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Albert Einstein Essay

Crafting an essay on the enigmatic figure of Albert Einstein is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor.
The difficulty lies not only in the vastness of Einstein's contributions to the field of physics but also
in the complexity of his thoughts and ideas. Einstein's groundbreaking theories, including the theory
of relativity and the photoelectric effect, require a profound understanding of advanced scientific
concepts, making it challenging for the average writer to encapsulate his brilliance adequately.

Moreover, delving into Einstein's personal life and unraveling the layers of his intellect demands
extensive research. The task of comprehending and articulating his unconventional thinking process,
his struggles, and the societal impact of his work can be quite overwhelming. Balancing scientific
intricacies with the human side of Einstein, exploring his philosophical musings, and deciphering the
implications of his work on the broader scientific community adds another layer of complexity to the

Expressing these intricate ideas coherently while maintaining the essay's flow and engagement poses
yet another challenge. Presenting the information in a manner that is accessible to a diverse audience
without oversimplifying the subject matter requires a delicate balance.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on Albert Einstein necessitates a comprehensive understanding of his

scientific achievements, a nuanced exploration of his personal life, and the ability to articulate
complex concepts in a way that resonates with a varied readership. It's an intricate task that demands
dedication, extensive research, and a flair for synthesizing multifaceted information into a cohesive

For assistance with similar essays or any academic writing challenges, one can explore options such as, where professional help is available to navigate the complexities of various topics
and ensure the creation of well-crafted essays.
Albert Einstein Essay Albert Einstein Essay
The Importance Of Being Earnest Analysis
The play, The Importance of Being Earnest written by Oscar Wilde, describes two
main protagonists living in 1890 s England, Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff
(Algy), who, for the sake of love, both use the same name (Ernest) to conceal their true
identity. Algy has a cousin named Gwendolen Fairfax, whom Jack is in deep love
with. On the other hand, Algy falls in love with Jack s ward, who is Cecily Cardew.
At first, everything goes well, until both Jack and Algy end up together in the country,
leading to a comedy of mistaken identities. The play uses satire to ridicule the issues
such as money, marriage, and social status during the Victorian Age. The upper class
society of the Victorian period can be exemplified by the characters to give us
knowledge and understanding of the play. One scene where Lady Bracknell
disapproves of Algernon s proposal to Cecily because she thinks that Cecily does not
possess a lot of money nor social status. As such, Wilde believes that the Upper class
Victorian society should not take trivial matters such as money, marriage, social status,
and appearance seriously.
According to Wilde, Lady Bracknell disapproves Algernon s proposal to Cecily
because she thinks that Cecily is not nearly good enough for Algernon. This is evident
by the line: Ah! A life crowded with incident, I see; though perhaps somewhat too
exciting for a young girl. I am not myself in favour of premature experiences (Wilde). As
Lady Bracknell is the quintessence of society in the Victorian era, she believes that social
status and wealth is of the utmost importance and that marrying someone without money
is intolerable. Jack, knowing that Lady Bracknell is a materialistic person, persuades her
sarcastically, Oh! About a hundred and thirty thousand pounds in the Funds. That is all.
Goodbye, Lady Bracknell. So pleased to have seen you . (Wilde) Lady Bracknell
changes her mind immediately after knowing that Cecily is wealthy and has large funds:
A moment, Mr. Worthing. A hundred and thirty thousand pounds! And in the Funds!
Miss Cardew seems to me a most attractive young lady, now that I look at her (Wilde).
Lady Bracknell consents the marriage of Algernon and Cecily because of Cecily s
Wealth. This is
Adam Anderson Synopsis
A middle aged gay actor with AIDS gets a second chance at life when he wakes up thirty
years younger.


ANDERSON STONE (52) a gay soap opera actor is fired from his job and replaced by a
younger actor. Anderson drowns his sorrows at a bar where he sees ADAM, who
looks like he s 16 year old. Anderson can tell Adam is a hustler. Anderson doesn t want
to have sex with him. Instead, he gives Adam money to survive. He tells Adam not to let
anyone know that he s really a good guy.

Anderson received more bad news; his friend CHUCK is sick and in the hospital. When
Anderson arrives to the hospital, he learns that Chuck died. He had HIV. Anderson
confronts his doctor about his own medications. Anderson wishes he could go back in
time ... Show more content on ...
They both can t figure out what s happening to them. Adam shouldn t even be alive.
Anderson doesn t care about going back. Adam accuses Anderson of being a prick and
storms off.

Anderson has sex at the bathhouse and gets stoned on cocaine. He sleeps in the
bathhouse for days. He later finds Adam waiting for him at his home. Adam has nowhere
to go. Anderson invites Adam to stay with him.

Anderson realizes he has missed two days of work. He s fired. Three men jump
Anderson and rape him. Adam calls Chuck for help. Adam decides to get a job.
Anderson tries to kiss him. Adam admits he s only 17 years old and they need to wait
until he s 18 years old.

Anderson continues to get drunk. Adam notices a bluish purple mark on Anderson.
Anderson knows it s AIDS. Adam doesn t really understand what AIDS is. Adam doesn t
want to wait for sex. They use a condom.

At a Halloween party, Chuck meets PATRICK. Adam finds Anderson having sex in the
sex club back room. Anderson invites Adam to join, but he refuses. Anderson hits Adam.
Adam realizes Anderson has to hit bottom before he can get help.

Anderson visits Dr. KLIENMAN, who tells him that he definitely has AIDS. Anderson
doesn t want to take meds; he would rather
Essay Cold Environments as Fragile Environments
Cold Environments as Fragile Environments

Cold environments such as Western Antarctica (including peninsula) and Arctic tundra
are extremely fragile, mainly due to the low temperatures severely limiting vegetation
growth and thus any development will destroy the natural environment. Although this
fragility of the environment has not deterred development despite the difficulty and cost
of developing cold environments, this is due to human s inability to look to the long term
effects of their actions.

Arctic tundra is described as a fragile environment as plant growth of mosses and lichens
is restrict to only 2mm per year due to low temperatures only allowing growth to occur in
the 3 summer months ... Show more content on ...
It is down to the ruthlessness of Western people and their desire for money that has
destroyed the Alaskan tundra and thus the fragility has not really affected development.
The presence of permafrost did not even deter America from extracting oil from Prudhoe
Bay and therefore it is not surprising the fragility of the environment did not deter them.

The Alaskan environment is also fragile due to the high risk of earthquakes and
volcanoes, which if were to cause the pipeline to burst, would destroy the environment
yet development continued. Although the oil companies such as Exxon did research
heavily into finding an ecologically sound way of transporting the oil, as it could not go
underground as the permafrost would melt. This shows that fragility of the Alaskan
tundra did affect development in terms that firms were more vigilant in trying to protect
the landscape using a pipeline on stilts. It is my opinion that the fragility of Alaskan
tundra and any arctic tundra should stop development, as it is clearly not sustainable but
firms just see the profit made in the short term and do not realize the long term effects.
This is a symptom of Westernization, individuals only see the short term effects of there
actions not the long term and thus the possibility of the destruction of a beautiful
landscape is not a problem.

Pre-Messenger Rna Synthesis
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) a double stranded polymer of nucleotides, each
containing a phosphate group, a nitrogenous base, and a sugar deoxyribose. DNA is
found in the nucleus of a cell and mitochondria. DNA provides living organisms with
genetic information. The information is stored as a code made up of four chemical
bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). The sequence of these
bases determine the information available for building and maintaining an organism
similar to the way in which letter of the alphabet appear in a certain order to form units
words and sentences. DNAbases pair up with each other, to form units called base pairs.
Most DNA molecules consist of two biopolymer strands coiled around each other to form
a double... Show more content on ...
RNA contains a ribose sugar. The major structural distinction between RNA and DNA is
the presence of a hydroxyl group in the ribose sugar.
Transcription is the process by DNA is copied to mRNA, which carries the information
needed for protein synthesis. Transcription takes place in two steps, first, pre messenger
is formed, with the involvement of RNA polymerase enzymes. The pre messenger then
edited to produce the desired mRNA molecule. Transcription is similar to
DNA replication. The unwinding of the double helix must occur before transcription to
take place and is the RNA polymerase enzymes that catalyze this process. The major
difference is that both strands are copied and only one strand is transcribed.
Transcription ends when the RNA polymerase reaches a triplet of bases then the DNA
molecules re coils to reform the double helix.
The process in which mRNA directs protein synthesis with the help of tRNA is
translation. When the ribosomes is assembled around a molecule of mRNA, the
translation begins with the reading of the first triplet. Small tRNA molecules bring in the
individual amino acids and attach them to the mRNA, and to each other, forming a
Near Earth Object Essay
Topic #2: Near Earth Objects

Though not mentioned in the news and talks of society, near earth objects (NEOs) are an
international threat for countries worldwide. A NEO is a meteoroid, asteroid, or comet
pushed by the gravitational attraction of nearby planets, potentially entering the earth s
orbit and thereby pose a danger of collision. Space agencies around the world express the
universal outlook that NEOs must be somehow controlled or mitigated in their magnitude
of impact. Austria, along with many countries, expresses deep concern over this issue
and is more than willing to participate in this world saving quest. As a long standing
member of COPUOS, the European Space Agency (ESA), and other intergovernmental
organizations, Austria ... Show more content on ...
Aside from Austria s membership in the ESA, there is rapid advancements in technology
within the country, leading to its growing intention of joining SMPAG as an individual
member in the near future. In all ways possible, Austria devotes to the protection of Earth
against NEOs.

In regards to the solutions for this issue, Austria welcomes the assistance of other
countries and recommends the development of a system to regulate the responsibilities
of countries on such problem. Austria believes countries should have the choice of
applying for special status (or partial special status), a request for help from the more
technologically advanced member states. Larger and more capable countries will be
presumed as responsible for the NEOs affecting them if they choose not to apply for
assistance. The UN SPIDER is precisely the platform to use for the sharing of NEO
information and the distribution of responsibilities. Concerning the method for
mitigation of NEOs, Austria appreciates the efforts countries have placed into the many
suggestions, but stands against the use of nuclear power in the proposed blast detection
method. In forms of health, the development of nuclear technologies are associated with
many health risks; the release of radiation, being one of the most prominent dangers. Not
to mention, the financial costs of nuclear power is a sum of many which many
The United States Of America Was Built Upon The Ideals
The united states of America was built upon the ideals of various cultures that came
across this enourmous globe. There were many instances in which this great nation had
overcome diversity and strugless for millions of citzens who have lived here for the
longest time. However when our nation is attacked with such vile and cruel acts such as
the September eleventh attacks, there will be outcomes of war with neighboring nations
who may have been renspolbie for this deed. This nation must be strong around these
despite times that have happened around this attack. There must be campaigns that are to
put onto action when dealing with these acts of terrsoim. If this great country wishes to
learn from these tragies, we must analyze the program... Show more content on ... mentions, The total loss of life on 9/11 was nearly 3,000, including
the 19 hijackers. It was the worst loss of life due to a terrorist incident on US soil, The
days that followed saw a significant effect on world economic markets and international
confidence . However there would be specucation of the various terriosm groups who
may be have been involved with these acts of wars. The one group that had the most
suspicion fell onto al qaeda. states, Suspicion soon fell on the radical
Sunni Islamist group, al Qaeda ( The Base in Arabic) founded in 1988 and led by Saudi
born Osama Bin Laden. There was good reason for this. Although difficult to confirm, it
is thought al Qaeda s involvement in world terrorism can be traced back to 1993, with
the first World Trade Center bombing . There would be numerous attacks that may
have been clamied by this radical group who may had more invloment with more
attacks before the September eleventh attacks. According to, Over
the next 8 years, al Qaeda were implicated in a series of major attacks on US forces: the
shooting down of two American Black Hawk helicopters in Somalia in October 1993,
the killing of 19 Americans in a bombing at a military housing complex in Saudi Arabia
in 1996, the bombing of US embassies in Dar Es Salaam and Nairobi
Diaspor The Literature Of Diaspora, By J. Lahiri
Diaspora is a word which is derived from Greek, which means to disperse . The term
diaspora means the movement of people or group to a country away from their own.
Historically it means the movement of the Jewish people away from their own country
to live and work another countries, mainly exilement of Jews in Egypt. The literature of
diasporarefers to the literature of any people who have moved away from their own
country and settled elsewhere. Diaspora is also a popular term in current research and it
has various current transnational globalization: borders, migration, illegal immigration,
repatriation, exile, refugees, assimilation, multiculturalism, hybridity.

The presentation of diasporic experience in Indian Fiction in English ... Show more
content on ...
It begins during her pregnancy, with her sitting in on philosophy classes at the
university where her husband is studying. In this circumstances, Gauri soon discovers
a desire for freedom and independence consuming her, ravaging her mind and body.
After her daughter, Bela, is born, philosophy begins to absorb her entirely and she
officially signs up for classes. When Bela is a little older, she begins to leave her
daughter alone for increasing stretches of time.Subhash whom Bela does not know is
not her biological father is the family s nurture. He does not let himself get trapped by
the past, as she does and instead learns to adjust the present what happens to a family in
which there is a reversal of traditional genderroles, with an ambivalent mother and a
flexible gentle father is a crucial part of what Lahiri is exploring in the
A Narrative Of The Captivity By Mrs. Mary Rowlandson
We all believe in good and evil, that through this belief becomes our morals as humans.
However, during this early American period it s known that the colonial people in
Massachusetts had their beliefs set on the puritan way of life and living. Furthermore,
these colonial people who settled in the Massachusetts Bay colony didn t expect there
life to be disrupted through attacks taken place. Through the experience of one woman, A
Narrative of the Captivity by Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, an American colonial women,
accurately depicts historical record of the attacks made of the King Philips war and her
being held for ransom eleven weeks in its descriptions of the brutalities and godliness
which sets the tone between what is truth and what is contradictory in the eyes of
Rowlandson and the native Americans. Moreover, through this war fueled battle the
colonial people felt as if their colony was disrupted and attacked. Not to mention, how
the natives felt, particularly the Wampanoag tribe. The natives had been kind to share
half of their land while the English were killing their crops. This drove the Natives mad
and through this they were labeled as savages by the English people.
Subsequently, this brings Rowlandson to invite readers in through her memoir of her
captivity. However, Rowlandson faith is strong through her captivity. She views God as
being a great God and the natives as barbaric, heathens, enemies, and many other
slanderous name calling. This however, marks
Essay on Identifying The Day We Were Dogs
Identifying The Day We Were Dogs

Whether or not The Day We Were Dogs (1993) is a magical realist story is
questionable. Often stories are misidentified because of the closeness of literature such
as magical realism, the fantastic, and the sublime. The story leaves a lot to one s
imagination instead of presenting it in the text. Elena Garro blends two days and two
completely different worlds together in this story.

The magical elements depend on how one uses his or her imagination throughout this
story. The girls could either be pretending to be dogs or they could have actually become
dogs. If they are in fact real dogs, they are able to talk, and their dog Toni also talks. Also,
magic numbers are used throughout the ... Show more content on ...
The characters in this story did not hesitate. As a matter of fact, they did not hesitate
when the children were turned into dogs and could speak. The reader does hesitate quite
a bit. There is no hesitation between the author and the events. The author, Elena Garro,
in the way she blends the two worlds and the two days together, leaves a lot of questions
to the reader. It is difficult to figure out what is happening in the two different days. One
tries to figure out if the girls are actual dogs or if they are just pretending.

The purpose of the story seems to be to heighten one s sense of reality about the world
around him or her. It shows there may possibly be other dimensions and other worlds
that are taking place at the same time. It makes one wonder about the world as we know

In fantastic literature, there is either the uncanny (which is the natural) and the
marvelous (which is the supernatural). Both are used in this story in the two seperate
days. The uncanny is used when the girls are pretending to be dogs. The marvelous is
used when the girls become dogs that can talk. An explanation is needed in the fantastic,
and that in a way is given by referring to the different dimensions. Thiem explains the
fantastic as a wonderous passage from one world to another (231), and
An Environmental Impact Assessment For The Queensferry...
1.0Scope of Project
1.1 Background
An environmental impact assessment for the Queensferry Crossing Bridge has been a
topic of discussion for a while because of the concern about the future of the Forth
Road Bridge. The new cable stayed Queensferry Crossing bridge doesn t aim to replace
The Forth Road bridge but co exist parallel to it.

1.1.2Introduction to Project

In 2009, transport for Scotland submitted the Forth crossing bill , the scheme is being
taken forward in accordance with a policy memorandum. The queens ferry crossing
will be built instead of repairing the current forth road bridge. Repairing the current
bridge will take between 7 and 9 years, without an alternative crossing, sustained
disruption of traffic will have a significant effect. The queens ferry crossing will
provide two lanes in each direction, replacing road provisions for general traffic,
increased travel growth will need to be satisfied by public transport.
The estimated cost of the scheme is between ВЈ1.325 ВЈ1.35 billion. New technology
will be implemented for the queen s ferry crossing; it will be more climate resistant than
the current bridge. Key feature of the new bridge include:
Use of the latest, more durable materials
Cables that are easier to replace, replacement can be done during normal maintenance
work, the bridge doesn t get shut
dehumidification system inside the box girder, decrease corrosion damage
Modern paint systems decrease corrosion
Thicker road surfaces
The Chicano and The Black Power Movements Essay
The 1960 s comprised of many different movements that sought the same goal of
achieving equality, equality in means of: political, economical, and social equality. Two
similar movements emerged during this era that shared the same ideologies: the Chicano
and the Black Power Movement. Both shared a similar ideology that outlined their
movement, which was the call for self determination. The similar experiences that they
had undergone such as the maltreatment and the abuse of power that enacted was
enacted by the dominant Anglo race helped to shape these ideologies. Despite their
similar ideology, they differed in how they achieved this goal, by either obtaining
political participation or going to the extreme as using force to achieve their... Show more
content on ...
Jim Crow laws made segregation legal in the Deep South, thus enforcing the superiority
of whites and the privileges given to them, such as cleaner and better facilities that
accommodated them. It was a reaction to the government s failure to deliver the promises
they made. Chicanos and African American alike had the dignity to not depend on the
states to give them their rights, but they were willing to give themselves their own rights,
pushing for Chicano and Black Nationalism.

The growing racism and discrimination that both races experienced helped to mold their
similar ideologies as both sought for the end of these negative acts. For example, most
people connect lynching to African Americans during this movement, but what is left
unsaid is that Mexican Americans were also lynched as well. In the Deep South a group
that was prominently known for lynching in the south was the Ku Klux Klan. The
western south states that bordered Mexico also had terrorizing groups whose lynching
was targeted towards Mexican Americans rather than African Americans: the Ku Klux
Klan and the Texas Rangers. These groups continuously assaulted minority groups as
they saw them as inferior and a threat to the American culture. What angered the
Chicanos and the African Americans most was not that their people were continuously
being assaulted, but because these groups got away with it. The government failed to see
these acts as a crime. In most
Childcare Industry Grows in Singapore Essay
Step 1: Risk IdentificationStep 2: Risk AssessmentStep 3: Risk Management
List of Possible RisksArise FromLikelihood
H/M/L Impact
H/M/L Risk Priority
H/M/L Describe the risksDescribe how to control the riskTeam Responsible
StrategicCustomer ChangesMMLDue to the increasing demands for childcare services,
there will have about 200 more childcare centres to be built in the next 5 years. This
has led to a greater competition in the childcare industry. Singapore government is
willing to provide funds to those employers or building owner, who intend to set up
child care centre for the first time.Parenting is a very important aspect of work life
balance. Setting up the child care centre in the workplace allows the parents ... Show
more content on ...
One negative comment posted online in a flash, will affect the company future
direction.Management Team will come out a written emergency plan incident reporting,
which cover all potential disasters/problems and the necessary response for each. This is
not a document that is written and then put away. School Care team must understand
their roles process during unforeseen circumstances, which will be practiced during
drills. Drills will be evaluated and rewritten as needed.

Academic Development, Opertaion Finance Team Information TransferPeople

ManagementOpen Communication Trust
FinancialCost of CapitalHHHFinancial support from rental payment, vendor s payment,
staff payroll, utilities, insurance teacher training modifying keeping up physical facilities
and other costs to be met. We have come out 3 solutions for this risk.
1. Buying insurance to cover those potential financial problems, e.g. auto losses, general
liability, professional liability, property losses, and others.
2. Transferring the risk to other parties through contractual agreements.
3. Looking at self insurance as a way of funding a loss.
Managing Director Finance Team should review the financial projections periodically
and make the necessary adjustments. The projections should use realistic assumptions
based on the company s historical results or industry averages.

Managing Director Finance Team Growth of Capitalization

Summary Of Miss Maudie In To Kill A Mockingbird
Based on her actions in Chapter 22, it is clear that Miss Stephanie is extremely
absorbed in drama. Rather than focusing on the actual trial, she focuses on the gossip
points that arose in result of the trial. When the kids go to see her, she is recounting the
events of the trial to Miss Maudie and Mr. Avery which demonstrates why she is
considered the English Channel of gossip. Scout notes that Miss Stephanie s nose
quivered with curiosity which depicts Miss Stephanie s temptation to ask them intrusive
questions. Scout knew that the questions she wanted to ask included: who all gave us
permission to go to court, did Scout understand all the ?, and didn t it make us mad to
see our daddy beat?

2) Miss Maudie says, Atticus Finch won t win, he can t win, but he s the only man in
these parts who can keep a jury out so long on a case like that. And I thought to myself,
well we re making a step it s just a baby step, but it s a step. Essentially, Miss Maudie is
saying that the jury usually comes to a verdict in a couple minutes when it involves an
African American. However, the fact that they took hours to decide the conviction shows
that they put thought and effort into their decision instead of deciding that he is guilty
simply because he is black. Atticus s reason is similar to Miss Maudie s in the sense that
it concerns the length of the trial. Atticus tells Jem, That jury took a few hours. An
inevitable verdict, maybe, but usually it takes em just a few
Rehabilitation And Treatment Of Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation, what is rehabilitation? Rehabilitation is the action of restoring someone
to a normal life through training and therapy after incarcerated, addiction or illness.
Rehabilitation can be used for an offender who has committed a crime and is
incarcerated, someone who is struggling with addiction or illness. Rehabilitation was
originated in 1779 by the British Government as part of the Penitentiary Act,
rehabilitation would consist of punishment along with treatment for the offenders.
(Benjamin Disraeli 2004). The purpose of rehabilitation is to treat the offender in order
for the offender to return to society and be able to contribute, rehabilitation is also a
punishment for breaking a law. Parole and mandatory release, what is the difference
between the two. Parole is the release of an inmate before the inmate s completion of
their sentence, usually parole is given to an inmate that is a model inmate and has shown
change and rehabilitation. The inmate is release on the terms that they will continue with
positive, good behavior and will be a positive influence on society. Mandatory release is
the release of an inmate due to the completion of the inmate s sentence. An inmate must
be released even if the inmate s behavior has not changed or if the inmate has not been
rehabilitated. The inmates completed the sentence given by the courts and must be
released. Courts use probation as a form of punishment or sentencing. An offender who
Metropolitan Baptist Church Swot Analysis
Overall, the Metropolitan Baptist Church is a very thriving organization. Observing this
organization was not only an enjoyable experience, but it was also an effective learning
experience. The members within this organization all seem to have a clear understanding
of the history and purpose, which affects the way each member works. The Met is
strategic in being successful in achieving its purpose. The culture, climate, and authentic
relationships within the organization all contribute to its success.
All organizations has its strengths and weaknesses. Knowing these strengths and
weaknesses are important for the growth and development of the organization. The Met
has a number of strengths. Its warm, welcoming environment, diversity with ... Show
more content on ...
When I interviewed a select few members of the Met, 78% of them completed high
school alone, 19% had an undergraduate degree, and less than 1% had a graduate degree.
This survey was not a representation of all members within the organization, but it
reflected a general idea of the education levels of the members. Studies have shown that it
is harder to communicate and present new ideas to individuals who aren t educated as
opposed to individuals who are highly educated. This is because highly educated
individuals tend to have better critical thinking skills than individuals with a limited
education background. Therefore, although the Met currently has a thriving organization
with these individuals who haven t had higher educating, problems can still arise when it
comes to presenting new ideas, and persuading the members.
The third weakness in the Met organization is its lack of ethnic diversity. The members
of the Met are very welcoming, and they are accepting of individuals of different
background. However, when I conducted a survey of the ethnic background of a select
few members, the results showed that 100% of those members were African American.
This can be a stumbling block when it comes to attracting outsiders to the organization.
Having a variety of ethnic groups, would be most helpful in achieving the Met s
Jerome Lawrence Inherit The Wind
Jerome Lawrence who was born in 1915 and passed away in 2004, was a playwright with
his partner Robert E. Lee. Jerome Lawrence s childhood and life experiences have
shaped his works. One of his plays with Robert E. Lee was based on the famous Scopes
Trial, which was the prosecution of a teacher for teaching his class the theory of evolution
. The recurring theme throughout the play Inherit The Windis the right to freedom of
2. Historical Context
This play was created directly after the Mccarthyism era where many people were
accused of being communist in America. They viewed the McCarthy investigations as a
shackling of freedom of thought through coercion, public pressure and fear of
punishment (Miller 3). The Mccarthyism era started ... Show more content on ...
College examinations notwithstanding, it takes a very smart fella to say I don t know
the answer! (Lawrence 62). This is somewhat Drummonds opinion and his argument
that people don t know what to do in life and don t know what to believe, but it is up to
that person to have the freedom to decide for themselves. As the theme developed
through the story Drummond would contradict the bible. While giving another opinion
regarding the bible, Drummond does not do this to discredit it or say it s incorrect but
to say there are other things that could be true such as evolution. Then why did God
plague us with the power to think?...Or does a sponge think? (Lawrence 94). The right to
freedom of thought was fought through the loopholes of the bible, for a way for
Drummond to offer another
Decision Making Process Analysis
Normally people do not break down how they make decisions, they just decide. But,
for people who are making decisions for a larger group, knowing the process could be
helpful. The first step in the process is to identify the problem by fully understanding
and gathering all the information of the problem. Secondly, you want to think of
alternatives or other options for handling the issue. Thirdly, you want to access or
evaluate all the alternatives and consider the possible outcome. Finally, you go
forward with the decision and evaluate the outcome (Kinicki and Williams, 2016).
These steps are helpful and critical when making decisions for large groups or an
organization. Along with the steps to decision are the four styles of decision making;
they are directive, analytical, conceptual, and behavioral (Kinicki and Williams, 2016).
Directive is used by leaders who decides quickly. They make decisions on the basis of a
relatively small amount of information. Analytical managers make decisions by
researching lots data and having alternatives choices. The conceptual style is notable in
managers with the need for recognition and success. They tend to be creative and
inventive and are willing to take a risk. Behavioral characterizes managers who work
well with others. They are supportive and... Show more content on ...
Making a decision is one of the main activities of a leader. Wren and Voich (Wren and
Voich, 1994) believe that decision making is mandatory for successful execution of
any managerial function. I had an employee who had 2 disciplinary letters on file for
policy violations. This employee was under a lot of stress due to an ill wife at home.
The employee got upset one day and used profanity, which is against company policy,
towards his team leaders. Per policy, a third disciplinary letter is grounds for termination.
The employee pleaded with me not to terminate his employment due to his income being
the only income going into his
Eve Adam And Eve
Eve Adam
Adam and Eve is a well know story in the book of Genesis. There are many versions of
this religious story, and many interpretation that go along with it. Focusing on the
Hebrew versions of Genesis 1 and 2, comparing the two similar creation stories of Eve
Adam, and look into how the Early Christianity New Testament affected the way woman
were seen as well as treated. In the book Eve Adam by Kvam Schearing and Ziegler, it
focuses on Genesis 1; the stories of Creation.
On the sixth day Elohim (God) creates humankind in his image. The first man and
woman are created simultaneously and jointly receive Elohim s command to be fruitful,
to multiply, and to subdue and have dominion over the earth. Their creation, Elohim
remarks, is very good. On the seventh day, Elohim rests. (Eve 16)
When interpreting this paragraph a few things come to mind. One, Elohim is considered
perfect because he is God. So humankind being created in his perfect image creates the
idea that humans are perfect like Elohim. As one looks further into the passage it
specifically says that man and woman were created together. Meaning that man and
woman were equally created. Then after man and women were created simultaneously,
Elohim wanted the man and women to multiply and be fruitful. Meaning that the man
and woman had an equal gender roles with creating life through out the Earth that Elohim
had created for them. As one continues on reading The Book of Genesis, another creation
Analysis Of All The Pretty Horses
In the Novel All The Pretty Horses by author Cormac McCarthy, the book develops the
ideas about how imagination affects an individual s willingness to embrace or reject
an uncertain future. The people in John Grady s life affect his future in certain ways,
the decisions he makes based on the opinions of his peers, to the death of loved ones.
John is a unique character in this book, he acts out on what he wants. He never speaks
much but he acts a lot, and for john his actions speak louder than words. Such as riding
away from San Angelo into mexico. He rode with his friend Rawlins and they do not
encounter much trouble, this is when they are truly living the life of the cowboys. For
John this shows that he s ready for what s going to come at him. Heading out into
mexico with no plan shows us that John is ready to embrace any future that hits him.
Whether it hits him like a train or rolls by like a tumbleweed. John Grady will be ready
for what comes his way no matter what. Another person in his life who changed the
ways John Grady thought was he sick father. His father was a second world war vet.
Being in the war gave certain experiences and a certain mind set for his father. These
rubbed off on John as he got taught life lessons. His father was a broken man. Looks at
the world with sunken eyes as if the world out there had been altered or made suspect
by what he d seen of it elsewhere. This quote is from the Narrator of the book, giving us
a detailed description of
Essay on Cultural Background
Cultural Background Paper

Natesha C. Robinson


May 5th, 2010

Leslie Hart

University of Phoenix

Cultural Background

Culture is the totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material

objects, and behavior. It includes ideas, values, and artifacts of groups of people
(Schaefer, 2006). Understanding culture can be tricky, ever ask why do people act the
way they do? , what made me do that , what was I thinking? Physical abilities,
educational background, and social background of how I was raised are important
aspects of my life. The environment in which I was raised is very important aspect of
my life.

I am an African American (black) female. I was brought up with both parents in the ...
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Similarities in culture is more so the same then not. Even though our early childhood
was around drugs and alcohol our parents made sure we were at church with either
grandparent learning the Word of God. When we moved to the south side, I met
several friends who went to church and church camps as well. That brought me closer
to some families of Caucasian decent. My parents were very athletic in school and that
allowed them to teach us sports and sportsmanship. That allowed me to blend in with
some of the girls in the neighborhood because they were also athletic. My father took
me to a field were girls (Caucasian) were playing softball after talking with the coach
my father left me there to practice with the team. I guess being in the neighborhood for a
while now I was comfortable with him leaving.

The school atmosphere was different I was hanging with Caucasian girls and the
African American children did not understand what I was doing being so close to
children opposite of my own culture. At that point, I was unsure of what their problem
was but realized they were sheltered from other cultures and raised differently. This
caused several fights as a child because other children would call me a little white girl
and I had no idea of what that meant and was offended. I was raised around majority
boys in the neighborhood, until I started playing softball, some would consider me as a
tomboy. So
Brandy Melville Executive Summary
Brandy Melville is attractive, classic to teens. It is an Italian brand welcomed by L.A
lifestyle The clothing are enegetic, tasteful and vesatile. The resonable priced
dresses,rompers, shorts, pants and skirts. The wide range of tops come with tank and
halter tops, denim and jackets, sweat shirts and fun graphic tees. There are sweaters
and cardigans too.Flannel tops are available for a relaxed appearance. Additionally,
accessories include jewlry such as earrings, necklaces, braclets, and rings., bags
keychains, hats and beanies and backpacks. Intimate apparel is also available.
Futhermore, all of the clothes are named after feminine names such as Shiloh, Lauren
and Isabelle. Shipping is free when the order is over $150.00. Customer buy
Strategies in Planning
Sharyn A. Quelitano
Topic: Strategies in Planning

I. Introduction: Strategic planning is an organization s process of defining its strategy, or

direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. In
order to determine the direction of the organization, it is necessary to understand its
current position and the possible avenues through which it can pursue a particular course
of action. Generally, strategic planning deals with at least one of three key questions:
What do we do? , For whom do we do it? , How do we excel? In many organizations, this
is viewed as a process for determining where an organization is going over the next year
or more typically 3 to 5 years (long term), ... Show more content on ...
The goal of strategic planning mechanisms like formal planning is to increase specificity
in business operation, especially when long term and high stake activities are involved.
One of the core goals when drafting a strategic plan is to develop it in a way that is
easily translatable into action plans. Most strategic plans address high level initiatives
and over arching goals, but don t get articulated (translated) into day to day projects
and tasks that will be required to achieve the plan. Terminology or word choice, as well
as the level a plan is written, are both examples of easy ways to fail at translating your
strategic plan in a way that makes sense and is executable to others. Often, plans are
filled with conceptual terms which don t tie into day to day realities for the staff
expected to carry out the plan.
The following terms have been used in strategic planning: desired end states, plans,
policies, goals, objectives, strategies, tactics and actions. Definitions vary, overlap and
fail to achieve clarity. The most common of these concepts are specific, time bound
statements of intended future results and general and continuing statements of intended
future results, which most models refer to as either goals or objectives (sometimes
interchangeably). One approach recommends having short term goals, medium term
goals, and long term goals. In this model, one can expect to attain short term goals fairly
easily: they stand just slightly above one s reach.
Rhetorical Devices In Jfk Inaugural Address
On January 20, 1961, the newly elected president at the time, John Fitzgerald Kennedy,
delivered his iconic inaugural address not only to American citizens, but to people
listening around the world. In a time when the globe was in a heap of conflict and
drama, America and the world were in need of leadership, inspiration, and clear
direction. In order to motivate his people towards a better future under his presidency,
Kennedy gave a powerful speech formally introducing himself to the world, outlining his
plans for the next four years, and especially encouraging the American people to work
and be optimistic for the coming years. He employed lots of rhetorical appeals while
making many promises and plans about the future to inspire and encourage... Show more
content on ...
He combined both ethos and logos appeals to encourage his audience overseas to
cooperate for the right cause. Kennedy made his first promise, saying that To those
allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful
friends (1). With alliances being an ever important part of international diplomacy,
Kennedy increased his credibility towards other nations by acknowledging them and
giving them his promise. He noted that because of their continued friendship with the
United States, he would continue to offer support and loyalty to America s greatest
allies, using a logical reason to justify his support of his allies. His pledge of continued
loyalty and general respect to previous global relationships established his authority and
international presence. He did not forget any countries when addressing his
international audience, as he later gained the trust of developing countries with
promises to assist with their growth. Kennedy said that To those people in the huts and
villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our
best efforts to help them help themselves ... because it is right. If a free society cannot
help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Decentralization In The...
Decentralization is one of the management control system technique that been implement
in public sector. It is about devolution of higher authority to the lower management. This
technique is also indicated a delegation of power and authority from the central
government to the lower level management as a means to improve the management
quality. It was also identified as a tool for more effective decision making. In details,
decentralization concept is an attempt to give the organisation s constituents which are
managers and staff more control over what happens in the organisations. Normally, lower
level management or local governmentare only having authority over their specific
geographical area and do not have the powers to pass or enforce laws that affect a wider
This management control system is actually aimed at efficiency and problem solving
where the organisations are given the power and responsibility to solve problems
effectively in time. It includes demand for less control and uniformity that subsequently
reduce the size and cost associated with maintaining a large central bureaucracy. ... Show
more content on ...
Decentralization may not always be efficient, especially for standardized, routine,
network based services. It can result in the loss of economies of scale and control over
scarce financial resources by the central government. Weak administrative or technical
capacity at local levels may result in services being delivered less efficiently and
effectively in some areas of the country. Administrative responsibilities may be
transferred to local levels without adequate financial resources and make equitable
distribution or provision of services more difficult. Decentralization can sometimes make
coordination of national policies more complex and may allow functions to be captured
by local elites. Also, distrust between public and private sectors may undermine
cooperation at the local
P.E.S.T Analysis on Tesco
Morgan Chase is the second largest financial holding company in the United States with
over $1.2 trillion in assets and $ 106 billion in stockholder s equity. With operations in
more than 50 countries and many other banking subsidiaries, the firm has a staff of over
160,000. In 2002 the management made a strategic decision to outsource a significant
portion of their Information Technology infrastructure to IBM to gain a better position
in various markets. This decision however did not workout as expected, the firm faced a
decrease in productivity due to fall in employee moral caused by the shift and
management faced difficulties in carrying out their day to day duties.... Show more
content on ...
These rules of competition are embedded in five competitive forces which are entry of
new competition, the threat of substitute products, the bargaining power of buyers, the
bargaining power of suppliers, and the rivalry among existing competitors. If we look
at Diagram 2 we can see a simple view of the Five Forces Model. http:/
/ Threat of new entrant As new firms enter to a
market, they have the potential to extract the profit unless the demand grows faster
than new entrants to a market, average profitability will decline. The threat of entry or
entry barriers is to discourage other companies from entering a market as new
competitors by establishing a level of service or value to the customer that will be
expensive or difficult for the new entrant to replicate. IS/IT often require large
investment in complex software. JP Morgan Chase invests millions of dollars into IS. In
comparison with other banks, JP Morgan Chase would spend more than twice as much
on technology per employee, approximately $28,000 compares to $13,000. Because of
this it has become more difficult for new firms to enter the market as they will have to
meet high standards and spend a great deal on IS in order to gain competitiveness. .
Threat of Substitutes This represents the buyer propensity to surrogate one firm s product
for another product. The strength of competition
Inconsistencies In The Synoptic Gospels
The synoptic Gospels are similar in many ways, yet are also immensely different. Many
of the same stories are told in all three of the synoptic gospels, including the conspiracy
about Jesus, and the preparation for Passover. However, some of the stories are only in
one or two gospels. One of these stories is the anointing at Bethany, which is only found
in Matthew and Mark. Inconsistencies in the synoptic gospels make the gospels
different, however, other things are unique about each. Each gospelwriter wrote to a
different group of people, and the messages included reflect this. Mark writes to the
Romans, which drives him to exclude the Romans probable guilt at Jesusdeath. In
comparison, Matthew s gospel is geared towards the Jewish community
Explain How Thisquote Supports Youropinion Analysis
1 Assignment 2 Drama Assignment/Do our Differences Define Us? 1. Do our
differences define us? Write a paragraph in which you answer this question and
provide at least 3 reasons to support your opinion. I feel that our differences do define
us. One reason I feel this way is because everyone is different, no one is the same. If
everyone was the same, we would all be robots and not people. Another reason is
because our differencesare what makes things interesting in our everyday lives. Our
differences, all the way down to our skin color, eye color, the clothes we wear and
even the food we eat, makes us all different. The final reason that our differences do
define us is our thinking process and our environment. Not everyone is brought up in
the same way. Everyone is raised differently than the next person; in that, no one has the
same mindset, values or outlook of the world or people in general for that matter. Being
different is what makes us all unique in our own right. 2. Provide at least two quotes
from the play Romeo and Juliet to show that the characters differences did or did not
define... Show more content on ...
(Include the page number at the end of each quote) ReadingQuoteExplain how thisquote
supports youropinion.Nurse#1 His name is Romeo, and a Montague, The only sonof
your great enemy. Pg.830The nurse s differences did not define her because although
she worked for the Capulet s, she wanted Juliet to be happy.#2 I will tell her, sir, that
you do protest, which, as I take it, is a gentlemanlike offer. Pg.852Although she could get
into trouble for associating with the Montagues, the nurse s loyalty was to
The Pleas of Palestinians Essay
The Pleas of Palestinians
Freedom, a common concept that is taken for granted by most people living in
developed countries. However, the idea of freedom is still wanted in developing
countries and non recognized countries, such as Palestine. Palestinians have always lived
in the current country of Israel; however, they were never able to obtain the land of their
ancestors, therefore many different Palestinian groups from the Palestinian Liberation
Organization, an observer in the United Nations, to Hamas, a multi country terrorist cell,
have all been involved in helping free Palestine. The desire for a free Palestine has been
centuries overdue. Although Israel has a bigger international prominence than Palestine:
should be recognized as ... Show more content on ...
According to Jeanne Kuebler, a journalist for CQ Researcher states, The first World
Zionist Congress, ... spurred the Return movement; the aim of the congress ... was to
create a national home in Palestine for the Jewish people (Kuebler). Prior to the
Congress, Jewish people fled their former homeland of Palestine for various reasons.
Following the Return movement and World War II, support for this resurgence would be
recognized by various countries. Great Britain colonized Palestine, to push forth the
plans of the Balfour Treaty, which insisted that Palestine would be a nation for Jewish
people. Since the declaration was made, a mass emigration to Palestine was immediate.
Although there was a cap of 75,000 Jewish immigrants, others found ways around the
system finding ways to Palestine leading to a higher number of immigrants in Palestine
than the maximum allowed by Great Britain. As Palestinians demanded their own
dependence from the Jewish nation, Great Britain was unable to create this which led to
a series of terrorist attack against the Jewish residents. Great Britain sought the help of
the Leagues of Nations, which suggested a split into two nations (Brewer).
However, Great Britain was unwilling to fix the problem, so when the British
government left Palestine, the Jewish citizens declared themselves as a new nation
known as Israel. However the day of declaration of itself as an independent
Matilda Film Techniques
Matilda movie essay

What techniques does the director, Danny DeVito use in the film to illustrate that the
character, Miss Agatha Trunchbull, is malicious and evil (mean)?

The film Matilda directed by Danny DeVito was released in 1996, on the second of
August. The main characters of this film are Agatha Trunchbull, Jennifer Honey, Matilda
Wormwood, Zinnia Wormwood and Harry Wormwood. Ms Agatha Trunchbull is the
legal guardian of Miss Honey and has very strict rules at her school, as she despises of all
young children. She depicted as a malicious and evil character as the director uses various
film techniques such as appearance, language, personality, lighting, and camera angles
and shots. All of these techniques help to create the idea that Ms Trunchbull is a hostile
and cold ... Show more content on ...
The most common camera shot is a medium shot with the camera tilted up from Ms
Trunchbull s waist. This angle is used to show her unflattering physique and to make
her look larger and more powerful without the character having to speak. The medium
shot is used so that you can see her clearly and still be able to see her arrogant body
language and expressions. Although, in one scene in the movie, an extreme close up
is used to show that Ms Trunchbull is more powerful than Miss Honey. This shows her
imperfections and gives the impression that Ms Trunchbull is unappealing and
aggressive. The most common camera angles create dark and malicious scene where
as Miss Honey s camera angles are full shots and tilted down to make her seem small
and powerless. Having a full shot scene for Miss Honey s scenes also makes her more
approachable and welcoming compared to Ms Trunchbull. Moreover, camera angles and
shot techniques have proven that the director, Danny DeVito, has revealed an arrogant
and conceited mood for the character, Agatha
Illegal Immigration Problems
Illegal immigration defies the immigration rules of a designated country by ignoring the
right formalities of moving into that country. It requires immigrants to cross international
political borders throughout water, land, and air improperly. As these immigrants enter
the country they tend to relocate to California. Which cause s many problems in Los
Angeles, California, and the city government should do more to handle the growing
population of illegal immigrants. California is a popular relocation destination for illegal
immigrants. Zong states that about one million illegal immigrants reside in Los Angeles,
California, when they get there they use fake or stolen social security numbers to get
jobs (Zong) which takes away from native Californians. This makes it harder for natives
to find jobs which eventually leads to higher unemployment rates. Sometimes immigrants
are helpful when they migrate, they fill shortages in the work place that no one wants.
When illegal immigrants enter, the United Statesusing a fake social security number they
aren t required to pay taxes. Illegal immigrants don t usually pay taxes until they are
caught and deported or forced to pay them. Which causes the economy rate growth to
decrease and tax rates to increase. This causes citizens tend to work less because of the
increase in taxes. Therefore, making the economy weaker and weaker. This prevents the
government from building new roads, schools, hospitals etc. Along with not paying taxes
Abortion, The, And Abortion
In the United States there are more than a billion abortions performed each year. Since
the court case Roe vs Wade in 1973 more than 56 million babies have been murdered in
the United States before they had the chance to take their first breath (Snyder, Michael).
These statics along with many more show the huge injustice that is happening in the
country I call home. Abortionis defined as the removal of an embryo or fetus from the
uterus in order to end a pregnancy. It can include any of various surgical methods that
terminate a pregnancy, especially during the first six months (Abortion). There are
many forms of abortion such as early abortion which is abortion within the first 12
weeks of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion which is termination of pregnancy before
the fetus is sufficiently developed to survive; called miscarriage by laypersons.
Therapeutic abortion which is abortion induced legally by a qualified physician to
safeguard the health of the mother (Abortion). Last abortion I want to define is
Threatened abortion a condition in which vaginal bleeding is less than in inevitable
abortion, the cervix is not dilated, and abortion may or may not occur; this is the
presumed diagnosis when any bloody vaginal discharge or vaginal bleeding occurs in
the first half of pregnancy (Abortion). There are several social injustices to abortions;
first being that abortion kills the innocent. Once a woman conceives a new life is formed
and her body becomes a temporary home to that
Theu.s. Constitution Vs. The Constitution
The U.S Constitution was written by James Madison and was ratified on July 21, 1788.
Ever since people had trouble determining how it should be interpreted. When judges
interpret the constitution, they are interpreting new facts to an established law that has
been given meaning and has a historical background. Many people argue that it should be
read how it was written who are known as Originalists. Then there are people who believe
that the Constitutionevolves as society does and they are known as Living
Constitutionalists. Also, some feel that the goal is not do determine whether the
constitution should be determined originally or as a living document, but to give
meaning on the basis of facts. In my paper I will discuss arguments on how the
Constitution should be read, whether it be from the Originalists or the Living
Constitutionalist s point of view, and why Living Constitutionalism is better. As society
evolves, there are new and more difficult problems that occur, and they cannot be solved
by reading the exact text of the Constitution which makes Living Constitutionalism better.
According to Meese Their intention was to write a document not just for their times, but
for posterity. (Meese 15) Living Constitutionalists might say this is a very bold statement.
This quote basically means that the Framers were trying to create a document that would
address future and present problems. A common question that is asked is what did the
Framers mean and want for the
Taste Of One Book
The first books now called scrolls were created as chronicles to document events
which occurred in history. As time passed by the ideology of books has changed from
chronicles to stories or significal events that occurred in history this has then altered
until the books had a literary purpose of provoking reader s emotions. Taste of one is
the crucial factor of creating a certain perception of the book, but this is often biased
because a taste isn t allowed to be created. The discussion of a book depends on
various factors such as the author of the book, the sequel of the book or a literary
critics review of the book. Book discussion plays a major role in creating a general
consensus throughout an audience, however concepts vary because each... Show more
content on ...
But, taste is misleading because it is affected by a large amounts of factors with the two
crucial being the author of the book and also the review written a literary critic. Both of
these can be rid of, but unfortunately both of these factors alter the readers view of the
book even before he begins to read the book he is being forced the idea of what he can
expect from the book, but this is not good because the taste sensor of the reader is
redirected into and indecisive and emotionless direction because he may view the correct
theory behind the story, however his brain does not comply with the reasoning and
perceptions of
Brunauer-Emmett-Teller Essay
After finished completing this assignment, our understanding about the Brunauer
Emmett Teller (BET) instrument have increased. All of us able to calculate the
specific surface area of the powder , knew the right standard operating procedure to
run the Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET) instrument and more efficient in handling the
calculation involving the graph . However , the specific surface area for our sample
might low than the expected due to some possible error that might occur. The first
possible error might be due to the wrong de gassed temperature for the sample. Before
the sample been analysed, it have to go through the out gassing or de gassing. The
purpose of de gassing is to remove gases and vapours that may have become physically
adsorbed onto the surface after manufacture and during treatment, handling and storage.
However, if de gassing not achievable, the specific surface area may be reduced or may
be variable because an intermediate area of the surface is covered with molecules of the
previously adsorbed gases or vapours. Thus, the de gassing is an important technique that
need to take account before analysing any sample. In our case, we accidentally put lower
de gassing temperature (105в„ѓ) that totally alter the precision and accuracy of specific
surface area measurements. The next possible error is the efficient of the instrument. The
instrument that we used is the old model (ASAP 2020) that... Show more content on ...
Each of the isotherm can be differentiate through the presence of knee or elbow . Each
of the isotherm have an adsorption and desorption graph. Often the adsorption is going
up while the desorption is going down. Next , we learned that there are four types of
hysteresis whereas the open end cylindrical shaped , the ink bottle shaped, the slit
shaped and the macro and meso pore shape. Next , we knew how to plot the graph and
calculate the specific surface area from the
The Growth Of Eco Friendly And Reliable Methods For Our...

During the course of human history, fungi has always been used as food and exploited to
preserve and ferment beverages and foods. By the twentieth century, we had learned to
protect human health by harnessing fung (immunosuppressive agents, anti cholesterol
statins and antibiotics), while industries made us of fungi to support large scale
production of acids, biosurfactants and enzymes. In the 1980 s, with the dawn of fresh
nanotechnology, fungi had remained important by being able to synthesize nanoparticles.
Nanoparticles or nanomaterials are materials including particles or constituents that are
of nanoscale proportions, or something that has been produced via nanotechnology.
Biologically hazardous or environmentally toxic reducing agents are normally associated
in the nanoparticles chemical synthesis. Today, the growth of eco friendly and reliable
methods for the production of nanomaterials is a vital facet of nanotechnology. One such
approach that has shown potential beyond measure is centred on the use of biological
micro organisms, such as fungi for the biosynthesis of these nanoparticles.
Fungi can invariably be used for the synthesizing of metallic nanoparticles from their salt,
since fungi contain enzymes and proteins as reducing agents. Should be cautious while
handling them during experiments, as some fungi are disease causing. Fungal biomass
generally grows quicker than that of bacteria in consistent conditions. While production
of metal
The Tipping Point
To promote a new breakfast cereal in an already crowded market is not an easy thing
to do; especially if the one who is trying to promote a new cereal wants to make a huge
success on that project, it might be able to a very serious problem. However, if the one
follow and correctly apply what Malcom Gladwell, the author of The Tipping Point, says
in his book, it will definitely increases the possibility of success. There are three
factors that help to make a huge success on their cereal promotion. The first is that the
law of few, which is about connectors, mavens, and Salesmen. Second, stickiness,
which is about examples of Sesame Street, Blue s Clues, and Educational Virus. Third,
the power of context, which is about examples of Bernie Goetz and the magic number
one hundred and fifty. Firstly, the law of few refers to the number of people who
involve and try to make a trend at the beginning of a project. Even if the originator is
only one person, the one has an enough possibility to make a trend. When you want to
make a trend, you... Show more content on ...
If the product has no stickiness, it will not be able to create a trend because customers
will forget about the product before they purchase and recommend someone to buy the
product. To sum up, when sellers wants customers to remember their cereals, the sellers
needs to consider about how much the cereals have a power to tell something good
information to the customers, such as sellers passion and creativity. Thirdly, to know and
understand the situation and condition of customers is significantly important for seller.
When customers buy something which is not on the shopping list, the decision might
seems like that it is completely depends on one s thought, but it is not. The decision is
depends on the customer s surrounding condition like a smelling. For example, Malcom
Gladwell points
Culture And Childbirth Analysis
The intensity of pain that women encounter during childbirth has been a topic in many
studies in society since the beginning of time. However, although many research have
been done it has not yet been determined whether the severity of the maternal labor pain
endured by women was, or continues to be a product of nature or nurture. In the 1989
article titled Cultural and Educational Influences on Pain of Childbirthauthors Matisyohu
Weisenberg PhD and Zahava Caspi MS investigated how the social and cultural (or
sociocultural) and the educational background of a women can indeed affect their
behavior when enduring the severe pain of childbirth, their ability to cope and the way
they expressed it. The study that was being investigated, is... Show more content on ...
The study of childbirth is openly accepted in Western conversation however it is an
intimate and private event in the eyes of many Middle Eastern cultures which is why
these women, especially the lowly educated ones do not have access to important
knowledge revolving around the birth of a child. The study found that the correlation
between family and pain perception was mostly found in the lowly educated Middle
Eastern women and solely the Middle Eastern women in general where the pain was
perceived to be more intense (Weisenberg and Caspi, 17). Theoretically, these two
different group are said to have different pain perception due to the completely
different societies that they live in or participate in which can in part lead back to how
human behavior coincides with nurture s ideology: that the effect that psychological
process (such a child birth) can be due to social environmental factors. Access to
maternal classes, female doctors or other sources that could possibly aid in decreasing
the pain of childbirth or at least coping with it, is voluntarily available to these women of
Middle Eastern heritage, especially to women of
My School Day
The school dismissal bell has just rung and I walk slowly towards the back of the
building towards the athletic wing. As I walk towards the trophy case, I am walking
by memory because i am distracted by my own thoughts floating through my head of all
the things I need to do before the day ends. My ends go back to focus and I find myself
with the rest of my cross country team.
Today is Tuesday, and we have a meet. Tuesday is the longest day of my week. After
going to school for seven hours, I have to travel to a park to run five kilometers in a
face paced environment. I then come back nearly dusk, and finally go home where
my schoolwork awaits. After being up and going for have the day I am fine with
sitting down for a few hours to complete my assignments. The whole team is now
changed into their uniforms and there is now a line of girls braiding one another s
hair. We wait for the call of our coach to arrive and for the first glimpse of our bus. As we
wait many girls are proactive on one side of the table trying to complete some of their
homework while the other end of the table discusses their school day and the events
that took place whether if it was seeing their crush or complaining about their spanish
teacher giving them too much work. I varied each time whether I wanted to get ahead
of my work or I just wanted to talk to a friend to discharge all my worries.
The bus is here! a girl shouts. I close my book thankful for a break in my studies and
knowing that I can t
Black Acura Incident
On 3 26 2017 at about 0805 hrs I was west bound on E Main St at about Auburn Way
when I noticed a black Acura pass me east bound on E Main St. At the time, the
vehicle had no front plate and it appeared that it was occupied by several males. I
remembered from the previous day (3 25 2017) that Officer Feero had sent a BOLO
out about a black 2003 Acura that was reported stolen from 402 16th ST NE.
Additionally, in the BOLO, Officer Feero noted that the Acura (WA/BAJ1409) had a
KCCO sticker on the back bumper. Furthermore, Officer Feero sent a department email
with surveillance footage of the vehicle being stolen. As the vehicle passed me, I looked
at the bumper and noticed that the vehicle had a white KCCO sticker on the rear bumper
and... Show more content on ...
After a checked of the stolen vehicle, Officer Vojir located a hand gun on the passenger
side front seat. The firearm had no associated record.

All three suspects were advised of their Miranda Rights. Carlo declined to speak with
police. However, post Miranda Eydoel stated that he was the back seat passenger and
that Carlo was the driver of the vehicle. Additionally, Eydoel stated that he knew the
vehicle was stolen.

Also Post Miranda, Sam stated that he knew the vehicle was stolen and that Carlo was
the driver of the vehicle. Furthermore, when questioned about the pistol that was found in
the seat Sam was sitting in. Sam stated that when the police got behind the vehicle Carlo
handed him the pistol and then stop the vehicle and told everyone to run. A criminal
history check of both Carlo and Sam indicated that they were convicted felons.

Based on the fact that Carlo was the driver of a stolen vehicle, attempted to elude police
and was in possession of a firearm as a convicted felon, there was probable cause for his
arrest for RCW 9a.56.068 Possession of a Stolen Vehicle, RCW 9.41.040 Unlawful
Possession of a Firearm and RCW 46.61.024 Attempt to Elude. Carlo was booked at
SCORE Jail under the listed
Anthropology In Sports
My personal interest in sports is based on how my parents and other family members
nurtured me as a child and youth. My continuous interest in sports has influenced my
choice of this topic to provide me a field experience and a deeper understanding. I have
always been interested and engaged in play and sports. Volleyball is my favorite sport
and was the first organised sport I played in junior secondary school at age 12. I have
been involved in several competitive sports at from the amateur to the national/elite
level. I have participated in team sports (e.g., volleyball and soccer), field events (e.g.,
high jump, long jump), and track events (e.g., 100m, 200m, 400m, 800). I chose to
focus on volleyball for this project because it is a sport with which I am most
comfortable and familiar. 1.4 Justification of Study The anthropology of sports is a
cross cultural sub discipline that focuses on analyses of sports related social problems
(Blanchard 1995:23). Although physical anthropologists for decades have done studies
on body types, morphology, and functions, less work has been done in the area of
cultural, social and psychological settings with regards to the way individuals live and
also perform (Malina 1972). There are virtually unlimited opportunities for additional
research to be done (Coakley and Dunning 2000:150). Researchers like... Show more
content on ...
According to Smith (2010:98), issues of gender are core to social life and this fact
makes the concerns of masculinity and femininity essential. Critical feminist theorists
have stressed the importance of critiquing and changing the culture and (Pfister and
Kristin 2013:208) body (physicality) of sport so that they represent the perspectives and
experiences of women as well as men (Maguire 2002:207; Coakley 2001:39) with the
aim to expose gender inequalities (Jarvis and Watts
Thoreau Transcendentalism
In the early 19th century transcendentalism became a philosophical movement that arose
the ideas of understanding life in the simplest of terms. From Thoreau to Emerson, they
expressed the ideas of nonconforming from society in order to live in simplicity.
Although transcendentalist ideas tend to come and go, society alters the appeal as the
influence of transcendentalismoccurs in many forms today.
Living life in simplicity is a trend set by Thoreau as he goes to the woods to be free
from society s expectations. He desires for everyone to stop living their life so
complicated as they re being consumed by the want of materialistic things Most of the
luxuries... positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind (Thoreau Walden Economy ).
As society ... Show more content on ...
We see the world piece by piece, as the sun, the moon, the tree, the animal (Emerson
The Over Soul) If we re not open to looking at the truth, then we re only going to be
seeing it piece by piece. We ll never see the full picture unless we re open to everything
even if we disagree with some things. Having this mentality allows for us to see things
from different perspectives. Many are so used to the idea of following the
expectations that are set up by society yet one never takes the time to do what they
want as one is not open to that idea of breaking away. Once one breaks away and
forgets about the materialistic things, that s when one has figured that they have set
themselves free form society. Although change is not something one would look
forward too, however, it s something that society as a whole need to experience once
in their life as it s part of what makes one who they are. Without seeing these changes
one may never get used to the idea of how advanced everything has become over the
years. Although it seems like many aren t open minded, slowly but surely that thought
would eventually change and most would be more open minded. One of the reasons
why society should be open minded is through the use of living life in simplicity. If one
doesn t live life in simplicity then are they actually living life to the

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