists start recording the actual dimensionality
from the entrepreneurial self efficacy creates. 2.3 ENTREPRENEURIAL SELF
EFFICACY GOAL BELIEFS: TASKS OUTCOMES Pursuing social cognitive concept,
particular self efficacy incorporates morals with regards to abilities associated with
obtaining ideal effects and also morals with regards to one s abilities to try and do duties.
The actual tactical of the enterprise isn t going to just count on completing an organized
tasks but rather obtaining an ideal results which could be the consequence of these
responsibilities. Therefore, including both task and outcome goal beliefs are necessary in
defining ESE for entrepreneurship study. Acquiring both of these types of purpose
thinking at heart, investigation implies in which through the organization start up
processes a business owner may think efficacious in possibility search pursuits.
Entrepreneurial self efficacy develops
Sunrise Over Fallujah Analysis
War and perception When I awoke I was sweating. I had thrown may blanket off onto
may floor ( Myers 105 ). Birdy has had nightmares when sleeping, and what it means to
be at war. In a moment of . Over the course of Sunrise Over Fallujah by Walter Dean
Myers birdy showed symptoms of PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and keeped
wondering why he had joined the army in the first place. Birdy had two friends that died
during a fight. He has had images of Pendleton getting shot. Images flicker through my
mind. Pendleton s body awkwardly twisting in death. ( Myers 213 ). The quote from the
book shows birdy has been having images about what has happened to Pendleton. The
images he is seeing along with the nightmares he s having could mean
Shouldice s Service Delivery System
Since 1945, Canada based Shouldice Hospital has gained a reputation around the world
for their primary performed surgeries and services in hernia repair. Shouldice s main
objective is to take the inconvenience of being diagnosed with a hernia and turn it into a
quick and even enjoyable experience for their patients. This is all possible through
Shouldice s service delivery system, consisting of selecting patients that do not hold an
overly complicated hernia in order to perform a superior surgical technique established
by Dr. Shouldice. The patients endure an active stay to ensure a proper, speedy recovery,
and a quaint estate resembling a country club accompanied with a pleasant staff and
encouraged socializing with other patients that give them a unique experience. After the
patient s stay, Shouldice Hospitalinvites them back for a yearly gala Hernia Reunion
dinner to follow up and provide a complimentary hernia inspection. The lifelong bond
that Shouldice has been able to establish and maintain display the above and beyond
service they ve given their clientele for decades.... Show more content on
The entire hospital holds a total of 90 beds, 5 operating rooms, 6 examination rooms,
and a laboratory. Despite the size of the hospital, they average 150 operations per week
and 7000 to 7500 operations annually. Also, it is important to note that there are only 12
full time surgeons and 7 assistant part time surgeons that handle all operations in 5 day
a week period. The last thing to take into consideration is that each patient stays 3 days
out of a week starting the day they arrive. Although Shouldice s operations seems to be
functioning just fine, there is a debate of effectiveness of whether or not they are fully
utilizing their full potential in relation to surgeries performed and beds being
Wall-E Movie Essay
Katie Kube Mr. MruzikENG 101 12 11 15 Killed by Laziness Throughout the movie,
Wall E, there is barely any dialogue and yet you can still understand the quiet
relationships between Wall E and the friends he meets along the way. You can see his
personality through the way he freaks out when he thinks he crushed the cockroach, or
how he collects things to liven up his home, or watches Hello Dolly and holds his own
hand. Wall E and Eve can only make robotic noises and say their own names but you can
tell what Wall E is thinking or feeling by mannerisms and eye movements or the music
playing in the background. You can easily understand what Eve is thinking by her eyes or
indignant tone. Yet, without hearing any dialogue throughout most of... Show more
content on ...
The captain says things like Out there is our home, and I don t want to survive, I want to
live. when the robot, Auto, tries to stop the humans from returning to Earth. He
recognizes that the humans on the Axiom are just surviving and not living their lives
fully and outside of technology. Humans are extremely capable of doing things without
the help of robots, we just have been choosing not to. The captain realizes how the
humans used to live on Earth compared to how they are waited on hand and foot in their
spaceship now and knows that it is time for them to go back. Even the robots recognize
the importance of the earth, such as when Wall E stops immediately when he spots the
plant amidst the trash. He somehow knows he must protect the plant and that it is
Office Space Facts
1. Gather the Facts The premise of the movie Office Space is about a group of
workers, Peter, Michael, Samir, Tom, and Milton, work at Initech who are fed up with
their jobs. The movie starts with Peter, the protagonist, going through his typical day
of work at Initech. Various annoyances have been accumulating and Peter views his
days at work as a waste of time and has no motivation to do anything productive. In
addition to these brewing issues, Peter s boss, Bill Lumbergh, is known for being a
stickler to rules, however trivial they may be. For example, when Peter forgets to include
the cover sheet to a TPS report, not only does Lumbergh personally talk to Peter to
remind him about the cover sheet for future reports, but also sends the next... Show more
content on ...
They were angry and frustrated by the way the company had treated them throughout
their employment and especially during the layoff process. Instead of seeking revenge by
skimming from the company s bank account, they could have chosen alternative methods
to resolve their frustrations and dissatisfactions. For example, they could have filed suit
against the company for wrongful termination. The men also could have chosen to write
a letter to the higher level managers at the company to inform them about the waste of
resources and general mismanagement they came across while working under Bill
Lumbergh. Additionally, the men may have chosen to take the high road and begun
looking for other employment opportunities. Lastly, since technically only Samir and
Michael were being fired and Peter was being promoted, Peter could have hired them
back at a later date, were they to be needing jobs and the company needing
The Magic Lantern Was Used In The Early Age Of Animation
There were many devices that were used in the early age of animation. One of them
was the magic lantern. The magic lantern was the first device to be made in the early
age of animation. It was created in the 1600 s by Athanasius Kircher. It projected
images onto a wall. The magic lantern that Athanasius Kircher created was a small box.
A hole was cut into a side and a light source was placed inside the box such as a candle.
There was a curved mirror behind the light source, and in front of the light source was
a lens. The mirror reflects the light from the light source and it goes through the lens
and out of the hole in the box. If a glass slide with an image was placed in front of the
hole in the box, the image would reflect onto the wall.
Bronfenbrenner Ecological Systems Theory
The ecological theory of development that was proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917
2005), is relevant to state all of our lives. Bronfenbrenner s research demonstrates how
our development is affected by the environment in which we live. The model consist of
five major systems; microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and
chronosystem. Ecological systems theoryis an approach to study of human development
that consists of the scientific study of the progressive, mutual accommodation,
throughout the life course, between an active, growing human being, and the changing
properties of the immediate settings in which the developing person lives, as this process
is affected by the relations between these settings, and by the larger... Show more content
on ...
She wanted to be able to advance in her current career and in order for advancement; a
Master s degree is required. Also by obtaining a Master s degree in Human Behavioral,
the student believes it would allow her to better communicate and understand the
clientele she works with.
The third level is the exosystem; it consists of social structures that directly or
indirectly affect a person s life: school, work, mass media, government and various
social networks (Crandell, Crandell, Vander Zanden 2009). For example, if a child s
parent, especially a one income family household, gets laid off and is without work
that may have negative effects on the child if her parents are unable to pay rent, buy
groceries, or provide the necessities. In contrast, if her parent receives a promotion and
a raise at work, this may have a positive effect on the child because her parents will be
better able to give her physical needs. This may have a positive effect on a child s
development and motivate them to work hard and obtain a good job as an adult.
Another example within this system would be the relationship between a child s school
and home, as the rules are often times different for a child at home and school and being
able to keep the two separate can prove challenging for a child.
This student related the exosystem to her decision because of the economical recession.
With all the rising cost of such things as gas,
Everett Shinn
Outdoor Stage, France by artist Everett Shinn is 24 Вѕ in. by 21 ВЅ in., or approximately
2 ft. high by 1 Вѕ ft. wide. The painting is not imposing on the gallery floor, and has
only a few feet of space on either side between two other paintings. The painting is on
canvas, and is framed in a thick, gold frame with no glass. The media is oil paints, and
the lighting in the gallery is such that there are no reflections in the paint when viewing
from different angles. The subject matter of the paintingis that of an outdoor stage
performance, with a woman onstage, and three men and one woman in the audience. The
performer and the stage are the background of the painting, while the men compose the
middle ground in the first and second row of the audience,... Show more content on ...
I also chose the first piece because of the almost off putting gaze of the woman in the
audience towards the viewer I wanted to describe the expression she had, and the
expression of the performer looking down at her. I chose the second piece, Fog over San
Quentin State Prison, San Quentin, California by artist Sandow Birk, because of the use
of light in the painting, and because of the subject matter the beautiful scenery of the
Bay, with a highly populated prison almost just out of sight behind the fog. I felt that
this was a good example of atmospheric perspective and wanted to expand my
understanding of it by studying it. The pieces both relied on light techniques to make
up the composition; Shinn s work heavily utilized chiaroscuro, and Birk s artwork
relied on atmospheric perspective. In contrast with my last formal analysis, liked both
paintings I decided to write about I did this intentionally because I wanted to expand my
formal analysis skills by writing about pieces I felt an emotional connection to, to see if I
could ignore my feelings and concentrate on just the content. This time around, I felt like
I had taken enough notes, and I wasn t straining my memory to recall major details about
the painting, however,
Messier 13 Experience
The first factor my group took into consideration when taking our photographs of
Messier 13 was that it is a deep sky object, which means that it is far away and dim.
This meant that our photos needed to be taken with high ISO and high exposure.
Specifically, this meant we needed to follow the first golden rule which is that our
first photo should be taken with a thirty second exposure and the highest ISO the
camera had. Before we actually took the photograph, we had to ensure that the camera
was centered, focused and zoomed on the star provided to us by Dr. Mario De Leo
Winkler. The procedure for this is to first center the star, focus it, zoom in once and then
repeat these steps twice more, except on the last round of steps instead of zooming...
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We agreed upon this number because it is around twenty five, which is a perfect square
number that the program we used to process them needs a perfect square amount of
images to process. We figured that if a few photographs did not turn out well, we
could use the two extra that we took. When we were finished with our astronomical
photos, we moved on to taking our flat images . These flat images are taken of a white
computer screen with the camera moved from manual mode to AV, which decided
exposure time for us, and with the ISO, focus, and amount of photos taken remaining
constant. Flat images are meant to correct for any foreign objects trapped within the
camera, fo dust, that may show up in our final images. This is another point in our
session where we ran into trouble because when Dr. Mario De Leo Winkler asked us
about what stays the same when taking flat images, we forgot to mention that the amount
of images taken stays the same. The last thing we had to do was take the dark images
which is done by taking photographs in manual mode with the same exposure, ISO, and
focus as our astronomical
Pest Control In Silent Spring
Rachel Carson s Silent Spring is still today as controversial, groundbreaking, and relevant
as it was when it was first published in 1962. The book argues that uncontrolled and
unexamined pesticide use harms and even kills not only animals, but humans too. Carson
documents the negative effects of pesticides on the environment. The text includes strong
accusations against the chemical industryand a call to look at how the use of chemicals
can cause damage and impact the world around us. The book s intended audience is the
general public because Carson wants to bring the problem of harmful pesticideuse to
everyone s attention. She also successfully demonstrates the fragility of the biodiversity
on the planet and emphasizes how chemical use can have large repercussions.
How could intelligent beings seek to control a few unwanted species by a method that
contaminated the entire environment and brought the threat of disease and death event
to their own kind? (8) Rachel Carson s question, asked in Silent Spring, requires the
reader to take stock in the conditions under which Americans at the time were dealing
with pest control. The title, Silent Spring, comes from the silence in many forests and
meadows due to the poisoning of songbirds, insects and other invertebrates, and even
plants. This now historical account of the use of pesticides has raised America s
awareness of the dangers of agricultural chemicals that had become commonly accepted
during this time.
Waffle are the best food ever FACT. Waffle are the best food ever FACT. Waffle are the
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FACT. are the best food ever FACT. Waffle are the best food ever FACT. Waffle are the
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Waffle are the best food ever FACT. Waffle are the best food ever FACT. Waffle are the
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The War Of The Great And Hannibal Barca
War. Many wars have been fought throughout history for many underlying causes, such
as nationalism, ideology, religion, and historical ethnic conflict. And for every battle
that has taken place there were soldiers and warriors who fought them, laying their life
on the line to fight for their countries, families or rulers. Many wars are now fought by
the countries formed military, but many are not aware that battles are fought by a new
kind of warrior, private military companies (PMC) or better known as mercenaryarmy s.
A mercenary is traditionally defined as a group or person who takes part in an armed
conflict who is not a national or a party to the conflict and is motivated to take part in the
hostilities by the desire for private ... Show more content on ...
The book details the rise of Blackwater and the growth of security contracting, especially
the role it has played in the Iraq war and the War on Terrorism, which Scahill tries to
expose the conduct of Blackwater. With the introduction of the Wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan, the United States government increased its support on using contractors to
assist the military. While other PMCs are used by the government, Blackwater was the
company that benefited the most, which has now secured $1 billion dollars in diplomatic
security contracts from the government.
In the book, Scahill argues that the company s rise is a consequence of the
demobilization of the US military following the Cold War and its overextension in Iraq
and Afghanistan. He continues by saying how Blackwater serves in Iraq and
Afghanistan, protecting top authority figures and enjoying immunity from the constraints
and regulations on traditional armies. Scahill argues that Blackwater s leadership was
motivated by a right wing Republican ideology, and that its founder, Erik Prince, has
provided significant assistance in that setting. Scahill makes several key arguments in his
book. He argues that Blackwater s employees should face criminal charges for a variety
of incidents
The New England Journal Of Medicine Essay
RECONSTRUCTION: In 2004, the New England Journal of Medicine published an
article that dealt with a very controversial topic; Julie Cantor, a lawyer and expert on
bioethics, and Ken Baum, physician and lawyer, talk over conflicts that arise when
professionals (pharmacists) are dealing with emergency contraception and birth control
options. Is providing emergency contraception and birth control considered providing
standard care? Should the personal morals of pharmacists allow them to reject
prescriptions for emergency contraception or birth control? In this article, Cantor and
Baum outline several arguments in favor of and against a pharmacist s right to object
to providing certain medications to the public. Those against pharmacist s right to
object, do so for several reasons. First, they believe that pharmacists are vital parts of
the health care team and should be able to implement, to their own decree, the healthcare
they provide, including refusing to fill certain prescriptions such as emergency
contraceptives. Second, pharmacists should not be obligated to surrender their morals;
other members of the health care team may refuse to take part in any form of
reproductive services, and this should include pharmacists. Lastly, democratic society
allows professionals to refuse to partake in any acts that disagree with personal ethical,
moral or spiritual principles; not allowing pharmacists to have a choice in issues of
reproductive rights would be controversial (p.
Ratification Of The Constitution Essay
As Benjamin Franklin left the Pennsylvania State House after the final meeting of the
Constitutional Convention, he was approached by a woman. The woman asked, What
type of government will be enforced? Franklin replied, A republic, madam. If you can
keep it. The ratification of the Constitution in 1789 left a huge mark on the U.S.
Government. The changes made in the Constitution are still very influential over today s
U.S. Government. Furthermore, the Constitution of the United Statesthe supreme law of
the land , with only 4,400 words, is known to be the most influential piece of writing in
the world. The Constitution was originally the Articles of Confederation. The point of the
Constitution was to create a stronger and more powerful central government to govern
the states fairly. As people started realizing the Articles of Confederation was not doing
its job of... Show more content on ...
However, people like James Madison and Alexander Hamilton wanted to create a new
government rather than fix the existing one. One statement in the Constitution says that
all laws must be made by Congress. This statement says, anyone can propose an idea or
law and that law must be passed by Congress to be enforced. Additionally, the
Constitutional Convention lasted from May 14 to September 17,1789. The
Constitutional Convention is also known as the hundred day debate . The first two
months of the convention were constant debating over proposed thoughts and ideas.
Attempting to solve issues, the delegates involved in the Constitutional Convention
created a model of government based on a series of checks and balances. The
Constitution originally had 19 amendments, 12 were passed. On December 15, 1791, 10
of the 12 amendments were ratified by enough states to become part of the Constitution,
making them the Bill of
Frankenstein s Representation Of Others
Frankenstein s Representation of Others
Monsters represent many things that we all refuse to acknowledge. They represent what
we all fear or what society fears. Many monster movies implement certain ideas about
Others. In the movie by James Whale, Bride of Frankenstein (1935), it demonstrates
Frankenstein as the Other, showing racism and how society is the real monster. Though,
the movie demonstrates Germans reaction to Frankenstein, while the book reflects
British attitudes towards non Caucasian people in the 19th century; the use of
Frankenstein is to reflect society views towards Others, people who are different. The
movie gives a good demonstration of this and provides really good examples.
Frankenstein is demonstrated as a Other, people who are different, not a usual,
ordinary person from society. Society is very much scared of the Others, they fear the
unknown, they have not idea who they are and how to react to them, so the only may
society knows how to protect oneself is by pushing them away. Society likes how
things are, it does not like change, especially when knew people come in. The people
who are different is turned down by society because that is the only way they know how
to protect themselves. That is why the towns people acted how they did when seeing
Frankenstein, they have no idea how he will change society and the views of people.
Frankenstein demonstrates Other by not being a normal human being. He was not
created like regular human
Efficacy And Efficacy Of Self Efficacy
Literature Review This chapter provides a review of the literature from the past
fourteen years devoted to the study of efficacy, teacher efficacy, and collective teacher
efficacy. Self efficacy,social cognitive theory, and sources of self efficacy are
described. A brief history of efficacy studies and current research on teacher efficacy
and collective efficacy are included as well as different leadership styles. Additionally,
information regarding the inclusion of demographic characteristics in efficacy
research and the interrelationship between teacher efficacy and leadership are
reviewed. Finally, the need for effective leadership and teacher efficacy. Self Efficacy
These concepts of teacher efficacy and collective efficacy have their origins in self
efficacy, a component of social cognitive theory. Beliefs of self efficacy form the basis
for human behavior choices.Restated by (2003) Roger D. Goddard, Wayne K. Hoy
and Anita Woolfolk originally stated by Bandura (1997) offered the following
definition of self efficacy: Perceived self efficacy refers to beliefs in one s capabilities
to organize and execute the courses of action required to produce given attainments (p .
3 ). Individuals base their actions,responses, and choices on their perceived self efficacy.
In addition to influencing the choices people make and the actions they take, self
efficacy beliefs impact how much effort individuals will put forth on a particular task,
how long they will persevere when
The Six Main Phases Of A Criminal Trial
A criminal trial is when a jury analyzes evidence and decides whether or not the
defendant is guilty. A trial is a way for the government to argue its case against the
defendant in hope of a guilty verdict and conviction. A trial also gives the defendant a
chance to fight against the evidence and try to prove their innocence. After both the
defendant and the prosecution have given their statements a jurywill deliberate and decide
whether or not the defendant is guilty. There are six main phases in a criminal trial:
Choosing a jury, opening statements, witness testimony and cross examination, closing
arguments, jury instruction, and jury deliberation and verdict. The first step in a criminal
trial is selecting a jury. To select a jury a... Show more content on ...
The defense may also present physical evidence and call upon eyewitnesses to go to
the stand. Once an eyewitness is called to the stand the opposing side will then get a
chance to cross examine the witness. It starts by having a witness called to the stand
where they take an oath to tell the truth. Whomever called the witness to the stand
directly question the witness through a question and answer technique. Once the
original party is done questioning the witness the opposing side will then get to cross
exam the witness in hopes of discrediting the witness s testimony. After the cross
examination, the original side will then get another chance to address the witness,
which is known as re direct examination in attempt to repair any questions that may
have been made after the cross examination. After both sides present their evidence
and state their case there is a rest . This is when no more evidence can be presented to
the jury. Once both sides have finished presenting all their evidence to the jury they
will then each have a closing argument. It is a chance for both sides to summarize their
cases. This is the final chance that both sides have to talk to the jury before they
deliberate. The prosecutor will try to convince the jury that the defendant is guilty by
summarizing the evidence. The defendant will make their last case to try to prove
themselves as not guilty either from a lack of evidence or actually having no
Chem 1211K Lab Report Essay
Chemistry 1211K Lab Report
Briana Limage
Drawer #D20
Tuesday December 2, 2014
Lab Day and Time: Tuesday 2 5
Unknown # 4224034 DF14

The purpose of this semester long experiment was to determine an unknown organic acid.
An organic acid is an organic compound with acidic properties. A base reacts with acids
to form salts. Titrations are used to determine the concentration of unknown substances.
The purpose of the KHP experiment was to determine the molarity of NaOH. HCl
titrations are mainly to check technique and used to verify the molarity of NaOH
solution. The hypothesis is that this acid is C4H3OCOOH.
Procedure for melting point:
The identification of the melting point of the organic acid was ... Show more content on ...
pH was recorded every time 1.00 mL of NaOH was added to beaker. When the amount of
NaOH added to the beaker was about 5.00 mL away from the expected end point, NaOH
was added very slowly. Approximately 0.20 mL of NaOH was added until the pH made a
jump. The pH was recorded until it reached ~12. This was repeated two more times. The
pKa of each trial are determined using the graphs made on excel.
Results and Discussion
Melting Point:

Starting (В°C)
Final (В°C)
Rough Melting Point
Melting Point
Standard Melting Point

No correction had to be made to the melting points because the standard melted in the
range labeled on the bottle. The melted point observed is the correct melting point.

Table 1
Mass KHP (g)
Mol KHP / mol NaOH
Initial Volume (mL)
Final Volume (mL)
Total Volume (mL)
Table 2
Mol NaOH (mol)
Corrected Vol. (L)
Molarity NaOH (M)
Average Molarity (M)
Molarity Deviation (M)
Average Deviation (M)

Percent deviation= (Average deviation/average molarity) X 100

Percent deviation= (0.0003/0.08943) X 100 = 0.38%
Calculations for the molarity of NaOH were:

The results showed the molarity of the NaOH solution. This experiment was completed
twice and a new average molarity
Case Study On Media Prima Berhad


This chapter will give an overview on the impact of organizational justice on job burnout
at Media Prima Bhd. This chapter consist and discussed of eight important parts of the
research and also an overview what the researcher need to focus. These part are important
things in the research which are include of background of the study, problem statement,
research question, research objective, significant of the study, scope of study, limitation
of the study, definition of key terms and summary.


Media Prima Berhad (Media Prima), a company listed on the Main Market of Bursa
Malaysia, is Malaysia s leading fully integrated media group. The Group is also one of
Malaysia s Top ... Show more content on ...
Adams conceptualized fairness by stating that employees determine whether they have
been treated fairly at work by comparing their own payoff ratio of outcomes (such as pay
or status) to inputs (such as effort or time) to the ratio of their co workers (Adams, 1963).
Thus, in the organizational framework, distributive justice refers to the perceived fairness
of resource allocation in respect to the balance between employees contributions and
rewards (Lee, 2001). Organizations convey a sense of concern for employee well being
and their contribution to organizational success when rewards and resources are fairly
distributed (Peele III,

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