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5 Page Essay Example

Writing a 5-page essay can be a challenging task that requires careful planning, organization, and a
deep understanding of the chosen topic. The difficulty lies not only in the length but also in the need
to convey a coherent and well-argued message within a limited space. Crafting a compelling essay
involves conducting thorough research, selecting relevant information, and synthesizing it into a
cohesive narrative.

One of the initial challenges is deciding on a suitable topic that is both interesting and allows for in-
depth exploration within the page limit. Once the topic is chosen, extensive research is required to
gather sufficient material to support the thesis or main argument. This process can be time-
consuming and demands critical thinking to assess the credibility and relevance of sources.

The next hurdle is organizing the information in a logical and coherent manner. Developing a clear
thesis statement and outlining the essay's structure are crucial steps in ensuring a smooth flow of
ideas. Transitioning between paragraphs and maintaining a cohesive narrative requires careful
attention to detail.

Moreover, the challenge extends to maintaining the balance between depth and brevity. In a 5-page
essay, there is a constant struggle to include enough information to substantiate the argument while
avoiding unnecessary details that may lead to information overload.

The writing process itself demands a high level of precision with language use, grammar, and
punctuation. Conveying ideas concisely and persuasively is essential, and the limited space amplifies
the importance of each sentence.

Editing and revising become integral parts of the process. Tightening the language, refining the
argument, and ensuring a consistent writing style are essential for a polished final product.

In conclusion, writing a 5-page essay is a challenging endeavor that requires careful planning,
thorough research, and precise writing skills. The limitations imposed by the page count demand a
strategic approach to convey a well-argued and cohesive message. However, for those seeking
assistance, it's worth noting that offers a range of services where similar essays
and much more can be ordered to meet specific writing needs.
5 Page Essay Example 5 Page Essay Example
Building Quality Public Facilities For A Sustainable...
On September 30th, 1995 The Glenview Naval Air Base that had resided in Glenview, IL
for 58 years, was closed (About Glenview, n.d.). Next, the village worked with the
Glenview Community Reuse Planning Group and in conjunction with the United States
Navy to plan and develop economic alternatives for the Naval base (Master Plan and
Design Guidelines, 2008). Over the next decade, The Village worked towards the
development The Glen Town Center, in efforts of attaining their goal of creating a lasting
source of pride for the community by building quality public amenities, infrastructure,
housing plus recreational and job opportunities (Master Plan and Design Guidelines,
2008). In its construction, The Glen utilizes several principals of the smart growth model,
or the sustainable development of healthy communities. The Glen successfully
strengthens development toward an existing community, creates a range of housing
opportunities and choices, creates walkable neighborhoods, provides a variety of
transportation choices, takes advantages of compact building design, and preserves open
space, farmland, natural beauty and critical environmental areas (Friedland, Relyea,
Courard Hauri, 2012). As previously noted, The Glen was formerly a Naval Air Station,
but was reformed into the combination of residential and commercial areas we utilize
today, an integralportion of the smart growth model. Since the base was closed in 1995,
the Village of Glenview needed to occupy the vacant
How Did Jackson Pollock Contribute To Art
Jackson Pollock was one of the most misunderstood abstract expressionist artist.
People believed that because his work looked just like splattered paint on a canvas that
even a two year old could do his job. However, they did not know how much time,
patience, and skill it took Jackson Pollock to finish one painting. In the beginning of his
art career Jackson Pollock studied under Thomas Hart Benton, which was a really
religious painter. Later on though he went on his own. During the Depression Era he
did many of his works of art for a program that was supposed to help the economy
again. Although he was really occupied with art he seemed to not be able to stop
drinking. This led him to be on psychiatric treatment. This inspired him to do to
symbolistic and Native American art. It wasn t until 1949 that Jackson Pollock really
got famous overnight; with the help of the life magazine when they asked Is he the
greatest painter in the United States? This was because many people were very
interested in his new form of art, which is called the drip period, where he would let
paint flow of his tools onto a canvas that was on the ... Show more content on ...
This painting is mainly interpreted as a metaphor for the unconscious mind coming to
life. There is a variety of African, Native American, and prehistoric art demonstrated in
this work of art. Jackson Pollock is able to show an abstract figure of a man and a
woman which is may be interpreted as Northwest Indian totems by the myriad. There
is also sign of Egyptian culture and African culture merged as one with the
representation of Egyptian gods interacting and wearing African mask. Jackson Pollock
is able to show some of Picasso s work in this painting by the abstract figures that he
implies are have facial feature similar to those Picasso has. The Guardians of the Secret
is a symbolism of
Alzheimer s Degenerative Diseases
Gaming may be used for more than just simple entertainment. As studies have shown
that playing video games and in this experiment Mario 64 have shown to help people
with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer s dementia. What neurodegenerative
diseases does is makes you lose the function of neurons which utilmy cause a loss to
memory and decision thinking. And one of the big neurodegenerative diseases is
Alzheimer s dementia and symptoms include loss of memory behavioral problems and
loss of self care and eventually death. The point of the treatment is people who playvideo
games have shown an increase gray matter in the right hippocampal formation. And the
right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and bilater cerebellum. So since playing video
Case Study Of Jamjoom Pharma
The Jamjoom Group is a well respected business conglomerate with over a hundred
years of history in Saudi Arabia. The healthcare sector has been one of the major areas
of focus for the Group. The Group set up Jamjoom Pharma as a 100% Saudi owned
company headquartered in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The company received manufacturing
sales operations in late 2000. The initial focus was to establish a firm base in the
domestic market in Saudi Arabia, which was followed by progressive expansion of
operations into several export markets in the Middle East, Africa, and CIS region.
Jamjoom Pharma mission is to be a center of excellence in healthcare and wellness
sectors providing high quality, safe and effective products to meet customer needs, to give
... Show more content on ...
Also, Jamjoom Pharma factory has appointed well established distributors to handle the
distribution logistics around the Kingdom. The distributors have effective nationwide
coverage through the branches set up in all important cities in the Kingdom. The
distributors are responsible for collecting and servicing the orders placed by hospitals,
pharmacies and health centers (resellers) and providing these orders from the Jamjoom
Pharma factory. This is an outbound distribution of the marketing logistics. In addition,
Jamjoom Pharma has its own direct presence with branch offices and sales teams
operating in all major centers. Qualified and well trained pharmacists in the company
sales teams handle the medical detailing and promotion targeted at the medical
Ambassador Of The United Kingdom
Good afternoon. I am grateful to Chancellor Rt. Hon. the Lord Patten of Barnes, Vice
Chancellor Professor Andrew Hamilton and indeed the entire leadership of this great
University for extending an invitation to have me speak here today. I have spoken at
many places but engaging any form of audience at the prestigious Oxford University is
something that I really have to place on my curriculum vitae. I am also grateful to the US
Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Ambassador Mathew Barzun and his family for the
warmth they have shown me since I got to the United Kingdom and for being present at
this function. Ambassador Barzun s pace setting involvement with the internet especially
at its early stage is something that I have for ... Show more content on ...
These issues include shutdowns, ratifications and the war powers act. I will then
provide some advice to today s political leaders and even future political leaders.
However, before that I will like to set briefly the ball rolling with my personal history.

Personal History
I was born in January, 1939 in Rosemont, a small village in Maryland of a few hundred
people. My father was a World War I veteran and my mother a sort of teacher, running
some version of a reading school for the kids in the community. 1939 means I was born
in the same year that the Second World War began and that earned me the nickname the
baby s that s getting his father to go to another war .

However, my father developed a terminal illness that meant that his participation in
World War 2 would only be to explain the essence and likely ramification of reported
war incidents and statements to myself and my four siblings. Inspired by my father s
war stories especially those that detailed the extent that many American soldiers would
go to defend their country, and also by the early Cold War politicking, I enrolled in the
US Naval Academy and passed out in 1955. At the time, the Cold War was at its height
and as was more than likely at the time, I fought in the Vietnam War in the 1960s.

The Vietnam period was when my father s World War 1 tales and dissections of World
War 2 actions became most alive to me. The
Burt s Bees Advertisement Analysis
Burt s Bees is known for its amazingly healing lip balm, however, it wasn t always this
way. When Burt s Bees was first established by Roxanne Quimby and Burt Shavitz it
was a candle company. Since then Burt s Bees has flourished and became a worldwide
brand, including a multitude of health and beauty products. To further understand the
advertisement and everything that went into and still goes into Burt s Bees we first
need to look at the founders and how the brand was created. This is because to this day
the advertisement is linked to the founders of the brand and what kind of people they are
reflecting onto the brand they have established. As we dive further into the advertisement
of Burt s Bees you will discover the similarity between the... Show more content on ...
For this it is clear to see the improvement of the Burt s Bees commercials when there
are two being compared to one another. The first commercial is the Uncap Flavor:
Fireworks commercial that launched over two years ago. This commercial involves
some new fun flavors of the Burt s Bees lip balms. They display this by having black
and white doodles in the beginning of the commercial then an explosion of colors like
fireworks when all the lip balms are shown. The second commercial is their most
recent, New Burt s Bees Lipstick Commercial. This commercial is displayed in a
bright green rainforest as the bold red lipstick slides down the wet leaves of the trees.
This commercial also has a very catchy love song in the background. When comparing
the two commercials it is easy to see the quality and attraction pull of the second
commercial is greater than the first. The second commercial stays true to the Burt s
Bees natural, nature loving company while keeping an upbeat positive vibe. Although
the first commercial mentioned is also a positive one it is not as dramatic with both
contrasting colors as the first. I believe that Burt s Bees has stepped up their
commercial game and when I was looking for commercials to use in this essay Burt s
Bees commercial song was the top Google search about Burt s Bees that popped up. This
shows that the advancement of using a catchy tune makes the brand name memorable and
Pensive Bodhisattva And Korean Buddhist Art
Pensive Bodhisattva and Korean Buddhist Art Our lives are closely connected with an
art. People easily regard an artwork as something that is far from our lives, but it is
always around us. Now, I would like to introduce one of Buddhist artworks of Korea.
The title is Pensive Bodhisattva. The artist is unknown. However, it was made in mid
7th century during the Three Kingdom Period. The dimension of this artwork is 8 7/8
inch and the medium is gilt bronze. It is located in Gallery 233 among other Korean
artworks at the Metropolitan Museum of Art now. Pensive Bodhisattvahas typical
features of the Buddhist artworks. Also, the interesting aspect is we can see the
unique features of the Three Kingdom Period s artwork through this sculpture. When
we see this sculpture at first, the most noticeable point is the bodhisattva s posture. He
sits on the dais and he puts his right leg over his left leg. The right leg also props his
right elbow and his fingers especially the forefinger and the middle finger touch his
right chin and he rests his left hand neatly on his right ankle. The description of his
fingers and toes are very realistic. When we see the fingers and toes, we can feel how
the artist put his or her blood into sculpting each fingers and toes. However, his posture
seems agonizing. When we take a closer look his face, his eyes are closed and he puts
gentle smile on his lips. For that reason, his posture reminds us his anguish, but at the
same time, his facial expression
An Analysis Of The Destructors By T.
In The Destructors , T. keeps assuring that the reason they tore the house down wasn t
personal, but he clearly had motivation to tear it down. The motivation to tear the house
down comes mainly from T., not the whole gang. T. wants to tear down the house
because there was a bombing years ago, and every house crumbled into dust, including
T. s, but this was the only house that was left standing. The quote The fact that his
father, a former architect and present clerk, had come down in the world and that his
mother considered herself better than the neighbors. is an example of this. When it says
that his father had come down in the world and the fact that he was a former architect
shows that before the bombings T. s family was well off,
Little Frank And His Carp Rhetorical Analysis
Little Frank and his Carp: A Gallery Talk 1989 is a video in where artist Andrea Fraser
tours through the atrium of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao as a visitor listening to an
audio guide. The opening shot show us waiting in line to receive the audio guide device
when ,Dressed in a green dress, Fraser, walks into the lobby, speaks to the museum staff
and receives her audio device, and begins her guide through the museum. Using
conventional elements of a gallery tour, the narrator of the audio tour offers his thoughts
on the building s aesthetics with intimate description. Fraser employs comical parody to
stereotypical mannerisms one comes to expect from a visitor of a museum in her
performance, applying in depth and embellished praise to the items she comes across.
Often there is a weird disconnection between Fraser reaction and the atrium description.
Throughout the tour, Fraser s reaction repeatedly brings up questions of appropriateness,
self worth, and impulses that artworks, museums and gallery should... Show more content
on ...
The sexuality of Fraser s performance in Little Frank and His Carp could be an ironic
response to the erotic language used to describe the Guggenheim the audio tour talks
about powerfully sensual curves as well, the desires to possess or hold it. Fraser has
criticized the image control of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, which is why the use
of a hidden was necessary, the use of copyright law to prevent unauthorized
reproductions of Gehry s work. Fraser wrote, Together, the security, corporate
hospitality culture, and shine make the lobby feel like a cross between a business hotel
and an airport all that s lacking are trolleys with piles of luggage (Fraser 2007,
I m Being Interviewed On My Work On Christmas Island
My name is Bruce, he said, into the digital recorder that I d placed on the bench
between us. I m being interviewed in relation to my work on Christmas Island, and my
experience with the movement of refugees from the Middle East and parts of Asia, via
Indonesia, into Australia. Illegally. It was a crisp afternoon in October at Battery Park
in New York City. We sat by the water, talking over takeaway cappuccinos from a
nearby Italian cafГ©. Sunday tourists streamed past us, chatting excitedly in foreign
languages that were difficult to catalog. The Staten Island Ferry floated by at a snail s
pace on the smooth surface of the Hudson, cramped with passengers straining for a
glimpse of Lady Liberty and Ellis Island. Bruce was engrossed in people watching; he
snapped pictures, chatted with strangers, and when several women wearing the hijab
sat down nearby ventured to comment on how surprisingly multicultural Manhattan is.
Behind us, adjacent to the maze of caricature artists, overpriced beer vendors, and hip
hop dancers, stood the Castle Garden: the world s first immigrant depot. There we
were, recording an interview over the steady blare of ferry horns, in a place that
millions of migrants legal and otherwise have passed through. Bruce is a former officer
at the Christmas Island Immigration Reception and Processing Center, a facility
occupied by around 3,000 detained asylum seekers on a remote tropical island in the
Indian Ocean. The island is an
What Is Meade s Failure
After three days of battle that saw Lee s army enjoy early success, but Meade s army
still holding its ground, the ill advised assault by 12,500 Confederate troops on
Cemetery Ridge (known as Pickett s Charge) was the straw that broke the rebels back.
The Union line held while pushing the Confederates back, and the Confederates
suffered severe losses. The loss at Gettysburg represented more than a simple failure. It
represented the first major defeat of Lee on northern soil. While the losses were fairly
even, 23,055 for the north and 23,231 for the south, the losses on the Confederate side
were devastating to the Northern Army of Virginia at a time when the south could not
replace its dead soldiers effectively. What Lee hoped to do was cross
Analysis Of The Movie The Englishman s Boy
The film The Englishman s boy is a screen adaptation of Guy Vanderhaeghe s book of
the same name. Vanderhaeghe also wrote the screenplay for the film. The book was
based on the true story of the Cypress Hills massacre in 1873. I will provide a summary
of the film s most important plot points, characters and background information. The
movie covers the horrors that were witnessed in Cypress Hills and shows the inhumane
way Native Americans have been treated since colonization, in 1873 and through to the
1920s. The movie explains how white men were hearkened as heroes for committing
these atrocities which were largely excused because society at that time viewed natives as
inhuman and therefore undeserving of human rights. The filmwas set with a background
in both 1873 pioneer plains and 1920s Hollywood. This method was used to show a
dualism within the two eras and that negative attitudes towards Native Americans had
not been corrected as they should have been but only muffled. I will compare the film
and its accuracy to the actual Cypress Hills massacre and determine what dramatics were
used to make a point within the direction of the movie. This film and the subsequent
essay is relevant to this class because I believe that even though the crimes committed
against native Americans are less obviously racist, violent and vulgar today, there is still
a derogatory indifference towards them and their cries for equality.
The film opens in 1873, with a young man working as a
Bystander Effect Essay
Research Summary
My article was Darley s and Latane s, Bystander Intervention in Emergencies: Diffusion
of Responsibility. They conducted this study to figure out how would people react in
various group sizes in an emergency situation. As well as which one those individuals in
different size groups would go and call for help. The concept of this was taken from the
famous case of Kitty Genovese, who was stabbed to death multiple times and finally was
killed in her own neighborhood and no one intervened. This is known to be the bystander
effect. However, in this research experiment, people were either in groups of 2, 3, or 6
and then they would overhear the person having an epileptic seizure. It was predicted
that due to the presence of ... Show more content on ...
The person who was having the seizure specifically requested help and showed that he
thought he was dying.
There were a few differences on this base research experiment. To begin with, there
were various group sizes in various instances. For instance, there were either groups of
two, three, and six people. There was only one actual participant per group, while the
rest were part of the experiment. This was the independent variable. It was intended to
test if the number of individuals would diffuse the duty given in a crisis circumstance. In
addition to that, various types of individuals took part in this study. Different genders and
authority figure was presented. This person was a premedical student working at the
emergency ward at Bellevue Hospital. Initially, it was meant to find any distinction in
different genders responding. Also, it was intended to figure out if the presence of an
authority figure would affect the participant s response if they were to assume that the
medical student would take charge in a crisis situation.
Furthermore, the dependent variable was the speed of the individuals reporting the
emergency of someone having a seizure to the experimenter. The experiment was
terminated if individuals did not seek assistance for the seizure victim within six minutes.
Thus, this research was conducted in a correlational fashion. Then the true essence of the
experiment was revealed. Then
Methods for Convex and General Quadratic Programmingв€— Philip E. GillвЂ
Elizabeth Wong†UCSD Department of Mathematics Technical Report NA 10 01
September 2010 Abstract Computational methods are considered for п¬Ѓnding a point
that satisfies the secondorder necessary conditions for a general (possibly nonconvex)
quadratic program (QP). The first part of the paper defines a framework for the
formulation and analysis of feasible point active set methods for QP. This framework
defines a class of methods in which a primal dual search pair is the solution of an
equality constrained subproblem involving a working set of linearly independent
constraints. This framework is discussed in the context of two broad classes of active set
method for... Show more content on ...
This reformulation gives the primal dual search pair as the solution of a KKT system
formed from the QP Hessian and the working set constraint gradients. It is shown that,
under certain circumstances, the solution of this KKT system may be updated using a
simple recurrence relation, thereby giving a significant reduction in the number of
KKT systems that need to be solved. The linear constraints of a QP may include an
arbitrary mixture of equality and inequality constraints, where the inequality constraints
may be subject to lower and/or upper bounds. Many mathematically equivalent
formulations of the constraints are possible, and the choice of formulation often
depends on the context. We consider the generic quadratic program minimize n xв€€R 1
ϕ(x) = cTx + 2 xTHx subject to Ax = b, Dx ≥ f, (1.1) where A, b, c, D, f and H are
constant, H is symmetric, A is m Г— n, and D is mD Г— n. (In order to simplify the
notation, it is assumed that the inequalities involve only lower bounds.) However, the
methods to be described can be generalized to treat all forms of linear constraints. No
assumptions are made about H (other than symmetry), which implies that the objective
П•(x) need not be convex. In the nonconvex case, however, convergence will be to local
minimizers only. In Section 4, the nonbinding direction method is extended to problems
The Theory Of Separation Of Power
The concept of separation of power suggests that the branches of the state; the executive,
legislature and the judiciary be divided in terms of their functions and members likewise
in other to prevent abuse of power or external influences. In 1748, Montesquieu made a
statement which today is regarded as one of the clearest explanations of separation of
powers, When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in
the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty... there is no liberty if the powers
of judging is not separated from the legislative and executive... there would be an end to
everything, if the same man or the same body... were to exercise those three powers . The
functions of the legislative... Show more content on ...
To highlight the fact that there is no clear cut boundaries within the articles, leaving
scope for judicial interpretation.
Section 3 of the Human Rights Act 1998, imposes a duty on the court that says whenever
judges are looking at a legislation which has been passed by the parliament, the judges
have a new duty of statutory interpretation, which requires that they try to interpret the
piece of law as being compatible with the convention in so far as it is possible to do so
. However, if the judges look at the legislation and remain unable to find to way to
make the law compatible, in those circumstances the court could make a declaration of
incompatibility , Section 4. An importance case which portrays the power of the
judges and also provides a better understanding of Section 3 of the Human Rights Act
1998, is the Ghaidan v Godin Mendoza [2004] UKHL 30. In this case, the claimant
being the landlord, Ahmad Ghaidan, brought proceedings in the West London County
Court against Mr Godin Mendoza who was claiming possession of the flat which
before the demise of his spouse, Mr Wallwyn Jame, was their resident home. The
defendant, Mr Godin Mendoza, argued that he had rights over the flat as he was the
surviving spouse of the deceased, under The Rent Act 1977 Schedule 1 Paragraph 2.
Judge Cowell ruled in favour of the claimant, Ahmad Ghaidan, on the grounds that Mr
Godin Mendoza
The Great Gatsby Cultural Influences
Throughout the past, writing has left an influential mark on literature and culture due to
widespread change happening in America during those times. The early twentieth century
serves as an excellent illustration of the theory that writers reflect the major cultural
influences of their time (Cultural Influences on American Literature in the Late
Nineteenth Century). F. Scott Fitzgeraldwas an outstanding author who greatly
influenced Americans of his time through his phenomenal works of literature. One of his
most influential novels, The Great Gatsby, defines this modernistic lifestyle of this era
through his reflection of the thriving middle and upper classes. This movement focused
on the culture of this era, known as the Roaring Twenties ,... Show more content on ...
Scott Fitzgerald s novel, The Great Gatsby, strongly reflected the attitudes of people
during the twentieth century by their disillusioned idea of the American Dream. In this
novel, Fitzgerald creates situations and characteristics similar to his life while presenting
the skewed moralities of society in the twentieth century. For example, Fitzgerald displays
the desire for money during this era through the character Jay Gatsby who throughout the
novel obtains money through dishonesty of his occupation. This change in America was
the turning point for how the would continue to be influenced by the desire for wealth
and materialism. F. Scott Fitzgerald reflects this idea of the modernistic lifestyle and has
educated society on his view of this change of morals in the twentieth
Bob Marley
In a time of political, economic, and social unrest, a new way of protest was beginning
to emerge from Jamaica in the form of reggae music. It was 1963 when a young man
from Jamaica by the name of Robert Nesta Marley, better known as Bob Marley ,
formed a band called The Wailers, who would undoubtedly become one of the only
reggaebands to rise up from the oppression of the third world country. The country of
Jamaica had just gained independence from the U.K. in 1962, but was anything but a free
nation. Those in power chose to exploit the country s few main exports, primarily
bauxite, a mineral used in the process of manufacturing aluminum. The first ten years of
Jamaican independence saw considerable economic growth, but these... Show more
content on ...
So the Jamaican sound systems, mobile devices such as vans or musical equipment on
wheels, would be used to host dances, and the deejays would also use their sound
systems to inform his listeners on political happenings. King states that, As one of the
few affordable social activities for the poor, the sound system brought music to places
where the voice of the poor could be heard without interference by local authorities
(16). Like most of the world during this time, the black population was not allowed
any political power, and many began to seek ways to resist. One of the methods used
as a means to passively fight back against the imbalance was the Rastafarian religion.
The Rastafarian religion was born early in the twentieth century, but its roots date
back as far as the late 1800 s when slaves felt compelled to revolt against the plantation
owners on the belief that God was calling them to fight for freedom. In 1927, a man
named Marcus Garvey brought forth to Jamaicans the basis of the Rastafarian
religion, which was to look to Africa for the crowning of a king. This would be a sign
for Jamaica that freedom is near. From Africana, the Encyclopedia of the African and
the African American Experience, author Roanne Edwards quotes Garvey: Look to
Africa for the crowning of a king to know that your redemption is nigh (Edwards 1592).
In 1930 Ras Tafari was crowned emperor of Ethiopia and baptized with the name Haile
Color Symbolism In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby is one of the greatest novels ever written. It is best
remembered and spoken about for it s color symbolism. The main reason to why color
symbolism is a studied topic in this novel is because the writer was also a painter.
F.Scott Fitzgerald uses the colors gray, blue and yellow to symbolize hopelessness,
loneliness, and new money throughout the novel. Fitzgerald uses the color gray to
give the reader a darkened negative visual of what was occurring in the novel.
Occasionally a line of gray cars crawls along an invisible track, gives out a ghastly
creak, and comes to rest... . In this passage, the color gray in the novel leaves the reader
with a dark and empty vibe and visual throughout the novel. Nick is
Agar Diffusion Investigation
The experiment undertaken was a comparison of the rate of effectiveness of synthetic
and natural antibacterial agents against a strain of Escherichia coli. The initial theory was
that synthetic agents would essentially work more efficiently against the E coli as the
product had been manufactured specifically to fight the harmful nature of the bacteria.
However, after concluding the investigation, the data and evidence collected potentially
disproves the initial hypothesis.
The investigation was similar to the Kirby Bauer test, or the Agar diffusion test, in which
the group used three natural antibacterial agents and two synthetic agents. Natural agents
were lemon, garlic and tea tree oil, while synthetic agents were bleach and hand sanitizer.
... Show more content on ...
Research has been conducted on the contents on tea tree oil and studies have shown
that only 13% of patients treated for a MSRA infection (usually a skin boil caused by
a staph bacterium (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2016)) were cleared, compared to an impressive
30% of patients being cleared of the infection after being treated with tea tree oil. Within
tea tree oil, there are over 100 chemicals making the formula and seven of those
chemicals are terpenes. (Science News, 2001) Terpenes are any of a large group of
volatile unsaturated hydrocarbons found in the essential oils of plants . (Merriam
Webster, 2016) Tea tree oil is mostly composed of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and their
associated alcohols. Seemingly, when these terpenes are introduced to bacteria, they
practically punch holes in to the bacteria, causing them to die. The primary theory behind
the mechanism of action against bacteria is based off tea tree oil s hydrocarbon structure
(structures that only consist of carbon and hydrogen) and associated lipophilicity (the
ability of a chemical compound to dissolve in fats, oil, liquids, etc.) Hydrocarbons
separate in to biological membranes and disrupt their vital functions, thus causing in this
case, bacteria, to be affected and lose potential of causing any more damage or harm to an
organism. (Carson, 2006) These studies help with understanding why the tree tea oil was
the prime antibacterial agent, compared to its other natural and synthetic counterparts.
Nonetheless, there is still the possibility of human error or unintentional mistakes that
prevented the other antibacterial agents from performing
Should Vere Be Considered a Hero in Billy Budd by Herman...
Billy Budd deals with a sailor who is the titular character of the novella. Billy was
impressed on the Bellipotent but he was accepted by the crew of the ship for being
kind hearted and a handsome man many people adored. One day, Billy accidentally
spilled his soup and Claggart, who has a hatred towards Billy, decides to plot against
him. Late at night, Billy overheard two men talking about a mutiny and was wrongly
accused for the rumor (talking about mutiny against the captain is a crime) by
Claggart, the ship s master at arms. Billy, filled with animosity, retaliates by striking
Claggart and accidentally murders the man. The ship s captain, Vere, summons a
drumhead court martial in fear of a mutiny bursting in any second. Vere follows the
rule and have Billy hanged. In the essays of Charles Reich and Robert Martin, they
claim that the decisions of the captain was wrongful. They are in the right mindset to
believe that Billy shouldn t had been killed. In Is Vere a Hero? Robert Martin argues
that Vere should not be regarded as the hero of the story. Vere never did anything to
clear up Billy s innocence like launching an investigation about the entire event that
happened. Instead, he ignores it and just decided on Billy s fate, matters not if he is
guilty for his actions or was a mere scapegoat by Claggart. Billy killed a man and that is
all that matters to send him to the gallows. Martin mentions how Vere had perhaps
abandoned his own humanity in favor of his position as
Bcg Paper
Strategic Management
BCG Matrix

Written by :
Afringga Qurani A.S.(008201100114)
Dery Apriani S.(008201100033)
Firdausi Fananiar(008201100086)
Mutmainnah Hauliyah(008201100120)
Putri Azizah S.(008201100023)
Rizqi Mulia Raya(008201100106)

Lecturer : Mr. Irfan Habsjah

Class : Accounting 2

President University
Jababeka Education Park, Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara, Cikarang Bekasi 17550
BCG Matrix

Definition of BCG Matrix

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix is a four celled matrix (a 2 * 2 matrix)
developed by BCG, USA in 1970, to help corporations with analyzing their business units
or product lines. This help the company allocate resources and is used as an analytical
tool in brand marketing, product ... Show more content on ...
If the question mark does not succeed in becoming the market leader, then after perhaps
years of cash consumption it will degenerate into a dog when the market growth declines.
Question marks must be analyzed carefully in order to determine whether they are worth
the investment required to grow market share.
Stars are units with a high market share in a fast growing industry (High Market Share
/ High Market Growth). The hope is that stars become the next cash cows. Sustaining
the business unit s market leadership may require extra cash, but this is worthwhile if
that s what it takes for the unit to remain a leader. When growth slows, if they have been
able to maintain their category leadership stars become cash cows, else they become
dogs due to low relative market share.
As a particular industry matures and its growth slows, all business units become either
cash cows or dogs. The natural cycle for most business units is that they start as question
marks, then turn into stars. Eventually the market stops growing thus the business unit
becomes a cash cow. At the end of the cycle the cash cow turns into a dog.
The overall goal of this ranking was to help corporate analysts decide which of their
business units to fund, and how much; and which units to sell. Managers were supposed
to gain perspective from this analysis that allowed them to plan with confidence to use
money generated by the cash cows to fund the stars and, possibly, the question marks. As
Race in Shakespeare
Since the Middle Ages, the issues of race have long been discussed. In nearly every
culture, race has been a topic of complex discussion that has brought social discomfort
and in most instances racial prejudice Elizabethan England being no exception. William
Shakespeare applies the issue of race in many of his plays; such in the tragedy of
Othello that captures the reality of society in Elizabethan England, showing common
racial bias of that era. Through his characters in the play, Shakespeare illustrates
Elizabethan social ideology towards race, in which foreigners have adapted to a lifestyle
of racial prejudice.
In order to better understand the racial context behind the tragedy of Othello it is
important to keep in mind the ... Show more content on ...
This as we see in the play provokes more racial slurs towards Othello, although the love
that Desdemona and Othello share for each other is too strong for race to become an
issue between them.
In the opening act of the play we see Iago, a veteran military man of Venice and the
harshest critic of Othello throughout the play, share with Roderigo and the audience
his intentions of revenge against Othello. Here not only do we unravel Iago s personal
hatred for Othello, but Roderigo s racial views as well. What a full fortune does the
thick lips owe if he can carry t thus! (I, i ,65) Roderigo, who wants to win Desdemona s
love away from Othello at any cost, calls Othello as thick lips , a racial stereotype of
blacks, when responding to Iago about their plans to turn Venetians such as
Desdemona s father Brabantio, against Othello. As Roderigo and Iago go to awake
Brabantio in the middle of the night to tell him of the news that Desdemona ran off
with Othello to get married, multiple stereotypes and slurs are used in this exchange.
Iago tells Brabantio that he s been robbed of his soul, for Othello has taken
Desdemona by some sort of curse, being that there s no way a prominent Venetian
woman would go off to marry a barbarian instead of a Venetian man. Because we come
to do you service and you think we are ruffians, you ll have your daughter covered with
a Barbary horse, you ll have your nephews neigh to you, you ll have coursers for cousins
and jennets
Rich And Rich Life
A Rich, Full Life Everyone s interpretation of a full, rich life differs. One person might
say that traveling the world or exploring new places is what makes a life full and rich,
while another might say that a full, rich life is having great accomplishments or
experiencing as many new things as they can. Each person will view the answer to
this question differently simply because each person is different. Everyone has grown
up with vastly diverse experiences. No two people s lives are the same. No two
people have the same likes and dislikes, and because of this, everyone has a particular
set of things they deem make their lives rich and full. The definition, according to the
Webster Dictionary, of a full, rich life, according to these three words, apply to
everyone. The definition, of full is, rich in experience. Rich means, having high value
or quality, and life is, the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the
existence of an individual (Webster Dictionary). These definitions do not say that a
full, rich life has to be made up of any certain experiences or activities. They only say
that it needs to have experiences that have high value or quality to the person themself.
For example, my Mother describes a full, rich life as, ...all about relationships. I am
happiest when I m with people I love (Sayre, Lynette), while my Father describes it as,
...having taken advantage of one s time while on this earth to obtain education, work,
raise a family,
A Girl Asleep Analysis
Johannes, Jan, or Johan Vermeer (1632 1675) was a Dutch painter from Delft who
came into prominence during the Dutch Golden Age. His painting of A Girl Asleep is
a genre painting. He brings the genre art to life in this painting by exploring the effects
of atmosphere, color, compositional structure, light, and perspective in relation to its
intimate interior scene. The painting tells the story of a young woman, occasionally
with a male companion, asleep while seated on a table in a domestic interior. The
format of the painting is vertical and is an oil on canvas painting. The girl, a maid that
has dozed off after entertaining a visitor, is the foreground of the painting. She is
dressed in a brown silk dress and lace neckband while a small cap adorns her ears and
pearl earrings are shining at both cheeks. Her physical features are subtle, unmarked
by feelings, even though her cheeks seem to be flushed and is smiling. The painting
above her portrays an unmasked Cupid, which is an implied explanation of her
dreamy smile. On the table, there are objects placed at its front including two glasses:
a wine glass that is half filled and an opaque wine pitcher. These objects subtly imply
the probable cause for the girl s current state, which could be drunkenness. Vermeer s
subtle approach to the girl s possibly intoxicated state displays the artist s sense of
respect because not only is her self esteem and physical appeal maintained, so is her
upper class social standing. The
Proposal On Adult Literacy
Final Proposal

Little is known for acquiring literacy. As Quigley (1997) claimed, we actually barely
know about those who were studied in the literacy studies. According to a study
conducted by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy, 32
million adults in the U.S. can t read. That s about 14 percent of the population. It is a
call for researchers to draw attention on developing adult literacy program. Admittedly,
many articles discuss about adult literacy levels and their participation in a general view
(Kutner, Greenberg, Baer, 2005; U.S. Department of Education Co operation and
Development), but this article intends to focus on a case study of low literacy adult
learners in ESL (English as a second language) reading context. The main point of this
research was to observe how the reading acquisition happened in LLA (Low Literacy
Adult). Are there any useful learning strategies for LLA reading? In broad prospect, the
research eagers to enlighten those who teach and instruct ESL adult learners.

1.Discussion about Literacy
Literacy is a fundamental social skill in our life. Many past studies of adult literacy
have tried to count the low literacy in the U.S, evaluating literacy as a simple checklist
that individuals either do or do not have, however, the definition of the literacy are still
argued in the teaching field that many researchers think it s too simple to narrow down
the literacy into rigid categories.
The Impacts Of The New Deal And The Great Depression
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was persistent and determined to help the people
of his country. He believed that nothing should be prioritized more than the wellbeing
of the citizens of the United States. The New Deal was a series of programs created to
help the United States economy and to help reverse the effects of the Great Depression. It
was the first time that the government played a large role in the American economy and
society. The New Dealprograms and their effects created optimism and hope into the
minds of the American people. President Roosevelt was always hopeful for the prosperity
of the United States. After putting into effect the many acts that made up the New Deal
to assist the unemployed, about five million unemployed people went back to work. In
addition the New Deal helped to support the prices of commodities such as agricultural
products. The economy as a whole for the country had stabilized. The philosophy behind
the New Deal included the three R s: relief, recovery, and reform. Although the relief and
recovery were not fully solved by the New Deal programs, almost eight million people
were still unemployed, they definitely made a great impact. The New Deal helped give
opportunities to women, African Americans, and as a result it reduced the amount of
The New Deal programs assisted many Americans by providing them jobs and income
throughout the Great Depression. There were many legislative Acts made during the
New Deal, including
Syntactic And Morphological Skills In Autism
Introduction The focus of the study was on how children with autism develop syntactic
and morphological skills and if they apply alternative ways of learning such as
memorization techniques in order to make up for the lack of normal morphological
processing and if they learn grammatical morphemes in an unusual form. Previous studies
have proposed the idea that children with autism present unusual syntactic and
morphological skills; however, there is not sufficient information available on this topic.
Existing studies have yet to indicate how these skills differentiate to children with
developmental delay without autism. Moreover, the question of this research is
important for deciding whether language impairments are merely linked to autism or
developmental delay. Three different hypotheses were presented by the researchers of
this study. The first hypothesis explained that children with autism would obtain lower
scores on the tests measuring morphological and syntactic skills than children without
autism and developmental delay. The second hypothesis was that children with autism
would obtain lower scores on the tests measuring the ability to apply plural... Show more
content on ...
This hypothesis was not supported by the results. When looking for differences between
the three groups in their ability to use plural inflections to non words, none were found. It
was suggested that not fully understanding the task and its requirements was a possible
cause for the normal developing children to obtain a large variety of scores. The results
reveal that the groups with autism and developmental delay without autism both have
difficulty applying past tense inflections which may create the task of applying past tense
inflections to non words more
The Drug War On Drugs Essay
Spearheaded by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, the movement known as the War
on Drugs sought to control the sale and use of psychoactive drugs as well as promote
access to treatment for those who abuse and misuse these substances (Bagley, 1988;
Elkins, 1990). Policies implemented prohibited the possession and distribution of
narcotics (e.g. marijuana, cocaine, heroin); the punitive policies, which often resulted in
hefty fines and prison sentences for violators, ultimately prompted the emergence of a
black market, more potent and lethal drugs, synthetic drugs as well as led to the increase
in organized crime and prison population (Bagley, 1988; Broden, 2013; Cussen Block,
2000; Elkins, 1990; Friedman, 1991; Henderson, 1990; MacCoun, 1993; Powell, 2013).
Despite the initial intention, there was rarely sufficient funding allocated towards
achieving the latter goals of promoting and advocating treatment for drugaddicts (Bagley,
Many of the harms of the drug war had been epitomized decades earlier by the
Temperance movement in the United States; despite the unsuccessful alcohol prohibition,
policymakers made the moral choice to adopt a similar stance with psychoactive drugs
(Thornton, 1991). Fortunately, as society progresses, some countries are acknowledging
the inefficiencies and detrimental effects of the drug war; countries such as Portugal and
the Netherlands have decriminalized and legalized drug use, respectively (Hughes
Stevens, 2010; Reuter, 2010).
Song Of Solomon Analysis
The purpose of this analysis is to examine an extract from the song of Solomon in
terms of its linguistic features, and how these compare to PDE (Present Day English).
The text contains 51 lines in which to portray these findings. The song of Solomon is
written in the King James Bible, of which is also called the authorized version. This
version of the King James Bible was written in the year 1611AD (early 17th century),
as a translation from the Christian bible dating back many years prior. William Tyndale
was the fast person to translate the bible directly in to English from its original
languages of Greek and Hebrew.

Vocabulary: Loanwords
Within the extract, there are several examples of vocabulary which has undergone
semantic change, or has become obsolete or archaic. The word flagons which is a noun
(L06), taken from the Middle English word flacons (OED). The meaning A large bottle
for holding wine or other liquors; in early use sometimes spec. a metal bottle with a
screw top, such as was carried by pilgrims. (OED). The first recorded use of this lexeme
was in 1470 1485 (OED).

Vocabulary: Obsolete and Archaic words

This extract also contains some obsolete and archaic words, for example the word lo
(L16), which was used in the Middle English period. The meaning for lo which is an
Used to direct attention to the presence or approach of something, or to what is about to
be said; = Look! See! Behold! Frequently in phr. lo and behold (usually jocular). (OED).
The first
Pedagogical Approach
Pedagogical is related to the way that early year s practitioners and teachers teach the
children. There are a lot of different studies of teaching methods and all have a strong
evidence base. The teachers are involved in promoting effective learning that is beneficial
to the children. Early years practitioners and teachers focus on structured learningso that
the children are enjoying learning to read and write as well as learning how to use
numbers mathematically and problem solve. The teachers and early year s practitioners
look for different approaches to the children s playthat will help them learn and develop
on new skills while they are playing. An example of a pedagogical approach is that the
teacher s and practitioners use open and... Show more content on ...
The Scottish governments vision is to improve the children and young people s
playing experiences in regards to all children s right to play, which is supported by the
united nation convention article 31 children have a right to relax and play and take
part in a wide range of cultural activities. 2013 is when Scotland s government started
their first ever national play strategy on just how important play is for the children and
young people. The play strategy is based on the views of people working in the play
sector and most importantly the views of the children and young people. The play
strategy protects the child s rights to play and learn. There are four sections the play
strategy looks at, at home, at nursery, in school and also in the community these action
plans are set for short term, medium term and long term. Implementation plans help to
support these action plans on bettering the children s play experiences and making sure
the children can get a good start in
A University s Ethics
As Americans look towards the idea of college today, some may agree that the overall
goals of a university have drastically changed since the popularity of higher education has
increased. If one were to ask the universities what their core values consist of, most
institutions would boast about student academics and growth being at the top of the list.
As this response may ring true with most colleges in the US, specifically smaller schools,
the increase in funds for research and athletic programs have seemingly overtaken the
attention of larger, more competitive universities. Higher educationhas become a more
popular choice among ambitious adults, providing them an opportunity to move up in the
working world. Further, with this... Show more content on ...
Students, paying thousands of dollars a year to attend college, deserve to receive a
decent education; however, this is an ambiguous outcome when the professors are not
being compensated as well as they should be. The educators are delivering the actual
learning work while most administrative positions sit in an office all day and get paid
more than twice as much for their labor.
The values surrounding university athletics have also become a controversial topic of
interest among Americans. Over the years, collegiate sports, especially football and
basketball, have evolved into commercialized teams around the country. Almost to the
level of a professional team, college athletes receive special treatment and an excess of
benefits; one of the most significant benefits that most of these athletes collect is free
tuition. Depending on the school, colleges will additionally cover a student s housing,
dining, and supply fees; not to mention all of the free equipment that already comes with
being a college athlete. Derek Bok of the Princeton University Press writes an article
about the commercialization and corruption of college athletics, saying, Admissions
offices are importuned to
Hindenburg Disaster Essay
In just 34 seconds, the lives of 36 people were lost on May 6, 1937. The airship had
over 97 seven people aboard the when it burst into a ball of flames(The). Many people
have theories as to why the airship went down. Some say two of the four engines
failed to maintain power. Others argue back that a hydrogen leak was the
culprit.(Found) Some even say that static electricity could have played a role in this
tragedy. Despite the fact that the Hindenburg went up in flames, it is still considered the
largest airship ever built and has impacted the way we use transportation by air today.
(The) The demand for faster transportation was the main inspiration for building the
Hindenburg. German Nazis used the airship as their main transportation. They also
planned to use the airship to blast political music from the speakers and drop political
flyers over cities. The German Nazis did this for a while, but soon opened up the airship
to the public in March 1936 (Found). Although they opened up the Hindenburg to the
public most people could not afford this new way... Show more content on ... Air travel was popular for quite a few years before the Hindenburg disaster.
Air travel came to an abrupt stop for many years after the airship went down. Airship
accidents were not exactly foreign, but the disaster of the Hindenburg seemed to have
a deeper effect on people (Found). The disaster caused Germany to ground their
hydrogen filled airships after the crash. Within the next ten years, the airplane was put
into use. Since the crash of the Hindenburg, engineers have been able to create more
economic and safe planes. While airships may not be popular in today s time the
disaster of the Hindenburg has taught aviation officials many techniques on how to
create a reliable and safe way by which people can travel by air today.
Analysis Of I My Dear And Loving Husband, And
Poetry is a beautiful work of literature that expresses ideas and gives words and phrases
intense meaning that gets embedded permanently in the mind of the reader. It s an art
mastered by only a handful of talented poets who s writings stand the test of time. Anne
Bradstreet s poem To My Dear and Loving Husband and Christopher Marlowes The
Passionate Shepherd to His Loveare no exception. These two poems share a common
theme of love that uses strong imagery, figurative language, and rhymeto portray the
strong love and desire the writer s poses for their lovers. Love is a feeling that every
living thing wants to feel and experience, many have found love like in the poem To
My Dear and Loving Husband others are left chasing it like in the poem The Passionate
Shepherd to His Love . I have experienced both of these dilemmas and because of my
ability to strongly relate to these poems I have chosen to discuss them.
Love is something that we as humans cannot help but want and need, it is a natural
instinct and desire that we seek to fulfill. In the poem To My Dear and Loving
Husband the speaker has clearly found that love. The main theme of this poem appears
to be love and more specifically marital love. The poet speaks of her strong and true
love towards her husband implying that there is no other wife out there that loves her
husband more by stating If ever man were loved by wife, then thee; (Bradstreet 976). As
we read further down the writer challenges other women
Role of American Soldiers Essay

The Role of American soldiers during and after the Second Battle of Marne

Susan Byrd

University of Phoenix


The Role of American Soldiers during and after the Second Battle of Marne

In the beginning, World War I was considered to be The European War

During the beginning of the war, Americans had decided to remain neutral. Many
Americans felt that it was not the United States war to fight. Things quickly turned
around when America s ability to trade was compromised (Schultz, 2011). Another
situation leading to the US joining the war was the sinking of ... Show more content on ...
The two main gases that used were Chlorine gas and mustard gas. These gases caused
the enemy to drown in their own bodily fluid once exposed. Using poisonous gases
came with positives and negatives. The major positive was is caused major problems to
the enemy. One of the major negatives was that some of the troops would be caught in
gas that was meant for the enemy (Bull, 2002).

Trench mortars were used to have a safe place to be protected while attacking or
resisting an attack from the other side. Although it was not an actual weapon itself, it was
essential in survival of many troops on both sides.

Army tanks were first introduced during World War I (Bull, 2002). It was used to
provide mobility and protection. Many of the tanks were equipped with machine guns.
The tanks were also used in order to extract injured soldiers from the battle zone.

The living conditions of World War I was horrible for soldiers. There were many
different things that affected the troops. One of the major concerns was the rats that were
in the trenches. There were millions of rats located in the trenches with the soldiers
(Duffy, 2009). The rats caused infection and contaminated lots of the scarce food that the
soldiers had (Duffy, 2009).


Soldiers would also become infected with lice during the war. Lice was a huge problem
due to the dirty living
In this experiment, I will be learning about the ballistic penetration properties of different
soils. My hypothesis is: If I shoot a container of sand, then that container will have the
least amount of penetrative impact. I thought that this outcome would be likely, because
sand is dense and coarse, making the bullet halt. While thinking of experiment ideas with
my dad, he mentioned this project. I thought this would be a fun project to do, because I
have always liked thinking of how you could make something with more local
products.Throughout the course of this paper, I will be explaining the properties of the
concertainer, HESCO, and some bullet resistant materials relevant to my experiment. The
Concertainer is a square, steelmesh cage like... Show more content on ...
HESCO s Concertainers are made out of steel mesh, non woven geotextile material,
and locally available resources such as rocks, rubble, sand, and dirt. The bastion is a
very sturdy and pliable wall used to make things from defensive walls to forts. The
objects contain large amounts of ground materials such as dirt, sand, and rock bits
which I will be using in my experiment. Kevlar vests, a widely used bullet proof armor
for public safety officers, contains ceramic plates in the centre. Ceramic is baked clay,
and I will be using clay in my experiment. Ceramic is used in kevlar armor because it
shatters instead of separating for the bullet to pass through. From this information, I
will not change my hypothesis because the ceramic is baked clay, not clay in its soil
form. Through my research I have learned that boxes filled with earthen material are
used, making my experiment relevant in real world situations as I saw from HESCO.
However, I still believe that sand will have the least amount of penetrative impact. I
believe this because I think the gardening soil particles will be so fine the bullet slips
through, the clay is to smooth, so the bullet will also slide through. I have not changed
my hypothesis, and through my research I have a much better understanding of my
The Disaster Of The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
Engineering Disaster Newton s third law of motion states that for every action there
is an equal and opposite reaction; this law is not only applied in our studies but in our
daily lives. For engineers, this is a law to live by; reminding each engineer that each of
his/her actions will have an equal consequence whether it is good or bad. Engineers
are trusted and respected individuals who represent not only themselves but the
profession as a whole; their title gives them a great responsibility and a reputation to
carry. On rare occasions do engineers make mistakes that sometimes lead to disasters
that impact the lives of many. For every disaster that occurs as a result of an
engineering mistake; thousands of lessons are learned. One disaster that impacted the
lives of many and was labelled as the worst engineering disaster in history is the
Chernobyl nuclear disaster. The chain of events that lead to this disaster where taken as
lessons and used to write many of today s engineering codes of ethics, and improve safety
regulations in various industries.
On the morning of April 26th 1986 the world experienced the worst nuclear and
engineering disaster ever: the nuclear disaster of Chernobyl. Reactor number 4 at the
Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded due various reasons: the design of the reactor
itself had a major flaw that would make it unstable when run at low power, and the
employees responsible for running the reactor were inadequately trained. Leonid
Toptunov, the
Roles Of Women In The Saga Of King Hrolf Kraki
Vraj Patel
What were the roles of women in the Saga of King Hrolf Kraki? Compare and contrast
the various female characters in the story. How were women viewed in Viking culture
in general? In the Saga of King Hrolf Kraki, there were four main groups of women:
Queens, sorceresses, a freeman s loyal daughter and an elfin woman and her daughters
(Anon, Introduction). As stated in the Introduction of the book, the important events
turn on decisions made by women. Throughout the book, this quote came to represent
the fact that almost all the wars/fights within the saga was caused by some action of a
woman. Almost all these actions of the women in this saga was the root cause for all
the wars/fights in this book. Because of this, the women are actually seen to be what
is connecting all the saga s different episodes/chapters, despite the fact the whole book
revolves around King Hrolf (Anon, Introduction). So within the Saga of King Hrolf
Kraki, the primary role of women is steer and further progress the saga as the
connecting characters. Almost all the female characters in the story were seen as a
possession and/or wife. One of the few exceptions to this would be Queen Olof, the
mother of Yrsa. Queen Olof acted more as if she were a king rather than a Queen, in the
sense that she would dress in a coat of mail, carried a sword and shield, and wore a
helmet (Anon, 6. King Helgi attempts). She ruled over her own land in Saxland and had
no intention of getting married (in
Comparison Of Madness In Shakespeare s Hamlet And
In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the titular Hamlet, the young prince of
Denmark, wars against his own inhibition to avenge the death of his father at the hands
of his uncle, now king. In pursuit of this goal, Hamlet assumes a guise of madness to
escape investigation and scrutiny, however this backfires, leaving his uncle more
suspicious than ever before. Hamlet, however, is not the only character troubled by
madness, his love interest, the noblewoman Ophelia falls to insanity after the death of
her father Polonius at the hands of the one she loved. In Hamlet, manifesting itself
differently throughout the play in the speech of both Hamlet and Ophelia, madness is
one of the main driving forces behind the story s progression, and while reason can be
found hidden within their cryptic and maddened speech, madness leads not only them
but those around them to their untimely demise.
Throughout the course of Hamlet both Hamlet and Ophelia exhibit traits of madness,
though the exact details differ significantly between the two. In the early acts of the
play, Hamlet fakes acts of madness, saying things such as For if the sun breed maggots
in a dead dog, being a good kissing carrion Have you a daughter? in an attempt to rattle
Polonius (2.2.197 199). Though he may sound mad, it is only o Polonius that he speaks
this way. In other interactions there is no trace of this deranged, cryptic Hamlet, making
it very clear that this madness is an invention of Hamlet, of which the
Diary Of Nazi Encounters By Anne Frank
Anne Frank, a delightful, passionate, and intelligent young girl, intrigued the world
with her writing abilities. Her detailed diary of Nazi encounters, very deep personal
feelings, and day to day life, was published by her father, Otto Frank, because she was,
unfortunately, not able to. During the time of war, Hitler was exploring new ways to
eradicate Jewish people because he, and many others Nazis, thought the Germans were
a more superior race. Anne and her family were forced into hiding and hidden in
secrecy for two years, but eventually were found and taken to concentration camps.
Anne Frank was having to exchange a good, fun filled life to one regulated by the fact
that if she was found she, and her family, could be killed or sent... Show more content on ...
He wanted to absorb this wealth for his people. These people were also not originally
from German lands thus not part of his dream of a pure Germanic race. Hitler ended
up sending many types of peoples to concentration camps, not just the Jews. Traitors,
prisoners of wars, communists, persons with mental or physical disabilities, and
persons of impure or dirtied blood lines. All were brought to concentration camps
which were hidden from public view so they could continue their evil work without
any slowdown or outside interference. This plan obviously worked because most of
this mass murder wasn t discovered until the last weeks of the war. Nazis were
Germans or persons closely allied with them that followed the beliefs of Hitler. Nazi is
short for National Socialist German Workers Party. They did not just follow the beliefs,
they agree totally with them. Either one was with them totally, or one would be
suspected of being against. The Gestapo were the armed police force totally loyal to
Hitler who did most of the dirty work of finding the undesirables and sending them to
concentration camps and making sure they were killed. E mail interview with Pietro
Luigi Fonda Patruna. Many people inside other countries across Europe supported Nazi
ideology. However, many other countries had to just watched as Nazis murdered their
victims. They had no means of fighting since
Equine Conditioning
Equines have been essential to the evolution of our society for over 4,000 years,
providing speed and strength to aid in work, travel, and war. They are extreme
athletes, capable of producing high speeds and stamina and are able to do so
efficiently. This is due partly to the muscle physiology of the equine. In most
mammals, 40 45% of body weight is made of muscle mass. In horses this percentage is
increased to over 50%. Horses are not all the same, however. Different breeds have
different skeletal muscle builds as well as muscle types. For example, the Thoroughbred,
one of the most athletic breeds of horses, has a muscle mass percentage of almost 55%.
(Gunn, 1979) Conditioning of our equine athletes is an important part of equine care,
especially... Show more content on ...
Interval training consists of workouts over a specified period of time or distance to
increase the heartrate, with breaks in between to lower heartrate. These exercises
were carried out at walk, trot, canter, and gallops. Swimming was also included on
some days. Kikkuli describes strenuous workouts, often for three times a day. An
example in the text details trotting their horses on the chariot for 18 miles and then
galloping for over three quarters of a mile. They are returned to the stable, washed
down, and fed. At night they are then trotted for an additional 6 miles and galloped for
three quarters of a mile. Horses were given breaks, easy days, and days off as needed
and while the primary goal was to create a fit war machine, the horses were allowed to
progress on their own time. As the training continued, the exercises remained similar is
style but the difficulty and length increased. (McMiken, 1990) These exact methods were
reproduced in the 1990s by Dr. Ann Nyland, an endurance racing competitor. She took 10
Arabian horses and followed Kikkuli s strenuous methods and found that his methods
produced an extremely healthy and fit horse compared to modern training techniques at
the time. (Coetzee Eysturlid,
Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood
The Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood is the largest Islamist organization in Egypt. It was founded in
the 1920s by Hassan Al Banna. The movement was a model of political activism
combined with Islamic charity work. At first, it only aimed to spread Islamic morals, but
soon became involved in politics. While the Muslim Brotherhood claims that it supports
democratic principles, it aims to create a state ruled by Al Shariaa. Al Shariaa is the
Islamic law stated in the Quran. The Brotherhood s mostly used slogan is Islam is the
solution , and it is known worldwide. It officially opposes violence to achieve goals;
however, some of the movement s members were involved in massacres, bombings and
assassinations of ... Show more content on ...
The movement is currently seeking to avoid full authority. It is, however, focusing on
the longer term. The Brotherhood is aiming for a leading role in the process of writing
a new constitution. Indeed, it is not clear if the old strategies of the Muslim
Brotherhood will guide their actions through the coming days (Brown). Another cause
to the success of the Muslim Brotherhood is that its offices acted as social service
agencies. During winter people used to drop in asking for blankets, which the party
handed them out along with their brochures. They as well helped several people in
paying their medical bills (Kristof).
According to interviews I have conducted with different Freedom and Justice Party s
supporters, I have discovered some of the reasons why they voted for them in the
elections. Some people believe that Islam is the only solution for building a new, better
and safer Egypt after the 25th of January revolution. They believe that if the candidates
are God fearing and obeying they won t be corrupt. Another reason is that some
members of the Freedom and Justice Party offered financial help for those who would
vote for them. Most of the people I interviewed were from a low social standard;
therefore, they were in need of this help. In fact, the Muslim Brotherhood exploited poor
people to gain more votes. That is mostly how they attempted to win most of
Nicolae Ceau Research Paper
In the year 1989, a brother was born to Hurricane Gabrielle blowing the door off of a
small New Jersey apartment frame. In 1989 as well, President Nicolae CeauИ™escu
was executed via capital punishment. President or, more modernly referred to
Dictator Nicolae CeauИ™escu was the leader of Communist Romania for nearly
three decades. Similar to Stalin, the majority of CeauИ™escu s life consisted of
illegal activity as a minor, ruling Romania to food shortages and despair, and
threatening his people due to his own mishaps and faults. Early on, President
CeauИ™escu was held liable for multiple illegal activities. Likewise to Stalin, these
crimes would later affect his career and private life. Nicolae was arrested twice, once in
1933 for street... Show more content on ...
In order to face the severity of debt, Nicolae CeauИ™escu plunged his country s
lifestyle to the bottom ranks of Europe. He also threatened to bulldoze around 2,000
people and their housing if they didn t submit. Albeit he was a photogenic teen, this
gentleman had a hideous personality and face more importantly: tactic. His
inhabitants were forced to capitulate against his demands. Imagine one s life being
threatened and controlled unwillingly for the sake of debt. Not pretty, is it? Some
soldiers were forced to divorce their wives or otherwise they would have to resign. A
few Romanians had been put on 24 hour surveillance. A handful of them, however they
were blindly loyal. If one is planning on running a country, here is some solid advice;
do not terrorize the citizens! CeauИ™escu s rule consisted of many Stalin esque
properties, such as: civilization threats, starvation, and illegal activity. Throughout
Nicolae CeauИ™escu s reign, never did he once try to mend his faults, only deepening
and worsening the damage. Likewise to Stalin, he was a ruthless dictator with a heart
frozen and manipulated beyond repair. Even during death, he chanted a communist
hymn. CeauИ™escu s last words were Long live the Socialist Republic of Romania!
History will revenge me! , never once giving up the fight for pure
Analysis Of Open By Andre Agassi
Many youngsters can have a hard time understanding parents and other people who
belong to elder generations and the other way around. This can have something to do
with the time we are born in and our mentality along with our way of thinking. This may
be the topic in the extract from Andre Agassi s autobiography Open from 2009, where it
focuses on the relationships between the generations. But why exactly are the characters
from the different generations having such a hard time understanding each other? And
why has Andre written this text? When analysing the text s style of writing, it is
interesting to look at the structure of it. The text has a very common structure that
implies a by line which is followed by the headline, Open. Subsequently... Show more
content on ...
This can have something to do with how the culture is in Iran, where the 2nd and 3rd
generation lived and were brought up. The father is portrayed as a dominating person
and Andre feels pressured by him as it is portrait in the quote on P. 2 ll.118 123: But
my son, he adds maybe they will make tennis an Olympic sport once again, and my
son will win a gold medal, and that will make up for it. a little extra pressure to go
with my everyday pressure. The father has high expectation and does not care if Andre
wants to be a tennis player, but since he could not he wants his child to, which Andre
does not seem to understand. He also talks rudely and aggressively towards Andre as it
is portrayed on P. 4 ll.241 242: startled, he yells, steps back, then shoots out his fist.
And on P. 4 ll.246 249: My father stands over me, scowling. What the fuck is the matter
with you? Go to your room. He behaves very mean towards Andre and the quotes show
that the father has a very short temper. This may have something to do with the way
the father was brought up as we see on P.1 ll. 11 13: He says she nagged him when he
was a boy and often beat him. This quote shows that the father does some of the things
his mother did to
Florida Air Essay examples
Florida Air, Inc. 1. Evaluate Florida Air s search for capital. What, if any, key mistakes
were made? Dan failed to fully utilize high profile networks of Scott and Henry, who
were both graduates of an Ivy League School (Did Scott graduate from Ivy League
School?). Also, Dan did not try to reach out to his network he established while he was
buying and selling airplanes. Even if there was no one interested in their direct network,
perhaps someone in their network knew someone who might be interested. Scott later
contacted his 100 alumni later but rather passively; instead of calling to actively initiate a
conversation, he mailed out information.... Show more content on ...
They did not file any legal document when they received checks from investors. The
team failed to fully leverage the positive media coverage they were getting; they could
ve used the opportunity to put an ad or some sort on the newspaper to widen their
search scope for potential investors. They did not manage their money properly.
Without a specific funding plan, they quickly burn out the money they raised even
before they fulfilled the need of $1.5 million. 2. Evaluate Dan s evolving relationships
with Scott and Henry. What principles of best practices did he overlook? Dan had an
excellent working relationship with Scott. Both of them believed in the future of
Florida Air and worked for 10 12 hours a day On the other hand, Dan had a rocky
relationship with Henry. Henry showed little dedication and did not contribute much.
He refused to do any work himself but preferred to hire a third party to do work for
him. Further, he frequently showed up to office late and missed meetings, dragging
down the team s motivation Dan seemed to overlook team chemistry factor. Surely
Henry has extensive industry expensive with equally impressive educational background
(graduate of an Ivy League school). However, he did not work
Outline Of An Informative Speech On Rubik s Cube
Informative Speech I Outline Name: Nicole Gallo COM 114 M/W/TH 10:30
Presentation Title: Who s That Guy? Specific Purpose: My specific purpose is to
inform my audience about the inventor of the Rubik s Cube and how it has shaped the
toy industry today. INTRODUCTION: I.Attention Getter: The math has been done;
there is one solution out of 43 quintillion possible combinations to solve the Rubik s
Cube (Webster, 2012). II.Credibility Statement: Based on recent research and my own
Rubik s Cube solving experience, I was able to gain knowledge on how the cube played
an important role in society these past 40 years. III.Relating to the Audience: Many of us
have spent hours on trying to put puzzle pieces together or strategize the way to win...
Show more content on ...
CONCLUSION I.Restate Thesis: Hungarian professor Erno Rubik used his knowledge
and understanding of architecture and sculpture to create the world s most successful
toy, the Rubik s Cube. II.Closing Statement: Thanks to his desire to experiment with 3 D
designs, we now look at a cube that can provide countless hours of mind challenging
entertainment with a rewarding result after finding that 1 in 43 quintillion solution.
References Webster, George (2012, Oct 11). CNN Tech: The Little Cube that Changed
the World. Retrieved from cube inventor
/ Rubiks (2014). History of the Rubik s Cube. Retrieved from
Hess, Alexander E.M., Frohlich, Thomas C., Calio, V., 24/7 Wall St. (2014, May 18).
10 Best Selling Products of all Time. Retrieved from
/money/business/2014/05/18/24 7 wall st the best selling products of all time/9223465
/ Bellis, Mary (2014). The History of Rubik s Cube Erno Rubik. Retrieved from
Nuclear Decay And Nuclear Energy
Nuclear power is the use of nuclear reactors to release nuclear energy, and thereby
generate electricity. The term includes nuclear fission, nuclear decay and nuclear fusion.
Presently, the nuclear fission of elements in the actinide series of the periodic table
produce the vast majority of nuclear energy in the direct service of humankind, with
nuclear decay processes, primarily in the form of geothermal energy, and radioisotope
thermoelectric generators, in niche uses making up the rest. Nuclear power stations,
excluding the contribution from naval nuclear fission reactors, provided 13% of the
world s electricity in 2012. The share of the world s primary energy supply, which refers
to the heat production without the conversion efficiency of about 33%, was about 5.7%.
Its share of the global final energy consumption is below 2.5%.
In 2013, the IAEA report that there are 437 operational nuclear power reactors, in 31
countries, although not every reactor is producing electricity. In addition, there are
approximately 140 naval vessels using nuclear propulsion in operation, powered by some
180 reactors. As of 2013, attaining a net energy gain from sustained nuclear fusion
reactions, excluding natural fusion power sources such as the Sun, remains an ongoing
area of international physics and engineering research. More than 60 years after the first
attempts, commercial fusion power production remains unlikely before 2050.
There is an ongoing debate about nuclear power.
Gospel Music Observation Paper
I attended the Sunday service at Tabernacle Baptist Church and made several
observations about gospel music in African American churches. Music is used as a tool
of worship and praise as it is sung at several points of the service. Most of the singing is
done during the praise and worship section of the service. Moreover, gospel musicis also
used to emphasize on the message of the preacher. At times the pastor would
accompany a crucial point with a song before embarking back on his sermon. Gospel
music is also employed as a transition to prayer, where worship songs are sang before the
congregation engages in prayer.
When responsive kind of music was sang, there was a soloist that led the rest of the
congregation through the song. There is ... Show more content on ...
Donald Lawrence
Lawrence is one of America s great modern day gospel musician. He is not only a
songwriter but also a record producer and artist. He is has studied music at the college
level acquiring a bachelor degree in music. He has served as a leader in music ministry
in churches such as the Southern Baptist Church on Reading Road. Apart from gospel
music he is also a vocal coach and has coached singers in another genre such as R B
music. However, his musical work is focused on urban gospel music.
e.Kirk Franklin
Kirk Franklin is an urban gospel musician known for his contribution in the urban
contemporary choir. He is also an author. One of the choirs he has led is The Family
which had seventeen members. Under Kirk s directorship, the choir has recorded many
songs in the gospel music industry.
f.Andrae Crouch
Unlike the above gospel music songwriters and composers, crouch is known to have
engaged in both gospel and secular music. In gospel music, he is regarded as the father
of modern gospel music by most music professionals and contemporary Christians. Most
of his gospel works were characterized by the inclusion of contemporary secular styles
of music. Some great compositions are My Tribute and Soon and Very
On The Road
The novel On the road, written by Jack Kerouac is an autobiographical book about a
part of his life. The plot is about road tripping around the United States looking for some
ideologies of enjoying youth generation in the late forties and the early fifties. The author
is one of the most important writers of the Beat Generation , that is advocating the sexual
liberation and the youth lifestyle in the sixties.
The story sets in the United States of America and tell the story of the protagonist, Sal
Paradise, who represents Jack Kerouac. He is living in New York City with his aunt
when Dean Moriarty arrived in town. The central character of this novel is Dean
Moriarty because Sal Paradise is completely fascinated by this person. He puts him on a
pedestal, Dean Moriarty his everything that the protagonist cannot be. He especially
admires his madness, his vitality and his holiness.
The story is based on traveling around the United States trying to seek out some cure for
his depression and his boredom. He will also visit several cities, such as Chicago,
Denver, and San Francisco. He will not travel alone, he is going to see with his fellow
traveler Dean some friends, as Carlo Marx, who represents ... Show more content on ...
They are recurrent during the all settings. They allow the different characters to entirely
express what they have to say and enjoy their youth. In the same time the friendship is
also important because they are always looking for someone. They made trips to visit
them. And finally there is the big difference between the East side of the United States
and the West side. In the beginning of the story, the West symbolizes the idealism and the
dreams and the East is boring and sad. But the more the story moves forward the more
these two statements trade. The East becomes the holy and the west become less
interesting. Moreover the different regions visited are characterized by the person the
protagonist have to meet
Justice In Trifles By Susan Glaspell
Someone once said The best revenge is always to just happily move on and let karma
do the rest. ,Mrs.Wright wasn t thinking this when she killed her husband. Throughout
the play, Trifles , solidarity and revenge major concepts. Mrs. Hale, the neighboring
farmer, and Mrs. Peters, the sheriff s wife, find themselves hiding and lying about
evidence to protect their friend, Mrs. Wright, who s being accused of murdering her
husband. In Trifles , Susan Glaspellshows that, solidarity and revenge were some of the
only ways women could get justice and protect themselves in 1800 s
Solidarity and empathy go hand in hand. In the text, the women continually showed
empathy toward Mrs. Wright. For example, Mrs. Peter and Mrs. Hale shared stories about
Essay on Importance of Symbols in “the Thing in the
Brandon Doder 11/1/11 Importance of Symbols in The Thing in the Forest In many
fairytales, we are given characters who set out on an adventure to better themselves
whether they know that they are on one or not. In A.S. Byatt s The Thing in the Forest
we are taken on such an adventure, but this is more than just a children s fairytale.
Through figurative language we are shown that the main characters, Penny and
Primrose, are dealing with more than just a creature in the forest, and that with this use
of symbols as a way to express a larger meaning to objects in the story, we better
understand how Penny and Primrose are dealing with being away from their family
during a time of war in England. In this story we are exposed... Show more content on ...
With the use of symbols, Byatt can make reference to problems with the girls or make
a comment on the larger picture of war at the time. The three largest symbols that
appear in the story are the mansion, the forest, and of course, the thing in the forest.
Each symbol represents something bigger in the whole scheme of things. The
mansion that the girls are first sent to is a cold and dreary place to the children. Byatt
describes the mansion as cold and dark. This is because of war time in England and
they are tying to not be obvious. This dreariness only helps the symbol of the mansion
to represent what is going on at that time. The house is a representation of the State.
That being the government and everything that is part of the security it provides.
There is a sense of security in a way that the mansion is used. The government
commandeered the mansion for use as a safe house, although there still is a feeling of
doubt about it. To the girls and other children, the mansion is a place of security or
home until they move on. This is most likely not what the girls had in mind when they
arrived. For them to feel any sort of comfort in this time of tragedy, they will need to
stick together and make the best of the situation. The girls seemed to be thinking the
worst of every event but at the mansion, things were taken care of to the best of the
ability of the adults there to care for them. Unlike the

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