Agricultural Revolution Essays

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Agricultural Revolution Essays

Crafting an essay on the topic of Agricultural Revolution poses both challenges and opportunities for
the writer. The difficulty lies in the extensive scope of the subject, encompassing a broad range of
historical, social, economic, and environmental aspects. It demands a thorough understanding of the
key events, technological advancements, and societal transformations that characterized this pivotal
period in human history.

One of the primary challenges is navigating through the vast amount of information available. The
Agricultural Revolution spans different time periods and regions, making it essential to select and
synthesize relevant data coherently. Additionally, the essay should not merely be a historical account
but must delve into the profound impact of agricultural developments on human societies.

Another complexity arises from the need to analyze the multifaceted consequences of the
Agricultural Revolution. From population growth and social stratification to the emergence of
civilizations and the transformation of human lifestyles, the essay must explore the
interconnectedness of these elements. This requires critical thinking skills and the ability to present a
nuanced perspective on the various outcomes of the revolution.

Furthermore, the essay should address the role of technological innovations in agriculture and their
implications for food production, trade, and the overall evolution of societies. Balancing technical
details with broader societal implications can be challenging but is crucial for providing a
comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Despite these challenges, the essay offers a platform for showcasing one's research skills, analytical
thinking, and ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. It encourages a deep dive into
historical contexts and an exploration of the far-reaching consequences of a transformative period.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on the Agricultural Revolution is undoubtedly challenging due
to its vast scope and multifaceted nature, it provides a valuable opportunity for intellectual growth
and expression. Successfully navigating these challenges can result in a well-crafted piece that not
only informs about historical events but also engages readers in a thoughtful exploration of the
profound impact of agricultural transformations on human societies.

For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, a variety of resources are
available. Services like offer professional support in crafting well-researched and
customized essays on a wide range of topics, ensuring that students and scholars can navigate their
academic challenges more effectively.
Agricultural Revolution Essays Agricultural Revolution Essays
Roswell Conspiracy
What really happened in Roswell?
For more than 60 years, the debate between reality and conspiracy has raged on with
the concept of aliens in the center( Staff). In Roswell, New Mexico in
1947 what is believed by conspiracy theorists to be a flying saucer was found in a
rancher s sheep pasture. The idea that exterrestrial life could possibly exist may seem
out of this world to some. But, to an entire town of people, the idea is not as far fetched.
So, what are aliens? Aliens are exterrestrial beings that allegedly live in outer space and
did not originate from Earth. Outer space is incomprehensibly massive. The galaxy in
which human beings live is referred to as the Milky Way, and there are an estimated 100
billion planets in that one galaxy alone( Staff). Seth Shostak, an American
astronomer and a Senior Astronomer for the SETI Institute, argues, If we are the only
intelligent beings in the galaxy, or for that matter in the universe, then we are truly a
miracle. According to, The SETI Institute is a research organization whose
mission is to ... Show more content on ...
Before the Roswell incident a then top secret task, called Project Mogul, was happening.
Project Mogul involved high frequency balloons with the purpose of developing a long
distance acoustic detection system to hear if the Soviet Union were detonating atomic
bombs. The main site of the launching of the balloons was in Alamogordo Army Airfield
in New Mexico. Many people believe the debris was a crashed weather balloon because
the materials the rancher saw are similar to those of which the balloons were made.Also,
balloons from the secret project plunging to the ground was not uncommon as the
balloons regularly fell in random fields Detailed assessments of the weather the day the
balloon crashed calculated the balloon was predicted to fly over the exact location it
The Influence of American Culture in the 1950s and 1960s...
Canada as a nation has been striving to characterize itself as more ?Canadian? for
decades. This has included numerous struggles and events such as protests, bans, and the
creation of the Massey Commission, to encourage national development in the arts, and
support major companies like the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and
National Film Board (NFB). However, this has not been an easy task for the Canadian
government, as major influences from below the border (the United States) have been
captivating the Canadian audiences by large. American media has had a momentous
revolutionizing effect on Canada, even through efforts made to define Canada with its
own cultural identity.

Pop culture in the 1950s and 1960s began to spread and ... Show more content on ...
The media began to control the way they lived their lives, what they wore, what they
listened to, and even what they believed. After all, everyone wants to roll with the
popular crowd.

The Canadian government could not possibly stand for further American conquest on
their culture and media. It was time to stop the inundation of Americanization before they
had lost all original material and their identity had vanished into the shadows of Canadian
history. A suitable action was taken by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC),
stripping as much American content from the station as possible, leaving only what was
necessary to satisfy the popular demand (removing all American substance had its
consequences, severe as losing money and audiences, and ensuing in the downfall of the
broadcasting industry due to the lack of well known content). This would leave space for
more Canadian programming, as a result fulfilling the promise of making Canada more
Canadian, taking into consideration even such a small modification.

The Canadian government?s plan to get rid of the great American culture influence was
one of many faults. There would be no way of carrying this out without disappointing
much of the un disturbed Canadian society, those who have grown comfortable with their
surroundings and are appreciative of everything the United States has had to
Food Marketing Is Selling Unhealthy Food To Obese Children
Typed essay

The food marketing is selling unhealthy foods to school boards and eventually being
served to the children, but there has to be a way to stop and that is, that the school
boards should buy more healthy foods. Food should not be seen as its cost but more as
its quality, like unhealthy food is sold more than healthy foods.

The school boards serve unhealthier than healthy foods to children. As David Barboza
said in his article, 20 percent of the nation s schools now offer brand name fast food. This
statement made me realize that now there s more fast food sold into schools and served
to the children. Usually some of the children who attend schools who serve fast foods
have no choice, because they may just serve only unhealthy than healthy foods, since
their serving only fast food. in another point of his article, budget falls...profitable fast
foods, it may not be the school s fault for buying unhealthy foods, for the reason that they
seem is affordable but it s usually unhealthy for the children, but for the decision that the
schools are making may cause bad health to children, which can obtain obesity. ... Show
more content on ...
back to Barboza s article he says, the number of obese children, has more than twice
that 16 percent. if the children are being fed fast food every day, their chances of
getting obesity is really high but it can be stopped if the school boards change the
school s eating habits. Fast food too much healthy foods can cause a healthier child. in
the finishing of Barboza s article he says, been sued over marketing campaigns geared
toward youth. even if the kids are being served nasty food, the food companies won t
change. This means that the school boards have to change to make a difference, and
become a healthier environment for children. The kids may feel more secured of the
food serving if the school board decides to make a change, and help be
Romeo And Juliet Comparison
Leslie Pina
Mr. Howard
AP Literature
3 January 2017

Literary Merit: The transcendence of writing in which associates to the works of

literature. This would include: drama, poetry, and a written or spoken language.

The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros

The Outsiders
By S.E. Hinton

Romeo and Juliet

By William Shakespeare

Star crossed lovers bound to a horrible fate. The Montague family and the Capulet family
have an ongoing feud and when their children ... Show more content on
Petersburg, and Missouri.
The Mississippi River is a symbol that is used in the novel. Huckleberry and Jim go
through this river in order to get the freedom that they both wanted. However, this
freedom is not temporary. The story continues and the event that take place shows the
characters that a complete freedom is not possible.
Lies and cons: through the story Huckleberry is seen to lie on multiple occasions and
he also manages to con people. The teenage boy does this in order to continue with his
journey. Lies and cons he believed to be necessary and useful.
Intellectual and moral education: huckleberry is not well educated. What he has been
taught, he begins to question. One of the thing that he does question is the way society
works as the teen begins to spend more time with Jim and as time progresses. By the
end, huckleberry does become more
Delegation Can Be A Slippery Slope For Any Manager
Delegation can be a very slippery slope for any manager, but it has become a necessary
component of many organizational management structures. While it can be an extremely
effective management strategy, many times it is approached incorrectly and thus falls
short of expected results. This is the case we see presented in the case studyfor this
assignment. It seems that our manager/delegator, Ms. Wilson, is looking to remove
some items from her current workload in order to facilitate more time to devote to her
expanding supervisory duties that are not able to be delegated. To her credit, she did
take the time to establish a list of tasks contained within her daily activities and reduce
them to items that were able to be delegated. This is a crucial and key step, as discussed
within our text. While we don t know the extent of the items that may have been included
on this list, Ms. Wilson did narrow the initial delegation to a single task: gathering the
data and generating a monthly statistical report. It s at this point that I feel things went
a bit astray in the delegation process that eventually would lead to the failure of the
process. First, just as important and organizing and stratifying a list of tasks for
delegation, is the process of organizing and stratifying a list of potential candidates to
perform those tasks. While we know in our case study that Ms. Wilson chose George
Peters for the task, we don t have any indication that she performed her due
The Impact of Invasive Species on Ecosystems Essay
Influence on ecosystems range from human causes like the bulldozing of a forest to
natural causes like a fire or a flood. In recent times, the introduction and spread of
invasive species has transformed native communities rapidly and, in some cases, created
irreversible damages. In the Earth s history, changes have often occurred in the
ecosystems. For example, glaciersand the retreat of glaciers cause wide spread changes.
However, although change is a constant in ecosystems, animals and habitats often cannot
adapt to the rapid alterations of non natural stresses. Harm to the environment from the
introduction of invasive speciesoccurs through changes in the habitatand declines in the
native species. Invasive species... Show more content on ...
According to Van Driesche, nonnative species are more likely to establish if they
invade habitats with lowered biotic resistance, encounter prey with poorly developed
mechanisms of self defense, or invade habitats unaccompanied by their specialized
natural enemies or when their invasion is facilitated by earlier invaders (2000). Damage
to these communities, then, can be seen both in cumulative effects and in a cycle of self
reinforcement. Although pristine environments are still at risk from invasion, this
positive feedback loop makes habitats already with a disturbance by exotics even more
vulnerable to other invasions. With the increasing amount of disturbed habitats, invasive
species could soon become the leading cause of ecological degradation (SoulГ© Orians,
2001). Invasive species can alter habitats in a number of ways. Changes in the physical
structure of the land are the most visually obvious. Examples include narrowing stream
channels, reducing sand supply to dunes, and stabilizing surfaces such as mudflats, and
each invasive species goes about these changes in their own way. For instance, the
burrowing activities of Australian isopods cause the banks of tidal channels to collapse,
leading to the widening of channels and the loss of vegetated salt marsh (Cox, 1999). On
the other hand, Japanese mussels that have invaded the San Diego area are stabilizing
mudflats. Although reaching Southern California in the 1960s,
Poverty And Its Effects On Human Development
My sustained development goal is zero hunger.
Most of us cannot imagine finishing our day without a meal, but for a very huge
population in the world, being hungry is part of everyday life. Hunger leads to
malnutrition and it has long term irreversible effect on brain development. Hungry and
malnourished child performs poorly academically and cannot achieve its full potential.
Poor brain development and academic performance leads to poverty. Hungry population
cannot escape poverty. Poverty then leads to further hunger and it is a never ending
conflict. Many children and adults in developing part of the world are caught in this.
Once the population is fed and properly nourished this cycle of hunger and poverty can
be broken. The ... Show more content on ...
These factors lead to poor agricultural yield and inadequate food supply to the
population. Zambia has vast agricultural potential. Despite fertile land and ample
water availability, the agricultural potential of Zambia is not fully used. Of 58%
suitable land only 14% is currently cultivated. Most of the agricultural land is
cultivated by small farmers whose average land holding is 0.5 to 0.9 hectare. Small
scale farmers make up 85% of the farmer population. Small subsistence farmers are
poor and they do not have enough capital available for investing in modern agricultural
technology, fertilizer and superior quality seed. Due to poor agricultural infrastructure
for small subsistence farmers the average yield of crops is low. Only 0.5 to 1 ton of
maize per hectare is produced by these farmers whereas average maize yield in more
evolved agricultural area is 4 tons per hectare. Low yield leads to food insecurity. A
household of 6 people need 1.1 tons maize per year for food security. If these
subsistence farmers have availability of capital for investing in agricultural infrastructure
the yield can be increased 4 to 8 times leading to food security as well as profit. My Non
Government organization is AGRIZAM which is involved in co operative farming which
helps provide investment for adequate agricultural infrastructure. With improved
infrastructure, the yield will increase leading not only to curb hunger but also
The Theory Of Crime And Crime
The term of crime represent an unlawful act punished by the state. Crime is something
that is against the law. The common use of the term Crime makes it main to define the
limitations which construct it however, doing so is not simply a matter of common
sense. There are a number of complex political and economic forces which help to define
crime in practice within a specific society. The most commonly accepted definition of
crime is an act that is capable of being followed by criminal connections. (w.mccorkle,
1959, p. 46 to 48)
Review of the literature
Criminology focuses on the causes, incidences and control of individual and group
criminal behaviour. In criminology, there are many theories that focus on causal analysis
of the crime. They are termed as the crime causation theories. These theories aim at
coming up with certain generalization as to be able to explain the causal connection
between the factors which may lubricate or lead to the existence of crime in our society
and crime itself. The debate on why people commit crime is a difficult one to settle
down. Causation theories in criminology are important as their understanding will help
us to
пѓ Understand the factors conducive to crime which will further lead us to
пѓ Draft proficient crime prevention programmed
There are two main schools of thought within criminology, which developed in the
middle of the 18th century i.e. Classical and Chicago. There are however, many other
theories in addition to
Norfolk State University Personal Statement
Out of all of the skin care products in the world, your bathroom cabinet needs to be filled
with products researched and designed by me. When I entered high school, I discovered
my passion for selecting lip sticks, lip glosses, lotions, perfumes, and makeup
foundations. You name it. After learning about the connections between the information
in my chemistryclass and these items, a light bulb went off! I maintained an A average in
chemistry throughout the whole year! Additionally, in 2014, I became a student in the
Academy of Engineering and Technology, which also heightened my interests in
chemistry. In a science fair at that academy, there was a chemistry course where we
made colorful slime, and during that process, I learned that I get an adrenaline rush
when I am mixing different chemicals together to see what the outcome is. Majoring in
chemistry at Norfolk State University will definitely prepare me for a very successful
future in chemistry! My ultimate goal is to conduct research and development for
chemical cosmetics. I plan to obtain employment at the greatest companies in the world
such as L OrГ©al and Avon.
I am thoroughly excited to possess the opportunity to go to my top school of choice,
Norfolk State University! They make sure that they thoroughly prepare ... Show more
content on ...
Being able to attend this university, knowing that I am surrounded by other future
chemists would mean a lot to me. Norfolk State has a legacy of African Americans
excelling academically, starting professional careers after immediately graduation, and
simply, being successful. I would be honored, to continue the legacy of African
Americans striving for excellence in at Norfolk State University. Achieving wonderful
goals in all that I do has always been the top priority of my life. I will always be
dedicated to nothing but excellence, and I am more than ready to share my ideas of
chemistry with Norfolk State University. Go
Triangle Shirtwaist Impact On Society
Societal/ Economical/ Political issues The Triangle Shirtwaist had an enormous impact
on society. Most employees working at this factory were young immigrant girls who did
not receive proper working conditions. When the incident occurred, news eventually
spread throughout the immigrant community causing an uproar. The uproar would soon
push issues of unsafe factories and immigrant exploitation into the public minds for a
while. For the first time, the Triangle Shirtwaist fire exposed the awful conditions of
New York factories. Many changes took place such the creation of International Ladies
Garment Workers Union who held many strikes against the company. Their goal was to
negotiate better wages and working conditions for the members of the... Show more
content on ...
Government agencies answered to the public uproar by examining the conditions of
the triangle company and other similar facilities. The discoveries made showed that
half the city workers jobs where located higher than fire department ladders could
reach, unhealthy working conditions, with iron bars blocking fire escapes,
overcrowded conditions, and wooden rickety buildings. Blanck, Harris the owners of
Triangle insured the building and received two hundred thousand dollars from nearly
forty different insurance companies. Shortly after the fire, they tried to open a new
business. They were fined by inspectors for positioning the machines close together.
Blanck and Harris were charged with manslaughter on April 11 for keeping the back
doors locked in the factory. In 1913, Blanck was charged again for locking the door to
one of his new factories and was fined twenty dollars. The following year, the two
factory owners were fined for sewing fake consumer labels into their clothing saying
the factory met working standards. In 1914, Blanck and Harris settled the civil suits
against them, paying seventy five dollars for each life lost. they had so much insurance
that they made sixty five thousand dollars in profit off their factory burning and number
workers dead. This caused more chaos amongst the people, because the owners profited
off the fire. By breaking canon 1,5,6 it is obvious that both owners displayed terrible
Does Tess Deserve The Final Rose Essay
The Bachelorette: Who Deserves the Final Rose? In Thomas Hardy s Tess of the d
Urbervilles, he writes of a girl named Tess. Tess is a beautiful independent young lady
who struggles with bad luck and irresponsibility. Hardy adds to the plot of bad luck by
writing about two boys: Angel and Alec who both strive to have Tess s heart. By the
end of the book, it is pretty obvious that neither of the boys deserve Tess, but Hardy
wrote this for the readers to decide who was better. This novel creates a feeling of an
old time bachelorette love story that leaves the readers clueless; however, in the end,
Angel is a much better candidate for Tess than Alec is. The scene opens up on a
beautiful day. Girls in white gowns gather and dance. A young boy... Show more content
on ...
Even at the beginning of the book, there are warning signs that he is not good for her.
One example is that he makes her extremely uncomfortable. As they were on the way
to the d Urberville mansion he continuously tries to kiss her. At the moment of
speaking her hat had blown off into the road... I shall walk (I, XIII, 53). She was so
uncomfortable around him that she took her hat off to escape him. Not once does
Tess show discomfort around Angel. Being uncomfortable around a significant other
is a sign that the two are not meant to be. Both Angel and Alec own up to what they do
and they apologize for it; however, In the present catastrophe is something that is
unforgivable. No one should think Alec is better for Tess than Angel if the reader
simply remembers the things he did to her. Not only does Alec do this to her, but
raping her causes her entire life to go downhill. Everything that happened to her from
then on is because Alec did this to her. Even as he sees her again he is supposedly a
saved man, but he blames her for the things he did when he begged, Put your hand
upon that stone hand, and swear that you will never tempt by your charms or ways
(XI, XLV, 322). He does an unspeakable act that Hardy could not write openly because
the time period would not allow him to. Although he apologizes to her, he does not
mean it. Angel, on the other hand, does truly mean what he says when he apologizes.
So much so that he runs away with Tess when she murders Alec. This just proves that
Angel does truly love Tess. Not only did Angel travel to find her and apologize, he
protects her and cares for her during her last few
Ebusiness Task 1
Heather Taylor
QRT2 Task 1

Viability of product or service

Taylor Tech and Learning is a small home based business located in Small Town, AR.
Taylor Tech currently does not have a website but could use one to increase web imprint
and bring more business to the company. The company is located within the city limits
of the small town. The business is frequented by the local people but offers so much
more than just a quick computer fix and great customer service. The company offers a
range of services. Computer repair, lessons, and tutoring are all usually completed by
calling to see if they have time to offer the services via phone call.
There is currently no online presence with Taylor Tech and with most business s today
that is ... Show more content on ...
They are marketing their customers as friends to them instead of just another customer
which puts some people at ease. Making the customer comfortable helps them trust the
tech. There is no international presence within the company. If they were to offer
international services, the customer base may grow by at least 20%.

Online Marketing Suggestions amp; Strategies

Taylor Tech offers services for all ages from 5 99. Most customers are ages 25 50 with
home desktops and laptops experiencing slowness of computers. Other customers are
interested in classes to gain knowledge for either personal experience or to use for
work and school purposes. By going after this audience you will cover everyone with
computers that either just need a computer tech to visit them on site or customers who
just want to learn more about their computers and software s they own. Taylor Tech s
biggest competitors offer all the same services, but what sets you all apart is Taylor
Tech wants to offer the learning classes online, chat services online, and remote support
online for a small fee which you can pay online. None of the competitors offer online
payment of any sort. No only a friendly face and voice but also customer convenience is
a top priority.
Taylor Tech will improve the customer experience by offering all customers a free
tutorial on how to use the site and use the services effectively through remote desktop so
the customer does not have to leave their
Charles Martin in Uganda Case Study
Charles Martin in Uganda

Charles Martin, a 29 year old American who had worked for Hydro Generation (HG)
for 2 years before embarking on the Ugandan damn project. Martins educational
experience, a degree in African Studies from the University of Wisconsin as well as a
MBA from the University of Maryland coupled with his experience working through the
Peace Corps made Martin uniquely qualified to work for HG in their new venture in
Africa, a hydro electric damn in Uganda. During Martins tenure in Uganda , his
assignments were to, gain support from local authorities, set up offices and insure the
smooth operation of the office, overseeing operations including hiring, keeping inventory
and keeping accounting records as well as logistical ... Show more content on ...
Although successful Martin did take risks when utilizing a polycentric approach to his
work, at any point his participation in various activities such as tribal rituals could
have back fired due to increased pressure from an unstable government and corrupt
officials talking advantage of their increased leverage to exact higher and higher prices
for continued cooperation. These problems coupled with the possibility of certain
actions being illegal in HGs home country directly conflicts with corporate policy.
Despite these increased perils, if Martin had not undertaken this approach to business in
Uganda increased delays, would certainly have occurred, local collaboration would have
been decreased, expensed would have been increased due to either longer wait periods or
the eventual abandonment of the project due to lack of progress.
In the next phase of the project running the power plant should HG employ someone
whose main function is that of a liaison between its corporate culture and the culture of its
host country? If so, is Martin the right person for the job?
In the next phase of this project, the running of the power plant HG should employ
someone whose main function is to be a liaison between the corporate culture and the
Role Of Quality Manager Of Four Star Hotel
As the new appointed Quality manager or known as quality assurance manager in a four
star hotel, there are several roles or function of my position. Before this, quality
management exist in manufacturing and engineering sector, but today it is more well
known in industry sector such as hospitality. Most of all the quality managementin hotel
requires the quality standard which is to deliver service for customer or clients so that
can meet customer needs and expectations to gain their satisfaction. There are many role
of Quality Manager of four star hotel such as quality standard, quality project
management, business process documentation, document control and audit, quality
communications, people management and team player, problem solving, and quality
purchasing management. Quality standard requires documents and records from the
hotel. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), International Standard Organization (ISO)
standards and other very important in hospitality industry. Quality standard should ensure
compliance with relevant legislation for the service industry and make sure it compliance
with national and international standards. Besides, must agreeing in house standard
which is the standard of the hotel. Manager also must consider... Show more content on ...
The Quality Manager manages all those coordinated activities required to direct control
an organization with regard to quality. The project manager has to do the corrective
actions, process improvement, and auditing projects. Hence, this Quality Manager will
support and lead quality improvement in the hotel which require to coordinate all
managers in the hotel, management, supervisors in all department to maintain their part
in quality management system. The quality manager will also probably be involved in
developing the quality goals and targets in the organization s strategic
Stockholm Syndrome
This documentary caught my attention right from the opening lines. People, in general,
do not like to admit when they are wrong, so when the narrator began by claiming that
the entire set of beliefs he had grown up with and lived his life by were wrong and
untrue it made me stop and consider how that would affect a person. To have your entire
way of thinking be proven invalid would be an unsettling situation to put it simply. I
could not begin to imagine how that would feel, but I tried to keep this thoughtin mind as
I continued with the rest of the documentaryas it explored complex ideas involving
education, employment, and obedience. As someone who is pursuing a higher education
by attending college, I believe education is incredibly... Show more content on ...
I can t say that I honestly enjoyed watching it, but then again that is not the point of a
documentary such as this. This documentary, although not the most exciting to watch,
forces you to constantly evaluate and consider the information being presented to you.
There were times I would have to rewind just to give my thoughts a second to catch up,
and in that sense, the film fully accomplished its goal. In discussing complicated ideas
such as education, employment, and obedience it showed me just how narrow my scope
of the world is, and I think I can better understand what the narrator meant and how he
felt when he said: almost everything I was brought up to believe turns out to be
My Interest Towards Family Medicine
My interest towards family medicine began during my early childhood years. I grew
up in a small and developing city called Salalah, Oman where health care resources
were sparse. Back in 1990 s, immigrants from low income and middle class families
could not afford health care. My mother, a nurse, and her friend, a primary care physician
, were considered the healers of our neighborhood. Families and neighbors, who were
sick, wounded, or in need of medical advice, came to them for help. I grew up watching
them become the de facto healthcare resources of our neighborhood. This inspired me to
venture into the field of medicine.

After moving to New York, I was determined to take advantage of the opportunities I had.
While volunteering at a nursing home through church, I met several family physicians
and internists. I was impressed by their professionalism while interacting with patients.
All patients were treated with the same delicate care, despite their array of debilitated
statuses. Poor hygiene did not distract the physician, but rather it urged them to provide
medical care to the best of their ability. The patients felt this and their immense gratitude
was palpable. I realized how imperative it was for any physician to value their character,
attitude, and skill. My experiences inspired me to continue volunteering at nursing homes
and church events, where I could give a helping hand to those in need. In turn, I
developed a compassionate, comforting, and respectful attitude.
Jeffery D. Arthurs Shimon Bar-Efrat
All stories have movement. The plot is the literary element that provides a sense of
movement to the narrative. Shimon Bar Efrat referred to the Plot as the body of the
narrative (Bar Efrat 2000, 93). He added that the plot consists of an organized and
orderly system of events, arranged in temporal sequence (93). The author of the narrative
purposely planned the timing and events within the narrative. The plotnot only provides
movement, yet it also serves to elicit interest and to stir the emotions of the reader. For
Jeffery D. Arthurs, the plot engages readers by inducing a feeling of suspense as it
moves a conflict from disequilibrium to resolution (Arthurs 2006, 75).
This movement does not happen at once; rather the plot unfolds
Effects Of The Tok And Teo Family
SINGAPORE The Tok and Teo families are a model of traditional harmony, with three
generations gathered under one roof, enjoying each other s company over slices of fruit
and cups of tea on a Saturday afternoon in Singapore. There is only one problem: The
youngest and oldest generations can barely communicate with each other. Lavell, 7,
speaks fluent English and a smattering of Mandarin Chinese, while her grandmother,
Law Ngoh Kiaw, prefers the Hokkien dialect of her ancestors home in southeastern
China. That leaves grandmother and granddaughter looking together at a doll house on
the floor, unable to exchange more than a few words. She can t speak our Hokkien, Mrs.
Law said with a sigh, and doesn t really want to speak Mandarin, either. This struggle to
communicate within families is one of the painful effects... Show more content on ...
There was a sense of loss. Then, in 1987, to foster unity across Singapore s three major
ethnic groups, Chinese, Indian and Malay, English became the main method of
instruction in all schools. Today, almost all instruction is in English except for a class
in the student s native tongue: Tamil and Malay for ethnic Indians and Malays, and
Mandarin for ethnic Chinese. The dominance of English was captured in a recent
government survey that showed English is the most widely spoken language at home,
followed by Mandarin, Malay and Tamil. Only 12 percent of Singaporeans speak a
Chinese dialect at home, according to the survey, compared with an estimated 50
percent a generation ago. Sometimes people say the Singaporeans aren t too expressive,
said Kuo Jian Hong, the artistic director of The Theater Practice, an influential theater
founded by her father, the pioneering playwright and arts activist Kuo Pao Kun. I feel
this is partly because so many of us lost our mother
Examples Of Perception Vs Reality In A Midsummer Night s...
Perception v.s Reality
In A Midsummer Night s Dream, perception versus reality becomes a major aspect of
the play because the contrast of the woods versus the city and love versus infatuation. In
the woods there is much deception from the characters and fairies to make the lovers
perceive love for each other which is actually just infatuation. The city is full of chaos
and people telling each other what they need to do, but in the city the lovers still had
some sort of control over their themselves. Egeus is trying to force his daughter into
loving someone she does not love. Egeus can make his daughter do things she does not
want to but he cannot make her love someone that she does not. In the woods people use
magic to make the lovers think they are in love.
Love, it happens even when you think it shouldn t and it doesn t happen even when you
think it should. Many of the characters attempt to control love but when they try to make
the lovers love different people. It becomes clear ... Show more content on ...
My noble lord/ This man hath my consent to marry her (1.1.23 6). Egeus is telling
Demetrius that he can marry Hermia, when Egeus know she does not wish to marry
Demetrius. Though the city has many people telling and making other people do what
they want them to do but the people in the city cannot make someone love someone
else, everyone in the woods uses magic to their advantage to make people do things
they want, even make someone feel infatuated with someone else. In a way the city has
a more secure atmosphere because when someone makes someone do something, the
person being forced into doing something knows what is happening, and they know who
is making them do it, in the woods you may never know what happens to you or who is
doing what due to the magic. The magic is like
Hero in One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest by Ken Kesey
Hero in One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest by Ken Kesey

Randle Patrick McMurphy, the main character in One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest , is
the perfect example of a hero. He is committed to a mental institution after faking insanity
to get out of a work camp. From the beginning of his presence on the ward, things start to
change. He brings in laughter, gambling, profanity and he begins to get the other patients
to open up. All of this, however, clashes with the head nurse, Nurse Ratched, who is
trying to press conformity and obeying authority. It is then a battle between McMurphy
and the nurse, McMurphy trying to set the patients free and the nurse trying to make
them normal .

The most obvious hero type of McMurphy is an ... Show more content on
Another one of McMurphy s hero types is an anti hero, which is a hero who lacks
some attributes of being a classic hero. A classic hero is a hero with ethics and morals
and who respects everyone and everything. This is not who McMurphy is. He swears all
the time, he gambles and cheats the other patients out of their money, not to mention the
fact that he was accused of statutory rape and put in a prison camp. Even thought he is a
criminal, he is always and honest and caring towards the other patients. He is true to
himself and everyone else and he tries to get the other patients to be like that, too. He
remains an individual despite the combines consistent attempts to repress him.

McMurphy can also be considered a tragic hero. Although he could almost always take
control of a situation and never let the combine get the best of him, he could not always
control his temper. It was the one think that could get him in trouble because Nurse
Ratched could not punish him with electric shock therapy unless he had an outburst. The
best thing that McMurphy could have had in the hospital was patience and a calm
temper because the only weapon Nurse Ratched had was to try to frustrate him. Since she
has ultimate power on the ward, she could do anything she wants and make any rules. For
instance, when the patients wanted to watch the world series and they clearly had a
majority, she didn t let them because she wanted them to know that she has authority
The Value Of Bluebeard By Charles Perrault
In a husband and wife relationship communication is key, without communication there
is room for deceit and rumors to do nothing but distance or even turn the couple on each
other. Compromise is also extremely important in order to have a successful relationship,
otherwise the relationship will be tense and neither person will be content with the
relationship. Fairy tales will often center around a toxic marriagethat causes nothing but
grief to the wife, the husband, or even both because of that missing communicationand
compromise. In a criticism piece by Walter Benjamin, he writes on how sometimes the
value lies in a moral; at other times practical advice is offered; and occasionally there is a
proverb or maxim (Benjamin 358). The value... Show more content on ...
The children then almost get eaten by a witch because of their mother s selfishness
and the lack of communication in their parent s relationship. When the children get
lost in the woods, they encounter a witch with a house made of candy and eventually
they go inside and become her prisoners. The witch says to Gretel, get up lazy bones,
fetch some water and you re your brother something good. He s staying outside in a
shed, waiting to be fattened up. When he s put on enough weight, I ll eat him (Grimm
Brothers 240). Here the witch s intentions are revealed, and Gretel learns of the
dangerous situation her and her brother are in. Hansel and Gretel are forced into a life
threatened situation because of the dysfunctional relationship between their parents.
Once again, the lack of compromise in the relationship between Hansel and Gretel s
parents has negatively affected them. Fairy tales have all kinds of morals or lessons to
learn, but a very important one is the effect that a relationship between two people can
have on others outside of the relationship indirectly or
How Did Mandela Contribute To Freedom
Although black skin brought him limits, he contributed his whole life to the fight for
the freedom. Although time made him lose his family and normal life, there was still
the light of hope in his tired eyes. He is Mandela, the man who was born as a prince of
a tribe, Thembu, but dedicated his whole life to the fighting for civil rights. He spent 27
years in the jail, but when he got released, he became the President of South Africa.
Mandela s leadership and commitment of civil rights brought him followers, and then
his 27 year fighting brought liberty to his country. Mandela was such a man who stood
with people, and he became a member of civil rights movement when he was a
teenager. Mandela had a sense of equality even when he was a teenager. When he was
the future king of his tribe, Thenbu, he attended a movement against an unreasonable
segregation policy while he was studying for Fort Hare University. And he also became
involved in anti colonial politics when he lived... Show more content on
In 1944, he became one of representatives of African National Congress, which was
appealing non violent fighting. However, the South Africa government forbad him to
attend meetings in 1952, but Mandela still tried everything he could do to support the
I believe that the government will announce the African National Congress and the South
African Indian General Assembly as an illegal organization. Government seems bound
to us as soon as possible to prohibit the work of a legitimate organization. And think of
this, problem, I recommend the National Executive Committee must have a plan to deal
with unexpected happens. I say that we, as leaders of the people, if there is no such
program, that is dereliction of duty. National Executive Committee I drafted an ANC
underground operation programs. This program was called Mandela Plan. (Long Walk to
Freedom, chapter
Different Types Of Disorders And Diseases Caused By A...
There are many types of disorders and diseases caused by a mutation in the human
genome, a fundamental building block of DNA. Achondroplasia has been classified for
a long period of time, but it was only around twenty years ago that the cause was
discovered. This disorder happens to be caused by a simple change of base in an
autosomal chromosome. This is commonly a transitional mutation that causes a simple
change in proteinstructure. Most of the individuals with Achondroplasia have similar
mutations at a common nucleotide. Achondroplasia is a classification of dwarfism,
which is a genetic disorder that causes a mutation on an autosomal chromosome with a
change in a single nucleotide.
Achondroplasia is a common form of dwarfism that is noticed by a short stature, lowered
muscle tone, reduced extension of arm joints, shorter than normal hands and mid face
hypoplasia (HUNG, C., The first classification of Achondroplasia was by Dr.
Jurgen Spranger, then in 1994 the gene that was found responsible was mapped by Dr.
John Wasmuth and thus found to be located on chromosome four; that being said this
fact makes the mutation autosomal (Vajo.z, 2000). Achondroplasia, a heredity form
of dwarfism, that affects every 1 in 15,000 40,000 live births with most newborns
showing the common characteristics of the disorder (LIU, J, The mutation
effects a gene in the fibroblast growth receptor number three (FGFR3) (Varo s,
2000).Many conditions are
FIn 580 Essay
1. (TCO A) Use future or present value techniques to solve the following problems.
(Note: You can use tables or a financial calculator. If you use a calculator, please provide
the inputs you used to solve the problems.) (5 points each = total 20 points) a. Starting
with $20,000, how much will you have in 20 years if you can earn 5% on your money?
b. If you inherited $100,000 today and invested all of it in a security that paid an 8% rate
of return, how much would you have in 15 years? c. If the average new home costs
$200,000 today, what will be the value in 10 years if inflation is 4% per year? d. If you
can earn 9% per year, how much will you have to save each year if you want to retire in
40 years with $3 million? (Points :... Show more content on ...
4. (TCO C) Alan and Barbara are in the process of purchasing their first home.
However, they cannot decide whether a 15 year fixed rate mortgage or a 30 year
fixed rate mortgage is best for them. They have decided to finance $200,000 and can
get the 15 year mortgage at 4.5% and the 30 year mortgage at 5%. (35 points total)
First, calculate the monthly payment of each loan. (15 points) Next, discuss the pros
and cons of a 15 year mortgage versus a 30 year mortgage. (15 points) (Points : 35)
Question 5. 5. (TCO D) John Savage is a 35 year old accountant who earns $72,000
per year. His monthly take home pay is $4,500. His wife Jessica works part time at
their church but has no employee benefits. John s firm has a group short term
disability plan, which will provide him with 65% of his gross monthly pay for 2 years
only. What would you advise John regarding his potential need for additional disability
insurance, including the type, amount of benefits, or other policy provisions? (30 points
total) (Points : 30) Question 6. 6. (TCO E) The ABC Class A share mutual fund has a
Increasing Speed Movement Towards The Electronic Health...
Increasing speed movement towards the electronic health records has additional
complexity of the preference from among choices process, in that the number of
systems on the market has raised. However, appointing a system does not have to be a
frighten task. The first and most understandable questions that needs to be
acknowledge is placed. Where do we start? Well you do not start with the merchant. To
obtain any major systems investments must being with a process. Why will you need
to set up a method? The act of founding a method or way underrate financial risk to
your facility and prepares you for the migration from paper to the electronic record. The
health care manufacturing is dedicated to goal of improved quality of health care, cost
effectiveness, and patient safety. Applications of the EHR is high on the records of first
concern and is looked at the tools that will far provide to manage this goal. In a
conclusion there has been a thrust by the federal government, professional and physician
health care system and alliance, as well as the health information technology cooperation,
to boost doctors and their usual procedures to transition from paper to an electronic
medical records within the EHR form. Also in the middle those who identify the value of
the EHR to accomplish the goals of safety cost effective and quality, the (AHIMA)
American Health Information Management Association, (HIMSS) Health care
Information Management Systems Society and the National Alliance
Serial Murder And Mass Murder
Before we can take on the definitions of serial murder and mass murder, we must first
understand what exactly constitutes murder. According to the United States Code section
1111, murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a human being with malice
aforethought (4). With that said, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
term serial murderimplies that there are at least three different murder events at three
different locations, with a cooling off period between each event (Ramsland, 2009).
Individuals who perpetrate the crimeof serial murder are referred to as serial killers. The
term serial killerwas coined in the mid 1970s by Robert Ressler, the former director of
the FBI s Violent Criminal Apprehension Program. He chose the name serial killer
because authorities in England called these types of murders crimes in a series
(Freeman, 2007). John Wayne Gacy, known as the Killer Clown, who tortured, raped
and murdered 33 men between 1972 and 1978 is an example of a serial killer. On the
other hand, mass murder is defined as four or more murders occurring during a
particular event with no cooling off period between the murders. A mass murder
typically occurs in a single location in which a number of victims are killed by an
individual (2). An example of a mass murder would be the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing
perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh, in which 168 people were killed. While serial murder
has a definition that contains certain
The Myth Of Woman By Simone De Beauvoir
Simone De Beauvoir in The Second Sex suggests that to resolve the tension between bad
faith and authenticity, people must regard women as subjects and not objects. They must
also collectively fight against the idea of womanhood in order to remain authentic to
themselves. The myth of woman is the idea that women are inherently different than
men. Man believes that he posits himself first, and then posits others. In the myth of
woman, men see women as others that are incapable of positing themselves. The reality
is that women are the same as men in an existential sense. They are both subjects, who
posit themselves before they posit others. Man uses the myth of woman to subjugate
women and treat them as lesser, as [the myth of woman] justifies all privileges and even
authorizes their abuse (De Beauvoir). Just as Pygmalion sculpts Galatea, man sculpts
the idea of woman. The consequence of this is that man perpetuates the idea of
womanhood, and women obey it. Beauvoir encourages women to fight against this idea
of womanhood, arguing that To pose women is to [deny]... that she is a subject, a fellow
human being (De Beauvoir). Most people unfortunately do not fight back against this
idea of womanhood, and remain passive to it. This passivity can be seen in one of Jean
Paul Sartres examples within Being And Nothingness. A woman is on a date with a man
and she remains passive to this man s advances even though she is not interested in him.
The lady is in bad faith: she knows
Relationship In Night By Elie Wiesel
Night Short Response In the memoir Night, by Elie Wiesel, one of the main themes is
family, more specifically the relationship between father and son. For many people,
family is something that they value the most. In the beginning, the first priority of
many of the inmates is to avoid separating from their family members and not to lose
them. However as the book progresses, the prisoners are more concerned about
surviving on their own rather than taking care of their loved ones, who have become a
burden. Elie later feels the same way about his old and sick father, but tries to take care
of him as much as he can. The most important thing that gives Elie the strength to fight
this battle, is his family. In the beginning, when the police were... Show more content on ...
Elie s father becomes very ill and weak, and is diagnosed with dysentery. Elie tries his
very best to help his father. No matter how many times Elie explains to his father that
they would return home soon, I knew that I was no longer arguing with him but with
Death itself, with Death that he had already chosen (Wiesel 105). His father has
grown so weak that he has lost hope. Elie feels a sense of helplessness because he is
not able to do anything for his father. His father s illness makes him very fragile and
vulnerable, and unable to do anything. Elie tries his very best to fulfill all his wishes,
but he struggles to do so. Although Elie is aware of the fact that his father is going to
die soon, he tries his best to give him as much as hope as he possibly can.When he
moves on with the mob and remembers that his father was with him, a thought crept
into my mind: if only I didn t find him! If only I were relieved of this responsibility, I
could use all my strength to fight for my survival...Instantly, I felt ashamed, ashamed of
myself forever (Wiesel 106). Elie knows that his father is a threat to his survival
because he is sick and can no longer do anything. However, Elie is guilty of even
thinking this about his father. The Blockälteste also advises Elie that he needs to move
on without his dad. He tells him that in concentration camp, there is no such thing as a
father, and
The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci Analysis

As we all know the Last Supper is the last dinner that Jesus shared with his Apostles
before he was betrayed and crucified. Although this theme occurs in many works, The
Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci is the most famous and has been a subject of many
Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most remarkable painters, sculptors, architects and
brilliant philosophers of all time. He was born on April 15, 1452 near Vinci but the
biggest part of his life he spent in Florence where he began drawing and after a certain
period painting. When Leonardo was fourteen he began working with Andrea del
Verrocchio, who was one of the most recognized painters of his day. Da Vinci s work soon
... Show more content on ...
Leonardo s painting actually represents the different reactions of the Apostles when Jesus
told them that they would be the reason for his death and that someone among them is
a betrayer. We can see from the expressions on their faces as well as their postures that
they all feel various degrees of anger and surprise. Bartholomew, James and Andrew,
who are at the very left corner of the table, look shocked, while Matthew, Jude and
Simon, which are at the opposite corner seem to discuss what had just happened.
Actually, Matthew and Jude are turned toward Simon and it appears like they are
trying to find out if he has any answer to their primary questions. Really interesting is
the posture of Judas who is the only person with his right elbow on the table. He looks
rather reserved and stunned by the sudden revelation of his plan. Judas is wearing
blue and green clothes and is clutching a small bag, which is recognized by many to be
the silver given to him as payment to betray Jesus. The most important part of his
representation is that he is in shadow, which somehow reveals that he is responsible
for the future death of Christ. Next to Judas are Peter, who is visibly furious, and John
who looks like is going to fade away. And here is again one of the many questions that
this work raise is it John on the painting or is it Mary Magdalene? Some art analyzers
claim that the person to Jesus is not the Apostle John but Mary Magdalene. In fact, this
Stanley Holes Quotes
If it doesn t challenge you, it won t change you (Fred Divito). Stanley had many
challenges to face at Camp Green Lake. In the novel Holes, Stanley becomes from a
shy, poor person to a rich and brave person. Stanley in the beginning of the novel was
poor, overweight, and bullied. He was also shy and unlucky. When stanley was poor,
it was because he was from a poor family so he had never been to camp before (pg.5,
Sachar). He also was living in a tiny apartment (pg.9, Sachar). This quote shows that he
had never been to camp before because he was poor. Also, living in a tiny apartment
ment that he was poor so he couldn t afford a house. Stanley was also bullied and
overweight because the kids at middle school would often tease him about his size (pg.7,
Sachar). Furthermore,... Show more content on ...
For example, Zero brings, bravery, dedication, and a friendship with loyalty to
Stanley. Zero had a friendship with loyalty to Stanley because in the book Stanley
said, I don t know if I know how to teach, but I m not that worn out today, since you
dug a lot of my hole. A big smile spread across Zero s face (pg.96, Sachar). When
Stanley agreed, it shows that they were starting to have a friendship with each other.
In addition, Stanley didn t want to teach Zero at first but now Stanley does so he s
being loyal. Zero was an inspiration and made Zero dedicated. Stanley event thought
that as long as Zero could keep going, he could keep going to (pg.162, Sachar). This
shows that Stanley knew that Zero felt ten times worse. So, he kept going on, Zero
being the inspiration to continue the journey. Last but not least, Zero brung bravery to
Stanley. When they were on Big Thumb, Stanley was lifting Zero s worn out body off
the ground (pg.170, Sachar). When Stanley was carrying Zero, it shows that he was
brave and strong even though he was weak from climbing the mountain. Zero made a big
impact on Stanley. So then, Stanley changes at the
Characteristics Of Greek Revival Architecture
Greek Revival (1825 1860) Greek Revival architecture was a building style that
emerged in Europe and the United States in the late eighteen and early nineteenth
centuries. It took elements of classical Greek architecture and used them in a wide
variety of buildings. The style became especially popular in the United States around
1820.It is an outstanding example of a style that gained esteem by exploring parallels
between an earlier culture and the present day. This style is an international that first
seemed in the 1820s and really grew in America throughout the 1830s and 40s. At the
time, the ancient Greece was the source of inspiration for America. (Kennedy, R. 1989).
From 1820 until the Civil War, architectural adaptations of the Greek... Show more
content on ...
This was a genuine removal of the previously popular styles that drew motivation from
the classical forms of ancient Greece and Rome. Both the Gothic Revival style and the
Greek Revival style looked to be same to each other in the past, and both remained
popular throughout the mid 19th century while there are specifically differences .In
addition, the Gothic Revival style in America was advanced by architects Alexander
Jackson Davis and Andrew Jackson Downing, authors of important house plan books,
Rural Residences (1837), Cottage Residences (1842), and The Architecture of Country
Houses (1850). (Mathews,
Rhetorical Analysis Of Swagger Wagon
Sienna Family, Swagger Wagon
Yasmin was assigned to do a rhetorical analysis on one or two of the four videos
chosen. The videos were Meet the Parents, Swagger Wagon, Daddy like help, and
Playdate. She chose the video Swagger Wagon.
The target audience has an age range of mid twenties to early forties, Middle income, and
educated. They are familiar with computer technology, complicated relationships, T.V
series, current styles and trends, and with the concept that minivans are uncool. They,
including their children, have busy lives that require a lot of driving from place to place.
They also have beliefs and values. They all want to be the best parents, understands
parenthood as glamorous is a myth, competitive, individualistic, believes in conforming
with society s expectations, believes in physical beauty, and style ... Show more content
on ...
Ethos, in the form of characters, uses the characters to relate to the desired audience.
The characters in the video Swagger Wagon are a married couple, familiar with current
styles and trends in lifestyles, including music. The characters also have busy lives that
require a lot of driving from place to place, and are in the age range of mid twenties to
early forties. The mother of the family says I m better with the money so I handle the
bills, which is a very good example of ethos because most families can relate to the
mother handling them money, not all, but most. Not only does the mother talk about the
bills, in the beginning of the video the father says Where are my mothers and fathers at?,
which is calling out the audience of mothers and fathers, making the video characters
related to the target audience. Anyone watching the video can obviously see that the
characters, or actors, are in their mid twenties to early forties. Ethos uses the characters
or actors so much that it easily persuades the audience to buy this minivan even if society
views minivans as
Analysis Of The Article Authorship And Genre
After reading the article, Authorship and Genre written by Kitses, it explores why the
western genre in American cinema became so popular. Western films explored places
that have been explored, which made the audience feel like they are exploring this vast
new land. In western films, you can see a slow growth of social forms such as how
someone should react after saying something. Additionally, westernfilms tend to display
the struggle of good and evil, such a wanted man saving the town from the bad guys.
Kitses argued [...] its being placed at exactly that moment when options are still open (pg.
186) meaning during that period there was more freedom in expression in American life
and culture. The filmStagecoach (Ford, 1939) was a classic
Fishing Brolly Essay
Wychwood Solace Fishing Brolly The Review

This weeks review is the Solace Brolly from Wychwood. We find out what situations
this brolly is ideal for and why use it instead of a tradition bivvy.

We find out what are this brolly s top features are, so you can determine if this brolly is
really for you and your style of fishing.

Why use a brolly?

Why use a brolly instead of the tradition bivvy you re asking, well there are numerous
situations where a brolly can come in very useful.

Brolly s can virtually fit into any swim, big or small, which is ideal for tight swims,
canals and rivers. The solace is also ideal for quick overnighters and also setting up in the
rain because is so quick to set up.

Brolly s recently have become very popular in carp ... Show more content on ...
As much as the Solace is compact and can fit into tight swims, you can easily fit a bed
chair in there and there s still enough space for a few tackle/clothing/food bags.

How does it react to rain and wind?

The brolly comes with what they call a rain bar which guides the rain down the side of
the brolly which is a unique feature you may not find on any other brolly.
It s also comes with some very strong storm poles which makes the brolly very stable in
bad weather conditions.


The solace is a quality made brolly which is ideal for day and night fishing. I ve
personally have owned this brolly for a few months now and I ve had no issues what so
ever and overall am very with the quality and structure of the brolly.

I hope you have enjoyed this review of the Wychwood Solace Brolly. If you have any
questions about this brolly I will do my best to answer them in the comments below.

If you want to find more carp tackle reviews like this please take a look at my other
reviews I m sure you will enjoy
Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birthmark
Sometimes, man is too eager to repair natural imperfections that may exist using science,
rather than seeing these imperfections as beautiful natural occurrences, which will
eventually lead to the destruction of nature. In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birthmark, it
appears that Aylmer the main character wants to show the world that perfection is not
beauty, and he demonstrates this with his wife Georgiana and that science should not
alter the way that nature set man on this world to be. Hawthorne was a major asset to the
transcendental movement, and this short story is a perfect example why. Nathaniel
Hawthorneattempts to show the world the comparison between perfection and beauty
mainly by: a psychoanalytic version of the plot and Sigmund Freuds three fundamentals.
In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birthmark, the main character, Aylmer, wants to have a
perfect wife. His wife, Georgiana, is a very beautiful woman with just one flaw, the
birthmark on her face. As a scientist, Aylmer tries to create a solution that will get rid of
Georgiana s birthmark, thus making her perfect. According to Hawthorne, however, this
is not possible.
During the transcendental phase of American life, which involved literature from
Hawthorne, transcendental writers would support Nature and its importance. In The
Birthmark, Nathaniel Hawthorne tries to show the people that nature does not make
anything flawless, and that this is the beauty of it. Nature, in one shape or another,
stamps ineffably
Log A Short Story
Logan smiled, his monstrous half wolf face displaying a mouthful of sharp, canine teeth.
The tongue that lolled out partway as he chuckled was longer than any human tongue.
Glistening wetly in the moonlight, it snaked down to take another slow, sensual lick up
Holly s sweaty neck.

What s a matter, don t like it when I don t shave? Logan asked. Then his eyes grew
hard and the smile became feral. His hands, already tight on Holly s wrists squeezed
her purposely and he shifted on top of her, rubbing his partially engorged and
inhumanly large cock against her crotch. The subtle series of motions were a reminder
that she was in his power completely, pinned, helpless and under a monster that was still
very much a male. Because I kind of like ... Show more content on ...
Ethan struggled viciously, but the half wolf appeared to be far too strong for him to do
more than squirm and glare at Logan.

No! I don t want this! Let them go, you asshole! Ethan screamed, twisting violently and
futilely struggling against his stronger captor.

Oh, It s happening. Puppy dog is growing up tonight.

Logan stood up, pulling Holly up next to him with ease and keeping a firm grip on her
wrist. Upright and up close, he looked like a horrid mix of human and wolf, but was
even taller and bulkier than his normal human body. Hairier as well, but also more
muscular and with a slight hunch to his posture, as if he would be more comfortable
dropping down to run on those powerful arms. Swaying behind him was a wolf tail,
bushy and long. In twisted symmetry, a dark skinned cock on his front side seemed to
hang down almost a foot in length, even while not fully hard. The snout on his face had
receded almost entirely and the features under the hair that covered everything except his
nose and mouth were definitely those of Logan.

Meet our cousins Holly. Caleb is over there bringing Tara towards us, and Josef is the
one containing my pussy little brother. They ve been out here waiting for us and killing
a few deer..
Case Study On Mahindra


To, To,

A case submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for

Amity University, Noida

June, 2015

Mahindra and Mahindra, the business sector pioneer in multi utility vehicles in Asian
nation. The corporate began creating business vehicles in 1945. Mahindra is that the
pioneer by a long shot in business vehicle furthermore the second biggest inside of the
voyager vehicle market. The corporate is that the world s 6th biggest medium and huge
business vehicle creating.
Mahindra is best celebrated for utility vehicles and tractors in ... Show more content on ...
Ltd. is one of the main Mahindra four wheeler outlet in Meerut locale. Its conveying to
the clients in and around Meerut its neighboring areas. For as long as 10yrs it s been into
the dynamic in advancing 4 wheeler items yet in the later past since 2008 the offers of 4
wheelers was dreary due the disappointment among substantial gathering of clients
because of falling apart in the nature of after deals administration. Henceforth the
administration has felt the need to direct through examination about the current adequacy
of after and pre deals administration its effect on the association general deals execution.
Henceforth the administration had understood the need to lead the outcome situated
examination through the administration students. Consumer loyalty with respect to deals
benefits in Jai Kumar Arun Kumar Pvt Ltd. is the vital explanation of the issue for this
Analysis Of The Book Invisible Lakes
If the depth of Jay Gatsby s maniac love for Daisy was made known immediately, or the
tension in Madame Bovary didn t rise in such calculated fashion, or Moby Dick started
with Captain Ahab s fatal standoff with his white whale, some of literature s most
beloved works would lose a great amount of their clout. Organization is among the most
potent tools in literature. Content always steals the spotlight but the manner in which
ideas are conveyed holds equal weight. Invisible Citiesavoids the traditional template of
a logical or chronologically organized narrative. My essay Invisible Lakes is a vain
attempt to mimic the novels eclectic organization. Italio Calvino utilizes a
kaleidoscopic, narrow point of view to describe Venice in Invisible Cities, just as I do in
my essay Invisible Lakes, both to achieve the goals of alluding to larger themes,
developing more palpable scenes, and maintaining a phantasmagoric motif, each with
varying results.
Calvino aims to maintain a dream like lens throughout Invisible Cities. He was thinking
of all these things when he desired a city. Isidora, therefore, is the city of his dreams:
with one difference. The dreamed of city contained him as a young man; he arrives at
Isidora in his old age. In the square there is a wall where the old men sit and watch the
young boy go by; he is seated in a row with them. Desires are already memories. Page 8,
Cities and Memories, 2
Some cities in the novel remain well rooted in the footing of reality
Analysis Of Chains By Laurie Halse Anderson
Chains , written by Laurie Halse Anderson, tells the story of an 11 year slave named
Isabel. The novel depicts the struggles faced by Isabel when bought by Mr. and Madam
Lockton and the hope and motivation gained through Isabel s relationships with her
sister, ruth, a rebel slave, Curzon, the Lockton s servant, Becky, and Lady Seymour, Mr.
Lockton s wealthy aunt. Chains exhibits a lesson to stay hopeful in times of despair.
When the protagonist, Isabel, says, She cannot chain my soul. Yes, she can hurt me. She
d already done so. she shows this hopefulness. Madam beats Isabel and sells Ruth to
cause Isabel pain. Regardless of this, Isabel remains curious and optimistic. Although,
Isabel is legally chained to the Lockton... Show more content on ...
Should she aid the rebels or play it safe and attempt to please the Lockton s? Prior to
her arrest, Isabel thought that being a spy for the rebels would be beneficial and lead
her to freedom. After her arrest, Isabel hears that the British promised to free all slaves
that assist them. This conflict of interest was memorable, because it showed me that
decisions and mistakes I make, although menial compared to Isabel s, will not ruin my
entire life. I think it is also memorable because it shows that Isabel s adolescence is
authentic. Most teeenagers today are indecisive, just like teenagers in the 1770s.
Although the author makes emotional connection, she also presents information that you
would find in a history textbook in a new light. Anderson does this by incorporating
terms that may be learned in history class such as loyalist, indentured servant, and
regiment into a plot. For example, Isabel was befriended by an indentured servant, she
worked for a loyalist family, and her friend was apart of a rebel regiment. It s interesting
to see the author eloquently incorporate these terms into a historical fiction story. This
book has increased my interest in the subject matter of slavery. The book has peaked my
interest, because it just gives the reader a look at what life was like for slaves. The
abuse and injustice just shows how important rights are and that they should not be taken
for granted. This book ignited a fire inside of
Olympic Swimming Research Paper
Watching the screen, many children and adults are glued to the swimmers that race each
other in the Olympics. The swimmers are young and strong, but many do not know who
these swimmers are. Adding on to what they do not know contains the history of
swimming in the glorified Olympics. The backstory of this sporting event shows the
progression and improvement of swimmingbecause swimming evolved through the
Olympics. This includes the beginning, improvement, and modern Olympic swimming
sport. The beginning of swimming in the Olympics dates back to the year 1896 in
Athens. This is when swimming was introduced to the Olympic community as a
competitive sport. Only men were allowed to compete against each other in four different
freestyle events in open water. These events are... Show more content on
In the St. Louis Olympics of 1904, breastroke was included and considered as a sport.
The distances of the freestyle and backstroke also changed as they used yards instead
of meters. Jump a few years, and women could be found swimming in the 1912
Olympics. This was an improvement to the sport of swimming because it allowed
females to have a part in the Olympics. During the progression stage of swimming, the
addition of closed swimming was introduced. Swimming would no longer be open
swimming (in open bodies of water). The 1924 Olympics in Paris introduced lanes that
were divided with corks and lines at the bottom of the pool. Another improvement that
was made during this progression era was the introduction of the first butterfly in 1934.
The first butterfly was used to bring the arms from the back to the front over the water,
not through. Although butterfly was used to improve breastroke times, the stroke was
accepted as a completely new stroke that required the use of undulating kicks in 1952, 18
years after the first variation of
Analyzing Pmj s Method For Achieving Success Outside Of...
Ever long for the good ol days of music? If so, Postmodern Jukebox (PMJ) can take you
back to whenever those glory days might have been. Imagined and created by Scott
Bradlee, a trained jazz pianist, PMJ takes popular music from today or the recent past
and remakes it in all kinds of vintage genres, from 30 s jazz, to Motown, to bluegrass
hoedown. The group consists of around forty artists, many of whom are classically
trained, that put out weekly videos featuring any various combination of them at a time.
These videos are put up on their Youtube channel and regularly gain millions of views
each. Because of their internet inception, PMJ has bypassed the existing music industry
almost entirely, and, in spite of that, has been able to remain profitable through
producing music. This is unique indeed, as even artists that sign on with major label
companies are often left in the red. This paper will analyze PMJ s method for achieving
success outside of the traditional music industry, will look at how their music fits in the
broader landscape of popular music, and will show that their approach to producing
music is a good, reproducible model for other artists to follow.
PMJ s rise to popularity is extremely non traditional in nature. Typically, an aspiring
band signs a contract with a recording label and then has to create a certain number of
songs for a certain number of albums and go on tour for a relatively pre determined
amount of venues. The recording label has total control

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