An Essay On Fear

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An Essay On Fear

Writing an essay on the topic of fear can be a challenging endeavor, as it requires navigating the
intricate landscapes of human emotions and psychology. Fear, a primal and universal emotion,
manifests in various forms and contexts, making it a complex subject to explore. The difficulty lies
not only in articulating the nature of fear but also in delving into its underlying causes, effects, and
the ways it shapes human behavior.

Crafting an essay on fear demands a delicate balance between providing insightful analysis and
engaging the reader on a personal level. One must delve into the psychological aspects of fear,
examining its evolutionary roots, the physiological responses it triggers, and its role in the human
survival instinct. Simultaneously, the essay should explore the more nuanced and subjective
experiences of fear, acknowledging the diversity of fears individuals may encounter in different life

Furthermore, addressing the cultural, societal, and historical dimensions of fear adds another layer of
complexity to the essay. Fear is not a static concept; its manifestations can vary across cultures and
change over time. Therefore, a comprehensive exploration requires an in-depth examination of how
fear is perceived, expressed, and even manipulated in different societies and historical periods.

The challenge also lies in avoiding clichГ©s and superficial analyses. Fear is a topic that has been
extensively explored in literature, psychology, and philosophy, making it essential for the essay to
offer a fresh perspective or a unique synthesis of existing ideas. Developing a coherent and original
thesis that goes beyond the obvious and delves into the intricacies of fear is a demanding task that
requires careful research and critical thinking.

In conclusion, writing an essay on fear involves navigating the complexities of human emotions,
psychology, culture, and history. It requires a nuanced approach to capture the multifaceted nature of
fear while offering original insights. The challenge lies not only in addressing the intellectual aspects
of fear but also in connecting with the reader on a personal and emotional level. Despite the
difficulty, a well-crafted essay on fear can provide valuable insights into the human experience.

For assistance with similar essays and more, you can explore the services available at
An Essay On Fear An Essay On Fear
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Gmail Blue
Within the Gmail Blue commercial, Google mocks the concept of modern technology in
order to allow the audience to reflect on this concept on their own without outright telling
the audience what they think. The commercial creates a tension for the viewer. It also
utilizes specific words and ideas reminiscent of various companies. They use large
companies that the intended audience, Googles tech savvy followers, would be familiar

Throughout the commercial, the speakers use phrases such as moonshot thinking, to
describe the project they ve been working on. The use of phrases like these help to create
a tension. These phrases work with the reveal of the project itself the same gmail, only
bluer. In using the phrase moonshot thinking, and the description of the intimate, ... Show
more content on ...
The use of these descriptions imply that the project is amazing. Gmail Blue is fancy, it
s mind blowing, it s nothing ever seen before, it s blue. The reveal falls short of the
viewer s expectations. The tension created by the viewers reasonable expectations and
the let down of the product helps guide the viewers thoughts in Google s ideal
direction. It does this by disappointing the viewer. Why would the viewer want
something exactly the same? The answer is simple: they wouldn t. However, this is
bigger than Gmail Blue. Gmail Blue is a representative of many examples of modern
technology; Apple, Android. With each new phone they design, there are few
changes. The screen s a bit bigger. They ve added a new app or two. They [recreated]
and [redesigned] something while keeping it exactly the same, just as they did with
Gmail Blue. By being a mirror image of these companies and disappointing the viewer s
expectations, Google is allowing the viewer to come to the realization that this
technology is exactly the same all on their own. The reason google chose to use
Mandatory Continuing Professional Development ( Cpd ) For...
Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for professional engineers in
Ontario has been an issue subject to controversy over the years. The controversy
surrounding the issue is due in part to the complications of introducing such a program,
and the fact that Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) is the only professional
engineeringassociation in Canada that does not have a CPD program [1]. The debate
regarding CPD for professional engineers in Ontario is pertinent because the resolution
has been ongoing since September of 2013, and is up for approval in the upcoming
February 2016 PEO council meeting [2]. Therefore, it is important that the CPD debate
is resolved and a consensus is reached. Mandatory CPD is a concept to which
professionals are required and encouraged to maintain and enhance their knowledge
throughout their careers to provide a standard of competence to those practicing [3]. The
goal of CPD is to be proactive in regulating the profession...rather than
(reactively)...punishing license holders for practice failures [1]. Introducing a CPD
program will ensure public safety, contribute to a reduction in risk for the public and
individual practitioner , and push the profession to higher levels of skills and knowledge
[1]. As a result, the professional engineers of Ontario should engage in mandatory CPD
to ensure the continued competency of those practicing and the safety of the public. The
proactive nature of a CPD program may prevent failures
African Art
In order to feel what the African descents in this art piece felt go to the desert in Africa
s ninety plus weather, walk barefoot everywhere you go, go to the forest to hunt for
food, wrap yourself around in a thin like linen cloth if you are a woman and wrap the
cloth at an angle around you if you are a man, drink water that is not so clean, expect
to get sick regularly because hospitals are few and if you go to the hospital you most
likely would not be able to afford it and lastly deal with the fact that Africa does not
have the technological advancements that us Americans have today. In life, we tend to
take things for granted especially living in a country where you have everything
compared to let us say a third world country. The purpose... Show more content on ...
I chose this piece because looking at my fellow Black people having to carry their
groceries on top of their heads and walking with their work materials everywhere they
go it sort of broke me down to think that this is what they had to go through before a
lot of the technological advancements were created such as trucks or even something
simple as socks and shoes. On top of that, I felt connected in a way to this piece
because of just one word alone struggle. Throughout my life, I never had an easy
pathway or someone to tell me that I should learn to crawl before I walk. From
financial hardships to a single parent household, emotional distress, and the lack of a
support system. Struggles are a part of the journey that is life, some people might be
prepared to face challenges while others may not, but it is the person that is inside you
that will dictate how you overcome those trials and
Quotes From The Fire Inside Substance Abuse
The Fire Inside Silver bullet in the wild blue Crack in the walls I m coming through
Think you can stop me, well, take a look in these eyes You can t cage what you can t
tame There ain t no rules, this ain t a game There s no way to stop the fire inside, yeah
You can escape a pouring rain You can run for shelter in a hurricane Change your face,
lose your name Lie about things you can t explain But there s one thing that you
cannot deny The fire inside, the fire inside You can run from what s in your blood and
you can t hide From the fire inside, the fire inside Tonight I ll run, I need no sleep
When it feels this good you re in too deep In blood, I m gonna write my name, cover my
tracks I feel no shame Just let em try and stop the fire
Clare Boothe Luce s Speech
American journalist Clare Boothe Luce writes a speech to the Women s National Press
Club about how the press sacrifices sensationalist stories. Luce s introduction talks about
how the American press is wrong and how she tries to address the problem. She starts
off by tells the other journalist how she is happy, but the audience makes her unhappy
and challenged. This shows her hard work in writing and how the press lacks in writing
true stories.
In the beginning of the speech, she addresses to the audience that she will tell the
American press about the truth. Luce criticizes how the media write false stories and get
full credit for it. She states that I stand here at this rostrum invited to throw rocks at
you. You have asked me to tell you what s wrong with you American press (5 7). She
wants her audience to have some background information about what they write. By
using ethos and logos, her audience is going to take the feedback because Luce knows
her audience. Her audience sees how she uses logical and ethical appeal to state her
claim to the journalist in the room. These devices show that the journalist is being told
what they do wrong and how they should try to fix it. She tries to weaker her audience
and points out how they sacrifice and criticize sensationalist stories. When she wrote this
speech, the time period was 1960 which means she wanted to address the problem sooner
than later. When the audience sees and hears this it makes them ... Show more content on ...
She states many of her opinions on how the press should stop telling and spreading false
events and ideas in the newspaper. When given the chance she tells her audience
journalist about how the American press about her feels and how she feels challenged by
them. Overall, the beginning of her speech tells the audience how she is going to state
information and how they should listen to
How Does Santiago Believe In The Alchemist
Believe In Miracles Steve Jobs once said, Follow your heart and intuition, they
somehow already know what you truly want to become. Steve Jobs is the co founder of
Apple and an amazing public speaker. Santiago learns this throughout the book. In the
novel, The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, Santiago learns, Remember where your heart
is, there you will find your treasure. First, the crystal merchant explains to Santiago
about his dream of going to Mecca. Later, the Alchemist tells Santiago how to follow
his heart. Finally, the leader of the robbers scolds Santiago for crossing a desert for a
treasure right in front of him. First, the crystal merchant explains to Santiago about his
dream of going to Mecca. When Santiago asks if the crystal merchant
Twirling Essay
Twirling has always been an important part of my life, so I was devastated when I
failed to make the Senior High School Majorette Squad my freshman year. For a brief
second I was ready to give up, but my love for the sport would not allow me to
surrender. I began practicing every day hoping to improve my skills. Just when I
began to show some progress, I suffered a traumatic brain injury and was forced to put
my goal of making the squad on hold. The extent of my injury was severe. After weeks
of no improvement, I was forced to start my school s homebound program and begin
intensive physical and vestibular therapy. It took several months before I began to feel
better, and eventhough tryouts were just weeks away, I was determined not to allow my
previous failure and my current injury get in the way of my ultimate goal of becoming a
high schoolmajorette. In order to get my body and brain ready for the challenge, I
immediately began to incorporate spinning and twirling into my rigorous exercising
programs. I can proudly say with private lessons from my majorette coach and endless
hours of practice I not only made the squad my sophomoreyear but I was awarded captain
my... Show more content on ...
As captain, I work alongside the coach to help run the practices and teach routines to
the rest of the squad. Over the summer, I also organized two fundraising activities
including a Sweet Frog Day and a tag day at our local Giant Eagle to help fray the cost
of our anual spring band trip. In addition, I also plan to have a majorette clinic this fall
for elementary students who have an interest in twirling. I believe I am a good leader
because I am honest, dependable, approachable, motivated and always willing to provide
extra assistance and
Analysis Of Homer s The King Of The Great Land
A murderer. A liar. A philander. A Narcissist. Is this the kind of man children should
model after as their hero? The Ancient Greek poem The Odyssey by Greek poet
Homer, tells the story of great Odysseus, the king of Ithaca who was sent off to fight in
war for ten years, and his long journey home. After the war, Odysseusshowed that he was
not the leader and king that his crew had thought. For instance, Odysseus showed
many more remarkable character flaws, such as continual disrespect to the Gods and
men, his very self centered way of life, and his many crimes committed during the
entirety of the story. This protagonist of our epic story and the king of the great land of
Ithaca, is by no means a hero in the modern definition of the word. To elaborate, Homer
describes the life of Telemachus before he focuses in on Odysseus. Before introducing
Odysseus, Homer shows the life of a prince who was brought up to be a leader and to
rule a kingdom. In fact, the story starts out with young Telemachus restraining himself
from doing the very things in which his father finds no shame. Daydreaming so as he sat
among the suitors, he glimpsed Athena now and straight to the porch he went, mortified
that a guest might still be standing at the doors (Homer 1.138). To clarify, Telemachus
represents the positive and virtuous family he was brought up under by demonstrating his
respect for the Ancient Greeklaws of hospitality. In addition, Telemachus does not openly
disrespect the suitors or
Escaping From Entrapment
From the darkness of entrapment, Jackie starts off in the darkness and soon finds a
guide into the light. On page (179) the narrator says a little light entered the box.
Jackie is at his worse in a very dark spot and is trapped within his own hatred towards
his family and the hatred they shown him. Jackie soon lets go of all his past thoughts
of what people have taught him about religious things when he loses his grip on the
ledge and falls into the church thus starting building a stairway for Jackie to climb out
of his trap, with help from a peer. As Jackie is at his worst the priestsheds a little light his
way when the priest says How dare you hit a child like that, you little vixen. (180)
Jackie is finally given some help in fending... Show more content on ...
Escaping from his entrapment, Jackie believes in himself with confidence and starts to
see and hear the world around him. Jackie thinks to himself, .... barring the one bad
business of my grandmother it didn t seem so bad (180). Jackie has almost fully escaped
from his own entrapment by accepting and realizing that his sins towards his
grandmother aren t so bad. Jackie then reaches his enlightenment when he steps outside
the church and waves of sunlight come down upon him (182). There was brutal detail
that showed us Jackie s fear of confession by comparing it to walking into hell, and now
that he is free of sins and has a new friend he has the ability to hear and see the world
around him. He finally realizes that the world around him isn t so bad. We know that
Jackie s world isn t so bad but it is far from paradise. We know this because on page (182)
it says I heard the screech of trams on the road and my heart soared. Jackie is glad his
world isn t perfect but he can now realize how great the world around him is and he
embraces it. Jackie being able to see the world also shows us how this confession has
changed Nora. Jackie also has his fourth and final examine of conscience to finally
clear his mind of everything bad because of all his confessed sins brought up by Nora.
And he only gave you three Hail Marys (182)? Nora realizes that even though Jackie
has committed very bad sins; the priest realized that he was truly sorry for his sins
A Byzantine Fault
Faults occur in every system which may halt the systems functionality. A fault that
presents different symptoms to different observers is called a Byzantine fault. These
Byzantine faults form the reason for the loss of a system service and are called
Byzantine failures. A Byzantine failure may occur due to arbitrary problems like
corruption in their local state, production of incorrect outputs or by processing requests
incorrectly instead of the general situations like crashing or stopping. The ability of a
system to defend itself from Byzantine failures is called Byzantine fault tolerance which
is a sub field of fault tolerance.
A reliable computer system is a system that overcomes failures, one such failure is the
Byzantine Generals problem. This problem is rare and generally overlooked by the
people who are unfamiliar with the problem. It brings down the entire network if not
tackled properly. This problem is most common in distributed dependable network. This
paper aims at explaining the Byzantine Generals problem and providing a possible
solution to that problem.
My motivation to write this topic comes from the wide usage of distributed systems in
various fields like particle physics, bioinformatics, weather, climate, visualization and
graphics, economics and finance etc., and the need to protect such systems. Failure of
distributed systems leads to huge loss of resources, time and money. Thus protecting
from these kinds of failure is a challenging task
The Influence of Jerry Garcia on American History
The Influence of Jerry Garcia on American History The vocalist and guitarist of the
Grateful Dead, Jerry Garcia was one of the most influential musicians of the twentieth
century, impacting both the musical and cultural realms. Jerry Garcia was fated to
become one of America s most influential people ever since he was born into Jose
Garcia s household. During his childhood, Jerry Garcialived in an environment that fueled
his musical development and experienced many events that pushed him closer changing
the path of American music and culture. Jerry Garcia was a member of the American
1960 s counterculture and really embodied the ideals and goals of the group as a whole.
Thanks to the influence of his adolescent development and his... Show more content on ...
Jerry was not only interested in musical arts but he also drew and painted often and
enrolled in the San Francisco Art Institute to study and practice the visual arts. For his
fifteenth birthday, Jerry Garcia received an electric guitar, his favorite instrument so
far; by this time, Jerry was already playing the banjo and the piano. Soon after, Jerry
joined his first band, the Chords, solidifying his destiny as a musician. Jerry Garcia s
most obvious influences deal with music and the modern pop music band s role. He has
changed the way music is produced, the way music relates to its listeners, and how the
band interacts with its fans. Jerry Garcia was the renaissance man of the 1960 s singing,
writing, and playing many instruments including the acoustic, bass, and electric guitars,
the banjo, and the piano, which was a revolutionary idea for the time. He and the
Grateful Dead worked to successfully enable the elimination of a record company in the
music world. Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead all worked together blending different
musical genres to create new styles of music that will continue into modern day. Jerry
Garcia is largely responsible for the revolution in the identity of the music artist, for the
increase in popularity of the live album, for the divergence of many musicians from
record companies, and for the changes in bands touring style and interaction with their
The anecdotes A Good Man is Hard to Find and The
The anecdotes A Good Man is Hard to Find and The Comforts of Home will be examined
with respect to color

Flannery O Conner Color Connotations

The anecdotes A Good Man is Hard to Find and The Comforts of Home will be
examined with respect to color connotation and imagery. This essay will discuss how
colors affect the reader s abstract senses and emotions. Colors are also used to suggest
the nature of the piece and characters within. Various cultures perceive colors differently
which could change a reader s perspective.

A Good Man is Hard to Find is told from the grandmother s point of view. The first
significant color is describing her son s wife. ... a young woman is slacks, whose face
was as broad and innocent as a ... Show more content on ...
When the Misfit took Bailey and John Wesley into the woods, she continues conversing
with the Misfit showing her coldness.
Her conservatism is validated by her attitude towards the children, the Negro child and
her conviction in the good ol days .

Color is used not only to portray characters and their perception but is also used to
depict scenery which establishes the ambiance. They turned onto the dirty road... along
in a swirl of pink dust. This imagery is very mystic and reminiscent of the stars and
beyond; the unknown. All at once they would be on a hill, looking down over the blue
tops of trees for miles around, [and] then the next minute, they would be in a red
depression with the dust coated trees looking down on them. Throughout this paragraph,
the reader is cycling between heaven and hell. While at the top of the hill, blue depicts
heaven, tranquility, and calmness. As they descend, the use of red represents depression,
fire, hell, and violence. This is the moment when the antagonists are en medias res. The
characters are moving from naГЇvetГ© to danger.

The Comforts of Home s protagonist is Thomas who lives with his mother at thirty five.
Colors are rarely mentioned until immediately before the murder of Star Drake,
formally Sarah Ham. The color pink is mentioned twice. The first reference in on page
384: Her face greasy
Anatomical Theory Of Disease Essay
In this paper I am going to discuss the differences between the Humoral concept of
disease, the anatomical theory of disease, the germ theory of disease and the differences
between each theory. I am also going to look at the historical significance of these
theories and how they apply to health and wellness in today s health care. The humoral
theory comes from an ancient Greek theory that states that the human body is composed
of four basic humors. The Humoral theory is derived from the word humor, but in this
context, means fluid . The Humoral theory is related to the theory of the earth and the
four elements. These elements are better known as earth, fire, water and air. The balance
in these earthly elements allows the earth... Show more content on ...
The fundamental concept of this theory states that microorganisms can invade the
body and cause certain diseases or even death. Before this theory was accepted many
people believed that a disease was a punishment for a person s evil behavior not a
medical problem. These three theories differ because they all covered different
barriers when it came to treating and understanding diseases. The Humoral theory
began with the four elements and the anatomical theory allowed us to take a deeper
look into the functioning of the bodies systems. This helped us to learn what was
happening in the body, in the body systems and in the organs. Without these two
studies we would not have come to the Germ Theory. Even though each theory is
different in concept each theory was important and we would not have been able to
progress along to the next theory. If we would not have had the germ theory we would
not have discovered the need for vaccines or discovered antiseptics. These theories
also allowed physicians to learn to look at diseases on a micro (small scale) instead of
just a macro scale or big picture. I feel that these theories have led to significant changes
in health care over the years. These theories have allowed scientist to discover not only
how to cure some disease but also how to prevent diseases from spreading. Scientists
were able to develop vaccines, antiseptics, create personal protective equipment and
enabled the public
Industrial Revolution And The Industrial Age
The Industrial Revolution affected all aspects of American life, and it provoked more
changes than just those in the factories. How one experienced the Industrial
Revolution depended on where one lived. By 1900, more than a third of America s
people lived in cities, and city populations were growing twice as fast as the population
as a whole. Between 1870 and 1920, the number of Americans living in cities increased
fivefold, from 10 million to 54 million. Most of the massive industries of the Industrial
Age emerged in the North. Because the work was there, these cities ballooned into
metropolises. And as the cities of the North grew, economic disparities between the
wealthy and the poor became more pronounced; the corporations of the Industrial Age
generated enormous fortunes for a handful of people, leaving most industrial laborers
living in poverty. Most of the people living in these growing cities were workers
working in the new factories of the Industrial Age. The manufacturers sometimes
provided company housing close to the factories so that the entire work force could
walk to work. The independent builders sought quick profits and got away with
throwing up inferior houses because they had no building codes. Those developers also
carved up previously built single family homes into multiple unit dwellings called
tenements, which often had thin walls and frequently lacked windows as well. These
kinds of close quarters led to communal childcare networks, and they also
Understanding Early Childhood Educational Programs
Understanding Early Childhood Educational Programs: Young Children Education and
development plays an important role in young children s lives and children that
participate in an early educational program set the foundation to achieve more success
for post secondary education; therefore by enforcing an early learning foundation will
better enrich children s lives. Understanding: Montessori Methodology In the
Montessori methodology, all curriculum areas arranged into five areas: practical life,
sensorial, language, math, and cultural. Each activity is carefully sequenced that is has
a methodical, engaging logic the purpose is to help children develop problem solving
skills in real practical ways, (Johnson, 2006). While engaged in discovering autonomy
children displayed a joyous and happy nature when taking the initiative to explore new
things. In the practical life setting is the heartbeat, so to speak of the Montessori,
(Johnson, 2006), because respecting a child s desire to exercise independency, and build
s the child s confidence elevates pride in themselves. Understanding: HighScope
Approach The HighScope approach teaches children how to use words to express
emotions. Children learn that words have meaning (HighScope Preschool, 2014), and
have as much impact as touching. As the teacher acknowledges the child is frustrated, but
remains calm and sensitive to the child. The child learns to self regulate their behavior,
even if the anger is warranted, but how
Ap Psychology Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Bending: Bending (also known as flexure) characterizes the behavior of a slender
structural element subjected to an external load applied perpendicularly to a longitudinal
axis of the element.
Bending stress: Bending stresses are those that bend the beam because of beam self load
and external load acting on it.
Beam is a structural member which is subjected to transverse load only.
Support and its types
Support is important aspect of structure while solving any any problem , support specify
that how the forces within structure is transffered to the ground. It ultimetly tells us the
boundary conditions while solving any finite element model.various supports are Fixed
support A fixed support is the most rigid support. It constrains ... Show more content on ...
Beam and max deflection of beams:
Beam typeLoading on beamMaximum deflection on beam
Cantilever Beam with load P at the free end пЃ¤_max= (P l^3)/3EI

Cantilever Beam with UDLпЃ¤_max= (w l^4)/(8 EI)

Simply Supported beam with load P at the centreпЃ¤_max= (P l^3)/(48 EI)

Simply Supported beam with UDL пЃ¤_max= (5w l^4)/(384 EI)

Types of load two types of loads are given below Workshop 6 beam with all cases
Pure bending is a condition of stress where a bending moment is applied to a beam
without the presence of axial, shear or torsional forces.

Theory of simple bending(Assumptions) Material of beam is homogenous and Isotropic,

Constant E in all direction Youngs Modulus will be constant in compression and tension.
Transverse sections which are plain before bending remains plain after bending i.e
eliminate strains in other directions. Initially beam is straight and all longitudinal
filaments bend in circular arcs. Radius of curvature is larger compared with the
Dimension of the cross section. Each layer of the beam is free to expand or contract
otherwise they will generate internal
Trainspotting Friendship Quotes
Irvine Welsh s novel Trainspotting centres on Mark Renton and his group of friends,
who are drug addicts living in 1980s Scotland, and follows their misadventures as their
lives begin to deteriorate. While the detrimental effects of heroin and other drugs are
clearly displayed, the negative effects of their unhealthy friendships are less obvious but
equally toxic. Friendship in Trainspottingis a destructive force because it is corrupted by
selfishness; it becomes an addiction which mirrors that of drug abuse. For the characters
of Trainspotting, the positive aspects of their friendships have been lost and replaced by
drug use. Renton, Sick Boy, Spud, and Begbie have been friends a long time, having
gone to school together. They once liked,... Show more content on ...
This is first seen in Stevie, a friend of Renton s group who has moved away to London,
where he has quit drugs and begun a new life with his girlfriend. Having minimal
contact with his former friends, Stevie has established a better life, free of their
destructive influence, which allows him to maintain a job and stable relationships.
When celebrating New Years with Renton s group, Stevie reflects It was as if by
singing loudly enough, they would weld themselves into a powerful brotherhood ... It
was fighting music. Stevie didn t want to fight anyone. (Welsh, 60) This group has
created a brotherhood with an influence as powerful as addiction, and Stevie must
eschew it in order to live a happy and healthy life. Likewise, Renton is most successful
when he is separated from his friends; he stays clean and gets a job while in London
but returns to drug abuse and deviance when he returns to his friends in Leith. Renton
realizes his friends are creating barriers in his life, and must completely break away
from the group to rid himself of his addiction to drugs and to his friends. Renton s final
betrayal, in which he steals the group s drug money and flees to Amsterdam, is an
escape from their harmful influence; Now, free of them all, for good, he could be what
he wanted to be.
Reaction Paper On Kratom
Kratom may be a jack of all trades. It s nice for pain relief and energy and contains a
soothing and reposeful influence over the body once taken within the correct dose. It is
additionally an excellent reliever for depression. Sadly, one in ten Americans the age of
twelve and over take prescription anti depressants. Depression may be a quite common
identification and symptom in America and most prescription anti depressants will cause
even worse side effects; generally suicide. This may be a SAFE answer to the matter.
How? The natural alkaloids found within the Kratom leaf work to alleviate symptoms of
depression. a typical symptom of depression is fatigue; this is often owing to lack of
motivation and chemical imbalance ... Show more content on ...
Depending on your distinctive symptoms, strive the strain that best describes how you d
wish to feel.
Red Kratom: Named after the colour of the veins running through the particular plant
leaves, red kratom is sought after because it has the most soothing selection. Red
kratom can be a given a try if you re having a problem focusing. You ll be able to
experience a chilled, sedative like impact, which might ease the high energy stress of
frenzied fear and nervousness.
White Kratom: If your depression has you feeling slow, and lacking enthusiasm, try
white kratom. This selection will produce a natural blast of all day energy to assist you
make the most of a work day, and shake off any negativity. White kratom like this White
Veined Borneo powder conjointly delivers a joyful, elated feeling, providing you with a
strong emotional elevate once you would like
Causes of Stress Essay
Causes of Stress


So, what causes the stress that can be so bad for you?

Some people may have a nervous system that goes into a stress reaction more readily
than others. This could be due to individual differences in genetics and brain chemistry.

To try to understand stress better, we need to consider the psychological factors involved
emotional and cognitive (thinking) factors.

Research has suggested that major stressors in our lives are life changes, for example,
moving house, marriage or relationship breakdown. Work related factors, including
unemployment and boredom, are also common causes of stress. Differences in
personality may also play a part.

A ... Show more content on ...

Other research in the 1990 s showed a correlation between high levels of negative life
events with increased vulnerability to colds.

The trouble with this social readjustment rating scale is that it does not account for the
fact that some people will find the same sort of event less stressful than others for
example, divorce could be perceived as a relief or a disaster. We cannot give reliable
predictions about risks of stress related illness based on this scale.

Lazarus and colleagues in the 1980s came up with a different stress measurement scale
called the hassles and uplifts scale . They claimed that, rather than major life changes, it
is day to day hassles or small uplifts that determine our overall levels of stress.

It has been found that found that high scores on hassles for example, being stuck in
traffic or minor arguments with partner correlated with symptoms of anxiety disorders
and depression.

Personality and stress

In the 1970s, Friedman and Rosenman carried out a nine year study of 1000 people to
try to find out if personality type affected stress levels. They came up with the idea of the
Type A personality illustrated below:

The typical type A person is competitive, time conscious, workaholic and easily
frustrated with others. Researchers have suggested that this sort of person would be
likely to
The Roar Of Our Stars By Alice X
In the art work, The Roar of Our Stars by Alice X. Zhang, there are numerous details
that are present. In this piece there is a sky that starts off as dark blue and red towards
the bottom, but as it gets to the top it transitions to a less dark blue, and then to a light
blue with a touch of a light redon the left side. Across the sky there are what seems to be
hundreds of whitepoints with yellow tints that start off distinct and small towards the
bottom, while growing in size and have a faded look as they go up the image. These
points that represent stars each have red, white, orange, and blueglares that run up and
down vertically. These stars create a cluster towards the top left corner that creates a
slightly blurred white light. Centered on the bottom half of the page, there is a person in
a light brown tweed jacket, a white button up collared shirt with thin strips, and a red
bowtie. This brown haired man is staring up, smiling with his mouth ajar, towards the
main cluster of stars that are creating the light shinning down on him with his hands
slightly raised at chest level.

In The Roar of Our Stars, there are many different visual elements that are present. The
colors of this image are one of the main elements that gives this piece of work its
distinct look. The colors that are located in this image are polychromatic and consist of:
black, blue, red, orange, yellow, green, brown, white, and a peach like flesh tone. The
blues, reds, oranges, and whites mainly are
Hackers And Their Motivation Behind Hacking
The purpose of this paper is to touch on the issue of Hacking. It will go into detail about
the history, evolution, future and prevention of Hacking. In addition, this paper will
discuss different types of hackers and their motivation behind hacking. This paper
examines the major impact caused by malicious hackers and give modern examples of
such attacks. To conclude, it will predict how hacking will be in the near future and give
the precautionary measures Information Security professionals can take to mitigate the
risk of being victimized.

What is Hacking?
In the early days of computing, a hacker was primarily referred to as a computer guru,
someone who is extremely technical with a high expertise in computer also known as
Expert Programmers . Nevertheless, as technology is advancing at a face pace, hacking
has adopted a completely different definition. The modern definition is someone who
access a computer system primarily to steal or destroy information. Hacking has caused
major harm in the realm of technology. Over the years, hackers have become much more
lethal in their craft. They manage to break into complex information systems from
entities such as banks, government agencies, and private businesses. Furthermore, they
often manipulate their victims through social engineering in order to obtain financial
benefits. Hackers hold different label such as: black hat hacker and white hat hacker in
which all have their own motives.

History of
Gmo Education By Jeffrey Smith
In recent years a controversy has broken out over genetically modified organisms. The
concept of genetically modified (GM) crops is isolating the DNA of plants and taking
the best traits of both plants and fusing them together to create a bigger, longer lasting,
more efficient crop and increase land productivity. Some people believe them to be
dangerous and others believe they are harmless and even beneficial. I also met a
friend a few years back who is allergic to GMO. I decided to do my research paper on
the topic of GMOs, whether or not they are harmful, and the different viewpoints
people have concerning them. I chose to evaluate the Institute of Responsible
Technologies article titled GMO Education written by Jeffrey Smith for my source
critique, and assess how educational the source is on this topic. This article starts with
a description of GMOs and explains that the two main traits that have been added to
plants since GMOs have been introduced are herbicide tolerance and the ability of
plants to produce their own pesticide. It states that ninety four percent of soy, ninety
percent of cotton and canola, ninety five percent of sugar beets, eighty eight percent of
corn, and more than fifty percent of Hawaiian papaya that are commercialized in the
U.S. are genetically modified. This accounts for over twenty four thousand acres of
farmland. There are also GM products that are derived from these crops that may not be
obvious including oils, soy protein,
Statement Of Motivation Statement For Motivation In...
Okunlola Opeyemi TaiwoScuola di Alta Formazione al Management
Piazza Cavour, 5. 10123,Via Pietro Giannone 10, 10121, Torino

13 03 2017

I am applying for admission to the Ph.D. program in Management of Technology because

I want to develop a career in the research and teaching of economics, management and
the commercialization of innovation. I am primarily interested in factors that affect the
competitive performance of disruptive innovative discoveries, product development,
supply chains, how advancements of technology affect already established institutions
and the roles start ups play, the dynamics of innovation and long term business strategies.
To truly be successful at my intended career path, I believe it is essential to have a strong
knowledge of economics, management and innovation management as well as gain
knowledge in research methods and supply chain management.
The Ph.D. program in Management of Technology would be extremely useful to me,
helping me to achieve my career objectives. I believe it would aid ... Show more content
on ...
After my first degree, I decided to pursue a Master s degree in Italy at the prestigious
Politecnico di Torino. Whilst studying at the Politecnico, I became exposed to the
ideology of technology management. My already developed interest in business
practices, coupled with an engineering background and research skills make my choice
to follow a career path in Management of Technology ideal. I attended several week long
intensive trainings on the Dynamics of Innovation, Design Processes, and The Role of
Actors in Decision Making. These courses provided me with knowledge of patterns of
innovation diffusion, product development and factors that affect decision making in an
organisation. I also improved my knowledge of finance by following a class with Khan
Academy on stocks, bonds, investments and corporate finance. I further developed
proficiency in
Lowell Girls Case Study Answers
Lowell Girls

Lowell Girls Background Information

In 1821, the Boston Manufacturing Company under Francis Cabot Lowell built a textile
factory in Waltham, Massachusetts . The next step to achieve economic success was to
establish a workforce. The workers at the manufacturing center could not be children,
but did not need to be strong to use the machinery, yet had to be smart to completely
understand the method to effectively create products with the mechanisms. The solution
for Lowell s ideal personnel was to hire young unmarried women to work in the mills.
These women were recruited from 10 years old to middle age throughout rural New
England and were called Lowell Mill Girls. In order to employ a ... Show more content on ...
Employment in the factories allowed the women to gain a sense of freedom, as they
were free from parental authority, had time to attain information for a better education,
and able to earn money. This freedom was viewed as a threat to the societal norm in the
United States. Women were typically restricted in society, making the actions of the Mill
Girls extremely meaningful. Other people perceived the factory system as a form of
slavery and helped fight against long hours and working conditions faced by the women.
Textile mills that were run by the Lowell Girls were key to saving America during
economic crisis when there were not any other methods to manufacture products. The
women s impact on the economy was indisputable when they went on strike to demand
better working conditions. The textile industry came to a complete stop, pressuring
factory owners to grant the Mill Girls requests. The amount of change over time in
society concerning the treatment of women was evident after the Lowell movement. The
women that challenged companies for labor reforms were the same women that were not
independent and could not vote in society. These girls were able to voice their concerns
and opinions through newspapers, strikes, and the Factory Girls
Human Services During Contemporary America
Picture This: coming home to place where there aren t any lights, water and probably
no meal for the day. According to Human Services in Contemporary America poverty is
the main reason why many babies don t make it to see adulthood and why clean water
and sanitation are not provided. It is the underlying cause of reduced life expectancy, and
disability. Povertyis a major contributor to malnutrition, stress, divorces of a family and
abuse (Schmolling).
Many are at a disadvantage depending on where, how, and to whom they are born. In
Cambodia, the babies that are born are more than likely to belong to a family that
scavenges the streets to find items to sell just to survive. Meanwhile, in Sierra Leone, the
chances that the child will make ... Show more content on ...
No one would want their child to grow up in poverty. Unfortunately, some
circumstances such as ones place of birth cannot be avoided. There once was time
when small towns represented the heart and soul of America. The residents of old
fashioned little communities prospered while living safely away from busy streets,
violent crimes, and overcrowded schools. The belief of rural life painted a picture of
picket fences and developed homes. Unfortunately, today living in small towns in
America has changed a lot when it comes to poverty. There are many cities across the
United States that are struggling to stay alive.
The United States is one of the wealthiest nations in the world. Despite the high levels
of affluence there are still millions of Americans that do not share this wealth. The
deprivation of the basic necessities affects the quality of people s lives. Unemployment
comes in several forms and affects millions of people at any given time. People often
find themselves out of a job because of the economy. Sometimes people have a job but
the job that they are working is no longer thriving like they once was before.
When the recent level of high unemployment rate occurred there was a dramatic increase
in the poverty rate. While the unemployment rate increased through 2009, the poverty
rate in the United States continued to increase through 2010 (Schmolling). If one is
lucky they are transferred from one job to another by they may be accustomed
Comparing Mencius And Xunzi On Human Nature
A lot of philosophers, especially Mencius and Xunzi, discussed human nature with
various views on moral aspect of human nature, which can be defined as the methods of
thinking acting, feeling and thinking that humans tend to have naturally, in the past few
millenniums. Mencius argued that human nature is basically good but Xunzi thought
that human natureis basically evil. As the reasoning behind the arguments of Xunzi is
more convincing and logical than that of Mencius, the interpretation of the approach of
Xunzi is better than that of Mencius. This essay will discuss the approaches of Mencius
and Xunzi on human nature by analyzing and comparing both in terms of their strengths
and weakness.

The main argument of Mencius is that human nature is good and virtue is innate ... Show
more content on ...
First, the examples that Mencius used to explain his arguments are problematic. He
used an example of downward flow of water1 to describe the basic goodness of human
nature (Mengzi Norden, 2008), but this example is contradicted with another example
of changing the water flow2 that was used to illustrate that external force is the source
of badness which violates their basic nature. Water can move downward because of
the external force such as wind, shape of land, gravitation etc., therefore if we adopted
the approach of Mencius, downward flow of water would be like the effect of badness
on human nature and basic goodness of human nature. This shows the contradiction
between the examples provided by Mencius. Moreover, using downward flow of water
as an analogy of basic goodness of human nature is problematic since Mencius did not
explain the similarities between the direction of human nature and the direction of water
in his argument. This makes his approach be less convincing. Second, Mencius ignored
the effort of people on self cultivation and being educated. He used an example3 of that
people would have momentary feeling of genuine
What Is The Mood Of The Speaker Of Funeral Blues
The Speaker of Funeral Blues The poem creates a sense of a dull tone. It speaks of an
individual who has passed. Readers can understand this poem as a lament. Figurative
language, and literary devices is used to set the poem. The speaker of the poem tells
readers through the use of hyperboles how close he was with his deceased significant
other. The narrator wants to let people know how he is dealing with the deathof a loved
one. He creates a persona of a very grief stricken man dealing with a death. At first, it
seemed like the speakeris creating a mocking tone. The first and second stanzas comes
off as mocking the funeral. For example, in the second stanza, Let aeroplanes circle
moaning overhead/ Scribbling on the sky the message. He
My Orthopedic Journey
September 6, 2016 was the day that I was dreading for what felt like forever. It was the
day that would start my six month journey to recovery. It was the date of my spinal
fusion surgery.

At my 2013 sports physical my doctor told me something that would leave my mind
and be forgotten about till 3 years later. She told me to bend over so she could look at
my back. She told me I had minor scoliosis. I was scared. I sat still and just stared at her.
I didn t exactly know what that was at the time. I asked her what scoliosis was. She
said that I had a slight curve in my spine, but she told me I would more than likely grow
out of it. Well I can tell you she was definitely wrong.

I went to another physical in 2016. I noticed for awhile ... Show more content on ...
Spoiler alert, the surgery went great (and I survived). I honestly want to worried
because Dr. Weinstein reassured me that the success rate when he does this surgery is
a 99%. He also told me that he would be doing the surgery so he would take good care
of me and everything would be ok. It didn t really hit me that I was going in for surgery
until I was being rolled in the hospital bed back into the operation room. When I got into
the surgery room the surgeon made me recite my full name and birthdate. Then the last
thing I remember from before the surgery was the anesthesiologist putting the mask on
me and telling me to breath in
Onomatopoeia Essay example

Because of its special status symbolizing sound, onomatopoeia has the distinction of
being the only aspect of English where there is an intrinsic connection between the
language and the real world . It is well known that the connection between words and
their referents is arbitrary; house is no more appropriate than mansion (French) or casa
(Spanish). Onomatopoeic words, however, may have a physical connection with their
referents; the sound of wind is created by air moving through a restricted passage and
this description is equally valid for the fricative consonants which may be used to
represent the wind in a poetic context:

I lay in an agony of imagination as the wind ... Show more content on ...
The onomatopoeic words, then, form one strand in a complex interweaving of lexical,
grammatical and phonological effects.

More unusual uses of conventional onomatopoeia include those where the suggestion of
sounds is unexpected:

The woman in the block of ivory soap

has massive thighs that neigh,

great breasts that blare and strong arms that trumpet.

This extract from The Woman in the Ordinary by Marge Piercy uses onomatopoeic
words to suggest a figurative connection between parts of the woman s body and certain
sounds. The overall effect of there lines is one of enormous strength; her thighs are like
great horses, her breasts, perhaps, have the power of high amplitude loudspeakers.

Often the choice of a single onomatopoeic word has an extraordinary power to evoke
the sound it conveys. This is true of one of the many effective words in Dulce et
Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen:

If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood

Come gargling from the forth corrupted lungs, ...

The production of a velar plosive, /g/, sound involves a constriction of the throat similar
to the action of gargling and its repetition in the word (possibly three times for some
accents of English) reflects the repetitive nature of the
The True Meaning Of Lizabeth s Story
In the beginning Lizabeth ostensibly acted childish, immature, and was unaware of the
world outside her neighborhood. During the story, she realized that the world isn t as
kind as forgiving as she might have thought. She states I gazed upon a kind of reality
that is hidden to childhood, informing us that she was innocent before a certain event
occurred. At the end, she is mature, understanding, and forgiving woman. She changed
because she because she realized that she needed to grow up. Her thoughts were simple.
Why on earth would Miss Lottie keep such good care of these marigolds, when the rest
of the world was dusty and run down? She felt confused, sad, and angry. Lizabeth was
eventually so angry, that she went out, early in the morning,
Speech On Hair Care
Beauty Personal Care
Hair Care
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lot of care and attention. But with the help of Hair care and hair styling products, it s
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your hair so its natural shine, volume, and natural texture are preserved.

From shampoos, conditioners, hair color products, hair oil, hair treatment products, to
hair extensions, curlers, styling gels, hair brushes, and hair accessories, all your hair care
and hair styling needs are met here

Take pleasure in looking your best at all times. Check out the latest hair care and hair
styling products today!!!

( Footer)
Every one of us wants beautiful, long, shiny, strong hair. ... Show more content on ...
Unavoidable. Going to the salon frequently can be very expensive. An idle option is to
get the best and salon like hair treatment at home. But when we go to buy, most of the
time the product is over priced, or out of stock, and we end up skipping store to store in
search of the merchandise.

But no more exerting time and energy unnecessarily, now you can take good care of
your hair with the professional hair care range. Get salon like effects at home. brings to you products from globally famous hair care brands
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Protect your precious beautiful hair from hair fall, dull hair, frizzy hair, rough and dry
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smooth hair in no
An Automated Video Surveillance System For Public Places
Although tremendous progress has been made in past decade to detect the unattended
objects especially in public places namely railway stations, shopping malls etc but still
fails to meet the desired requirement. An automated mechanism with robust approach for
detecting objects left unattended in consumer world resulted in successful
commercialization. The successful detection of objectdetection mainly relies on object
extraction and objects classification and based on this approaches a novel algorithm
namely intelligent vision based analyzer for semantic analysis is proposed for
unattended object analyzer. Finally experimental results show good efficiency and better
performance over near competitors for real time consumer video surveillance system for
public safety application in big cities.

Keywords: consumer video surveillance, intelligent analyzer, unattended object, multiple

background model, object extraction.
Visual surveillance for human behaviour understanding has been investigated worldwide
as an active research topic. In particular, an automated video surveillance system for
robustly and effectively detecting of unattended objects is increasing the worldwide
attention in many contexts, especially, in the consumer world of applications. In these
systems, it should be a sufficiently high accuracy enabling a real time performance.
Thus, a prime goal of automated visual surveillance is to obtain a live description of
what is happening in a monitored
My Goals And Steps For Yourself
Having learned that setting goals and steps for yourself is one of the best and most
efficient ways to reach your goals. A while ago, I decided to set my own academic,
career, and leadership goals. I came up with the best three steps that can be taken to
reach those goals. In addition, I analyzed my strengths that can best assess me get
those steps done. This helped boost my self esteem and motivated me to reach my
goals, because I proved to myself that I already have the strengths needed to take
specific steps that would get me closer to my goals. For my academic goal, I wanted to
earn a GPA of 3.80 or higher by the end of the semester. The three steps I took to
achieve this goal are important. First, I turned in all of my assignments and studied
well for any exams or quizzes. Second, I managed to study for at least 2 hours for
almost everyday of the week. This step not only helped me get step 1 done, but it also
increased my ability to learn more material. Third, I met with professors about once a
week for additional help over course material. Those steps were very successful at
helping me reach my academic goal. I was able to stay on track with all of my classes,
manage enough studying time to to prepare well for exams and get assignments done
on time. Outstandingly, my grades did go up and are still on the increase. After getting
great results, I will definitely keep doing the steps I have done over the past few weeks
to raise my grades even more. Although all three
Rhetorical Analysis Of Ffa Is Lame Af
A Rhetorical Analysis of FFA is Lame AF FFA members, why are we here? Any
current or past FFA member will immediately know what reply follows this question.
Their answer will go something like this: To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural
opportunities and responsibilities, and to develop those qualities of leadership which
an FFA member should possess. In the organization s Code of Ethics, eleven different
goals are outlined for members, setting a standard for their behavior, appearance, and
pursuits in life. In the blog post written by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals) Street Team member Emily Rohr, FFA is Lame AF, she uses these eleven
aspects of the FFA Code of Ethics to bring forth her highly critical view... Show more
content on ...
However, the FFA is not at fault for either of these issues, simply because correlation
does not imply causation. These fallacies place even more holes in her already tattered
argument. Yet, they only lead to more. In section 10 of the Code of Ethics, she states
that the agriculture industry takes advantage of poor and undocumented immigrant
workers. Not only does this also not correlate to the FFA, but laws are put in place by
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in all factories, farm, and
plants in order to protect all laborers, the same as any other sector of the American
workforce ( Meat Packing Industry ). Of course, the piece could not be ended any
differently. In the final Code of Ethics response, she makes note of a new study that
she found, originating from Lancaster University. The research, completed by
psychologist Dr. Jared Piazza and his team, was done in order to determine why
people consider it okay to eat meat (Lancaster University). However, in Rohr s words,
it was stated as this: A new study by an international team of researchers found that a
person s thoughts about equality among humans could be linked to whether or not he or
she eats animals, (p. 12). Rohr also stated that people who eat meat are also accepting of,
...everything from racism to homophobia, (p.12), ideals that were mentioned nowhere in
the research published by Piazza. Emily Rohr certainly saved her largest flaw for last,
presenting a very blatant case of correlation, not
Hooters Current Ethical Issue
Hooters Current Ethical Issue Over the years the national chain restaurant Hooters has
had lawsuits brought against them for discrimination based on gender. Currently, the
issue is weight discrimination. Not just one lawsuit, but two, and maybe three lawsuits
may be filed. The waitresses claim that they lost their jobs because they weighed too
much. They were put on a 30 day weight probation and offered gym memberships. The
ethical issue here is the fact the company practices such discrimination and justifies their
actions by claiming that the waitresses are entertainers. Not to mention, the waitress in
question weighed 13 pounds less than when she was hires in 2008. Unfortunately for
Hooters the Michigan Elliott Larsen Civil... Show more content on ...
These people are hired to accommodate a specific appearance (Neavling, 2010).
Organizational Leadership The Hooters franchise employees more than 17,000
Hooters Girls. The corporation also employs women in all other positions from
kitchen staff, all the way up to vice president of Training and Development. The
company boasts, Sex appeal is legal and it sells (About Hooters, 2008). It appears, at
least in this case which the store level managers did not maintain adequate
documentation of performance reviews or terminations. The corporation s Vice
President of Marketing (Mike McNeil) has been the voice of Hooters of America during
this issue. Claims that Hooters exploits attractive women are as ridiculous as saying the
NFL exploit men who are big and fast (About Hooters, 2008). There seems to be a major
contradiction between the waitresses and management in the vocabulary used during
meeting between the two. Multiple waitresses are claiming that management has placed
them on weight probation and that they have lost their jobs when they did not comply
appropriately with the guidelines of the probation. Management denies ever using this
term and simply states that the company will occasionally challenge employees about
their image (Engel, 2010.)
Over the years Hooters has had several lawsuits brought against them regarding weight
issues. The employees were fired because of weight
Essay On Titration Of Carbonate And Bicarbonate
Determine the total alkalinity of (=[HCO 3 +2[CO2 3]) by preforming a titration with
the use of HCl.
Determine the Bicarbonate content (HCO 3 + OH в†’ CO2 3 + H2O) by preforming a
titration with the use of NaOH to convert HCO3 to CO2 3.
Calculate the composition of carbonate and bicarbonate in the solution.
Acid base titrations are common laboratory practices that are used to determine the
concentration of either an acid or a base, by neutralizing the substance with a known
concentration of an acid or base. Crude sodium carbonate, also called soda ash, is
commonly used as a commercial neutralizing agent. In this experiment, we will determine
the composition of an unknown solid, knowing only that it contains sodium ... Show more
content on ...
Using this, the concentration of carbonate can be determined from the total alkalinity
(see Results).
Experimental Information
At the start of the experiment all the following glassware was cleaned with DI water,
and soap; then dried to remove traces of DI water that remained. The glassware used
was a 50mL buret, (3) 150 mL volumetric flask, a 25mL glass pipet, and a 250mL
volumetric flask. 2.5 grams of solid unknown was added to the 250mL volumetric flask
with the use of a funnel, and DI water was filled to the mark on the 250mL volumetric
flask, making sure to rinse the funnel, so the unknown residue presented on the funnel
can rinse down into the flask. After removing the funnel, we diluted to the mark with DI
water, and swirled the flask, until all of the powder was dissolved. This experiment
involved two different titrations. The first titration we observed was for total alkalinity
(=[HCO 3 +2[CO2 3]) which was measured by titrating the mixture with 0.1 M HCl to
a bromocresol green end point. After 2L of 0.1M HCl were prepared, and divided
among all groups. 25.00 mL aliquot of unknown solution was pipetted into a 150mL
volumetric flask, using bromocresol green as the indicator, to observe the color change
from a tinted light blue to a tinted light green, being the
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Trial
The Triangle Waist Factory Owner s TrialWe all know that the Triangle Waist Factory
fire was a terrible event, but that s not what I m here to talk to you about. I am here to
discuss the trial that followed this travesty. There were two men who worked together
that owned the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory: Max Blanck and Isaac Harris. After the
fire, that killed so many worker, it was brought to the public s attention that there were
many safety hazards in that now famous building, and that there were many more
buildings just like the Asch building. Some of these hazards were narrow hallways and
stairwells. The doors opened into the room, which caused problems during the fire as
girls pushed so close together and were pressing so hard against these doors, that it
took minutes (that they didn t have to lose) to open them. The fire hose wasn t even
connected to a water source! After the public and the families of the victims heard
about the poor conditions their loved ones worked in, they demanded justice. The jury
had reached their verdict on December 27, 1911. I want you to keep in mind that this
fire happened on March 25th of that year . But put that aside the two men were found
not guilty. Even though the jury was presented with evidence such as; the workers had
started to revolt prior to the tragedy and the two men had hired other woman to come
in and fight their employees to keep the revolt under wraps. Not to mention the can of
oil that blocked to 9th floor door, trapping many girls inside. Not long after the trial
were the two owners were sent away as innocent, they disappeared and thought it was
best to lay low... Show more content on ...
Flesh and Blood so Cheap: The Triangle Fire and Its Legacy. New York: Yearling, 2015.
Print. NEAR CLOSING TIME ON MARCH 25, 1911,. Cornell University ILR School
The Triangle Factory Fire. Web. 15 May
Biography on Brarck Hussesin Obama Jr. Essay
President Barack Hussein Obama Jr is currently the President of the United States of
an America and was born August 4th 1961 to His mother (Ann Dunham) and his
father (Barack Obama Sr). President Obama was raised up by his grandparents when
he turned 10 years old in Honolulu Hawaii. Obama mother and father got married on
February 2, 1961 and had Obama 6 months later. President Obama didn t have a father
figure in his life because mother had moved to a different location and Obama Sr
stayed in Hawaii then moved a year later to Massachusetts when Obama was an infant
to follow his dreams to get his Ph.D. at Harvard University. Obama Sr and Ann Dunham
had divorced when Obama Jr was 2 Years old in March 1964.1995 Obama Sr retuned to...
Show more content on ...
They couldn t describe what it might have been like if had he stayed. In 1981 Obama
Sr was in a severe car accident that leads him to him to losing both of his legs and lost
his job as well and had to use a wheelchair for the rest of his life. In 1982 Obama Sr in
another sever car accident going to Nairobi but this time he died. Obama SR died
November 24 1982 when President Obama was only 21 years old. After high school
President Obama went to studied at Occidental College in Los Angeles for two years
then later transferred to Columbia University in New York.1983 President Obama
graduated with the degree in political science. Obama moved to Chicago 1985 after
two years in business sector where he got a job as a community organizer for low
income residents in the Roseland and the Altgeld Gardens.. He as a community
organizer for three years from June 1985 to May 1988 as a direct of the (DCP). In
1988 Obama entered at Harvard Law School. During his next year at Harvard he met
Michelle Robison an associate at the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin. She was
given to be Obama s adviser during the summer internship at the firm and a few
months later Obama and Michelle started dating. They had their first kiss outside of
shopping center. In 1990 Obama was elected to become the first African American
editor of the Harvard Law Review. Then later Obama graduated from Harvard in 1991.
He returned back to Chicago to practice a civil rights law he
Minority Health
It is no coincidence that it is called poor health. What I mean is that the people who have
it hardest in this country, those with the lowest incomes, have the worst health. It could
just as easily be called minority health, rather than poor health, because the majority of
the people living in poverty are racial or ethnic minorities. Many racial minorities in the
US suffer from poor health, but not because they have worsegenetics, rather from worse
educational opportunities. This is a problem of all those in poverty, but since a
disproportionate amount of those in poverty are minorities; I am focusing my paper on
how to alleviate the educational disparities within the minority population. Studies have
shown that education is the ticket... Show more content on ...
Although there are a few race related diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, the illnesses
that are killing the minority population are environment related, like Coronary Heart
Disease. In a study done by Alan Goodman, he cites four important points about race and

1.The concept of race is based on the idea of fixed, ideal and unchanging types
Racial categories date back to the days of ancient empires, and haven t changed
significantly since then, despite the huge changes in cultures since those times. There has
obviously been a huge amount of racial mixture since those times, and the concept of
race now is just an archaic social construct.

2.Human Variation is continuous

These racial categories are completely arbitrary. There is no way a clear line can be
drawn between the races, and all races relate on a gradient today.

3.Human Variation is nonconcordant

What he means by this is that traits vary independently of other traits. Since race only
really correlates with skin, hair, and eye color, there is no basis for the claim that
certain diseases go along with a certain race. Sickle cell anemia may affect equatorial
Africans, but also Greeks and Turks. This shows how the traits vary independently.

4.Within Group Variation is much greater than variation among races

There are many studies that show within closely related racial groups, like Hopi Indians,
there is only about
Why Is George Not A Good Friend To Lennie
In life you have good friends and bad friends,which includes many types of
friendships.An example of friendship can be found in John Steinbeck s novella Of
Mice and Men . The two main characters George and Lennie seemed to have a good
friendship.After reading and analyzing this novella, I believe that George overall was not
a good friend to Lennie.
George tells Lennie that if he was alone , life would be so easy. How do you tell your
friend that? Then he mentions how if he was alone , he could get a job and work with
no trouble. He talks about Lennie as if he was a bother. George also mentions how he
could eat alone at any place he wants,hotel or any place and order anything he could
think of.
George is overall rude and constantly brings ... Show more content on ...
That is not caring for someone and also I think that the main reason he stayed with
Lennie and stuck by him was of pure guilt .George would also repeat how life would
be easier if he was alone and basically what he could do without Lennie.One key concept
and evidence that George is not a good friend to Lennie is that you do not under any
circumstance kill your friend.
In conclusion, I believe that overall in the novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
,George was not a good friend to Lennie. George did take care of Lennie but,in my
point of view, not because he actually cared for Lennie.George never once mentions
how he cares for Lennie or how much he loves his companionship but does mention
how easy life would be without him and if if they were related he would kill himself
.Yes George looked over him and stuck by him but in most cases Lennie would have
been better of being with someone
Similarities Between Genesis And The Truman Show
In both the Truman Show and Genesis there is a main creator. Christof, in The Truman
Show, is the director of a programme that stars a man called Truman Burbank. Christof
controls majority of the things that happen inside of the television program and within
his creations. God, in the bible, created the world and everything that it holds. God has
power over two people he creates in the story of Genesis. The product of both creators
are also extremely alike, Truman showing a lot of qualities that Adam shows. The two
creators differ in ways of control and their decisions made. Although they have
differences, there are many parallels to how they handle their power over their creations.
One of the main points of similarity include where the main story is the set. In The
Truman Show, the director, Christof, creates a real building in the shape of a dome and
names it Seahaven. In the bible God made a dome and named it sky. Both stories show
a perfectly clean and perfect place for the main characters to live. The dome in The
Truman show is shown to be a stereotypically clean, small American town. Similarly,
the dome in the bible is shown as a beautiful place to live filled with everything
someone living there could need. Inside the dome in Genesis, Lord God took some soil
from the ground and formed a man out of it. God created humans to live inside the dome
he made whereas Christof put actors inside the dome.
The scene starts with Truman looking in the bathroom mirror. It
The Physiological Effects of Renovascular Hypertension...
Renovascular hypertension, also known as renal hypertension, is a condition in which
chronically elevated high blood pressure is caused by a narrowing of the renal arteries.
The renal arteries are the arteries that bring blood to the kidneys (9). This blood is
processed by which the kidneys filter the blood, removing some substances and
sometimes adding others. The kidneys also have several functions, which can be
negatively affected by renovascular hypertension. One function is the regulation of
water and ion balances within the body. In order to do so, the kidney is also responsible
for the removal of waste products and foreign chemicals from the blood by excreting
them in the form of urine. Another function of the kidneys is... Show more content on ...
Concept 1: Renal Artery Stenosis as the Cause of Renovascular Hypertension

Renovascular hypertension is most commonly caused by prerenal factors, which are

conditions that result in a decrease in blood flow to the kidney, which is also known
as hypoperfusion. In many cases, the prerenal factor that causes renovascular
hypertension is renal artery stenosis. Renal artery stenosis is defined as the narrowing
of the renal artery that produces a decrease in blood flow into the kidneys (3). Renal
artery stenosis is most often caused by atherosclerosis (1). Atherosclerosis occurs when
there is a buildup of fatty substances within the walls of the arteries, which is what
causes the narrowing. The fatty substances, like cholesterol and triglycerides, harden
over time and become plaque, which increases the resistance of the arteries by
decreasing the circumference, but also by making the arteries less elastic (5). When
arteries are less elastic, they are unable to expand and recoil properly, which causes
stiffening. Factors that can lead to atherosclerosis include a poor diet that is high in fat,
physical inactivity, and cigarette smoking (1). When the narrowing of the renal artery
occurs, there is a decrease in blood flow
Health Science Research Paper
Health Science: Nursing Services

My name is Emma Thompson, and in the future I want to work in health science,
specifically in nursing services. So, what do you do in this group? When you work in a
nursing service you can care people who are sick, provide your patients with medication,
and generally get humans back to great health. This program of study relates to diagnostic
services, emergency services, and therapeutic services.

Nursing services have a variety of educational opportunities to choose from. Several high
schools offer a wide amount of classes dealing with health science, including nursing
services. For example, Heritage High School, in Maryville, TN, offers health science
education, human anatomy physiology, medical therapeutics, ... Show more content on ...
There are many jobs available for people with a nursing degree. Furthermore, the five
highest paying jobs for a nurse would be a certified registered nurse anesthetist, nurse
researcher, mental health nurse practitioner, certified nurse midwife, and a pediatric
nurse. A certified registered nurse anesthetist makes around $105k a year, and their
job is to prepare the patient and make the anesthesia for them. Secondly, a nurse
researcher can work at any place dealing with health care; they also make $85k
annually. Next, there is a mental health nurse practitioner, and they make about $80k
per year. Their job is to care for families in need and make them mentally well. After
this, you have a certified nurse midwife. They assist people in a huge array of
healthcare, and they make around $75k annually. Lastly, there are pediatric nurses,
where their pay per year is about $67k. Their job is to give children and adults the
medication they need. These jobs are definitely not all that you can do with a nursing
degree, but they are the highest paying ones. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states
that employment for registered nurses is presumed to grow 16% by the year 2024. This
is a great thing because it means that there might be a bigger variety of nursing jobs later
in the

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