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A Raisin In The Sun Essay Questions

Crafting an essay on the topic "A Raisin in the Sun Essay Questions" can be a challenging yet
rewarding endeavor. The complexity arises not only from the need to delve into the multifaceted
layers of Lorraine Hansberry's iconic play but also from the nuanced themes it explores. Tackling
questions related to dreams, racial discrimination, and societal expectations demands a deep
understanding of the characters and their struggles.

Moreover, the essay should go beyond mere summary, requiring a thoughtful analysis that connects
the dots between characters, plot developments, and the broader socio-cultural context. The
exploration of the Younger family's aspirations and the obstacles they face necessitates a keen eye for
detail and a capacity to convey the underlying messages with clarity and insight.

Balancing personal interpretations with textual evidence is another facet that adds to the complexity.
The challenge lies in presenting a cohesive argument that not only reflects a comprehensive
understanding of the play but also contributes unique perspectives to the discourse. Incorporating
critical perspectives, historical context, and literary theories further elevates the level of difficulty.

In essence, writing an essay on this topic demands not only a mastery of literary analysis but also an
ability to articulate one's thoughts effectively. It requires a careful synthesis of creativity and
academic rigor, making it a task that can be both intellectually stimulating and demanding.

For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays and more comprehensive academic
support can be obtained through professional writing services like Such services
can provide expertly crafted essays tailored to specific requirements, allowing individuals to navigate
the intricate terrain of literary analysis with greater ease.
A Raisin In The Sun Essay Questions A Raisin In The Sun Essay Questions
Comparing Dorian Gray And Heart Of Darkness
According to principles explained by Jacques Derrida, binary opposition is the means
by which the units of language have value or meaning; each unit is defined in
reciprocal determination with another term. Derrida adds that, for each center, an
opposing center exists (Bressler, 110). For example, we know truth, because we know
deception; we know good because we know bad (Bressler, 111). Joseph Conrad and
Oscar Wilde s use of the binary oppositionof light/dark within The Picture of Dorian
Gray and Heart of Darkness establishes both racial and class tension by contrasting a
superior concept with its inferior. In The Picture of Dorian Gray, setting plays a major
role in displaying class differences within the novel. Darker imagery is used to
portray the East End, or the lower class part of London, while the West End is
described as wealthy and cultured. For example, as Dorian travels through the East
End, the chapter begins with, A cold rain began to fall, and the blurred street lamps
looked ghastly in the dripping mist (Wilde, 176). Further, Wilde uses more dark
images to create the scene of the East End. He states, The moon hung low in the sky
like a yellow skull... the gas lamps grew fewer, and the streets more narrow and gloomy
(Wilde, 177). The description of the East End strongly opposes the description of the
upper... Show more content on ...
He further states that, they were nothing now nothing but black shadows of disease and
starvation (Conrad, 33). Marlow fails to give the natives human qualities and simply
reduces them to shadows and unearthly beings. He does not see the men as humans, but
rather formless shapes and
Netflix As A Provider Of A Subscription Service For Streaming
Through innovation, the media streaming provider, Netflix, has achieved competitive
advantage in the global market. Netflix operates as a provider of a subscription service
for streaming movies and television episodes over the Internet. Originally founded in
California in 1997 as a mail order DVD rental service with a flat monthly subscription
rate, allowing consumers to benefit from an unlimited number of rentals and no late fees,
Netflix has grown to dominate their market and experience minimal direct competition
by seizing the first to market competitive advantage. Now known as the primary provider
of Internetonly streaming media, Netflix has grown to have a market capitalisation of
US$41.1 billion (as of May 2016) from their previous US$3 billion (in January 2013).

Netflix succeeded in basic terms by keeping it simple. From the beginning of the DVD
rental service to the creation of an online streaming website it has been able to keep
the processes easy and corner its market. Reed Hastings, the C.E.O and co founder of
Netflix took advantage of two emerging technologies, DVDs and websites. His idea
was simple, why not combine the two and deliver DVDs to the homes of consumers
and provide them with a simple website from which they can order films. Hastings
marketed his service at the two things he believed every individual wanted to save on,
time and money. However, after a few years of enjoying the success from the DVD rental
service Hastings felt confident that films
Biology Lab on Osmosis
Michelle Kim

Iso osmolar Concentration of Carrot Cells Lab

For a more thorough understanding of this lab introduction, the concepts of, iso osmolar,
membrane, equilibrium, and concentration gradient evaluated. Iso osmolar can be known
as the point in which the substance of experimentation faces no change despite the
amount of solute inside the solvent( because the solvent and solute concentration is equal.
This is where the line on a graph would cross on the x axis). Selectively permeable
membrane can be defined as a microscopic double layer of lipids and proteins that
bounds cells and organelles and forms structures within cells and it controls what comes
in and out of the cell. Equilibrium is the ... Show more content on ...
The result showed the affects of osmosis, where particles moved to achieve equilibrium.
The 0.2 M sucrose had a +8.37% change in mass as a class average and our group and
+9.52%. The initial mass for these carrots were 2.1g and became 2.3g when the 2 days
had ended. This happened because of the same reason for the 0.0 M sucrose, where
the concentration of particles were greater inside the cell compared to the outside of
the cell, causing the water molecules moving into the cell through the semi permeable
membrane. However, the solution the carrots were dunked into had a 0.2 M sucrose,
unlike the first solution. This caused the mass of the carrot to change less because
there was already some particles outside of the cell, allowing for equilibrium to
become reached a lot faster than 0.0 M sucrose. In 0.4 M sucrose, there was a class
average of 2.34% and we had 4.76%. The initial mass was 2.1g with a final mass of
2.0g. This was the first solution to have a negative percentage change in mass from the
other six. There was a decrease in mass of the carrot because water had moved from the
carrot sticks into the solution around is trying to achieve equilibrium. The water
molecules had moved from high concentration into lower concentration, moving our of
the carrot cells, causing them to
The Ethical Standing On The Delivery System Of The United...
Environmental Footprint of Mail Distribution Most of us don t consider how our mail
is transported each and every day and the impact it has on our environment. Thousands
of letters are shipped out daily, but what steps do these messages take in order to arrive
in our mailboxes? This mail delivering process uses mailtrucks to carry our letters. Can
the vehicles we use to transport our mail have a negative impact on our environment, and
if so are there any programs in place to help reduce this impact? In this paper I will
discuss the ethical standing on the delivery system of the United States Postal Service. I
will research the statistics of their vehicles pollution rates and what it takes to use these
services. In this paper I will uncover the current circumstances of postal transportation
vehicles and discuss ways to improve these methods. In this paper you will come to a
greater understanding of the environmental footprint of the distribution of our letters.
You will recognize the emissions produced through this transportation. I will present the
solutions in progress to help reduce the amount of pollution from these mail delivery
vehicles. The United States Postal Service has put green policies in place. Not only have
they been working to reduce fuel emissions and pollution through their new trucks, they
have begun using recyclable stamps to conserve the environment. They have been
working to establish a more ethical supply chain. Folks at the USPS believe we
Of Death In Conversation, And Li-Young Lee s Persimmons
Death is the wish of some, the relief of many, and the end of all. Conversation is a poem
about how death is horrible event that will happen to everyone while Persimmons deals
with death in a more positive way. In the Poems, Conversation and Persimmons by Ai
and Li Young Lee, they share the common theme of deathbut how differently someone
can deal with it. In the Poem Conservation by Ai, the theme of death is heavily
expressed. The poem illustrates the inevitability of death and how it controls overtime.
Robert Lowell is the figure which was taken by Death, and the Ai is addressing his fate.
Death is such a powerful certainty that Ai does not want to hear of it. Ai compares Death
to casualties. Ai mentions your own life... Show more content on ...
Lee cannot remember his Chinese language which further solidifies the death of his
original culture, Not only was the theme of death revealed through culture but
physically when Lee s mother died. However, death led to the strong family
connection between Lee and his father. Repetition is implemented in Conservation to
signify the importance of death. The repetition of the words ten times is powerful in
which it emphasizes the idea of death and how much of a struggle it is. Only ten times
clearer, ten times more horrible. Could anyone alive survive it (Ai 29/30)? Ai uses
repetition to show the terrible fate of death. Throughout the Persimmons poem, there is
a repetition of the words lost and forgotten, which represent his memories of his mother.
Lee found two forgotten persimmons, which represent his lost mother and him. I found
two wrapped in newspaper, forgotten and not yet ripe (Lee 49/50). He is confused and
lost after his mother dies, but each morning he tries to understand the meaning of his
mother s words about every persimmon having a glowing sun inside. Lee s mother
meant that try to find the good from a horrible situation. Lee s mothers passing was a
tragedy, but it helped create a stronger relationship with his father. Death occurred, but it
led to hope and aspiration. The imagery in Conversation is vivid and unpleasant, the
sequence of young girls in a circle
Best Practice Wireless Case Study
Best Practice Wireless
*** I was not sure what you were asking with this question, so I did the best that I could
to answer this question. ***

The best practice wireless at the present time depends on the network needs of an
organization. There is no best practice wireless at the present time, as there are four
main recommendations that are based on the network need required by an
organization. The recommendations are divided into four categories that are based
on the network traffic needs. The four categories are low traffic needs, moderate
traffic needs, high traffic needs, and very high traffic needs. Each category will be
discussed in more detail: for low traffic needs 64 Kbps or less the recommendation is
to go with VPN if the reliability is less important, otherwise frame relay would be the
best recommendation. For moderate traffic needs 64 Kbps to 2 Mbps the
recommendation is to go with VPN if the reliability is not as important, however T1 or
fractional T1 is best if ... Show more content on ...
Within this article, the authors states that in order to provide a safe and secure wireless
network, they outlined the counter attacks and measures for the security of wireless
networks. Some of the counter attacks that the authors have listed includes, system
security which breakdowns to administrative level security, physical level security, and
technical level security, and information security (Ameen et al, 2012). For the purpose of
answering the previous question, the main counter attack that would best defend against
the problems would be system security particularly the administrative level security. At
this level of security, administrative control over the system by establishing a well
defined user hierarchy plus a strong authentication measures, can prevent security
breaches of WLANs from
Essay about Industrial Revolution Led to Labor Unions
As America became more industrial more people left their farms and small towns to
work in the city so they could pay their expenses, whatever they may be. This led to the
minimal pay of workers while the owners became wealthy leading to a functional
economy. Most would receive little money while the rest lived a life of luxury. Since
more factories were opening children, women, and immigrants could now find jobs,
which led to more production which gave more money to the owners of the factories.
Americans feared that industrialists were changing freemen into wage slaves. By 1920,
nearly 20 percent of all manufacturing workers were women, and 13 percent of all
textile workers were younger than 16 years old. In 1900, it was estimated that... Show
more content on ...
The first strike was during the 1870 s in a coal region of Pennsylvania. The conditions
were harsh in the mines and there were few if any safety precautions. A group of Irish
miners organized a union in which they called Molly Maguires. Pinkerton agents were
sent in by the mine owners to control the Molly Maguires, this event led to the
formation of other strike groups. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was America s
first nationwide strike. The strike was a result of a 10 percent pay deduction by four
of the largest railroads. Nearly 100,000 workers were idled and approximately two
thirds of the railroad mileage across the Unites States was shut down with over 14
states and ten railroads involved (AP Study Notes: Rise of Unions). President Hayes
eventually sent troops to coral the strikers but they were so unorganized that they
eventually stopped and went back to work. The Pullman Strike was an effect to the
Pullman Palace Car Company hit a depression and cut workers wages 25 40 percent
while keeping the rent and housing prices the same. Many of the workers joined the
American Railroad Union. Debs, socialists that followed Karl Marx s classless society,
backed up the workers which resulted in them being jailed. The strike is an example of
a secondary labor boycott. The workers cut off the town from food and goods. President
Cleveland ordered troops to break up the strike. The federal courts issued an injunction
The Conflict Between The Church And Secular Authority
Through the Investiture Conflict in 1076, it can be seen that the Church had wanted to
dominate the secular authority. The Investiture Conflict had marked a change in the
relationship between the Church and secular authority in which the Church wanted to
establish its right to rule over the secular rulers. The disputes between the Church and
secular authority were a continuation of an ongoing tension over who had ultimate
authority to rule over Christendom and within kingdoms. These disputes also dealt with
the rights and privileges the Church had acquired within kingdoms especially the
elevation of the clergy above the laity by putting the clergy above the law with separate
church courts. By the mid eleventh century, it can be seen that the Church had gained
strength to challenge the secular ruler for authority in their own kingdoms and
establishing special rights and privileges for its clergy. These special rights and
privileges had put clergy members on top of the rest of the population. The two most
important disputes between the Church and secular authority over these issues were
between King Henry II of England(1154 1189) and Thomas Becket, Archbishop of
Canterbury from 1162 to 1170, and that between King Philip IV of France (1285 1314)
and PopeBoniface VIII (1294 1303). Both Henry II and Philip IV wanted to be able to
better control crime in their kingdoms due to the separate church courts for clergy that
led to issues of criminous clerks. While Becket and
New Horizon Space Project Report
On January 19, 2006 NASA launched the New Horizon Space Probe from Cape
Canaveral Air Force Base in Florida. It soured into space via the Atlas V rocket. The New
Horizon Space Probe is part of the New Frontier Program which was developed in 2001.
This program was designed to explore new frontiers via satellites in our solar system. The
New Horizon Space Probe was sent into space to explore Pluto(at the time it was
considered a planet) and its moons. By the time the probe reached Pluto the planet was no
longer considered a planet. The budget New Horizons was around $700 million and built
by the Southwest Research Institute and Johns hopkins Physics Research Institute. Along
with all the scientific equipment on the prob there were a handful... Show more content on ...
This is a Trans Neptunian object or a minor planet. It was discovered in 2014 by
scientists using the Hubble Telescope. There are a few other object which appear to be
gravitationally attracted to one another, making it a contact binary. The orbital period of
these object are about 295 years. New Horizon will come within 3,500 miles of the
objects. The New Horizon Mission brought a new information on Pluto and the
surrounding moons. Based on the crater count on Pluto s surface the dwarf planet has
been geologically active the past four billion years. In particular, a massive ice plan
large than Texas named Sputnik Planum shows signs of being geologically active
within the past ten million years. Also Pluto s surface is still puzzling to scientists as
its composition is unlike any of the other Jovian planets. The surface goes from
Nitrogen based to methane based to Oxygen based. In addition the atmospheric
temperature is much colder than what scientists believed, by about 70 degrees F. Also
thanks to the New Horizons probe scientists now believe they can theorize how Pluto s
atmosphere haze layer formed. The process of its formation is based on atmospheric
buoyancy waves or gravity waves. This affected is caused by the winds blowing over the
mountainous surface of Pluto.

Pluto s Moon Charon appeared to have a ancient surface . It was observed in the Vulcan
Planum area of the planets where the once great plans lied. Scientists
Characteristics Of Becoming A Man
What does becoming a man mean? When would you say someone has become a man?
Becoming a man means, according to Merriam Webster, one possessing in high degree
the qualities considered distinctive of manhood; such as courage, strength, and vigor. To
me becoming a man doesn t happen at a certain age, but I think it happens at a time
when you possess manhood traits. In the Wake Tech Reader, Rodriguez talks about the
independence children want when they grow up in his essay Family Values. From what I
ve learned growing up, becoming a manmeans having responsibility, being self
dependent, being financially stable to support yourself and possibly others, and having
the toughnessand grit to get through anything that gets in your way. If you asked me
what the most important qualities of becoming a man was, I d probably easily come
back and say that responsibility is. When you become a man you have a lot of things
your responsible to take care and do every so often. You have to be responsible enough
to pay your bills and dues on time. You can t just forget things anymore, so you got to
be on top of your game and have a schedule to get all your tasks done every day. As
Winston Churchill once said, The price for greatness is responsibility. To be a
successful man you need to be responsible for your actions and everything you do. You
shouldn t have to be told to do something and that s a part of the new responsibilities
that you have. Responsibility is one of the main qualities of being a man and without
it some men may not be able to handle what happens in life. As I stated earlier,
Rodriguez says kids these days are independent from their parents when they leave
home. What immigrants know, what my parents certainly know, is that when you come
to this country, you risk losing your children. Rodriguez is saying that it s a known fact
that some kids grow up and come very independent with their family and in some cases
don t come back and stay dependent of themselves. He also states that America
encourages you to Become your own man. Becoming independent is probably the first
step in becoming a man. You don t have your parents doing things for you so you need
to start relying on yourself for everything you need.
IRS Summary
All charities with donations of \$25000 or more must file financial reports annually with
the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
These IRS 990 reports are available to the public, however, many donors do not
examine them: a survey and report by Hope Consulting find few donors do any research
prior to giving (Money for Good, May 2010).
In addition, the 990 reports lack guidance for comparing values from year to year or
between charities.
Recent IRS reports indicate a continued need to link donors with pertinent, credible, and
easy to understand information about charities.%
\footnote{A 2009 report to congress lists top problems for tax payers, one is relevant
information about impacts and needs of nonprofits; accessed March 23, 2014.
\url{ utl/1_09_tas_arc_vol_1_preface_toc_msp.pdf}} ... Show more
content on ...
Each rated organization has a link with uniform summaries of financial data from annual
IRS 990 reports.
The charity s annual score, \emph{overall score} ranging from 0 to 70, is calculated by
adding seven different financial metrics, each worth ten points (Table \ref{tab:metrics});
a complete description is available on the website.
Within the calculation, higher fundraising and administration ratios decrease score,
whereas increases in the other metrics boost score like growth on program expenses.
The ratings calculation for financial performance is the same through all years of these
\footnote{CN added two other dimensions in the past years, starting in the fall of 2011
when a checklist was added for accountability, governance, and transparency. Then in
2013 CN added another dimension for mission reporting. Most recently, the rescaled
from 70 points to 100.}

I reconstruct the ratings formula, then re calculate published ratings to check for
accuracy, which is over 99
Parallels between Emily Dickinson s 39 and the Biblical...
In one of my favorite poems by Emily Dickinson, 39 or [49] published in 1858, she
almost parallels the life of Job in the Bible who lost all he had, but because he was
faithful all of his loss was restored; I like that there are so many ways to interpret the
loss and blame in this very short poem; for example, her loss could be a loss of
possession or a loss of a child because in the sod could refer to either to an actual plot
of land with its crops and the possessions that would come with it or to burying
deceased children; to be a beggar could mean that she is literally poor and landless,
which would mean that she had no way to provide for herself, or that she had no
children and prayed for them; when she says that angels reimbursed... Show more content
on ...
In another one of my favorite poems by Emily Dickinson 1263 or [1129], she subverts
expectations by telling her audience to tell the truth, but to skew it, essentially telling
them to lie; she writes on a lot of Christian themes so no one expects an advocacy of
lying to be part of her poems; however I don t think her purpose is to promote lying; it
is more of a revelation that people love the lie, we don t always really want truth when
we ask someone s opinion; often we want our own confirmed; here she tells us that telling
the whole truth and nothing but the truth would
Susan B. Anthony And The Abolitionist Movement
Susan B. Anthony devoted her life to the rights of women s labor, receiving equal pay,
and leading the women s suffrage movement. She grew up in a home where politics
was frequently discussed. Her family supported an end to slavery as part of the
abolitionist movement. In her early years, she was a teacher and became involved in
the temperance movement as well as the anti slavery movement. Because she was a
woman, she was not allowed to voice her opinion. This became a motivator for her to
become a woman s suffrage leader. A skilled, talented woman made a difference when
she joined forces with Stanton. As mentioned earlier, Stanton and Anthony opposed the
fourteenth and fifteen amendments for not liberating women. As Mayo states, she
published The Revolution, a radical paper, edited by Stanton (1868 1870), and
lectured for over six years to pay off its debt. (Rights for Women, para.3) She was
arrested for voting in 1872. She led a woman s protest at the 1876 Centennial delivering
a Declaration of Rights written by Stanton and Matilda Gage. She wrote and published,
with Stanton and Gage the History of Woman Suffrage (1881 1885) (Mayo para. 5).
Although she was arrested and it seemed like nothing came easy, she never gave up.
Anthony was a hard working woman that rallied many in hopes of advancing women s
rights. She gathered signatures on suffrage petitions at the state and national levels,
undertook arduous state tours to organize suffrage campaigns in the states
Louis Auguste Vivet s DID
The first record case of DID documented was of a young Frenchman named Louis
Auguste Vivet. Born in 1863 to a prostitute, Louis grew up neglected and abused.
Around the age of eight he was moved to correctional housing because he was
problematic. At the age of seventeen a horrific accident with a viper left him paralyzed
from the waist down. In the asylum that took care of him, he suffered violent attacks of
convulsion, epilepsy, and cries. Consequently, Louis lost the ability to walk for a year
and a half. During that time, he worked as a tailor and miraculously regained function of
his legs. He happened to pass the asylum that helped when he was attacked and they were
surprised to see him standing. But when confronted, he has no recollection... Show more
content on ...
DID falls under the DSM IV TR criteria. This includes dissociative amnesia and
dissociative fugue. The main feature of this disorder is the that the individual
personalities are dissociated, which is why there was a change from multiple
personality disorder to DID. The diagnostic criteria for DID, according to the DSM IV
TR, include the presence of two or more personality states, at least two of these states
taking control of the individual s behavior, and extreme memory loss that is more than
just ordinary forgetfulness. All these symptoms should not manifest because of
physiological effects like substance abuse or general medical condition (Durand and
Barlow, 2016). When a personality dominates an individual s behavior, it can change
the demeanor of the person. Physical changes can be seen in their posture and facial
expression. There may even be physical disabilities that form, like in the case of Louis
Vivet. The range of identities an individual can have is endless, but most have one alter
that is impulsive and sexually driven and typically another that acts as the protector. A
switch is a term used to call the transition from one identity to another. It is usually
instantaneous and can identified by physical change (Durand and Barlow, 2016).
Memory loss also occurs quite frequently because most of the identities are detached
from one another. There have been cases where only certain
Isolation of Mitochondria
Assay of succinate dehydrogenase of after isolation of mitochondria in Cauliflower
(Brassica oleracea) using differential centrifugation.

Kelly M. Messick, Rebecca Conner

Department of Biological Sciences, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD, 21801 U.S.A

Address for correspondence:

Kelly M Messick
Department of Biological Sciences
Salisbury University
Salisbury, MD 21801
Phone: 410 546 2060
Fax: 410 543 6433 e mail:

Running title: Assay of succinate dehydrogenase.

Cell fractionation is a very important procedure in cell biology and can be very useful for
studying different organelles. By fractionating, we mean separating or dividing the cell
into different component parts. ... Show more content on ...
A fraction that has high content of the specific organelle and low contamination by other
organelles is desired however a fraction with highly purified mitochondria is better even
if the most mitochondria is found in other fractions. The purity of mitochondrial fractions
is usually determined by enzyme marker detection assay(Hajek et al 2004). In our
experiment we will use differential centrifugation to isolate the mitochondria of
cauliflower and then assay SDH activity using a fixed time assay. We will then measure
protein content in our fractions and calculate specific activity and total activity of our

Materials and Methods

Mitochondrial Isolating
We used to florets from the cauliflower and disrupted the cell walls using a cold
isolation buffer (0.3 M D mannitol, 0.02 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2) and an abrasive, we
then strained the homogenate with cheesecloth into a centrifuge tube suppoerted by ice.
The homogenate was then centrifuged at 600 g for 10 minutes at 4вЃ°C. The postnuclear
supernatant was removed and centrifuged at 12,000 g for 30 minutes at 4вЃ°C. The post
mitochondrial supernatant was removed and the mitochondrial pellet was resuspended
in a cold assay buffer (0.3 M D mannitol, 0.01 M KCl, 0.005 M MgClв‚‚, 0.02 M
phosphate buffer, pH 7.2). Both samples were stored at
TRD Pro Essay
The Toyota Tundra TRD Pro is a highly capable off road package that was introduced
for the 2015 model year. The full size pickup truck was designed to compete with the
likes of Ram 1500 Rebel and Ford SVT Raptor. The newest model 2017 Toyota Tundra
TRD Pro has received top notch refurbishments that make it stand out from other trucks
of its category.

Exterior and Interior Redesign

The front end has a unique body colored grille featuring a blacked out center section as
well as the world TOYOTA on it. The headlights are placed lower in the front fascia and
are complimented by LED daytime running lights. The front bumper has been trimmed
down while the air vents have been moved from the hood to the front end. In the rear end,
the pickup truck has a slightly bigger bumper and new LED taillights. The wheels are
made of alloy while the side panels have been pimped with loads of chrome. When it
comes to the interior, the vehicle has a black leather upholstery and contrasting red
stitching on most of its cabin parts. The TRD Pro logo is stamped on the center console,
shift knob and floor mats. The center console also features a 6.1 touchscreen display and
an Etune premium sound system with a navigation unit. Concerning safety, the car has
received some ... Show more content on ...
The engine options include: 4.0 liter V6, 4.6 liter V8 and 5.7 liter V8. The 4.0 liter
engine is rated 277 hp and 285 lb ft while the 4.6 liter engine produces 312 hp and 325 lb
ft. The 2017 Toyota Tundra TRD Pro 5.7L V8 operates at 382 hp and 402 lb ft. All the
engines can be paired with a 5 or 6 speed automatic transmission system. Using the 5.7
liter engine, the truck can accelerate from 0 60 mph in 6.0 seconds and achieve an
average top speed of 115 mph. The towing and payload capacities are estimated at 15,000
lb and 2,500 lb
Art History And Its Impact On Art
Art history allows for a greater understanding of the progression of human thought and
how conditions from one time period to another are reflected in art. Humanity
represents itself through art and by doing so we are able to take a deeper look into the
mentality and emotions that were held within a certain time period. Human studies
such as cultural studies or history only highlight small specific areas of humanity
while art history combines the two and gives a comprehensive look into all factors that
influenced not only the art of a certain time but the events that influenced certain
styles. Through the study of art history we are able to see the different events that
caused shifts in prospective and influenced changes in art styles. For example the
iconoclasm during the protestant reformation drastically altered the type of art that
was being produced and greatly limited forward progression of certain styles. All
images of God, Jesus, and any other paintings or sculptures that depicted images of
false idols were destroyed or removed from view. In ancient Egypt, the carved visages
of some pharaohs were obliterated by their successors. The destruction of art was used as
a way to influence ideas through out a community of people. By limiting the growth of
art, the recorded history of Christianity was greatly altered. Humanity is constantly
changing and evolving in relation to its surroundings as viewed through the study of art.
Art is all encompassing of a multitude of
A Brief Look at Shirley Jane Temple
She was only 6 years old when her career began, starred in more than 50 Televison
shows, 14 short films, and over 40 major motion pictures (,
Shirley Jane Temple. Her life is one of the many interesting biographies to tell. Temple
s curly blonde ringlets and her appealing lisp ( brought in fans
left and right. Shirley Temple was famous for phenomenal achievements that I now
share with you. Temple and her fascinating acting, singing, and dancing skills led her
to a very successful future. Even though Shirley Jane Temple was a small celebrity;
she made big progress. Temple became a big hit in 1934. Since she was the biggest
box office attraction at such a young age; Temple learned to rely on herself. Shirley
Temple was recognized for her ability to sing and tap dance (
Gertrude Temple, Temple s mother, put her into dance classes at the age of 3
ВЅ( In 1934 Bright Eyes earned her a special academy award for
Outstanding Personality of 1934 ( . During the 1930 s Temple managed
to make 25 movies (World Book Encyclopedia).During the Great Depression; Shirley
Temple was a leading child film actress ( Shirley appeared in several
films with Bill Robinson during her early acting ages (World Book Encyclopedia).
Although Temple was so young, she seemed more mature than other adults around her.
Temple received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Screen Actors Guild in 2005.
Phoebe In Wonderland Disability
The purpose of this report is to relate to the reader about the disability portrayed in
Phoebe in Wonderland, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS). It will include a summary
of the movie, summary of articles researched based on the disability displayed in the
movie and an analysis of the movie. In article one, these findings reveals modulation in
movement organisation in patients with Tourette Syndrome (TS) and exemplify
degrading consequences for manual functions. In article two, the information was based
on the Impulse Control Disorders in Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome with specific
emphasis on intermittent, explosive disorder, self injurious behaviour, trichotillomania
and impulsive compulsive sexual behaviour. In article three, the research... Show more
content on ...
Patients with TS who show tic like movements are impaired in grip load force control
when executing a manipulative task. Force regulation during action patterns that
required rhythmical unimanual or bimanual movement. Research showed that the
profile of grip load force ratio was characterized by maxima and minima that were
realized at upward and downward hand positive respectively. Nine patients with TS
participated in the behavioural study. Assessments were staged according to the
Tourette syndrome global scale. Patients experienced various tics that were
accompanied by strong force peaks and sometimes cut off by amplifier). There are
three types of motor tics which are: (i)Unilateral grip force tic This is where an
increase occurs in a grip force of the right hand. (ii)Bilateral grip load force tic An
augmentation is generated in grip and load force of the right and left hand. (iii)Bilateral
grip force tic An increase is produced in grip force of the right and left hand. Article
2:Impulse Control Disorders in Gilles de la Tourette
The Unique Portrayal of Heroines in The Awful Truth and
Heroines in traditional romantic comedies generally show their female charm dominated
by the heroes, and docile. However, in Romantic Comedy vs. Screwball Comedy
Gehring depicts the screwball comedy as dripping with eccentrics starting with the
archetype zany heroines. Also, Gerhing says, heroines assisted by the fact that only she
knows a courtship is occurring. In other words, he means that heroines in screwball
comedies always show their unique nuttiness and try to pursue what they desire as long
as they realized that was something they want, which is quite different from the
customary docile female in other romantic comedies. These traits are detailed in The
Awful Truth and My Favorite Wife; heroines Lucy and Ellen pursue their... Show more
content on ...
During the Depression, when most female spectators could do almost nothing to
enhance their lives in real life, they saw that such affirmative heroines had the abilities
to pursue better lives and got the desired life eventually. It was a type of achievement
and fulfillment, which could send a sense of pleasure to the audience and motivated
them to pursue their dreamed life in reality. To some extent, heroines in screwball
comedies used the encouragement to save their marriage on the screen, and also gave
encouragement to the audience to confront their life in reality. All the active reaction
heroines took in movies were fully understandable; however, their behaviors were
seemingly intricate. Indeed, in the process of getting heroines husbands back, they
always did a great deal of zany things. Coincidently, in both The Awful Truth and My
Favorite Wife, Lucy and Ellen both figured as their husbands sisters came before their
husbands new fiancГ©es. For separating Jerry and Barbara, Lucy confused Princeton
University into Princeton town that his father lived there for over twenty years. Also,
Lucy performed as a vulgar showgirl in a Virginia club with poor jokes, rude behavior
and coarse habits to irrigate Barbara s entire family and to undermine the relationship
between Jerry and Barbara. At the same time, to make Ellen s existence at home more
acceptable by Bianca, Ellen became a daffy sister of Arden from southern
Relationship Between Maintenance Awareness And
6.2.6Result of Research Question 6: Relationship between Maintenance Awareness,
Maintenance Services Priorities, Maintenance Perceived Knowledge and Responsiveness
and Maintenance Effectiveness i.e. Satisfaction of Maintenance Services and Qualities
To examine the impact of effective homeowner maintenance dimensions: resident s
maintenance awareness, maintenance perceived knowledge, maintenance service
priorities, maintenance responsiveness preferences on satisfaction as an indicator of
housing provision effectiveness towards achieving the last research objective, Pearson
Correlation analysis (r) and coefficient of determination (R2) were performed to
investigate the relationship between these variables. Researchers perform correlation
analysis to describe the direction and strength of the relationship between variables.
Pearson Correlation was chosen because the measure of the variable was ordinal and the
relationship between them was linear.
The correlation analysis between maintenance awareness and the ... Show more content
on ...
The study conceptualizes homeowners effective maintenance framework that puts
residents and MC who are fully responsible of their home in the forefront of any
maintenance work to improve their maintenance service quality satisfaction. The study
defines maintenance awareness, maintenance knowledge, maintenance services priority
which affects maintenance service quality satisfaction, hence the effectiveness of
maintenance management, whereas responsiveness preferences are found to has no
effect on the effectiveness
Barnes Swot Analysis Essay
Barnes and Noble Market Segmentation
Situational Analysis
BKS is an established brand within the book selling industry
BKS college is a dominant force among college bookstores
BKS offers membership incentives and rewards programs to incentivize new and existing
Proprietary e Reader NOOK and NOOK tablet have decent 15% market share among all
tablets and e Readers (Greenfield********)
Lack of product diversification
Abundance of competition in all facets of business e Reader, traditional books, electronic
books, etc.
Shift to book rental and digital textbooks on college campuses
NOOK / e Reader market continues to expand
Strong, established brick and mortar presence
Enormous potential for product diversification
Expedited delivery for metro customers

Low margins on physical book sales (Publisher Weekly**************)
Most relevant direct competitors have already adopted diversification strategy
Inverse relationship between college enrollment and improving economy
Inverse relationship between ... Show more content on ...
BKS College s Registration Integration service enables students to reserve and order
textbooks online at the time they enroll in a course. Approximately 67% of BKS
College s stores utilize Registration Integration. BKS College academic superstores
include a cafe and carry a selection of course required textbooks, supplies, emblematic
clothing and gifts, and trade and reference books. Other merchandise, such as laptops
and other technology products, notebooks, backpacks, school supplies and related items
are also offered. In addition, many stores also provide students with a place to purchase
convenience items, such as food, beverages and dormitory products. This sector of BKS
directly competes with Follett Corporation, Nebraska Book Company, and
Gun Laws And Gun Violence In The United States
Gun violence is a serious matter in the united states. In this essay I will tell you about
gun laws and gun death rates, what death rates numbers are and what they include, what
states have the highest and lowest death rates, what the Brady Act is and what it
enforces and does for gun laws, what gun regulations are revoked and overlooked, how
to make it harder to get guns could save lives, how the National Rifle Association say
gun regulations have no effect on crime, and can particular laws help with reducing gun
related deaths.
A death rate number is the number of deaths per 100,000 people (Robertson, Lori)
Firearm deaths include homicide, suicide, accidents, and legal intervention. (gun laws vs.
gun deaths) Suicides make up more than half of the total gun related deaths in the united
states. These are the amount of how much each type of deaths makeup suicide (63.5),
homicide (32.6), accidental (1.7), legal intervention (1.4), undetermined (0.8). (Gun laws
vs. Gun deaths)
States death rates vary only if they have strict gun laws/ regulations or not. From a
study in 2013 the top ten states with the highest firearm deaths rates were Alaska (19.8),
Louisiana (19.3), Mississippi (17.8), Alabama (17.6), Arkansas (16.8), Wyoming (16.7),
Montana (16.7), Oklahoma (16.5), New Mexico (15.5), and Tennessee (15.4).
(Robertson, Lori) The south is a high risk for gun violence. The states with lowest are
Hawaii (5.3), California (6.4), Minnesota (6.5), Connecticut (6.6).
Physics, Love, and Richard Feynman Essay
Physics, Love, and Richard Feynman


Physics. Love. These two words sum up the entities that Richard Feynman held most
important throughout his entire life. An extraordinary individual, Feynman was able to
combine an incredible mind with an incredible personality to achieve ends bordering on
the magical. After Feynman s death in 1988, physicist Hans Bethe, paraphrasing the
mathematician Mark Kac, spoke of two kinds of geniuses. He explained that the ordinary
kind does great things but lets other scientists feel that they could do the same if only
they worked hard enough. The other kind performs magic. Bethe said, A magician does
things that nobody else could ever do and that seem completely unexpected...and that s ...
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Before Richard Phillips Feynman was born on May 11, 1918, his father had
proclaimed, If it s a boy, he ll be a scientist (Mehra 1994, p. 2). He was right, although it
is interesting to note that Feynman s sister Joan, nine years his junior, also has a
Ph.D. in physics (Feynman 1988). But while Melville Feynman might have been
wrong about predicting the careers of his children based on their sex, he certainly
prepared the young ones well for the scientific occupation. In an interview just before
his death, Feynman was asked if he could name a great influence in his life. He said,
My father. Early in my life, he d tell me about the world, about nature and how
interesting it was (Brian 1995, p. 49). The elder Feynman took his son on long walks in
the woods, read to him from the Encyclopedia Britannica, and encouraged him to conduct
experiments with household materials. Throughout elementary school, Feynman tinkered
with toys, clocks, radios, and anything else he could secure for his laboratory, a
workspace in the corner of his bedroom. Besides influencing Feynman to think about the
wonders of science from a young age, Melville taught his son some non scientific lessons
that would greatly impact Feynman s views on certain issues. For example, Feynman
learned from his father to show indifference to authority, and to devalue honors and
awards. Melville was in the uniform business, and knew that there was no difference
between a man with a uniform on and
Megamind Comparison
The plot of the 2010 animated film Megamind begins with two alien babies from
different planets being sent to earth when their planets are being destroyed. One baby
ends up being a superhero similar to superman, Metroman. The other becomes a super
villain and the main character of the movie Megamind. Megamind believes growing up
that since his circumstances weren t so great he would become the greatest villain of
all time but he is always defeated until one day he is believed to have finally killed his
arch nemesis Metroman. He soon becomes bored without the routine fights he had with
Metroman and creates a new hero to fight. The new hero he creates named titan ends up
being truly evil. Megamind now finds himself in the position for the very first time of...
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At the very beginning of the movie when both planets are being destroyed you find
that both alien children are put in space pods to be sent to earth. One child is a
handsome and looks human who is Metroman, while the other child is blue
(Megamind) and has a big head. Each space pod is different while the human looking
child has a smooth ride in a fancier pod to earth the blue child is having a rough ride.
You then see Metroman land in a wealthy home while Megamind lands in a prison.
This is an example of the different environments both children landed in were
completely different. While Megamind was a born genius and grows up to be smart he
still didn t reach his full potential which is shown by his inability to pronounce words
like school or Metrocity. While Metroman was given all the tools to succeed. It is the
very example of both genes and environment mattering when it comes to intelligence.
Megamind may be book smart but he is very low in intelligence when it comes to people.
In the Psychology textbook Schacter and Gilbert summarize it to, Relative intelligence it
generally stable overtime, but absolute intelligence
Coral Bleaching Issues In Overfishing
1. Policy Description


Worldwide we are facing an epidemic of large scale Coral Reefs bleaching themselves
white. Although white coral is not dead it is likely to die shortly after bleaching. The
main problem is global warming, this causes overfishing, pollution and rising ocean
temperatures with more acidity. Global warming is an issue that affects our planet,
especially in the ocean. This problem has also an economic and political impact because
If the reefs vanished, experts say, hunger, poverty and political instability could ensue.
In 1980, NOAA s marine biologist started noticing the coral bleaching. There has been
three important coral reef bleaching events in the history. The first global bleaching
event El NiГ±o was in 1998, it was a huge underwater heatwave killed 16% of the
corals on reefs around the world . The second bleaching event was in 2010 and was
called La NiГ±a. This event affected especially areas near Palau and Micronesia in the
Pacific. In October of 2015, NOAA announced the third global bleaching event in which
has already become the longest event recorded, affecting coral reefs for consecutive years.

Main reasons of coral bleaching:

Change in ocean Temperature: increased ocean temperature drastically caused by climate
change is the leading cause of coral bleaching.
Runoff and Pollution: Storm generated precipitation can rapidly dilute ocean water and
runoff can carry pollution bleaching near shores corals.
Overexposure to
Ford Mustang Pros And Cons
2005 Ford Mustang There was a time, once, when it symbolized everything Americans
loved about their cars. Powerful. Fast looking, with a tough stance. Practical enough
to be convenient, and impractical enough to be fun. Affordable. It could gallop like a
horse and a regular guy could afford one. It was the people s icon of American car
culture. Was. It s a bitter, lonely word. And at some point, people started connecting it
to the Mustang. While Ford executives will point to the sales figures (140,000 last
year) as proof that the Mustang has always been a great seller with a strong following,
there was, nonetheless, a fading love for the car that has been a part of the American
highway landscape for 40 years. The Mustang simply stopped conjuring... Show more
content on ...
Designed after classic pony cars of the 1960s, the fastback roofline and trapezoidal
rear windows echo 1965 66 Shelby Mustangs, and up front, the shark like headlamps
and grille suggest 1967 68 ponies. It is an inspired design that echoes glory days of the
past in a contemporary design that will not feel out of place on the road. It s simple.
People need a reason to get excited about Ford cars again. When it arrives this fall, the
Mustang will do the trick if it drives like it looks. And all indications are that it will
meet the standard of a design that wowed journalists as a concept last year. Designed
after classic pony cars of the 1960s, the fastback roofline and trapezoidal rear windows
echo 1965 66 Shelby Mustangs, and up front, the shark like headlamps and grille
suggest 1967 68 ponies. It is an inspired design that echoes glory days of the past in a
contemporary design that will not feel out of place on the road. It s not a classic car it
s the remaking of a classic. And if it handles with the same inspiration of its design, the
Mustang will likely bring back the passion and the unadulterated fun of a good rear
wheel kick in the
Murder Inc Research Paper
Murder Inc Roaring 20s When most of America thinks about the roaring 20s they
think about racism going on or civil rights starting to change the America. That s
mostly how Americans think anyway because they don t bother to focus on the past
history of life they are to stuck up in the 21st century. During the roaring 20s Murder
Incorporated made a huge mark at a that time. Before it can be read on Murder Inc
there were a lot of slang going on at this time. Lepke had his gat on deck ( Crime ) gat
means gun. Reason for slang words like these is because they knew the cops were
listening to some of their conversations so they didn t want the cops to get the memo of
what they were saying. Cops referred to most of the the thugs to Goons ... Show more
content on ...
Bugsy built his lifestyle through bootlegging, gambling, and ruthless assassinations
before he made a spot in Las Vegas. During the roaring 20s Mafia kingpin Charles
Lucky Luciano was a mobster leader of the syndicate who found Bugsy ( Bugsy ).
Lucky was italian and he also got some other italian mobster part of the syndicate.
Bugsy was one out of the four people to execute Joe the Boss Masseria. Siegel dated
actress Virginia Hill which they began to be known as a striking couple for their
violent natures and also their mischievous looks. Bugsy had a good head on his
shoulders at the time because he was focus on his biggest accomplishment of his life
and that was the Flamingo hotel. Bugsy felt like he was unstoppable at the time. Until
one of the most craziest deaths in the syndicate history was Bugsy when he was brutally
killed when a fusillade of bullets.crashed through his living room window ( Bugsy ).
Their is no doubt that Bugsy was murdered on syndicate
Analysis Of One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest
Kaitlyn Doll

Mrs. J. Hudson

ENG4U 02

May 13th, 2016

Alienation in the Lives of Chief Bromden and Holden Caulfield

As one is experiencing a life of alienation and loneliness, they may being to act
uncontrollable while rebelling against their surroundings, one loses themselves as they
feel different than everyone present. Alienation can force an individual to spiral into an
abyss of nothingness, nonetheless if one allows others to reach out and inspire than it is
possible to break away from the alienation and loneliness. Chief Bromden from the novel
One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest, written by Ken Kesey, is an Indian who was
institutionalized for insanity and is considered a chronic in the ward as he is too far
gone to be healed. Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D
Salinger is a lying, rebellious teenager sent away by his parents to a private school as
they are unable to handle Holden s behaviour. It is evident both experience alienation as
their stories progress and actions taken, however the individuals present in their lives
motivate changes in the outcomes of these dynamic characters.

Firstly, the prominent motif in One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest is invisibility, Chief
Bromden was seen as invisible in his childhood as well as on the ward. Once as a child
on the reserve with his family, a group of appraisers trespassed onto the Bromden family
land while Bromden was outside completing daily chores, the group proceeded to insult
My Audience With An Investment Opportunity That Will...
Central Idea: Many people say that investments come with great losses. But they fail to
realize that it comes with both gains too. Especially when you plan to make money by
not doing any work at all. There are various companies that are great to invest in. My aim
is to inform my audience with an investment opportunity that will interest them if they
love doing business.
I.Introduction: It defined as a process of investing money for profit or material result .
It requires a small amount of tolerance for risk, patience, and a dedicated time horizon.
Investing is a great way to save for the future. As long as you are disciplined, you will not
have much problem getting around it. Reports have shown that investing in stocks of
successful companies has made many people wealthy. One of such companies is Intel
Corp; a company in the Semi Conductor Industry.
II.Intel Corp is specialized in designing and manufacturing digital technology platforms.
A.These platforms are made up of several parts.
1.They are made up microprocessors and chipsets.
2.They are made up of hardware, software and other services.
B.Intel also develops and sells software.
C.Their primary focus is on security and technology integration.
III.Intel is one of the firms that has been unmatched in the Semi Conductor Industry.
A.It has a wide economic moat that comes from its immense scale.
1.This gives the firm a long term advantage in the microprocessor market.
2.It helps in maintaining its lead in the
The Use Of Pcms And Sensible Heat On The Thermal...
1. Introduction
This proposal investigates the possibility of combined use of PCMs and sensible heat to
improve the thermal performance of hot water tanks (HWT) hence to shift the peak
power demand. And demonstrate a theoretical experiment results about comparison
between the proposed system designs and the HWT without combination of PCMs.
2. Background
2.1. Thermal energy storage and phase change materials
Thermal energy storage (TES) system store excess thermal energy with different
applications and materials and release it for later use. [1] For instance, TES systems is a
available means to balanced energy demand between day time peak hours and night time
lower usage of energy. Specially, with the applications such like solar ... Show more
content on ...
[6] Apart from this thermal property, there are other issues also need to be considered
when design the PCMs for the thermal energy storage systems. For example, it is
preferred to choose high density and small volume change materials, which also called
as physical properties [7] because large changes in volume would result in a large and
complexity system size. [10] Furthermore, the expenses of the materials, as common
sense, are not expected to be too high, which also considered as the economic properties.
In other words, the thermal storage system should be sufficient economically efficient.

In the study done by Sharma et al. in 2006, a theoretical method to calculate the effect of
thermo physical properties of heat exchanger container materials on the thermal
performance of the storage system was given. [11] They gave the conclusion that the
PCM complete melting time would decrease due to the enhancement of in thermal
conductivity of container material. They also reported that the melted fraction of the
PCM would be dominated either by the thickness of heat exchanger container material
nor the initial PCM temperature, but the boundary wall temperature during the melting
2.3. Thermal energy storage system
Thermal storage can be subdivided into several technologies: sensible heat
Nature and Causes of Global Money Laundering


Kiran Aftab (Roll # 01) Afifa Naseer (Roll # 68) MBA 2004 4th Semester



Introduction 6
History 9
Money laundering and Globalization 13
Nature of Money laundering ... Show more content on ...
Money laundering is the processing of these criminal proceeds to disguise their illegal
origin. This process is of critical importance, as it enables the criminal to enjoy these
profits without jeopardizing their source.
Illegal arms sales, smuggling, and the activities of organized crime, including for
example drug trafficking and prostitution rings, can generate huge sums. Embezzlement,
insider trading, bribery and computer fraud schemes can also produce large profits and
create the incentive to legitimize the ill gotten gains through money laundering.
When a criminal activity generates substantial profits, the individual or group involved
must find a way to control the funds without attracting attention to the underlying activity
or the persons involved. Criminals do this by disguising the sources, changing the form,
or moving the funds to a place where they are less likely to attract attention.
As money laundering is a necessary consequence of almost all profit generating crime, it
can occur practically anywhere in the world. Generally, money launderers tend to seek
out areas in which there is a low risk of detection due to weak or ineffective anti money
laundering programmes. Because the objective of money laundering is to get the illegal
funds back to the individual who generated them, launderers usually prefer to move funds
through areas with stable financial systems.

It is very
One Solution to Global Overfishing Analysis
The first thing that comes to one s mind when fish is mentioned is usually, smelly,
nasty, or to some, delicious. In a nutritional aspect, fish is a top priority in a diet because
of the protein that it has. Many people fish for food, or just for leisure. Overfishing
mainly started in the 19th century, when humans started looking for blubber for oil
lamps, which they used for light during the night. When humans started overfishing for
the whale blubber it severely reduced and damaged the whole population of the sea life.
In the fishpopulation, many fish such as the Atlantic cod and herring were overfished to
the point where they almost went extinct by the mid 1900 s. The depletion of the fish
population disrupted the aquatic food... Show more content on ...
There have been many incidents where innocent lifeguards and individuals have been
attacked by sharks and other dangerous fish while spending time in waters. The
overfishing of the shark s prey has causes this. This is a very dangerous issue as it may
take many lives away for nothing.

Another major cause is the subsides provided to fishermen from the government. Despite
the depleted state of the oceans, many governments provide major subsidies to their
fishing sectors. According to The Webster Merriam Dictionary, a subsidy is money that
is paid usually by a government to keep the price of a product or service low or to help a
business or organization to continue to function. Subsidies not only distort markets and
support uneconomic activities, but also are a major incentive to overfishing and other
destructive fishing practices. These large subsidies have helped produce a worldwide
fishing fleet that is up to 250 percent larger than what is needed to fish at sustainable
levels (Fisheries Subsidies, Overcapacity and Overfishing, 2008). Some subsidies support
beneficial programs, such as management and research for overfishing. However, the
majority of subsidies influence the increase and intensity of overfishing. These subsidies
include those that reduce costs or enhance revenues and promote overcapacity, such as
support for boat construction and modernization, fuel, equipment, and other operating
costs (EcoWatch, 2011). Another
The Theory Is The Selfish Gene Theory
Today, the average person in the United States can expect to live to be 78.8 years of
age. Women have a high life expectancy at 81.2 years, than men at 76.4 years
(Copeland). The difference between the life expectancies of the two genders is
typically attributed towards lifestyles than genetics. There are many different theories
as to why people die. One theory is the selfish gene theory in which organisms stay
healthy long enough in order to procreate and provide for their children until they are
old enough to provide for themselves and procreate as well. People will not live forever
as, immorality arrives with your offspring, (Radford).
According to a study at Harvard, an evolutionary standpoint says that people die in order
to make sure there are resources remaining for the next generation (Thorpe).
Death is defined legally by the Uniform Determination Act of Death. This defines
someone who is dead as, An individual who has sustained either (1) irreversible cessation
of circulatory and respiratory functions, or (2) irreversible cessation of all functions of
the entire brain, including the brainstem, is dead. A determination of death must be made
in accordance with accepted medical standards (Title 22).
A living will is defined as, a document that lets people state their wishes for end of life
medical care, in case they become unable to communicate their decisions, (Randolph).
Living wills are applicable in cases in which euthanasia is being considered. Euthanasia,
Common Types Of Love In Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet
William Shakespeare s play, the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, is well known. It
portrays two star crossed lovers and their journey through young love; however, the
men takes love for granted. Romeo and Juliet is known for its love debate.
Shakespeare uses the characters to show various views of love. Each character falls
under a certain category of love. The most common types of love are superficial,
physical, and sacrificial. Shakespeare illustrates love as superficial, which is defined
through appearance, wealth, and status. Romeo demonstrates this view of love when he
falls in love with Juliet at first sight, without knowing her. When Romeo asks the serving
man, What lady s that which doth enrich the hand of yonder... Show more content on ...
For example, Romeo was willing to kill himself so that he can be with Juliet in her
grave. For fear of that, I still will stay with thee, And never from this palace of dim
night Depart again. Here, here will I remain . Another example is when Nurse was
sneaking helped Romeo and Juliet secretly get married, she loved Juliet and cared for
her, she was risking her own safety to make sure the one she loves is happy. Another
example is Paris wanted to be buried with Juliet, after Romeo kills him. Just like
Romeo, he too wanted to be buried with the love of his life Juliet. Another character
that showed sacrificial love is the Friar; he was trying to get Romeo and Juliet
together from the beginning. He helped then hoping to end the feud between the two
families. He knew that there is a consequence for helping them sneak around but he
didn t care, he loved Romeo and was a fatherly figure towards him, and is willing to
get punished for it. Another character is Benvolio, he loved his cousin Romeo and
would do anything for him, and Romeo kills Tybalt and Benvolio told Romeo to run
a1way because he doesn t end want his cousin to be killed. Another example is at the
end of the play, Romeo and Juliet are now dead, Lord and Lady Capulet said that the
might as well be dead, because there only daughter was no longer living. O me! This
sight of death is as a bell, that warns my old age to a sepulcher . Another example is,
Tybalt just killed Mercutio and Romeo is so angry by this that turns around and kills
Tybalt, no matter the consequences. He loved his friend so much that he just has to get
revenge. Sacrificial love can also be defined as true love or love that does not have to do
with anything
Adam Smith And Ricardo s Theory Of Comparative
more than that produced by the competitors. The reason for that according to Smith is
that it is impossible to all countries to achieve economic success simultaneously by
adopting mercantilism because the export of one country is another country s import
and instead indicated that all countries would achieve economic gains simultaneously if
they adopted free trade and specialized in their most efficient production fields in
accordance with their absolute advantage. Smith s theory is presented as the starting
point of a theoretical development that leads directly to neoclassical trade models.
Smith s concerns and ideas are thus aligned with those of neoclassical trade theories.
However, they are dwarfed by the theory of comparative advantage, which is one of the
most praised theories in economics . 3.2 Ricardo s Theory of Comparative Advantage:
Comparative advantage theory refers to a country s ability to produce a good at a lower
opportunity cost than another country.... Show more content on ...
There is also David Ricardo s Comparative advantage theory which refers to a country s
ability to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another country. There is also
mercantilism which states that nations should accumulate financial wealth usually in the
form of gold by encouraging exports and discouraging imports. Heckscher Ohlin theory
which states that countries should specialize in the production of goods that it is
particularly suited to produce. The Product life cycle theory which was developed by
Raymond Vernon, to advance trade theory beyond Ricardo s static framework of
comparative advantages. It explains how trade patterns change over time. The stages are
introduction, Growth, Maturity, and
Stress in Todays Society
Page 1

Stress is a killer. There is doubt that stress can cause health problems. Daily stressors
lead into major health problems. Therefore if you can manage your daily stress you can
promote a healthier life. The American Medial Association defines stress, as being any
disruptions of a person s mental and physical well being. (4.) My position is that if you
balance the stress in your life you can live healthier and prevent certain sicknesses. Not
all stress is bad for your body. It is good to have some stress in your life. However, too
much stress in your life can be harmful. Stress seems to come mostly from psychological
threats instead of physical ones. Stress varies from person to person. For college students
time ... Show more content on ...
There are many ways to reduce or handle stress in your life. The easiest and one of the
healthiest antidotes for stress is laughter. Just smiling helps because it releases blood
flow to the brain and endorphins are released. (4.) This gives a sense of well being.
Some other simple techniques are doing uninterrupted breathing. Another stressor is
lack of sleep. Therefore break the stress sleeplessness cycle. You can help relieve your
sleep problem by developing a daily sleep routine and don t drink alcohol or caffeine
before bed. Another thing is to reserve your bedroom for sleeping and sex only. (4.)
Writing down your feeling in a diary may help relieve emotional stress. (4.) Time
management is a major way to reduce stress. If you can keep a schedule of the things
you need to do and when you have to do them, this can open time for yourself. Try to
focus on the important task and then do the little things. (3.) Many stress experts
suggest that you begin your fight against stress by defining your values. (4.) Don t
think that everything has to be perfect. If you are a perfectionist you fuel a variety of
stress producing qualities. (4.) If your over stressed slow down. Try moving, talking
and behaving in a relaxed, slower manner. (4.) Some tips on how to slow down is to
drive slower than usual. Wait five minutes in the driveway before going in the house. All
you need to do is relax and ease into the
Can Hybrid Cars Can Improve Fuel Efficiency And Save The...
Can hybrid cars can improve fuel efficiency and save the environment? A debate has
recently arisen; are hybrid automobiles that much more fuel efficient than the average
car, and is the higher sticker price worth the investment? Questions have also been
asked about the hope of reducing environmental pollution. Are government rebates and
dealer incentives worth the additional investment of purchasing these higher priced
cars? What is the adoption rate among consumers to these automobiles? Gas mileage
can be defined as: how many miles a car or truck can travel on one gallon of gasoline
(Marland English, 2015). As fossil fuels continue to be depleted, our civilization must
look at cost efficient ways to accomplish daily tasks. Hybrid cars use a combination of
the gasoline engine with electronic motors to achieve a number of objectives. This
differs from the new totally electricity powered cars that run on charged batteries.
According to; a vehicle that gets 30 MPG will cost you $545
less to fuel each year than one that gets 20 MPG, assuming 15000 miles of driving
annually and a fuel cost of $2.18 ( Save Money , 2015). Over time this can lead to huge
savings in fuel costs to the average consumer. As oil prices continue to rise and fall, a
more fuel efficient car could provide some comfort to the financially stressed customer. A
person must take into consideration if the savings in fuel costs are worth the higher
investment price of a hybrid. On average,
The Importance Of Sea Turtles
Turtles are one of the oldest reptile groups. They are classified as amniotes. They have
existed a long time ago, which means they have seen the rise and fall of the dinosaurs and
the rise of humanity. Scientists think that turtles have existed for around 157 million
years (mosaic 29). Approximately, sea turtleswere 65 million years ago (Dobbs 1). This
family has survived the passage of time and is threatened by the contamination that
humans have created in the ocean. The six sea turtles that occur on the coasts of
America are in fact threatened. Sea turtles are very important for the ecosystem, but
humans, directly and indirectly, endanger this family. If humans do not stop their
destructive habits, we can lose the influence of sea turtles on seafarers. Sea turtles
play an important role in the ecology of the ocean, and without turtles, we can see an
ecological collapse in the oceans. Sea turtles are one of the few animals in the sea that
eat sea grass (Godfrey). Sea turtles act as grazing animals that cut short grass and help
maintain the health of the family of seaweed (Godfrey). In recent decades, there has
been a decline in the sea grass family. This decrease may be related to the decrease in
the number of sea turtles (Godfrey). Sea grass is important because it is a fertile ground
for many species of fish, shellfish and crustaceans (Godfrey). The beaches and sand dunes
are known for not having many nutrients. When the sea turtles reach the land, they bury
their eggs
Examples Of Mood Paranoid In Macbeth
First of all, manliness creates the mood paranoid because. Macbeth feels guilty about
what he done to Duncan. Like they said in the upcoming quote that Macbeth can t
sleep at all it s like a curse to him. The quote says Macbeth this murder sleep. This kinda
sad that he can t sleep after what he has done Methought I heard a voice cry Sleep no
more!/ Macbethdoes murder sleep the innocent sleep,/ Sleep that knits up the raveled
sleave of care,/ The death of each day s life, sore labor s bath,/ Balm of hurt minds,
great nature s second course,/ Chief nourisher in life s feast (2.2.47 52).For example
when he heard a voice cry. It s unnatural which is kinda terrifying. Also the innocent
sleep. It say that he can t sleep because he killed the king so that makes... Show more
content on ...
Macbeth is either hallucinating or seeing what s going to happen. He is seeing the
dagger that he is going to kill the king with. The quote describes the scene about the
dagger Is this a dagger which I see before me,/ The handle toward my hand? Come, let
me clutch thee./ I have thee not, and yet I see thee still (2.1.42 47). Macbeth is seeing
the dagger that he is going to kill the king with. It s very unnatural to see something
that is floating in front of you. If I was Macbeth I would be in shock because I would
be paranoid. Alack, I am afraid they have awaked,/ And tis not done. Th attempt and
not the deed/ Confounds us. Hark! I laid their daggers ready;/ He could not miss em.
Had he not resembled/ My father as he slept, I had done t. . Lady Macbeth thinks that
the servants are going to find out about the daggers, therefore their plan will be exposed.
Lady macbeth is showing paranoid sins she is terrified of what might happen to her if
they find out that she was the one that gave the idea to Macbeth about killing the
Charles Lindbergh Essay
Charles Lindbergh One of the greatest heroes the world has ever known Charles
Augustus Lindbergh. He is most famous for his transatlantic flight from New York to
Paris. Lindbergh acquired great fame for doing good will tours in Latin America.
Other than politicians and war heroes no one has yet quite matched his fame. He was
a genus when it came to aviation and mechanics. He advised the making and design of
several planes from ones made of wood and wire to supersonic jets. He helped several
countries and airlines by giving them advise on their air fleets. He wrote several
documents of his journeys and of his life.
Charles Lindbergh entered this world on February 4, 1902 in Detroit, Michigan. He grew
up in Rapid Falls, Minnesota on ... Show more content on ...
Louis businessmen to sponsor him because he thought with the right plane he would
have no problem flying across the Atlantic Ocean. The businessmen began to promote the
flight. That right plane was known as the Sprit of St. Louis . Ryan Aircraft Company in
San Diego built the Sprit of St. Louis . He gave the Spirit of St. Louis a test drive from
San Diego, California to New York, New York making one stop in St. Louis. That flight
took twenty hours and twenty one minutes setting a new transcontinieal record. Charles
Lindbergh started his transatlantic flight in Roosevelt Field on Long Island; the time
was seven fifty two a.m. He flew from Roosevelt Field to Le Bourget Airport in Paris.
He landed at ten twenty two P.M. on May 21. It took him thirty three and half hours to
fly across the Atlantic Ocean. He traveled three thousand six hundred miles until he
finally reached Paris. At the airport one hundred thousand people gathered after
hearing that he was sighted flying over Ireland. A few days later he flew to Croydon
Airport in London. It was dark when he landed and there were not many people there to
witness the landing. As a result of having few people there, there were no photographs
taken. When he returned to America there were several photographers waiting to get a
picture of him. The press began to give him nicknames such as Lucky Lindy and the
Lone Eagle . The world instantly made him a hero and an international celebrity.
Lindbergh was
Analysis Of Elizabeth George Speare s The Witch Of...
In the fictional story by Elizabeth George Speare, The Witch of Blackbird Pond,
Elizabeth is trying to convey the idea of what it costs to be free and the nature of
freedom. One of the reasons to support this idea is the way Kit talks about the Puritan
beliefs with John Holbrook. In the fictional story by Elizabeth George Speare, The
Witch of Blackbird Pond, Elizabeth is trying to convey the idea of what it costs to be
free and the nature of freedom. One of the reasons to support this idea is the way Kit
talks about her beliefs with John Holbrook. Another is slavery when Kit talks about this
with her Uncle Matthew. A third reason to support Elizabeth s claim is the thoughts
between Matthew and Kit within the confines of the king s power over the Connecticut
Colony.... Show more content on ...
An example of this is found on pages twenty three to twenty four when Kit discusses
slavery and Kit s debt with her uncle, Matthew Wood. Talking about Kit s Grandfather
dying, Matthew asks Did you pay them? Yes, every one of them. All the land had to be
sold, and the house, and the slaves, and all the furniture from England. There wasn t
anything left, not even enough for my passage. To pay my way on the ship I had to
sell my own Negro girl. replied Kit. Humph! with one syllable Matthew disposed of
the sacrifice, only a little less than Grandfathers loss, the little African slave who had
been her shadow for twelve years. There was an awkward silence. Kit found Mercy s
eyes and was steadied there by the quiet sympathy she saw there. Then her aunt came
to put an arm across her shoulder. By the way Elizabeth wrote this story and by
Matthew Woods reaction to the phrase that Kit said the she had to, I had to sell my own
Negro girl Matthew then replied with Humph! as if he disgusted the idea of slaves, or
people having rule over other
Dominic Lascuola s Stand-Up Comedy Actor Seth Rogen
Dominic Lascuola s Not Plagiarized Paper
Actor Seth Rogen, born on April 15, 1982, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, rose
to fame in his twenties as one of the comedy icons of his generation. He began his career
performing stand up comedy during his teenage years, winning the Vancouver Amateur
Comedy Contest in 1998. Rogen and his comedy partner Evan Goldberg co wrote the
films Superbad, Pineapple Express, This Is the End, and directed both This Is the End
and The Interview; all of which Rogen starred in. He has also done voice work for the
films Horton Hears a Who!, the Kung Fu Panda film series, Monsters vs. Aliens, Paul,
and Sausage Party. This guy is really funny; he has some super dope movies. Superbad
and Pineapple Express are just ... Show more content on ...
It seems that some of this stuff isn t being labeled as totally legit, so I m going to add
more. A talented voice artist, Rogen is in the animated films Horton Hears a Who!
(2008),Kung Fu Panda (2008), and Monsters vs. Aliens (2009), and has voiced
characters forThe Simpsons (1989) and American Dad! (2005). What a guy, he does
voice acting too. he landed his first role in Judd Apatow s short lived but well regarded
TV series Freaks and Geeks (1999), taking on the role of Ken Miller. Though the show
only lasted one season, it was the launching pad for many careers, including Rogen,
Apatow, James Franco, and Jason Segel. This early work sharpened Rogen s keen
improvisational skills, which he s used on many projects since. His breakthrough came
when Universal Studios greenlit him for the lead in yet another Apatow production:
Knocked Up (2007), a romantic comedy that follows the repercussions of a drunken one
night stand between his slacker character and Katherine Heigl s just promoted media
personality that results in an unintended pregnancy. Upon completing The 40 Year Old
Virgin, Apatow had approached Rogen about potential starring roles, but the actor
Shakespeare s The Taming Of The Farew And The Taming Of...
The Taming of the Shrew , is one of William Shakespeare s most celebrated works in
history and is known to be one of his most comedic pieces of literature. With its
lighthearted sense of a late 1500 s Elizabethan era work, the famous play showed many
relevant ideologies of society according to its particular era in history. Many of
Shakespeare s works have been adapted into successful films that were made to suit the
society of a new and different age, for example, his piece The Taming of the Shrew , has
been formed into several films and short films. In my opinion, it just shows that
Shakespeare s writings are still relevant today and forever will be timeless.
The most famous remakes of the of the 1500 s play, were Gil Junger s 1999 adaptation
10 Things I Hate About You , and Franco Zeffirelli s 1967 version of The Taming of the
Shrew . Both films show elements of similar society ideologies, such as masculinity and
femininity which are portrayed through the main characters; Katherine, Kat, Petruchio
and Patrick. Some characters show signs of severe misogynistic characteristics, for
example, as the dominant Petruchio tames the dominant Katherine until she is
submissive. To help corroborate with this is the quote For I am be born to tame you
Kate, And bring you from a wild Kate to a Kate. Conformable as other household Kates.
This quote proves that he believes Katherine should be like other females and that he
wants to control her until she composes to his

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