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A House On Fire Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic "A House On Fire" can be both challenging and emotionally charged.
The difficulty lies not only in narrating the events of a tragic incident but also in conveying the
intensity of the experience to the reader. The writer must strike a delicate balance between providing
a vivid description of the unfolding events and maintaining a respectful tone, acknowledging the
gravity of the situation.

One of the challenges lies in capturing the emotions of the individuals involved, be it the residents
witnessing their home engulfed in flames or the firefighters battling to control the inferno. The essay
should not only depict the physical destruction but also delve into the psychological and emotional
aftermath of such a traumatic event.

Moreover, the writer needs to maintain a coherent and organized structure, moving seamlessly from
the introduction to the climax and resolution of the incident. It requires careful selection of words
and phrases to evoke a sense of empathy and understanding without sensationalizing the tragedy.

Additionally, researching facts related to fire incidents, safety measures, and the aftermath can be
time-consuming, but it is essential for providing a comprehensive and accurate portrayal. Finding a
unique perspective or angle to approach the topic can be another hurdle, as the theme itself is quite

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of a house on fire demands sensitivity, empathy, and a
keen understanding of the emotional and physical aspects associated with such an event. The writer
must navigate the complexities of the narrative while maintaining a respectful tone. However, with
diligence and careful consideration, it is possible to create a compelling and thought-provoking piece
on this challenging subject.

If you need assistance with similar essays or any other writing tasks, consider exploring services like, where professionals can provide support tailored to your specific needs.
A House On Fire Essay A House On Fire Essay
Similarities And Differences Between The Mesoamerica And...
Mesoamerica have been connected the North and South America culturally and
geographically throughout the history. Mesoamerican culture and aspects heavily
influenced southwestern United States, being the frontier borderline between North
America and Mesoamerica. It is very important to study the relationship between the
Mesoamericaand American Southwest because American Southwest contains various
elements of Mesoamerican culture and this provides fundamental information about
human behaviors, history, interactions, and tradition in America. Our group has selected
Agriculture, Architecture, Religion, and Trade as our categories to analyze the
relationship between American southwest and Mesoamerica. Fair trade, we will focus
on scarlet macaws and how it got traded from Mesoamerica in the American southwest
and its significance. For architecture, we will compare the ball courts of Hohokam and
that of Mesoamerica. Significance of ball courts and how it got introduced into the
American southwest from Mesoamerica will be discussed as well. Religion will be
analyzed by focusing on the cosmological beliefs of both groups and the similarities and
differences between Mesoamerican cosmology and American southwest cosmology.
My focus is on the agriculture and maize domestication of both areas. Maize was first
domesticated in Mesoamerica, southern Mexico about 9000 years ago and dispersed into
the southwestern United States during the late middle archaic period.
This paper will
Oz The Great And Powerful Analysis
Turning timeless classics into big budget films is the new rage in Hollywood today.
Sam Raimi s Oz the Great and Powerful is no exception. With numerous other
competitors in the market, it failed to meet the bar as yet another film is added to the
ever growing pile of adaptations for L. Frank Baum s Children s novel. The beloved
childhood movie of millions received a prequel packed with phony effects and boring
one liners.

Oz the Great and Powerful, well, not so great or powerful, provides itself as a prequel for
the beloved 1989 film The Wizard of Oz . It follows the story of con man and rake, Oscar
Oz Diggs (James Franco), and his accidental trip to the magical land of Oz. Upon his
arrival, he easily charms the beautiful and naive Witch ... Show more content on ...
No brain, no heart, and no courage to exceed audience s expectations. Performances
are meant to be compelling and engaging, and yet I was disappointed with the
monotonous disaster presented instead. The cast lacked any energy or awareness of
their characters throughout the film, making it seem as if they didn t want to be
there. Franco s portrayal of a mischievous and clever con man was lazy to the point I
couldn t tell what Oz was feeling. Whenever he threw a smirk to any of the characters,
it made me want to hide as he looked more like a creepy homeless man down the street
than a bad boy hero. On the same scale, Mila Kunis attempt on being the symbolic
Wicked Witch of the West was beyond embarrassing. Cackling at every minute mixed
with an innocent baby voice , it was bound to be a disaster from the start. The lack of
wickedness made me laugh at the witch, rather than scared out of my wits. Rachel
Weisz alone delivered a stellar performance as the original Wicked Witch. By being
terrifyingly wicked, she successfully gained the desired emotions from the audience.
Watching her manipulate her sister Theodora to the dark side really made the audience
loathe her but entranced at the fluidity of her actions. Without Weisz, this movie would
ve been swept away by a tornado to a land where no one can ever find
Alpha Wolf Research Paper
Living in a family group called packs makes the wolves a well organized species. Wolves
are very social and intelligent animals.
Life cycle
Gray wolves only breed once a year from between January to March. (Typically, only
the male and female pack leaders.) After a 63 day gestation period, the mother will
give birth to an average of 4 6 pups around the months of April to May. When the pups
are born, they are deaf and blind, weighing in about 1 pound. During the first 3 weeks,
while the pups are nursing every 4 6 hours, they still need help regulating their body
temperatures, the mother typically stays inside the den with her pups. While she s
nursing the pups inside the den other wolves from the pack will bring her food so she
doesn t ... Show more content on ...
They represent the middle class and in most cases, the subordinates were Omegas that
had climbed up the social ladder by dominating other members of the pack. They re
usually submissive towards the wolves who are higher up the hierarchy. Occasionally, the
subordinates could become the new Alpha wolf by fighting their pack leaders. They can
actually skip the Beta position and become the new Alpha.
The Omega Wolf
Omega wolves are at the very bottom of the pack hierarchy. The Omegas are the ones
who feed last and if their Alpha demands it, they won t eat at all. Often the other
members of the pack will bully the Omegas. But the Omega does play a very important
role in the pack. The Omegas help the other members of the pack vent off conflicts
without causing acts of war.
In recent studies they show that their contribution goes far beyond internal conflict
resolution. It seems that packs who lose their Omegas will stop all hunting and begin to
mourn them. Within their pack, they can fight their way up to the top of the hierarchy,
but the Omegas status can only be earned by defeating their opponents on multiple
occasions until the others recognize their dominance.

Role In The
TDA 3.4 Promote children and young people’s positive...
Assessment task TDA 3.4 Promote children and young people s positive behaviour

Important: Within the evidence for the tasks below where relevant you also need to show
examples of how you embed the knowledge into your own /the settings practice.
Please remember you must show your own knowledge and practice do not copy what is
in your research materials. Plagiarism is taken seriously.
Task 1 links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. LO 2 ac 2.1 LO
3 ac 3.5

Produce information about promoting positive behaviour for parents, children and young
people within the school setting, the information must show that you can:
A) Summarise the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting ... Show
more content on ...
The school employs a number of sanctions to enforce school rules and to ensure a safe
and positive learning environment. We employ each sanction appropriately to each
individual situation.
The reward system is a merit based structure, we give merits to pupils who have worked
hard in a lesson or shown they are following the code of conduct and being a good role
model. For unwanted behaviour we apply a yellow and red card scheme if a child is not
behaving in the correct way a warning is given and if no change in behaviour we would
move on to yellow card and then red.

Dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour the procedure for any conflict or
inappropriate behaviour taking place would primarily be dealt with by adhering to the
rules set out in the behaviour policy which would result in the necessary sanctions being
applied. These sanctions would be appropriate to age, development and the seriousness of
inappropriate behaviour given.

в—Џ Anti Bullying Policy The purpose of the policy is to set out a definition for
bullying and procedures which should be followed although we seek to prevent
bullying rather than have to deal with the results. The aim is for all pupils and parents
to have self awareness of what the policy is about and what steps should be taken if
bullying arises. Any form of bullying would result in following the procedures set out
Clostridium Difficile And Its Effects On The Body. . .
Clostridium difficile and its Effects on the Body

Dylan Decluze
April 20, 2017
Class Period
Dr. Morris
Clostridium difficile and its Effects on the Body Clostridium difficile, also known as C.
diff, is a bacterium that causes severe symptoms, including inflammation of the colon,
which can be life threatening (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). It is a
very common infection that affects hundreds of thousands in the United States alone. If
not caught and treated early, it can be deadly. I kills thousands of people in the United
States every year (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017). It is extremely important to learn the signs
and symptoms of this infection so treatment can begin as early as possible. ... Show more
content on ...
761). Since the nutrients in the intestines are available due to the good bacteria being
destroyed, Clostridium difficile uses the nutrients to multiply and releases the toxins ,
which attack the lining of the intestines, thus causing colitis (Fordtran, 2006, pp. 3).
While most people on antibiotics are at the greatest risk of developing Clostridium
difficile, there are specific groups of people who also have a chance of being infected.
This includes the older population, people who s immune system is compromised such as
cancer patients, people who have a feeding tube, and people who have come in contact
with infected patients (Fordtran, 2006, pp. 3). Most cases of Clostridium difficile can be
found in a healthcare setting. This includes nursing homes where the older population
resides, hospitals where immune compromised patients are receiving treatment as well as
patients on antibiotic therapy. (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017). The bacteria is found in the
stool. It is then passed from one person to another through contaminated surfaces. If a
person touches a contaminated surface, then their contaminated hand touches their
mouth or any other mucus membrane, they are at risk of developing the infection.
Clostridium difficile can survive for long periods of time on these contaminated surfaces
which is why healthcare settings have the highest record because germs spread quickly
(Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017). When in contact with
Hospital Vs Non-Profit Hospital
I chose to compare the operation management between the for profit hospitals to non
profit hospitals. I chose this topic because I have worked for both. My degree is going to
be Associates of Occupation Health for Medical Billing and Coding. I am also a License
Practical Nurse. In Fort Smith were I last worked we had a private owned hospital, Non
profit hospital and a community owned hospital. People had a choice on where to go.
Around here in Tulsa there are multi hospitals to choose from.

When you go to a hospital it is very important to pick the right one for your family.
Unless you have a HMO plan that tells you which one to choose, you can go to any
hospital in the area. It is best to check with your insurance company to see which one is
in your network. It is always best to go with you re the hospital in your network. The
difference between these hospitals are that Community based hospital is financial
supported by the community. The one in the Fort Smith area was Summit. The county
was the one to start it to help with the low income families in the northern area close to
Van Buren. It was not big and had bare minimum medical services. The taxes in the area
help start and continue to support the hospital. We don t have a lot of community based
hospital in the United States ... Show more content on ...
The ambulance took them to Sparks. Because Sparks Regional is known for their Heart
Center. Sparks emergency physician stabilized the patient then put back into ambulance
to send to Mercy. The patient did not have a great insurance plan. It was one of those
plans that had $5000.00 deductible. The patient had another heart ache in the ambulance
on the ride over. He almost did not make it. It was just a 30 minute drive. The EMT was
working on him pretty much the whole way over. The patient lived but nothing happen to
that doctor or Sparks. They still have the same
The Doctrine Of The Trinity And The Nicene Creed And...
Beginning around the fourth century, Christian councils were forced to respond to the
heresies of Arianism and Sabellianism, whose views on the Trinity were unacceptable to
many Christians. As a response, the councils composed creeds such as the Nicene Creed
and Athanasian Creed. In current times, philosophers Jeff Brower and Michael Rea try to
explain the doctrine of the Trinitythrough analogies. I will discuss the two heresies and
creeds, as well as the analogies presented. Arianismdenies the true divinity of Christ as
seen by many Christians. It does not entirely deny the Son s divinity, but it views the
Son as less divine than the Father. Specifically, Christ came into existence through the
Father. To an Arian, God was unoriginate with no beginning, while the Son was
originate of the Father (Barry, 1907). At one point, the Son did not exist, meaning the
Son is distinct from the Father. The Son is subordinate to the Father, and for this
reason, Arianism falls under subordinationism (Brower Rea, 2005). Sabellianism takes
a different approach towards the Trinity. Rather than describing the Son as lesser than
the Father, Sabellianism sees the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as different
manifestations of God. For example, God takes the form of the Father with regards to
creation, the Son with regards to redemption, and the Holy spirit with regards to the
distribution of grace (Brower Rea, 2005). Sabellianism is a form a modalism because it
sees the Father, Son, and
King Tutankhamun
King Tutankhamun (1343 1325 B.C.)

King Tutankhamun lived over 3,300 years ago during a period known as the New
Kingdom. This period of time was called the New Kingdom because it was when the
pharaohs united upper and lower Egypt into one kingdom with the capital being
Memphis near current day Cairo. The reason I chose to write a research paper on King
Tut is because he is one of the most well known pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Tutankhamun
is most well known only by the discovery of his intact tomb in 1922 by Howard Carter
and Lord Carnarvon.
King Tut was born in 1343 B.C. into the 18th Dynasty. Early in his life Tutankaten
meaning the Living Image of the Aten changed his name to the well known Tutankamun
meaning Living Image of ... Show more content on ...
Not much was known about these tombs and how they were arranged until the British
expedition led by Carter and Carnarvon unearthed the untouched intact tomb of King
Tutankhamun in 1922. This discovery quickly made King Tutankhamun one of the most
famous pharaohs in the history of Egypt. It also changed many of our beliefs as to the
mummification process and how the tombs were arranged.
Carter and Carnarvon discovered King Tutankhamun s tomb in the East Valley of the
Valley of the Kings. It has been recreated several times in museums around the world.
The tomb was actually quite small for a Pharaoh. It was probably built for someone of
lesser importance but at the pharaoh s unexpected death was rushed into modification to
accommodate the pharaoh. The tomb is composed of four chambers: the annex,
antechamber, burial chamber, and treasury. The burial chamber contains wall paintings
as well as the coffin of King Tutankhamun.
Before the opening of the tomb novelist Mari Corelli gave a public warning that there
would be dire consequences for anyone who entered the sealed tomb. Then just seven
weeks after the official opening of the tomb Tutankhamun s Curse struck. On April 5th,
1923 Lord Carnarvon died and all sorts of
A Research On Energy Beyond Our Body s Metabolism
Energized, we tackled the research with fresh enthusiasm. Lieutenant Rice produced his
mobile and manipulated it. Within hours a team of top scientists joined us in our
basement. They reviewed the videos of our first session and examined the Psionic Egg
outputs. They devised a series of tests designed to address aspects we hadn t considered.
They crafted a new series of tests intended to produce unequivocal scientific validity.
They connected instrumentation to our bodies to determine energy and oxygen
consumption. We ran for hours on treadmills as instruments measured our metabolism.
We learned to tap our in the zone mode at will, instead of waiting for a burst of
The effort continued for weeks. We confirmed the existence of non physical, Psionic
Energy beyond doubt. The scientists agreed it was a reasonable scientific theory. They
went to great lengths to exclude potential flaws in the testing.
We failed to tap energy beyond our body s metabolism. We suspected a vast reservoir of
Dark Energy awaits our discovery. Yet we accounted for every Joule of energy expended
for in the calories consumed.
A surprising conclusion about non physical energy emerged. It is horribly inefficient.
Fitz could hoist immense weights, his muscular effort augmented by the mental. That
mental boost came at a terrific cost.
Testing revealed the calories consumed by mental force exceeded muscles. In fact the
delta is more than a hundredfold. Food calories to physical movement by way of
Greek Culture and its Influences Today Essay
Greek civilization is alive; it moves in every breath of mind that we breathe; so much of
it remains that none of us in one lifetime could absorb it all. Ancient Greeks are known
to be one of the greatest and most advanced people and have left behind a legacy that
helped define the Western civilization. Cultural diffusion helped spread Greek culture all
over the world, and its effects can still be felt today in almost every aspect. Greek culture
has greatly affected different parts of my daily life including architecture, food,
government, inventions, music, religion, and education. Modern day architecture in
America is greatly influenced by ancient Greek architectural styles, which include
columns and decorative elements such as... Show more content on ...
In this speech, he outlined the constituents of democracy: If we look to the laws, they
afford equal justice to all in their private differences...if a man is able to serve the
state; he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition. The freedom we enjoy in our
government extends also to our ordinary life. There, far from exercising a jealous
surveillance over each other, we do not feel called upon to be angry with our neighbor
for doing what he likes... Greek democracy helped inspire the creation of modern
democracy, including the government of America. The Greeks made several
inventions, most notably in the subject of math, which are still studied today and
taught in school. Mathematician Euclid is often credited as the Father of Geometry for
all his work and studies in this subject, which are compiled in his books called The
Elements. He organized known geometrical statements called theorems and logically
proved all of them. He proved the theorem of Pythagoras (another Greek
mathematician), which stated that the equation (c2 = a2 + b2) is true for every right
triangle. Music played a significant role in the lives of ancient Greeks. They believed
that music fostered one s relationship with the gods, and some instruments, such as the
lyre, were created by the gods. Music and dance were also taught
Equal Pay Research Paper
In a billion dollar industry such as Hollywood, you would think women are paid
equally to their male counterparts but that is not so. Actresses to studio executives are
paid less than their male colleagues.Women in Hollywood should have equal pay. Why
should we care about people that are making millions more than us? We should care
because it sets an example for young girls. Young girls idolize women in Hollywood
and their work. Caring would teach them that they are just as equal to a male colleague,
and they do not have to take orders from them A recent email hack revealed actresses
that are being paid less than their male counterparts. Jennifer Lawrence was one of the
actresses. Her male colleagues Christian Bale, Jeremy Renner and Bradley
Dead To You Book Report
In the novel, Dead To You , written by Lisa McMann, a 2nd grader, named Ethan goes
missing for 9 years. He later returns to his searching family at the age of 16. His child
abductor named Ellen, kept and took care of him till she abandoned him at a child
care center in Nebraska. He ran away after a few days of being at the child care center
with no hope for Ellen. He lived on the streets for 3 4 years and spent most of his time
on the Library computers, looking for missing children searches. After many years
looking, he finally found a website with a familywho was missing a 2nd grade kid. The
photos shown on the website resemble him. He contacts the police, and go to the family,
finally reuniting. But, is it his real family? Ethan s mom decided not to have a DNAtest
on him, but his younger brother Blake, doesn t believe it was really him. Hower Ethan
, not having any memory of his 2nd grade life, is almost certain he s the missing kid,
and doesn t much appreciate Blake s... Show more content on ...
Not even his best friend, Cami, which is offley suspicious. Ethan has a hard time
adjusting to his new school. With no friends, he isn t so out going. The only friends
Ethan has are jocks , and the only reason on why is has the friends is because of his
disappearance. His new Friend , named J Dog invites him to come to one of their
basketball games. Secretly, Jason or J Dog is planning a surprise welcome back. Ethan
was mortified, he ended up fainting. Too much attention I m guessing. He s kind of
confused and lost at this point. School is horrible for Ethan after. After fainting, he s
dreading school and asks his mom to just start homeschooling him. But his Dad, doesn t
let him. He makes a firm statement and Ethan just has to continue going to school. He
ends up liking school after a while. He continues to talk to Cami. He begins to grow
very affectionate towards Cami. So far, Ethan s is enjoying school, and staying away from
Harrison Bergeron Essay
In the following essay we will discuss to what extent do the novels of Kurt Vonnegut
serve as a mirror to American history and politics in the seconf half of the twentieth
century in relation to two of his texts. This essay plans on discussing the above topic with
reference to the novel Harrison Bergeron (1961) and Slaughterhouse Five (1969). Before
we begin discussing the topic of tKurt Vonneguts novels mirroring American history and
politics in the second half og the twentieth century, we must first divided the topic
question into sub sections so we as readers can truly understand the topic at hand. We will
first discuss Kurt Vonneguts novel Harrison Bergeron, firstly we will discuss the plot
overview so the reader will understand the following... Show more content on ...
first we wil discuss television in Harrison Bergeron, Vonnegut makes the television a
constant presence throughtout the story, the whole story is based from George and
Hazel Bergeron s sitting room as they sit and watch the ballet on television. When we
tale a closer look at the use of the television in the story we begin to notice that it is
almost like a tool that hypnotises its viewers. QUOTE. When Hazel Bergeron
witnesses the murder of her son, Harrington, and begins to cry QUOTE she is so
distracted by the ballet she cant even remember why she is crying. This scene for me
was sure proof that the government are using the television as a control device for
members of society, Hazel Bergeron just watch her son die, she seems to have no
recollection of his death and just brushes off the tear and goes back to normal.
Someone had to have intervened for a mother to just go on like her son never existed.
QUOTE. The government also uses the television as a good tool to put people like
Harrison Bergeron in a bad light QUOTE, Harrison is seen as a dangerous fugitive in
the publics eyes. They show his photo to frighten views but also when we the public
see how disfigured Harrison Bergeron is QUOTE it could also be seen as the
government using hid picture to frighten society into subservience. If seeing what
Harrison Bergeron has been forced to endure wasn t bad enough, the public then watch
his public execution when the handicap General Diana Moon Glampers shoots him dead
on live
Reflective Essay On Journalism
I chose journalism as my elective for this year because I wanted to continue the
journalism career that I began in middle school since it allowed me to write about
topics that grasped my interest and passion aside from writing required essays in a
classroom setting. In addition, I believed that this course would allow me to improve my
writingskills by learning the grammatical, ethical, and organizational concepts relating to
journalismsuch as the code of ethics, the inverted pyramid, and the editorial hierarchy. I
also hoped for the course to help me with responsibility and time management since I
knew I would have to write articles and have other loads of works from other classes.
Not to mention, journalism has allowed me to be motivated to write a good article not
for the grade, but for the sole purpose to make the article right. In middle school
journalism was an extracurricular activity and this year I was graded on my personal
interests, my time management, and my writing quality rather than on the actual
learning of a subject. This course has challenged me to write outstanding pieces of
work based on my time management and motivation as well as without many guidelines
and structure given. It had also made me a lot more confident since it requires
interaction outside of class to acquire sources for articles. Thus, through reporting I able
to establish a rapport with people and build a network. Overall, this course had helped
me become a people person, challenge
Panera Bread Case Study
Panera Bread Case Study
1. SWOT Analysis
Panera is a company with many strengths. Many of their strengths stem from their
positive interactions with their customers. Panera s first strength is their high level of
customer loyalty and satisfaction. They ranked in the highest categories in both
compared to their competitors. This is a distinctive competency that they hold, something
that they do better than their rivals. Resulting from Panera s high customer satisfaction is
their next strength, positive word of mouth. The main focus of Panera s marketing tactics
relies on this word of mouth and it is something that they have consistently achieved.
Panera also holds a strength in their diversified menu. The menu is very large and ...
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Panera has many opportunities that they can exploit to increase their profits and market
share in the quick casual restaurant industry. Panera needs to continue expanding on their
catering segment which has shown to be a profitable expansion of the business. Panera
also needs to expand into the untapped metropolitan markets identified in Exhibit 3, and
has an opportunity for continued expansion within their current locations to reduce
population per location numbers to become more comparable with their rivals (Subway,
McDonald s, Starbucks, Applebee s, etc.). Another opportunity that Panera might be able
to capitalize on is some kind of joint venture with other companies to become the supplier
of their high quality bread, such as higher end gourmet restaurants that are not in direct
competition with Panera. Finally Panera has an opportunity to expand their location
services to include Online Pre ordering, to reduce wait times in line, and home delivery
Finally Panera faces some external threats to their company. First, rising gas prices
threaten to increase their costs due to the high level of daily transportation needed for
their fresh dough deliveries. Next, a bad/uncertain economy threats Panera. Consumers
may find themselves seeing more value in cheaper fast food options. Another threat is the
extremely high level of competition in the restaurant
Todays Education Has Changed Over Time
Introduction: Todays education has changed in many ways over the years. From the
behavior of student s caused by different parenting skills, how teachers teach their
classes as well as students ability to use fundamentals, media and technology all play a
role in how the world of education has evolved. Robin Lawrence a thirteen year veteran
teacher now a curriculum specialist at Bellaire Elementary has a good insight into how
the educational system has changed over time.
Transition: N/A
Paragraph One: Past and present generation behavior
Topic Sentence: Past and present behavior has differed between the generations.
Main Point One: Behavior in the past was much better. Past generations did not have
adult problems placed on ... Show more content on ...
Poor/ lack of parenting has been a major factor in poor behavior.
Supporting Detail Three: She also added that as a teacher poor behavior affects the whole
class. It takes time away from the instruction and learning away from other students.
Conclusion: From past to present generations parenting and behavior have gone together.
If the child has strong parents then their behavior will be excellent and their education
will prosper. If they have a lack of parenting in their life than their behavior takes a
downward turn and their education will suffer.
Paragraph Two: How teachers taught their classes as well as student s ability to use the
Topic Sentence: The way that teachers taught their classes in the past is different then
present day, but not just the way that teacher teaches has changed the ability of student s
using the fundamentals has changed as well.
Major point One: Teachers in the past had different curriculum standard as well as
different methods of teaching.
Supporting Detail One: Mrs. Lawrence said when she was in school, Teachers did not
have a set of curriculum standards that they were bound to. Rote memorization was key.
Students were fed Knowledge from teachers. Teachers used thematic units to teach
Supporting Detail Two: The one thing that remains the same is that students
Charlie Chaplin Speech Essay
The speech is about Charlie Chaplin don t want to be a emperor and rule or conquer
anyone. He want to be cool with everyone if it is possible. He said he don t want to
hurt no one feelings and he said there is plenty of space for people. Charlie Chaplin
said don t give yourselves to people if you don t want your stuff out in the air. Fight for
your lives to get no problem. In the passage he that not his business to be a Emperor.
Black or White will like to help each other when they are down. He don t want to
despise people feeling.He said we don t want to be mean to everyone. He want
everybody to live happy to each other.He don t want to be mean to everyone. This
evidence explains that Charlie Chaplin do not want to be mean to... Show more content on ...
I think Chaplin went with sound because he wanted to get in dept with what he was
saying. I think the speech sound is that he get louder and ge get emotional about what
he is talking about. He is easily considered one of the most important figures in
industries, with a career that spanned more than 75 years. I think he was great, he was
trying to show that he was getting so emotional. He felt sad because he thought that
some people didn t believe what he was saying was true. He want people to take his
word in life and use it to let your life be better. Chaplin was the that comedies to create
a show for the little kids to have fun to watch. He made over a decade after he made his
first sound. He was frequently trying to attempted the Nazis comedy. Him and the
Nazis had a refusal to accept anything other than joke. Chaplin exposes his feeling by
bursting and swollen his bubble of meanful words. He was giving this message
because they wanted him to feel famous to everyone. This explain that he know what
he talking about. He really want people to listen to what he is talking about because it s
really important to him.I think that he is scared to talk.He like to help everyone. The
issue of the film is when the barber is given the opportunity to speak to the people of the
two warring countries as the dictator. . In fact, Charlie Chaplin felt that this would twist
his message and eventually his success would fall apart.
The Pros And Cons Of Donald Trump s Travel Ban
It s summertime, and what do we do during summer? Well some us work jobs and
others live it up by the pool. If you re like me the only traveling you re doing this
summer is in your dreams and the only surfing you re doing is surfing the web. Summer
means many different things and for many it means attending a familyreunion. Now
family reunions are the best because you can eat tons of food supplied by your
grandmama and aunties, kick it with your cousins, and occasionally see grow folks act
up. However, some may be forced to put their plans on hold as Donald Trump s new
travel ban will go into effect soon.

Met with mass protest and public outrage, the original travel ban was an executive
order issued on January 27,2017. The ban rolled out an elaborate scheme said to
protect the American people and Make America Great Again . The ban set a cap of
50,000 refugees to be accepted into the USA during 2017. It also included a temporary
ban on Syrian refugees as well as people arriving from seven countries with
predominantly Muslim populations. After being found in violation Immigration
Nationality Act of 1965 due to its discriminatory nature, the order is now back and has
been redrafted.

A little more up close and personal, the new draft provides details permitting grounds
for travel to the seven muslim countries included in the ban. One can travel to one of the
seven muslim countries but in order to be allowed back into the U.S. they must provide
proof of a bona fide
Air Quality Pollution
To begin, Hillsborough County in Florida is home to downtown Tampa which is one of
the major cities in the state. With having big cities in your local areas comes with some
side effects. Tampa is related to many air quality issues in the state. Tampa is a
continuously growing city, as people relocate to the area, many things must happen to
accommodate the growth in population. Most of which contributes to of the air quality
standards in our area because of the need for additional roads, and numerous new housing
developments to be built, increasing the amount of power plants to power the many new
houses. To continue, these contribute to massive air quality issues for Tampa. The number
of vehicles increase as more people move to the area, as well as big truck needed to bring
in good and supplies for the increased population. This is a major concern because back
in 2000 Floridavoted to eliminate the emissions testing for all vehicles, by discontinuing
testing there is no way to control vehicles which expel excessive amounts of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere. Issues arise in construction zones because all the big
construction equipment emit lots of pollution into our air, and by continuing to build
roads and construct his rise building we are adding to the poor air quality instead of
reducing it. In addition to this earlier in 2017 Florida suffered a severe drought, resulting
in numerous wildfires spread throughout the state. This resulted in higher than normal
The Lyrics And Music Of The Beloved Hymn
Biographical Information The lyrics and music of the beloved hymn Blessed
Assurance have been popular with most protestant denominations since it was first
published in July of 1873. Phoebe P. Knapp composed the music and Fanny J. Crosby
penned the lyrics. The lyrics Crosby wrote are based upon Hebrews 10:22, Let us draw
near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil
conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water (King James Version). Knapp and
Crosby combined their extensive talents in creating this hymn, which carries the
message of the certainty of salvation as they understood and experienced it. It is due to
the over all message of this hymn that it has been included in nearly every... Show more
content on ...
Worrall had experienced a religious conversion during the Wesleyan Revival in
England before immigrating to the United States. It was Knapp s mother who is
credited with promoting John Wesley s doctrine of Christian perfection. Here we can
begin to sense the influences experienced by Knapp during her formative years. Knapp
married one of the founders of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and its
second president Joseph Fairchild Knapp. The couple enjoyed a life of comfort and
were members of the Old John Street Methodist Episcopal Church, the congregation is
the oldest Methodist congregation in North America, founded on October 12, 1766 as
the Wesleyan Society in America. Fanny Crosby was also a member of that church
and a friend of Knapp s parents. Knapp was an accomplished organist and composer.
Due to her husband s prominence he was able to have installed a pipe organ in their
apartment for his wife to compose on. In her lifetime, Knapp wrote over 500 hymn
tunes. She died on July 10, 1908 in Poland, Maine. Lyrist Information Frances Jane
Fanny Crosby was born on March 24, 1820, and had her humble beginnings in the
village of Brewster, New York. She was the only child of John and Mercy Crosby. She
was one of the most prolific hymnists in history, writing over 8,000 hymns and gospel
songs, with over 100 million copies printed, despite being blind from shortly after birth.
Blind since nearly birth, Crosby was raised by her mother
Essay On Pitbulls Should Be Banned
Just like you wouldn t label a group of people on the actions of a few, we should not label
dogs based a couple people s bad experiences. To many countries, counties, and cities
have blanket banned dog breeds based on warped views and stereotypes. Breed specific
legislation is ineffective and dangerous.

Over the years many breed specific laws have been passed. Breed specific legislation
(BSL) is law, based on appearances, that ban or restrict dogs. Some BSL is good for
example, mandatory sterilization, though most are unproductive and harmful to the very
dog they ban. Many groups have dedicated themselves to educating people about dog
breeds and the dangers of most BSL. The general population is misinformed and hear the
biased views of the ... Show more content on ...
The American Temperament Test Society tested (to date) 913 American Pit BullTerriers
and they had 87.4% passing rate. Many pit bull dogs have become Police dogs,
therapy dog, and more. The reason that we hear more stories of pit bull bites is because
just like freeways collations pit bull bites rarely happen but when the do they are worst
then a bit from a dog like a Chihuahua. BSL does not take this into account, but bases
laws that kill 93% of pit bulls that enter shelters, on appearances.

People and groups that are pro BSL say that we should ban pit bull dogs because their
bite is the worse than any other dog. While American Pitbull Terriers have a very
strong bite they are very tolerant dogs and rarely bite. Also, dog bites, even though the
can be bad, are rarely deadly. Overall pit bull bites are very rare and often are the result
of cruel or misinformed owners.

Many bites could be avoided by the education of dog owner no matter the breed. Like
mentioned earlier many people leave their dog with their kids unattended. This is a
horrible idea even if your child is good with dogs. Kid often don t see the warning dogs
give until it is too late Also dogs are a very easy target because they can t tell their side
of the
Introduction And Business History And Description
Introduction and Business History/Description In 1894, the Hershey Chocolate
Company began in Lancaster, Pennsylvania when Milton Hershey decided to begin
producing chocolate coating for his caramels. In 1900, Hershey expanded their
business by producing more goods. Once Hershey began mass production, they were
able to minimize production costs and make high quality milk chocolate. After this
new production model was established, Hershey began to expand its facilities
throughout the northeastern United States. They also increased their supply chain
efficiency by building a new facility in close proximity to ports and dairy farms that
supply Hershey with its raw materials. In 1907, Hershey s added its famous KISSES
chocolates to its product line. The company ended up trademarking the iconic plume
at the top. More products were added within the next 20 years, including the Mr.
Goodbar Candy Bar, Hershey s Syrup, Hershey s chocolate chips and more. These new
products protected jobs and maintained profitability during the Great Depression.
During World War I and II, Hershey provided milk chocolate bars to soldiers, including
survival ration bars during World War II. During the war, Hershey earned five Army
Navy E Production Awards for its offerings to the war effort. In 1956, Hershey purchased
H.B. Reese Candy Company, who produced chocolate peanut butter cups. In 1968,
Hershey Chocolate Company renamed itself to Hershey Foods Corporation. Along with
Role of Information Technology in the Formation of Social...
Social Change in a Network Society The Role of Information Technology in the
Formation of Social Networks

Contemporary society has built itself around new networks, both social and physical,
which allow for more and more information technology to facilitate interaction. How will
society instigate social change in a world where networks shape how we interact and the
technology driving these networks is shaped and controlled by a specific group in society.
The fact is, communication is increasingly dependent on information technology, which
has been monopolized by a relatively few, largely american corporations. More and more
information is produced and distributed at a global level, by means of new forms of
communications and media ... Show more content on ...
The emmergence of new social networks has been noticed throughout the world, and
organizations have sprung up to address these concerns. There are symposiums of
computer professionals addressing the affect of networks, along with the National
Communications Associaton, and in particular there is an online journal, Connections
which is devoted to social network analysis. One article in this journal discussed the role
of networks in matching political media opinions and perspectives with individuals and
their corresponding social groups.The article says that society s concept of itself has
been expanded and fractured by new social networks, and that these social links can be
analyzed to better understand societies inner workings.

Each individual, each social group, possesses a network of opinions on social conflicts
that are not arbitrary but tied to one another to form specific, coherent networks whose
ties show a strong resistance to deformation by external events. Specific networks of
opinions on social conflict can be associated with individuals and social groups, and the
network ties show strong resistance to change over time. There is even the possibility of
measuring the resilience of these network ties. (4)

The network ties refered to in this quote are increasingly reliant on information
technology, thus the strength of this technological infrastructure corresponds with the
Fundamental Analysis
keyinfo keyinfo Section 3, continued Section 3, continued Below is a summary of the
support and education offered to a new Kappa chapter. To learn more about how we
support our new chapters, click here and view our Five Year New Chapter Support Plan.
Summary Table of Support and Education Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Support
for New ChaptersOne to Two Resident Chapter Consultants One Based Chapter
Consultant as Needed LeadershipConsultant Visits Coordinator of Chapter Development
Exiting New Chapters Chairman Chapter Advisory Board Extension Coordinator District
Director and Content Specialists Fully Engaged Chapter Finance Department Creates and
Facilitates Chapter Budget Chapter Training and Leadership Education Installation...
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From the moment the new chapter is established, we expect the charter members to
uphold the values and mission of our organization. All charter members will be expected
to complete the New Member Experience in order to be Initiated. This is the same
requirement for all new members across the entire organization. From the beginning,
charter members are assigned to various committees so they begin to understand chapter
operations and officer responsibilities. The committee system ensures all chapter
members have a voice and the opportunity to contribute to chapter operations. Prior to
Installation, charter members are expected to hold officer elections. This is an important
first step to becoming a self governing chapter. Following Installation, the chapter is
expected to work with the two resident Chapter Consultants, local advisers and the rest of
the New Chapter Support Team to execute the Five Year New Chapter Support Plan to
become a fully functioning chapter. 6. Housing expectations: Indicate housing
expectations of the University. Include plan for acquiring housing We are dedicated to
providing new chapters with the assistance they need, especially concerning housing. To
ensure chapter unity, growth, and future success with Recruitment, securing the right type
of housing is crucial. Upon receiving an invitation to make a presentation at ISU, we
will begin the process of identifying a chapter facility. We will work with the university,
the town of Normal and local
Government Of Florida, A State Government Essay
This case study will assess the government of Florida, a state government. It will touch
on several important issues such as providing a general overview of how the government
functions and what resources it provides, as well as some current issues the State of
Florida is facing in government administration. Because the State of Florida is a state
government, it tends to resemble the national government in composition and
organization of their executive branch agencies (Milakovich, 2013, p. 21).
The work and services provided by the State of Florida include services for children
and families, such as services concerning adoption, child abuse, children with
disabilities, food stamps, and marriage/divorce. They also provide services involving
colleges and universities, courts and corrections, environmental and wildlife
preservation/protection, healthcare administration, highway patrol and safety, utility
regulations, transportation, revenue (taxes), and a host of other areas. In order to pay
for all of the services which they provide, Governor Rick Scott has created a budget of
$78.4 billion for the state of Florida in the 2015 2016 fiscal year (Scott, 2016, p. 13).
This budget also includes the employment of 113,687 people who compromise the total
state workforce (Scott, 2016, p. 14).
A crucial role in the State of Florida is the role of citizen participation. Citizen
participation and community engagement play an extremely important part in a
Gap Year Disadvantages
While beneficial to students in certain circumstances, a gap year s success ultimately
depends on background elements like socioeconomic status. Students taking a gap year
must possess a structured plan and must actively seek productive ways to explore their
passions to dully utilize it to their benefit.
Often enough, a student s background will determine his or her effectiveness in a gap year
. While students at prestigious universities like Harvard exhibit higher GPAs, one should
note that for students of low socioeconomic status taking a gap year puts them at a
sizable disadvantage compared to peers who enter college right away (Hoder; Figure
H). The seemingly contradictory nature of this data would imply gap years require
certain conditions for success. One must factor that places like Harvard typically have
students of higher socioeconomic status due to the nature of the school, meaning the
experiences of a wealthier person in his or her gap year would differ with the
experience of a lower income student. Therefore, a gap year could yield benefits but
only with the right resources available. Lining up with this, students who take a gap
year typically come from higher income households (figure I). In figure C for example,
the lesser degrees for gap year students stem from using one or more gap years instead
of just one year, since the previously mentioned data implied most higher income
students will take off a single gap year and not more. Inversely, poorer students
Essay on little miss sunshine
Little miss sunshine
Life to me is a journey you never know where it may lead you! I have chosen to watch
and research on the film little miss sunshine as I believe it is a great example of
journeys. The film Little Miss Sunshine, directed by Jonathon Dayton and Valerie Faris,
is about a dysfunctional family that take a road trip to a beauty contest. Along the way to
the little miss sunshine pageant, the family must deal with crushed dreams, heart breaks,
and a broken down Volks Wagon bus, leading up to the Surreal Little Miss Sunshine
Competition itself.
The Hoover family might not be dysfunctional if it wasn t for the personal problems
which each character face. Olive s is the main character and the only one in the family
who ... Show more content on ...
There are many techniques used in this film. Firstly the directors and their team use a
variety of different camera techniques to shape our view on the characters, and
ultimately change our view in the world. In the opening sequence each character is
introduced using different camera shots. For example Olive s father is first projected
to the audience as a success. There is a sequence of close ups and mid ranged shots
which show Richard confidently speaking in a spotlight at the front of the room.
However the cinematic team then use a cut to a point of view shot of what Richard
sees when he has finished talking, which allows us to then see how much of a failure
he really is, as there is only five, half asleep, bored people in the room and only one
person applauds Richards work. This first sequence allows us to see that Richard acts
and feels like a winner to himself, but when he is seen with the rest of the world he is
a failure and a loser. The directors have used this sequence to shape our understanding
of winning and losing as it employs the idea that winning and losing is based on
comparing yourself to the rest of the world, instead of being on how you feel and view
Another technique used is the music used in the film. The soundtrack for Little Miss
Sunshine is a mix of indie rock and folk music that fits the scenes and overall
Standard Crive Lab Report
1. Assay a series of dilutions of known concentration and prepare the standard curve.
2. Determine the concentration of unknown 1 and unknown 2 based on the standard
I. Preparation of Diluted Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Standards
Five 1.5 ml tubes were prepared and labeled as 1 5. Guided by Table 1, agents were
added in order. Respectively pipetted 325 Ојl of BSA Stock and 325 Ојl PBS into tube 1.
Mixed the solution by pipetting. Pipetted 325 Ојl of tube 1 solution into tube 2, and
added 325 Ојl of PBS into tube 2. Mixed the solution by pipetting. Pipetted 325 Ојl of
tube 2 solution into tube 3, and added 325 Ојl of PBS into tube 3. Mixed the solution by
pipetting. Pipetted 325 Ојl of tube 3 solution into tube 4, ... Show more content on ...
The coefficient of variation was expressed as a percentage.

The standard curve is used to determine the concentration of each unknown sample.
The trendline in Figure 1 has a desired regression value: R2 = 1. R2 measures the
distance between the fitted line and the data points. The value ranges from 0 to 1, and
the higher it is, the better the model fits the data points. The value 1 suggests that the
model is the best fit model in which all the variability of data around their mean can be
explained. Therefore, the regression value is acceptable and the standard curve is reliable.

For each unknown sample, the SD value and CV percentage is low.

The BCA method can be applied to many research areas. During the assessment on the
caries associated virulence (production of acid, extracellular polysaccharides, proteins
and metabolic activity) biofilms from Candida
The Research of Resilience
Over decades, the research of resilience has developed from understanding individual s
resilience qualities and protective factors, to the process of resilience and the
interventions that promote resilience (Richardson, 2002; Wright et al., 2013). Recently,
the focus of resilience shift to the neurobiological process because of the development
of science and technology (Wright et al., 2013). While these literatures emerging, there
are two noteworthy issues. First, the outcome of the studies were mainly emphasized on
main stream population (Ungar, 2006). Second, little attention was given to resilience
across cultures (Ungar, 2006; Ungar et al., 2005). Hence, it is important to investigate
how resilience is being defined and understand in different cultures; what are the
challenges when conducting a cross cultural research; and what are the key elements
when implementing intervention in different cultures. There are varieties of definitions
in regards with resilience based on different perspectives (Arrington et al., 2000). For
instance, from a developmental perspective, resilience can be defined as positive and
successful outcomes despite challenging situations (Masten, 2007; Windle, 2010).
Resilience can also be defined as recovery to normal functioning from adversity or
coping well under currently risk conditions (Masten, 2007; Windle, 2010). However, not
every language has the word resilience . For example, a phrase, the ability to cope with
adversity (Ungar et al.,
Reproductive Patterns
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission states that they need basking areas
as they are most active when the temperatures reach between 82 and 92F. Once
temperatures drop below 70F they stop feeding, and if temperatures drop below 55F they
will become dormant.
Elsey and Woodward (2010) state that they have a high complexity of social behavior
that includes vocal and visual communication. Vocalization includes bellows and head
slaps. Visual includes complex body postures. It is described in Mattison (2015) that
they will also form social groupings while basking, but are mostly solitary.
Mattison (2015) cites a field observation of possible play behavior, this observation states
the alligator circling and snapping at water drops falling off a pond spigot. The observer
feels it resembled a cat stalking a prey item.
Reproductive Patterns
Elsey and Woodward (2010) write that females and males sexually mature when they are
1.8 meters or around age 10 in the southern parts of their habitat. According to Guillette
... Show more content on ...
says females will guard the nest, but they found that there is no relatedness between
closely nesting females. It was also found that multiple clutches in the wild contained
offspring that had the same mother but different fathers. As females only produce one
clutch a season, have no sperm storage that is known about, and are known to have loose
social nesting groups it is likely that the results of microsatellite testing truly indicate
females breed with multiple males. The AZA Regional Collection Plan (2012) says that
in June nest building can be synchronized within a population.
Mattison (2015) says that the American alligator has temperature dependent sex
determination where all females are born if the temperature is below 86F within the
range of 7 and 21 days of incubation. All males are born if the temperature is between 90
and 93F during those same days, with an even distribution of both sexes between these
two ranges. (p
Analysis Of The Article What Should The U.s. Do About...
The article What should the U.S. do about ISIS? Show Sunnis we care by Charles
Lister is about what Charles Lister thinks the United States should do to combat ISIS.
It has a prescriptive issue and a conclusion. A prescriptive issue is a question about
how the world should be. A conclusion is an answer to the question asked by the issue
that the author wants the reader to accept. Some significant ambiguity is also present in
Lister s article. Significant ambiguity is a word or statement that is unclear, and the
word s meaning affects the reader s ability to accept the conclusion. I will prove that I
have found the correct issue and conclusion and some significant ambiguity using text
from Lister s article. The issue in the article What should the U.S. do about ISIS? Show
Sunnis we care by Charles Lister is How should the United Statesrespond to ISIS. Proof
of this issue can be found in Lister s writing. In the first paragraph he states that the
United States cannot defeat ISIS militarily. The U.S. must help improve the
sociopolitical issues in the Middle East. These two statements answer the issue I put
forth. The second and third paragraphs discuss how ISIS has not only attracted
foreigners to fight in its jihad; it has also befriended the oppressed Sunni Muslims. The
Sunnis, consequently, are allowing ISIS to work freely in their territory. Paragraph three
asks the question are the Sunnis still loyal to their country, or are they only loyal to their
The Revolutionary War (ADA)
The Revolutionary War (1775 1783), also known as the American War of Independence,
set Great Britain against their thirteen colonies in North America. The Revolutionary War
played a major role in the evolution of the United States of America, the United States
Army, and the various branches in the U.S. Army including the Air Defense Artillery
(ADA). Although it would not be established until July 1917, events during this war and
wars shortly thereafter would inspire the United States Army to create the Coast Artillery
Corps (CAC), which would eventually be reconstituted as ADA (Stiller, 1987). This
paper will discuss the history of the war, how the outcome influenced the ADA, and the
ripple effect that continues to have an impact on present day... Show more content on ...
The Americans dominated the British through unconventional war tactics, leading to
General Burgoyne s surrender ( Staff, 2009c). This event convinced the
French to join in the fight against Great Britain. In October 1781, with the help of the
French, American forces defeated the British at the Battle of Yorktown. The victory
would prove to be paramount. It would take almost two years before Britain accepted
defeat but by this point, the war was essentially over. On 3 September 1783, the Treaty
of Paris would formally recognize the independence of the thirteen North American
colonies. The treaty put an official end to the war ( Staff,
Latin American Culture Essay
Jared Wong Professor Figueredo SPAN 2200 Commercial Culture: How the Hip Hop
Industry Influenced Latin American Hip Hop As the music industry has become
commercialized on an international level, people have argued that music culture has
become somewhat homogeneous worldwide. America is often seen as the center of this
commercial expansion; this can be seen in the case of music, as American artists have
recently been achieving mainstream success with international audiences. Artists from
the US are now able to tour internationally, and are well received across the world. This
paper analyzes the effects of this commercialization in Latin America, specifically in the
context of hip hop. Latin America has traditionally had its own unique musical style, but
as a region it has not been immune to the influence and spread of commercialized hip
hop. The extent to which this movement has influenced Latin America is not always...
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Despite the fact that their commercial release records still seem to retain their values,
the fact that Orishas left Cuba to achieve success seems to directly conflict with some of
their musical themes (Songs like A Lo Cubano and Hay Un Son are primarily about
representing Cuban culture and identity) (Ramsdell). Hay Un Son was released in 2007
on their album Antidiotico, but A Lo Cubano was the title track from the album A Lo
Cubano released in 1999 this was their first album released under a label. The time
difference between the two songs, however, seems to show that Orishas s sense of
cultural pride was not lost throughout their commercial career, and remained strong
throughout. As mentioned in the earlier comparison between Amenaza s No Te Atrevas
and Orishas s Atencion , their strongly rebellious tone might have been tempered, but this
is likely a result of Orishas trying to maintain the necessary balance between
entertainment and
Trujillo In The Dominican Republic
The history of the Dominican Republic is something that is not usually talked about.
Now, the city is buzzing with tourists and resorts, but what most people who visit the
Dominican Republic don t know is the Era of Trujillo. The Dominican Republic has
changed for the better and overcame the corruption of the former tyrant, Trujillo.
The Dominican Republic is part of an island in the Caribbean called Hispaniola. The
country occupies two thirds of the island, while Haiti occupies the rest one third.
Christopher Columbus first landed on Hispaniola in 1492 after the king and queen of
Spain ordered him to sail West. The Carib people were previously settled on the island.
Columbus had established a small colony on the north coast that was later ... Show more
content on ...
The assassination failed in Caracaras on June 24th that year. News of this really angered
some world leaders who then prompted the Organization of American States to vote to
sever relations with the cruel dictator.
There were many underground protests that were immediately suppressed just like
the case in which the three revolutionary Mirabal sisters were killed by Trujillo s
henchmen in a planned car accident in 1960. However, on May 30th, 1961, Rafael
Trujillo was ambushed while on his way home in his car. He was gunned down by seven
assassins, some were members of his own armed forces, and was killed at the age of 70.
The Dominicans were finally free from the 31 year dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo. The
capital city later changed its name back to Santo Domingo. The country struggled to
establish a democracy after the death of Trujillo. In 1965, 30,000 US troops invaded the
Dominican Republic in fear of the country turning into a second Cuba. From 1966 to
1994, lawyer, historian and former president, Joaquin Balaguer, dominated the political
life of the republic up until his death. He looked up to Trujillo during his many weary
years of presidency. In 1990, Dominicans were fleeing to the states after struggling in
the country. By the end of the year about 900,000 people, 12% of the population, had
moved to New York. Again, Balaguer ran for
John Donne Rhyme Poem
Rhyme According to Hollander (2001), Rhyme is one of the most well known and
popular sound devices in poetry; the term rhyme refers to the use of words with
similar or the same sounds. Rhyme is often a key component of a poem, although not
all poets make use of it. Those who do use it in a variety of ways, sometimes making the
last word in each line of a poem rhyme, sometimes rhyming every other line. See here
how the poet John Donne, who wrote some of the world s most beautiful love poems,
does both in The Canonization, where the poet tells the readers to leave him alone and
let him be in love:
For God s sake hold your tongue, and let me love,
Or chide my palsy, or my gout,
My five gray hairs or ruined fortune flout,
With wealth your ... Show more content on ...
It s almost endless possibilities of variation both in rhyme and length of the line make it a
particularly musical stanza. The proportion of rhyme seems to be usually three and two
expressed by the symbol a b a b b. Here is an example for this type To a Skylark Percy
Bysshe Shelley
Teach me half the gladness
That thy brain must know,
Such harmonious madness
From my lips would flow
The word should listen then as I am listening now Sestet
In its strictest sense, the sestet is the last six lines of a sonnet. It is the second part of the
sonnet, usually separated from the first eight lines (the octave) by a space. Cymbeline
Python Essay
Have you ever looked at some Python code that included *args and **kwargs and
wondered what in the world are these? Python is supposed to be immediately readable
to someone either new to programming or someone coming from another programming
language. What gives? The *args and **kwargs variables you commonly see are
arbitrary positional and optional parameters respectively. They allow for your functions
to accept dynamic parameters. Before we go into what they are and how to use them, let
s briefly go over Python function parameter types. Python allows for positional and
optional arguments for functions. Likely you know that a positional argument is one that
is fixed in place like the ones in this example: def do_something(name, age):... Show
more content on ...
But, what if a user wants to arbitrarily add 3 or more numbers? In a language like Java,
we would have had to use something called an overloaded method (though, in Java 8 you
can now use optional parameters!). We would have had to create something similar to:
```python def add_nums(num1, num2): return sum(num1, num2) def add_nums(num1,
num2, num3): return sum(num1, num2, num3) and so on ... ``` Instead with *args, we
can do this: ```python def add_nums(*args): return sum(args) add_nums(1, 3)
add_nums(1, 3, 5) add_nums(1, 3, 5, 7) and so on ... ``` This allows for more flexibility.
But, note that *args only allows for positional arguments. For example, we can t do this:
```python def add_nums(*args): return sum(args) add_nums(num1=1, num2=3) ``` We
would see an error like this: ``` TypeError: add_nums() got an unexpected keyword
argument num1 ``` In order to accomodate arbitrary optional parameters, we can use
*args cousin, **kwargs. ```python def get_full_name(**kwargs): full_name = [] for k, v
in kwargs.items(): full_name.append(kwargs[k]) return .join(full_name)
get_full_name(first_name= Ricky , middle_name= Bobby , last_name= Jones ) ``` This
of course will return Ricky Bobby Jones . Note that our function did not have to know
anything about first_name, middle_name or
Social Welfare Research Paper
There is much controversy on whether social welfare programs truly assist those in need
to become more self reliant or just make them more reliant and dependent on the
government for support. Many Americans are under the misguided belief that all of their
hard earned money is handed out to those who are simply too lazy to work. While this
statement is certainly untrue, the age old question about the effectiveness of welfare
weighs heavy on the minds of many. The following is going to convince and prove the
effectiveness of welfare.The welfare system was created to help our citizens and
government work efficiently and smoothly with all the programs it offers.
Some may argue that welfare programs only make people less capable to get back on ...
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People do not understand how much welfare has supported this country,
approximately 109,631,000 people living in households taking federal welfare
benefits as of the end of 2012, according to the Census Bureau. Everybody in there
lives runs into difficult patches in life. That is where welfare assistance may be
needed, many Americans today are one paycheck away from being without a home or
food to eat,, or in danger of losing their means of transportation because of the
suffering economy and natural disasters that have hit. When bad things happen to
good people, there are government welfare programs are available at every level to
help them until times get better. Welfare eligibility is open to every US citizens
because it is a right given to all of us. When the government welfare system does not
help you, it fails at its main goal to provide people with equally and give the
opportunity to have lives worth living. Government welfare programs are still around
for the purpose of serving those in need, and using them to their full ability is vital if
you d like them to stay around and help .At the first level is local city government
welfare assistance. There are programs available that can either help you directly, or
refer you to other sorts of welfare assistance. Most city governments have provisions for
emergency welfare assistance with utilities, food, and other necessities.
New Year s Resolutions Are A Common Tradition
New Year s Resolutions are a common tradition ritualizing the end of one year and
beginning of the next. I once worked in an athletic club and the swell of people from Jan.
2 until about mid February was expected. Regulars prior to the New Year grumbled, but
expected it. Staff was temporarily beefed up, happy to be more able to pay Christmas
bills. The effect on everyone was temporary. Very few of the new faces we met Jan. 2
were seen on the treadmill a mere 6 weeks later. This year, I was asked to prepare a class
about New Years Resolutions and Christianity. I found very little tying the tradition of
New Year s Resolutions to the practice or faith in being a Christian. One strong
connection involved John Edwards (1703 1758), a respected theologian who served as
President of Princeton University. He was known, in part for tremendous rigor and
discipline in improving his life, his thinking and his relationship to God. His resolutions,
which he reviewed regularly, can be found here:
/resolutions.htm. In preparation for class, I pondered the reasons we fail so frequently
on our resolutions. Trying to link Christianity with New Year s Resolutions, I wondered
how often we turned to God in trying to sustain the changes. New Year s Resolutions are
often a pull yourself up by your bootstrap intention. We expect to make often radical
changes in our perspective and routine. We expect to do this on our own power. The
Innovation League Report 2013
Study prepared, June 2013 by Incite

League TabLe 2013

Innovation and execution for consumer brands

Incite | Innovation League Table


Innovation matters for any brand. It s the number one influencer of consumer purchasing
behaviour and it has a big impact on sales potential. But it s wrong to assume that only
shiny technology products attract consumer plaudits for innovation. Read on to learn
which brands are seen as the most innovative in FMCG, Retail, Finance, Automotive,
Technology and Charity, as well as how you can influence how consumers feel about the
innovation your brand displays without relying on products. Incite, the market research
consultancy, has produced its Innovation League ... Show more content on ...
Success story: Heinz
Heinz has really worked hard to enter the top 20 most innovative brands in 18th
position launching hundreds of new products over the years, it is one of the strongest
FMCG brands driving both leadership and great products. Fridge Packs and Heinz
Tomato Ketchup Chilli are just some of the products produced to make consumers lives
easier. Heinz Beanz Snap Pots are also a great example of why Heinz is strong in
product leadership: the product history remains the same but the new packaging caters to
consumers need for small portion sizes. Heinz successfully climbed the League Table by
maintaining a quality heritage and continually adapting products to meet consumer
needs. League Table rank: 18th (new to the top 20), previously 65th Product: 3rd in
FMCG Leadership: 5th in FMCG Communications: 19th in FMCG

Success story: Lg
LG is gradually working its way up the Innovation League Table, entering the top 10 for
the first time in 2013. The tech brand consistently worked hard to be the first to adopt
new technologies, pushing the boundaries of technology and ensuring they cater to
consumers needs. It is also seen to launch the best new products, despite lacking brand
heritage in the UK. LG is also perceived to be one of the first to market with new
The Theme Of Identity In The Cellist Of Sarajevo
If you could revisit any moment in your life and change the decision you made, would
your identity be any different? Could your identity, the values and beliefs you hold, be
altered or erased by one drastic event? One novel, which explores the development one s
identity is Steven Galloway s The Cellist of Sarajevo. Galloway clearly explores identity
through the three main characters of the novel; Alisa, Kenan, and Dragan, conveying a
clear lesson about hope through the experiences of the three characters. Though the
conflicts from the siegecause them all to deviate from their personalities before the siege,
they eventually all revert to their original personalities, regaining their identities.
In the novel during the Siege of Sarajevo, Alisa ... Show more content on
The answer is a resounding no. The choices people make over the span of their life, the
values, morals, and beliefs they hold shape their identity. Though an event like the
siege may temporarily disrupt an individual, causing them to stray from their path and
for a period of time, make decisions they would not usually make, there will always be
hope. Despite the conflicts that the siege brings, the characters all maintain a shred of
hope and with it a shred their personality before the siege, and after they fully regain
hope, symbolized by the music of the Cellist, they all revert back to the people they
once were. The deviations in behavior, beliefs, and values all occur due to the initial
shock of the siege, however even such a tragedy is not enough to uproot Alisa, Kenan,
and Dragan s identities. When one strays from their path, whether it be from fear,
anger, or anguish, they will always be hope in the back of their mind. People will
always adapt, at some point they will come to terms with reality, and their quietly
whispering hope will scream. Eventually, like the main characters in the novel, people
will regain hope and with it their identity. Conflicts which lack a persona; the nameless
and faceless men on the hills, do not have the ability to rob or destroy anyone s
Relief Of All Of The Special Needs
Need for the Study
If this research is never conducted, ensuring the evacuation of all of the special needs
individuals who need assistance will turn out to be a disaster in itself. If there is not a
proper location for these individuals to go to, this will lead to loss of life or
hospitalization for some, and mass chaos for others. There is a possibility that there
are more people with special needs than available space or transportation. There is also
a possibility that even if there is available space or transportation, that those with
medical needs may not be able to be cared for in the facility provided. In order to find
out if this is the case in Santa Rosa County, the Emergency Management Department
needs to find out how many people need assistance.
In order to complete this research, Santa Rosa County Emergency Department needs
to provide a way to communicate with the special needs populace. To start off with,
the method chosen will be a questionnaire. This will consist of face to face interaction
with the parents/caretakers of the special needs individuals that are chosen by a non
probability sample. According to van Thiel, a sample is a selection from the total
population of possible units of study (van Thiel, pg. 46). Within the non probability
sample, a purposeful approach will be utilized. Doing so, the people chose will only be
from the special needs populace.
The people conducting the questionnaire s will need to have specialized training
What Does The White Symbolize In The Great Gatsby
Fitzgerald is a novelist in twenty to thirty of the USA. The great Gatsby is the most
outstanding work of Fitzgerald, both in thought and in literature and art. The novel
depicts the tragic story of a young man, Gatsby who from the lower class of western
United States, dreams to obtain the true happiness and love through personal struggle.
But in the end he was abandoned by the rich girl. Fitzgerald uses a lot of symbolism in
the works successfully, it has become a symbol of the work, the readers deeply
understand the character and also enhance the shock and artistic expression of the theme
of the novel. Color words are an indispensable part of every language. There are rich
color words in English culture. The color will be in constant... Show more content on ...
Gatsby and Nick was invited to Daisy s guest, see Jordan and Daisy lay together in a
huge Changsha chair, dressed white, too. When Daisy was invited to Nick and
Gatsby, she also dressed in white, driving a white convertible. White appears
repeatedly on Daisy, and it has a unique significance. White is generally regarded as
the symbol of purity, but for Daisy, there are multiple symbolic meanings. On the
surface, the white represents purity and beauty, but in fact, it is a cold color, which
represents the cold, cold, and impulse. White symbolizes Daisy s shallow, stupid and
irresponsible. The image of her vanity, her ignorance, her indifference, her selfishness
and cruelty are exposed in front of the reader, and these are the root of the tragedy of
Gatsby. In fact, Daisy s life actually is a symbol of the American dream, not only on
behalf of the Gatsby s pursuit, but also on behalf of the whole appearance of the Jazz
Age society, and the hypocrisy of bourgeois values and moral standards. It is this
illusion of the so called American dream to make all the young people who pursuit is
blind, such as Gatsby
Voltage Instability, Voltage And Instability
Abstract Voltage instability is one of the major power system problems which have
appeared since the existence of the power systems. This paper investigates the
performance of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) in voltage instability early
prediction. Voltage instability early detection is necessary for avoiding voltage collapse
which can lead to power system fast breakdown. In this research, the bus voltage phase is
considered as the main factor of power system voltage instability early detection. Voltage
instability leads to a considerable change in the difference between the consecutive buses
voltage angles. A recurrent neural network trained with Particle Swarm Optimization
(PSO) is proposed in this paper. The proposed method is examined on 14 bus and 30 bus
IEEE standard systems. These systems are simulated using MATLAB/Power System
Toolbox program. The performance of the proposed method is compared with Back
propagation (BP) training algorithm.
Keywords Backpropagation algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization Technique,
Recurrent Neural Network, Voltage Instability Predictor, Voltage Stability
Voltage instability problems play a great role in power systems planning and operation.
Nowadays, power systems are being performed closer to their steadiness limits due to
economic and environmental constraints. Preserving a fixed and secure operation of the
power system is hence a very vital and challenging issue.
Therefore, it is highly suggested to take care of
Deer Disease Vs Urbanization
The United States is an ecologically rich and diverse nation. Ever since the United
States became a country so many years ago, they have remained one of the places that
everyone from all over the world strives to make a living in. But what if in the future
the United States couldn t offer people the basic needs of life such as water, food, land,
and clean air? Well that harsh reality isn t too far away after all. Due to the increase in
land and water usage in the United Statesit has become a cesspool of urbanization and
disease. Because of this the United States is quickly running out of natural resources and
shows no sign of stopping. The US Environmental Protection Agency Resource
Conservation website begins: Natural resources and... Show more content on ...
Because of the severity of the disease, many people have even speculated that the
disease has even made it to the West Coast (Dutbin). Along with speculating the path the
disease will follow people have also speculated how the disease will act once a deer or
elk dies from it. A year or more later a wild deer could graze around this same soil and
contract the disease. Frighteningly, the bottom line is, no one can pinpoint where the
disease came from, where it s headed, or how it could conceivably get there (Dutbin).
This is why conservation is such an important topic. Deer hunting is a staple for many
families is the United States especially in the Midwest. That is why hunters and
landowners can t stress enough the importance of maintaining and protecting the land
that they hold so dear to their hearts. Its because of this that many wildlife enthusiasts
have turned to many different governments to get tips and tricks when it comes
maintaining the landing the resources that inhabit that land. One of the countries that
they have turned to is the UK. Although the UK are taking a different approach they are
still helping with restorations of a species. The UK is helping with the restoration and
repopulation of the Baka Pygmy populations in the Congo Basin (Nelson). The Baka
Pygmy are an indigenous tribe that were driven out of there homeland due to the recent
movement in that area. What the UK is doing to combat this is repopulating different
species such as the African Civet and the African Buffalo back into that land hoping that
these species would bring the Baka Pygmy back into there native hunting
Comparing Psychosocial, Operant Conditioning, And Social...
Once I ve finished my reading on the different theories of childhood development, I came
to the conclusion that there are three theories that I can apply and relate to my childhood
development. The three theories I believe best explains my development during my
childhood are Psychosocial, Operant Conditioning, and Social Learning Theory. Each of
these theories played a role in a different stage of my life growing up. The Psychosocial
Theory is divided into eight stages, each stage having a task or crisis that needs to be
overcome. These challenges and task continue to shape and change us throughout our life
span. One of the eight stages is identity vs. role confusion, this particular stage correlates
with my high school years. During this time,
Positives And Cons Of Neo Liberalism
Neo liberalism has its ruts in 1938 when it was firstly introduced by the German scholar
Alexander Rusto in a conference hold for intellectuals by Luis Rougier, at the time to be
neoliberal meant to encourage a modern economic policy with state intervention.
Although often used as a trend of globalization and studied mostly in economic, neo
liberalism is very complex. The varieties of values, ideologies, and practices of neo
liberalism have a significant affect in the economic, political, and cultural aspects of the
society. Martinez and Garcia(2000) define neo liberalism as:
A set of economic policies that have become widespread during the last 25 years or so.
You can clearly see the effects of neo liberalism here as the rich grow richer and the poor
grow poorer. Around the world, neo liberalism has been imposed by powerful financial
institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the Inter
American Development Bank. The capitalist crisis over the last 25 years, with its
shrinking profit rates, inspired the corporate elite to revive economic liberalism. That s
what makes it neo or new.
The term neo liberalism it references in the majority of the cases to the policies and
processes which influences the social life ( whereby a ... Show more content on ...
The aim was that of the global adaption with the perspective of the western model of
education (F.Arnove 2013). Mostly of the post socialist countries followed the goals
implemented by the west, which with the influence of external forces adopted neoliberal
policies. The Western Balkan Countries, aimed to transform the education system, from
an old and antiquated one to a modern and recognizable worldwide model. Moreover this
model was presented as the embodiment of progress and modernity and as the only way
for these countries to be competitive with the western European
Mr. Mead And The Police Car In The Pedestrian By Ray
The characterizations of Mr. Mead and the Police Car in the story The Pedestrian
draws a clear distinction between our society and the futuristic society that the author,
Ray Bradbury, intended to create in his story. This allows the readers to better
understand what the author s perspective of a world where humans rely too much on
technology is like. An example would be the characterization of Mr. Mead as a weird
person in the futuristic society because he enjoys walking. This could be seen in Mr.
Mead s conversation with the police, Walking, just walking, walking? Yes, sir. Walking
where? For what? Walking for air. Walking to see. Your address! Eleven South Saint
James Street. And there is air in your house, you have an air... Show more content on ...
Mr. Mead can clearly be described as an odd ball in this society because he walks for
the fresh air despite the usage of Air conditioners and viewing screen, but his actions
are normal in our society and he would be described by the readers as normal. This
makes readers better understand the author s perspective on how people relied on
technology such as Air conditioners and viewing screen to the extent where they will
not come out for a walk at all, and that those like Mr Mead are weird in that society.
Another example is the characterization of the police car as a machine, programed to
arrest humans with regressive behaviors. The characterization is clear when the Police
car ask Mr. Mead for his name, Your name? said the police car in a metallic whisper
(page 2) and when he told Mr. Mead that he is taking him To the Psychiatric Center for
Research on Regressive Tendencies (page 2). This makes readers picture a world that
relied on advance technologies, as robotic police cars are used to arrest people with
regressive behavior. Also explains that Mr Mead is considered to be regressive, and that
machines are starting to take over people s lives as everything seems to be controlled by
Gonadotropins Research Paper
Injectable Fertility drugs (gonadotropins)

What are gonadotropins?

Gonadotropins are injectable fertility medications, containing follicle stimulating

hormone (FSH) alone or combined with luteinizing hormone (LH). During a natural
menstrual cycle, both FSH and LH are produced by the pituitary gland in the brain to
naturally stimulate the ovaries to produce a single egg each month. When FSH (with or
without LH) is given as an injection, it works directly on the ovaries to make multiple
follicles (cysts containing eggs).
Gonadotropins are used during fertility treatments such as intrauterine insemination (IUI)
or in vitro fertilization (IVF). Injections of gonadotropins are started early in the
menstrual cycle to cause multiple eggs to grow to a mature size. Human chorionic
gonadotropin (hCG), another injectable medication, is then used to trigger the release of
the eggs when they are mature. Close monitoring of patients with ultrasound who are
using these medications is advised in order to minimize the side effects and risks. ... Show
more content on ...
When FSH is given in larger amounts than would occur in a natural menstrual cycle it
results in more than one egg being ripened and matured.
1. Sometimes if you are not ovulating, Gonadotrophins are given in the amount roughly
equal to that of a natural menstrual cycle and this is called ovulation induction.
2. Gonadotrophins are commonly used in IVF cycles. The intention here is to produce
ideally 10 to 15 eggs with the aim of fertilizing them outside the body. The reason why
so many eggs are necessary is that the process of IVF is relatively inefficient and the
more eggs that are available for fertilization, the more likely pregnancy is to
Inequality In Terms Of Social Inequality
In terms of social division, according to Oxford (2013), social mobility has fallen
rapidly in many country as inequality has grown. Oxford (2013) argues that the wealthy
focus only on better education and healthcare for their own families, rather than helping
public services or paying the taxes to support them. If the division continues, then there
will be a side of social ills, including violence, mental health, crime and obesity. Oxford
(2013) also states that unequal societies not only negatively affect the poor, but also
affect the rich.
Environmental destruction, according to Oxford (2013), comes from inequality
because the wealthy have been estimate to use as much as 10,000 times more carbon
than the average US citizen. There is also the issue of monopoly, where resources like
land and water are reserved from potential societal good. Resources become more
scarce. Oxford (2013) states that if societies were more equal, then they would be better
equipped to deal with natural disasters, as well as carbon emissions. has data that reveals patterns of the social costs of inequality.
Inequality affects the physical health United States. If there was a more equal United
States, then people are predicted to live almost a year, or more longer (The Equality
Trust, 2014). Mental health is also a part of the social costs. A more equal society would
lead to an improvement of five percent, or more in mental health (The Equality Trust,
Essay On Construction Of A House
The interior wall is the next thing that needs to be completed in this one family
dwelling. The wood frames will need to be insulated. Insulation is made of bats of
fiber glass that are least 3.5. It is put in between the wall cavities to ensure the control
of the heat. Since standardized was used, precut insulation can be used. This will mean
less measuring and cutting will occur, ensuring less mistakes and faster building.
Workers will still need to cut it to size so it will fit snuggly around obstructions
(including plumbing and electrical). Insulation used in this house has a vapor retarder.
The retarder must be installed facing the interior to work properly. To install one starts at
the top and presses it lightly into the wall... Show more content on ...
One will need a taping knife as well as a sanding tool to smooth the imperfections.
Sandpaper will also be useful in the small corners.
He compounds is spread on the seam and it can t be too thick or thin. It is probably
about 1/8 thick. Starting from the corner and then pulled out a few feet and lightly
pressed the paper tape in. Then you have the knife and put it against the tape and pull
away from the corner. This will make a tight hold. Paper tape is also placed over the
seams to create a smoother affect. Paper tape is less costly and faster to use. Next
another layer of drywall compound is then placed over the surface to hold it in place.
The tools used is a curved trawl. This is applied in several layers to make the tape blend
in with the actual wall.

Exterior Wall
For the exterior wall sliding/cladding is chosen to do the exterior wall. The structure
needs to have a control layer before the cladding. If it does not have this, it will be the
underlying cause for many more issue. It will protect it mainly from temperature and
water. It should have a layer of rainwater control, air control, and vapor control.
First the frame will have ВЅ gypsum sheathing attached. This panel is noncombustible
and moisture resistance. It is useful for multifamily complexes as well as single family
dwellings for it is weather protected, mold resistant, fire resistant, easy to apply and has
sound control

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