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African American Culture Essay

Crafting an essay on the intricate subject of African American culture can be both challenging and
rewarding. The difficulty lies in capturing the richness and diversity of a culture that has played a
pivotal role in shaping the tapestry of American history. The depth of this topic requires a nuanced
understanding of historical, social, and artistic dimensions, demanding meticulous research to present
a comprehensive picture.

Navigating through the complexities of African American culture involves addressing centuries of
history, from the painful legacy of slavery to the vibrant expressions of resilience and creativity that
have emerged. Moreover, the need to avoid generalizations and stereotypes requires a careful
examination of regional variations, socio-economic factors, and the influence of globalization on
contemporary expressions of African American identity.

The writer must skillfully balance acknowledging the challenges faced by the community while
celebrating its triumphs and contributions to American society. This delicate task demands a nuanced
approach to avoid oversimplification or the risk of overlooking crucial aspects of the culture.

Addressing the multifaceted nature of African American culture necessitates an exploration of

various art forms, such as music, literature, dance, and visual arts. Each of these facets holds its own
complexities and cultural significance, requiring in-depth analysis to do justice to their impact on
both the African American community and the broader American cultural landscape.

In conclusion, writing an essay on African American culture requires a commitment to understanding

and respecting the depth and diversity of this rich heritage. It involves delving into the complexities
of history, societal structures, and artistic expressions. While challenging, successfully navigating
these complexities can result in a powerful and enlightening exploration of a culture that has shaped
and continues to influence the fabric of American society.

For assistance with similar essays and a wide range of topics, consider exploring the services
available on They offer professional support to help you navigate the complexities
of various subjects and ensure the success of your academic endeavors.
African American Culture Essay African American Culture Essay
Computer Hackers and Ethics Essay
What comes to mind when you hear the word hacker ? For most it means stealing
information through the Internet, gaining illegal access to another person s PC, or
simply disruptive behavior using a computer. The subject of hacking is no secret to
the general public. Many people have been exposed to it by a bad experience or
through the news and media. The idea of hacking that is stuck in the minds of people is
that of which they have seen in the movies. The movies portray hackers as young and
devious criminals. However, in reality these individuals are, talented people who use
their abilities to find new and challenging ways to change how computers work.
According to the Cult of the Dead Cow (weird name), a hacking organization, true...
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The phreaker would cut a piece of stiff construction board about twelve inches long
and three eighths of an inch wide and slide into the dime slot as far as it would go. To
make a call all you had to do was pick up the phone, wait for a dial tone, and put a
penny in the nickel slot. The phone would register the penny as a dime and a free call
could be made. Curiosity of how the phone worked led to an interest in the computers
that controlled the phones, which in turn led to hacking. Most of the earlier computer
break ins came from company employees seeking revenge or financial gain. For
example, in 1971 disgruntled employees of the Honeywell Corporation disabled the
Metropolitan Life computer network for a month. And in 1973, a teller from the New
York Dime Savings Bank was able to break through the computer system and steal $1
million dollars. Though these were computer crimes, there were also earlier hacks that
were beneficial. One of the most successful hacks in history was that of Apollo 13.
When the astronauts were in space, they ran into some mechanical problems. The
capsule was spinning out of control. The astronauts were losing their air supply and it
was getting colder and colder. They were running out of time. Meanwhile, at the NASA
headquarters in Houston, TX, one of the managers dragged a large box full of scrap
parts, dumped it on the table and told the engineers this is what
The National Automotive Museum Preserves And Maintains...
Founded in 1989, the National Automotive Museum preserves and maintains more than
two hundred cars for the public to admire. Projects that go into working with the
museum include archiving both old and new knowledge of cars, filing research away on
cars sold after Harrah s death for new owners, digitizing new information using the
computersystem called PastPerfect, and transcribing the journal of a man to the
computer for record keeping. All of these tasks meant learning new skills in
maintaining a museum s behind the scene collection as well as researching the
collection s history. These projects help the museum function as well as provide a
source of income so that the museum can stay open. The first project was archiving in
the museum library to learn organizational skills. The automotive museum stores
journals, magazines, books, and media such as film all in a library in the back of the
museum. The articles and journals within this library date back to the early car
magazines in the early twentieth century when the car was a novel machine, and goes
all the way up to the most recent editions that feature electric cars from Tesla. The
project was to make sure everything went back where it belonged in the system. Proper
storage of the books ensures that the library stays organized for research on the cars.
Another aspect of that project is to add new works to the library. As previously stated,
the library is in possession of magazines and books from contemporary times
Giving Is The Best Communication Rhetorical Analysis
In the ad called, Giving is the Best Communication , there was a significant message
about giving help to others in need and have a good heart. This message from the phone
company, True Move H , affects the audience by having individuals consider on
communicating with a positive approach of giving assistance to people living with
struggles. Throughout the video, it tends to show appeals to emotion by beginning the
story full of pity, and companionship, with an ending of expressing gratitude. The
company tends to sell an idea to the audience instead of selling the product itself.

Giving is the Best Communication contributes to use the strategies of pathos in the story
to please the audience on using kindness. For example, in the beginning ... Show more
content on ...
The well known shopkeeper represents the company by having to give their
customers the best service they can with nothing in return. As the nobleman play roles
the phone company, they want to inform their customers that no matter what help is
always giving. Another metaphorical way that is applied in the actors is the doctor
role playing as the loyal customers. In the video, the doctor repays the kind
shopkeeper by paying the medical bill 30 years ago for the time of giving him the
three pack of painkillers and one veggie soup. The actor represents as the customers
are able to give back to the company for their loyalty of paying phone bills on time or
keep a close relationship with the company. Since the doctor has paid the medical bill
30 years ago, this also falls back on customers who have stayed with the phone company
for more than one year. Lastly, as we mention two metaphors in the actors, an object such
as the medical bill can represent the phone company s monthly payment. This informs the
customers that when purchasing a phone, there are monthly payments for a leasing
service which must be paid occasionally and to also keep track within the contract. These
metaphors are included in the video to advertise True Move H being one trustworthy
company to their
In the 15th section of The Worldhood of the World,...
In the 15th section of The Worldhood of the World, Heidegger writes about the how we
can experience things phenomenologically if we pay attention to our everyday
environment. He calls this Being in the world or our dealings . Each entity that we
encounter has a Being, and in order to investigate those Beings, we must closely
investigate how we deal with the environment. Entities that we encounter are not object,
but what gets used, produced and more, such as a tool. Entities are not defined as Things
rather, the way in which humans interact with them changes their meaning, and
transform these entities into something that can be manipulated. Heidegger calls the
entities which we encounter equipment however, he also... Show more content on ...
He ends the section by asking whether people are able to grasp the concepts of

In section 16, Heidegger first talks about the possibility that if the Dasein, humans, are
able to phenomenologically experience Being in the World (such as objects and
consciousness) instinctively, phenomenon could be held at bay and studied. He then
goes on talking about the un usability of ready to hand objects. He begins by talking
about equipment being conspicuous, something that might be damaged or broken. By
losing its usability, the tool also loses its usefulness and character as ready to hand and
is now pure presence at hand . However, the equipment isn t perceived differently than
before. For instance, a broken hammer isn t perceived as a piece of steel and wood, but
it would still preserve its identity as a hammer. He then talks about obtrusiveness. He
explains that equipment can be unusable because of missing pieces. The more important
the missing piece is, the more unusable the equipment is. Lastly he explains that
unusability can characterized as something that stands in our way . Heidegger calls this
obstinacy. Conspicuousness, obtrusiveness, and obstinacy are capable of bringing
presence at hand characteristics to ready at hand objects through modifications of the
equipment. However, even if this is the case, we don t lose sight of the identity and
function of the tool, because we are so
Gay Discrimination
Throughout the years, the acceptance of homosexuality has been a widely debated
topic between common citizens and with America s laws. Should society welcome or
outcast them? This was the question on everyone s mind, to which most people before
the late 1960 s would favor the latter. In fact, during the mid 1960 s, it was against the
law to provide service to someone of gayorientation (Clendinen 22). People of
homosexual orientation would not allow others to restrict their rights because of
religious belief or hierarchy ideals. To disrupt the somewhat successful oppression that
the law was assisting in, they would fight back when police came to raid a bar in search
of illegal activity. This often caused the media to get involved and report their findings,
assisting in spreading the word of gay persecution.
Few people were willing to stand up for homosexuals as they were presumed to be
flawed, sinners, outcasts and even categorized as mentally ill. This was due to the fact
that, unlike different ethnicities with defining skin colors, gays had no markings to
identify them as a group (Clendinnen 22). However, homosexuals were almost all a part
of a discourse community and shared many ideas about equal rights for everyone. Since
they were confronted with declarations that they posed a threat to America, the activists
needed to reassure the media of their dedication to the country. They had to appeal
frequently to the nation s founding ideals of liberty and equality (Hall,
MKT 571 Quizzes week 1 6 Essay
Quiz Week 1 1 One of the most critical steps in the defining process of market research
is defining the problem, the decision alternatives, and research objectives 2 Wabash
Bank would like to understand if there is a relationship between the advertising or
promotion it does and the number of new customers the bank gets each quarter. What
type of research is this an example of? Casual 3 How does the market demand curve
change (as a function of marketing expenditure) during recession? Shifts downward 4
What data analysis type is being used here? When Sam thought about opening a foreign
car repair shop in Phoenix, he researched all of the firms in the area before deciding on a
location. He also analyzed their capabilities and... Show more content on
Segment acid test 7 Which of the following is known in marketing as attributes of a
product or service that may not be unique to the product or service? PointsВofВparity 8
What is the second stage of the consumer buying process? Information search 9 Which
other criteria helps make up the three criteria for a successful brand mantra: inspire,
simplify, and communicate 10 Which term describes the diverse needs of many ethnic
market segments? Multicultural marketing 11 Which of the following marketing
strategies does not concentrate on recognizing differences in customers needs in the
organization? Undifferentiated 12 Which of the following do brand mantras attempt to
define? Points of difference to other brands 13 Which of the following is a tool a
company uses to position its brands attributes in the minds of those in the organization?
Brand positioning bull s eye 14 Which of the following tools do marketers use to visually
illustrate how consumers view products or services on multivariables? Perceptual
mapping 15 Which other dimension is the VALS classification system based on besides
consumer motivation? Consumer resources 16 What other dimension helps market
segments be measurable, substantial, accessible, and differentiable? Actionable 17
Which other factor does an organization s marketing strategy focus on: segmentation,
targeting, and positioning 18
3.1 Highfly Logistics Software Company
3. Cases
3.1 Highfly Logistics Software Company
Highfly Logistics Software is a company based in London. It is a specializing software
company set up in 2005. Tom was served in this company as the co founder, chief
executive officer, and chairman. Highfly also occupied large amount of geographic
market, establishing sales, and support offices in four bigger countries in European.
Highfly s success story is also Tom s success story. One most important element of
Highfly s success is the reform in boardroom. Highfly first change the numbers of board
meeting, the quantity is two times than before. Second, in the strategy process, Highfly
increased the involvement of the boardroom. Third, Highfly also built a system of risk
management. Fourth, to monitor the risk management system, Highfly also built an
auditing committee that responsibility to this system (Steger and Amann, 2008).
Obviously, the boardroom reform methods are to concentrate more power on the
boardroom to control the risk that Highfly was taking. However, it s worked, and now,
Highfly is entering China market and the real dream of Highfly is to enter USA.
3.2 Swissair
Swissair is the national airline of Switzerland, but Switzerland was called a banana
republic due to the crisis on 2 October 2001. In that day, the entire airline delayed or
canceled by the Switzerland due to the liquidity problems. Apart of 40,000 worldwide
passengers were stranded in the airport. But why this crisis happened?
Swissair boardroom
Child Labor Essay example
Child labor is considered as a form of child abuse, it being the exploitation of a child s
rights and freedoms. Therefore, child labour is when underage children are employed,
this happens because a child labourer is paid less than an adult labourer. Consequently
employers have more children working for them because they spend less paying the
Child labor usually means work that is done by children under the age of 15 (14 in
some developing countries) that restricts or damages a child s physical, emotional, social
and/or spiritual growth. 1
Child labour is not something that just recently evolved. As a matter of fact, child labour
dates back to the 1780s and the 1840s, where child labour was predominant worldwide.
In 1788, it ... Show more content on ...
Although there are efforts to put an end to child labour in the world of today, they does
not seem to be enough. This is because even though there is a decrease in the number of
children that experience child labour, the change is not significant. The level of child
labour continues to increase. Presumably, in the societies where child labour is the way
of life, only few individuals master the courage to speak against it. Unfortunately, their
voices are unheard. For instance, in India there are efforts to lessen the number of child
labourers, but culture always gets in the way. This results in children working under very
poor conditions that pose a danger to their health on short term and long term scale.
However, in Canada the law states that:
Section 72 imposes a statutory duty on every person to report certain suspicions are
based, to a children s aid society. 2
... a professional has a legal obligation to immediately report suspected child abuse. 3
Usually, there is a reason behind everything that occurs in the world. For instance, the
purpose of going to school is to educate ourselves so that we can have a bright future
ahead of us. The main cause of child labour is poverty, which is heavily inclined by
culture which varies with different societies. In India, culture is the way of life. Closely
related to customs, culture this merely provides guidelines to the people within a society
on how to conduct their daily lives.
2 Zuker, Marvin A., Randolph C.
Descriptive Essay About Nanjing
Hello everybody, as a person in charge of the tourism department in Nanjing, I d like to
introduce my hometown, the beautiful Nanjing.
Nanjing is one of the four largest ancient capitals and historical and cultural cities with a
population of about 8000000 and a civilization history of more than 6000 years. It
located in the southwest of Jiangsu Province, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It is
the capital of Jiangsu province. Nanjing is located at the junction between the South and
the North of china, there have been many demographic shifts in history,it makes different
ethnic and religious beliefs converge here, let Nanjing become a place where religious
incense is strong and the customs are unique.
Nanjing is a subtropical monsoon climate, the annual rainfall is very high, and the total
rainfall can reach more than 1200 millimeters.And the average temperature is about 15
degrees per year. The weather is warm and sunny in spring;the summer is hot; it is called
the three big stove with Wuhan and Chongqing; the autumn is dry and cool; the winter is
cold. Spring and fall in Nanjing are very short, summer and winter are very long, summer
and winter temperature significantly.Each season has its own characteristics, all suitable
for Tourism.
There are so many places of interest in Nanjing, such as: the world of scholars, the drum
tower, the iron core bridge, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the palace of heaven, the
three steps, the two bridges and so on. Each of them has
Marion Lee Kemper s Essay On Why We Fight In Vietnam
During the Vietnam conflict, many American Soldiers wrote letters home telling the
families and friends about their feelings and experiences pertaining to their current
situation. Under the sub heading Why We Fight what I found most interesting was
Marine 2nd Lieutenant Marion Lee Kemper s letter. Within his letter he states, Our claim
to legality is that we were invited here by the South Vietnam government... The reason
why I find this interesting is because while reading this passage I gained the impression
that he felt the reason why we where was less than honorable. However, after reading the
rest of the letter, this individual felt as though he had to fight against communism in
Vietnam so he would have to fight against it in America.... Show more content on ...
Within his letter he states, I ve picked up most of the patrolling tricks taping metal
parts to prevent their making noise during movement, wearing bandoliers so the
magazines are on your chest and stomach for makeshift body armor, and other tricks to
stretch the odds a little more in your favor and give you a little more of an edge in
combat. The reason why I find this interesting is because during each of my tours in
Iraq, we used many of these same tricks. While conducting foot patrols at night or night
operation, we would tape our dog tags together along with placing tape around any other
metal that may have caused noise during movement. Additionally, despite already having
body armor, we would wear chest racks, which is similar to the bandoliers, to give us a
tactical advantage in speed and mobility over our enemy. It was interesting to learn how
many of the tactical movements that we learned stemmed from our past experience in
Vietnam. Under the sub header, Disillusionment what I found most interesting was
SPEC. William Kalwas
Astrazeneca Business Strategy Paper
Business Strategy The paper is going to discuss the business strategy and the strategic
moves of Pfizer in trying to buy AstraZeneca. In addition, the paper will broadly talk
about the environment (PEST analysis), the industry (Porter analysis), and stakeholder
influence and business idea concerning AstraZeneca. . It will also demonstrate how the
capabilities/ resources and competencies of the company projects are evaluated using the
SWOT analysisand the value chain. It will also show some options that are strategic
which are available to the company with the motive.
AstraZeneca has a vision of becoming a company which is most valued by businesses,
customers and patients. The company also has a mission of establishing medicines
with a main and purpose of treating and curing diseases, sufferings and symptoms. The
company was founded by two cousins in the year 1849 and in the year 1900 it was
converted from a business of the family to incorporation. In addition in the year 1944 it
became the leading producer of penicillin and citric acid (Thayer 92).
Literature Review
The research has made use of a number of academic sources so as to get some historical
and current information concerning the topic. The importance of using the academic
sources is that they are reliable and contain information that has been gathered by many
writers thus making the research very successful. The
Martin Luther s Impact On The History And Development
Martin Luther: Impact on the history and development of the German language
German is a West Germanic language that is mainly spoken in Central Europe. It is
the most widely spoken and (co ) official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland,
South Tyrol (Italy), the German speaking Community of Belgium, and Liechtenstein.
It is also one of the three official languages of Luxembourg. German is the second
most widely spoken Germanic language, after English. One of the major languages of
the world, German is the first language of about 95 million people worldwide and the
most widely spoken native language in the European Union. German also is the fourth
most widely taught non English language in the US (after Spanish, French and
American Sign Language) and third in the EU (after English and French; at lower
secondary level),the second most commonly used scientific language, as well as the
fourth most widely used language on websites (after English, Russian and Japanese).
German derives most of its vocabulary from the Germanic branch of the Indo European
language family. A portion of German words are derived from Latin and Greek, and
fewer are borrowed from French and English. With slightly different standardized
variants (German, Austrian, and Swiss Standard German), German is a pluricentric
language. German can be divided into different historical eras, Old High German (early
as 700 1050 A.D.), Middle High German (1050 1350 A.D.), Early New High German
(1350 1650 A.D.) and
The Iraqi Kurds
On September 25, almost 93 percent of Kurds voted for independence from Iraq in a
nonbinding referendum. The central government in Baghdad declared the referendum
unconstitutional and demanded that Kurdish leaders reject it. Worried that independence
for Iraqi Kurds would stir up their own Kurdish populations, Turkey threatened to impose
sanctions or even use military force on the Kurds; Iran closed its border with Kurdistan
and is backing Shia militias who fought with the Iraqi army against the peshmerga.
Regional actors worried about their own stability were not the only ones to condemn the
Kurds. Prior to the referendum, the United States pushed Kurdish leaders to delay the
vote lest it distract from the more urgent task of defeating... Show more content on ...
The Iraqi government crushed the rebels, inflicting over 100,000 deaths on the Kurdish
people. In 1988, the regime systematically murdered as many as 182,000 Kurds and
razed at least 4,000 Kurdish villages to the ground in a what was clearly a genocide.
Following the 1991 Gulf War, when Saddam Hussein was viciously persecuting Kurdish
and Shi a populations, the United States instituted a no fly zone to protect the Kurds, but
provided no further help to liberate them from the government that had slaughtered them
en masse.
Following the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, the Kurds emerged as an instrumental partner for
stability and moderation; the US leaned heavily on their support. Under the new Iraqi
constitution, the Kurds gained autonomy, though the exact geography of Iraqi Kurdistan
remained undefined, as both the Kurds and the central government claimed the right to
control regions such as Kirkuk. Later, with the rise of the Islamic State, the Kurds
became a primary force fighting the Islamic State, and a key US partner in the struggle to
eradicate the terror group.
Rather than betray the Kurds once again, the United States should stand by one of the
best allies it has in the Middle East. Not only do the Kurds deserve a shot at self
determination, but backing up the Kurds will allow the United States
Sop Statement Of Purpose For Aeronautical Engineering
Name: Gurram Sandeep Reddy
Program Sought: Masters in Aerospace Engineering.
Semester Sought: Fall 2014.


During my childhood, I was surprised to see an object flying in air. Later, I had tried to
fly in air, by jumping from heights, but I couldn t. This situation made me find the reason
for my failure that we can move through water without boats by swimming and we can
move on land without automobiles by walking. But I come to know that we cannot fly in
air without machines. This thought inspired me most and made me curious in studying
in the fields of aeronautical and aerospace, which results me to take the profession of
aeronautical engineer. This inclination towards aeronautics was further increased when I
got admitted in High School, where I participated ... Show more content on ...
This college is affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University (JNTU), Hyderabad.
Surprisingly, I found that I am the only student from the whole intermediate college to
take the Aeronautical Engineering stream for my further studies. This shows how
different am I, from others in choosing new subject. The field of Aeronautical
engineering captivated me ever since I found it revolutionary. This prompted me to take
it as a major in my under graduation. Along with my course I have participated in various
workshops and presented paper presentations at various institutions in and out of state
like BITS PILANI, GOA etc.,. This undergraduate course has given me comprehensive
knowledge of basic areas of Aeronautical engineering notably Aerodynamics, Flight
Mechanics, Aerospace Structures along with this CAD/CAM, Machine Design, Machine
Drawing and programs like CATIA, ANSYS have strengthen my interest in designing and
Foreign Workers and Issue
1.0 OBJECTIVE A lot of studies had been conducted on foreign worker issues in
Malaysia and they had been discussed in various dimensions, positive impact such as
great contribution to Malaysia rapid growth of economy of 8% GDP from year 1990
to year 1997. Yet, negative impacts which come along such as social problem were
committed by foreign workers. Spread of diseases, theft, cheating, robbery and even
killing are some the serious social problems created. In this paper, we would like to
examine foreign workers issues and challenges in the perspective of ethic and corporate
social responsibilities. 2.0 INTRODUCTION Why Malaysia need foreign workers to
support the growth of economy? By the end of 80 s, the booming of industrial... Show
more content on ...
4.11 Deception or false promises made regarding terms and condition of employment
Most foreign workers are coming from ASEAN countries, Nepal and India. Very
often, false promises were made by agent and they are forced to sign another contract
where the salary and benefit is totally decreased upon arrival. The Chin Well Fastener
Co Sdn Bhd case in year 2002 was clearly shown how the migrant workers from India
being cheated by the India Agent, the middleman and Malaysia employer. In this case,
80 workers had pay Rupees 100,000 (about RM8, 000) to the foreign agent in India to
secure the employment in Malaysia. Basic salary of RM600 per month and with
overtime total of RM800 will be paid per month was being told. It was established in
Court that the employer had signed a contract of employment and three documents as
required by the India High Commission promising a basic salary of RM600 per month.
When they arrived and worked in Malaysia, they were paid only RM350 instead of
RM600. In addition, a levy of RM152 was deducted from the salary although it is not
stated in the contract or any official documents. When these Indian foreign workers
protest against the action being taken, the employer cut off the water and electricity
supply to the hostel. Furthermore, the foreign workers are being forced to sign a new
fresh contract for a
Essay The Making of Apollo 13
The Making of Apollo 13

When making Apollo 13, Ron Howard s intention was to make his film as exciting as
possible. He wanted to make a chemistry on set that would show throughout the film.
Ron wanted Apollo 13 to be realistic, as well as exciting and enjoyable.

Within the characters, Ron wanted to capture their real personalities. This was done by
the actors (Tom Hanks and Kathleen Quinlan) meeting the real life Jim and Marilyn
Lovell. They each spent a day in their home to help capture the right characteristics and
get a real idea how they felt.

To make the film realistic and scientifically correct, actors and the film crew went to
NASA in Florida and watched real Apollo 13 footage. ... Show more content on ...
She wouldn t let others see how she really felt; she wanted to be strong in front of her

Fred Haise did say the phrase sure was a good ship when they landed in the Pacific
Ocean, Ron used this to help portray Fred s feelings and character.

The layout of mission control in the film is very similar to the real layout of mission
control in Houston.

Ron and the actors also met the real crew and used the astronaut s descriptions to help
make the scenes more realistic. They spoke to the astronauts and spent time with them so
they could learn, use and understand the terminology they had to use.

Ron made the film accurate by researching facts, using real events and phrases, talking to
NASA and astronauts.

In addition to being an entertaining film, it will go into records as being a source of

accurate data in the future Dave Scott (astronaut).

The whole film is not completely accurate. Ron wanted to make the film dramatic and
enjoyable, so he created the relationship between Jack and Fred. In real life, Jack and
Fred were good friends; they had no problems with each other. Ron created the tension
between them to add some drama to the storyline.

We are also manipulated in the scene where Jim tells Ken that he won t be going on the
mission and that he will be replaced by Jack. The cut of Ken s reaction of his bad news,
to Jacks
Nursing Theories In Nursing
Theories in Nursing

This paper discusses practice, research, and theory as it pertains to nursing. It explains
how important research is in nursing practice. The paper talks about mislabeling
specimen issues that hospital I work for encountered and examples of similar situations at
other healthcare facilities. This paper discuses Florence Nightingale s environmental
theory of nursing care as it pertains to a horrible case study of parent negligence.

Practice Research, and Theory

To Nursing

Practice, theory, and research are three main components that help to define nursing.
Nursing practice consists of many things such as being a caregiver, advocate, educator,
communicator and provider of care (Potter, 2015 p. 6). Professional nursing practice and
knowledge have developed in part through nursing theories that help to predict and
describe actives for the practice of nursing.
Related and Interdependent and Importance to Nursing
Theoretical models provide frameworks for how nurses practice. Research in nursing is
a systematic process that ask and answers questions to generate new knowledge. Once
completed, the research process contributes new knowledge to the practice of nursing
and help to create the evidence for the Evidenced Base Practice model. Nursing research
improves nursing practice and raises the standards for the profession . (Potter, 2015, p. 91)
Current Practice Change
Every few months at the hospital I work, proper patient identification is
Character of Stanley Kowalski in Tennessee Williams A...
The Character of Stanley in A Streetcar Named Desire

Animals are, by nature, passionately instinctive; that is, when reacting to a situation, they
do so forcefully and spontaneously. Therefore, we can think of passionate instinct as an
intense, innate reaction to a particular situation. Animals also lack what we call inhibition
the suppression of a natural drive, instinct or feeling. For instance, when a skunk senses
danger, it will not restrain its natural, defensive reaction and will not hesitate to spray a
foul smelling substance in the direction of the danger for self protection. When cattle
sense a threat to their environment, they do not try to rationalize their way to safety they
stampede. If a bull s passions are ... Show more content on ...
Stanley seems to be what we would consider a typical man: he works to support his
wife, whom he loves dearly; he gets together with his friends to play cards or go
bowling, and he seems to think of himself as the king of his castle . However, he is also
seen as being animalistic in nature, as he, too, is ruled by passionate instinct. We can
think of him as being animalistic because his reaction to various situations for instance,
his reaction when Stella breaks up his card game (I, iii, 57) is often intense, violent, and
very instinctive in nature.

However, animals also become threatened and often react in a savage, violent way in
order to defend themselves. When Stanley learns of his wife s loss of Belle Reve, he
reacts in the same way that an animal would when a threat to its family is sensed;
Stanley reacts with growing hostility and violent, uncivilized behavior. He instantly
believes that Blanche, his sister in law, has swindled his wife, Stella. Since he thinks that
Stella has been swindled, he feels that he, too, has been swindled. When Stella tells him
not to question Blanche about Belle Reve, we can clearly see that he has become hostile
towards Blanche: So that s the deal, huh? Sister Blanche cannot be annoyed with business
details right now (I, ii, 34). He then becomes defensive, searching through Blanche s
property, becoming angry towards
Weapons In The Civil War Essay
Weapons of War During the Civil War, there were many weapons used, that played a
big role in the civil war and how it shaped America. The war brought great trials and
tribulations as it came to the development of new war weapons and blockades that
gave each side a higher rank as it came to the deciding of the civil war. During this war,
both sides had an upper hand when it come to the weapons they used and the several
tactics they used to ambush and attack the enemy. There were many essential weapons
such as in the civil war that played a huge real in shaping the way the war would turn
The weapons in the civil war were essential in making the war the bloodiest in America
history. One of the massive turning points in the civil war was the creation of the forts
on the cost. The forts during the war had a massive impact on how the confederates and
the union could hold and store people and artillery. The forts during the civil war were
built from cement sand and some of the forts were... Show more content on ...
This meant that the soldiers trying to sneak up behind the place they had set up would
step on the landmines, which is also called a booby trap and it would blow them up
and warn the other men that there are people behind the position. This was very
effective because it was hard for them to be ambushed. The landmines were effective
during battle because if you were set up onto of a hill and trying to get some sleep
before war the next day you knew you had protection all around you to warn you if
someone was near. The land mind was just a medal bomb barried under the dirt with a
trip line connected to it that then the trip line was hit it would pull a pin and ignite a
spark on the gunpowder just lind the torpedoes do under the water. This made soldiers
on the opposite side very wiery about sneaking up on doing surprise attacks at night of the
The Theory Behind Absolute Advantage
Over many years there has been many conceptual theories devised to help explain the
reasons why there is trade within the world accompanied by the possibilities that gains
could or could not be made. This piece of work will examine four main theories put
forward by Adam Smith (Absolute advantage, 1776) which was then expanded on by
David Ricardo with his theory of the Ricardian Model (Comparative advantage, 1817).
Also including the Heckscher Ohlin model (relative factor abundance, 1919, 1933) and
the ideas of New Trade Theory (Economies of Scale and Imperfect Competition). These
ideas will be evaluated and synthesised to see if these explanations truly explain the
reasons of trade theory.
Absolute advantage was an idea suggest by Adam Smith in 1817. The theory behind
absolute advantage suggests that if a country is highly skilled and efficient in
producing a certain good with the fewer resources, then it is believed that a specific
country has an absolute advantage in the production of that good (Sloman Garratt,
2013). However Absolute advantage can only occur if the country using its resources
for a specific good/service does so efficiently otherwise no gains are made from trading.
Although it can be argued that the idea of Absolute advantage does not particularly
make much sense in explaining trade patterns. As said in Feenstra s and Taylors book,
Absolute advantage does not particularly help to explain the case of why the US imports
snowboards from places like China
The Effects Of Discrimination On International Students
The Effect of Discrimination on International Students
According to Institute of International Education organization, The United States hosts
more of the world s 4.5 million globally mobile college and university students than any
other country in the world, almost double the number hosted by the United Kingdom, the
second leading host country . Hosting millions of international students who were in The
United States in 2015. However, international students faced many challenges when they
arrive in The U.S., such as language, culture, and unequal treatment due to as racism.
Because international students faced discrimination, that has a negative effect on their
In the United States universities, Asian international students faced discrimination by the
policy of universities. In some American university, international students treated
differently than American students. According to Rhonda Sutton of North Carolina State
University mentioned in his article that at NC State University international student
worked more hours than an American student for the same pay. Another problem was NC
State university housing do not consider that international students cannot offer hotel
room or go back to their countries or have someone off campus to stay with him when
they close residence halls. This shows there is some university do not have rule include
the international students as part of their society. Also, international students have
complained about the
Comparing The Code Of Hammurabi And The Twelve Tables
Murder, perjury, and even funeral rites are all covered in both the Code of Hammurabi
and the Twelve Tables. The Code of Hammurabi was created between 1792 1750 BCE.
It was written by Hammurabi, the king of Babylonia. While the Twelve Tables was
made later in 450 BC in Rome. While some difference between the Twelve Tables and
the Code of Hammurabiare noticeable, the similarities are distinct.
In both the Twelve Tables and the Code of Hammurabi capital punishment was used. An
example is in Hammurabi it says If anyone ensnare another putting ban upon him, but he
can not prove it, then he that ensnared him shall be put to death. (Code of Hammurabi,
Law 1) Similarly, in the Twelve Tables, it is written that Whoever is convicted of speaking
Analysis Of The Screwtape Letters
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis is a book with thirty one chapters written by
Screwtape, a highly ranked assistant to the Devil, to his nephew Wormwood, a junior
demon. The chapters are presented as letters and provide instruction on how Wormwood
can corrupt his Patient, an ordinary man, and lead him from a life of Christian faith
towards the Devil. Throughout the letters, Screwtape serves as a first person narrator,
character within the story narrates ( Fiction terminology ). In The Screwtape Letters,
Lewis uses satire, sarcasm, and analogies to highlight the difference between God, Satan,
and man while emphasizing the importance of timing in manipulating the Patient towards
Satan and away from God. Lewis uses Screwtape s letters... Show more content on ...
This is juxtaposed to God when Screwtape states that ...all the talk about His love for
men and His service being perfect freedom, is not (as one would gladly believe) mere
propaganda, but an appalling truth. He really does want to fill the universe with a lot
of loathsome little replicas of Himself (Lewis, 38). The human body and its soul are
analogous to food: We want to suck in, He wants to give out. We are empty and would
be filled; He is full and flows over (Lewis, 39). God (the Enemy) wants people to
follow him, maintaining individuality, but the Devil wants to absorb them. Screwtape
reinforces the analogy of souls as food when he tells Wormwood that they drag their
patients along because they only want them for the table. He mentions this again when
he is displeased with Wormwood s progress with the Patient and states, Bring us back
food, or be food yourself (Lewis, 165).
As the book progresses, Screwtape s rhetoric becomes more sarcastic and his tone is
more patronizing ( Fiction terminology ). In describing the Patient s girlfriend,
Screwtape says, Not only a Christian but such a Christian a vile, sneaking, simpering,
demure, monosyllabic, mouse like, watery, insignificant, virginal, bread and butter
miss. The little brute. She makes me vomit. (Lewis, 117). The sarcasm and food
analogies are in full force in the final chapter of the book when Screwtape addresses
Wormwood with My dear, my very dear,
Similarities Between Hannah Dustan And Mary Rowlandson
There are many great stories to be told from American Literature up to 1890. Hannah
Dustan and Mary Rowlandson are both key figures when it comes to such American
Literature. Both of these women shared their own personal experiences of being held
captive. They both have a lot in common as they both were captured by Native
Americans; both were puritans and both lost members of their family. While
Rowlandson chose to write her story in a first person narrative, Dustan s story was told
in the words of Cotton Mather based on what he had heard from Dustan herself. This
could also be interpreted that Mather could have changed around bits of Dustan s story.
Dustan and Rowlandson were both captured by Native Americans. They became heroines
due to... Show more content on ...
She was captured on the 10th of February, 1675 and was held captive for 11 weeks
before she was ransomed. Rowlandson was not alone whilst held captive. She was
joined by her three children. Her youngest however did not survive the captivity.
Psalms and the bible played a massive part in Rowlandson s narrative. The more you
read, the more frequently psalms quoted from the bible seem to be used.
Approximately one third of the Biblical references that pervade Rowlandson s
narrative of her captivity (Henwood, 169). It is clearly evident that religion plays a
massive part of her life and she turns to her religion throughout her captivity. She uses
the psalms as a context for her misery, spiritual assurance, and emotional release
(Henwood, 170). Some have stated that the use of all the psalms in Rowlandson s
narrative has prevented her from telling some of the story. Derounian and others have
portrayed the Biblical text as inhibiting Rowlandson s ability to tell her own tale
(Henwood, 170). Although Henwood herself disagreed with this theory stating, the
sacred Psalms render publicly legitimate, even righteous, the captive s very human
frustration and rage and thus enable her, as well as the communal vision she is a part
of, to survive (170). The psalms become such a massive part of the narrative it is easy
to see how some people find them to overshadow the story. Rowlandson however seemed
to be such a religious
Comparison of News Reports Essay
Comparison of News Reports

On Thursday 22nd April 2004, Ron Atkinson, manager and footballing legend, was
overheard making a racist remark concerning player Marcel Desailly the black Chelsea
defender during the Chelsea Monaco Champion s League semi final.

The story received colossal press coverage from all of the newspapers, mainly because
Atkinson is famous for coaching so many black players. I have studies two newspapers
accounts of the same story. One paper is a tabloid (The Sun) and the other is a broadsheet
(The Daily Telegraph). The reason why I have chosen to examine a tabloid report and
also a broadsheet is to discover the similarities between them and also the contrasts in the
... Show more content on ...
This also uses the technique of personalisation like the tabloid; however it is more
formal and does not use slang. It does not have as much impact as The Sun uses words
like racist , it seems less harmful because they are only costly thoughts instead. There is
a more formal, serious picture; he is shown doing his job in smart clothes and he looks
dignified. There is only one picture and a lot more text which is divided into eight

The sun differs from the Daily Telegraph in content greatly. The Sun only has a short
paragraph of background information whereas The Daily Telegraph has quite a large
section describing Atkinson s tributes and achievements in football. Also The Sun has
much shorter quotes in its article. This is because The Sun is known to get straight to
the point in articles whilst The Daily Telegraph usually gives all sides of the argument
before coming to a conclusion.

The Sun is part of the News Corporation Group owned by press baron Rupert Murdoch
and is the best selling British newspaper selling 3.5 million copies a day, compared to
The Daily Telegraph who is part of Hollinger Inc. owned by Conrad Black. In
comparison to The Sun it sells over three times less, a million copies per day are sold of
The Daily Telegraph.

Ron Atkinson is a famous TV and football personality. This gives the story a high news
value in both the tabloid and the broadsheet
U.s. Government And Federal Reserve
In the late 2007, early 2008 the United States and the world was hit with the most
serious economic downturn since The Great Depression in 1929. During this time the
Federal Reserve played a huge role in assuring that it would not turn into the second
Great Depression. In this paper, we will be discussing what the Federal Reserve did
during this time including a discussion of our nation s three main economic goals which
are GDP, employment, and inflation. My goal is to describe the historic monetary and
fiscal policy efforts undertaken by the U.S. Government and Federal Reserve including
both the traditional and non traditional measures to ease credit markers and stimulate the
economy. First, I want to give you a little background on the... Show more content on ...
So what exactly happened to the subprime mortgage market that caused all of this? It
actually goes back to 1998 with the Glass Steagall legislation, which separated regular
banks and investment banks was repealed in 1998. This allowed banks, whose
deposits were guaranteed by the FDIC to engage in highly risky business because they
were guaranteed their deposits up to $250,000 per depositor. Following the dot com
bust in 2000, the Federal Reserve dropped rates to 1 percent and kept them there for an
extended period. This drop in rates caused bank managers to have to go after higher
yielding bonds because they could no longer make decent yields off of municipal bonds
or treasury bonds. They, like Wall Street, got creative with lending, and went after high
yield mortgage backed securities like subprime mortgages which were mostly dominated
by non bank originators but because of the demand, many banks and private sector
lenders jumped on board to increase profits. Because of this downfall of the housing
market, the U.S. economy fell along with other markets across the country. Homeowners
had mortgages higher than what their homes were valued at, the decline in housing
prices caused many people to default on their mortgages which caused the values of
mortgage backed securities and CDO s to collapse, leaving banks and their financial
institutions holding those securities with a lower value of
Jonathan Swift s Modest Proposal
Pre Introduction: Today, many texts studied in the English class connect with the world s
history. When covering certain topics, it is important for teachers to pick an interesting
and informative study that teaches important literacy skills, such as posing arguments.
The pieces studied in this essay focus on the topic of the British Empire.

Thesis: Jonathan Swift s Modest Proposal is the most effective in conveying its proposal
against Imperialism as a universal theme.

Directional Statement: Jonathan Swift s Modest Proposal successfully uses evidence to

support its proposal and an effective style of writing. It also presents a clearly defined
problem and solution compared to George Orwell s Shooting an Elephant and Thomas
Jefferson s Declaration of Independence .

Point 1: Swift s Modest Proposal effectively uses appropriate and convincing proof to
clearly support its claim that imperialism is an ineffective and oppressive ideology that
opposes the public good of many. The Declaration of Independence and Shooting an
Elephant show minimal proof to support the central theme.

Proof 1: In a list of oppressive acts committed by the King of Great Britain, Jefferson
states that He has forbidden his Governor to pass Laws of immediate and pressing
importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assen should be obtained; and
when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. (Jefferson)

Analysis 1: This proof shows that imperialism is an

The Causes And Impacts Of The International Space Station
The International Space Station commonly known as the (ISS) is a large spacecraft that
orbits around Earth. This space station serves as a home for the crews of astronauts and
cosmonauts. The space station is also a unique science laboratory. Several nations such
as Canada, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United States, and eleven Member States
of the European Space Agency(Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands,
Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom) worked together to build
and use this space station. The space station is made of parts that were assembled by
astronauts, in space itself. NASAis using this space station to learn more about the
living and working conditions in space. These discoveries will help make it possible for
them to find out if it is feasible to send humans farther into space than ever done in the

The International Space Station was first considered in the waning years of the Cold
War. A space station called Mir was prepared to be launched by the Soviet Union, which
went into orbit in 1986. The United States wanted to match its rival.During his 1984
State of the Union address, President Ronald Regan announced his plans for a U.S led
project. Russia was invited to join the space station by the United States when they
decided to expand their international partnership, after the collapse of the Soviet Union in
1993. Eugene Skolnikoff, professor emeritus of political science at the Massachusetts
Comparing Lyra, Apollo s Metamorp To The Poet Orpheus
Lyra, Apollo s gift of a harp to the poet Orpheus. Lyra is one of the smallest, yet
beautiful and rich constellations in the heavens. Its mythology is rich and the
constellation assisted greatly in travel in the Northern Hemisphere. Vega, one of the
brightest star in the sky is also apart of Lyra. This constellation was first discovered by
the Egyptian Muggle Astronomer Ptolemy during the 2nd Century. Ptolemy first
interpreted Lyra as the Greek instrument of the lyre, as the outer stars took the form of
the frame, with the inner stars forming the strings. The tale surrounding Orpheus was
developed later after its discovery Creation Mythology Apollo, God of Music gave the
young Orpheus a golden lyre created in the forges of Olympus, and taught the boy how
to play it. Orpheus led a privileged life, being the son of the Thracian King, allowing his
skills on the instrument to flourish as he grew older. Orpheus lyre music could charm
even the dullest of life, and satisfied the greatest rulers in the land. Orpheus eventually
became a member of the Argonauts, led by the famous hero Jason. While on their
journey for the Golden Fleece, the Argonauts encountered the islands of the infamous
Sirens. These Sirens were known to sing in such a way that would drag the sailors
towards them, forcing them to crash into the rocks were they resided. Orpheus sounded
great music with his lyre, drowning the song of the Siren and allowing the Argonauts to
sail through the rocks without trouble.... Show more content on ...
The Muses, protectors of the arts and musical works, buried Orpheus underneath Mount
Olympus and sent his lyre into the skies, where it would be remembered
Anti Divorce
The Anti Divorce Revolution: The Debate on Marriage Takes a Surprising Turn

Pia Nordlinger

The Weekly Standard, March 2, 1998

Town amp; Country, a glossy magazine for the well heeled, touted a special feature in
its January issue: T amp;C s Guide to Civilized Divorce. Placed just before photos of
society newlyweds in the monthly Weddings section, the guide highlights how to choose
the right attorney, minimize costs, and spare the children mental anguish. The 16 page
insert even includes a compilation of America s top divorce lawyers, complete with their
professional nicknames: Your Worst Nightmare, The Hired Gun and The Stealth Bomber.
Readers of slick magazines may be interested in the mode of divorce, but the rest of the
... Show more content on ...
During the 1970s, when more and more states were adopting no fault laws, the annual
number of divorces shot from 708,000 in 1970 to 1,181,000 in 1979, an increase of 66
Even as divorce was becoming commonplace, public opinion remained ambivalent.
Between 1970 and 1995, the minority who oppose divorce as a solution to marital
difficulty rose slowly from 22 percent to 34 percent, according to CBS News polls. More
striking, through the 80s and 90s roughly half the respondents to National Opinion
Research Center surveys agreed with the statement, Divorce should be more difficult to
obtain than it is now, while the share who thought it should be even easier hovered
around 25 percent.
Still, the public may not be ready to repeal no fault. Most attempts to toughen state laws
have failed. The notable exception came last July, when Louisiana enacted covenant
marriage. Couples in that state now have the opportunity to choose between a standard
marriage and a covenant marriage, which includes premarital counseling and, if the
marriage should break down, counseling before a divorce can take place. Covenant
couples can be granted a no fault divorce only after a two year waiting period, four
times the standard period. Yet covenant couples may seek a fault based divorce if there is
evidence of adultery, abandonment, physical or sexual abuse, or felony imprisonment.
Since Louisiana s law took effect, only a tiny fraction of couples have taken the covenant
Introduction to Life Styles Inventory
Personal Thinking Styles

The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) was designed to help assess effectiveness in relationships
on the job and support the development of interpersonal skills. This road map to self
development was the brainchild of Dr.Clayton Lafferty. This survey of questions
measures 12 key thinking styles, that are regarded to promote performance change and
improve personal understanding of how our thinking affects our behavior. The 12 styles
are categorized into three general clusters: Constructive, which includes Achievement,
Self Actualizing, Humanistic Encouraging, and Affinitive thinking styles, Passive
/Defensive, which includes Approval, Conventional, Dependent, and Avoidance thinking
styles; Aggressive/Defensive, which ... Show more content on ...
I have watched colleague be terminated for speaking their minds or having different of
opinions from that of our direct report who is new to this role and wants to flex her
power. It is disheartening and discouraging for me. This is a style that needs to be

Impact on Management Style

Most of my life, I have successful in maintain balance between my personal and
professional life. But as we all know, they overlap and are intertwined. Our management
styles whether good or bad reflect our ability to lead other. To be an effective manager
you must have the four basic management functions: 1) the ability to Plan; 2) Organize;
3) Lead; and 4) Control.
I am not big on procrastination, so planning is very important to me. I need to know the
why, when, how, what to generate a plan and effectively execute it. There is always that
need to establish a goal and a plan of action to accomplish this. This is a process that
must be seen through to the end.
No plan successful plan can be executed with proper organization. As a manager it is
imperative to be able to organize the plan for which a goal has been set. Organization
is very broad. For me, as long as there is a plan where it is personal or in my
professional environment, I strategically put resources in place, which will best efficient
way to accomplish the plan of action I set up.

Tet Offensive And Its Impact On The Vietnam War
Tet Offensive The Tet Offensive received its name from the Vietnamese Lunar New Year,
the American public and further holiday called Tet (Tet Offensive n.p.).The series of
surprise attacks that the North Vietnam and Viet Cong forces launched to attack many of
South Vietnam cities and U.S. Embassy in Saigon is known today as the Tet Offensive.
The Tet Offensive played a role in the Vietnam War and was considered to many
Americans, soldiers, and even the President as a turning point in the war. The United
States and South Vietnamforces were allies and managed to hold off the surprise
communist attacks. The Tet Offensive led into The Battle of Hue, a lengthy battle that
shocked and dismayed the American public and further eroded support for the war effort
(Tet Offensive n.p.). The Tet Offensive lead to many difficulties throughout the Vietnam
War. It was a victory to North Vietnam and Viet Cong forces, leaving damage to much of
South Vietnam. January 30, 1968, 70,000 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces had
launched the Tet Offensive, which were fierce surprise attacks to Central South Vietnam.
These attacks established many of the first views that Americans had seen first hand that
were put out for them to see. General Vo Nguyen Giap, leader of the Communist People s
Army of Vietnam (PAVN), planned the offensive in an attempt both to foment rebellion
among the South Vietnamese population and encourage the United States to scale back
its support of the
Gravity Vs. To Build A Fire
Andrei Cozma
Gravity is a science fiction movie directed by Alfonso CuarГіn, having as central themes
the fragility, vulnerability of the humans facing the harsh, ruthless outer space, as well
as mankind s ability to survive and recover from disasters, and after all, to restart its
evolution. Gravity can be compared to Jack London s tale To Build a Fire transposed
into space, a man versus nature story, because Gravity is not a movie about space, but
about the way humans, frail and vulnerable, adapt to it. The dependence of humans on
Earth is also depicted in The World Below the Brine . The astronauts are ambitious
characters far away from Earth and from everything that means a normal life. The same
ambition and detachment from society ... Show more content on ...
The concept of mankind s ability to rebirth and continue its evolution are presented in
many scenes in the movie. A suggestive imagery related to the formation of life is
found in the scene where Dr. Stone rests in a position similar to a fetus before birth. The
film ends with an allegory of the emergence of mankind, when Dr. Stone struggles to get
out of the ocean after landing on Earth, looking like a primitive creature, then grabs the
soil with her hands and gradually regains her ability to stand upright and walk like
humans. Another imagery, related to Creation, is the breathtakingly beautiful sunrise
shown by the astronauts over the Earth. These imageries have been included in the
movie to convey a couple of messages to the public in an artistic manner. The filmmakers
tried to emphasize that Earth is a marvelous place, the Garden of Eden for humankind,
warm and protective compared to the harsh, dangerous space, and they also tried to
induce confidence in humans ability to recover and to restart its evolution after a potential
The Link Between Performance and Reward
Do some background reading and carry out some research to explain the link between
organisational success, performance management and motivation and the relationship
between performance management and reward. Write a report of no more than 1000
words, which summarises the outcome of your research and should include: 1. Terms of
Reference 1 This report aims to examine performance and reward management, as well as
the link between the two in terms of motivationand organisational success.

2 The report focuses on: 1 The purpose and components of performance management
systems 2 The link between business objectives and performance management 3
Motivational theories which define the link ... Show more content on ...
3 Monitoring and feedback is a more hands on approach which signifies a no surprises
working practices. It builds rapport between managers and employee, prevents issues
escalating and can often work well with an open door approach. The regular and informal
feedback that employees should be able to expect throughout the year keeps employees
on track with current business requirements. (Martin and Jackson, 2005, p154)

3 Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs clearly motivates employees by meeting their self

actualisation needs by offering career progression, introducing new elements to a role,
developing supportive training and personal coaching.

4 Locke s Goal Theory works by setting SMART objectives which are determined in
agreement by the employees to meet the manager s requirements. As the objectives are
determined by the employee it raises the commitment and desire to achieve a specific

5 Reward links closely to the performance management system as employees expect to

be rewarded for their loyalty, hard work and contribution (Martin and Jackson, 2005,
p156). Rewards act as:

1 A means of motivating employees to attain a specific requirement and a PMS requires

the right combination of financial and non financial motivators . (Martin and Jackson,
2005, p157) The reward can be individualised to the employee giving it personalised

2 A means of promoting a culture

C. S. Lewis Wormwood Analysis
While most people know the man C. S. Lewis as the author of the Narnia series, an
uncommon fact remains that he enjoyed reading and writing poetry. Although Lewis s
skills as a poet were not as fine tuned as his narrative and fiction, he managed to create
very thought provoking works with style and creativity. One of these great pieces, he
titled Wormwood; this poem likely was named after one of the demons originating from
one of his earlier books the Screwtape letters. This poem focuses on the spiritual world
and similar to Screwtape letters shows the impending darkness in the world around us.
The poem utilized alternate rhyme meaning every two lines rhyme; however, this
specific rhyme would not necessarily be repeated later. This poem begins with the lines
Thou only art alternative to God, oh, dark and burning island among spirits. This
introduction shows that although there exists an alternative to God, this option remains
darkness and fire among evil spirits. Mr. Lewis then writes the names of three spirits who
he thought would encourage the reader to avoid the darkness. Firstly he writes of
Wormwood; this character, from earlier books, is constantly under the instruction of
others more experienced demons in the art of encouraging sin and tormenting the humans
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All that seemed earth is hell, or heaven. God is: thou art: The rest illusion. From this
section readers see that they should live for God or they will end up living for nothing.
Next C. S. Lewis says people should let the light of the Father show through them,
proclaiming what God does for his saved. Oppositely he shows that those who reject
their creator will see and endure the strength of fire. Venus, the goddess of earthly love
and beauty, is used to show even the people who externally seem nice, if they do not
serve the savior, will endure
Monitoring And Controlling Blood Glucose Levels
Worldwide, diabetes is a rapidly growing problem that is managed at the individual level
by monitoring and controlling blood glucose levels to minimize the negative effects of
the disease. Because of limitations in diagnostic methods, significant research efforts are
focused on developing improved methods to measure glucose. Nanotechnologyhas
impacted these efforts by increasing the surface area of sensors, improving the catalytic
properties of electrodes and providing nanoscale sensors. Herein, we discuss the
developments in the past several years on both nanosensors that directly measure glucose
as well as nanomaterialsthat improve glucose sensor function.
Diabetes is a rapidly growing problem, currently affecting 300 million people
worldwide . and its incidence is expected to increase rapidly in the coming decades[0].
Diabetes can lead to complications such as serious as lower limb amputations, blindness,
and cardiovascular disease [1].Continuous and accurate monitoring of patient blood
glucose levels is critical for diagnosis and management of the disease.
In order to attain optimal control, patients must monitor their blood glucose levels.
Currently, this requires a patient to obtain a small sample of blood, usually via a finger
prick. Blood is placed onto a sensor test strip that is then read by a handheld electronic
reader, which reports the blood glucose concentration. These sensors are based on
electrochemical enzymatic measurements (Figure 1) with screen printed
How Tobacco Use Teaching Methods
Tobacco Use Teaching Methods
Choosing the correct teaching method is important to help the learner retain and learn
information in an effective and efficient way. Tobacco use is a health related topic that
needs further education and intervention from a nurse. Group discussion and
demonstration, and return demonstration are two teaching methods of interest to me,
which I believe will be beneficial to use when educating a small group of five people
about this health related topic are. Group discussion involves the deliverance of medical
information or education to a small group of individuals which may include their family
so information, opinions can be exchanged with the nurse. This is simple way to deliver
information to more than one person at one time if time management is a concern, and
the nurse is able to build trust and rapport with the group as a whole. Demonstration and
return demonstration works more effectively in a small group and involves education or
teaching with the nurse and learner(s). This method also allows time for feedback from
both parties. The nurse gives the learner a demonstration of a task to perform and the
learner has to attempt to carry out the task back showing competence, and the nurse is on
standby to give cues as needed.
Group discussions Group discussions are beneficial as this teaching method is useful as
it allows the learners to share information about their personal experiences and is both
economically and time
The Abolition Of Slavery Dbq
The issue of slavery was left out of the Declaration of Independence for a reason, but
why? We ll also go over what the abolition of slavery is. We will find out whether
abolition was present in the colonies during the American Revolution. And we will
discuss how Lord Dunmore s 1775 Proclamation influenced the Declaration of
Independence. Those are the topics we will be covering today. First things first Thomas
Jefferson wanted to add slaverys abolition to the declaration, but it caused a lot of
dispute and was taken off in the end. Jefferson believes this is due Abolition of slavery
is the end to the slave trade. Abolition was present in the colonies during the American
Revolution because they were getting rid of British law in exchange
The Cahuilla Tribe
The Cahuilla were a Native Southern Californian tribe that occupied the Riverside
County, Higher Palomar Mountain Region and East Colorado Desert. The tribe was
divided into two groups or moieties know as Wildcats or Coyotes. The Cahuilla lived in
small clans that varied in population, and together all the separate clans made up a larger
political group called a sib %20Culture
/. The tribe was at first considered to be very simple and savage because they were never
interacted with. As the Europeans and Spanish Missionaries considered the desert an
inhospitable place that was better to avoid because... Show more content on ...
California Indians. 1999, p6. 2p. 1 Black and White Photograph, 1 Chart, 1 Map. The
mesquite and willow wood provide a flexible and strong base for the bow, which allowed
the Cahuilla to hunt game from a distance. They also implemented another weapon that
was similar to a boomerang that was held in one hand and tossed at smaller game. The
throwing stick would incapacitate or stun the game in order to provide a chance for the
Cahuilla hunter to acquire their prey .
Hunting was a big part of the Cahuilla life when the seasons would allow it. Using the
seasons as indicators when their game would produce offspring, and when they were able
to start hunting was no easy task as it shows excellent organizational and planning skills.

The methods of both hunting and gathering of the Cahuilla Indians are spectacular since
most people consider a desert region to be inhospitable. Yet the Cahuilla had an
abundance of food by implementing different methods to acquire food. Using both
hunting and gathering techniques they were able to successfully plan their life s out in
order to live. They had great organizational and planning skills which were the major
reason they were able to live in such a desolate place. Their
Cotonou Research Paper
Cotonou my city
Situated in West Africa, with an area of 112,622 kmВІ to some extent larger than
Bulgaria, or somewhat smaller than the U.S. state Pennsylvania , ( my
country Benin a French colony from the late 19th century until 1960 with Cotonou the
largest city as its capital, is the place where I grew up. Not very well known around the
world certainly because of its tranquility, and its uniqueness that I am about to show you
in the rest of this essay, Benin is one of the best West African itineraries you should
include in your travel plan if you ever wish to visit Africa.
A deep influence on all facets of cultural life has been left on the country particularly
among the cultivated parts of the inhabitants and in the cities in the south part of the
country after French colonization. Each ethnic groups has their own old traditions, which
itself mixes with the French impact often. Cotonou which is undeniably the best city in
the country to shop and have fun, has Quite a lot of movie theatres , hotels, cafes,
discotheques that offer entertainment to ... Show more content on ...
also be sure to visit the biggest, the spot on heart of the city exposed air marketplace in
west Africa which is the Grand Marche De Dantopka , literally everything under the
sun can be found there. Slowly wander in the middle of the numerous strands in the
never ending labyrinth passageways of the market, with the high spirited ladies traders
of nicely handmade jewelries commonly called Mama Benz , feel free to bargain your
items. Consume delicious fruits; buy African handmade fascinators for your boy or
girlfriend and fabrics as
The Demon Lover
In the story of the The Demon Lover Mrs. Dover s character starts off as a normal
prosaic woman struggling in the times and hardships of the second world war. Much
like many of the English people, she had been shaken by the detriment that had been
caused by this war. However, soon she discovers a letter embedded with the reminder of
the sinful promise she had broken years ago. Upon reading the letter speaking of her
promise, she is infected with a paralyzing fearthat eventually devolves her into a
paranoid, hallucinating woman. Her paranoiacreates the story of The Demon Lover by
cultivating the inner fear within herself. Her hallucinations create and control the
surroundings and events that eventually take place. Thanks to her amassed fear of over
twenty five years, Mrs. Dover s character almost completely controls the plot and the
overall outcome of the story. There are several key indicators and hints dropped
throughout the story that tell about her unstable state. The first of... Show more content on ...
This quality is her unfaithfulness. If she had been faithful, she would have nothing to
fear in the first place. Because of this she would most likely not have had the
hallucinations or paranoia. Not only that, if the demon lover had somehow been a
supernatural apparition that came back to haunt her, he still could not have existed. If
she had not made that that promise she had intended to break, the entire story of The
Demon Lover could have been avoided. The story provides evidence to the intentions of
the promise when it states No other way of having given herself could have made her
feel so apart, lost and forsworn. She could have not plighted a more sinister troth (3). This
statement confirms the unfaithfulness to the promise made to her soldier lover. She had
every intention of breaking her promise. Therefore, she lived the serve the punishment
twenty five years
Dracula And Dracula
Imagine a movie is being shown of a person who is casually minding their own
business while taking a stroll through the woods somewhere. Suddenly, there is eerie
and suspenseful music playing in the back of the character s mind and they think,
What in the world is that? They think A. It must be a song they heard a long time ago,
B. Some cute and fuzzy cartoon characters are about to come out and start singing, or
C. They re about to run into a scary monster or murder. Odds are, if the watcher know
how suspenseful movies and novels go, they would probably pick C. People are able to
pick out certain aspects of a novelor movie and know that something bad is about to
happen. Same as in the movie Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, originally written by
Seth Grahame Smith, and then produced into a movie by Burr Steers. Vampires and
zombies, such as in these novels and movies, would make someone scared, mostly
because of how strange and different they are from us, also known as The Other. The
ideas of suspense, monstrous or scary beings, and The Other shown throughout Pride and
Prejudice and Zombies were all influenced by the classic novel Dracula, written by Bram
The idea of suspense is represented differently depending on what the movie or novel is
about. Movies that have characters that are considered to be fictional would more likely
have stronger suspense than a movie that has characters that were living in real times. An
article relating to the movie Pride and
Volleyball Is A Popular Sport Across The World For Both
Volleyball is a popular sport across the world for both males and females, whether it be
competitively or recreationally (Mitchinson, 2013). The objective of the game is to
send the ball over the net and have it land inside the opponents court. However, to
even start the game or rally, one must serve the ball from their side of the court to the
other side of the court. This then gives the teams an opportunity to score a point.
Therefore, serving is one of the most important skills in volleyball since it is one of the
few ways to continue to score points (Seminati, 2015). A type of serve often is the
overhand serve. This serve requires the subject to toss the ball with one hand and contact
the ball with the opposite hand above the head.... Show more content on
The players were tested using a ten camera motion analysis system. Markers were placed
on various spots on the body to assess movements at the pelvis, thorax, shoulder, arm, and
hand. The markers measure flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation of the trunk.
For the upper limb, it measured internal and external rotation. The players performed ten
spike trials to various spots on the court. For these trials, were then analyzed and
Mitchinson concluded that there were no differences in the range of motion (ROM) of
the injured and uninjured athletes. This article is important for analyzing the
biomechanics of a volleyball serve because the motion of the shoulder during a spike and
a serve and almost identical. The article also gave useful information on the sport of
volleyball and the importance of having proper shoulder movement to successfully swing
(Mitchinson, 2013).
Elena Seminati, and other scientists, conducted a study on the shoulder range of motion
and humerus rotation in volleyball. The main purpose of the study was to assess the
performance/motions of the shoulder and use that information to determine ways to
avoid injury. The introduction of the research article gave crucial information on the
importance of having correct biomechanics to avoid injury. It stated that shoulder injury
is one of the most common injuries in volleyball. The study analyzed 21 volleyball, both
male and female, that competed at the national level. Sixteen markers were placed
Evaluation Of An Integrated Care Pathway
INTRODUCTION An integrated care pathway is a structured multidisciplinary
synopsis of anticipated care, placed within a set timeline, to aid a patient with a
specific condition or set of symptoms to move progressively through a clinical
experience to positive outcomes, It is one of the main tools used to manage the quality
in healthcare concerning the standardisation of care processes and therefore promotes
organised and efficient patient care based on evidence based practice. (British Medical
Journal, 1998). In this essay I aim to justify a patient pathway of care with reference to
national and local agendas. I will analyse the assessment strategies utilised in the
pathway from a bio psycho social perspective with reference to contemporary evidence
and provide examples from clinical practice where assessment of the patient of the
pathway impacts upon the care planning process. JUSTIFY THE SELECTION OF THE
pathway I have selected to discuss from pervious placement is the Pneumonia pathway.
The national agenda I have chosen heading this topic is the National Institute for Health
and care Excellence (NICE). Under the pneumonia pathway I will concentrate on the
Adult with community acquired pneumonia path which is within the pathway.
Pneumonia, is a lower respiratory tract infection in which there is an inflammation of the
lung(s) caused by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the
Lovelock06 Tif
Chapter 6
Educating Customers and Promoting the Value Proposition


Multiple Choice Questions

1. ____________ and ____________ represent important ways to add value to a product.

a. Reciprocation; classification
b. Information; classification
c. Information; consultation
d. Reciprocation; consultation
e. Reciprocation; mediation
(c; Moderate; p. 155)

2. Which of the following is NOT one of the four problems for marketers seeking to
promote a service s benefits described by Banwari Mittal?
a. Distribution
b. Abstractness
c. Generality
d. Non searchability
e. Mental impalpability
(a; Challenging; p. 157)

3. Which of the following would be classified under generality in intangibility?

a. Safety.
b. A hamburger.
c. An ... Show more content on ...

19. Direct marketing involves efforts to stimulate positive interest in an organization and
its products by sending out news releases, holding press conferences, staging special
events, and sponsoring newsworthy activities put on by third parties.
(False; Easy; p. 171)

20. Blogs (Web logs) are frequently modified Web pages in which entries are listed in
chronological sequence.
(False; Moderate; p. 172)

Short Answer

21. Give an example of an intangible abstract concept in service promotion.

Financial security (expert advice, safe transportation).

(Moderate; p. 157)

22. List an advertising strategy used to overcome mental impalpability aspects of a


Case history episode (service process episode, service consumption episode).

(Moderate; p. 157)

23. List an advertising strategy used to overcome non searchability aspects of a service.

Consumption documentation (reputation documentation).

(Moderate; p. 157)

24. List the five W s in the checklist for marketing communications planning.

Who is our target audience, what do we need to communicate and achieve, how should
we communicate this, where should we communicate this, and when do the
communications need to take place?
(Challenging; p. 163)

25. What are the four key characteristics of a sticky Web site?

High quality content, ease of use, quick download, and frequently updated.
(Moderate; p. 178)


26. Describe the differences between traditional marketing communication

Sui Dynasty Centralization
The Qin Dynasty lasted from 221 BC to 207 BC and marked the end of the warring
states period. The end did not just mean the end of a period but the end of an ideology
that viewed China as separate instead from then on China began to be viewed as a united
culture. The Qin established the first emperor of Chinaand established that China was
meant to be a united empire and from then on, China would never again be a fragment of
states. They managed to consolidate multiple states into a single empire, through new
polices and the recreation of China. The Qin began a process of centralization and
standardization the continued far into the Sui Dynasty. Centralization was achieved by
dividing China into thirty six commanderies and then divided further... Show more
content on ...
They used the examination system as a way to establish a false meritocracy. This
helps maintain a united empire by demonstrating to the public that one acquires one s
status based on merit not on family linage or wealth. This however is far from true as
only the wealthy are truly able to educate their kids and prep fro the examinations. It is
used as a way to justify the positions held by the aristocrats preventing an outright
society where social standing is based on family ties. The use of the examinations also
enables the influx of people to the capital enabling a cosmopolitan and diverse capital
where the citizens are exposed to different cultures from other parts of China. It worked
as a form of integration as people from the capital were also placed in post throughout
China bring different ideas to varying regions of China. Further from the use of the
examination the Sui dynasty also began the canal system to connect Northern China to
Southern China. This established further trade between both regions and a form of
unification that made the exchange of ideas between the north and south commonplace.
The canals lead to the integration of China into a single entity as now travel between
regions became more accessible and trade flourished. Thus making the Sui effective in
centralizing China into one political
Tuxtaxnet Viruses
Each year there are many attempts to illegal gain entry into networks by attackers to steal
information. Some attacks are designed to steal information while other may be to attack
a system to cause damage or disrupt services. Attack can happen from anywhere in the
world due to the internet and networks. A person from China can hack into an American
network or such Stuxnet virus attack on Iran nuclear power plan which thought to be
from Israel or United States but it is unsure where the virus originated from. According to
Merkow Breithaupt (2006), viruses caused the greatest financial loss over other computer
crimes, (p 142). Worm is a type of virus which replicates and can easily infect a machine
and then spread out across the network by using transport features of the computer or
network.... Show more content on ...
military in which in 24,000 Pentagon files were stolen. The cyberattack revealed
serious vulnerabilities in the U.S. cybersecurity and the content of the documents
stolen may include sensitive information including aircraft avionics, surveillance
technology, satellite communication systems and network security protocols. The
attack was carried out by malicious coding on a flash drive which was plugged into a
military laptop. According to an article by Nakashima (2010), Deputy Defense
Secretary Williams J. Lynn III informed the public the malicious code was placed on a
drive by foreign intelligence agency and it uploaded the files on a network ran by the
U.S. Central Command, (Nakashima, 2010). There are many methods that can be used
to try to steal information by placing malicious code on websites, emails, storage drives,
etc. With these different methods, malicious coding can be easily placed on a system to
steal information. The jump drive was the start of malicious code which infected a laptop
and then grew from
The Drug Crisis Of Colombia
It is astounding how a group of traffickers in Colombia have been able to keep a drug
trade business going despite the government rejections. The traffickers started off with
importing marijuana into the United States, and later turned to cocaine. The amounts of
drugs being traded also grew rapidly. ...shipments grew from individuals carrying small
amounts of large quantities on boats and low flying airplanes (Gilmore). The growth of
drug trade in Colombiacreated two cartels, one that was led by Medellin and one led in
Cali. Soon enough, the drug industry became so powerful that it influenced the country
politically through threats, political contributions, and bribery. This power created
conflict throughout the country creating violence which resulted in hundreds of deaths.
It had resulted in complete chaos since the country was overpowered by illegal drugs.
Despite Colombia s strong republic government today, the drug trade problems have been
escalating for the past 20 years resulting in the U.S involvement. Colombia has been
known to be the perfect place for contraband and illegal drug activities, the vast mountain
ranges made it impossible for any government to control its trade. Colombia gives licit
and illicit business access to four major neighbors to the south, and two oceans and
Central America to the north (Colombia). With these resources, Colombia has smuggled
many things to other countries including drugs, arms, liquor, cigarettes, and many other
things. It

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