An Essay On Brain Drain

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An Essay On Brain Drain

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Brain Drain" proves to be a challenging endeavor, as it involves
delving into multifaceted aspects encompassing economics, sociology, and geopolitics. The intricate
nature of the topic demands a nuanced understanding of the causes, consequences, and potential
solutions associated with the phenomenon.

To start with, comprehending the root causes of brain drain requires navigating through intricate
global dynamics, ranging from economic disparities and political instability to educational
opportunities and professional prospects. Addressing these factors with the requisite depth involves
thorough research and critical analysis.

Moreover, delineating the consequences of brain drain on both the source and destination countries
adds another layer of complexity. It necessitates exploring the impact on economic development,
innovation, and social structures, requiring a comprehensive grasp of diverse disciplines. Balancing
these aspects while maintaining coherence and clarity can be an arduous task.

The essay must also consider the ethical dimensions inherent in brain drain. Examining the moral
implications of attracting talent from developing nations and the resulting implications on the global
distribution of resources demands a delicate touch and a well-grounded ethical framework.

In addition, proposing viable solutions to mitigate the adverse effects of brain drain and promote
equitable global development adds another layer of difficulty. Identifying policies that strike a
balance between individual aspirations, national interests, and global cooperation requires a careful
examination of historical precedents and contemporary challenges.

In conclusion, the intricacies surrounding the topic of brain drain make writing an essay on this
subject a formidable challenge. It demands a synthesis of knowledge across various domains and a
keen ability to navigate complex issues. Yet, tackling such challenging topics can be a rewarding
intellectual exercise, providing an opportunity to engage deeply with global issues and contribute to
the discourse surrounding them.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or exploring a myriad of topics, comprehensive
writing services are available at, where professionals can provide expert guidance
and support in navigating the complexities of academic writing.
An Essay On Brain Drain An Essay On Brain Drain
Unequal Childhoods By Dr. Annette Lareau
Undeniably, every family worldwide aspires to provide a better future for their
children and wish for them to be happy and thrive as they grow up. However, based on
the studies in Unequal Childhoods by Dr. Annette Lareau, it is shown that cultural logic
of child rearing and the general success of children s academic studies are significantly
dependent and impacted by economically societal differences and family setting.
Annette Lareau invites her readers to a new perspective of child rearing, where people
are not just individual human beings, but rather class subjects. Her book, Unequal
Childhoods provides the best means to demonstrate her views, via following the lives of
twelve completely socially and culturally diversified... Show more content on ...
Alexander s family also appears less stressed when it comes to pushing Alexander to
do well in a test, even though Alexander s mother, like most mothers in middle class
category, monitors and nurtures her son s institutional experiences , asks for her son s
classroom performance in detail and helps him in his schoolwork, unlike mothers
from working class and poor homes that grant their children with a higher autonomic
sense when it comes to organizing their lives and have little knowledge of their
children s potential learning disabilities. As we can see, mothering might be regarded
as intensive in all class categories, yet, there are quite different cultural practices
applied in child rearing. In an attempt to connect Lareau s aforementioned theories to
my own endeavors, I can definitely say that the way my parents have raised me has
affected my educational life that led me to the college s classrooms. My mother was
always attentive and involved in my school and classroom performance. She would
always help me with my homework and solve any questions I had regarding my
homework, while also having a very close relationship with my teachers and tutors. In
fact, she made friends with some of my teachers in the long run and asked for their
opinion in matter concerning my educational development. Her behavior and support
allowed me to become a competent student and opened my horizons for
The Negative Effects Of Tourism On Coral Reefs
Despite much of the literature dwelling on the effect of trampling, no single study
evaluated the effect of Medina in the reef environment. The research did not indicate all
the species as one of the [potential consequences of human activities such as trampling of
the coral reefs. Tourism Tourism has been seen to be having some negative impact on the
coral reefs. However, the involvement of human activity contributes to the economy of a
country thus supporting lives of the individual. The coastal region is an important
component in the sustainable of the economy. The ability of tourist to pay for a room to
view the coral reefs is good enough in sustaining livelihoods of many individuals.
According to the article on tourism on the Red Sea, it indicates that tourist contributes up
to $32 million to the economy using the island of Bonaire in the Netherlands (Hawkins
Roberts, 1994). There should much involvement of the sustainable tourist development
that involves careful development and planning. This tourism should be able to bring
sustainable development. There have been some initiatives to bring powerful backing
that will overcome the temptation of short term financing gain in the booming industry
of tourism. There must be some restrictions that should be put in place to ensure there is
no doubt in the growth of the reefs. Conclusion Human activities along the coastal region
have some to a negative effect on the living coral reefs. As indicated in the above
Joseph Smith And Mistreatment In Society
Many times, in the scriptures good men were subject to mistreatment for following the
words of God. Examples of this may include John the Baptist getting decapitated, Peter
getting hung on the cross upside down, and the savior being crucified. Today that
mistreatment hasn t gone away. Although Mormons might not be mistreated in such
harsh scenarios, there are most certainly times at which you will be persecuted since
others don t understand the fundamental beliefs of the church of JesusChrist of Latter
Day Saints. Due to misrepresentation, members are often subjected to ongoing
segregation from society. This can be seen in how the prophet Joseph Smith was
harassed, in the events that have taken place in my life, and continued misinformation
about Mormons in the world today through the media. These accounts make it difficult
for Mormons to feel accepted into society. To you I would suggest that you will respond
with love and continue to follow the teachings of Christ. I would also suggest that you
look at the instances of Joseph, myself, and the church and follow these examples.
Through this hopefully you shall inspire others to accept you. In these harsh and difficult
times, I would urge all my brethren to reflect on Joseph smith and his words and actions
that he displayed in his severe persecutions. Joseph perhaps is one of the greatest
examples that you, my brethren can follow. During his life the prophet Joseph smith
endured many hardships and trials. These included
Essay Joseph Conrad s The Secret Agent
Joseph Conrad s The Secret Agent: A Critique of Late Victorian Gender Roles

February 15, 1894, was the most interesting afternoon in the otherwise dreary history of
Greenwich Observatory. Earlier in the day, Martial Bourdin, a skinny anarchist, traveled
by train from Westminster to Greenwich, concealing a small bomb. As he ominously
ambled through Greenwich Park, towards the Observatory, something happened no one
knows exactly what and he blew most of himself to shreds. The British, who loved to
quantify in the late nineteenth century, noted that the explosion spread bits of flesh over
a distance of sixty yards. Martial Bourdin remained alive for another half hour, but gave
no hint as to the reason for his choice of such a bizarre ... Show more content on ...
According to John Palmer, this dark irony is essential for the novel s structure. He states,
The Secret Agent is built [...] on the characteristic esthetic tensions of satirical fiction
misunderstandings, dramatic ironies, revealing symbolic parallels and contrasts, and the
like (104). Claire Rosenfield says that Conrad uses an ironic type of gallows humor to
effectively communicate the darkness of the world portrayed in the novel. Life is so
appalling that this humor arrives in the midst of horror, the point at which despair
becomes humorous (121). E. M. W. Tillyard s perspective differs from that of
Rosenfield and Palmer; from his perspective, Conrad keeps his dreadful story within the
bounds of comedy by means of his ironic method (103). His comments imply that the
ironic tone does not effectively convey the sinister darkness present in the story.

Many critics note that Conrad s irony reflects a pessimistic perspective of the British
society in The Secret Agent. Conrad s perspective is reflective of a society still reeling
from the traumatizing social effects of industrialization. Walter Wright observes that
London s drab streets and barren ugliness reveal the futility of life (189 190), and
impersonal fate s destruction of individuals further reveals life s emptiness (197). From
Wright s perspective, the life without control or choice in The Secret Agent is a life
without meaning. Rosenfield
Pele Research Paper
Who is the best player in the soccer forever? There are many great player throughout
the history of soccer. However, no one like Pele. Pele has a great history in soccer. His
history biggest than any player in the soccer history whether they are retired or still
playing. In my perspective, Pele is the greatest player of soccer forever for several
reasons: from difficult childhood to a great star, he scored goals more than any player
else throughout the history of soccer and he won three FIFA World so, the only player
ever to do this achievement. First, Edson Arantes Do Nascimento Pele was born on
October 23, 1940, in a small town called Tres in the Brazilian state of Minas. His parents
were poor. Pele s father was playing soccer to get... Show more content on ...
Therefore, chosen by Brazilian coach to be a player for the Brazilian national team,
and people were surprised by the coach s decision, how the player did not complete the
seventeen old did not reach full growth to play against players are physically strong
and have extensive experience. A sudden when Pele participated in the first game and
it was against Argentina and he scored the winning goal. And he participated in the
second game and he scored two goals. It was clear that Pele will become a great player
in f soccer. In 1958, Sweden hosted the World Cup, Pele was injured in the start of the
tournament and he was unable to play in the first two games. So Brazil suffered in the
first two games and they need to win in the third match against Wales for the passage
of the second round of the tournament. Therefore, the participation of Pele in this
match was required. And he played and he scored the winning goal. This stunning goal
gave Brazil to qualify for the second round of the World Cup. In the semi final match
Brazil played against France, Pele scored three goals to help Brazil to reach the final
match, which was against the host team which is Sweden. In this game Pele scored
two goals to help Brazil to won in the final of World Cup 5 2. It s the first time that
Brazil wins the World Cup. It was clear that Pele became a national hero at the age of
seventeen and he was the youngest player plays
The Beauty Myth Research Paper
If beauty is only skin deep, why does it define a woman in every aspect of her life?
Society has created a culture in which members perceive that a woman s identity is
inextricably tied to her beauty and sexuality. A woman internalizes this belief, using her
superego, and creates an unrealistic expectation for herself. This leads a womanto alter
her total being to become society s ideal woman. In an attempt to attain this achieved
status, she denigrates herself and becomes a living mannequin.

The Beauty Myth is a belief that if a woman attains an ideal body, as defined by society,
she will become the perfect woman. This body image is considered ideal but it does not
exist, nor will it ever. Yet, in today s society, a woman is expected... Show more content
on ...
This causes women to believe that if they purchase the advertised product, they will
look like the model portrayed. In reality, the photograph of the model is a computerized
image. Even the model herself, does not look the way she is depicted in the photograph.
By now readers have no idea what a real woman s 60 year old face looks like in print
because it s made to look 45 (Wolf 83). Women are always seen as though they could
improve themselves physically. Even if a woman is satisfied with her appearance,
society is
Head Start Research Paper
Head Start is a program that was created almost 50 years ago for preschools. As of now
80% of students enrolled in a Head Start program are 3 and 4 year olds. Head Start
was created to help support children s growth and development in a variety of
different ways, such as early learning, health, and family well being. Head start is a
program that has been federally funded since 1964, but federal law also requires that
local communities contribute 20% of the funding required. Head Start was created
after President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a War on Poverty in 1964. Since it was
created, Head Start has helped millions of children put their best foot forward. President
Obama praised Head Start in the past for being a lifeline for many children. Today we
can thank the Office of Economic Opportunity for promoting Head Start. Some societal
trends that have impacted the success of the program is the turn towards having a good
education. In this day and age it is stressed that in order to be successful in life, you must
have a college education. This has caused parents to make sure that their... Show more
content on ...
I observed some different things that work and some things that don t work in a 3k
classroom. One activity was that they had a phone drawn on paper and they were
expected to write the numbers on the keys. This activity did not go over well and they
had a hard time completing the activity. We ended up having to modify the lesson by
writing in the numbers and having the students trace them. This still was a little hard for
the students, but it worked better. One activity that the teacher entrusted me to do alone,
besides teaching my lesson, was asking the children what they wanted to be when the
grow up and allowing them to draw it. I really enjoyed doing this activity because it was
one of the few times that I actually got to interact with the children
James T. Russell and the Invention of the Compact Disc Essay
James T. Russell and the Invention of the Compact Disc

James Russell was born in Bremerton, Washington in 1931. His first invention, at six
years old, was a remote control battleship with a storage chamber for his lunch. In
1953, he earned his Bachelor of Arts in physics and graduated from Reed College in
Portland. Afterwards he went to work as a Physicist in General Electric s nearby labs in
Richland, Washington. There he started many experimental instrumentation projects. He
was one of the first to use a color TV screen and keyboard with a computer. He designed
and built the first electron beam welder.

When the Bettelle Memorial Institute opened its Pacific Northwest Laboratory in
Richland, ... Show more content on ...
He knew that if you could represent the binary 0 and 1 with dark and light, then a device
could be produced that is able to read sounds or any other information without wearing it
out and if he could make the binary compact enough he could store a bunch on a small
piece of film.

Bettelle let him pursue his project and in 1970, after years of work, he succeeded in
inventing the first digital to optical recording and playback system, the CD.

A CD is a simple round piece of plastic about 4/100ths of an inch thick, and 12

centimeters in diameter used for electronic recording, storing, and playback. Most of a
CD consists of an injection moulded piece of clear polycarbonate plastic. During
manufacturing, this plastic

is impressed with microscopic bumps arranged as a single, continuous, extremely long

spiral track of data circling from the inside of the disc to the outside. Once the clear
piece of polycarbonate is formed, a thin, reflective aluminum layer is put onto the disc,
covering the bumps. Then a thin acrylic layer is sprayed over the aluminum to protect it,
and the CD label is printed onto the acrylic. The compact disc was first used for audio
storage only, but are now used to store audio, video, text, and any other information in
digital form, and are able to hold 783 megabytes in all.

The CD works, because binary information is

Mower Racing Research Paper
The mower racing is becoming a regular sport. Local newspapers report the results,
sponsors are looking for the best racer in order to get the first position in the next local
or even state race. Races draw thousands of fans due to the fact that a lot of
lawnmower racing races have been scheduled from town to town. There are no purses
and typically no betting in terms of mowers racing. Therefore, they have no desire for
lucre, it is only a hobby to work and enjoy. We can say that it is only for the glory. Most
of the machines which work in these races are long retired ones that racers rebuild for
racing. On the other hand, we must say that there exists different levels of classification;
from stock racers that still cut grass, or mowers without blades, which have been
removed, to factory experimental mowers on which the platforms intended to cover the
blades are strictly decorative.... Show more content on ...
Mowers are defined as run behind mowers, and it is easy to understand, what you see is
what you get. The only thing that you need is to acquire an old petrol engined cylinder
driven mower and race
Analysis Of The Book Parable Of The Sower
Environmental crisis in Parable of the Sower
Octavia E.Butler(1947 2006), who is one of the African American women writers in
science fiction circles. She has twice won the Hugo Award and Nebula Award,and she is
also the first science fiction writer who wins the Genius award given by MacArthur
Foundation. Butler has created 12 novels,including Parable of the Sower is one of the
fable novels.From the perspective of genre,the science fiction novel belongs to the
narrative of new slaves, describing a story how the hero Lauren reappears the state of
America in 2024,an environmental crisis happened in the United States and Lauren try to
build Earth Seeds communities. . Parable of the sower shows a vision of the
environmental disaster and eschaton from a unique perspective, especially it shows how
African Americans seek best to achieve environmental justice and build a harmonious
ecological society in this course of ecological catastrophe . The objective of this essay is
to highlight environmental justice and make in depth analysis,then reveal minority
Americans from the perspectives of both environmental crisis and social crisis,especially
environmental crisis and its causes that African Americans suffered,and promote
environmental justice.
We can notice that environment crisis described in Parable of the Sower is showed by a
diary of Lauren who writes an astonishing vision of eschaton:just like other places in
America,Southern California is suffering an environment disaster in
A Research Study On Regenerative Medicine And
Regenerative medicine and transplantation is the recent advancement in the field of
scientific medical research embarking on the evolvement of embryonic stem
cells(ESCs)and reprogrammed human somatic cells called induced pleuri potent stem
cells(iPSCs) .Human embryonic stem cells were first derived in 1998 by Thomson et
al. and induced pleuri potent stem cells(iPSCs) in 2007(Thai Journal of Obstetrics and
GynaecologyApril 2013) The innate proficiency of the human embryonic stem cells
to differentiate into multiple cell lineages i.e pluripotency and worthy of self renewal
score them as invaluable sources in therapeutic and diagnostic field. However,there
are some impediments seen in the generation and utilisation of these ESCs as some
countries believe that isolation of ESCS from embryos is detrimental to the embryos
and as they are not patient specific , auto rejection is observed in some cases. (Thai
Journal of Obstetrics and GynaecologyApril 2013) To overcome this, scientists have
identified iPSCs by reprogramming of certain somatic cells. Vivid progression in the
remedy of infertility will be possible with the transformation of germ cells from stem
cells.The mechanism of differentiation of ES cells in vitro and in vivo are not well
inferred due to limited number of oocytes available through donation programmes.
Functional or mature gametes have fail to develop in vitro as germ cells do not develop
beyond the earliest stage, persistently generating low number
Hillary Clinton Flaws
Millions of Americans this election season are making the pledge, I m with her , but is
the woman in question making the pledge, I m with them back in return? Hillary
Clinton, the 2016 Democratic nominee for President of the United States, has seen
growing support for her campaign against her opponent Donald Trump. Clinton has
been caught in numerous scandals over her political career, and has been trying to
redeem herself during this election period. Hillary Clinton recently said, Always aim
high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in. And, when you stumble,
keep faith. And, when you re knocked down, get right back up and never listen to
anyone who says you can t or shouldn t go on. (Would Be President Hillary Clinton,...
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From April 2013 to March 2015, Clinton received $21,677,000 in speaking fees in
addition to the $26,630,000 her husband received. This is from the woman who
claimed to be dead broke when she left the White House in 2001. Hillary Clinton has
been bought out by Wall Street, it s just a proven fact. She made multiple speeches to
Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, and UBS
Wealth Management, all while making $225,000 per speech. On top of the huge amounts
of money, she will not even release the transcripts of what she spoke about. Sound
suspicious? She has also received donations for hundreds of thousands of dollars from
health care companies, entertainment companies such as A E, and religious
organizations such as the Beth El Synagogue in Minneapolis. In addition, companies such
as Bank of America, GE, the Xerox Corporation, Cisco, and the Gap Inc. have all given
money to Clinton. Even eBay gave an honorarium of $315,000. The list just keeps going
on. The Clinton Foundation, which is rumored to only donate approximately 10% of its
income to charitable causes, has even received contributions from the Saudi Regime and
Nigerian dictators. Clinton also hid a $2.35 million donation from the head of the
Russian government s uranium company, violating the Memorandum of Understanding
she signed with the
Eve s Apology In Defense Of Women By Salve Deus Rex
In Eve s Apology in Defense of Women, an excerpt from Salve Deus Rex Juadeorum,
Aemilia Lanyer uses biblical illusions such as the story of Eve eating the forbidden fruit,
as well as satirical diction to convey a message of unjust attitudes toward the female
gender. These attitudes express an imbalanced judgement of women in religious settings,
a notion that would continue to be used not only when alluding to religion, but also in
other everyday life events. Lanyer, however, uses this satirical language to argue that Eve
is only to blame as much as the malecharacters in the story, Adam and Satan. Since
being written in 1611, Salve Deus Rex Juadeorum has interested readers of all kinds
due to its incredible use of feminist diction in several different poems and paragraphs, all
of which are written by a young femaleauthor, Aemilia Lanyer. According to
Subjectivity and Women s Poetry in Early Modern England by Lynette McGrath,
Lanyer was trying to sway aristocratic dedicatees into a benevolent membership in a
women s community by poetically invoking the attractive and idealized discourses of
maternity, religion and women s nurturing love for each other (page 211). In Eve s
Apology in Defense of Women the reader can recognize this heavy use of religious
context to persuade her audience to grasp this idea of building a women s community
via the unjust treatment reserved in the very first book of Genesis. The first line of the
poem, which reads Now Pontius Pilate is to
Factors Affect The Chemical Rate Of A Chemical Reaction
Enzymes are a protein that replicates a catalyst which helps chemical reactions begin to
move without the enzymes being changed in the process. Enzymes work to complete
only one task. But there are a variety of different enzymes in the body that each one has
their specific task to complete. Something that enzymes do is they are used in making
foods, used for digestion. Many of the chemical reactions in the body have a bunch of
energy in them when they happen, which means it can occur in a faster amount of time.
Enzymes speed up a reaction by lowering the activation energy. An inhibitor makes the
reaction slow down. In this experiment we are testing how three factors affect a chemical
reaction. We will be representing different objects or materials as the enzyme. We will use
three objects or body part: a taped hand, a hand with a tennis ball in it, and a rendered
hand. The importance of this experiment is to see how three different elements affect the
chemical rate of a chemical reaction.
Materials and Method:
In this lab we needed supplies to help us conduct this experiment to make it successful.
The materials we used were 100 pennies, which represent the substrates. We also needed
a hand to help us represent the active site. The person in this experiment was the
enzyme. The tennis ball in their hand is represented by second enzyme we were testing.
We used tape to help us with the third enzyme trial. We used a stopwatch to help us
record how long we had to
How Is Spike Lee s Magnum Opus Passionate
Spike Lee s Magnum opus
Spike Lee is a huge New York Knicks fan. He goes to every home game and sits
courtside, so he can see the action up close. He is a truly passionate person who is not
afraid to show it. People might ask why is that relevant that he is a Knicks fan. Well is
in the sense that it shows how he is a passionate person. Therefor because he s is a
passionate person it shows in his movies. None more showed about how passionate he is
then when he directed the movie Malcolm X. Spike Lee s Magnum opus is Malcolm X.
After doing much research on him it is something that is not hard to believe and is very
hard to say against. Now it is believed that Malcolm X wasn t his best work and that is
arguable but what is arguable is that in
To Organize or Not to Organize Essay
Running head: Organize To Organize or Not to Organize Kim McFerrin Professor
Morgan HRM 534 January 26, 2013 ORGANIZE Abstract In 1902, Target s founder
George Dayton opened his first store Dayton Dry Goods Company in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. The residents in this community could expect dependable merchandise, fair
business practices and a generous spirit of giving from their new store. Mr. Dayton
shaped his new store around his personal principals and humanitarian spirit. By 1960,
Mr. Dayton entered into mass market discount and on May 1, 1962 Tar zhay as it s
known by shoppers like me, was born in the twin cities Roseville. Target s 75
departments would offer customers the best fashions, discounts, quality, prices, and a...
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My paper will discuss specific conditions; outline the benefits, process, and obstacles of
union representation at Target. Organize Target team members have one goal; provide
their customer with the best shopping experience. In return, Target offers diversity,
inclusion, a fun environment, growth and development to their greatest asset.
However, an increasing number of team member disagree and feel unvalued. Hourly
employees desire higher wages, a minimum of $13.00 per hour; competitive bonuses
for management comparable to Wal Mart; minimum of 40 hours for full time and 20
hours for part time per week; insurance after 60 days of employment and the ability to
enjoy their breaks and meals off site. Currently, hourly team member make under $12.25
per hour, weekly schedules are inconsistent, insurance starts after 1000 hours, meals and
breaks must be taken in the break room. It is against company policy for employees to
leave the premise during scheduled work periods. Target team members are covered
under the National Labor Relations Act and have the legal right to form a union in their
workplace. Union representation would negotiate and protect their wages, benefits and
working conditions by a legal contract. Also, the union will defend team member
disciplined unfairly; ensure promotions are granted based on performance and not
favoritism; and protect shifts, vacations and layoffs. The
Satirical Satire Satirical Writing
Satirical writing Yus! Here comes the biggest trolley full of all the food groups, all the
cleaning products, all of the best toys for your endless amounts of cats and dogs, and
a tiny little old lady struggling to push this big load through the check out where she
finally starts loading her groceries on the converbelt in the most inconvenient order
possible, to make my job 10 times harder! hi there, how are you I say with complete
despair as I look at the amount of work I have to do. but I get no answer, great she s deaf
too! I think to myself. As I start trying to order this enormous amount of groceries into an
acceptable order for my packer, we give each other the most despicable glance as if we
are saying sorry to each other for what is about to come. As I start scanning and
eventually get to all the colds and frozen the little old lady who is still painfully loading
the groceries onto the converbelt says I want wrapping on all the colds please WHAT!
um excuse me but do I look like Santa! If you want wrapping why don t you wrap YOUR
groceries up yourself! of course, I can do that for you I say in my most pretend happy
voice that I can. Man, I should get an Oscar for my acting! I now have black ink on my
hands from all the newspaper and sticky chicken juice on my fingers but all is good
because I have finally finished with this customer. do you have a club card? I ask as part
of my routine dialogue oh yes I do! oh, here we go, now I have to wait another 5
Eccentric Abstraction By Eva Hesse
The formal principles are understandable and understood. It is the unknown quantity
from which and where I want to go. As a thing, an object, it accedes to its non logical
self. It is something, it is nothing. stated by Eva Hesse [11]

Eccentric abstraction is under the major influences of post minimalism and it is

unconventional from traditional abstract art relating to its groundbreaking practice for the
making of the art. Eccentric abstract works from the exhibition Eccentric abstraction
curated by Lucy Lippard focuses on the natural qualities of materials, the process of art
making and organic sensuous experience provoked by the work through artist s personal
encounters. This is demonstrated through Sculptor Eva Hesse s metal and ... Show more
content on ...
[1] Which the show is an emerging of the idea Post minimalism. Where customary
abstract painting at the time primarily explores certain issues or artist s personal
sensation in abstract manner, like Wassily Kandinsky s painting, eccentric abstraction
emphasise on the matter itself, materials, process of making, associations of organic
qualities, colour, shape and sensuous experiences. [1]

Eva Hesse was a German American Jewish sculptor. Her metal sculptured work
Metronomic Irregularity II (1966) exhibited in the Eccentric Abstraction show curated by
Lucy Lippard, exemplifies curial sentiments of what is considered as eccentric
abstraction. [9] According to Lippard s envisage of the eccentric sculpture for her show
she was unexpected of the work. As she sees a less organic form she wanted of the
work compared to Hesse s previous sculptured work of the year, Hang Up (1966) made
from steel tube, acrylic paint on cloth and wood. [3] Whereas Metronomic Irregularity II
(1966) are seen with little of erotic overtones, but a waving of minimalist geometric
shapes with expressionist gesture. пј»4пјЅContrasting from Kandinsky s watercolour on
paper Watercolour No. 6 (1911) rather than using the regular geometrical shapes to
express his synesthesia beliefs, Hesse uses shape and lines allied with organic form in
relating to the human body. Hesse uses of geometric repetitions in her work also moves a
distance away from the uncompromising
Glorious Warrior In Beowulf
Beowulf Glorious Warrior or Braggart? The word Viking is defined as a person of any
Scandinavian seafaring pirates and the traders who raided and settled in many parts of
the northwestern Europe in the eighth century to the eleventh century. However not
much is known about the culture. In the Viking era, the character Beowulfwould be seen
as a valiant and courageous warrior. On the other hand, today in present times, it may
be possible for him to not be seen in such an upstanding light. The Vikings were known
as ruthless pirates who conquered many lands. Although as the cited article mentions:
They were also poets, lawmakers and great artists... at home they lived in a well
ordered society, based on laws and democracy. ( Contrary to some beliefs they were
civilized people within their communities although they were merciless when it came
to gaining control of lands. In many various cultures, women were and still are
wrongfully viewed as inferior to men, Though in the Viking culture women held
strong positions in their society and were responsible for farms when their husbands
were away. The column again states: The symbol of the powerful housewife was her
keys, hung from her gown. If her husband took her keys from his wife, should could
divorce him instantly, and keep their shared property. Therefore women were given
power in the their society. The Vikings were travelers and voyagers as well; which were
people that go on long trips, usually in ships. The
The Effects Of Greenhouse Gases On Earth s Normal Surface...
A dangerous atmospheric deviation by the increase in Earth s normal surface
temperature is experienced by the impact of greenhouse gasses. This effect is named as
Global Warming. There are four main components which help atmosphere to warm and
they are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor. Some examples
explaining this effects are carbon dioxideoutflows from blazing fossil powers or from
deforestation, which trap warm.
Various elements have been adding to this ascent in the normal worldwide temperature
either specifically or by implication, right from the time the planet appeared. It alludes to
the procedure wherein the radiations originating from the Sun are caught by the
greenhouse gasses inside of the air of the Earth, which thus causes the temperature close
to the Earth s surface to rise. It is believed that the greenhouse effect has increased the
Earth s temperature by some place around 24 percent, with carbon dioxide adding to
around 12 percent of the greenhouse effect, water vapor contributing around 36 percent,
methane 5 to 10 percent, and Ozone making around 3 to 7 percent of the same. People
had begun adding to a worldwide temperature alteration around 8000 years prior with the
begin of agribusiness, wherein deforestation to clear land for cultivating brought about a
critical ascent in the measure of carbon dioxide in the air. Researchers claim that awful
practices in industries results in the arrival of different greenhouse gasses which
Wildcat Excellence Scholarship Essay
Upon graduation from high school with an above 4.0 GPA and a 28 ACT score, I
received the Wildcat Excellence Scholarship from the University of Arizona in the
amount of $6,000. Among the friendliness, location, and pristine medical reputation, this
scholarship was a large reason why I proudly chose the U of A for my undergraduate
studies, because without the financial aid there was diminutive chance of being able to
afford a collegeeducation. During my first semester freshman year, I struggled with
common teenager problems (low self esteem, peer pressure, etc.), but there was also an
added weight: I graduated high schoolat the age of fifteen, and it was at that time I left
home for universitylife. While academically, I seemed prepared enough for this
challenge, emotionally I was still only barely sixteen,... Show more content on ...
I ended that fall with a 1.4 GPA, and was placed on academic probation. Truly, I
contemplated dropping out that semester. But instead, I was driven to increase my
cumulative GPA through general education credits. I conquered academic probation in
one semester, and raised my GPA by an entire letter grade (1.4 to a 2.7.) My academic
probation advisor, Valeria Martinez, said she hadn t seen anyone work as hard or
change as positively as I had in the spring of 2014. I also decided to join the Army
ROTC program on campus, to help retain the effort I had begun to put in, to stay out
of trouble, and to redefine a direction and focus. However, while I was finishing the
process of academic probation, I was sexually assaulted at a work party that happened
off campus. There had been alcohol involved, and it was someone I knew, but that didn t
override the lack of consent and the deterioration of my self esteem from the actions that
had taken
Steroids In Baseball Essay
Steroids have taken over the game of baseball and more players are starting to get
involved with them. Steroids are a big part of the Major League today in 2014, yet
they entered the game of baseball through trainer Curtis Wenzlaff in 1992. Players and
the game s images are ravaged when they become caught up in steroids. Some of the
best players to ever play the game of baseball have been caught up in steroids, including
Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, and Mark McGwire. Players with this level of skill are
supposed to be role models for younger kids, yet younger kids see that they used steroids
and are tempted to use them. When their young, impressionable minds witness steroids
use, naturally kids attempt to imitate their idols. More... Show more content on ...
Also, steroids can cause men s testicals to shrink (Mitchell 55). Baseball players who
use steroids are so mentally focused on the positive effects of steroids that they forget to
think about the negative effects on mental health, the liver, the cardiovascular system,
and the reproductive system. The main type of steroids causing all this chaos to the
body are called Anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids are used the most often in Major
League Baseball (MLB). The reasons why MLB players get caught up in Anabolic
steroids is because they have so much pressure on them to hit home runs, get on base,
and entertain. To help them cope with their pressure, they turn to Anabolic steroids
because of the fast gains and positive impacts players experience after treatment. This
is a positive for baseball fans, who have seen an increase in home runs hit; for
example, in just a five year span between 1961 and 1996, there was an increase of nine
players who hit at least forty home runs in just one season. Anabolic steroids also
make one s hands faster and they increase muscle in areas like the pectorals and
forearms. When players are going through a slump and they hear about all of these
benefits of Anabolic steroids, they are tempted by this easy fix. Despite all of these
positives, negatives also come with steroid use. Anabolic steroids can be taken two
different ways by injection, which
William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying and in Virginia
William Faulkner s As I Lay Dying and in Virginia Woolf s A Mark on the Wall
Subjective Narratives in Modernist Texts

Like many other modernist texts, William Faulkner s As I Lay Dying employs many
unreliable narrators to reveal the progression of the novel. One of the most interesting of
these narrators is the youngest Bundren child, Vardaman. Like the rest of his family,
Vardaman is mentally unstable, but his condition is magnified due to this lack of
understanding of life and death. Because he doesn t grasp this basic concept, Vardaman s
attempts to understand his mother s death are some of the most compelling aspect of the
novel. Over the course of the book, Vardaman attempts to rationalize his mother s death
through ... Show more content on ...
He then reasons that he, or Peabody, is the one who has done this to Addie and retaliates:
He kilt her. He kilt her (Faulkner, 54). Like the other Bundren narrators of this novel,
Vardaman often uses the word it in his narratives instead of fully enumerating his intent.
This passage is no exception; especially when Vardaman is describing Peabody leaving
Addie s room.

This confusion with presence and being is continued in Vardaman s second narrative
where he tries to associate Addie s death with other deaths he has experienced in the past
of rabbits and possums:

I thought it was her, but it was not. It was not my mother. She went away when the
other one laid down in her bed and drew the quilt up. She went away. Did she go as far
as town? She went further than town. Did all those rabbits and possums go further than
town? God made the rabbits and possums...Why must He make a different place for
them to go if she is just like the rabbit. (Faulkner, 66)

This passage shows that Vardaman has never learned about death, and simply lied to
when things died they went to town. These lies only perpetuate his irrational logic
regarding Addie s death. As this particular narrative progresses, Vardaman determines
that Addie is not a rabbit or a possum because she is in the coffin (box) and Cash nails
the box up, signaling that she is not going to town,
The Eyes Of Mahatma Gandhi, Harriet Tubman, And Oprah
Are human rights prominent enough to be defended? In the eyes of Gandhi, Harriet
Tubman, and Oprah, they are. Gandhi was a man who wanted to end racial justice in
all parts of the world, while Harriet Tubman wanted to help guide the slaves from the
South to the North so that they can live a free life. However, instead of taking a more
direct approach, Oprah Winfreyused a public method. These three passionate individuals
stood up to enact change by fighting for human rightsand staying persistent and
determined. Mahatma Gandhi enacted change by striving to end racial injustice. He did
this to show that anyone of any race or religion should have equal rights. According to
Satyagraha: Gandhi s Legacy , it states, Gandhi developed his philosophy of
Satyagraha, or resistance through non violent civil disobedience to defend his rights
and the rights of all Indians and non whites (Studysync Editors). Gandhi himself had
been faced with discrimination. However, instead of ignoring the situation, Gandhi
took a stand and did what was right to ensure equality among all people. The Studysync
Editors stay, As had been the case in the southern United States, Indians and other non
white people were forced to ride at the back of trains, use separate facilities, and were
treated as second class citizens. Gandhi believed that this was wrong . With his opinions
in mind, Gandhi decided to get his beliefs out by starting non violent protest. As the
leader he was, he lead many protest that
Life, Death, and the Political Issues Surrounding Abortion
Life, Death, and the Political

issues surrounding Abortion

Few issues have embodied such controversy as abortion has. The various people
involved in the abortion debate not only have strong beliefs, but each group has a self
appeal that clearly reflects what they believe to be the essential issues. The abortion
supporters see individual choice as central to the debate: If a woman cannot choose to
terminate an unwanted pregnancy, a condition which affects her body and possibly her
entire life, then she has lost one of her most basic human rights. These issues of abortion
believe that while a fetus is a potential life, its life cannot be placed on the same level
with that of a woman. On the other side, the anti abortionist ... Show more content on ...
The argument over abortion has avoided the real issue facing today s woman, her need
to grow beyond stereotypes. Whenever an individual or group realizes it has been
treated unjustly, the first reaction is anger, but often the anger is firs expressed as
aggression. People outgrowing oppression have so much built up inside, so many
memories of powerlessness, and so little knowledge of how to make themselves be
heard. Violence towards others usually end up as the result. American men and
women are among the most fair minded, but have slowly begun to feel that 4,000
abortions a day is enough. The abortion mentality has encouraged women to think of
themselves as victims. Much emphasis is placed on pregnancy as a result of rape,
even though the statistics show only about .1% of all rapes actually resulting in
conception. That means that a large majority of pregnancies that resulted in abortion
were the result of free choice. The assumption is that a woman does not have control
over her own body until after a male partner is finished with it. Why is that? Where is
their sense of pride? Maybe they re just looking at responsibilities as well as rights,
and choosing instead of reacting. Pro choice supporters argue that abortion should be
viewed as not be immoral, and sometimes a necessary choice a woman must make in
order to be in charge of her life. Considering pregnancy from a woman s point of view, it
can be very dangerous to
Empathy And Narcissism Essay
This study especially aims to find the biological evidence of impaired empathy in
narcissism. Lack of empathy is one of the prominent characteristics of narcissism; yet, the
understanding of its neural correlates is limited. Empathy and narcissism are huge
chunks of concepts in psychology and neuroscience, so these concepts should be covered
first in order to mention the specific goals of this study.
Theoretical concept of empathy and its neural correlates.
Our ability to understand and experience other s feeling is a core characteristic of
empathy. It plays a crucial role in much of human social interaction and is an essential
component for healthy coexistence (Eisenberg Strayer, 1987). Theoretically, empathy can
be divided into two sub divisions: emotional empathy and cognitive empathy (Deutsch
Madle, 1975). Emotional empathy is the capacity to share and respond to the unique
emotional states of another person (Batson, ... Show more content on ...
Based on these studies, it is now generally agreed that mere exposure to others emotional
responses can be powerful enough to elicit corresponding empathetic reactions in the
observer (Kurth, Zilles, Fox, Laird, Eickhoff,
Mise-en-scene, Cinematography and Sound in the Film Leon...
Mise en scene, Cinematography and Sound in the Film Leon (Luc Besson) 1994 In
the opening sequence of Leon, Besson uses a travelling aerial shot of a lake followed
by a huge park, which is finally dominated by huge, cosmopolitan skyscrapers. The
camera rests here to show the contrast in jungle and urban life. We then enter the urban
city, where several travelling shots going through the streets are used giving an apparent
sense of setting and location. The added use of non diagetic sound combined with many
beautiful shots of New York s streets combine to produce a very mysterious atmosphere.
This mood is enhanced once we zoom in to the dark open doorway of a small Italian
restaurant. The first... Show more content on ...
Through this the director begins to convey the mood of suspense and an uneasy
tension. This music insinuates the entrance of Leon. The fat man (the victim) becomes
aware of an intruder and remarks to his cronies somebody s coming up, someone
serious. This remark is almost comical and has a black comedy edge to it, questioning
the genre of the film. Following this the camera pans the movement of the lift, giving a
dramatic feel of suspense as Leon edges ever closer to the awaiting bodyguards. This is
complimented by the continual nervous and eerie music. There is a striking diagetic
sound as the music dies down to the sound of the lift door opening, yet once the
bodyguards realise that Leon is not in the lift, a sudden burst of panic and fast paced
movement erupts. This is emphasised by the loudness and fast paced music. Now the
camera becomes more unsteady to convey the bodyguard s increasingly desperate
situation. The stylish and sophisticated way that Leon assassinates each bodyguard in
turn shows his cool, calm and collected manner. His firm, professional movements
contrast greatly with the mood of louder, fast paced music surrounding the frightened and
panicking bodyguards. The eerie music used throughout this sequence gives a strong
impression that the bodyguards are trying to fight something ghost like, or even
supernatural. Leon remains invisible, striking
The Eleventh Plague Stephen s Journey
Stephen s Journey in The Eleventh Plague Doing the right thing is a given in society. But
in The Eleventh Plague society is broken and selfish and it presents this world through
the eyes of Stephen. The novel The Eleventh Plague showcases Stephen Quinn s journey
from a self preserving follower to the leader. The Eleventh Plague is set in a post
apocalyptic wasteland where government is gone and selfishness is overruling. It also
follows the journey of Stephen Quinn, a salvager who was taught to distrust anyone who
is not family. Throughout The Eleventh Plague, Stephen becomes a leader through his
interactions with others, which helps him understand himself, and teaches readers the
importance of helping others. In the early moments Stephen... Show more content on ...
When Stephen interacts with the character, Tuttle, Stephen is faced with a question the
makes him question who he is. Are you a boy or a man? Human being or savage?
Obviously you ve never had to make that choice before. Running around the ruins of
this world, you acted on instinct and self preservation. Tuttle pointed out (Pg. 151)
Here Tuttle not only exposes Stephen to a choice that he needs to answer to find his
purpose. Tuttle also causes Stephen to question his own choices and previous actions.
When Stephen interacts with Violet, he questions why these people are helping and
learns about why helping people has a cause. Because there was a time when people
helped each other, and that made the world a little bit better. Not perfect but better.
Violet (Pg.117) At this point Stephen has always acted on self preservation and when he
interacts with Violet, a person whom helped because it s right, he learns that helping
others makes the world better. Beginning to book Stephen is introduced to the reader as a
self preserving character, but as he interacts with the characters from Settlers Landing he
beings to look upon his morality and reflects upon the importance of helping
Entrapment In The Yellow Wallpaper And Wide Sargasso Sea
Entrapment of women is both physical and metaphorical where characters are
imprisoned within their emotions. Compare and contrast how the authors of The Yellow
Wallpaper and Wide Sargasso Sea explore a loss of identity.

Physical (and therefore metaphorical) entrapment leads to a loss of identity in both

female protagonists presented in The Yellow Wallpaper and Wide Sargasso Sea; it is this
loss of identity that arguably causes their descent into madness. Despite being written
over half a century apart, both authors highlight the effect of the female character
imprisoned within their emotions being the definitive factor of their madness. Similarly,
both authors explore how an irrational female is contrasted with a logical and level
headed male. Rhys and Gilman adopt a different approach in the ... Show more content on ...
However, both novels ultimately expose the certainty of madness when identity is lost.

The entrapment of the narrator in The Yellow Wallpaper is notable from the beginning of
the novella as Gilman asserts the male dominance of her husband, John. The controlling
nature of her husband in their marriage establishes the narrator s emotional
imprisonment: John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage . Gilman
emphasises the gender inequality between the female protagonist and her husband as the
narrator is immediately dismissed of importance she is worth so little that it is
laughable. The clear divide between genders signifies an inevitable entrapment in order
for John to maintain control of their relationship. Likewise, the narrator s expectation of
this in marriage reinforces the preconceived conventions of the protagonist, and
audience, that are formed by society of the necessity that a wife is subservient to her
husband. Furthermore, the narrator is denied the relief of writing and so is
metaphorically entrapped in not being able to express herself. Gilbert
Essay on Violence and the Media
Violence and the Media

Television programming today can be a powerful influence in developing value systems

and shaping behavior (Bee, 1998: 261 262). Unfortunately, much of today s television
programming is violent. For instance, the level of violence during Saturday morning
cartoons is higher than the level of violence during prime time. There are about six to
eight violent acts per hour during prime time, versus twenty to thirty violent acts per
hour on Saturday morning cartoons ( Killing Screens, 1994). Also, well before children
finish their grade school, they will witness up to 8,000 murders and 100,000 violent acts
on television (Levine, 1995: 143).
Moreover, children spend more time learning about life through media than in ... Show
more content on ...
For example, because young children do not understand the line between fantasy and
reality, one may find children crawling down storm drains looking for them [Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles] (Minow LaMay, 1995: 33). This example clearly represents
that children do not understand that their favorite characters are only made up
characters and that they do not exist in reality. However, many children may act upon
their favorite movie or film character in such way, that they will try to imitate them.
Young children instinctively imitate actions, or rather model human behavior by
observation without always possessing the intellect or maturity to determine if such
actions are appropriate. For example, in Bandura s modeling studies children
expressed more aggressive behavior toward the blow up doll called Bobo, when they
observed an adult model verbally and physically attack the doll in real life, on film, or
in a cartoon (Westen, 1996: 206). Therefore, due to the televisions programs role
model capacity to promote real world violence, there is a deep concern that watching
violent programs on television will cause children to become more aggressive. As a
result of viewing violent programs on television, children may become more aggressive
toward other children, use violence and aggressiveness in their play, and use violence to
solve their
Juke Joint Descriptive Essay
The Juke Joint offers many diverse venues in one interesting whole in the wall locale
housed in a 100 year old home with multiple historic oak trees on property. The front of
the establishment greets you as an exciting party house surrounded by live oaks draped
in ropes of lights. The front porch has a relaxing seating area for patrons who would like
to enjoy the musicand foodin a quieter atmosphere while the inside of the bar offers a
louder more energetic area to enjoy music, great food and a cold beer or cocktail.
Across from the inside stage is a living room styled seating area with a TV, a number of
couches, lounges and a coffee table where patrons could relax while watching the band
and those brave enough to dance in public.
The ... Show more content on ...
They offer a number of locally brewed beer, i.e. Crooked Letter, host many local
musicians and have a variety of local artists work on display. All aspects of this bar
welcome all ages and walks of life, especially for those who love all things Mississippi!
Upon entering The Juke Joint my initial thought was, why would someone come here
instead of a number of other popular bars close by? The parking is far from the greatest
situation and the bar itself is small, yet I quickly found myself relaxing into the hippie
frat house party ambiance that is The Juke Joint.
Doug, four year bartender, helped me ease into spirit of the night by creating a
delightful concoction upon my request to be surprised. His ability to judge what the
best drink for me would be with one look was amazing. He was very intuitive with
myself and many other patrons throughout the night, quick to tease and delight his bar
goers. The mission of the bartenders is to entertain their guests with knee slapping
jokes and keeping the good vibes flowing. As a writer, I find conversing with strangers
very easy because of my general interest in finding a good story. My cousin who
accompanied me to the bar, however, is not a easy to open up to people, yet here I
constantly found her laughing with strangers and tapping her foot along to the beat of the
Lobbyists Argumentative Essay

Many controversial topics have surfaced recently, but one that tends to fly under the
radar is lobbying. Lobbying is defined as a group of persons who work or conduct a
campaign to influence members of a legislature to vote according to a group s special
interests ( Lobby ). Although average citizens are not fully aware of the issue, it is quite
contentious in politics. For those who are against it, they believe that restrictions should
be placed on lobbying because it distorts democracy. Lobbyists use money and cost
effective strategies to sway the opinions of lawmakers. Others see lobbyists as effective,
political tour guides who help pass legislation. An analysis of the lobbying process
reveals the outcomes are often ... Show more content on ...
Lobbyists must record all expenditures. This practice is typical of people intensive
businesses and organizations such as politics, public relations, and economics. Lobbyists
are trying to persuade other individuals to spend money, invest time, and be of the same
mind in regard to legislation and finances. There is concern over how they persuade
others though, because they use huge sums of money that pressure groups to contribute
to what the lobbyist is advocating for.
Is There Controversy on the Horizon?

Both sides of the topic have gripping reasons why they feel the way they do. The
supporters believe that lobbying is acceptable and contributes to a healthy democracy. In
this light, lobbyists are simply seeking power within governmental and public affairs. In
the United States our political system is based on power, authority, and legitimacy. One
of our nation s values is the fact that people can and should try to influence our political
system; individuals have the power to bring attention to important issues, matters of
public concern, and current problems. Supports argue that lobbying cannot contribute to
the demise of American democracy. All these factors contribute to what is our political
system and lobbyists are arguably doing their best to advocate for the people, even if
huge sums of money are involved.

Fair Lobbying

The National Association for the Advancement of

Cardiovascular Disease Classification System
1.Background and significance
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are one of the major cause of death and is one among
the 10 chronic diseases in the world2, 3. Center for Disease control and prevention
(CDC) confirms the same for the United States (US). Recent figures (2014) showed
that chronic diseases were the cause of 75% of deaths in the US, and approximately
25% of those deaths were due to CVDs4. Chronic diseases consume 86% of the total
US health care expenditure whereas, CVDs occupy 17%5. Recent reports indicate that
1 out of every 3 individuals is dying due to a CVD and take up 1 out of every 6 dollars
spent on healthcare in the United States. Scientists projected that cardiovascular
healthcare expenditure is going to triple ... Show more content on ...
As per this classification system, the patient functional status is subjected to change with
time as they improve or decline11.

Table I NYHA Functional Classification of Heart Failure11

Patient Symptoms
No limitation of physical activity. Ordinary physical activity does not cause undue
fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea (shortness of breath).
Slight limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest. Ordinary physical activity
results in fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea (shortness of breath).
Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest. Less than ordinary activity
causes fatigue, palpitation, or dyspnea
Unable to carry on any physical activity without discomfort. Symptoms of heart failure at
rest. If any physical activity is undertaken, discomfort increases.

American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology proposed another

classification system in 2001 that categorized individuals based on their health failure
symptoms and progression11.

Table II. American Heart Association Heart Failure Stages9,

The Emotional Analysis Of Video Analytics
BTP Report

Emotional Analysis in Video Analytics

Submitted by

Anchal chandra Gupta

Banoth Ramesh

Guided By Dr. Balasubramanian R (Associate Professor)



2.Related Work

3.Dynamics based Emotion Representation

4.Representation of Temporal Dynamics

5.Dynamics based Expression Representation

6.Emotion Recognition

7.Multimedia content analysis(MCA) for emotional characterization of music video clips.



The existing research on automatic perception of human emotions has opened up a new
dimension for Human Computer Interaction research, and also showed great potential to
benefit and support a wide variety of applications, including computer assisted learning.
Emotional analysis and Facial expression recognition are of next great field to study to to
develop a better human computer interaction and social behavior understanding.
Recognition of face expressions and emotions may help to improve interactions with a
robot or any intelligent machine in socially assistive robotics and computational
behavioral science, or to study people s social engagement in any collaborative tasks.

emotion recognition include approaches which tend to extract a representation of the

face appearance, adopting some classification framework. Some approaches use temporal
information, other use a frame based representation. The newer works are supported by
Oil Refinery in India
Oil Refinery in India

An Industry Overview

Table of Contents


India the world s seventh largest country and the second most populace nation has been a
destination of unrealized potential. In the recent past it has seen as stir of economic
activity changing the prim face of the nation. The country has had breath taking reforms
bringing in foreign direct investments and foreign institutional investments into the
country at a brisk pace. Today India is one of the most exciting emerging markets in the
world to be in. A new ... Show more content on ...
Bitumen, ATF, Lubes, Solvents18.516.5% 111.9100%
Key Indian Players

Regulatory Framework NELP (New Exploration Licensing Policy) is the new

government policy which is to have a direct impact on the E P activity in India and an
indirect effect on the refining sector. This is to promote the participation of foreign
companies in India and have a check on the on the rising crude bill. In India one of the
major problems is the price control that the government has over selling end products
what this has done in that made refining companies less profitable even though this is
done in the larger interest of the nation. The government is also planning to put in
strategic petroleum reserve but this on paper as of now. For India to sustain its economic
growth this sector is to play a vital role and the government understands this and doing
all to liberalize it the fullest. #8195;
Industry Analysis
This sector has so far been dominated by public sector companies and now is getting a
tang of liberalization. The government has spoken about the export of refined oil
products as this provides a value addition in reducing the oil prices on
Essay on The Situational Leadership Model
The Situational Leadership Model

Situational leadership is interplay between the amounts of direction that a leader allows
in: 1) the amount of directive (task) behavior and 2) the amount of relationship behavior
(supportive behavior). What this means is that when an individual first begins a new task
they require a lot of direction and managerial guidance. As they learn more about the task,
the amount of direction decreases until they can make many of the decisions with the
manager providing little input. The situational leadership model developed and refined
by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard divides the model into four ... Show more content on ...


We begin in the lower right quadrant, S1 directing leadership style. This phase is where
the new employee or older employee learning a new task begins. The directing will
require that the leader define the roles of the follower. The leader initiates problem
solving and decision making and directs communication towards the follower. The
leader will tell the follower what to do, how to do it, where to do it, and when to do it.
Close supervision is also involved at this point. The X axis beginning point is to the
extreme right (high directive) indicating that leader will be providing directions. The
rectangular object showing development levels is also to the extreme right but here it
signifies that the amount of learned knowledge (amount of development to perform task)
is low. The beginner may become enthusiastic about wanting to learn. They will probably
be highly committed but competence will be low. The Y axis is on the bottom end
showing us that supportive behavior is at a low point.

The second quadrant is located in the upper right, S2 coaching leadership style. This
phase is where the leader listens to the follower, provides support and encourages the
follower s efforts, and facilitates involvement with problem solving and decision making.
Communication flows between leader and follower. The X axis beginning point is to the
Analysis Of The Past And Present Stock Market
Analysis of the Past and Present Stock Market

The stock market has been the basis of finance in America for over a century, but it was
a long road for the modern stock exchange. Trading profits and portions of companies
have been a part of making money for hundreds of years, which then lead to the formation
of the current complex system of trading, biding, selling and buying on the trading floor.
Throughout history the intricate stock market system has become the staple of American
and global economics. The idea of the stock market was born in the 1300s when
moneylenders in Europe traded debts in order to unburden themselves from risky loans.
These lenders first traded within themselves then individual customers, which resulted in
the first investors. The Venetians led this movement with the idea to trade internationally
between governments. They became the first modern brokers when they started carrying
around slates with stock information to meetings (Beattie). The first actual stock exchange
dates back to 1531 in Antwerp, Belgium. Moneylenders and brokers in Antwerp would
trade in individual and government debt in the form promissory notes and bonds.
Although these primitive exchanges did not use actual stocks this was the basis of all
future stock exchanges (Beattie). In the 1600s the Dutch, British, and French
governments gave charters to the East India companies. These East India Companies
looked for investors willing to put up money for a voyage in
Honor Codes In Tobias Wolff s Old School
The existence of honor codes has had basis in helping students learn since their inception,
but there are still those who object to their very definition. Nearly every institution
centered around the education of children has some sort of code of conduct or set of
rules in place for the betterment of the students. However, the term honorin the title honor
codeis what people can occasionally take issue with, as the term often implies a much
more respectful idea. This issue leads one to question the purpose of honor codes.
Although honor codes, like that of the school in Tobias Wolffs Old School, exist for the
purpose of bettering the students by ensuring that they all have an equal chance and that
they all do their own work, Mr. Ramsey objects to his school s honor code because he
believes in a much more personal and valuable meaning of the word honor .
Honor codes and codes of conduct have existed for about as long as systems of
institutionalized education have, as they exist for the betterment of the students. Honor
codes often consist of a set of enumerated standards that the aforementioned institution
holds its students to. Without them, students cheating would go unregulated, which
would overall just harm themselves, since it would be detrimental to their learning
experience. The use of outside advantage to garner better grades would make it harder for
the students to gain the help that they need, as well as allowing students to proceed
without actually
Major in Success Reaction Essay
Patrick Combs Major in Success proves to be an extraordinarily valuable tool for college
students interested in deriving the most from their college experience. The book contains
ample advice for facilitating a sometimes confusing time as an undergraduate student
while managing to fire up dreams that can translate into amazing post graduation
opportunities, specifically jobs. Combs divides the book into sections, which include the
DreamJob and the Action Plan. Each of these two parts encourages students to pursue a
brand of success that will provide personal satisfaction and happiness by providing useful
tips for getting the most out of their time in school. In the very beginning of the book, the
author stresses the importance of... Show more content on ...
Whatever a person s passion is can translate into a job as long as the person is able to
be creative. The author reiterates how necessary it is to enjoy oneself as much as
possible and it is painfully clear why this constant reminder is necessary. Many students
succumb to pressure from family and peers to settle for stability rather than following
their personal dreams. There are quotes throughout the book from many influential and
popular figures like Howard Stern, Oprah Winfrey, Marilyn Monroe, and Jim Carrey that
champion being an individual who is fearless about following a passion. By including
stories and quotations from familiar figures, Combs makes achieving a dream seem
feasible to college students who are aware that it is often much easier to succumb to
fears. By outlining six common fears, the author identifies why some people may be
preventing themselves from reaching their full potential. Action is essential to
combating fear and becoming successful. Specific actions are provided in the book to
beat major fears. The author realizes how easy it is to allow a fear of failure as defined
by a 3.0 GPA hold someone back from following their dream. For this reason, the value
of experiences such as internships and study abroad over grades is extraordinarily
essential to developing someone s sense of self worth. Experiences
Summary for the Book Gorgeous by Rachel Vail
Summary for the book Gorgeous Allison Avery is one of the three Avery girls. Her
older sister Quinn is beautiful, smart, and an all around good character. Her younger
sister Phoebe is popular, innocent, and always happy. While Allison is just interesting
looking, doesn t try in school, and has only one best friend, Jade. Allison Avery Is a
9th grader trying to fit in, in a suburban town that she hates. Its to perfect for her, and
everyone there has to be perfect too. Alison isn t perfect and will never be perfect, so
this annoys her a great deal. Jane, is perfect to, she s a great student, and she pretty too.
Allison does a project on Governor Morris that she actually tried on, and her teacher
gives her a B! Allison gets pissed. She... Show more content on ...
What is she going to do? Alison is really surprised when she figures out Roxie didn t
get picked for the competition. She wants to tell Roxie that she did but she doesn t
want to hurt her feelings. Jade thinks that Alison shouldn t hang out with Roxie
anymore because jade thinks that Roxie is making Alison turn into a bad girl. Jade
tells Alison that everyone is talking about her behind her back and when Alison tries to
tell her the truth about how crazy her week ahs been jade doesn t believe her. Then
Alison gets a letter from the people from Zip magazine. She hides it from her parents
and then reads it. It says that if she wins the modeling competition, she will receive a
$10,000 scholarship, and Alison knows what s she going to do she is going to win
that money for her family, then her parents will finally see her as just as good as her
two sisters. Jade and Serena give Alison the silent treatment. When Alison walks into
school she notices that for the first time in her life she notices that people are actually
noticing her. A rumor gets out that Alison is modeling for the magazine Zip. Roxie
finds out that Alison actually got picked to be a model but instead of being mad at
Alison Roxie is excited for her. Alison and Roxie decide that even though they weren t
invited to a party they were going to crash on anyways. They got all dressed up and
head to the party. At the party she meets Tyler Moss, and to her surprise
Online Dating Disadvantages
Adult life today is filled with lots of responsibilities and busy schedules. Some adults
feel that it is hard to find time to meet new people of interest for dating the old
fashioned way that you get to meet new people through friends, family or at work, and
also it costs more. Since technology has become a huge part of our everyday life and the
internet is easy to access, people are starting to communicate through the internet online
more nowadays. In other words, single adults turn to the internet to find a person of
interest. Online datingsites such as,,,, and much more, are a new way for single adults to meet new
people and find love as it is easy to access and convenient to use. The internet has made
dating more convenient. The users of online dating will get a chance to do screening, see
pictures and talk with someone before actually meeting. As only some online sites screen
users and running them against a National Sex Offender Database but some sites
don’t screen at all which mostly those are the free sites. People face many
different types of dangers when they use online dating sites as a way to meet new
people as anyone can create a false profile. This false profile lead to letdowns, criminals
and predators use these sites to find victims.
Online dating sites such as,,, and much more, is a way for people to connect with each other through the
internet for dating and developing a relationship with. According to, to use
online dating, a person creates a user account on an online dating site, then creates a
profile with photos, descriptive information and match preferences. The online dating
service uses software to provide the user with matches that match one user with another
based on their profile information, preferences, and interests. also
mentioned that online dating services have followed people who use their smartphones
with mobile apps. One of the most popular apps to use on smartphones is Tinder, which
was launched in 2012 and by 2014, had over one billion “swipes” per day.
Tinder is among the first swiping apps , whose users make a
Cecil Rice Export

1. What control charts should be used to determine whether the process is in control or
out of control?

We should use x Charts and R Charts to determine whether the process is in control or
out of control. X Charts are usually used when we know standard deviation of the sample.
We calculate the upper and lower control limits based on that data. For this data, we
assumed the standard deviation as 3 and we found the upper and lower limits for each
day s shifts.

According to Monday Shift 1 (00:00 to 08:00), the lower limit is 69.23 hence the
numbers that are below 69.23, are becoming out of control. And the upper limit is 71.91,
so the numbers which are above 71.91, become out of control due ... Show more content
on ...
Shift 2 from 08:00 to 16:00, the upper control limit is 71.24 and the lower control limit
is 68.55. Shift 3 from 16:00 to 00:00, the upper control limit is 71.05 and 68.37. The
best shift in terms of productivity is shift 3 from 16:00 to 00:00.

Finally, for Wednesday the best shift is from 16:00 to 00:00. Because the customers
expect the bags that are closest to the specific mean 70. For R Charts, we assumed mean
as 70 and found the upper and lower control limits for each days.

For Monday shift 2, from 08:00 to 16:00, it seems more profitable when we considered
with the other shifts on Monday. The upper and lower control limits are 4879 and
4865 pounds. Furthermore, for Tuesday, as same as Monday shift 2, from 08:00 to
16:00 is more suitable than other shifts for customers. We calculated the upper and
lower control limits as 4942 and 4900 pounds. For the last shift, the best and more
productive hours are from 16:00 to 00:00 and the upper and lower limits are found as
4977 and 4900 pounds.

3. Cecil rice export is planning on providing incentives for senior personnel to rotate into
other shifts to better mix personnel among the shifts. If the same control charts were used
for all three shifts, what would be the control limits of these charts?

Each shift in each day, the productivity hours change according to the personals and
seniors. In
Analysis Of The Movie Runaway Love By Ludacris
Music is part of everyday life and serves as the center of many cultures across the
world. Music brings out the best parts of a movie, a car ride, or even a special event.
The purpose of music varies from artist to artist and different cultures. Every piece of
music carries a unique message, but a song, in particular, carries meaning. Runaway Love
by Ludacris, featuring Mary J. Blige, exploits the struggles of young girls by using
rhetorical techniques, such as pathos, ethos, logos, tone, and visual rhetoric throughout
the music video to raise national awareness about youth runaways.

Christopher Bridges was born in 1978 in Champaign, Illinois where he spent the first
twelve years of his life before moving to Atlanta, Georgia with his family (Ludacris).
During this time, Christopher was introduced to hip hop music, attended Banneker
High school, and dropped out of Georgia State University to follow his dream. The
aspiring rapper landed a radio internship that eventually led to his major break into the
music industry. Because Christopher needed a stage name, he came up with Ludacris
because he declares part of him is calm, cool, and collective, while the other side is just
beyond crazy (Ludacris). The timing was impeccable as the fresh rapper stepped into the
music scene when the music industry was focused on the Dirty South Sound that was
taking over the music charts (Ludacris). Ludacris was the first artist to sign to the new
Def Jam Records. The release of the

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