Advertising Essay Topics

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Advertising Essay Topics

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Advertising Essay Topics" can be both challenging and intriguing.
The realm of advertising is vast and ever-evolving, encompassing various aspects such as marketing
strategies, consumer behavior, ethical considerations, and the impact of technology. The difficulty
lies in navigating this expansive landscape to create a well-structured and insightful essay.

Firstly, the abundance of advertising topics makes it challenging to select a specific focus. One must
decide whether to delve into the psychological aspects of advertising, the role of social media, the
influence on consumer choices, or the ethical implications of certain advertising practices. Narrowing
down the scope requires careful consideration and a deep understanding of the chosen area.

Furthermore, staying updated with the latest trends and developments in the advertising industry is
crucial. Given the dynamic nature of the field, new technologies, platforms, and strategies emerge
regularly, making it essential for the essay writer to remain current. This involves continuous research
and a commitment to understanding the evolving dynamics of advertising.

Crafting a compelling essay also requires a balance between theoretical concepts and practical
examples. Theoretical frameworks help provide a foundation for understanding advertising
principles, while real-world examples illustrate the application of these theories. Striking the right
balance can be challenging, as an essay must be both informative and engaging.

Additionally, addressing the ethical considerations in advertising adds another layer of complexity.
Analyzing the impact of advertisements on societal values, cultural norms, and vulnerable
populations requires a nuanced approach. It demands critical thinking and the ability to explore
diverse perspectives on ethical dilemmas within the advertising landscape.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Advertising Essay Topics" requires a combination of in-depth

knowledge, research skills, and the ability to navigate the complexities of the advertising world.
While challenging, it offers an opportunity for the writer to explore and analyze a dynamic field that
plays a significant role in shaping contemporary culture and consumer behavior.

For those seeking assistance in navigating such intricate topics, various resources are available.
Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where expert writers can
provide tailored content to meet specific essay requirements.
Advertising Essay TopicsAdvertising Essay Topics
What Is Internal And External Sources Of Recruitment
2.1 Recruitment in Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines uses both internal and external sources of recruitment. Internal

recruitment for example, job promotions are also used inside the firm to recruit
employees for

a higher ranking job in Singapore Airlines They have established an online website for

different purposes which is an example of an external recruitment. One purpose of the

website is for recruitment. Singapore Airlines provide information about its workplace
and it

will increase positive behaviour for potential applicants as they are able to increase their

knowledge of the requirements they should meet. Job career websites convey job

and company values which cannot be conveyed through recruitment ... Show more
content on ...
There are many benefits when providing trainings to employees has

It prepares them for future changes in position and within the organization because every

employee eyes for promotions and pay increment. Having training is learning new skills

development It includes the utilization of gained information going for better execution of

the workers, while advancement includes the related procedure of growing as well as

the representatives in building up their identities, in the meantime as, enhancing their

advancement towards the realization of their true abilities. It is preparing and


programs that realize colossal change regarding information, work abilities, demeanour

conduct of the workers. Inferable from these projects, the workers are not just very much
familiar with what is anticipated from them additionally how they have to upgrade their

abilities and ability level. It s an awesome approach to accomplish general hierarchical

improvement, viability and proficiency in a craved way. (Fareed Siddiqui et al.,

Kung Fu Panda in the Eye Of a Social Psychologist
Movies enact realistic social situations and serve as social learning tools, especially
animated ones that are being consumed by both young and adult audiences. The movie
that will be discussed in this paper is Kung Fu Panda .

First theory that will be introduced in this paper analyzes social groups, which exist
when two or more persons interact with one another, share common goals, are
interdependent to some extent and recognize that they belong to a group, as defined by
Paulus (1989). The group presented in Kung Fu Panda movie is The awesome five
warriors who live in training temple and follow common goal of being the best
defendants to their land and eventually making it to become the dragon warrior a desired
respectful ... Show more content on ...
And second dimension is the one employed to the real situation in the movie, where the
members of the group experienced contact hypothesis an increased contact with the
outsider Panda, a process described in study of Pettigrew (1981).

Since this contact proceeded under certain conditions, it served to correct he stereotype
activated and helped recategorize Panda from out group to in group . The conditions
working for decreasing prejudice (e.g., (Aronson, Bridgeman, Geffner, 1978;
Schwarzwald, Amir, Crain, 1992) contain equality in social status ( the awesome five and
Panda were elevated to the same status during those events), the contact between them
involved dependence and interdependence (they were told by authority that only
cooperation will help them all together defeat the evil warrior and they had to train all
together), the contact permitted them to know each other as individuals (they
communicated quite a lot and got to know personal traits of each other), there were
norms favoring group equality (once the master insisted on Panda being the dragon
warrior he received the status of equal), they might have viewed one another as typical
of their respective group, but we will never know that for sure.

The idea of recategorization

The Benefits Of Flag Burning
Was it right for Johnson to burn the flag? It was under federal law in 48 of 50 states in
the U.S. to desecrating an American flag and it was also a criminal offense in Texas.
Freedom of speech should not apply to flag burning because of intangible dimension
of the flag s deeply symbolic value others maintain that flag burning establishes
rejection of the system that protects freedom of speech It was under federal law in 48
of 50 states in the U.S. to desecrating an American flag and it was a criminal offense in
Texas because burning the flag isn t a right to freedom of speech. Due to the face that
flag burning will endanger the flag s symbolic meaning and flag burners know that
burning the American will seriously affect others. Freedom
What Is The Origin Of Ice Cream Essay
Ice cream is said to have started in many time periods and places. However, the funny
thing is due to it starting in many places, it means that there is not just one creator of
ice cream but many reaching as far back as the second century B.C. Alexander the
Great was said to have, at one point in time, enjoyed snow and ice flavored with honey
and nectar. There have also been some biblical references which say that King
Solomon was fond of ice drinks during harvest time. Later on, during 54 68 A.D., it is
said that during the Roman Empires time, Nero Claudius Caesar sent runners or slaves
to the top of the mountains to fetch snow which was then mixed with nectar, fruit pulp,
honey or wine. This was probably closer to the Italian ice we have today, rather than ice
cream as we know it. A few years later, sometime between 618 and 907 A.D., during...
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This was invented by the Italians and the English around the same time, so neither of
the two can make any strong claims as to who was first. During the 17th century,
cream ice was gaining a lot of popularity in England, as it appeared regularly at the
table of King Charles the 1st. Soon, it started showing up in France, along with other
sweet frozen delights sometime in 1553 thanks to an Italian named Catherine de
Medici, who became the wife of Henry the 2nd of France. Around the year 1660, ice
cream was finally made available to the general public and not just royalty; however, it
still wasn t available to the lower class and only to the elite. Eventually, a Sicilian
named Francesco Procopio dei Coltelli came up with a new recipe for cream ice which
is now called ice cream, included blending milk, cream, butter, and eggs together. This
was first sold in a place called cafГ© Procope, which was the first cafГ© in Paris.
(International Dairy Food Association)
Cerritos College Health Center Research Paper
Most people who attend Cerritos College may be unfamiliar with the services that are
offered to help students reach success. Among all the student assistance that is offered at
Cerritos College, I would say one of the most important and beneficial advantages of
being a student is the health center. The healthcenter is a place where s student can receive
all types of care including mental health counseling, nutritionguidance, and checkups for
physical well being. With a place that s not too far away and completely free of charge,
the Cerritos College health center is certainly a place that can reassure students and help
them reach success.Working toward a degree takes lots of time and lots of effort. Several
hours of homework and exams... Show more content on ...
And with stress and anxiety can also come an unhealthy diet and perhaps not enough
exercise which can also be assisted at the health center.Nutritional health is just as
important as mental health. School is without a doubt stressful and may prevent the time
to have a balanced meal and meet nutritional needs. The Cerritos College health center is
the perfect place for students to learn how to take better care of themselves through
proper nutrition. I personally have visited the student health center for this reason, to
learn how to manage my weight better through nutrition. Several students may tend to
binge eat or not eat enough when finals time comes around. The student health center can
provide students with a food log that will inform people with the proper nutritional needs
that will improve eating habits and
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dxracer Chairs

Who uses DXRacer Chairs?

Due to the luxurious comfort that these chairs provide, the DXRacer chairs are ideal
for all those who spend long hours sitting in front of the computer. However, hard core
gamers have always been the target market for the DXRacer gaming chairs since it has
an ergonomic design that improves the posture of the user, but it is also ideal for
those people who work really long hours and employees who work from home. Since
most of the chairs produced by the DXRacer Company are equipped with adjustable
armrests, a higher backrest that can be adjusted to 12 various reclining positions,
comfortable extra headrest pillows and/or a lumbar cushion, and a stable footrest
shaped base, it will also be ideal for those who just want to be able to relax while just
lounging around. Moreover, depending on the features of your chosen model, DXRacer
chairs can provide adequate support for everyone, even those users with a slightly larger
body built.

What s the Difference between DXRacer Chairs?

Parts of a DXRacer Chair

When it comes to the DXRacer Series, there are not a lot of very notable differences,
especially when you simply ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, DXRacer has upgraded the armrests to a 3D adjustable arm rest that is
not only capable of height adjustment, but also of angle and top part adjustments. The
angle of this armrest can be adjusted 15 degrees to the right or left and you can also
adjust the position of the top part of your armrest to either the front or the back.
Moreover, another innovation of the DXRacer Company is the 4D adjustable armrests
that have all the similar features to the two preceding armrests. However, the difference
lies in the fact that this armrest s top part can be adjusted to 4 different
Applying Change Theory Of Electronic Medical Records
Applying Change Theory to Electronic Medical Records Maryjo Marvin Dixon
Empire State College According to Hussain, Lei, Akram, Haider Ali, 2016 It is
important for organizations to make changes and update old process in this competitive
business environment . Implementing change in a department of a company, hospital
or doctor s office can be difficult. Lewin s Change Model is an effective way to help
Managers and business owners update old processes and structures. (Hussain, Lei,
Akram, Haider Ali, 2016, P 1.) There are many reasons why change can be resisted. It is
very important that the manager communicates with the staff effectively about the
change and how it will affect everyone involved. Good ideas have been applied... Show
more content on ...
statues quo or equilibrium will change. ( Kaminski, 2011, Force Field Analysis). This
theory helps managers identify if a change is needed or not Unfreezing Phase The first
step is to cause awareness or an urgency. Hold a meeting and let employees/staff know
that management is going to update equipment and switch to electronic medical
records. You can use a couple different ways to create this urgency and dispel
negativity. The first is benchmarking. According to Benson ,1995 Benchmarking is a
continuous process by which an organization can measure and compare its own
processes with those of organizations that are leaders in an area. You can use bench
marking to explain how other doctor s offices have started to use EMR and profits
have doubled. Inform staff about the benefits of using Electronic Medical Records.
For example, EMR S will create space savings and will produce less waste, it will
improve diagnosis and treatment, it will also help to reduce errors. And finally, it will
help to increase productivity. Next open the floor to questions and ask employees/staff
if they have any concerns. Management should dispel any restraining forces. Address
any concerns staff may have and be sure the staff feels like their voices were heard. But
don t spend too much time on addressing concerns because this will be seen as
weakness. It is important to keep the lines of communication open and honest, which
creates a sense of
The Role Of Settler Colonization And Its Negative...
In April 1995 Pamela George, an Ojibway women, was brutally murdered in
Saskatchewan. Her murderers Steven Kummerfield and Alex Ternowetsky, young
middle class white men, were convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to merely six
and a half years in prison. George s story is one of the many Indigenous women who
have been murdered or missing over the past years. There are over 580 cases of
missing and murdered Indigenous women, close to half are put aside and left unsolved.
Only 53% of these cases have lead to charges of homicide (Klement 8). Drastically,
statistics indicate that Aboriginals are faced with more hardships throughout their life
compared to the average Canadian. Indigenous groups, particularly women, suffer from a
lower rate of education, higher suicide rates and an array of health risks. This paper will
examine the role settler colonization history has played in perpetuating conditions for
violenceto indigenous women, many of which are still experienced today. This will be
accomplished by first assessing the history of settler colonization and its negative
repercussions. Secondly, it will use Sherene Razak s concept of spatial segregation, to
illustrate how state institutions have facilitated violence through space, race and the law.
Lastly, this paper will use evidence from the film Finding Dawn to further demonstrate
how violence towards indigenous women is institutionally produced.
In the 16th century, French colonists arrived to Newfoundland
Dapsone And T-Cell Response Lab Report
Dapsone and T cell Response
Like most sulphonamides, dapsone can lead to a hypersensitivity reaction that is likely
cell mediated (type IV hypersensitivity reaction). T cells are indicated because of the
time delay from beginning therapy to the time of disease, approximately 4 weeks. The
mechanism of T cell response to dapsone is unknown and three mechanisms are
postulated. According to the hapten model, a small inert molecule could illicit an
immune response by first covalently binding directly to an intra or extra cellular protein.
Where the native protein would likely be recognized as self and be ignored by the
immune system the protein adduct could stimulate a T cell response. This is the
mechanism of the delayed hypersensitivity reactions ... Show more content on ...
Alternatively, the pro hapten model asserts that nonreactive molecules can be
metabolized intracellularly and the metabolites then bind to host proteins, modifying
them. Again, when presented to the T cell receptor they are recognized as abnormal and
the T cell becomes activated to illicit an immune response. This response is seen in
reactions with sulfamethoxazole and other drugs (Adam et al, 2011). Finally, in the
pharmacological interactions of drugs with immune receptors concept, or p I model, an
inert molecule interacts directly with the antigen presenting cell at the major
histocompatibility complex. These alterations are sufficient to interact with the T cell
Receptor and induce a response. The p i model is the most likely candidate for dapsone
as there is a 21 fold increased risk associated with HLA*B13:01, a common MHC in
South East Asia and
Direct From Death Row The Scottsboro Boys
In Mark Steins play, Direct from Death Row the Scottsboro Boys, we follow nine young
boys on a journey through the American justice system and how they got there in the first
place. An ordinary train ride, a tat with some white boys, and an accusation that turns the
world of these nine boys upside down. This modern tragedyis the story of these young
boys lives, and is the premise of how Aristotle s poetics came to be. Aristotle came up
with these ideas through natural philosophy which is defined by observing the world
around us, and through this process was able to come up with the six key parts of
tragedy as follows: (1) Mythos, (2) Character, (3) thought, (4) diction, (5) melody, and
(6) spectacle. With these six traits in mind, Mark Stein s was able to adapt the horrific
tale and case of the Scottsboro Boysand apply it to the format of a modern tragedy.
Following the story we find our character Haywood going from happiness to misery, an
organized sequence of the events that took place, and an ending that ties up all loose
ends. While the adaptation may not be directly follow Aristotle s poetics, however it
does follow the formula and instead takes on a different interpretation of his work.
Characters within a Greek tragedy should follow a basic set of guidelines in order to fit
the premise of Aristotle s poetics. The characters presented to the viewer should be
consistent, good, likeable, and of high status and reputation, but do not need to perfect
Lizzie Foy Research Paper
Mackenzie Christine Foy is a famous American actress and model.She started her
career in modeling when she was just 3 years old and then began acting at the age of
nine.Her first work as a model was in 2004 in print ads for Garnet Hill, Guess, and Polo
Ralph Lauren.Later she worked for Gap and The Walt Disney Company. She started
her acting career as a guest star in TV shows like FlashForward, Til Death and Hawaii
Five 0.The movies adapted from Stephenie Meyer s final novel of Twilight saga series,
Breaking Dawn featured her as Renesmee Cullen. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn
Part 1 and The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 were released in 2011 and 2012
respectively. She worked in The Conjuring , the horror movie by James Wan as
Working Out Research Paper
Are you one who wonders about working out and health? Would you like to know how
does working out affect your mental, physical and emotional health? For your mental
health, working out can cause behavior problems. For your physical health, working out
can benefit your health. Lastly, for emotional health, working out can cause negative
emotional behaviors.

Working out affects your mental health and can cause behavior problems because In
Exercise and mental health. by John S. Raglin it tells me, if you over exercise, you may
get a bad health condition that leads to behavior problems and clinical depression.
Clinical depression is a disorder which makes you feel dull when performing fun
activities and has you continuously being sad. In ... Show more content on ...
Also, when you over exercise, or do nothing but exercise all day every day, it may
cause bad things to happen to your health and increase bad moods or mood swings. To
add on to that, you develop a health condition called staleness syndrome which can
lead to behavior problems and clinical depression. What I learned about physical
health, exercising enhances health in your body even when you re playing a sport.
When you exercise, your body produces more health benefits by doing simple things.
When you re at home being inactive for several years it can cause diabetes, body
diseases and premature mortality. Even if you re inactive for a short time period, you
still need to get out and go exercise to prevent these illnesses. Exercise can treat and
prevent many illnesses and diseases. If you exercise, your less immune to diseases.
Lastly, what I learned about emotional health is that exercising can cause stress and
negative emotional behaviors. Also, exercise can cause healthy individuals to have
bad health. People who exercise have a higher heart rate than people who don t. So get
out there and go work out! Exercising can cause stress between both gender groups.
The gender group did differ between emotional responses. People who regularly exercise
have exhibited less of a decline in a
Marquis In A Tale Of Two Cities
The Marquis deserved to be assassinated for not only killing a child but also
committing other heinous crimes. In the book A Tale of Two Cities by Charles
Dickens the most prominent theme found was revenge. Revenge was not taken
lightly, it was more of the slap you in the face as karma hits you or some person will
pay for wronging you. In the beginning, they find out how monsieur of the hot
chocolate won t give any favors to the marquis because he had done so many wrong
things. The marquis speeds away in his carriage not paying attention to what is to come
and kills Gaspard s child. He then tells Gaspard it s his fault for not watching the child.
Later, they find the marquis dead in bed and they go searching for who could have done
this. The... Show more content on ...
For example, Monsieur, it is true I had the honour of being passed on the road,
(Dickens 110). These poor peasants think it s an amazing thing to be passed by
someone with such high power. The text stated, Truely, you did well, said the marquis
felicitously sensible that such vermin were not to ruffle him, (Dickens 111). He was
kind to a servant of his after his servant caught a trespasser on the carriage.
In conclusion, the marquis was a person who seemed very two faced. The marquis
wasn t particularly kind to others and he didn t respect others for who they were. The
marquis killed an innocent child and felt no remorse or had a sign of regret. The
marquis is killed and the bad karma struck back. The marquis considered himself to be a
kind man and some others thought this also. The marquis in his selfish way not only
denied what he had done but he also blamed others and got what was coming to
Rituals In Death And The King s Horseman
The plot of Death and the King s Horseman revolves around the idea of a ritual. In
terms of Geertz, rituals are the most symbolic of symbols. He believed this because it
revolves around his ideas of ethos how we do respond to the world and how we should
be doing it and worldview the way the world actually is. A ritual involves both of these,
how one enacts their religious beliefs because they expect a certain reaction, which is
their understanding of how the world actually is. In the case of the novel, this ritual is a
ritualistic suicide of the Yuroban King s horseman. In their culture, when the king dies,
according to tradition the king s horseman must follow him into the afterlife. This is a
necessary ritual in this culture, because the horseman s deathis needed to help the king s
spirit ascend into the afterlife. However, if it s not done with the right person at the right
time the ritual fails, which leads to chaos and destruction in their society.... Show more
content on ...
However, once Simon Pilkings, the city s local British official, catches word of the
Nigerians barbaric ritual and wants it to be stopped. Elesin s son, Olunde, arrives after
hearing word of the king s death and his father s scheduled death. Pilkings wife Jane is
thrown off with how collected Olunde is with his father s soon to be death, even after
learning of why the ritual is taking place. When the drums go off, Olunde is calm and
accepting of what he thinks is his father s death, however, becomes angry when he learns
his father was arrested and the ritual
Northern Ireland Research Paper
The troubles of Northern Ireland

The Troubles of Northern Ireland has a long history. King Henry VIII brought Ireland
under British rule during the ninth century. Some hundred years later, King James I sent
settlers to the northern part of Ireland, Ulster. Those settlers were protestants, while most
of the Irish were catholics. During the years, the tension between these two religious
groups led to the division of Ireland. This happened in the start of the 1920s. Most of
Ireland was now free from British rule, while Ulster stayed. This was because most of
the people who lived there had British ancestors.

The settlers who had moved to Ireland made out about two thirds of the population of
Ulster. Throughout time, this have been about the same. Most of the protestants of Ulster
were members of the Unionist party. The goal of this party was to keep Northern Ireland a
part of the UK. The protestants had British descent, and were often landowners.

On the other hand, you had the catholics. They were the rest of the population, about a
third. Many catholics were members of the Social Democratic and Labour party. ... Show
more content on ...
There are both political and religious reasons for the Troubles, which really started in the
1960s. The catholics arranged marches and protests to free Ulster from British rule. This
was met with violence from militant protestants. This again led to the catholics
answering with more violence. The protestants started boycotting the catholic members
of the community. Catholics no longer got jobs, they couldn t buy or rent houses and
many other things. All in all, they were no longer deemed as worthy members of the
community. The catholics answered this with violence, and started the IRA(Irish
Republican Army). There were held long term campaigns against the British government,
and the protestant paramilitary groups. The tension was now so high it was called a
Embrace What the World has Given to You
So I walk into the Hyderabad Airport with so many things running in my mind. Even
though this is not my first time to New York, this moment I m coming to live here rather
than visiting for a quick holiday. But within a few weeks I realized the most important
thing about moving to a completely different environment you don t need to change
yourself. All you need to alter is your perception.
My parents were more apprehensive than me. They believed that their son would return a
much fairer, different, open and heavily accented individual. They had seen such stories
multiple times on the television screen, and heard of it from other people, but never
imagines it might happen to them as well. Irrespective of their presumptions, I ended up
encountering many new places and experiences in just 6 months into this country. In this
short span, I saw a tennis grand slam final, surfed, skied, gambled and even flew a plane
for the first time visiting 6 main US cities across the country.
Unlike what I saw in all Hollywood movies, New York City wasn t just about tall
skyscrapers, busy subways and glittering downtown. Having spent my entire life in the
brutal heat of Hyderabad, Vijayawada and Coimbatore, I was entering a climate that was
chillingly different. It was hard to imagine not being able to wear shorts and slippers and
walk about without jackets or coats on a daily basis. It s important to embrace the
environment you enter, so you and it can maintain
The Autodefensa Movement In Mexico
In general, the autodefensa movement in Mexico s western state of MichoacГЎn was an
impressive reaction towards organized crime. The autodefensa movement is a vigilante
self defense groups that were brought together in MichoacГЎn to fight against the
Caballeros Templarios cartel. The people of MichoacГЎn were sick of the violence,
extortions, and how the local and state government were indirectly involved with the
drug cartel. The person I interviewed was Ivan who was involved in the autodefensa
movement in Tepalcatepec, MichoacГЎn. When I conducted the interview through the
phone with Ivan since he was still in Mexico, his responses to the questions such as why
you joined the movement were plain, but you can notice in his voice a sense of pride...
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Nazario made a bible with his own words and hesitated that his sicarios and traffickers
didn t used the drugs that they sold. The rest of the leaders of the Familia Michoacana
were Jesus Mendez Vargas known as El Chango from El Aguaje, MichoacГЎn, Servando
Gomez Martinez better known as La Tuta from Arteaga, MichoacГЎn, and Enrique
Plancarte Solis known as El Kike from Nueva Italia, MichoacГЎn. La Familia
Michoacana were known to be really violent. The Familia Michoacana cartel members
used murder and torture to suppress other drug cartels, while building a social base in the
Mexican state of MichoacГЎn. The Familia Michoacana was a religious cult like Drug
Cartel Organization that celebrated family values. For example, in an event that took
place in Uruapan in September 2006, the cartel members tossed five severed heads
onto the dance floor of the Sol y Sombra night club along with a message that read: The
Family doesn t kill for money. It doesn t kill women. It doesn t kill innocent people, only
those who deserve to die. Know that this is divine justice. This examples comes to prove
that the Familia Michoacana want to publicize an
French Revolution And The American Revolution Essay
In the late eighteenth century France was one of the most powerful countries in Europe.
This all changed with the French Revolution which began in 1789 (Lefebvre 1). The
French Revolution dramatically changed France politically and culturally. I will apply
Lawrence Stone s model to the French Revolution to examine how France s debt, the
unpopularity of the nobles and monarch, and the formation of the National Assembly led
to the outbreak of the French Revolution. The preconditions of the French Revolution
involve France s massive debt, their involvement in the Seven Years War, and the Age of
Enlightenment. In the early eighteenth century, King Louis XIV financed several wars
that led to the expansion of land for France. These were costly wars, and France was left
with a crippling debt by 1715 when Louis XIV died. His successors, Louis XV and Louis
XVI were left to deal with the debt, and had to spend more money to retain the new
expansions of land for France (Lefebvre 16, Causes 1).
France s involvement in the American Revolution added to the massive debt and
inspired the people of France. Georges Lefebvre states that The revolt of the English
colonies may in fact be considered the principal direct cause of the French Revolution
(21). Jacques Necker, the French statesman and finance minister of Louis XVI, used
loans to pay for the war efforts in aiding America. France did not gain much in return
from the aid they provided in the American Revolution (Lefebvre 21). This
Essay Joseph Andrews
Joseph Andrews In Fielding s Joseph Andrews you see a variety of characters. They
range from the shallow, vain and proud characters like Lady Booby and Mrs. Slipslop
to the innocent, sincere, and virtuous like Joseph and Fanny. The presence of Lady
Booby, and all of the people like her that are portrayed in the same selfish and dishonest
way, bring out the importance of the clergy. Most of the clergy that we meet in the story
don t fit our vision of holy people . They didn t fit Fielding s vision either. Parson
Adams is the only character that represents what Fielding considers to be the proper
role for the clergy. He believes that the proper role for the clergy is that they should give
moral guidance and they should be virtuous and... Show more content on
Even though it is his job to set a good example and forgive other people for their sins,
he is just a drunk who is also in need of being saved and forgiven. Adams shows up at
the inn, greatly concerned for Joseph s health and safety, and such uncharitable people
surround him that one cannot help but notice his sincere and caring nature. Adams
gives Joseph the little money that he has, even though it is not enough. He is not
aware of the economics of everyday life, but it his gesture to give his friend all of his
money that makes him such a great person. He believes that an honest mind would
rather lose money by conveying good instructions to mankind than gain by propagating
evil. It is easy to compare the good and the bad clergymen in these couple chapters
because they are almost standing side by side. It is very clear that Fielding chooses
Adams to take on the proper role as a parson.

Adams and Joseph travel on but stop at another inn for the night. It is in this chapter
that we see the first of many fistfights. The hostess cares for Joseph but her husband
scolds her for wasting time. She is very much like Betty back at the other inn. Neither
one of them are perfect but they have a sense of charm that puts them on a higher
pedestal than the rich snobby people that reappear later in the story. But the host of the
inn begins to fight after a remark by Adams about the host s very little humanity. The
fight is settled and a
Who Is The Protagonist In The Jumping Frog
In the celebrated jumping frog of calaveras county, Mark Twain creates a satirical and
realist story. Using the characters of Leonidas W Smiley, the bull pup Andrew
Jackson, and the frog Daniel Webster, Twain connects his story to real life events and
people. In this short story twain points out the flaws of humanity and how we are
slaves to our money. The characters in the jumping frog portray realism by
representing real life counter parts. The bull pup named Andrew Jackson is in fact
very like the real life Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson grew up in a very poor family
and rose to wealth when he became a young Tennessee lawyer. Jackson became a rising
star in the political world and was eventually elected the 17th President of the United
Function Of Reflection At The Criminal Court Process
During my first couple of weeks I learned how the court system works in a simplistic
manner. It was all quite new, but now that it s been about 3 weeks, I m finally getting
the hang of things. I find it really interesting how the law process works, whether it be
family court or criminal court, both are really astonishing to observe. On Tuesdays I
observe the criminal court process, and on Fridays I attend the family court process so I
will pair them and talk about them together because of the correlation. In my first couple
days attending criminal court, 9/12/17 and 9/17/17, I learned that the criminal justice
system (at least in my town) is not out to get everybody. They really don t want people
in prison if they don t have to put them in prison. I find myself spending a significant
amount of time in judges chambers and in the courtroom alike and I ve observed the
difference in speech when they are in chambers vs. when they are on the court floor. I
was expecting the attorneys to really be at each other s necks through the process but
many of them, if not all of them, get along quite well. Also, bringing attention to the way
that they speak, when they are in chambers for criminal court, they were talking about the
person, not just the crime. Did they have a job, an education, any kids or family, and
their past criminal history? They asked each other these questions before sentencing,
and I found myself to be very fond of this. If you had a job and were attending school
and got caught with a petty crime such as theft or possession of a substance, they
might just send you to rehab or give you a mild probation sentence. They really aren t
out to get you it seems like. Even with individuals with substance abuse problems,
instead of sending them to prison, judge will just sentence them to a rehab center. It
appears that they want to help you. One of the D.A. s even stated at one point, that he
would rather see the kid at hand get his act together, than be sent to prison. Prison isn t
for everyone, and really what s the point. I talked with the judge one on one, and he
stated that you really need to take into consideration of the circumstances before you
come to a conclusion. Prison isn t going to help a lot of
Consequences Of Unprotected Sex In Adolescence
In the adolescent stage, teens begin to develop sexual relations with significant others. It
is a big decision that comes with precautions and responsibility. Unprotected sex can have
many consequences such as sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. Unprotected
sex is having sexual intercourse without contraceptives such as condoms and birth
Each year, approximately 750,000 teen girls get pregnant with approximately 400,000
births from teens. Pregnancy is caused by unprotected sex. When getting pregnant at a
young age, there is a lot of responsibility that comes with it. The mother must take care
of herself and her body to keep the baby healthy as well. She has to follow up with
doctor appointments, take daily vitamins, lose ... Show more content on
That s why it is important to know your partner before having sexual intercourse along
with wearing a condom during intercourse. A condom is a thin, stretchy pouch like
material that the male puts on his penis before/during sexual intercourse. This prevents
sperm from getting into the vagina and meeting the egg to produce pregnancy. They also
protect against STD s. Condoms protect you and your partner from having direct skin to
skin contact in your genital areas. Direct skin to skin contact along with bodily fluids can
carry infections that may need medical attention.
Condoms aren t the only thing that helps prevent pregnancy, birth control does too.
Birth control has been around for years however it does not protect you from STD s
that why it s important to also use a condom as protection. Birth control is a series of
hormones that prevent pregnancy from occurring. Although it is not 100% affective, it
usually works well. There are many kinds of birth controls available such as, the patch,
the pill, the ring, depo shot, IUD and many others. In conclusion, it is very important to
practice safe sex. You don t want to be the teen that gets pregnant in high school and
drops out or that teen that encountered a sexually transmitted disease. It takes two
seconds to put a condom on or take your birth control pill but forever to raise a child.
Think before you act to provide a better future for
The Organization Chosen To Conduct Detailed Research Is
The organization chosen to conduct detailed research is sKids. sKids is New Zealand
s No.1 Provider of Out of School Care Recreation Programmes. sKids (Safe Kids in
Daily Supervision) is a reputable, multi award winning franchise system founded in
New Zealand. sKids main focus is providing excellence before school, after school and
holiday programmes that help kiwi kids prosper and grow, giving them life skills that
will serve them for years to come. They endeavour to generate a safe and fun
environment that kids love.
Every day it is sKids honour is to serve the 6,000+ children in their responsibility at
primary schools all around New Zealand.
At its fundamental, sKids is about inspiring their kids and enriching their lives. This is ...
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Here, the communication mode does not follow any programmed guidelines of the
company policy. This plays a pivotal role to function the organizations on goings. The
foundation of informal communication is unprompted association among the members.
When the staff are not able to comprehend as to what the subject matter of the
communication is, they can further deliberate with their managers anywhere else about
the topic matter as like in the lunch room or at a pub. So, the process of the informal
communication is the unprompted discussion of information amongst two or more
persons at different status without following any prescribed or official rules, formalities
and chain of command in the organizational structure.
b.Apply these to the organization, supporting with examples (three formal and two
informal), how formal and informal communication are practised (or could be) in the
chosen organization.
Three formal types of communication are:
i.Downward formal communication, here, messages are conceded from a top
managements or superiors to subordinate, for example from a director to master
franchisees to franchisees owners to programme managers/coordinators to programme
assistants then to volunteers. Information can consist of work orders and procedures. For
example, at sKids, the main owner calls a meeting and all the franchisees are notified,
they all attend a meeting and the relevant information is then passed on from the director
to all his franchisees.
Macbeth Argumentative Essay
Many words in this passage suggest that Macbeth is only fantasizing about murder. First,
he refers to his thoughts as a suggestion, meaning that he is not certain that he will
murder Duncan. Then, he calls his thoughts as a horrid image and as horrible imaginings
. The words suggestion, image, and imaginings all imply that Macbethonly has a guilty
mind, or mens rea. None of his ideas are concrete yet because he is so anxious and
perplexed by them. At this point, he is still unsure if he will actually kill Duncan, and he
is so unsure that he does not even directly mention that he will murder Duncan. In
addition, Macbeth says that his thought is fantastical , which means that his thoughts are
only fantasy at this point. Curran claims this line... Show more content on ...
Thought and action are two completely different and contradicting concepts, and Curran
fails to make the link between the two. In other words, he fails to explain how the
thought is equivalent to the action. Although the distinction is subtle, it is a very
important one: here, there are many key words in this passage that clearly indicate that
Macbeth is only having murderous thoughts at this point. However, the thought is
converted into action later on in the play when Macbeth physically kills Duncan.
Another flaw in Curran s argument is that he assumes that the dagger that Macbeth
imagines in Act 2 Scene 1 is a precursor to Macbeth s awareness of his own criminality.
Specifically, Curran refers to the dagger as the intentional object that creates the very
conditions of sentience and catalyzes Macbeth s consciousness of his own criminality
(Curran 393). Here, Curran uses Husserlian phenomenology to claim that the thing and
the thought are not separable because the thing creates the thought. In other words,
Curran contends that the dagger led to Macbeth s feelings of criminality. However,
evidence from
How Did Martin Luther King Jr Affect The Black Community
Selecting a topic is difficult enough when that topic is an influential person on today s
society. There are many influential people of our past and present therefore I can
imagine to difficulty of the decision. It is much easier to contributed to mass amounts
of Anguish that left people distraught than that of a positive situation. while many
people decide to choose a negative topic my group shows Martin Luther King. Martin
Luther King was a man with a dream, space this dream consisted of black and white
children being able to play together. I personally was not a part of the decision since I
was not a part of the school at that time however I do believe that Martin Luther King
played a big role and how the black community is represented... Show more content on ...
in order to learn how Martin Luther King jr. affected the black and white Community
positively and negatively I had to conduct the research including primary and
secondary sources. While finding these sources I came across see the basis that we re
both trustworthy and untrustworthy. To take notes for my project I used my
annotated bibliography. my annotated bibliography allowed me to keep track of the
sources that I found and what I would be using in my project. in order to finally
sources my partner and I worked together as a team to find sources. the benefit of
working together was that if we made a mistake the other person would see it and be
able to let the other person know their personal opinion of it. our rough draft allowed us
to converse with her teachers and get a second opinion on how a paper and project were
Ethical Responsibilities At The Termination Of Their Group
.54#2. What are your ethical responsibilities to group members at the termination of
their group? Explain As a group leader, I have a myriad of ethical responsibilities to
the group members, especially at the closing of the group. I need to exercise due
diligence by using sound professional judgement to make sure each of my clients have
some form of closure before they leave the group. In order to facilitate and prepare the
group members for closure, I wantto address three main points; I want to consolidate
what they learned in the group, understand what they will do with what they learned, and
how will they continue receiving support. Each member should share during this time.
By consolidating what these men learned in this group, we will be able to understand
where each member stands. In this group, members should have learned how to deal with
their stress levels and find meaning in their diagnosis. Ethically, I needto recap during the
last sessions with the clients to remind them what they have learned so the group
experience was not for naught. Accordingly, I want to summarize with the group what
they learned about the challenges of being HIV positive while encouraging them to use
the skills they learned in the group outside of the group, while keeping the confidentiality
of the group members. Accordingly with my facilitation, the clients should explore and
summarize for themselves what they learned and how they have changed in the group
over the past twelve weeks.
Southern Somalia Research Paper
Somalia was colonized by many different countries. It was colonized by Britain,
France, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Italy. Egypt had taken over the coast in 1875. Britain
colonized it in 1887. They did this because they wanted to guard the Suez canal.
France took over a part of Somalia because they didn t get any land in Egypt. In the
early 1900 s, Italy gained control of Southern Somalia. They had control of Southern
Somalia until July 1st, 1960 when they gained their own independence. Life during
these colonial times was bad in some places but not all. They were treated unfairly in
most places and their individual culture was not given respect. This was mainly due to
Europe wanting it only for the resources they would get. Italy treated them very well
and fairly for a while until they decided to make the natives adjust to Italian law. They
treated them well at first because they were trying not to disturb the colonies. The
colonial government in the British Somaliland was not liked by the people. There were
many uprisings and this made the British abandon the interior of Somalia and they went
for the coasts instead. When they did this, Italy saw an opportunity to take control over
the interior. After World War 2, Somalia was given to the United Nations to become a
UN trust territory. They... Show more content on ...
There isn t a strong government as they got rid of governments in the early 1990s.
They realized that having no government at all was a bad idea so they made a very
light government. Since there is no strong government there is a lot of crime. There
are also some terror groups there. One of these groups is Al Shabaab. These crimes
and the terror groups are some of the reasons why life isn t very good there and that
people don t want to live there. Their economy is somewhat ok however. One of their
most important resources is livestock. Some of their successes today are that they have
at least one safe city and they are part of the United
African American Ebonics Research Paper
African American Vernacular English (AAVE), or more commonly known as
Ebonics, is derived from the words ebony, meaning black, and phonics, meaning the
science of sounds. In essence, Ebonics is the science of black speech and language
(Baugh, 2000, p. 2). According to early linguistic scholars, as told by John Baugh
(2000), Ebonics is, in simplicity, a mixture of African and European languages that
formed with African slaves (p. 3). The term Ebonics was coined in 1973 by a group of
African Americans scholars who felt black English was a discriminatory name and
contributed to the low regard of the language (Baugh, 2000, p. 2). However, Baugh
(2000) states, just changing the name to Ebonics, or more professionally AAVE, does not
help to increase... Show more content on ...
Much like many immigrants are ridiculed for speaking broken English. John Baugh
(2000) tells of a story from his childhood where he would mock students in his class
who did not speak English as a first language. He would repeat what these students said
with a mocking tone. As he grew older he began to realize that the way he teased many
fellow students because of their broken English, was similar to the way he, and many of
his fellow African American community members, were teased (p. 7 8). Baugh (2000)
goes on to say that the mocking and false sense of superiority he felt over the students
learning English as a Second language was the same feeling many feel about those
who speak Ebonics (p. 10). The reputation of Ebonics being a lower class dialect of
Standard English, especially within the academic world, has created an academic
disadvantage for many African American students (Baugh, 2000, p. 6). For these
students, who are native AAVE speakers, there is no extra ESL or bilingual help to
strengthen their Standard English, because Ebonics is not considered a language, but
rather a dialect (Baugh, 2000, p. 3). This causes many African American students to
never speak Standard English proficiently, and in turn do not read or write at grade
Police Are Not Guilty
Within the courtroom many individuals have pleaded guilty because they know in the
back of their minds that the chances of the jury believing them over п»їa Law
Enforcement officer is slim to none. seriously, who are you to likely to believe? A
person in a prison jumpsuit or a professionally dressed and groomed officer who swore
to god to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. looking back with over a hundred of
cases where officers lied, do you really believe policeare necessarily more trustworthy
than any criminal? In my opinion I don t think so. It s not the fact that police are inclined
to confabulate, but I think they do have the incentive to lie. In todays society where
numbers of those incarcerated is enormous, police should not be... Show more content on ...
For instance, a 3 year old may understand that battery is wrong. However, they might not
understand that different types of sexual abuse is prohibited. With that in mind, it
becomes difficult to have a child testify when they re at the stage in their life where their
brains are not fully developed which will cause huge problems when you ask them to
recall what happened at the time of the event. To be honest, children can sometimes be
undeveloped that their statements are equivalent to a bark of a bloodhound than a
testimony of an adult witness. Now they have an Objective witness test that is used for
the testimonies of the children. This test evaluates a child s age, intelligence and
experience in regards to their statement. I believe this could recognize indicators that the
reported conduct is wrongful or that the information provided is relevant to the criminal
Nonetheless, perjury and hearsay for children is a huge problem in the justice system.
however, it s not the hearsay of children you hear about in todays cases, but it s the trials
dealing with the police officers whether or not they were in good standings in killing the
individual. Furthermore, there have been cases where perjury was a factor as
Comparing Annabel Lee And The Highwayman
The narrative poem, The Highwayman authored by Alfred Noyes, symbolizes the
forbidden, but pure love among the highwayman and the landlord s daughter, Bess.
The power of their love for one another was so strong for they sacrificed themselves for
each other. Annabel Lee , a poem written by Edgar Allan Poe, signifies the obsessive,
but eternal love between the narrator and his wife, succeeding her passing. The two
authors develop the theme of love, nevertheless, Noyes develops the theme of sacrificial
love whereas Poe establishes the theme of obsessive devotion. In the leading poem,
Noyes discloses sacrificial affection through the highwayman s promise toward his love,
Yet, if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day, /Then look... Show more
content on ...
Throughout the poem, Poe builds the theme of love with the speculations and actions
of the narrator after his wife s spontaneous death. Poe displays to the reader the eternal
love the narrator had for his wife, for he believes nothing will dissever their love for
one another. And so, all the night tide, I lie down by the side/ Of my darling my
darling my life and my bride, /In her sepulcher there by the sea / In her tomb by the
sounding sea (38 41). For the death of the narrator s wife was unforeseen, the narrator
has never parted from his wife and is so devoted to her that he sleeps by her tomb,
strengthening the obsessive love the narrator has for Annabel Lee. Poe conveys through
the plot of the poem, the undying love shared between the narrator and his wife, from
where he sleeps at nightfall and his belief that the angels seized her away from him.
Ultimately, Poe matured the theme of love on all accounts of the poem from both the
behaviors and theorizations upon Annabel Lee s
Adult Learning Theory
Adult Learning Theory in Online Education

The developments of technology has changed the way which adult students may choose
to obtain a college degree. Through the use of their computer, they may opt to attend an
online only college or university. While it may not be apparent to the student, a lot of
research has been conducted regarding the most effective way to teach adults and
children based upon how they learn. An awareness in different teaching theories could
make an adult student a better consumer when it comes to shopping for their best value
in education. This paper will explore the theories of andragogy and pedagogy, along with
their implications for online adult education.
Society s view of the adult student before ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, the main themes behind the assumptions about learning within this model
are that the student is dependent on the teacher for the activities which will perpetuate
learning and that the students past experiences have no value. This method also
makes the assumption that the factors which make a student want to learn are external
in nature, such as good grades and pleasing others. Wang states The primary reason the
whole educational enterprise has been frozen into the pedagogical model is that
between infancy and adolescence, no other model is better than the pedagogical
teaching and learning model. (Wang, p.6). Since children are more dependent in
nature, and do not have knowledge through life experiences, the pedagogical method
makes sense when it comes to teaching at their level. However, there is a lot of debate
about how well it works for students who are independent and who possess a larger
knowledge base. Andragogy is the art or science of teaching adults (Knowles, 2012).
Malcolm Knowles introduced the term in the United States in the 1960s (Wang, 2011).
Knowles notes that a major psychological difference between children and adults is the
realization that as an adult, one is the director of their own life. Additionally, because of
this change in self awareness, teaching adults as if they are dependent does not harbor
any sense of respect for their ability to be self directed. There are four assumptions which
are made about adult learning
Tortoise Archetypes
In order to analyze the character archetypes for this assignment, I chose The Tortoise
and The Hare, a fairy tale found at Animated Fairy Tales for Children. Overall, this tale
falls into the classical animal archetype. These animals are used to teach us a moral
lesson that we can be successful if we do very things steadily, thoughtfully, and
carefully. The tortoise and the hare are foil characters, whose views about life are
completely different. The tortoise is an archetype of a humble, friendly, smart, and
careful person. The tortoise always does everything in a slow, thoughtful, and steady
manner; he knows how to control his emotions despite the hare keeps teasing him about
being so slow. The hare is the archetype of a mean, boastful,
The Portrayal Of Women During The Arab World
The portrayal of women in the media is a global phenomenon that many nations,
countries and cultures struggle to find equality in the portrayal of gender throughout
media systems. The Middle East and the Arab World is no exception to this phenomenon,
recognizing and contributing to the negatively portrayed images of Arab women
represented in the global mass media. For my research paper, I chose to focus on how
women in the Arab Worldare breaking boundaries of these negative stereotypical
images, while using social media as an outlet for online activism and empowerment. By
conducting research on how women are portrayed as subservient to men in the Arab
World, I started to form my research question in how women are interpreting these
portrayed images, how they are reacting to these misrepresentations of themselves in
the media, and what exactly they are doing about changing the image of themselves
and the evident inequalities between men in civil society. I continued furthering my
research with the introduction of social media to the Arab world and the combating of
stereotypes of Arab women in the media. Collectively, based on all of my research and
knowledge of global mass media, the portrayal of Arab women in mass media, and the
exponentially rising usage of social media in implementing social change, Arab women
have gained a voice in standing up for rights in civil societies throughout the Arab World.
My research led me to formulate the following research question: How
Speech About Flower
SPEECH TO INFORM Organizational method: Topical Topic: Flower General
Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the importance of
flower in life. Central Idea: Flower is important in life as it helps in enormous
symbolism, natural remedies for depression and are an integral part of many of life s
ceremonies. INTRODUCTION: I.Luther Burbank once said, Flowers always make
people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the
soul. II.Flowers offer more to the planet than merely natural artwork and beauty. They are
essential to removing carbon dioxide and toxins in the air. They feed the honeybee
population that s responsible for promulgating food crops. Flowers compliment the
beauty of a woman. ... Show more content on ...
Flowers are essential natural remedies for depression. A. Flowers are natural remedies
for depression to correct emotional imbalances. 1. Each flower is distinctive in its
ability to target a specific depression symptom sadness, fear, panic, gloom. a. Recently
studies have proved that the presence of bright multi coloured flowers can intensify
feelings of contentment and can produce joyful emotions. b. Hence, often beautiful
flower arrangements are kept in hospital rooms, so as to reduce the stress and pain
intensity among patients. c. According to Dr. Stephen Ritter, Director of The Rittners
School of Floral De sign, flowers can help reduce stress and alleviate anxiety. d. The
study findings show plant compounds are so effective as they can cross the brain s
protective blood brain barrier, something that has proven challenging for many
conventional drug treatments. e. With people s desire for tranquillity and stress relief
stronger than ever, research takes an insightful look at flowers and the important role
they may play in our daily lives. f. Living with flowers can provide a boost of energy,
happiness and enthusiasm at
Difference Between Public And Commercial Broadcasting
Key Terms List # 1

Using various sources on the internet (such as Wikipedia and Google), look up and
define the following terms. Upon completion, attach and return to my email address.
Keep a copy for use as a study guide for the exam.
1. Explain the difference between Public and Commercial broadcasting
A public broadcaster is owned and supported by the general public. The TV license is
paid by the general public, financing all of the general public broadcasters. A commercial
broadcaster is privately owned and they finance themselves through advertisements. The
general public isn t paying the station.
2. The MacBride Report The MacBride Report, was a 1980 UN agency publication
written by the International Commission for the Study of Communication issues, chaired
by Irish Nobel Laureate SeГЎn MacBride. Its aim was to investigate communication
issues in trendy societies, notably regarding mass media and news, take into account the
emergence of recent technologies, and to recommend a form of communication order
(New World Information and Communication Order) to diminish these issues to any
peace and human development.
3. International Co production An international co production could be a production
wherever additional different production corporations area unit operating along, for
instance during a film production. within the case of a global co production, production
corporations from different countries.
4. Reuters Reuters is a global wire service
Vaccination Public Health
Sufficient data shows that vaccines has made a major improvement in decreasing
suffering and death of infectious diseases and syndrome. And yet, despite the mounting
evidence that reassure the safety and value of vaccination, public health continuous faces
the dilemma over individual choice, autonomy and protection of the entire population at
risk. Children in developing countries now have more access to vaccines, yet, the debate
continue over the requirement, including mandates immunization during public health
emergency and school aged. This paper addresses the framework for policy and laws that
are associated with immunization that protect our children from infectious diseases.
Framework One
Since the outbreak of measles in 2000, an increasing number of parents have refuse to
get their child vaccinated. The majority of parents refuse to follow the vaccination
schedule and requesting to receive a schedule differ than that of the American Academy
of Pediatric. Only a small number of parents refuse to allow their children to receive all
vaccinations. Some even want their children to only receive a certain number of
vaccination (Hendrix, 2015).
Electronic health records is a major component in the United States health care system. It
has been proven to improve health care quality by saving time and reducing ... Show
more content on ...
These records can be used by school, college, and healthcare providers. These system
also consolidate and collect patient s immunization record and provide clinical support in
immunization recommendations. Now, many IIS receive a proportion of their data
through Electronic Health Record (EHR) system rather than paper record submission.
According to CDC, both Medicare and Medicaid and CDC assist more than $40 million
nationwide to EHR Incentive Program (CDC, 2012) (Martin and Lowery,
School Night
Laying down in your bed, you hear this consistent knocking. You try to sleep through it
but it seems as if it will never quit. Curious, you roll out of bed away from the comfort
of your wife s warm body but cautiously move closer, step by step downstairs into the
direction of the sound. Each step you take wondering whether or not your house is
being robbed. You finally ease your way downstairs and quickly flip the light switch
only to find your home empty and totally void of any damage or evidence of a theft of
any kind; however, you still hear the sound. You notice it s coming from your front
door, but its 3 A.M. on a school night. The hairs on the back of your neck begin to rise
and your heart beats faster, wondering who is violently knocking on your front door.
You remember the incident at your store where a brick was thrown through the window
and how you angered the community by canceling a game and blemishing a season with
such a historical start. You pull the shade back on the front door, revealing not an
angered parent, but Timo Cruz, once a player on your basketballteam that you haven t
seen for weeks, covered in blood. You hastily unlatch the door and invite him in. At first
sight, he begins muttering the events leading up to him now covered in his cousin s
blood. He tells how he scared off some bullies for the other players on the basketball
team with the gun in his waistline, but only to witness his cousin slaughtered from across
the street.
This is a scene from
Essay about Violence in Greasy Lake and The Things They...
Both Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried and T. Coraghessan Boyle s Greasy Lake
display characters similar reactions to violence, but in different settings and
circumstances. In The Things They Carried, Fist Lieutenant Jimmy Cross is a soldier
in the Vietnam War who finds solace and escape in fantasies of a young woman from
home. One of Cross s soldiers dies due to his daydreaming and forces him to abandon
these fantasies. In Greasy Lake, the main characterfinds enjoyment in picking fights and
breaking the law. A late night tussle leads to encounter with a dead body, causing the
main character to reflect upon his wild lifestyle. Both stories show a coming to maturity
through violence, though in different forms. In The... Show more content on ...
He couldn t help it (O Brien 630). Surrounded by a world a war and violence, these
daydreams are the only escape Lieutenant Cross has and he embraces them fully. When
faced with violence, the main character from Greasy Lake not only accepts it, but
encourages it. Upon the boy s arrival to Greasy Lake, he and his friends mistakenly
hassle a stranger and his girlfriend. Instead of apologizing for the disturbance and
trying to reason with the stranger, he and his friends immediately engage in battle,
beating the stranger unconscious. The rage and violence of this attack does not end
here. The main character turns his attention to the stranger s girlfriend: It was the
foxВ… that set us offВ… she was already tainted. We were on herВ… grabbing for
flesh (Boyle 133). The rape does not occur as the boys are chased away by an
approaching vehicle, but the intent of a second violent event was fully present. Every
opportunity for violence encountered by the main character is met with open arms. In
The Things They Carried, violence brings forth an epiphany for First Lieutenant Jimmy
Cross. Lieutenant Cross, while seeking comfort in his imagination, allows one of his
men to be shot and killed. His lack of security led to an unnecessary casualty: [Cross]
hated himself. He had loved Martha more than his men, and as a consequence Lavender
Ancient Land Of Canaan Analysis
The ancient land of Canaan, located in the Middle East, has been promised to many
different people, and in result, has been ruthlessly fought over. After the Holocaust, Great
Britain split the land in half, giving one part to the Palestinians who had lived there for
many years, and the rest to the Israelis who had been there since the beginning of
monotheistic religion. The boundaries have constantly changed, due to constant fighting
and wars. The Israelis believe the land is rightfully theirs, because it was the birthplace
of their religion. The Proclamation of the State of Israelsays, The land of Israelwas the
birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and national identity was
formed (Document 12) . The Israelis
Essay on How is Sprawl Related to Landscape Change in...
How is Sprawl Related to Landscape Change in Cities?

Over the past 20 years the 100 largest US urbanized areas have sprawled an additional
14,545 square miles according to the US Bureau of Census on Urbanized Areas. That
was more than 9 million acres of natural habitats, farmland and other rural space that
were covered over by asphalt, buildings and housing of suburbia. A major controversy in
the efforts to halt the rural land loss is whether land use and consumption decisions are
the primary engines of urban sprawl, or whether it is the nation s growing population
boom that is providing the driving expansion. A good example of this rapid sprawl is the
city of Chicago. It has had astonishing growth in the past years bringing about ... Show
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When looking at the US Census Bureau data I found that two factors share equally in the
blame of sprawl. One is per capita sprawl which is about half of the sprawl nationwide.
This type of sprawl appears to be related to the land use and consumption choices that
lead to an increase in the average amount of urban land per resident. The second factor
is population growth that leads to the increased number of residents in urbanized areas.
No other source of sprawl data is as methodically and standardized as the measures of
the bureau s loss of rural land to urbanization according to the Sierra Club report.

Generally, well planned sprawl or smart growth is a good thing and will result in
fewer acres of rural land being covered by urban development. Environmentalists for
example are interested in the urban planning aspects of anti sprawl work because they
can reduce the amount of energy used and pollution produced by residents. Also better
planned sprawl is likely to keep residents happier and less likely to decide later to
move even farther beyond the urban centers. The main issue of this paper is that the
urban expansion of rural land loss is also significant to the quality of life of urban
dwellers. The larger the urban area, the more difficult it will be for the average resident
to reach the open spaces beyond the urban perimeter. The increase in urban distances can
also effect
Examples Of The Greasers In The Outsiders
In the book The outsiders by S.E. Hinton there are two social classes The Greasers,
and the Socs. Even though The Greasers are known as poor people, and trouble
makers, and Socs as rich prep boys. The book shows each Greaser as a nice person, and
the Socs they mention as bullies. The book The Outsiders describes the Greasers
houses as run down, but most of the Greasers work or go to school. It also describes
Ponyboy, and Darry as smart boys that went to school, and have dreams of being
successful. The book describes the Socs as rich boys, with parents that have good jobs
with lots of money, and they live in big houses and drive good cars. Being rich or poor
does not determine personal altitude in life because Ponyboy was smart and... Show more
content on ...
Maybe the two different worlds we live in weren t so different. We saw the same sunset
(Hinton 41). This means that both Socs, and Greasers both have problems, and the same
interests. Even though they come from different neighborhoods, they still breath the
same air, went to the same school, have the same interests such as going to the movies,
and have the same types of problems. In the book The Outsiders, Ponyboy talks about
how the rich Socs girls acted, and how the poor Greaser girls acted. When Ponyboy first
met Cherry, and Marcia he said it was nice to hangout, and talk to the soc girls. He said
they were nothing like the greaser girls, and he didn t like greaser girls. Ponyboy said
I quit worrying about everything, and thought about how nice it was to sit with a girl
without having to listen to her swear or to beat her off with a club. (Hinton 35).
Ponyboy was talking about Cherry a rich Soc girl being different then the poor
Greaser girls. He feels like they are easier to talk to and easier to have a conversation
with. He likes that they don t swear, and are smart. He talks about how the poor
Greaser girls swear, are disrespectful, are always fighting, and are always
troublemakers by flirting with other guys. Another example of the rich (Socs) vs poor
(Greasers) is there education. In the book The Outsiders, it talks about how the Greasers
(the poor) don t speak right. It also talks about how the Greasers, and Socs went to the
same school.
The Great Blue Heron Adventure
The range of boating adventures I ve experienced in the 1000 Islands is considerable. I
recall one outing that continues to stand out, and I revisit it now as I fondly
remember the captain of that occasion, William E. Browning III, who passed away in
2013. A small contingent of river rats including Browning and myself were enjoying
an evening libation at the St James Hotel Saloon when Bill said, Tad, I have a group
of bird watchers coming from Watertown tomorrow to see what will soon be the
Ironsides Bird Sanctuary. I own this island and I m going to gift it to the Nature
Conservancy. Will you row my guests to shore in your skiff, Bobby, if I come get you
in the morning? Libation being the enemy of reason, I said, Yes. At ten the next
morning on August 31, 1965 up the inside channel between Wauwinet and Cuba
Islands came the Canadian with Bill at the helm, and along with him an entourage of
bird watchers, who were preoccupied leafing through their Audubon manuals and
polishing the lenses of their binoculars. Bill s 42 foot Matthews cruiser was a classic
of that wooden cruiser period sporting a covered aft deck and a roomy main salon
where the helm was located. In the bow was a well appointed galley, a head, a table for
dining or sleeping, and more bunks further forward. His nephew, Marc Aylesworth, had
joined the party and he hooked the towrope to Bobby, and off we motored down the
main channel six miles to Ironsides Island. This island marks the entrance to
Peer to Peer Piracy and the Film Industry Essay
Peer to Peer Piracy and the Film Industry


Each day an estimated 400,000 films exchange hands through the Internet. Movie piracy,
once reserved to pirate syndicates and illegal duplication factories, has become a common
staple among college students with high speed internet access. With advanced
compression technology, movie files can be transferred across continents in hours and
across campus networks in under ten minutes. File sharing is seen as a victimless crime,
but the motion picture industry is expected to lose $3.5 billion this year alone due to
piracy. Pirate activities undermine every aspect of the legitimate filmmaking business
since legitimate retailers cannot possibly compete fairly with pirate business. ... Show
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This carefully planned release of the film to different markets is known as distribution
windows, and is essential to the survival of the film industry. If a film is pirated at any
point, the worth of that film can be fatally depleted long before it can retrieve its initial

Film Releases

There are generally two critical points in a film s distribution window where it can be
pirated: in theatres, and retail DVDs. The most important release for a film is its
theatrical release. A movie can earn back close to half of its budget in its opening
weekend. However, the film can be pirated in two ways. Pirates can use hand held
video cameras to record films off of theater screens and then copy these films onto other
medias. Another method of piracy involves the theft of the film print from a theater.
This type of theft allows the pirate to make a relatively high quality copy from the
theatrical print, which then serves as the master for the duplication of unauthorized
copies. These illicit copies are not only distributed to pirates in the US, but also shipped
overseas and distributed through illegal channels even before the film s international
theatrical release, cannibalizing a film s opening weekend returns. These copies are
usually encoded and transferred over the Internet as well as through peer to peer

The second critical point is copies from retail DVDs. Before DVDs are sold to the
public, production facilities churn out a
Financing, Debt, And Equity Debt
It is important to create a context when looking at funding structure as each industry has
different debt to equity ratio benchmarks, as some industries tend to use more debt
financing than others. A debt ratio of .5 means that there are half as many liabilities
than there is equity. In other words, the assets of the company are funded 2 to 1 by
investors to creditors. This means that investors own 66.6 cents of every dollar of
company assets while creditors only own 33.3 cents on the dollar.A debtto equity ratio of
1 would mean that investors and creditors have an equal stake in the business assets. A
lower debt to equity ratio usually implies a more financially stable business. Companies
with a higher debt to equity ratio are considered... Show more content on
Figure 1 highlights ExxonMobil s debt to equity ratio which is the relative proportion of
shareholders equity and debt used to finance a company s assets. A low debt to equity
ratio indicates lower risk, because as mentioned previously, debt holders have less
claims on the company s assets.. Given Exxon s strong Exxon s Debt/equity according to
the chart is at 0.20.
A high WACC, is typically a signal of higher risk associated with a firm s operations.
Iinvestors tend to require additional return to assume additional risk. Exxon s WACC
can be used to estimate the expected costs for all of its financing sources .Figure 2
indicates the WACC at 12.13% which is low indicating their low risk associated with
their operations.It also implies that it is cheaper for Exxon to fund new projects.

B) Exxon s size, strong capital structure, geographic diversity and the complementary
nature of the Upstream, Downstream and Chemical businesses reduce the enterprise
wide risk from changes in interest rates, currency rates and commodity prices. As a result,
ExxonMobil makes limited use of derivative instruments to mitigate the impact of such
changes. In addition, they does not engage in speculative derivative activities or
derivative trading activities nor does it use derivatives with leveraged features. Exxon
maintains a system of controls that includes the authorization, reporting and monitoring
of derivative
Catholic Church In The Quiet Revolution
It is now for the Catholic Church to bend herself to her work with calmness and
generosity. It is for you to observe her with renewed and friendly attention once said by
Pope John XXIII (BrainyQuote). Undoubtedly, the social institution of the Roman
Catholic Church played an important role in developing the identity of Quebec. Even
from the beginning of colonization the Church influenced the politics and policies of
New France through to the Quiet Revolution. Having reached the peak of its influence
and power the Church sought to sacralized or Christianize all aspects of the French
Canadian society. Many movements were established during the period 1896 1960. The
French Catholic universities were vastly expanded to accommodate the... Show more
content on ...
The State s expanded role led to the setting up of many government departments and
government owned corporations during the 1960s 1970s. Language replaced faith as an
act of survival and distinctiveness in Quebec (Church and Quebec Readings Quebec
History). Meanwhile a change was occurring by the provincial government to take more
control over the fields regarding the healthcare and education of the people. This led to
the creation of health and education ministries, the expansion of the public service, and
investments in public education.The government of Quebec took action in order to
increase their control over Quebec s economy and thus creating the Canada/Quebec
Pension Plan. The decline of church authority is also reflected in the province s record
low birth rate, increased abortion rate, single parent homes, divorce rates, and reluctance
to marry ( The Fall of the Catholic Church in Quebec). Since the days of the Great
Darkness and Quiet Revolution, the Roman Catholic Church has changed its focus, and
has been mainly focused on their efforts in conspiring with other
Margaret Mitchell s Romantic View Of The Old South
Frankly, my dear, I don t give a damn, clearly Margaret Mitchell did not; despite Mitchell
s best intentions to keep her writing, simple and stripped bare, her Gone with the Wind
created the paradoxical view of the Old South, using romanticism and social commentary.
Margaret Mitchell s romantic view of the Old South, which was obtained throughout her
childhood, combined with a medley of literary devices helps create her simplistic writing
style. This uncommon mixture affected the novel, both negatively and positively. While
her inherent racism helps Gone with the Windto become discredited by many academic
critics, the novel also won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. Disregarding the rapidly acquired
and fatal reputation of Gone with the... Show more content on ...
Nonetheless, the riot was not the only event to help shape her novel. Margaret
Mitchell uses her past experiences with love to form the many dynamic relationships
between her characters. Mitchell s first love, Henry, is used to create the emotional
affairs between Scarlett and Ashley Wilkes. Mitchell refers to the relationship with
Henry as, a memory of a love that had no trace of physical passion. Henry was a World
War I soldier that was killed in combat. Margaret met Henry during her first year of
college at Smith College in Massachusetts; both Henry and Margaret had come from
well respected families. When Henry went to war, Mitchell started to work in a Red
Cross hospital; coincidentally, Scarlett did the same thing during the civil war. After
Henry s death, Mitchell moved home to take care of her mother, who later died of
Spanish Flu. Like the two star crossed lovers, Scarlett and Ashley were also well
educated and well respected. Ashley, like Henry, was a soldier in a major war. While
Scarlett and Ashley never had a physical relationship, they both liked to play with the
others emotions. Both Scarlett and Mitchell never truly moved on from their first love
and because of that their next relationships were negatively affected. Mitchell, like
Scarlett, was often described as an unscrupulous flirt, which helped her meet her second
husband, Berrien Red Upshaw, who favored Rhett in

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